Yaesu Musen HX470SA Non-broadcast Transceiver Held to Face User Manual

Yaesu Musen Co., Ltd. Non-broadcast Transceiver Held to Face Users Manual


Manual Part 2

HX470SPage 124. GETTING STARTEDIf the radio has never been used, or its charge is depleted, it may be chargedby connecting the CD-25 Charger Cradle with the NC-72 battery charger, asshown in the illustration. If 12V DC power is available, the optional E-DC-19DC Cable with 12 V Cigarette Lighter Plug or the optional E-DC-6 DC Cablemay be used for charging the battery. The NC-72, E-DC-19 and E-DC-6 willcharge a completely discharged FNB-80LI battery pack in about 3 hours.4.1 BATTERIES AND CHARGERSThe FNB-80LI is a high performance Lithium-Ion battery providing high ca-pacity in a very compact package.CAUTIONTo avoid risk of explosion and injury, FNB-80LI battery pack should onlybe removed, charged or recharged in non-hazardous environments.4.1.1 BATTERY SAFETYBattery packs for your transceiver contain Lithium-Ion batteries. This type ofbattery stores a charge powerful enough to be dangerous if misused orabused, especially when removed from the transceiver. Please observe thefollowing precautions:DO NOT SHORT BATTERY PACK TERMINALS: Shorting the terminalsthat power the transceiver can cause sparks, severe overheating, burns,and battery cell damage. If the short is of sufficient duration, it is possible tomelt battery components. Do not place a loose battery pack on or near metalsurfaces or objects such as paper clips, keys, tools, etc. When the batterypack is installed on the transceiver, the terminals that transfer current to thetransceiver are not exposed. The terminals that are exposed on the batterypack when it is mounted on the transceiver are charging terminals only anddo not constitute a hazard.DO NOT INCINERATE: Do not dispose of any battery in a fire or incinerator.The heat of fire may cause battery cells to explode and/or release danger-ous gases.
HX470S Page 13Battery MaintenanceFor safe and proper battery use, please observe the following:rBattery packs should be charged only in non-hazardous environments;rUse only STANDARD HORIZON-approved batteries;rUse only a STANDARD HORIZON, (a Marine Division of VERTEXSTANDARD) approved charger. The use of any other charger maycause permanent damage to the battery.rFollow charging instructions provided with the chargers.rKeep the battery contacts clean.Battery StorageStore batteries in a cool place to maximize storage life. Since batteries aresubject to self-discharge, avoid high storage temperatures that cause largeself-discharge rates. After extended storage, a full recharge is recommended.Battery RecyclingDO NOT PLACE USED BATTERIES IN YOUR REGULAR TRASH!LITHIUM-ION BATTERIES MUST BE COLLECTED, RECYCLED OR DIS-POSED OF IN AN ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND MANNER.The incineration, land filling or mixing of nickel-cadmium batteries with themunicipal solid waste stream is PROHIBITED BY LAW in most areas.Return batteries to an approved lithium-ion battery recycler. This may bewhere you purchased the battery.Contact your local waste management officials for other information regardingthe environmentally sound collection, recycling and disposal of lithium-ion bat-teries.
HX470SPage 144.1.2 BATTERY CHARGINGIf the radio has never been used, or its charge is depleted, it may be chargedby connecting the CD-25 Charger Cradle with the NC-72 battery charger, asshown in the illustration. If 12V DC power is available, the optional E-DC-19DC Cable with 12 V Cigarette Lighter Plug or the optional E-DC-6 DC Cablemay be used for charging the battery. The NC-72, E-DC-19 and E-DC-6 willcharge a completely discharged FNB-80LI battery pack in about 3 hours.NC-72,E-DC-6,orE-DC-194.1.3 BATTERY INSTALLATION/REMOVAL1. Turn the transceiver off.2. To install, insert the battery pack into the battery compartment on theback of the transceiver, then close the Battery Pack Latch until it locks inplace with a “click.”3. To remove, open the Battery Pack Latch on the bottom of the trans-ceiver, then slide the battery downward and out from the transceiver.
HX470S Page 154.1.4 USING THE CD-25 CHARGER CRADLE1. Turn the transceiver off.2. Insert the DC plug from the NC-72 into the DC jack on the CD-25 rearpanel, then plug the NC-72 into the AC line outlet.3. Insert the HX470S (with the battery pack) into the CD-25; the antennashould be at the left side when viewing the charger from the front.4. If the HX470S is inserted correctly, the Red “CHARGING” indicator willglow. A fully-discharged pack will be charged completely in approximately3 hours.5. The Red “CHARGING” indicator will blink when charging is nearingcompletion.6. When charging is completed, the Red “CHARGING” indicator will disap-pear, and the Green “FULL” indicator will glow. Disconnect the pack fromthe CD-25, and unplug the NC-72 from the AC line outlet.4.1.5 MOUNTING THE CD-25 ON THE VESSELThe CD-25 is designed to be surface or wall mounted on a vessel which canbe connected to the charger and a GPS that supplies NMEA data for DSCDistress transmissions.If mounting on a vessel the CD-25 must be mounted in a location on thevessel that is directly shielded from rain or splashes of water. After the loca-tion is found mount the CD-25 using the supplied mounting screws.CD-25 Desktop Mount CD-25 Wall Mount
HX470SPage 16When using the HX470S/CD-25 on the vessel, be sure to secure the mount-ing band on the CD-25 so that it secures the HX470S so it will not fall outdue to rough seas. See the illustration below.
HX470S Page 174.2 CONNECTING A GPS TO THE CD-25The CD-25 is supplied with a cable that is designed to be connected to anyGPS that has an NMEA Output with the GLL, GGA, GNS, or RMC sen-tences. Check with the owner’s manual of the GPS to confirm this informa-tion. The NMEA input cable on the CD-25 contains two wires, uses are shownbelow.Blue – NMEA Input (Connects to NMEA Out of GPS)Green – NMEA Negative (Connects to NMEA Negative or battery Ground of GPS)If you have further inquires, please feel free to contact us at:Phone: (800) 767-2450Fax: (714) 527-9031Web site: standardhorizon.comEmail: marinetech@vxstdusa.comTo connect to a GPS receiver, please use the above chart that will help youconnect the wires between the CD-25 and the GPS. Insure that the wiresare properly shielded from wa-ter. See the figure at the rightfor example of connection toSTANDARD HORIZON GPSCHART PLOTTER.Manufacturer/ModelLowrance PortableMagellan Fixed MountMagellan PortableNorthstarRaytheon 420Raytheon 520 / 620Raytheon RL SERIESSimradSitex Neptune, NautilusWiresOrangeBlack (GND)GrayBlack (GND)OrangeBlack (GND)YellowBlack (GND)YellowBrownBlueBrownWhiteBrownWhiteBrownGrayBrownHX470S (CD-25)BlueGreenBlueGreenBlueGreenBlueGreenBlueGreenBlueGreenBlueGreenBlueGreenBlueGreenWiresGreenBrownWhiteBlueWhiteBlackBlueBlack (GND)BrownBlack (GND)YellowGreenGreenBlackWhiteBlackWhiteBlack (GND)Manufacturer/ModelFuruno GP30, 36Furuno GP1650, 1850Garmin Fixed MountsGarmin PortablesJRC GPS500JRC 100 SERIESJRC 200 SERIESLowrance Fixed MountHX470S (CD-25)GreenBlueBlueGreenBlueGreenBlueGreenBlueGreenBlueGreenBlueGreenBlueGreenBlueGreenSTANDARD HORIZONCP150, CP160 andCP-170C
HX470SPage 185. CONTROLS AND SWITCHESNOTEThis section defines each control of the transceiver. For detailed oper-ating instructions, refer to section 6 “BASIC OPERATION.” Refer to il-lustrations for the location of the following controls, switches, and con-nections.
HX470S Page 19POWER SWITCH/VOLUME CONTROLTurns the transceiver on and off, and adjusts the volume.SQUELCH (SQL) CONTROLSets the point at which random noise on the channel does not activatethe audio circuits but a received signal does. This point is called theSquelch threshold. Further adjustment of the squelch control will de-grade the reception of wanted transmissions.MIC/SP JACKThe jack accepts the optional CMP460 Speaker/Microphone, MH-57A4BMini Speaker/Microphone, or VC-24 VOX Headset. When this jack isused, the internal speaker is disabled.PUSH-TO-TALK (PTT) SWITCHWhen pushed activates the transmitter of the selected band.LAMP (KEY LOCK) KEYPress to turn the LCD and keypad backlighting on or off.Hold down this key to lock the keypad (except the PTT, LAMP, and [H/L]keys) so that they are not accidentally changed. The key lock symbol willappear on the LCD, to indicate that the functions are locked. Hold downuntil the key lock symbol disappears to unlock the radio.[BAND] KEYPress to select the VHF Marine, FRS , MURS , FM Broadcast, AM Broad-cast, and AIR (aircraft) bands.[16/9] KEYImmediately recalls channel 16 from any marine channel or band loca-tion. Holding down this key recalls channel 9.[WX] KEYImmediately recalls the last-used NOAA Weather Channel from any chan-nel location. Recalls the previously- selected working channel when the[WX] key is pressed again.Secondary use:When the [16/9] key is held and the [WX] key is pressed, the radio willchange the marine channel between the USA, International, and Cana-dian channels.
HX470SPage 20[p(UP)] KEYPress to select a desired channel. Each press increases the channelnumber. When held down, the channels increase continuously.[q(DOWN)] KEYPress to select a desired channel. Each press decreases the channelnumber. When held down, the channels decrease continuously.NMEA TERMINALConnect to GPS receiver that outputs NMEA sentences GLL, GGA, GNS,and RMC via the CD-25 Charger Cradle. Keep these terminals clean.[SCAN] KEYStarts scanning and priority scanning of programmed channels. Whenscanning, press and hold this key to turn on and off priority scan (P isshown on the left side of the display during Priority scanning).[PRESET] KEYImmediately recalls one of up to 10 user preset memories for each band(shown as P0-P9 on the LCD). Pressing this key repeatedly scrollsthrough the preset memory channels.[H/L] KEYOn the Marine Band, changes the transmitter output power between High(5 Watts), Medium (2.5 Watts), and Low (1 Watt). Does not operate on“Low power only,” Marine “transmission inhibit,” or FRS channels.[DW] KEYAutomatically scans between the priority channel and another selectedchannel (including FRS or a MURS channel).  When receiving a signalon the selected channel the radio will dual watch to the priority channel.[MENU] KEYSelect the Marine Band then press to select the Setup mode. This modeallows features and functions to be changed.Refer to section 13. MENU (“SET”) MODE for additional information.
HX470S Page 21[MEM] KEYPress this key to memorize the selected channel for scanning. Whenpressed a “MEM” icon will be shown on the LCD display indicating thechannel has been saved to scan memory. The scan memory is onlyused with the Marine and WX channels.To delete the channel from scan memory, select the channel and pressthis key until “MEM” is removed from the display.BUSY/TX INDICATORThis indicator illuminates different colors depending on the band that isselected. The chart to the right showsthe colors illuminated with the Squelchcontrol fulluy counter clockwise or a sig-nal is received. This indicator glows redduring transmit.[DISTRESS] KEYWhen radio is programmed with a MMSI and this key is pressed onceand pressed and held again for 3 seconds the radio will transmit a DSCDistress Call. To send the distress call, see section 7.9 “DIGITAL SE-LECTIVE CALLING.”BAND COLORMARINE BlueFRS GreenMURS YellowAM/FM/AIR/MURS Marine Blue

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