shunde Md Microwave Oven E8528P-B Microwave Oven User Manual Users manual

shunde Md Microwave Oven Manufactory Co., ltd. Microwave Oven Users manual

Users manual

INSTRU~TIONSSAFETYMPORTANTservice facilily for examina~on, repair or replacement.Do not attempt to service or this appliance.10. Do not cover or block any openings on theappliance. Do not store items on top of microwaveoven  ii there are louvers on top of oven.11. Do not  store  this appiiance  outdoors. Do notusa this  product  near water-for example, neara kitchen sink, in G wet basement, or near aswimming pool, and the like.i 2.  Do not immerse  cord or plug in water.i 3. Keep cord away from heated surfaces..14. 00  not Jet cord hang over edge of table or counter.15. When  cleanina  surlaces  of door and oven  thatcome  togethe;  on dosing the door, use only miid,nonabrasive  soaps or detergents  applied with  asponge or soft cloth.16. To reduce  the risk oj fire in the oven cavity:a.  Do not overcook food. espe~ially starc.~yitems such as potatoes and fatty items suchas bacon. Carefully attend appliance ii paper,plastic,  or other combustible  materials  are.placed  inside the oven  to facilitate cooking.b.  Remove wire twist.Ues from paper or plasticbag before placing bag in oven.c.  If materials inside the oven should ignite, keepoven door closed, turn oven oft, and disconneclthe power cord, or shut off power at the fuse orcirC'uit breaker panel.d.  Do not use the cavity  for storage purposes.Do nolleave  paper products: cooking ulensils,or food  in Ihe cavily  when not in use.e.  00  nol  put  metal  inside the oven, except asspe~ifica"y  descnbed  In the  manual  orcookbook  if supplied  \vith this oven.When  using electrical appliances. basic safetyprecautions  should be follo"/ed. incluo1ng the following:VvARNING-  To reduce the risk of bums. electricalshock. firs. injury iO persons or exposure to excessivemic:-ow2ve energy:,. READ  ALL. THE  INSTRUCTIONS  SEFORE  USINGTHE APPLIANCE:.2.  Read and iollow the specific "?rero...autions to avoidpossible exposure to excessive mic.-owave energy"found above.3.  Tnis appliance must be grounded and properlypolarized. Connect only to a propeliy grounded andp::>iarize-:i ouUsl Sse -G(ouncing Ins\rlJC:jons- on page 3.4.  Install or locate this appiiance only in ac:ordancev/ith the installation instructions described in thismanual.5.  Some products such as ,,/hole eggs and sealedcontainers,  such as closed glass jars. may explodeand shouid not be heated in this oven.6.  Vse  this  appliance  only for its intended  use asdescribed  in  the  manual.  00  not use corrosivechemicals or vapors in this appliance. This type ofoven is specifically designed to heat, C:IOk, dry, ordefrost food. It is not desioned for industrial,laboratory, or commercial-use. It is intended forhome use only. Do not use for drying ctothes,linens.newspaper. or similar non-load type items.7.  Make sure thaI all persons using this appliance,  'especially chiidren, are closely supervised andproperly instructed on how to use this appliance.I  8.  Do not operate this appliance ij it h2S a damagedc:>rd or plug. ii i: is nOI working propeny, or if it hasbeen oamagcd  Or oropped.9.  This appliance should be serviced onl)' by qualifiedzervic~ per:oonne!. Conlac; the nearest authoriz,erJA. Do not attempllo operate this oven with  C. Do not operate the oven if it is damaged.the door open since open-door operation  It is par1icularly impor1an~that the oven doorcan result in harmful exposure to microwave  close properly and that there is no damage toenergy. It is important nol to deieat or  the (1) Door (bent), (2) hinges and latchestamper "vilh lhe safely interlocks.  (broken or loosened), (3) door scals andi  .  sealing surfaces.i 8.  Do nol place any obJecl belweenoven front face and the door or allow  D. The oven should not be adjusted or repairedsoil or cleaner residue to accumulate on  by anyone except properly qualified serVicesealing suriaces.  personnel.
TABLE  OF CONTENTSIntroduction and Safety precautions001234512345I ntrod uctionSafety PrecautionsExploded ViewsSchematic Diag ramsParts List1.0 Heating Principle of Microwave 6Trou bleshooting Proced ures2.0 7Common breakdown and means of repairing3.0 12Critical Parts Servicing 13important things to do prior to critical parts servicinginterlock assembly replacement and adjustmentdoor and hinge replacement and adjustmentmagnetron replace ment13131313123414Safety checks and tests after servicing5.0123141415constructional  checksinsulation  resistance testmicrowave  leakage test
This Microwave Oven Service Manual is printed in a loose leaf format. Each part isdivided into sections relating to a general group of components and each section issubdivided into various parts describing a particular component or service procedure.The subdividing of the subject matter plus the loose leaffonn  Will facilitate Ute updatingof the manual as new or revised components and service procedures are introduced.Each page of this service manual will  be identified in the lower right hand comer and asnew or revised pages are published it will  be easy to keep the manual up to date byfollowing the filing  instructions on the cover letter.This Service Manual is a valuable service tool and .care should be taken to keep it up todate by prompt and proper filling  of subsequent pages as they are issued.
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS!PRECAUTIO,NS TO BE OBSERVED  BEFORE AND  DURING  SERVICING  TO AVOIDIPOSSIBLE EXPOSURE  TO EXCESSIVE  MICROWAVE  ENERGY:IA. Do not operate or allow the oven  to be operated with the door open.B.  Make the following safety checks on all ovens to be serviced before activatingthe magnetron or other microwave source, and make repairs as necessary.( 1 )  Interlock  operation( 2.)  Proper door closing(3)  Seal  and  sealing  surfaces  (arcing,  wear,  and  other  damage  ).4)  Damage to or loosening of hinges and latches.( 5)  Evidence of dropping or abuse.C.  Before turning on microwave power for any service test or inspection withinthe microwave generating compartments, check the magnetron, wave guideor transmission line, and cavity for proper alignment, integrity, and connections.D. Any defective or misadjusted components in the interlock, monitor, door sealand microwave generation and transmission systems shall be repaired. replaced.or adjusted by procedures described in this manual before the oven is released tothe owner.E.  A microwave  leakage  check to verify  compliance  with the Federal  performancestandard  should  be performed  on each oven prior to release  to the owner.F. Operate the oven from a properly grounded AC outlet capable of supplying 120volts at 15 amperes.THIS  MANUAl,  AS WELL  AS THE  INFORMATION  CONTAINED  IN IT, IS TO  BE USED  ONLY  BYAN AUTHORIZED  SERVICE  TECHNICIAN  FAMILIAR  WITH  AND  KNOWLEDGEABLE  OF;PROPER  SAFETY  AND  SERVICING  PROCEDURES  AND  POSSESSING  HIGH  QUALITY  TESTEQUIPMENT  ASSOCIATED  WITH  MICROWAVE  AND  ELECTRICAL  APPLIANCE  REPAIR.ALL  INDIVIDUALS  WHO  ATTEMPT  REPAIRS  BY IMPROPER  MEANS  OR ADJUSTMENT,SUBJECT  THEMSELVES  AND  OTHERS  TO THE  RISK  OF SERIOUS  OR  FATAL INJURY.2
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THE HEATING  PRINCIPLE OF MICROWAVEMicrowave  Is one  kind  of  radio  wave wlKlSe wavelenctll  is  very shurt.  frequency is very hiBh.  Therefore.  It  Is called ultrahi~hfrequency electromagnetic  waye.  Microwave can hcat fc)()(1 mainly  result  in the Inutual  afrect or the rood in the microwave fieldand the microwave  field  itself.under the .ffect  of microwave  field.  the tl\C~.1  effect  mechanism produced from  tile  mutual  affect  or the microwave and thef~  Includes two aspects:  One is Dielectric  loss or (lCllar molecule.  the olher  is clJOducti.e Ius.. or ion.Usually.  f~  is constitute  of fH"~anisnl( plant  and aninlall.  The QfJ:inism is foroled by all  kinds of  poiar ~ater  111OIecule, polarprotein  molecule,  and all  S()rts of salt  ioll.  Tile  centcr uf i=rayity or Ibe positive and neptiye  charge in the molecule is not coin-cide.  In  normal condition.  the tn~cculc  Is in  irrCl~llar  IN"der due to  its  thermal  action,  thlls  the (ood do not appear JX)larily.(r:IG.l  -  la).  Undcr  thc  actiOtI or  outcr  clectric  ficld.  the  (lClSitive end or  the  lJ()Iar molecule trrnd  to  the  negative electricfield,  tbe negativc end or ~1ar  Itloleculc trend to the pusitive  clcctric  field.  and sonlcwhat arraDle  In order througl'  the dlrec-tim  or the electric  field(  FJ(j.1  -  Ic).  l"Ilis phenolneCtfl11 usually be called MTORQUE POLARITY".  WllCn the. outcr elcctri~rield  apply  for  tile  op~itc  polarity,  thc polar D,olecule Illcn  arrange an OI)po5ile dircclion  ()r"dcr accordlnlly(  FIG.  J -Ib).  IfIlle  direction  of  the outer electric  field  changed ref)Catcclly. the polar  molec"le  WCKlld ref)Caledly sway accordingly.  During  theswa,iRl,  it  is undentalKllIIg  Ihnt  the pular  muleculC! ,vlII)ld prUl.luce heat due to Sllnle~hat  similar  fricliun  .0.00& Ihem.  When-  1+I  i  -  J_-::-II  -(ct~-J (b)Fi~J - I, lhe electric  field  is  applied  ror  ultrahigh  rrcquent  lulcruwave  neld  rrom  tile  outside.  its  direction  would  change tens hilUm1times per second.  so do  the  mol~ule.  This  kind  of  nllllccuic  ~waylng producing: sinlilar  frictiooal  heat  fnJRI the  interfercnccQnd block of the action  slrenst"  anionS the molecule,  and,changed to mocrnscopic  heating.  Microwave heating nfJtunly concerned thc  nature or the nlatter  itselr.  but Dls" ck1SCdly connected with  thc clcctric  field  strength  and rrequency. WhcnChe rrequency Is low,  thc  nKJlecule swaying rate  and  the  acute degree or  lhe  mutual  fricl!lln  am~  the  n1O1«ute is  low,  andwwld  pnMiu~c much heat.  When tile  frequency is too Iligh.  115 thc swin,  or tl1e pular looleculc  is with  rotaCing inertia.  it  madethe swinK do not in line wiCIJ the changin~ ..h,lhol  or lhc: electric  field  because or tate frlciiUt", drag.  thus.  actually  lowed lile  po-lar  molecule swaying  spced.  l"he  frictiOfI  d.-aging delle\:  L, concerning abouC the magnelectric  wave frequency.  (MJlar moleculeshape,  and tile  matter'  s sti~ky  degree, To dirfcrentJJlaCICr' s nloleculc.  there are dlfferenC .cpecial rrcquency zone, Those ahoabsorb microwave enctgy  rrom tlle.~e zone are nwst  callable to tum  microwave ener~y to heat energy-Apart  from  the above said acCjon. there Is another actiun  which  is electric  ion under tbe action  of microwave  field.  act nercelyaccocnpanied with  the aeccleration of electric  field.  Tllc  positive iOfI transfer  to the negative pJlarity  or the field  while the 11eg-ati~e Ion do opposite,  Accompaninl  with  tile  clt8nBln~ electric  field.  the electric  Ion chaRging accordingly.  During  the trans.fcrlnl.  beat produced with  tile  crash anM1ng the  ion.  Thi5  kind  of  actiwa take  the  nlain  erfcct  to  Ihose mlcrowaye heating ofhigh  lalt  molecule.No matter  It  II  the pol.r  molecule Iw8ylnl  or the loa ttansfering.  they bot It are turninl  the microwave encrJY whicb  the Kat.ina ...atter  lOt  frOln the IIllCfOWllye neld  to heat ene~y.  I":ronl the analasl-  of thellrY,  we e8n draw  .uch  8 cuncluaion th8t  thepower which  a 'Init  of volume  nlatte.. absorbed from  tile  Inicrowave  field  a.~ the followiol  foftlula:Pa - KE  fErt~aPa'Stands for the power tile heated matter absorbed fr(M.. tile loicrowave field.K  St_.  for a canstantE Staad fcw microwave field strengthr Stands for the ml~rvwaYe  ~f.ftd.  1-  r_-  ___I.  -,  ~L- L__&_.J --,.--~

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