Zoom Telephonics WLANPCCARD1 User Manual Updated RF evaluation and updated installation manual

Zoom Telephonics Inc Updated RF evaluation and updated installation manual


Updated RF evaluation and updated installation manual

FCC Application for a class II permissive change for Zoom TelephonicsFCC ID: BDNWLANPCCARD1 •••• Report No. E990762-1                  21-May-01___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Curtis-Straus LLC •••• 527 Great Road •••• Littleton, MA •••• TEL (978) 486-8880 •••• FAX (978) 486-8828 page 1 of 63.4 Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure EvaluationDuring the power output measurement, a maximum power output of 18.7dBm was obtained onchannel 6 at the antenna port.   Adding the worst case manufacturer supplied antenna gain(13dBi for the Patch Array antenna) to the maximum power output gives an EIRP of 31.7dBm.A calculation based on the FCC’s Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for HumanExposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields (Edition 97-01) gives a minimumdistance for human exposure of 11cm for the patch array antenna, 3.9cm for the patch antennaand 3.2cm for the dipole antenna. Equation (4) on page 19 of that document was used tocalculate these distances using the 1mW/cm2 limit found in the General Population ExposureLimits table on page 67.Since the product is classified as a mobile device, the installation manual contains instructionsfor installing the antennas with a minimum separation distance of 20cm between the antennasand the user or other nearby persons.  This 20cm distance is well beyond the 11cm required bythe RF exposure limits of section 2.1091.
FCC Application for a class II permissive change for Zoom TelephonicsFCC ID: BDNWLANPCCARD1 •••• Report No. E990762-1                  21-May-01___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Curtis-Straus LLC •••• 527 Great Road •••• Littleton, MA •••• TEL (978) 486-8880 •••• FAX (978) 486-8828 page 2 of 66.2 User’s ManualBelow is a copy of the antenna installation instructions.  Please note the circled paragraph onpage 3 of the manual that states the 20cm minimum separation requirement.
FCC Application for a class II permissive change for Zoom TelephonicsFCC ID: BDNWLANPCCARD1 •••• Report No. E990762-1                  21-May-01___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Curtis-Straus LLC •••• 527 Great Road •••• Littleton, MA •••• TEL (978) 486-8880 •••• FAX (978) 486-8828 page 3 of 6
FCC Application for a class II permissive change for Zoom TelephonicsFCC ID: BDNWLANPCCARD1 •••• Report No. E990762-1                  21-May-01___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Curtis-Straus LLC •••• 527 Great Road •••• Littleton, MA •••• TEL (978) 486-8880 •••• FAX (978) 486-8828 page 4 of 6
FCC Application for a class II permissive change for Zoom TelephonicsFCC ID: BDNWLANPCCARD1 •••• Report No. E990762-1                  21-May-01___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Curtis-Straus LLC •••• 527 Great Road •••• Littleton, MA •••• TEL (978) 486-8880 •••• FAX (978) 486-8828 page 5 of 6
FCC Application for a class II permissive change for Zoom TelephonicsFCC ID: BDNWLANPCCARD1 •••• Report No. E990762-1                  21-May-01___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Curtis-Straus LLC •••• 527 Great Road •••• Littleton, MA •••• TEL (978) 486-8880 •••• FAX (978) 486-8828 page 6 of 6

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