User Manual 8

125Functions Used As NeededSet ModeTurning illumination off when scanning stops SCAN LAMP FunctionYou can set the backlight of LCD to turn ON or OFF when a signal is received during scanning.Enter the Set mode:1  Press and hold M for over 1 second.2  Turn O to select [5 SCAN].3 Press H.4 Turn O to select [2 SCAN LAMP].5 Press H.6 Turn O to select [OFF].  ON:   The LCD backlight will light when a signal is received.  OFF:  The LCD backlight will not light when a signal is received. Remark   Default: ON7 Press p to save the backlight ON or OFF setting when scanning stops, and exit the Set mode.Setting the time to resume scan SCAN RE-START FunctionYou can set the time to resume scanning after a signal is received during scanning.Enter the Set mode:1  Press and hold M for over 1 second.2 Turn O to select [5 SCAN].3 Press H.4 Turn O to select [3 SCAN RE-START].5 Press H.6 Turn O to select the time to resume scanning.  Select from 0.1 SEC to 10 SEC. Remark   Default: 2 seconds7 Press p to set the resume scanning time, and exit the Set mode.䎃䎖 䎃䎶䎦䎤䎱䎃 䎃䎵 䎨䙵䎶 䎷 䎤 䎵 䎷䎃䎃䎃䎃 䎃 䎘 䎑 䎓䏖䏈䏆䎃䎖 䎃 䎶䎦䎤䎱䎃 䎃䎵 䎨䙵䎶 䎷 䎤 䎵 䎷䎗䎃䎶䎦䎤䎱䎃 䎃䎵 䎨䎶䎸䎰䎨䎃䎘 䎃䎶䎦䎤䎱䎃 䎃䎺 䎬 䎧䎷䎫䎃 䎔 䎃 䎧䎺䎃 䎃䎷 䎬 䎰䎨䎶䎨䎷䎝䎃䎃䎘䎃 䎶 䎦 䎤 䎱䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎙 䎃䎪䎰䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䫹䎚 䎃䎺 䎬 䎵 䎨 䎶䙵䎻䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎛 䎃 䎦䎲䎱 䎩 䎬 䎪䎃䎖 䎃䎶䎦䎤䎱䎃 䎃䎵 䎨䙵䎶 䎷 䎤 䎵 䎷䎃䎃䎃䎃 䎃 䎘 䎑 䎓䏖䏈䏆䎃䎖 䎃 䎶䎦䎤䎱䎃 䎃䎵 䎨䙵䎶 䎷 䎤 䎵 䎷䎗䎃䎶䎦䎤䎱䎃 䎃䎵 䎨䎶䎸䎰䎨䎃䎘 䎃䎶䎦䎤䎱䎃 䎃䎺 䎬 䎧䎷䎫䎃 䎔 䎃 䎧䎺䎃 䎃䎷 䎬 䎰䎨䎶䎨䎷䎝䎃䎃䎘䎃 䎶 䎦 䎤 䎱䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎙 䎃䎪䎰䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䫹䎚 䎃䎺 䎬 䎵 䎨 䎶䙵䎻䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎛 䎃 䎦䎲䎱 䎩 䎬 䎪Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
126Functions Used As NeededSet ModeSelecting a reception method when scanning stopsSet the reception method for when scanning stops.For more details, see “Selecting a Reception Method When Scanning Stops” on page  P. 59.Setting the range for SCANYou can set the frequency range for scanning with the SCAN Function.Enter the Set mode:1  Press and hold M for over 1 second. 2 Turn O to select [5 SCAN].3 Press H.4 Turn O to select [5 SCAN WIDTH].5 Press H.6 Turn O to select [VFO].7 Press H.8 Turn O to select the range for scanning.  Specify the scanning range with reference to the next list.9 Press M.10 Turn O to select [MEMORY].11 Press H.12 Turn O to select the range for scanning.Mode Display* Operation StatusVFO ModeALL Scans all bands within the range from the current frequency to 108-999 MHz.BAND Scans the current band (see the table on the next page) starting with the current frequency.Memory ModeALL CHScans all memory channels (1-900) of the currently selected memory channel. When selected memory channels are specified, all of them are scanned (See page 59).BANDScans only the memory channels to which frequencies in the same fre-quency band*1 are registered. When the selected memory channels are specified, scans only the selected memory channels to which frequencies in the same frequency band*1 are registered (See page 61).*1   For the relationship between frequency bands and reception frequencies, see the table at the bottom of page 28.13 Press p to save the range for scanning, and exit the Set mode.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
127Functions Used As NeededSet ModeTurning off the power automatically APO FunctionThe transceiver may be set to turn off automatically if there is no operation for a certain period of time.Enter the Set mode:1  Press and hold M for over 1 second.2 Turn O to select [8 CONFIG].3 Press H.4 Turn O to select [1 APO].5 Press H.6 Turn O to set the time.  Set the time for the transceiver to turn off automatically in steps of 30 minutes.  OFF/30 MIN/1 HOUR to 12 HOURS Remark   Default: OFF7 Press p to save the auto power-off function setting, and exit the Set mode. The transceiver will be automatically turned off if there is no operation for the set period of time.Tips•  When the auto power-off function is active, the [ icon appears on  the LCD.•  Once the time for automatic power-off is set, it is retained until “OFF” is selected in step 6 of the above-mentioned procedure. (The next time you turn the transceiver on, if you perform no operation for the set pe-riod of time, the transceiver will automatically turn itself off.)Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
128Functions Used As NeededSet ModePreventing accidental transmission Busy Channel Lockout (BCLO) FunctionYou can prevent accidental transmission during signal reception.Enter the Set mode:1  Press and hold M for over 1 second.2 Turn O to select [8 CONFIG].3 Press H.4 Turn O to select [2 BCLO].5 Press H.6 Turn O to select [ON]. Remark   Default: OFF7 Press p to save the BCLO function setting, and exit the Set mode.Muting the key operation confirmation toneThe operation confirmation sound (beep sound) that is heard when keys are operated, or when scanning reaches the end of a frequency band, can be turned off.Enter the Set mode:1  Press and hold M for over 1 second.2  Turn O to select [8 CONFIG].3 Press H.4 Turn O to select [3 BEEP].5 Press H.6 Turn O to select [SELECT].7 Press H.8 Turn O to select [OFF]. Remarks   Default: KEY&SCANDisplay DescriptionOFF Mutes the beep.KEY&SCAN Emits a beep when a key is operated or scan-ning stops.KEY Emits a beep when a key is pressed.9 Press M.10 Turn O to select [EDGE].11 Press H.12 Turn O to select [OFF].13 Press p to exit from the Set mode.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
129Functions Used As NeededSet ModeTurning off the BUSY IndicatorWhen you listen to the radio continuously or when the remaining battery level has become low, you can turn off the BUSY indicator to save battery power consumption.Enter the Set mode:1  Press and hold M for over 1 second.2 Turn O to select [8 CONFIG].3 Press H.4 Turn O to select [4 BUSY LED].5 Press H.6 Turn O to select a band.  Select a band from among [A BAND], [B BAND], and [RADIO].7 Press H.8 Turn O to select [OFF]. Remark   Default: ON9 Press p.  The BUSY indicator is turned off, and exits from the Set mode.Setting the clock shift for the micro computer Clock Type FunctionThe micro computer Clock Shift function may be set to reduce internal high frequency spurious interference signals. Select [A] for normal use.Enter the Set mode:1  Press and hold M for over 1 second.2 Turn O to select [8 CONFIG].3 Press H.4 Turn O to select [5 CLOCK TYPE].5 Press H.6 Turn O to select a clock type.  A:  The Clock Shift function is automatically turned on or off.  B:  The Clock Shift function is continually active. Remark   Default: A7 Press p to save the Clock Type setting, and exit the Set mode.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
130Functions Used As NeededSet ModeSetting interval to save GPS position informationSet the interval at which the GPS information of your current position is saved to the microSD memory card.Enter the Set mode:1  Press and hold M for over 1 second.2 Turn O to select [8 CONFIG].3 Press H.4 Turn O to select [6 GPS LOG].5 Press H.6 Turn O to select an interval to save GPS position information.  OFF / 1 SEC / 2 SEC / 5 SEC /10 SEC / 30 SEC / 60 SEC  Information is not recorded to the microSD memory card if OFF is selected. Remark   Default: OFF7 Press p to save the GPS information saving interval setting, and exit the Set mode.Tips•  Data saved to the microSD memory card is saved in xxx.LOG format.•  Saved data can be viewed with PC applications*.* PC applications are not supported by our company.Permitting Transfer of Home Channel Frequency to VFO You can use the set operation to transfer home channel frequency information to the VFO.Enter the Set mode:1  Press and hold M for over 1 second.2 Turn O to select [8 CONFIG].3 Press H.4 Turn O to select [7 HOME VFO].5 Press H.6 Turn O to select Unlock or Lock.  ENABLE:   Turning  O in home channel transfers the home channel frequency to VFO.   DISABLE:  The home channel frequency cannot be transferred. Remark   Default: ENABLE7 Press p to save the frequency transfer ENABLE/DISABLE/Unlock setting, and exit the Set mode.䎃䎚䎃䎃䎫䎲䎰䎨䎃䎃䎹䎩䎲䎃䎛䎃䎃䎯 䎨 䎧 䎃䎃 䎯 䎬 䎪䎫䎷䎃 䎜 䫹 䎯 䎲 䎦 䎮䎔䎓䫹 䎰 䎲䎱 䎬 䎒 䎷䙵䎦䎤䎯䎯䎃䎚䎃䎃䎫䎲䎰䎨䎃䎃䎹䎩䎲䎃 䎃䎃䎃 䎃䎃 䎃䎨䎱䎤䎥䎯䎨䎃䎃䎃䎶䎨䎷䎝䎃 䎃䎛 䫹 䎦 䎲 䎱 䎩 䎬 䎪䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎜 䫹 䎤 䎳 䎵䎶䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䫹䎔䎓䫹 䎶 䎧䎃䎃䎦䎤䎵䎧䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃 䎃䎔䎔䫹 䎲 䎳 䎷 䎬 䎲 䎱Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
131Functions Used As NeededSet ModeUsing the White LED as a FlashlightThe white LED may be used as a flashlight.Enter the Set mode:1  Press and hold M for over 1 second.2 Turn O to select [8 CONFIG].3 Press H.4 Turn O to select [8 LED LIGT].5 Press H.  The white LED lights as a flashlight.6 Press M.  The LED goes out.7 Press p to exit from the Set mode.Setting the conditions for locking LOCK FunctionConditions for activating Lock Function, such as keys, O, and p, can be set.Enter the Set mode:1  Press and hold M for over 1 second.2 Turn O to select [8 CONFIG].3 Press H.4 Turn O to select [9 LOCK].5 Press H.6 Turn O to select the keys and switches to lock.  KEY & DIAL:  Locks  the  keys  and  O on the front of the transceiver.  PTT:   Locks  p.  KEY & PTT:  Locks  the  keys  and  p on the front of the transceiver.  DIAL & PTT: Locks O and p.  ALL: Locks the keys, O, and p on the front of the transceiver.  KEY: Locks the keys on the front of the transceiver.  DIAL: Locks O. Remark   Default: KEY&DIAL7 Press p.  The keys and switches to lock are set, and exits from the Set mode.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
132Functions Used As NeededSet ModeSetting the operation of      The function for when T is pressed can be set.Enter the Set mode:1  Press and hold M for over 1 second.2  Turn O to select [8 CONFIG].3 Press H.4 Turn O to select [10 MONI/T-CALL].5 Press H.6 Turn O to select the function.  MONI:   Pressing  T monitors frequency.  T-CALL:   Pressing  T functions as tone call. Remark   Default: Depends on the transceiver version.7 Press H.  The function for T is set.8 Press p to save the setting and exit the Set mode. Turning on/off the transceiver at the specified time Timer FunctionYou can turn the transceiver to turn on/off at the set time. Before using this function, adjust the clock. See “Setting clock time” on page 34.Enter the Set mode:1  Press and hold M over 1 second.2 Turn O to select [8 CONFIG].3 Press H.4 Turn O to select [11 TIMER].5 Press H.6 Turn O to select [ON] or [OFF].  ON: Turns on the transceiver at the specified time.  OFF: Turns off the transceiver at the specified time.7 Press H.8 Turn O to specify hours.9 Press H.10 Turn O to specify minutes.11 Press H.12 Turn O to switch between ON/OFF of the timer.13 Press M.  The timer function is turned on.14 Press p to exit from the Set mode.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
133Functions Used As NeededSet ModePassword FunctionYou can enter a 4-character password to prevent a third party from using your transceiver without permission. Once a password is entered, the transceiver cannot be turned on until the valid password is entered.Enter the Set mode:1  Press and hold M for over 1 second.2 Turn O to select [8 CONFIG].3 Press H.4 Turn O to select [12 PASSWORD].5 Press H.6 Press H.7 Turn O to enter the first character of the password.  Enter the first character (0-9. A to D, , and #) of the password.8 Press H.  The cursor moves to the next character position.9  Repeat steps 7 and 8 to enter the remaining three characters.10 Press H.11 Turn O to select [ON]. Remark   Default: OFF12 Press p to save the password setting, and exit the Set mode.Tips•  To cancel the password function, execute the above-mentioned steps 1 to 5, select “OFF” with O, and then press p over 1 second.•  Keypad keys cannot be used to enter the password.•  When the on-timer function is active, the password function is ineffective.Turning on the transceiver using a password1  Press and hold P for over 1 second.  The password entry screen appears.2  Enter the password using keypad keys.  Enter the registered 4-character password.  When the valid password is entered, the frequency display screen appears. Remark   When an invalid password is entered, the transceiver is turned off automatically.CautionIf you’ve forget the registered password, carrying out all resetting allows you to turn on the transceiver without entering the password.It should be noted that performing all resetting resets (initializes) all information such as the information registered to memory channels and various setting values.It is recommended that the password be written down on paper.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
134Functions Used As NeededSet ModeSetting the PTT delay time PTT DELAY FunctionYou can set the time for actual transmission to start after p is pressed.Enter the Set mode:1  Press and hold M for over 1 second.2 Turn O to select [8 CONFIG].3 Press H.4 Turn O to select [13 PTT DELAY].5 Press H.6 Turn O to select the time. OFF/20ms/50ms/100ms/200ms Remark   Default: OFF7 Press p to save the PTT delay time setting, and exit the Set mode.Setting the ARS function RPT ARS FunctionYou can set the operation of ARS (Tuning in to the repeater frequency automatically enables the repeater).Enter the Set mode:1  Press and hold M for over 1 second.2 Turn O to select [8 CONFIG].3 Press H.4 Turn O to select [14 RPT ARS].5 Press H.6 Turn O to select ON/OFF.  ON: ARS is functional.  OFF: ARS is not functional. Remark   Default: ON7 Press p to save the ARS function ON/OFF setting, and exit the Set mode.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
135Functions Used As NeededSet ModeSetting the direction for repeater shift RPT SHIFT FunctionYou can set the direction of repeater shift.Enter the Set mode:1  Press and hold M for over 1 second.2 Turn O to select [8 CONFIG].3 Press H.4 Turn O to select [15 RPT SHIFT].5 Press H.6 Turn O to select the shift direction.  SIMPLEX:  Does not shift.  –RPT:  Shifts toward lower frequencies.  +RPT: Shifts toward higher frequencies. Remark   Default setting differs depending frequency7 Press p to save the repeater shift direction setting, and exit the Set mode. Setting the range for repeater shift RPT SHIFT FREQ FunctionYou can set the repeater shift range.Enter the Set mode:1  Press and hold M for over 1 second.2 Turn O to select [8 CONFIG].3 Press H.4 Turn O to select [16 RPT SHIFT FREQ].5 Press H.6 Turn O to select shift range.  The range can be set in steps of 50 kHz between 0.0000 MHz and 150.000 MHz. Pressing F and then turning O allows you to set frequencies in steps of 1 MHz. Remark   Default setting differs depending frequency7 Press p to save the repeater shift range setting, and exit the Set mode.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
136Functions Used As NeededSet ModeDisabling reception while no signal is received Reception Save FunctionTo reduce power consumption, the reception function can be turned off when not receiving a signal.Enter the Set mode:1  Press and hold M for over 1 second.2 Turn O to select [8 CONFIG].3 Press H.4 Turn O to select [17 SAVE RX].5 Press H.6 Turn O to select the time.  Select the time for the reception to be turned off automatically.  0.2 SEC (1:1) to 1.0 SEC (1:5)  (Step: 0.1 sec)  to 1.0 SEC (1:5) to 10 SEC (1:50)  (Step: 0.5 sec)  to 1.0 sec (1:50) to 60 sec (1:300 sec)  step 5 sec OFF Remark   Default: 0.2 sec (1:1)7 Press p to save the Reception Save function setting, and exit the Set mode. Changing the frequency step manuallyFrequency step can be set so that it can be changed manually.For more details, see “Changing the Frequency Step Manually” on page 37.Setting clock timeSet the time for the internal clock of this transceiver.For details, see “Setting clock time” on page 34.Restricting the continuous transmission time TOT FunctionSet the transceiver to automatically return to the receive mode after transmitting continuously for a certain period of time. Accidental transmission of unnecessary signals, and unwanted battery power consumption can be prevented (time-out timer function).Enter the Set mode:1  Press and hold M for over 1 second.2 Turn O to select [8 CONFIG].3 Press H.䎔䎚䎃 䎃䎶䎤䎹䎨䎃䎃䎵䎻䎔䎛䎃 䎃䎶 䎷 䎨 䎳䎔䎜䫹䎧䎤䎷 䎨 䎃䎃 䎉䎃 䎃 䎷 䎬 䎰 䎨 䎃 䎃䎤䎧䎭䎕䎓䫹䎷䎲䎷䎔䎚䎃 䎃䎶䎤䎹䎨䎃䎃䎵䎻䎃 䎃䎃䎃 䎃䎃 䎃䎃䎃䎓 䎑 䎕䏖䏈䏆䎋 䎔 䎝 䎃䎔䎃 䎃 䎃䎌䎃䎶䎨䎷䎝䎃 䎃䎛 䫹 䎦 䎲 䎱 䎩 䎬 䎪䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎜 䫹 䎤 䎳 䎵䎶䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䫹䎔䎓䫹 䎶 䎧䎃䎃䎦䎤䎵䎧䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃 䎃䎔䎔䫹 䎲 䎳 䎷 䎬 䎲 䎱Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
137Functions Used As NeededSet Mode4 Turn O to select [20 TOT].5 Press H.6 Turn O to select the time.  Set the time for the transceiver to automatically return to the reception state in steps of 30 seconds.  OFF/30 SEC to 10 MIN Remark   Default: OFF7 Press p to save the TOT function setting, and exit the Set mode.Tips•  When the time-out timer function is active, a beep is emitted when it comes near the set time. About 10 seconds later, the transceiver returns to the reception state.•  Once the time is set, it is retained until “OFF” is selected in step 6 of the above-mentioned procedure.Setting the frequency selection range for operation in the VFO mode  VFO MODE FunctionYou can set the frequency selection range for operating in the VFO mode.Enter the Set mode:1  Press and hold M over 1 second.2 Turn O to select [8 CONFIG].3 Press H.4 Turn O to select [21 VFO MODE].5 Press H.6 Turn O to select a frequency range.   ALL:  Switches to the next band when the end of a band is reached.  BAND:  Moves to the other end of the band when the end of that band is reached. Remark   Default: BAND7 Press p to save the frequency selection range setting, and exit the Set mode.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
138Functions Used As NeededSet ModeNotification of a call from a remote station by vibrationThe vibrator function may be set to notify you of a call from a remote station. For details, see “Notification of Call from the Remote Station by Vibration of the Vibrator” on page 88. Saving/ Loading data to/from microSD memory cardSettings information can be saved to a microSD memory card, also the saved information can be loaded to the transceiver.Enter the Set mode:1  Press and hold M over 1 second.2  Turn O to select [10 SD CARD].3 Press H.4 Turn O to select [1 BACKUP].5 Press H.6 Turn O to select [Write to SD] or [Read from SD].  Write  to SD:   Saves the setting information of your transceiver to the microSD memory card.  Read from SD:  Loads the setting information to your transceiver from the microSD memory card.  Cancel:  Stops save or load.7 Press H.  [OK?] appears on the LCD.8 Press H.  The write or read is performed and [Completed] appears when finished.9 Press p to exit from the Set mode. Saving/ Loading memory channel information  to/from microSD memory cardMemory channel setting information can be saved to a microSD memory card, or saved information can be loaded to this transceiver.Enter the Set mode:1  Press and hold M for over 1 second.2 Turn O to select [10 SD CARD].3 Press H.Blinks when writingBlinks when writingApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
139Functions Used As NeededSet Mode4 Turn O to select [2 MEMORY CH].5 Press H.6 Turn O to select [Write to SD] or [Read from SD].  Write to SD:  A beep is heard and [Completed] appears when writing to SD finished.  Read  from  SD:   A beep is heard when loading from SD finished and the transceiver restarts with the settings read from the microSD memory card. (The operation in step 9 is not required.)  Cancel:  Stops save or load.7 Press H.  [OK?] appears on the LCD.8 Press H.  The write or read is performed and [Completed] appears when finished.9 Press p to exit from the Set mode.Saving/ Loading GROUP ID information to/from  microSD memory cardGroup ID setting information can be saved to a microSD memory card, or saved informa-tion can be loaded to this transceiver.Enter the Set mode:1  Press and hold M for over 1 second.2 Turn O to select [10 SD CARD].3 Press H.4 Turn O to select [3 GROUP ID].5 Press H.6 Turn O to select [Write to SD] or [Read from SD].  Write to SD:  Saves the Group ID information to your transceiver to the microSD memory card.  Read from SD:  Loads the Group ID information to your transceiver from the microSD memory card.  Cancel: Stops save or load.7 Press H.  [OK?] appears on the LCD.Blinks when writingBlinks when writingApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
140Functions Used As NeededSet Mode8 Press H.  Write to SD:  A beep is heard and [Completed] appears when writing to SD finished.  Read from SD:  A beep is heard when loading from SD finished and the transceiver restarts with the settings read from the microSD memory card. (The operation in step 9 is not required.)9 Press p to exit from the Set mode.Formatting a microSD memory cardFormat a new microSD.For more details, see “Formatting a microSD memory card” on page 24.Setting the optional microphone with camera for useImage size and quality can be set for the optional microphone with camera (MH-85A11U).Enter the Set mode:1  Press and hold M for over 1 second.2 Turn O to select [11 OPTION].3 Press H.4 Turn O to select [1 USB CAMERA].5 Press H.6 Turn O to select [SIZE].7 Press H.8 Turn O to select an image size. 320×240 160×1209 Press H.10 Turn O to select [QUALITY].11 Press H.12 Turn O to select an image quality.  LOW: Low image quality  NORMAL: Intermediate image quality  HIGH: High image quality13 Press p to exit from the Set mode.CautionIf image size is set to large or image quality is set to high, the data transmission time becomes longer.The transmission time varies depending on the content of an image.Blinks when writingApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
141Functions Used As NeededSet ModeRegistering CALLSIGNThe CALLSIGN used in the digital mode can be registered with up to 10 alphanumeric characters.Enter the Set mode:1  Press and hold M for over 1 second.2 Turn O to select [12 CALLSIGN].3 Press H.4  Enter the characters using keypad keys.  Enter a callsign using keypad keys with reference to the following table.Numeric key A, 0 (Alphanumeric)112ABC23DEF34GHI45JKL56MNO67PQRS78TUV89WXYZ900 Tip   •   Pressing  H moves the cursor to the right.  •  Press  the  % to move the corsor back to the left.  •  Press  the  F to delete the letter or number at the current cursor position.5 Press H.  The cursor moves.6  Repeat steps 4 and 5 to enter the CALLSIGN.7 Press p to save the CALLSIGN setting and exit the Set mode.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
142Functions Used As NeededSet ModeUsing the transceiver for packet communicationYou can perform packet communication with your transceiver by connecting TNC (Terminal Node Controller) using an optional connection cable (CT-44).TNCSPGNDGND2 kΩ10  FǴMICMICEARPTTAfter TNC is connected, set the level of output to TNC by adjusting the sound volume level of your transceiver.Also adjust the level of input to your transceiver using the output level adjustment volume on the TNC (Input level cannot be adjusted on your transceiver)CautionWhen sending a vast volume of data, the transmission takes a longer time and the transceiver may be overheated.If the transmission is continued for a long time, the overheat prevention circuit will operate and the transmission power decreases. If the transmission is continued further, the transmission will be au-tomatically stopped to prevent the transceiver from overheating and consequently malfunctioning.The transceiver will return to the receive mode.When the transceiver returns to the receive mode after the overheat prevention circuit has operated, turn the transceiver off, or keep it in the receive mode until the temperature cools.Tips•  Set the Receive Battery Save function to OFF during packet communication by selecting  [8 CONFIG] → [17 SAVE RX] in the Set mode.•  The reception can be interfered with a noise generated from PC.If the transceiver can not receive normally, disconnect it from the PC and reconnect it to the PC using a photocoupler or noise filter.•  To connect the TNC and PC, refer to the TNC instruction manual.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
143Functions Used As NeededSet ModeClone OperationData and various settings saved in your transceiver can be copied to another FT1XDR/DE transceiver.1  Turn off the power of both FT1XDR/DE transceivers and connect an optional clone cable (CT-168) to the DATA terminal of each transceiver.2 Press P while pressing F on each transceiver.  The two transceivers are turned on and placed in the clone mode.3 Press % on the receiving side transceiver and B on the transmission side.  Copying data starts.  When copying starts, the display on the receiving transceiver changes from  [--WAIT--] to [--RX--]. When data transmission begins from the sending transceiver, the data transmission indicator appears on the LCD, indicating the data transfer is in progress. The indicator appears on the receiving transceiver, as well when data reception starts. Tips   When copying is completed, the reception side transceiver returns to the normal mode. The indication on the LCD of the transmission side transceiver returns from [--TX--] to [CLONE].4  Turn off the power of both transceivers and disconnect the clone cable.CautionWhen the [ERROR] appears on the LCD during data transfer, copying cannot be completed. Check the clone cable connection, and redo the clone operation from the beginning.Time data cannot be copied.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
144Functions Used As NeededSet ModeConnecting an external deviceUsing the DATA terminal, the transceiver can support various functions by setting “GPS”, the internal GPS unit begins outputting the position information data. The position information of the transceiver can be transferred at approximately 1 second intervals to the computer so that the position of the transceiver can be displayed in real-time on programs such as map software.Tips•  For properties such as communication speed and Input/Output between COM ports.•  For more details, see the Set mode option, [9 APRS] → [17 COM PORT SETTING].Connecting to a PCConnecting a PC to the data terminal of the FT1XDR/DE using the PC Connection Cable (SCU-19) accessory will enable data transmission or updating firmware as described below.a.  Transmit position location information received by the FT1XDR/DE internal GPS unit.By setting [OUTPUT] in [17 COM PORT SETTING] of Set mode option [9 APRS] to details on settings, see Set mode option [17 COM PORT SETTING] in the APRS Instruction Manual.•  To show information, software operating with NMEA-0183 specified GGA and RMC sentence is required.b.  FT1XDR/DE Firmware UpdatesWhen a new firmware update for the FT1XDR/DE is available, go to the YAESU homepage to download the programming data and update the FT1XDR/DE to its newest state. SCU-19(accessory)TipTo use the SCU-19, install a dedicated driver to the PC. For downloading the dedicated driver and installation manual, please go to the YAESU website homepage (http://www.yaesu.com).Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
145Functions Used As NeededSet ModeConnecting the FT1XDR/DE to external devicesPosition information data can be exchanged between commercially sold GPS receivers or other external devices by using the optional Data Cable (CT-170) or the Data Cable 2.5Φ (CT-176).CT-170 (option)TipConnect the Data Cable (CT-170) and the Data Output Cable (CT-176) by referring to the instruction manual for the GPS device to be used, and cable specifications on the next page.Data Cable (CT-170)①↓⑤⑥↓⑪①②③⑦ RXD  (Serial  data  input  [FT1XDR/DE  ←  External Equipment])① RXD  (Serial  data  input  [FT1XDR/DE  ←  External Equipment])⑧ TXD  (Serial data output [FT1XDR/DE → External Equipment])② TXD  (Serial data output [FT1XDR/DE → External Equipment])⑪ GND ③ GNDData Cable (2.5Φ) (CT-176)③①②③①②① RXD  (Serial  data  input  [FT1XDR/DE  ←  External Equipment])① TXD  (Serial data output [FT1XDR/DE → External Equipment])② TXD  (Serial data output [FT1XDR/DE → External Equipment])② RXD  (Serial  data  input  [FT1XDR/DE  ←  External Equipment])③ GND ③ GNDApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
146AppendixAppendixOptional Parts⑧⑦①②③④⑤⑥⑨⑩⑫⑪⑭⑮⑯⑰⑱⑬⑲①  Speaker / Microphone (MH-34B4B)②  Earpiece Microphone (MH-37A4B)③  VOX Headset (SSM-63A)④  Microphone Adapter (CT-44)⑤  DC Cable w/ Noise Filter (SDD-13)  (USA/EXP market only)⑥  DC Cable (E-DC-6) (USA/EXP market only)⑦  BNC-to-SMA Adapter (CN-3)⑧  Soft Case (CSC-97)⑨  3x “AA” Cell Battery Case (FBA-39)⑩  Lithium Ion Battery Packs (FNB-101LI, 7.4 V, 1100 mAh)⑪  Lithium Ion Battery Packs  (SBR-14LI, 7.2 V, 2200 mAh)⑫  Rapid Charger (CD-41)⑬  Battery Charger (PA-48B/C/U*)  Battery Charger (SAD-11B; for USA market)⑭  Speaker Microphone with Snapshot camera (MH-85A11U)⑮  Clone Cable (CT-168)⑯  Data Cable (CT-170)⑰  PC Connection Cable (SCU-19)⑱  Data Cable (2.5Φ) (CT-176)⑲  Belt Clip (SBH-13)*  “B” suffix is for use with 120 VAC (Type-A plug), “C” suffix is for use with 230-240 VAC (Type-C plug), and “U” suffix is for use with 230 VAC (Type-BF plug).Availability of accessories may vary. Some accessories are supplied as standard per local requirements, while others may be unavailable in some regions. Consult your Yaesu Dealer for details regarding these and any newly-available options. Connection of any non-Yaesu approved accessory, should it cause dam-age, may void the Limited Warranty on this apparatus.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
147AppendixIf you suspect malfunction Check the following items before requesting for repair.The transceiver does not turn on. ⿠Is the battery is depleted? ⿠Charge the battery pack after purchase, and when the transceiver has not been used for a long time. ⿠Is the battery pack properly set?Refer to “Mounting the battery pack” and securely mount the battery pack. ⿠Is the external power supply properly connected?When using a external power supply, connect an external power supply adapter with a cigarette lighter plug (SDD-13) or an external power cable (E-DC-6) to this jack. ⿠Is the voltage of the battery pack or the SDD-13 correct?Be sure that there is a charge left in the battery pack (do not completely discharge). Check that the output voltage of the SDD-13 is approximately 12V.There is no sound ⿠Is the level of squelch (or S meter squelch) set too high?Press the Monitor Switch and check that you can hear white noise.Adjust the level of squelch (or S meter squelch) when receiving a weak signal. ⿠Is the volume low?Turn O clockwise while pressing v to increase the sound volume. ⿠Is the tone squelch or DCS on?When the tone squelch or DCS is on, the sound is not output until the transceiver receives a signal containing the same tone frequency or DCS code set.There is no transmission of radio waves. ⿠Are you pressing the p switch properly? ⿠Is the PTT lock on? ⿠Is the Busy TX Block (BCLO function) on?When the Busy TX Block (BCLO Function) is on, transmission cannot be done when receiving a signal even if p is pressed. Wait until signal being received stops and then press p. ⿠Is the transmission frequency on an ham radio band?Transmission cannot be performed on the AM Radio Broadcast Band/ Short Wave Radio Band/ FM Radio Broadcast Band/ Air Band/ Information Radio Band. ⿠Is the voltage of the battery pack or external power source correct?Check the remaining charge on the battery pack.In addition, using a power supply where voltage drops during transmission will prevent the FT1XDR/DE from operating on full capability.The keys or O does not respond. ⿠Is the Key Lock or DIAL Lock on?Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
148AppendixIf you suspect malfunctionThe battery pack cannot be charged or battery  power depletes immediately after charging. ⿠Is the battery pack being charged with a charger specified by Yaesu?Charge the battery pack using the accessory battery charger (PA-48B or SAD-11B) or the rapid charge cradle (CD-41).When using a external power supply, use the external power supply adapter with a cigarette lighter plug (SDD-13) or an external power cable (E-DC-6). ⿠Is the battery pack in use exhausted?If the “Charging Error” appears on the LCD when charging, there is a chance the battery pack is over discharged. If the error is repetitively displayed after charging the battery pack several times, the battery pack may have reached its service life or defective. Battery packs are consumables. Please replace the battery pack with a new one immediately. Battery packs can be charged and reused up to approximately 300 times. Depending on the combination for simultaneous reception, there may be internal beats from high frequen-cies caused by the internal oscillator. This is not a malfunction. (See the calculation formula below: “n” is for the arbitrary integer). Depending on the combination for simultaneous reception, there may be fluctuations in reception sensitivity. ⿠Reception Frequency = 16 MHz × n multiplicative ⿠Reception Frequency = 15.6 MHz × n multiplicative ⿠Reception Frequency = 4.9152 MHz × n multiplicative ⿠Reception Frequency = 15.6 MHz × n multiplicative ⿠Reception Frequency = 18.432 MHz × n multiplicative ⿠Upper Side (A-Band) Frequency = (Lower Side (B-band) Frequency ± 46.35 MHz) × n multiplicative ⿠Upper Side (A-Band) Frequency = (Lower Side (B-band) Frequency ± 47.25 MHz) × n multiplicative @ Upper Side (A-band) Mode = NFMApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
149AppendixIndexSymbolA key ................................................................................12B key ................................................................................12D key ...................................................................................12F key ....................................................................................12H key ...................................................................................12p switch .................................................................................12P switch ..............................................................................12T key ...................................................................................12AActivating the GPS function .....................................................68Adjusting the LCD backlight and                                         keypad key light brightness level ...107Adjusting the LCD contrast level ...........................................106Adjusting the microphone sensitivity .....................................115Adjusting the squelch level ..............................................37, 121Adjusting the volume level .......................................................26AF-DUAL function ....................................................................77All reset....................................................................................39AMS .........................................................................................32AMS transmission mode........................................................112Analog FM mode .....................................................................32Antenna .....................................................................................6Antenna terminal .....................................................................12APO function .........................................................................127APRS function .........................................................................67*webAssigning a name to a memory channel .................................47Assigning name to memory bank ............................................49ATT function ..........................................................................109Attaching a hand strap.............................................................16Attaching the belt clip ..............................................................15Attaching the protective cap ....................................................15Attenuator function ................................................................109BBACK TRACK function screen ................................................74Backtrack function ...................................................................74Band scope function ................................................................82Battery approximate operating time.........................................19Battery case (FBA-39) .............................................................16Battery Case 3x “AA” Cell (FBA-39) ......................................146Battery charger (PA-48B/C/U*) .............................................. 146Battery charger (SAD-11B; for USA market) .........................146BCLO function .......................................................................128Before transmitting radio waves ..............................................11Being called by the remote station (standby operation) ..........93Bell...........................................................................................89Belt clip ......................................................................................6BNC-to-SMA adapter (CN-3) .................................................146Bundled items ............................................................................6Busy Channel Lockout function .............................................128BUSY/TX lamp ........................................................................12CCalling a specific station ..........................................................92Calling only a specific station (new pager function).................90Callsign ....................................................................................25Canceling memory channel registration in memory bank........49Canceling scanning .................................................................57Changing home channel frequency ......................................... 45Changing the display pattern of the PO meter ......................109Changing the frequency step manually ...................................37Changing the lighting condition .............................................105Changing the mode manually .................................................. 38Changing the number of times the bell rings ...........................89Changing the opening message displayed                                                 immediately after power-on ...107Changing the sound volume setting method ......................... 116Changing the transmission power level ................................... 36Charging the battery pack .......................................................17Clock Type function ...............................................................129Clone cable (CT-168) ............................................................146Clone operation .....................................................................143Communicating via the repeater..............................................40Communicating with a apecific remote station ........................84Communication mode..............................................................32Confirming the entered DTMF code by the sound...................80Connecting the FT1XDR/DE to external devices ..................145DData Cable (2.5Φ) (CT-176) ..................................................146Data cable (CT-170) ..............................................................146Data FR mode .........................................................................32DATA terminal ..........................................................................12DC cable (E-DC-6) ................................................................146DC cable w/ noise filter (SDD-13)..........................................146DCS .........................................................................................84DCS code ................................................................................86DCS INVERSION function.....................................................119Deleting a frequency registered to the                                                 skip search memory channel ...58Deleting memory channel ........................................................46Digital communication .............................................................32Digital mode.............................................................................32Disabling reception while no signal is received .....................136Dismounting microSD memory card ........................................ 23Displaying memory tag ............................................................47Displaying the GPS screen....................................................103Displaying the version of the DSP program ...........................115DTMF function .........................................................................79Dual reception function ............................................................75DW ...........................................................................................75DW TIME function .................................................................124EEarpiece microphone (MH-37A4B)........................................146Enabling no-communication squelch function .......................120Enter the Set mode..................................................................94EXT DC IN jack .......................................................................12External power supply .............................................................21External power supply for use in vehicle .................................20FFlashlight (white LED) .............................................................12Flow of operation to use the pager function ............................90FM mode .................................................................................32Formatting a microSD memory card........................................24Frequencies of international VHF (marine) radio.....................53Frequency band for the A-band ............................................... 29Frequency band for the B-band ...............................................29FT1XDR/DE ...............................................................................6FT1XDR/DE Firmware Updates ............................................144*web: Please download the instruction manuals for GM function and APRS from our home page.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
150AppendixIndexGGM function .............................................................................65*webGPS .........................................................................................68Group monitor function ............................................................65*webHHome channel .........................................................................45Home channel dual reception .................................................. 76HOME VFO ...........................................................................130IInput a callsign.........................................................................25Installing the antenna ..............................................................15Installing the battery pack ........................................................17International VHF (marine) radio .............................................52IPX5 .........................................................................................11LListen to the international VHF (marine) radio ......................... 52Listening radio broadcast with AF-DUAL reception function ...77Lithium ion battery packs (FNB-101LI, 7.4 V, 1100 mAh) ...... 146Lithium ion battery packs (SBR-14LI, 7.2 V, 2200 mAh) .......146LOCK function .......................................................................131Locking keys ............................................................................39Locking switches .....................................................................39MMeasuring the battery voltage and the transceiver  temperature ...........................................................................108Memory bank link scan ............................................................62Memory channel dual reception ..............................................76Memory channel protect function ..........................................118Memory channel scanning.......................................................59Memory channel write function ..............................................118Memory functions ....................................................................42Memory tag..............................................................................46Method of positioning by GPS .................................................70Microphone adapter (CT-44) .................................................146Microphone gain .................................................................... 115microSD memory card .............................................................22Mounting microSD memory card .............................................22Mute.........................................................................................35Muting audio ............................................................................35Muting the key operation confirmation tone...........................128NNew pager function..................................................................90Notification of a call from a remote station by the bell .............89Notification of call from the remote station by                                                         vibration of the vibrator ....88OOperating band ........................................................................27Optional parts ........................................................................146PPacket communication ..........................................................142Password function .................................................................133PC connection cable (SCU-19) .........................................6, 146Performing communication ................................................25, 31Performing programmable memory channel scan...................64Permitting transfer of home channel frequency to VFO ........130PMS .........................................................................................63PMS memory channel .............................................................63Positioning by GPS..................................................................70Power cable .............................................................................20Power supply voltage measurement function ........................ 108PR FREQUENCY function ....................................................120Preset receiver memory channel ............................................. 51Preventing accidental transmission .......................................128Priority memory channel ..........................................................75Programmable memory channel .............................................63Programmable memory channel scan ..................................... 63Prohibiting registration to memory channel ........................... 118Protective plate for battery pack ................................................6PTT DELAY function ..............................................................134RRapid charger (CD-41) ..........................................................146Real-time navigation function ..................................................73Recalling a memory channel ...................................................44Recalling home channel ..........................................................45Recalling memory bank ...........................................................49Reception frequencies .............................................................28Reception mode (radio wave type) .......................................... 38Reception Save function........................................................136Reducing receiver sensitivity .................................................109Register to a memory channel.................................................43Registering a memory channel in a memory bank ..................48Registering CALLSIGN..........................................................141Registering to a memory channel with the                                         lowest memory channel number....118Registering to a programmable memory channel....................63Registering your current position ............................................. 74Registering your favorite preset receiver                                      memory channels in memory bank.....51Removing the battery pack ......................................................17Repeater operation ..................................................................40Resetting the Set mode options ..............................................94Restoring deleted memory channel ......................................... 46Restoring to defaults................................................................39Restricting the continuous transmission time ........................136RPT ARS function ..................................................................134RPT SHIFT FREQ function ...................................................135RPT SHIFT function ..............................................................135SS meter squelch function .......................................................121Safety precautions .....................................................................7Saving/ Loading data to/from microSD memory card ............ 138Saving/ Loading GROUP ID information to/from                                                     microSD memory card .......139Saving/ Loading memory channel information                                         to/from microSD memory card .......138SCAN LAMP function ............................................................125SCAN RE-START function ....................................................125Scanning a memory bank ........................................................61Scanning function ....................................................................56Scanning only the selected memory channel ..........................61*web: Please download the instruction manuals for GM function and APRS from our home page.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
151AppendixIndexSearching for signals with the signal strength graph ...............82Searching for the frequency of the DCS used by the                                                                      remote station .....87Searching for the frequency of the                            tone squelch used by the remote station ...... 86Select a tone squelch type ......................................................84Selected memory channel .......................................................60Selecting a band ......................................................................29Selecting a DCS code .............................................................86Selecting a display language .................................................106Selecting a frequency band .....................................................29Selecting a reception method when scanning stops ...............59Selecting a tone frequency ......................................................85Selecting an operating band ....................................................27Selecting communication mode...............................................32Selecting vibrator operation mode ........................................... 88Sending a DTMF code manually .............................................81Sending the registered DTMF code.........................................80Set mode .................................................................................94Set mode option list .................................................................95Setting clock time ....................................................................34Setting interval to save GPS position information .................130Setting memory bank link ......................................................117Setting the ARS function........................................................134Setting the clock shift for the micro computer........................129Setting the code of your station ...............................................91Setting the conditions for locking ...........................................131Setting the direction for repeater shift....................................135Setting the display method for BACKTRACK ........................104Setting the display method of the remote station  information .............................................................................104Setting the DTMF code............................................................79Setting the frequency selection range for                                                operation in the VFO mode ....137Setting the operation of T .................................................132Setting the operation of Monitor key ......................................132Setting the optional microphone with camera for use............140Setting the pop up time of the remote station information ..... 112Setting the PTT delay time ....................................................134Setting the range for repeater shift ........................................135Setting the range for SCAN ...................................................126Setting the resumption time of radio reception ........................78Setting the search channels for the BAND SCOPE  function ..................................................................................105Setting the signal strength to output sound ...........................121Setting the sound and speed during tone search ..................123Setting the squelch type for the digital mode.........................112Setting the squelch type for transmission and reception .......122Setting the surveillance interval time for priority channels.....124Setting the time signal .............................................................34Setting the time to resume scan ............................................124Setting the transmission modulation level ............................. 110Simultaneous radio broadcast reception .................................77Simultaneous signal reception over the other frequency  while listening to the radio .......................................................77Skip memory channel ..............................................................60Skip search memory ................................................................57Smart navigation function ........................................................73Soft case (CSC-97) ...............................................................146Speaker / microphone (MH-34B4B) ......................................146Speaker Microphone with                               Snapshot camera (MH-85A11U) .......82, 146Specifying a selected memory channel ...................................60Specifying a skip memory channel ..........................................60Specifying the frequency you do not want to scan ..................58Split memory............................................................................44SQL EXPANTION function ....................................................122SQL LEVEL function .............................................................. 121Squelch level ...........................................................................37STANDBY BEEP setting ........................................................ 114Switching between AM antennas.............................................33Switching between digital and analog mode ......................... 111TTaking picture ..........................................................................82Taking picture with the optional camera                                    mounted on speaker microphone .........82Temperature measurement function ...................................... 108Time signal tone ......................................................................34Timer function ........................................................................132Tone Calling (1750 Hz) ............................................................40Tone Search function ............................................................. 123Tone squelch ...........................................................................84TOT function ..........................................................................136Transmission power level ........................................................36Transmit and receive a DCS code with a inverted phase ......119Transmitting GPS data ..........................................................144Tuning in to a frequency ..........................................................30Turning illumination off when scanning stops ........................ 125Turning off the BUSY indicator ..............................................129Turning off the power automatically ....................................... 127Turning on the transceiver .......................................................25Turning on/off the transceiver at the specified time ............... 132UUsable microSD memory card.................................................22Using memory bank.................................................................48Using the memory ...................................................................42Using the scanning function ....................................................56Using the white LED as a flashlight .......................................131VV/D mode.................................................................................32VFO dual reception..................................................................75VFO MODE function ..............................................................137VFO scan.................................................................................56Vibrator ....................................................................................88Vibrator operation mode ..........................................................88Voice FR mode ........................................................................32VOX headset (SSM-63A) ......................................................146WWorldwide short wave broadcast .............................................54Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
152AppendixSpecificationsGeneralFrequency RangeA (Main) Band RX: 0.5 ~ 1.8 MHz (AM Radio)1.8 ~ 30 MHz (SW Radio)30 ~ 76 MHz (50 MHz HAM: USA version)30 ~ 88 MHz (50 MHz HAM: EXP/EU version)76 ~ 108 MHz (FM Radio: USA version)88 ~ 108 MHz (FM Radio: EXP/EU version)108 ~ 137 MHz (Air Band)137 ~ 174 MHz (144 MHz HAM)174 ~ 222 MHz (VHF Band)222 ~ 420 MHz (GEN1)420 ~ 470 MHz (430 MHz HAM)470 ~ 774 MHz (UHF Band: USA version)470 ~ 800 MHz (UHF Band: EXP/EU version)803 ~ 999 MHz (GEN2, Cellular Blocked: USA version)800 ~ 999 MHz (GEN2: EXP/EU version)B (Sub) Band RX: 108 ~ 137 MHz (Air Band)137 ~ 174 MHz (144 MHz HAM)174 ~ 222 MHz (VHF Band)222 ~ 420 MHz (GEN1)420 ~ 470 MHz (430 MHz HAM)470 ~ 580 MHz (UHF Band)TX: 144 ~ 146 MHz or 144 ~ 148 MHz430 ~ 440 MHz or 430 ~ 450 MHzChannel Steps: 5/6.25/8.33/9/10/12.5/15/20/25/50/100 kHzFrequency Stability: ±2.5 ppm (–20 °C to +60 °C [–4 °F to +140 °F])Emission Type: F1D, F2D, F3E, F7WSupply Voltage: Nominal: 7.4 V DC (Negative Ground)Operating: 4 – 14 V (Negative Ground, EXT DC JACK)11 – 16 V (Negative Ground, EXT DC JACK with SDD-13)7.4 V DC (Negative Ground)Current Consumption: 150 mA (Mono band Receive)220 mA (Dual band Receive)100 mA (Mono band Receive, Standby)150 mA (Dual band Receive, Standby)45 mA (Mono band Receive, Standby, Saver On “Save Ratio 1:5”)45 mA (Dual band Receive, Standby, Saver On “Save Ratio 1:5”)+30 mA (GPS On)+65 mA (Digital)600 μA (Auto Power Off)1.7 A (5 W TX, 144 MHz 7.4 V DC)2.0 A (5 W TX, 430 MHz 7.4 V DC)Operating Temperature: –20 °C to +60 °C [–4 °F to +140 °F]Case Size (W × H × D): 60 × 95 × 32.5 mm (2.4″ × 3.7″ × 1.28″) w/o knob & antennaWeight (Approx.): 290 g (10.23 oz) with SBR-14LI & AntennaApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
153AppendixSpecificationsTransmitterRF Power Output: 5 W (@ 7.4 V or EXT DC)Modulation Type: F1D, F2D, F3E: Variable Reactance modulationF7W: 4 FSK (C4FM)Spurious Emission: At least 60 dB below (@TX Power Hi, L3, L2)At least 50 dB below (@TX Power L1)ReceiverCircuit Type: AM, NFM: Double-Conversion Super heterodyneAM/FM Radio: Single-Conversion Super heterodyneIntermediate Frequencies: 1st: 47.25MHz (AM, NFM A Band)  1st: 46.35MHz (AM, NFM B Band)2nd: 450 kHz (AM, NFM)1st: 130 kHz (AM/FM Radio)Sensitivity: 3 μV for 10 dB SN (0.5 ~ 30 MHz, AM)0.35 μV TYP for 12 dB SINAD (30 ~ 54 MHz, NFM)1 μV TYP for 12 dB SINAD (54 ~ 76 (88) MHz, NFM)1.5 μV TYP for 12 dB SINAD (76 (88) ~ 108 MHz, WFM)1.5 μV TYP for 10 dB SN (108 ~ 137 MHz, AM)0.2 μV for 12 dB SINAD (137 ~ 140 MHz, NFM)0.16 μV for 12 dB SINAD (140 ~ 150 MHz, NFM)0.2 μV for 12 dB SINAD (150 ~ 174 MHz, NFM)1 μV for 12 dB SINAD (174 ~ 222 MHz, NFM)0.5 μV for 12 dB SINAD (300 ~ 350 MHz, NFM)0.2 μV for 12 dB SINAD (350 ~ 400 MHz, NFM)0.16 μV for 12 dB SINAD (400 ~ 470 MHz, NFM)1.5 μV for 12 dB SINAD (470 ~ 540 MHz, NFM)3 μV TYP for 12 dB SINAD (540 ~ 800 MHz, NFM)1.5 μV TYP for 12 dB SINAD (800 ~ 999 MHz, NFM, Cellular Blocked)0.19 μV TYP for BER 1% (Digital Mode)Selectivity: NFM, AM 12 kHz / 35 kHz (–6 dB / –60 dB)AF Output: 200 mW (8 Ω for 10 % THD 7.4 V)400 mW (8 Ω for 10 % THD 13.8 V)Specifications are subject to change without notice, and are guaranteed within the 144/222 (USA ver-sion)/430 MHz amateur bands only.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
1541. Changes or modifications to this device not expressly approved by YAESU MUSEN could void the user’s authorization to operate this device.2. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference including received, interference that may cause undesired operation.3. The scanning receiver in this equipment is incapable of tuning, or readily being altered, by the User to operate within the frequency bands allocated to the Domestic public Cellular Telecommunications Service in Part 22.Part 15.21:  Changes or modifications to this device not expressly approved by YAESU MUSEN could void the user’s authorization to operate this device.DECLARATION BY MANUFACTURERThe Scanner receiver is not a digital scanner and is incapable of being converted or modified to a digital scanner receiver by any user.WARNING: MODIFICATION OF THIS DEVICE TO RECEIVE CELLULAR RADIOTELEPHONE SERVICE SIGNALS IS PROHIBITED UNDER FCC RULES AND FEDERAL LAW.Disposal of your Electronic and Electric EquipmentProducts with the symbol (crossed-out wheeled bin) cannot be disposed as household waste.Electronic and Electric Equipment should be recycled at a facility capable of handling these items and their waste by products.In EU countries, please contact your local equipment supplier representative or service center for information about the waste collection system in your coun-try.This transceiver works on frequencies which are not generally permitted.As for the actual usage, the user has to possess an amateur radio licence.Usage is allowed only in the frequency bands which are allocated for amateur radios.Attention in case of useList of national codesAT BE BG CY CZ DEDK ES EE FI FR GBGR HR HU IE IT LTLU LV MT NL PL PTRO SK SI SE CH ISLI NO – – – –Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
1505X-FOYAESU MUSEN CO., LTD.Tennozu Parkside Building2-5-8 Higashi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 140-0002 JapanYAESU USA6125 Phyllis Drive, Cypress, CA 90630, U.S.A.YAESU UKUnit 12, Sun Valley Business Park, Winnall CloseWinchester, Hampshire, SO23 0LB, U.K.Printed in JapanCopyright 2015YAESU MUSEN CO., LTD.All rights reserved.No portion of this manualmay be reproduced without the permission ofYAESU MUSEN CO., LTD.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20

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