Yaesu Musen HX470SA Non-broadcast Transceiver Held to Face User Manual

Yaesu Musen Co., Ltd. Non-broadcast Transceiver Held to Face Users Manual


Manual Part 3

HX470SPage 226. BASIC OPERATION6.1 INITIAL SETUP1. Install the belt clip on the transceiver according to the description in thebox below, if desired.2. Install the nylon carrying strap on the belt clip, if desired.3. Install the battery pack on the transceiver (see section 4.1.3 “BATTERYINSTALLATION/REMOVAL”).NOTE: Water resistance of the transceiver is assured only when thebattery pack is attached to the transceiver and MIC/SP rubber cap isinstalled in the MIC/SP jack.How to use the Quick Draw Belt Clip1. Connect the hanger to the rear of the HX470S, with the notchpointing directly up, using the supplied screw (Figure 1).Use only the screw included with the clip to mount the clip tothe back of the transceiver!2. Clip the Quick Draw Belt Clip to your belt (Figure 2).3. To install the HX470S into the Quick Draw Belt Clip, align thehanger with the Quick Draw Belt Clip and slide the HX470S intoits slot until a click is heard.4. To remove the HX470S from the Quick Draw Belt Clip, rotate theHX470S 180 degrees, then slidethe transceiver out from the QuickDraw Belt Clip (Figure 3).ñòFigure 3Figure 1 Figure 2
HX470S Page 236.2 RECEPTION1. Turn the POWER/VOLUME CONTROL knob clockwise to turn the trans-ceiver on.2. Turn the SQUELCH CONTROL knob fully counterclockwise. This stateis known as “Squelch Off.”3. Turn up the POWER/VOLUME CONTROL knob until the noise or audiofrom the speaker is at a comfortable level.4. Select the desired operating band among the VHFMarine band, FRS band, MURS band, FM band,AM band, and AIR band by pressing the [BAND]key repetitively to switch between the bands.5. Turn the squelch control fully to the left so au-dio is heard.6. Press the [p] or [q] key to select a channel orfrequency that has no signal being received(no one is transmitting on the channel)7. Slowly turn the SQUELCH CONTROL knob clockwise and stop immedi-ately after the noise disappears. This condition is known as the “SquelchThreshold.” If the knob is turned clockwise past this point, weak signalsmay not be received. No noise or no signal is heard until a signal isreceived that exceeds the squelch threshold. Sometimes, a slight ad-justment of the squelch threshold is needed, as some channels have ahigher noise level than others.8. Press the [SCAN] key momentarily; the HX470S will begin scanning to-ward a higher channel or frequency and will stop when it receives asignal strong enough to break through the squelch threshold. Press the[SCAN] key momentarily to channel the scanning. Refer to section 7.2for programming channels into scan memory.9. Please refer to section 16 for VHF Marine and section 3 for FRS andMURS channel assignments.10. If necessary, press the LAMP key to turn on the display illumination. Thelamp automatically turns off in about 5 seconds.11. To “lock” the channel so that it is not accidentally changed, hold downthe LAMP key for about three seconds. This locks the [p] and [q] keysand all the front panel controls except the [H/L], PTT and LAMP keys.The “ ” symbol will appear on the display to indicate that the keypadis locked. Hold down the LAMP key for about one second to unlock thekeys. The “ ” symbol will disappear from the display..
HX470SPage 246.3 TRANSMISSION1. Perform steps 1 through 7 of the RECEPTION discussion above.2. Before transmitting, monitor the channel and make sure it is clear.THIS IS AN FCC REQUIREMENT!3. For communications over short distances on the Marine band, press the[H/L] key until “L” is displayed on the LCD. This indicates Low power(approximately 1 watt).NoteTransmitting on 1 watt prolongs battery life. Low power (1 watt)should be selected whenever possible. On the FRS band, thetransmit power is fixed (0.5 Watt).4. If using Low power is not effective, select Medium power (2.5 watts) orHigh power (5 watts) by pressing the [H/L] key until “M” (Medium power)or “H” (High power) is displayed.5. When receiving a signal, wait until the incoming signal stops before trans-mitting. The transceiver cannot transmit and receive simultaneously.6. Press the PTT (Push-To-Talk) switch to transmit. The “TX” indicator isdisplayed during transmission.7. Speak slowly and clearly into the microphone. Hold the microphone about1/2 to 1 inch away from your mouth.8. When the transmission is finished, release the PTT switch.For an overview of VHF Marine and FRS band operating procedures refer tosection TRANSMIT TIME - OUT TIMER (TOT)While the PTT switch is held down, transmission time is limited to 5 minutes.This prevents prolonged (unintentional) transmissions. About 10 secondsbefore automatic transmitter shutdown, a warning beep sounds from thespeaker. The transceiver automatically switches to the receiving mode, evenif the PTT switch is held down. Before transmitting again, the PTT switchmust first be released, and then pressed again. This Time-Out-Timer (TOT)prevents a continuous transmission that would result from an accidentallystuck PTT switch.
HX470S Page 256.4 NOAA WEATHER CHANNELS1. To receive a NOAA weather broadcast, press the [WX] key. The trans-ceiver changes to the weather channel mode.This mode consists of a special preset memorybank containing the NOAA weather channels.2. The transceiver will be set to the last used NOAAweather channel.  Press the [p] or [q] key to change to other weatherchannels.3. To exit from the weather channel mode, press the [WX] key. The trans-ceiver will revert to the channel you were using prior to switching to theweather channel mode.6.4.1 NOAA WEATHER ALERTIn the event of extreme weather disturbances such as storms and hurri-canes, NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) sends a“weather alert” consisting of  a 1050 Hz tone, followed by weather reports onthe weather channels. The transceiver is capable of receiving this alert if thefollowing is performed:1. Program your area’s weather channels into the transceiver’s scanmemory. Follow the same procedure as for regular channels.2. Press the [SCAN] key to start the scan.3. The memorized weather channels are scanned along with the regularmemorized channels. Scanning will not stop on the (continuous) weatherbroadcast channels unless the weather alert tone is received.4. When an alert is received on a weather channel, scanning stops and thetransceiver emits a beeping tone that will stay on for 5 minutes.5. Press the [WX] key to listen to the Weather Alert.
HX470SPage 266.5 PRESET CHANNELS (P0 ~ P9): INSTANT ACCESSTen user assigned channels can be programmed for instant access. Press-ing the [PRESET] key activates the user assigned channel bank. If the [PRE-SET] key is pressed and no channels have been assigned, an alert beepwill be emitted twice from the speaker.The HX470S provides the ten Preset channel for each individual operatingband (VHF Marine, FRS, MURS, AM Broadcast, FM Broadcast and Air Band).Programming1. Select the desired band by pressing the [BAND] key.2. Hold down the [PRESET] key, and press the [p] or [q] key (repeatedly,if necessary) until the desired channel number or frequency is displayed.3. With the desired number displayed, release the [PRESET] key.4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to program the desired channels into Preset Chan-nels “P1” ~ “P9.”5. To delete a Preset Channel, hold down the [PRESET] key and press the[p] or [q] key until the Preset Channel number to be deleted is dis-played, then release the [PRESET] key.You may add an alpha-numeric name “Tag” to any desired Preset Channel;refer to CH NAME SET item on the section 13 “MENU (“SET”) MODE.”OperationPressing the [PRESET] key will toggle between Preset Channels “P0” - “P9”and the last selected “regular” channel. Preset Chan-nel “P0” is represented by “P0” to the left of the chan-nel number on the LCD, and preset channel “P1” isrepresented by “P1” and so forth.Press the [SCAN] key while on any of the Preset Channels, the HX470S willbegin scanning the Preset Channels of the selected band.
HX470S Page 276.6 ENABLING S.O.S STROBE OPERATIONThe S.O.S. STROBE feature utilizes the high-intensity strobe LED on thefront of the HX470S as a visual distress beacon. When enabled, the LEDblinks the internationally-recognized Morse Code “S.O.S.” message(•••–––•••) at a rate of 5 words per minute. This can be very useful insummoning help from rescuers who may not be able to communicate withyou via radio.1. Hold down the [MEM] key while turning the radio on to activate the emer-gency S.O.S. Strobe. Once the radio comes on, the BUSY/TX LED willflash the Morse Code S.O.S. message repeatedly.2. The S.O.S. strobe function is interrupted when a  signal is received or ifthe squelch control is turned so audio is heard from the speaker. andduring transmission.3. To disable the S.O.S. strobe function, turn the radio off and back onagain.
HX470SPage 287. ADVANCED OPERATION ON THE MARINE BAND7.1 USA, CANADIAN, AND INTERNATIONAL CHANNELS1. To change from US to Canadian or InternationalMarine Channels, hold down the [16/9] key andpress the [WX] key. The band will change fromUSA, to International, and to Canadian with eachpress.2. “USA” appears on the LCD for the USA band,“CAN” appears for the Canadian band, and“INTL” appears for the International band.3. Refer to the marine channel charts in section 16“VHF MARINE CHANNEL ASSIGNMENTS” forallocated channels.7.2 MEMORY SCANThe HX470S can be programmed to scan channels from a minimum of 2channels up to all channels in the marine band. If an incoming signal isdetected on one of the channels during scan, the radio will pause on thatchannel, allowing you to listen to the incoming transmission.Select the desired band (VHF Marine, FRS, MURS, AM Broadcast, FM Broad-cast or Air Band) on which you wish to select channels to be scanned.1. Select the desired channel to be included in the scan memory using the[p] or [q] key.2. Press the [MEM] key to store the channel intothe transceiver’s scan memory. “MEM” will bedisplayed on the LCD.3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for all the channels to bescanned.4. To delete a channel from the transceiver’s scan memory, select the memo-rized channel. Press the [MEM] key until “MEM” is removed from thedisplay.5. All channels programmed remain in the transceiver’s scan memory evenif the power is turned off. See section 11 “RESETTING THETRANSCEIVER’S MICROPROCESSOR” to clear all channels from thetransceiver’s scan memory.6. Adjust the SQUELCH CONTROL knob until background noise is elimi-nated.
HX470S Page 297. To start scanning, press the [SCAN] key. The scan proceeds from thelowest to the highest programmed channel and stops scanning when atransmission is received. Scanning will resume when the incoming sig-nal disappears at the end of the transmission. A small “SCAN” icon isshown on the center bottom of the display during scanning.8. To stop the scan, press the [SCAN] key.7.3 PRIORITY SCANThe priority scanning feature allows the radio to scan while also keepingwatch on a particularly important “priority channel.” The following channelscan be set as the priority channel: 16, 09, and MARINE Preset Channel.1. To set the priority channel, hold down the [16/9] key and press the [MEM]key. The channel will change from 16 to 09 to Preset Channels P0 throughP9 with each press of the [MEM] key. When the[16/9] key is released the displayed channel willbe set as the priority channel (the large “P” iconwill appear at the right side of the channel num-ber).2. For priority scanning, hold down the [SCAN] key during normal scan-ning. Scanning will proceed between the memorized channels and thepriority channel. The priority channel will be scanned after each pro-grammed channel. A small “PSCN” is shown on the center bottom of thedisplay during priority scanning.3. As an example of priority scanning, let us say that marine channels 06,07, and 08 are memorized in the transceiver’s scan memory. Priorityscanning will proceed in the following sequence:[CH06] à [Priority Channel] à [CH07] à [Priority Channel] à    [CH08] à [Priority Channel] à [CH06] à [Priority Channel] ……4. Even when the transceiver stops and listens to the signal of a programmedchannel, the transceiver will shift to a “dual watch” mode between thischannel and the priority channel. Therefore, your priority watching of thedesignated channel is not compromised when the scanner has pausedon an active channel.5. Hold down the [SCAN] key to change the priority scanning to normalscanning, and then press the [SCAN] key to stop the scan and return tonormal operation.
HX470SPage 307.4 DUAL WATCHThe Dual Watch feature allows the radio to watch for a transmission on thepriority channel and another selected Marine, FRS or MURS channel until asignal is received. The priority channel is determined per the discussion insection 7.3 “PRIORITY SCAN” as described previously.1. To start the Dual Watch feature, select a channel to be dual watchedwith the priority channel and press the [DW] key.The radio checks the priority channel for voicetraffic every one second. A small “DW” icon isshown on the center bottom of the display dur-ing scanning.2. To cancel the Dual Watch feature, press the [DW] key.7.5 EMERGENCY CHANNEL 161. To select the emergency channel, press the [16/9] key from any chan-nel.2. If you cannot contact anyone on channel 16, switch to another channel.3. See section 10.1 “EMERGENCY (CHANNEL 16 USE)” for additionalemergency operating practices.4. To recall the previously-used channel when you are finished on channel16, press the [16/9] key again.7.6 CHANNEL 9Channel 9 is used as a hailing channel for initial, non-emergency contactswith other vessels. Hold down the [16/9] key for 1 second to select channel9. You should change to a working channel, after contact is established (soas to keep the hailing channel clear for other users).7.7 OPERATING ON USA OR CANADIAN 13, OR USA CHANNEL 67USA and Canadian Channel 13, USA 67 are used at docks, bridges and formaneuvering in port. Messages on this channel must concern navigationonly, such as meeting and passing in restricted waters. In emergencies andwhen approaching blind river bends, high power is allowed. Holding downthe [H/L] key will change the power output from 1 Watt (L) to 5 Watts (H); ifpressed and held again 2.5 Watts (M) will be selected. When the PTT switchis released, the transceiver will revert to low power. Press and hold in the [H/L] key again if you need High power on a subsequent transmission.
HX470S Page 317.8 OPERATING ON USA CHANNEL 67USA Channel 67 is used for navigational bridge-to-bridge traffic betweenships. This channel has been allocated for temporary high power transmis-sion if communication is not able to be established on one watt.Select Channel 67, then press the [H/L] key to set the transmitter output toeither High or Medium power. When the PTT switch is released, the trans-ceiver will revert to low power.7.9 DIGITAL SELECTIVE CALLING7.9.1 GENERAL7.9.1.1  Digital Selective Calling (DSC)Digital Selective Calling is a semi-automated method of establishing a radiocall; it has been designated by the International Maritime Organization (IMO)as an international standard for establishing VHF, MF and HF radio calls. Ithad also been designated as part of the Global Maritime Distress and SafetySystem (GMDSS). It is planned that DSC will eventually replace aural watcheson distress frequencies and will be used to announce routine and urgentmaritime safety information broadcasts.The HX470S has a DSC Distress feature that allows mariners to instantlytransmit a VHF Marine distress call with GPS position (when connected tothe transceiver) to the US Coast Guard and other vessels within range ofthe transmission.  Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI)What is an MMSI?An MMSI is a nine digit number used on Marine Transceivers capable ofusing Digital Selective Calling (DSC). This number is used by the HX470Swhen a Marine DSC Distress call is transmitted. This number is registeredwith the USCG. Refer to section 13 “MENU (“SET”) MODE”(MMSI REG).NOTE: An MMSI must be programmed into the HX470S before the DSCDistress function will operate. If you have a fixed mounted DSC VHF andalready have a MMSI, this MMSI should be programmed into the HX470S.How can I obtain a MMSI assignment?Currently there are two companies that offer MMSI numbers:¦Boat US at (800) 563-1539 or visit the web site http://www.boatus.com/mmsi/.¦Seatow at (631) 765-3660  or visit the web site http://www.seatow.com/mmsiinfo.htm
HX470SPage 32WARNING: This radio is designed to generate a digital maritime distressand safety call to facilitate search and rescue. To be effective as a safetydevice, this equipment must be used only within communication range of ashore-based VHF marine channel 70 distress and safety watch system.7.9.2 SENDING A DISTRESS CALLThe distress call automatically includes the vessel’s DSC MMSI and Lat/Lon position. The vessel’s position will only be transmitted if the transceiveris properly connected to an operating GPS receiver with NMEA output.1. Lift the red DISTRESS rubber cover on the right side of the transceiverand press the [DISTRESS] key.  “DSC DISTRESS” will appear on thetop of the LCD.2. Press and hold in the [DISTRESS] key for 3 seconds. The LCD will countdown (3s, 2s, 1s), and afterwards the HX470S will transmit the DSCDistress Call on channel 70.3. When the distress signal is being sent, “TX” icon will appear on the LCD.After the message has been sent, the Distress Alarm will sound.4. The transceiver “shadow-watches” for a transmission between CH16 andCH70 until an acknowledgment signal is received.5. If no acknowledgment is received, the distress call is repeated in threeminute intervals until an acknowledgment is received.6. To cancel the distress call alarm, press the [16/9] key.7. To send the CANCEL call:Press the [DISTRESS] key, then press the [p] or [q] key until “CAN-CEL” is shown on the LCD. Press the [DISTRESS] key.NOTE: When a GPS receiver with NMEA output is connected via the CD-25Charger Cradle, the vessel’s position is automatically transmitted with thedistress call. The HX470S will remember the position input from the GPSuntil the radio is turned off.7.10 SIMPLEX/DUPLEX CHANNEL USEAll Marine channels are factory-programmed in accordance with FCC (USA),Industry Canada and International regulations. The mode of operation can-not be altered from simplex to duplex or vice-versa. Simplex (ship to ship) orduplex (marine operator) mode is automatically activated, depending on thechannel and whether the USA, International or Canadian operating band isselected.
HX470S Page 338. CTCSS OPERATION ON THE FRS BANDS8.1 CTCSS CODE OPERATIONCTCSS stands for Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System; it is a sub-audible tone system with 39 selections, labeled CODE01 through CODE39.CTCSS tones are used on FRS channels where there are several stationstransmitting on the same frequencies within close proximity to one another.When this occurs, you may hear multiple communications at the same timeto the point where it is impossible to clearly receive and understand thetransmission of the person calling you.The HX470S allows you to program CTCSS codes for each FRS channel. Ifmultiple signals are transmitted on the channel you selected, you will onlyhear the transmission of other stations with the same CTCSS tone that wasprogrammed in the HX470S. If the radio does not receive the correct toneon the selected channel, then you will not hear the transmission.1. Select the FRS channel on which you wish to utilize CTCSS control ofthe squelch.2. Press the [MENU] key to enter the Menu Mode.3. Press the [p] or [q] key to select Menu item (CTCSS).4. Press the [MENU] key to enable adjustment of this Menu item (“CTCSS”icon will blink).5. Press the [p] or [q] key to select the desired CTCSS code number(CODE01 - CODE39).6. Press the [MENU] key to save the new setting.7. Press the PTT key to exit from the Menu mode, and activate the CTCSSfeature.When CTCSS is programmed the CTCSS codenumber will appear to the right of the operating chan-nel number.To disable CTCSS operation, select “OFF” in step 5above.CODE FREQUENCY01 67.0 Hz02 71.9 Hz03 74.4 Hz04 77.0 Hz05  79.7 Hz06 82.5 HzCODE FREQUENCY07 85.4 Hz08 88.5 Hz09 91.5 Hz10 94.8 Hz11 97.4 Hz12 100.0 HzCODE FREQUENCY13 103.5 Hz14 107.2 Hz15 110.9 Hz16 114.8 Hz17 118.8 Hz18 123.0 HzCODE FREQUENCY19 127.3 Hz20 131.8 Hz21 136.5 Hz22 141.3 Hz23 146.2 Hz24 151.4 HzCODE FREQUENCY25 156.7 Hz26 162.2 Hz27 167.9 Hz28 173.8 Hz29 179.9 Hz30 186.2 HzCODE FREQUENCY31 192.8 Hz32 203.5 Hz33 210.7Hz34 218.1 Hz35 225.7 Hz36 233.6 HzCODE FREQUENCY37 241.8 Hz38 250.3 Hz39 69.3 Hz– –– –– –
HX470SPage 349. BAROMETER AND SCRAMABLER OPERATION9.1 BAROMETRIC PRESSURE METERThe optional Barometric Pressure unit (SU-1) brings to the HX470S theunique capability of providing readout of the current barometric pressureand display the relative changes in the pressure (Upward ( ) or Downward(), Count: every 1/2 hour). The SU-1 unit requires calibration of the “off-set” parameters, so that the pressure reading willbe correct. To do this you must have a barometer touse as a reference as you adjust the SU-1 to matchits reading; see section 13 “MENU (“SET”)MODE”(BARO OFFSET).To display the current barometric pressure:1. Press the [MENU] key to enter the Menu Mode.2. Press the [p] or [q] key to select the Menu item (DISPLAY MODE).3. Press the [MENU] key to enable adjustment of this Menu item.4. Press the [p] or [q] key to set this Menu item to “BARO.”5. When you have completed your selection, press the [MENU] key to savethe new setting, and then press the PTT key to exit to normal operation.6. To disable the barometric pressure display, select “None” in step 4 above.9.2 VOICE SCRAMBLER UNITThe optional FVP-31 Voice Scrambler Unit permitssecure voice communications with stations withinyour network, which prevents others from listeningusing normal communication equipment.To activate the Voice Scrambler:1. Select the channel on which you wish to activate the Voice Scrambler.2. Press the [MENU] key to enter the Menu Mode.3. Press the [p] or [q] key to select the Menu item (SCRAMBLER).4. Press the [MENU] key to enable adjustment of this Menu item.5. Press the [p] or [q] key to set this Menu item to “ON.”6. When you have completed your selection, press the [MENU] key to savethe new setting, and then press the PTT key to exit to normal operation.7. To disable the Voice Scrambler, select “OFF” in step 5 above.Note: Voice Scrambler may not be activated on Marine Channels 16 and70.
HX470S Page 3510. OPERATING PRACTICES10.1  EMERGENCY (CHANNEL 16 USE)Channel 16 is known as the Hail and Distress Channel. An emergency maybe defined as a threat to life or property. In such instances, be sure thetransceiver is on and set to CHANNEL 16. Then use the following proce-dure:1. Press the microphone push-to-talk switch and say “Mayday, Mayday,Mayday. This is       ,       ,       ” (your vessel’s name).2. Then repeat once: “Mayday,       ” (your vessel’s name).3. Now report your position in latitude/longitude, or by giving a true or mag-netic bearing (state which) to a well-known landmark such as a naviga-tion aid or geographic feature such as an island or harbor entry.4. Explain the nature of your distress (sinking, collision, aground, fire, heartattack, life-threatening injury, etc.).5. State the kind of assistance your desire (pumps, medical aid, etc.).6. Report the number of persons aboard and condition of any injured.7. Estimate the present seaworthiness and condition of your vessel.8. Give your vessel’s description: length, design (power or sail), color andother distinguishing marks. The total transmission should not exceed 1minute.9. End the message by saying “OVER”. Release the microphone buttonand listen.10. If there is no answer, repeat the above procedure. If there is still noresponse, try another channel.10.2  CALLING ANOTHER VESSEL (CHANNEL 16 OR 9)Channel 16 may be used for initial contact (hailing) with another vessel.However, its most important use is for emergency messages. This channelmust be monitored at all times except when actually using another channel.It is monitored by the U.S. and Canadian Coast Guards and by other ves-sels. Use of channel 16 for hailing must be limited to initial contactonly. Calling should not exceed 30 seconds, but may be repeated 3 times at2-minute intervals. In areas of heavy radio traffic, congestion on channel 16resulting from its use as a hailing channel can be reduced significantly inU.S. waters by using Channel 9 as the initial contact (hailing) channel fornon-emergency communications. Here, also, calling time should not exceed30 seconds but may be repeated 3 times at 2-minute intervals.
HX470SPage 36Prior to making contact with another vessel, refer to the channel charts inthis manual, and select an appropriate channel for communications afterinitial contact. For example, Channels 68 and 69 of the U.S. VHF Charts aresome of the channels available to non-commercial (recreational) boaters.Monitor your desired channel in advance to make sure you will not be inter-rupting other traffic, and then go back to either channel 16 or 9 for your initialcontact.When the hailing channel (16 or 9) is clear, state the name of the othervessel you wish to call and then “this is” followed by the name of your ves-sel and your Station License (Call Sign). When the other vessel returns yourcall, immediately request another channel by saying “go to,” the number ofthe other channel, and “over.” Then switch to the new channel. When thenew channel is not busy, call the other vessel.After a transmission, say “over,” and release the microphone’s push-to-talk(PTT) switch. When all communication with the other vessel is completed,end the last transmission by stating your Call Sign and the word “out.” Notethat it is not necessary to state your Call Sign with each transmission, onlyat the beginning and end of the contact.Remember to return to Channel 16 when not using another channel. Someradios automatically monitor Channel 16 even when set to other channelsor when scanning; see your Owner’s Manual.10.3  OPERATING ON CHANNELS 13 AND 67Channel 13 is used at docks and bridges and by vessels maneuvering inport. Messages on this channel must concern navigation only, such as meet-ing and passing in restricted waters.Channel 67 is used for navigational traffic between vessels.By regulation, power is normally limited to 1 Watt on these channels. Yourradio is programmed to automatically reduce power to this limit on thesechannels. However, in certain situations it may be necessary to temporarilyuse a higher power. See page 20 ([H/L] key) for means to temporarily over-ride the low-power limit on these two channels.
HX470S Page 3710.4  PROHIBITED COMMUNICATIONSThe FCC prohibits the following communications:•False distress or emergency messages:•Messages to “any boat” except in emergencies and radio tests;•Messages to or from a vessel on land;•Transmission while on land;•Obscene, indecent, or profane language (potential fine of $10,000).10.5  NOAA WEATHER ALERT TESTINGIn the event of a major storm or other appreciable weather condition requir-ing vessels at sea (or other bodies of water) to be notified, the NOAA (Na-tional Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration) broadcasts a 1050Hz tone that some VHF radios, including your HX470S, can detect for“Weather Alarm” purposes (refer to section 6.4.1 “NOAA WEATHER ALERT”for a discussion of how to use this feature). The 1050 Hz tone, when de-tected, will produce a loud beep in the speaker of the HX470S, to signal thata Weather Alert Broadcast is being received.In order to test this system, NOAA broadcasts the 1050 Hz tone everyWednesday sometime between 11 AM and 1 PM local time. You may usethis opportunity to test your HX470S periodically to confirm that the WeatherAlert feature is working, or for training crew members on how to configurethe HX470S to receive the NOAA Weather Alerts.
HX470SPage 3811. RESETTING THE TRANSCEIVER’S MICROPROCESSORResetting the microprocessor restores the initial, factory-supplied conditionsin the transceiver. These are called the “default” conditions.To reset the microprocessor, first turn the transceiver off. Then, while press-ing and holding in the [WX] and [SCAN] keys, turn the transceiver on.The default conditions are:•No channel numbers are in scan memory.•Channel 16 is the priority channel.•Channel 16 will be selected when the transceiver is turned on.•WX channel 01 will be recalled when the [WX] key is pressed.•Preset Channels are unassigned.Note: The above procedure also resets the microprocessor. Perform thisprocedure if an operational problem occurs which cannot be solved by nor-mal operating procedures.
HX470S Page 3912. CLONINGThe HX470S includes a convenient “Clone” feature, which allows the memoryand configuration data from one transceiver to be transferred to anotherHX470S.Turn both radios off.1. Connect the (optional) CT-32 Clone Cable between the MIC/SP jacks ofthe two transceivers.2. Hold down the [PRESET] key and then turn on the transceiver. Do thisfor both transceivers (the order of switching the radios on does not mat-ter); “CLONE” will appear on the display on both transceivers.3. On the Destination transceiver, press the [MEM] key (“CLONE RX” willappear on the LCD).4. Press the [16/9] key on the Source transceiver; “CLONE TX” will appearon the Source radio, and the data will now be transferred.5. If there is a problem during the cloning process, “CLONE ERR” is dis-played. Check your cable connections and battery voltage, and try again.6. If the data transfer is successful, the Destination transceiver will returnto normal operation; Turn both transceivers off and disconnect the Clonecable. You can then turn the transceivers back on, and begin normaloperation.
HX470SPage 4013. MENU (“SET”) MODEThe HX470S’s Menu Mode allows a number of the HX470S operating pa-rameters to be custom-configured for your operating requirements.The Menu Mode is easy to activate and set, using the following procedure:1. Press the [MENU] key to enter the Menu Mode.2. Press the [p] or [q] key to select the Menu item to be adjusted.3. Press the [MENU] key to enable adjustment of the selected Menu item.The menu item will blink4. Press the [p] or [q] key to select the status or value of the Menu item.5. After completing your adjustment, press the PTT key to save the newsetting and exit to normal operation.BEEPFunction: Enable/Disable the Keypad beeper.Available Values: ON / OFFDefault: ONBARO OFFSET (Requires optional SU-1)Function: Calibrating the Barometric Pressure meter.Press the [p] or [q] key to set the HX470S’s Barometric Pressure display tomatch a Calibrated Barometer’s displayed pressure.Available Values: –127 to +127Default: 000BARO UNIT (Requires optional SU-1)Function: Selects the Units Of Measure of the Barometric display.Available Values: mb / HPA / mm Hg / InchesDefault: mbCH NAME SETFunction: Changes the channel name shown on the display.1. Select the channel on which you wish to change the name before recall-ing this Menu item.2. Press the [MENU] key to enter the Menu Mode.3. Press the [p] or [q] key to select this Menu item (CH NAME SET).4. Press the [MENU] key to enable adjustment of this Menu item.5. Press the [p] or [q] key to select the first character (letter, number, orsymbol) in the name you wish to change, then press the [MEM] key tomove to the next character.
HX470S Page 416. If you make a mistake, press the [H/L] key to move back, and then reselectthe correct letter, number, or symbol.7. Repeat step 5 as many times as necessary to complete the name tag(up to 10 characters).8. After completing your adjustment, press the [MENU] key to save thenew setting.9. Press the PTT key to exit to normal operation.CTCSSFunction: Enables/Disables CTCSS operation and allows code selectionAvailable Values: ON (with 39 standard CTCSS Tones) / OFFDefault: OFFNote: This Menu Item is only selectable on the FRS band (you may onlyaccess this Menu Item while operating on the FRS band).DISPLAY MODEFunction: Selects the information to be displayed on the LCDAvailable Values: BAROø1 / GPS NAV infoø2 / CH name / Timeø2 / NoneDefault: CH nameø1: Requires optional SU-1ø2: Requires GPS receiver.DISTRESS RINGFunction: Selects how long the DSC Distress alarm will ringAvailable Values: 3 min / 5 times / 10 times / 15 timesDefault: 3 minGPS NAV InfoBARO CH nameNoneTime
HX470SPage 42DW DISPLAYFunction: Selects the Dual Watch scanning display mode.Available Values: Normal / SpecialDefault: SpecialWhen “Special” is selected the channel shown on the display is the lastchannel the HX470S received a call on. This is a handy feature if you cannotlook at the radio the moment a transmission was receivedBAND ICONFunction: Enable/Disablethe BAND Icon displayAvailable Values: ON / OFFDefault: ONLAMP MODEFunction: Selects the Lamp illumination method for the LCD/Keypad.Available Values: Key / Toggle / 5 secDefault: KeyKey: Illuminates the LCD/Keypad for 5 seconds when any key is pressed.Toggle: Pressing the LAMP key toggles the LCD/Keypad lamp On/Off.5 sec: Pressing the LAMP key illuminates the LCD/Keypad for 5 seconds.MMSI REGFunction: Stores MMSI ID code.Note: The MMSI can only be inputted twice. If entered more than twice, theHX470S will have to be sent to STANDARD HORIZON factory service toreset the MMSI.MUTEFunction: Enable/Disable the Audio Muting on the FM Broadcast Band.Available Values: ON / OFFDefault: ONSCAN DISPLAYFunction: Selects the Scanning display modeAvailable Values: Normal / SpecialDefault: NormalWhen this menu is set to “Normal,” the channel numbers during scan will beshown as scrolling on the display. When Special is selected the channelnumbers on the display do not change unless a call was received. The chan-nel shown is the last channel that was received.BAND ICON “OFF”BAND ICON “ON”
HX470S Page 43SCAN LAMPFunction: Enable/Disable the automatic illumination of the lamp when asignal is received on a channel during ScanningAvailable Values: ON / OFFDefault: OFFSCRAMBLER (Requires optional FVP-31)Function: Enable/Disable the Voice scrambler.Available Values: ON / OFFDefault: OFFNote: This Menu Item is ignored when using Marine Channels 16 and 70.STEPFunction: Selects the AM Band frequency step sizeAvailable Values: 10kHz or 9kHz (for Europe)Default: 10kHzSTROBEFunction: Selects the DSC Distress Call STROBE illuminationAvailable Values: OFF / Flashing / Continue / SOSDefault: OFFTIME OFFSETFunction: Allows entering a “Time Offset” for your location so the time willbe shown correctly on the display when connected to a GPS receiver via theCD-25 Charger Cradle.Available Values: –12 to +12Default: 00WX ALERTFunction: Enable/Disable the Weather Alert feature.Available Values: ON / OFFDefault: ON
HX470SPage 4414. MAINTENANCE14.1 GENERALThe inherent quality of the solid-state components in STANDARD HORI-ZON radios will provide many years of continuous use. Take the followingprecautions to prevent damage to the radio.rKeep the microphone connected or the jack covered at all times to pre-vent corrosion of electrical contacts;rNever key the transmitter unless an antenna or suitable dummy load isconnected to the antenna receptacle.rEnsure that the input voltage does not exceed the value specified in yourOwner’s Manual.rUse only STANDARD HORIZON-approved accessories and replacementparts.14.2 REPLACEMENT PARTSOccasionally an owner needs a replacement parts. These can be orderedfrom our Parts Department by writing or calling:Marine Division of Vertex StandardUS Headquarters10900 Walker Street, Cypress, CA 90630, U.S.A.Telephone (714) 827-7600Commonly requested parts, and their part numbers are listed below.•VOLUME Knob: RA0474200•SQL Knob: RA0474100•CD-25 Charger Cradle: Q7000462•MIC/SP Cover: RA0399700•DISTRESS Cover: RA0474800
HX470S Page 45TROUBLESHOOTING CHARTSYMPTONThe [SCAN] key doesnot start the scan.The USA/INTL/CANmodes do not function.Rotating theSQUELCH CONTROLknob does noteliminate backgroundnoise.Cannot change anyfunction.Key Lock does notfunction.Indicator does not lightwhen charging abattery.PROBABLECAUSENo channelsmemorized.Squelch is notadjusted.Proper operation notfollowed.Low battery.Key Lock is on.Proper operation notfollowed.Defective batteryFNB-80LI.REMEDYUse the MEM key to enter de-sired channels into thetransceiver’s memory.Adjust the squelch to thresholdor to the point where noise justdisappears. Further adjustmentof the squelch control may elimi-nate incoming signals.HOLD down the 16/9 key andpress the WX key.Charge battery. Refer to section5 of this manual.Turn Key Lock off. Refer to sec-tion 5,   LAMP key..Hold down the LAMP key for 1second.Contact your Standard Horizondealer.14.3 TROUBLESHOOTING CHART
HX470SPage 4615. INSTALLATIONS OF OPTION15.1 SU-1 BAROMETRIC PRESSURE UNIT ORFVP-31 VOICE SCRAMBLER UNIT1. Make sure that the transceiver is off. Remove the hard or soft case, ifused. Remove the battery pack.2. Locate the connector for the optional unit under the caution seal in thebattery compartment on the back of the radio; just peel off the caution seal.3. When installing the Barometric Pressure Unit SU-1, connect the jumperpads labeled “BARO” (2 pair) by soldering them together. When install-ing the Voice Scrambler Unit FVP-31, connect the jumper pads labeled“SCRMBL” (8 pair) using the soldering jumper.Note: It is not possible to install both optional units into the same radio.4. Align the connector on the optional unit with the transceiver’s connectorand gently press the unit into place.5. Affix the new caution seal (supplied with the optional unit), and replacethe battery. Installation is now complete.âââ15.2 FBA-23 BATTERY CASEFBA-23 is a battery case that holds two alkaline batteries and is used withthe HX470S transceiver. Alkaline batteries can be used for transmission inan emergency, but power output is reduced to one watt, and battery life willbe short.1. Slide the batteries into the FBA-23 with the Negative [–] side of the batter-ies touching the spring connections inside the FBA-23.2. Insert the FBA-23 into the battery compartment on theback of the transceiver, then close the Battery PackLatch until it locks in place with a “click.”Note: The battery indicator on the transceiver is only ap-plicable to the FNB-80LI rechargeable battery. Disregardthis indication when using alkaline batteries.
HX470S Page 4716.  VHF MARINE CHANNEL ASSIGNMENTSTables on the following pages list the VHF Marine Channel assignments forU.S.A. and International use. Below are listed some data about the charts.1. VTS. Where indicated, these channels are part of the U.S. Coast Guard’sVessel Traffic System.2. Alpha channel numbers, that is, channel numbers followed by the letterA (such as Channel 07A) are simplex channels on the U.S.A. or Cana-dian channel assignments whose counterparts in the International as-signments are duplex channels. International channels do not use “al-pha” numbers. If you call the Coast Guard on Channel 16, they will some-times ask you to “go to channel 22 Alpha.” This is a channel assignedto U.S.A, and Canadian Coast Guards for handling distress and othercalls. If your radio is set for International operation you will go to Chan-nel 22 instead of 22A, and will not be able to communicate with theCoast Guard. To use Channel 22A, your radio must be set for USA orCanada operation, using the USA/CAN/INTL channel selection proce-dure described on page 28 of this manual. Channel 22 (without an “A”) isan International duplex channel for port operations. The HX470S dis-plays an “A” adjacent to the channel number on all “Alpha” channels,unlike some other models that may not indicate the “A” even though theymay be set to the correct frequency.3. Bridge-to-Bridge channels (for example, Channel 13) are for use by bridgeoperators on inter-coastal waterways and rivers. It is also used by ma-rine vessels in the vicinity of these bridges for navigation and for com-municating with the bridge operators. Note that a limit of 1 Watt is speci-fied for these channels.4. The S/D column on the chart indicates either S (simplex) or D (duplex).Simplex means transmitting and receiving on the same frequency. Onlyone party at a time can talk, unlike a telephone. Be sure to say “over”and release your microphone push-to-talk switch at the end of each trans-mission. Duplex operation involves the use of one frequency for trans-mitting and a separate frequency for receiving. On channels specifiedas duplex on the charts, correct mode of operation is established auto-matically by your radio when you select a channel; you cannot changethe mode. And you still must release the push-to-talk switch after eachtransmission in order to listen to the radio.5. Channels normally used by recreational boaters are those that include
HX470SPage 48the term “non-commercial” in the Channel Use column of the chart. Someof these are shared with other users and some are used only in certaingeographic regions.6. Marine vessels equipped with VHF radios are required to monitorChannel 16.VHF Marine ChannelVHF MARINE CHANNEL CHARTCH U C IS/D TX RX CHANNEL USE01 X X D156.050 160.650 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)01A X S 156.050 Port Operation and Commercial. VTS in selected areas02 X X D156.100 160.700 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)03 X X D156.150 160.750 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)03A X S 156.150 US Government only, Coast Guard04 XD156.200 160.800 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement04A X S 156.200 Pacific coast: Coast Guard, East Coast:Commercial fishing05 XD156.250 160.850 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement05A X X S 156.250 Port operation. VTS in Seattle06 X X X S 156.300 Inter-ship Sefety07 XD156.350 160.950 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement07A X X S 156.350 Commercial08 X X X S 156.400 Commercial (Inter-ship only)09 X X X S 156.450 Boater Calling channel, Commercial & Non-commercial(Recreational)10 X X X S 156.500 Commercial11 X X X S 156.550 Commercial. VTS in selected areas.12 X X X S 156.600 Port operation. VTS in selected areas.13 X X X S 156.650 Inter-ship Navigation Safety (Bridge-to-bridge)14 X X X S 156.700 Port operation. VTS in selected areas.15 X S - - - 156.750 Environmental (Receive only)15 X X S 156.750 Commercial, non-commercial, ship movement (1 W)16 X X X S 156.800 International Distress, Safety and Calling17 X X X S 156.850 State Controlled (1 W)18 XD156.900 161.500 Port operation, ship movement18A X X S 156.900 Commercial19 XD156.950 161.550 Port operation, ship movement19A X S 156.950 US: Commercial19A X S 156.950 Coast Guard20 X X X D157.000 161.600 Canadian Coast Guard Only,International: port operations and shipment20A X S 157.000 Port operation21 XD157.050 161.650 Port operation, ship movement21A X X S 157.050 U.S. Government Only, Canadian Coast Guard22 XD157.100 161.700 Port operation, ship movement22A X X S 157.100 US and Canadian Coast Guard Liaison and MaritimeSafety Information Broadcasts announced on channel 16
HX470S Page 49VHF MARINE CHANNEL CHARTCH U C IS/D TX RX CHANNEL USE23 X X D157.150 161.750 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)23A X S 157.150 U.S. Government Only24 XXX D157.200 161.800 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)25 XXX D157.250 161.850 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)26 XXX D157.300 161.900 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)27 XXX D157.350 161.950 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)28 XXX D157.400 162.000 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)60 X X D156.025 160.625 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)61 XD156.075 160.675 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement61A X X S 156.075 U.S. Government Only, Canadian Coast Guard-Pacific Coast, Commercial Fishing-East Coast62 XD156.125 160.725 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement62A X S 156.125 Public Coast: Coast Guard;East Coast: commercial fishing only63 XD156.175 160.775 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement63A X S 156.175 Port Operation and Commercial. VTS in selected areas.64 X X D156.225 160.825 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement64A X X S 156.225 U.S. Government Only, Canadian Commercial Fishing65 XD156.275 160.875 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement65A X X S 156.275 Port Opeations66 XD156.325 160.925 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement66A X X S 156.325 Port Operations67 X X X S 156.375 US: Commercial. Used for Bridge-to-bridge communi-cations in lower Mississippi River. Inter-ship only,Canada: Commercial fishing, S&R68 X X X S 156.425 Non-commercial (Recreational)69 X X X S 156.475 US: Non-commercial (Recreational),Canada: Commercial fishing only,International: Inter-ship, Port opertions and Ship movement70 X X X S 156.525 Digital selective calling (voice communications not allowed)71 X X X S 156.575 US, Canada: Non-commercial (Recreational),International: Port opertions and Ship movement72 X X X S 156.625 Non-commercial (Inter-ship only)73 X X X S 156.675 US: Port Operations, Canada: Commercial fishing only,International: Inter-ship, Port opertions and Ship movement74 X X X S 156.725 US: Port Operations, Canada: Commercial fishing only,International: Inter-ship, Port opertions and Ship movement75 X S 156.775 Port Operations (Inter-ship only) (1W)76 X S 156.825 Port Operations (Inter-ship only) (1W)77 X X S 156.875 Port Operations (Inter-ship only) (1W)77 X S 156.875 Port Operations (Inter-ship only)78 XD156.925 161.525 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship-movement78A X X S 156.925 Non-commercial (Recreational)
HX470SPage 50VHF MARINE CHANNEL CHARTCH U C IS/D TX RX CHANNEL USE79 XD156.975 161.575 Port operation and Ship movement79A X X S 156.975 Commercial80 XD157.025 161.625 Port operation, ship movement80A X X S 157.025 Commercial81 XD157.075 161.675 Port operation, ship movement81A X X S 157.075 U.S. Government Only -Environmental protection operations.82 XD157.125 161.725 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement82A X X S 157.125 U.S. Government Only, Canadian Coast Guard Only83 X X D157.175 161.775 Canadian Coast Guard Only83A X X S 157.175 U.S. Government Only, Canadian Coast Guard Only83 X X D157.175 161.775 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)84 X X X D157.225 161.825 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)85 X X X D157.275 161.875 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)86 X X X D157.325 161.925 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)87 X X X D157.375 161.975 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)88 X X X D157.425 162.025 Public Correspondence (ship-to-coast)88A X S 157.425 Commercial, Inter-ship OnlyWX01X X X D- - - 162.550 Weather (receive only)WX02X X X D- - - 162.400 Weather (receive only)WX03X X X D- - - 162.475 Weather (receive only)WX04X X X D- - - 162.425 Weather (receive only)WX05X X X D- - - 162.450 Weather (receive only)WX06X X X D- - - 162.500 Weather (receive only)WX07X X X D- - - 162.525 Weather (receive only)WX08X X X D- - - 161.650 Weather (receive only)WX09X X X D- - - 161.775 Weather (receive only)WX10X X X D- - - 163.275 Weather (receive only)The above BOLD channels are not for use of the general public in U.S. waters, unless properauthorization is given.
HX470S Page 511: 156.050 MHz and 156.175 MHz are available for port operations and commercial communicationspurposes when used only within the U.S. Coast Guard designated Vessel Traffic Services (VTS)area of New Orleans, on the lower Mississippi River from the various pass entrances in the Gulf ofMexico to Devil's Swamp Light at River Mile 242.4 above head of passes near Baton Rouge.2: 156.250 MHz is available for port operations communications use only within the U.S. Coast Guarddesignated VTS radio protection areas of New Orleans and Houston described in Sec.  80.383.156.250 MHz is available for intership port operations communications used only within the area ofLos Angeles and Long Beach harbors, within a 25- nautical mile radius of Point Fermin, California.3: 156.550 MHz, 156.600 MHz and 156.700 MHz are available in the U.S. Coast Guard designatedport areas only for VTS communications and in the Great Lakes available primarily for communica-tions relating to the movement of ships in sectors designated by the St. Lawrence Seaway Develop-ment Corporation or the U.S. Coast Guard. The use of these frequencies outside VTS and shipmovement sector protected areas is permitted provided they cause no interference to VTS and shipmovement communications in thier respective designated sectors.Port Operations01A1156.050 156.05063A1156.175 156.175052156.250 156.25065A 156.275 156.27566A 156.325 156.325123156.600 156.60073 156.675 156.675143156.700 156.70074 156.725 156.725774156.875 Intership only.20A12 157.000 Intership only.Navigational (Bridge-to-Bridge)5136156.650 156.650677156.375 156.375Commercial01A1156.050 156.05063A1156.175 156.17507A 156.350 156.350677156.375 Intership only.08 156.400 ........ Do.09 156.450 156.45010 156.500 156.500113156.550 156.55018A 156.900 156.90019A 156.950 156.95079A 156.975 156.97580A 157.025 157.02588A8157.425 ........ Intership only.7214 156.625 ........ Internship only.Digital Selective Calling7015 156.525 156.525Noncommercial6817 156.425 156.4250916 156.450 156.45069 156.475 156.47571 156.575 156.57572 156.625 ........ Intership only.78A 156.925 156.92579A 156.975 156.975 Great Lakes only.80A 157.025 157.025 Do.6714 156.375 ....... Internship only.Distress, Safety and Calling16 156.800 156.800 EPRIBIntership Safety06 156.300 ........ a. Intership, or b.For SAR: Ship andaircraft for the U.S.Coast Guard.Environmental1513 ........ 156.750 Coast to ship only.Maritime Control179,10 156.850 156.850Liaison, U.S. Coast Guard22A11 157.100 157.100 Ship, aircraft, andcoast stations ofthe U.S. CoastGuard and at LakeMead, Nev., shipand coast stationsof the NationalPark Service, U.S.Department of theInterior.ShiptransmitChanneldesignatorCarrier frequency(MHz)Points of communica-tion (Intership and be-tween coast and shipunless otherwise indi-cated)Coasttransmit ShiptransmitChanneldesignatorCarrier frequency(MHz)Points of communica-tion (Intership and be-tween coast and shipunless otherwise indi-cated)Coasttransmit
HX470SPage 524: Use of 156.875 MHz is limited to communications with pilots regarding the movement and dockingof ships. Normal output power must not exceed 1 watt.5: 156.375 MHz and 156.650 MHz are available primarily for intership navigational communications.These frequencies are available between coast and ship on a secondary basis when used on or inthe vicinity of locks or drawbridges. Normal output power must not exceed 1 watt. Maximum outputpower must not exceed 10 watts for coast stations or 25 watts for ship stations.6: On the Great Lakes, in addition to bridge-to-bridge communications, 156.650 MHz is available forvessel control purposes in established vessel traffic systems. 156.650 MHz is not available for use inthe Mississippi River from South Pass Lighted Whistle Buoy “2” and Southwest Pass entranceMidchannel Lighted Whistle Buoy to mile 242.4 above Head of Passes near Baton Rouge. Addition-ally it is not available for use in the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet, the Mississippi River-Gulf OutletCanal, and the Inner Harbor Navigational Canal, except to aid the transition from these areas.7: Use of 156.375 MHz is available for navigational communications only in the Mississippi River fromSouth Pass Lighted Whistle Buoy “2” and Southwest Pass entrance Mid-channel Lighted WhistleBuoy to mile 242.4 above head of Passes near Baton Rouge, and in addition over the full length ofthe Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet Canal from entrance to its junction with the Inner Harbor NavigationCanal, and over the ull length of the Inner Harbor Navigation Canal from its junction with the Missis-sippi River to its entry to Lake Pontchartrain at the New Seabrook vehicular bridge.8: Within 120 km (75 miles) of the United States/Canada border, in the area of the Puget Sound andthe Strait of Juan de Fuca and its approaches, 157.425 MHz is half of the duplex pair designated asChannel 88. In this area, Channel 88 is available to ship stations for communications with publiccoast stations only. More than 120 km (75 miles) from the United States/Canada border in the areaof the Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca, its approaches, the Great Lakes, and the St.Lawrence Seaway, 157.425 MHz is available for intership and commercial communications. OutsidePuget Sound area and its approaches and the Great Lakes, 157.425 MHz is also available forcommunications between commercial fishing vessels and associated aircraft while engaged in com-mercial fishing activities.9: When the frequency 156.850 MHz is authorized, it may be used additionally for search and rescuetraining exercises conducted by state or local governments.10: The frequency 156.850 MHz is additionally available to coast stations on the Great Lakes for trans-mission of scheduled Coded Marine Weather Forecasts (MAFOR), Great Lakes Weather Broadcast(LAWEB) and nscheduled Notices to Mariners or Bulletins. F3C and J3C emissions are permitted.Coast Stations on the Great Lakes must cease weather broadcasts which cause interference tostations operating on 156.800 MHz until the interference problem is resolved.11: The frequency 157.100 MHz is authorized for search and rescuetraining exercises by state or localgovernment in conjunction with U.S. Coast Guard stations. Prior U.S. Coast Guard approval is re-quired. Use must cease immediately on U.S. Coast Guard request.12: The duplex pair for channel 20 (157.000/161.600 MHz) may be used for ship to coast station com-munications.13: Available for assignment to coast stations, the use of which is in accord with an agreed program, forthe broadcast of information to ship stations concerning the environmental conditions in which ves-sels operate, i.e., weather; sea conditions; time signals; notices to mariners; and hazards to naviga-tion.14: Available only in the Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca.15: The frequency 156.525 MHz is to be used exclusively for distress, safety and calling using digitalselective calling techniques. No other uses are permitted.16: The frequency 156.450 MHz is available for intership, ship and coast general purpose calling bynoncommercial vessels, such as recreational boats and private coast stations.17: The frequency 156.425 MHz is assigned by rule to private coast stations in Alaska for facsimiletransmissions as well as voice communications.
HX470S Page 5317.  WARRANTYMarine Products Limited WarrantySTANDARD HORIZON (a division of VERTEX STANDARD) warrants, to the origi-nal purchaser only, each new Marine Communications Product (“Product”) manu-factured and/or supplied by STANDARD HORIZON against defects in materialsand workmanship under normal use and service for a period of time from thedate of purchase as follows:Fixed Mount and Portable Transceivers1 year - if purchased before 01/01/913 years - if purchased between 01/01/91 and 01/01/943 years Waterproof - if purchased after 01/01/94Loud hailers1 year - if purchased before 01/01/913 years - if purchased after 01/01/91Associated Chargers1 year - if purchased before 01/01/913 years - if purchased after 01/01/91Associated Batteries - 18 months. Note: Batteries will be deemed defectiveonly if storage capacity drops below 80% of rated capacity or if leakage devel-ops.Associated Accessories - 1 year. Includes: Microphones/Handsets, ExternalSpeakers, Antennas, Carrying Accessories, Power Supplies, and SignalingBoards.To receive warranty service, the purchaser must deliver the Product, transporta-tion and insurance prepaid, to STANDARD HORIZON (a division of VERTEXSTANDARD), 115 North Wright Brothers Dr, Salt Lake City, Utah 84116-2838.Include proof of purchase indicating model. serial number, and date of purchase.STANDARD HORIZON will return the Product to the purchaser freight prepaid.Products purchased prior to January 1, 1991 will bear the STANDARD HORI-ZON warranty terms in effect prior to that date.In the event of a defect, malfunction or failure of the Product during the warrantyperiod, STANDARD HORIZON’s liability for any breach of contract or any breachof express or implied warranties in connection with the sale of Products shall belimited solely to repair or replacement, at its option, of the Product or part(s)therein which, upon examination by STANDARD HORIZON, appear to be defec-tive or not up to factory specifications. STANDARD HORIZON may, at its option,repair or replace parts or subassemblies with new or reconditioned parts andsubassemblies. Parts thus repaired or replaced are warranted for the balance ofthe original applicable warranty.
HX470SPage 54STANDARD HORIZON will not warrant installation, maintenance or service ofthe Products. In all instances, STANDARD HORIZON’s liability for damages shallnot exceed the purchase price of the defective Product.This warranty only extends to Products sold within the 50 States of the UnitedStates of America and the District of Columbia.STANDARD HORIZON will pay all labor to repair the product and replacementparts charges incurred in providing the warranty service except where purchaserabuse or other qualifying exceptions exist. The purchaser must pay any trans-portation expenses incurred in returning the Product to STANDARD HORIZONfor service.This limited warranty does not extend to any Product which has been subjectedto misuse, neglect, accident, incorrect wiring by anyone other than STANDARDHORIZON, improper installation, or subjected to use in violation of instructionsfurnished by STANDARD HORIZON, nor does this warranty extend to Productson which the serial number has been removed, defaced, or changed. STAN-DARD HORIZON cannot be responsible in any way for ancillary equipment notfurnished by STANDARD HORIZON which is attached to or used in connectionwith STANDARD HORIZON’s Products, or for the operation of the Product withany ancillary equipment, and all such equipment is expressly excluded from thiswarranty. STANDARD HORIZON disclaims liability for range, coverage, or op-eration of the Product and ancillary equipment as a whole under this warranty.STANDARD HORIZON reserves the right to make changes or improvements inProducts, during subsequent production, without incurring the obligation to in-stall such changes or improvements on previously manufactured Products.The implied warranties which the law imposes on the sale of this Product areexpressly LIMITED, in duration, to the time period specified above. STANDARDHORIZON shall not be liable under any circumstances for consequential dam-ages resulting from the use and operation of this Product, or from the breach ofthis LIMITED WARRANTY, any implied warranties, or any contract with STAN-DARD HORIZON. IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE OF ITS PRODUCTS,STANDARD HORIZON MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIEDAS TO THE MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSEOR OTHERWISE, EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH HEREIN.Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequen-tial damages, or limitation on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the abovelimitations or exclusions may not apply. This warranty gives specific legal rights,and there may be other rights which may vary from state to state.ONLY PRODUCTS SOLD ON OR AFTER JANUARY 1, 1991 ARE COVEREDUNDER THE TERMS OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY.
HX470S Page 55ON-LINE WARRANTY REGISTRATIONTHANK YOU for buying STANDARD HORIZON (a division of VertexStandard) products! We are confident your new radio will serve yourneeds for many years!Please visit www.standardhorizon.com to register the HX470S MarineVHF. It should be noted that visiting the Web site from time to time maybe beneficial to you, as new products are released they will appear onthe STANDARD HORIZON Web site. Also a statement regarding prod-uct support should be added to the manual.Product Support InquiriesIf you have any questions or comments regarding the use of the HX470S,you can visit the STANDARD HORIZON Web site to send an E-mail orcontact the Product Support team at 714/827-7600 ext 6300 M-F 7:00-5:00PST.In addition to the warranty, STANDARD HORIZON includes a lifetime“flat rate” program to provide service after the warranty period has ex-pired. If you wish to obtain the flat rate price for out-of-warranty repair,you must include the information on the Owner’s Record with the unitwhen you return it to your Dealer or to STANDARD HORIZON.Lifetime Flat Rate Service Program: For the original Owner only, for thelifetime of the unit, STANDARD HORIZON will repair the unit to originalspecifications.Note: The flat rate amount is payable by the Owner only if STANDARDHORIZON or the STANDARD HORIZON Dealer determines that a re-pair is needed. After the repair, a 90-day warranty will be in effect fromthe date of return of the unit to the Owner.This service program is not available for equipment which has failed asa result of neglect, accident, breakage, misuse, improper installation ormodification, or water damage (depending on the product).
HX470SPage 5618. SPECIFICATIONSPerformance specifications are nominal, unless otherwise indicated, andare subject to change without notice.18.1 GENERALFrequency Ranges (MHz): 156 MHz - 163.275 MHz (Marine Band + WX Band)Channel Steps: 25 kHz462.5625 MHz - 467.7125 MHz (FRS Band)Channel Steps: 6.25 kHz151.82 MHz - 154.60 MHz (MURS)Channel Steps: 5 kHz88 MHz - 108 MHz (FM Broadcast)Channel Steps: 100 kHz500 kHz - 1800 kHz (AM Broadcast)Channel Steps: 10 / 9 kHz108 MHz - 137 MHz (AIR Band)Channel Steps: 25 kHzFrequency Stability:±2.5 ppm(–22 °F to +140 °F [–30 °C to +60 °C])Emission Type:16K0G3E, 11K0F3E, 16K0G2BAntenna Impedance:50 OhmsSupply Voltage:Nominal: 7.4V DC, Negative Ground(Battery Terminal)Current Consumption:195 mA (Receive)68 mA (Standby, Saver Off)45 mA (Standby, Saver On)1.7 A (Marine High Power)1.2 A (Marine Mid Power)0.8 A (Marine Low Power & FRS)Operating Temperature:–22 °F to +140 °F (–30 °C to +60 °C)Case Size (W x H x D): 2.36” x 3.78” x 1.12” (60 x 96 x 29 mm)w/o knob & antennaWeight (Approx.): 9.3 oz. (265 g) with FNB-80LI
HX470S Page 5718.2 TRANSMITTERRF Power Output (@7.4 V): 5, 2.5 or 1 W (Marine Band)0.5W (FRS Band)Modulation Type:Variable ReactanceMaximum Deviation:±5 kHz (Marine Band)±2.5 kHz (FRS Band)Spurious Emission:At least 65 dB belowMicrophone Impedance:2 k-Ohm18.3 RECEIVERCircuit Type:Double-Conversion Superheterodyne(NFM, AM)Triple-Conversion Superheterodyne(WFM)Intermediate Frequencies:NFM, AM WFM1st: 47.25 MHz 45.8 MHz2nd: 450 kHz 10.7 MHz3rd: –1 MHzSensitivity:0.2 µV for 12 dB SINAD (Marine & MURS Band)0.2 µV for 12 dB SINAD (FRS Band)1 µV  for 12 dB SINAD (FM Broadcast)0.5 µV for 10 dB SN (AM Broadcast)0.5 µV for 10 dB SN (AIR Band)Adjacent Channel Selectivity:65 dB TypicalIntermodulation:65 dB TypicalSelectivity:12 kHz / 25 kHz (–6 dB / –60 dB) NFM / AM200 kHz / 300 kHz (–6 dB / –20 dB) WFM6 kHz / 18 kHz (–6 dB / –60 dB) FRS BandAF Output:400 mW @ 8 Ohm for 10 % THD (@7.4 V)This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subjectto the condition that this device does not cause harmful interference.Part 15.21: Changes or modifications to this device not expressly ap-proved by Vertex Standard could void the User’s authorization to oper-ate this device.
HX470SCopyright 2003VERTEX STANDARD CO., LTD.All rights reserved.No portion of this manualmay be reproducedwithout the permission ofVERTEX STANDARD CO., LTD.Printed in JapanMarine Division of VERTEX STANDARDUS Headquarters10900 Walker Street, Cypress, CA 90630, U.S.A.EM002N1010305L-C0K

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