Yaesu Musen 10334620 PORTABLE TWO-WAY RADIO User Manual p65

Yaesu Musen Co., Ltd. PORTABLE TWO-WAY RADIO p65


VX-920/-970SERIESOPERATING MANUAL16 Key Version 4 Key Version Non-LCD VersionVERTEX STANDARD CO., LTD.4-8-8 Nakameguro, Meguro-Ku, Tokyo 153-8644, JapanVERTEX STANDARDUS Headquarters10900 Walker Street, Cypress, CA 90630, U.S.A.YAESU EUROPE B.V.P.O. Box 75525, 1118 ZN Schiphol, The NetherlandsYAESU UK LTD.Unit 12, Sun Valley Business Park, Winnall CloseWinchester, Hampshire, SO23 0LB, U.K.VERTEX STANDARD HK LTD.Unit 5, 20/F., Seaview Centre, 139-141 Hoi Bun Road,Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong KongVertex Standard Co., Ltd.FCC ID: K6610334620/IC ID: 511B-10334620
Note .................................................................................. 2Warning! FCC RF Exposure Requirements ................... 3Controls & Connectors (16-Key Version) ...................... 4Controls & Connectors (4-Key Version) ........................ 5Controls & Connectors (Non-LCD Version) .................. 6LCD Icons & Indicators (16-Key & 4-Key Versions) ..... 7Before You Begin ............................................................ 8Battery Pack Installation and Removal ....................... 8Low Battery Indication ............................................... 8Operation ......................................................................... 9Preliminary Steps ........................................................ 9Operation Quick Start ................................................. 9Advanced Operation ...................................................... 12Programmable Key and Toggle Switch Functions .... 12Descriptipon of Operating Functions ....................... 14ARTS (Auto Range Transpond System) ....................... 22DTMF Paging System ................................................... 22User Set Mode (16-Key & 4-Key Versions) .................. 23Optional Accessories .................................................... 24CONTENTSCongratulations!You now have at your fingertips a valuable communications tool-a VERTEX STANDARD two-way radio! Rugged,reliable and easy to use, your VERTEX STANDARD radio will keep you in constant touch with your colleagues foryears to come, with negligible maintenance down-time.Please take a few minutes to read this manual carefully. The information presented here will allow you to derive maximumperformance from your radio, in case questions arise later on.We're glad you joined the VERTEX STANDARD team. Call on us anytime, because communications is our business.Let us help you get your message across.Notice!: There are no owner-serviceable parts inside the radio. All service jobs must be referred to an autho-rized VERTEX STANDARD Service Representative. Consult your Authorized VERTEX STANDARD Dealer forinstallation of optional accessories.Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.FCC ID: K6610334620/IC ID: 511B-10334620
VX-920/-970 SERIES OPERATING MANUAL1Important Notice for North American Users Regarding 406 MHz Guard BandThe U.S. Coast Guard and National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration have requested thecooperation of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission in preserving the integrity of the protectedfrequency range 406.0 to 406.1 MHz, which is reserved for use by distress beacons. Do not attempt toprogram this apparatus, under any circumstances, for operation in the frequency range 406.0 - 406.1 MHzif the apparatus is to be used in or near North America.Warning - Frequency band 406 - 406.1 MHz is reserved for use ONLY as a distress beacon by theUS Coast Guard and NOAA. Under no circumstance should this frequency band be part of thepreprogrammed operating frequencies of this radio.NOTEIn order to maintain the specified water integrity performance, periodic maintenance is recommended.Should the radio sustain a severe shock (e.g. if it is dropped), the water integrity may be compromised,requiring service. Should this occur, contact your Authorized Vertex Dealer or Vertex Standard USA, Inc.Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.FCC ID: K6610334620/IC ID: 511B-10334620
VX-920/-970 SERIES OPERATING MANUAL2WARNING! FCC RF EXPOSURE REQUIREMENTSThis Radio has been tested and complies with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) RF exposurelimits for Occupational Use/Controlled exposure environment. In addition, it complies with the following Stan-dards and Guidelines:FCC 96-326, Guidelines for Evaluating the Environmental Effects of Radio-Frequency Radiation.FCC OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97-01 (1997) Supplement C, Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines forHuman Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields.ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992, IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to RadioFrequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz.ANSI/IEEE C95.3-1992, IEEE Recommended Practice for the Measurement of Potentially Hazardous Elec-tromagnetic Fields - RF and Microwave. WARNING:This radio generates RF electromagnetic energy during transmit mode. This radio is designed for andclassified as Occupational Use Only, meaning it must be used only during the course of employment byindividuals aware of the hazards, and the ways to minimize such hazards. This radio is not intended for useby the General Population in an uncontrolled environment. CAUTION:To ensure that your expose to RF electromagnetic energy is within the FCC allowable limits for occupa-tional use, always adhere to the following guidelines:This radio is NOT approved for use by the general population in an uncontrolled exposure envi-ronment. This radio is restricted to occupational use, work related operations only where theradio operator must have the knowledge to control his or her RF exposure conditions.When transmitting, hold the radio in a vertical position with its microphone 2 inches (5 cm) awayfrom your mouth and keep the antenna at least 2 inches (5 cm) away from your head and body.Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.FCC ID: K6610334620/IC ID: 511B-10334620
VX-920/-970 SERIES OPERATING MANUAL3The radio must be used with a maximum operating duty cycle not exceeding 50%, in typicalPush-to-Talk configurations.DO NOT transmit for more than 50% of total radio use time (50% duty cycle). Transmittingmore than 50% of the time can cause FCC RF exposure compliance requirements to be ex-ceeded.The radio is transmitting when the red LED on the top of the radio is illuminated.  You can causethe radio to transmit by pressing the P-T-T button.SAR compliance for body-worn use was only demonstrated for the specific belt-clip Part Number(CLIP-920). Other body-worn accessories or configurations may NOT comply with the FCC RFexposure requirements and should be avoided.DO NOT transmit when the radio is used in Body Worn configuration with the following acces-sory: belt-clip.It must be used ONLY for (1) there is 4 cm distance from the body during transmitting, (2)monitoring purposes, using the speaker only and (3) for carrying purposes.Always use Vertex Standard authorized accessories.The information listed above provides the user with the information needed to make him or heraware of RF exposure, and what to do to assure that this radio operates with the FCC RF expo-sure limits of this radio.Electromagnetic Interference/CompatibilityDuring transmissions, this radio generates RF energy that can possibly cause interference withother devices or systems. To avoid such interference, turn off the radio in areas where signs areposted to do so.Do not operate the transmitter in areas that are sensitive to electromagnetic radiation such ashospitals, health care facilities, aircraft, and blasting sites.WARNING! FCC RF EXPOSURE REQUIREMENTSVertex Standard Co., Ltd.FCC ID: K6610334620/IC ID: 511B-10334620
VX-920/-970 SERIES OPERATING MANUAL4CONTROLS & CONNECTORS (16-KEY VERSION)SIDE SEL KeyPTT SwitchMONITOR ButtonLAMP  KeyMIC/SP Jack(External MIC/SP)Sub Microphone(Noise Canceling MIC)Battery Pack LatchLCD (Liquid Crystal Display)SpeakerMain MicrophoneLED IndicatorSteady Red:Transmitting in progressSteady Green:Tone Squelch in defeated conditionBlinking Green:Busy ChannelDealer Programmed Color:Emergency, 5-Tone Decoded, or 2-Tone Decoded16-Button DTMF KeypadAntenna JackTOP SEL KeyCH (Channel) SelectorVOL/PWR KnobTOGGLE Switch: one of “Flashing in white,”“Continuation changes insequential colors,” or “tog-gling the two colors.”Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.FCC ID: K6610334620/IC ID: 511B-10334620
VX-920/-970 SERIES OPERATING MANUAL5CONTROLS & CONNECTORS (4-KEY VERSION)SIDE SEL KeyPTT SwitchMONITOR ButtonLAMP  KeyMIC/SP Jack(External MIC/SP)Sub Microphone(Noise Canceling MIC)Battery Pack LatchLCD (Liquid Crystal Display)SpeakerMain MicrophoneLED IndicatorSteady Red:Transmitting in progressSteady Green:Tone Squelch in defeated conditionBlinking Green:Busy ChannelDealer Programmed Color:Emergency, 5-Tone Decoded, or 2-Tone Decoded4-Button Programmable KeyAntenna JackTOP SEL KeyCH (Channel) SelectorVOL/PWR KnobTOGGLE Switch: one of “Flashing in white,”“Continuation changes insequential colors,” or “tog-gling the two colors.”Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.FCC ID: K6610334620/IC ID: 511B-10334620
VX-920/-970 SERIES OPERATING MANUAL6CONTROLS & CONNECTORS (NON-LCD VERSION)SIDE SEL 1 KeyPTT SwitchMONITOR ButtonLAMP  KeyMIC/SP Jack(External MIC/SP)Sub Microphone(Noise Canceling MIC)Battery Pack LatchSpeakerMain MicrophoneLED IndicatorSteady Red:Transmitting in progressSteady Green:Tone Squelch in defeated conditionBlinking Green:Busy ChannelDealer Programmed Color:Emergency, 5-Tone Decoded, or 2-Tone DecodedAntenna JackTOP SEL KeyCH (Channel) SelectorVOL/PWR KnobTOGGLE Switch: one of “Flashing in white,”“Continuation changes insequential colors,” or “tog-gling the two colors.”Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.FCC ID: K6610334620/IC ID: 511B-10334620
VX-920/-970 SERIES OPERATING MANUAL7LCD ICONS & INDICATORS (16-KEY & 4-KEY VERSIONS)12 Character Alpha-numeric DisplaySUB-LCD888: Channel Group Number-P-: Priority Channel-H-: Home ChannelIn: ARTS “In Range”Out: ARTS “Out of Range”RSSI Indicator (four steps)Encryption is activatedOption SW (Key Function)is activatedLow Transmit Power Mode On“DUAL WATCH” is activatedThis channel on “SCAN” ListPriority Scan is activated“CALL” Indicator Receiver Monitor“Talk-Around” is enabled“Voice Message” is receivedBattery Indicator“Group Scan” is enabledVertex Standard Co., Ltd.FCC ID: K6610334620/IC ID: 511B-10334620
VX-920/-970 SERIES OPERATING MANUAL8BEFORE YOU BEGINBattery Pack Installation and RemovalTo install the battery, hold the transceiver with yourleft hand, so your palm is over the speaker andyour thumb is on the top of the belt clip. Carefullymate the battery’s four insertion slots with theircorresponding alignment tabs on the transceivercase, while tilting the Belt Clip outward. Properalignment occurs with the battery pack offset about1/2 inch from the top edge of the battery com-partment.Guide the pack on to the tabs with a slight inwardpressure, then slide the battery pack upward, un-til it locks in place with a “Click.”To remove the battery, turn the radio off and re-move any protective cases. Slide the Battery PackLatch on the bottom of the radio toward the frontpanel while sliding the battery down about 1/2 inch.Then lift the battery out from the radio while un-folding the Belt Clip.Do not attempt to open any of the re-chargeable Lithium-Ion packs, as theycould explode if accidentally short-circuited.Low Battery IndicationAs the battery discharges during use, the voltagegradually becomes lower. When the battery voltagebecomes to low, substitute a freshly charged batteryand recharge the depleted pack. The LED indicatoron the top of the radio will blink red when the batteryvoltage is low.CautionDanger of explosion if battery is replaced withan incorrect battery. Replace only with the sameor equivalent type.Tilt the Belt ClipInsert the Battery PackVertex Standard Co., Ltd.FCC ID: K6610334620/IC ID: 511B-10334620
VX-920/-970 SERIES OPERATING MANUAL9OPERATIONPreliminary StepsInstall a charged battery packonto the transceiver, as de-scribed previously.Screw the supplied antennaonto the Antenna jack. Neverattempt to operate this trans-ceiver without an antenna con-nected.If you have a Speaker/Micro-phone, we recommend that it not be connecteduntil you are familiar with the basic operation ofthe VX-920/-970.Operation Quick StartTurn the top panel’sVOL/PWR knob clock-wise to turn the radio on.Turn the top panel’s CHselector knob to choosethe desired operatingchannel. On the 16-keyand 4-key versions, achannel name will appearon the LCD.If you want to select the operating channel froma different Memory Channel Group, press the Pro-grammable key (assigned to the Memory GroupUp or Down function) to select the Memory Chan-nel Group you want before selecting the operat-ing channel. A Group name will appear on the LCDwhenever the Programmable key is pressed.Note: Some models are programmed so that theoperating channels are selected by the Program-mable key and the memory channel group is se-lected by the CH selector knob. For further de-tails, contact your VERTEX STANDARD dealer.Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.FCC ID: K6610334620/IC ID: 511B-10334620
VX-920/-970 SERIES OPERATING MANUAL10Rotate the VOL/PWRknob to set the volumelevel. If no signal ispresent, press and hold inthe MONITOR button(under the PTT switch)more than 2 seconds;background noise willnow be heard, and youmay use this to set theVOL/PWR knob for thedesired audio level. Pressand hold the MONITOR button more than 2 sec-onds (or press the MONITOR button twice) toquiet the noise and resume normal (quiet) moni-toring.To transmit, monitor thechannel and make sure itis clear.Press and hold the PTTswitch. Speak into the mi-crophone area of the frontpanel grille (above the upper left edge of the LCD)in a normal voice level. To return to the Receivemode, release the PTT switch.Press the (Orange) TOPSEL key or SIDE SELkey (above the PTTswitch) to activate one ofthe preprogrammed func-tions which may havebeen enabled at the timeof programming by thedealer. See the next sec-tion for details regardingthe available features.Switch the top panel’sTOGGLE switch to the[A], [B], or [Center]position to activate one ofthe pre-programmedfunctions which mayhave been enabled at the time of programming bythe dealer. When this switch is in the [A(left)],[B(right)], or [Center] position, the feature pro-grammed (by your dealer) to that switch positionwill be activated. See the next section for detailsregarding the available features.OPERATIONVertex Standard Co., Ltd.FCC ID: K6610334620/IC ID: 511B-10334620
VX-920/-970 SERIES OPERATING MANUAL11If a Speaker/Microphone is available, remove theplastic cap and its two mounting screws from theright side of the transceiver, then align the con-nector of the Speaker/Microphone on the trans-ceiver body; secure the connector pin using thescrews supplied with the Speaker/Microphone.Hold the speaker grille up next to your ear whilereceiving. To transmit, press the PTT switch onthe Speaker/Microphone, just as you would on themain transceiver’s body, and speak into the mi-crophone on a normal voice level.Note 1): Save the original plastic cap and itsmounting screws. They should be reinstalledwhen not using the Speaker/Microphone.2) When you press the PTT switch on theSpeaker/Microphone, it disables the internalmicrophone, and vice versa.If the Busy Channel Lockout feature has beenprogrammed on a channel, the radio will not trans-mit when a carrier is present. Instead, the radiowill generate short beep three times and indicate“* ERROR *” on the display (16-key and 4-key versions). Release the PTT switch and waitfor the channel to be clear of activity.If CTCSS or Digital Coded Squelch (DCS) Lock-out has been programmed on a channel, the radiocan transmit only when there is no carrier beingreceived or when the carrier being received in-cludes the correct CTCSS tone or DCS code.Automatic Time-Out TimerIf the selected channel has been programmed forautomatic time-out, you must limit the length of eachtransmission. While transmitting, a beep will sound10 seconds before time-out. Another beep will soundjust before the deadline; the “TX” indicator will dis-appear and transmission will cease soon thereafter.To resume transmitting, you must release the PTTswitch and wait for the “penalty timer” to expire.OPERATIONVertex Standard Co., Ltd.FCC ID: K6610334620/IC ID: 511B-10334620
VX-920/-970 SERIES OPERATING MANUAL12ADVANCED OPERATIONProgrammable Key and Toggle Switch FunctionsAll versions of the VX-920/-970 include the TOPSEL, SIDE SEL, MONITOR, and LAMP keys, andthe TOGGLE switch. The 16-key and 4-key ver-sions include the [A], [B], [C], and [D] function keys.Furthermore, the 16-key version includes the [] and[#] function keys. The Programmable key andTOGGLE switch functions can be customized, viaprogramming by your VERTEX STANDARD dealer,to meet your communications/network requirements.Some features may require the purchase and instal-lation of optional internal accessories. The possibleProgrammable key and TOGGLE switch program-ming features are illustrated at the right, and theirfunctions are explained on page 10. For further de-tails, contact your VERTEX STANDARD dealer.For future reference, check the box next to each func-tion that has been assigned to the Programmable keyand TOGGLE switch on your particular radio, andkeep it handy.1: Requires FVP-25 or FVP-36 Encryption Unit2: This function does not select on the Non-LCD Version3: This function is only selected on the 16-key Version4: Requires DVS-5 Voice Storage UnitTOP  SELFUNCTIONNoneMonitorLamp2ScanDual WatchLow PowerTalk AroundTX Save DisableEncryption1Follow-Me ScanSIDE SEL MONITOR LAMP [A] [B] [C] [D]PROGRAMMABLE K EY[] [#]16-KEY & 4-KEY VERSIONS 16-KEY VERSIONFUNCTIONNoneScanDual WatchLow PowerTalk AroundTX Save DisableEncryption1Follow-Me ScanLockAudio PC (PIT)Clear VoiceGroup Recall ShortcutATOGGLE SWITCH (POSITION)Center B Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.FCC ID: K6610334620/IC ID: 511B-10334620
VX-920/-970 SERIES OPERATING MANUAL13ADVANCED OPERATIONFUNCTIONFollow-Me Dual WatchGroup Up2Group Down2Channel Up2Channel Down2Set2Call/ResetCall 1Call 2Call 3Call 4Call 5Code Up2Code Down2Code Set2Speed Dial3Option SW 1Option SW 2EmergencyHome2Selectable Tone2Direct Channel #12Direct Channel #22Direct Channel #32Direct Channel #42REC/PLAY4SQL2AF Min VolumeStatus Set2Status Up2Status Down2Status Check2Audio PC (PIT)Lone WorkerDTMF Code Set3TA ScanTOP  SEL SIDE SEL MONITOR LAMP [A] [B] [C] [D]PROGRAMMABLE K EY[] [#]16-KEY & 4-KEY VERSIONS 16-KEY VERSIONVertex Standard Co., Ltd.FCC ID: K6610334620/IC ID: 511B-10334620
VX-920/-970 SERIES OPERATING MANUAL14Description of Operating FunctionsMONITORPress the assigned programmable key to cancelCTCSS- and DCS-controlled squelch; the BUSY/TX indicator will glow green. Press and hold thisbutton for 1.5 seconds to hear background noise(unmute the audio); the BUSY/TX indicator will blinkgreen.LAMPPress the assigned programmable key to illuminatethe LCD for five seconds.SCANThe Scanning feature is used to monitor multiple sig-nals programmed into the transceiver. While scan-ning, the transceiver will check each channel for thepresence of a signal, and will stop on a channel if asignal is present.To activate scanning:Press the assigned programmable key, or set thetoggle switch to the assigned position to activatescanning.The scanner will search the channels of each chan-nel, looking for active ones; it will pause each timeit finds a channel on which someone is speaking.Press the assigned programmable key again, orset the toggle switch to a different position to dis-able scanning. Operation will revert to the pro-grammed revert channel.Note: Your dealer may have programmed your radioto stay on one of the following channels if you pressthe PTT switch during scanning pause:Current channel (“Talk Back”)“Last Busy” channel“Priority” channel“Home” channel“Scan Start” channelADVANCED OPERATIONVertex Standard Co., Ltd.FCC ID: K6610334620/IC ID: 511B-10334620
VX-920/-970 SERIES OPERATING MANUAL15DUAL WATC HThe Dual Watch feature is similar to the SCAN fea-ture, except that only two channels are monitored:The current operating channel; andThe Priority channel.To activate Dual Watch:Press the assigned programmable key, or set thetoggle switch to the assigned position.The scanner will search the two channels; it willpause each time it finds a channel on which some-one is speaking.To stop Dual Watch:Press the assigned programmable key, or set thetoggle switch to a different position.Operation will revert to the “Dual Watch Start”channel.LOW POWERPress the assigned programmable key, or set thetoggle switch to the assigned position to set theradio’s transmitter to the “Low Power” mode, thusextending battery life. Press the key again, or set thetoggle switch to a different position to return to “Nor-mal” transmit power when in difficult terrain.In the 16-key and 4-key versions, the “ ” icon willbe indicated on the display when the radio’s trans-mitter is set to the “Low Power” mode.TALK A ROUND (TA)Press the assigned programmable key, or set thetoggle switch to the assigned position to activate theTalk Around feature when you are operating on du-plex channel systems (separate receive and transmitfrequencies, utilizing a “repeater” station). The TalkAround feature allows you to bypass the repeater sta-tion and talk directly to a station that is nearby. Thisfeature has no effect when you are operating on “sim-plex” channels, where the receive and transmit fre-quencies are already the same.In the 16-Key and 4-Key versions, the “ ” icon willbe indicated on the display when the “TA” functionis activated.Note that your dealer may have mode provision for“Talk Around” channels by programming “repeater”and “Talk Around” frequencies on two adjacent chan-nels. If so, the key may be used for one of the otherPre-Programmed Functions.ADVANCED OPERATIONVertex Standard Co., Ltd.FCC ID: K6610334620/IC ID: 511B-10334620
VX-920/-970 SERIES OPERATING MANUAL16TX SAVE DISABLEPress the assigned programmable key, or set the toggleswitch to the assigned position to disable the Trans-mit Battery Saver, if you are operating in a locationwhere high power is almost always needed.The Transmit Battery Saver helps extend battery lifeby reducing transmit power when a very strong sig-nal from an apparently nearby station is being re-ceived. Under some circumstances, though, yourhand-held radio may not be heard well at the otherend of the communication path, and high power maybe necessary at all times.ENCRYPTION (OPTION)When the Voice Scrambler feature is enabled, pressthe assigned programmable key to toggle the voiceencryption on and off.LOCKSet the toggle switch to the assigned position to lockthe VX-920/-970’s knob, soft keys, and PTT switch.The precise lockout configulation is programmed byyour Dealer.AUDIO PC (PIT)Press the assigned programmable key, or set thetoggle switch to activates the Audio Pitch Control-ler. The Audio Pitch Controller allow you to the mostcomfortable and/or effective reception in noisy en-vironments.Press the key again, or set the toggle switch to a dif-ferent position to disable the Audio Pitch Controller.CLEAR VOICESet the toggle switch to the assigned position to acti-vates the Clear Voice feature. When you are operaitonin a noisy environment, activates the Clear Voicefeature. Set the toggle switch to a different positionto disable the Clear Voice feature.ADVANCED OPERATIONVertex Standard Co., Ltd.FCC ID: K6610334620/IC ID: 511B-10334620
VX-920/-970 SERIES OPERATING MANUAL17FOLLOW-ME SCANThe “Follow-Me” Scan feature checks a User-as-signed Priority Channel regularly as you scan  otherchannels. Thus, if only Channels 1, 3, and 5 (of the 8available channels) are designated for “Scanning,”the user may nonetheless assign Channel 2 as the“User-assigned” Priority Channel via the “Follow-Me” feature.To activate “Follow-Me” scanning, first select thechannel you want to designate as the “User-AssignedPriority Channel” and press the assigned program-mable key, or set the toggle switch to the assignedposition. Then rotate the CH Selector knob to recallto the “Scanning Start” channel which has been pro-grammed by your dealer to activate the scanner. Whenthe scanner stops on an “Active” channel, the User-assigned Priority Channel will automatically bechecked every few seconds; if activity is found onthe User-assigned Priority Channel, the radio willswitch between it and the Dealer-Assigned PriorityChannel, if any.FOLLOW-ME DUAL WATCHTo set up a “Dual Watch” frequency pair using the“Follow-Me” feature, select a channel using the CHSelector knob. Now press the assigned programmablekey; pressing the assigned programmable key locksthe current channel as the User-assigned PriorityChannel. Now rotate the CH Selector knob to selectanother channel (not the “Scanning Start” channel).Your radio will now switch back-and-forth betweenthe currently-selected channel and the User-assignedPriority Channel.During “Follow-Me” scanning (after you havepressed the key), you can set up the “Dual Watch”feature by rotating the CH Selector knob to anotherchannel. The radio will then scan back and forth be-tween the original User-assigned Priority Channel andthe newly-selected channel.The Priority Channel you have assigned (beforepressing the key) will be retained in memory untilyou change it.ADVANCED OPERATIONVertex Standard Co., Ltd.FCC ID: K6610334620/IC ID: 511B-10334620
VX-920/-970 SERIES OPERATING MANUAL18GROUP UP/DOWNPress the assigned programmable key to select a dif-ferent group of channels. Once the desired Group isreached, rotate the CH Selector knob to select thedesired channel within the selected Group.You may wish to have the Scanner pass through morethan one Group during the scanning process (nor-mally, scanning is performed within the current grouponly). To include the current Group in the scanningloop, press and hold in the assigned programmablekey for one second. To remove a Group from GroupScan, press and hold in the assigned programmablekey again for one second.Multi-Group Scanning is only possible if you are us-ing the “User Scan” list. To edit the User Scan list,press and hold the assigned programmable key for onesecond to delete the current Memory Group from theScanning. Alternatively, press and hold the assignedprogrammable key for one second to delete the Cur-rent Memory channel from the Scanning. When youdelete a Group or channel, “-SCAN Skip-” will ap-pear on the LCD for one second after pressing theassigned programmable key. To restore a particularchannel to your scanning list, press and hold in theassigned programmable key again for one second;“-SCAN Stop-” will appear on the LCD for onesecond after pressing the assigned programmable key.CHANNEL UP/DOWNPress the assigned programmable key to select a dif-ferent channel within the current group.SETPress the assigned programmable key to activate the“User Set” (Menu) Mode. See page 23 for detailsCALL/RESETWhile the DTMF Paging SystemThis feature, if enabled, allows the user to changethe 3-digit Page Call code, used to call other simi-larly-equipped stations. Press the assigned program-mable key, followed by the three digits representingthe Page Call code of the station you wish to call.Three tones will be heard after the last key is pressed(the new code will now be transmitted).The receiver squelch of the other station will beopened, and you can begin communication.While the 2-Tone/5-Tone Paging SystemThis feature, if enabled, press the assigned program-mable key to send a 2-tone/5-tone sequential tone.ADVANCED OPERATIONVertex Standard Co., Ltd.FCC ID: K6610334620/IC ID: 511B-10334620
VX-920/-970 SERIES OPERATING MANUAL19ADVANCED OPERATIONCALL 1 TO CALL 5Press the assigned programmable key to send a 2-tone/5-tone sequential tone group which is pre-de-fined.CODE UP/DOWNPress the assigned programmable key to select a 2-tone/5-tone encode code from the pre-defined en-code list.CODE SETPress the assigned programmable key to change theencode digits for 5-tone operation. To change a spe-cific digit, select the desired digit using the [A] key,then change the number using the [B]/[C] keys, andstore the number using the [D] key.SPEED DIAL (16-KEY VERSION ONLY)Your Dealer may have pre-programmed Auto-Dialtelephone number memories into your radio.To dial a number, press the assigned programmablekey, then press the front panel’s numeric key corre-sponding to the Auto-Dial memory number list pro-vided by your Dealer or Network Administrator. TheDTMF tones sent during the dialing sequence willbe heard in the speaker.OPTION SW1Press the assigned programmable key to toggle theoptional accessory “1” “On” and “Off.”OPTION SW2Press the assigned programmable key to toggle theoptional accessory “2” “On” and “Off.”EMERGENCYThe VX-920/-970 series include an “Emergency”feature which may be useful for alerting another partymonitoring on the same frequency as yourtransceiver’s channel.Press the assigned programmable key to initiate anemergency call. For further details contact yourDealer.HOME CHANNELPress the assigned programmable key to recall thepre-defined Home group/channel. When you recallthe Home group/channel, the “H” notation will ap-pear on the LCD.Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.FCC ID: K6610334620/IC ID: 511B-10334620
VX-920/-970 SERIES OPERATING MANUAL20SELECTABLE T ONEPress the assigned programmable key to select a sub-audible tone (CTCSS/DCS) from the pre-definedtone table. You can operate using the indicated sub-audible tone in the Selectable Tone mode.DIRECT CH#1 TO #4Press the assigned programmable key to recall theDealer pre-programmed channel directly.REC/PLAY (VOICE STORAGE: OPTION)This function allows your radio to record a receivedvoice message, and to play back the recorded audio.It requires installation of the optional Voice Record-ing Unit.Recording;Press the assigned programmable key for 1.5 sec-onds to enable the Voice Recording Mode. When anincoming signal is received (the squelch opens andaudio passes), the incoming audio will be recorded.In the 16-key and 4-key versions, the “ ” icon willflash during audio recording, and the “ ” icon willremain on once recording is complete.Playback;Press the assigned programmable key momentarilyto play back the last message.To stop the play-back, press this key again.In the 16-key version, press the [A] key to jump tothe previous message while playback is proceeding,or press the [B] key to jump to the next message.You may press the [D] key, at any time during play-back, to clear all messages and stop the play-back.SQLYou can manually adjust the squelch level using thisfunction:Press the assigned programmable key. A tone willsound, and the current squelch level will appearon the display.Press the MONITOR/LAMP button to select thedesired squelch level.Two seconds after releasing the MONITOR/LAMP button, the display will revert to the normalchannel indication.AF MIN VRPress the assigned programmable key to reduce theaudio output to the (lower) level programmed by yourDealer.Press the key again to return to the normal audiooutput level.ADVANCED OPERATIONVertex Standard Co., Ltd.FCC ID: K6610334620/IC ID: 511B-10334620
VX-920/-970 SERIES OPERATING MANUAL21STATUS SETPress the assigned programmable key to change the5-Tone status code. To change the status code, se-lect the desired digit by [A] key, then change the num-ber by [B]/[C] key, and store the number by [D]key.STATUS UP/DOWNPress the assigned programmable key to select a 5-Tone status code from the pre-defined status list.STATUS CHECKPress the assigned programmable key to check the5-Tone receive status code. When you press this key,the LCD display will indicate the “Message” corre-sponding to the receive status condition per the pre-defined status list.LONE WORKERPress the assigned programmable key to toggle theLone Worker feature “On” and “Off.”The Lone Worker feature is designed to emit an alarmfor 30 seconds when the Lone Worker Timer (pro-grammed by your Dealer) has expired. If the userdoes not reset the timer by pressing the PTT switch,the radio switches to the Emergency mode.To revive the radio from the Emergency mode, justpress the programmable key which is assigned theEmergency feature or turn off the radio.DTMF CODE SET (16-KEY VERSION ONLY)You may send the desired telephone number manually.To dial a number manually, press the assigned pro-grammable key, then press the desired numbers on thefront panel’s numeric key. Now, press the PTT switchto send the telephone number. The DTMF tones sentduring the dialing sequence will be heard in the speaker.TA S CANPress the assigned programmable key to toggle theTA (Talk Around) scan feature “On” and “Off.”While TA scan is proceeding, the VX-920/-970 willsearch both the transmit and receive frequencies (the“” icon will blink on the 16-key and 4-key versions).When a signal is encountered on the receive frequency,the VX-920/-970 will pause until the signal disap-pears (“ ” icon will appear but not blink). When asignal is encountered on the transmit frequency, theVX-920/-970 will check for activity on the receivefrequency every few seconds (interval programmedby your Dealer).ADVANCED OPERATIONVertex Standard Co., Ltd.FCC ID: K6610334620/IC ID: 511B-10334620
VX-920/-970 SERIES OPERATING MANUAL22ARTS (AUTO RANGE TRANSPOND SYSTEM)This system is designed to inform you when you andanother ARTS-equipped station are within communi-cation range.During ARTS operation, when the radio receives thecorrect ARTS signal, a short beep will sound and the“In” (meaning “In Service”) notation will be displayedon the sub-LCD. If you move out of range for morethan two minutes, your radio senses that no signalhas been received; three short beeps will sound, and“Out”  (“Out of Service”) will be displayed on thesub-LCD. If you subsequently move back into range,as soon as the other station transmits, a short beepwill sound and “In” will be displayed again on thesub-LCD.: Except on Non-LCD version.DTMF PAGING SYSTEMThis system allows paging and selective calling, us-ing DTMF tone sequences.When your radio is paged by a station bearing a tonesequence which matches yours, your radio’s squelchwill open and the alert will sound.In the 16-key and 4-key versions, the three-digit codeof the station which paged you will appear on yourradio’s LCD.Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.FCC ID: K6610334620/IC ID: 511B-10334620
VX-920/-970 SERIES OPERATING MANUAL2312345678910111213141516SQLSCN ListBEEPBELLLightingLockGroupSCANDWTAAF MinVRBeep VRContrastPitchREC ModePlay ModeSelect the Squelch Threshold LevelSelect the Scan List “User” or “Dealer”Set the Beep On/OffSet the Bell On/Off(Bell engaged by sub-audible CTCSS/DCS)Set the BUSY/TX LED On/OffSet the Lock function to be Locked(Key/PTT/Key+PTT)Set the Operation GroupSet the Scan status(same function as Scan key)Set the Dual Watch status(same function as DW key)Set the Talk Around status(same function as TA key)Set the Minimum Volume levelSet the Beep volume levelSet the LCD contrastSelect the Special Receive Audio ResponseONE: Enables recording one message (max.120 seconds), and playback from thebeginning of the message.ROL: Enables recording whenever squelchopens, and playback of the last 120seconds.Set the priority audio on playback mode.PLY: Playback audio is higher priority than re-ceived signalSIG: Received signal is higher priority thanplayback audioDISPLAY DESCRIPTIONNote: The menu “15: REC Mode” and “16: Play Mode” will ap-pear only when the Voice Recording Unit is installed.USER SET MODE (16-KEY & 4-KEY VERSIONS)The VX-920/-970 Series includes a “User Set(Menu)” Mode which allows the user to define orconfigure various settings, such as Beep On/Off,Squelch, LCD contrast, etc. To activate the “UserSet (Menu)” Mode:Press the assigned programmable key for the“SET” function to enter the “User Set Mode.”Select the User Set Mode Item you want changeusing the CH selector knob.Press the MONITOR/LAMP buttons to selectthe status of the selected item.Rotate the CH selector knob one click to savethe new setting.Press PTT switch to exit to normal operation.Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.FCC ID: K6610334620/IC ID: 511B-10334620
VX-920/-970 SERIES OPERATING MANUAL24OPTIONAL ACCESSORIESFNB-V86LI 7.4V, 1150 mAh Lithium-Ion BatteryFNB-V87LI 7.4V, 2000 mAh Lithium-Ion BatteryFBA-34 Alkaline Battery Case (6 x AA)VAC-920 Desk top Rapid ChargerPA-39 AC AdapterVT60F VX-Trunk UnitVT60FS VX-Trunk/Encryption UnitFVP-36 Encryption UnitFVP-35 Encryption Unit(Rolling Code Voice Scrambler)DVS-5 Voice Storage UnitMDC1200 Digital ANI Encoder UnitVME-100 ANI Encoder UnitVMDE-200 ANI Encoder/Decoder UnitSRX-3 Multi Band Receiver Unit(450-512 MHz)SRX-4 Multi Band Receiver Unit(134-174 MHz)MH-65B7A Speaker/MicrophoneATV-8A VHF Antenna (134-151 MHz)ATV-8B VHF Antenna (150-163 MHz)ATV-8C VHF Antenna (161-174 MHz)ATV-6XL VHF Antenna(134-174 MHz, Untuned)ATU-6A UHF Antenna (400-430 MHz)ATU-6C UHF Antenna (440-470 MHz)ATU-6D UHF Antenna (450-485 MHz)ATU-6F UHF Antenna (485-520 MHz)ATW-1A Dual Band Antenna(134-151 MHz, 450-520 MHz)ATW-1B Dual Band Antenna(150-163 MHz, 450-520 MHz)ATW-1C Dual Band Antenna(160-174 MHz, 450-520 MHz)LCC-920 Leather CaseCE59 Programming SoftwareFIF-8 Flash ROM WriterFIF-10A USB Programming InterfaceCT-108 PC Programming Cable (for FIF-10)CT-109 PC Programming kit(CT-29 + CT-115)CT-110 PC Programming Cable (for FIF-8)CT-115 PC Programming Cable (for VPL-1)CT-116 Radio to Radio Cloning CableAvailability of accessories may vary; some acces-sories are supplied standard per local require-ments, others may be unavailable in some regions.Check with your VERTEX STANDARD Dealer forchanges to this list.Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.FCC ID: K6610334620/IC ID: 511B-10334620
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules.Operation is subject to the condition that this devicedoes not cause harmful interference.Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.FCC ID: K6610334620/IC ID: 511B-10334620
Copyright 2005VERTEX STANDARD CO., LTD.All rights reserved.No portion of this manualmay be reproducedwithout the permission ofVERTEX STANDARD CO., LTD.Printed in Japan 0510?-0EEC033N200Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.FCC ID: K6610334620/IC ID: 511B-10334620

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