Zinwave 2765 Zinwave 2765 Distributed Antenna System User Manual

Zinwave Ltd Zinwave 2765 Distributed Antenna System Users Manual

Users Manual

Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007               Zinwave 2700 Distributed Antenna System  User Manual
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  Document History  Issue  Date  Changes to previous issue 1.2  03.04.2007  •  Added information regarding RF exposure 1.1  27.03.2007  •  Editorial changes •  Changed default IP, added description of DHCP 1.0  05.03.2007  •  Initial release
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  NOTICES  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007 No  part  of  this  manual  may  be  reproduced  in  any  form  or  by  any  means  (including electronic  storage  and  retrieval  or  translation  into  a  foreign  language)  without  prior agreement  and  written  consent  from  Zinwave  Ltd.  as  governed  by  United  Kingdom and international copyright laws.  Edition Issue 1.2, April 2007  Warranty The  material  contained  in  this  document  is  provided  “as  is,”  and  is  subject  to  being changed, without notice, in future editions. Further, to the maximum extent permitted by  applicable  law,  Zinwave  disclaims  all  warranties,  either  express  or  implied,  with regard to this manual and any information contained herein, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Zinwave shall not be liable for errors or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with  the  furnishing,  use,  or  performance  of  this  document  or  of  any  information contained  herein.  Should  Zinwave  and  the  user  have  a  separate  written  agreement with  warranty  terms  covering  the  material  in  this  document  that  conflict  with  these terms, the warranty terms in the separate agreement shall control.  Technology Licenses The  hardware  and/or  software  described  in  this  document  are  furnished  under  a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license.  Safety Notices CAUTION  A  CAUTION  notice  denotes  a  hazard.  It  calls  attention  to  an  operating  procedure, practice,  or  the  like  that,  if  not  correctly  performed  or  adhered  to,  could  result  in damage to the product or loss of important data. Do not proceed beyond a CAUTION notice until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.  WARNING  A WARNING  notice  denotes  a  hazard.  It  calls  attention  to  an  operating  procedure, practice,  or  the  like  that,  if  not  correctly  performed  or  adhered  to,  could  result  in personal  injury  or  death.  Do  not  proceed  beyond  a  WARNING  notice  until  the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  Trademark Acknowledgements Cisco ® and Aironet ® are registered trademarks of Cisco Corporation. Pentium ® is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. Adobe ® is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.  Windows  XP,  Windows  2000,  and  Windows  98  are  U.S.  registered trademarks  of  Microsoft  Corporation.  All  other  trademarks  are  the  property  of  their respective holders.  About this guide  This  guide  contains  installation  and  operating  instructions  for  the  Zinwave  2700 Distributed  Antenna  System  (DAS).  The  basic  2700  DAS  consists  of  one  Hub  Unit (HU) and up to 8 Antenna Units (AU). This  guide  is  one  member  of  a  comprehensive  documentation  set  for  the  Zinwave DAS. It is designed to provide you with a smooth, successful installation and set-up. In addition to this guide, the documentation set includes:  o  Installation Guide o  System Design and Configuration (To be added later) o  Software Manual
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  TABLE OF CONTENTS  Document History  2 Edition  3 Warranty  3 Technology Licenses  3 Safety Notices  3 Trademark Acknowledgements  4 About this guide  4 Chapter 1 System Description  8 1.1 Overview  8 1.2 Key features  8 1.3 Architecture  9 1.4 System Components  11 1.5 Configuration and Control  12 Chapter 2 Quick Start  13 2.1 Overview  13 2.2 Setting up the Hub Unit  13 2.3 Setting up the Antenna Units  14 2.4 Configuring the system  15 Chapter 3 Equipment Description  17 3.1 2700 Hub Unit  17 3.2 2780/2781 SFP module  24 3.3 2760 + 2765 Antenna Unit – Wideband  27 3.4 277X Antenna Unit – Band specific  36 Chapter 4 Configuration and Control  42 4.1 Overview  42 4.2 Control via ZinConfig  42 4.3 Control via Command Line Interface (CLI)  46 Chapter 5 Get Assistance, if You Need It  54 5.1 Troubleshooting the 2700 DAS  54 5.2 Device communication problems  55 5.3 Returning the System for Service  55 5.4 Warranty repair  55 5.5 Preparing the system for shipping  55 Appendix A Safety and Regulatory Information  56 A.1 Warning and caution notices  56 A.2 General safety considerations  58 A.3 Optical Safety Precautions  58 A.4 Installation, Use and Storage  58 A.5 Signal and input power  59 Appendix B System Information  60
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  B.1 Overview  60 B.2 ZinConfig/CLI Hardware and Software Requirements  60 B.3 System specification  61 Appendix C Glossary of terms  67 C.1 Abbreviations  67
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  TABLE OF FIGURES  Figure 1-1: Extended MMF bandwidth using the Zinwave patented technology.....8 Figure 1-2: Schematic of a basic 8-port 2700 system. ............................................9 Figure 1-3: Five different possibilities to distribute the input signals. ....................10 Figure 3-1: Block diagram of the 2700 HU. ...........................................................17 Figure 3-2: Front View of the 2700 Hub Unit.........................................................18 Figure 3-3: Rear View of the 2700 Hub Unit. ........................................................18 Figure 3-4: Hub Unit mounted into a 19” equipment rack. ....................................20 Figure 3-5: Connection of the mains cable............................................................21 Figure 3-6: Connection of the RS232 null modem and the RJ45 Ethernet cable. 22 Figure 3-7: Connecting a pair of jumper leads from a RF transceiver. .................22 Figure 3-8: Block diagram of the 2780/2781 SFP module. ...................................24 Figure 3-9: Picture of fully latched SFP module. ...................................................25 Figure 3-10: To remove the SFP pull at the de-latch bail........................................25 Figure 3-11: Block diagram of the 2760 AU. ...........................................................27 Figure 3-12: Block diagram of the 2765 AU. ...........................................................27 Figure 3-13: Front view of the 2760 AU...................................................................28 Figure 3-14: Rear view of the 2760 AU. ..................................................................29 Figure 3-15: Front view of the 2765 AU...................................................................29 Figure 3-16: Rear view of 2765 AU. ........................................................................30 Figure 3-17:  Mounting instructions for the 2760 AU................................................32 Figure 3-18:  Mounting instructions for the 2765 AU................................................33 Figure 3-19: Connecting antenna cables to the 2760 AU. ......................................33 Figure 3-20: Connecting the DC supply unit or the PoE mains adaptor. ................34 Figure 3-21: Block diagram of the 277X AU. ...........................................................36 Figure 3-22: Front view of the 277X AU. .................................................................37 Figure 3-23: Connecting the RF jumper leads on the 277X AU. .............................38 Figure 3-24: Connecting the antenna cable to the 277X AU...................................39 Figure 3-25: Connecting the fiber-optic cable to the 277X AU. ...............................40 Figure 3-26: Connecting the power supply cable to the 277X AU. .........................41 Figure 4-1: Select the IP range and the access community..................................43 Figure 4-2: Selecting the HU. ................................................................................43 Figure 4-3: Buttons for discovering AUs and updating values. .............................43 Figure 4-4: Schematic of the HU distribution and attenuation circuit ....................44 Figure 4-5: Enabling the optical ports....................................................................45 Figure 4-6: Changing the AU attenuators..............................................................45 Figure 4-7: Reading out alarms on the optical link. ...............................................46 Figure 4-8: Alarm description. ...............................................................................46 Figure 4-9: Required connections for local and remote control of the 2700 DAS. 47 Figure 4-10 Open a new HyperTerminal session...................................................47 Figure 4-11:  Identify the serial port on your computer.............................................48 Figure 4-12: Adjust the serial port settings. .............................................................48 Figure 4-13: Serial connection via Telnet. ...............................................................49
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  Chapter 1  System Description 1.1 Overview The Zinwave 2700 Distributed Antenna System (DAS) is a simple two-stage fiber-optic solution  comprising  a  centrally  located  Hub  Unit  (HU)  and  distributed  Antenna  Units (AU). The Zinwave 2700 DAS is at present the only available system which provides a truly  wideband  solution  utilizing  multimode  fiber  (MMF).  Zinwave’s  technology approach allows the bandwidth of in situ MMF optic cables to be extended sufficiently to  conduct  multiple  radio  frequency  signals,  at  original  carrier  frequency,  over  long distances.   Figure 1-1:  Extended MMF bandwidth using the Zinwave patented technology. 1.2 Key features o  Simple  two-stage  fiber-optic  DAS:  one  Hub  Unit  (HU)  distributes  to  eight Antenna Units (AU) o  Wide frequency range: 370 – 2500 MHz o  Only system to deliver truly broadband solution over multimode fiber (MMF) o  Minimum supported distance of 550 m over OM1, OM2 and OM3 type MMF, in excess of building wiring standard
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  o  Minimum supported distance of 2000 m over standard SMF o  Dynamically configurable RF signal distribution o  Electronically adjustable signal levels without the need of manual handling o  Hot-pluggable optical transceivers used in HU o  SNMP and CLI based network management 1.3 Architecture The  2700 DAS  system  is  built from  several  basic  8-port  systems. Each  basic  8-port system comprises one 2700 HU and up to eight AU. The AU can be wideband (276X series), band-selective (277X series) or a combination of the two.   Figure 1-2:  Schematic of a basic 8-port 2700 system.   Each basic 8-port system can be connected to four radio transceivers (e.g. BTS, BDA, WLAN  access  point).  The  connections  are  made  via  simplex  connectors.  Duplex connections can be realized through the use of external duplexers. The I/O ports are wideband and accept signals operating in the range 370 – 2500 MHz. The HU is equipped with eight ports which accept analogue optical transceivers in the small  form  pluggable (SFP)  form factor. While following the  industry standard,  these analogue SFP transceivers are proprietary to Zinwave. Ports which are not connected to an AU do not have to be equipped with an SFP module. The SFP modules are connected to the AU via the optical fiber plant. The maximum optical link length for MMF is at least 550 m, provided that a special Zinwave patch-cord is used to connect SFP and AU to the fiber plant. In  the  AU  the  signals  in  both  the  uplink  and  the  downlink  are  amplified,  however without  applying  any  complex  signal  processing.  In  the  downlink  direction  the amplification  is required  to compensate for  the  electrical-to-optical (E/O)  and optical-to-electrical (O/E) conversion losses as well as fiber attenuation. In the uplink direction the amplification is used to optimize the dynamic range of the system. The wideband AUs (276X series) are equipped with two simplex antenna connectors while the band-selective AUs (277X series) are equipped with a single duplex antenna connector. HU AU SFP MMF (50µm or 62.µm) I/O 1I/O 2I/O 3I/O 4Basic 8-port System (1) Radio TRX Radio TRX Radio TRX Radio TRX 1:n 1:n 1:n 1:n Basic 8-port System (2) Basic 8-port System (n)
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  1.3.1 RF Signal Distribution In the HU a RF signal distribution circuitry is implemented which gives the flexibility to dynamically adjust the routing of radio transceivers to AU. In its default configuration the HU routes each electrical I/O port to two adjacent optical ports. By enabling a set of switches in the circuitry this distribution can be changed to simultaneously route two electrical I/O ports to four optical ports or to route all four electrical I/O ports to all eight optical ports.   Figure 1-3:  Five different possibilities to distribute the input signals. 1.3.2 Signal Level Control The Zinwave 2700 DAS implements a two-stage attenuator based approach to signal level  control.  All  attenuators  are  electronically  switched  and  do  not  require  manual handling. A first  set  of attenuators  is situated  in  the HU  right  at  the  electrical I/O  ports.  These attenuators are intended to balance signal power of different services such that each service covers the same area. A high frequency signal, such as UMTS or WLAN for example,  requires  more  RF  power  than  a  PMR  or  GSM900  signal  for  the  same coverage area. In addition these attenuators allow the HU to be connected to a range of  radio  transceivers  with  different  output  power  values.  A  similar  attenuator  is provided  in the uplink  path  which can  be adjusted  to  establish  link  balance between the uplink and the downlink of the DAS. A second set of attenuators is situated in the AU. These attenuators are intended to adjust  the  cell  size  of  the  specific  AU  and  to  compensate  for  different  optical  loss values. In the uplink direction the attenuator is used to trade-off cell size and minimum coupling loss (MCL).   HU I/O 1 I/O 2 I/O 3 I/O 4 HU I/O 1I/O 2I/O 3I/O 4HU I/O 1I/O 2I/O 3I/O 4HU I/O 1I/O 2I/O 3I/O 4HU I/O 1I/O 2I/O 3I/O 44 × 1:2  2 × 1:2 / 1 × 2:4  1 × 2:4 / 2 × 1:2  2 × 2:4  1 × 4:8
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  1.3.3 AU Remote Setup To simplify installation and maintenance and to enhance security, all AU are controlled remotely  via  the  HU.  This  includes  setting  attenuator  values,  enabling  or  disabling overload  protection  and  reading  status  and  alarm  information.  Each  AU  can  be addressed  individually.  The  required  routing  information  for  this  is  obtained  by following the setup-procedure after all units are connected. 1.4 System Components The Zinwave 2700 DAS consists of HU, SFP modules and wideband or band-selective AU.  Apart  from  the  band-selective  AU  all  components  cover  the  frequency  range 370 – 2500 MHz. 1.4.1 Hub Unit (2700) The Zinwave 2700 HU is a 1U high 19” rack mountable device which distributes four electrical ports to eight  SFP ports. The connection to each of the four possible radio transceivers is via two simplex RF connectors (female SMA type) located at the back of the unit. The eight optical ports can be equipped with the Zinwave 2780 SFP optical transceivers. These transceivers are hot-pluggable.  The  HU  features  a  series  of  LED  indicators  on  the  front  of  the  unit,  indicating  the status of each optical link and of the whole system. Control and network management is performed via an SNMP based GUI or via a Command Line Interface (CLI) through a  direct  serial  (RS232)  connection.  The  HU  also  acts  as  a  master  device  when remotely configuring the attached AU. 1.4.2 SFP optical transceiver (278X) The Zinwave 278X SFP optical transceiver comprises a directly modulated DFB laser diode operating at a wavelength of 1.3 µm and a PIN photodiode which is capable of detecting light at this wavelength. In addition a control circuitry is implemented which is  used  for  bias  control,  temperature  compensation  and  status  and  alarm  reporting. The  SFP  module  can  be  used  to  connect  to  both  single  mode  fiber  (SMF)  and multimode fiber (MMF). The SFP module is designed to the mechanical dimensions specified in the SFP-MSA. An  electronic  circuitry  ensures  that  no  damage  occurs  when  mistakenly  plugging  a digital SFP transceiver into one of the Zinwave SFP ports and vice versa. The SFP is equipped  with  an  LC  duplex  connector  which  requires  only  half  the  foot-print  of  the traditionally used SC connector. 1.4.3 Wideband Antenna Units (276X series) The Zinwave 276X series of wideband AU amplify the received optical (downlink) and wireless  (uplink)  signals  and  perform  the  electrical-optical  conversion.  The  units  are designed to operate in the frequency range 370 – 2500 MHz. The  2760  AU  is  equipped  with  a  SFP  port  which  is  populated  with  a  2781  SFP module. The 2765 AU has integrated optics connected to a SC duplex connector on the front panel.  Because  of the  very wide  bandwidth of  the unit,  the  AU  features  two  simplex electrical antenna connectors (female SMA type), one for uplink and one for downlink. It is recommended that patch antennas are used with this class of AU. These units are not  intended  to  be  connected  to  omni-directional  antennas  as  they  do  not  provide sufficient transmit-receive isolation. The wideband AU are powered via PoE (power over Ethernet) according to the IEEE 802.3af standard. Configuration of the AU is remotely via a 2700 HU. The 276X series AU are intended for mounting to a wall or a ceiling.
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  Table 1-1: 276X wideband Antenna Units. PN  Product description  Max. Output power (composite) 2760  Wideband (370 – 2500 MHz)  + 6 dBm 2765  Wideband (370 – 2500 MHz)  + 12 dBm 1.4.4 Band-selective Antenna Units (277X series) The  Zinwave  277X  series  of  band-selective  AU  are  designed  to  operate  at  certain combinations of frequency bands only. The 277X AU comprise a 276X wideband AU together with a single-, dual- or tri-band duplexer. The optical interface is identical to that of the 276X series AU. However, the 277X AU features only one duplex electrical antenna connector (female N-type). Because  of  the  filtering  performed  in  the  duplexer,  the  277X  series  AU  can  be operated at higher composite powers than the 276X series AU and they also support installations with omni-directional antennas. The band-selective AUs are powered via PoE (power over Ethernet) according to the IEEE 802.3af standard. Configuration of the AU is remotely via a 2700 HU. The 277X series AUs are intended for mounting to a wall, a ceiling or into a 19” rack. Table 1-2: 277X band selective Antenna Units. PN  Product description  Max Output power (composite) 2776  GSM850 & PCS 1900 (US)  + 18 dBm GSM / + 15 dBm WCDMA & CDMA 2777  GSM900 & UMTS (Europe)  + 18 dBm GSM / + 15 dBm WCDMA & CDMA 2778  DCS1800 & UMTS (Europe)  + 18 dBm GSM / + 15 dBm WCDMA & CDMA  1.5 Configuration and Control The  2700DAS  can  be  remotely  controlled  via  an  Ethernet  interface  or  locally  via  a serial RS232 connection on the Hub Unit. The Ethernet interface supports DHCP. The AUs  are  controlled  through  the  HU  interface.  All  settings  on  the  system  area configured through one of these interfaces, there are no manual controls on the 2700 DAS. In addition  alarm and status information on a range of  system parameters can be obtained and monitored. The  remote  control  supports  SNMP  V2.0.  The  application  ZinConfig  provides  a graphical user interface (GUI) for the control via the Ethernet Interface. The local command line interface (CLI) can be accessed using a terminal application such as HyperTerminal on a MS Windows based computer. Connection is via a 9 pin null- modem.
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  Chapter 2  Quick Start 2.1 Overview This  chapter  provides  a  brief  overview  over  the  steps  required  to  setup  a  Zinwave 2700 DAS.  For  a more  detailed  description of  each step please  refer  to  the relevant section of this user guide. 2.2 Setting up the Hub Unit 2.2.1 Mount the Hub  o  Mount the HU in a 19” equipment rack using the provided rack-mounting  brackets  and  screws.  Alternatively  the  HU can be shelf-mounted using the provided rubber feet.  section 2.2.2 Connect the Hub RF  o  Connect  up  to  four  RF  signal  sources  (BTS,  BDA, repeater,  or  WLAN  access  point)  to  the  RF  ports  located on  the  back  of  the  HU.  Each  RF  port  has  two  simplex SMA-female  connectors,  one  for  downlink  and  one  for uplink.  When  connecting  an  RF  signal  source  equipped with a duplex connector, a diplexer or circulator is required to separate uplink and downlink signals. When setting up a larger  system  consisting  of  several  basic  2700  DAS,  a splitter is required to feed the RF signals into each HU.  section Power and Control  o  Make  sure  that  the  ON/OFF  switch  is  in  the  OFF  (O) position.  Connect the  AC power cord  to the  HU.  Plug the AC power cord into an outlet providing AC power (110-230 V, 50-60 Hz).  section o  For  local  control  connect  an  RS232  null-modem  from  a computer  running  a  RS232  terminal  (e.g.  Microsoft  section
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  HyperTerminal) to the serial port (9-pin dub-D) of the HU. If no RS232 terminal is available a local connection can be established by directly connecting an Ethernet Cross-Over cable  from  a  laptop/computer  to  the  Ethernet  port  of  the HU. o  For  remote  control  connect  an  RJ45  patch-lead  from  a spare outlet of your LAN to the Ethernet port of the HU.  Section Optical Fiber  Section 3.2.4 o  Insert  the  required  number  of  SFP modules  into  the  SFP ports on the HU. Push the module firmly into the SFP port to ensure that it is fully latched.  o  Connect the Zinwave fiber-optic patch-lead from the patch-panel of your fiber distribution to the SFP, making sure that both  sides  of  the  duplex  connector  are  fully  latched.  The connector  labeled  “Equipment”  connects  to  the  HU,  the connector  labeled  “Infrastructure”  connects  to  the  fiber distribution.  o  When using  MMF, ensure  that  the  patch-leads  are  of  the same  MMF  type  (i.e.  OM1,  OM2  or  OM3)  as  your  fiber infrastructure  2.3 Setting up the Antenna Units 2.3.1 Mount the Antennas  o  Mount the antennas according to your system design plan following the manufacturer guidelines  section  section 2.3.2 Mount the Antenna Unit  o  Mount the 276X wideband AU to the ceiling or the wall in the  locations  identified  in  your  system  design  plan  using the provided brackets and screws.  section  section o  Mount the 277X band-selective AUs either to a ceiling/wall or  in  a  19”  equipment  rack  using  the  optionally  available rack-mounting set.   section o  Make  sure  to  allow  enough  clearance  for  the  minimum bend radius of the coaxial and fiber cables.   2.3.3 Connect the Antenna Unit RF  o  Connect the antennas (for the 276X AU) / antenna (for the 277X AU) to  the AU using the shortest possible  length of coaxial  cable.  Excessive  cable  lengths  will  affect  the system performance.  section  section Power  section  section o  Connect the mains cable of the Power-over-Ethernet  PoE adaptor into an outlet providing AC power (110-230 V, 50-
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  60 Hz). A green LED on the PoE adaptor will illuminate. o  Connect  the  PoE  adaptor  (the  port  labeled  “To Equipment”)  to  the  RJ45  connector  on  the  AU  using  a Cat5 Ethernet cable no longer than 100m. On powering up the  green  LED  indicators  on  the  RJ45  connector  will illuminate.  o  2760 only: Alternatively the AU can be powered using the optional 48V mains adaptor. Do not connect both types of power  adaptors  to  the  AU  at  the  same  time  as  this  may cause permanent damage to the unit. Optical Fiber  section o  2760 AU only: Insert the SFP module into the SFP port on the AU. Push the module firmly into the SFP port to ensure that it is fully latched.  o  Connect the Zinwave fiber-optic patch-lead from the patch-panel of your fiber distribution to the SFP, making sure that both  sides  of  the  duplex  connector  are  fully  latched.  The connector  labeled  “Equipment”  connects  to  the  HU,  the connector  labeled  “Infrastructure”  connects  to  the  fiber distribution.  o  When using  MMF, ensure  that  the  patch-leads  are  of  the same  MMF  type  (i.e.  OM1,  OM2  or  OM3)  as  your  fiber infrastructure  2.4 Configuring the system 2.4.1 Configure the network interface of the HU  o  Connect to the HU through the RS232 interface using the following settings for the serial port:  →  19200 Baud, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bit, No Parity and no flow control.  section 4.3.1 o  If the default network interface settings do not match your network  configuration,  change  the  IP  address,  the subnet mask  and the  gateway address  of  the network  port using the  following  command  line  interface  (CLI)  commands. Each command is terminated by a carriage return. → config ip <xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx> → config netmask <xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx> → config gateway <xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx>  section  section o  Reboot the HU using the following CLI command: → reboot  2.4.2 Install the ZinConfig utility tool  o  Place the installation CD in your CD drive.  If the installer does not start automatically, open a Windows File Explorer window, and double-click on readme.htm  section 4.2.1
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  2.4.3 Use the ZinConfig utility tool  o  To  launch ZinConfig  double  click on  the desk  top icon  or click Start >Programs >Zinwave->ZinConfig  section 4.2.2 o  The  default  community  for  read/write  access  is  “private”, for  read-only  access  is  “public”.  These  are  configured through the CLI.  section o  Specify  the  IP  address  range  (Start  IP  address  /  End  IP address)  of  your  attached  Hub  Units  and  press  “Find Hubs” to load them into ZinConfig.  section 4.2.3 o  Select  the  HU  which  you  wish  to  configure  (and  the  AUs attached to it).    o  Press  “Discover  AUs”  to  associate  the  connected  AUs  to the HU  section 4.2.4 o  Adjust the HU signal distribution, the HU gain settings and the AU gain settings according to you r system design.  section 4.2.6  section 4.2.7
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  Chapter 3  Equipment Description 3.1 2700 Hub Unit 3.1.1 Overview The HU is a 1U high rack or shelf mountable device with four RF input ports (each port has two simplex connectors, 1 for downlink and 1 for uplink). The signals are routed from the RF I/O  ports  to 8 SFP ports  through a dynamically configurable  distribution circuit.  In  addition  the  signal  amplitudes  can  be  adjusted  using  8  controllable attenuators (4 in the downlink and 4 in the uplink direction). A block diagram of the HU is shown in Figure 3-1.  Figure 3-1:  Block diagram of the 2700 HU.  3.1.2 Dimensions and Weight Dimensions  and  weight  of  the  HU  are  listed  in  Table  3-1.  These  are  for  a  HU  not populated with SFP modules and without the rack mounting brackets attached.  SFP Ports Attenuators  Distribution RF port 1 RF port 2 RF port 3 RF port 4 SFP port 1 SFP port 2 SFP port 3 SFP port 4 SFP port 5 SFP port 6 SFP port 7 SFP port 8
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  Table 3-1: Dimensions and weight of the 2700 HU. Parameter  Value  Unit Height  4.4 (1.8)  cm (inch) Width  44.5 (17.8)  cm (inch) Depth  27.0 (10.6)  cm (inch) Weight  3.5  kg 3.1.3 Connection panels and LED indicators A drawing of the front view is shown in Figure 3-2. The front panel of the HU contains  o  8 SFP ports for the 2780 SFP modules o  Hub + System LED indicators for status information and alarms. o  SFP port LED indicators   Figure 3-2:  Front View of the 2700 Hub Unit.  A drawing of the rear view is shown in Figure 3-3. The back panel of the HU contains  o  8 SMA-female RF connectors (4 × downlink / 4 × uplink) o  RJ45 Ethernet port  o  RS232 Serial port (9 pin sub-D) o  Mains input connector o  Fuse drawer o  ON/OFF switch o  Reset switch   Figure 3-3:  Rear View of the 2700 Hub Unit.  Following is a description of all interfaces and LED indicators of the 2700 HU.   Hub + System LED indicators Hub Power LED  indicates  the  power  status  of  the  HU (see Table 3-2)  Hub Fault LED  indicates a fault in the HU (see Table 3-2)
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  System Status LED  Indicates  the  status  of  the  2700  DAS (see Table 3-2) SFP ports and LED indicators SFP port 8  SFP  ports  which  can  be  individually populated with the Zinwave 2780 SFP module. SFP Fault LED  indicates a fault in the fiber-optic link or a fault in the attached AU (see Table 3-3)  SFP Status LED  Indicates the status of the SFP port (see Table 3-3) RF ports RF Uplink  4 simplex SMA-female connectors (labeled 1 to 4)  located at  the  rear  of  the HU  to  connect  to the RX port of a radio TXR.  RF Downlink  4 simplex SMA-female connectors (labeled 1 to 4)  located at  the  rear  of  the HU  to  connect  to the TX port of a radio TRX. Control and Power  Reset switch Can  be  used  to  reset  the  HU  to  the  factory default  state  (refer  to Table  4-4  for  a  list of  all default settings)  RJ45 Ethernet port  Connects  to  a  local  area  network  (LAN)  forremote control and management of the system  9-pin sub-D connector For  local  control  of  the  system  via  a  RS232 null-modem cable. Mains input connector IEC  connector  to  mains  (110-240V,  50-60) including fuse tray for 2 × 2A fuses  ON/OFF switch  (O) indicates OFF state, (I) indicates ON state  Table 3-2 lists the possible indications of the Hub and system LEDs. A description of the SFP port indicators on is provided in Table 3-3. Table 3-2: Description of Hub + System LED indicators. LED indicators  Description  No power to unit  Unit operational  Fault (see section 5.1.1)     Power Fault System Power Fault System Power Fault System
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  Table 3-3: Description of SFP port LED indicators. LED indicators  Description  No SFP in port or SFP disabled  Port operational  A fault has occurred on the optical link or the attached AU (see section 5.1.2)  blinking Communication to AU is active  3.1.4 Installation Mounting the Unit   The HU package should contain the following items: o  1 × Hub Unit o  2 × 19” rack mounting brackets (including screws) o  4 × M6 screws for rack-mounting o  4 × Rubber feet for shelf mount o  1 × IEC mains cable  The HU can be mounted into a standard 19” equipment rack using the supplied rack mounting brackets.  Mount the Hub onto the rack in the assigned equipment cabinet using the  four  screws supplied  (Figure  3-4). If  the Hub  is shelf  mounted  ensure  that the rubber  feet supplied  are in place  to prevent  blocking the  ventilation holes  on  the underside.  Figure 3-4:  Hub Unit mounted into a 19” equipment rack.    CAUTION  For sufficient air circulation, ensure a top and bottom clearance of 25 mm (1 “) to any other equipment. Connecting the mains cable The  specifications  of the  power  supply  unit  (PSU)  of  the  HU are  listed  in  Table  3-4. Ensure that the ON/OFF switch is in the OFF (O) position before connecting the IEC mains cable to the Hub (Figure 3-5). Plug the mains cable into an outlet providing AC power with a voltage of 100 – 240 VAC and a frequency of 47 – 63 Hz.
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  Table 3-4: Power supply unit (PSU) parameters. Parameter  Min  Typical  Max  Unit  Comment Input voltage  100    240  VAC  Input Frequency  47    63  Hz   Fuse    2    A  Anti-surge Current consumption     220  mA   Power consumption      15  W     Figure 3-5:  Connection of the mains cable. Connecting the control cables  The 2700 DAS can be controlled locally via the serial port or remotely via the network interface (Figure 3-6). For details on controlling the 2700 DAS refer Chapter 4 of this guide. To attach the required cables to the Hub Unit follow these steps: o Serial Port: The serial interface connector is a 9 pin sub-D male connector. To connect the HU directly to a computer, use a RS 232 null modem. Connect the RS232 cable to the serial connector, hand tightening the screws to prevent the connector from loosening. o Ethernet  Port:  Connect  the  Ethernet  port  of  the  HU  to  your  network  using  a RJ45  category  5e  patch  cable.  For  further  details  on  how  to  configure  the network interface refer to section of this guide.  CAUTION  Before  connecting  the  Ethernet  port  of  the  hub  unit  make  sure  that  the  network parameters  (IP  address,  subnet  mask,  and  gateway)  on  the  HU  are  properly  set. Failure  to  do  so  may  affect  the  performance  of  the  network.  Contact  your  network administrator if necessary, for valid parameters.
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007   Figure 3-6:  Connection of the RS232 null modem and the RJ45 Ethernet cable. Connecting the RF transceiver   Connection of the RF signal sources (e.g. BDA, BTS, WLAN access point) is via a pair of  simplex  SMF-female  connectors  per  RF  port.  The  ports  are  labeled  1  to  4  for connecting up to four RF transceivers. Connect the ports labeled “IN” to the transmit port  of  the  RF  transceiver  (=  downlink).  Connect  the  ports  labeled  “OUT”  to  the receive ports of the RF transceivers (= uplink).    Figure 3-7:  Connecting a pair of jumper leads from a RF transceiver.  As the 2700 DAS is a broadband system, the connections to the RF transceivers are via  simplex  connectors.  In  cases  where  the  RF  transceiver  has  a  common  duplex connector for uplink and downlink the signals traveling in opposite direction need to be separated. This is done with an external duplexer or circulator.  For  a  larger  system  with  more  than  eight  AU,  the  RF  signals  have  to  be  routed  to several hubs. This is achieved by inserting a passive splitting/combining circuitry.   CAUTION  When  connecting  to  the  SMA  connector  on  the  Hub,  DO  NOT  over  tighten  the connector. Use a dedicated torque wrench pre-set to 0.8 to 1.1 Nm. If a torque wrench is not available, firmly hand-tightening the connector is adequate.  CAUTION  In the US and Canada, only the use of the Cisco® Aironet ®1200 WLAN access point (Model  AIR-AP1231-A-K9)  is  approved  for  connection  to  the  2700  Hub  Unit  for providing WLAN services.
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007   NOTE  Termination of the unused  RF ports with a 50Ω load  is not necessary. It is  however recommended  to  set  all  gain  control  settings  of  the  unused  ports  to  maximum attenuation (refer to section of this guide for directions on how to do this). 3.1.5 Environmental The  environmental  specifications  of  the  HU  for  operation  and  storage  are  listed  in Table 3-5.  Table 3-5: Environmental specifications of 2700 HU. Parameter  Min  Typical  Max  Unit Temperature - Operating  0    +55  °C Temperature - Storage  -25    +55  °C Relative Humidity (non-condensing)  10    95  %
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  3.2 2780/2781 SFP module 3.2.1 Overview The  2780/2781  small  form-factor  pluggable  (SFP)  modules  are  broadband components  (350-2700MHz)  converting  electrical  to  optical  signals  (Transmit)  and optical to electrical signals (Receive). A block diagram of the SFP module is shown in Figure 3-8.   Figure 3-8:  Block diagram of the 2780/2781 SFP module.  The  electrical  input  signal  is  amplified  before  it  is  modulated  onto  the  optical  carrier wave.  The  optical  input  signal  is  directly  routed  to  the  electrical  connector.  A  micro controller is included for control and monitoring purpose. The  2780  SFP  is  designed  to  be  used  in  the  2700  Hub  Unit.  The  2781  SFP  is designed to be used in the 2760 Antenna Unit. While the modules are identical in their design they differ in the rated operating temperature range.  CAUTION  Electrostatic  discharge  (ESD)  preventative  measures  (i.e.  wrist  straps,  use  of  ESD protective  bags)  should  be  taken  when  storing,  transporting  and  handling  SFPs  as voltages in excess of 50V can cause damage to the device.  NOTE  The 2780 and 2781 SFP have an identical form factor. Make sure to insert the 2780 only in the 2700 HU and the 2781 only in the 2760 AU.  3.2.2 Dimensions and Weight The  physical  design  of  the  2780/2781  SFP  module  follows  the  design  of  standard digital SFP transceivers as outlined in the SFP Multi-Source Agreement (MSA). Table 3-6:.Physical parameter of the 2780/2781 SFP modules. Parameter  Value  Unit Height  0.85 (0.33)  cm (inch) Width  1.37 (0.54)  cm (inch) Length  5.65 (2.22)  cm (inch) Weight  40  g  Optical Signal OUT E O RF Signal IN E O RF Signal OUT Optical Signal IN Control + Monitor
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  3.2.3 Ports Electrical port The electrical connection of the SFP is via a push-fit 20-pin connector located at the rear of the module. Optical port The  optical  port  on  the  SFP  module  is  LC  duplex  (according  to  IEC  61754-20). Looking from the front, the optical transmit port is on the left hand side and the optical receive port is on the right hand side.  WARNING  Optical emission can damage  your eye-sight. DO NOT look directly into the transmit port of an active SFP module. 3.2.4 Installation The SFP is a hot pluggable module. To install the SFP in the HU or the AU, the unit does  NOT  need  to  be  powered  down.  The  remaining  system  remains  completely operational and unaffected by plugging or un-plugging a module into an SFP port. To  insert  the  SFP,  hold  the module  by  the  metal  body  and slide it into the designated HU/AU port.  An  audible  click  can  be heard  when  the  SFP  is  fully latched.  Ensure  that  the  de-latch bail is in the upright position (this prevents  accidental  unlatching  of the module).   Figure 3-9:  Picture of fully latched SFP module.  Removal  of  the  SFP  is  achieved by extending the de-latch bail and pulling it away from the unit.   Figure 3-10:  To remove the SFP pull at the de-latch bail.
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  3.2.5 Environmental Table 3-7: Environmental specifications of 2780 SFP module (designed for the 2700 Hub Unit). Parameter  Min  Typical  Max  Unit Temperature - Operating  0    +85  °C Temperature - Storage  -25    +55  °C Relative Humidity (non-condensing)  10    95  %  Table 3-8: Environmental specifications of 2781 SFP module (designed for the 2760 Antenna Unit). Parameter  Min  Typical  Max  Unit Temperature - Operating  0    +55  °C Temperature - Storage  -25    +55  °C Relative Humidity (non-condensing)  10    95  %
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  3.3 2760 + 2765 Antenna Unit – Wideband 3.3.1 Overview o  The 2760/2765 AUs are small wall- or ceiling mountable units which amplify the received optical signals for transmission over a wireless link (in the case of the downlink  signals)  and  amplify  the  received  wireless  signals  for  transmission over the optical link (in the case of the uplink signals). o  The 2760 AU utilizes the 2781 SFP optical transceiver for the electrical-optical signal conversion. The 2765 AU utilizes an integrated optical transceiver which is not pluggable. o  Because  of  the  wide  bandwidth  of  the  units  (370  –  2500  MHz)  separate wideband antennas are required for Transmit and Receive. o  Adjustable  gain  settings  allow  you  to  define  the  coverage  area  of  each  AU individually.  Control  of  the  AU  is  remotely  via  the  HU.  These  are  controlled remotely via the Hub Unit. o  The  2760  AU  can  be  powered  via  a  48  V  DC  supply  or  Power-over-Ethernet (PoE). The 2765 is powered only via PoE.  Figure  3-11  and  Figure  3-12  show  a  block  diagram  of  the  2760  and  2765  AU, respectively.  Figure 3-11:  Block diagram of the 2760 AU.   Figure 3-12:  Block diagram of the 2765 AU.     Control + Monitoring To TX antenna From RX antenna Optical Transceiver PoE From Hub To Hub Control + Monitoring To TX antenna From RX antenna SFP Port (2781) 48VDC or PoE
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  3.3.2 Dimensions and Weight Dimensions and weight listed in Table 3-9 are for an AU without the optional cover. Table 3-9: Dimensions and weight of the 2760 + 2765 AU. Parameter  2760  2765  Unit Height  21.5 (8.5)  20.0 (8.0)  cm (inch) Width  13.0 (5.125)  12.0 (4.75)  cm (inch) Depth  4.5 (1.8)  6.0 (2.4)  cm (inch) Weight  0.75  0.75  kg  3.3.3 Connection panels and LED indicators 2760 AU A drawing of the front view is shown in  Figure 3-13. The front panel of the AU contains:  o  SFP port for the 2781 SFP module o  RJ45 connector for powering via Power-over-Ethernet (PoE, IEEE 802.3af) o  2-pin 48VDC input for powering via AC/DC o  Status LED, incorporated in the RJ45 connector o  Power LED, incorporated in the RJ45 connector   Figure 3-13:  Front view of the 2760 AU.  A drawing of the rear view is shown in Figure 3-14. The rear panel of the AU contains  o  2 SMA-female RF connectors, one for TX and one for RX  SFP Port  RJ45 PoE Connector  48V DC Input Status LED Power LED
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007   Figure 3-14:  Rear view of the 2760 AU.   Following is a description of all interfaces and LED indicators of the 2760 AU.  Optical and Electrical I/O ports SFP port  SFP  port  which  can  be  populated  with  the Zinwave 2781 SFP module.  RF ports  Two  simplex  wideband  (370  –  2500  MHz) SMA-female connectors, one for TX (downlink) and one for RX (uplink) Powering and LED indicators 48 VDC Input  2-pin  latching  connector  (LEMO, EGG.00.302.CLL)  for  powering  via  the  DC mains adapter PoE Connector  RJ45 connector for powering via PoE Status LED  Indicates the status of the AU (see Table 3-10)  Power LED  Indicates the power state of the AU (see Table 3-10) 2765 AU A drawing of the front view is shown in  Figure 3-13. The front panel of the AU contains  o  RJ45 connector for powering via Power-over-Ethernet (PoE, IEEE 802.3af) o  Status LED, incorporated in the RJ45 connector o  Power LED, incorporated in the RJ45 connector   Figure 3-15:  Front view of the 2765 AU.  A drawing of the rear view is shown in Figure 3-14. The rear panel of the AU contains  o  2 SMA-female RF connectors, one for TX and one for RX o  Optical Duplex SC connector  TX port  RX port
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007   Figure 3-16:  Rear view of 2765 AU.  Following is a description of all interfaces and LED indicators of the 2765 AU.  Optical and Electrical I/O ports  Duplex SC connector Optical  port  which  connects  to  the  fiber-infrastructure.   RF ports  Two  simplex  wideband  (370  –  2500  MHz) SMA-female connectors, one for TX (downlink) and one for RX (uplink) Powering and LED indicators PoE Connector  RJ45 connector for powering via PoE Status LED  Indicates the status of the AU (see Table 3-10)  Power LED  Indicates the power state of the AU (see Table 3-10) LED indications Table 3-10 lists the possible indications of the Antenna Unit LEDs. Table 3-10: Description of Antenna Unit LED indicators. LED indicators  Description  No power to unit  Unit powered but optical connection not active  Unit operational and optical connection active  Status LED blinking Communication to Hub Unit  is active  3.3.4 Installation Mounting the Antennas Prior  to  mounting  the  Antenna  Unit,  mount  the  Transmit  and  Receive  antennas following  your  system  installation plan in  the  assigned  locations.  Follow the  antenna manufacturer guidelines to do so.
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  Transmit and receive antennas need to be separated to improve the required antenna isolation  of  35dB.  Lower  antenna  isolation  leads  to  increased  blocking  and  uplink noise figure. The use of directional antennas is recommended to improve this antenna isolation.  CAUTION  The antenna must be installed / positioned at a distance of greater than 20 cm away from the proximity of operators and intended operators. Mounting the 2760 Antenna Unit The 2760 AU package should contain the following items: o  1 × 2760 AU o  1 × Mounting bracket o  1 × 2781 SFP module o  1 × PoE converter (incl. mains cable and 1m Cat5 Ethernet cable) (optional) o  1 × 48V PSU (incl. mains cable) (optional)  The Antenna Unit can be mounted to a ceiling or a wall or any horizontal or vertical flat surface using the provided mounting bracket.  Chose the Antenna Unit position following these guidelines: o  Mount  the  Antenna  Unit  as  close  as  possible  to  the  relevant  Transmit  and Receive  antenna  such  that  the minimum  length of  coaxial cable  is  required  to connect the AU to the antennas. Excessive coaxial cable lengths will reduce the available signal power and increase the uplink noise figure. o  Allow  space  above  and  below  the  unit  for  adequate  ventilation  and  to accommodate  the  minimum  bend  radius  for  the  coaxial  and  fiber  cables according to Figure 3-17 o  The position of the Antenna Unit should provide sufficient air circulation  Prepare the Antenna Unit for mounting following these steps: o  Push the SFP module firmly into the SFP port, ensuring that it is fully latched. Do not remove the dust-cover at this stage. o  Attach  the  Antenna  Unit  cover  (optional)  to  the  Antenna  Unit  using  the  four provided M4 screws.  Mount the Antenna Unit to the identified location following these steps: o  To  attach  the  mounting  bracket,  drill  four  holes  into  the  wall,  using  the dimensions shown in Figure 3-17. o  Secure the mounting bracket using 4 countersunk M3 screws (not provided) o  For vertical mounting: Slide the Antenna Unit onto the mounting bracket with the RF ports pointing downwards o  For horizontal mounting: Slide the Antenna Unit onto the mounting bracket with either the RF  ports or  the  SFP port pointing  forward.  Ensure that the  Antenna Unit latches on the mounting bracket.
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007   Figure 3-17:   Mounting instructions for the 2760 AU. Mounting the 2765 Antenna Unit The 2765 AU package should contain the following items: o  1 × 2765 AU o  1 × PoE converter (incl. mains cable and 1m Cat5 Ethernet cable) (optional)  The Antenna Unit can be mounted to a ceiling or a wall or any horizontal or vertical flat surface.  Chose the Antenna Unit position following these guidelines: o  Mount  the  Antenna  Unit  as  close  as  possible  to  the  relevant  Transmit  and Receive  antenna  such  that  the minimum  length of  coaxial cable  is  required  to connect the AU to the antennas. Excessive coaxial cable lengths will reduce the available signal power and increase the uplink noise figure.
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  o  Allow  space  above  and  below  the  unit  for  adequate  ventilation  and  to accommodate the minimum bend radius for the coaxial and fiber cables  o  The position of the Antenna Unit should provide sufficient air circulation  Mount the Antenna Unit to the identified location following these steps: o  To  attach  the  AU,  drill four holes into  the  wall, using the dimensions shown in Figure 3-18. o  Secure the AU using 4 countersunk M4 screws (not provided)   Figure 3-18:   Mounting instructions for the 2765 AU. Connecting the antennas to the AU Connect the antennas to the AU, using low loss coaxial cables. The downlink port (TX) of the AU connects to the TX antenna and the uplink port (RX) of the AU connects to the RX antenna.  Figure 3-19:  Connecting antenna cables to the 2760 AU.  CAUTION  When connecting to the SMA connectors on the Antenna Unit, DO NOT over-tighten the connectors. Use a dedicated torque wrench pre-set to 0.8 to 1.1 Nm. If a torque wrench is not available, firmly hand-tightening the connector is adequate. Connecting the Power Supply Unit The 2760 AU can be powered by and external 48V DC power supply or by Power over Ethernet (PoE) (Figure 3-20). The 2765 AU can be powered only by PoE. To connect the power supply to the AU, follow these steps: 192.5 mm 96 mm
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007   o  Using an external 48VDC power supply unit (optional). →  Mount  the  PSU  next  to  the  Antenna  Unit  using  the  provided  brackets  with the IEC mains connector facing downwards →  Connect the mains cable from the PSU to an outlet providing 110 – 250 V, 50 – 60 Hz AC power. →  Connect the DC cable of the PSU to the 2-pin latching input of the Antenna Unit  o  By Power over Ethernet. (PoE) using an IEEE802.3af compliant PoE injector.  →  Using the IEEE 802.3af PoE protocol the PoE injector can be connected to the Antenna Unit with a Cat5 Ethernet cable of up to 100 m length. This can be beneficial  in situations  where  it is  difficult  to  provide AC  power near  the Antenna Unit location →  Install the PSU in a suited location, making sure that adequate air circulation is provided. →  Connect the Cat5 Ethernet cable to the connector labeled “To Network Jack” on the PoE injector. →  Connect the  other  end  of  the Ethernet  cable to  the RJ45 connector  on  the Antenna Unit.  CAUTION  Connecting  more  than  one  source  of  power  at  a  time  to  any  single  2760  AU  can cause permanent damage to the unit.    Figure 3-20:  Connecting the DC supply unit or the PoE mains adaptor.  Table 3-11: DC Power Supply Unit (PSU) characteristics. Parameter  Min  Typical  Max  Unit  Comment Power supply voltage  40    48  V   Power supply frequency    DC    -   Power consumption      3  W    3.3.5 Environmental Table 3-12: Environmental specifications of 2760 + 2765 Antenna Unit.
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  Parameter  Min  Typical  Max  Unit Temperature - Operating  0    +45  °C Temperature - Storage  -25    +55  °C Relative Humidity (non-condensing)  10    95  %
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  3.4 277X Antenna Unit – Band specific 3.4.1 Overview o  The 277X AUs are 3U high wall, ceiling or rack mountable units which amplify the received optical signals for transmission over a wireless link (in the case of the downlink signals) and amplify the received wireless signals for transmission over the optical link (in the case of the uplink signals). o  The  277X  AUs utilize the  2765 wideband  AU in its core together  with a band-specific duplexer to suppress undesired frequency bands.   o  Because  of  the  integrated  duplexer,  a  single  antenna  is  required  for  both transmit and receive. o  Adjustable  gain  settings  allow  you  to  define  the  coverage  area  of  each  AU individually.  Control  of  the  AU  is  remotely  via  the  HU.  These  are  controlled remotely via the Hub Unit. o  The  277X  AUs  are  powered  via  IEEE  802.3af  compliant  Power  over  Ethernet (PoE).  Figure 3-21 show a block diagram of the 277X AU.   Figure 3-21:  Block diagram of the 277X AU.  3.4.2 Dimensions and Weight Dimensions and weight listed in Table 3-13 are for an AU without the optional 19” rack mounting kit. Table 3-13: Dimensions and weight of the 277X AU. Parameter  277X  Unit Height  12.0 (4.75)  cm (inch) Width  37.0 (14.5)  cm (inch) Depth  26.0 (10.25)  cm (inch) Weight  5.3  kg   Control + Monitoring To/From antenna Optical Transceiver PoE From Hub To Hub Duplexer 2765 AU
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  3.4.3 Connection panels and LED indicators  A drawing of the front view of the 277X AU is shown Figure 3-22. The front panel of the AU contains  o  Optical I/O o  RJ45 connector for powering via Power-over-Ethernet (PoE, IEEE 802.3af) o  N-type (female) antenna connector o  4 SMA (female) connectors for semi-rigid jumper cables   Figure 3-22:  Front view of the 277X AU.  The 277X AU rear panel does not contain any interfaces The 277X AU does not contain any LED indicators.  Following is a description of all interfaces of the 277X AU.  Optical and Electrical I/O ports  Duplex SC connector Optical  port  which  connects  to  the  fiber-infrastructure.   RF port  Duplex N-type (female ) connector   DL Jumpers Connects the DL output of the integrated 2765 AU to the duplexer   UL Jumpers  Connects  the  UL  input  of  the  integrated  2765 AU to the duplexer Powering  PoE Connector  RJ45 connector for powering via PoE    Antenna Connector  PoE Connector Optical Connector Jumper cables
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  3.4.4 Installation Mounting the Antenna Prior  to  mounting  the  Antenna  Unit,  mount  the  antenna  following  your  system installation plan in the assigned locations. Follow the antenna manufacturer guidelines to do so.  CAUTION  The antenna must be installed / positioned at a distance of greater than 20 cm away from the proximity of operators and intended operators. Mounting the 277X Antenna Unit The 277X AU package should contain the following items: o  1 × 277X AU o  2 × SMA (male) – SMA (male) jumper cables o  1 × PoE converter (incl. mains cable and 1m Cat5 Ethernet cable) – optional o  1 × 19” equipment rack mounting kit (shelf and screws) – optional  Connect the SMA (male) – SMA (male) jumper cables to the provided SMA (female) ports on the 277X (Figure 3-23).   Figure 3-23:  Connecting the RF jumper leads on the 277X AU.  NOTE  Once  connected,  do  not  remove  the  jumper  leads  as  they  are  required  for  the functioning of the 277X Antenna Unit.  The Antenna Unit can be mounted to a ceiling or a wall or any horizontal or vertical flat surface.  Alternatively  the  AU  can  be  installed  in  a  19”  equipment  rack  using  the optional mounting kit.  For  ceiling  or  wall  mounting,  chose  the  Antenna  Unit  position  following  these guidelines: o  Mount the Antenna Unit as close as possible to the relevant antenna such that the  minimum  length  of  coaxial  cable  is  required  to  connect  the  AU  to  the antenna. Excessive coaxial cable lengths will reduce the available signal power and increase the uplink noise figure. o  Allow  space  above  and  below  the  unit  for  adequate  ventilation  and  to accommodate the minimum bend radius for the coaxial and fiber cables
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  o  The position of the Antenna Unit should provide sufficient air circulation  For mounting in a 19” equipment rack, chose the Antenna Unit position following these guidelines: o  Locate free space in the rack of 3U height o  Use  a  location  which  allows  for  minimum  coaxial  cable  length  to  connect  the antenna  Follow  the  following  steps  to  mount  the  AU  in  a  19”  equipment  rack  using  the  rack mounting kit (optional) o  Attach the 277X AU to the shelf using the 4 provided screws. o  Place the shelf into the rack and secure with the 4 provided screws Connecting the Antenna to the AU Connect the antenna to the AU, using low loss coaxial cables. If the antenna cable is terminated  with  a  connector  other  than  N-type  (male)  on  the  AU  end,  use  an appropriate connector adaptor. When connecting an N-type connector, firmly hand-tightening is adequate.  Figure 3-24:  Connecting the antenna cable to the 277X AU. Connecting the Optical Fiber o  When  using  MMF,  connect  the  277X  AU  to  the  fiber-infrastructure  using  the special  Zinwave  patch-cord.  Connecting  to  the  fiber-infrastructure  without  the special patch-cord will lead to a poor quality optical link and reduced maximum transmission distance. o  Connect  the  patch-cord  end with the  SMF (yellow) and MMF (orange  or grey) cords  to  the  AU.  Connect  the  patch-cord  end  with  the  two  MMF  (both  cables either orange or grey) cords to the fiber infrastructure. o  The  SC connectors  are  keyed  with a  slot and  will  thus  only fit  in  one (i.e. the correct) direction. o  Insert the SC duplex connector into the optical I/O port on the AU and press it firmly  into  place,  making  sure  that  both  sides  of  the  connector  are  securely latched (indicated by a “clicking” sound)
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  Follow these guidelines when using fiber-optic cabling: o  Do not remove the dust-caps on both the equipment  and the optical fiber until required – they’re there for a reason o  Before connecting, clean the facet of the connectors with a lint-free tissue o  Always make sure that all optical connectors are securely latched o  Do not bend the optical fiber below a radius of 3 cm  NOTE  Failure  do  follow  these  guidelines  may  result  in  a  poor  quality  optical  link  or  in  a complete link failure  Figure 3-25:  Connecting the fiber-optic cable to the 277X AU. Connecting the Power Supply Unit o  Using the IEEE 802.3af PoE protocol the PoE injector can be connected to the Antenna  Unit  with  a  Cat5  Ethernet  cable  of  up  to  100  m  length.  This  can  be beneficial in situations where it is difficult to provide AC power near the Antenna Unit location o  Install the PSU in a suited location, making sure that adequate air circulation is provided. o  Connect the Cat5 Ethernet cable to the connector labeled “To Network Jack” on the PoE injector. o  Connect  the  other  end  of  the  Ethernet  cable  to  the  RJ45  connector  on  the Antenna Unit.  “Click” “Click”
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007   Figure 3-26:  Connecting the power supply cable to the 277X AU.    3.4.5 Environmental Table 3-14: Environmental specifications of the 277X Antenna Unit. Parameter  Min  Typical  Max  Unit Temperature - Operating  0    +45  °C Temperature - Storage  -25    +55  °C Relative Humidity (non-condensing)  10    95  %   “Click”
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  Chapter 4  Configuration and Control 4.1 Overview The 2700 DAS can be configured and controlled either via a command line interface (CLI) or using SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol). Control  of the system with  the  CLI  gives  the  same  functionality  as  with  the  SNMP.  Please  refer  to  the Zinwave 2700 DAS – Software Manual for a detailed description of all the commands available through the CLI. 4.2 Control via ZinConfig ZinConfig is an application based on the SNMP. It has a graphical user interface (GUI) and can be used to control the most important aspects of the 2700 DAS.  4.2.1 Installing the Software Place the installation CD in your CD drive.  If the installer does not start automatically, open a Windows File Explorer window, and double-click on readme.htm. 4.2.2 Starting the software To  launch  ZinConfig  double  click  on  the  desk  top  icon  or  click Start->Programs->Zinwave->ZinConfig.
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  4.2.3 Identifying Hubs Enter the start and end IP address range of the attached Hubs and click on the “Find Hubs”  button  (Figure  4-1).  All  detected  Hubs  will  be  displayed  showing  their  IP address  and  description  (Figure  4-2).  Selecting  a  Hub  from  the  list  will  reveal  its settings. Use the “Community” field as defined in section if you wish read-only or read-write access. This field is required for communication with the HU. Refer to section for a list of all default settings of the HU.   Figure 4-1:  Select the IP range and the access community.   Figure 4-2:  Selecting the HU.  NOTE  The  attached  Hubs  need  to  be  on  the  same  IP  subnet  in  order  to  be  detected  by ZinConfig. If this is not the case refer to section of this guide for changing the network settings on the HU.  4.2.4 Enabling control of the attached AUs If  the  attached  AUs  are  not  displayed,  use  the  “Discover  AUs”  button  to  detect  all attached AUs (Figure 4-3). This process can take up to 1 minute. During the execution of this command do not connect/disconnect any of the optical cables.   Figure 4-3:  Buttons for discovering AUs and updating values.  NOTE  Control  of  the  attached  AUs  is  not  possible  without  first  running  the “Discover  AUs” command.  4.2.5 Updating values o  Values  are  changed  by selecting  the new  value  from the  drop-down  list  or by checking/unchecking the check-boxes. o  When  “Auto-update”  is  enabled,  the  values  are  updated  immediately.  In  this case the “Send Changes” button is disabled.
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  o  When  “Auto-update”  is  disabled,  the  values  are  only  updated  after  pressing “Send changes” (Figure 4-3). o  “Refresh”  reads  the  current  configuration  from  the  2700  system  (Figure  4-3). Changes in the GUI that haven’t been updated will be lost. 4.2.6 Controlling the Hub Unit Figure 4-4 shows a schematic of the 2700 HU with the downlink input attenuators (DL) and uplink output attenuators (UL). Also shown is the distribution circuitry.   Figure 4-4:  Schematic of the HU distribution and attenuation circuit Setting the attenuation values The values which can be selected on the GUI represent attenuation values by which the gain of the HU can be reduced.   NOTE  The attenuation setting on the HU does not correspond with the actual gain of the unit.  The downlink (DL) and uplink (UL) attenuators  for the HU can be selected using the drop down lists. The range of permitted values is 5 – 31 dB for all attenuators in steps of 1 dB. Setting the RF signal distribution o  Without any of the distribution switches enabled, RF1 port is connected to SFP ports 1 & 2, RF2 to SFP ports 3 & 4, RF3 to SFP ports 5 & 6 and RF4 to SFP ports 7 & 8, as shown in Figure 4-4 o  RF ports 1 and 2 can be cross-connected simultaneously to SFP ports 1 – 4 by ticking the DC2x2 box. RF 3 and 4 can be cross-connected in the same manner to SFP ports 5 – 8.  o  Ticking the DC4x4 box will cross-connect all four RF ports to all eight SFP/AU ports.
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007 Enabling/Disabling the optical ports Active  SFP  ports  are  shown green, inactive ports are grayed out  and  red  indicates  an  alarm condition.  SFP  ports  can  be enabled/disabled  by  right clicking  on  the  SFP  port  and selecting  the  required  option from  the  pop-up  menu  (Figure 4-5).   Figure 4-5:  Enabling the optical ports.  NOTE  Disabling a port will result in the attached AU not transmitting or receiving any signal.   4.2.7 Controlling the Antenna Unit The  changeable  parameters  in  the  AU  are  the  downlink  and  uplink  attenuators  and downlink and uplink gain controls. Setting the attenuation values The  values  which  can  be selected  on  the  GUI  represent attenuation  values by  which the gain of the AU can be reduced.  The  downlink  (DL)  and  uplink (UL) attenuators  for the AU can be  selected  using  the  drop down  lists.  The  range  of permitted values is 5 – 31 dB for all  attenuators  in  steps  of  1  dB (Figure 4-6).   Figure 4-6:  Changing the AU attenuators.  NOTE  The attenuation setting on the AU does not correspond to the actual gain of the unit.
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  4.2.8 Status and Alarms When an alarm is  present, the SFP  port or  the  status  box  in  the  AU  frame  is colored  red.  Status  and  alarm information  is  displayed  by  left-clicking on  one  of  the  colored  boxes. Alternatively  status  information  on  the SFP  ports  can  be  displayed  by  right-clicking  on  the  SFP  port  and  selecting “Alarms”  from  the  pop-up  menu  (Figure 4-7). Clicking on one of the SFP ports displays information  on  the  HU  SFP.  Clicking  on the colored box in the AU frame displays information on the AU optical transceiver   Figure 4-7:  Reading out alarms on the optical link.  A box will appear describing the alarm  if  present  together  with a range  of  status  information (Figure  4-8).  The  displayed parameters are: o  RX optical power o  TX optical power o  Laser bias current o  SFP supply voltage o  SFP temperature   Figure 4-8:  Alarm description.    4.3 Control via Command Line Interface (CLI) A detailed description of the full CLI functionality can be found in Zinwave 2700 DAS – Software Manual. The  CLI  can  be  accessed  directly  with  an  RS-232  serial  connection,  or  remotely through a network using the Telnet protocol.
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007   Figure 4-9:  Required connections for local and remote control of the 2700 DAS.  4.3.1 Connecting to the CLI via RS232 This  section  describes  how  to  access  the  CLI  via  the  RS232  protocol  using  the Microsoft  Windows  based  HyperTerminal  application.  The  setup  using  a  different terminal emulation application is likely to be very similar.  The serial port on the HU is configured as DTE (Data Terminal Equipment). When the HU is directly connected to the serial port of a computer (which is another DTE), a null modem has to be used. Follow these steps to establish a RS232 connection:  o  Connect your laptop/PC via the null modem cable to the hub unit.  o  Run  HyperTerminal.  This application  can  be  found under Start  All Programs   Accessories  Communications  HyperTerminal.    After entering a descriptive name for  the connection  click  OK to proceed.   Figure 4-10  Open a new HyperTerminal session.  Serial Ethernet HU COM port 9-pin sub-D  null-modem cable Ethernet Cable  Ethernet
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  o  Select  the  serial  port  of your laptop or PC. Typically this  is  the  COM1  port. Press OK to continue.  Figure 4-11:   Identify the serial port on your computer.  o  Adjust  the  parameters  of the  serial  connection according  to  the  values listed  in  table  3-1.  Clicking OK  stores  these  settings under  the  name  defined  in step  1  and  a  connection  to the Hub Unit is established. Parameter  Value Baud rate  19200 Data bits  8 Parity  None Stop bits  1 Flow control  None Table 4-1: Serial port settings.    Figure 4-12:  Adjust the serial port settings.
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  4.3.2 Connecting to the CLI via Telnet When a network connection to the HU is available, the CLI can be accessed  via the Telnet  protocol.  On  a  Windows  based  laptop/PC  Telnet  can  be  started  via  Start  Run…  telnet).   Figure 4-13:  Serial connection via Telnet.  To  open  a  connection  to  the  hub  unit  type  “open  <ip  address>”  where <ip address> should be replaced by the IP address of the HU. A password is required to access the CLI using Telnet. If this is not known or if the HU cannot  be  accessed,  use  the  local  RS232  interface  to  change  the  password  or  to adjust the network settings.  NOTE  The factory set password of the hub unit is “password”.  4.3.3 CLI Commands Overview Table 3-2  shows a  list of all  available CLI commands. This  list  can be  generated  by typing the  command  “?”  in the CLI.  This  chapter  briefly  introduces  those  commands most important to set up the 2700 DAS. A more detailed description of all commands can be found the Zinwave 2770 DAS – Software Manual. Table 4-2: Overview of CLI commands for control of the HU. Hub Commands  Description  Type dlia   <1-4> <0-31>  Downlink Input Attenuation  R/W uloa   <1-4> <0-31>               Uplink Output Attenuation  R/W dc22   <1-2> <1/0>  Distribution Circuits(2x2)  R/W dc44   <1/0>                      Distribution Circuit (4x4)  R/W
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  Hub Commands  Description  Type default  Set default values and reboot  W discover  Discover AUs  W sfpdis <1-8> <1/0>                SFP Enable/Disable  R/W reID   <au1-au8>                      Set the active remote AU  R/W config <IP/GATEWAY/NETMASK/        USR/PSWD(Telnet)/        TRAPIP/TRAPPORT/        R_COMMUNITY/        RW_COMMUNITY>   Misc. configuration  R/W alarm  <1-8>                      SFP Alarm Status  R version    Software / Hardware / SFP Version  R help    Display help information  R reboot   Reboot the system  W Table 4-3: Overview of CLI commands for control of the AU Antenna Unit Command  Description  Type ++dla   <0-31>  Downlink Attenuation  R/W ++ula   <0-31>                Uplink Attenuation  R/W ++dle   <1/0>  Enable/disable downlink gain control  R/W ++ule   <1/0>                      Enable/disable uplink gain control  R/W ++dflt                        Set default values  W ++alarm  AU alarm status  R ++version  Software Version  R  Commands  are  executed  on  typing  a  carriage  return.  Settings  can  be  queried  by replacing the last value with a “>” sign. The CLI is case in-sensitive.  EXAMPLE  The  command  “sfpdis  5  1”  disables  the  SFP  module  plugged  into  SFP  port  #5. This  setting  can  be  queried  using  the  command  “sfpdis  5  >”.  The  command “sfpdis >” returns the settings for all eight SFP ports #1 – #8.  The  values  of  all  settings  in  the  factory  default  state  and  after  execution  of  the “default” command are listed in Table 4-4. Default settings The default settings are loaded when installing a new HU or AU. The unit can be reset to this  factory  default  state  using the  “default”  command (for  the Hub  Unit)  or  the “++dflt” command (for the Antenna Unit). Table 4-4: Factory default state of the HU Hub Parameter  Description  Default value dlia   <1-4>  Downlink Input Attenuation  31
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  Hub Parameter  Description  Default value uloa   <1-4>   Uplink Output Attenuation  31 dc22   <1-2>   Distribution Circuits(2x2)  Disabled dc44   <1/0>                      Distribution Circuit (4x4)  Disabled sfpdis <1-8>  SFP Enable/Disable  Disabled ReID   <au1-au8>                      Set the active remote AU  AU1 config IP    IP address of the HU config GATEWAY   IP address of the gateway config NETMASK   Subnet mask config USR   Administrator username  ‘admin’ config PSWD(Telnet)   Administrator password  ‘password’ config TRAPIP  IP address to which SNMP traps are sent config TRAPPORT  Port  number  to  which  SNMP  traps are sent 162 config R_COMMUNITY   Read-only community string  ‘public’ config RW_COMMUNITY>  Read-write community string  ‘private’ Table 4-5: Factory default state of the AU Hub Parameter  Description  Default value dla  Downlink Attenuation  15 ula  Uplink Attenuation  15 dle  Downlink Gain Control  Disabled ule                      Uplink Gain Control  Disabled  4.3.4 Controlling the HU (2700) Commands  to  control  the  HU  are  typed  directly  into  the  HyperTerminal  application window as listed in Table 4-2. Configuring the network interface manually Setup the network interface of the HU using the “config” command. Make sure that the subnet mask matches that of your network and that the IP address is not already assigned to another device.  EXAMPLE  To configure the network interface with an IP address of, a subnet-mask of  and  a  gateway  address  of  use  the  following  commands: “config ip” “config netmask” “config gateway”.
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007 Configuring the network interface via DHCP The network interface can be configured to obtain the relevant parameters via DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol). DHCP is enabled by setting the IP address of the  HU  to  This  will  cause  the  HU  to  request  IP  address,  subnet  mask  and gateway address from a DHCP server. Configuring Communities Communities define the user groups for SNMP with read-only access to the system or with read-write access. Define these communities using the “config” command.  EXAMPLE  To  designate  the  read-only  community  “readonly”  and  the  read-write  community “readwrite” use the following commands:  “CONFIG R_COMMUNITY readonly” “config RW_COMMUNITY readwrite”. Setting the Signal Distribution The  routing  of the  RF signals in  the HU  is  controlled via  the commands  “dc22” and “dc44”. As described in section 4.2.6, five different routing combinations are possible. The command “dc22 1” addresses the switch combining RF ports 1 & 2 onto the SFP ports 1 – 4. The command “dc22 2” addresses the switch combining RF ports 2 & 3 onto the SFP ports 5 – 8.The command “dc44” addresses the switch coupling the two other  switches  in  order  to  combine  all  four  RF  ports  onto  all  eight  SFP  ports.  The commands required to set all viable distributions are listed in Table 4-6. Table 4-6: Setting the RF distribution. Distribution  Command 1  Command 2  Command 3 1x2 / 1x2 / 1x2 / 1x2  dc22 1 0  dc22 2 0  dc44 0 2x4 / 1x2 / 1x2  dc22 1 1  dc22 2 0  dc44 0 1x2 / 1x2 / 2x4  dc22 1 0  dc22 2 1  dc44 0 2x4 / 2x4  dc22 1 1  dc22 2 1  dc44 0 4x8  dc22 1 1  dc22 2 1  dc44 1  EXAMPLE  The three commands “dc22 1 1”, “dc22 2 1”  and “dc44 1” entered sequentially set the HU to full distribution where all input RF signals are  present  at all  eight SFP ports. Setting the Attenuator Values in the Hub Unit The attenuators in the HU are controlled using the “DLIA” (DownLink Input Attenuator) and the “ULOA” (UpLink Output Attenuator) commands for the downlink and the uplink, respectively.  The  first  parameter  selects  the  RF  I/O  while  the  second  parameter specifies the required attenuation value.  EXAMPLE  The commands “uloa 2 15” sets the uplink output attenuator of RF I/O # 2 to 15dB.
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  4.3.5 Enabling Communication to Antenna Units Auto configuration In order to be able to communicate with the attached AUs, the HU requires information on  their  unique  identifiers  (MID-numbers).  This  information  is  collected  via  the command “discover”.  NOTE  Control  of  the  attached  AUs  is  not  possible  without  first  running  the  discover command. Manually adding AUs If  for  some  reason  the  “discover”  command  is  not  executed  successfully  the  AUs can  be  manually  added  to  the  system  configuration.  For  this  you  need  the  unique identifier of the AU, the MID number. This is an 8-digit hexadecimal (0-9, A-F) number and can be found on the AU label. The AU is added using the “+addau” command.  EXAMPLE  The command “+addau 1 10F54D9A” adds the AU with the MID 10F54D9A to the SFP port 1.  Adding the same AU to another SFP port deletes the old entry. Multiple entries of the same MID are not possible. 4.3.6 Controlling the AU (276X and 277X) Commands proceeded by ++ are Antenna Unit commands and routed to the currently active  AU.  AUs  are activated using  the REID  command.  On activating a  new  AU its current settings are displayed.  EXAMPLE  The  command  “reid  au3”  activates  the  AU  connected  to  the  SFP  port  #  3.  All commands proceeded by “++” are now directed to this AU. Setting the Attenuator Values in the Antenna Unit The attenuators in the AU are controlled using the “++dla” (DownLink Attenuator) and the  “++ula”  (UpLink  Attenuator)  commands  for  the  downlink  and  the  uplink, respectively. Before using this command, make sure that the correct AU is active.  EXAMPLE  To set the attenuation of the AU which is connected to SFP port # 7 to 3 dB, the AU has to be activated using the command “reid au7”. Then the attenuation setting can be changed using the command “++dla 3”.
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  Chapter 5  Get Assistance, if You Need It 5.1 Troubleshooting the 2700 DAS  5.1.1 Hub Unit (HU) main LED Indicators Condition  Green Power LED  Red Fault LED  Green System LED No power to unit  Off  Off  Off Unit operational  On  Off  On Fault  On  On  Off  The red fault LED indicates the occurrence of a fault condition in the system. Use the ZinConfig tool (see section 4.2) to determine the source of the fault. 5.1.2 Hub Unit SFP port indicators Condition  Green Status LED  Red Fault LED No SFP in port  Off  Off Port disabled  Off  Off Port operational  On  Off Data activity / communicating  Flashing  Off Fault in Fiber or AU  Off  On  The red fault LED indicates the occurrence of a fault condition in the optical link or one of the attached AUs. Use the ZinConfig tool (see section 4.2) to determine the source of the fault.
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  5.1.3 2760 + 2765 Wideband Antenna Unit Condition  Green Status LED  Green Power LED No power to unit  Off  Off Unit operational  On  On Data activity / communicating  Flashing  On Fault in Fiber or Hub  Off  On  5.1.4 277X Antenna Unit There are no LED indicators located on the front or rear panel of the 277X AU.  5.2 Device communication problems  5.2.1 Network Connection o  The IP address on the Hub is incorrectly configured o  The  computer  used  for  control  &  monitoring  and  the  Hub  Unit  are  not  on  the same subnet. o  Your firewall may block the SNMP traffic 5.2.2 Serial Connection o  The Hub or a device connected to a serial port is not powered on. o  The Hub has a defective interface cable. o  The serial port has no device connected to it. o  The Hub is communicating at the wrong baud rate. o  The Hub itself is defective.  5.3 Returning the System for Service  Contact equipment vendor.  5.4 Warranty repair  Contact equipment vendor.  5.5 Preparing the system for shipping  Use  suitable  packaging  to  same  standard  as  original  packaging.  Include  Returns Material Authorization (RMA).
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  Appendix A  Safety and Regulatory Information  This  appendix  contains  important  warnings  and  cautions  for  hardware  products  that comprise the 2700 DAS system. A.1 Warning and caution notices  WARNING  If  this  product  is  not  used  as  specified,  the  protection  provided  by  the  equipment could  be  impaired.  This  product  must  be  used  in  a  normal  condition  (in  which  all means  for  protection  is  intact)  only.  No  operator  serviceable  parts  are  inside  this system.  Refer  servicing  to  an  authorized  Zinwave  Ltd  service  center.  To  prevent electrical shock, do not remove the covers.  NOTE  2700  Hub  unit.  This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules for provision of WLAN  services  when  connected  to  a  Cisco®  Aironet®  1200  WLAN  access  point (model AIR AP1231G-A-K9). Operation is subject to the following conditions: •  This device may not cause harmful interference, and •  The device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Changes  or  modifications  not  expressly  approved  by  Zinwave  Ltd  could  void  the user’s authority to operate the equipment.  NOTE  2760 Antenna Unit. This device complies with Part 15, Part 22, Part 24 and Part 90 of the FCC rules. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Zinwave Ltd could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.  NOTE  2765 Antenna Unit. This device complies with Part 15, Part 22, Part 24 and Part 90 of the FCC rules. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Zinwave Ltd could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  NOTE  2776 Antenna Unit. This device complies with Part 22 and Part 24 of the FCC rules. Changes  or  modifications  not  expressly  approved  by  Zinwave  Ltd  could  void  the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  A.2 General safety considerations  The installation  of electrical supplies  in support of Zinwave 2700 DAS products  shall be in accordance with national and local regulations. Other aspects  of the installation of  Zinwave 2700  DAS products  and interconnecting cabling shall be in accordance with the following standards:  A.2.1 Cabling installation  o  EN 50174 series: Information technology – Cabling installation  A.2.2 Optical safety o  IEC  60825-2:  Safety  of  laser  products  -  Part  2:  Safety  of  optical  fiber communication systems (OFCS).  A.2.3 RF exposure  CAUTION  This  equipment  complies  with  FCC  radiation  exposure  limits  set  forth  for  an occupational/  controlled  environment.  This  equipment  should  be  operated  with  a minimum distance of 20cm between radiator and your body.  A.3 Optical Safety Precautions     o  Do  not  stare  with  unprotected  eyes  at  the  connector  ends  of  the  fiber  or  the ports of the SFP. Do not remove the Fiber Port dust covers unless the port is in use. Do not stare directly into a Fiber Port. o  Cover any unconnected fiber ends with an approved cap. o  Do not stare with unprotected eyes at any broken ends of the fiber. o  Use only approved methods for cleaning optical fiber connectors. o  Do not make any unauthorized modifications to this fiber optical system. o  No warning signs are required as it is a Class 1 hazard. o  Use Class 1 test equipment.  A.4 Installation, Use and Storage The Zinwave 2700 DAS is designed to operate in conditions conformant with Pollution Degree 2 as defined in IEC 60950 (the normal environmental class for offices).
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  The installation of sub-assemblies into the main units of the Zinwave 2700 DAS shall only be undertaken if precautions required by IEC/TS 61340-5-1 have been taken. This covers: o  the installation of Zinwave 2780 SFP optical fiber transceiver modules into the Zinwave 2700 Hub Unit, o  the replacement of the Zinwave 2781 SFP optical fiber transceiver modules in the Zinwave 2760 Antenna Unit.  WARNING  CLASS  I  PLUGGABLE  EQUIPMENT  TYPE  A  as  defined  in  IEC  60950.  This equipment  is  intended  for  connection  to  other  equipment  or  a  network,  relies  on connection  to  protective  earth  and  must  be  connected  to  an  earthed  mains  socket-outlet.  Country specific warnings: Finland "Laite on liitettävä suojamaadoituskoskettimilla varustettuun pistorasiaan " Norway “Apparatet må tilkoples jordet stikkontakt” Sweden "Apparaten skall anslutas till jordat uttag"  A.5 Signal and input power  CAUTION  The  input  power  to  the  2700  Hub  Unit  should  not  exceed  +10  dBm.  Power  levels greater than +20 dBm will damage the unit   CAUTION  The  input  power  to  the Zinwave  Antenna  Unit Hub  (2760  /  2765  /  277X)  should  not exceed -15 dBm. Power levels greater than 0 dBm will damage the unit   CAUTION  The  total  broadband  composite  output  power  is  limited to  +6dBm (2760)  / +  12dBm (2765) / +18dBm (277X).
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007  Appendix B  System Information B.1 Overview This  appendix provides  you  with hardware specifications,  options,  and  part  numbers for the following. o  2700 Hub Unit o  2760 wideband AU o  2765 wideband AU o  2776 band-specific AU (GSM850 / PCS1900) o  2777 band-specific AU (GSM900 / UMTS) o  2778 band-specific AU (DCS1800 / UMTS)  B.2 ZinConfig/CLI Hardware and Software Requirements The following are the recommended minimum computer requirements o  Windows 2000 or XP operating system o  1 RS-232 DB9 serial port or external serial adaptor o  10BASE-T Ethernet port or faster o  10 megabytes free hard disk space o  800 x 600 display resolution o  CD-ROM drive (for software installation)
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007    Page 61 B.3 System specification B.3.1 Channel transmission performance Parameter    Value    Unit  Comments   Min.  Nom.  Max.     Input impedance    50    Ohms  At HU service & AU uplink inputs Output impedance    50    Ohms  At HU service & AU downlink outputs Operating Temperature Range  0    +55  °C  Ambient, non-condensing Channel length - MMF  1    550  m  OM1 (62.5/125 µm1), OM2, OM3 (both 50/125 µm) Channel insertion loss - MMF  0    4  dB   @ 1300 nm, includes fiber attenuation and connector losses Channel length - SMF  1    2000  m   Channel insertion loss - SMF  0    4  dB   @ 1310 nm, includes fiber attenuation and connector losses TX-RX Isolation2   30      dB  HU service input to service output (same service) TX-RX Isolation2  70      dB  HU service input to any other service output TX-TX Isolation2  70      dB  HU service input to any other service input Antenna Isolation  35      dB  AU antenna output to AU antenna input NOTE  1:  Minimum  modal  bandwidth  @  1300  nm  =  500  MHz·km.  Reduced  channel  lengths/insertion  loss  values  may  be  supportable  for  lower  modal bandwidth options following detailed analysis by Zinwave. NOTE 2: At max HU RF input power, max AU RF output power, maximum uplink noise figure and for any RF combiner distribution B.3.2 System Downlink RF parameters Parameter    Value    Unit  Comments   Min.  Nom.  Max.     System Bandwidth  2760/2765 AU  2776 AU  370 869-894    2500 1930-1990  MHz MHz  Wideband Unit Dual band GSM850 / PCS1900
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007    Page 62 Parameter    Value    Unit  Comments   Min.  Nom.  Max.      2777 AU  2778 AU 925-960 1805-1880 2110-2170 2110-2170 MHz MHz Dual band GSM900 / UMTS Dual band DCS1800 / UMTS RF input power  -5  0  +10  dBm  At HU service input with 14dB peak-average-ratio RF output power  2760 AU  2765 AU  2776 AU  2777 AU  2778 AU      + 6 +12 +18 +18 +18  dBm dBm dBm dBm dBm  Broadband RMS composite power at AU antenna output  Broadband RMS composite power at AU antenna output CW power (+15 dBm composite for W-CDMA & CDMA) CW power (+15 dBm composite for W-CDMA & CDMA) CW power (+15 dBm composite for W-CDMA & CDMA) VSWR      1.5:1     Return loss      14  dB   Response variation  -5    +5  dB  Full bandwidth Response variation  -1    +1  dB  Any 5 MHz band Response variation  -2    +2  dB  Any 100 MHz band B.3.3 System Uplink RF parameters Parameter    Value    Unit  Comments   Min.  Nom.  Max.     System Bandwidth  2760/2765 AU  2776 AU  2777 AU  2778 AU  370 824-849 880-915 1710-1785    2500 1850-1919 1920-1980 1920-1980  MHz MHz MHz MHz  Wideband Unit Dual band GSM850 / PCS1900 Dual band GSM900 / UMTS Dual band DCS1800 / UMTS RF input power –  operation      -15  dBm  Input gain adjustment for minimum coupling loss RF input power – absolute max      0  dBm  Exceeding this value can result in permanent damage to the unit.
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007    Page 63 Parameter    Value    Unit  Comments   Min.  Nom.  Max.     Max RF output power  -20  -10    dBm  At HU service output for 1dB compression with maximum AU input power Response variation  -5    +5  dB  Full bandwidth Response variation  -1    +1  dB  Any 5 MHz band Response variation  -2    +2  dB  Any 100 MHz band  B.3.4 Zinwave 2700 Hub Unit physical parameters Parameter    Value    Unit  Comments   Min.  Nom.  Max.     Height    44 (1.8)    mm (in)   Width    445 (17.5)    mm (in)   Depth    270 (10.6)    mm (in)   Weight    3.5    kg   Mains power voltage  100    250  VAC   Mains power frequency  50    60  Hz   Mains power consumption      15  W   Mains power interface  1      -  IEC Socket RF interfaces  8      -  SMA female (separate TX and RX providing  4 RF I/O pairs) Optical interfaces  -  -  8  -  Using Zinwave 2780 SFP modules  Control interfaces  1      -  IEC 60603-7 (RJ-45) 10BASE-T Control interfaces  1      -  9-pin D connector (RS232 - CLI) Temperature - operating  0    +55 oC   Temperature - storage  -25    +55 oC
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007    Page 64 B.3.5 Zinwave 2780 + 2781 SFP module physical parameters Parameter    Value    Unit  Comments   Min.  Nom.  Max.     Weight    0.04    kg   Optical interfaces  -  -  1  -  IEC 61754-20 (LC-Duplex) Temperature – operating  0 0   +85 +55 oC oC 2780 SFP 2781 SFP Temperature - storage  -25    +55 oC   B.3.6 Zinwave 2760 Antenna Unit physical parameters Parameter    Value    Unit  Comments   Min.  Nom.  Max.     Height    215 (8.5)    mm (in)   Width    130 (5.1)    mm (in)   Depth    45 (1.8)    mm (in)   Weight    0.75    kg   Power supply voltage  40    48  V   Power supply frequency  DC      -   Power consumption      3  W   Power supply interface – AC/DC    1    -  LEMO Power supply interface – PoE    1    -  IEC 60603-7 (RJ-45) RF interfaces    2    -  SMA female Optical interfaces    1    -  IEC 61754-20 (LC-Duplex) Temperature - operating  0    +45 oC   Temperature - storage  -25    +55 oC
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007    Page 65 B.3.7 Zinwave 2765 Antenna Unit physical parameters Parameter    Value    Unit  Comments   Min.  Nom.  Max.     Height    200 (8.0)    mm (in)   Width    120 (4.75)    mm (in)   Depth    60 (2.4)    mm (in)   Weight    0.75    kg   Power supply voltage  40    48  V   Power supply frequency  DC      -   Power consumption      15  W   Power supply interface – PoE    1    -  IEC 60603-7 (RJ-45) RF interfaces    2    -  SMA female Optical interfaces    1    -  SC-Duplex Temperature - operating  0    +45 oC   Temperature - storage  -25    +55 oC    B.3.8 Zinwave 277X Antenna Unit physical parameters Parameter    Value    Unit  Comments   Min.  Nom.  Max.     Height    120 (4.75)    mm (in)   Width    370 (14.5)    mm (in)   Depth    260 (10.25)    mm (in)   Weight    5.3    kg   Power supply voltage  40    48  V
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007    Page 66 Parameter    Value    Unit  Comments   Min.  Nom.  Max.     Power supply frequency  DC      -   Power consumption      15  W   Power supply interface – PoE    1    -  IEC 60603-7 (RJ-45) RF interfaces    1    -  N-type female  Optical interfaces    1    -  SC-Duplex Temperature - operating  0    +45 oC   Temperature - storage  -25    +55 oC
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007    Page 67 Appendix C  Glossary of terms C.1 Abbreviations 2G  2nd Generation 3G  3rd Generation AGC  Automatic Gain Control AP  Access Point AU  Antenna Unit CDMA  Code Division Multiple Access CEN  European Committee for Standardization CENELEC  European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization CISPR  Comité International Spécial des Perturbations Radioélectriques CLI  Command Line Interface DAS  Distributed Antenna System dB  Decibels dBm  Decibels referenced to one milliwatt DCS  Digital Cellular System EDGE  Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution EMC  Electromagnetic Compatibility EN  Euronorm (European Standard) ESD  Electro Static Discharge ETSI  European Telecommunications Standards Institute EVDO  Evolution-Data Optimized FCC  Federal Communications Commission GSM  Global System for Mobile Communications HU  Hub Unit Hi-conn  High concentricity iDEN  integrated Dispatched Enhanced Network IEC  International Electrotechnical Commission LMR  Land Mobile Radio (US Department of Defense) MMF  Multimode optical fiber
Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual Issue 1.2  April 2007  © Zinwave Ltd. 2007    Page 68 R&TTE  Radio and Telecommunication Terminal Equipment RF  Radio frequency RMA  Returns Material Authorization Rx (RX)  Receiver SFP  Small Form Pluggable SMF  Singlemode optical fiber SNMP  Simple Network Management Protocol TDMA  Time division multiple access TETRA  Terrestrial Trunked Radio Tx (TX)  Transmitter UMTS  Universal Mobile Telecommunications System VSWR  Voltage Standing Wave Ratio W-CDMA  Wideband - Code division multiple access   WLAN  Wireless Local Area Network

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