Yaesu Musen 03770X30 HF/VHF/UHF TRANSCEIVER User Manual Operating Manual 6

Yaesu Musen Co., Ltd. HF/VHF/UHF TRANSCEIVER Operating Manual 6

Operating Manual-6

51FT-818 Operating ManualScanning OperationScan Skip Programming (Memory Mode Only)Among the memories you have programmed, there may be some stations which you do not wish to scan. For example, broadcast signals (which are transmitted continuously) will cause the scanner to stop, and such channels may be skipped so as to avoid this in-convenience.To remove a channel from the scanning loop:1.  Press the   key momentarily, then rotate the   knob, as needed, until Operating Function Row 2 [MW, MC, TAG] appears on the display.2.  Recall the memory channel to be skipped.3.  Press the   (MC) key momentarily. The “hyphen” in the memory channel number will change to become a “dot”; this shows that this channel now is not included in the scanning loop.4.  Repeat steps 2 and 3 as many times as necessary to skip all the channels you do not wish to scan.5.  Initiate memory scanning; you will observe that the channels you marked to be skipped are not included in the scanning loop. 6.  Press the PTT switch to stop the scan; you may now use the   knob to step through the channels manually - one at a time - and you will observe that the “Skipped” channels are, nonetheless, available for recall by manual means.7.  You may restore a previously-skipped channel to the scanning loop by selecting the channel manually, then pressing the   (MC) key momentarily so that the “dot” changes to become a “hyphen”.Scan-Resume ChoicesScanning operation requires that you have the transceiver’s audio squelched. The transceiver then “assumes” that the opening of the squelch corresponds to the dis-covery of a signal you may wish to listen to.Once the scan has been halted, the transceiver pauses on the signal and stays locked on its frequency for ve seconds (default pause time). Thereafter, scanning will resume whether or not the other station’s transmission has ended. The scan resume interval can be set to 3/5/10 seconds, or off ( whereby scanning quits when a signal is received) via Menu #41 (RESUME); see 64 for details.Memory Skip “OFF”Memory Skip “ON”
52 FT-818 Operating ManualScanning OperationProgrammable Memory Scan (PMS) OperationTo limit scanning (or tuning) within a particular frequency range, you can use the Pro-grammable Memory Scanning (PMS) feature, which utilizes special-purpose memory pair (“M-PL” and “M-PU”). The PMS feature is especially useful in helping you to observe any operating sub-band limits which apply to your Amateur license class.PMS setup is simple to accomplish;1.  Store the upper and lower frequency limits of the desired range into the PMS memory pair (“M-PL” and “M-PU”).2.  Press the   key momentarily, then rotate the   knob, as needed, until Operating Function Row 3 [STO, RCL, PMS] appears on the display.3.  Press the   (PMS) key. The “PMS” indication will appear at the upper left corner of the LCD, signifying that the PMS feature is engaged. Tuning and scanning are now limited within the range between the selected PMS memory pair, keeping operation inside this programmed range.Example: Limit tuning & scanning to the frequency range 144.300 - 148.000 MHz1.  Press the   key, as necessary, to recall the VFO mode. Tune the   knob or  knob to 144.300 MHz.2.  Press the   key momentarily, then rotate the   knob, as needed, until Operating Function Row 2 [MW, MC, TAG] appears on the display.3.  Press the   (MW) key momentarily, then turn the   knob to select memory channel “M-PL.”4.  Press and hold in the   (MW) key for one second to write the VFO frequency into  “M-PL.”5.  Now, tune the   knob or   knob to 148.000 MHz).6.  Press the   (MW) key momentarily, then turn the   knob to select memory channel “M-PU.”7.  Press and hold the   (MW) key for one second to write the VFO frequency into  “M-PU.”8.  Press the   key momentarily, then rotate the   knob one click clockwise to recall Operating Function Row 3 [STO, RCL, PMS].9.  Press the   (PMS) key momentarily. Tuning and scanning are now limited to the 144.300 ~ 148.000-MHz range until you press the   key to return to memory or VFO operation.
53FT-818 Operating ManualScanning OperationNoteThe frequency resolution for these sub-band limits is 100 kHz, although the chan-nel resolution of the sub-band limit memories in whatever you have selected as the current step size. As a result, the frequencies stored in these special memories (M-PL and M-PU) are both rounded down to the nearest 100 kHz for their roles as sub-band limits. Therefore, in the above example, any frequency between 144.300 and 144.399 MHz may be used to store a lower tuning limit of “144.300 MHz” in memory M-PL.
54 FT-818 Operating ManualDual Watch OperationNote: This operation does not function in the FM Broadcast frequencies.Dual Watch is similar, in some respects, to scanning. In Dual Watch, however, the trans-ceiver monitors (squelched) on the VFO-A frequency while periodically checking VFO-B for activity (or vice-versa). A typical example might be for you to set VFO-A to 50.110 MHz, watching for DX stations who might call CQ on that frequency, while periodically checking 28.885 MHz for stations reporting band openings on 6 meters.To activate Dual Watch:1.  Set up transmit and receive operation on VFO-A, establishing your primary monitor-ing frequency. Set up the frequency to be checked periodically on VFO-B.2.  Recall VFO-A, then rotate the   control until the background noise is just si-lenced.3.  Press the   key momentarily, then rotate the   knob, as needed, until Operating Function Row 5 [SCN, PRI, DW] appears on the display.4.  Press the   (DW) key momentarily to activate Dual Watch operation (the “DW” icon will appear at the bottom left corner of the LCD.5.  The transceiver will continue to monitor (squelched) on the current (VFO-A) frequen-cy, but every ve seconds will switch briey to VFO-B frequency, looking for activity.6.  If a station is detected on the VFO-B frequency, the transceiver will pause on the VFO-B frequency (the decimal point in the frequency will blink). 7.  Press the   (DW) key again to cancel Dual Watch operation (the “DW” icon will disappear). Note that pressing the PTT switch on the microphone does not cancel Dual Watch op-eration.
55FT-818 Operating ManualSection 97.401(d) of the regulations governing amateur radio in the United States permit emergency amateur communications on the spot frequency of 5167.5 kHz by stations in (or within 92.6 km of) the state of Alaska. This frequency is only to be used when the immediate safety of human life and/or property are threatened, and is never to be used for routine communications.The FT-818 includes the capability for transmission and reception on 5167.5 kHz under such emergency conditions via the Menu system. To activate this feature:1.  Press and hold in the   key for one second to activate the Menu mode.2.  Rotate the   knob to select Menu #28 (EMERGENCY).3.  Rotate the   knob to select “ON.”4.  Press and hold in the   key to exit the Menu mode.Emergency communication on this spot frequency is now possible:   Press the   key, as necessary, to enter the Memory mode, then rotate the   knob to select the emergency channel (M-EMG), which is found between channels M-PU and M-001.Note that the receive-mode claRifieR functions normally while using this frequency, but variation of the transmit frequency is not possible. Activation of Menu #28 does not en-able any other out-of-amateur-band capability on  the  transceiver. The full specications of the FT-818 are not necessarily guaranteed on this frequency, but power output and receiver sensitivity should be fully satisfactory for the purpose of emergency communica-tion.If you wish to disable operation on the Alaska Emergency Frequency, repeat the proce-dure detailed above, but set Menu #28 to “OFF” in step 3 of the procedure.In an emergency, note that a half-wave dipole cut for this frequency should be approxi-mately 45’3” on each leg (90’6” total length).Emergency operation on 5167.5 kHz is shared with the Alaska-Fixed Service. This trans-ceiver is not authorized for operation, under the FCC’s Part 87, for aeronautical commu-nications.Operation on Alaska Emergency Frequency: 5167.5 khz (U.S. Version Only)
56 FT-818 Operating ManualThe Menu System allows you to customize a wide variety of transceiver performance aspects and operating characteristics. Once you have gone through the various Menu customization procedures initially, you will nd that you will not have to resort to them frequently during everyday operation.Menu Operation1.  Press and hold in the   key for one second. The Menu Item number and a brief title for the Menu Item will appear in the display.2.  Rotate the   knob to select the Menu Item you wish to work on.3.  When you have chosen the desired Menu Item number, rotate the    knob to change the value or condition for the Menu Item.4.  When you have made your selection, press and hold in the   key for one second to save the new setting and exit to the normal operation. In step (3) above, if you press the   key momentarily, it will reset the setting of thatMenu Item to its factory-default value. In step (4) above, if you press the   key momantarily, you will exit to normal op-eration without saving the new setting.Menu Item Function Available Values Default01 144 ARS Activate/deactivate the Automatic Repeater Shiftwhen operating on the 144 MHz band OFF/ON 102 430 ARS Activate/deactivate the Automatic Repeater Shiftwhen operating on the 430 MHz band OFF/ON 103 9600 MIC Adjust the audio input level from the TNCduring 9600 bps Packet operation 0 ~ 100 5004 AM&FM DL Enabling/disabling the   knob on the AM and FM modes ENABLE/DISABLE DISABLE05 AM MIC Adjust the microphone gain level for the AM mode 0 ~ 100 5006 AM STEP Select the tuning steps for the   knob on the AM mode 2.5/5/9/10/12.5/25kHz 107 ANTENNA Select the antenna connector to be used on each oper-ating band (HF/50/144/430 MHz) FRONT/REAR 108 APO TIME Select the Auto Power Off time (time before power goes off) OFF/1h ~ 6h OFF09 ARTS BEEP Select the ARTS beep mode OFF/RANGE/ALL RANGE10 BACKLIGHT Select the LCD lamp mode OFF/ON/AUTO AUTO11 BATT-CHG Select the battery charging time 6/8/10 h (hours) 1012 BEEP FREQ Select the beep frequency 440/880 Hz 880 Hz13 BEEP VOL Select the beep volume 0 ~ 100 5014 CAT RATE Set the transceiver’s circuitry for the CAT baud rate 4800/9600/38400 bps 4800 bps15 COLOR Select the illumination color for the LCD illuminationCOLOR1 (Blue)/COLOR2 (Amber)/COLOR3 (Violet)COLOR116 CONTRAST Setting of the display contrast level 1 ~ 12 517 CW DELAY Set the receiver recovery time during pseudo-VOX CW semi-break-in operation 10 ~ 500 msec 250 msec18 CW ID Enables/disables the CW identifier during ARTS operation OFF/ON OFF19 CW PADDLE Select the keyer paddle’s wiring conguration NORMAL/REVERSE NORMALCLARELSA B CFVLOCK PWRSQL/RFAFHOMEMSELFDIALHOMECMenu Operation
57FT-818 Operating ManualMenu OperationMenu Item Function Available Values Default20 CW PITCH Setting of the pitch of the CW sidetone, BFO offset, and CW lter center frequencies 300 ~ 1000 Hz 700 Hz21 CW SPEED Set the sending speed for the built-in Electronic keyer 4 wpm ~ 60 wpm/20 cpm ~ 300 cpm12 wpm(60 cpm)22 CW WEIGHT Set the Dot:Dash ratio for the built-in electronic keyer 1:2.5 ~ 1:4.5 1:3.023 DCS CODE Setting the DCS code 104 Std DCS codes 02324 DIG DISP Define the displayed frequency offset during DIG (USER-L or USER-U) mode operation -3000 ~ +3000 Hz 0 Hz25 DIG MICAdjust the audio input level from terminal equipment (such as a TNC or PSK-31 sound card) during DIG (Digital) mode operation0 ~ 100 5026 DIG MODE Select the mode and sideband (if applicable) in the DIG (Digital) modeRTTY/PSK31-L/PSK31-U/USER-L/USER-URTTY27 DIG SHIFT Dene the carrier frequency offset during DIG (USER-L or USER-U) mode operation -3000 ~ +3000 Hz 0 Hz28 EMERGENCY Enable Tx/Rx operation on the Alaska Emergency Channel, 5167.5 kHz (USA Version only) OFF/ON OFF29 FM MIC Adjust the microphone gain level for the FM mode 0 ~ 100 5030 FM STEP Select the tuning steps for the  knob on the FM mode5/6.25/10/12.5/15/20/25/50 kHz 231 ID Store your callsign into the CW identier – YAESU32 LOCK MODE Select the operation of the front panel’s   key DIAL/FREQ/PANEL DIAL33 MAIN STEP Setting of the  ’s tuning speed FINE/COARSE FINE34 MEM GROUP Enable/disable the memory grouping feature OFF/ON OFF35 MEM TAG Store Alpha-Numeric “Tags” for the memory channels – –36 MIC KEY Enable/disable CW keying by the microphone’s [UP]/[DWN] keys OFF/ON OFF37 MIC SCAN Enable/disable scanning access OFF/ON ON38 OP FILTER Enable the optional lter (CW or SSB) OFF/SSB/CW OFF39 PKT MIC Adjust the audio input level from the TNC during 1200 bps Packet operation 0 ~ 100 5040 PKT RATE Set the transceiver’s circuitry for the Packet baud rate 1200/9600 bps 1200 bps41 RESUME Set the delay time for scanning resumption OFF/3/5/10 seconds 5 sec42 RPT SHIFT Set the magnitude of the Repeater Shift 0 ~ 99.99 MHz 243 SCOPE Select the Spectrum Scope mode CONT/CHK CONT44 SIDETONE Adjust the CW sidetone volume level 0 ~ 100 5045 SQL/RF-G Select the configuration of the front panel’s knob RF-GAIN/SQL 146 SSB MIC Adjust the microphone gain level for the SSB mode 0 ~ 100 5047 SSB STEP Select the tuning steps for the  knob on the SSB mode 1/2.5/5 kHz 2.5 kHz48 TONE FREQ Setting the CTCSS Tone Frequency 50 Std CTCSS tones 88.5 Hz49 TOT TIME Select the Time-Out-Timer time OFF/1 ~ 20 min OFF50 VOX DELAY Set the “hang time” for the VOX circuitry 100 ~ 2500 msec 500 msec51 VOX GAIN Set the gain of the VOX circuitry’s input audio detector 1 ~ 100 5052 EXTEND Enable/disable the extended Menu Items (#53 ~ #57) OFF/ON OFF53 DCS INV Select “Normal” or “Inverted” DCS coding Tn-Rn/Tn-Riv/Tiv-Rn/Tiv-Riv Tn-Rn54 R LSB CAR Set the Rx Carrier Point for LSB -300 ~ +300 Hz 0 Hz55 R USB CAR Set the Rx Carrier Point for USB -300 ~ +300 Hz 0 Hz56 T LSB CAR Set the Tx Carrier Point for LSB -300 ~ +300 Hz 0 Hz57 T USB CAR Set the Tx Carrier Point for USB -300 ~ +300 Hz 0 Hz1: Depends on transceiver version.2: Depends on operating band and transceiver version.
58 FT-818 Operating ManualMenu OperationMenu Item 01 [144 ARS]Function: Activate/deactivate the Automatic Repeater Shift when operating on the 144 MHz band.Available Values: OFF/ONDefault: ON (depending on transceiver version)Menu Item 02 [430 ARS]Function: Activate/deactivate the Automatic Repeater Shift when operating on the 430 MHz band.Available Values: OFF/ONDefault: ON (depending on transceiver version)Menu Item 03 [9600 MIC]Function: Adjust the audio input level from the TNC during 9600 bps Packet operation.Available Values: 0 ~ 100Default: 50Menu Item 04 [AM&FM DL]Function: Enabling/disabling the   knob on the AM and FM modes.Available Values: ENABLE/DISABLEDefault: DISABLEMenu Item 05 [AM MIC]Function: Adjust the microphone gain level for the AM mode.Available Values: 0 ~ 100Default: 50Menu Item 06 [AM STEP]Function: Select the tuning steps for the   knob on the AM mode.Available Values: 2.5/5/9/10/12.5/25kHzDefault: 5 kHz (depending on transceiver version)Menu Item 07 [ANTENNA]Function: Select the antenna connector to be used on each operating band (HF/50/144/430 MHz).Available Values: FRONT/REARDefault: HF: REAR, 50/144/430 MHz: FRONTWhen select the REAR antenna connector, the “R” icon will appear on the displayMenu Item 08 [APO TIME]Function: Select the Auto Power Off time (time before power goes off).Available Values: OFF/1h ~ 6hDefault: OFF
59FT-818 Operating ManualMenu OperationMenu Item 09 [ARTS BEEP]Function: Select the ARTS beep mode.Available Values: OFF/RANGE/ALLDefault: RANGEOFF:  No alert beeps sound; you must look at the display to determine current ARTS status.RANGE: A high tone beep will sound when the transceiver rst detects that you are with-in range, and a low beep will sound when the other station goes out of range.ALL:  A high tone beep will sound every time a polling transmission is received from the other station, and a low beep will sound once when the other station goes out of range.Menu Item 10 [BACKLIGHT]Function: Select the LCD lamp mode.Available Values: OFF/ON/AUTODefault: AUTOOFF:  Disables the LCD lamp.ON:  Illuminates the LCD lamp continuously.AUTO: Illuminates the LCD lamp for ve seconds when any key is pressed.Menu Item 11 [BATT-CHG]Function: Select the battery charging time.Available Values: 6/8/10 h (hours)Default: 10 hMenu Item 12 [BEEP FREQ]Function: Select the beep frequencyAvailable Values: 440/880 HzDefault: 880 HzMenu Item 13 [BEEP VOL]Function: Select the beep volumeAvailable Values: 0 ~ 100Default: 50Menu Item 14 [CAT RATE]Function: Set the transceiver’s circuitry for the CAT baud rate to be used.Available Values: 4800/9600/38400 bpsDefault: 4800 bpsMenu Item 15 [COLOR]Function: Select the illumination color for the LCD illumination.Available Values: COLOR1 (Blue)/COLOR2 (Amber)/COLOR3 (Violet)Default: COLOR1(Blue)
60 FT-818 Operating ManualMenu OperationMenu Item 16 [CONTRAST]Function: Setting of the display contrast level.Available Values: 1 ~ 12Default: 5Menu Item 17 [CW DELAY]Function: Set the receiver recovery time during pseudo-VOX CW semi-break-in opera-tion.Available Values: 10 ~ 500 msecDefault: 250 msecThe recovery time may be adjusted in steps of 10 msec. A longer delay may be preferable if you pause frequently while sending.Menu Item 18 [CW ID]Function: Enables/disables the CW identier during ARTS operation.Available Values: OFF/ONDefault: OFFMenu Item 19 [CW PADDLE]Function: Select the keyer paddle’s wiring conguration.Available Values: NORMAL/REVERSEDefault: NORMALNORMAL:  Keyer paddle polarity is normal. The “tip” plug connection produces dots, and the “ring” plug connection produces dashes.REVERSE: Keyer paddle polarity is inverted. The “tip” paddle produces dashes, and the “ring” paddle produces dots.Menu Item 20 [CW PITCH]Function: Setting of the pitch of the CW sidetone, BFO offset, and CW lter center fre-quencies.Available Values: 300 ~ 1000 HzDefault: 700 HzThe CW pitch may be adjusted in steps of 50 Hz.Menu Item 21 [CW SPEED]Function: Set the sending speed for the built-in Electronic keyer.Available Values: 4wpm ~ 60 wpm/20cpm ~ 300 cpmDefault: 12 wpm (60 cpm)You can set the sending speed according to either of two units of speed (wpm: words per minute;  cpm: characters per minute). To switch units between “wpm” and “cpm,” just press the   knob.
61FT-818 Operating ManualMenu OperationMenu Item 22 [CW WEIGHT]Function: Set the Dot:Dash ratio for the built-in electronic keyer.Available Values: 1:2.5 ~ 1:4.5Default: 1:3.0Menu Item 23 [DCS CODE]Function: Setting the DCS code.Available Values: 104 Standard DCS codesDefault: 023DCS Code023 025 026 031 032 036 043 047 051 053 054 065 071 072 073074 114 115 116 122 125 131 132 134 143 145 152 155 156 162165 172 174 205 212 223 225 226 243 244 245 246 251 252 255261 263 265 266 271 274 306 311 315 325 331 332 343 346 351356 364 365 371 411 412 413 423 431 432 445 446 452 454 455462 464 465 466 503 506 516 523 526 532 546 565 606 612 624627 631 632 654 662 664 703 712 723 731 732 734 743 754 -Menu Item 24 [DIG DISP]Function: Define the displayed frequency offset during DIG (USER-L or USER-U) mode operation.Available Values: –3000 ~ +3000 HzDefault: 0 HzMenu Item 25 [DIG MIC]Function: Adjust the audio input level from terminal equipment (such as a TNC or PSK-31 sound card) during DIG (Digital) mode operation.Available Values: 0 ~ 100Default: 50Menu Item 26 [DIG MODE]Function: Select the mode and sideband (if applicable) in the DIG (Digital) mode.Available Values: RTTY/PSK31-L/PSK31-U/USER-L/USER-UDefault: RTTYRTTY:   AFSK RTTY operation on the LSB modePSK31-L: PSK-31 operation on the LSB modePSK31-U: PSK-31 operation on the USB modeUSER-L:  User-programmed costume operation based on LSB modeUSER-U: User-programmed costume operation based on USB modeIn the USER-L and  USER-U modes, you  can  dene  the display frequency  offset and carrier frequency offset by menu Items #24 (DIG DISP) and #27 (DIG SHIFT).
62 FT-818 Operating ManualMenu OperationMenu Item 27 [DIG SHIFT]Function: Dene  the carrier  frequency  offset during DIG  (USER-L or USER-U)  mode operation.Available Values: –3000 ~ +3000 HzDefault: 0 HzMenu Item 28 [EMERGENCY]: USA Version onlyFunction: Enable Tx/Rx operation on the Alaska Emergency Channel, 5167.5 kHz.Available Values: OFF/ONDefault: OFFWhen this Menu Item is set to “ON,” the spot frequency of 5167.5 kHz will be enabled. To get to this frequency, use the   knob to navigate; the Alaska Emergency Channel will be found between the Memory channel “M-PU” and “M-001.” Use of this frequency is restricted to amateurs operating in (or within 92.6 km of) the U.S. State of Alaska, and it is to be used for emergency communications only (involving the immediate protection of life or property).Menu Item 29 [FM MIC]Function: Adjust the microphone gain level for the FM mode.Available Values: 0 ~ 100Default: 50Menu Item 30 [FM STEP]Function: Select the tuning steps for the   knob on the FM mode.Available Values: 5/6.25/10/12.5/15/20/25/50 kHzDefault: 5 kHz (depends on operating band and transceiver version)Menu Item 31 [ID]Function: Store your callsign into the CW identifier. Up to eight characters may be stored. The storage procedure is as follows:1.  Press the   knob momentarily to initiate callsign storage (an “under-bar” will appear below the rst character location of the callsign).2.  Rotate the   knob to select the rst letter/number of your callsign, then rotate the   knob one click clockwise to save the rst letter/number and move to the next entry position.3.  Repeat the previous step as many times as necessary to complete your callsign.4.  Press the   knob to save your completed callsign and exit.Default: YAESU
63FT-818 Operating ManualMenu OperationMenu Item 32 [LOCK MODE]Function: Select the operation of the front panel’s   key.Available Values: DIAL/FREQ/PANELDefault: DIALDIAL: Locks   knob onlyFREQ:  Locks front panel keys and knobs related to frequency control (such as  and   key,   (A/B) key., etc.)PANEL: Locks all front keys and knobs (except   key and   key)Menu Item 33 [MAIN STEP]Function: Setting of the   knob’s tuning speed.Available Values: FINE/COARSEDefault: FINEYou may choose between two speeds for the   knob. Selecting “COARSE” doubles the tuning rate compared to the default value.Menu Item 34 [MEM GROUP]Function: Enable/disable the memory grouping featureAvailable Values: OFF/ONDefault: OFFWhen this Menu Item is set to “ON,” the 200 “standard” memory channels are partitioned into ten Memory Groups, each holding up to 20 memory channels.Menu Item 35 [MEM TAG]Function: Store Alpha-Numeric “Tags” for the memory channels.Up to eight characters may be stored. The storage procedure is as follows:1.  Recall the memory channel on which you wish to append a label.2.  Recall this Menu Item [Menu #35 (MEM TAG)].3.  Press the   knob momentarily to initiate storing of the Tag (an under-bar will appear below the rst character location).4.  Rotate the   knob to select the rst character (number, letter, or symbol) in the name you with to store, then rotate the   knob clockwise to move to the next character.5.  Again rotate the   knob to select the next number, letter, or symbol, then ro-tate the   knob clockwise to move to the next character’s slot.6.  Repeat step 5 as many times as necessary to complete the name tag for the memo-ry.7.  Press the   knob to save the A/N (Alpha-Numeric) Tag and exit.
64 FT-818 Operating ManualMenu OperationMenu Item 36 [MIC KEY]Function: Enable/disable CW keying by the microphone’s [UP]/[DWN] keys.Available Values: OFF/ONDefault: OFFWhen this Menu Item is set to “ON,” press the microphone’s [UP] key to send a “dot,” and press the microphone’s [DWN] key to send a “dash” (while the built-in electronic keyer is engaged).Menu Item 37 [MIC SCAN]Function: Enable/disable scanning access via the microphone’s [UP]/[DWN] keys.Available Values: OFF/ONDefault: ONMenu Item 38 [OP FILTER]Function: Enable the optional lter (CW or SSB) path.Available Values: OFF/SSB/CWDefault: OFFAfter installing the optional lter, set this Menu Item to dene the signal path correspond-ing top the lter you have installed.Menu Item 39 [PKT MIC]Function: Adjust the audio input level from the TNC during 1200 bps Packet operation.Available Values: 0 ~ 100Default: 50Menu Item 40 [PKT RATE]Function: Set the transceiver’s circuitry for the Packet baud rate to be used.Available Values: 1200/9600 bpsDefault: 1200 bpsMenu Item 41 [RESUME]Function: Set the delay time for scanning resumption.Available Values: OFF/3/5/10 secondsDefault: 5 secWhen this Menu Item set to “OFF,” the scanner stops (without restarting) until you press the   (SCN) key (or the microphone’s [UP]/[DWN] keys).Menu Item 42 [RPT SHIFT]Function: Set the magnitude of the Repeater Shift.Available Values: 0 ~ 99.99 MHzDefault: Depends on transceiver version, and the band in use. Each band’s repeater shift (HF/50/144/430 MHz) may be set independently.
65FT-818 Operating ManualMenu OperationMenu Item 43 [SCOPE]Function: Select the Spectrum Scope mode.Available Values: CONT/CHKDefault: CONTCONT: The Spectrum Scope sweeps continuously.CHK:  The Spectrum Scope sweeps one cycle every 10 seconds.Menu Item 44 [SIDETONE]Function: Adjust the CW sidetone volume level.Available Values: 0 ~ 100Default: 50Menu Item 45 [SQL/RF-G]Function: Select the conguration of the front panel’s   knob.Available Values: RF-GAIN/SQLDefault: Depends on transceiver versionMenu Item 46 [SSB MIC]Function: Adjust the microphone gain level for the SSB mode.Available Values: 0 ~ 100Default: 50Menu Item 47 [SSB STEP]Function: Select the tuning steps for the   knob on the SSB mode.Available Values: 1/2.5/5 kHzDefault: 2.5 kHzMenu Item 48 [TONE FREQ]Function: Setting the CTCSS Tone Frequency.Available Values: 50 Standard CTCSS tonesDefault: 88.5 HzCTCSS Tone Frequency (Hz)67.0 69.3 71.9 74.4 77.0 79.7 82.5 85.4 88.5 91.5 94.8 97.4 100.0103.5 107.2 110.9 114.8 118.8 123.0 127.3 131.8 136.5 141.3 146.2 151.4 156.7159.8 162.2 165.5 167.9 171.3 173.8 177.3 179.9 183.5 186.2 189.9 192.8 196.6199.5 203.5 206.5 210.7 218.1 225.7 229.1 233.6 241.8 250.3 254.1 - -Menu Item 49 [TOT TIME]Function: Select the Time-Out-Timer time.Available Values: OFF/1 ~ 20 minDefault: OFFMenu Item 50 [VOX DELAY]Function: Set the “hang time” for the VOX circuitry.Available Values: 100 ~ 2500 msecDefault: 500 msec
66 FT-818 Operating ManualMenu OperationMenu Item 51 [VOX GAIN]Function: Set the gain of the VOX circuitry’s input audio detector.Available Values: 1 ~ 100Default: 50Menu Item 52 [EXTEND]Function: Enable/disable the extended Menu Items (#53 ~ #57).Available Values: OFF/ONDefault: OFFMenu Item 53 [DCS INV]Function: Select “Normal” or “Inverted” DCS coding.Available Values: Tn-Rn/Tn-Riv/Tiv-Rn/Tiv-RivDefault: Tn-Rn“n” = “normal“iv” = “inverted”Menu Item 54 [R LSB CAR]Function: Set the Rx Carrier Point for LSBAvailable Values: –300 ~ +300 HzDefault: 0 HzMenu Item 55 [R USB CAR]Function: Set the Rx Carrier Point for USBAvailable Values: –300 ~ +300 HzDefault: 0 HzMenu Item 56 [T LSB CAR]Function: Set the Tx Carrier Point for LSBAvailable Values: –300 ~ +300 HzDefault: 0 HzMenu Item 57 [T USB CAR]Function: Set the Tx Carrier Point for USBAvailable Values: –300 ~ +300 HzDefault: 0 Hz
67FT-818 Operating ManualCloningYou can transfer all data stored in one transceiver to another set by utilizing the handy “Cloning” feature. This requires a user-constructed cloning cable which connects the ACC jacks on the two transceivers as shown below.To clone from one transceiver to another, use the following procedure:1.  Insert the Clone Cable into the ACC jack of each transceiver.2.  Turn both transceivers off, then press and hold in the  and   keys on each radio while turning the power on again. The “CLONE MODE” notation will ap-pear on the display.3.  On the “destination” radio, press the   key.4.  Now, on the “source” radio, press the   key. Data will now be transferred to the “Destination” radio from the “Source” radio.5.  If there is a problem during the cloning process, “Error” will be displayed. Check your cable connections and try again.6.  If cloning is successful, turn the “destination” radio off. Now turn the “source” radio off.Remove the clone cable. Channel and operating data for both radios are now identical. They both may be turned on now for normal operation.When the radio is “Large Character” mode, the radio does not display the “CLONE MODE” which indicates the “clone mode”. However, the clone operation is the same method.GNDKEY DATA ACCANTINPUT  13.8V:GNDKEY DATA ACCANTINPUT  13.8V:TX DTX DRX DGNDGNDRX DSource radioDistination radio
68 FT-818 Operating ManualOptiOnal FilterS YF-122S/YF-122c/YF-122cn1.  Turn the transceiver’s power off by pressing and holding in the   switch for 1/2 second, then remove the FBA-28 Battery Case or SBR-32MH Ni-MH Battery Pack from the transceiver. Additionally, disconnect the DC cable from the INPUT: 13.8V  jack on the rear panel of the transceiver, when operating the FT-818 with a DC power supply.2.  Referring to Figure 1, remove the shoulder belt bracket and its two screws from both side of the transceiver, then remove the ve screws afxing the top case of the trans-ceiver, and remove the top case; disconnect the speaker’s connector when you remove the top case.3.  Refer to Figure 2 for the mounting locations for the optional lters. Position the lter so that its connectors are aligned with the mounting pins on the board, and push it into place.4.  Replace the top case (remember to replace the internal speaker’s plug), and connect the  FBA-28 Battery Case or SBR-32MH Ni-MH Battery Pack (and/or attach the DC power supply), and turn the transceiver on by pressing and holding in the   switch.5.  Change the setting of Menu #38 (OP FILTER) to “SSB” (if installing the YF-122S), or “CW” (for the YF-122C/YF-122CN).6.  Filter installation is now complete.Installation of Optional AccessoriesFigure 1 Figure 2
69FT-818 Operating ManualSome or all transceiver settings can be reset to their factory-default states using one of the following power-on routines:  + POWER on: Reset all memories and following menu setting to factory-de-fault.  Menu #06 (AM STEP), 23 (DCS CODE), 30 (FM STEP), 35 (MEM TAG), 42 (RPT SHIFT), 47 (SSB STEP), and 48 (TONE FREQ).   + POWER on: Reset all menu setting (except following menu) to factory-default.  Menu #06 (AM STEP), 23 (DCS CODE), 30 (FM STEP), 35 (MEM TAG), 42 (RPT SHIFT), 47 (SSB STEP), and 48 (TONE FREQ).   + POWER on: CPU master reset for all memories and menu setting. Some menu mode items are not initialized unless turn the power switchoff and on after having performed “Menu Mode Reset” or “All Reset”.Power-on Microprocessor Reset Procedure
70 FT-818 Operating Manualband data FOrMatThe FT-818 BAND DATA Format (available on the ACC jack) is presented below. The BAND DATA line provides a stepped voltage, which denotes the current operating band. This data may be interpreted by an external device (such as an antenna switch or ampli-er)to provide automatic band switching.BAND LEVEL BAND LEVEL BAND LEVEL BAND LEVEL1.8 MHz 0.33 V 10 MHz 1.33 V 21 MHz 2.33 V 50 MHz 3.33 V3.5 MHz 0.67 V 14 MHz 1.67 V 24.5 MHz 2.67 V 144 MHz 3.67 V7 MHz 1.00 V 18 MHz 2.00 V 28 MHz 3.00 V 430 MHz 4.00 VUse shielded cable for interconnections to external devices, so as to prevent RF interfer-ence.Appendix
71FT-818 Operating ManualGeneralFrequency Range:  Receive:  100 kHz-30 MHz    50 MHz-54 MHz    76 MHz-154 MHz    420 MHz-470 MHz  Transmit:  160-6 Meters (USA: includes 60 meters)    2 Meters    70 Centimeters (Amateur bands only)  5.1675 MHz Alaska Emergency Frequency (USA only)Emission Modes:  A1A (CW), A3E (AM), J3E (LSB/USB), F3E (FM),  F1D (9600 bps packet), F2D (1200 bps packet)Synthesizer Steps (Min.):  10 Hz (CW/SSB), 100 Hz (AM/FM)Antenna Impedance:  50 Ohms, Unbalanced (Front: Type BNC, Rear: Type M)Operating Temp. Range:  –10 °C to +60 °C (+14 °F to +140 °F)Frequency Stability:  ±0.5 ppm from 1 min. to 60 min after power on.  @25 °C: 1 ppm/hourSupply Voltage:  Normal:  13.8 VDC ± 15 %, Negative Ground  Operating:  8.0-16.0 V, Negative Ground FBA-28 (w/8 “AA” Alkaline Cells):  12.0 V SBR-32MH (Ni-MH Battery Pack):  9.6 VCurrent Consumption:  Squelched:  250 mA (Approx.)  Receive:  450 mA  Transmit:  2.4 A (HF/145 MHz), 2.7 A (430 MHz)Case Size (W x H x D):  135 x 38 x 165 mm (5.31” x 1.5” x 6.50”)Weight (Approx.):  1.17 kg (2.58 lb) w/Alkaline battery, antenna, w/o Micro-phoneTransmiTTerRF Power Output:  6 W (SSB/CW/FM), 1.5 W (AM Carrier) @13.8 VModulation Types:  SSB:  Balanced Modulator  AM:  Early Stage (Low Level)  FM:  Variable ReactanceFM Maximum Deviation:  ±5 kHz (FM-N: ±2.5 kHz)Spurious Radiation:  –50 dB (1.8-29.7 MHz)  –60 dB (50/144/430 MHz)Carrier Suppression:  >40 dBOpp. Sideband Supp.:  >50 dBSSB Frequency Response: 400 Hz-2600 Hz (–6 dB) Microphone Impedance:  200-10k Ohms (Nominal: 600 Ohms)Specications
72 FT-818 Operating ManualSpecicationsreceiverCircuit Type:  Double-Conversion Superheterodyne Intermediate Frequencies: 1st: 68.33 MHz (SSB/CW/AM/FM); 10.7 MHz (WFM)  2nd: 455 kHzSensitivity:   SSB/CW  AM  FM  100 kHz-500 kHz  –  –  –  500 kHz-1.8 MHz  –  32 µV  –  1.8 MHz-28 MHz  0.25 µV  2 µV  –  28 MHz-30 MHz  0.25 µV  2 µV  0.5 µV  50 MHz-54 MHz  0.2 µV  2 µV  0.32 µV  144/430 MHz  0.125 µV  –  0.2 µV  (IPO, ATT off, SSB/CW/AM = 10 dB S/N, FM = 12 dB SINAD)Squelch Sensitivity:   SSB/CW/AM  FM  1.8 MHz-28 MHz  2.5 µV  –  28 MHz-30 MHz  2.5 µV  0.32 µV  50 MHz-54 MHz  1 µV  0.2 µV  144/430 MHz  0.5 µV  0.16 µV  (IPO, ATT off)Image Rejection:  HF/50 MHz: 70 dB  144/430 MHz: 60 dBIF Rejection:  60 dB Selectivity (–6/–60 dB):  SSB/CW:  2.2 kHz/4.5 kHz  AM:  6 kHz/20 kHz  FM:  15 kHz/30 kHz  FM-N:  9 kHz/25 kHz SSB (optional YF-122S installed): 2.3 kHz/4.7 kHz (–66 dB)  CW (optional YF-122C installed): 500 Hz/2.0 kHz  CW (optional YF-122CN installed): 300 Hz/1.0 kHzAF Output:  1.0 W (8 Ohms, 10% THD or less)AF Output Impedance:  4-16 OhmsSpecications are subject to change without notice, and are guaranteed within amateur bands only.Frequency ranges vary according to transceiver version; check with your dealer.
1. Changes or modifications to this device not expressly approved by YAESU MUSEN could void the user’s authorization to operate this device.2. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions; (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference including received, interference that may cause undesired operation.3. The scanning receiver in this equipment is incapable of tuning, or readily being altered, by the User to operate within the frequency bands allocated to the Domestic public Cellular Telecommunications Service in Part 22.This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s).Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.WARNING: MODIFICATION OF THIS DEVICE TO RECEIVE CELLULAR RADIOTELEPHONE SERVICE SIGNALS IS PROHIBITED UNDER FCC RULES AND FEDERAL LAW.DECLARATION BY MANUFACTURERThe Scanner receiver is not a digital scanner and is incapable of being converted or modied to a digital scanner receiver by any user.
Printed in JapanCopyright 2018YAESU MUSEN CO., LTD.All rights reserved.No portion of this manual may bereproduced without the permission ofYAESU MUSEN CO., LTD.YAESU MUSEN CO., LTD.Tennozu Parkside Building2-5-8 Higashi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 140-0002 JapanYAESU USA6125 Phyllis Drive, Cypress, CA 90630, U.S.A.YAESU UKUnit 12, Sun Valley Business Park, Winnall CloseWinchester, Hampshire, SO23 0LB, U.K.*E13771015*E137710151707M-IS

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