ccc group management KTMINI8130 MAP-EVO2-HD User Manual deuromedia Hotel Admin

ccc-group management gmbh MAP-EVO2-HD deuromedia Hotel Admin

User Manual

    HOTEL ADMINISTRATION TOOL User Manual  Version 5.5.8 Last Updated: 01.10.2010 Document No. TW 21042009  This document contains information proprietary to Deuromedia Technologies Entwicklungs- und Vertriebs GmbH and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written consent of Deuromedia. The disclosure by Deuromedia of information contained herein does not constitute any license or authorization to use or disclose the information, ideas or concepts presented. The contents of this document are subject to change without prior notice.
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 2 of 51 Contents 1.  About This Manual ..................................................................................................................................... 4 What this manual is about ............................................................................................................................. 4 Who should use this manual .......................................................................................................................... 4 Conventions used in this manual ................................................................................................................... 4 2.  DIP Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 5 3.  References .................................................................................................................................................. 5 4.  Points of Contact ........................................................................................................................................ 5 Information ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 Helpdesk ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 5.  Hotel Administration Application Overview ............................................................................................... 6 6.  Getting started ........................................................................................................................................... 6 Logging on ...................................................................................................................................................... 6 System Menu .................................................................................................................................................. 7 Exit system ...................................................................................................................................................... 8 7.  Using the System ........................................................................................................................................ 9 Concepts ......................................................................................................................................................... 9 The Customization ...................................................................................................................................... 9 The Theme .................................................................................................................................................. 9 The Deployment ......................................................................................................................................... 9 The Hardware Profile .................................................................................................................................. 9 The Product .............................................................................................................................................. 10 The Policies ............................................................................................................................................... 10 Settings ......................................................................................................................................................... 10 Property Management ................................................................................................................................. 12 Guests ....................................................................................................................................................... 12 Set Top Boxes (Content Consumer Devices) ............................................................................................ 17 Rooms ........................................................................................................................................................... 23
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 3 of 51 Bar TV & Media Wall .................................................................................................................................... 26 Content Management .................................................................................................................................. 28 TV Menu (Room Gateway Menu) ............................................................................................................. 28 Resources ................................................................................................................................................. 30 News ticker ............................................................................................................................................... 32 Hotel Services ............................................................................................................................................... 39 Internet Vouchers ..................................................................................................................................... 39 Fire Alarms ................................................................................................................................................ 39 Minibar ..................................................................................................................................................... 40 Reports ......................................................................................................................................................... 47 Sales .......................................................................................................................................................... 47 Reporting Manager ................................................................................................................................... 48
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 4 of 51 1. About This Manual What this manual is about This manual is a start-up guide for all stakeholders that use Deuromedia Infotainment Platform (DIP) and describes the system administration application, basic configuration options, provides step by step instructions on how to administer the system and how to deploy the room gateways (Set Top Boxes) in hotel rooms. Who should use this manual This manual is for those who operate and maintain the system in production: hotel operators, engineering stuff, the front office or those interested in the DIP setup, configuration and maintenance. The application is web based is to use and provides step by step guidelines. Conventions used in this manual This manual uses the following conventions to convey instructions and information:  Convention Description Boldface font Buttons. Menus. Special functionality. Italic font Content of different text files Screen font Data to be typed into a dialog box. Commands. File names. URLs  Information that requires special attention is described below:    This  symbol  means  “Pay  attention!”  This  situation  requires  special  attention  at  important settings or configurations.   This symbol means “Take note!” Notes contain helpful suggestions and explanations.
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 5 of 51 2. DIP Overview Deuromedia Infotainment Platform (DIP) is an in room entertainment system that provides multimedia and communication services for hotels and for the hospitality market As a modern entertainment system it offers all possibilities of multimedia entertainment which guests are known from private and public service providers.  Hoteliers combine these services into their performance spectrum to offer a high assess of experience and personal service to their guests. The main benefit for the hospitality market is the total integration of TV Broadcast, Radio, Video on Demand, High Speed Internet, Hotel Services offered over a modern platform.  International digital TV and Radio broadcasting via satellite, cable or terrestrial are usable for guests by a comfortable and easy electronic program guide (EPG).  Features   TV and Radio streaming services   Video on demand library   Audio on demand   Internet for Business Guests   Internet for Leisure Guests  In-room Gaming   Hotel Services   Marketing and Sales tool   Interface to Property Management Systems  System Setup Typical system setup follows some generic rules in order to function properly. Each setup includes a set of standard components, like:   Network infrastructure   TV broadcast reception system   Server components (hardware / software)   The content consumer devices (STB / TV / Remote Controls / Wireless Keyboards and proper cabling and connectivity between these) 3. References   User Manual for Hotel Front Office   User Manual for Hotel Engineering   Hotel Front Office Training Presentation   Hotel Engineering Training Presentation   DIP Admin System Administrators Guide 4. Points of Contact Information
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 6 of 51 In case of questions or information request please get in contact with Deuromedia Helpdesk or with Deuromedia local partner’s helpdesk that is responsible to provide the first level support service. Helpdesk Please use the following information to get in contact with Deuromedia Helpdesk Phone: +43 1 6986442 5000 E-mail: In case the fist level support service is provided by Deuromedia local partner please do you use the contact information provided by them. 5. Hotel Administration Application Overview DIP provides a web interface, the Hotel Administration (HA), which can be used to operate, monitor and maintain the system. HA allows performing the following main tasks:   Work with multiple hotel properties (Deployments)   Manage the room gateways (Set Top Boxes)   Manage hotel rooms   Manage guests   Manage the TV menu, the structure and the content of the room gateway application, the application that is displayed in the TV screen and the guest interact with to consume the services   Manage the Bar TV devices and the Media Walls that are installed in the public areas   Manage hotel mini bars connected to the Deuromedia system   Manage internet vouchers, fire alarms and tickers displayed on the screen   Manage and schedule reports Access to the HA is typically done using the following link: https://<server_name>:8443/hoteladmin where the <server_name> must be replaced with the name or the IP of the DIP management server. 6. Getting started The Administration Interface is WEB application and compatible with almost any recent version of following browsers:   Microsoft IE    Mozilla Firefox   Opera Logging on
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 7 of 51 User must log on to the administration interface in order to use the system.    As the credentials, user and password, are different in each deployment please ask for it from your system integrator. Depending on the role of the user defined by the system administrator the application will display only the modules (Set top boxes, Rooms, etc.) that are assigned as accessible for the role.  System Menu Once username and password have been accepted, the system will display the Main Menu of Hotel Administration application:
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 8 of 51 Fig.1 – Main Page Each item allows users to administer different features of the system. Functionalities are grouped, on the menu bar, as defined below:   Home Page – Allows direct access to the main functionalities   Property Management – To manage the property entities like: guests, rooms, set top boxes, bar TV sets, media walls   Content Management – Access to different content and resources   Hotel Services – To manage different guest services like Internet Vouchers and  Mini Bars    Reports – Provides access to different system and content usage reports    Settings – To change application settings like current property, language, etc. Exit system Use “Logoff” button or close the browser running the Administration Interface.
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 9 of 51 7. Using the System This section shall provide deep understanding on the available features and system operation. Concepts The Customization   defines the menu structure – the static part of the menu structure, but also everything necessary to control what would be loaded into the attached dynamic submenus   includes the personalized texts & images for some resources in the system which are customer dependent (e.g. welcome message or hotel logo)   includes the deployments where the customization is going to be used.   includes the themes which are going to be used with the customization   includes the products that are going to be available in customization   includes the policies that are going to be used in respective customization The Theme   encapsulates the look & feel and keys related behavior for particular setup   multiple themes can be used with a customization   is configurable at multiple levels o  terminal (STB) o  location (room) o  deployment (hotel) o  customization The Deployment    overlaps with a physical location, in most of the cases a hotel, where a customization is installed   is part of a customization and is related to only one parent customization   has some    is related with one and only one parent customization   is related with o  hardware profiles o  locations (rooms) o  products The Hardware Profile   groups all parameters controlling the hardware related environment it is used in conjunction with a terminal (STB)
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 10 of 51   configures o  parameters required by the STB (safe margins for the browser, video aspect, resolutions etc) o  global log type and logging level o  type of Internet player o  type of screen saver o  type of remote control The Product   groups a set of heterogeneous items that can be sold to the guest for a price and usually for an interval of time   anything that can be charged within DIP is a product   video, music, TV, radio, internet etc. items can be associated with multiple products   every item associated with at least one product will not be free   free items are those which are not associated to any product.  The Policies   enables control access to various items besides the access granted by buying products   two types of policies are defined: o  allow policies – these policies when met by the guest enables access to items o  deny policies – these policies when met by the guest disable access to items   in order to enable policy access control on some items, each item shall be associated with adequate policies   the guest will also get a pool of policies that he has on its own or he inherits from location (room)  Policies are stronger than products  Deny policies are stronger than allow policies  Settings User settings are provided in this section – to open this one must select “Settings” from the main menu.
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 11 of 51  Fig.2 – Settings In the Settings window the following options are available:   Change the application language and as well the default language for the TV Menu preview. Please note that in case there is no translation available for a specific language the application will use the default language: English.   In multi-property environment allows to set the active deployment that is operated and administered. A multi-property system is using one single hardware/software infrastructure to manage multiple hotels/properties.   Configuration. In case there are changes done by other users working on other Hotel Admin instances the changes are made visible after the application is refreshed by clearing and reloading the cache.
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 12 of 51   Control the number of rows displayed in different list views provided by the application to displays lists with guests, rooms, set top boxes, etc.  Property Management Guests Access this menu by selecting “Guests” menu item from the Property Management.  Fig.3 – Guests The Guests displays information about those clients that are checked in via the PMS interface or using HA. The list can be:   Filtered using the Search   option, from the left bottom side of the list. Multiple fields can be combined to filter the guests list. The filter can be removed by using the Reset   button.
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 13 of 51  Fig.4 – Guests Search   Show/Hide columns to be displayed in the list  Fig.5 – Guests Show/Hide Columns
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 14 of 51   Sort the list of the displayed guests by clicking on the column header of the field that will be used for sorting  The main purpose of the Guests screen is to help operator to double check if the guest data was posted correctly from the PMS to DIP and also to check guest activity like video bookmarks and bought products.  For each guest the created bookmarks can be displayed by clicking on the start  icon and the bought products by selecting the basket  icon.  Fig.6 – Guests Bookmarks  Fig.7 – Guests Products By using the red cross sign   the bookmarks and the products can be deleted from the guest data.  Products that are deleted from the web application are not deleted from the PMS . For a rebate the operation must be performed from the PMS frontend application.  This section provides also guests management functionality that can substitute the PMS. Following operations are permitted from this interface:   Check-in   Check-out   Delete   Edit guest info / rights The operations are done only on the DIP system and are not synchronized with the PMS.
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 15 of 51  Fig.8 – Guest Check-in Form Using the check-in form beside the guest information the operator can:   Decide, by selecting Yes or No from Welcome, if the welcome message will be displayed on the TV or not   Define a PIN code to be used by the guest to enable/disable Parental Control   Enable on check-in the Parental Control   Set different policies that will apply while the guest is checked in. The guest will also get a pool of policies that he inherits from location (room). The main policies (policies are customizable so might be different from one setup to the other) are: o  Deny TV Service – If selected the guest will not be able to watch TV channels o  Suitable for persons 18 years or over – Denies contents (movies or TV channels) that are rated over 18 years. The guest can change this using the Parental Control menu. o  Suitable for persons 16 years and over – Denies contents (movies or TV channels) that are rated over 16 years. The guest can change this using the Parental Control menu. o  Suitable for persons 12 years and over – Denies contents (movies or TV channels) that are rated over 12 years. The guest can change this using the Parental Control menu. o  Deny Internet on TV – If selected the guest will not be able to access the feature o  Deny Internet on Notebook – If selected the guest will not be able to access the feature
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 16 of 51 o  Deny Radio Service – If selected the guest will not be able to listen radio channels o  Deny Video on Demand – If selected the guest will not be able to buy watch movies o  Deny Adult Content - Denies contents (movies or TV channels) that are part of the Adult category o  Deny View Bill – If selected the guest will not be able to retrieve bill information from the TV screen o   Full access VIP guest – If selected the guest will have free access to all paid services   Deny  policies  are  stronger  than  allow  policies  meaning  that  if  a  guest  has  a  policy  that enables access to some items, but he has also a policy that deny access to those items, finally he will not have access to those items, because deny takes precedence. In case of parental control no matter if the guest bought a product or he benefits by “Full access VIP guest”  policy,  if  there  is  in  place  also  a  “Deny  content  requiring  18  years”  policy  the  last one will take precedence and the content associated with this policy will not be accessible.  By selecting one of the guests and then pressing the Check-out button, from to top left side of the list, the operator can execute a check-out operation. Before the operation is executed the application will ask for confirmation. Using the Edit form, by selecting the Edit from the last column from the guest list, the operator can change guest information and also change the policies like denying access to the Video on Demand or to Adult content.   Fig.9 – Guest Edit Form
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 17 of 51  Set Top Boxes (Content Consumer Devices)  Access this screen by selecting “Set Top Boxes” item from the Property Management menu.  Fig. 10 Set Top Boxes This section provides the management interface to all STBs deployed over the property. System operators can easily perform several management / maintenance tasks as well as they can get real-time status information regarding all equipment. The list of the STBs can be:   sorted, by clicking on one of the column headers   filtered, using different criteria (MAC number, IP, room, etc.)  by selecting the Search option   extended or reduced with optional columns using the Show/Hide Columns button   Status of STB may vary depending on its latest state reported. Green bullet mean the equipment is in good condition / running properly, while the Orange bullet report problem (STB unreachable). Positioning the mouse over the bullet will activate a popup window with additional details about the status details.
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 18 of 51  Fig. 11 Set Top Box Status  Form the Set Top Boxes screen operators can perform several actions.  Fig. 12 Set Top Box Action Bar Add new STB In a day by day operation the STBs that are connected to the network are automatically registered in the system and they shall not be added manually.  If the STB is connected for the first time to the network it will be upgraded automatically to the latest software version and on the TV screen will appear the Service Screen. Default PIN code is 1111.  Fig.13 – Service Menu
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 19 of 51  Once the code is accepted, the system shall provide the following screen to the operator.  Fig.14 – System Setup On the first row the MAC number of the Set Top Box is displayed. To configure the Set Top Box the operator shall select: Customization – Defines the menu structure and content to be displayed on the screen  Deployment – Defines the property. Multiple options appear only in multi-property setups Theme – The look and feel of the graphical interface  The theme itself is configured at multiple levels  Terminal  Location   Deployment  Customization The priorities are in the order above. If the terminal does not have a theme then the  one  configured  for  location  is  used,  if  the  location  does  not  have  a  theme then the one from deployment is used. If there is not theme on deployment the customization’s theme is used, if there is no theme configured for customization then the default theme of the database instance is used.  Location – The room number Minibar – In case a minibar is connected to the STB the model of the minibar shall be selected here. A corresponding Hardware Profile shall be selected in order to get a functional minibar service.
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 20 of 51 Hardware Profile – Select here the TV set model connected to the STB Terminal mode – Normal for a guest room; Bar for a public area screen, POI for a Point of Information, PSS for a door sign Create location entry if not exist – Check this to create a new room if it does not exist in the system Ensure single terminal in location – Check this to make sure only one STB is assigned to the room. Leave unchecked if the room has more than one TV set. Update terminal information – Save the configuration. The STB must start up correctly and ready to be used.  The Service Menu is available while the system is running (DIP Application on screen) by entering the following code in Main Menu: 00999 and entering the correct PIN.   In particular cases, it might be necessary to manually add a new terminal (STB) and for this the below form is provided.   Fig. 15 Set Top Box Add New Terminal   Description. Used in most of the case to identify the position of the STB in the location (bedroom, living room, bathroom, etc. )   MAC number of the STB   IP of the STB   Location – The room to which the STB is attached. It shall be selected from existing rooms   Theme – The look and feel of the application on the TV screen   Profile – The hardware profile that defines the TV set attached to the STB  Mode o  Normal in case the STB is running in a room
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 21 of 51 o  Bar in case is installed in a public location (lobby, elevators, bars, etc.) and the features are limited only to TV channels. Terminals that are in Bar mode are manage from the BarTV and Media Wall window o  POI – The STB is used for a Point of Information o  PSS   Groups – Using the Dip Admin application the system administrator can group terminals logically to more easily control them (by floor, by their location in the building, by their role, etc)   Log type – preset for the STB application log type   Log level   Minibar Type – In case a minibar is connected to the STB here shall be selected the minibar model   The properties for each STB can be changed using the Edit option from the last column of the STBs list.   Fig. 16 – STB – Edit  Once selected the Edit Terminal window is displayed.   Fig. 17 – STB – Edit Terminal
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 22 of 51 Delete an STB Use this to delete an obsolete (defective, replaced, etc.) STB from the system.  Edit multiple rows Use this to change in one step properties for multiple STBs. The operator shall select the STBs before choosing this option.   Fig. 18 – STB – Edit multiple rows Ping  Check one or multiple STB for their availability on the network.  Refresh  Application on the selected STB is refreshed so it displays the latest changes.  Reboot Select one or multiple STBs to execute a warm hardware reboot.  Refresh TV state Update the TV set status (TV on, off or unknown status).  Power on the TV Power on remotely the TV sets connected to the selected STBs.  Power off the TV Power off remotely the TV sets connected to the selected STBs.
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 23 of 51 For easy operation, the system provides advanced Search functionality. Search allowed on several fields – two of the most important are: IP and MAC of the STB   In case a STB was manually entered in the system’s database, hotel operators must check that  the  particular  STB  is  in  the  corresponding  room  (visually  identify  its  MAC  address. The IP of any STB may change according to DHCP configuration. Rooms Access to the rooms list is done from the Property Management menu.  Fig.19 – Rooms To manage the list of the Rooms the same functionalities are provided as in case of the Guests and Set Top Boxes.   sort, by clicking on one of the column headers the system will order the list by the column selected   filter, using different criteria (name of the room, room number, theme, number of guests checked in, number of STBs assigned to the room)  by selecting the Search option   extended or reduced with optional columns using the Show/Hide Columns button
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 24 of 51 The rooms list most important columns are: Name – The name of the rooms are formed using a suffix, that in most of the case defines or abbreviates the property name and the room number itself. In this way each location/room is uniquely defined in the Deuromedia master system. Number – This is the actual room number PMS Stat – A field that defines the current room status in the PMS Theme – The look and field of the application graphical interface displayed in this room. If needed for each room a different skin can be used to match the room style. Clients – Represents the number of clients that are checked in. By clicking on the  the row will expand displaying the guests that are checked in.  Fig.20 – Rooms – Clients Boxes – Represents the number of Set Top Boxes that are assigned to the room. By clicking on the  row will expand displaying the Set Top Boxes.  Fig.21 – Rooms – Boxes Form the Rooms management screen operators can perform several actions.  Fig. 22 - Rooms Action Bar Add New A room is a location over the property and can be: a guest room, a suite, fitness room, bar, a specific location in the public area, etc. For each of the rooms defined in the PMS and equivalent room has to be created in the Deuromedia application. The room number has to match the number defined in the PMS. In order to have a properly working Set Top Box this one has to be assigned to a room.  To add new rooms fill in the fields from the Add New Room.
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 25 of 51   Name – The name of the room. Is recommended to use as name a suffix which is the same for all rooms.   Number – Room number as it is defined in the PMS.   Theme – Select the appropriate one from the drop down list.   Phone extension – Optional phone extension from the room. Is used in conjunction with a VOIP system.   Status – Room status as clean, dirty, etc. In case are used these shall match those defined in the PMS.   Shared Flag – Shall be set if the room is shared with another guest.   Policies – These policies are the same as those explained in the Guest section (see above) but they are applied on the room. The guest that will check-in the room will get a pool of policies that he has on its own or he inherits from location (room).   Fig.23 – Rooms Add New  Finalize by pressing “Save” button or exit with “Cancel” The properties for each room can be changed using the Edit option from the last column.   Fig. 24 – Rooms – Edit
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 26 of 51 Once selected the Edit Room window is displayed.   Fig. 25 – STB – Edit Room Delete – Shall be used to delete one or more rooms from the system, Edit multiple rows – Allow the operator to change one or more property for multiple rooms in one step. Before using it select the rooms Bar TV & Media Wall Access this menu by selecting “Bar TV & Media Wall” item on screen.
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 27 of 51  Fig.26 – Bar TV & Media Wall The Bar TV and Media Walls allow the management of those terminals that are set in Bar mode and are used in public areas as digital signage screens or for watching a subset of TV channels. Terminals that are set as Bar TVs will start up and instead of displaying the application Main Menu they will switch automatically to the first TV channel that was configured for this terminal using the Setup Channels button. If there is more than one channel configured one can zap through them using the remote control. The terminals will startup always with the first TV channel from the defined list. The list of the Bar TV terminals, beside the identification information, provides also feedback on what is currently played on the TV screen, the status of the terminal and the status of the TV set (on, off, or unknown). There are several operations that can be performed against the Bar TV terminals:   Refresh TV state – update the TV state flag   Power On/Off TV – turn on/off remotely the TV set   Setup TV Channels – allows the management of the channels that are assigned to a terminal   Unlink Terminal from TV channel – detach one or more terminals from a channel. Before the operation one shall first filter the terminals based on the TV channels that shall be discontinued.   Unlink Terminal from Group – remove the terminal from the Group The most important operation is the Setup TV channels. In provides an overview of already assigned TV channels, the update of the channels from the available list and reordering the TV channels available on the terminal.
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 28 of 51  Fig.27 – Bar TV & Media Wall – Setup TV Channels Content Management TV Menu (Room Gateway Menu) Access this menu by selecting “TV Menu” item from Content Management.
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 29 of 51 Fig.28 – TV Menu This section provides information on the current menu structure that is visible on the TV screen. The menu structure can be updated, changed and new items can be added to the menu structure. The menu structure can be displayed/edited in different languages by changing the language from Select Language. Operators have the possibility to preview their changes and correct / improve if necessary. All new pictures set to be used should stay available on the administrator’s PC. System resources are changeable from this place by selecting the wanted item in the menu tree, right click on it and “Edit”  Fig.29 –TV Menu Edit Caption  Browser must allow pop-up!
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 30 of 51   This action will pop up a new browser window containing the following items for the currently selected language:   Item Name (menu item / button on-screen)   Item description text (menu description / description area)   Small art (picture)   Large art (picture) Edit / change each individual resource and finalize the operation by “Save” or use “Cancel” to close without operating the changes.   Description filed may contain nearly any kind of HTML source code – used for text formatting, highlighting. Fig.30 – Edit Menu Item  To make the changes visible on the TV screen the changes shall be committed using the Clear Cache button. Resources Accessible from the Content Management menu it provides an advanced way to maintain (find/edit/update) all the texts and images used in the application (plain text from the screen, menu items, application buttons, movie titles and descriptions etc. The Welcome Message, for example, it shall be displayed on different languages and the message content itself is different from hotel to hotel (customization, deployment). One approach would be to store different strings and for each single case. A more efficient way to handle easier this diversity is to use one resource item for the Welcome Message that has/stores multiple definitions. There are two types of resources, string respective image resources. The main feature of the resources is that they support different definitions by customization, theme and language, both for string resources and for images. There should be always the most generic definition which is not tide to any customization theme or language. The application has to be able to display always a default Welcome Message in case the resource has no definition for a particular language. The precedence rules of used resources, the top most are used if present.
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 31 of 51 Customization Theme Language * * * * *  *  * *    * *  *    *    Fig.31 – Resources The Resources screen allows operator to find and filter different resources based on the resources name, resource definition, language, theme or customization.
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 32 of 51  Fig.32 – Resources Search Each resource definition can be edited using the Edit option from the last column of each row.  Fig.33 – Resources Edit News ticker On some customizations above the navigation bar there is an info line that can display a static text or a scrolling text that can be configured using the News Ticker option located under Content Management.
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 33 of 51  Fig.34 – News Ticker An unlimited number of texts can be added with an optional translation. The texts that are enabled, using the Enable tick, will be displayed in the Info line in carousel mode. The order of the texts can be changed by selecting the text and dragging/dropping to the desired position. Texts can be deleted or temporary disabled. The following operations can be performed. Publish – Push the changes to the Set Top Boxes Save list – Save the updates in the database Delete – Delete the selected text Add New – Add a new text using the following form
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 34 of 51  Fig.35 – News Ticker Add New Using the Edit option from the Action column the text can be changed or a new translation can be added. Adding/Editing a Media item  Any hotel system operator must own some knowledge on the way how different items are streamed in the network; therefore, ensure the correct link is set for any particular media stream. Usually TV and Radio channels starts with rtsp:// or igmp:// and music channels with mp3://. Please consider this as general rule but is not necessarily a constraint. Caption and Description Following fields needs to be filled out: Item Caption – The name of the item displayed on the TV screen Description – A short description of the item – not necessarily always displayed on TV GUI Translate – we’ll discuss this a bit later in the document as Items may have different values (text or picture) for any specific language available on the system
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 35 of 51  Fig.36 – Set Caption / Description   Images Images tab allow operators to set up particular picture / artwork for any media item. Usually the system requires two pictures one bigger and one smaller. The size (dimension) of the may depend on the equipment deployed in the hotel – SD or HD. Please consult the product description document for such details.
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 36 of 51  Fig.37 –Media Item Edit Images Properties Using this tab the operator shall set the way how the STB will connect to the stream available in the network or how to request the stream form the servers. As this is a very important topic, please consult the product description manual to be able to properly set the source for any particular Media item (TV, Radio or Music). Other fields to be set:  Is recorded – set if it is a pre-recorded show (in case of TV channels) TV Channel type – TV or Hotel Infochannel Is Cinema – in case of VOD  Is HD – set if the content is HD / may be used for further filtering options on TV GUI Age Rating – set the age rate for any particular media item ( set 0 for unrestricted)
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 37 of 51  Fig.38 – Media item Edit Properties Links Links tab offer operators the possibility to make the particular Media item available under one or more grouping options on TV GUI. Following options are available: Countries – Make the channel / item available in “By country” view on TV GUI Languages – Make the item available in one or more lists when users (guests) use the “By Language” sorting option on TV GUI Policies – set the policy the system should apply on certain items – all items must have at least “Basic Access – Allows” option set.  Products – make the item available in one or more products guests can buy  Topics – select from available topics – the Item will be available in the specified groups when users / guests are browsing for media items “By topic”
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 38 of 51  Fig.39 –Media item Link / Group Translation As mentioned earlier, all item displayed on TV screen may have different values (text), depending on the selected navigation language.  In case no optional text / picture is set for each language, the system will display the default (Neutral) value for all languages where language specific value is not set. Save the changes when all fields are correctly set. Don’t forget to “Publish” the changes once the task has been successfully completed.  We recommend checking the changed items or new additions on a running TV screen  and apply corrections whenever necessary.
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 39 of 51 Hotel Services Internet Vouchers Located under the Hotel Services menu the Internet Vouchers allow hotel operators or the hotel front desk to manage the Internet access tickets.  Fig.40 –Internet Vouchers Once issued the vouchers are used by the guests to access the Internet form their devices (laptop, phones, PDA, etc.) The following options are available for issuing the vouchers. Customer Anonymous – Is used to issue tickets for those that are not hotel guests or whenever a free access shall be granted. Customer Guests – In case is selected the room number and the guest name shall be selected too in the next two fields. Product – Provides a list of products defined in the system that can be purchased by the guests. Allowed Devices – The number of separate devices that the guest can use with the same voucher. Already paid – Selected when the guest was already charged for the service Number of vouchers – Number of vouchers to be issued Once issued vouchers can be viewed and printed to be handled to the guest. Fire Alarms The Hotel Administration provides a software switch to trigger a fire alarm in the rooms.
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 40 of 51  Fig.41 – HA Fire Alarm There are two statuses: Active or Inactive. Pressing Start Fire Alarm the Set Top Boxes from the rooms are notified by the application to trigger a fire alarm message/sound on the TV. By pressing again on the button the fire alarm is disabled.  Fig.42 – HA Fire Alarm Active Minibar Using the Minibar module the hotel operator can configure and manage the DOMETIC minibar connected to Deuromedia Room Gateways (STB). Once configured, the system automatically sends guest’s consumption from the minibar to the Property Management System.
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 41 of 51  Fig.43 –Minibar From the Minibar Parameters tab the operator can configure general settings of the minibar device like: ping interval, the number of seconds until a taken product is considered bought and some more minibar specific operation parameters. Nearly all these parameters are DOMETIC device specific.  Fig.44 – Minibar Parameters To edit any of the parameters, one shall click on the parameter name and change the value of it in the field beside. The Minibar Articles allow the hotel operators to configure (add, edit and remove) the products they have on various slots of the minibar: name, description and price. Each
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 42 of 51 slot holding any of the products (goods) in the bar has a sensor that sends feedback to the central system when a product was removed. These sensors are mapped to articles and their price.  Fig.45 –Minibar Articles Using the sensors map the products can be assigned (clicking on “+” sign) or removed (clicking on “x” sign) from the minibar.  All minibars should have identical sensor map as this setup applies to every bar connected. Please pay special attention to fill in the every minibar in the same way (position of goods in different slots of the bar)
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 43 of 51  Fig.46 –Minibar sensors map The communication between the STB and the minibar can be checked accessing the Minibars Management tab.  Fig.47 –Minibars Management
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 44 of 51 In case the STB is connected to the minibar the little blue square,  , will turn green and the system is able to get status information from minibars. In all other case one shall check cabling, system setup and if the problem still persists, shall report the issue. The other fields presented in the view are: Bar IP – The STB IP to which the minibar is connected Location – Room number Items – The number of goods currently in the minibar. To get a full list of the goods click on the mini square icon:   Status – Displays info about the minibar status Alarms – Provides the list of the functionalities alerts - lost connection between the STB and the minibar, application error and some other information. Please note, that warning messages are kept (for further analysis) even if the functionality has been restored.  Door status – Shows the current status of the minibar’s door Chiller status – Chiller status: normal on, normal off, suspended etc. Lock status – Provide the status of the lock: locked or unlocked Lock caused by – Who did perform the last lock status change There are different actions that can be executed against one or a set of selected minibars:
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 45 of 51 Get status – Update the status of the selected minibars Lock – Lock the door of the minibar Unlock – Release the door of the minibar Refill start – Enter the minibar in refill mode Refill stop – Leave refill mode and reload all sensors –filling in bars with products Start of defrost – Defrost the minibar Start of pre-cool – Prepare the minibar Start of normal on period – Switch the chiller on Start of normal off period– Switch the chiller off Suspend – Suspend the minibar chiller In-room setup of the minibar Hotel operators must follow the next steps to enable the minibar feature. When all hardware connections are done and both minibar and STB are powered on and running properly one shall perform the following actions to enable data communication between the two devices. 1.  Power on TV using the remote control 2. From Main Menu press “00999”; this action will lead to the “System setup” page. PIN code is 1111  Fig.48 – Service Menu 3.  Check if all fields are correctly set (we suppose they are as the system is already running in rooms) 4.  Navigate to Location / Minibar field and select DOMETIC.
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 46 of 51  Fig.49 – Service Menu – Minibar  Pay  special  attention  the  HW  Profile  set.  The  HW  profile  for  DOMETIC  minibar  has special settings. Locations (hotels) with rooms equipped with identical TV sets and with or without minibars in certain rooms must have at least two HW profiles prepared, suitable for both deployment scenarios.  5. Navigate to “Update terminal information” and press OK. This way the system activates the communication to the minibar on the specified STB. 6.  The system restarts (STB) and is ready to be used 7.  Power off TV and proceed to the next room Refill the minibar from the TV set 1.  Power on TV using the remote control  2. From Main Menu press “003”, this action will lead to the minibar maintenance page.  PIN code is 1111  Fig.50 – Service Menu – Minibar refill 3. Press OK on “Activate” button to activate minibar refill mode. The system will display the following page. Let it on the screen during the refill operation.
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 47 of 51  Fig.51 – Service Menu – Minibar refill mode   The  system  will  consider  the  refill  operation  as  completed  after  this  page  is closed the minibar will reset all its counters and set proper status of all sensors.   4.  When done with the refill, close the minibar door and press OK to exit refill mode 5.  Power off TV From the same window is possible to set/enable several minibar functions: a.  Suspended, chiller OFF b.  Start precool (chiller ON) c.  Normal ON period d.  Normal OFF period e.  Start defrost Status update is done by using “Update chiller status” button. Reports Sales Using the sales report the hotel operator can generate products consumption reports for the guests that are still checked in. The period of the report can be defined using the Sales reports from/to fields.
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 48 of 51  Fig.52 – Sales Reports The result of the report can be exported in a CSV file (Coma Separated values) that can be imported in a spread sheet application Reporting Manager The reporting manager allows defining new reports of predefined types, schedule automatic reports generation for the defined reports and publish them using different methods.
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 49 of 51 Fig.53 – Reporting The following reports are available and can be created: -  Configured Media Items Report. The report extract the active: o  TV channels or o  Radio channels or o  Music tracks -  Minibar Best and Worst Product Report. The report generates sales statistics for the minibar consumption. -  Minibar Consumption Report. Generates an overall consumption report. -  Minibar Device Status Report. A hardware status report for the minibars. -  Minibar Failure Report. Creates a hardware status report with the minibars that present errors. -  Occupancy Rate Report. Calculates and generates the current occupancy rate for the rooms. It was introduced to analyse incidents trends compared with the room occupancy. -  Room Status Report. Provides a snapshot with: o  the room status (checked in or not)  o  STBs status o  TV sets status (on/off) -  Sales Report. Generates products consumption reports for the guests that are still checked in. -  Unused Internet Access Codes Report. Provides a list with the Internet codes that were issued but never used by the guests.  Consumption  reports  (minibar  and  media)  are  generated  ONLY  for  currently  checked-in clients.  Adding a new report can be done by using the Add option.
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 50 of 51  Fig.54 – Reporting Add Menu The following fields are available: -  Report Name. The name of the report as will appear listed in the Reporting view -  Report Type. Select one of the predefined reports.  Fig.55 – Report Type -  Enabled. Enable or disable the report. Has impact on the reports that are automatically generated and published. -  Report parameters. These parameters vary by report type and include information as the language to be used to issue the report, the desired period for which
            Hotel Adminstration Tool - User Manual                        Page 51 of 51 information shall be generated and additional filters to be applied on the retrieved information. -  Schedule. Reports can be generated periodically (daily, weekly, monthly) at a specific time. Multiple scheduled can be created for the same report.  Fig.56 – Report Schedule -  Publishers. The generated report can be sent out using e-mail (and SMTP server shall be provided), published on a network share or published on a web site automatically. Reports can be generated in different formats: HTML, CSV, XML, and Excel. -  Columns Settings. The reports can be customized by defining what information shall be included, the column position and text alignment.  Fig.57 – Report Column Settings
Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. FCC Caution: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  Non-modification Statement: Changesormodificationsnotexpresslyapprovedbythepartyresponsibleforcompliancecouldvoidtheuser'sauthoritytooperatetheequipment.FCC Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator & your body.

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