Zipit Wireless ZWM2 Wireless Messenger 2 User Manual Jump Start

Zipit Wireless, Inc. Wireless Messenger 2 Jump Start

user manual

JUMP START Getting online with your Zipit Wireless Messenger 2 is quick and easy!   All you need is an existing Instant Messaging account and wireless Internet access. Then just… 1.  Plug it in.  Connect the included AC adapter to the back of your Zipit device and to an AC power outlet. 2.  Turn it on.  Press the green Power button for one second. 3.  Hook it up.  Follow the prompts to configure your device to use up to 3 existing IM accounts.  4.  Lose the PC.  Press the MyFriendz button to start chatting, or access other options such as MyTunez or MyPhotoz through the HOME button.  Check out the 411! Explore more options at
TABLE OF CONTENTS JUMP START............................... i CHECK IT OUT........................... 1 Getting Started...................... 2 Locating Controls................... 3 Charging the Battery.............. 4 Turning the Zipit On and Off.... 4 Using Standby and Sleep Modes5 GET CONNECTED ....................... 6 Connecting to Your Wireless Network  6 Defining Your Messaging Accounts  11 Registering Your Zipit............12 Using the Home Menu ...........13 SPEAK OUT ..............................14 Using the MyFriendz List ........14 Using the Chat Window..........15 Sending Emoticonz and Special Characters  16 Receiving an IMAlert and Using IMResponse 17 Using Other Messaging Options18 LISTEN UP ...............................19 MyTunez Player Controls........20 Playing MyMusic from an SD Card  21 Using MyNetwork Audio Streaming  23 Using MyStationz Internet Radio25 SHOW YOUR STYLE...................26 TAKE CONTROL ........................27 LOCK IT DOWN.........................28 GO BEYOND .............................29 TROUBLESHOOTING..................31 Understanding Setup Error Messages  31 Handling Network Setup Errors34 Recovering from Lost Connections and Chats  34 FCC DECLARATION OF COMFORMITY  35
CHECK IT OUT    Congratulations on your new  Zipit® Wireless Messenger 2!  The Zipit® Wireless Messenger 2 is a  portable instant messaging device with a  built-in full-function audio player and a high resolution photo player.  With this personal media device, you can easily  Instant message (IM) your friends — up to 99 simultaneous chats — using MyFriendz™ buddy lists for AIM, MSN, and Yahoo  Manage your IM accounts and MyFriendz profiles  Use IMAlert™ to track multiple chats  Customize your IM display and sounds  Listen to your MyTunez™ (MP3 and WMA files) from – An SD sound card  – Streaming media servers on your network – Streaming Internet Radio   View your MyPhotoz™  And, through the web site, you can   Download cool color Themez™, fonts, Emoticonz™, and MySoundz™  Upload a personal background and apply it to your Zipit device  Load your piggy bank and purchase premium Themez and Fontz  Refer a friend and earn piggy bank Creditz™                                                                               1
Getting Started You can use some features of your Zipit Wireless Messenger 2 without being connected to the Internet. To get started, though, or to use instant messaging, you must have   wireless Internet (Wi-Fi® network) access  an existing instant messaging (IM) account   Wi-Fi Access If you are using your Zipit device at home, you will need a wireless access point or router that is connected to a broadband Internet service (like a cable or DSL connection). If you are in a public area or business, you will need wireless access through a public Wi-Fi “hotspot.”  A public Wi-Fi hotspot is an open hotspot that does not require a browser or a fee for access.   Check this! Lots of businesses, hotels, and restaurants have public hotspots that are free to their customers.  Go to to see the available hotspots in your area. The Zipit Wireless Messenger 2 contains an 802.11g radio and will work with both 802.11b and 802.11g networks. IM Account If you don’t have an IM account, you can set one up for free on any Internet-connected PC.  Go to for more information.  When you set up a new account, you will choose or be provided with a screen name and a password.     2
Locating Controls   Power.    Press and hold for 1 second to turn your device on or off. MyFriendz.    Open or close the MyFriendz List of buddies logged in to the IM service(s) you are using. Home.    Press for Home Menu to access main functions. Options.    Context-sensitive menu of actions that match active function. MyEmoticonz ( ☺ ) . Press to add an emoticon (smiley) to your IM. *    Cursor Arrows (Up, Down, Left, Right).  Navigate.  In chat, use ← to move back through text without deleting. *    Select (centered between cursor arrows).    Select (highlight) or execute function. *  Alt:    In text entry, press once to access alternate function; twice to set Alt Lock. Shift:    In text entry, press once to capitalize next letter; twice to set Shift Lock. Backspace (← BS):    Delete typed characters. Enter:  Execute selected function. Previous and Next.  Context-sensitive; use to back up or go forward in the active function:   in menu, one level   in chat, one open conversation   in audio player, one song   in photo player, one slideshow   in setup, one screen   in MyFriendz or audio list, one page *:    Different function for audio; see page “MyTunez Player Controls” on page 20.                                                                3 Select Power SD card slot AC adapter
Charging the Battery Plug the AC adapter into the DC input jack on the back side of your Zipit device and into an AC power outlet.  You can start using your device immediately.  Charge the battery for at least 3 hours before removing the power adapter.   An LED on your Zipit device shows the status of your battery.  If the battery is charging (on AC power), the battery LED will be solid amber.   The LED will turn solid green when the battery is completely charged.  If the battery charge gets low, the LED will blink in amber, the battery icon in the chat window header will flash, and you’ll see this message:   You’ll only see this message once.  If you press NEXT and don’t connect your AC adapter, your Zipit device will turn itself off in 5 minutes.  Turning the Zipit Device On and Off To turn your Zipit device On or Off, press and hold the Power button for at least one second.    4
Caution: Your Zipit Wireless Messenger 2 automatically checks for software updates when you go online.  If an update is available and ready to install, do not power off until the installation is complete. Using Standby and Sleep Modes Your Zipit device enters Sleep mode when you close the lid or after 5 minutes with no activity.  In Sleep mode, the device turns off its display but remains connected to network applications (IM and streaming music) unless you move out of range of the network.    Your IM buddies will see your Away message, and you can continue to play music.    When you open the lid, your device will wake up and return to your most recent application.  Because Sleep mode saves your battery power, it is a good idea to close the lid if you are taking a long break from using your Zipit device. Your Zipit device enters Suspend mode after 4 hours in Sleep mode. When it enters Suspend mode, your device closes all applications but does not shut down all the way.  Your Zipit device will stay in Suspend mode for up to 4 days with a fully charged battery.  If the battery power gets too low, your device will turn itself Off. You can return to On mode from Sleep or Suspend very quickly, by opening the lid, pressing any key, or pressing the power button.    You can customize the time limits for entering Sleep and Suspend modes through the global settings.            5
GET CONNECTED The first time you turn on your Zipit Wireless Messenger 2, the Setup Wizard will help you   Search for and connect to your wireless network  Enter the screen names and passwords for your IM accounts (up to one each for AIM, MSN, and Yahoo)  Register your Zipit device You can update your setup information later if you need to. Connecting to Your Wireless Network Wireless networks can be set up in several ways, with different types of security and connection requirements.  Networks can be encrypted or open. Encrypted networks require you to provide a special access code called a “WEP key” or “WPA key” to get connected.   This means that only authorized people who know the key can use them.  Open networks are available to any user within range. Some networks are hidden, which means you have to know their names to be able to find and use them.   Some networks use dynamic DHCP addressing, which means that the network automatically tells a device how to get to the Internet when it joins the network.  Other networks use static IP addressing and require you to know the address for connecting to the Internet.  For more information about network connections, see the Support page at           6
Your Zipit device is designed to make the wireless connection process as automated and simple as possible.   Whether your network is open or encrypted, hidden, or uses dynamic DHCP or static IP addressing, the Zipit Setup Wizard will guide you through the connection process.  When you turn on your Zipit device, it will search for all available wireless networks and try to connect to the strongest open networks first, followed by the strongest encrypted networks.  If your network is open (most home and public hotspot networks are), you probably will not need to provide any information.    If it is hidden or encrypted, or uses static IP addressing, the Setup Wizard will prompt you to enter the information it needs. If you know that your network is hidden and know how to set up networks, you can interrupt the automatic connection and configure the network yourself.  When you connect to a network, the Setup Wizard will show a Connected screen and the network status LED will turn solid green.                  7
Connecting Automatically Follow these steps to get up and running: 1.  Turn on your Zipit device.  The Welcome screen appears. 2.  Press NEXT.    The Zipit logo spins, showing you that your device is searching for a network.  This can take several seconds. 3.  The Scanning for Wireless Networks screen displays the number of networks found.  Press NEXT. 4.  The next screens that you see depend upon what type and number of networks your Zipit device found.   – If one open network was found, the Automatically Connecting screen will appear, your device will connect automatically, and the message “Connected to (your network’s name)” will appear. – If one encrypted network was found, your device will ask you to enter a special access code called a WEP key or WPA key.    Type in the code and press NEXT.  If you make a mistake while typing, use the backspace key or the ← cursor key to back up and correct it.  Your device will use the information to connect, or will prompt you to confirm the information. Your Zipit device will not find a hidden network until you tell it where to look; then it can connect.    If no networks were found, your device will assume that a hidden network is available and will prompt you to enter the network’s name (SSID).    Enter your network’s name in the SSID field and press NEXT.    (If you don’t know your SSID, your access point or router’s documentation or a label on your access point/router can tell you how to find it.    If you still            8
– need help, check out the Support area at If you entered the name incorrectly or if the network is encrypted, the Setup Wizard will show an “Unable to Connect” screen.  Double-check the way you entered the SSID and change it if you need to.  (Use the backspace or ← cursor key to back up and correct it.)  If you typed it correctly, your network is both hidden and encrypted.  Enter your network key code at the prompt and press NEXT. – If your Zipit device found several networks, which is common in public areas, the Setup Wizard will automatically try to connect to the open network with the strongest network signal, then weaker open networks, and then encrypted networks.   If you want to choose which network to use, or want to specify a hidden network, you’ll need to interrupt the Setup Wizard by pressing NEXT.  The Setup Wizard shows the networks it found.  Use the ↑ and ↓ cursor keys to select a network and then press NEXT to connect to the network.  If you choose to add a network, the Setup Wizard will ask you to enter its SSID (network name). Where to next?  If you’re connected to a network, see “Defining Your Messaging Accounts” on page 11.  If you got an error message, skip to “Handling Network Setup Errors” on page 31.               9
 Connecting Manually If you do not want to let the Setup Wizard set up your network connection automatically, you can interrupt the connection process and set up the connection manually. You should know how to set up networks before trying this process. To set up your network connection manually, follow these steps: 1.  When the Setup Wizard tells how many networks it found, press NEXT to interrupt it. 2.  The Setup Wizard displays a manual configuration screen and prompts you to enter the configuration information.  Type in the requested information and press NEXT. 3.  The Setup Wizard connects using the information you provided.   Where to next?  If you’re connected to a network, see “Defining Your Messaging Accounts” below.  If you got an error message, skip to “Handling Network Setup Errors” on page 31.                                                                                    10
Defining Your Messaging Accounts Once your Zipit device has connected to the Internet, you’ll enter your instant messaging account information.  You can save a username and password for three different accounts — one on AOL, one on MSN, and one on Yahoo.  With the Zipit Wireless Messenger 2, you can log into all of your accounts at once, seeing buddies from all three services.    1.  When the Setup Wizard prompts you to define your IM accounts, press NEXT. 2.  Your Zipit device will ask if you have an AOL account. Choose “Yes” or “No” and press NEXT.  (Change answers by pressing the “Y” or “N” button, the space bar, or the →or ← cursor button.) 3.  If you selected “Yes,” enter your account information when prompted. If you make a mistake while typing, use the backspace key to delete characters.  Press NEXT. 4.  Repeat Steps 2 and 3 to define your MSN and Yahoo accounts. Note:  If you have an MSN account, you must enter your complete email address, not simply your screen name.             11
Registering Your Zipit Device Now the Setup Wizard will help you register your Zipit Wireless Messenger 2.  Zipit will use the information you provide to send you an email containing your personal access code to use on the website.    We’ll also use it to invite you to opt in and try new features.   1.  When the Setup Wizard prompts you to register, enter the requested information.     2.  Press NEXT.  Zipit will send you an email with a link you can click to finish the registration and customize your Zipit device. If any of your info changes, you can update it later through the website or the Tools menu.   Congratulations — your setup is complete!  Press the MyFriendz button to start chatting.  Or press HOME to check out all of your other options.     Listen up!  Did you know you can play your tunes while you chat?   Just start MyTunez.
Using the Home Menu The HOME key lets you access the main Zipit device functions. 1.  To get to the Home Menu at any time, press HOME.   2. Use the ↑ and ↓ cursor keys to scroll through the list and highlight a list entry. 3.  Press the select botton, ENTER, or the → cursor key to select the highlighted entry.   4. Press the ←cursor key to back up one level in the open menu.    Navigation Example From the Main Menu with Messaging highlighted, press  to see the Messaging Menu.  Press  again to open the MyFriendz function.  Press  to return to the Messaging Menu, or HOME to return to the Home Menu. Quick Tips  If 411 is the first entry in the Home Menu, Zipit has a new message for you.  After you read it, the 411 listing will drop to the bottom of the menu.  If you are using MyTunez or MyPhotoz, Now Playing or Now Showing appear in the Home Menu. Select these entries to return to the audio or video players from another function.                                                                            13
SPEAK OUT Speak out with the Messaging functions!   They let you chat, control your IM account,  and set IM options.  Most of these functions  are accessed through the Messaging Menu.   Using the MyFriendz List   The MyFriendz list shows all of your friends who are logged into the IM service(s) you are using, and shows you their status.    Navigate to the MyFriendz listing in the Messaging Menu and press → or ENTER, or just click the MyFriendz button.  Then use the cursor keys to scroll through the list, and press ENTER to start chatting. The top of your MyFriendz list shows the people you’re chatting with now, listed alphabetically in bold type. Below that, the list shows friends who are online but not chatting with you. They are listed in a regular font if idle, or in italics if they are away from their computers. Quick Tips  Select the name of someone already chatting with you to make that chat window jump to the top.  Type a letter, or several letters, to jump to the first name in the list that matches what you typed.   Press PREV or NEXT to navigate the list a page at a time.  Select a name and press the → cursor key to see a friend’s status message.                                                                               14
Using the Chat Window Each chat session uses a full window. If you are chatting with several people, the windows are stacked in the order in which they were started.  You can page through them by using the PREV and NEXT buttons or the → and ←  cursor arrows. The chat window has three parts:    Header bar: Current buddy: Screen name and service provider. Counter: Updates when you open or close chats.   This is the first of 2 open chats.   New message status: Pulses if you have any unread 411 or message. Press MyFriendz to see buddy list, and look for animated logos to find new messages.  Network status: Shows whether you are online and signal strength.   Special key status: Shows whether Alt function is on (A) or locked (A), or whether Shift function is on (↑) or locked (↑). See Quick Tips below for details. Battery status: If running on battery, shows 1 to 4 bars of remaining power. Blinks slowly if battery is getting low – connect to AC power soon. Blinks quickly when critically low and enters Standby as soon as possible. If charging, shows .    Text entry window: Type your message here and press ENTER to send. Use Backspace to erase or ← to back up and insert additional text. Any letter you type while in the chat window will appear here. Header bar: From left to right, shows service logo and ID of your current buddy, window counter, new message status, network status, special key status, and battery status. (See below for details.) History window: Shows most recent 12-15 lines of chat. Lines you typed are labeled “Me.”Use↑and↓to reread.
Quick Tips  Press ALT once to enable any one of the blue keys on the keyboard, including the numeric keys, special accent keys, and the Close Window (X) key.    Press ALT twice to lock this function and use more than one blue key.  Press ALT again to return to normal mode.  Press SHIFT once to type one uppercase character.  Press SHIFT twice to lock this function and type everything in uppercase.  Press SHIFT again to return to normal mode.  Press PREV or NEXT to move through your open chat windows, in the order that they were connected.  Press the MyFriendz key and type a few letters of your friend’s name to jump to a specific conversation.  Press ALT + ⌧ together to close the active chat. Sending Emoticonz and Special Characters   To add Emoticonz (smileys) to your messages, press the MyEmoticonz key ( ☺ ).    A pop-up window of available characters will appear.    (Your choices will depend upon the IM service you are using.)   Scroll through the window, select a character, and press ENTER to add it to your message.  The pop-up will disappear after one use.     Register and download special emoticon packs from the website.    You can also download new Fontz to match your personality!        16
To add a special character, press the . . .   on the key to the left of the “Z” key.  Select from the pop-up window as for a smiley. Receiving an IMAlert and Using IMResponse  When you receive a new message, unless you are in the Setup Menu or MyFriendz list, an IMAlert will pop up for 3 seconds on top of any open window.  A swooshing sound will also play. If you want to read the new message, press SHIFT + NEXT while the IMAlert is showing to jump to that chat window.  (If you receive several IMAlerts, you can only jump to the first one.)  You can also press the MyFriendz key to see who has sent you messages—their IM service logos will be flashing.                                                                                    17
 Using Other Messaging Options   You don’t need to use them all to chat, but  there are even more options in the  Messaging Menu.  Check out the list below  for an overview of these functions:   MyFriendz:  See your MyFriendz list, check status, and start chat sessions.  Guest Login:  Allow a friend to use your Zipit device temporarily without resetting your accounts.  Add MyFriendz (AIM or MSN only):  Add a friend’s screen name and IM service to your MyFriendz list so you can chat with them from your Zipit device or PC.  Enter the info as requested.  Press PREV to cancel, or NEXT to save the addition and return to your previous activity.    Delete MyFriendz (AIM or MSN only):  Delete someone from your friends list.  Select the name and press CTRL + D.  Press NEXT to return to your previous activity.  Careful ⎯ you can’t undo this!  If you delete a name, you’ll have to add it back before you can chat with this person again.  Manage Accounts:  Change the IM accounts you configured through the Setup Wizard.  Select which accounts are active, enter a different screen name and password for the currently enabled IM services, and reconnect to enabled accounts.  Use this if you have several screen names on one service.    Enter the requested info and press NEXT.  Your device will close all open chat windows, login to the enabled accounts, and return to the MyFriendz list. Changing makes the new account the primary account until you change it again.  IM Options:  Customize your IMAway message, or change your MyFontz and MySoundz.                                                                        18
LISTEN UP  Listen up!  Your Zipit Wireless Messenger 2  isn’t just a full-function IM device.  Use it to  listen to all of your favorite music.  It plays  MP3 and WMA files from your SD memory  card, a network streaming audio server  (UPnP), and even Internet radio!   Start MyTunez, plug in your earphones,  and close the lid ⎯ your Zipit device will play your entire playlist. (Your IM friendz will see your Away message.)  Or relax and play tunez while you chat or look at a slideshow. While you are listening to MyTunez through any of these functions, other device sounds will be disabled.  Quick Tips  If you are playing music in the background of another function, a Now Playing entry shows at the top of the Home Menu.  Click there to jump straight back to your tunez.    The Now Playing screens vary slightly for the MyMusic, MyNetwork, and MyStationz audio options.   If you press HOME while a song is playing, the Home Menu will appear and your song will continue playing.  Press HOME again to return to the Now Playing screen.    Use the player controls to change your tunez without leaving the open screen.   Use the OPTIONS menu while in MyTunez to add or change your Shuffle and Repeat settings, add songs to your player queue, and control your playlists.                                                                              19
MyTunez Player Controls Once you’ve started MyTunez, use these controls to navigate through songs or change the volume without changing what’s open on your screen:    OPTIONS:    For MyMusic and MyNetwork, press to  Add to Queue  Add to Playlist  Delete  Shuffle  Repeat  PREV: If in player, restart playing song.    If in chat, press ALT + PREV.    If using MyMusic, hold down to rewind; let go to continue playing from there.    If in MyNetwork guide menu, press SHIFT + PREV to page up list. NEXT: If in player, skip to next song.    If in chat, press ALT + NEXT.  If using MyMusic, hold down to fast forward; let go to continue playing from there.  If in MyNetwork guide menu, press SHIFT + NEXT to page down list. PLAY: If in player, play the highlighted item.    If the song was stopped, resume from where it was stopped and continue through playlist.    If in chat, press ALT + PLAY to play last selected song. STOP: If in player, stop the currently playing song.    If in chat, press ALT + STOP. VOLUME DOWN: Press once to decrease volume one step. VOLUME UP: Press once to increase volume one step. VOLUME DOWN + VOLUME UP:    Press simultaneously to mute volume.                                                                       20 Play Vol DOWN Vol UP Previous Next Options Play  Stop
Playing MyMusic from an SD Card If you have a library of tunez on your computer, you can play them from your Zipit device as easily as from an MP3 player.  And with the Zipit Wireless Messenger 2, you can listen to your tunez while you chat, view pictures, or use online tools. First, copy your MP3 and WMA tunez from your computer to a directory called Music on an SD memory card.  Then follow these steps: 1.  Slide the SD card into the bottom of your Zipit device.   2.  Your device builds its music library and displays “SD Card” as a choice in the MyTunez Menu. 3.  From the MyTunez Menu, select SD Card.    Use the ↑and ↓ buttons to select the way you want to view your library, and the → button to see sublists.  Press ENTER or the select button to play tunez.   Music plays from the point where you press ENTER.    For example, (except in Shuffle mode) if you are in the Artist menu, your Zipit device plays all songs by all artists, in order by artist and then album.    If you are in an Album menu, it plays all songs on that album, beginning with the song number you selected.                                                                          21
The Now Playing screen for MyMusic shows all of the info that was found about the current song:  Beside cover art (if any) – Song title (in bold) – Artist – Album – File type – Track number  Song length Bottom of screen – Elapsed song time – Song number of total on album  Remaining song time   Create a dynamic playlist – a Zipit exclusive!    Queue up the songs you want to listen to; then save them as a playlist.    While in the audio player, navigate to another album, artist, or playlist.   Press OPTIONS and select Add to Playlist.    Save your special mix as a custom playlist ⎯ it will be available until the next time you rebuild the music database by changing the contents of the SD card.                                                                        22
Using MyNetwork Audio Streaming If your wireless network includes a music server, you can use it to stream audio to your Zipit device.  You’ll have access to all MP3 and WMA songs on the server, with no restriction from the storage space on your player. Setting Up Music Servers Your Zipit device will automatically detect UPnP (universal plug and play) servers, including these verified servers:  Microsoft Windows Media Player 11  Microsoft Windows Media Connect *  Yahoo Music Engine Visit for the complete list of supported UPnP servers. NOTE:    If your Zipit Wireless Messenger 2 detects a Windows Media Connect music server, the Windows Media Connect server will have to authorize the Zipit Wireless Messenger 2 before it provides content to your device.    If you connect to a Windows Media Connect server and your Zipit device has not been registered, you’ll see a screen that tells you how to configure the Windows Media Connect server to recognize it.  For help connecting your Zipit Wireless Messenger 2 to a wireless network music server, go to                                                                             23
Using the MyNetwork Player To use MyNetwork audio streaming,  1.  Select MyTunez from the Home Menu, then select Music Servers from the MyTunez Menu.   2.  Your device will display a list of all available music servers.  Select one and press ENTER to see the MyNetwork guide menu.  3.  While navigating through the guide menu, you can type any character(s) to jump ahead in the list.  For example, if you type “DA” in the Artist menu, the list will scroll to the first Artist whose name that starts with “DA.”    Use the ↑and ↓ buttons to select the way you want to view the music, and the → button to see sublists.  Press ENTER or the select button to play tunez.   Music plays from the point where you press ENTER.  For example, (except in Shuffle mode) if you are in the Artist menu, your Zipit device plays all songs by all artists, in order by artist and, for each artist, by album.                                                                            24
The MyNetwork player screen displays the artist’s name, album name, song title, and elapsed time.  It indicates whether the music is playing, muted, or stopped.    It also shows the name of the next song and displays an animated Zipit logo to show that the next-up song is buffering. If you pause the current track, the elapsed time will start blinking.   If you stop the track, then the track counter will be reset to 00.  If you press PLAY, the counter will restart. Once the music is playing, if you navigate back to a song title, the song is paused and you can then go back and navigate through the content list.  If you stop navigating through the guide menu, the player screen will reappear and the song that was playing will restart from where it was paused. Using MyStationz Internet Radio If you don’t have access to a music server or SD memory card, or just want to listen to a wider range of tunez, select radio stations that stream over the Internet.  First, go to and choose the range of stations you’d like to use.   The audio guide and player screen look and function similarly to those for MyMusic and MyNetwork tunez.                                                                                  25
SHOW YOUR STYLE There are lots of ways to customize your  Zipit Wireless Messenger 2!  Change these  settings as often as you’d like to match your  style or your mood:  Change your fontz, Away message, and  sounds for chatting.  Update these  through the IM Options selection in the  Messaging Menu.  Download special Emoticonz, Fontz, and MySoundz packages from  Play your tunez and watch slideshows of the pictures you save to an SD memory card.  Set your favorite types of music for the MyStations Internet radio feature.   Choose from several standard Zipit background images.  Change your selection at  Upload your own personal image to your Zipit account; then download it to your Zipit device.  Your background image will not be available to anyone else!                                                                                    26
TAKE CONTROL Use the Global Settings to control settings  that are applied across all functions of the  Zipit device.  From the Home Menu, select  Global Settings and then Chat, Device, or  Music.   These feature menus will show all context- sensitive settings for these operating modes. Chat and Music functions will include those  discussed in the Speak Out and Listen Up topics in this guide. Device functions include the following: – LCD Backlight Timer – Brightness – Contrast – Device Password – MyFontz – Owner – Power Management – Setup Wizard – SysInfo                                                                                    27
 LOCK IT DOWN  Your Zipit Wireless Messenger 2 has built-in  security ⎯ it is immune to viruses, does not  allow pop-ups, and only allows connections by buddies you know.  You can enhance this  security by   Setting a password to prevent others  from accessing your IM accounts.  From the Home Menu, select Tools, then Global Settings, then Enable Password.  Enter 4-6 characters (any mix of uppercase, lowercase, and digits). If password protection is enabled, you must enter the password before changing account setup or enabling or disabling an IM account.  Filling in the Owner field in the Device Settings menu, then locking it with a device password.  Your Owner data will stay in your Zipit device and cannot be accessed by anyone without your password.    Registering your device at                                                                                         28
    GO BEYOND  Your Zipit Wireless Messenger 2 has a  high-resolution display perfect for viewing  graphics and slideshows.   Just load your favorite graphics in a  directory called Pictures on your SD  memory card.  If you organize your  graphics in subdirectories in the Pictures folder, your Zipit device will treat each subdirectory as a separate slideshow.  Now follow these steps: 1.  Insert the SD card in your device and select MyPhotoz from the Home Menu. 2. Scroll through the list of slideshows and select the one you want to view. 3.  Use the PREV, NEXT, PLAY/PAUSE, and STOP buttons to control your slideshow.                                                                         29
The Now Showing player displays your slideshow. The bottom of the player indicates whether the show is playing or paused, lists the picture captions, and indicates the current and total number of pictures in the show.       Ready to chill?    Start MyTunez and listen to your favorite music while you watch your slides.     Got some great art?  If you are registered at, you can install your personal art as the custom background on your Zipit device.                                                                                     30
TROUBLESHOOTING  Understanding Setup Error Messages There are 4 types of network error messages you might see while trying to connect to a network:  Automatic connection failed:  The Setup Wizard found at least one network but could not connect to it.  DHCP error:  There was a problem with your router’s IP address.  DNS error:  Your Internet connection is down or there was a problem with the DNS server.  Proprietary network:  You are trying to connect to a private network that requires a password and/or subscription.                                                                                             31
 If you see any of these error messages, you can press PREV to retry the connection.  You can also press NEXT to configure the network yourself.  Follow these steps: 1.  The Setup Wizard displays an error message. 2.  Press NEXT to enter the configuration information yourself and connect to the network manually.   3.  The Setup Wizard asks you to enter manual settings.  (If you do not know it, you can get this information from your network service provider.)  Enter the requested information and press NEXT. 4.  The Setup Wizard retries the connection process.  When you see the Connected screen, continue to the section “Defining Your Messaging Accounts” on page 11.  If you still cannot connect, see below for additional options. Possible Error Message Causes and Solutions  Automatic connection failed   Your device is not in range of any wireless access points. – Make sure that your access point is turned on and is functional.   Move closer to known wireless access points.   Available access points are not broadcasting their SSID.   Manually enter the SSID of the network (refer to the setup/configuration page of the access point) in the space provided.                                                                            32
DHCP error     You entered an invalid SSID or an invalid WEP key.   The access point has been configured to disable DHCP.   The Internet connection is down.   The access point configuration is set incorrectly.   The DHCP server is providing incorrect network information.   The only networks available are “for fee” Hotspots.   From the “Uh Oh” screen, select the network that you want to access.   You will be given a brief list of the possible reasons for the failure and a method to correct the failure condition.   Check your access point/router’s configuration screen to make sure that the Authentication type is set to Open and that the Preamble is set to Long.  DNS error     You entered an invalid SSID or invalid WEP key.   The access point has been configured to disable DHCP.   The DHCP server on your access point is providing incorrect network information (this is very uncommon).   From the DHCP error screen, press NEXT to verify the SSID and WEP information.   Verify that your access point/router has DHCP enabled.    If not, enable it and re-scan; or press NEXT after verifying the SSID and WEP to enter the Static IP configuration screen.  Confirm the required information from your access point/router.  Proprietary network     The Internet connection is down.   Verify that you can access the Internet from a PC.    If not, check the status of your cable or DSL modem to see if it is receiving data from the Internet.   The DHCP server on your access point is providing incorrect network information.   See “DNS Error” above.                                                                        33
Handling Network Setup Errors During setup, your Zipit device might connect to a network but be unable to connect to an instant messaging account.  If this happens, check the following:   Do you have an existing IM account with AIM, MSN, or Yahoo?    You cannot create an account through your Zipit device.      Go to,, or to setup one or more accounts.   Restricted AOL accounts (such as KAOL) are not supported.    Did you enter your username and password correctly?   MSN accounts require the full account name, not just the screen name. For example, if you have a Hotmail account, you must add “” to the login.   Are your router’s firewall settings preventing access to IM accounts?   Open the following ports to allow the IM traffic to pass through the firewall: 1863, 5190, 6891, 6901.  Recovering from Lost Connections and Chats If you are logged into an IM service on your Zipit device and log in again from another Zipit device, a phone, or a PC, your connection on the first device will be “bumped” (logged off).  You will have the option to change IM accounts, reconnect, or stop chatting but continue with other services. If you are chatting and lose your network connection, the message “Network Lost” will flash in the header bar of the chat window.    Your chats will still be displayed, but you will not be able to enter any new text.    Once you have finished reading the open chats, press the MyFriendz key.    Your Zipit                                                                        34
device will scan for available networks and reconnect if possible.   FCC DECLARATION OF COMFORMITY This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1. This device may not cause harmful interference. 2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Product: Zipit Wireless Messenger 2 Model:   ZWM2 Responsible Party:  Zipit Wireless, Inc. 200 N. Main Street, Suite 300 Greenville, SC 29601 Customer Support Toll Free: 1-866-92 ZIPIT     This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:     Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.     Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.                                                                              35
  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.     Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help  Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. Maximum Specific Absorbtion Rate (SAR) (Body)is 0.616 W/kg (1g).   This equipment must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.                                                                                           36

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