Wacom Co PL800 18" LCD Pen Tablet Sensor User Manual

Wacom Co Ltd 18" LCD Pen Tablet Sensor


User Manual

2Introduction and OverviewThe Wacom® Cintiq™ 18SX Interactive Pen Display combines an LCD display with a Wacom tablet.This gives you a direct point-and-draw-on-screen interface that can be used with a Personal Com-puter (PC), Macintosh® computer, or SGI™ or Sun® workstation.  Cintiq’s basic componentsinclude a Wacom tablet internally mounted behind an 18.1” diagonal TFT color LCD display, andWacom’s Grip Pen.Your Cintiq Interactive Pen Display offers a number of significant advantages over a standarddisplay:■Integrated input and display■Pressure-sensitive drawing directly on the display screen■Reduced power consumption and heat generation■Requires less work space■Flicker free and easier on the eyes.Cintiq comes with a modular display stand, which allows you to easily rotate the Interactive PenDisplay unit to any orientation, and to adjust the incline of the working surface to any anglebetween 13 and 70 degrees.  You can also lock Cintiq in either a landscape or portrait orientation.If you prefer to use Cintiq on your lap, simply lift the display unit out of the stand.  Please refer toWorking with Cintiq on page 32 for more information.The workspace, and how you interact with it, was an important consideration in the design anddevelopment of Cintiq.  Regardless of how you prefer to work with the Interactive Pen Display,you will find that Cintiq is ideally suited to a variety of diverse professional fields and applications.Cintiq is especially useful in the fields of animation, graphics design, 3D modeling, and video andfilm post-production.  Some additional areas of use include architectural design, AV presentations,industrial design, medical imaging, textile design, and any others where direct manipulation of thescreen image is useful.This manual describes how to install the Cintiq hardware and software.  It also describes how touse Cintiq, the Grip Pen, and the modular display stand.The Interactive Pen Display and the Cintiq stand are packed separately.  Refer to Unpacking Cintiqon page 12 before removing Cintiq or the stand from the box.  Please follow all instructionscarefully.
3Note that the computer treats the two parts of Cintiq (the LCD display and the Wacomtablet) as separate pieces of hardware.  Therefore, the installation process is completed in twostages:■First, you will install the LCD display portion of Cintiq.■In the second stage you will install Cintiq’s tablet functionality.Both stages require hardware and software installations.  Please follow all instructionscarefully.You can find information on using the Wacom Tablet Control Panel for customizing your tabletand pen settings in the online Help, located under the Help menu in the Wacom Tablet ControlPanel.  See Learning More About Cintiq on page 37.The following are not included with this product:■Information about your specific computer hardware■Information about your operating system■Information about application software.Please refer also to your computer hardware, operating system, or software application manuals.To use the pressure-sensitivity of the Grip Pen with your favorite drawing application, refer toinstructions in that application’s manuals.
4Precautions on Use and HandlingBe sure to follow all instructions, cautions, and warnings found within this manual.  Failure to doso could void your warranty, in which case Wacom shall have no responsibility to repair or replacethe product.P H Y S I C A L   L O C A T I O N■Do not use the Cintiq Interactive Pen Display in a facility control system thatrequires extremely high reliability; it may cause other electronic devices to malfunc-tion, or other devices may cause the Interactive Pen Display to malfunction.  Where useis prohibited, power off Cintiq to prevent the possibility of it causing other electronicdevices to malfunction.  Wacom does not accept any liability for direct or consequentialdamages.  For details, please refer to your Warranty, located at the end of this manual.E N V I R O N M E N T■Temperature and Humidity– Operating temperature and humidity   5˚ to 35˚C, 20 to 80% RH– Storage temperature and humidity -10˚ to 60˚C, 20 to 90% RH■Do not use or store Cintiq where temperature changes are severe or exceed specifica-tions (e.g., outdoors or inside a vehicle).  Do not use or store Cintiq where theInteractive Pen Display, the Grip Pen, and the Cintiq stand are exposed to direct sunlightor heat from an appliance, or are exposed to water or any other kind of liquid.■Do not use Cintiq in a dusty environment; this may damage the unit.U S A G E■Only use the power supply that came with Cintiq.  If a different type of powersupply is used, Cintiq will not work properly or may be damaged.  Using a differenttype of power supply also has the potential to result in fire.  Use of a differentpower supply will void your warranty.■Be sure to use a grounded power source when applying power to Cintiq.■Do not connect or disconnect the video or power cables while Cintiq or yourcomputer are turned on; this may damage the LCD display or computer video card.In this case, Wacom shall have no responsibility to repair or replace the product.■This product is for use with a DVI or VGA video card; using an inappropriate videocard may damage Cintiq.■Do not block the rear panel ventilation holes; this may overheat and damagethe unit.■When not using Cintiq for long periods of time, unplug the power supply cablefrom the AC outlet.WARNINGCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONWARNING
5H A N D L I N G■High Voltage.  Do not open or disassemble the Cintiq Interactive Pen Display.There is a risk of electrical shock when the casing is open.  This will also void yourwarranty and Wacom shall have no responsibility to repair or replace the product.■Do not operate the display stand incline adjustment levers when Cintiq is notmounted on the stand, and do not lift the stand by the adjustment levers; thestand is spring-loaded and may cause injury or damage if released without the weight ofCintiq on the stand.  Improper operation may lead to physical injury or damage to thestand.■When moving Cintiq to a different location, either remove the display unit fromthe stand and then move both items separately, use the lock brackets to fixCintiq to the stand (see page 53 for details), or otherwise make sure that thestand does not separate from the display unit when moving them both together.If the display unit is in landscape orientation, use one hand to grasp the bottom of thedisplay stand.  With your other hand grasp the top of the display unit.  Be sure you areholding onto both the stand and display unit with your bottom hand before movingCintiq.If Cintiq is in a portrait orientation or has been locked to the stand, the stand will notseparate from the display unit and Cintiq can be safely lifted by grasping the display unitwith both hands.  Always follow the instructions on page 29 to remove the display unitfrom the stand.■If the LCD screen has been damaged, DO NOT touch any liquid that may beleaking from it; this liquid is an irritant.  In case of contact with skin, eyes, or mouth,rinse immediately with running water for at least 15 minutes or more.  If contact is madewith the eyes or mouth, also consult a physician.■Do not disassemble the Cintiq stand.  Improper disassembly could result in physicalinjury or damage to the stand.  In this case, Wacom shall have no responsibility to repairor replace the product.■Prevent children from swallowing the pen tip or side switch.  The pen tip or sideswitch may accidentally be pulled out if children are biting on them.■Do not disassemble the Grip Pen.  This may cause the device to malfunction.  In thiscase, Wacom shall have no responsibility to repair or replace the product.■Do not scratch the display screen.  Avoid placing sharp objects on the displayscreen surface.■Avoid intensive shock or vibration to Cintiq, the Cintiq stand, or the Grip Pen.Hitting or dropping Cintiq may damage the display screen or other components.■Do not put heavy articles on the Interactive Pen Display or push against itwith a strong force; this may damage the display screen or break the Cintiq standlocking mechanism.WARNINGWARNINGCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONWARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNINGCAUTION
6■Do not place heavy articles on the Cintiq cabling, repeatedly bend the cablessharply, or apply heavy stress to the cable connectors; this may damage the unitor cabling.■Do not store the Interactive Pen Display unit on a flat surface that would exces-sively bend or crimp the cable; always store the Interactive Pen Display in the Cintiqstand when not in use.■If the pen tip becomes sharp or angular, it may damage the coating on thedisplay screen.  Please replace the pen tip if necessary.■Do not use any organic solvent (e.g., alcohol) or even mild detergent to clean thedisplay screen.  Use of these cleaners can damage the coating on the screen.Please note that damage of this kind is not covered by the manufacturer’s war-ranty.– To clean the display screen, use an anti-static cloth or a slightly damp cloth.When cleaning, apply only a light amount of pressure to the display screen anddo not make the surface wet.– To clean the Cintiq casing, Cintiq stand, or Grip Pen, use a soft cloth with milddetergent (such as dish washing liquid) diluted with water.■Do not expose Cintiq to high voltage electrostatic discharges or to a build-up ofan electrostatic charge on the LCD screen.  This may result in a temporary discolora-tion and blotching of the LCD display.  If discolorations occur, leave the Cintiq displayon and the discolorations should disappear within a few hours.CAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTION
7Radio and Television Interference (U.S.A.)The equipment described in this manual generates, uses, and can radiate radio-frequency energy.If it is not installed and used properly—that is, in strict accordance with Wacom instructions—itmay cause interference with radio and television reception.F E D E R A L   C O M M U N I C A T I O N S   C O M M I S S I O N   ( F C C )   N O T I C EThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for Class B digital devices,pursuant to Part 15 of FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed andused in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communica-tions.  However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.You can determine whether the Interactive Pen Display is causing interference by powering it off.If the interference stops, it was probably caused by the Interactive Pen Display.If your Interactive Pen Display does cause interference to radio or television reception, you maybe able to correct the interference by using one or more of the following measures:■Rotate the television or radio antenna until the interference stops.■Move the Interactive Pen Display farther away from the television or radio.■Plug the Interactive Pen Display and computer into an outlet that is on a different circuit fromthe television or radio.If necessary, consult your Wacom dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for help.Changes or modifications to this product not authorized by Wacom could void the FCC Certifica-tion and negate your authority to operate the product.
8CE Declaration (Europe)The equipment described in this manual generates, uses, and can radiate radio-frequency energy.If it is not installed and used properly—that is, in strict accordance with Wacom instructions—itmay cause interference with radio and television reception.R A D I O   A N D   T E L E V I S I O N   I N T E R F E R E N C EThe Cintiq 18SX Interactive Pen Display has been tested and found to comply to the followingharmonized European Norms:■EN 55024 (electromagnetic immunity)■EN 55022 Class B (electromagnetic emissions)■EN 61000-3-2 (limits for harmonic current emissions)■EN 61000-3-3 (limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker)The Wacom power adaptors have been tested by their manufacturers and found to comply to thefollowing harmonized European Norms:■EN 55022, EN 50082-1, EN 61000-3-2, or EN 61000-3-3 (electromagnetic emissions)■EN 60950 (safety of low voltage devices)Based on the results of these tests, Wacom declares that the above mentioned device conforms tothe European Council Directives 89/336/EEC and 73/23/EEC, and their amendment Directive93/68/EEC and indicates this conformity by the CE-sign on each device.The device must be installed and operated always in strict accordance to the instructions given inthis manual.  Any changes or modifications to this product that were not specifically authorized byWacom will invalidate this declaration.WACOM Co., Ltd2-510-1 Toyonodai,Otone-machi,Kitasaitama-gunSaitama, 349-1148Japan
9Table of ContentsUNPACKING CINTIQ 12■ Package Contents■ Unpacking the Cintiq Stand■ Unpacking and Mounting the Interactive Pen Display■ Interactive Pen Display ComponentsINSTALLATION 18■ System Requirements■ Step 1: LCD Display Installation■ Step 2: Tablet InstallationUSING CINTIQ 28■ Adjusting the Cintiq StandUSING THE GRIP PEN 30■ Working with the Grip Pen (UP-911E)■ Using a PenWORKING WITH CINTIQ 32■ Tablet Mode■ Display Mode■ Lap ModeCUSTOMIZING CINTIQ 35■ Customizing the Grip Pen■ Adjusting the LCD DisplayCARING FOR CINTIQ 43■ Cleaning■ Replacing the Pen Tip■ Maintaining the Cintiq StandTROUBLESHOOTING 45■ Testing Cintiq■ Testing the Tablet and Grip Pen■ Display Troubleshooting■ Obtaining Technical Support
10APPENDICES 51■ DuoSwitch Removal and Installation■ Optional Display Configurations■ Specifications■ License and Warranty
12Unpacking CintiqP A C K A G E   C O N T E N T SThe Cintiq 18SX Interactive Pen Display and the Cintiq stand are each packed separately.  You willfind the other product components packed together in the accessories box.  To avoid damagingyour product, please review the instructions on the following pages before unpackingCintiq or the stand.  Your product came with the following items:Cintiq 18SX Interactive Pen Display,Main Unit with Attached CableGrip Pen and Pen Stand(UP-911E-00A and PST-A026-03)Installation Guideand User’s Manual(This manual.)Wacom Tablet CD(Contains thedriver software.)Power Supply(LE-2006B)andPower CableNotes:Images are not shown to scale.  Some package configurations include an additional CD containing bundledsoftware applications.  To install these applications, insert the CD into your computer’s CD-ROM drive.  If thesoftware installation menu does not automatically display, double-click on the Install icon located on the CDand follow the prompts.  Retain the package box for use when storing or shipping Cintiq.Next Step: Unpack the Cintiq Stand.  See page 13Cintiq Stand (MST-A074)Lock Brackets (1 pair)and Screws (Qty 2)(PH0-A117 and MNE-A041)Felt Pads (Qty 2),Replacements for theCintiq Stand Rear Feet(PSH-A241)VGA to DVI-I Adaptor(88741-9100, Molex)Felt Bearing Recess Ring,Replacement (PSH-A240)DVI-D to DVI-I Adaptor(88741-9400, Molex)Parts and Accessories
13U N P A C K I N G   T H E   C I N T I Q   S T A N DWhen unpacking Cintiq, first unpack the modular display stand.  Place the stand on your desktopor work surface, making sure the stand is stable and will not tip or fall when the Interactive PenDisplay is mounted on it.  Then familiarize yourself with the stand components.Incline Adjustment LeversWhen Cintiq is mounted on thestand, use these levers toadjust the display incline, asdescribed in Adjusting theCintiq Stand on page 28.Bearing RecessFront FeetThe front feet have rubberpads to reduce standslippage on the desktopwhen adjusting incline.Rear FeetThe rear feet havereplaceable feltpads, allowing thefeet to move whenadjusting incline.Next Step: Unpack the Interactive Pen Display and mount it onto the Cintiq stand.  See page 14The Cintiq stand supports the Interactive Pen Display unit.  The stand can be used to adjust theincline angle of the display unit from a low position (13 degrees from horizontal) to a highposition (70 degrees from horizontal).  And, you can rotate Cintiq from landscape to portraitorientation, or to any angle between +180 and -180 degrees.  The stand also allows easy removalof Cintiq for use in a semi-supported lap position.Note: Whenever you are not using Cintiq in your lap, Cintiq must be stored in the stand toavoid damage to the display screen or cabling.Please refer to Working with Cintiq on page 32 for more information.CAUTION Do not operate the incline adjustment levers when Cintiq is not mounted on the stand, and do notlift the stand by the adjustment levers; the stand is spring-loaded and may cause injury ordamage if released without the weight of Cintiq on the stand.  Improper operation may lead tophysical injury or damage to the stand.  Be careful to avoid catching your finger in the gap of themovable portion of the stand.
14U N P A C K I N G   A N D   M O U N T I N G   T H E   I N T E R A C T I V E   P E N   D I S P L A YWhen unpacking the Cintiq 18SX Interactive Pen Display, place the display unit face down on aflat, soft surface (such as on a cloth spread across a desktop) and remove any packing materialsthat may protect the display unit cabling.To mount Cintiq on the stand:■Make sure the stand is stable on your desktop or other work surface and will not tip or fallwhen Cintiq is mounted on it.  Securely grasp Cintiq with both hands so that the display facestoward you, with the power switch and LEDs at the top right corner.Align Cintiq parallel to the front of the stand so that the bearing hub is located between theV-shaped upper edges of the stand’s bearing recess.  See   A   (The V-shaped edges of the standwill serve as a guide for positioning the bearing hub.)■With the back of Cintiq resting against the stand, lower Cintiq until the bearing hub restssecurely in the bearing recess of the stand.  See   B     The display unit will be held in place bygravity; there will be no audible ‘snap’ that indicates a mechanical lock.Note: To lock Cintiq in a landscape or portrait orientation, or to learn about other mountingoptions, see Optional Display Configurations, on page 53.Bearing HubABearing Recess
15When operating the incline adjustment levers, Cintiq must be mounted on the stand with thestand feet resting on a stable, flat surface.  The stand is spring-loaded and can snap backquickly, causing injury or damage if not operated properly.When moving Cintiq to a different location, use the lock brackets to fix Cintiq to the stand (seepage 53 for details), or otherwise make sure that the stand does not separate from the displayunit.  If the display unit is in landscape orientation, use one hand to grasp the bottom of thedisplay and stand.  With your other hand grasp the top of the display unit.  Be sure you areholding onto both the stand and display unit with your bottom hand before moving Cintiq.  IfCintiq is in portrait orientation or has been locked to the stand, the stand will not separate fromthe display unit and Cintiq can be safely lifted by grasping the display unit with both hands.Next Step: Familiarize yourself with the Interactive Pen Display.  See page 16WARNINGWARNINGB
16I N T E R A C T I V E   P E N   D I S P L A Y   C O M P O N E N T SFront ViewOnce the Cintiq Interactive Pen Display is safely mounted on the Cintiq stand, take some time tofamiliarize yourself with its features and components.The LCD display and tablet sensor function as an integrated input and output device.  The LCDdisplay supports resolutions up to 1280 x 1024 pixels at 16,777,216 colors.  The tablet sensorreports pen coordinates, pressure, switch, and eraser information.Status LEDLights green when the pen tip or a sideswitch is pressed, or when the eraserenters proximity of the LCD screen.Power LEDLights green when power has beensupplied to both Cintiq and the computerand a video signal is present.Glows orange when no video signal isreceived by Cintiq. (e.g., Your computer isturned off, starting up, or has entered apower management mode in which videosignals are not sent.)Power SwitchTurns power to the unit on or off.LCD Display Screen
17Rear ViewDigital/Analog (DVI/VGA) SwitchUse this switch to correctly set Cintiq forthe video connection you will be using.On Screen Display(OSD) ControlsThese controls enable you to adjust a variety of displaysettings.  See Adjusting the LCD Display on page 38 formore information.Cable GuideTuck the main cable into this guidewhen working with Cintiq in a semi-supported lap position.  Remove thecable from the guide when mountingCintiq on the display stand.See Working with Cintiq on page 32.Cabling and ConnectorsThe connectors on the integral cableare for DVI-I video connection, USB orserial data, and power connection.Bearing HubFits into the bearing recess on the Cintiqstand.  Allows rotation of Cintiq, and easymounting and removal from the stand.Important: Always store the Interactive Pen Display on the Cintiqdisplay stand or in its original packing carton when not in use.  Do notstore the display unit on a flat surface that would excessively bend orcrimp the cable.Next Step:  Installation.  See page 18
18InstallationS Y S T E M   R E Q U I R E M E N T SBefore installing Cintiq, make sure your computer meets the following system requirements:■Macintosh.  OS 9 or 10.1 and higher.  DVI or VGA video connector, available USB port, andCD-ROM drive.  ADC connectors require an ADC to DVI-D adaptor (not included).■PC.  Windows 98, Me, 2000, or XP.  DVI or VGA video connector, available USB or serial port,and CD-ROM drive.■SGI and Sun workstations.  Additional purchase of Wacom UNIX kit.  IRIX 6.5 or laterfor SGI.  Solaris 2.6 or later for Sun.  DVI or VGA video connector, available serial port, andCD-ROM drive.Cintiq supports both digital (DVI) and analog (VGA) video signals.  By using the VGA to DVI-Iadaptor, you can connect Cintiq to a VGA video card.  However, connecting Cintiq to a DVI videocard generally results in optimum performance because a digital video signal will display a betterimage and exhibit less cursor lag on the screen.If you plan to install a video card with digital output, complete the video card hardware andsoftware installation before connecting Cintiq.  If you have another display that is compatible withyour video card, you can connect that display to the card in order to verify that the video card isoperating correctly.  For information on digital video cards that have been tested with Cintiq, referto Wacom’s Web site at http://www.wacom.com/cintiqThere are two primary steps to the installation process:■Step 1: LCD Display Installation■Step 2: Tablet InstallationBe sure to follow ALL installation instructions carefully.  Failure to do so may causedamage to Cintiq or to the video card in your computer.
19S T E P 1 :   L C D   D I S P L A Y   I N S T A L L A T I O NCintiq can be used alone or with another display, such as a CRT monitor or LCD projector.  To useCintiq with another display, you will need two video cards or a video card with dual output.Depending on the capabilities of your video card and operating system, you may be able to set upCintiq as a mirrored, extended, or independent display.  Refer to your video card documentationfor more information on its capabilities.In the first stage of the installation process you will install Cintiq as a display on your system.As you work through this stage, please refer to the LCD Display Cabling Diagram on the followingpage when making cable connections.Important: Do not connect the USB or serial data cable until instructed to do so.■Turn off your computer.Caution: Never connect or disconnect the video or power cables while your computer orCintiq are powered on—this can damage the LCD display or video card.■If your computer has only one video connector, you will need to unplug your previous dis-play.  Determine if your computer has a digital (DVI-I, DVI-D, or ADC) or analog (VGA)connector, and set the Digital/Analog (DVI/VGA) switch located on the back of Cintiq for thevideo connection you are using.  Move the switch to the right toward the OSD buttons forDigital (DVI-I, DVI-D, or ADC), and move it to the left toward the tablet edge for Analog(VGA).  See   ADVI-I ConnectorDVI-D ConnectorApple ADC ConnectorVGA Connector■If you are connecting to a DVI-I connector, plug the DVI-I videocable into the DVI-I connector of your video card.If you are connecting to a DVI-D connector, plug the DVI-I videocable into the DVI-D to DVI-I adaptor supplied with Cintiq.Then plug the adaptor into the DVI-D connector on your video card.If you are connecting to an ADC connector, you will need toobtain an ADC to DVI-D adaptor.  Plug the video cable into theDVI-D to DVI-I adaptor supplied with Cintiq.  Next, plug this adaptorinto the ADC to DVI-D adaptor.  Then plug the ADC adaptor end intothe ADC connector on your video card.If you are connecting to a VGA connector, plug the DVI-I videocable into the VGA to DVI-I adaptor (supplied with Cintiq) and theninto the VGA connector on your video card.Be sure to tighten the thumbscrews on the connectors.  See   B■Connect the power supply to Cintiq.  See   C    Then connect the supply’s power cable and plugthe supply into an AC outlet.  See   D
20LCD Display Cabling DiagramCintiq, rear viewDigital/Analog (DVI/VGA)switchAnalog DigitalDC InputVideo card  DVI  or  VGADo not attach the USBor serial data cableuntil instructed to do so.DVI-I connectorTo connect to a DVI-D connector,use the DVI-D to DVI-I adaptor.To connect to a VGA connector,use the VGA to DVI-I adaptor.Rear panel of your computerPower Supply To AC OutletCAUTIONMake sure that you correctly set the Cintiq Digital/Analog (DVI/VGA) switch forthe video card you are using.Do not connect or disconnect the video or power cables while Cintiq or yourcomputer are turned on – this can damage the LCD display or computer video card.Do not exceed a display refresh rate of 75 Hz—this can overheat the LCD display andcause permanent damage.ABCD
21■Turn on Cintiq.  The power LED will light.■Next, turn on your computer.  (For Windows, if the New Hardware Wizard displays, followthe prompts while making sure to select the default options.)Note: For Windows, a Cintiq color profile will be added to your computer’s color manage-ment system during this installation.  If you are prompted for the location of Cintiq monitorfiles, insert the Wacom Tablet CD into your computer’s CD-ROM drive and follow the promptsto install any display software.  To activate this color profile for use with Cintiq, you may needto select the CTQ18D65 profile in the system’s Display Properties control panel.For more details, refer to the color management information in your operating system andapplication documentation.■The maximum resolution of Cintiq is 1280 x 1024, True Color (24 bit).  As necessary, configurethe display control panel settings for the proper size and color resolution.  The number ofcolors is constrained by the capabilities of your video card.  Refer to the video cardmanufacturer’s documentation for details.If you are using analog (VGA) mode, you may want to fine-tune the display.  Please refer toAdjusting the LCD Display on page 38 for more information.For Windows, if you are using Cintiq as a secondary display, you may first need to enableCintiq in your Display Properties control panel.■After the display portion of Cintiq is working to your satisfaction, move on to the next section(Step 2: Tablet Installation) to install the Wacom tablet portion of Cintiq.Note: For troubleshooting tips, please refer to page 45.Each Cintiq 18SX LCD panel is produced under very stringent quality standards.  Production techniquescannot guarantee an absolutely perfect TFT display, and some panels may exhibit a certain number of pixelsthat show an incorrect color.  Refer to the specifications on pages 55 and 56 for more information.If an image area has fine striping (such as screen stripes), it may flicker or display a moiré pattern.Do not apply excessive pressure on the display surface; it may cause the appearance of a moiré or poolingpattern.  If you notice this action, use less pressure on the display screen when working with the pen.When a still image is displayed for a long period of time without refreshing the screen, an after-image mayremain for a short period of time.  To prevent this, Wacom recommends using a screen saver or other powermanagement feature.
22S T E P 2 :   T A B L E T   I N S T A L L A T I O NAfter you have completed the LCD display installation and configured the display settings, you willneed to connect the Cintiq tablet cabling and install the Wacom tablet driver software.When installing the tablet portion of Cintiq, refer to the Tablet Cabling Diagram on the followingpage.■First, shut down and power off your computer and Cintiq.  If a USB port is available, Wacomrecommends installing Cintiq as a USB device.■For USB installation: Choose the Cintiq USB connectorPlug the connector into an available USB port on your computer.  See   E   in the connectiondiagram on page 23.■For Serial installation: Choose the Cintiq serial connectorPlug the connector into an available serial port on your computer.  See   F   in the connectiondiagram on page 23.  For UNIX workstations, you may need to use an appropriate adaptorfrom the Wacom UNIX kit to connect the serial cable.Important: If the connection is difficult to make, do not force the plug into the connector.Instead, verify that there are no bent pins and that you have the correct cable and location.Do not plug in or unplug the serial connector when your computer is running—this maydamage your serial card.■Next, depending on your operating system and the tablet interface that you will be using (USBor serial), refer to the appropriate section for software installation instructions:Tablet Software Install for Macintosh  See page 24Tablet Software Install for Windows with USB Connection  See page 25Tablet Software Install for Windows with Serial Connection  See page 26Tablet Software Install for SGI or Sun  See page 27
23Tablet Cabling DiagramTo CintiqTo USB portOr...To serial portConnect either the USB or serial cable; do notconnect both cables.  Wacom recommendsusing the USB connection, if available.FERear panel of your computerCAUTIONDo not connect or disconnect the video or power cables whileCintiq or your computer are turned on—this can damage the LCDdisplay or computer video card.
24Tablet Software Install for MacintoshTo install the tablet software:■First turn on Cintiq, then turn on your computer and allow the operating system to fully load.Cintiq will automatically register as a USB device.■Disable any virus protection programs and close all open applications before installingthe software.■Insert the Wacom Tablet CD into your computer’s CD-ROM drive.  The Cintiq menu shouldautomatically display.  If the menu does not display (or if you are running OS X), double-clickon the Install icon located on the CD.  Click on the Install Cintiq button and follow theprompts to install the driver software.■Register your tablet when prompted.■If you are running OS X, reboot your system for full tablet functionality.Note: During installation, a Cintiq color profile will be added to your computer’s color man-agement system.  To activate this color profile for use with Cintiq, you may need to select theCintiq 18SX profile in the system’s ColorSync control panel.  For more details, refer to the colormanagement information in your operating system and application documentation.Be sure to check the Read Me file for late-breaking news.  If you have trouble with the installation,refer to the troubleshooting section in this manual and in the online Help.Next Steps:To learn more about using Cintiq, proceed to Using Cintiq.  See page 28Be sure to adjust the tablet calibration to precisely align the screen cursorposition with the location of the pen tip.  Refer to Calibrating Cintiq.  See page 36
25Tablet Software Install for Windows with USB ConnectionTo install the tablet software:■First turn on Cintiq, then turn on your computer and login, allowing the operating system tofully load.  Cintiq will automatically register as a USB device.Windows 98 users: The Add New Hardware Wizard will display.  Follow the prompts,selecting the default options.  If prompted to install drivers for the USB Human InterfaceDevice, insert the Windows 98 CD, click OK, and enter the location of the Windows CAB files(e.g.,  d:\win98).  Note that the files may be located on your hard disk in thec:\windows\options\cabs folder.■Insert the Wacom Tablet CD into the CD-ROM drive.  The Cintiq menu should automaticallydisplay.  If the menu does not display, double-click on the Install icon (located on the CD).Click on the Install Cintiq button and follow the prompts to install the driver software.■Register your tablet when prompted.Be sure to check the Read Me file for late-breaking news.  If you have trouble with the installation,refer to the troubleshooting section in this manual and in the online Help.Next Steps:To learn more about using Cintiq, proceed to Using Cintiq.  See page 28Be sure to adjust the tablet calibration to precisely align the screen cursorposition with the location of the pen tip.  Refer to Calibrating Cintiq.  See page 36
26Tablet Software Install for Windows with Serial ConnectionTo install the tablet software:■First turn on Cintiq, then turn on your computer and login, allowing the operating system tofully load.■Plug and Play Installation.  If the New Hardware Wizard displays, follow the promptsselecting the default options.  When prompted for the driver files, insert the Wacom Tablet CDinto your computer’s CD-ROM drive.  If you are asked for the location of the driver files, selectthe CD-ROM drive option.  After completing the New Hardware Wizard, click Finish, thencontinue with the Wacom Driver Software Installation, below.■Manual Installation.  If the New Hardware Wizard does not display, insert the WacomTablet CD into your computer’s CD-ROM drive and continue with the Wacom Driver SoftwareInstallation, below.■Wacom Driver Software Installation.  The Wacom installation menu should automaticallydisplay.  If the menu does not display, double-click on the Install icon (located on the CD).Select Cintiq as your tablet and the Other button for the interface type.  The Cintiq menu willdisplay.  Click on the Install Cintiq button and the Continue button to begin the softwareinstallation.  Follow the prompts to complete the driver software installation.■Register your tablet when prompted.■After the driver installation is complete, make sure you can use your pen on the display screento move the screen cursor.Be sure to check the Read Me file for late-breaking news.  If you have trouble with the installation,refer to the troubleshooting section in this manual and in the online Help.Next Steps:To learn more about using Cintiq, proceed to Using Cintiq.  See page 28Be sure to adjust the tablet calibration to precisely align the screen cursorposition with the location of the pen tip.  Refer to Calibrating Cintiq.  See page 36
27Tablet Software Install for SGI or SunTo install the tablet portion of Cintiq, install the Wacom tablet driver software.  Refer to the QuickStart Guide that came with your Wacom UNIX kit for instructions on installing the tablet driversoftware.Be sure to check the README file for late-breaking news.  If you have trouble with the installation,refer to the troubleshooting section in this manual and in the online Help.Note: For information on Linux® support, please refer to Wacom’s web site atwww.wacom.com/productsupportNext Steps:To learn more about using Cintiq, proceed to Using Cintiq.  See page 28Be sure to adjust the tablet calibration to precisely align the screen cursorposition with the location of the pen tip.  Refer to Calibrating Cintiq.  See page 36
28Using CintiqA D J U S T I N G   T H E   C I N T I Q   S T A N DThe stand allows Cintiq’s incline to be adjusted to any angle between 13 and 70 degrees.  You canalso rotate Cintiq from landscape to portrait orientation, or to any angle between +180 and -180degrees.Adjusting the Display InclineTo adjust the incline, from the front of Cintiq grasp the Interactive Pen Display on the left and rightside at approximately the same height as the Cintiq stand adjustment levers.  Use your fingertips togently pull the incline adjustment levers toward the display unit; this will release the stand’s clutchmechanism.  Tilt the display to adjust the incline setting.■To lower Cintiq, pull the left incline adjustment lever toward Cintiq and gently lower Cintiq tothe desired incline angle.  Release the lever to lock the stand in place.■To raise Cintiq, pull the right incline adjustment lever toward Cintiq and gently raise Cintiq tothe desired incline angle.  Release the lever to lock the stand in place.Note: The stand adjustment levers may exhibit some natural play before the clutch mechanismengages.  For the most accurate incline adjustment, first raise the incline slightly higher thanyou plan to work with, then lower the display to the desired position.Adjusting RotationThe Interactive Pen Display can be rotated on the display stand when the incline is less than orequal to 32 degrees.To adjust rotation, grasp Cintiq by the main body casing and rotate the unit to the desired position;it will move on the bearing hub.  You can only rotate the display unit 180 degrees in eitherdirection.  Note that the lock brackets can be used to lock Cintiq in either a landscape or portraitorientation.  See Optional Display Configurations on page 53 for more information.
29Removing Cintiq from the Display StandTo remove Cintiq from the display stand:■If the lock brackets are attached, remove them from the back of Cintiq.■Position the display to landscape orientation before removing Cintiq from the display stand.The stand will not release unless Cintiq is in landscape orientation.■Next, raise the stand incline to the highest position.  See Adjusting the Cintiq Stand onpage 28 for instructions.■Firmly grasp the Interactive Pen Display on both the left and right sides of the body casing, andlift the unit out of the display stand bearing recess.Important: When removing Cintiq from the display stand, always lift Cintiq in a directionparallel to the front of the stand.Note: When packing Cintiq for transport, always pack the Interactive Pen Display and Cintiqstand in their original containers and protective cushions.  Never pack the two items with thedisplay unit mounted on the stand; this may damage the display unit or stand during transpor-tation.
30Using the Grip PenW O R K I N G   W I T H   T H E   G R I P   P E N   ( U P - 9 1 1 E )As you work with Cintiq, you can rest your hand on the display screen, just as if it were a drawingboard or sheet of paper.  Hold the Grip Pen as you would a pencil.  Make sure the side switch isin a convenient location where you can press it with your thumb or forefinger, but won’t acciden-tally press it while drawing.EraserDuoSwitch(side switch)Tip switchNote: The Grip Pen should neverbe stored in a container where itwill rest on its tip or eraser.When the pen is not in use, placeyour pen in the pen stand or lay itflat on your desk.Pen TipThe pen is activated as soon as it enters proximity, about 5 mm (0.2 in), above the Interactive PenDisplay screen.  This allows you to position the screen cursor or use the DuoSwitch withouttouching the pen tip to the display screen.When pressure is applied to the pen tip, the tip switch is turned on and the pen simulates a mousebutton click.  The tip click pressure can be adjusted in the Wacom Tablet Control Panel.Please refer to the online Help for details.EraserTo use the eraser, hold the Grip Pen upside down.  When the eraser is within proximity of theactive area, the tablet reports the pen coordinates and the pressure applied to the eraser.The eraser can be used as an eraser or assigned to another function, depending on the application.The tablet distinguishes the tip switch from the eraser switch.  Refer to the online Help for the pensettings.DuoSwitchThe DuoSwitch is programmable, and can be used to perform the same click and double-clickfunctions as the tip switch.  Toggle the DuoSwitch in either direction to activate the upper or lowerbutton functions.  Please refer to the online Help for more information on switch settings.Note: If you do not care to use the side switch, you can remove it by following the directionsin DuoSwitch Removal and Installation, on page 51.
31U S I N G   A   P E NPointing and SelectingMove the Grip Pen above the Cintiq display screen to position the screen cursor.  The cursorjumps to the location where you place the pen (absolute positioning).  Press the pen tip on thedisplay screen to make a selection.Note: If the screen cursor does not closely follow the pen tip, you will need to calibrate theInteractive Pen Display.  (See Calibrating Cintiq  on page 36.)  If the screen cursor does notjump to a position close to the pen tip when you place the pen on the display screen, then thetablet driver did not load yet.  In this case, refer to the online Help for troubleshooting tips.(See Learning More About Cintiq on page 37 for information on accessing the online Help.)ClickingTap the display screen once with the pen tip, or touch the pen to the display screen with enoughpressure to generate a mouse click.Double-ClickingPress the upper side switch (Windows) or lower side switch (Macintosh), or quickly tap thedisplay screen twice in the same place with the pen tip.  Double-clicking is easier when the pen isperpendicular to the tablet screen.Tip: You can make navigating with the pen easier by configuring Windows to select when thepen is over an icon and to launch the icon with a single click.  To turn on this feature:Windows Me, 2000, or XP.  Open a folder, select the Tools pull-down menu, and FolderOptions....  From the General tab select the option Single-click to open an item (point toselect).Windows 98.  Open a folder, select the View pull-down menu, and Folder Options....From the General tab select the Web style option.DraggingSelect an object, then slide the pen tip across the display screen to move the object.ErasingIn supporting applications, the pen’s eraser works like the eraser on a pencil.  In text applications,use the eraser to select text, then lift the eraser from the tablet to delete the text.
32Working with CintiqThe Cintiq 18SX Interactive Pen Display and stand were designed to provide you with the widestpossible range of flexibility and ergonomic work approach.  The design allows for fast, easytransitions between three basic modes of use, enabling you to quickly adjust Cintiq to a differentposition whenever the need arises.  You may want to evaluate each mode to determine which bestfits your particular working style and tasks.As you work with Cintiq, you can rest your hand lightly on the display screen, just as if it were adrawing board or sheet of paper.D I S P L A Y   M O D EThis is a common position when using Cintiqas a primary display, and when your workrequires a large amount of keyboard input.Display mode is also useful when presentingyour work to co-workers or clients.T A B L E T   M O D EAt inclines of less than 32 degrees, the dis-play unit can be freely rotated on the displaystand without touching the desktop.  In thisposition, Cintiq emulates a traditionalanimator’s table and gives you the freedomto rotate the display unit to any angle for thegreatest comfort and accuracy of stroke whiledrawing or editing images.Hints:■If the rotation lock brackets are attached to the back of Cintiq, they must be removed beforeCintiq can be rotated.■Before rotating the display unit, be sure the cable has been untucked from the cable guide andis freely rotating behind the unit.■Because the Cintiq drawing surface will be a little higher than your desk, consider adjustingthe height of your desk or chair to assure comfortable use of the device.
33L A P   M O D EWhen working in lap mode, you can freelyposition Cintiq without the use of the stand.If you are not familiar with how to removeCintiq from the display stand, refer to page 29for details.Hints:■Set the display stand to the upright position so that you can use it as a tablet stand wheneverCintiq is not in use.  You can also use the stand as a cable guide—this makes it easier toremove the display unit from the stand and to return it back to the stand.■The rear side of the display unit has a flat upper surface for resting the unit securely against astraight desk edge.Important: Do not place the display unit on the desk or any other surface by itself—this maybend, crimp, or otherwise damage the cable.■Insert the main cable into the cable guide located at the back of Cintiq—this will reduce thepossibility of placing undue stress on the cable when working with Cintiq.■Make sure that you comfortably support the body of the display unit in your lap, and that theunit is not resting on the cable.  If the unit rests on the cable, the cable will excessively bendor crimp and be damaged.■Maintain a good posture at all times, and change your position if you feel any discomfort dueto your work position or the weight of Cintiq.■Do not pull the cable out of its computer connections by accidentally moving the InteractivePen Display too far from the computer.
34To minimize fatigue, organize your work area so you can work comfortably.  Position Cintiq, theGrip Pen, and your keyboard so they are easily accessible without unnecessary reaching.The Interactive Pen Display should be positioned so you can view it comfortably with a minimumof eyestrain.Here are some other points to keep in mind:■Take short breaks between tasks to stretch and relax your muscles.■Use a gentle grip when working with the pen.■Alternate tasks throughout the day.■Minimize awkward postures and repetitive movements that cause discomfort.■Alternate between different modes of use.Next Step: If you have not already done so, learn aboutthe basics of customizing the Grip Pen.  See page 35
35Customizing CintiqC U S T O M I Z I N G   T H E   G R I P   P E NThe BasicsThe Wacom Tablet Control Panel makes it easy to customize Cintiq and the Grip Pen.  Be sure tosee the online Help for detailed information on working with the Wacom Tablet Control Panel andcustomizing Cintiq.  To open the control panel:Windows systems: Click on the Windows Start button and choose Programs.  From theWacom Tablet group, choose the Wacom Tablet option.Macintosh systems: For OS X, in the Finder, select the Go menu and choose Applications.Open the Wacom folder and double-click on the tablet icon.  (For earlier Macintosh operatingsystems, from the Apple menu choose Control Panels and then Wacom Tablet.)SGI workstations: Use your Grip Pen to bring up the Icon Catalog.  Select the WacomTabletpage, then double-click on the WacomTablet icon.Sun workstations: At the command prompt, enter </usr/sbin/wacomcpl&>When you open the control panel, an icon for the Grip Pen is displayed in the Tool List and theappropriate tabs are displayed.  To customize the pen, make your changes to the tab controls.For Windows systems, and for SGI and Sun workstations, click Apply or OK to save your changes.Note: Application-specific settings are for advanced users.  Application-specific settings arenot available for SGI and Sun workstations.Displays applicationswith  customizedsettings.  The iconshows that toolsettings apply to allapplications.Displays an icon forthe Grip Pen.Tabs display settingsfor the Grip Pen andselected application.Current selections arehighlighted.  Wedgesemphasize therelationship betweentab settings and theselected tool andapplication.The pull-down menus access avariety of control panel features.This button is for creating application-specific settings.See the online Help for details.For Windows, SGI,& Sun.OK saves changes andcloses the control panel.Cancel closes thecontrol panel withoutsaving changes.  UseApply to save changeswithout closing thecontrol panel.  Helpdisplays online Help forthe control panel.Resets the selected tabto its factory defaultvalues.Returns a tab to itspreviously saved or lastapplied settings.Copies settings fromone tool or applicationto another.Windows control panel shown.
36Calibrating CintiqYou may want to calibrate Cintiq and the Grip Pen in order to align the screen cursor position withthe position of the Grip Pen on the display screen.  This may be required to adjust for parallaxcaused by the display screen overlay.  After setting Cintiq in its working position, follow theprocedure below to calibrate the tablet and pen.■In the Wacom Tablet ControlPanel, select the Calibra-tion tab.■If you are working with mul-tiple displays, be sure thedisplay corresponding toCintiq is selected in theMonitor menu.  (The de-scription may vary depend-ing on the platform you areworking with.  For example,on a Macintosh system theoption is Cintiq 18SX.)■Click on the Calibrate...button to display the calibra-tion screen.■Hold the pen as you nor-mally do, and use the pen tipto click on the cross-hairs inthe upper-left corner.■Then click on the cross-hairsthat are displayed in thelower-right corner.(For Windows systems, orSGI or Sun workstations, youwill need to click Apply orOK for the changes to takeeffect.)Note: The calibration settingapplies to all applications.Cross-hairsAdjustment pattern for phase and pitch(VGA only).  See page 41 for details.Windows screen captures shown.
37Learning More About CintiqRefer to the online Help for information on using and customizing Cintiq.Windows systems: To view Help, click on the Windows Start button and choose Programs.From the Wacom Tablet group, choose the Wacom Tablet option.  Then in the Wacom TabletControl Panel, click on the Help... button.Macintosh systems: To view Help for OS X, in the Finder select the Go menu and chooseApplications.  Open the Wacom folder and double-click on the tablet icon.  (For earlierMacintosh operating systems, from the Apple menu choose Control Panels and then WacomTablet.)  Then in the Wacom Tablet Control Panel, click on the ? button.SGI workstations: To view Help, use your Grip Pen to bring up the Icon Catalog.Select the WacomTablet page, then double-click on the WacomTablet icon.  In the WacomTablet Control Panel, click on the Help... button.Sun workstations: To view Help, at the command prompt enter </usr/sbin/wacomcpl&>In the Wacom Tablet Control Panel, click on the Help... button.To read the Help before installing Cintiq, first insert the Wacom Tablet CD into your computer’sCD-ROM drive.Windows and Macintosh systems: When the software menu appears, click on theExplore CD button.  Locate and open the appropriate language folder.  Then double-click on theCintiq Help icon.SGI workstations: Issue the command <acroread /CDROM/SGI/opt/pl_help.pdf>Sun workstations: Issue the command <acroread /cdrom/cdrom0/Sun/pl_help.pdf>You will need Acrobat Reader V3.0 or greater to view the Help file.
38A D J U S T I N G   T H E   L C D   D I S P L A YFactory Presets, Multi-Sync, and User SettingsFactory Presets: To display images with the best quality (based on the incoming signal), Cintiqcomes with a number of factory default standard display modes.  Refer to pages 55 and 56 forinput signal specifications.Multi-Sync: When connected as a VGA display, Cintiq attempts to automatically synchronize tothe incoming signal.  If Cintiq does not automatically synchronize with the incoming signal, youcan use the OSD Reset Auto Adjust option to initiate display synchronization.  If necessary,further screen display adjustments can be manually made using the On Screen Display (OSD)controls.User Settings: When you manually set the display using the OSD function, the settings are storedwithin Cintiq for use the next time the unit receives a similar signal.  This is applicable to alldisplay modes.Working with On Screen Display SettingsCintiq is equipped with an On Screen Display function.  The OSD function enables you to adjustand optimize a variety of display settings at the touch of a button.  To avoid accidental activationwhen the Interactive Pen Display is rotated, the OSD controls are located on the back of the unit.Simply reach over the top of the display unit to locate the buttons with your fingers.Note: The + and – selection buttons are embossed with braille-style dots so that you can easilyidentify them by touch.Menu buttonOpens or closes the OSD menu.Selection buttonsUse these buttons to select an option that can then beactivated when you press the Enter button.After activating a selected option, press the + button toincrease a selected item value, and press the – buttonto decrease it.Enter buttonActivates or deactivates theselected OSD menu option.(+) (–)
39The basic process for working with the OSD is as follows:■Press the Menu button to open the OSD main menu.■Use the + or – buttons to select an option.  When the option you want to adjust is highlighted,press the Enter button.  The current settings and adjustment sub-menu for that option willappear.■Use the + or – buttons to adjust the option settings.■When you have made your changes, press the Enter button to save.  To exit, press theMenu button.Notes: All settings are automatically saved when the OSD menu closes.  If you make changesto the display appearance and cannot return to the original settings, use the Reset Recalloption to return Cintiq to its original factory defaults.When you open the On Screen Display (OSD), the following menu options are displayed as icons:Contrast  Select toincrease or decreaseimage contrast.Brightness  Select toincrease or decreaseimage brightness.Phase  (VGA only)Select to reduce oreliminate horizontaldistortion lines.To automaticallyadjust, use theReset option.Pitch  (VGA only)Select to reduce oreliminate verticaldistortion lines.To automaticallyadjust, use theReset option.
40Horizontal Center(VGA only) Select tomove the screenimage left or right.To automaticallyadjust, use the Resetoption.Menu PositionSelect to move theOSD menu aroundthe display screen.Color  Provides settingsfor 9300°, 6500°, and5000° Kelvin.Also provides a Useroption that enables youto adjust Red, Green,and Blue independently.Choose a setting towork with and pressEnter to activate yourselection.  Change theUser setting byselecting the icon:In the User Adjust-ment window, changeRed, Green, or Blue tocalibrate color.  To exit,select the icon:Note: Manual changesto the color settings willinvalidate the Cintiqcolor profile.Vertical Center(VGA only) Select tomove the screen imageup or down.To automaticallyadjust, use the Resetoption.Reset  Provides twooptions: Use AutoAdjust to reset onlythe image param-eters.Use Recall to resetall screen options tothe factory default.Selecting the exiticon exits the Resetwindow withoutresetting anything.Backlight  Select toincrease or decreasethe backlight brightnesslevel.Language  Select tochoose a languageoption for the OSD:English, Deutsch,Français, Español,Italiano, or Japanese.COLORBACKLIGHTUSER ADJUSMENT
41Adjusting Pitch and Phase (VGA Only)Some computers and video cards may not allow the multi-sync function to fully work when Cintiqis first connected.  If some portion of the text appears blurred, adjust the pitch and phase byfollowing the procedure below.  For crisp images, set the Cintiq resolution of your video card to1280 x 1024.■In the Wacom Tablet ControlPanel, select the Calibration tab.■If you are working with multipledisplays, be sure the display cor-responding to Cintiq is selected inthe Monitor menu.  (The descrip-tion may vary depending on theplatform you are working with.For example, on a Macintosh sys-tem the option is Cintiq 18SX.)■Click on the Calibrate... button todisplay the calibration screen.■Using the OSD controls, open theOSD Menu and select the Pitchicon.  Then adjust the pitch levelso that the pattern of fine verticalstripes displays evenly.■In the OSD Menu, select thePhase icon and adjust the phaselevel so that the adjustment pat-tern shows clearly.■After completing these adjust-ments, press the Enter and Menubuttons to exit the OSD Menu.■For Macintosh, click on the Can-cel button to exit from the moni-tor calibration screen.For Windows, click on the Can-cel button or press the spacebarto exit the screen.Adjustment patternfor phase and pitch(VGA only).Windows screen captures shown.
42Power SavingCintiq conforms to VESA and Energy Star power savings guidelines.  When using Cintiq with aVESA Display Power Management Signaling (DPMS) compliant computer or video card, the dis-play will automatically comply with the power saving parameters below.Power SavingModePower OnStandby modeSuspend modeOFF modeH-syncYesNoYesNoV-syncYesYesNoNoVideoActiveBlankedBlankedBlankedPowerConsumption45 W, max.5 W, max.5 W, max.5 W, max.Power LampGreenOrange/GreenOrange/GreenOrange
43Caring for CintiqKeep the Grip Pen and the Cintiq LCD screen surface clean.  Dust and dirt particles can stick to thepen and cause wear to the display screen surface.  Regular cleaning will help prolong the life ofyour LCD screen surface and pen.  Keep Cintiq, the Cintiq stand, and the Grip Pen in a clean, dryplace and avoid extremes in temperature.  Room temperature is best.  Cintiq, the Cintiq stand, andthe Grip Pen are not made to come apart (except where specifically indicated for removal andreplacement of the pen’s DuoSwitch).  Taking apart the product will void your warranty.C L E A N I N GTo clean the Cintiq casing, the Cintiq display stand, or the Grip Pen, use a soft cloth andmild detergent (such as dishwashing liquid) diluted with water.  Do not use paint thinner, benzine,alcohol, or other solvents to clean the unit casing, display stand, or pen.To clean the display screen, use an anti-static cloth or a slightly damp cloth.  When cleaning,apply only a light amount of pressure to the display screen  and do not make the surface wet.  Donot use detergent to clean the display screen; this may damage the coating on the screen.  Pleasenote that damage of this kind is not covered by the manufacturer’s warranty.R E P L A C I N G   T H E   P E N   T I PThe pen tip will wear with normal use.  When the pen tip gets too short, you can replace it withone of the extra tips that came with the pen.To remove the old tip:Clasp it with a pair of tweezers, needle-nosedplier, or similar instrument and pull the old tipstraight out of the pen.To insert a new tip:Slide it straight into the barrel of the pen.Firmly push the tip until it stops.  The newtip will slide into the correct position.If the pen tip wears and becomes angular, it may damage the coating on the Cintiq display screen.To avoid this, periodic tip replacement is recommended.WARNINGPrevent children from swallowing the pen tip or sideswitch.  The pen tip or side switch may accidentally be pulledout if children are biting on them.
44M A I N T A I N I N G   T H E   C I N T I Q   S T A N DIf the stand’s felt ring or the rear foot pads become worn, you may want to replace them to preventdamage to the back of the Interactive Pen Display or to your work surface.To replace the felt bearing mount ring, carefully remove the worn ring and replace it with thespare ring that came with Cintiq.To replace the rear display stand foot pads, carefully remove the worn pads and replace themwith the spare foot pads that came with Cintiq.
45TroubleshootingIf the Wacom tablet driver failed to load properly, first perform any recommended action in theerror message on your screen.If the Cintiq hardware does not function properly, refer to the troubleshooting section below.If necessary, refer to the online Help for additional troubleshooting information.Answers to frequently asked questions and information on known issues can be found on theWacom web site.  See pages 49 and 50 to locate the Internet address for your region.T E S T I N G   C I N T I QIf Cintiq does not power up, check the following:■Verify that the cabling between Cintiq and your computer is correct.  Be sure the power supplyis plugged into an active AC outlet and that it is connected to Cintiq.  Verify that any otherdisplay connection(s) to your video card are correct.■Verify that Cintiq is powered on.■The Cintiq power LED should light whenever the cabling is properly connected and the Cintiqpower switch is on.  When the computer is turned on and a video signal is received, the Cintiqdisplay will activate and the power LED will glow green.  If there is no display, verify that yourvideo card has been properly installed and is functional.  If you have another display that iscompatible with your video card, you can connect that display to the card in order to verifythat the video card is operating correctly.T E S T I N G   T H E   T A B L E T   A N D   G R I P   P E NIf you cannot make a selection on the display screen with the Grip Pen:■Test the pen by pressing the pen tip against the surface of the tablet.  The status LED shouldlight green.■Now, without applying pressure to the pen tip (but keeping the pen within proximity of thetablet surface), press the side switch.  The status LED should again light green.■Next, bring the pen’s eraser within proximity of the tablet surface and press it against thetablet.  The status LED should light green.If the status LED does not light green for these tests, be sure you are using the correct pen thatcame with Cintiq.  If you are still having problems, you may have a defective pen or tablet.
46D I S P L A Y   T R O U B L E S H O O T I N GIf you encounter problems with the Cintiq display, refer to the following table.  Your problem maybe described here, and you can try the solution offered.  For additional information about colorissues, refer to the documentation that came with your operating system or applications.General Problems SolutionsNo display.  The power LED isoff.No display.  The power LED is litgreen.The LED is lit orange, or thefollowing message appearsbriefly on your display screen:The following message appearsbriefly on your display screen:The following message appearsbriefly on your display screen:■Verify that the AC power cable is connected, and that the Cintiqpower switch is turned on.■Verify that the Digital/Analog (DVI/VGA) switch is properly set.Restart your computer after changing the position of the switch.■Check the contrast, brightness, and backlight controls.Adjust as necessary, or open the OSD menu, go to the Resetmenu and select the Recall option.■Your computer may be in a power management mode.  Touch thepen tip to the display screen, move the mouse, or depress any keyon your keyboard.■Verify that the video card is properly installed.■Check the video cable for bent or broken connector pins.Then properly connect the video cable.■Check that your computer is turned on.■Check that the Cintiq video cable is fully connected.■Check the video connector and any video adaptors for bent orbroken connector pins.  Then properly connect the video cableand necessary adaptors.■The input signal frequency is incorrectly set or not compatiblewith Cintiq.  Connect a different display and set the refresh rate(vertical frequency) to some value between 50 and 75 Hz.  If yourvideo card driver supports adjustment of the horizontal frequency,make sure it is set to some value between 30 and 80 kHz.■The resolution is set too high (1280 x 1024, maximum).■The refresh rate is set too high (75 Hz, maximum).■Set the display properties to detect plug and play monitors.
47VGA Problems  SolutionsThe display ripples or flickers.The display is not clear.The display and LCD panel are notlined up.  The display size is notcorrect.The display ripples or shows a moirépattern.  The display color is not even.■Open the OSD menu, go to the Reset menu, and select theAuto Adjust option.  Then, if necessary, manually adjust pitchand phase.■Verify that the display adaptor or video card matches the speci-fications for Cintiq.■Adjust the refresh rate in the Display Properties control panel.■As necessary, adjust contrast or brightness, pitch and phase.■Set the display resolution of your video card to 1280 x 1024.■Open the OSD menu, go to the Reset menu, and select theRecall option.■As necessary, adjust pitch and phase, and horizontal and verti-cal position.  Note that some video cards may not show thedisplay in proper sizing.■Open the OSD menu, go to the Reset menu, and select theRecall option.■As necessary, adjust pitch and phase.General Problems (cont.)  SolutionsThe image appears multiple times onthe display.When a still image is displayed for along period of time without refreshingthe screen, an after-image remains fora short period of time.The color white does not display aswhite.■Do not extend the video cable.  Do not use an inputselector switch box.■Use a screen saver or other power management feature.■Be sure the Cintiq color profile has been installed and is selectedas the profile for use with your operating system and applica-tions.  Verify also that the display is operating at the factorydefault settings.  If that is not sufficient, then adjust color as nec-essary.  For details on color management, refer to your operat-ing system and application documentation.■Verify that the video cable and connectors are fully connected.
48O B T A I N I N G   T E C H N I C A L   S U P P O R TIf you have a problem with Cintiq, first check the appropriate setup section in this guide to makesure the unit is installed correctly.  Then review the Troubleshooting section within this guide andin the online Help; your problem may be described there and you can try the solution(s) offered.If you cannot find the answer in this guide or in the online Help, you may find updated informa-tion about your problem in the appropriate Read  Me file for your platform (located on the WacomTablet CD).  You can also check the product FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) on the Wacomweb site.  (See next page for support listings).Pre-Call ChecklistIf you cannot solve the problem, contact Wacom Technical Support.  You may want to make extracopies of the form on this page.  When you call, you should be at your computer with thefollowing information available:■The Wacom Cintiq 18SX Installation Guide and User’s Manual ............................ ___________________■Cintiq 18SX serial number(Look at the label on the back of the display unit.  You mayhave to rotate the unit in order to see the serial number label.) ............................. ___________________■Driver version number(Look on the Wacom Tablet CD or in the Wacom Tablet Control Panel.) .............   ___________________■The make and model of your computer or workstation .......................................... ___________________■The make, model, and connection (DVI or VGA) of your video card .................... ___________________■Operating system version ............................................................................................ ___________________■The tablet data connection (USB or serial) on your computer ................................ ___________________■A list of the peripheral devices attached to your computer ..................................... ___________________■The software application and version you were using whenthe problem occurred .................................................................................................. ___________________■The exact wording of any error message that appeared on your screen ............... ___________________■What happened and what you were doing when the problem occurred............... ___________________■How you tried to solve the problem .......................................................................... ___________________
49Support StaffIf you think your Cintiq 18SX Interactive Pen Display is not working properly, contact the Wacomsupport staff in your area.USA, Canada, Central and South AmericaContact your local distributor, or:Worldwide Web: http://www.wacom.com/productsupport 24-hour Technical Support information:   FAQs—Frequently Asked Questions    and answers.  (English)Software updates.  (English)Email support.  (English)Anonymous FTP Site: ftp.wacom.com/pub/drivers Software updates.Phone: ++1-360-896-9833 Technical Support.  (English)(7:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday – Thursday,8:30 am to 5:00 pm Friday, Pacific Time)FAX: ++1-360-896-9724 Technical Support.  (English)Europe, Middle East and AfricaContact your local distributor, or:Worldwide Web: http://www.wacom-europe.com Software updates.Online support database.Anonymous FTP Site: ftp://ftp.wacom-europe.com/pub/ Software updates.Phone (Austria): ++43-(0)1-790 825 550 Technical Support.Phone (Belgium): ++32-(0)2-275 0691 Technical Support.Phone (France): ++33-(0)1-7020 0070 Technical Support.Phone (Germany): ++49-(0)69-6630 8200 Technical Support.Phone (Italy): ++39-(0)2-4528 7050 Technical Support.Phone (Netherlands): ++31-(0)20-517 4705 Technical Support.Phone (Switzerland): ++41-(0)1-212 2818 Technical Support.Phone (United Kingdom): ++44-(0)207-744 0831 Technical Support.Phone (other countries): ++49-(0)180-500 4397 Technical Support.FAX: ++49-(0)180-500 4398 Technical Support.Internet Email: support@wacom-europe.com Technical Support.
50JapanContact your local distributor, or:Worldwide Web: http://tablet.wacom.co.jp Software updates and information.(Japanese)FAX: ++81-(0)47-380-8711 Technical Support.  (Japanese)Internet Email: tablet@wacom.co.jp Technical Support and sales.  (Japanese)Asia Pacific (English)Contact your local distributor, or:Worldwide Web: http://ap.wacom.co.jp Software updates and information.(English)Phone: ++81-(0)3-3371-1595 Technical Support.  (English)FAX: ++81-(0)3-3371-1468 Technical Support.  (English)Inquiry Form: http://ap.wacom.co.jp/faq/tablet/inquiry_form.htmlTechnical Support.  (English)To purchase parts and accessories, call toll-free: 1-888-884-1870 (USA and Canada only) or visitWacom’s web site at http://www.wacom.com/wacomdirect/ (USA only).  Outside of the USA andCanada, please contact your local dealer or distributor, or contact Technical Support.
51AppendicesD U O S W I T C H   R E M O V A L   A N D   I N S T A L L A T I O NSome users prefer to remove the DuoSwitch when working with the Grip Pen.  For example, youmay want to remove the switch in order to focus on a drawing and eliminate any accidental clicksthat would occur if you unintentionally pressed on the switch.  Note, however, that removing theDuoSwitch also removes the button functionality it offers.  For most users it is unnecessary toremove the DuoSwitch.123To remove the DuoSwitch:1. Firmly clasp the DuoSwitch inthe middle and pull out.  (Pressin on the rubberized grip in or-der to better grasp the switch.)Important: Do not remove theswitch by prying it from eitherend as this may damage yourPen.  NEVER adjust the trimmercapacitor that will be visiblewhen the switch is removed.When using the pen without theDuoSwitch, always replace theoriginal rubberized grip with theoptional grip in order to protectthe trimmer capacitor.2. Remove the pen tip cone byturning it counterclockwise.Then pull the grip forward overthe pen tip.3.  Install the optional grip by align-ing the pen case rails with thegrooves inside the grip andpushing the grip over the pentip.  Then replace the pen tipcone by turning it clockwiseonto the pen.
52To Install the DuoSwitch:1. Remove the pen tip cone byturning it counterclockwise.Then pull the grip forwardover the pen tip.2. Install the original grip (theone with the DuoSwitch ac-cess slot) by aligning the pencase rails with the grooves in-side the grip and pushing thegrip over the pen tip.When properly positioned, theDuoSwitch access hole will re-veal the trimmer capacitor.Then install the pen tip coneby turning it clockwise ontothe pen.3. Align the DuoSwitch intoplace, making sure to matchthe switch position to the gripmolding.  Then gently press inon the DuoSwitch until itsnaps into place.123
53O P T I O N A L   D I S P L A Y   C O N F I G U R A T I O N SUsing the lock brackets, you can lock the Interactive Pen Display in either a landscape or portraitorientation when mounted on the Cintiq stand.Locking the Display to the StandTo lock Cintiq to the display stand:■Rotate the Interactive Pen Display to either a landscape or portrait position.■Two VESA mount screw holes should be visible on the back side of Cintiq, just above thedisplay stand cutout.■Locate the left and right lock brackets; they mirror one another and must be installed on thecorrect sides for a proper fit.  Make sure the groove in each lock bracket follows the contourof the stand ridge, and that the arrows on the brackets point toward each other.  Place eachbracket, with the bracket hook over the stand ridge, and insert the lock screws through thebracket and into the VESA screw holes.■Hand tighten the lock screws until each lock bracket is firmly attached.Cintiq should now be firmly attached to the stand.Note: To change the image displayed by Cintiq to portrait orientation, you need to purchaseand install Pivot® software by Portrait Displays® (www.portrait.com).  With Cintiq in portraitorientation, select the portrait option in the Pivot software.  The Interactive Pen Display andGrip Pen orientation will adjust to portrait mode.Important: The tablet driver only supports a 90 degree clockwise rotation to portraitorientation.CAUTION Avoid placing excessphysical pressure on theCintiq stand; doing socan damage the stand.Left Lock BracketRight Lock BracketLock Screws
54Using an Alternate Mount or StandIf you plan to use Cintiq in an installation thatrequires the use of an alternate mounting plat-form, you can mount the Interactive Pen Dis-play onto a VESA conforming mount arm orstand.  A VESA mounting platform will requiremount screws that are 4 mm wide with a0.7 mm pitch (M4 Regular), and a maximumscrew clearance depth of 10 mm.  Exceedingthe clearance depth of 10 mm will damageCintiq internal components.  The hole patternshould be a 100 x 100 mm square.  The VESAmounting platform will also require an aper-ture of sufficient clearance to accomodate theCintiq cable and bearing hub (70 mm diam-eter).To attach Cintiq to a different mounting plat-form:1. Turn off your computer and power offCintiq.  Then disconnect all cables frombetween the unit and your computer.2. If Cintiq is mounted, remove it from thedisplay stand.3. Protect the display screen surface byspreading a soft cloth onto a flat table andplacing Cintiq face down on the cloth.4. Using the appropriate screws for yourmounting platform, firmly attach Cintiq tothe alternate mounting platform.  Be surethe integral cable and bearing mount passthrough the mount aperture without bind-ing or excess pressure.5. Refer to the appropriate installationinstructions, beginning on page 18, andreattach the cabling.When attaching Cintiq onto an alternatemounting platform, be sure to follow allinstructions in the documentation suppliedby the platform manufacturer.  If improp-erly installed, the unit could fall, resultingin damage to the unit or physical injury.CAUTIONAperture (70 mm dia.) forcable and bearing hub.
55S P E C I F I C A T I O N SGeneral SpecificationsPhysical dimensions (W x D x H ): 468 x 407 x 70 mm (18.4 x 16.0 x 2.8 in), excluding standWeight: 7.7 kg (17.0 lb), excluding stand9.7 kg (21.4 lb), including standInput voltage: 18 VDCPower consumption: 60 W or less, (18 VDC)Operating temperature and humidity: 5°C to 35°C, 20 to 80% RH (noncondensing)Storage temperature and humidity: -10 to 60°C, 20 to 90% RH (noncondensing)(maximum storage humidity is 38% at a temperature of 60°C, andmaximum storage temperature is 42°C at a humidity of 90%)LCD DisplayDisplay: a-Si TFT active matrix LCDScreen size: 18.1 in (14.1 x 11.3 in)Signal inputs: VGA (Analog RGB)DVI (Digital)Resolution: 1280 x 1024 pixels (SXGA), 1024 x 768 pixels (XGA),800 x 600 pixels (SGA), 640 x 480 pixels (VGA)720 x 400 (VGA), othersRefresh rate: 50 to 75 Hz (vertical)All scan modes are non-interlaced.Pixel pitch: 0.2805 x 0.2805 mm (0.011 x 0.011 in)Color depth: 16,777,216 colors (24 bit)Pixels: 1,310,720Brightness: 210 cd/sq. m (typical)Contrast ratio: 300:1Plug and Play: DDC2B, EDID
56LCD Display (cont.)LCD quality: Each Cintiq 18SX LCD panel is produced under very stringent qualitystandards.  Production techniques cannot guarantee an absolutelyperfect TFT display, and some panels may exhibit a certain numberof pixels that show an incorrect color.Wacom quality standards are based on internationally acceptedstandards for LCD displays.  Wacom requires more than 99.999% ofthe 1,310,720 pixels on each Cintiq 18SX to function perfectly, anddoes not allow any pixel to be always white or always black.A small number of pixels (10 or less) are allowed to show a wrongcolor for some parts of the color spectrum.TabletReading technology: Electromagnetic give and receive methodActive area: 359.0 x 287.2 mm (14.13 x 11.31 in)Resolution: 20 lpmm (0.05 mm) (508 lpi (0.002 in)) maxAccuracy: ±0.5 mm (±0.02 in), averageMaximum reading height: 5 mm (0.2 in)Maximum report rate: 205 points/sec., maxPressure levels: 512 levelsCommunication interface: USB or RS-232C serialDisplay StandPhysical dimensions (W x D x H): 329 x 299 x 165 mm (13.0 x 11.8 x 6.5 in)Weight: 2.0 kg (4.4 lb)Rotation: ±180°Incline: 13° to 70° from horizontalPrimary orientation: Landscape, lockable
57Power SupplyInput voltage: 100  to 240 VAC, 50/60 HzOutput voltage: 18 VDC, 4.0 AGrip Pen (Model UP-911E)Pressure levels: 512Pen tip travel: 0.1 mm (0.004 in) or lessEraser tip travel: 2 mm (0.08 in), approximatelyPhysical dimensions: 159.0 x 14.0 mm (6.26 x 0.55 in)Weight: 16 g (0.56 oz)Side switch type: Rocker switchDisplay AdaptorsVGA to DVI-I adaptor: Part number 88741-9100, MolexVideo card connection: VGA (RGB analog, male)Display connection: DVI-I, femaleNote: Use of this adaptor requires setting the Cintiq DVI/VGAswitch to the VGA position.DVI-D to DVI-I adaptor: Part number 88741-9400, MolexVideo card connection: DVI-D, maleDisplay connection: DVI-I, femaleNotes: Use of this adaptor requires setting the Cintiq Digital/Analog(DVI/VGA) switch to the DVI position.  Using a 3rd party ADC toDVI-D adaptor requires the use of this adaptor as a secondaryadaptor for the Cintiq 18SX Interactive Pen Display.AccessoriesExtra pen tip: PSI-A007Pen stand: PST-A026-03
58L I C E N S E   A N D   W A R R A N T YLimited Warranty for Products Purchased and Used in U.S. and CanadaWACOM warrants the product, except for the Software, to be free from defects in materials and workmanshipunder normal use and service as long as the product remains in possession of the original owner, for a periodof  two (2) years, as evidenced by a copy of the receipt and a registration card that has been returned toWACOM within 30 days of purchase.The Software is licensed “as is.” WACOM makes no warranty with respect to its quality or performance.WACOM cannot guarantee you uninterrupted service or the correction of any errors.Upon discovery of a defect in the product, except in the Software, within the Warranty Period, you shouldnotify WACOM Technical Support via telephone, email, or fax to obtain an RMA (Return Merchandise Autho-rization) number and instructions for shipping the product to a service location designated by WACOM.You should send the product, shipping charges prepaid, to the designated service location, accompanied by thereturn authorization number, your name, address and telephone number, proof of purchase date, and adescription of the defect. WACOM will pay for return shipping by United Parcel Service or by an equivalentservice as chosen by WACOM.WACOM’s sole obligation and entire liability under this warranty shall be, at WACOM’s option, either therepair or replacement of the defective product or parts thereof of which WACOM is notified during theWarranty Period; provided, however, that you are responsible for (i) the cost of transportation of the productto the designated service location and (ii) any loss or damage to the product resulting from such transporta-tion.WACOM shall have no responsibility to repair or replace the product if the failure of the product has resultedfrom accident, abuse, misuse, negligence, or unauthorized modification or repair, or if it has been handled orstored other than in accordance with WACOM’s storage instructions.Any descriptions, drawings, specifications, samples, models, bulletins, or similar material, used in connectionwith the sale of the product, shall not be construed as an express warranty that the product will conform orcomply with your requirements.EXCEPT FOR THE LIMITED WARRANTY DESCRIBED ABOVE, THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIES MADEBY WACOM ON THIS PRODUCT.  NO ORAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION OR ADVICE GIVEN BY WACOM,ITS DEALERS, DISTRIBUTORS, AGENTS, OR EMPLOYEES SHALL CREATE A WARRANTY OR IN ANY WAYINCREASE THE SCOPE OF THIS WARRANTY, AND YOU MAY NOT RELY ON ANY SUCH INFORMATIONOR ADVICE.  THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, WHICH VARY FROM STATE TOSTATE.WACOM LIMITS THE DURATION OF ANY LEGALLY IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TO THE DURATION OFWACOM’S EXPRESS WARRANTY.  SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG ANIMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS.  SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.
59NEITHER WACOM NOR ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION,OR DELIVERY OF THIS PRODUCT SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDEN-TAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION,LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION AND THE LIKE) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USESUCH PRODUCT, EVEN IF WACOM HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.BECAUSE SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSE-QUENTIAL DAMAGES, THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.In the event that any of the above limitations are held unenforceable, WACOM’s liability for any damages toyou or any party shall not exceed the purchase price you paid, regardless of the form of any claim.This Limited Warranty is governed by the laws of the United States of America and the state of Washington.This Limited Warranty is valid for and only applies to products purchased and used inside the United States(and its territories or possessions) and Canada.Warranty on Sales Outside of U.S. and Canada (Except Europe)For products purchased or used outside of the United States and Canada, upon discovery of a defect in theproduct, except in the Software, within the Warranty Period you should notify your local dealer or distributor.In all other respects the terms of the warranty as set forth above apply to such sales.Should you have any questions about this Agreement, or if you desire to contact WACOM for any reason,please contact in writing:In North and South America contact: In Asia Pacific contact:WACOM TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION WACOM CO., LTD.1311 SE CARDINAL COURT, 2-510-1 TOYONODAIVANCOUVER, WA 98683 OTONE-MACHI, KITASAITAMA-GUNU.S.A. SAITAMA, 349-1148JAPAN

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