Yamaha 11F46 User Manual CRW4216E English

Yamaha Corporation CRW4216E English


user manual

 User GuideGuide de l’utilisateurBedienungsanleitung  CRW4216ESERIES ON/DISC READ/WRITE EnglishFrançaisDeutsch
  • This manual applies to the CRW4216E and CRW4216E-NB.The CRW4216E front panel displays the YAMAHA brand name.The CRW4216E-NB front panel does not display a brand name.FCC INFORMATION (U.S.A.)1.  IMPORTANT NOTICE: DO NOT MODIFY THIS UNIT!This product, when installed as indicated in the instructions contained in this manual, meets FCC requirements. Modifications not expressly approved by Yamaha may void your authority, granted by the FCC, to use the product.2.  IMPORTANT: When connecting this product to accessories and/or another product use only high quality shielded cables. Cable/s supplied with this product MUST be used. Follow all installation instructions. Failure to follow instructions could void your FCC authorization to use this product in the USA.3. NOTE: This product has been tested and found to comply with the requirements listed in FCC Regulations, Part 15 for Class “B” digital devices. Compliance with these requirements provides a reasonable level of assurance that your use of this product in a residential environment will not result in harmful interference with other electronic devices. This equipment generates/uses radio frequencies and, if not installed and used according to the instructions found in the users manual, may cause interference harmful to the operation of other electronic devices. Compliance with FCC regulations does not guarantee that interference will not occur in all installations. If this product is found to be the source of interference, which can be determined by turning the product “OFF” and “ON”, please try to eliminate the problem by using one of the following measures:Relocate either this product or the device that is being affected by the interference.Utilize power outlets that are on different branch (circuit breaker or fuse) circuits or install AC line filter/s.In the case of radio or TV interference, relocate/reorient the antenna. If the antenna lead-in is 300 ohm ribbon lead, change the lead-in to coaxial type cable.If these corrective measures do not produce satisfactory results, please contact the local retailer authorized to distribute this type of product. If you can not locate the appropriate retailer,  please contact Yamaha Systems Technology, Inc. 100 Century Center Court, San Jose, CA95112, U.S.A.Responsible Party: Yamaha Systems Technology, Inc.    Address: 100 Century Center Court                          San Jose, California 95112Telephone: (408) 467-2330FAX: (408) 437-8791
This output is value measured at a distance 200mm from the objective lens surface on the optical pick-up block.ANSI Class : Class 1Material : GaAlAsWavelength : 783-789 nmEmission Duration : ContinuousLaser Output Power : Less than 44.6 µW**Laser Diode PropertiesCLASS 1 LASER PRODUCTLASER KLASSE 1 PRODUKTThis compact disc player is classified as a CLASS 1 LASER product.The CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT label must be located on the exterior.Varningsanvisning för laserstrålning.VORSICHT : UNSICHTBARE LASERSTRAHLUNG WENN ABDECKUNG  GEOFFNET. NICHT DEM STRAHL AUSSETZEN.VARNING : OSYNLIG LASERSTRÅLNING NÄR DENNA DEL ÄR ÖPPNAD OCH  SPÄRREN ÄR URKOPPLAD. BETRAKTA EJ STRÅLEN ÄR FARLIG.VARO! : AVATAESSA JA SUOJALUKITUS OHITETTAESSA OLET  ALTTINA NÄKYMÄTTÖMÄLLE LASERS TEILYLLE. ÄLÄ KATSO SÄTESSEN.ADVARSEL : USYNLIG LASERSTRALNING VED ÅBNING NÄR SIKKERHETSAF-  BYDERE ER UDE AF FUNKTION. UNDGÅ UDSETTELS FOR STRÅLING. CAUTIONUse of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
 WARNING i WARNING ❢  WARNING  ❢ • The temperature where CRW4216E is located should be between 5ºC and 40ºC (41ºF – 104ºF), when used in a fan-cooled system.• Do not disassemble the CRW4216E cover to reduce the risk of electric shock.• Always remove the disc before transporting CRW4216E.
 Important Precautions ii Important Precautions Please read the following precautions before attempting to operate the CRW4216E.• Before recording a disc, be sure to clean the disc and tray using an air aerosol-type dust remover.A dust particle on the disc may cause recording to fail, producing an unusable disc.• Always record in a dust-free environment. If the disc must be removed from the CRW4216E before recording is finished, store the disc in a clean, dust-free environment.• The CRW4216E contains no user serviceable parts. Refer all servicing to qualified personnel.• If any of the following should occur, the CRW4216E should be serviced by qualified personnel: Metal objects or liquids get inside the CRW4216E. The CRW4216E does not operate normally or a marked change in performance is noticed.• Do not place heavy objects on the CD-RW discs.• Do not subject the CRW4216E and computer to impact or shock when in use, as this may impair recording or playback.• Yamaha is not responsible for any data or informa-tion losses resulting from the operation of the CRW4216E.
 Table of Contents iii Table of Contents Introduction  ...............................................................................1CRW4216E Features  .......................................................1Orange Book Compatible Recording  ..............................2 Chapter 1 - System Configuration  .......................................3Computer .........................................................................3Software ...........................................................................3Tools ................................................................................3Discs ................................................................................4 Chapter 2 - Installing the Yamaha CRW4216E Drive  ........... 5MASTER/SLAVE settings ..............................................5Installing the CRW4216E drive  ......................................7 Chapter 3 - Operation  ............................................................12Front Panel .....................................................................12Loading a Disc ...............................................................13Ejecting the Disc ............................................................14Manual Eject (emergency use)  ......................................15 Troubleshooting  .....................................................................16 Appendix  ...................................................................................17Specifications .................................................................17Front Panel Indicator Key ..............................................18©1998 Yamaha Corporation. All Rights Reserved.This document may not, in whole or in part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, transmitted or reduced to any electronic medium of machine readable form without prior consent in writing from Yamaha.MS-DOS and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft, Inc.Unix is a registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories.All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies.
 Introduction 1 Introduction Thank you for purchasing a Yamaha CRW4216E drive.Please read this manual before using the drive in order to make the best use of the superior CRW4216E functions.After reading, please retain this manual for future reference. CRW4216E Features ■ 2xS Recording (Rewritable) - 4xS Recording (Recordable) - 16xS Reading The CRW4216E is able to write (overwrite) CD-RW discs at double speed, and is able to write CD-R discs at quad speed, double speed, or normal speed.For both types of media, this drive is able to read at up to 16X speed. ■ Compatible with Seven Different Formats The CRW4216E can both record and read seven different formats: CD-ROM, CD-ROM XA, CD-I, CD-DA, CD-Bridge (multisession), CD-Extra, and Video CD.The CRW4216E is also equipped with an analog audio output terminal (headphones) for CD-DA. ■ ATAPI for High-Volume, High-Speed Data Transfer The CRW4216E features ATAPI/IDE interface for connecting comput-ers and peripheral devices.ATAPI provides high-speed transmission of large quantities of data, which is especially important when working with image data. ■ Orange Book Part 2, Part 3 Compatible 5-Mode Recording The CRW4216E conforms to the five recording modes outlined in the Orange Book Part 2 and 3: Track at Once, Multisession, Disc at Once, Session at Once, and Packet Writing.
 Introduction 2 Orange Book Compatible Recording Track at Once In this mode, data can be recorded to disc one track at a time.Discs recorded in this mode cannot be played in CD players or CD-ROM drives other than a CD-RW or a CD-R drive until the session is closed. Multisession In this mode, data can be recorded to disc in stages (one session at a time).Additional data can be written later. Disc at Once In this mode, data can be recorded to an entire disc in one pass.It is not possible to write additional data later. Session at Once In this mode, data can be recorded to disc one session at a time.To use this mode, your software must support Session at Once recording.New sessions can be written later. Packet Writing This is useful for data back-up. Smaller units of data can be added to tracks.To use this mode, your software must support Packet Writing.The CRW4216E supports both sequential and random packet writing.
 Chapter 1 - System Configuration 3 Chapter 1 -  System Configuration Before using the CRW4216E, make sure that you have all of the items on the list of included items.In order to use the CRW4216E, you will require the following. Computer The following operating environment is required:• An IBM/AT compatible computer with a 100 MHz or faster Pentium CPU (in order to write at 4x speed), or a 100 MHz or faster 486 CPU (in order to write at 2x speed)• A vacant IDE interface connector• A vacant half-height bay• Windows 95, Windows NT4.0 or Higher• Sufficient hard disk space Note: You will need about twice as much space on your hard disk as that required by the data you wish to write to CD-ROM. Software Use writing software or packet writing software which supports the CRW4216E. Tools Phillips screwdriver This is used to remove the cover of your computer, and to install the Yamaha CRW4216E drive. Long nose pliers These are used to insert or remove the jumper pin when setting the MASTER/SLAVE settings of the Yamaha CRW4216E drive.Phillips ScrewdriverLong nose pliers
 Chapter 1 - System Configuration 4 Discs On the CRW4216E, you can use conventional CD-RW and CD-R discs that conform to the Recordable Compact Disc Systems Part 2 and 3 (Orange Book).Yamaha recommends the following Yamaha CD-RW and CD-R discs: CD-RW Discs > CRWM74R ( φ 120mm, 74 minutes) CD-R Discs > CDM12Y74M ( φ 120mm, 74 minutes)> CDM12Y74T ( φ 120mm, 74 minutes) Read-only Discs You can use discs with the   logo which conform to the Compact Disc Read Only Memory standard (CD-ROM standard, Yellow Book). If you wish to use the audio functions, use discs with the   logo, which conform to the Compact Disc Digital Audio standard (Red Book).
 Chapter 2 - Installing the Yamaha CRW4216E Drive 5 Chapter 2 - Installing the Yamaha CRW4216E Drive MASTER/SLAVE settings Before you install the CRW4216E in your computer, you must make the MASTER/SLAVE setting.This setting is set by inserting a jumper pin in the jumper switch located on the rear panel of the CRW4216E drive. Important: When the unit is shipped from the factory, this setting is in the MASTER position. Note: Use long-nose pliers to remove or insert the jumper pin. Rear Panel Enhanced IDE compatible computers normally have two IDE interface connectors; a primary one and a secondary one.Each IDE interface connector of the host computer allows up to two IDE devices to be connected. This means that a total of up to four IDE devices can be connected.Normally, a hard disk is connected to the primary connector, and a CD-ROM drive is connected to the secondary connector. Important: Avoid connecting the CRW4216E or a CD-ROM drive to the same pri-mary connector as the hard disk drive.In order to take full advantage of the system's performance, we recom-mend that you connect the CRW4216E to the secondary connector by itself as the MASTER.R G LAUDIO  OUT CSELSLAVEMASTERIDEINTERFACECONNECTORDC  INPUT15V+12V+GJumper Switch
 Chapter 2 - Installing the Yamaha CRW4216E Drive 6 Setting the CRW4216E as the MASTER As shown in the diagram at the right, insert the jumper pin into the right edge of the jumper switch. Note: If only the CRW4216E will be connected to the IDE interface connector, connect the CRW4216E to the end of the connector. Setting the CRW4216E as the SLAVE As shown in the diagram at the right, insert the jumper pin into the middle of the jumper switch. CSEL (Cable SELect) If you use the CSEL setting, the MASTER/SLAVE setting will be made automatically depending on the hardware configuration.For details refer to the manual of your computer.CSELSLAVEMASTERCSELSLAVEMASTER
 Chapter 2 - Installing the Yamaha CRW4216E Drive 7 Installing the CRW4216E drive The following steps will differ slightly depending on the type of com-puter you are using.For details on removing the cover from your computer, and installing or removing internal devices, refer to the manual for your computer. 1. Switch off your computer, and unplug it from the AC outlet. If you fail to do this, there is a danger of electric shock and/or of causing short circuits, which may damage the computer and/or CRW4216E drive. 2. Remove the cover from your computer. Be careful not to lose the screws that were removed.PUSHOFF
 Chapter 2 - Installing the Yamaha CRW4216E Drive 8 3. Your hands or body may be holding a charge of static elec-tricity.Touch a metallic portion of the chassis or power supply to release any such charge.4. Remove the front cover of a vacant half-height drive bay. For details refer to the manual of your computer. 5. Slide the CRW4216E drive into the drive bay from the front. At this time, be careful not to apply excessive force to the drive itself. Finger-tighten the four fastening screws, and check that there is enough room to connect the power supply cable, IDE interface connector, and AUDIO cables.ON/DISCREAD/WRITEVOL
 Chapter 2 - Installing the Yamaha CRW4216E Drive 9 6. Connect the IDE interface connector. Connect the 40-pin IDE interface connector to the IDE interface located on the rear panel of the CRW4216E drive.Position the connector so that the colored line is at pin 1 (your lower right). 7. Connect the AUDIO cable. Connect the single 4-pin connector (Sound Blaster compatible) to the sound card.Connect the 4-pin connector at the other end of the cable (the larger connector) to the AUDIO OUT connector on the CRW4216E drive. The polarizing lug should be at the top.IDEINTERFACECONNECTORDC  INPUT15V+12V+GR G LAUDIO  OUT CSELSLAVEMASTERIDEINTERFACECONNECTORDC  INPUT15V+12V+GR G LAUDIO  OUT CSELSLAVEMASTER
 Chapter 2 - Installing the Yamaha CRW4216E Drive 10 AUDIO cable8. Connect the power supply cable. Connect the +12V and +5V 4-pin power cable to the power supply interface located on the rear panel of the CRW4216E drive.The shape of the connector makes it impossible to reverse the connec-tions.If you have difficulty when inserting the connector, try wiggling the connector left and right while inserting it.To the CRW4216E4-pin connector (large)To the Sound Card (Sound Blaster compatible)4-pin connector (small)IDEINTERFACECONNECTORDC  INPUT15V+12V+GR G LAUDIO  OUTCSELSLAVEMASTER
Chapter 2 - Installing the Yamaha CRW4216E Drive119. Tighten the four fastening screws securely.10. Attach the cover of your computer.11. Connect the power cable to an AC outlet, and switch on your computer.Make sure that the LED located on the panel of the CRW4216E drive is lit.12. Start up your operating system.For the procedure, refer to the manual for your operation system.13. Install the writing software.For the installation procedure, refer to the manual for your writing soft-ware.ON/DISCREAD/WRITEVOL
Chapter 3 - Operation12Chapter 3 - OperationFront Panel1Disc trayThe disc is inserted and ejected here. Pressing the eject button will open the tray.2Headphone jackThis stereo mini jack allows you to connect headphones and listen to audio.3Headphone volume controlThis control adjusts the volume level of the headphone output. Rotating the control clockwise will increase the volume level.4ON/DISC LEDThis indicator lights up in orange when the CRW4216E is powered on, and lights up in green when the CRW4216E contains a disc.5READ/WRITE LEDThis indicator lights up in green when data is being read, and flashes when data is being accessed. It also lights up in orange when data is being recorded on a disc.ON/DISC READ/WRITEVOL1 7 62 3 4 5
Chapter 3 - Operation136Eject buttonThis button is used to open or close the tray.7Manual Eject holeThis is used to manually eject a disc that cannot be ejected in the nor-mal way. It is for emergency use only.Loading a Disc1. Press the eject button to open the tray.2. Carefully place the disc, label-side up, on the disc tray.3. Press the disc tray softly or press the eject button again to close the disc tray.ON/DISCREAD/WRITEVOL
Chapter 3 - Operation14Ejecting the DiscIf the CRW4216E is powered on:Press the eject button to eject the disc.Note: You cannot eject the disc if the ATAPI command prohibits the eject operation while the CRW4216E is reading data.Caution: Be sure to remove the disc after it is completely ejected. (Trying to remove the disc before it is completely ejected may cause the drive to malfunction.)If the CRW4216E is not powered on:Pressing the eject button will not eject the disc.ON/DISCREAD/WRITEVOLPress the eject button
Chapter 3 - Operation15Manual Eject (emergency use)Here we explain how to eject the disc when it cannot be ejected in the normal way; for example, the power is shut off inadvertently or the loading mechanism fails. This technique should be used only as a last resort. Frequent use may lead to malfunction.You’ll need a pin-like object of 2 mm or less in diameter to do this. A straightened paper clip makes an ideal tool.1. Insert the pin-like tool into the manual eject hole and push gently. The spring-loaded mechanism ejects the disc. 2. After manually ejecting a disc, you must turn off the power supplied to the CRW4216E, then turn it on before continuing.ON/DISCREAD/WRITEVOL
Troubleshooting16TroubleshootingIf CRW4216E is not performing as expected, look up the symptoms in the following table, and take the appropriate corrective action.Symptoms Corrective actionThe power to the CRW4216E is off • Check the DC power cable connection.The CRW4216E is not recognized by the computer• Check the IDE interface connector connection.• Is the MASTER/SLAVE setting correct?• If there is only one device connected to the IDE interface connector, is it connected to the end of the connector?The disc tray will not open • Make sure that the power to the drive is turned on.The disc ejects • Make sure that the disc is seated in the tray cor-rectly.Incorrect operation • Make sure that the disc is seated in the tray cor-rectly.• Make sure that you are using the correct disc.• Make sure that there is no dust, dirt, or conden-sation on the disc or tray.
Appendix17AppendixSpecificationsSpecifications are subject to change without prior notice.Interface ATAPI (E-IDE)Data Capacity 650MB (74 minutes disc)550MB (63 minutes disc)Record/Read Speed Writing (CD-RW): 2X speedWriting (CD-R): Normal speed, 2X speed, 4XspeedReading: Maximum 16X speed (CD-DA: 1X speed only)Data Transfer Rate 150 - 2400KB/secBurst Transfer Rate Maximum 13.3 MB/secBuffer Size 2MB (666 sectors)Access Speed 160 ms (Random access at reading)Installation HorizontalDisc Loading TrayAudio Out(normal speed)Frequency ResponseOutput Level20 - 20,000Hz (Line Out)1 Vrms (Line Out)Power Consumption 11W (read/write)Power Supply 5V ±5%, 12V ±10%Environment Temperature: +5°C - +40°C (read/write, when used in a fan-cooled system)Humidity: 5 - 85% (condensation must not occur)Dimensions (WxHxD) 146 x 41.3 x 193.1 mm (excluding front panel)Weight 950g
Appendix18Front Panel Indicator Key● on: green  flashing: green — off❍ on: orange  flashing: orangeStatus ON/DISC READ/WRITEReset ❍ ➠ — ❍ ➠ —Ready (no disc) ❍—Inserting disc  ➠  —Ejecting disc —Ready (disc inserted) ●—Seeking ●Preparing to write ●Writing ●❍Writing (test mode) ●Playback ●●
 English: If you have any questions, please contact your dealer or one of the following companies.French: Pour plus de détails sur les produits, veuillez vous adresser à Yamaha ou au distributeur le plus proche figurant dans la liste suivante :German: Bei weiteren Fragen wenden Sie sich Sitte an Ihren Händler oder eine der folgenden Firmen. JAPAN Yamaha CorporationElectronic Systems Division203 Matsunokijima, Toyooka-mura, Iwata-gun,Shizuoka-ken, 438-0192 JAPANTEL: +81 539 62 3125FAX: +81 539 62 5346Internet: www.yamaha.co.jp U.S.A Yamaha Systems Technology, Inc.100 Century Center Court, San Jose, CA 95112 U.S.ATEL: +1 408 467 2330FAX: +1 408 437 8791Internet: www.yamahayst.com CANADA Yamaha Canada Music Ltd.135 Milner Avenue, Scarborough, Ontario M1S 3R1, CANADATEL: +1 416 298 1311FAX: +1 416 292 0732 UNITED KINGDOM, BENELUX, PORTUGAL, SPAIN, GREECE, CYPRUS, TURKEY and EGYPT  Yamaha-Kemble Music (U.K.) Ltd.Media Technology DivisionSherbourne Drive, Tilbrook, Milton Keynes MK7 8BL ENGLANDTEL: +44 1 908 366700FAX: +44 1 908 368872 GERMANY, SWITZERLAND,AUSTRIA, EASTERN EUROPE and RUSSIA Yamaha Europa GmbHMulti Media DivisionSiemensstrasse 22-34,D-25462 Rellingen, GERMANYTEL: +49 4101 303 200FAX: +49 4101 303 277Internet: www.yamaha-europe.com FRANCE Yamaha Musique France S.A.B.P. 70, 77312 Marne-la Vallée Cedex 2, FRANCETEL: +33 1 6461 4060FAX: +33 1 6461 4097 ITALY Yamaha Musica Italia s.p.a.Keyboard & Multimedia DivisionViale Italia 88, 20020, Lainate (Milano) ITALYTEL: +39 2 935771FAX: +39 2 9370956 SWEDEN and SCANDINAVIA Yamaha Scandinavia ABJ A Wettergrens Gate 1, Box 300 53,S-400 43 Gothenburg SWEDENTEL: +46 31 89 34 00FAX: +46 31 45 96 07Internet: www.yamaha.se SINGAPORE, MALAYSIA, INDIA, INDONESIA and PHILIPPINES Yamaha Systems Technology, Singapore Pte Ltd.138 Cecil Street, #03-01A Cecil Court,SINGAPORE 069538TEL: +65 225 0050FAX: +65 225 3669 YAMAHA CORPORATIONElectronic Systems Division Printed in Japan V29496-0

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