Xmark VH2R VERICHIP H2 READER User Manual 160 8534 Booklet

Xmark Corporation VERICHIP H2 READER 160 8534 Booklet


21USER INSTRUCTIONSDescriptionThe VeriChip H2 Reader is hand-held Radio FrequencyIdentification (RFID) reader which activates an implantedVeriMed™ RFID Microtransponder with a low power, lowfrequency (LF) electromagnetic field. The Readerreceives a unique 16-digit ID number from the VeriMedMicrotransponder. The ID number is used to provide, withpatient consent, physicians and other healthprofessionals access to a secure database that willprovide the implanted person’s identity and healthinformation provided by the patient.IndicationsThe VeriChip H2 Reader is indicated for use as a portableinstrument that non-invasively reads the ID number of animplantable VeriMed Microtransponder that is insertedinto the arm of the patient. When activated, the VeriMedMicrotransponder transmits a unique identificationnumber that will be displayed by the VeriChip H2 Readerand may be used to access the patient’s identity andauthorized health information from a secure database.ContraindicationsNone.Contents: VeriChip H2 Reader Assembly Part Number 600-000515-000 (includes all of the following):VeriChip H2™ Reader Activation with Manufacturer Settings1. Press Button F1 and release to power on the Reader.2. The Reader will enter a self diagnostic mode displaying the following on the LCD screen:a. “Initializing”b. “VeriChip H2 Reader”“BT Master Rev x.xx”c. All Pixels active on the two line screen displayd. The number “8” will display in all positionsCheck for missing segments. If segments are missing, do notuse and return Reader immediately for repair or replacement.e. “Battery OK”f. “BT Connecting - Inquiry Done - Please Wait”3. Screen will display “PRESS F1 TO SCAN”4. Pressthe F1 button and “SCANNING” will be displayed.5. Perform the scanning process as described on page 3.6. When a VeriMed ID number is found, an audible chirp willbe heard and the VeriMed ID number will be displayed onthe top line of the LCD and on the second line theinstruction “PRESS F1 TO SCAN” is displayed.To initiate a new scan session press F1 again.To scan for a different VeriMed Microtransponder press the F1 buttontoclear the previous ID number and to restart the scanning mode.Description Part NumberVeriChip H2 Reader (1) 600-100313-000with lanyard and instructioncard attachedInstructions for Use (1) 981-000302-000Batteries AA (1 set of 4) 303-000014-000Test Microtransponder (1) 670-000001-000Bluetooth Receiver (1)  672-000001-000with related Driver CD (1)Folder Poster (1) 420-000025-000Instructional CD (1) 672-000002-000USB Cable(1) 301-000025-000
3 4Prior to Scanning PatientScan test Microtransponderprovided with VeriChip H2 Reader to verify unit functionality prior to use (photo).. Scanning Procedure forLocating an Implanted VeriMed MicrotransponderTo scan/locate a Microtransponderfirst activate the Reader asdescribed above. Press and releasethe F1 button when instructed on theLCD.  DO NOT hold down F1 buttonduring scan operation. Place theReader next to the skin, parallel andalong side the area to be scanned (see photo). Startingabout 2 inches above the elbow, move the scanner slowlyup the rear part of the arm. The injection site may varybut it typically will be between the elbow and shoulder ofthe triceps area of the upper arm. When a VeriMedMicrotransponder is located, the VeriChip H2 Reader willemit an audible chirp and display the 16-digit ID numberon the LCD screen.Depending on which communication configuration isestablished, the VeriMed ID number will be entered viaUSB or Bluetooth into the designated entry field in theweb enabled VeriMed Patient Registry. If nocommunication is established, the PC keyboard can beused to manually enter the ID number.Turning the Reader OffThe Reader can be turned off manually atany time by simultaneously pressingand holding down the F2 and F3 buttons.If the Authorization Code is enabled andan incorrect Authorization Code be entered, the unit willimmediately power-off.The Reader will automatically power down should itremain idle for 5 minutes.Use of VeriMed Reader with PassiveMicrotransponders of Different RFID FrequenciesThe VeriMed H2 Reader is capable of reading the VeriMedMicrotransponder frequency of 134.2 kHz as well as 125KHz. Place the Reader within the effective range of thepassive RFID Microtransponder (no more than 2.5 inches)to obtain the ID number from the Microtransponder.Installing/Replacing the BatteriesRemove the battery compartment doorby pressing the tab and sliding towardsthe base of the Reader case. Insert 4 AAalkaline batteries into the batterycompartment as indicated (see photo).Replace the battery compartment cover and test theReader using the provided test RFID Microtransponder.When the Reader battery power level drops to a pointinsufficient to read a VeriMed Microtransponder the Readerwill automatically shut off. The Reader will display “LOWBATTERY” followed by “REPLACE BATTERY”. When thesemessages appear on the LCD, replace batteries immediately.
875 6Authorization Code OptionTo provide a means of securing the VeriMed H2 Readeragainst unauthorized use, an optional start-upAuthorization Code function is provided. This modalityconsists of 8 entries of the two auxiliary buttons, F2 (left)and F3 (right) in a predefined sequence. The factorydefault setting is ‘disabled’, i.e. the unit will not promptthe user to enter an Authorization Code, but rather willimmediately proceed to scan mode and establishing alink with the host computer. This feature can be enabledor disabled through the Configuration Mode (seeconfiguration mode section below).If enabled, the Authorization Code is entered after theReader is turned on and self-tests are complete. Theuser must press the two auxiliary buttons a total of 8times in predefined sequence. This sequence can becustomized and stored in the EEPROM. The defaultsequence (programmed at the time of manufacture) is:F2,F2,F3,F3,F2,F3,F2,F3Enabling Authorization CodeTo enable authorization process, the user must sendthe ‘?’ character from the HyperTerminal to the unitvia a serial link in Configuration Mode.To disable authorization process, the user must sendthe ‘!’ character from the HyperTerminal to the unitvia a serial link in Configuration Mode.Changing the Authorization CodeTo change this sequence, the user must power up theunit and go into Configuration Mode. To enter the newsequence, the user must send the ‘#’ character to theVH2R over the serial link. Immediately after that theunit will accept exactly 8 characters ‘l’ for F2 and ‘r’for F1 (“l” for left and “r” for right button locations inlowercase only) in the user defined sequence and thenew key is stored in the Reader EEPROM.If the Code becomes lost, call customer service forassistance.If the key sequence is entered incorrectly, the unitdisplays ‘ACCESS DENIED’ on the LCD and shutsdown after 1 second.If the sequence is entered correctly, the unitimmediately tries connecting to the host according tothe set communication mode.Configuration ModeTo operate in this mode the user should perform thefollowing actions:• Connect the USB cable from the host computer to theVH2R Reader.• Turn on the VH2R Reader by pressing the F1 (largecenter) and F2 button. The VH2R Reader will go throughits self-test procedure. Enter the Authorization sequenceas described later in this document if you are promptedto “Enter Code” by the message on the unit’s LCD.• Start the appropriate communication program on thehost computer system. For example, the user maylaunch the HyperTerminal program and connect to theserial port created by the USB driver. The VH2R readerwill stay in this idle mode for up to 5 minutes. The userhas two choices – to initiate a scan (normal operation)or enter the configuration mode. If no choice is madeuntil the timeout, the unit will power down. Thecommunication program (HyperTerminal) should be setto 9600 Baud, 8 data bits, one stop bit, no parity (8-N-1).To enter the configuration mode, the user should send apredetermined command from the host to VH2R (letter ‘c’in lower case). The power down timer will be extended uponreceiving any character from the host system. When thetimer expires, the unit will power down. All configurationsettings are stored in non-volatile memory immediatelyafter they are entered. To exit the configuration mode, theuser can either use a special command from PC – letter ‘q’in lower case (the VH2R will go into Idle mode), or press theF1 button (the VH2R will enter scan mode).An example of configuration menu screen:VeriChip H2 Reader CONFIG MODE m- BT Masters - BT Slaveu - USBr - Ricoh G3@- BT MAC# - Unlock Code? - Unlock Required!  -Unlock Not Requiredq  -QuitVeriMed H2 Reader CommunicationThe unit has two communication devices – USB and Bluetooth.Only one communication mode can be used at any time. Both communication channels are bi-directional. When apassive VeriMed Microtransponder is acquired by theVH2R Reader, the ID number is sent to the host computer.The host computer can also send certain information backto the VH2R Reader. This feature is used to change currentconfigurations of the VH2R Reader, including possible aswitch between its communication modes (from USB toBT and back) and utilizing the Authorization Code option.VeriChip H2™ Reader Operation in USB ModeTo operate in this mode the user should perform thefollowing actions:• Connect the USB cable from the host computer to theVH2R Reader. The USB port is located in the rear of thecase. Lift the protective cover and insert the cable.• To perform the scan, the user should press the F1button once again. The VH2R will turn on the LF (lowfrequency) interrogation field and try to acquire aMicrotransponder. The field will stay on for 12 secondsor until a valid Microtransponder is acquired. If aMicrotransponder has not been acquired, the VH2R willgo into the idle mode. If a Microtransponder has beenacquired, its ID number will be displayed on VH2R LCDand sent to the host computer via the USB interface.After this the VH2R will enter its idle mode and be readyfor another scan session or power down after 5minutes. The unit can be powered down from this stateby pressing the two smaller buttons (F2 and F3)simultaneously.Note: Operating in the USB mode, the unit does not monitorthe status of communication link. That is, if the USB cablebecomes disconnected, the user will not be notified. If thecable was not connected to the host system, the latter maynot be able to open the serial port. Disconnecting the cableduring the communication session may produce an error onthe host system.VeriChip H2 Reader Operation in Bluetooth Master ModeIn the Master mode the VH2R performs the discovery andthen dials the host computer system acting as a Bluetooth(BT) master. As a consequence, no action is required on theMaintain a record of the Authorization Code forfuture reference. Loss of Authorization Codeaccess will require a call to customer service.
87To enter the configuration mode, the user should send apredetermined command from the host to VH2R (letter ‘c’in lower case). The power down timer will be extended uponreceiving any character from the host system. When thetimer expires, the unit will power down. All configurationsettings are stored in non-volatile memory immediatelyafter they are entered. To exit the configuration mode, theuser can either use a special command from PC – letter ‘q’in lower case (the VH2R will go into Idle mode), or press theF1 button (the VH2R will enter scan mode).An example of configuration menu screen:VeriChip H2 Reader CONFIG MODE m- BT Masters - BT Slaveu - USBr - Ricoh G3@- BT MAC# - Unlock Code?- Unlock Required!-Unlock Not Requiredq-QuitVeriMed H2 Reader CommunicationThe unit has two communication devices – USB and Bluetooth.Only one communication mode can be used at any time. Both communication channels arebi-directional. When apassive VeriMed Microtransponder is acquired by theVH2R Reader, the ID number is sent to the host computer.The host computer can also send certain information backto the VH2R Reader. This feature is used to change currentconfigurations of the VH2R Reader, including possible aswitch between its communication modes (from USB toBT and back) and utilizing the Authorization Code option.VeriChip H2™ Reader Operation in USB ModeTo operate in this mode the user should perform thefollowing actions:•Connect the USB cable from the host computer to theVH2R Reader. The USB port is located in the rear of thecase. Lift the protective cover and insert the cable.•To perform the scan, the user should press the F1button once again. The VH2R will turn on the LF (lowfrequency) interrogation field and try to acquire aMicrotransponder. The field will stay on for 12 secondsor until a valid Microtransponder is acquired. If aMicrotransponder has not been acquired, the VH2R willgo into the idle mode. If a Microtransponder has beenacquired, its ID number will be displayed on VH2R LCDand sent to the host computer via the USB interface.After this the VH2R will enter its idle mode and be readyfor another scan session or power down after 5minutes. The unit can be powered down from this stateby pressing the two smaller buttons (F2 and F3)simultaneously.Note: Operating in the USB mode, the unit does not monitorthe status of communication link. That is, if the USB cablebecomes disconnected, the user will not be notified. If thecablewas not connected to the host system, the latter maynot be able to open the serial port. Disconnecting the cableduring the communication session mayproducean error onthe host system.VeriChip H2 Reader Operation in Bluetooth Master ModeIn the Master mode the VH2R performs the discovery andthen dials the host computer system acting as a Bluetooth(BT) master. As a consequence, no action is required on the
109 11 12Table 201: Guidance and manufacturer's declaration –electromagnetic emissionsThe VeriChip H2 Reader is intended for use in the electromagneticenvironment specified below.  The customer or the user of theVeriChip H2 Reader should assure that it is used in such anenvironment.Emissions test Compliance Electromagneticenvironment  guidanceRF emissions CISPR 11 Group 1 The VeriChip H2 Readeruses RF energy only forits internal function.Therefore, its RFemissions are very lowand are not likely to causeany interference in thenearby electronicequipment.RF emissions CISPR 11 Class B The VeriChip H2 Reader is suitable for use in allestablishments, includingdomestic establishmentsand those directlyconnected to the publiclow-voltage power supplynetwork that suppliesbuildings used fordomestic purposes.Harmonic emissionsIEC 61000-3-2 Not applicableVoltageFluctuations/ flicker emissionNot applicableTable 202: Guidance and manufacturer's declaration-electromagnetic immunityThe VeriChip H2 Reader is intended for use in the electromagneticenvironment specified below.  The customer or the user of theVeriChip H2 Reader should assure that it is used in such an environment.Immunity test IEC 60601 test levelCompliancelevelElectromagneticenvironmentguidanceElectrostaticdischarge(ESD) IEC 61000-4-2±6 KV contact ±8 KV air±6KV contact ±8 KV airFloors shouldbe wood,concrete orceramic tile.  Iffloors arecovered withsyntheticmaterial, therelative humidityshould be atleast 30%.Electrical fasttransient/burstIEC 61000-4-4±2 KV for powersupply lines ±1 KV for input/output linesNot applicable Not applicableSurge IEC 61000-4-5±1 KVdifferentialmode±2 KV commonmodeNot applicable Not applicableVoltage dips,shortinterruptionsand voltagevariations onpower supplyinput lines IEC 61000-4-11<5 % UT(>95%dip in UT) for 0.5cycle 40% UT(60 % dip in UT)for 5 cycles 70%UT(3 % dip in UT)for 25 cycles<5% UT(>95 %dip in UT) for 5secNot applicable Not applicablePowerFrequency(50/60 Hz)magnetic field IEC 61000-4-83 A/m 3 A/m Powerfrequencymagnetic fieldsshould be atlevelscharacteristic of a typicallocation in a typicalcommercial or hospitalenvironment.host computer side. For example, a communication program(HyperTerminal or “keyboard wedge”) may be open and leftrunning regardless of the VH2R being powered on or off. TheVH2R stores the host’s BT MAC address in its non-volatilememory, and will dial only this address no matter how manydevices it discovers performing the inquiry. The MAC addressshould be entered into the device by using other communicationmodes (such as USB or BT Slave) that does not require a prioriknowledge of this address. When Bluetooth encryption isdesired, it must be enabled on both sides of the link (an identicalpasskey word supplied). In this case the passkey should beentered on the PC side only once, during the ‘pairing’ process. Allsubsequent connections between the members of the same pairwill be encrypted automatically, and establishing subsequentlinks will not require entering the passkey unless the devicesbecome ‘unpaired’.The operation is performed as follows:To operate in this mode the user should perform the following actions:• Bring the VH2R and host system within Bluetooth range(about 10m under most conditions).• Start the communication program on the host side(HyperTerminal or keyboard wedge). The exact number ofthe serial port to be used for this connection should beprovided by the Bluetooth service. It has been noticed thatalthough Windows XP has some built-in Bluetooth supportthat can be used to establish the connection, it issignificantly slower than a proprietary stack that comeswith particular BT hardware (e.g. BlueSoleil).• Power up the VH2R by pressing the F1 button and enter theauthorization code if prompted. The device will try to discoverand dial the host. If this is the first time connection, the usermust enter the passkey on the PC side to allow the VH2Rconnection to the PC. If this process has been successful, theuser will be prompted to press the F1 button once again toinitiate scanning for a Microtransponder. If the user pressesthe F1 button without waiting for connection, the VH2R willabort the attempt and go into standalone mode. If the unitcannot discover the host within 20 seconds, it willautomatically abandon the attempt and proceed instandalone mode.• The VH2R will turn on the low frequency (LF) interrogation fieldand try to acquire a Microtransponder. The field will stay on for12 seconds or until a valid Microtransponder is acquired. If aMicrotransponder has not been acquired, the VH2R will go intoidle mode producing a corresponding message on the LCD. If aMicrotransponder has been acquired, its ID number will bedisplayed on VH2R LCD and sent to the host via the BTinterface (if the connection had been established). After thisthe VH2R will enter its idle mode and be ready for another scanor power down after 5 minutes. To shut the unit down earlier,the user can press the F2 and F3 buttons simultaneously.VeriChip H2 Reader Configuration OptionsUSB Override.As described above, the normal way of changing the connectionmode is through the established USB (serial) connection.However, to recover from a situation when the Bluetooth-enabled host becomes unavailable for some reason (forexample: The unit had been configured to work as Bluetoothmaster and programmed with a particular slave MAC address,but that host device is not available), an emergency overrideprocedure exists.To activate the override, the user should power up the VH2Rwhile holding down the Left auxiliary button (F2) until the unitenters the self-test mode. The unit will switch into the USBconnection mode regardless of what had been stored in theEEPROM, and thus enable the user to connect the Reader to thehost by means of USB cable and perform necessary changes.This override is not memorized in the EEPROM and so is validfor this session only, until the unit is powered down. Thisprocedure can also be used for temporary work in USB mode ifthe normal Bluetooth-enabled host is unavailable (a differentwork location, etc.) without the need to re-configure the device.CleaningWipe the Reader with alcohol wipes. Do not submerge orspray liquid directly on the Reader.
11 12Table 201: Guidance and manufacturer's declaration –electromagnetic emissionsThe VeriChip H2 Reader is intended for use in the electromagneticenvironment specified below. The customer or the user of theVeriChip H2 Reader should assure that it is used in such anenvironment.Emissions test Compliance Electromagneticenvironment  guidanceRF emissions CISPR 11 Group 1 The VeriChip H2 Readeruses RF energy only forits internal function.Therefore, its RFemissions are very lowand are not likely to causeany interference in thenearby electronicequipment.RF emissions CISPR 11 Class B The VeriChip H2 Reader is suitable for use in allestablishments, includingdomestic establishmentsand those directlyconnected to the publiclow-voltage power supplynetwork that suppliesbuildings used fordomestic purposes.Harmonic emissionsIEC 61000-3-2 Not applicableVoltageFluctuations/ flicker emissionNot applicableTable 202: Guidance and manufacturer's declaration-electromagnetic immunityThe VeriChip H2 Reader is intended for use in the electromagneticenvironment specified below.  The customer or the user of theVeriChip H2 Reader should assure that it is used in such an environment.Immunity test IEC 60601 test levelCompliancelevelElectromagneticenvironmentguidanceElectrostaticdischarge(ESD) IEC 61000-4-2±6 KV contact ±8 KV air±6KV contact ±8 KV airFloors shouldbe wood,concrete orceramic tile.  Iffloors arecovered withsyntheticmaterial, therelative humidityshould be atleast 30%.Electrical fasttransient/burstIEC 61000-4-4±2 KV for powersupply lines ±1 KV for input/output linesNot applicable Not applicableSurge IEC 61000-4-5±1 KVdifferentialmode±2 KV commonmodeNot applicable Not applicableVoltage dips,shortinterruptionsand voltagevariations onpower supplyinput lines IEC 61000-4-11<5 % UT(>95%dip in UT)for 0.5cycle 40% UT(60 % dip in UT)for 5 cycles 70%UT(3 % dip in UT)for 25 cycles<5% UT(>95 %dip in UT) for 5secNot applicable Not applicablePowerFrequency(50/60 Hz)magnetic field IEC 61000-4-83A/m 3 A/m Powerfrequencymagnetic fieldsshould be atlevelscharacteristic of a typicallocation in atypicalcommercial or hospitalenvironment.CleaningWipe the Reader with alcohol wipes. Do not submerge orspray liquid directly on the Reader.
13 14Table 204: Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration –electromagnetic immunityThe VeriChip H2 Reader is intended for use in the electromagneticenvironment specified below.  The customer or the user of theVeriChip H2 Reader should assure that it is used in such an environment.ImmunityTest IEC 60601test level Compliancelevel Electromagneticenvironment – guidancePortable and mobile RFcommunications equipmentshould be used no closer toany part of the VeriChip H2Reader, including cables,than the recommendedseparation distancecalculated from theequation applicable to thefrequency of the transmitter.ImmunityTest IEC 60601test level Compliancelevel Recommendedseparation distanceConducted RF IEC 61000-4-6NotapplicableNotapplicableNot applicable since theVeriChip H2 Reader is notconnected by cabling anddoes not use a power cord.RadiatedRF IEC 61000-4-33 V/m 80 MHz to 2.5 GHz3 V/m 80 MHz to 800 MHz d= 1.2 √P800 MHz to 2.5 GHz d= 2.3 √PWhere Pis the maximumoutput power rating of thetransmitter in watts (W)according to the transmittermanufacturer and dis therecommended separationdistance in meters (m).Table 204: Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration –electromagnetic immunity (continued on next page)Table 204: Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration –electromagnetic immunity (continuation)ImmunityTest IEC 60601test level Compliancelevel Recommendedseparation distanceRadiated RF IEC 61000-4-33 V/m 80 MHz to2.5 GHz3 V/m Field strengths fromfixed RF transmitters,as determined by anelectromagnetic sitesurvey, ashould be lessthan the compliancelevel in each frequencyrange.  Interferencemay occur in thevicinity of equipmentmarked with thefollowing symbol:NOTE 1:  At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency rangeapplies.NOTE 2:  These guidelines may not apply in all situations.Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflectionfrom structures, objects and people.aField strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations forradio (cellular/cordless) telephones and land mobile radios, amateurradio, AM and FM radio broadcast and TV broadcast cannot bepredicted theoretically with accuracy.  To assess the electromagneticenvironment due to fixed RF transmitters, an electromagnetic sitesurvey should be considered.  If the measured field strength in thelocation in which the VeriChip H2 Reader is used exceeds theapplicable RF compliance level above, the VeriChip H2 Reader should be observed to verify normal operation.  If abnormalperformance is observed, additional measures may be necessary,such as reorienting or relocating the VeriChip H2 Reader.
1615Table 206: Recommended separation distances betweenportable and mobile RF communications equipment and theVeriMed reader.The VeriChip H2 Reader is intended for use in an electromagneticenvironment in which radiated RF disturbances are controlled.  The customer or the user of the VeriChip H2 Reader can help preventelectromagnetic interference by maintaining a minimum distancebetween portable and mobile RF communications equipment(transmitters) and the VeriChip H2 Reader as recommended below,according to the maximum output power of the communicationsequipment.Ratedmaximumoutputpower oftransmitterSeparation distance according to frequency of transmitter150 KHz to 80MHz 80 MHz to800 MHz 800 MHz to2.5 GHzWNot applicable,per IEC 61000-4-6“Conducted RF”since no powercords or cablesare used withthe Reader.d= 1.2 √P d = 2.3 √P0.01 0.12 0.230.1 0.38 0.731 1.2 2.310 3.8 7.3100 12 23For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above, the recommended separation distance din meters (m) can be estimated using the equation applicable to the frequency of thetransmitter, where Pis the maximum output power rating of thetransmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer.  NOTE 1:  At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the separation distance for the higher frequency range applies. NOTE 2:  These guidelines may not apply in all situations.Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people.Operating Frequency 134.2 KHz Frequency Modulation Type Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK)ModulationBandwidth ± 4KHzEffective Radiated Power 0.185mW Radiated Output at 10 meters  28.1 dBuA/m Case Size 178mm L x 82mm W x 32mm H Weight 300g +/- 10g (w/o batteries) Material PC/ABS blend Plastic Operating Temperature &Humidity  32°F to 122°F (0°C to 50°C) andamaximum relative humidity of 90%, noncondensingStorage Temperature &Humidity  -4°F to 140°F (-20°C to 60°C)and a maximum relativehumidity of 90%, non-condensingBatteries  Quantity 4-AA Alkaline Batteries Display LCD 32-character, 2 line, backlitRange 2.5” when optimumconditions are met.  Noexternal interference, nometal near transponder orreader and new batteriesPhysical and Electronic CharacteristicsSterility:  Non-sterile. Do not sterilize. Usage:  Multiuse, battery dependent.
17 18Caution:  U.S. Federal Law restricts this device to sale by oron the order of a physician or licensedpractitioner. Caution:  To ensure proper interpretation of VeriChip H2Reader output, perform display check on unitprior to use. Caution:  Do not expose VeriChip H2 Reader to excessmoisture or electrostatic discharge.Caution:  If VeriChip H2 Reader is dropped, perform displaycheck through a power-up cycle (see ReaderActivation) and read functionality check using thetest Microtransponder.Caution:  Not MRI Compatible. Do not attempt to use theVeriChip H2 Reader to read a Microtransponderwhile patient is exposed to active MRI equipment.The VeriChip H2 Reader is a RadioFrequency (RF) device and needsspecial precautions regardingelectromagnetic compatibility(EMC), read these instructions forEMC information before puttingthe device into service.Warning:  VeriChip H2 Reader should not be used adjacentto or stacked with other equipment.  If adjacent orstacked use is necessary, the VeriChip H2 Readershould be observed to verify normal operation inthe configuration in which it will be used.Warning:  The VeriChip H2 Reader generates, uses, and canradiate radio frequency energy and, if not installedand used in accordance with the instructionmanual, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications.  Operation of this equipment in aresidential area is likely to cause harmfulinterference in which case the user will berequired to correct the interference at personalexpense.NOTES:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
FCC Regulations: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCCRules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This Device may not cause harmful interference(2)This device must accept any interference received, includinginterference that may cause undesired operation.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with thelimits for Class B Digital Device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCCRules. These limits are designed to provide reasonableprotection against harmful interference in a residentialinstallation. This equipment generates and cause radiate radiofrequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordancewith the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications. However, there is no guarantee thatinterference will not occur in a particular installation.If thisequipment does cause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception, which can be determined by turning theequipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correctthe interference by one or more of the following measures. • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna• Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for helpModifications:  Any changes or modifications not expresslyapproved by VeriChip Corporation for compliance could voidthe user’s authority to operate the equipment. Warranty: The VeriChip H2 Reader is warranted againstdefects in materials and workmanship, under normal use andservice for one (1) year from the date of shipment. Thiswarranty will not apply if adjustment, repair or partsreplacement is required because of accident, neglect,damage during transportation or causes other than ordinaryuse. VeriChip Corporation’s sole responsibility under thiswarranty shall be, at its option, to either repair or replace anyproduct which fails during the warranty period. In no event shallVeriChip Corporation be liable for any indirect or consequentialdamages or loss of profit.Manufactured by:  VeriChip CorporationDelray Beach, FL 33445Distributed by:  VeriChip CorporationDelray Beach, FL 33445Patient Support Line:  1-866-402-CHIP (US only)VeriMed™ is a VeriChip Corporation trademark. VeriChip H2™ Reader is a VeriChip Corporation trademark. © 2006 VeriChip Corporation VM-137 092806 1 KF

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