Westell CSI510-01 Bi-Directional Amplifier User Manual 2

Westell, Inc. Bi-Directional Amplifier 2


EUT User Manual

    Model 510Model 510SMR  InIn--Building AmplifierBuilding Amplifier  Installation and Users Manual       Cellular Specialties, Inc.
            DISCLAIMER All information and statements contained herein are accurate to the best of the knowledge of Cellular Specialties, but Cellular Specialties makes no warranty with respect thereto, including without limitation any results which may be obtained from the products described herein or the infringement by such products of any proprietary rights of any persons.  Use or application of such information or statements is at the user's sole risk, without any liability on the part of Cellular Specialties, Inc.  Nothing herein shall be construed as license or of recommendation for use, which infringes upon any proprietary rights of any person.  The serial number may be found on the label on the rear panel of the unit.  For yourconvenience, note this number below, and retain this manual, along with proof of purchase , toserve as a permanent record of your purchase in the event of a theft, or for future reference.MODEL NUMBERNAME OF COMPANYDATE OF PURCHASE510SERIAL NUMBER FCC ID NVRCSI510-01 This device complies with parts 90 and 2 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and this device must accept any interference that may cause undesired operation.
 MANUAL510SMR REV 2 2 Product material and specifications are subject to change without notice.  All sales of the product or products described herein are subject to Cellular Specialties' standard terms of sale and the specific terms of any particular sale. TABLE OF CONTENTS    1.0  SAFETY GUIDELINES 3 2.0  PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 4  MECHANICAL OUTLINE DRAWING 5 3.0  GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 6 4.0  INSTALLATION 7 5.0  AMPLIFIER ADJUSTMENT 9 6.0  TROUBLESHOOTING 10
 MANUAL510SMR REV 2 3  SAFETY GUIDELINES    Ø GROUNDING This amplifier system is designed to operate from single-phase 120VAC power and should always be operated with both the neutral and ground wires properly connected.  Do not remove or otherwise alter the grounding lug on the power cord.  Ø EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES This product has an integral circuit breaker, which may cause an electrical flash if the breaker should reset.  To avoid explosion or fire, do not operate this product in the presence of flammable gases or fumes.  Ø LIGHTNING DANGER Do not install or make adjustments to this unit during an electrical storm.  Ø NO USER SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE HAZARDOUS VOLTAGES ARE PRESENT WHEN THE COVER IS REMOVED.  Opening the chassis will void your warranty.  If you suspect a malfunction with this product, call your dealer or the Cellular Specialties Support Line at (603) 626-6677. !!The general safety information in this guideline applies to both operating and service personnel.  Specific warnings and cautions will be found in other parts of this manual where they apply, but may not appear in this summary.  Failure to comply with these precautions or specific warnings elsewhere in the manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of equipment.  Cellular Specialties, Inc. assumes no liability for the customer's failure to comply with these requirements. 1.0
 MANUAL510SMR REV 2 4  PRODUCT DESCRIPTION  Cellular Specialties, Inc. developed the Model 510smr In-Building Amplifier (IBA) for use in enclosed structures where sufficient signal from local cell sites to operate cell phones was unavailable within the building. It is, of course, necessary that sufficient signal be available on the roof of the structure. The IBA is connected to an external antenna, usually on the roof, and to one or more internal antennas placed strategically throughout the area where phone service is desired.  The external antenna is usually a directional type such as a "yagi" however an omni-directional antenna may be used when the building is located in close proximity to one or more cell sites. Internal antennas are usually omni-directional although various other types may be used for certain installations. The IBA amplifies both the "uplink" (phone to tower) and "downlink" (tower to phone) signals thus facilitating communications to and from the local cell site There are four amplification stages on the downlink and four on the uplink for a total of +62dB nominal gain for each link.  (see Figure 2.1)  Both links have manual gain control settings accessed through DIP switches on the back panel plus an AGC control for both the uplink and downlink.  There are LED indicators on the front panel for power on, transmitter on, uplink overload and downlink overload. An automatic amplifier safety shutdown circuit is also present which will disable the transmitters for ten seconds should the uplink or downlink overloads be reached to prevent excessive intermodulation and oscillation.    FIGURE 2.1 Functional Block Diagram   2.0 813.5 MHZ858.5 MHZ 813.5 MHZ858.5 MHZ  +5VDC +24VDC
 MANUAL510SMR REV 2 6   GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS All specifications stated as typical unless otherwise noted.  Cellular Specialties, Inc. reserves the right to change these specifications at any time without notice.       3.0  Uplink (Phone to Tower) Downlink (Tower to Phone) Frequency 806-821MHz 851-866MHz Pass Band Ripple ±1.5db ±1.5db Gain @ Zero Attenuation +62dB+3db  +62dB+3db Gain Adjustment Range -28db -28db Power Output, (max).                1dB Compression +32 dbm +32 dbm             *Linear +27.4 dbm +27.4 dbm Noise Figure, Typ. +4.5db +4.5db 3rd Order Intercept Point, IP3 +45dbm +45dbm **Maximum Input Power -10dbm -10dbm VSWR 2.0:1 Max Propagation Delay <1.0 microsecond Impedance 50 Ohms Connectors ‘N’ Female Power Requirements 120 VAC @ 500mA Size 15” x 13.5” x 4” Weight 6¾ Lbs., 3 kg Operating Temperature -22 to +118°F, -30 to +48°C Indicator LEDs Power, Transmitter On, Uplink Overload, Downlink Overload Controls Power switch with fuse, AGC override switch, switches for Uplink and Downlink attenuation from 0-28dB in four dB steps.  NOTES *Maximum total output power without exceeding the FCC allowable emissions of –13 dBm. ** Maximum safe input power at maximum gain with no damage.
 MANUAL510SMR REV 2 7   INSTALLATION  Pre-installation Survey  Note: The Installer should refer to the Safety Precautions, in the following section, for proper antenna selection and installation  A pre-installation survey should be performed prior to commitment to installation. Measurement of Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) should be recorded throughout the building in all areas where cell phone coverage is desired. RSSI levels around the exterior of the building as well as on the rooftop or as close to the point where the exterior antenna will be installed should also be recorded. RSSI readings at the position where the outside antenna will be installed should be greater than –90 dBm. (E.g. –85dBm) Successful installations may be made with lower readings in some cases.        The exact location of the proposed outside antenna should be measured with a GPS unit and the coordinates of the cell sites closest to the building in which the system is being installed should be obtained. With these coordinates the distance and bearing to each of the local cell sites can be computed and made available to the installation team. The first choice should be the closest site unless there is blockage in the form of buildings or terrain between the building and this cell site. If blockage exists an alternate site may be available.  If GPS coordinates are not available there is an alternative method of locating the dominant site: connect a handset via SMA female to N male adapter to the directional donor antenna.  Rotate the antenna until maximum RSSI and SQE readings are obtained and secure it.  4.0 !! WARNING! AMPLIFIER DAMAGE WILL OCCUR IF A HANDSET IS CONNECTED DIRECTLY TO THE IBA OR THE COAX THAT LEADS TO THE IBA.
 MANUAL510SMR REV 2 8 The location of the IBA and the interior antennas should be determined through the use of floor plans of the building in which the system is to be installed. It is important to locate the IBA at a central location and try to keep the coax runs from the amplifier to the antennas as short as possible. A maximum length of 150 feet is suggested although longer runs might be accommodated. This assumes that a coax with loss at 800 MHz of approximately 3.5 dB per 100 feet is used. The coax used should be a nominal RG-8 type with a flame retardant rating except when installed in space where moving air (heating and/or cooling) exists. In which case the coax must be “plenum” rated.  For long runs that exceed 150 feet, the use of low loss ½” coax is desirable.  Of primary concern is the isolation between the outside antenna and the inside antennas.   Important note: A high degree of isolation must be afforded in order to prevent any re-generative feedback in the system. Feedback of this nature causes the amplifier to emit a continuous signal of maximum amplitude and could, in some cases, interfere with normal operation of the cell site. This isolation should be in the order of 70 dB and is usually obtained by mounting the outside antenna away from the edges of the roof. The use of window mounts or other non-rooftop mountings should be avoided.    SAFETY PRECAUTIONS For INDOOR use, an Omni-Directional Antenna with a maximum gain of 3dBi is authorized for use with this unit. Inside antennas must be positioned to observe minimum separation of 20 cm. (~ 8 in.) from all users and bystanders. For the protection of personnel working in the vicinity of inside (downlink) antennas, the following guidelines for minimum distances between the human body and the antenna must be observed.  The installation of an INDOOR antenna must be such that, under normal conditions, all personnel cannot come within 20 cm. (~ 8.0 in.) from any inside antenna. Exceeding this minimum separation will ensure that the employee or bystander does not receive RF-exposure beyond the Maximum Permissible Exposure according to section 1.1310 i.e. limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure. !!
 MANUAL510SMR REV 2 9  For OUTDOOR use, a Directional Antenna up to a maximum gain of 11dBd is authorized for use with this unit. The Outside antenna must be positioned to observe minimum separation of 120 cm. (~ 4 ft.) from all users and bystanders. For the protection of personnel working in the vicinity of outside (uplink) antennas, the following guidelines for minimum distances between the human body and the antenna must be observed.  The installation of an OUTDOOR antenna must be such that, under normal conditions, all personnel cannot come within 120 cm. (~ 4 ft.) from the outside antenna. In all installations, the antenna should never be mounted such that the main beam is directed toward an area where workers or bystanders may be present.  Exceeding this minimum separation will ensure that the worker or bystander does not receive RF-exposure beyond the Maximum Permissible Exposure according to section 1.1310 i.e. limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure.   Physical Installation The coaxial cable discussed above should be pulled from the rooftop location to the space designated for the amplifier installation. Additional coax should be pulled from the amplifier to where power splitters are located and thus to the position designated for the Omni-directional antennas. Usually this is accomplished by using existing cableways and running the cable above suspended ceilings. In many cases the Omni-directional antennas can be located above the suspended ceilings however, when this is not possible, alternatives such as ceiling or wall mounted antennas may be used.     When mounting the amplifier, take care to avoid areas of high heat or extreme cold.  In general, do not place the unit on or near the top of high ceilings, by heaters or in cold storage areas.   !!
 MANUAL510SMR REV 2 10AMPLIFER ADJUSTMENT In most cases the IBA will need very little adjustment. After connecting the coax and powering up the IBA, the signal levels within the previously surveyed areas should be checked for adequate RSSI and Signal Quality Equivalent (SQE) levels. Measurements should be made at the perimeter of the building both inside and outside. It is important that the RSSI levels measured outside the building remain close to those measured prior to installation of the IBA.  Both the uplink and downlink overload indicators should remain off.  If either indicator is illuminated, the gain of the appropriate link should be reduced. If the gain of the amplifier needs adjustment the uplink and the downlink may  be adjusted by means of the step attenuators on the top of the unit. Attenuation from 0 dB to 28 dB in steps of 4 dB may be inserted by proper selection of the 4, 8 and 16 dB attenuators. If satisfactory cell (or two-way) phone performance is not obtained when the phone is in close proximity to the interior antenna it may be necessary to decrease the gain of one or both of the links.  5.0
 MANUAL510SMR REV 2 11 TROUBLESHOOTING  All external cables should be carefully checked for “shorts” and “opens”.  The rooftop antenna, if directional, should be checked for proper alignment along the calculated compass heading. Typically, the directional antenna should be aimed at the same sight that your handset uses in the area where the outside antenna is to be placed. If cables and alignment are O.K. it may be necessary to use a spectrum analyzer to examine the signal environment in which the IBA is operating. The existence of strong analog signals within the frequency bands can cause problems particularly on the downlink. In some cases additional filtering might be required to reject these unwanted signals. Automatic Gain Control (AGC) may be switched on by moving the leftmost dip switch to the on (down) position. In some instances the directional outside antenna can be reoriented, horizontally to place the interfering source in an antenna pattern “null”. There also may be some cases where the interference from outside signals is so great that they can not be filtered or otherwise reduced or eliminated without expensive and possibly prohibitive measures. In these cases it may not be practical to use the IBA for providing coverage at these sites.       6.0

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