Ziehl Abegg SE AMMODBUSW RF Module AM-MODBUS(-W) User Manual

Ziehl-Abegg AG RF Module AM-MODBUS(-W) Users Manual


operating instruction

AM-MODBUS / AM-MODBUS-WPart.-No. 349045 / 349050Communication module for ECblue fansOperating InstructionsL-BAL-E075-GB 1012 Index 002 Part.-No. 00163334-GBenglish
Content1 General notes ............................................................. 21.1 Structure of the operating instructions ..................................... 21.2 Exclusion of liability ................................................... 22 Safety information ......................................................... 23 General description ........................................................ 23.1 Operational area ...................................................... 23.2 Function ............................................................ 23.3 Transport ........................................................... 23.4 Storage ............................................................. 33.5 Waste disposal / recycling .............................................. 34 Mounting................................................................. 45 Electrical installation ....................................................... 55.1 Safety precautions .................................................... 55.2 Connection of external terminal type A-G-247NW ............................ 55.3 Communication ....................................................... 55.3.1 Networking via MODBUS-RTU ...................................... 55.3.2 RS-485 - network design and interface parameter ........................ 65.3.3 AM-MODBUS-W Wireless Communication .............................. 76 Operating by terminal ...................................................... 86.1 Hand held terminal type A-G-247NW ...................................... 86.2 Establish connection to member .......................................... 96.3 Menu operation ...................................................... 106.4 Menu structure ....................................................... 107 Programming ............................................................. 117.1 Menu overview ....................................................... 118 Enclosure ................................................................ 148.1 Connection diagram ................................................... 148.2 Manufacturer reference ................................................ 158.3 Service information .................................................... 15Operating Instructions AM-MODBUS / AM-MODBUS-W –model seriesL-BAL-E075-GB 1012 Index 002 Part.-No. 00163334-GB1/15
(for AM-MODBUS-W modules only)
Note: The AM-MODBUS-W module is strictly limited for the integration and usage in host devices (fans and converters) of Ziehl-Abegg AG.
When the AM-MODBUS-W module will be mounted in a fan or converter of Ziehl-Abegg AG, the FCC/IC label (AM-MODBUS-W inside) has to be stick on the housing of the converterSticking the FCC/IC label (AM-MODBUS-W inside) on the housing of the fan.
5 Electrical installation5.1 Safety precautionsDanger owing to electric current•Work on electric components may only be carried out by trained electricians or bypersons instructed in electricity under the supervision of an electrician in accordancewith electrical engineering regulations.•It is forbidden to carry out work on electrically live parts.5.2 Connection of external terminal type A-G-247NWIf necessary an external terminal can be connected. This can be e.g. necessary to adapt the pre-setting during start-up. For information about the current operating condition a terminal can bepermanent attached.30.04.2009v_modul_link_terminal.vsdAM-MODBUSB(D-) ID GND A(D+)B(D-) ID fout GNDGND A(D+)A-G-247NW+ 3,3 VIRDA-RXDIRDA-TXDIRDA-SDA(D+)B(D-)GND+ 5 VThe connection is made via a 4-strand line at the terminals (D-, D+ and GND).e.g., telephone ex e.g. J-Y (St) Y 2x2x0.6 (or similar), maximum line length ca. 250 m.•Signal “D+”and “D-”(RS 485)•The voltage supply of the terminal is made by the accumulators inserted there or the plug powersupply unit.5.3 Communication5.3.1 Networking via MODBUS-RTUThe device comes equipped with a RS-485 interface for networking via a MODBUS. Connection toterminals “D+”,“D-”,“ID”and “GND”.The addressing takes place automatically over the terminals “ID”. Therefore a manual addressing ofeach member in a network is not necessary anymore.A maximum of 64 members can be directly connected to one another, and another 63 membersvia a repeater.Operating Instructions AM-MODBUS / AM-MODBUS-W –model series Electrical installationL-BAL-E075-GB 1012 Index 002 Part.-No. 00163334-GB5/15
5.3.2 RS-485 - network design and interface parameterYou must ensure correct connection; i.e. "D+" must also be connected on the following devices to"D+". The same applies to "D-".At the rst fan (connected with the terminal for programming), the terminals “GND”and “ID”must bebridged. This guarantees that the software assigns to this fan the address 1.In addition, a "GND" connection must be established, as dissimilar potential (over 10 V!) will lead tothe destruction of the RS-485 interface (e.g. lightning).30.04.2009v_modbus_link_autoaddr.vsdAM-MODBUSB(D-) ID GND A(D+)B(D-) ID fout GNDGND A(D+)AM-MODBUSB(D-) ID GND A(D+)B(D-) ID fout GNDGND A(D+)A-G-247NW+ 3,3 V1 2IRDA-RXDIRDA-TXDIRDA-SDA(D+)B(D-)GND+ 5 V3...63Connection example for MODBUS device connection with automatic addressingThe data line must be conducted from one device to the next. No other type of wiring is allowed.Always use only two wires of one lead (twisted pair) for the connection.Recommended wire types1. CAT5 / CAT7 cables2. J-Y (St) 2x2x0.6 (telephone wire)3. AWG22 (2x2 twisted pair)When using telephone ex with four cable cores, we recommend the following allocation:“D+”= red“D-”=black“ID”= yellow“GND”= whiteInformation•Pay attention to sufcient distance from powerlines and motor wires (min. 20 cm)•Do not use wire shield•Except the data link “D+”,“D-”the “ID”and the “GND”connection may no further cable cores ofthe data line be used.•Max. allowed wire length 1000 m (CAT5/7 500 m)Default interface parameterBaud rate = 19200Bits = 8Patity = evenStop bits = 1Handshake = nonInformationIf any matters are unclear, please contact our V-STE support department for control systems -ventilation technology. The information sheet "Network structure of Modbus" R-TIL08_01 containsdetailed information about Modbus.Operating Instructions AM-MODBUS / AM-MODBUS-W –model series Electrical installationL-BAL-E075-GB 1012 Index 002 Part.-No. 00163334-GB6/15
5.3.3 AM-MODBUS-W Wireless CommunicationThe type A-G-247NW hand-held terminal can communicate wireless with the type AM-MODBUS-Wcommunications module.In a hard-wired system, wireless communication is primarily designed in order to have a secondinterface for communicating with the device (e.g., for conguration and diagnostics).In the A-G-247NW, for wireless communication with an EC fan type ECblue Basic use the|ECblueBasic (RF)|menu item.Wireless communication is also used by the MODBUS protocol, so it is necessary to assign anaddress. Wireless and hard-wired communications use the same address. The address can behard-wire assigned via an RS-485.For pure, wireless communication, it is recommended to assign the address manually.•Switch on the device you want to re-address and establish a connection with address 247.•In “IO Setup”, change the address and then switch this device off again.•Apply the same procedure to the next device.Radio control key (0 - 9999)Different from RS-485 communication, wireless communication also has a radio control key (0 -9999). This radio control key is used to encode the messages and ensures that several networks canbe operated in mutually overlapping radio ranges.For that reason, every wireless MODBUS network should have its own radio control key if there isanother wireless MODBUS network in the vicinity.The factory setting is|9999|.A radio control key with the value|0|switches off encoding.The ECblue must be switched off to save the new radio control key.The radio control key must be assigned in the same manner as the assignment of the MODBUSaddress. The radio control key can be found in the ECblue basic menu in the “Controller Setup”menuitem.Technical data for wireless Communication:Radio communicationstandard:IEEE 802.15.4Frequency: 2.4 GHz (not licensed wireless band, like WLAN, Bluethooth)16 wireless channels, default wierless channel 0Communications range: Short-distance radio, within buildings max. 8 m typically 3 - 5m, free eld to 25 m,generally strongly dependent on interferencesType of communication: Bi-directional, half dublexApplication protocol: MODBUS-RTU (max. protocol length 125 Bytes and/or 50 register)Coding: Proprietary through 4-digit numberNetwork structure: Point - to - point or point - to- mulit point - communicationOperating Instructions AM-MODBUS / AM-MODBUS-W –model series Electrical installationL-BAL-E075-GB 1012 Index 002 Part.-No. 00163334-GB7/15
6 Operating by terminal6.1 Hand held terminal type A-G-247NWOperating elements04.05.2009v_bedien_erkl_a-g-247nw.vsd123567489Ecblue-247    IXI1. Switch on terminal2. Program key and open menu3. Menu selection, increase value4. Menu selection, reduce value5. From each menu directly back to the display for “Speed”6. Escape = leave menu7. Select kind of member, set address, switch off program *8. Display9. Key not used** Soft key, function depending on programDisplay description 04.05.2009v_display_erkl_A-G-247NW.vsd1112  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 1012131. Numeric display 5 digit2. Moon-Symbol for set point 23. Current derating active4. Alarm-Symbol (fault indication)5. Brake motor or motor heating active6. Fire-Symbol (heating operation)7. temperature managment active (power reduction)8. External switch over direction of rotation active9. not used10. STOP-Symbol (enable)11. Bargraph Fanlevel12. Text line 3 gures (display unit, etc.)13. Text line 16 gures (display text menu.)Operating Instructions AM-MODBUS / AM-MODBUS-W –model series Operating by terminalL-BAL-E075-GB 1012 Index 002 Part.-No. 00163334-GB8/15
6.2 Establish connection to memberThe connection to the member is made by a connecting cable or wirelessly by means of radio.First select the kind of member with the keys ▼+▲and conrm it with the P-key.Setting kind of memberMain menu IXIECblue Basic (RS485) ECblue fan with built in communication module type AM-MODBUS.Communication via cable.ECblue Basic (RF) ECblue fan with built in communication module type AM-MODBUS.Communication wireless.ECblue Premium(RS485)ECblue fan with built in Premium Module.Communication via cable.ECblue Premium (RF) ECblue fan with built in Premium Module.Communication wireless.ECblue Addressing Activation of the automatic addressing.ECblue Filetransfer File exchange via USB (PC ↔Terminal).Conrm addressNetwork Key IXI9999 For communication wireless:Set network key an conrm withP-key.Device ID IXI247The device address (Device-ID) of the members is factory set to the highest available MODBUSaddress: 247Set address an conrm with P-key in order to make rst connection.ECblue-247 IXIController SetupSuccessful connection.ECblue-246 IXIController SetupIf no connection comes, settings cannot be stored. In the display the two symbols for alarm andantenna appear.Cause: wrong address, no connection via wire and/or radio.Operating Instructions AM-MODBUS / AM-MODBUS-W –model series Operating by terminalL-BAL-E075-GB 1012 Index 002 Part.-No. 00163334-GB9/15
6.3 Menu operationSpeedSwitch over between menue “Speed”and “Start”(rst menue group) by key forEscape|Esc|.StartStartBy pushing the P- key one reaches the menu item “Start”.↑|ESC|P↓PIN inputReturn to the menu group “Start”using key|Esc|.▲▼ One moves up and down within the menu group using the arrow keys.6.4 Menu structureStart▼▲Info▼▲Setting▼▲Controller Setup▼▲Motor Setup↑|ESC|P↓↑|ESC|P↓↑|ESC|P↓↑|ESC|P↓↑|ESC|P↓PIN input Speed Set Intern1 Controlmode Rated Speed▲▼ ▲▼ ▲▼ ▲▼ ▲▼Reset Set Intern1 Set Intern2 Limit MotorRatedCurr.Selection of the menu group (e.g. Setting) to the right through the ▼-key, to the left through the ▼-key.You can go to the menu items in the menu groups (e.g. Set Intern1) by using the P-key. Use the arrowkeys to move up and down within the menu group.The menu groups consist of one area for the user (user menu) and one area for installation (service).The service area can be protected against unauthorized access by using a PIN.To make adjustments, press the P-key after selecting the menu item. If the previously set value startsto ash, it can be adjusted with the ▼+▲keys and then saved with the P-key. To exit the menuwithout making any changes, use the “Esc”key, i.e., the originally set values remain.Operating Instructions AM-MODBUS / AM-MODBUS-W –model series Operating by terminalL-BAL-E075-GB 1012 Index 002 Part.-No. 00163334-GB10/15
7 Programming7.1 Menu overviewParameter Factory set-tingUser SettingStartPIN input - - - - - PIN 0010: Opening service menu (Controller Setup, IO Setup, Motorsetup),for programmed access level <2PIN 1234: Opening user menu (Setting) for programmed access level <1PIN 3698: Assumption of the communication parameters (Address, ComBaudrate, Com. Mode)PIN 9095: load factory setting (only parameters for current access level)Reset OFFECblue Firmware 6InfoSpeed 0 rpmMotor current 0.0 AOutput power 0.0 %Set Intern1 0 rpmSettingSet Intern1 1800 rpmSetting in control mode|4|active. By inputs “D1”and “E1”switch over to“Set Intern2”or “Set Intern3”possible.Display for active setting: Set Intern1 *Set Intern2 1800 rpmSetting in control mode|5|active or in control mode|4|, if activated byinputs “D1”or “E1”.Display for active setting: Set Intern2 *Set Intern3 1800 rpmSetting in control mode|6|active or in control mode|4|, if activated byinputs “D1”or “E1”.Display for active setting: Set Intern3 *Min. Speed 0 rpmMax. Speed 1800 rpmController SetupControlmode|0||0|: Control by “E1”(0 - 10 V / PWM)|1|: Bus control: control register2 (speed value)|2|: Bus control: control register2 Fractional 0-32767 = 0 –100%|3|: Bus control: control register2 Fractional 0-100 = 0 –100%|4|: Constant speed “Set Intern1”with switch-over possibility to “Set Intern2”or “Set Intern3”|5|: Constant speed “Set Intern2”|6|: Constant speed “Set Intern3”Limit 75 % Function only actively if function|3D|for “D1”or “E1”assigned.LED Mode|ON||ON|: Status LED in ECblue active (operating conditions are indicated byash code).|OFF|: Status LED not active.Accesslevel|2||0|: No setting without PIN (FPIN input).|1|:“Setting”free, without PIN alterable, PIN 0010 for “Controller Setup”,“IOSetup”,“Motorsetup”.|2|: All settings without PIN possible.Network Key 9999Network key0 - 99990 = no protectionOperating Instructions AM-MODBUS / AM-MODBUS-W –model series ProgrammingL-BAL-E075-GB 1012 Index 002 Part.-No. 00163334-GB11/15
Parameter Factory set-tingUser SettingIO SetupD1 Function|1D||OFF|: without function|1D|: Enable ON / OFF|3D|: Limit ON / OFF|5D|: Constant speed “Set Intern2”for controlmode|5|(priority when simul-taneous activation of “Set Intern3”).|6D|: Constant speed “Set Intern3”for controlmode|6||11D|: Setting max. Speed ON / OFF|13D|: Switch over direction of rotationD1 Inverting|OFF|E1 Function|1E||1E|0 - 10 V external Setpointworks at settings higher|1E|as digital input (|1D|...|13D|FD1 function)E1 Inverting|OFF|E1 Min. 0% Adjustment input signal and output characteristic with function|1E|E1 max. 100 %K1 Function|2K||1K|Operating indication|2K|Fault indication|4K|Limit (Speed > Set Intern3 at output power > 0%)|17K|Bus controlK1 Inverting|OFF|Watchdog Time 0 secMODBUS communication watchdog denes a behavior in case of a commu-nication failure. If the device receives no message in a time window thedevice will execute the selected function (FWatchdog Mode).Watchdog Mode|0|Functions executed when watchdog time outs:0: no function (Default)1: fault triggering2: constant speed Set Intern13: fault + Set Intern1Bus Address 247 Default interface parameterChanges become only effective after PIN input 3698 or interruption the linevoltage for ECblue.Com. Baud rate 19200Com. Mode 8E1Parameter Factory set-tingUser SettingMotor SetupRated Speed 1800 rpm * *These settings are shown for informational purposes and must only bechanged after consultation with Ziehl-Abegg and entering a password.MotorRatedCurr. 2.5 A *Rampup time 10 sec *Rampdown time 10 sec *Rolling direct. R *Suppression1 OFFRange1 min. - - - - -Range1 max. - - - - -Suppression2 OFFRange2 min. - - - - -Range2 max. - - - - -Suppression3 OFFRange3 min. - - - - -Range3 max. - - - - -Operating Instructions AM-MODBUS / AM-MODBUS-W –model series ProgrammingL-BAL-E075-GB 1012 Index 002 Part.-No. 00163334-GB12/15
DiagnosticOTM 00IGBT temperature 23.6 °CInside Temperature 23.6 °CMCU temperature 23.6 °CMotor temperature 23.6 °CE1 Input 0%DC Voltage 409 VLine voltage û330 VStatus messages 0Fault messages 0Accesslevel|2|Operating Instructions AM-MODBUS / AM-MODBUS-W –model series ProgrammingL-BAL-E075-GB 1012 Index 002 Part.-No. 00163334-GB13/15
8 Enclosure8.1 Connection diagramAM-MODBUSGND ID GND ID foutMOSI09K030.04.2009A(D+)A(D+)B(D-)B(D-)Data DataGND+-RS-485Data DataGND+-RS-485AddressingAddressingn = f x 60      2GNDOperating Instructions AM-MODBUS / AM-MODBUS-W –model series EnclosureL-BAL-E075-GB 1012 Index 002 Part.-No. 00163334-GB14/15
8.2 Manufacturer referenceOur products are manufactured in accordance with the relevant international regulations. If you haveany questions concerning the use of our products or plan special uses, please contact:Ziehl-Abegg AGHeinz-Ziehl-Straße74653 KünzelsauTelephone: +49 (0) 7940 16-0Telefax: +49 (0) 7940 16-504info@ziehl-abegg.dehttp://www.ziehl-abegg.de8.3 Service informationIf you have any technical questions while commissioning or regarding malfunctions, please contactour V-STE support department for control systems - ventilation technology.Our worldwide contacts are available in our subsidiaries for deliveries outside of Germany. Fwww.ziehl-abegg.com.If you make returns for inspections or repairs we need certain information in order to facilitate focusedtrouble shooting and fast repair. Please use our repair tickets for this. It is provided to you after youhave consulted our support department.In addition, you can download it from our homepage. Download - Ventilation Technology - Topic:Control Engineering - Document type: General documents.Operating Instructions AM-MODBUS / AM-MODBUS-W –model series EnclosureL-BAL-E075-GB 1012 Index 002 Part.-No. 00163334-GB15/15

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