Yaesu Musen 30483X3D MARINE TRANSCEIVER User Manual GX1600 Owner s Manual pmd

Yaesu Musen Co., Ltd. MARINE TRANSCEIVER GX1600 Owner s Manual pmd


Users Manual 2

Page 59GX160012.8.2  Setting up a Position Request RingerThe GX1600 has the capability to turn off the Position Request ringer.1. Press and hold down the   key until “SetupSetupSetupSetupSetupMenuMenuMenuMenuMenu” appears.2. Press the  / key to select “DSCDSCDSCDSCDSCSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUP” menu.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select “DSCDSCDSCDSCDSCBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEP” with the  / key.4. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select “POSPOSPOSPOSPOSRequestRequestRequestRequestRequest” with the  / key.5. Press the [ENT] soft key, then select “OffOffOffOffOff” withthe  /  key.6. Press the [ENT] soft key to store the selected set-ting.7. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return to radio operation.To re-enable the ringer tone, repeat the above procedure, pressing the  / key to select “OnOnOnOnOn” in step “5” above.12.8.3  Transmitting a Position Request to Another VesselPre-Programmed Request1. Press the   key. The “DSC MenuDSC MenuDSC MenuDSC MenuDSC Menu” will ap-pear.2. Press the  / key to select “POS RE-POS RE-POS RE-POS RE-POS RE-QUESTQUESTQUESTQUESTQUEST”.3. Press the  / key to select a namethat was stored in the Individual DSC direc-tory, then press the [SELECT] soft key.4. Press the [YES] soft key to transmit the Posi-tion Request DSC call.5. When the GX1600 receives the position from thepolled vessel it is shown on the radio displayand also transferred to a GPS Chart plotterwith NMEA DSC and DSE sentences.6. Press the [QUIT] soft key to return to radiooperation.NOTEIf the GX1600 does not receive a position data from the polled vessel,the display will show “NO POSITION DATA.”FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
GX1600Page 60Manual RequestThis feature allows you to request the position of vessel by manually enteringthe MMSI of the ship you want to send your position to.1. Press the [CALL(MENU)] key. The “DSC MenuDSC MenuDSC MenuDSC MenuDSC Menu” will appear.2. Press the  / key to select “POS REQUESTPOS REQUESTPOS REQUESTPOS REQUESTPOS REQUEST”.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key to show the “LastIndividual Call”.4. Press the  / key to select the“MANUALMANUALMANUALMANUALMANUAL,” then press the [SELECT] soft key.5. Press the  / key to select the firstnumber of the MMSI (nine digits) which youwant to contact, then press the [SELECT] softkey to step to the next number.6. Repeat step 5 to set the MMSI number.7. If a mistake was made entering in the MMSInumber, repeat pressing the [BACK] soft keyuntil the wrong number is selected, then pressthe  /  key to correct the entry.8. When finished entering the MMSI number,press and hold the [SELECT] soft key.9. Press the [YES] soft key to transmit the position re-quest DSC call.10. When the GX1600 receives the position from thepolled vessel it is shown on the radio display andalso transferred to the GPS Chart plotter with NMEADSC and DSE sentences.11. Press the [QUIT] soft key to return to radio operation.12.8.4  Receiving a Position RequestWhen a position request call is received from another vessel, a ringing alarmsounds and POS REQUEST will be shown in the display. Operation and trans-ceiver function differs depending on “Position ReplyPosition ReplyPosition ReplyPosition ReplyPosition Reply” in the “DSC SetupDSC SetupDSC SetupDSC SetupDSC Setup” menusetting discussed below:Automatically reply:1. When a position request call is received, a calling alarm sounds 4 times.Then requested position coordinates are transmit-ted automatically to the vessel requesting your ves-sels position.2. To exit from position request display, pressthe [QUIT] soft key.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Page 61GX1600Manually reply:1. When a position request call is received from an-other vessel, the display will be as shown in the il-lustration at the right.2. A ringing alarm sounds 4 times. To send your ves-sels position to the requesting vessel, press the [RE-PLY] soft key. Or to exit from position request dis-play, press the [QUIT] soft key.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
GX1600Page 6212.9 POSITION REPORTThe feature is similar to Position Request, however instead of requesting aposition of another vessel this function allows you to send your position toanother vessel. Your vessel must have an operating GPS receiver connectedfor the GX1600 to send the position.NOTETo transmit a Position Report Call, a GPS must be connected to theradio and the GX1600 Individual directory must be programmed withstations you wish to send your position to. To setup this directory refer tosection “11.5.1 Setting up the Individual / Position Call Directory.”12.9.1  Setting up a Position Report RingerThe GX2000/GX2100 has the capability to turn off the Position Report ringer.1. Press and hold down the   key until “SetupSetupSetupSetupSetupMenuMenuMenuMenuMenu” appears.2. Press the  / key to select “DSCDSCDSCDSCDSCSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUP” menu.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select “DSCDSCDSCDSCDSCBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEP” with the  / key.4. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select “POSPOSPOSPOSPOSReportReportReportReportReport” with the  / key.5. Press the [ENT] soft key, then select “OffOffOffOffOff” withthe  /  key.6. Press the [ENT] soft key to store the selected set-ting.7. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return to radio operation.To re-enable the ringer tone, repeat the above procedure, pressing the  / key to select “OnOnOnOnOn” in step “5” above.12.9.2  Transmitting a DSC Position Report CallPre-Programmed Calling1. Press the   key. The “DSC MenuDSC MenuDSC MenuDSC MenuDSC Menu” will appear.2. Press the  / key to select “POS RE-POS RE-POS RE-POS RE-POS RE-PORTPORTPORTPORTPORT”. (To cancel, press the [QUIT] soft key.)3. Press the [SELECT] soft key.4. Press the  / key to select the namein the directory, then press the [SELECT] soft key.5. Press the [YES] soft key to send your position to theselected vessel.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Page 63GX16006. Press the [QUIT] key to return to radio opera-tion.Manual CallingThis feature allows you to send your position to anothervessel by manually entering the MMSI of the ship you want to send your posi-tion to.1. Press the   key. The “DSC MenuDSC MenuDSC MenuDSC MenuDSC Menu” will appear.2. Press the  / key to select “POS RE-POS RE-POS RE-POS RE-POS RE-PORTPORTPORTPORTPORT”. (To cancel, press the [QUIT] soft key.)3. Press the [SELECT] soft key. The transceiverwill beep, and the “Position Report Call” menuwill appear.4. Press the  / key to select “MANUALMANUALMANUALMANUALMANUAL”, thenpress the [SELECT] soft key.5. Press the  / key to select the firstnumber of the MMSI which you want to con-tact, then press the [SELECT] soft key to stepto the next number.6. Repeat step 5 to set the MMSI number.7. If a mistake was made entering in the MMSInumber, repeat pressing the [BACK] soft keyuntil the wrong number is selected, then pressthe  /  key to correct the entry.8. When finished entering the MMSI number,press and hold the Press the [SELECT] softkey.9. Press the [YES] soft key to send your posi-tion to the selected vessel.10. Press the [QUIT] soft key to return to radio operation.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
GX1600Page 6412.9.3  Receiving a DSC Position Report CallWhen another vessel transmits their vessels location to the GX1600 the fol-lowing will happen:1. A ringing sound will be produced when the call is received and NMEAsentences DSC, DSE are outputted so the positioncan be shown on a chart plotter or a computer.2. Press the any key to stop ringing.3. Press the  / key to see position informa-tion of the station.4. To exit to radio mode, press the [QUIT] soft key.12.9.4  Navigating to a Position ReportThe GX1600 has a feature that allows navigation to a received Position Reportcall by using the Compass display. Navigating to the position of a PositionReport call may be enabled by the procedure below.1. After the Position Report call has been re-ceived: press the [TO WPT] soft key.2. To start navigating using the compass display,press and hold the [ENT] soft key until theCompass Page is shown. The display indicates thedistance and direction of the received vessel, andalso the compass indicates the received vessel bydot ().Stop Navigating to a Position ReportTo stop navigation and return to the radio mode:1. Press and hold down the   key until “Setup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup Menu”appears.2. Press the  / key to select “GENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUP”menu.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select “DISPLAYDISPLAYDISPLAYDISPLAYDISPLAY”with the  / key.4. Press the [SELECT] soft key.5. Press the  / key to select “NORMALNORMALNORMALNORMALNORMAL”.6. Press the [ENT] soft key to return to radio opera-tion.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Page 65GX1600Saving a Position Report as a WaypointThe GX1600 can save a Position Report call in the radios memory as a waypoint.1. After the Position Report call has been received:Press the [SAVE] soft key.2. Press the  / key to change the first letter inthe name of the waypoint and press the [ENT] softkey.3. Repeat step 2 until the WPT Name is entered.4. Press and hold the [ENT] soft key to save thewaypoint into memory.Navigating to a saved waypoint1. Press and hold down the   key until “SetupSetupSetupSetupSetupMenuMenuMenuMenuMenu” appears.2. Select “GENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUP” with the  /key.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select “DIS-DIS-DIS-DIS-DIS-PLAYPLAYPLAYPLAYPLAY” with the  / key.4. Press the  / key to select“WAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINT” and press the [ENT] soft key.5. Press the  / key to select thewaypoint name and press the [ENT] soft key.6. Press the [ENT] key so show the compassdisplay and to navigate to the waypoint. Thedisplay indicates the distance and directionof the saved waypoint, and also the compass indi-cates the saved waypoint by dot ().FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
GX1600Page 6612.10 MANUAL INPUTTING OF THE GPS LOCATION (LAT/LON)You may send the Latitude/Longitude of your vessel manually even if theGX1600 is not connected the GPS receiver unit.After the position is entered, transmitting a DSC Distress, Position Request, orPosition Report will contain the manually entered position.1. Press and hold down the   key until “SetupSetupSetupSetupSetupMenuMenuMenuMenuMenu” appears.2. Press the  / key to select “DSCDSCDSCDSCDSCSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUP” menu.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select “PO-PO-PO-PO-PO-SITION INPUTSITION INPUTSITION INPUTSITION INPUTSITION INPUT” with the  / key.4. Press the [SELECT] soft key. The transceiverwill beep, and the display will be as shown inthe illustration on the right.5. Enter the latitude/longitude of your vessel and yourlocal UTC time in the 24-hour notation by the  / key. Press the  / key to select thenumber and press the [ENT] soft key to move thecursor to the next character. You may backspacethe cursor by pressing the [BACK] soft key, if youmake a mistake.6. To store the data entered, press and hold the [ENT] soft key.7. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return to radio operation.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Page 67GX160012.11 AUTO DSC POLLINGThe GX1600 has the capability to automatically track four stations programmedinto the Indvidual directory.The following procedure allows the time interval between position requests tobe setup.1. Press and hold down the   key until “SetupSetupSetupSetupSetupMenuMenuMenuMenuMenu” appears.2. Press the  / key to select “DSCDSCDSCDSCDSCSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUP” menu.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select“AUTO DSC INTERVALAUTO DSC INTERVALAUTO DSC INTERVALAUTO DSC INTERVALAUTO DSC INTERVAL” with the  / key.4. Press the  / key to select the desiredinterval time (1,2,3,4,5,10,30 and 40 minutes)and press the [ENT] soft key.5. Press the [QUIT] soft key numerous times to exit tothe radio mode.12.11.1  Selecting Stations to be Automatically Polled (tracked)NOTEThe radio uses the Individual directory to select stations. Refer to sec-tion “11.5.1 Setting up the Individual / Position Call Directory” and toenter MMSI of stations you want to poll before proceeding.1. Press the   key. The “DSC MenuDSC MenuDSC MenuDSC MenuDSC Menu” will ap-pear.2. Press the  / key to select “AUTO POSAUTO POSAUTO POSAUTO POSAUTO POSPOLLINGPOLLINGPOLLINGPOLLINGPOLLING”, then press the [SELECT] soft key.3. Press the  / key to select the “SELECT AD-SELECT AD-SELECT AD-SELECT AD-SELECT AD-DRESSDRESSDRESSDRESSDRESS”, then press the [SELECT] soft key.4. The radio will show 4 calling stations to beselected, select “CALL 1CALL 1CALL 1CALL 1CALL 1” and press the [SE-LECT] soft key.5. The radio will show the stations programmedin the Individual directory. Press the  / key to select the desired station andpress the [SELECT] soft key.6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for CALL 2, CALL 3and CALL 4 entries.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
GX1600Page 687. When finished, press the [QUIT] soft key numerous times to exit to theradio mode.12.11.2  Enable/Disable Auto DSC Polling1. Press the   key. The “DSC MenuDSC MenuDSC MenuDSC MenuDSC Menu” will ap-pear.2. Press the  / key to select “AUTO POSAUTO POSAUTO POSAUTO POSAUTO POSPOLLINGPOLLINGPOLLINGPOLLINGPOLLING”, then press the [SELECT] soft key.3. Press the  / key to select the “ACTIVATIONACTIVATIONACTIVATIONACTIVATIONACTIVATION”,then press the [SELECT] soft key.4. Select “STARTSTARTSTARTSTARTSTART” to enable transmissions to thestations or “STOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOP” to disable transmissions tostations.5. Press the [ENT] soft key.6. Press the [QUIT] soft key numerous times to exit tothe radio mode.NOTEWhen the radio receives position reports from acalled vessel the display will show the image tothe right and also output NMEA 0183 DSC andDSE sentences to a GPS Chart plotter.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Page 69GX160012.12 DSC TESTThis function is used to contact another DSC equipped vessel to ensure theDSC functions of the radio are operating.NOTETo use this feature, the radio you will be transmitting the test call toneeds to have the DSC Test feature.To perform the DSC test you will need to enter a MMSI of another vessel intothe Individual directory or manually enter in the MMSI using the procedurebelow.12.12.1 Programming MMSI into Individual DirectoryRefer to section “11.5.1 Setting up the Individual / Position Call Directory”.12.12.2 DSC Test call by using Individual Directory1. After programming a individual MMSI into the GX1600 (refer to section“11.5.1 Setting up the Individual / Position Call Directory”).2. Press the   key. The “DSC MenuDSC MenuDSC MenuDSC MenuDSC Menu” will ap-pear.3. Press the  / key to select “DSC TESTDSC TESTDSC TESTDSC TESTDSC TEST”,then press the [SELECT] soft key.4. Press the  / key to select the Ship nameand press the [SELECT] soft key.5. Press the [YES] soft key to transmit the DSCtest call to the other vessel.NOTEAfter the radio receive a Test Call reply from ves-sel that was called, the radio will ring and showTEST ACK display, which confirms the radio youcalled received the test call.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
GX1600Page 7012.12.3 DSC Test Call by Manually Entering MMSI1. Press the   key. The “DSC MenuDSC MenuDSC MenuDSC MenuDSC Menu” will ap-pear.2. Press the  / key to select “DSC TESTDSC TESTDSC TESTDSC TESTDSC TEST”,then press the [SELECT] soft key.3. Press the  / key to select “MANUALMANUALMANUALMANUALMANUAL” andpress the [SELECT] soft key.4. Press the  / key to select the firstdigit in the MMSI and press the [SELECT] softkey.5. Repeat step 4 until all the numbers of theMMSI are shown on the display.6. Press and hold the [SELECT] soft key to showthe Test Call page.7. Press the [YES] soft key to transmit the DSCTest Call to the other vessel.NOTEAfter the radio receive a Test Call reply from ves-sel that was called, the radio will ring and showTEST ACK display, which confirms the radio youcalled received the test call.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Page 71GX1600MEMOFCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
GX1600Page 7213 GENERAL SETUPThe optional CMP30 (RAM3) Remote Station Microphone can alsochange the SETUP menu using the following procedure.13.1 DISPLAYThe GX1600 can select additional screens other than the default  normal (Ra-dio) display by using the procedure below.1. Press and hold down the   key until “Setup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup Menu”appears, then select “GENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUP” with the/ key.2. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then press the  / key to select “DISPLAYDISPLAYDISPLAYDISPLAYDISPLAY”.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key.4. Press the  / key to select desired screentype “NORMALNORMALNORMALNORMALNORMAL”, “COMPASSCOMPASSCOMPASSCOMPASSCOMPASS”, or “WAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINT”.5. Press the [SELECT] soft key to store the selectedsetting.6. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return toradio operation.“NORMAL” DISPLAY “COMPASS” DISPLAY “WAYPOINT” DISPLAYFCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Page 73GX160013.2 LAMP ADJUSTINGThis menu selection adjusts the backlight intensity.1. Press and hold down the   key until “Setup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup Menu”appears, then select “GENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUP” with the/ key.2. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then press the  / key to select “DIMMERDIMMERDIMMERDIMMERDIMMER”.4. Press the  / key to select the desired level(“HIGHHIGHHIGHHIGHHIGH” is default). When “OFFOFFOFFOFFOFF” is selected, the lampis turned off.5. Press the [ENT] soft key to store the selected level.6. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return toradio operation.13.3 DISPLAY CONTRASTDue to varying this selection sets up the display contrast for overhead or dashinstallations.1. Press and hold down the   key until “Setup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup Menu” appears, then select“GENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUP” with the  / key.2. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then press the  / key to select “CONTRASTCONTRASTCONTRASTCONTRASTCONTRAST”.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key.4. Press the  / key to select the desired level.The contrast level can be set from “00000” to “3131313131” (“HIGHHIGHHIGHHIGHHIGH”is default).5. Press the [ENT] soft key to store the selected level.6. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return toradio operation.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
GX1600Page 74OFFSET TIME TABLE13.4 TIME OFFSETSets the time offset between local time (with inputted offset) and UTC (withouttime offset) shown on the display. Time is displayed only when an optionalGPS Chart Plotter is connected.1. Press and hold down the   key until “Setup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup Menu”appears, then select “GENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUP” with the/ key.2. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then press the  / key to select “TIME OFFSETTIME OFFSETTIME OFFSETTIME OFFSETTIME OFFSET”.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then press the  / key to select time offset of your location. Seeillustration below to find your offset time. If “00:0000:0000:0000:0000:00”is assigned, the time is the same as UTC (UniversalTime Coordinated or GPS Satellite Time).4. Press the [ENT] soft key to store the time offset.5. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return toradio operation.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Page 75GX160013.5 TIME AREAThis menu selection allows the radio to show UTC time or local time with theoffset.1. Press and hold down the   key until “Setup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup Menu”appears, then select “GENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUP” with the/ key.2. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then press the  / key to “TIME AREATIME AREATIME AREATIME AREATIME AREA”.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key.4. Rotate the CHANNEL knob to select “UTCUTCUTCUTCUTC” or “LO-LO-LO-LO-LO-CALCALCALCALCAL”.5. Press the [ENT] soft key to store the selected set-ting.6. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return toradio operation.13.6 TIME DISPLAYThis menu selection allows the radio to show time in 12-hour or 24-hour for-mat.1. Press and hold down the   key until “Setup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup Menu”appears, then select “GENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUP” with the/ key.2. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then press the  / key to select “TIME DISPLAYTIME DISPLAYTIME DISPLAYTIME DISPLAYTIME DISPLAY”.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key.4. Press the  / key to select “12 HOUR12 HOUR12 HOUR12 HOUR12 HOUR” or “2424242424HOURHOURHOURHOURHOUR”.5. Press the [ENT] soft key to store the selected set-ting.6. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return toradio operation.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
GX1600Page 7613.7 UNIT OF MEASUREAllows Navigation and AIS displays to be shown in “Knot”, “Mile/Hour” or “Kilo-Meter/Hour” (for speed) and “Nautical Mile” or “Kilo-Meter” (for distance).NOTEA GPS must be connected to the radio to be able to show SPEED andDISTANCE.1. Press and hold down the   key until “Setup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup Menu”appears, then select “GENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUP” with the/ key.2. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then press the  / key to select “UNIT OF MEASUREUNIT OF MEASUREUNIT OF MEASUREUNIT OF MEASUREUNIT OF MEASURE”.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key.4. Press the  / key to select “SPEEDSPEEDSPEEDSPEEDSPEED” or “DIS-DIS-DIS-DIS-DIS-TANCETANCETANCETANCETANCE” which you wish to change.5. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then press the  / key to select desired unit. Available selectionsare KTS (knot), MPH (Mile/Hour), or KMH (Kilo-Meter/Hour) for speed, and NH (Nautical Mile) orKM (Kilo-Meter) for distance.6. Press the [ENT] soft key to store the selected set-ting.7. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return toradio operation.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Page 77GX160013.8 MAGNETICThis selection allows customizing the GPS COG (Course Over Ground) dis-played in True or Magnetic.NOTEA GPS must be connected to the radio to be able to show COG.1. Press and hold down the   key until “Setup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup Menu”appears, then select “GENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUP” with the/ key.2. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then press the  / key to select “MAGNETICMAGNETICMAGNETICMAGNETICMAGNETIC”.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key.4. Press the  / key to select “TRUETRUETRUETRUETRUE” or “MAG-MAG-MAG-MAG-MAG-NETICNETICNETICNETICNETIC”.5. Press the [ENT] soft key to store the selected set-ting.6. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return toradio operation.13.9 KEY BEEPThis selection is used to select the beep tone volume level when a key ispressed.1. Press and hold down the   key until “Setup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup Menu”appears, then select “GENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUP” with the/ key.2. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then press the  / key to select “KEY BEEPKEY BEEPKEY BEEPKEY BEEPKEY BEEP”.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key.4. Press the  / key to select the desired level.The beep level can be set from “LEVEL 1LEVEL 1LEVEL 1LEVEL 1LEVEL 1” to “LEVELLEVELLEVELLEVELLEVEL66666”, “HIGHHIGHHIGHHIGHHIGH”, or “OFFOFFOFFOFFOFF”.5. Press the [ENT] soft key to store the selected level.6. Press the [QUIT] soft several times to return to ra-dio operation.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
GX1600Page 7813.10 SOFT KEYSThis menu item allows selection of the number of soft keys, soft key selectionand how long the display will show the soft key icon after a soft key is pressed.1. Press and hold down the   key until “SetupSetupSetupSetupSetupMenuMenuMenuMenuMenu” appears, then select “GENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUPGENERAL SETUP”with the  / key.2. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then press the/ key to “SOFT KEYSOFT KEYSOFT KEYSOFT KEYSOFT KEY”.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then press the/ key to “NUMBER OF SOFT KEYSNUMBER OF SOFT KEYSNUMBER OF SOFT KEYSNUMBER OF SOFT KEYSNUMBER OF SOFT KEYS”.4. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then press the/ key to select the number of softkeys (33333 through 1010101010).5. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then press the  / key to select “KEY ASSIGNMENTKEY ASSIGNMENTKEY ASSIGNMENTKEY ASSIGNMENTKEY ASSIGNMENT” (tochange the use of selected soft keys).6. Press the  / key to select the key(“KEY1KEY1KEY1KEY1KEY1”, “KEY2KEY2KEY2KEY2KEY2”, or “KEY3KEY3KEY3KEY3KEY3”), and press the[SELECT] soft key. Then, press the  / key to select the new function to be as-signed, and press the [SELECT] soft key.Available functions are listed below. Repeatstep 6 to program the other soft keys.7. Press the [QUIT] key, then press the  / key to select “KEY TIMERKEY TIMERKEY TIMERKEY TIMERKEY TIMER” (selects howlong the soft key icon will be shown on thedisplay after a soft key is pressed, default is5 seconds). Then, press the [SELECT] soft key.8. Press the  / key to select the time.9. Press the [ENT] soft key to store the selected setting.10. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return to radio operation.DISPLAYSCANDWICCMP: COMPASSWPTPRESETWXMARKPRESET 0 - 9FUNCTIONStarts and stops Scanning.Starts and stops Dual Watch Scan.Activates Intercom between radio and RAM3 mic (optional RAM3 required).Shows to the “Compass” display.Shows to the “Waypoint” Navigation display.Porgrams or deletes the preset memory channel.Immediately recalls the last select the weather channel.Marks the current position for the “Waypoint”.Immediately recalls the preset memory channel.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Page 79GX160014 CHANNEL FUNCTION SETUP14.1 CHANNEL GROUPThis section selects a channel group from USA, Canada, and International.1. Press and hold down the   key until “SetupSetupSetupSetupSetupMenuMenuMenuMenuMenu” appears.2. Press the  / key to select “CH FUNC-CH FUNC-CH FUNC-CH FUNC-CH FUNC-TION SETUPTION SETUPTION SETUPTION SETUPTION SETUP”.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then press the/ key to select “CH GROUPCH GROUPCH GROUPCH GROUPCH GROUP”.4. Press the [SELECT] soft key.5. Press the  / key to select desiredchannel group “USAUSAUSAUSAUSA”, “INTLINTLINTLINTLINTL”, or “CANADACANADACANADACANADACANADA”.6. Press the [ENT] soft key to store the selected set-ting.7. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return to radio operation.14.2 SCAN MEMORYTo be able to scan channels the radio must be programmed. This section al-lows channels to be stored in scan memory.1. Press and hold down the   key until “Setup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup Menu”appears.2. Press the  / key to select “CH FUNCTIONCH FUNCTIONCH FUNCTIONCH FUNCTIONCH FUNCTIONSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUP”.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then press the  / key to select “SCAN MEMORYSCAN MEMORYSCAN MEMORYSCAN MEMORYSCAN MEMORY”.4. Press the [SELECT] soft key.5. Press the  / key to select a desired chan-nel to be scanned, the press the [ADD] key. “MEM”icon appears on the display, which indicates thechannel has been selected to the scan channel.6. Repeat step 5 for all the desired channels to bescanned.7. To DELETE a channel from the list, select the chan-nel then press the [DELETE] key. “MEM” icon dis-appears from the display.8. When you have completed your selection, press the [QUIT] soft key sev-eral times to return to radio operation.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
GX1600Page 8014.3 SCAN TYPEThis selection is used to select the scan mode between “Memory Scan” and“Priority Scan”.  The default setting is Priority Scan.1. Press and hold down the   key until “Setup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup Menu”appears.2. Press the  / key to select “CH FUNCTIONCH FUNCTIONCH FUNCTIONCH FUNCTIONCH FUNCTIONSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUP”.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select “SCANSCANSCANSCANSCANTYPETYPETYPETYPETYPE” with the  / key.4. Press the [SELECT] soft key.5. Press the  / key to select “PRIORITY SCANPRIORITY SCANPRIORITY SCANPRIORITY SCANPRIORITY SCAN”or “MEMORY SCANMEMORY SCANMEMORY SCANMEMORY SCANMEMORY SCAN”.6. Press the [ENT] soft key to store the selected set-ting.7. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return toradio operation.14.4 SCAN RESUMEThis selection is used to select the time the GX1600 waits after a transmissionends before the radio start to scan channels again. The default setting is 2seconds.1. Press and hold down the   key until “Setup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup Menu”appears.2. Press the  / key to select “CH FUNCTIONCH FUNCTIONCH FUNCTIONCH FUNCTIONCH FUNCTIONSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUP”.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select “SCAN RE-SCAN RE-SCAN RE-SCAN RE-SCAN RE-SUMESUMESUMESUMESUME” with the  / key.4. Press the [SELECT] soft key.5. Press the  / key to select the desired re-sume time, default is 2 seconds. The resume timecan be set to “1SEC1SEC1SEC1SEC1SEC” through “5SEC5SEC5SEC5SEC5SEC”, or “OFFOFFOFFOFFOFF”. In the“OFFOFFOFFOFFOFF” selection, the scanner will resume after theother station stops transmitting (carrier drops).6. Press the [ENT] soft key to store the selected set-ting.7. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return toradio operation.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Page 81GX160014.5 PRIORITY CHANNELBy default the radio priority channel is set to channel 16. This procedure allowsthe radio to use a different priority channel used when priority scanning.1. Press and hold down the   key until “Setup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup Menu”appears.2. Press the  / key to select “CH FUNCTIONCH FUNCTIONCH FUNCTIONCH FUNCTIONCH FUNCTIONSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUP”.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select “PRIORITYPRIORITYPRIORITYPRIORITYPRIORITYCHCHCHCHCH” with the  / key.4. Press the [SELECT] soft key.5. Press the  / key to select the desired chan-nel to be a priority.6. Press the [ENT] soft key to store the selected set-ting.7. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return toradio operation.14.6 WEATER ALERTThis menu selection allows the WX Alert to be changed. The default setting isOn Scan and WX channel.1. Press and hold down the   key until “Setup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup Menu”appears.2. Press the  / key to select “CH FUNCTIONCH FUNCTIONCH FUNCTIONCH FUNCTIONCH FUNCTIONSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUP”.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select “WX ALERTWX ALERTWX ALERTWX ALERTWX ALERT”with the  / key.4. Press the [SELECT] soft key.5. Press the  / key to select the desired WXalert mode. The WX alert mode can be set to “ONONONONON”or “OFFOFFOFFOFFOFF”.6. Press the [ENT] soft key to store the selected set-ting.7. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return toradio operation.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
GX1600Page 8214.7 CHANNEL NAMEWhen radio mode (NORMAL) is selected, the display will show a name underthe channel number. This name describes the use of the channel. The radiohas the capability to customize the name by the procedure below.Example: CH69 PLEASURE to HOOKUP1. Press and hold down the   key until “Setup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup Menu”appears.2. Press the  / key to select “CH FUNCTIONCH FUNCTIONCH FUNCTIONCH FUNCTIONCH FUNCTIONSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUP”.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select “CH NAMECH NAMECH NAMECH NAMECH NAME”with the  / key.4. Press the [SELECT] soft key.5. Press the  / key to select the channel to benamed, then press the [ENT] soft key.6. Press the  / key to scroll through the firstletter of the new channel name.7. Press the [ENT] soft key to store the first letter inthe name and step to the next letter to the right.8. Repeat step 6 and 7 until the name is complete.The name can consist of up to 16 characters, if youdo not use all 16 characters press the [ENT] softkey to move to the next space. This method canalso be used to enter a blank space in the name. Ifa mistake was made entering in the name repeatpressing the [BACK] key until the wrong characteris selected, then press the  / key to correctthe entry.9. Press and hold the [ENT] soft key to save the name.10. If you want to enter the name of another channel, repeat steps 5 through 9.11. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return to radio operation.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Page 83GX160014.8 STATION NAMEThis function allows you to change the name of the radio or second stationmicrophone. Example: “Radio - Cabin”, “RAM1 - Flybridge”.1. Press and hold down the   key until “Setup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup Menu”appears.2. Press the  / key to select “CH FUNCTIONCH FUNCTIONCH FUNCTIONCH FUNCTIONCH FUNCTIONSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUP”.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select “STATIONSTATIONSTATIONSTATIONSTATIONNAMENAMENAMENAMENAME” with the  / key.4. Press the [SELECT] soft key.5. With the second station microphone connected,press the  / key to select the Unit (“RadioRadioRadioRadioRadio”or “RAM1RAM1RAM1RAM1RAM1”) to be named, then press the [ENT] softkey.6. Press the  / key to scroll through the firstletter of the new channel name.7. Press the [ENT] soft key to store the first letter inthe name and step to the next letter to the right.8. Repeat step 6 and 7 until the name is complete.The name can consist of up to 8 characters, if youdo not use all 8 characters press the [ENT] soft keyto move to the next space. This method can also beused to enter a blank space in the name. If a mis-take was made entering in the name repeat pressing the [BACK] key untilthe wrong character is selected, then press the  / key to correctthe entry.9. Press and hold the [ENT] soft key to enter the name.10. If you want to enter the name of the connected RAM3 or Radio, repeatsteps 5 through 9.11. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return to radio operation.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
GX1600Page 8415 DSC SETUP15.1  INDIVIDUAL DIRECTORYThe GX2000/GX2100 has a DSC directory that allows you to store a vessel orperson’s name and the MMSI number associated with vessels you wish totransmit Individual calls, Position Requests and Position Send transmissions.To transmit an Individual call you must program this directory with informationof the persons you wish to call, similar to a cellular phones telephone directory.1. Press and hold down the   key until “SetupSetupSetupSetupSetupMenuMenuMenuMenuMenu” appears.2. Press the  / key to select “DSCDSCDSCDSCDSCSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUP” menu.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select “INDI-INDI-INDI-INDI-INDI-VIDUAL DIRECTORYVIDUAL DIRECTORYVIDUAL DIRECTORYVIDUAL DIRECTORYVIDUAL DIRECTORY” with the  / key.4. Press the [SELECT] soft key.5. Select “ADDADDADDADDADD” with the  / key, thenpress the [SELECT] soft key.6. Press the  / key to scroll through thefirst letter of the name of the vessel or person youwant to reference in the directory.7. Press the [ENT] soft key to store the first letter inthe name and step to the next letter to the right.8. Repeat step 6 and 7 until the name is complete.The name can consist of up to eleven characters, ifyou do not use all eleven characters press the [ENT]soft key to move to the next space. This methodcan also be used to enter a blank space in the name.If a mistake was made entering in the name repeatpressing the [BACK] soft key until the wrong character is selected, thenpress the  / key to correct the entry.9. After the eleventh letter or space has been entered, press and hold the[ENT] soft key to advance to the MMSI (Maritime Mobile Service IdentityNumber) number entry.10. Press the  / key to scroll through numbers,0-9. To enter the desired number and move onespace to the right by pressing the [ENT] soft key.Repeat this procedure until all nine space of theMMSI number are entered.11. If a mistake was made entering in the MMSI number repeat pressing the[BACK] soft key until the wrong number is selected, then rotate the CHAN-FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Page 85GX1600NEL knob to correct the entry.12. To store the data entered, press and hold the [ENT] soft key.13. To enter another individual address, repeat steps 5 through 12.14. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return to radio operation.15.2  INDIVIDUAL REPLYThis menu item sets up the radio to automatically (default setting) or manuallyrespond to a DSC Individual call requesting you to switch to a working channelfor voice communications. When Manual is selected the MMSI of the callingvessel is shown allowing you to see who is calling. This function is similar tocaller id on a cellular phone.1. Press and hold down the   key until “SetupSetupSetupSetupSetupMenuMenuMenuMenuMenu” appears.2. Press the  / key to select “DSCDSCDSCDSCDSCSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUP” menu.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select “IN-IN-IN-IN-IN-DIVIDUAL REPLYDIVIDUAL REPLYDIVIDUAL REPLYDIVIDUAL REPLYDIVIDUAL REPLY” with the  / key.4. Press the [SELECT] soft key.5. Press the  / key to select “AUTO-AUTO-AUTO-AUTO-AUTO-MATICMATICMATICMATICMATIC” or “MANUALMANUALMANUALMANUALMANUAL”.6. Press the [SELECT] soft key to store the selectedsetting.7. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return to radio operation.15.3  INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENTThe radio can be setup to transmit a reply automatically (default) or set so theradio will not reply to an individual call.1. Press and hold down the   key until “SetupSetupSetupSetupSetupMenuMenuMenuMenuMenu” appears.2. Press the  / key to select “DSCDSCDSCDSCDSCSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUP” menu.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select “IN-IN-IN-IN-IN-DIVIDUAL ACKDIVIDUAL ACKDIVIDUAL ACKDIVIDUAL ACKDIVIDUAL ACK” with the  / key.4. Press the [SELECT] soft key.5. Press the  / key to select “ABLE TOABLE TOABLE TOABLE TOABLE TOCOMPLYCOMPLYCOMPLYCOMPLYCOMPLY” or “UNABLEUNABLEUNABLEUNABLEUNABLE”.6. Press the [SELECT] soft key to store the selectedsetting.7. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return to radio operation.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
GX1600Page 8615.4  INDIVIDUAL RINGERThe radio can be setup to ring like a telephone to alert you the radio receiveda DSC Individual call. The default setting is 2 minutes, however this can bechanged to 15, 10 or 5 seconds with the procedure below.1. Press and hold down the   key until “SetupSetupSetupSetupSetupMenuMenuMenuMenuMenu” appears.2. Press the  / key to select “DSCDSCDSCDSCDSCSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUP” menu.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select “IN-IN-IN-IN-IN-DIVIDUAL RINGDIVIDUAL RINGDIVIDUAL RINGDIVIDUAL RINGDIVIDUAL RING” with the  / key.4. Press the [SELECT] soft key.5. Rotate the CHANNEL knob to select ringingtime of a Individual Call.6. Press the [ENT] soft key to store the selected set-ting.7. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return to radio operation.15.5  GROUP DIRECTORYFor this function to operate, the same Group MMSI must be programmed intoall the DSC VHF radios within the group of vessels that will be using this fea-ture. To understand Group MMSI programming, first a Ship MMSI has to beunderstood.Ship MMSI: The first three digits called a MID (Mobile Identity Group) of a ShipMMSI denote the country the ship registered for a MMSI. The last 6 digits arespecific to the Ships ID.Ship MMSI Example: If your MMSI is “366123456”, “366” is MID which denotethe country and “123456” is your ships MMSI.Group MMSI:Group MMSI numbers are not assigned by the FCC or other organizationslicensed to assign ship MMSI numbers.The first digit of a Group MMSI is always set to “0” by International rules.All Standard Horizon radios are preset so when programming a GroupMMSI the first digit is set to “0”.The USCG recommends programming the MID of a ships MMSI into theSecond, Third and Fourth digits of the Group MMSI as it denotes the areathe ship is located in.The last 5 digits are decided upon by persons in the Group. This is animportant step as all radios in the Group must contain the same GroupMMSI so they can be contacted by each other. There is a chance thatFCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Page 87GX1600another group of vessels may program in the same Group MMSI. If thishappens, simply change one or more of the last 5 digits of the Group MMSI.1. Press and hold down the   key until “Setup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup Menu”appears.2. Press the  / key to select “DSC SETUPDSC SETUPDSC SETUPDSC SETUPDSC SETUP”menu.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select “GROUPGROUPGROUPGROUPGROUPDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORY” with the  / key.4. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select “ADDADDADDADDADD” withthe  /  key.5. Press the [SELECT] soft key.6. Press the  / key to scroll through the firstletter of the name of the group you want to refer-ence in the directory.7. Press the [SELECT] soft key to store the first letterin the name and step to the next letter to the right.8. Repeat step 6 and 7 until the name is complete.The name can consist of up to eleven characters, ifyou do not use all eleven characters press the [SE-LECT] soft key to move to the next space. Thismethod can also be used to enter a blank space inthe name. If a mistake was made entering in thename repeat pressing the [BACK] soft key until thewrong character is selected, then press the  / key to correct the entry.9. After the eleventh letter or space has been entered,press and hold the [SELECT] soft key to advanceto the GROUP MMSI (Maritime Mobile Service Iden-tity Number) number entry.10. Press the  / key to select the second number of the MMSI (ninedigits: first digit permanently set to “0”) which you want to contact, thenpress the [SELECT] soft key to step to the next number. Repeat this proce-dure until all eight space of the MMSI number are entered.11. If a mistake was made entering in the MMSI number repeat pressing the[BACK] soft key until the wrong number is selected, then press the  / key to correct the entry.12. To store the data entered, press and hold the [SELECT] soft key.13. To enter another group address, repeat steps 5 through 12.14. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return to radio operation.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
GX1600Page 8815.6  POSITION REPLYThe GX1600 can be set up to automatically (default setting) or manually sendyour position when requested by another vessel. This selection is important ifyou are concerned about someone polling the position of your vessel that youmay not want to. In the manual mode you will see the MMSI or persons nameshown on the display allowing you to choose to send your position to the re-questing vessel.1. Press and hold down the   key until “Setup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup Menu”appears.2. Press the  / key to select “DSC SETUPDSC SETUPDSC SETUPDSC SETUPDSC SETUP”menu.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select “POSITIONPOSITIONPOSITIONPOSITIONPOSITIONREPLYREPLYREPLYREPLYREPLY” with the  / key.4. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select “AUTO-AUTO-AUTO-AUTO-AUTO-MATICMATICMATICMATICMATIC” or “MANUALMANUALMANUALMANUALMANUAL”. In “AUTOMATICAUTOMATICAUTOMATICAUTOMATICAUTOMATIC” mode, aftera DSC POS Request is received, the radio will au-tomatically transmit your vessels position. In“MANUALMANUALMANUALMANUALMANUAL” mode, the display of the GX1600 willshow who is requesting the position and the YESsoft key on radio has to be pressed to send yourposition to the requesting.5. Press the [ENT] soft key to store the selected set-ting.6. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return to radio operation.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Page 89GX160015.7  DSC BEEPThis feature allows the alarm beeps to be turned on (default setting) or offwhen a DSC call is received. The DSC calls that can be customized are: Indi-vidual, Group, All Ships, Position Request, Position Report, Geographic Callusing the procedure below:1. Press and hold down the   key until “Setup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup Menu”appears.2. Press the  / key to select “DSC SETUPDSC SETUPDSC SETUPDSC SETUPDSC SETUP”menu.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select “DSC BEEPDSC BEEPDSC BEEPDSC BEEPDSC BEEP”with the  / key.4. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then press the  / key to the desired DSC call type and pressthe [ENT] soft key.5. Press the  / key to turn “OnOnOnOnOn” or “OffOffOffOffOff” theDSC beep and press the [ENT] soft key.6. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return toradio operation.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
GX1600Page 9016 WAYPOINTSThe GX1600 is capable of storing up to 100 waypoint and navigating to themusing the compass page.In addition DSC distress calls with position or a position received from a an-other DSC radio using DSC polling can be navigated to.16.1 MARKING A POSITIONThis feature allows the radio to mark the current position of the vessel.1. Press and hold down the   key until “SetupSetupSetupSetupSetupMenuMenuMenuMenuMenu” appears.2. Press the  / key to select “WAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINTSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUP”.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select “WAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINTDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORY” with the  / key.4. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select“MARK POSITIONMARK POSITIONMARK POSITIONMARK POSITIONMARK POSITION” with the  / key.5. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then enter theWaypoint Name, by pressing the  /key to select the first letter.6. Press the [ENT] soft key to store the first let-ter and to move to the second letter in thename.7. Repeat step 5 and 6 until the name is shown. Pressthe [ENT] soft key to skip a letter if needed.8. Press and hold the [ENT] soft key two times to save the waypoint intomemory.9. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return to radio operation.NOTEIf you assign the “Mark” function to the Soft key, you may recall the“Waypoint Input” directly by pressing the [ENT] soft key.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Page 91GX160016.2 ADDING A WAYPOINT1. Press and hold down the   key until “SetupSetupSetupSetupSetupMenuMenuMenuMenuMenu” appears.2. Press the  / key to select “WAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINTSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUP”.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select “WAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINTDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORY” with the  / key.4. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select“ADDADDADDADDADD” with the  / key.5. Press the [SELECT] soft key.6. Enter the Waypoint Name, by pressing the/ key to select the first letter.7. Press the [ENT] soft key to store the first let-ter and to move to the second letter in thename.8. Repeat step 5 and 6 until the name is shown.Press the [ENT] soft key to skip a letter if needed.9. Press and hold the [ENT] soft key, then enter thecoordinates of the waypoint POSITION, by pressing the  / key toselect the first digit in the Latitude.10. Press the [ENT] soft key to store the first number and to move to the sec-ond number in the position.11. Repeat step 9 and 10 until the latitude is shown include N or S in the lastdigit.12. Press the [ENT] soft key to select the first digit of the Longitude is blinking.13. Press the  / key to select the first digit in the Longitude.14. Press the [ENT] soft key to store the first number and to move to the sec-ond number in the position.15. Repeat step 13 and 14 until the Latitude is showninclude E or W in the last digit.16. After all information is entered, press and hold the[ENT] soft key to store the waypoint into memory.17. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return toradio operation.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
GX1600Page 9216.3 EDITING A WAYPOINTThis function allows a previously entered waypoint to be edited.1. Press and hold down the   key until “SetupSetupSetupSetupSetupMenuMenuMenuMenuMenu” appears.2. Press the  / key to select “WAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINTSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUP”.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select “WAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINTDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORY” with the  / key.4. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select“EDITEDITEDITEDITEDIT” with the  / key.5. Press the  / key to select thewaypoint to be edited.6. Press the [ENT] soft key to show the waypointInput display.7. Press the [ENT] soft key repeatedly until thenumber or letter is selected that is to bechanged.8. Press the  / key to change the letter or num-ber.9. Repeat step 7 and 8 until the waypoint is updated.10. Press and hold the [ENT] soft key to store the ed-ited waypoint into memory.11. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return to radio operation.16.4 DELETING A WAYPOINT1. Press and hold down the   key until “SetupSetupSetupSetupSetupMenuMenuMenuMenuMenu” appears.2. Press the  / key to select “WAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINTSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUP”.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select “WAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINTDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORYDIRECTORY” with the  / key.4. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select “DE-DE-DE-DE-DE-LETELETELETELETELETE” with the  / key.5. Press the  / key to highlight thewaypoint to be deleted.6. Press and hold the [ENT] soft key until theradio beeps and the waypoint directory is re-moved from the display.7. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times toreturn to radio operation.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Page 93GX160016.5 SAVING A DSC POSITION CALL AS A WAYPOINTWhen a position is received from a another DSC radio the GX2000/GX2100allows the position to be saved as a waypoint.1. After a position has been received, press the[SAVE] soft key two times.2. The first digit in the WPT Name will be flash-ing, press the  / key to the first letterof the name you want to input.3. Press the [ENT] soft key, then press the  /key to select the second letter in the name.4. Repeat step 3 until the name is shown.5. Press and hold the [ENT] soft key until the radiobeeps to save the waypoint to memory.6. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return to radio operation.16.6 NAVIGATING TO A SAVED WAYPOINT1. Press and hold down the   key until “SetupSetupSetupSetupSetupMenuMenuMenuMenuMenu” appears.2. Press the  / key to select “GENERALGENERALGENERALGENERALGENERALSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUPSETUP”.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select “DIS-DIS-DIS-DIS-DIS-PLAYPLAYPLAYPLAYPLAY” with the  / key.4. Press the [ENT] soft key, and select“WAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINTWAYPOINT”, and press the [SELECT] softkey.5. Select the waypoint name and press the [ENT]soft key to show the waypoint data display.6. Press the [ENT] soft key to start navigatingthe waypoint and show the Waypoint Nav display.NOTEThe radio must be connected to a GPS to be able to navigate to awaypoint.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
GX1600Page 9416.7 STOP NAVIGATING TO A WAYPOINTTo stop navigating to a waypoint, press the one of theSoft keys, then press the [STOP] soft key. The radio isswitched to Normal Mode.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Page 95GX1600MEMOFCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
GX1600Page 9617 CMP30 (RAM3) REMOTE MIC OPERATIONWhen the Remote MIC is connected to the GX1600, all VHF, DSC, setup menus,AIS, Waypoint, Compass functions and PA/Fog modes can be remotely oper-ated. The CMP30’s operation is same as GX1600 except the receiver audiovolume setting and squelch level setting. The reason for the same operation isto make the operation of the radio and CMP30 mic easy. For specific operationof the CMP30 mic review sections in the radio manual. The CMP30 is suppliedwith 23 feet (7 m) of routing cable and can be extended up to 70 feet (21 m)using three 23-foot extension cables model CT-100. The Intercom feature canbe used between the CMP30 and the GX1600. In addition, speaker wires aresupplied at the panel mount of the routing cable for external speakers to beconnected in noisy environments.17.1 REMOTE MIC CONTROLS[H/L] KEYToggles between high and low power. When the [H/L] key is pressed whilethe transceiver is on CH13 or CH67, the power is temporarily switchedfrom LO to HI until the PTT switch is released. The [H/L] key does notfunction on transmit inhibited and low-power only channels.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Page 97GX1600PTT (Push-To-Talk) KeyPush this key to enable the transmitter.POWER ( ) KeyPress and hold down this key to turn the transceiver and Remote MIC onor off.MICROPHONEThe internal ClearVoice Noise Canceling mic is located here..When transmitting, position your mouth about 1/2 to 1 inch (1.2 ~ 2.5 cm)away from the small mic hole. Speak slowly and clearly into the micro-phone.DISPLAYFull dot matrix display.SOFT KEYThese three key’s functions can be customized by the Setup Menu mode.When press one of these key briefly, the key functions will appear at thebottom of the display. Refer to section “17.2 ASSIGNING SOFT KEYS” fordetails.KEY PAD[CALL/MENU] KeyPress this key to access the DSC menu.Press and hold this key to access the SETUP menu.[16/9] KeyFirst press: channel 16 is immediately selected.Second press: recalls the last selected channel.Press and hold: selects channel 9.[](UP)/[](DOWN) KeyThese keys are used to select channels, adjust the volume and squelchlevel, and to choose DSC calls, DSC setup and Radio setup function.[VOL/SQ] Key (Volume Control / Squelch Control)First press: Volume adjustment modeSecond press: Squelch adjustment modeThird press: exits adjustment modeWhen in volume or squelch mode, press the [] or [] keys to adjustthe level.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
GX1600Page 98[CLR/WX] KeyPress to CLEAR a function or menu selection. Press and hold to selectNOAA Weather channels. Press and hold again to exit Weather modeand revert to radio mode.Secondary useHold down the [16/9] key while pressing the [WX] key to change themode from USA to International or Canadian.[ENT] KeyThis key functions as the enter key.SPEAKERThe internal speaker is located here.[DISTRESS] KEYUsed to send a DSC Distress call. Refer to section “11 DIGITAL SELEC-TIVE CALLING”.17.2 ASSIGNING SOFT KEYSThis menu item allows selection of the number of soft keys, soft key selectionand how long the display will show the soft key icon after a soft key is pressed.The keys maybe setup to control the following functions:1. Press and hold down the [CALL/MENU] keyuntil “Setup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup MenuSetup Menu” appears, then select “GEN-GEN-GEN-GEN-GEN-ERAL SETUPERAL SETUPERAL SETUPERAL SETUPERAL SETUP” with the [] or [] key.2. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then press the[] key to select “SOFT KEYSOFT KEYSOFT KEYSOFT KEYSOFT KEY”.3. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then press the []key to select “NUMBER OF SOFT KEYSNUMBER OF SOFT KEYSNUMBER OF SOFT KEYSNUMBER OF SOFT KEYSNUMBER OF SOFT KEYS”.4. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then press the[] or [] key to select the number of soft keys(3 through 10).5. Press the [ENT] soft key, then press the [] key toselect “KEY ASSIGNMENTKEY ASSIGNMENTKEY ASSIGNMENTKEY ASSIGNMENTKEY ASSIGNMENT” (to change the use of se-lected soft keys). Then press the [SELECT] softkey.6. Press the [] or [] key to select the key(“KEY1KEY1KEY1KEY1KEY1”, “KEY2KEY2KEY2KEY2KEY2”, “KEY3KEY3KEY3KEY3KEY3” etc), and press the[SELECT] soft key. Then press the [] or []key to select the new function to be assigned,and press the [ENT] soft key. Available func-tions are listed next page. Repeat step 6 toFCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Page 99GX1600program the other soft keys.7. Press the [QUIT] soft key, then press the []or [] key to select “KEY TIMERKEY TIMERKEY TIMERKEY TIMERKEY TIMER” (selects howlong the soft key icon will be shown on thedisplay after a soft key is pressed, default is 5seconds). Then, press the [SELECT] soft key.8. Press the [] or [] key to select the time.9. Press the [ENT] soft key to store the selected setting.10. Press the [QUIT] soft key several times to return to radio operation.DISPLAYSCANDWICCMP: COMPASSWPTPRESETWXMARKPRESET 0 - 9FUNCTIONStarts and stops Scanning.Starts and stops Dual Watch Scan.Activates Intercom between radio and RAM3 mic (optional RAM3 required).Shows to the “Compass” display.Shows to the “Waypoint” Navigation display.Porgrams or deletes the preset memory channel.Immediately recalls the last select the weather channel.Marks the current position for the “Waypoint”.Immediately recalls the preset memory channel.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
GX1600Page 10018 MAINTENANCEThe inherent quality of the solid-state components used in this transceiver willprovide many years of continuous use. Taking the following precautions willprevent damage to the transceiver.• Keep the microphone connected or the jack covered at all times to preventcorrosion of electrical contacts;• Never key the microphone unless an antenna or suitable dummy load isconnected to the transceiver.• Ensure that the supply voltage to the transceiver does not exceed 16 VDCor fall below 11 VDC.• Use only STANDARD HORIZON-approved accessories and replacementparts.In the unlikely event of serious problems, please contact your Dealer or ourrepair facility. Address and phone numbers for this facility, as well as warrantyinformation, are contained in section “19 WARRANTY.”18.1 REPLACEMENT PARTSOccasionally an owner needs a replacement mounting bracket or knob.These can be ordered from our Parts Department by writing or calling:Marine Division of Vertex StandardUS Headquarters10900 Walker Street, Cypress, CA 90630, U.S.A.Telephone (714) 827-7600Commonly requested parts, and their part numbers are listed below.•Power Cord: T9025406•Panel Cover: RA1298700•VOL and SQL Knob: RA1282500 (White), RA1282600 (Black)•Mounting Bracket: RA1283100 (White), RA1283200 (Black)•Mounting Bracket Knob: RA0978500 (White), RA0978600 (Black)•Microphone Hanger: RA0436000 (White), RA0458800 (Black)•RAM3 Mic Routing Cable Assembly: S810151218.2 FACTORY SERVICEIn the unlikely event that the radio fails to perform or needs servicing, pleasecontact the following:Standard HorizonAttention Marine Repair Department10900 Walker Street, Cypress, CA 90630Telephone (800) 366-4566FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Page 101GX1600SYMPTOMTransceiver fails topower up.Transceiver blows fusewhen connected topower supply.Popping or whiningnoise from the speakerwhile engine runs.Sound is not emittedfrom the internal or ex-ternal speaker.Receiving station re-ports low transmitpower, even with trans-ceiver set to HI power.“HI BATTERY” or “LOBATTERY” messageappears when thepower is turned on.Your position is not dis-played.PROBABLE CAUSENo DC voltage to thetransceiver, or blownfuse.Reversed powerwires.Engine noise.Accessory cable.Antenna.The power supplyvoltage is too high ortoo low.Accessory cable.Setting of the GPSnavigation receiver.REMEDYa. Check the 12VDC battery connections andthe fuse.b. The   key needs to be pressed and held toturn the radio on.Check the power cable for DC voltage, or re-place the fuse (6A 250V).Make sure the red wire is connected to the posi-tive (+) battery post, and the black wire is con-nected to the negative (–) battery post. If thefuse still blows, contact your Dealer.Reroute the DC power cables away from theengine. Add noise suppressor on power cable.Change to resistive spark plug wires and/or addan alternator whine filter.Check the connections of the accessory cable(Short Circuit the External speaker cableWHITE/SHIELD).Have the antenna checked or test the trans-ceiver with another antenna. If the problem per-sists, contact your Dealer for servicing.Confirm that the connected power supply volt-age is not 17 volts or lower than 10 volts.Check the accessory cable connection.Some GPS use the battery ground line for NMEAconnection.Check the output signal format of the GPS navi-gation receiver. This radio requires NMEA0183format with GLL, RMB, or RMC sentence as anoutput signal. If the GPS has a baud rate set-ting make sure to select 4800 and parity toNONE.An “RA” Return Authorization number is not necessary to send a product in forservice. Include a brief note describing the problem along with your name,return address, phone number, and proof of purchase.18.3 TROUBLESHOOTING CHARTFCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
GX1600Page 10219 CHANNEL ASSIGNMENTSTables on the following columns list the VHF Marine Channel assignments forU.S.A. and International use. Below are listed some data about the charts.1. VTS. Where indicated, these channels are part of the U.S. Coast Guard’sVessel Traffic System.2. Alpha channel numbers, that is, channel numbers followed by the letter A(such as Channel 07A) are simplex channels on the U.S.A. or Canadianchannel assignments whose counterparts in the International assignmentsare duplex channels. International channels do not use “alpha” numbers.If you call the Coast Guard on Channel 16, they will sometimes ask you to“go to channel 22 Alpha.” This is a channel assigned to U.S.A, and Cana-dian Coast Guards for handling distress and other calls. If your radio is setfor International operation you will go to Channel 22 instead of 22A, andwill not be able to communicate with the Coast Guard. To use Channel22A, your radio must be set for USA or Canada operation, usually by a U/I/C (USA/International/Canada) control or combination of controls. Chan-nel 22 (without an “A”) is an International duplex channel for port opera-tions. Some radios indicate an “A” adjacent to the alpha channels on thedisplay; on others “alpha” is not indicated but the proper channel is se-lected based on the U/I/C setting.3. Bridge-to-Bridge channels (for example, Channel 13) are for use by bridgeoperators on inter-coastal waterways and rivers. It is also used by marinevessels in the vicinity of these bridges for navigation and for communicat-ing with the bridge operators. Note that a limit of 1 Watt is specified forthese channels.4. The S/D column on the chart indicates either S (simplex) or D (duplex).Simplex means transmitting and receiving on the same frequency. Onlyone party at a time can talk, unlike a telephone. Be sure to say “over” andrelease your microphone push-to-talk switch at the end of each transmis-sion. Duplex operation involves the use of one frequency for transmittingand a separate frequency for receiving. On channels specified as duplexon the charts, correct mode of operation is established automatically byyour radio when you select a channel; you cannot change the mode. Andyou still must release the push-to-talk switch after each transmission inorder to listen to the radio.5. Channels normally used by recreational boaters are those that include theterm “non-commercial” in the Channel Use column of the chart. Some ofthese are shared with other users and some are used only in certain geo-graphic regions.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Page 103GX16006. Marine vessels equipped with VHF radios are required to monitor Channel16.7. 156.050 MHz and 156.175 MHz are available for port operations and com-mercial communications purposes when used only within the U.S. CoastGuard designated Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) area of New Orleans, onthe lower Mississippi River from the various pass entrances in the Gulf ofMexico to Devil’s Swamp Light at River Mile 242.4 above head of passesnear Baton Rouge.8. 156.250 MHz is available for port operations communications use onlywithin the U.S. Coast Guard designated VTS radio protection areas ofNew Orleans and Houston described in Sec. 80.383. 156.250 MHz is avail-able for intership port operations communications used only within the areaof Los Angeles and Long Beach harbors, within a 25- nautical mile radiusof Point Fermin, California.9. 156.550 MHz, 156.600 MHz and 156.700 MHz are available in the U.S.Coast Guard designated port areas only for VTS communications and inthe Great Lakes available primarily for communications relating to the move-ment of ships in sectors designated by the St. Lawrence Seaway Develop-ment Corporation or the U.S. Coast Guard. The use of these frequenciesoutside VTS and ship movement sector protected areas is permitted pro-vided they cause no interference to VTS and ship movement communica-tions in their respective designated sectors.10. Use of 156.875 MHz is limited to communications with pilots regarding themovement and docking of ships. Normal output power must not exceed 1watt. 5: 156.375 MHz and 156.650 MHz are available primarily for intershipnavigational communications. These frequencies are available betweencoast and ship on a secondary basis when used on or in the vicinity oflocks or drawbridges. Normal output power must not exceed 1 watt. Maxi-mum output power must not exceed 10 watts for coast stations or 25 wattsfor ship stations.11. On the Great Lakes, in addition to bridge-to-bridge communications,156.650 MHz is available for vessel control purposes in established vesseltraffic systems. 156.650 MHz is not available for use in the MississippiRiver from South Pass Lighted Whistle Buoy “2” and Southwest Pass en-trance Mid-channel Lighted Whistle Buoy to mile 242.4 above Head ofPasses near Baton Rouge. Additionally it is not available for use in theMississippi River-Gulf Outlet, the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet Canal, andthe Inner Harbor Navigational Canal, except to aid the transition from theseareas.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
GX1600Page 10412. Use of 156.375 MHz is available for navigational communications only inthe Mississippi River from South Pass Lighted Whistle Buoy “2” and South-west Pass entrance Mid channel Lighted Whistle Buoy to mile 242.4 abovehead of Passes near Baton Rouge, and in addition over the full length ofthe Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet Canal from entrance to its junction withthe Inner Harbor Navigation Canal, and over the full length of the InnerHarbor Navigation Canal from its junction with the Mississippi River to itsentry to Lake  Pontchartrain at the New Seabrook vehicular bridge.13. Within 120 km (75 miles) of the United States/Canada border, in the areaof the Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca and its approaches,157.425 MHz is half of the duplex pair designated as Channel 88. In thisarea, Channel 88 is available to ship stations for communications withpublic coast stations only. More than 120 km (75 miles) from the UnitedStates/Canada border in the area of the Puget Sound and the Strait ofJuan de Fuca, its approaches, the Great Lakes, and the St. LawrenceSeaway, 157.425 MHz is available for intership and commercial communi-cations. Outside Puget Sound area and its approaches and the Great Lakes,157.425 MHz is also available for communications between commercialfishing vessels and associated aircraft while engaged in commercial fish-ing activities.14. When the frequency 156.850 MHz is authorized, it may be used addition-ally for search and rescue training exercises conducted by state or localgovernments.15. The frequency 156.850 MHz is additionally available to coast stations onthe Great Lakes for transmission of scheduled Coded Marine WeatherForecasts (MAFOR), Great Lakes Weather Broadcast (LAWEB) and sched-uled Notices to Mariners or Bulletins. F3C and J3C emissions are permit-ted. Coast Stations on the Great Lakes must cease weather broadcastswhich cause interference to stations operating on 156.800 MHz until theinterference problem is resolved.16. The frequency 157.100 MHz is authorized for search and rescue trainingexercises by state or local government in conjunction with U.S. Coast Guardstations. Prior U.S. Coast Guard approval is required. Use must ceaseimmediately on U.S. Coast Guard request.17. The duplex pair for channel 20 (157.000/161.600 MHz) may be used forship to coast station communications.18. Available for assignment to coast stations, the use of which is in accordwith an agreed program, for the broadcast of information to ship stationsconcerning the enviro.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Page 105GX1600VHF MARINE CHANNEL CHARTCH U C I S/D TX RX CHANNEL USE01 X X D 156.050 160.650 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)01A X S 156.050 Port Operation and Commercial.VTS in selected areas02 X X D 156.100 160.700 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)03 X X D 156.150 160.750 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)03A X S 156.150 U.S. Government Only, Coast Guard04 X D 156.200 160.800 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement04A X S 156.200 Pacific coast: Coast Guard, East Coast:Commercial fishing05 X D 156.250 160.850 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement05A X X S 156.250 Port operation. VTS in Seattle06 X X X S 156.300 Inter-ship Sefety07 X D 156.350 160.950 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement07A X X S 156.350 Commercial08 X X X S 156.400 Commercial (Inter-ship only)09 X X X S 156.450 Boater Calling channel, Commercial &Non-commercial (Recreational)10 X X X S 156.500 Commercial11 X X X S 156.550 Commercial. VTS in selected areas.12 X X X S 156.600 Port operation. VTS in selected areas.13 X X X S 156.650 Inter-ship Navigation Safety (Bridge-to-bridge)14 X X X S 156.700 Port operation. VTS in selected areas.15 X S - - - 156.750 Environmental (Receive only)15 X X S 156.750 Commercial, non-commercial, ship movement (1 W)16 X X X S 156.800 International Distress, Safety and Calling17 X X X S 156.850 State Controlled (1 W)18 X D 156.900 161.500 Port operation, ship movement18A X X S 156.900 Commercial19 X D 156.950 161.550 Port operation, ship movement19A X S 156.950 US: Commercial19A X S 156.950 Coast Guard20 X X X D 157.000 161.600 Canadian Coast Guard Only,International: port operations and shipment20A X S 157.000 Port operation21 X D 157.050 161.650 Port operation, ship movement21A X X S 157.050 U.S. Government Only, Canadian Coast Guard22 X D 157.100 161.700 Port operation, ship movement22A X X S 157.100 US and Canadian Coast Guard Liaison andMaritime Safety Information Broadcasts announcedon channel 1623 X X D 157.150 161.750 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)23A X S 157.150 U.S. Government Only24 X X X D 157.200 161.800 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)25 X X X D 157.250 161.850 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)26 X X X D 157.300 161.900 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)27 X X X D 157.350 161.950 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)28 X X X D 157.400 162.000 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
GX1600Page 106VHF MARINE CHANNEL CHARTCH U C I S/D TX RX CHANNEL USE60 X X D 156.025 160.625 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)61 X D 156.075 160.675 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement61A X X S 156.075 Public Coast: Coast Guard;East Coast: commercial fishing only62 X D 156.125 160.725 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement62A X S 156.125 Public Coast: Coast Guard;East Coast: commercial fishing only63 X D 156.175 160.775 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement63A X X S 156.175 Port Operation and Commercial.VTS in selected areas.64 X X D 156.225 160.825 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement64A X X S 156.225 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement65 X D 156.275 160.875 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement65A X X S 156.275 Port Opeations66 X D 156.325 160.925 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement66A X X S 156.325 Port Operations67 X X X S 156.375 US: Commercial. Used for Bridge-to-bridge communi-cations in lower Mississippi River. Inter-shiponly,Canada: Commercial fishing, S&R68 X X X S 156.425 Non-commercial (Recreational)69 X X X S 156.475 US: Non-commercial (Recreational),Canada: Commercial fishing only,International: Inter-ship, Port opertions and Shipmovement70 X X X S 156.525 Digital selective calling (voice communications notallowed)71 X X X S 156.575 US, Canada: Non-commercial (Recreational),International: Port opertions and Ship movement72 X X X S 156.625 Non-commercial (Inter-ship only)73 X X X S 156.675 US: Port Operations,Canada: Commercial fish ing only,International: Inter-ship, Port opertions and Shipmovement74 X X X S 156.725 US: Port Operations,Canada: Commercial fishing only,International: Inter-ship, Port opertions and Shipmovement75 X X X S 156.775 Port Operations (Inter-ship only) (1W)76 X X X S 156.825 Port Operations (Inter-ship only) (1W)77 X X S 156.875 Port Operations (Inter-ship only) (1W)77 X S 156.875 Port Operations (Inter-ship only)78 X D 156.925 161.525 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship-movement78A X X S 156.925 Non-commercial (Recreational)79 X D 156.975 161.575 Port operation and Ship movement79A X X S 156.975 CommercialFCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Page 107GX1600VHF MARINE CHANNEL CHARTCH U C I S/D TX RX CHANNEL USE80 X D 157.025 161.625 Port operation, ship movement80A X X S 157.025 Commercial81 X D 157.075 161.675 Port operation, ship movement81A X S 157.075 U.S. Government Only -Environmental protection operations.81A X S 157.075 Canadian Coast Guard Only82 X D 157.125 161.725 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement82A X X S 157.125 U.S. Government Only,Canadian Coast Guard Only83 X D 157.175 161.775 Canadian Coast Guard Only83 X D 157.175 161.775 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)83A X X S 157.175 U.S. Government Only,Canadian Coast Guard Only84 X X X D 157.225 161.825 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)85 X X X D 157.275 161.875 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)86 X X X D 157.325 161.925 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)87 X X S 157.375 Port operation, ship movement87A X S 157.375 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)88 X X S 157.425 Port operation, ship movement88A X S 157.425 Commercial, Inter-ship OnlyWX01X X X D - - - 162.550 Weather (receive only)WX02X X X D - - - 162.400 Weather (receive only)WX03X X X D - - - 162.475 Weather (receive only)WX04X X X D - - - 162.425 Weather (receive only)WX05X X X D - - - 162.450 Weather (receive only)WX06X X X D - - - 162.500 Weather (receive only)WX07X X X D - - - 162.525 Weather (receive only)WX08X X X D - - - 161.650 Weather (receive only)WX09X X X D - - - 161.775 Weather (receive only)WX10X X X D - - - 163.275 Weather (receive only)NOTE: Simplex channels, 3A, 21A, 23A, 61A, 64A, 81A, 82A and 83A CANNOT be lawfully usedby the general public in U.S.A. waters.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
GX1600Page 10820 WARRANTYMarine Products Limited WarrantyPLEASE NOTEThe following “Limited Warranty” is for valid for products that have beenpurchased in the United States and Canada. For limited Warranty detailsoutside the United States, contact the dealer in your country.STANDARD HORIZON (a division of VERTEX STANDARD) warrants, to theoriginal purchaser only, each new Marine Communications Product (“Prod-uct”) manufactured and/or supplied by STANDARD HORIZON against defectsin materials and workmanship under normal use and service for a period oftime from the date of purchase as follows:Fixed Mount and Portable Transceivers1 year - if purchased before 01/01/913 years - if purchased between 01/01/91 and 01/01/943 years Waterproof - if purchased after 01/01/94Loud hailers1 year - if purchased before 01/01/913 years - if purchased after 01/01/91Associated Chargers1 year - if purchased before 01/01/913 years - if purchased after 01/01/91Associated Batteries - 18 months. Note: Batteries will be deemed deflectiveonly if storage capacity drops below 80% of rated capacity or if leakage develops.Associated Accessories - 1 year. Includes: Microphones/Handsets, ExternalSpeakers, Antennas, Carrying Accessories, Power Supplies, and Signaling Boards.To receive warranty service, the purchaser must deliver the Product, transpor-tation and insurance prepaid, to STANDARD HORIZON (a division of VER-TEX STANDARD), Attention Marine repairs 10900 Walker Street, Cypress, CA90630. Include proof of purchase indicating model. serial number, and date ofpurchase. STANDARD HORIZON will return the Product to the purchaser freightprepaid. Products purchased prior to January 1, 1991 will bear the STAN-DARD HORIZON warranty terms in effect prior to that date.In the event of a defect, malfunction or failure of the Product during the war-ranty period, STANDARD HORIZON’s liability for any breach of contract orany breach of express or implied warranties in connection with the sale ofProducts shall be limited solely to repair or replacement, at its option, of theProduct or part(s) therein which, upon examination by STANDARD HORIZON,FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Page 109GX1600appear to be defective or not up to factory specifications. STANDARD HORI-ZON may, at its option, repair or replace parts or subassemblies with new orreconditioned parts and subassemblies. Parts thus repaired or replaced arewarranted for the balance of the original applicable warranty.STANDARD HORIZON will not warrant installation, maintenance or service ofthe Products. In all instances, STANDARD HORIZON’s liability for damagesshall not exceed the purchase price of the defective Product.This warranty only extends to Products sold within the 50 States of the UnitedStates of America and the District of Columbia.STANDARD HORIZON will pay all labor to repair the product and replacementparts charges incurred in providing the warranty service except where pur-chaser abuse or other qualifying exceptions exist. The purchaser must payany transportation expenses incurred in returning the Product to STANDARDHORIZON for service.This limited warranty does not extend to any Product which has been sub-jected to misuse, neglect, accident, incorrect wiring by anyone other than STAN-DARD HORIZON, improper installation, or subjected to use in violation of in-structions furnished by STANDARD HORIZON, nor does this warranty extendto Products on which the serial number has been removed, defaced, or changed.STANDARD HORIZON cannot be responsible in any way for ancillary equip-ment not furnished by STANDARD HORIZON which is attached to or used inconnection with STANDARD HORIZON’s Products, or for the operation of theProduct with any ancillary equipment, and all such equipment is expresslyexcluded from this warranty. STANDARD HORIZON disclaims liability for range,coverage, or operation of the Product and ancillary equipment as a wholeunder this warranty. STANDARD HORIZON reserves the right to make changesor improvements in Products, during subsequent production, without incurringthe obligation to install such changes or improvements on previously manu-factured Products.The implied warranties which the law imposes on the sale of this Product areexpressly LIMITED, in duration, to the time period specified above. STAN-DARD HORIZON shall not be liable under any circumstances for consequen-tial damages resulting from the use and operation of this Product, or from thebreach of this LIMITED WARRANTY, any implied warranties, or any contractwith STANDARD HORIZON. IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE OF ITSPRODUCTS, STANDARD HORIZON MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSOR IMPLIED AS TO THE MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PAR-TICULAR PURPOSE OR OTHERWISE, EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SETFORTH HEREIN.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
GX1600Page 110Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or conse-quential damages, or limitation on how long an implied warranty lasts, so theabove limitations or exclusions may not apply. This warranty gives specificlegal rights, and there may be other rights which may vary from state to state.ONLY PRODUCTS SOLD ON OR AFTER JANUARY 1, 1991 ARE COVEREDUNDER THE TERMS OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY.ON-LINE WARRANTY REGISTRATIONTHANK YOU for buying STANDARD HORIZON (a division of VertexStandard) products! We are confident your new radio will serve yourneeds for many years!Please visit www.standardhorizon.com to register your MarineVHF. It should be noted that visiting the Web site from time to time maybe beneficial to you, as new products are released they will appear onthe STANDARD HORIZON Web site. Also a statement regarding prod-uct support should be added to the manual.Product Support InquiriesIf you have any questions or comments regarding the use of the radio,you can visit the STANDARD HORIZON Web site to send an E-Mail orcontact the Product Support team at (714) 827-7600 ext 6300 M-F 7:00-5:00PST.In addition to the warranty, STANDARD HORIZON includes a lifetime “flatrate” and “customer loyalty” programs to provide service after the warrantyperiod has expired. If you wish to obtain the flat rate price for out-of-war-ranty repair, you must include the information on the Owner’s Record withthe unit when you return it to your Dealer or to STANDARD HORIZON.Lifetime Flat Rate Service Program: For the original Owner only, for thelifetime of the unit, STANDARD HORIZON will repair the unit to originalspecifications.Note: The flat rate amount is payable by the Owner only if STANDARDHORIZON or the STANDARD HORIZON Dealer determines that a re-pair is needed. After the repair, a 90-day warranty will be in effect fromthe date of return of the unit to the Owner.This service program is not available for equipment which has failed asa result of neglect, accident, breakage, misuse, improper installation ormodification, or water damage (depending on the product).FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Page 111GX160021 RESET PROCEDURES21.1 MEMORY CLEARTo clear the Scan memory and Preset memory:1. Turn the radio off.2. Press and hold in the three [Programmable] keys while turning the radioon.21.2 MICROPROCESSOR RESETTINGTo clear all memories and other settings to factory defaults (except the Chan-nel Group, MMSI number, and DSC directory information):1. Turn the radio off.2. Press and hold in the   and   keys while turning the radio on.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
GX1600Page 11222 SPECIFICATIONSPerformance specifications are nominal, unless otherwise indicated, and aresubject to change without notice.22.1  GENERALChannels ............................................... All USA, International and CanadianNormal Input Voltage ..................................................................... 13.8 V  DCOperating Voltage Range ......................................................... 11 V to 16.5 VCurrent DrainStandby ........................................................................................... 0.45 AReceiver (at Maximum AF Output) ..................................................... 0.8 ATransmit ..................................................................... 5.0 A (Hi), 1.0 A (Lo)Operating Temperature Range ............... –4 °F to +140 °F (–20 °C to +60 °C)Distress Call Log ......................................................................................... 27Individual Call Log ....................................................................................... 64Individual Call Directory............................................................................... 80Group Call Directory .................................................................................... 32Waypoint Directory .................................................................................... 100Display Type ...... 2.75” x 1.33” (70 x 34 mm) Full Dot Matrix (132 x 64 pixels)Dimensions (WxHxD) ...................... 5.90” x 3.35” x 3.54” (150 x 85 x 90 mm)Flush-Mount Dimensions (WxHxD) . 5.39” x 2.84” x 3.54” (137 x 72 x 90 mm)Weight ................................................................................... 1.98 lbs (0.9 kg)22.2  TRANSMITTERFrequency Range ............................................ 156.025 MHz to 157.425 MHzRF Output Power ............................................................. 25 W (Hi), 1 W (Lo)Conducted Spurious Emissions ........... Less than –80 dBc (Hi), –66 dBc (Lo)Audio Response .......................................... within +1/–3dB of a 6 dB/Octavepre-enphasis characteristic at 300 to 3000 HzAudio Distortion ........................................................................ Less than 5 %Modulation .................................... 16K0G3E (for Voice), 16K0G2B (for DSC)Frequency Stability .......................................... ±0.0003 % (–20 °C to +60 °C)FM Hum and Noise ............................................................................... 50 dBFCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Page 113GX160022.3  RECEIVER (for Voice and DSC)Frequency Range ............................................ 156.050 MHz to 163.275 MHzSensitivity20 dB Quieting .............................................................................. 0.35 μV12 dB SINAD ................................................................................. 0.25 μVSquelch Sensitivity (Threshold) ..................................................... 0.13 μVModulation Acceptance Bandwidth ...................................................±7.5 kHzSelectivity (Typical)Spurious and Image Rejection ................ 80 dB for Voice (75 dB for DSC)Intermodulation and Rejection ................ 70 dB for Voice (70 dB for DSC)Audio Output ................................ 4.5 W (at 4 ohms external speaker output)Audio Response .......................................... within +1/–3dB of a 6 dB/Octavede-enphasis characteristic at 300 to 3000 HzFrequency Stability ............. ±0.0003 % (–4 °F to +140 °F [–20 °C to +60 °C])Channel Spacing ................................................................................. 25 kHzDSC Format .......................................................................... ITU-R M.493-12Antenuator (Local) .................................................................... Approx. 10 dB22.4  NMEA Input/OutputNMEA 0183 GPS Input (4800 baud) .......................... GGA, GLL, GNS, RMCNMEA 0183 DSC Output (4800 baud) ..................................... DSC and DSEFCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
GX1600Page 11422.6  DIMENSIONSFCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Page 115GX1600MEMOFCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
GX1600Page 116MEMOFCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
Page 117GX1600This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subjectto the condition that this device does not cause harmful interference.Part 15.21: Changes or modifications to this device not expressly ap-proved by Vertex Standard could void the User’s authorization to oper-ate this device.FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.
GX1600Page 118Copyright 2010VERTEX STANDARD CO., LTD.All rights reserved.No portion of this manualmay be reproducedwithout the permission ofVERTEX STANDARD CO., LTD.Marine Division of VERTEX STANDARDUS Headquarters10900 Walker Street, Cypress, CA 90630, U.S.A.www.standardhorizon.comEM044N102FCC ID:K6630483X3D / IC:511B-30483X3SVertex Standard Co., Ltd.

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