Wavetrend Technologies TGA-A Active Duo RFID Tag TGA-A User Manual Tag Manual 2 3x

Wavetrend Technologies Limited Active Duo RFID Tag TGA-A Tag Manual 2 3x



           User Manual   Active RFID Tags
USER MANUAL –Active RFID Tags Document No. Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Issue Date Page 25042002  REV 2.3  User Manual  25TH APRIL 2012  2 OF 30  ABBREVIATIONS USED Abbreviation  Meaning ActivDuo  One of Wavetrend’s two ranges of Active RFID Tags ASK  Amplitude-shift keying modulation BNC connector  Bayonet Neill-Concelman connector (a common type of RF connector) CE  Conformité Européenne, "European Conformity" in French. CISPR  Comite  international  Special  des  Perturbations  Radioelectriques,  “International Special Committee on Radio Interference” in French. CSC  ‘Customer Site Code’ – Uniquely assigned by Wavetrend to every customer, on request. EMC  Electromagnetic Compatibility FCC  Federal Communications Commission (USA) ID  Identifier IEC  International Electrotechnical Commission IP rating  Ingress Protection rating IPR  Intellectual Property Rights IT  Information Technology m  Meter (metric measurement) MHz  Mega hertz (= 1000 Hz) OEM  Original Equipment Manufacturing Ohm  The  unit  of  electrical  impedance  or,  in  the  direct  current  case,  electrical resistance, named after Georg Ohm PUC  Product Unique Code RF  Radio Frequency RFID  Radio Frequency Identification RoHS  Restriction of Hazardous Substances (EU Directive) RTLS  Real Time Location System SABS  South African Bureau of Standards Tx  Transmit / Transmission VHB  Very high bond WEEE  Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EU Directive) µV/m  Microvolts per meter (the units used to describe the strength of an electric field created by the operation of a transmitter) Table 1: Abbreviations Used
USER MANUAL –Active RFID Tags Document No. Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Issue Date Page 25042002  REV 2.3  User Manual  25TH APRIL 2012  3 OF 30  IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THE READER Each  of  Wavetrend®’s  ActivDuo  active  RFID  tags  have  been  specifically  designed  to  operate  in  specific circumstances  or  applications  and  be  attached  to  specific  types  of  items  in  a  specific  manner.  Failure  to follow  the  guidelines  and  application  notes  contained  in  this  manual  for  each  tag  listed  can  lead  to  their incorrect operation and failure to perform as expected or intended. The choice of which Wavetrend® tags to use in any project must be made by a fully trained and Wavetrend® certified engineer. Wavetrend® accepts no responsibility for any failure of the product in any way caused by the incorrect selection, installation and usage of Wavetrend®’s active RFID tags, readers, ancillary devices and software.      DISCLAIMER NOTICES REGARDING HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, DOCUMENTS AND SERVICES THAT ARE AVAILABLE FROM WAVETREND: In  no  event  shall  Wavetrend®  and/or  its  respective  suppliers  be  liable  for  any  special,  indirect  or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action  of  contract,  negligence  or  other  tortuous  action,  arising  out  of  or  in  connection  with  the  use  or performance  of  hardware,  software,  documents,  provision  of  or  failure  to  provide  services,  or  information available from Wavetrend® and/or our website http://www.wavetrend.net. The  documents  published  by  Wavetrend®  could  include  technical  inaccuracies  or  typographical  errors. Changes  are  periodically  added  to  the  information  herein.  Wavetrend®  and/or  its  respective  suppliers  may make improvements and/or changes in the product (s) and/or the program (s) described herein at any time without prior notice.      FCC STATEMENT The ActivDuo devices described in this manual comply with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following three  conditions: The device may not cause harmful interference The device must accept all interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. The device is for commercial use only and  intended for use in a confined area with an appropriate system receiver  Changes  or  modifications  not  expressly  approved  by  the  party  responsible  for  compliance  could  void  the user's authority to operate the equipment.
USER MANUAL –Active RFID Tags Document No. Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Issue Date Page 25042002  REV 2.3  User Manual  25TH APRIL 2012  4 OF 30  TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 THE WAVETREND RANGE OF ACTIVE RFID TAGS .................................................................................. 6 1.1 Product Overview .......................................................................................................................... 6 1.2 Key Features and Benefits of ActivDuo .......................................................................................... 7 1.3 Key Features and Benefits of Active Tags ..................................................................................... 8 1.4 Data Transmitted by ActivDuo and Active Tags ............................................................................. 9 1.5 General Facts about Wavetrend Tags ......................................................................................... 10 1.6 Obtaining Professional Advice on Using Tags .............................................................................. 10 1.7 ActivDuo Tag Functionality .......................................................................................................... 11 1.7.1 Standard Transmission Mode .................................................................................................. 11 1.7.2 Movement Alert Mode ............................................................................................................. 11 1.7.3 Tamper Alert Mode .................................................................................................................. 11 1.8 Wavetrend Tag Families Overview .............................................................................................. 12 1.8.1 TGP (Personnel) Family .......................................................................................................... 12 1.8.2 TGA (Asset) Family ................................................................................................................. 12 1.8.3 TGM (Micro) Family ................................................................................................................. 12 1.9 Tag Properties ............................................................................................................................ 13 1.10 Tag Battery (Functional) Life Span .............................................................................................. 13 1.10.1 End of Life ............................................................................................................................... 14 1.10.2 Keeping Tags in Stock ............................................................................................................. 14 1.11 Tag Accessories .......................................................................................................................... 14 1.11.1 Tag Attachment Kits ................................................................................................................ 14 1.11.2 Anti-Tamper Tag Attachment Kits ............................................................................................ 14 1.11.3 Identifying the Correct Attachment Kit to Use ........................................................................... 15 1.11.4 Other Attachment Methods ...................................................................................................... 15 1.12 Programming Tags ...................................................................................................................... 15 1.13 Safe Use ..................................................................................................................................... 16 1.14 ATEX Special Condition of Use ................................................................................................... 16 1.15 Disposal of Tags ......................................................................................................................... 16 1.16 FCC Conditions of use. ............................................................................................................... 16 2 THE TGP PERSONNEL TAG .............................................................................................................. 17 2.1 Important Facts about the TGP Tag ............................................................................................. 17 2.2 Using the TGP for Tracking Personnel ......................................................................................... 17 2.2.1 Requirements & Instructions .................................................................................................... 17 2.3 Installing the TGP for Tracking Assets ......................................................................................... 17 2.3.1 Requirements .......................................................................................................................... 17 2.3.2 Preparation ............................................................................................................................. 18 2.3.3 Arming the anti-tamper (if using the TATGP-AT attachment kit) ............................................... 18 2.3.4 Final steps ............................................................................................................................... 18 2.4 Removing the TGP ...................................................................................................................... 18
USER MANUAL –Active RFID Tags Document No. Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Issue Date Page 25042002  REV 2.3  User Manual  25TH APRIL 2012  5 OF 30  2.4.1 Requirements .......................................................................................................................... 18 2.4.2 Removal .................................................................................................................................. 18 3 THE TGA  ASSET TAG ....................................................................................................................... 20 3.1 Important Facts about the TGA Tag ............................................................................................. 20 3.2 TGAHT........................................................................................................................................ 20 3.3 TGAE .......................................................................................................................................... 20 3.4 Attaching the TGA for Tracking Containers and Other Assets ...................................................... 21 3.4.1 Requirements .......................................................................................................................... 21 3.4.2 Preparation ............................................................................................................................. 21 3.4.3 Arming the anti-tamper (if using the TATGA-AT attachment kit) ............................................... 21 3.4.4 Final steps ............................................................................................................................... 21 3.5 Removing the TGA ...................................................................................................................... 21 3.5.1 Requirements .......................................................................................................................... 22 3.5.2 Removal .................................................................................................................................. 22 4 THE TGM MICRO TAG ......................................................................................................................... 23 4.1 Important Facts about the Micro Tag ........................................................................................... 23 4.2 Attaching the TGM for Tracking IT Equipment and Other Assets .................................................. 23 4.2.1 Requirements .......................................................................................................................... 23 4.2.2 Preparation ............................................................................................................................. 23 4.2.3 Arming the anti-tamper (if using the TAM-AT attachment kit) .................................................... 23 4.2.4 Final steps ............................................................................................................................... 24 4.3 Removing the TGM ..................................................................................................................... 24 4.3.1 Requirements .......................................................................................................................... 24 4.3.2 Removal .................................................................................................................................. 24 APPENDIX A. DOCUMENT INFORMATION .......................................................................................... 25 APPENDIX B. CERTIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................ 26 APPENDIX C. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................. 28 APPENDIX D. ATEX TAG LABELLING ...................................................................................................... 29 TGPHZ ATEX  labelling ...................................................................................................................... 29 TGAHZ ATEX labelling ....................................................................................................................... 30 TGAHT ATEX labelling ....................................................................................................................... 30 TGAE  ATEX  labelling ........................................................................................................................ 30
USER MANUAL –Active RFID Tags Document No. Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Issue Date Page 25042002  REV 2.3  User Manual  25TH APRIL 2012  6 OF 30  1  THE WAVETREND RANGE OF ACTIVE RFID TAGS 1.1  Product Overview Wavetrend® tags are Active  Radio  Frequency Identification  (RFID)  beacon  tags (i.e. self-powered tags, that transmit their data at periodic intervals without being ‘asked’ to transmit by a reader) and are to be used in  conjunction  with  the  Wavetrend®  range  of  Active  RFID  readers  or  OEM  products  that  support  reading Wavetrend’s tags.  Wavetrend tags are available in two formats Active and ActivDuo. Active tags comply with the ETSI radio standards and carry a CE mark ActivDuo Tags comply with the FCC part 15 regulations All Wavetrend readers can read both Active and ActivDuo tags. Activ Duo tags have –A included in their part number, e.g. TGP-A.  It should be noted that the supply or sale of Active tags into an FCC regulated country is illegal, only the FCC certified ActivDuo tags may be used in these countries  Wavetrend  Tags  can  be  used  in  various  applications  such  as  access  control,  personnel  monitoring,  asset location  &  status  monitoring,  vehicle  monitoring  and building management  applications.  Standard on-board sensors identify attempts to tamper with or move the tagged asset and the tag transmits alerts immediately, allowing  the  RFID  system  to  raise  real  time  alerts  for  the  RFID  system  users.  Temperature,  humidity  and other  digital  sensors  can  be  added  to  the  tags  to  transmit  the  data  from  these  sensors  wirelessly.  Please enquire with Wavetrend® if you require such advanced sensor functionality.  The  tags  are  suitably  packaged  in  sealed  plastic  housings  to  meet  the  most  common  requirements  for different  tag  usage  applications;  although  it  is  advised  to  check  with  Wavetrend®  and  the  local  standards authority that the tag(s) of choice meet all regulatory requirements in the country and location of use before specifying or using it in that country and/or location. For instance, tags used within a petrochemical plant will be  required  to  hold  nationally  recognized  intrinsic  safety  (IS)  certification,  and many  countries  require  that their own IS certification is obtained for the tags.
USER MANUAL –Active RFID Tags Document No. Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Issue Date Page 25042002  REV 2.3  User Manual  25TH APRIL 2012  7 OF 30  1.2  Key Features and Benefits of ActivDuo  Key Tag Features Business Benefits Transmits a Unique ID Number  Allows  for  the  unique  identification  of  every  tag  in  an  RFID  system,  and  by extension, the asset or person the tag is attached to or carried by. Incorporates a motion sensor as standard Provides immediate notification if movement of the tag occurs. This allows the tag to operate in two modes – more frequent transmissions when in alert mode (i.e. when  movement  or  tampering  occurs),  or  less  frequent  transmissions  when  in standard or ‘at rest’ mode. Transmits  on  a  regular  basis  (called  ‘status transmissions’).  The  next  transmission  is  initiated  randomly within a very short period of time after the user programmed  transmission  or  ‘Tx’  interval  has elapsed after the previous transmission. Regular transmissions at short intervals (typically 10 seconds)  provide near real time  tracking  capability  of  tagged  assets  or  personnel,  while  still  providing  an exceptional functional lifespan Transmits  on  an  exceptional  basis  (called ‘alarm’ or ‘alert’ transmissions’) immediately on activation  of  either  the  tamper  sensor  (if armed) or the movement sensor. Provides  real  time  indication  of  any  attempt  to  tamper  with  a  tag  or  move  a tagged asset, with alert transmissions being made at short intervals (typically 1.5 seconds) for a period of 5 seconds. Transmits  additional  tag  information,  such  as the  tag  type,  the  tag’s  standard  transmission interval, the status of  the alarm bit,  the status of  the  tamper  bit,  the  motion  sensor  counter and the tamper sensor counter. Allows for advanced application functions to be built into the RFID system to fully utilize the RFID hardware’s capabilities. Ultra low power consumption   Life  span  of  5+  years  when  transmitting  at  the  standard  10  second  or  greater interval All tags sealed to IP64 standards or higher  Splash proof and intrinsically safe capable All  tags  can  be  configured,  activated  or  deactivated  by  the  user  by  using  a  desktop  tag  programmer  (PG101-A)  available  for purchase from Wavetrend or any of its Accredited Partners.
USER MANUAL –Active RFID Tags Document No. Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Issue Date Page 25042002  REV 2.3  User Manual  25TH APRIL 2012  8 OF 30  1.3  Key Features and Benefits of Active Tags  Key Tag Features Business Benefits Transmits a Unique ID Number  Allows  for  the  unique  identification  of  every  tag  in  an  RFID  system,  and  by extension, the asset or person the tag is attached to or carried by. Transmits  on  a  regular  basis  (called  ‘status transmissions’).  The  next  transmission  is  initiated  randomly within a very short period of time after the user programmed  transmission  or  ‘Tx’  interval  has elapsed after the previous transmission. Regular transmissions at short intervals (typically 1.5 seconds) provide near real time  tracking  capability  of  tagged  assets  or  personnel,  while  still  providing  an exceptional functional lifespan Transmits  on  an  exceptional  basis  (called ‘alarm’ or ‘alert’ transmissions’) immediately on activation  of  either  the  tamper  sensor  (if armed) or the movement sensor. Provides  real  time  indication  of  any  attempt  to  tamper  with  a  tag  or  move  a tagged asset, with alert transmissions being made at short intervals (typically 1.5 seconds) for a period of 5 seconds. Transmits  additional  tag  information,  such  as the  tag  type,  the  tag’s  standard  transmission interval, the status of  the alarm bit,  the status of  the  tamper  bit,  the  motion  sensor  counter and the tamper sensor counter. Allows for advanced application functions to be built into the RFID system to fully utilize the RFID hardware’s capabilities. Collision avoidance algorithm  Reduces loss of data through simultaneous transmissions from multiple tags. The randomization of the transmission interval aids the collision avoidance algorithm. Ultra low power consumption   Life  span  of  5+  years  when  transmitting  at  the  standard  10  second  or  greater interval All tags sealed to IP64 standards or higher  Splash proof and intrinsically safe capable All  tags  can  be  configured,  activated  or  deactivated  by  the  user  by  using  a  desktop  tag  programmer  (PG101-A)  available  for purchase from Wavetrend or any of its Accredited Partners.
USER MANUAL –Active RFID Tags Document No. Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Issue Date Page 25042002  REV 2.3  User Manual  25TH APRIL 2012  9 OF 30  1.4  Data Transmitted by ActivDuo and Active Tags  Key Tag Features Business Benefits Data Transmitted by Tags:    Site/Vendor Code (CSC)*   A unique code that is allocated by Wavetrend to each customer on request.   Readers  can  be  set  to  accept  only  one  specific  CSC  and  ignore  tags  with ‘incorrect’ site codes   Tag ID*    4.2  billion Tag  ID’s  are  available  per  Site  Code  (Tag  ID  is  different  from  the PUC).   Tag Age Counter   The  Age  Counter  allows  for  advance  notification  to  RFID  systems  of  the nearing end of the tag’s functional life.   Uniquely identifies each transmission made by the tag.   Product Unique Code (PUC)   Factory  set  ID  for  the  tag  that  can  function  as  the  tag’s  unique  ID  number instead of a Site Code/Tag ID combination.   The user cannot change the PUC.   Various standard transmission repetition intervals*  (default is 10 seconds ActivDuo) (default is 1.5 seconds Active) Different status transmission intervals allow tags to be configured for use in diverse applications in  a  way  to  ensure 100%  system  functionality and  that the  maximum battery  life  is  achieved,  but  without  overloading  the  RFID  system  with  too  many unnecessary tag signals.   Various alert transmission repetition intervals* (default is 1.5 seconds, nominal)   Different alert  transmission  intervals allow tags to be used in  diverse security applications  in  a  way  to  ensure  100%  system  functionality  is  achieved,  but maximizing the battery life span of the tag.   When  activated,  alert  transmissions  continue  for  a  maximum  period  of  5 seconds.   Movement Alert  Provides instant notification of an attempt to move a tag by setting the alarm bit and entering Alert Tx mode for 5 seconds.   Movement Counter Value Increments each time the motion sensor triggers the tag’s alert transmission mode. This allows an RFID system to determine if Alert Tx mode was initiated because of movement.   Tamper Counter Value Increments each time the tamper sensor triggers the tag’s alert transmission mode. This allows an RFID system to determine if Alert Tx mode was initiated because of tampering, or if a tamper event occurred outside of a reading zone. •  Tamper Alert Provides instant notification of unauthorized attempts to remove a tag from an asset by setting the alarm bit and transmitting 4 rapid alarm Tx’s.
USER MANUAL –Active RFID Tags Document No. Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Issue Date Page 25042002  REV 2.3  User Manual  25TH APRIL 2012  10 OF 30  1.5  General Facts about Wavetrend Tags   Radio  Frequency  (RF)  signals  are  scientifically  complex  and  subject  to  strict  government  controls  to avoid causing interference with other RF signals. How tags are used and where they are used all affect how the tags perform and what may be allowed in one country may be prohibited in another.   The products offered by other active RFID vendors are not functionally identical to Wavetrend’s and may perform very differently. Using and installing RFID tags requires careful consideration of these and many other factors by a trained RFID engineer. The use of the services of a Wavetrend trained and accredited engineer  to  determine  the  requirements  of  an  RFID  system  and  to  specify  the  correct  Wavetrend products to use is strongly recommended to ensure a satisfactory experience for the user.   All Wavetrend tags operate at a frequency of 433.92 MHz as standard.    Wavetrend Active and ActivDuo tags use different internal firmware and cannot be reconfigured as each other, I.e. an Active tag cannot be changed into an ActivDuo tag they are totally separate product lines. 1.6  Obtaining Professional Advice on Using Tags For most  tagging applications, following  the guidelines  in  this  manual will  provide  sufficient  basic advice to any  user.  If  these  guidelines  do  not  provide  enough  assistance,  then  the  user  should  contact one  of Wavetrend’s  Accredited  Partners  or  a  Wavetrend  Professional  Services  representative  directly for  further advice and assistance.  Note  on  Accredited  Partners:  Wavetrend  has  a  worldwide  Accredited  Partner  network  of companies  trained  up  in  all  aspects  of  Wavetrend  technology.  These  companies  can  offer  their expertise and knowledge to ensure that the best choice of Wavetrend products is made to suit user’s requirements, and that the products  are correctly installed, configured and operated. A full listing of Accredited Partners can be found on www.wavetrend.net under the Partners section. Wavetrend does not recommend the use of services provided by any company that is not fully trained and accredited by Wavetrend.
USER MANUAL –Active RFID Tags Document No. Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Issue Date Page 25042002  REV 2.3  User Manual  25TH APRIL 2012  11 OF 30  1.7  ActivDuo Tag Functionality The  ActivDuo  tag  offers  three  primary  modes  of  operation  that  determines  how  often  the tag  will  transmit. They are defined as being ‘Standard’, ‘Movement Alert’ and ‘Tamper Alert’ transmission modes:  1.7.1  Standard Transmission Mode In this mode, the tag will transmit its ID number and ancillary data regularly at the programmed status transmission interval (called the ‘Status Tx rate’). The default Status Tx rate is one  transmission  at  least  every  10  seconds for  ActivDuo and one transmission every 1.5 seconds for Active Tags.  Other  transmission  can  be  selected  by  the  user  and  programmed  into  the  tag  through  a  tag programmer unit. See the section on tag programming for more information on how to do this.         1.7.2  Movement Alert Mode In this mode the tag  will transmit  its data at a  shorter alert interval (the ‘Alert  Tx  rate’) for a short period of time if the motion sensor within the tag registers movement or vibration.   The default transmission rate for movement alert operation is 1 transmission every 1.5  seconds. But other alert transmission intervals (0.4 or 0.8 can be selected by the user and programmed  into the tag.  The tag will cease transmitting at the Alert Tx rate after 5 seconds of entering Movement Alert mode and revert to the Status Tx rate. Each time the motion sensor is activated when the tag is in Standard mode, the tag will immediately enter the Movement Alert mode. The movement counter will increment each time the Movement Alert mode is activated.      1.7.3  Tamper Alert Mode In this  mode, triggered by the anti-tamper circuit, the tag will transmit its data, together with setting the Alarm bit, in a rapid burst of four alert transmissions and in intervals of 0.4 seconds. The tamper alert mode will interrupt the movement alert mode if a tamper event occurs while the tag is moving. The tamper counter value will increment each time the Tamper Alert mode is activated. Status  Tx Rates Active  Status Tx Rates ActivDuo 0.4 seconds  10 seconds (default) 0.8 seconds  30 seconds 1.5 seconds (default)   15 seconds    30 seconds   Alert Tx Rates Active  Alert Tx Rates ActivDuo 0.4 seconds  0.4 seconds 0.8 seconds  0.8 seconds 1.5 seconds (default)  1.5 seconds(default)
USER MANUAL –Active RFID Tags Document No. Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Issue Date Page 25042002  REV 2.3  User Manual  25TH APRIL 2012  12 OF 30  1.8  Wavetrend Tag Families Overview  Wavetrend’s new range of tags is based upon 3 distinct families Personnel (P), Asset (A) and Micro (M).  1.8.1  TGP (Personnel) Family  Within the TGP Family there are 4 versions  TGP (Personnel), Standard Grey Personnel Tag  TGPS (Personnel Slimline), Thinner White Personnel Tag  TGPTELEMETRY, Tag transmits both Temperature and Humidity data  TGPHZ, (Personnel Hazard), Bright Yellow Personnel Tag that holds ATEX and IECEx Certification. 1.8.2  TGA (Asset) Family  Within the TGA Family there are 7 versions  TGA (Asset), Standard Black Asset tag  TGAHT(Asset High Temp) , White Asset tag rated from -30 to + 85 Degrees Celsius, that holds ATEX and IECEx Certification. TGAE (Asset Tag Extreme), Orange Potted tag rated from -30 to + 85 Degrees Celsius, that holds ATEX and IECEx Certification. TGAHZ (Asset Hazard), Bright Yellow Tag that holds ATEX and IECEx Certification. TGATEMP, Tag transmits Temperature data  TGALP (Asset Low Profile), A low profile indoor asset tag  TGAS (Asset Strap), Asset tag with strap attachment  1.8.3  TGM (Micro) Family  Within the TGM Family there are 2 versions   TGM (Micro) Standard Tag  TGMS (Micro Strap), Micro tag with strap attachment
USER MANUAL –Active RFID Tags Document No. Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Issue Date Page 25042002  REV 2.3  User Manual  25TH APRIL 2012  13 OF 30  1.9  Tag Properties  The tag properties of each of the tags are summarized below   Tag Type  IP Rating  Temperature rating  Additional Certification  TGP  64  -30 to + 60 Degrees C    TGPS  64  -30 to + 90 Degrees C   TGPTELEMETRY  0  -30 to + 90 Degrees C   TGPHZ  64  -30 to + 60 Degrees C  ATEX, IECEx, IS  TGA  67  -30 to + 90 Degrees C   TGAHT  67  -30 to + 90 Degrees C   ATEX, IECEx, IS TGAE  68  -30 to  +90 Degrees C  ATEX, IECEx, IS TGAHZ  67  -30 to + 90 Degrees C  ATEX, IECEx, IS TGATEMP  67  -30 to + 90 Degrees C   TGALP  67  -30 to + 90 Degrees C   TGAS  67  -30 to + 90 Degrees C   TGM  64  -30 to + 90 Degrees C   TGMS  64  -30 to + 90 Degrees C            1.10  Tag Battery (Functional) Life Span Wavetrend’s tags typically use a Lithium-Ion battery that the manufacturer states as offering a 10 year shelf life, rated for. The batteries are more efficient at producing current in hotter temperatures and less efficient in colder temperatures.   Note  about  calculating  tag  life  spans:  Wavetrend  provides  all  Accredited  Partners  with  an application which allows the minimum expected life span of a tag to be quite accurately calculated by entering  information  about  the tag type, the  tag  configuration (data  &  options)  and  expected  usage information (temperatures & amount of movement) that is available.  If you do not have access to the tag life span calculator and want to find out if a tag will provide a sufficient functional life for your intended use, please ask Wavetrend or one of our Accredited Partners to assist you.    We feel it is better to be conservative than to set expectations that may lead to customer disappointment, but for the majority of tags sold we would expect the customer to enjoy a potential maximum life span of up to 5 years  from  a  TGP  and  TGA  tag  depending  very  much  on  how  the  tag  is  configured  to  operate,  and  the ambient temperature it  will experience throughout  its life  span. The TGM and  TGPS have smaller batteries and will last a shorter period of time.
USER MANUAL –Active RFID Tags Document No. Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Issue Date Page 25042002  REV 2.3  User Manual  25TH APRIL 2012  14 OF 30   Summary: What can reduce a tag’s life span?  Transmission intervals. Shorter standard and alert intervals = shorter life span. Ambient  temperatures.  The  power  consumption  of  the  electrical  components  inside  the  tag  will change very slightly with changes  in temperature  and the  battery will be  less efficient  in generating energy.  Colder temperatures = shorter life span. Regular  temperature  cycles. Where the tag is  subjected  to  repeated and  regular  temperature  cycles  (hot / cold / hot etc.) the battery life span will be reduced. The greater the extremes in hot and cold, the greater the reduction of life span. Regular temperature cycles = shorter life span. The amount of movement, and therefore how often the Alert mode is initiated, will affect life span.  More movement = shorter life span. 1.10.1  End of Life The tag will continue to transmit its data signals at a constant strength until the battery is exhausted, at which point the tag will cease transmitting. The battery loses  less than 1% of its  power for every year  in  storage. The battery has a maximum specified shelf life of 8 years, in the case of where the tag is never activated. The  tag’s  Battery  Age  Counter  value  is  transmitted  with  every  signal  ,  by  monitoring  the  value  of  the  age counter, the recipient RFID software system can alert the user to the fact that the tag is nearing the end of its  functional life. It should be noted that it is not possible for the user to replace the battery in any Wavetrend tags  1.10.2  Keeping Tags in Stock  It is recommended that tags be kept in stock for less  than two  years after purchase from Wavetrend. The oldest  tags held in  stock  should always be  sold on, used  or activated  first. Tags should  not be activated if they are to be  held in stock.  Activate tags  only when  needed for  use. If tags are to be used on occasions, deactivate them when they are in storage between uses to maximize their useful life. 1.11  Tag Accessories 1.11.1  Tag Attachment Kits Most  of  the  Tags  can  be  attached  to  most  types  of  assets  using  the  Tag  Attachment  Kits  supplied  by Wavetrend. The attachment kit consists of 10 very high bond (VHB), double-sided adhesive pads which are cut to match the size of the tag. The VHB  gel  pads  will take 24 hours to cure and reach  maximum adhesion  to  both the tag  and the asset. Within this time period it will be easier to remove the tag if it needs repositioning or has been affixed to an asset in error. If the tag & gel pad are removed from the asset soon after first being affixed to the asset, it is not recommended  to try reuse the gel pad as it will not  adhere to the asset surface as well for the second time. Replace the pad. The VHB pads will not adhere to wet, greasy, dusty or rough surfaces (such as wood, concrete etc.) 1.11.2  Anti-Tamper Tag Attachment Kits The kits of 10 VHB gel pads also include a small magnet that fits into the pre-punched hole in each gel pad. This  magnet  provides  the  mechanism  to  arm  the  anti-tamper  circuit  in  the  tag.  If  any  attempt  is  made  to remove  the tag,  the  deformation  and  breakup of  the gel  pad  caused  by the attempt  to  remove  the tag  will
USER MANUAL –Active RFID Tags Document No. Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Issue Date Page 25042002  REV 2.3  User Manual  25TH APRIL 2012  15 OF 30  cause the magnet to shift in position relative to the tag, immediately activating the tamper alert transmission from the tag.  It  is  recommended  to  place  a  spot  of  Superglue™  or  other  suitable  adhesive  on  the  magnet  so  that  it  will adhere  to  the  asset  surface  and  be  able  to  trigger  a  tamper  alert  more  quickly  should  any  unauthorized attempt  be  made  to  remove  a  tag  from  its  asset.  Do  not  glue  the  magnet  to  the  back  of  the  tag,  this  will prevent the anti-tamper feature from working. 1.11.3  Identifying the Correct Attachment Kit to Use All  attachment  kits  have  a  product  code  starting  with  the  prefix  ‘TA’,  and  share  the  same  product  code number as the tag type they are to be used with. For example, the TATGP kit will be used with the TGP tag. The Anti-Tamper Tag Attachment  Kit has the suffix ‘-AT’ after the kit’s  product code. For example  the  anti-tamper kit for the TGP  tag is the TATGP-AT. 1.11.4  Other Attachment Methods The  TGA  Family  of  tags  are  designed  to  allow  attachment  to  assets  using  customer  supplied  screws  or rivets, and fixing holes are provided in the tag housing for this purpose. It is not recommended to rely purely on the VHB gel pads or other adhesives if a very secure fixture to an asset is required, such as to a vehicle or asset that is normally handled roughly. It is recommended to test any other type of adhesive or glue before generally attaching tags to assets using this other type of adhesive. Not all adhesives will bond well with both the tag and the surface material of the tagged object. Some adhesives or glues will cause damage to the plastic tag housing and possibly to the tag.  It  is  not  recommended  to  attach  the  tag  by  any  type  of  permanent  adhesive  method  if  the  tag  is  to  be removed at the end of its functional lifespan as damage may be  caused to the asset, rather use screws or rivets that can be removed without causing damage  to  the outdoor asset, or for indoor assets, use the  tag attachment kits. For  temporary  attachment  to  assets  that  allow  quick  removal  or  re-attachment  of  the  tag  when  desired, adhesive Velcro™ strips are an excellent material for this purpose.  1.12  Programming Tags Before tags can be deployed and used, they should be configured to suit the user’s requirements. The tag is manufactured to hold a unique factory set CSC & Tag ID and is set to the default Status Tx & Alert Tx rates and motion sensor sensitivity settings previously mentioned. Should the Status or Alert Tx rates need to be changed, or for any additional user data to be written onto the tag, the user will need to use the PG101-A  Wavetrend  Tag  Programmer unit available for purchase from any Wavetrend sales agent. Alternatively the user can order tags from their Wavetrend sales agent pre-programmed to their specification, if the agent offers this service. Wavetrend offers tag programming at manufacture for orders exceeding 1000 tags. Please enquire with Wavetrend or a sales agent for more information. Tags  are  typically  shipped  in  an  inactive  or  ‘asleep’  state  to  comply  with  regulations  concerning  the  air freight  of  transmitting  devices.  The  L-PG101-A  Programmer  must  be  used  to  configure,  activate  the  tags prior to deployment.
USER MANUAL –Active RFID Tags Document No. Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Issue Date Page 25042002  REV 2.3  User Manual  25TH APRIL 2012  16 OF 30  1.13  Safe Use Wavetrend  tags  impose  no  health  or  safety  risk  to  people  involved  with  installation,  maintenance  or  use. They are as safe to use as any standard household electrical appliance (like a radio). In particular:  No hazardous materials are used in the manufacture of the product. The products contain no CFCs or ozone depleting materials, nor were such materials used in their manufacture.  Wavetrend Tags are lead free, and use a low voltage 3.0 volt lithium battery. When new, a tag contains less  than .5 grams of  lithium. This amount  decreases as the tag is used, it is very small and does not pose any health risk.   1.14  ATEX Special Condition of Use  Care shall be taken when wiping the tag in a Group I mining location. Only wipe with an antistatic / damp cloth. 1.15  Disposal of Tags At  the  end  of  its  functional  life  the  tag  must  be  disposed  of  in  a  suitable  local  recycling  facility  and  in accordance with any local laws pertaining to the recycling of waste electronic equipment. The tag consists of an  ABS  plastic  housing,  electronic  components  and  a  lithium  battery.  The  tag  contains  no  substances banned by the European Union’s Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directive.  European  customers:  under  the  provisions  of  the  Waste  Electrical  and  Electronic  Equipment  (WEEE) Directive 2002/96/EC, the spent tag must be recovered and recycled in accordance with the local regulations pertaining to WEEE. Please enquire with your European Wavetrend sales agent for details of how to dispose the tag in the correct way. Wavetrend (UK) Ltd. EPRN: WEE/GD0727WW  Please  protect  our  environment  and  recycle  all  used  electronic  and  electrical  equipment  through reputable,  ethical  companies  who  properly  handle  electrical  waste.  Do  not  throw  the  used  tag  out with normal garbage. 1.16  FCC Conditions of use. The FCC have granted certification of Wavetrend’s ActivDuo range of tags under the following conditions of use.      FCC Statement of Conformity  Wavetrend   , TG XXX ActivDuo ,  FCC ID: 06X XXX-A This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules subject to the following three conditions: 1)  This device may not cause harmful interference. 2)  This device must accept all interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. 3)  This device is for commercial use only and intended for use in a confined area with an appropriate system receiver   Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
USER MANUAL –Active RFID Tags Document No. Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Issue Date Page 25042002  REV 2.3  User Manual  25TH APRIL 2012  17 OF 30  2  THE TGP PERSONNEL TAG The TGP Personnel tag is generally used by people who need to carry a tag with them, typically for access control  or time & attendance  purposes. The housing incorporates  a clip-slot for convenient wearing for that purpose. However, it may be used in other applications such as asset monitoring. The mounting and affixing method for the tag depends on the type of application it is used in. The TGPHZ version of this product can be used for exactly the same purpose but in addition holds the ATEX, IECEx certifications.  2.1  Important Facts about the TGP Tag  The tag must not be installed directly onto metal surfaces.    The tag has an omni directional antenna, which achieves and a near perfect spherical field allowing this tag to mounted in any orientation.    The tag can  a  movement sensor  in  Active versions TGP-MS,  in Active Duo TGP-A it operates in three different modes, the standard operation mode that transmits its data with Status Tx rate, the movement alert  operation  mode  that  transmits  with  the  Alert  Tx  rate  when  its  movement  sensor  senses  any movement  or  vibration  of  the  tag,  and  the  tamper  alert  mode  if  the  tag  is  fixed  to  an  object  with  Anti-Tamper kit.   The tag is rated to operate in ambient temperatures between -30oC and +60oC, using the tag in ambient temperatures beyond this range will cause damage to the tag and possibly cause its complete failure.   The  Nema  standard  IP  rating  of  the  TGP  tag  is  64,  which  means  it  is  protected  against  dust  and splashing water. Using the tag in harsher conditions will cause damage to the tag and possibly cause its complete failure. Note:  Using  this  tag  for  an  incorrect  application  can  significantly  reduce  the  read  range  the  tag  provides, possibly to the point that no signal from the tag can be received at all. This  manual  gives  instructions  for the correct method  and  location to  attach the tag; failure to  follow these instructions will result in impaired operation or even the complete loss of tag signals.  2.2  Using the TGP for Tracking Personnel 2.2.1  Requirements & Instructions   TGP- tag   Any standard card clip, lanyard, key ring, card holder etc. Attach the tag to the clip / lanyard / key ring using the clip slot provided on the tag, or slide the tag into the card holder (it will fit in most). The tag should be worn with the flat back facing outward, and should not be kept in a pocket or anywhere else where it is pressed up against the body. The human body can reduce the tag’s signal strength and this may lead to apparently erratic operation in certain instances. If desired, a ‘sticky-back’ plastic label that is pre-printed with personal identification information can be stuck to the flat back of the TGP tag, to enable the TGP to function as an ID card for the carrier. 2.3  Installing the TGP for Tracking Assets 2.3.1  Requirements   TGP tag   1 adhesive gel pad (& magnet) from a 10-pack TATGP or TATGP-AT Attachment Kit
USER MANUAL –Active RFID Tags Document No. Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Issue Date Page 25042002  REV 2.3  User Manual  25TH APRIL 2012  18 OF 30    Glass cleaner   Clean dry cloth 2.3.2  Preparation   Clean  an  area  a  little  larger  than  the  tag  on an object.  Ensure  that  no  dust,  oil,  grease  or  residue remains.   Position the gel pad over the back of the tag and align the hole in the pad with the embossed circle on the tag. Remove the  gel pad cover  and stick the gel pad to the back of  the  tag. Make sure the hole in the pad and the circle on the back of the tag are aligned. 2.3.3  Arming the anti-tamper (if using the TATGP-AT attachment kit)   Once the gel pad is stuck firmly to the tag insert the small magnet into the pad and press around it. Make sure the magnet has stuck firmly to the pad in the hole. The tag’s anti-tamper is now armed.   It is recommended to place a spot of Superglue™ or other suitable adhesive on the magnet so that it will  adhere  to  the  asset  surface  and  be  able  to  trigger  a  tamper  alert  more  quickly  should  any unauthorized attempt be made to remove a tag from its asset. Do not glue the magnet to the back of the tag; this will prevent the anti-tamper feature from working. 2.3.4  Final steps   Remove  the  other  cover  from  the  gel  pad  and  position  the  tag  in  a suitable  location  on  the  asset. Press firmly and ensure no air bubbles remain visible.   The gel pad will take up to 24 hours to cure to full bond strength.  2.4  Removing the TGP The tag may require removal from the object either at the end of its functional life, or in instances where the tag has been damaged, or where the asset is at end of its life cycle and must be replaced or disposed of. In the case of asset replacement or disposal and where the tag is still fully functional, the tag can be installed onto a new asset with a new gel pad. 2.4.1  Requirements   1 thin, flat instrument or blade, such as a dinner table knife 2.4.2  Removal   Carefully insert the blade into the gel pad repeatedly, working all the way around the edge of the tag.   Repeat this as many times as it take to loosen enough of the gel pad around the edge of the tag to allow gentle twisting or rotation of the tag in a clock-wise then anti-clockwise manner. Use the blade to continue loosening or breaking up the gel pad to allow greater rotation of the tag.   Continue to twist the tag until it comes off the object. Notes: The  anti-tamper  feature  will  cause  the  tag  to  alarm  immediately  if  any  attempt  is  made  to  remove  the  tag before the end of its functional lifespan. Do not try to pull the tag off the object when removing it, the best way to break down the bond between the gel pad and the tag & object is to rotate the tag clockwise and anti-clockwise repeatedly.
USER MANUAL –Active RFID Tags Document No. Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Issue Date Page 25042002  REV 2.3  User Manual  25TH APRIL 2012  19 OF 30    Continue to twist the tag until it comes off the object. Notes: The anti-tamper feature (if used) will cause the tag to alarm immediately if any attempt is made to remove the tag before the end of its functional lifespan. Do not try to pull the tag off the object when removing it, the best way to break down the bond between the gel pad and the tag & object is to rotate the tag clockwise and anti-clockwise repeatedly.
USER MANUAL –Active RFID Tags Document No. Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Issue Date Page 25042002  REV 2.3  User Manual  25TH APRIL 2012  20 OF 30  3  THE TGA  ASSET TAG The TGA  Asset tag is specially designed for use in asset tagging applications such as containers, vehicles and  transport  media  where  the  tag  must  be  water  proof  and  capable  of  withstanding  extremely  harsh treatment.  The  TGA  is  optimized  to  operate  on  metal  assets  however  it  can  be  used  equally  well  on  non metallic assets as well.  The TGAHZ can be used in exactly the same applications as the TGA  but in addition holds the ATEX, IECEx certifications.    3.1  Important Facts about the TGA Tag   The tag should be installed directly onto metal surfaces to obtain the best read range performance from the tag.    The tag has an Omni directional antenna. When mounted on metal it can be read through 180 degrees , when mounted on plastic it can be read from the full 360 degrees.   Attaching the tag to plastic or other non-metal surfaces will reduce the maximum read range the tag can provide by approximately 10%   The tag can  a  movement sensor  in  Active versions TGA-MS,  in Active Duo TGA-A it operates in three different modes, the standard operation mode that transmits its data with Status Tx rate, the movement alert  operation  mode  that  transmits  with  the  Alert  Tx  rate  when  its  movement  sensor  senses  any movement  or  vibration  of  the  tag,  and  the  tamper  alert  mode  if  the  tag  is  fixed  to  an  object  with  Anti-Tamper kit.   The tag is rated to operate in ambient temperatures between -30oC and +90oC, using the tag in ambient temperatures beyond this range will cause damage to the tag and possibly cause its complete failure.   The Nema standard IP rating of the TGP tag is 67, which means it is dustproof and waterproof but is not capable of being submerged deep in water. Using the tag in harsher conditions will cause damage to the tag and possibly cause its complete failure. 3.2  TGAHT  The  TGAHT  extends  the  operating  temperature  range  of  the  TGA,  allowing  it  to  in  ambient  temperatures between -30oC and  +90oC, using the tag  in  ambient temperatures beyond this  range will cause damage to the tag and possibly cause its complete failure.  The TGA holds the ATEX, IECEx certifications.     3.3  TGAE The  TGAHT  extends  the  IP  rating  and  the  temperature  range  of  the  TGA,  allowing  it  to  in  ambient temperatures between -30oC and +90oC, using the tag in ambient temperatures beyond this range will cause damage to the tag and possibly cause its complete failure.  The Nema standard IP rating of the TGAE tag is 68, which means it is dustproof and waterproof and is capable of being submerged in water to a depth of 2 meters.  The TGAE holds the ATEX, IECEx certifications.
USER MANUAL –Active RFID Tags Document No. Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Issue Date Page 25042002  REV 2.3  User Manual  25TH APRIL 2012  21 OF 30  Note:  Using  this  tag  for  an  incorrect  application  can  significantly  reduce  the  read  range  the  tag  provides, possibly to the point that no signal from the tag can be received at all. This  manual  gives  instructions  for the correct method  and  location to  attach the tag; failure to  follow these instructions will result in impaired operation or even the complete loss of tag signals.  3.4  Attaching the TGA for Tracking Containers and Other Assets 3.4.1  Requirements   TGA tag (comes with VHB foam-gel pad attached)   Anti-tamper Kit   Glass cleaner   Clean dry cloth 3.4.2  Preparation    Clean  an  area  a  little larger than the tag  on an object.  Ensure that no  dust,  oil, grease  or  residue remains.   Position the gel pad over the back of the tag and align the hole in the pad with the embossed circle on the tag. Remove the  gel pad cover  and stick the gel pad to the back of  the  tag. Make sure the hole in the pad and the circle on the back of the tag are aligned. 3.4.3  Arming the anti-tamper (if using the TATGA-AT attachment kit)   Once the gel pad is stuck firmly to the tag insert the small magnet into the pad and press around it. Make sure the magnet has stuck firmly to the pad in the hole. The tag’s anti-tamper is now armed.   It is recommended to place a spot of Superglue™ or other suitable adhesive on the magnet so that it will  adhere  to  the  asset  surface  and  be  able  to  trigger  a  tamper  alert  more  quickly  should  any unauthorized attempt be made to remove a tag from its asset. Do not glue the magnet to the back of the tag; this will prevent the anti-tamper feature from working. 3.4.4  Final steps   Remove the paper  cover from the gel pad on the back of the tag and position the tag in a suitable location on the asset. Press firmly to ensure a firm bond.   The gel pad will take up to 24 hours to cure to full bond strength.   For all assets that will be driven or transported and/or which may experience rough handling and/or cleaning with high pressure water jets it is strongly recommended to fix the TGA tag to the asset with screws or rivets in addition to the VHB gel pad. 4mm diameter screws or rivets are suitable.   It is helpful to first attach the tag to the asset using the VHB pad and then to drill the required holes for the screws or rivets as the tag will be held in the correct location by the VHB pad while you are working. 3.5  Removing the TGA The tag may require removal from the object either at the end of its functional life, or in instances where the tag has been damaged, or where the asset is at end of its life cycle and must be replaced or disposed of. In the case of asset replacement or disposal and where the tag is still fully functional, the tag can be installed onto a new asset with a new VHB pad and screws/rivets.
USER MANUAL –Active RFID Tags Document No. Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Issue Date Page 25042002  REV 2.3  User Manual  25TH APRIL 2012  22 OF 30  3.5.1  Requirements   1 strong, flat tipped instrument, such as a flat head screw driver   Drill or screw driver to remove any rivets or screws used to fix the tag to the asset 3.5.2  Removal   For plastic assets or assets made of softer metal, it is highly likely that some surface damage could occur during removal of the tag. Take as much care as possible to avoid this by working carefully to break the VHB bond and use an instrument that is less likely to gouge or scratch the asset surface.   First remove any fixing screws or drill out any rivets used to fix the tag to the asset.   Carefully work the flat tipped instrument (screwdriver) under the tag.    Break  the  adhesive  bond  by  leveraging  the  tag  off  the  asset  slowly,  adjusting  the  position  of  the instrument to the left and then to the right repeatedly, working all the way around the edge of the tag to loosen the VHB bond.   Repeat this as many times as it take to loosen enough of the gel pad around the edge of the tag to allow gentle twisting or rotation of the tag in a clock-wise then anti-clockwise manner or to lift the tag by one edge. Use the blade to continue loosening or breaking up the gel pad to allow greater rotation of the tag.   Continue to twist and lift the tag until it comes off the object.  Notes: The  anti-tamper  feature  will  cause  the  tag  to  alarm  immediately  if  any  attempt  is  made  to  remove  the  tag before the end of its functional lifespan. Do not try to pull the tag off the object when removing it, the best way to break down the bond between the gel pad and the tag & object is to rotate the tag clockwise and anti-clockwise repeatedly.
USER MANUAL –Active RFID Tags Document No. Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Issue Date Page 25042002  REV 2.3  User Manual  25TH APRIL 2012  23 OF 30  4  THE TGM MICRO TAG The TGM Micro tag is specially designed for use in asset tagging applications such as laptops, IT equipment, vehicles  and  transport  media.  The  TGM  is  optimized  to  operate  on  metal  assets  however  it  can  be  used equally well on non metallic assets as well. 4.1  Important Facts about the Micro Tag   The tag has an Omni directional antenna. When mounted on metal it can be read through 180 degrees, when mounted on plastic it can be read from the full 360 degrees.   Attaching the tag to plastic or other non-metal surfaces will reduce the maximum read range the tag can provide by approximately 10%   The tag can a movement sensor in Active versions TGM-MS, in Active Duo TGM-A it operates in three different modes, the standard operation mode that transmits its data with Status Tx rate, the movement alert  operation  mode  that  transmits  with  the  Alert  Tx  rate  when  its  movement  sensor  senses  any movement  or  vibration  of  the  tag,  and  the  tamper  alert  mode  if  the  tag  is  fixed  to  an  object  with  Anti-Tamper kit.   The tag is rated to operate in ambient temperatures between -30oC and +90oC, using the tag in ambient temperatures beyond this range will cause damage to the tag and possibly cause its complete failure.   The  Nema  standard  IP  rating  of  the  TGM  tag  is  64,  which  means  it  is  protected  against  dust  and splashing water. Using the tag in harsher conditions will cause damage to the tag and possibly cause its complete failure. Note:  Using  this  tag  for  an  incorrect  application  can  significantly  reduce  the  read  range  the  tag  provides, possibly to the point that no signal from the tag can be received at all. This  manual  gives  instructions  for the correct method  and  location to  attach the tag; failure to  follow these instructions will result in impaired operation or even the complete loss of tag signals.  4.2  Attaching the TGM for Tracking IT Equipment and Other Assets 4.2.1  Requirements   TGM tag   1 adhesive gel pad (& magnet) from a 10-pack TAM or TAM-AT Attachment Kit    Glass cleaner   Clean dry cloth 4.2.2  Preparation   Clean  an  area  a  little  larger  than  the  tag  on an object.  Ensure  that  no  dust,  oil,  grease  or  residue remains.   Position the gel pad over the back of the tag and align the hole in the pad with the embossed circle on the tag. Remove the  gel pad cover  and stick the gel pad to the back of  the  tag. Make sure the hole in the pad and the circle on the back of the tag are aligned. 4.2.3  Arming the anti-tamper (if using the TAM-AT attachment kit)   Once the gel pad is stuck firmly to the tag insert the small magnet into the pad and press around it. Make sure the magnet has stuck firmly to the pad in the hole. The tag’s anti-tamper is now armed.   It is recommended to place a spot of Superglue™ or other suitable adhesive on the magnet so that it will  adhere  to  the  asset  surface  and  be  able  to  trigger  a  tamper  alert  more  quickly  should  any
USER MANUAL –Active RFID Tags Document No. Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Issue Date Page 25042002  REV 2.3  User Manual  25TH APRIL 2012  24 OF 30  unauthorized attempt be made to remove a tag from its asset. Do not glue the magnet to the back of the tag; this will prevent the anti-tamper feature from working. 4.2.4  Final steps   Remove  the  other  cover  from  the  gel  pad  and  position  the  tag  in  a suitable  location  on  the  asset. Press firmly and ensure no air bubbles remain visible.   The gel pad will take up to 24 hours to cure to full bond strength.   If fitting the tag to the asset using screws or rivets with the VHB gel pad it is helpful to first attach the tag to the asset using the gel pad and then to drill the required holes for the screws or rivets as the tag will be held in the correct location by the VHB pad while you are working.   If fitting the tag to the asset using screws or rivets without the VHB gel pad, mark the centre of each hole using the tag’s fixing holes as your guide.     Then to drill the required holes for the screws or rivets and fix the tag to the asset using the screws or rivets. 4.3  Removing the TGM The tag may require removal from the object either at the end of its functional life, or in instances where the tag has been damaged, or where the asset is at end of its life cycle and must be replaced or disposed of. In the case of asset replacement or disposal and where the tag is still fully functional, the tag can be installed onto a new asset with a new gel pad. 4.3.1  Requirements   1 thin, flat instrument or blade, such as a dinner table knife  4.3.2  Removal   For plastic assets or assets made of softer metal, it is highly likely that some surface damage could occur during removal of the tag. Take as much care as possible to avoid this by working carefully to break the VHB bond and use an instrument that is less likely to gouge or scratch the asset surface.   Carefully insert the blade into the gel pad repeatedly, working all the way around the edge of the tag.   Repeat this as many times as it take to loosen enough of the gel pad around the edge of the tag to allow gentle twisting or rotation of the tag in a clock-wise then anti-clockwise manner. Use the blade to continue loosening or breaking up the gel pad to allow greater rotation of the tag.   Continue to twist the tag until it comes off the object. Notes: The anti-tamper feature (if used) will cause the tag to alarm immediately if any attempt is made to remove the tag before the end of its functional lifespan. Do not try to pull the tag off the object when removing it, the best way to break down the bond between the gel pad and the tag & object is to rotate the tag clockwise and anti-clockwise repeatedly.
USER MANUAL –Active RFID Tags Document No. Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Issue Date Page 25042002  REV 2.3  User Manual  25TH APRIL 2012  25 OF 30  APPENDIX A.  DOCUMENT INFORMATION AMENDMENT HISTORY Issue  Date  Amendment Details  Amended By 1.1  22nd  August 2011  First Draft , further tags to be added   Will Damerell  1.2  24th August 2011  Second draft ATEX amendments   Will Damerell  1.3  26th August 2011  ATEX  label changes   Will Damerell 1.4   1st September 2011  Cleaning instructions added and label changes. Will Damerell  1.5  2nd September 2011  ATEX amendments   Will Damerell  1.6  9th September 2011  Temperature changes to TGA   Will Damerell  1.7  12th September 2011  Temperature changes to TGA   Will Damerell  1.8  13th September 2011  ATEX Label changes   Will Damerell 1.9   22nd September 2011  Approval changes   Will Damerell 2.0  23rd September 2011  Approval Changes   Will Damerell 2.1  17th November 2011  Approval Changes  Will Damerell 2.2  05th December 2011  Approval changes   Will Damerell  Table 2: Amendment History APPROVALS Number  Name  Designation  Date  Signature 1.           2.           3.         4.          5.          Table 3: Approvals
USER MANUAL –Active RFID Tags Document No. Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Issue Date Page 25042002  REV 2.3  User Manual  25TH APRIL 2012  26 OF 30  APPENDIX B.  CERTIFICATIONS               The Wavetrend Active Tag range hold the following Certifications  CE  ETSI EN 300 220 Class 7a  Effected Radiated Power (Carrier)   ETSI EN 300 220  Effected Radiated Power (Spurious Emissions)   ETSI EN 300 220  Range of modulation bandwidth for wide band equipment   ETSI EN 300 220  Frequency stability under low voltage conditions   BS EN55022 Class B  Emissions Standard for domestic and light industrial environments BS EN61000-4-2  1995 ESD Requirements BS EN61000-4-3  2006 Radiated Susceptibility  ATEX  ATEX directive 94/9/EC EMC directive 2004/108/EC Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC  Based on the following harmonised standards: EN60079-0:2006  EN60079-11:2007 EN60079-26:2007  EN61241-0:2006 EN61241-11:2006  EN300 220-2 V2.12(2007-2006)   And therefore complies with all of the relevant essential requirements of those directives. The following Notified Body has been involved in the conformity assessment process: Notified Body TRaC Global Ltd Notified Body No. 0891 Role: Issue of ATEX EC Type Examination certificate  Certificate No. TRAC11ATEX11298X  Additional information:  TGPHZ ATEX coding II 1 G D Ex ia IIC T4 Ga              Ex iaD 20 IP64 T60°C Da I M        Ex ia I Limitations on use See ATEX EC Type Examination certificate
USER MANUAL –Active RFID Tags Document No. Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Issue Date Page 25042002  REV 2.3  User Manual  25TH APRIL 2012  27 OF 30     TGAHZ ,TGAHT,TGAE ATEX coding II 1 G D Ex ia IIC T4 Ga              Ex iaD 20 IP64 T90°C Da I M        Ex ia I Limitations on use See ATEX EC Type Examination certificate
USER MANUAL –Active RFID Tags Document No. Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Issue Date Page 25042002  REV 2.3  User Manual  25TH APRIL 2012  28 OF 30  APPENDIX C.  ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS      The Electrical characteristics are summarised below by Tag type   Tag Type  Battery Type  Battery Voltage  Battery Capacity  TGP  CR2450  3.0   620 mah  TGPS  CR2430  3.0  300 mah  TGPHZ  CR2430  3.0  620 mah TGA  CR2450  3.0  620 mah TGAHT  CR2450HR  3.0  550 mah TGAHZ  CR2450  3.0  620 mah TGAE  CR2450HR  3.0  550 mah TGM   CR1632  3.0  140 mah                             It should be noted that it is not possible to change the batteries in any Wavetrend Tags   .
USER MANUAL –Active RFID Tags Document No. Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Issue Date Page 25042002  REV 2.3  User Manual  25TH APRIL 2012  29 OF 30  APPENDIX D.  ATEX TAG LABELLING Tag labelling               TGPHZ ATEX  labelling
USER MANUAL –Active RFID Tags Document No. Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Issue Date Page 25042002  REV 2.3  User Manual  25TH APRIL 2012  30 OF 30  TGAHZ ATEX labelling    TGAHT ATEX labelling    TGAE  ATEX  labelling

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