Westell A90VZ10XX06 Spread Spectrum Transmitter User Manual PRODUCT DESCRIPTION

Westell Inc Spread Spectrum Transmitter PRODUCT DESCRIPTION


Users Manual Part2

      030-300419 Rev. A Draft 8– 11/30/04    030-300419 Rev. A  31  November 2004 User Guide   Verizon One Telephone Subsystem  Phonebook is Full - No Entries Accepted from the Incoming Calls Log  If you select [Save] in the “Save/Erase/Erase All” screen and phonebook detects that it is full, the following “Phonebook Full” screen will be displayed for 2 seconds. When the Phonebook is full, you must delete existing entries from the phonebook prior to saving new entries to the phonebook.     12.6.2  Erasing Calls from the Incoming Calls log  To erase calls from the Incoming Calls log, first select [Incoming Calls] at the main menu screen.     View the list of incoming calls and select the entry that you want to erase (delete). Next, select [Options] to display the following “Save/Erase/Erase All” screen.
      030-300419 Rev. A Draft 8– 11/30/04    030-300419 Rev. A  32  November 2004 User Guide   Verizon One Telephone Subsystem12.6.2.1 Erasing Selected Entries  Selecting [Erase] at the “Save/Erase/Erase All” screen enables you to delete specific Caller ID records from the Incoming Calls logs.  To erase a selected entry, move the pointer to [Erase] and then select [Select]. The Handset LCD will display the following “Entry erased” screen, and after 2 seconds, the LCD will return to the next Caller ID record. Note: If there is only one record, and you choose to erase this record, the LCD will return to the Standby screen.   Erasing All Entries  Selecting [Erase All] at the “Save/Erase/Erase All” screen enables you to delete all Caller ID records from the Incoming Calls logs.  To erase all entries from the Incoming Calls log, move the pointer to [Erase All] and then select [Select]. The LCD will display the following [Erase all?] screen. Select [OK] to erase all entries in the Caller ID log.   NOTE: If you do not want to erase all entries in the log, select [Exit] to return to the last Caller ID message in the log.      If you select [OK] in the “Erase all?” screen, the following “List erased” screen will be displayed. After 2 seconds, the LCD will return to the Standby screen.
      030-300419 Rev. A Draft 8– 11/30/04    030-300419 Rev. A  33  November 2004 User Guide   Verizon One Telephone Subsystem13. USING THE PHONEBOOK MENU  13.1 Accessing the Phonebook  To access the Handset’s phonebook, select [Phonebook] in from Standby menu, the following screen will be displayed, and the pointer will be positioned at “(Add New Name).” Please choose one of the following options and then select [Select]:   •  Select [Select] while the pointer is positioned at (Add New Name) and perform the steps explained in section 13.2). •  Press the <Up/Down> button to scroll through the list of Phonebook entries, and then select [Select] to select an entry. •  Press a number (1 – 50) to go to an entry number in the phonebook. Note: The second digit is ignored if the number entered is greater than the number of entries in the Phonebook. •  After selecting a phone entry, press the <TALK> button to go off-hook and dial the selected phone number.  If there is no entry in the Phonebook, the “Empty List” message will be displayed in the screen.
      030-300419 Rev. A Draft 8– 11/30/04    030-300419 Rev. A  34  November 2004 User Guide   Verizon One Telephone Subsystem13.2  Adding a New Name  To add a new name, select [Select] when pointer is at (Add New Name). The following Name screen will be displayed. This screen will prompt you for Name information. Select one of the following options:  NOTE: If the phonebook is full, you will not be able to enter a new name until entries are deleted from the phonebook.    •  Enter a name at the blinking underscore using the keypad characters (0-9, *, #). Note: If user tries to input more than 11 characters, an error tone will be emitted and additional input will not be accepted. While in the Name screen, you can select the [Clear] key to delete (backspace) characters. •  Press the <OFF> button to return to the Standby screen.  If the <Up/Down> button is pressed while you are at the Name screen, the Number screen will be displayed. Select one of the following options:    •  Enter a number at the blinking underscore using the keypad characters (0-9, *, #). Note: While in the “Number” screen, you can select the [Clear] key to delete (backspace) numbers. NOTE: Press the # symbol once to enter  #. Press the # symbol twice to insert “P,” which is a 3-second pause during dialing. If you try to input more than 24 digits, an error tone will emit and digit input is not accepted.)  The phone number will be formatted according to the following rules:   String of digits  Screen Format 1 7 digit number  ###-#### 2  8 digits, leading digit 1  1 ###-#### 3 10 digits  (###)###-#### 4  11 digits, leading digit 1  1(###)###-#### 5  Other cases  No formatting
      030-300419 Rev. A Draft 8– 11/30/04    030-300419 Rev. A  35  November 2004 User Guide   Verizon One Telephone Subsystem•  Press the <OFF> button to return to the Standby screen. •  Press the <Up/Down> button to go back to the “Name” input screen. After you have entered the name and number into the screens, select [Save] to store the entry to the Phonebook. The entry will be listed in alphabetical order, and the list will be renumbered.   After you select [Save], the following “Name Saved” screen will be displayed for 2 seconds. If you selected [Save] but did not enter a name into the name field, the empty name record is treated as "space" and is sorted to the beginning of the list regardless the number field, using first found/first display. The screen then returns to the Phonebook List at the “Add New Name” item.    If you selected [Save] but did not enter a phone number entered has been entered, a “No Number Entered” message will be displayed on the screen for 2 seconds, an error tone will be emitted, and then the screen will return to the “number edit” screen.    If the Phonebook is full when you select (Add New Name), a “Phonebook Full” message will be displayed for 2 seconds. When the Phonebook is full, you can store new a Name entry only after existing entries have been deleted.
      030-300419 Rev. A Draft 8– 11/30/04    030-300419 Rev. A  36  November 2004 User Guide   Verizon One Telephone Subsystem13.3 Phonebook Listing  If no name has been input to the Phonebook entry, the entry will still be stored instead of the name but number is displayed.  If the number has more than 11 digits and less than 23, the display is swapped with two pages, each page interval of 3 seconds.  If the number has more than 22 digits, the display is swapped with three pages, each page with interval of 3 seconds.  Phonebook and Phone number Features  Quantity The maximum number of entries that the Phonebook can contain  50 The maximum number of characters for name entry  11 The Maximum number of digits for phone number entry  24  13.4  Phonebook View Entry  When the pointer is at an entry in the list, the following screen will be displayed.    If you select [View] when the pointer is at one of the entries, for example “1 John Smith,” the telephone number of that entry will be displayed. Press the <TALK> button to go off hook and dial the number.
      030-300419 Rev. A Draft 8– 11/30/04    030-300419 Rev. A  37  November 2004 User Guide   Verizon One Telephone Subsystem13.5 Phonebook Options   If you select [Options] when the pointer is at an existing entry, the following screen will be displayed; the pointer will be position at [Edit]. Select one of the following options:    Press the <Up/Down> button to move the pointer to the desired option. •  Select [Edit] to edit a phonebook entry. •  Select [Erase] to erase a phonebook entry.  •  Select [Exit] to return to Phonebook Menu screen. •  Press the <OFF> button to return to the Standby screen.  13.6  Edit a Phone Entry  If [Edit] is selected, the following “Name” screen will be display. Select one of the following options    •  Enter a name at the blinking underscore using the keypad characters (0-9, *, #). (Note: If you input more than 11 characters, an error tone will be emitted and additional characters will not be accepted.) •  Select [Clear] to delete (backspace) characters. •  Select [Save] to save you settings and to return to the Standby screen. •  Press the <OFF> button to return to the Standby screen.
      030-300419 Rev. A Draft 8– 11/30/04    030-300419 Rev. A  38  November 2004 User Guide   Verizon One Telephone Subsystem If the <Up/Down> button is pressed at this time, the display will show the corresponding telephone number of the Name you have selected. Select one of the following options:    •  Enter a number at the blinking underscore using the keypad characters (0-9, *, #). •  Press the # key once to insert a #. Press the # key twice to insert “P,” which is a 3 second pause during dialing. (Note:  If user tries to input more than 24 digits, an error tone will be emitted, and the digit input is not accepted.) •  Select the [Clear] soft key to delete (backspace) numbers. •  Select [Save] to store the entry to the Phonebook, listing it in alphabetical order and renumbering the list. •  Press the <OFF> button to return to the Standby screen. •  Press the <Up/Down> button to go back to the “Name” input screen.  If you select [Save], the “Name Saved” screen will be displayed for 2 seconds. If there is no name entered, the empty name record is treated as "space" and is sorted to the beginning of the list regardless the number field using first found/first display. The display then returns to the [Edit] option in the Phonebook list.    If you select [Save] and no phone number has been entered, the following “No Number Entered” screen will be displayed for 2 seconds. It will also play an error tone, and the return to the “number edit” screen.
      030-300419 Rev. A Draft 8– 11/30/04    030-300419 Rev. A  39  November 2004 User Guide   Verizon One Telephone Subsystem13.7 Deleting Existing Phone Numbers  If you select [Erase], the name and phone number will be erased, and the Phonebook will be re-sorted/re-numbered. The Handset will display the “Entry Erase” message for 2 seconds, and then the screen will return to the Phonebook menu.
      030-300419 Rev. A Draft 8– 11/30/04    030-300419 Rev. A  40  November 2004 User Guide   Verizon One Telephone Subsystem14. USING INTERCOM AND CALL TRANSFER FUNCTIONS  14.1 Intercom Functions  In this section, the names “Lucy” and “Verizon-One” were assigned to two handsets. The Handset for the Verizon One Base Unit was assigned the name “Verizon-On.” A second Handset was assigned the named “Lucy.” The names were used to explain the Intercom and Call Transfer Functions discussed in this section.  14.1.1  Paging the Base  To page the Base Unit, press the <Intercom> button on the Handset. If there is only one Handset registered to the Base Unit when the <Intercom> button is pressed, the Base is paged. The Handset will display the following screen.    Select [Exit] on the screen, or press the <OFF> or <Intercom> button to stop paging and to return to Standby mode.  If there is more than one Handset registered to the Base Unit when the <Intercom> button is pressed, all the registered Handsets (except the user’s Handset) will be listed on the Handset’s screen as well as on the Base Unit’s screen. The following screen displays an example of this function. (Note: “Verizon-One” is the user’s Handset, which, as mentioned earlier, is not shown in the following screen.)
      030-300419 Rev. A Draft 8– 11/30/04    030-300419 Rev. A  41  November 2004 User Guide   Verizon One Telephone SubsystemPress the <Up/Down> button to position the pointer at the desired option. If [Page] is selected while the pointer is at “ALL,” all registered Handsets will be paged at the same time. The first Handset that replies can intercom to the page originator.    NOTE:  You must scroll down further using the <UP/Down> button to select the “ALL” option.  If [Page] is selected while the pointer is at a name, for example, “Lucy,” the “VerizonOne” Handset will page Handset “Lucy,” and the following screen will be displayed on the “VerizonOne” Handset. Alternatively, you can press the number on the keypad that corresponds to the Handset to be paged (for example, press the <Intercom> button, and then press the number “2” to page “Lucy”). Select [Exit] on the screen, or press the <OFF> or <Intercom> button if you want to stop paging and to return to Standby mode.    If you page Handset “Lucy,” the “Verizon-One” Handset will display the following screen.     If [Answer] is selected in the screen, or if the <Talk> or <Intercom> button is pressed on Handset “Lucy,” an Intercom connection is established, and the “Verizon-One” Handset will display the following screen.  In this screen, the earpiece speaker volume level is set at Vol-2. Select [Exit], or press the <Off> or <Intercom> button on either Handset to terminate the Intercom page.
      030-300419 Rev. A Draft 8– 11/30/04    030-300419 Rev. A  42  November 2004 User Guide   Verizon One Telephone Subsystem14.1.2  No Reply From the Handset Being Paged  For example, If “Verizon One” pages “Lucy” and after two minutes there is no reply from “Lucy,” “Verizon One” will display a “No answer” message.  If [Exit] is selected or the <OFF> button is pressed on Handset “Lucy,” “Lucy” will return to Standby screen, and “Verizon-One” will display the “No answer” message.  You can select one of the following options:  •  Select [Exit] in “Verizon One” screen, or •  Press the <OFF> button on the Handset, or  •  Wait for the page to timeout and return to the Standby screen.   14.1.3  Using Intercom and Call Transfer During an Active Call  When you are on an active call, press the <Intercom> button on Handset. The Handset will hold the call and start paging. When there is more than one Handset registered to the Base, pressing the <Intercom> button during off hook will show “Call on hold” BLINKING on the 2nd row of the LCD, followed by a list of the other intercom devices. The following screen will be displayed. Select one of the following options:    •  Use the <Up/Down> button to scroll line by line through the list of available intercom devices (0 is the Base, 1 is the Base’s Handset (“Verizon One”) and is not shown, 2 is a Handset named “Lucy,” 3 is a Handset named “John, ” etc…). •  Select [Exit] or <Intercom> on the “Verizon One” Handset to return to TALK mode.  •  Select the [Page] key to page the Handset adjacent to the pointer [►].   Select [Exit] or press  <Intercom> if you want to stop paging, unhold a call, or return to TALK mode.
      030-300419 Rev. A Draft 8– 11/30/04    030-300419 Rev. A  43  November 2004 User Guide   Verizon One Telephone SubsystemIf you select [Page] on the “Verizon-One” Handset, the following screen will be displayed.    Then, Handset “Lucy,” will display the following screen.    If you select [Answer] on the screen or press the <Intercom> button on Handset “Lucy,” an intercom connection is established, and the following screen will be displayed:    Select [Exit] on the Handset or press the <Intercom> button on “Lucy” to disconnect the Intercom page and return Handset “Lucy” to Standby mode. The “Verizon One” Handset will return to TALK mode and display a “Call on Hold “ message.
      030-300419 Rev. A Draft 8– 11/30/04    030-300419 Rev. A  44  November 2004 User Guide   Verizon One Telephone SubsystemThe Talk screen will alternate with the “Intercom Lucy Vol-2” screen in 1-second intervals. Select one of the following options:    •  Press the <Hold> button or select [Unhold] on the “Verizon-One” screen to have conference between external lines and the “Verizon-One” and “Lucy” Handsets. •  Press the <OFF> button on the  “Verizon-One” Handset to disconnect the Intercom page. This will transfer the external call to Handset “Lucy,” and return  “Verizon-One” to Standby mode. •  Press the <Intercom> button on the  “Verizon One” Handset to disconnect the Intercom page and return to TALK mode.  If there is no answer from “Lucy” after two minutes or if [Exit] on Handset “Lucy” is pressed, “Lucy” will return to the Standby screen and  ”Verizon-One” will display “No Answer” for 2 seconds and then return to TALK mode.  14.2 Call Transfer Functions  14.2.1  Setting Up a Call Transfer  A call transfer may be set up by pressing <Hold> on the “Verizon-One” Handset, and then pressing <Intercom> to page Handset “Lucy.” The “Verizon-One” Handset will display “Call on Hold” and “Paging Lucy,” switching messages alternatively. If you press the <OFF> button at this moment, the “Verizon-One” Handset will display a “Line In-Use” message, and Handset “Lucy” will ring and display a “Transfer from Verizon-One” message, as shown in the following screen. Press the <TALK> button on Handset “Lucy,” or select [OK] on the screen to accept the call transfer.
      030-300419 Rev. A Draft 8– 11/30/04    030-300419 Rev. A  45  November 2004 User Guide   Verizon One Telephone Subsystem 14.2.2  Call Back  If you select the [Exit] key or press the <OFF> button on the “Lucy” screen, or if you press “Lucy’s” <OFF> button within the 30 seconds of ringing but no reply, “Lucy” will stop ringing and return to the “Line in use” screen. The call will be “called back” to the  “Verizon-One” Handset, and “Verizon-One” will ring and display a “Call back” message.    If you select [Exit] or press the <OFF> button on the “Verizon-One” Handset, or if you press “Verizon One’s” <OFF> button within the 30 seconds of ringing but no reply,  “VerizonOne” will stop ringing, drop the call, and return to the Standby screen. Press the <TALK> button if you want to accept the call back.   14.2.3  3-Way Conferencing  Use 3-way conferencing during an Intercom call  “while the user’s Handset is talking to the line.” To set up 3-way conferencing, first press the <Hold> button or the [Unhold] key on ”VerizonOne” while on Intercom with Handset “Lucy.” After either of these keys is pressed, both “VerizonOne” and “Lucy” will display the following screen. Select one of the following options:    •  Press the <OFF> button on ”VerizonOne” to quit the conference. Handset “Lucy” can continue the external call, Or, similarly, press the <OFF> button on Handset “Lucy” to quit the conference, ”VerizonOne” can continue the external call.   •  Press <OFF> button on both  “VerizonOne” and “Lucy” to disconnect the call and the intercom. •  Press the <Hold> button on either Handset  “VerizonOne” or “Lucy” to hold the external line and Handset “Lucy” and “VerizonOne” can continue intercom.  14.2.4  One Touch Conferencing  If one Handset is talking to the line and the 2nd Handset would like to join into the “3-way conference,” the 2nd Handset’s user has to press the <TALK> button once to enter into the conference directly. Then, a New Party Joined tone is emitted to alert you that another Handset has joined in the conference call successfully. A “Conference” screen will also be displayed.  A “Line In-Use” prompt will be displayed on the other Handsets.
      030-300419 Rev. A Draft 8– 11/30/04    030-300419 Rev. A  46  November 2004 User Guide   Verizon One Telephone Subsystem14.3 Handset Locator  The Handset’s locating process is initiated from the Base unit. The “Handsets locating” means that all registered Handsets are paged at the same time so that you are able to locate the Handsets by tracking the page tone. In addition to a paging tone being generated at the paged Handsets (even if ringer is OFF), a “Base Paging” message will also be displayed on the LCD screen of each Handset paged.    The registered Handset will emit a Paging tone for 2 minutes and then return to the Standby screen. To stop the paging tone for all Handsets, select the [Exit] key or the <OFF> button on one of the registered Handsets. Or press the <Intercom> button on the Verizon One Base Unit.  NOTE: To stop the paging on specific Handsets select [OK], or press any key except the [Exit] key or the <OFF> button.
      030-300419 Rev. A Draft 8– 11/30/04    030-300419 Rev. A  47  November 2004 User Guide   Verizon One Telephone Subsystem15. USING DIALING FUNCTIONS  15.1 Dialing Screen  If you press the <TALK> button on the Handset’s LCD screen, the Handset will switch to Talk mode, and the following “Talk” screen will be displayed for 5 seconds.    After 5 seconds, the following screen will be displayed.     Where “000:06” is the talk time in minutes and seconds.  The timer should start counting from “000:06” onwards.  After counting to “999:59” the timer change back to “000:00” and continue counting. “VOL-2” indicates the  “level 2” talk volume level.  Select [Mute] to mute the microphone of the Handset. This will alternate the Talk screen with the Call muted screen at 1-second intervals.  During the interval when the Handset is muted, press the <TALK> button to flash the line and unmute the Handset. Then, select one of the following options:    •  Select [Unmute] key to return the Handset to an “unmute” state.   •  Press the <Hold> button to hold the line.
      030-300419 Rev. A Draft 8– 11/30/04    030-300419 Rev. A  48  November 2004 User Guide   Verizon One Telephone Subsystem15.1.1   Pre-Dialing  Press number keys (0-9) during Standby screen to go to the Pre-Dialing screen, shown below. The number input will first appear on the right side of the 2nd row.  The last number input will move to the right as a new number is entered.  The number is always aligned to the right.  The maximum number of digits accepted for Pre-view dialing is 32.  The quotation marks “█” represent the blinking cursor ready for input. Select one of the following options:    •  Select [Clear] to delete the last input number. •  Select [Save] to initiate a phonebook entry.   The number input will be in place on the number row.  Unit prompts for name input.  If the number of digits exceeds 24, the [Save] prompt will not be displayed.    Press the <TALK> button after you have entered the number. The following Talk screen will be displayed, and the number will be dialed out.
      030-300419 Rev. A Draft 8– 11/30/04    030-300419 Rev. A  49  November 2004 User Guide   Verizon One Telephone Subsystem15.1.2   Off-hook  Dialing  Press the <TALK> button during the Standby screen to go to off-hook state.  Pressed numbers will be dialed out immediately.      Select the [Mute] key in the screen to mute the microphone of the Handset. This will alternate the Talk screen with the Call muted screen in 1-second intervals.  Select [Unmute] if you want to cancel the Mute function and to return to the previous screen.     15.1.3  Call on Hold  During Talk mode, press the <Hold> button to place the call in “On-hold” state, as displayed in the following screen.
      030-300419 Rev. A Draft 8– 11/30/04    030-300419 Rev. A  50  November 2004 User Guide   Verizon One Telephone SubsystemDuring line hold state, if one of the following event occurs the Handset will automatically switch to Standby mode and displays “Line In Use”:    •  If another extension/parallel phone goes off-hook. •  If one of other [Standby] Handsets or base switches to Talk mode.   15.1.4  Off-hook Dialing from Phonebook List  During Talk mode, press the <Up/Down> button enables you to select an entry from the Phonebook and dial. The Handset will display the following screen. Select one of the following options:    •  Press the <Up/Down> button to scroll the Phonebook list up or down.   •  Select [Dial] to dial the number in the pointed entry. •  Select [Exit] to return to the Talk screen.
      030-300419 Rev. A Draft 8– 11/30/04    030-300419 Rev. A  51  November 2004 User Guide   Verizon One Telephone Subsystem15.2 Redial Screen  Press the <Redial> button while at the Standby screen to go to the redial list. The screen will display the 5 last numbers that were dialed. Press the <Up/Down> button to review the list.  Initially, pointer will be positioned at the most recent number.  Each redial number shall consist of maximum of 32 digits. If the last outgoing number matches the number of an entry in the Phonebook, this name will be displayed instead of the number. Select one of the following options:    •  Press <Redial> again or [Dial] or <TALK> will go off hook and dial the pointed number. •  Select [Save] to initiate a Name entry. If the number of digits inside the off-hook redial buffer is less than or equal to 24 digits count, then this redial buffer can be totally stored into memory.  The number input will be in place on the number row.  The phone will prompt you enter a name.  If the number of digits is more than 24 digits, “Unable to Save” will be displayed.  After the number is successfully stored, the display will return to redial screen. •  Press <OFF> to put the phone in the on-hook state and to go to the Standby screen.   15.3 Incoming Call Screen  During the first ring of an incoming call, the LCD will display the “Incoming Call,” as shown in the following screen. If there is an incoming call while the Handset is in a menu, the menu will quit and show the incoming call screen.    If a name is present in the Caller ID log, then the Handset will display that name and number as delivered.  If no name is present in the Caller ID log, the Handset will then match the number with the Phonebook.  If there is matching record found, the name field of the LCD will display the name field of the Name entry. If there is an incoming call and before user picks up the call the caller hangs up, the Caller ID display will remain on the LCD until 60 sec time out.  Before time out, user may cancel the CID display by pressing <OFF/clear>, <TALK/flash> and Up/Down arrow.  These keys function immediately after pressed.  For example, pressing <TALK/flash> once will clear Caller ID display, and then the phone will enter an off-hook state.
      030-300419 Rev. A Draft 8– 11/30/04    030-300419 Rev. A  52  November 2004 User Guide   Verizon One Telephone Subsystem15.4 Talk Screen  When in Talk mode the screen will display the caller’s name, the phone number, and the volume level.    15.5 Call Waiting Screen  If you have Call Waiting service, a call waiting tone will be generated every 6 seconds. The Talk screen will alternate in 1-second intervals with the Call Waiting screen. You can press the <Talk> button to flash the line and toggle between callers.    15.6 Unregistered Handset Screen  For any unregistered Handset, the first LCD screen shall automatically come into the Unregistered Handset Screen. Select one of the following options:    •  Select [OK] to go to Registration menu.  •  Select [Exit] to go to the Standby screen. •  Pressing the <TALK> button will emit an error tone return the unregistered Handsets to the Unregistered Handset screen.  Call waiting Caller ID Name and Number
      030-300419 Rev. A Draft 8– 11/30/04    030-300419 Rev. A  53  November 2004 User Guide   Verizon One Telephone Subsystem 15.7 Out of Range Detection  If the Handset detects an out of range condition, it will start searching for Base and display the following screen.    After the Handset finds the Base, the Handset will display the Standby screen. If the Handset does not find the Base, the Handset will emit an error tone and display an “Out of Range” message.
      030-300419 Rev. A Draft 8– 11/30/04    030-300419 Rev. A  54  November 2004 User Guide   Verizon One Telephone Subsystem16. HEADSET SUPPORT   Your Verizon One Handset is equipped with a 2.5 mm Headset Jack for use with an optional accessory Headset for hands-free operation. If you choose to use the Headset option, you must do the following:  1.  Obtain an optional accessory Headset  2.  Locate the Headset jack on the side of the Handset 3.  Connect the plug on the Headset cord to the jack on the Handset. (Note: The plug should fit securely. Do not force the connection.)  Once the Headset is connected to the Headset jack, the audio paths to the Handset microphone and earpiece speaker are disconnected. The Volume <Up/Down> buttons control the headset earpiece speaker volume. Ringer alerting remains active on the Handset speaker.
      030-300419 Rev. A Draft 8– 11/30/04    030-300419 Rev. A  55  November 2004 User Guide   Verizon One Telephone Subsystem17. VERIZON ONE BASE UNIT CONTROLS  17.1  Base Unit Speakerphone Control Buttons  The following control buttons are provided on the Verizon One Base Unit for control of the Base Unit Speakerphone.  NOTE: “Off-hook” refers to the condition when either the Base Unit or Handset is active in requesting a dial tone or is engaged in a call. “On-hook” refers to the condition when either the Base Unit or a Handset is not active in requesting a dial tone or placing a call.  Button  Function Menu  Pressing this button quickly takes you to the iobi Menu. Address Book  Pressing this button quickly takes you to the iobi address book. Speakerphone ON/OFF Button Pressing the Speakerphone button will take the telephone off-hook, enabling the speaker with an audible dial tone.  The button will illuminate and remain lit until it is pressed again to turn off the speakerphone. Speed Dial  Pressing this button launches the Speed Dial application on the device, and enables you to see all speed dial numbers. Flash Pressing this button simulates a momentary press and release of the phone’s hook switch.  When pressed initially, this button places the phone in off-hook status. When pressed during an active call, this button puts the active call on hold and accepts the incoming call as with call waiting or 3-way calling. Redial Pressing this button enables you to redial the last number that was entered in the phone. (Note: It will not redial numbers such as passcodes or account numbers that may have been entered after the outgoing call was established.) Intercom When the Intercom button is pressed on the Base Unit, it serves as a paging device to locate the cordless Handset and/or to establish an intercom call between the Handset and Base Unit. When the Intercom button is pressed, the Handset will receive the signal from the Base Unit, and will ring until the ‘talk” button on the Handset is pressed (set to off-hook status) or until the Intercom button is pressed again. Volume Up  Volume Down Pressing and holding either of these buttons will continually raise/lower the volume of the audio that emanates through the speaker until the button is released or a maximum/minimum level is reached. The volume level will be displayed while you are changing the volume. When the phone is on-hook and ringing, the volume control buttons reverts to controlling the phone’s ringer volume. The ringer volume may be turned down to the point that it is turned off. Mute When pressed initially, the Mute button will mute the Verizon One’s microphone so that the party on the other end of the telephone call may not hear audio.  This button will illuminate and remain lit while Mute is activated. When the Mute button is pressed again (mute is deactivated) the microphone will become active and the call will become audible to the party on the other end of the telephone call. Hold  When pressed once, this button will place the entire call on hold. Press
      030-300419 Rev. A Draft 8– 11/30/04    030-300419 Rev. A  56  November 2004 User Guide   Verizon One Telephone Subsystemthe Hold button again to release the call from hold status. The Hold button will illuminate and flash while the call is in Hold status. 12-key Keypad (0-9, *,  #)  Pressing these keys enables you to enter the desired characters.  17.2 Base Unit Activity LED  The Base Unit includes an Activity LED, also referred to as the “Voice Message Waiting LED,” which performs the following functions:  •  Incoming Ring: Activity LED is flashing at a cadence in accordance to an incoming ring pattern. When ring cadence is ON, the LED blinks. •  Talk Mode: If the Base is in Talk mode, Intercom, or Voice-Mail mode, the Activity LED lights solid blue. •  Paging: When the Base is being paged, the Activity LED will flash according to Paging tone cadence. •  Call on HOLD or on MUTE: The Activity LED should blink at 1 Hz rate when Base has placed a call on MUTE or on HOLD. •  Message Waiting: When there is a voicemail message waiting and none of the above conditions are present, the Activity LED flashes.             Verizon One Base Unit Handset (sitting in cradle of Base) SpeakerStylus PenKeypadLCD Screen Networking LEDs DSL/RDY Ethernet Wireless Internet Speaker Button Functions KeysSpeed DialFlashRedialIntercomControl ButtonsVolume Up Volume Down Mute Hold Address Book MenuPower LEDLine In-UseActivity LED
      030-300419 Rev. A Draft 8– 11/30/04    030-300419 Rev. A  57  November 2004 User Guide   Verizon One Telephone Subsystem 17.3  Backlighting  Backlighting refers to the condition when the LCD screen or the buttons on the Base or the Handset light to indicate any of the following conditions:  •  Incoming Calls •  Pressing Keys •  Paging and/or Intercom functions  18. VERIZON ONE BASE UNIT OPERATIONS  Verizon One has been designed to operate in two different modes: Stand Alone and iobi. The default mode of operation is iobi. When iobi services are not available because either your DSL Line has not been provisioned or for other network reasons, your Verizon One will revert to Stand Alone mode. In Stand Alone mode, your Verizon One telephone system will work as a standard cordless telephone. The following sections describe the Verizon One Base Unit’s speakerphone operations for Stand Alone mode only. In Stand Alone mode, the Base functions as a standard speakerphone.  18.1 Base Unit, Stylus and LCD  If you are using Verizon One in iobi mode, you will perform most of your interactions through the Base Unit’s LCD touch screen. A stylus pen is provided with the Base and, by using the stylus, you can gently tap the components in the LCD screen and navigate to various Iobi features. The stylus, which is included with your Verizon One kit, is stored in the stylus holder located on the right side of the Verizon One base. To use the stylus, firmly press the stylus to disengage it from the stylus holder on the Base. Then, use the pointed end of the stylus to gently tap the LCD screen.   Important: Always use the point of the stylus for tapping on the LCD screen and making selections. Please do not use a pen, pencil or other pointed object on the LCD screen as these items may cause damage to the screen. If the LCD screen becomes soiled, use a damp, clean cloth moistened with a window-cleaning solution to gently wipe the screen. Please do not use an abrasive as this may scratch the screen.  18.2 Making and Ending Calls  To make a call from the Base Unit, press the speaker button. The phone will go off-hook and give a dial tone. You may then dial the desired number. To end a call, press the <Speaker> button. The phone will go on-hook and disconnect the call.  18.3 Answering Incoming Calls  To answer an incoming call, from the Base Unit, press the <Speaker> button or any of the dialing keys (0-9, *, #) on the keypad during an incoming call ring tone. After you press the <Speaker> button, the Base will go off-hook and you may begin speaking.
      030-300419 Rev. A Draft 8– 11/30/04    030-300419 Rev. A  58  November 2004 User Guide   Verizon One Telephone Subsystem18.4 Transferring Calls from the Base to the Handset  By lifting the Handset from the Base and pressing <Talk> during an active call, the user may be connected to the call.  18.5 Transferring Calls from the Handset to the Base  If you place the Handset into the Base cradle (do not press <OFF> on the Handset) while other handsets or the Base is connected to an active call, the Handset will be disconnected from the call, and the call will remain active for the Base and the other handsets.   NOTE: If the Handset is placed into the cradle after placing a call on hold, and no other Handset or the Base is connected to the call, the call will not be cleared. After 30 seconds, the call will ring back at the Base as if it were a new call.  If you have an active call from the Handset, but not on the Base, and you want to transfer the call to the Base, press the <Speaker> button on the Base. The call will transfer from the Handset to the Base.   18.6 Paging from the Base   To page all Handsets from the Base Unit, press the <Intercom> button on the Base. The Base will page all registered Handsets for approximately two minutes and then stop paging. The first Handset to respond (by pressing its <Intercom> button within the two minutes of paging) will end the page.   18.7 Adjusting the Volume  To adjust the volume on the Base Unit, press the <Volume Up> or <Volume Down> button on the front of the Base.   Note: The volume adjust ringer on the Base can only be adjusted when the Base is ringing. By factory default the volume is set to a mid-level volume setting.  18.8 Using the Mute Button  To place an active call in Mute state, press the <Mute> button on the Base. The <Mute> button will illuminate when the call is set to Mute. To return the call to normal conversation, press the <Mute> button again.   18.9 Using the Hold Button  To place the call in Hold state, press the <Hold> button on the Base. The <Hold> button will illuminate (flashing) when the call is on-hold. Press the <Mute> button again to return the call to normal conversation.   18.10 Using the Menu and Address Book Buttons  The <Menu> and <Address Book> buttons are functions of the iobi system. You must subscribe to iobi service to use these functions.
      030-300419 Rev. A Draft 8– 11/30/04    030-300419 Rev. A  59  November 2004 User Guide   Verizon One Telephone Subsystem19. TECHNICAL SUPPORT INFORMATION  Contact a Verizon customer service representative for technical support on this product.  20.  PUBLICATION INFORMATION   Westell® Verizon One Telephone Subsystem 5.8 GHz Digital Cordless Speakerphone User Guide Part No. 030-300419 Rev. A  © 2004 Westell, Inc. All rights reserved.   Westell, Inc. 750 N. Commons Drive Aurora, IL 60504-7940 USA www.westell.com  All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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