User Manual 20

194Customize Menu Settings and User PreferencesUsingtheSet-upMenu5 Touch [OUTPUT] to select the output function of the COM port  The setting changes as follows each time it is touched.  “OFF(camera)” → “GPS OUT” → “PACKET” → “WAYPOINT”  OFF (camera):   The output function of the COM port is not used (invalid operation).  GPS OUT:  Outputs the GPS data obtained by the radio.  PACKET:  Outputs the AX.25 packet communication data received using the in-built modem function.  WAYPOINT:  Outputs the position information of other station beacons obtained from the APRS packets received as WAYPOINT data. Tip   Factory default value: OFF (camera)$#%-$#%-%1/21465'66+0)1((ECOGTC52''&92(+.6'4176276᳁ᲾᲸᲸDRU#..92(14/#6 0/'#Ჹ&#6#6 Touch [WPFORMAT] to select the data format   This sets the number of digits in the call sign information of the APRS beacon station appended to each data when “WAYPOINT” is selected in Step 5 (the data will be output using the NMEA-0183 $GPWPL format).  The setting changes as follows each time it is touched.  “NMEA 9” → “NMEA 8” → “NMEA 7” → “NMEA 6”  NMEA 9:  The call sign will be limited to 9 digits on the right (Example: The call sign information for JQ1YBG-14 is “JQ1YBG-14”).  NMEA 8:  The call sign will be limited to 8 digits on the right (Example: The call sign information for JQ1YBG-14 is “Q1YBG-14”).  NMEA 7:  The call sign will be limited to 7 digits on the right (Example: The call sign information for JQ1YBG-14 is “1YBG-14”).  NMEA 6:  The call sign will be limited to 6 digits on the right (Example: The call sign information for JQ1YBG-14 is “YBG-14”). Tip   Factory default value: NMEA 9$#%-$#%-%1/21465'66+0)9#;21+0652''&92(+.6'4176276᳁ᲾᲸᲸDRU#..92(14/#6 0/'#Ჹ&#6#Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620345X40 / IC: 511B-20345X40
195Customize Menu Settings and User PreferencesUsingtheSet-upMenu7 Touch [WPFILTER] to select the forwarding content  This sets the type of beacon that you would like to output when “WAYPOINT” is selected in Step 5.  The setting changes as follows each time it is touched.  “ALL” → “MOBILE” → “FREQUENCY” → “OBJECT/ITEM” → “DIGIPEATER” → “VoIP”→ “WEATHER” → “YAESU” → “CALL RINGER” → “RNG RINGER”  ALL:  Outputs all beacons received.  MOBILE:  Outputs only mobile stations.  FREQUENCY:  Outputs only the stations with frequency information.  OBJECT/ITEM:  Outputs only the object station or item station.  DIGIPEATER:  Outputs only the digital repeater station.  VoIP:  Outputs only VoIP stations such as WIRES.  WEATHER:  Outputs only the weather station.  YAESU:  Outputs only stations which are using Yaesu transceivers.  CALL RINGER:  Outputs only the information of the call sign ringer station set using [10APRSRINGER(CALL)] in the APRS set-up menu.  RNG RINGER:  Outputs only the information of the station deemed to be the approaching station using the [9APRSRINGER] range ringer function in the APRS set-up menu. Tip   Factory default value: ALL$#%-$#%-%1/21465'66+0)9#;21+0652''&92(+.6'4176276᳁ᲾᲸᲸDRU#..92(14/#6 0/'#Ჹ&#6#8 Press   for one second or longer  The COM port will be set and the display will return to the previous screen.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620345X40 / IC: 511B-20345X40
196Customize Menu Settings and User PreferencesUsingtheSet-upMenuSettingtheoperatingbandoftheAPRSanddatacommunicationThe operating band of the APRS (internal modem) and data communication (when using the [DATA] jack at the back of the main body) can be set.1 Press   for one second or longer  The set-up menu will be displayed.2 Touch [DATA]$#%-$#%-6:4:5'672/'074'5'6%.10'%10(+)9Ჰ4'55%#0&+52.#;5+) 0#.+0)#245 126+105&%#4&/'/14;&#6#%#..5+) 03 Touch [2DATABANDSELECT]  The screen for the detailed settings will be displayed.ŻŻŻ&#6#$#0&5'.'%6%1/21465'66+0)&#6#52''&ᲹᲺ᲻Ż&#6#537'.%*&#6#$#%-$#%-4 Touch [APRS] to select the APRS operating band  The setting changes as follows each time it is touched.  “A-BAND FIX” → “B-BAND FIX” → “A=TX/B=RX” → “A=RX/B=TX” → “MAIN BAND” → “SUB BAND”  A-BAND FIX:  The upper band will be selected.  B-BAND FIX:  The lower band will be selected.  A=TX/B=RX:  Transmits using the upper band and receives using the lower band.  A=RX/B=TX:  Receives using the upper band and transmits using the lower band.  MAIN BAND:  The main band will be selected.  SUB BAND:  The sub-band will be selected. Tip   Factory default value: B-BAND FIX$#%-$#%-&#6#$#0&5'.'%6&#6##245&#6#$$#0&(+:$$#0&(+:5 Touch [DATA] to select the data transmission operating band  Repeat Step 4 to set the data communication operating band. Tip   Factory default value: B-BAND FIX$#%-$#%-&#6#$#0&5'.'%6&#6##245&#6#$$#0&(+:$$#0&(+:6 Press   for one second or longer  The operating band of the APRS and data communication will be set and the display will return to the previous screen.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620345X40 / IC: 511B-20345X40
197Customize Menu Settings and User PreferencesUsingtheSet-upMenuSettingthebaudrateoftheAPRSanddatacommunicationThe baud rate of the APRS (internal modem) and data communication (when using the [DATA] jack at the back of the main body) can be set.1 Press   for one second or longer  The set-up menu will be displayed.2 Touch [DATA]$#%-$#%-6:4:5'672/'074'5'6%.10'%10(+)9Ჰ4'55%#0&+52.#;5+) 0#.+0)#245 126+105&%#4&/'/14;&#6#%#..5+) 03 Touch [3DATASPEED]  The screen for the detailed settings will be displayed.ŻŻŻ&#6#$#0&5'.'%6%1/21465'66+0)&#6#52''&ᲹᲺ᲻Ż&#6#537'.%*&#6#$#%-$#%-4 Touch [APRS] to select the packet communication speed  The setting will switch between “1200 bps” and “9600 bps” each time it is touched.  1200 bps:  Sets the speed as AFSK 1200 bps packet.  9600 bps:  Sets the speed as GMSK 9600 bps packet. Tip   Factory default value: 1200 bps$#%-$#%-&#6#52''&&#6##245&#6#DRUDRU5 Touch [DATA] to select the data communication speed  Repeat Step 4 to set the data communication speed. Tip   Factory default value: 1200 bps$#%-$#%-&#6#52''&&#6##245&#6#DRUDRU6 Press   for one second or longer  The baud rate of the APRS and data communication will be set and the display will return to the previous screen.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620345X40 / IC: 511B-20345X40
198Customize Menu Settings and User PreferencesUsingtheSet-upMenuSettingtheoutputconditionofthesquelchdetectionandsquelchterminalThe squelch detection condition during APRS (internal modem) operation and squelch terminal output condition of the data communication (when using the [DATA] jack at the back of the main body) can be set.1 Press   for one second or longer  The set-up menu will be displayed.2 Touch [DATA]$#%-$#%-6:4:5'672/'074'5'6%.10'%10(+)9Ჰ4'55%#0&+52.#;5+) 0#.+0)#245 126+105&%#4&/'/14;&#6#%#..5+) 03 Touch [4DATASQUELCH]  The screen for the detailed settings will be displayed.ŻŻŻ&#6#$#0&5'.'%6%1/21465'66+0)&#6#52''&ᲹᲺ᲻Ż&#6#537'.%*&#6#$#%-$#%-4 Touch [APRS] to select the squelch detection condition during APRS operation using the internal modem  The setting switches between “RX BAND” and “TX/RX BAND” each time it is touched.  RX BAND:  Transmission is not possible when the receive band squelch is open.  TX/RX BAND:  Transmission is not possible when either the receive band or transmit band squelch is open. Tip   Factory default value: RX BAND$#%-$#%-&#6#537'.%*&#6##245&#6#4:$#0&4:$#0&6: 105 Touch [DATA] to select the output condition (during reception) related to the squelch terminal inside the [DATA] jack  The setting switches between “RX BAND” and “TX/RX BAND” each time it is touched.  RX BAND:  The SQL terminal becomes active when the receive band squelch is open.  TX/RX BAND:  The SQL terminal becomes active when either the receive band or transmit band squelch is open. Tip   Factory default value: RX BAND$#%-$#%-&#6#537'.%*&#6##245&#6#4:$#0&4:$#0&6: 10Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620345X40 / IC: 511B-20345X40
199Customize Menu Settings and User PreferencesUsingtheSet-upMenu6 Touch [TX] to select the output condition (during transmission) related to the squelch terminal inside the [DATA] jack  Each time this is touched, the setting will switch between “ON” and “OFF”.  ON:  The SQL terminal becomes active during transmission.  OFF:  The SQL terminal does not become active during transmission. • The action to be taken when the reception band specified using [DATA] under [2DATABANDSELECT] in the DATA set-up menu is ready to transmit is set here. • When this is set to ON, transmission of external devices such as TNC can be suppressed during transmission. Tip   Factory default value: ON$#%-$#%-&#6#537'.%*&#6##245&#6#4:$#0&4:$#0&6: 107 Press   for one second or longer  The APRS and data communication squelch will be set and the display will return to the previous screen.APRSfunctionsettingsThe APRS function of the radio is a data communication system for data such as messages and station position using the APRS format.Refer to the separate Operating Manual APRS Edition for details (download the manual from the YAESU website).Micro-SDcardsettingsWritingsettingstothemicro-SDcardUsing a micro-SD card, the memory channels registered in the radio and the settings in the set-up menu can be copied to another FTM-400XDR/DE.The settings saved in the micro-SD card can also be downloaded into the radio.Refer to “Copying the Radio Data to another transceiver” ( P.151) for details.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620345X40 / IC: 511B-20345X40
200Customize Menu Settings and User PreferencesUsingtheSet-upMenuWritinggroupIDstothemicro-SDcardThe group ID information registered in the radio can be written to a micro-SD card.The group ID information saved in the micro-SD card can also be downloaded into the radio.Refer to the separate Operating Manual GM Edition for further details (download the operating manual from the YAESU website).Initializingthemicro-SDcardInitialize the memory card when using a new micro-SD card.Refer to “Initializing the micro-SD card” ( P.35) for details.OptionaldevicesettingsSettingtheimageoftheconnectedspeakermicrophonewithcameraThe image size and quality when taking pictures with the connected speaker microphone with a camera (MH-85A11U) can be set.1 Press   for one second or longer  The set-up menu will be displayed.2 Touch [OPTION]$#%-$#%-6:4:5'672/'074'5'6%.10'%10(+)9Ჰ4'55%#0&+52.#;5+) 0#.+0)#245 126+105&%#4&/'/14;&#6#%#..5+) 03 Touch [1USBCAMERA]  The screen for setting the image will be displayed. • PICTURE SIZE: Sets the size of the picture to be taken. • PICTURE QUALITY: Sets the quality of the picture to be taken.$#%-$#%-81+%'/'/14;126+10$ᲴWGVQQVJᲺ᲻Ż75$%#/'4#ᲹŻŻ4 Touch [PICTURESIZE] to set the picture size  The setting changes between “160✽120” and “320✽240” each time it is touched. Tip   •  Factory default value: 320✽240 (unit: pixel)  •  It takes about 30 seconds to sending a picture in the size of 320✽240 to other transceivers.$#%-$#%-2+%674'37#.+6;2+%674'5+<'014/#.75$%#/'4#Ჹ126+10ᲸᶤᲸApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620345X40 / IC: 511B-20345X40

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