ZTE MG3006 GSM Module User Manual GSM GPRS Module AT Command Mannual

ZTE Corporation GSM Module GSM GPRS Module AT Command Mannual

User Manual

                                                                               MG3006 Module       ZTE MG3006 Module User Manual               VER: V 1.2      ZTE Corporation
                                                                              ME3000 Module Copyright Statement Copyright © 2007 by ZTE Corporation All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be excerpted, reproduced, translated or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without the prior written permission of ZTE Corporation.  is the registered trademark of ZTE Corporation. All other trademarks appeared in this manual are owned by the relevant companies. ZTE Corporation reserves the right to make modifications on print errors or update specifications in this manual without prior notice.   ZTE Corporation keeps the right to make the final explanation to this manual.  1
                                                                              ME3000 Module  With strong technical force, ZTE Corporation can provide CDMA/GPRS module customers with the following all-around technical support: 1. Provide complete technical documentation; 2. Provide the development board used for R&D, test, production, after-sales, etc.; 3. Provide evaluations and technical diagnosis for principle diagram, PCB, test scenarios; 4. Provide test environment;    ZTE Corporation provides customers with onsite supports, and also you could get supports through telephone, website, instant communication, E-mail, etc.  The module website module.ztemt.com.cn provides the relevant industry information and module technical documentation. The authorized module customers could download the latest technical documentation for our website. If you have more requirements, you could send an E-mail to module@zte.com.cn. You can also call us at 0755-86360280 for more supports.     2
                                                                              ME3000 Module Preface Summary This manual is applicable for ME3000, ME3006, ME3030 and ME3036 modules. Taking ME3000 for example, this manual describes the AT command interfaces of the modules, which contains standard GSM voice and data applications. According to GSM standard, some specific ZTE commands are added for users’ convenience.  This manual might help you to understand how to use AT commands of these modules.    Target Readers z System Designing Engineers z Hardware Engineers z Software Engineers z Testing Engineers  Brief Introduction  Chapters  Contents 1 General Description  Briefly introduces the types and basic formats of ME3000, ME3006, ME3030 and ME3036 modules. 2 AT Command    Explains AT command operations of ME3000 modules in details.    Update History The update history includes the update descriptions each time. The update contents will be included in the latest version.  Document Version: V1.2 (June-4-2007) Change the manual name from 《AT Command Manual for ZTE Corporation’s GSM/GPRS Modules》to《AT Command Manual for ZTE Corporation’s ME3000 Modules》.  Add the applicable modules such as ME3000, ME3006, ME3030 and ME3036 modules.  Document Version: V1.1  (April-17-2007) This is the second time to release formally. The update contents include: 2. AT Command Newly added commands: ATO: Switch from command mode to data mode +++: Switch from data mode to command mode CLIP: Set caller ID presentation CCFC: Set call forwarding number and conditions CLCK: Lock device or network CPWD: Modify password  3
                                                                              ME3000 Module CNMA: SMS confirmation CSCA: Set short message center number CPBS: Select contacts memorizer   CPBR: Read contacts CPBW: Write contacts CPBF: Search for contacts IFC: Set flow control &D: Set DTR mode &C: Set DCD mode CGACT: Deactivate/activate PDP mode CGATT: Set GPRS startup CGCLASS: Device class ZIPSETUPU: Bundle UDP port ZIPSENDU: Send UDP data ZIPSTATUSU: Query UDP status ZIPCLOSEU: Close UDP port ZIPRECVU: Receive UDP data  Document Version: V1.0  (March-05-2007)   This is the first time to release formally.                  4
                                                                              ME3000 Module Table of Contents 1 General Description.......................................................................................................8 1.1 AT Commands ........................................................................................................................................... 8 1.1.1 Type of AT Commands .............................................................................................................. 8 1.1.2 Returned Type and Format of AT Commands............................................................................ 8 1.2 GSM Glossary ........................................................................................................................................... 9 2 AT Command...............................................................................................................11 2.1 Common Command................................................................................................................................. 11 2.1.1 A/: repeat previous command.................................................................................................. 11 2.1.2 ATA: answer a call................................................................................................................... 11 2.1.3 ATD: dial a number.................................................................................................................. 11 2.1.4 ATDL: dial the last outgoing number ...................................................................................... 12 2.1.5 ATE: enable echo..................................................................................................................... 12 2.1.6 ATH: hang up the call.............................................................................................................. 12 2.1.7 ATQ: set if returned value displayed on the terminal .............................................................. 12 2.1.8 +++: switch from data mode to command mode ..................................................................... 13 2.1.9 ATO: switch from command mode to data mode .................................................................... 13 2.1.10 ATP: perform pulse dialing...................................................................................................... 13 2.1.11 ATS0: set auto answer.............................................................................................................. 14 2.1.12 +CRC: set incoming call type.................................................................................................. 14 2.1.13 +CLVL: set call volume........................................................................................................... 14 2.1.14 +CLIP: set caller ID presentation ............................................................................................ 15 2.1.15 +ZSETMUTE: mute control.................................................................................................... 15 2.1.16 +CIMI: inquire International ID .............................................................................................. 15 2.1.17 +CGMR: obtain product version ............................................................................................. 16 2.1.18 +ECHO: remove echo.............................................................................................................. 16 2.1.19 +(C) GSN: obtain current IMEI............................................................................................... 16 2.1.20 +ZVERS: obtain current software version............................................................................... 16 2.1.21 +CLCK: function lock............................................................................................................. 17 2.1.22 +CCFC: set call forwarding number and conditions ............................................................... 17 2.1.23 *TSIMINS: inquire SIM card status........................................................................................ 18 2.2 DTMF Command..................................................................................................................................... 19 2.2.1 +VTD: set DTMF duration...................................................................................................... 19 2.2.2 +VTS: send DTMF.................................................................................................................. 19 2.3 Network Service Command..................................................................................................................... 19 2.3.1 +CREG: network registration and roam .................................................................................. 20 2.4 Mobile Device Control and Status Report............................................................................................... 20 2.4.1 +CPAS: module status query ................................................................................................... 20 2.4.2 +CFUN: set module function................................................................................................... 21 2.4.3 +ZPWROFF: turn off module.................................................................................................. 21 2.4.4 +CPIN: input PIN code............................................................................................................ 21 2.4.5 +CSQ: signal strength query.................................................................................................... 22 2.4.6 +CCLK: clock management .................................................................................................... 22 2.5 SMS Command........................................................................................................................................ 22  5
                                                                              ME3000 Module 2.5.1 +CSCA: set SMS center number ............................................................................................. 22 2.5.2 +CNMA: confirm SMS ........................................................................................................... 23 2.5.3 +CMGF: set SMS mode .......................................................................................................... 23 2.5.4 +CNMI: set SMS indicator format .......................................................................................... 23 2.5.5 +CMGR: view SMS ................................................................................................................ 25 2.5.6 +CSMS: select SMS service.................................................................................................... 27 2.5.7 +CMGS: message origination.................................................................................................. 28 2.5.8 +CPMS: prioritize message memorizer................................................................................... 28 2.5.9 +CMGD: delete a message ...................................................................................................... 29 2.5.10 +CMGL: message list.............................................................................................................. 29 2.5.11 +CMSS: send messages stored in SIM card............................................................................ 31 2.6 Phonebook Command.............................................................................................................................. 31 2.6.1 +CPBS: select phonebook ....................................................................................................... 31 2.6.2 +CPBR: read phonebook......................................................................................................... 32 2.6.3 +CPBW: write phonebook....................................................................................................... 32 2.6.4 +CPBF: find phonebook.......................................................................................................... 33 2.7 Data Compression Command.................................................................................................................. 34 2.7.1 +IFC: flow control................................................................................................................... 34 2.7.2 &D: set DTR mode.................................................................................................................. 34 2.7.3 &C: set DCD mode.................................................................................................................. 35 2.7.4 +IPR: set the module’s baud rate............................................................................................. 35 2.7.5 &F: factory default................................................................................................................... 35 2.7.6 &W: save setting...................................................................................................................... 35 2.8 ZTE Exclusive Command........................................................................................................................ 35 2.8.1 +ZGPIO: read/write GPIO....................................................................................................... 36 2.8.2 +SPEAKER: switch audio channel.......................................................................................... 36 2.8.3 +ZDSLEEP: 32KHz deep sleep mode..................................................................................... 36 2.8.4 +ZSTR: query module’s status ................................................................................................ 37 2.9 GPRS Command...................................................................................................................................... 37 2.9.1 +CGDCONT: set PDP format.................................................................................................. 37 2.9.2 + CGACT: deactivate/activate PDP setting ............................................................................. 37 2.9.3 +CGATT: set GPRS................................................................................................................. 38 2.9.4 +CGCLASS: query GPRS class .............................................................................................. 38 2.10 TCP/IP Command.................................................................................................................................... 38 2.10.1 +ZPNUM: set APN, username, password................................................................................ 39 2.10.2 +ZPPPOPEN: open GPRS data link........................................................................................ 39 2.10.3 +ZPPPCLOSE: close GPRS data link ..................................................................................... 39 2.10.4 +ZIPSETUP: establish TCP server connection........................................................................ 39 2.10.5 +ZIPSEND: send TCP data to target address........................................................................... 40 2.10.6 +ZPPPSTATUS: query GPRS connecting status..................................................................... 40 2.10.7 +ZIPCLOSE: close TCP link................................................................................................... 40 2.10.8 +ZIPGETIP: query current IP address of the module.............................................................. 41 2.10.9 +ZIPSTATUS: query current TCP link status.......................................................................... 41 2.10.10 +ZIPRECV: Prompt to Receive Data from Current Data Link................................................ 41  6
                                                                              ME3000 Module 2.10.11 +ZIPSETUPU: establish UDP server link ............................................................................... 41 2.10.12 +ZIPSENDU: send data to UDP server ................................................................................... 42 2.10.13 +ZIPSTATUSU: query UDP status.......................................................................................... 42 2.10.14 +ZIPCLOSEU: close UDP link ............................................................................................... 42 2.10.15 +ZIPRECVU: prompt to receive UDP data............................................................................. 42  7
                                                                              ME3000 Module  1 General Description 1.1 AT Commands ME3006, ME3030 and ME3036 modules provide AT command interfaces, through which the modules could communicate with external devices. AT command set provided by ME3006, ME3030 and ME3036 modules not only covers standard GSM voice and short message applications, but adds some commands according to GSM specification and some ZTE exclusive commands for users.   1.1.1  Type of AT Commands Since AT command is used as a standard interface, the returned values and formats of the command are both fixed. As a whole, AT command could be divided into four types:   z Non-parameter command: a type of simple command with the format of AT[+|&]<command>,e.g.: AT+CSQ, AT&W z Query command: used to inquire the current setting value. The format is AT[+|&]<command>?, e.g.: AT+CNMI? z Help command: used to list the possible parameters of the command. The format is AT[+|&]<command>=?, e.g.: AT+CMGL=? z Parameter command: normally used format which provides strong flexibility. The format is AT[+|&]<command>=<par1>,<par2>,<par3>…  The returned values of this type of command are all the same. This will be clarified in details later. The basic frame format of the returned value is:   <CR><LF><Response string><CR><LF> <CR><LF><OK/ERROR>[ERROR INFO]<CR><LF> 1.1.2  Returned Type and Format of AT Commands The following are ME3006, ME3030 and ME3036 modules’ AT command and their format and returned descriptions: z AT command format: --AT command starts with “AT” and ends with <CR>;   --After the module runs, the serial port default setting will be: 8-digit data bit, 1-digit stop bit, no parity check, no CTS/RTS, data rate 115200bps. z AT command returned format: --<CR><LF><corresponding strings ><CR><LF> --An exceptional case: e.g.: AT+ZPOWEROFF (response format) directly return with “OK” z AT command status report (OK, ERROR): --If there is error in AT command format, “Error” will return; --If AT command executes successfully, “OK” will return.    8
                                                                              ME3000 Module 1.2 GSM Glossary Abbreviations Definitions ADC  Analog-Digital Converter AFC  Automatic Frequency Control AGC  Automatic Gain Control ARFCN  Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number ARP Antenna Reference Point ASIC  Application Specific Integrated Circuit BER Bit Error Rate BTS Base Transceiver Station CDMA Code Division Multiple Access CDG  CDMA Development Group CS Coding Scheme CSD  Circuit Switched Data CPU  Central Processing Unit DAI Digital Audio interface DAC Digital-to-Analog Converter DCE  Data Communication Equipment DSP Digital Signal Processor DTE Data Terminal Equipment DTMF Dual Tone Multi-Frequency DTR Data Terminal Ready EFR  Enhanced Full Rate EGSM Enhanced GSM EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility EMI  Electro Magnetic Interference ESD  Electronic Static Discharge ETS European Telecommunication Standard FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access  FR Full Rate GPRS  General Packet Radio Service     GSM  Global Standard for Mobile Communications HR Half Rate   IC Integrated Circuit IMEI  International Mobile Equipment Identity   ISO International Standards Organization   ITU International Telecommunications Union   LCD  Liquid Crystal Display LED  Light Emitting Diode MCU  Machine Control Unit MMI  Man Machine Interface         9
                                                                              ME3000 Module Abbreviations Definitions MS Mobile Station PCB  Printed Circuit Board PCL  Power Control Level PCS  Personal Communication System PDU Protocol Data Unit PLL Phase Locked Loop PPP Point-to-point protocol     RAM Random Access Memory RF Radio Frequency ROM Read-only Memory RMS  Root Mean Square RTC Real Time Clock  SIM  Subscriber Identification Module   SMS  Short Message Service SRAM  Static Random Access Memory TA Terminal adapter TDMA  Time Division Multiple Access TE  Terminal Equipment also referred it as DTE UART  Universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter   UIM  User Identifier Management USB  Universal Serial Bus VSWR  Voltage Standing Wave Ratio     ZTE ZTE Corporation   10
                                                                              ME3000 Module   2 AT Command 2.1 Common Command                2.1.1  A/: repeat previous command Description  This command is used to repeat the previous command. Format  A/ AT+CSQ  Inquire current signal strength Example A/ Repeat AT+CSQ command  2.1.2  ATA: answer a call Description  This command is used to answer a call. Format  ATA  RING Incoming call Example ATA  Answer a call  2.1.3  ATD: dial a number Description  This command is used to dial a number, transmit data or send a fax. Format  ATD< st rin g> ; ATD><mem><n>; ATD><n>; AT+CPBS=“SM” ATD13024540756; Select SIM card phonebook as the current contacts Search for this number in SIM card phonebook and dial it AT+CPBS=“SM” ATD >2 ; OK Select SIM card phonebook as the current contacts Dial the second number in the current phonebook Example ATD>SM1;  Dial the first number in SIM card phonebook Description  <mem>: contacts “SM”: SIM card phonebook; “LD”: last dialled number in the contacts; “MC”: missed call contacts; “ME”: local contacts; <n>: the n-th option of the contacts. <string>: called number, e.g. *99#.   11
                                                                              ME3000 Module 2.1.4  ATDL: dial the last outgoing number Description  This command is used to dial the last outgoing number. Format  ATD L ATD34394036; OK Call 34394036  ATH  OK Hang up the call Example   ATDL  Dial 34394036 again  2.1.5  ATE: enable echo Description  This command is used to enable echo. Format  ATE<n> ATE0 OK  OK ATE0, don’t display input command on the terminal Example ATE1 OK ATE1 OK  Parameters  <n>=0 Disable. <n>=1 Enabled.  2.1.6  ATH: hang up the call Description  This command is used to hang up the call. Format  ATH  ATA OK Answer the call  Example ATH  Hang up the call  2.1.7  ATQ: set if returned value displayed on the terminal Description  This command is used to set if the returned value is displayed on the terminal. Format  ATQ <n >  12
                                                                              ME3000 Module ATQ 0 OK ATQ 0 OK Display the returned value on the terminal Example ATQ 1 OK ATQ 1AT Q1 Do not display the returned value on the terminal  2.1.8  +++: switch from data mode to command mode   Description  This command is used to switch from data mode to command mode. Format  +++ Example  ATD*99# CONNECT +++ …… AT OK Dial and enter data mode   switch from data mode to command mode    2.1.9  ATO: switch from command mode to data mode   Description  This command is used to switch from command mode to data mode. Format  ATO  Example  ATD*99# CONNECT +++ …… ATO  …… Dial and establish GPRS data connection  Switch from data mode to command mode  Switch from command mode to data mode  2.1.10 ATP: perform pulse dialing   Description  This command is used to perform pulse dialing. Format  ATP Example  ATP OK Set pulse dialing method    13
                                                                              ME3000 Module 2.1.11 ATS0: set auto answer Description  This command is used to control auto answer mode of the module. Format  ATS0=<value> ATS 0= 2 OK  Auto answer after ringing twice ATS 0?  2 OK Query the current setting  Example ATS0=0  OK Cancel anto answer Parameters  <value>:times for ringing.  2.1.12 +CRC: set incoming call type Description  This command is used to set the incoming call type. Format  AT+CRC=num Example  AT+CRC=1 OK +CRING: VOICE RING prompts the incoming call type  Set CRC as the prompt of incoming call Parameters  num: 0: don’t display incoming call type;   1: display incoming call type Incoming call type: -VOICE; -GPRS; -FAX.  2.1.13 +CLVL: set call volume Description  This command is used to set the volume of the speaker. Format  AT+CLVL=<level> AT+CLVL=100 OK Set the current volume as 100 for the receiver Example AT+CLVL? +CLVL:100 Query the current volume   Parameters  <level> between 0 and 100 <the number is smaller, the volume is lower >.   14
                                                                              ME3000 Module 2.1.14 +CLIP: set caller ID presentation Description  This command is used to set caller ID presentation. The default setting is “Turn off caller ID presentation”. Format  AT+CLIP=<mode> +CLIP: <mode> retuned value of AT+CLIP? Command +CLIP: <number>,<type>,<> caller ID presentation format AT+CLIP=1 OK RING:+CLIP: “130********”,129, “”,“”,0 Turn on caller ID presentation.    There is an incoming call, and the number is 130******** Example AT+CLIP=0 OK  RING Turn off caller ID presentation.  No alert upon an incoming call Parameters  <mode>: 0: Turn off caller ID presentation; 1: Turn on caller ID presentation. <number>: Incoming call number (need apply for relevant service). <type>: 129.  2.1.15 +ZSETMUTE: mute control Description  This command is used for mute control, and it can be used only during the calling. Format  AT+ZSETMUTE=<Mode> AT+ZSETMUTE=? +ZSETMUT:(0-1) OK Query the settable parameters  AT+ZSETMUTE=1 OK  Turn on mute Example AT+ZSETMUTE=0 OK Turn off mute  Parameters  <Mode> 0: Turn on mute; 1: Turn off mute.  2.1.16 +CIMI: inquire International ID Description  This command is used to read SIM card’s international ID and query the PIN code you need input.  15
                                                                              ME3000 Module Format  AT+CIMI Example  AT+CIMI  460030916875923  OK Inquire CIMI Return with CIMI  2.1.17 +CGMR: obtain product version Description  This command is used to obtain the product version. Format  AT+CGMR AT+CGMR=? OK No meaning Example AT+CGMR <Revision> Return with the current module version   2.1.18 +ECHO: remove echo Description  This command is used to remove echo. Format  AT+ECHO=num AT+ECHO?  +ECHO:1 OK Inquire the current echo setting Example AT+ECHO=0 OK Cancel remove echo Parameters  Num: default value,1. 1:set remove echo; 0:cancel remove echo.  2.1.19 +(C) GSN: obtain current IMEI Description  This command is used to obtain the current IMEI of the device. Format  AT+GSN Example  AT+GSN N Return with the current IEMI    2.1.20 +ZVERS: obtain current software version Description  This command is used to obtain current software version Format  AT+ZVERS  16
                                                                              ME3000 Module Example  AT+ZVERS +ZVERS: ***.bin OK Obtain the current software version  2.1.21 +CLCK: function lock Description  This command is used to lock the terminal or the network.. Format  AT+CLCK=<fac>,<mode>[,<passwd>[,<class>]] +CLCK:<status> Example  AT+ CL CK= ? +CLCK:(“SC”,“AO”,“OI”,“OX”,“AI”,“IR”,“AB”,“AG”,“AC”,“FD”,“BN”,“PN”,“PU”,“PP”,“PC”) OK  Parameters  <fac>: “SC”: SIM card, “AO”: All originated calls, “OI”: Originate International Calls, “OX”: All international calls except local area; “AI”: All Incoming Calls, “IR”: Roam all incoming calls except local area; “AB”: All call services, “AG”: all outgoing call services, “AC”: all incoming call services, “FD”: SIM card fixed dial space, “PN”: network certification; “PU”network unit certification;“PP”: provider certification; “PC”corporate certification. <mode>: 0: unlock; 1: lock; 2: query status. <passwd>:password, character string “***” <class>: 1: voice service;   2: data service;   4: fax service;   7: all service. <status>: 0: Disable; 1: Enable.  2.1.22 +CCFC: set call forwarding number and conditions Description  This command is used to set call forwarding number and conditions.  17
                                                                              ME3000 Module Format  AT+CCFC=<reason>,<mode>[,<number> [,<type>[,<class>[,<subaddr>[,<saytype>[,time]]]]]] If mode!=2,return after setting is successful: OK; If mode=2, return after setting is successful: +CCFC:<status>,<class> Example  AT+CCFC=? +CCFC: (0,1,2,3,4,5) OK Query call forwarding setting range    Return with reason Parameters  <reason> 0: unconditional; 1: mobile device busy; 2: no reply; 3: unreachable ; 4: all calls; 5: All. <mode> 0: disable; 1: enable; 2: query; 3: register; 4: delete. number: phone number. <type> 145: international number; 129: other number. <subaddr>: string address. <saytype>:128. <class> 1: voice; 2: data; 4: fax; 7: all. Time:1..20..30 (muliply 5) <status>: 0: Disable; 1: Enable.  2.1.23 *TSIMINS: inquire SIM card status Description  This command is used to inquire SIM card status. Format  AT*TSIMINS=num,status  18
                                                                              ME3000 Module Example  AT*TSIMINS? *TSIMINS:0,0 OK Inquire SIM card status    No SIM card Parameters  num:0 or 1 has no meaning. status: 0:no SIM card;   1:SIM card.   2.2 DTMF Command 2.2.1  +VTD: set DTMF duration   Description  AT+VTD set DTMF duration. Format  AT+VTD=<duration> AT+VTD=? +VTD:(1-255) OK Query the range for DTMF duration  AT+VTD? OK Return with “OK” Example AT+VTD=200 OK Set DTMF duration as 20s Parameters  <duration>  0:default setting. 1-255 length, unit: 100ms.  2.2.2  +VTS: send DTMF Description  This command is used to send DTMF. Format  AT+VTS=<string> AT+VTS=? +VTS:(0-9,*#,A,B,C,D),,(1-255)OK Query +VTS parameter  Example ATD********; AT+VTS=“3,6,9” Dial the call Send DTMF 369 Parameters  String, use comma to separate the symbols.   Symbols 0-9,*,#,A-D.  2.3 Network Service Command  19
                                                                              ME3000 Module 2.3.1  +CREG: network registration and roam Description  This command is used to query the module’s registration and roaming status. Note: need AT&W command to save the results as you set 0 or 1. Format  AT+CREG=<mode> +CREG :<mode>,<stat> return code AT+CREG=0 OK Forbid network registration to provide result code  AT+CREG? +CREG: 0,1 Display module registration status Example AT+CREG=? +CREG: (0-2) OK Quert status range Parameters  <mode> 0: Forbid network registration to provide result code(default setting); 1:allow network registration to provide result code:+CREG:<stat>; 2:allow network registration to provide local information. <stat> 0:Unregistered, terminal isn’t searching for new operator; 1:Registered to local network; 2:Unregistered, terminal is searching for BS; 4:Unknow code; 5:Registered, roaming.  2.4 Mobile Device Control and Status Report 2.4.1    +CPAS: module status query Description  This command is used to query the module’s work status. Format  AT+CPAS  Example  AT+CPAS +CPAS:2 OK Query the module’s current work status Parameters  <pas>: 0:get ready to receive AT command; 2:unknow status (default); 3:Incoming call (ring); 4:In calling.    20
                                                                              ME3000 Module 2.4.2  +CFUN: set module function     Description  This command is used to set module function. Format  AT+CFUN=<func>,<rst> AT+CFUN=? +CFUN(0,1,4),(0-1) OK Query setting range     AT+CFUN=1,0 Setting valid immediately Example AT+CFUN=1,1 Reset valid Parameters  <func>: 0: minor function; 1: Full function;   4: Turn off RF Rx/Tx circuit. <rst> : 0: the function activated immediately after setting;   1: the function activated after reset.   2.4.3  +ZPWROFF: turn off module Description  This command is used to turn off the module. Format  AT+ZPWROFF Example  AT+ZPWROFF OK   Turn off the module   2.4.4  +CPIN: input PIN code Description  This command is used to query PIN code status and input PIN code. The functions can be used only after the correct PIN code is entered. Format  AT+CPIN=<pin> AT+CPIN? +CPIN:READY  OK Query current PIN code No need to input new PIN code  Example AT+CPIN? +CPIN:SIM PIN AT+CPIN="****" OK Query current PIN code status PIN code must be correct Enter the correct PIN code  21
                                                                              ME3000 Module Parameters  AT+CPIN?: check if what kind of passwords should be entered.   +CPIN:READY::don’t need enter any password. +CPIN:SIM PIN: need enter PIN code. Pin: string value.   2.4.5  +CSQ: signal strength query Description  This command is used to inquire receive signal strength indicator(rssi) and bit error rate (ber)   Format  AT+CSQ Example  AT+CSQ +CSQ:<rssi>,<ber>  Parameters  <rssi>: 0–113dbm; 1-111dbm; 2..30–109..-53dbm; 31-51dbm;             99: network unavailable.     <ber>: 0~7: normal; 99: network unavailable.   2.4.6  +CCLK: clock management Description  This command is used to set and query the data/time of real-time clock. Format  AT+CCLK=<time> AT+CCLK? +CCLK: "04/02/09,17:34:23+8"  Querycurrent time and date Current network time and dat Example AT+CCLK="04/02/09,18:34:23+08" Set the data/time of real-time clock Parameters  Time format:"yy/mm/dd,hh:mm:ss±zz"; ±zz time difference between local time and GMT.  2.5 SMS Command 2.5.1  +CSCA: set SMS center number Description  This command is used to set SMS center number. Format  AT+CSCA=<sca>[,<tosca>] Example  AT+CSCA="1380****500"  Set SMS center number    22
                                                                              ME3000 Module OK Parameters  <sca>: SMS center address. <tosca>: SMS center format.  2.5.2  +CNMA: confirm SMS Description  This command is used to confirm the receipt of short messages. Format  AT+CNMA Example  at+cnmi=2, 2, 0, 0, 0 OK at+csms=1 +CSMS: 1, 1, 1 OK +CMT:60 ………… AT+CNMA OK Set SMS indicator format    Set SMS service format       Confirm the receipt of short message Parameters  It is valid when setting +CNMI=2, 2, 0, 0, 0 and +CSMS=1, 1, 1, 1.  2.5.3    +CMGF: set SMS mode Description  This command is used to set SMS input mode. Format  AT+CMGF=< num> Example  AT+ CM GF= 1 OK AT+ CM GF?  +CMGF:1 AT+ CM GF= ? +CMGF=(0-1) OK Set SMS input mode as text input    Query current input mode setting Current setting as text mode Query current setting range  Parameters  0: PDU mode; 1: Text mode.  2.5.4  +CNMI: set SMS indicator format Description  This command is used to set SMS indicator format. Format  AT+CNMI=<mode>,<mt>,<bm>,<ds>,<bfr>  23
                                                                              ME3000 Module AT+CNMI=? +CNMI: (0-3),(0-3),(0,2,3),(0-1),(0) OK Query the range for current settings AT+CNMI=3,1,0,0,0 OK +CMTI: "SM",19 Set SMS receiving mode as +CMTI: men,index format Receive new messages Example AT+CNMI=3,2,0,0,0 OK AT+CMGF=1 OK +CMT: "+86130********","","07/02/14,10:29:04+32"  text Set SMS receiving mode  Set current setting as Text Mode Receive SMS text from 130******** Returned Results +CMTI:<mem>,<index>: indicate receipt of new message. +CMT:,<length><CR><LF><pdu>: directly output received message (PDU mode). +CBM:<length><CR><LF><pdu>: directly output cell broadcast info (PDU mode).  24
                                                                              ME3000 Module Description  <mode>: Control the handling of message indication code. Support <mode>=2 only, the module could be set as (0, 1, 3), but the handling of code is the same as <mode>=2. 0: the message indication code will be stored in TA, if TA is full, the code will be stored in other places or the original code will be deleted and replaced by the latest received code; 1. As the connection between TA-TE is hold, delete saved message indication code and reject new indication code. In other cases, directly display the code on the terminal; 2. As the connection between TA-TE is hold, message indication code will be saved in TA; while the connection is released, directly display the message indication code on the terminal. In other cases, directly display the code on the terminal.; 3: Directly display the code on the terminal..   <mt>: Set new message indication code format;the default value is 1. 0: no any new message indication code, the message won’t be saved; 1: new message indication code is +CMTI: "MT", <index>, the message will be saved but not displayed directly; 2: new message indication code format is: (In text mode) +CMT :<oa>,[<alpha>],<scts>[,<tooa>,<fo>,<pid>,<dcs> <sca>,<tosca>,<length><CR><LF><data>, the message will be displayed directly but not saved. (In PDU Mode) +CMT:[<alpha>],<length><CR><LF><pdu>. <bm>: indication method when the broadcast message arrives: 0: don’t send CBM indication to termina; 2: directly send to terminal to display when new cell broadcast arrives: (display as below In text mode) +CBM :<sn>,<mid>,<dcs>,<page>,<pages> <CR><LF><data>(text mode), cell broadcast directly displayed but not saved (display as below in PDU mode) +CBM:<length><CR><LF><pdu>. <ds>: indicating status as the message is being sent: 0: status report as no message is sent <bfr>: 0: as <mode> is set as 1..3, the code of this command stored in TA will be sent to TE, and ”OK” will be returned before the module transmits the code; 1: as <mode> is set as 1..3, the code of this command stored in TA wil be cleared.     2.5.5  +CMGR: view SMS Description  This command is used to view the received messages. Format  AT+CMGR=?  25
                                                                              ME3000 Module AT+CMGF=1 AT+CMGR=1 +CMGR:"REC UNREAD","133********",, "04/02/25,12 :58 :04+04" ABCD OK  "MT": 1 Receive new message, store it at location 1     Set TEXT mode View the first message in TEXT mode Example AT+CMGF=0 AT+CMGR=1 +CMGR: 1,,127 0891683108705505F00408A170558106000870109190 5564236E5C0A656C76845BA26237FF0C60A85DF27ECF6210529F5F00901A4E86003100300030514300470050 00520053595799104F1860E04E1A52A1FF0C4ECE0032 0030003000375E740030003267080030003165E55F00 59CB751F654830028C228C22FF016DF1573379FB52A8 516C53F8 Set PDU format  View the first message in PDU format Returned Results AT+CMGR=<index> Returned format: The terminal adaptor will return the message with index stored in the memorizer. -If selected text mode (+CMGF=1): +CMGR :<stat>,<oa>,[<alpha>],<scts>[,<tooa>,<fo>,<pid>,<dcs>, <sca>,<tosca>,<length>] <CR><LF> <data> (used to read received messages) +CMGR :<stat>,<da>,[<alpha>][,<toda>,<fo>,<pid>,<dcs>,[<vp>],<sca>, <tosca>,<length>] <CR><LF> <data> (used to read sent messages) -if selected PDU mode (+CMGF=0): +CMGR: <stat>,[<alpha>],<lenth>,<CR>,<LF>,<pdu> OK -if there is error, it will prompt: +CMS ERROR:<err> Note: after viewing the messages, “REC UNREAD”will change as “REC READ”.  26
                                                                              ME3000 Module Parameters  <alpha> the corresponding name of <da> or <oa> on the terminal. <stat>: SMS status in memory. <oa>: SMS original number string. <da>: SMS target address string. <scts>: SMS service center time string. <length>: text length in text mode. <data>: TPDU length in PDU mode. <pdu>: ME/TA’s hex value <stat>: 0: "REC UNREAD" received unread messages; 1: "REC READ" received read messages; 2: "STO UNSENT" stored unsent messages; 3: "STO SENT" stored sent messages; 4: "ALL": all messages   2.5.6 +CSMS: select SMS service Desription  This command is used to originate (SMS-MO), terminate (SMS-MT), cell broadcast (SMS-CB). Format  AT+CSMS = <service> AT+CSMS?  +CSMS:128,1,1,1 OK Query current SMS   Support message origination/termination and cell broadcast Example AT+CSMS=0 +CSMS: 1,1,1 OK AT+CSMS? +CSMS:0,1,1,1 OK Set current SMS as normal mode Support message origination/termination and cell broadcast Inquire setting result Setting succeeded Parameters  <service> 0: Normal mode ; 128: PDU mode. <mo> 1: support message origination. <mt> 1: support message termination. <bm> 1: support cell broadcast.   27
                                                                              ME3000 Module 2.5.7  +CMGS: message origination Description  This command is used to originate the message from the terminal to the network..   Return with parameters to the terminal after the message is originated successfully. Format  Text mode (AT+CMGF=1) AT+CMGS=<de><CR> <data><Ctrl-Z/ESC> PDU mode (AT+CMGF=0) AT+CMGS=<length><CR> <pdu><Ctrl-Z/ESC> AT+CMGF=1     OK set as text mode   AT+CMGS="13316538879"<CR>   ABC<ctrl/Z> OK AT+CMGF=0   OK Send the text of “ABC” to 13316538879   Set as PDU mode Example AT+CMGS=17<CR> 0891683108705505f011000b81312 0882624f700f1ff0361f118<Ctrl-Z> +CMGS:2 OK Send the text of “ABC” to 13028862427 Parameters  <de>:the number which the message is sent to in text mode. <length>: character length of TPDU text in PDU mode. <data>: text in text mode.   2.5.8  +CPMS: prioritize message memorizer Description  This command is used to prioritize message memorizer. Format  AT+CPMS=<mem1>[,<mem2>[<mem3>]] +CPMS=<used1>,<total> Example  AT+CPMS="SM"  +CPMS:4,5,4,5,4,5  OK  Query the message memory status of SIM card:mem1’s total capacity 5 pieces, 4 pieces used; Mem2’s total capacity 5 pieces, 4 pieces used; Mem3’s total capacity 5 pieces, 4 pieces used. Parameters  <mem1>: "SM" : SIM card is used to view, delete message memory. <mem2>: "SM" : SIM card is used to compose, send message memory. <mem3>: "SM" : SIM card message memorizer when not saved to PC. <used>:used capacity. <total>:total capacity of the memorizer.   28
                                                                              ME3000 Module 2.5.9  +CMGD: delete a message Description  This command is used to delete a message from selected memorizer. Format  AT+CMGD=<Index> AT+ CM GF= 1 AT+CMGL="all" +CMGL:1,"REC READ","130********","",abcdefg  +CMGL:2,"REC READ","131********","",abcdef  +CMGL:3,"STO SENT","1331********",""opqrxt  OK AT+CMGD=2 OK Set as text mode List all messages              Delete the second message Example AT+ CM GF= 0 AT+ CM GL= 4 +CMGL: 1,3,,21 0891683108705505F0010F0B813120882624F700 0808738B54084F1F5927 +CMGL: 2,3,,21 0891683108705505F001100B813120882624F700 0808738B54084F1F5927 +CMGL: 3,3,,21 0891683108705505F001110B813120882624F700 0808738B54084F1F5927  OK AT+CMGD=1 OK Set as PDU mode List all messages         Delete the first message Parameters  <Index>: record number of stored message   2.5.10 +CMGL: message list Description  This command is used to view the stored message, and the message will be viewed in the memorizer selected by +CPMS command.  29
                                                                              ME3000 Module Format  AT+CMGL=<stat> Example  AT+CMGF = 1 OK  AT+CMGL=“ALL”  +CMGL:1,"REC  READ","130********","", abcdefg  +CMGL:2,"REC  READ","131********","", abcdef  +CMGL:3,"STO  SENT","1331********","", opqrxt  OK  Set as text mode  Use text mode  Query all messages Returned Format 1) in text mode: +CMGL :<index>,<stat>,<da/oa>,[<alpha>],[<scts>][,<tooa/toda>,<length>] <CR><LF><data><CR><LF> +CMGL :<index>,<stat>,<da/oa>,[<alpha>],[<scts>][,<tooa/toda>,<length>] <CR><LF><data> […] (received/sent message list) OK 2) in PDU mode: +CMGL:<index>,<stat>,[<alpha>],<length><CR><LF><pdu> Parameters  1. text mode(+CMGF=1) <stat>: REC UREAD: received unread messages; REC READ: received read messages; STO UNSENT: stored unsent messages; STO SENT: stored sent messages; ALL: all messages. 2.PDUmode (+CMGF=0) <stat>: 0: received unread messages; 1: received read messages; 2: stored unsent messages; 3: stored sent messages; 4: all messages. <index> message index. <length> TPDU length in PDu mode. <pdu> binary content in PDU mode.   <data> message text in text mode.  30
                                                                              ME3000 Module 2.5.11 +CMSS: send messages stored in SIM card Description  This command is used to send the messages stored in SIM card. Format  AT+CMSS=<index>[,<da> [,<toda>]] Returned format:+CMSS : <mr>  或+CMS ERROR: <err> If a new target number is specified, then the number stored in the message will be replaced by the new number   AT+ CM GF= 1 AT+CMGW="1331653****";<CR> ABC<ctrl-Z> +CMGW:2 OK Set as text mode  Compose a message and send it to 1331653**** The message will be stored in record 2 AT+CMSS=2 +CMSS:0 OK Send the message stored in record 2 Message sent successfully CMSS returned value 0 AT+CMSS=2 +CMSS:1 OK When the message is stored: Don’t specify the number and send the message, Message sent successfully,(send it to the address where the message is stored) CMSS returned value 1 Example AT+CMSS=2, "1302755****" +CMSS:2 OK Replace the original number 1331653**** with 1302755****, and send the message to the new number   2.6 Phonebook Command 2.6.1  +CPBS: select phonebook Description  This command is used to select the phonebook.. Format  AT+CPBS=<type> AT+ CP BS?  +CPBS: "SM",1,250  OK Query the setting of current phonebook SIM card memory used by current phonebook AT+CPBR=1 +CPBR=1,"130********",129,""  OK  Query phonebook status  Example AT+CPBS=?   +CPBS:("MC","RC","DC","LD","LA","ME","SM","FD","ON","BN","SD","VM")               OK Select SIM card phonebook  31
                                                                              ME3000 Module Parameters  Type: "SM":SIM card; "FD":SIM card phonebook; "LD":Last dialed number in SIM card; "MC":Missed calls in NV; "DC":Dialed calls in SIM card.  2.6.2  +CPBR: read phonebook Description  This command is used to read phonebook. Format  AT+CPBR=<index1>,[<index2>] +CPBR:<index>,<number>,<type>,<text> AT+CPBR=? +CPBR: (1-10),40,13  OK Query current phonebook AT+CPBR=1 +CPBR=1,"130********",129,"" OK  Read the first the number of selectedphonebook  Example AT+CPBS="SM" OK AT+CPBR=? +CPBR: (1-10),40,13 AT+CPBR=1,3 +CPBR: 1,"8151****",129,""           +CPBR: 2,"8636****",129,""           +CPBR: 3,"8604****",129,""           Select SIM card phonebook  Query SIM card phonebook  Read phonebook information saved from 1 to 3   Parameters  index1: read phonebook index. index2: read phonebook from index 1 to index 2 when using this value. index: SN.   number: phone number. type: phone type. 129: domestic. 145: international. text: the name of corresponding number.  2.6.3 +CPBW: write phonebook Description  This command is used to write phonebook. Format  AT+CPBW= <index>,<number>,<type>,<name> +CPBW:(<index>),<length>,(<type>),<tlength>  32
                                                                              ME3000 Module AT+ CP BW= ? +CPBW: (1-10),40,(129,145, 161,177),13 OK  Example AT+CPBS="SM" OK AT+CPBW=1,"130********",129,"john"OK AT+CPBR=1 +CPBR:1,"130********",129,"john" OK    Parameters  index: SN. length: phone number length. type: phone type. 129: domestic. 145: international. tlength: the length of the name of corresponding phone number. number: phone number. name: the name of corresponding number.  2.6.4  +CPBF: find phonebook Description  This command is used to search for contacts in the phonebook. Format  AT+CPBF= <name> +CPBF: <index>,<number>,<type>,<name> +CPBF:<nlength>,<tlength> AT+CPBF=? +CPBF:40,13  OK Query current phonebook Phone number length: 40 Name length:13 Example AT+CPBS="SM" OK AT+CPBW=1,"130********",129,"john"OK AT+CPBR=1 +CPBR:1,"130********",129,"john" OK  AT+CPBF="john" +CPBF: 1,"130********",129,"john" OK Select phonebook  Write the information in the firstoption in current phonebook Read relevant information     Find the information wit h the nameofJohn  33
                                                                              ME3000 Module Parameters  index: SN. nlength: phone number length. type: phone type. 129: domestic. 145: international. tlength: the length of the name of corresponding phone number. number: phone number. name: the name of corresponding number.  2.7 Data Compression Command 2.7.1 +IFC: flow control Description  This command is used to set TE-TA flow control. Format  AT+IFC=[<mode1 >[,<mode2>]] Example  AT+ IF C=2 ,2  OK Set TE-TA flow control mode1:RTS; mode2:CTS. Parameters  mode1: 0: No flow control; 1: XON/XOFF, don’t transmit data; 2: RTS; 3: XON/XOFF, transmit data. mode2: 0: No flow control; 1: XON/XOFF; 2: CTS.    2.7.2  &D: set DTR mode Description  This command is used to set DTR mode. Format  AT&D[<value>]  Example  AT& D0  OK Ignore DTR signal Parameters  value: 0: ignore DTR signal; 1: DTR from OFF to ON; 2: DTR from ON to OFF.   34
                                                                              ME3000 Module 2.7.3  &C: set DCD mode Description  This command is used to set DCD mode. Format  AT& C[ <va lu e>]  Example  AT& C0  OK DCD signal is always valid Parameters  value: 0:DCD signal is always valid; 1: DCD signal is only valid when there is data.  2.7.4  +IPR: set the module’s baud rate Description  This command is used to set the module’s baud rate. Format  AT+IPR=<baud rate> AT+ IP R?  +IPR: 115200 OK Query the module’s current baud rate AT+ IP R=?   Query the supported baud rates  Example AT+IPR=115200  OK Set baud rate as 115200 Remarks  Baud rates higher than 115200bps could only be used on EDGE and 3G platform. Use AT&W to save the setting baud rate, otherwise, it will reset to 115200bps if the module is turned off.  2.7.5  &F: factory default   Description  This command is used to return to factory default setting. Format  AT& F Example  AT&F Factory default  2.7.6  &W: save setting Description  This command is used to save the current setting. Format  AT& W Example  AT&W Save setting  2.8 ZTE Exclusive Command  35
                                                                              ME3000 Module 2.8.1 +ZGPIO: read/write GPIO Description  This command is used to set the port as input/output, and read/write GPIO value. Format  AT+ZGPIO=<flag>,<index>,<value> AT+ZGPIO=0,5(read) +ZGPIO: 0 OK  Example AT+ZGPIO=1,22,1(write) OK  Parameters  <flag>: 0: read; 1: write. <index>: the GPIO index to be read/written. <value>: 0: I/O set as 0; 1: I/O set as 1. Remarks  Only GPIO5, GPIO22 could be provided to users to operate.  2.8.2 +SPEAKER: switch audio channel Description  This command is used to switch between earpiece and receiver. Format  AT+SPEAKER=<mode> AT+SPEAKER=0 OK Receiver AT+SPEAKER=1 OK Earpiece Example AT+SPEAKER=? +SPEAKER:(0-1) OK Query status Parameters  <mode>     0: receiver(default); 1: earpiece.  2.8.3  +ZDSLEEP: 32KHz deep sleep mode Description  This command is used to enable/disable 32KHz sleep mode. Format  AT+ZDSLEEP=<mode> AT+ZDSLEEP=1 enable sleep mode Example AT+ZDSLEEP=0 disable sleep mode Parameters  <mode>      36
                                                                              ME3000 Module 0: Enable sleep mode; 1: Disable sleep mode.  2.8.4  +ZSTR: query module’s status Description  This command is used to query the module’s status. Format  AT+ZSTR=<status> +ZSTR: <status>,<value> AT+ZSTR=1  Query the initializing status AT+ZSTR=2  Query network status Example AT+ZSTR=?  Query parameter list Parameters  <status>  1:No meaning. Input AT+ZSTR=1 and display ZSTR: 1, 2; 2:Network status. <value> 0: network unavailable; 1: network available; 2: no meaning.  2.9 GPRS Command 2.9.1  +CGDCONT: set PDP format Description  This command is used to set GPRS’s PDP format. Format  at+CGDCONT=cid, type, APN[,PDP_ADDR] Example  At+CGDCONT=1, "IP","CMNET" ATD*99#   …… Connect At+CGDCONT=1, "IP","CMNET" ATD*99#   …… Connect Parameters  cid: used to define PDP number; min.:1. type: PDP packet type, IP: use TCP/IP packet. APN: access node network name.. PDP_ADDR: IP address specified by user (optional).  2.9.2  + CGACT: deactivate/activate PDP setting Description  This command is used to deactivate/activate PDP setting. Format  at+CGACT=[<state>[,<cid>[,<cid>[,..]]]]  37
                                                                              ME3000 Module Example  At+CGDCONT=1,"IP","CMNET" OK   AT+CGACT=1,1 OK  Parameters  cid: used to define PDP number. state: indicate PDP status: 0: deactivated; 1: activated.  2.9.3  +CGATT: set GPRS Description  This command is used to set GPRS. Format  AT+CGATT=[<state>] Example  AT+ CG ATT?  +CGATT: 0 OK AT+CGATT=1 OK Query GPRS   Set GPRS Parameters  state:  0: not connected; 1: connected.  2.9.4  +CGCLASS: query GPRS class   Description  This command is used to query GPRS class. Format  AT+CGCLASS=[<class>] Example  AT+ CG CLA SS ? +CGCLASS:"B" OK Query GPRS class Parameters  class: A:support class A; B:support class B; CG :support GPRS only;   CC:support circuit exchange only.  2.10 TCP/IP Command  38
                                                                              ME3000 Module 2.10.1 +ZPNUM: set APN, username, password Description  This command is used to set the operator’s APN, username and password. Format  AT+ZPNUM=<APN>,<USER>,<PWD> Example  AT+ZPNUM="cmnet","user","pwd" OK  Parameters  APN: GPRS (APN) provided by GPRS operator. USER: username. PWD: password. APN:USER, PWD "string".  2.10.2 +ZPPPOPEN: open GPRS data link Description  This command is used to open GPRS data link. Format  AT+ZPPPOPEN Example  AT+ZPNUM="cmnet","user","pwd" OK AT+ZPPPOPEN +ZPPPOPEN:CONNECTED OK …. AT+ZPPPOPEN +ZPPPOPEN: ESTABLISHED OK    2.10.3 +ZPPPCLOSE: close GPRS data link Description  This command is used to close GPRS data link. Format  AT+ZPPPCLOSE AT+ZPPPCLOSE OK  Example AT+ZPPPCLOSE +ZPPPCLOSE: DISCONNECTED OK   2.10.4 +ZIPSETUP: establish TCP server connection Description  This command is used to establish TCP server connection.  39
                                                                              ME3000 Module Format  AT+ZIPSETUP=<N>,<IP>,<M> Example  AT+ZIPSETUP=1,,2332 +ZIPSETUP:CONNECTED OK Establish TCP server connection Parameters  N: max. number of TCP links is 5, ranging from 0 to 4. IP: IP for next target address, *.*.*.*. * ranges from 0 to 255 M: port.  2.10.5 +ZIPSEND: send TCP data to target address Description  This command is used to connect to target server. Format  AT+ZIPSEND=<N>,<len>,<DATA> Example  AT+ZIPSEND=1,10,abcdefghij OK Connect to target server Parameters  N: max. number of TCP links is 5, ranging from 0 to 4. Len: data length (max. 60 characters). DATA: text, composed of characters. 2.10.6 +ZPPPSTATUS: query GPRS connecting status Description  This command is used to inquire GPRS link status. Format  AT+ZPPPSTATUS AT+ZPPPSTATUS +ZPPPSTATUS: ESTABLISHED OK Query GPRS connecting status Example AT+ZPPPSTATUS +ZPPPSTATUS: DISCONNECTED   OK Query GPRS connecting status  2.10.7 +ZIPCLOSE: close TCP link   Description  This command is used to close TCP link. Format  AT+ZIPCLOSE=<N> Example  AT+ ZI PCL OS E= 0 OK Close TCP link Parameters  N: max. number of TCP links is 5, ranging from 0 to 4.   40
                                                                              ME3000 Module 2.10.8 +ZIPGETIP: query current IP address of the module Description  This command is used to obtain the IP address of the module. Format  AT+ZIPGETIP Example  AT+ZIPGETIP +ZIPGETIP: *.*.*.*   OK          Obtain the IP address of the module        Parameters  A value between 0 and 255.  2.10.9 +ZIPSTATUS: query current TCP link status Description  This command is used to query current TCP link status. Format  AT+ ZI PSTAT US =<N > Example  AT+ ZI PSTAT US =0  +ZIPSTATUS: ESTABLISHED OK  Query current TCP link status Parameters  ESTABLISHED :TCP link established. DISCONNECTED: TCP link disconnected.  2.10.10   +ZIPRECV: Prompt to Receive Data from Current Data Link Description  This command is used to receive data from current data link. Format  +ZIPRECV:N,LEN,<DATA> Example  …… +ZIPRECV:0,5,abcde …… …… Receives 5 data abcde   Parameters  N: max. number of TCP links is 5, ranging from 0 to 4. LEN: length of received data. DATA: received data.  2.10.11   +ZIPSETUPU: establish UDP server link Description  This command is used to bundle UDP server connection. Format  AT+ZIPSETUPU=<N>,<IP>,<M> Example  AT+ZIPSETUPU=1,,2332 OK Bundle address:; port: 2332 Return with bundle succeeded Parameters  N: max. number of UDP links is 5, ranging from 0 to 4. IP: IP address for target server, *.*.*.*. * ranges from 0 to 255. M: port.  41
                                                                              ME3000 Module  2.10.12   +ZIPSENDU: send data to UDP server Description  This command is used to send data to bundled UDP server. Format  AT+ZIPSENDU=<N>,<len>,<DATA> Example  AT+ZIPSENDU=1,10,abcdefghij OK After connecting server successfully, send 10-byte data (abcdefghij) to UDP server   Parameters  N: max. number of UDP links is 5, ranging from 0 to 4. Len: data length (max. 60 characters). DATA: text, composed of characters.  2.10.13   +ZIPSTATUSU: query UDP status Description  This command is used to query current TCP link status. Format  AT+ZIPSTATUSU=<N> Example  AT +Z IP STAT USU= 0 +ZIPSTATUSU: ESTABLISHED OK          Query UDP status of number 0   Number O UDP being used     Parameters  ESTABLISHED: UDP used. DISCONNECTED:UDP OFF.    2.10.14   +ZIPCLOSEU: close UDP link Description  This command is used to turn off designated UDP link. Format  AT+ZIPCLOSEU=<N> Example  AT+ZIPCLOSEU=0 OK +ZIPCLOSEU: 0 Successfully turn off/on numbe 0 UDP link  Prompts number 0 UDP link turned off Parameters  N: max. number of UDP links is 5, ranging from 0 to 4.  2.10.15   +ZIPRECVU: prompt to receive UDP data Description  This command is used to prompt to receive UDP data from UDP server. Format  +ZIPRECVU:N,LEN,<DATA> Example  …… +ZIPRECVU:0,5,abcde …… …… Receives 5 data abcde    42
                                                                              ME3000 Module Parameters  N: max. number of UDP links is 5, ranging from 0 to 4. LEN: length of received data. DATA: received data.   43
Warning:  This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject   to the following two conditions:   (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the   party responsible for compliance will void the user’s authority to   operate the equipment. Any change to the equipment will void FCC grant.  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits   for a Class B digital device,pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These   limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful   interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates,   uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference     to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that   interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment   does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which     can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is   encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the   following measures: --Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. --Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. --Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. --Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  The equipment compliance with FCC radiation exposure limit set forth for uncontrolled Environment

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