User Manual 19

186Customize Menu Settings and User PreferencesUsingtheSet-upMenuSettingtheauto repeater shiftWhen communicating using the repeater, the repeater auto shift function automatically shifts the transmit frequency to match the repeater input frequency This allows the repeater to be used by simply tuning the FTM-400XDR/DE to the repeater output frequency This setting may turned ON or OFF.1 Press   for one second or longer  The set-up menu will be displayed.2 Touch [CONFIG]$#%-$#%-6:4:5'672/'074'5'6%.10'%10(+)9Ჰ4'55%#0&+52.#;5+) 0#.+0)#245 126+105&%#4&/'/14;&#6#%#..5+) 03 Touch [4AUTORPTSHIFT] to select ON/OFF  The setting will switch between “ON” and “OFF” each time it is touched.  ON:  The auto repeater shift function will be switched on.  OFF:  The auto repeater shift function will be switched off. Tip   Factory default value: ON$#%-$#%-6+/'<10'#7614265*+(676% ᲸᲸ᲻᲼104 Press   for one second or longer  The auto repeater shift will be set and the display will return to the previous screen.Settingthedirection of the repeater shiftThe direction of the repeater shift function can be set.1 Press   for one second or longer  The set-up menu will be displayed.2 Touch [CONFIG]$#%-$#%-6:4:5'672/'074'5'6%.10'%10(+)9Ჰ4'55%#0&+52.#;5+) 0#.+0)#245 126+105&%#4&/'/14;&#6#%#..5+) 0Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620345X40 / IC: 511B-20345X40
187Customize Menu Settings and User PreferencesUsingtheSet-upMenu3 Touch [5RPTSHIFT] to select the shift direction  The setting will switch between “OFF”, “-” and “+” each time it is touched.  OFF: The transmit frequency will not shift.  -:  The transmit frequency will shift down.  +:  The transmit frequency will shift up. Tip   Factory default value: Differs depending on frequency%10(+)4265*+(6(4'3(/ #/ 56'2 /*\#7611((4265*+(64 Press   for one second or longer  The direction of the repeater shift will be set and the display will return to the previous screen.Settingtheshift width of the repeaterThe offset  frequency of the repeater shift function can be set.1 Press   for one second or longer  The set-up menu will be displayed.2 Touch [CONFIG]$#%-$#%-6:4:5'672/'074'5'6%.10'%10(+)9Ჰ4'55%#0&+52.#;5+) 0#.+0)#245 126+105&%#4&/'/14;&#6#%#..5+) 03  Select and touch [6RPTSHIFTFREQ]  The characters of the set value will be displayed in orange color.%10(+)4265*+(6(4'3(/#/56'2$''2 /*\.19#7611((4265*+(6%10(+)4265*+(6(4'3(/#/56'2$''2 /*\.19#7611((4265*+(64 Turn   to set the shift offset frequency  The shift width can be set at 0.05 MHz intervals between 0.00 MHz and 99.95 MHz. Tip   Factory default value: Differs depending on frequencyApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620345X40 / IC: 511B-20345X40
188Customize Menu Settings and User PreferencesUsingtheSet-upMenu5 Touch [6RPTSHIFTFREQ]  The characters of the set value will turn green in color.%10(+)4265*+(6(4'3(/#/56'2$''2 /*\.19#7611((4265*+(6%10(+)4265*+(6(4'3(/#/56'2$''2.19#7611((4265*+(6 /*\6 Press   for one second or longer  The offset of the repeater shift function will be set and the display will return to the previous screen.SettingthefrequencystepThe change in the frequency when the tuning knob is turned, or when the key is pressed can be set.Refer to “Changing the frequency step” ( P.41) for details.SettingthevolumeofthebeepThe confirmation sound (beep) that goes off when a key is pressed can be changed.Refer to “Changing the beep volume” ( P.54) for details.SettingtheclockshiftoftheCPUThe clock signal of the CPU can be changed so that it is not heard as an internal spurious signal by the receiver. Select “A” during normal operation.1 Press   for one second or longer  The set-up menu will be displayed.2 Touch [CONFIG]$#%-$#%-6:4:5'672/'074'5'6%.10'%10(+)9Ჰ4'55%#0&+52.#;5+) 0#.+0)#245 126+105&%#4&/'/14;&#6#%#..5+) 0Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620345X40 / IC: 511B-20345X40
189Customize Menu Settings and User PreferencesUsingtheSet-upMenu3 Touch [9CLOCKTYPE] to set the clock type  The setting switches between “A” and “B” each time it is touched.  A:  The clock shift operation will automatically switch on and off.  B:  The clock shift will be kept in operation at all times. Tip   Factory default value: A%10(+)/+%241)4#/-';%.1%-6;2'᳁ᲹᲸ#Ż4 Press   for one second or longer  The clock shift type will be set and the display will return to the previous screen.SettingtheprogramkeyofthemicrophoneFunctions can be assigned to the program keys (P1 to P4) of the provided microphone (MH-48).1 Press   for one second or longer  The set-up menu will be displayed.2 Touch [CONFIG]$#%-$#%-6:4:5'672/'074'5'6%.10'%10(+)9Ჰ4'55%#0&+52.#;5+) 0#.+0)#245 126+105&%#4&/'/14;&#6#%#..5+) 03 Touch [10MICPROGRAMKEY]  The setting screen for the microphone program key will be displayed.%10(+)/+%241)4#/-';%.1%-6;2'᳁ᲹᲸ70+6014/#./'64+%4:%18'4#)'ᲹᲹᲹᲺ#Ż4  Touch the program key (P1 to P4) where the function is going to be assigned  The functions that can be assigned will be displayed.  When the function you want to assign is not displayed, turn   to scroll the display.$#%-$#%-2222ᲹᲺ᲻᲼%10(+)/+%241)4#/-';ᲸᲹ53.1((6:219'49+4'5*1/'5  Touch and select the function that you want to assign$#%-$#%-%10(+)/+%241)4#/-'; ᲺᲺ2ᲹᲸᲹ/'&+681+%'6%#..53.1((/5) 4'2.;5.+56&A:24(4'3Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620345X40 / IC: 511B-20345X40
190Customize Menu Settings and User PreferencesUsingtheSet-upMenu6 Touch [BACK]  The display will return to the selection screen for the program keys (P1 to P4).$#%-$#%-%10(+)/+%241)4#/-'; ᲺᲺ2ᲹᲸᲹ/'&+681+%'6%#..53.1((/5) 4'2.;5.+56&A:24(4'37  Set other program keys  Repeat Steps 4 to 6 to set the functions to be assigned to other program keys.8 Press   for one second or longer  The function will be assigned to the program key and the display will return to the previous screen. Tip   Factory default value:  P1: SQL OFF (T-CALL: European version) P2: HOME P3: D_X P4: TX POWERExpandingthereceiverangeThe frequency can be set to receive frequencies such in the air band (108 to 137 MHz) and the information wireless band (174 to 400 MHz, 480 to 999.99 MHz) as well.1 Press   for one second or longer  The set-up menu will be displayed.2 Touch [CONFIG]$#%-$#%-6:4:5'672/'074'5'6%.10'%10(+)9Ჰ4'55%#0&+52.#;5+) 0#.+0)#245 126+105&%#4&/'/14;&#6#%#..5+) 03 Touch [11RXCOVERAGE] to set the receive range  The setting switches between “NORMAL” and “WIDE” each time it is touched.  NORMAL:  Receives only the 144 MHz and the 430 MHz bands.  WIDE:  Receives the air band and the information wireless band as well. Tip   Factory default value: NORMAL$#%-$#%-/+%241)4#/-';ᲹᲸ70+6014/#./'64+%4:%18'4#)'ᲹᲹᲹᲺŻ4 Press   for one second or longer  The receive range will be set and the display will return to the previous screen.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620345X40 / IC: 511B-20345X40
191Customize Menu Settings and User PreferencesUsingtheSet-upMenuSettingtheunitdisplayThe unit to be used when displaying the altitude, distance and speed can be set.1 Press   for one second or longer  The set-up menu will be displayed.2 Touch [CONFIG]$#%-$#%-6:4:5'672/'074'5'6%.10'%10(+)9Ჰ4'55%#0&+52.#;5+) 0#.+0)#245 126+105&%#4&/'/14;&#6#%#..5+) 03 Touch [12UNIT] to set the unit  The setting switches between “METRIC” and “INCH” each time it is touched.  METRIC:  Displays the unit using the metric system.  INCH:  Displays the unit using the inch system. Tip   Factory default value: Depends on the transceiver version$#%-$#%-70+6014/#./'64+%4:%18'4#)'ᲹᲹᲹᲺ4 Press   for one second or longer  The display unit will be set and the display will return to the previous screen.SwitchingthepoweroffautomaticallyThe radio can be set to switch the power off automatically when there is no operation for a period of time.Refer to “Using the APO function” ( P.119) for details.LimitingthecontinuoustransmissiontimeThe radio can be set to return to the reception mode automatically after a time specified in advance has passed in the transmit mode.Refer to “Using the TOT function” ( P.120) for details.SettingthePINcodeoftheoptionalBluetoothheadsetThe headset that you are using can be paired with the optional Bluetooth unit mounted in the radio.Refer to “Setting the PIN code of the Bluetooth headset” ( P.137) for details.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620345X40 / IC: 511B-20345X40
192Customize Menu Settings and User PreferencesUsingtheSet-upMenuSettingthegeodeticreferencesystemoftheGPSfunctionThe geodetic reference system which serves as the positioning standard of the GPS function can be set.1 Press   for one second or longer  The set-up menu will be displayed.2 Touch [CONFIG]$#%-$#%-6:4:5'672/'074'5'6%.10'%10(+)9Ჰ4'55%#0&+52.#;5+) 0#.+0)#245 126+105&%#4&/'/14;&#6#%#..5+) 03 Touch [16GPSDATUM] to set the geodetic reference system  The setting switches between “WGS-84” and “TOKYO MEAN” each time it is touched.  WGS-84:  Positions using the global geodetic reference system. This is being used as a standard all around the world.  TOKYO MEAN:  Positions using the Japanese geodetic reference system. When positioning in Japan (Tokyo), the error can be made smaller. Tip   Factory default value: WGS-84%10(+)+06'40 .#1((ŻᲹᲽᲹᲾᲹᲿᲹ᳀)25&#67/)25&'8+%')25.1)$ WGVQQVJ2#+4+0))95᳀᲼4 Press   for one second or longer  The geodetic reference system of the GPS function will be set and the display will return to the previous screen.PositioningusingtheexternalGPSdeviceThis is set when connecting an external GPS reception device.Refer to “Positioning using an external GPS device” ( P.84) for details.SettingtheintervalforrecordingtheGPSpositioninformationThe time interval for recording your own position information in the micro-SD card can be set.Refer to “Recording the position information (GPS log function)” ( P.89) for details.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620345X40 / IC: 511B-20345X40
193Customize Menu Settings and User PreferencesUsingtheSet-upMenuDatacommunicationsettingsSettingtheCOMportThe communication speed and function when using the [DATA] jack at the back of the main body as a COM port can be set.1 Press   for one second or longer  The set-up menu will be displayed.2 Touch [DATA]$#%-$#%-6:4:5'672/'074'5'6%.10'%10(+)9Ჰ4'55%#0&+52.#;5+) 0#.+0)#245 126+105&%#4&/'/14;&#6#%#..5+) 03 Touch [1COMPORTSETTING]  The screen for the detailed settings will be displayed.ŻŻŻ&#6#$#0&5'.'%6%1/21465'66+0)&#6#52''&ᲹᲺ᲻Ż&#6#537'.%*&#6#$#%-$#%-4 Touch [SPEED] to select the communication speed of the COM port  The setting changes as follows each time it is touched.  “4800 bps” → “9600 bps” → “19200 bps” → “38400 bps” → “57600 bps” Tip   Factory default value: 9600 bps$#%-$#%-%1/21465'66+0))2517652''&92(+.6'4176276᳁ᲾᲸᲸDRU#..92(14/#6 0/'#Ჹ&#6#Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620345X40 / IC: 511B-20345X40

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