Yaesu Musen 20621X50 HF Transceiver User Manual 05 User Manual

Yaesu Musen Co., Ltd. HF Transceiver 05 User Manual


Users Manual Part 2

Page 16 FT-410 OperaTiOn Manualeasy OperaTiOnreSettiNG the microproceSSorThe FT-410 has two reset methods.meNu mode reSetUse this procedure to restore the Menu settings to their factory defaults, without affecting the memories you have programmed.1.  Press and hold in the [Power / LOCK] buttons for one second to turn the transceiver off.2.  Press and hold the [DISP] and [A=B] button. While holding it in, press and hold in the [Power / LOCK] button for one second to turn the transceiver on. Once the transceiver comes on, you may release the buttons.All reSetUse this procedure to restore all Menu and Memory settings to their original factory defaults. All Memories will be cleared by this procedure.1.  Press and hold in the [Power / LOCK] button for one second to turn the transceiver off.2.  Press and hold the [A/B], [M-CLR] and [SPLIT] buttons. While holding it in, press and hold in the [Power / LOCK] button for one second to turn the transceiver on. Once the transceiver comes on, you may release the buttons.  14.195.000M-012[Power / LOCK] button[SPLIT] button[A/B] button[M-CLR] button  14.195.000M-012[Power / LOCK] button[DISP] button [A=B] buttonApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50
Page 17FT-410 OperaTiOn ManualreceivingtuNiNG StepSThe tuning step of the [MAIN DIAL] knob on the operating mode.OperaTing MOdeLSB/USBCWAMDATA [MAIN DIAL]10 Hz10 Hz1 kHz10 Hz  Pressing the [FAST] button will increase or decrease the tuning rate of the [MAIN DIAL] knob by a factor of ten.chANGe the tuNiNG Step of the [mAiN diAl] KNob1.  Set the operating mode by pressing the [MODE]  button.2.  Press and hold the [MENU] button for one second to enter the Menu mode. The “Menu.” will appear on the display.3.  Rotate the [MAIN DIAL] knob to select the menu item “Dial Step”.4.  Press the [MAIN DIAL] knob to enable adjustment of this menu item. The “Menu.” will be blinking.5.  Rotate the [MAIN DIAL] knob to select the desired tuning step described above.  (You may Press the [MAIN DIAL] button to reset the tuning step to the factory default.)6.  Press the [MENU] button. The “Menu.” is displayed continuously.7.  Press and hold the [MENU] button for one second to save the new setting and return to normal operation.About the [up]/[dwN] buttoNS of the mh-31b8  The microphone [UP]/[DWN] keys utilize the tuning steps of the [MAIN DIAL] knob on the SSB/CW/DATA mode. When the microphone [FST] key is pressed, the tuning rate increases by a factor of ten, in a manner similar to the effect of the transceiver front-panel [FAST] button.[DWN] Key[FST] Key[UP] Key  14.195.000M-012[MAIN DIAL] knob[FAST] button  14.195.000M-012[MAIN DIAL] knob[MENU] button[MODE] buttonApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50
Page 18 FT-410 OperaTiOn ManualreceivingclArifierYou may change the receiving frequency only without changing the transmit frequency.Here is the technique for utilizing the Clarier:1.  Rotation of the [CLAR] knob will allow you to modify your initial offset on the y. Offsets of up to ±9.995 kHz may be set using the Clarie.nOTe:  Even  when  the clarier  is  disabled,  the  variance of the clarier remains (both TX and RX frequencies).diAl locKPressing the [Power / LOCK] button toggles the locking of the [MAIN DIAL] knob and some switches, to prevent accidental frequency changes.advice:You may select the locking schemes via the menu item “Lock Mode”.Att (AdjuSt the receiviNG SeNSitivity)You may reduce the receiving signal strength to 20 dB when extremely strong local signals or high noise degrade reception. You may optimize the characteristics of the receiver front-end, for best reception, depending on the noise levels and the signal strengths.Press the [ATT] button several times to set the desired selection.NoiSe blANKer (iNterfereNce rejectioN)The FT-410 includes an effective Noise Blanker, which can signicantly reduce noise caused by automotive ignition systems.1.  Press the [NB] button to activate the Noise Blanker.2.  Press the [NB]  button  again  to  disable  the  Noise Blanker.  14.195.000M-012[MAIN DIAL] knob[Power / Lock] button  14.195.000M-012[CLAR] knob  14.195.000M-012[ATT] buttonBlock Diagram  14.195.000M-012[NB] buttonBlock DiagramApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50
Page 19FT-410 OperaTiOn ManualcOnvenience FeaTures AGc (tool for comfortAble ANd effective receptioN)The AGC system is designed to help compensate for fading and other propagation effects, with characteristics that can be of particular value on each operating mode. The basic objective of AGC is to maintain a constant audio output level once a certain minimum threshold of signal strength is achieved.Press the [AGC] button repeatedly to select the desired receiver-recovery  time  constant.  For  most  operations, we recommend the “AUTO” mode.  14.195.000M-012[AGC] buttonBlock DiagramAuto  Sets the receiver-recovery time automati-cally depending on the operating mode.   Fast  Sets the receiver-recovery time to fast. This mode is suitable for CW/DATA recep-tion.Slow  Sets the receiver-recovery time to slow. This mode is suitable for SSB/AM recep-tion. nOTe:Normally, the “Auto” selection is satisfactory for most situations, but in the event of operation on a crowded band where you wish to receive a weak signal, you may wish to change the setting (to FAST, for example).A                          B                          CShift (iNterfereNce rejectioN)IF Shift allows you to vary the DSP lter passband higher or lower, without changing the pitch of the incoming signal, so as to reduce or eliminate interference. Because the carrier tuning frequency is not varied, there is no need to re-tune the operating frequency when eliminating the interference.Rotate the [SHIFT] knob to the left or right to reduce the interference.Referring  to  Figure  “A”,  note  the  depiction  of  the  IF  DSP filter as the thick line, with the [SHIFT] knob in the 12 o’clock position.  In  Figure  “B”, an interfering signal has appeared  inside the original  passband.  In  Figure  “C”, you can see the effect of rotating the [SHIFT] knob to reduce the interference level by moving the lter passband so that the interference is outside of the passband.  14.195.000M-012[SHIFT] knobApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50
Page 20 FT-410 OperaTiOn ManualcOnvenience FeaTuresrf GAiNThe  RF  Gain  controls provide  manual  adjustment  of  the  gain  levels  for  the receiver  RF  and  IF  stages,  to compensate for noise and/or signal strength conditions at the moment.The  [RF/SQL] knob should, initially, be rotated to the fully clockwise position. This is the point of maximum sensitivity, and counter-clockwise rotation will gradually reduce the system gain.advice: As the [RF/SQL] knob is rotated counterclockwise to reduce the gain, the S-meter reading will rise.  Rotating the [RF/SQL] knob control to the fully counter-clockwise position will essentially disable the receiver, as the gain will be greatly reduced. In this case, the S-meter will appear to be “pegged”. (That is a full-scale reading).  14.195.000M-012[RF/SQL] knobApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50
Page 21FT-410 OperaTiOn Manual  14.195.000M-012[MAIN DIAL] knob [MODE] button[▼]/[▲] button1.  Press the []/[] buttons to select the operating band.  By pressing the []/[] buttons, the operating band will change as follows. 7  10  14  15  18  21  24.5  28  1.8  3.5  7 ......2.  Press the [MODE]  buttons to select the LSB, USB or AM mode.  By convention, LSB is used in the 7 MHz and lower Amateur bands for SSB communication, and USB is used on the 14 MHz and higher bands (the 10 MHz band is used for CW and data modes only).3.  Rotate the [MAIN DIAL] knob to adjust the operating frequency.  If  you  use  the  MH-31B8, you may adjust the operating frequency by the [UP]/[DWN] buttons on the microphone.4.  Press the microphone’s PTT (Push To Talk) switch to begin transmission. Speak into the microphone in a normal voice level.  The “ ” icon will appear in the display, conrming that transmission is in progress.5.  Release the PTT switch at the end of your transmission. The transceiver will return to the receive mode.iMpOrTanT nOTe:When performing tests, be sure to check the frequency before transmitting, to avoid interfering with others who may already be using the frequency.tx power AdjuStmeNtAdjusting the TX output power: 1.  Press the [MENU] button to enter the Menu mode. The “Menu.” will appear on the display.2.  Rotate the [MAIN DIAL] knob to select the menu item “RF PWR Set”.3.  Press the [GRP] button.4.  Rotate the [MAIN DIAL] knob to select the desired power output.5.  Press the [GRP] button.6.  Press the [MENU] button to save the new setting and return to normal operation.  14.195.000M-012[MAIN DIAL] knob[MENU] button[GRP] buttonssb/aM MOde TransMissiOnApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50
Page 22 FT-410 OperaTiOn ManualThe powerful CW operating capabilities of the FT-410 include operation using both an electronic keyer paddle and a “straight key” or emulation thereof, as is provided by a computer-based keying device.Setup for StrAiGht Key (ANd StrAiGht Key emulAtioN) operAtioNBefore starting, connect your key to the front panel KEY jack in the status that turned off the [Power / LOCK] switch, and be sure the [KEYER] button is turned off for now.1.  Press the []/[] buttons to select the operating band.  By pressing the []/[] buttons, the operating band will change as follows. 7  10  14  15  18  21  24.5  28  1.8  3.5  7 ......2.  Press the [MODE] buttons to select the CW mode.3.  Rotate the [MAIN DIAL] knob to adjust the operating frequency.  If  you  use  the  MH-31B8, you may adjust the operating frequency by the [UP]/[DWN] buttons on the microphone.4.  Press the [VOX] button to engage automatic activation of the transmitter when you close the CW key. The “BK” icon will appear in the display.5.  When you close your CW key, the transmitter will automatically be activated, and the CW carrier will be transmitted. When your release the key, transmission will cease after a brief delay.nOTe:Do not use the plug except the 3.5-mm 3-pin type plug. If the plug in correct size is not used the radio may be harmed or damaged.  14.195.000M-012[MAIN DIAL] knob[MODE] button[▼]/[▲] button[KEYER] button[MENU] button[VOX] buttoncW MOde OperaTiOnApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50
Page 23FT-410 OperaTiOn ManualcW MOde OperaTiOnuSiNG the built-iN electroNic KeyerBefore starting, connect your keyer paddle to the front panel KEY jack in the status that turned off the [Power / LOCK] switch.1.  Press the []/[] buttons to select the operating band.  By pressing the []/[] buttons, the operating band will change as follows. 7  10  14  15  18  21  24.5  28  1.8  3.5  7 ......2.  Press the [MODE] buttons to select the CW mode.3.  Rotate the [MAIN DIAL] knob to adjust the operating frequency.  If  you  use  the  MH-31B8, you may adjust the operating frequency by the [UP]/[DWN] buttons on the microphone.4.  Press the [VOX] button to engage automatic activation of the transmitter when you close the CW key. The “BK” icon will appear in the display.5.  Press the [KEYER] button to activate the built-in Electronic Keyer.6.  When you press either the “Dot” or “Dash” side of your paddle, the transmitter will automatically be activated and the CW carrier will be transmitted. When your release the paddle, transmission will cease after a brief delay.nOTe:  Do not use the plug except the 3.5-mm 3-pin type plug. If the plug in correct size is not used the radio may be harmed or damaged. You may enable the CW keying by the [UP]/[DWN] keys of the MH-31B8 (while the built-in electronic keyer is engaged) via menu item “CW Keyer”.  14.195.000M-012[MAIN DIAL] knob[MODE] button[▼]/[▲] button[KEYER] button[MENU] button[VOX] buttonAdjuStiNG the Keyer Speed1.  Press the [MENU] button to enter the Menu mode. The “Menu.” will appear on the display.2.  Rotate the [MAIN DIAL] knob to select the menu item “CW Speed”.3.  Press the [GRP] button to enable adjustment of this menu item.4.  Rotate the [MAIN DIAL] knob while pressing either the “Dot” or “Dash” side of your paddle, so as to set the desired keyer speed (4 - 60 wpm).5.  Press the [GRP] knob. The “Menu.” returns to appear continuously.6.  Press the [MENU] button to save the new setting and return to normal operation.  14.195.000M-012[MAIN DIAL] knob[MENU] button[GRP] buttonApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50
Page 24 FT-410 OperaTiOn ManualMeMOry OperaTiOncoNveNieNt memory fuNctioNSThe  FT-410 contains 120 regular memories, labeled “Mx001” through “Mx120”, one special programmed limit memory pairs, labeled “ScanL/ScanU”,  one Alaska  Emergency  Frequency  Channel  (5167.5  kHz),  and ve  60-meter  (5  MHz)  band  channels  (US  version  only).  Each  (except  the Alaska  Emergency  Frequency Channel and 60-meter Band channels, which are xed.) stores various settings, in addition to the frequency and mode (See below). By default, the 120 regular memories are contained in one group; however, they can be arranged in up to 5 separate groups, if desired.Quick Point:The FT-410’s memory channels store the following data:  Operating Frequency  Operating Mode  ATT status  IPO status  Repeater Shift Direction  CTCSS Tone FrequencyimportANt Note: On a rare occasion the memory data may be lost or corrupted due to static electricity, electrical noise or erroneous operation. Parts changes or repairs may cause memory loss. Be sure to write down or record your data so you will be able to restore it.reGulAr memory operAtioNThe Regular Memory of the FT-410 allows storage and recall of up to 120 memories, each storing frequency, mode, and a wide variety of status information detailed previously. Memories may be organized into as many as 5 Memory Groups.Memory Storage1.  In  the VFO  mode,  select  the  desired  frequency, mode, and status the way you want to have it stored.2.  Press the [M/W] button.  The blinking current memory channel number will be shown on the display, and the contents of the current memory channel will be shown on the display.  If  there  is  no action  by  you  within  25  second  from releasing the [M/W] button the Memory Storage procedure is canceled.  The memory storage procedure is canceled unless you operate it within 25 seconds.3.  Rotate the [MAIN DIAL] knob to select the memory channel in which you wish to store the data.4.  Press and hold the [V/M] button for one second to store the frequency and other data into the selected memory channel.You may over write new data into a channel on which data is already stored.Memory Channel Recall1.  Press the [V/M] button, if necessary, to enter the Memory mode. A memory channel number will appear in the display.2.  Rotate the [MAIN DIAL] knob to select the desired memory channel.Advice:To work within a particular Memory Group, press the [GRP] button. Then rotate the [MAIN DIAL] knob to select the desired Memory Group.  14.195.000M-012[MAIN DIAL] knob[MENU] button [M/W] button  14.195.000M-012[MAIN DIAL] knob[GRP] button[V/M] buttonApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50
Page 25FT-410 OperaTiOn ManualMeMOry OperaTiOnreGulAr memory operAtioNErasing Memory Channel Data1.  Press the [V/M] button, if necessary, to enter the Memory mode.2.  Rotate the [MAIN DIAL] knob to select the memory channel that you would like to erase.3.  Press and hold the [M-CLR] button to erase the contents of the selected memory channel. The display will revert to memory channel 1.Memory Tune OperationYou may freely tune off of any memory channel in the “Memory Tune” mode, this is similar to VFO operation. So long as you do not over-write the contents of the current memory, Memory Tune operation will not alter the contents of the memory channel.1.  Press the [V/M] button, if necessary, to enter the Memory mode.2.  Rotate the [MAIN DIAL] knob. You will now observe that the memory channel’s frequency is changing.3.  Press and hold the [V/M] button for one second.   During Memory Tune operation, you may change operating modes, and engage and offset the Clarier, if desired.4.  Press the [V/M] button momentarily to return to the originally-memorized frequency of the current memory channel. One more press of the [V/M] button will return you to VFO operation.  14.195.000M-012[MAIN DIAL] knob[MENU] button [V/M] button[M-CLR] button  14.195.000M-012[MAIN DIAL] knob[V/M] buttonApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50
Page 26 FT-410 OperaTiOn Manualscanning OperaTiOnYou may scan either the VFO or the memories of the FT-410, and the radio will halt the scan on any station with a signal strong enough to open the receiver’s squelch.vfo ANd memory ScANNiNGPreparationWhen operating the Scanning feature, set the configuration of the [RF/SQL] knob to “Squelch” via the Menu Item “SQL/RF Gain”.1.  Press the [MENU] button to enter the Menu mode. The “Menu.” will appear on the display.2.  Rotate the [MAIN DIAL] knob to select the menu item “SQL/RF Gain”.3.  Press the [GRP] button to enable adjustment of this menu item.4.  Rotate the [MAIN DIAL] knob to select “SQL” to assign the Squelch feature to the [RF/SQL] knob.5.  Press the [GRP] button. The “Menu.” returns to appear continuously.6.  Press the [MENU] button to save the new setting and return to normal operation.VFO/Memory Scan1.  Rotate the [RF/SQL] knob just to the point where the noise is silenced and the “RX” indicator on the display turns off.2.  Press the [SCAN] button to initiate upward scanning (toward higher frequencies or higher memory channel numbers).3.  If  you  want  to  change  direction  of  the  scan  while it is underway, rotate the [MAIN DIAL] knob in the opposite direction. You will see the scanner reverse direction and scan down in frequency.  You may change the direction of the scanner by pressing and holding the microphone’s [UP]/[DWN] key for one second, if you are using the MH-31B8 Hand Microphone.4.  In AM mode, when the scanner encounters a signal strong enough to open the squelch, the scanner will halt for ve seconds, after which scanning will resume.  In  the  SSB/CW  and  SSB-based  Data  modes,  when  the  scanner  encounters  a signal  strong enough  to open the squelch, the scanner will step across the signal very slowly, giving you time to stop the scan, if you like.5.  To stop the scanner, press the [SCAN] button or PTT switch.advice:You may select the manner in which the scanner resumes while it has paused on a signal, using Menu Item “Scan Resume” The default “5sec” setting will cause the scanner to resume scanning after ve seconds; you may change it, however, to resume only after the carrier has dropped out.During Memory Group operation, only the channels within the current Memory Group will be scanned.  14.195.000M-012[MAIN DIAL] knob[MENU] button [RF/SQL] knob  14.195.000M-012[MAIN DIAL] knob[RF/SQL] knob[SCAN] buttonApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50
Page 27FT-410 OperaTiOn ManualOperaTiOn On alasKa eMergency Frequency: 5167.5 KHz (u.s. versiOn Only)Section 97.401(d) of the regulations governing amateur radio in the United States permit emergency amateur communications on the spot frequency of 5167.5 kHz by stations in (or within 92.6 km of) the state of Alaska. This frequency is only to be used when the immediate safety of human life and/or property are threatened, and is never to be used for routine communications.The  FT-410 includes the capability for transmission and reception on 5167.5 kHz under such emergency conditions.Preparation1.  Press the [MENU] button to enter the Menu mode. The “Menu.” will appear on the display.2.  Rotate the [MAIN DIAL] knob to select the menu item “EMG”.3.  Press the [GRP] knob to enable adjustment of this menu item.4.  Rotate the [MAIN DIAL] knob to select “ON”.5.  Press the [GRP] button. The “Menu.” returns to appear continuously.6.  Press the [MENU] button to save the new setting and return to normal operation.Operation1.  Press the [V/M] button, if necessary, to enter the Memory mode. A memory channel number will appear in display.2.  Press the [GRP] button to select the emergency channel (“EMG”).3.  To exit from emergency channel and return to the VFO mode, just press the [V/M] button.Note:  The receive-mode CLARIFIER functions normally while using this frequency, but variation of the transmit frequency is not possible. Activation of “EMG” does not enable any other out-of-amateur-band capability on the transceiver. The full specications of the FT-410 are not necessarily guaranteed on this frequency, but power output and receiver sensitivity should be fully satisfactory for the purpose of emergency communication.  In  an  emergency,  note  that  a  half-wave dipole  cut  for  this frequency  should  be  approximately  45’3” on  each  leg  (90’6”  total  length).  Emergency  operation  on  5167.5  kHz  is  shared  with  the Alaska-Fixed Service. This  transceiver  is  not  authorized  for  operation,  under  the  FCC’s  Part  87,  for  aeronautical communications.  14.195.000M-012[MAIN DIAL] knob[V/M] button[MENU] buttonApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50
Page 28 FT-410 OperaTiOn ManualGeneralRx Frequency Range:      30 kHz - 30 MHz (operating)            160 - 10 m (specied performance, Amateur bands only)Tx Frequency Ranges:     160 - 10 m (Amateur bands only)Frequency Stability:      ±1 ppm/hour (@+25 °C, after warmup)Operating Temperature Range:  14 °F ~ 122 °F (–10 °C ~ +50 °C)Emission Modes:      A1A (CW), A3E (AM), J3E (LSB, USB)Frequency Steps:      10 Hz (SSB & CW), 1 kHz (AM)Antenna Impedance:       50 Ohms, unbalancedPower Consumption:      Rx (signal present)  3.5 A     Tx (100 W)  23 ASupply Voltage:       DC 13.8 V ± 15%Dimensions (WxHxD):      9’ x 3.3” x 8.5” (229 x 84 x 217 mm)Weight (approx.):       8.8 lb (4.0 kg)TransmitterPower Output:       100 watts (25 watts AM carrier)Modulation Types:      J3E (SSB): Balanced,     A3E (AM): Low-Level (Early Stage),Harmonic Radiation:       Better than –50 dBSSB Carrier Suppression:     At least 50 dB below peak outputUndesired Sideband Suppression:  At least 60 dB below peak outputAudio Response (SSB):    Not more than –6 dB from 300 to 2200 HzMicrophone Impedance:    600 Ohms (200 to 10 kOhms)speciFicaTiOnsApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50
Page 29FT-410 OperaTiOn ManualspeciFicaTiOnsReceiverCircuit Type:    Double-conversion superheterodyneIntermediate Frequencies:    67.899 MHz / 24 kHzSensitivity (IPO “OFF”, ATT: OFF):  SSB/CW (2.4 kHz, 10 dB S+N/N)       0.25 µV (0.5 - 1.8 MHz)       0.25 µV (3.5 - 30 MHz)       0.20 µV (50 - 54 MHz)          AM (6 kHz, 10 dB S+N/N, 30 % modulation @400 Hz)       2.00 µV (1.8 - 2.0 MHz)       2.00 µV (3.5 - 30 MHz)       1.00 µV (50 - 54 MHz)            There is no specication in frequency ranges not listed.Squelch Sensitivity:   SSB/CW/AM (IPO “OFF”, ATT: “OFF”)        2.50 µV (1.8 - 30 MHz)       1.00 µV (50 - 54 MHz)            There is no specication in frequency ranges not listed.Selectivity (–6/–60 dB):     Mode    – 6 dB       – 60 dB          SSB/CW (W)  2.0 kHz or better   4.5 kHz or less          CW (N)   300 Hz or better    1.2 kHz or less          AM    6 kHz or better     20 kHz or lessImage Rejection:      80 dB or betterIF Rejection:        80 dB or betterMaximum Audio Output:    10 W into 4 Ohms with 5% THD (EXT Speaker)Audio Output Impedance:    4 to 16 Ohms (8 Ohms: nominal)Specications are subject  to  change,  in  the interest of technical improvement, without  notice  or  obligation, and are guaranteed only within the amateur bands.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50
Page 30 FT-410 OperaTiOn ManualFcc nOTice1.  Changes or modifications  to  this  device  not  expressly  approved  by YAESU MUSEN could  void  the  user’s authorization to operate this device.2.  This  device  complies  with  part  15  of  the  FCC  Rules.  Operation  is  subject  to  the  following  two  conditions;  (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference including interference that may cause undesired operation.3.  The scanning receiver in this equipment is incapable of tuning, or readily being altered, by the User to operate within the frequency bands allocated to the Domestic public Cellular Telecommunications Service in Part 22.DECLARATION BY MANUFACTURERThe scanner receiver is not a digital scanner and is incapable of being converted or modied into a digital scanner receiver by any user.WARNING: MODIFICATION OF THIS DEVICE TO RECEIVE CELLULAR RADIOTELEPHONE SERVICE SIGNALS IS PROHIBITED UNDER FCC RULES AND FEDERAL LAW.CAN ICES-3 (B) / NMB-3 (B)This device  complies with  Industry Canada  license-exempt RSS  standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.If  this  equipment  does  cause  harmful  interference  to radio  or  television  reception, which  can  be  determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50
Copyright 2015YAESU MUSEN CO., LTD.All rights reservedNo portion of this manualmay be reproduced withoutthe permission ofYAESU MUSEN CO., LTD.Printed in JapanApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50

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