WINIA Electronics 7NF6NMO6000 Microwave Oven User Manual

Dongbu Daewoo Electronics Corporation Microwave Oven



Before operating this oven, please read these instructions completely.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS& COOK BOOKMICROWAVE OVENKOR-6NMB1
1PRECAUTIONS TO AVOID POSSIBLE EXPOSURE TOEXCESSIVE MICROWAVE ENERGY(a) Do not attempt to operate this oven with the door open since open-door operation can result inharmful exposure to microwave energy.  It is important not to defeat or tamper with the safetyinterlocks.(b) Do not place any object between the oven front face and the door or allow soil or cleaner residue toaccumulate on sealing surfaces.(c) Do not operate the oven if it is damaged. It is particularly important that the oven door closeproperly and that there is no damage to the: (1) door (bent), (2) hinges  and latches (broken orloosened), (3) door seals and sealing surfaces.(d) The oven should not be adjusted or repaired by anyone except properly qualified service personnel.TABLE OF CONTENTS• IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS..........................................................................................................................2• FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION • RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFERENCE STATEMENT...................................................................................................3• GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS........................................................................................................................................3• INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................................................................4• SPECIFICATIONS.............................................................................................................................................................5• FEATURES DIAGRAM......................................................................................................................................................6• FEATURES DIAGRAM (CONTINUED) ............................................................................................................................7• OPERATION PROCEDURE.............................................................................................................................................8• CONTROLS.......................................................................................................................................................................9SETTING THE CLOCK .....................................................................................................................................................9TIME DEFROSTING .........................................................................................................................................................9COOKING IN ONE STAGE.............................................................................................................................................10COOKING IN TWO STAGES..........................................................................................................................................10PREPACKED POPCORN...............................................................................................................................................11SPEEDY COOK...............................................................................................................................................................12LESS, MORE...................................................................................................................................................................12CHILD SAFETY LOCK....................................................................................................................................................12TO STOP THE OVEN WHILE THE OVEN IS OPERATING..........................................................................................12• CARE OF YOUR MICROWAVE OVEN..........................................................................................................................13• BEFORE YOU CALL FOR SERVICE.............................................................................................................................14• CARE AND CLEANING ..................................................................................................................................................14• QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS .......................................................................................................................................15• COOKING INSTRUCTIONS ...........................................................................................................................................16• USE YOUR MICROWAVE OVEN SAFELY ...................................................................................................................17• ARCING...........................................................................................................................................................................17• MICROWAVING PRINCIPLES .......................................................................................................................................18• HOW MICROWAVES COOK FOOD ..............................................................................................................................18• CONVERSION CHARTS ................................................................................................................................................18• COOKING TECHNIQUES...............................................................................................................................................19• DEFROSTING GUIDE.....................................................................................................................................................20• COOKING & REHEATING CHART ................................................................................................................................21• VEGETABLE CHART......................................................................................................................................................23• RECIPES .........................................................................................................................................................................24
2IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWhen using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:WARNING-To reduce the risk of burns, electric shock, fire, injury to persons or exposure to excessive microwave energy:11. Read all instructions before using the appliance.12. Read and follow the specific “PRECAUTIONS TOAVOID POSSIBLE EXPOSURE TO EXCESSIVEMICROWAVE ENERGY” found on page 1.13. This appliance must be grounded. Connect only toproperly grounded outlet. See “GROUNDINGINSTRUCTIONS” found on page 3.14. Install or locate this appliance only in accor-dancewith the provided installation instructions.15. Some products such as whole eggs and sealedcontainers - for example, closed glass jars-are ableto explode and should not be heated in this oven.16.Use this appliance only for its intended use asdescribed in this manual. Do not use corrosivechemicals or vapors in this appliance. This type ofoven is specifically designed to heat, cook, or dryfood. It is not designed for industrial or laboratory use.17. Only allow children to use the oven withoutsupervision when adequate instructions have beengiven so that the child is able to use the oven in asafe way and understands the hazards of improperuse. 18. Do not  operate this appliance if it has a damagedcord or plug, if it is not working properly, or if it hasbeen damaged or dropped.19. This appliance should be serviced only by qualifiedservice personnel. Contact nearest authorized service facility forexamination, repair or adjustment.10.Do not cover or block any openings on the appliance. 11. Do not store this appliance outdoors. Do not use thisproduct near water — for example, near a kitchensink, in a wet basement, or near a swimming pool,or similar locations.12. Do not immerse cord or plug in water.13. Keep cord away from heated surfaces.14. Do not let cord hang over edge of table or counter.15. Either:a) When cleaning surfaces of door and oven thatcomes together on closing the door, use onlymild, non-abrasive soaps or detergents appliedwith a sponge or soft cloth , orb) When separate cleaning instructions are provided,See door surface cleaning instructions on.16. To reduce the risk of fire in the oven cavity:a) Do not overcook food. Carefully attend appliancewhen paper, plastic, or other com-bustible materialsare placed inside the oven to facilitate cooking.b) Remove wire twist-ties from paper or plastic bagsbefore placing bag in oven.c) If materials inside the oven  ignite, keep ovendoor closed, turn oven off, and disconnect thepower cord, or shut off power at the fuse or circuitbreaker panel.d) Do not use the cavity for storage purposes. Donot leave paper products, cooking utensils, orfood in the cavity when not in use.17. Do not use this microwave oven to heat corrosivechemicals (for example, sulfides and chlorides).Vapours from such corrosive chemicals may interactwith the contact and springs of the safety interlockswitches thereby rendering them inoperable.18. Keep the waveguide cover clean at all times.Wipe the oven interior with a soft damp cloth aftereach use. If you leave grease or fat anywhere in thecavity it may overheat, smoke or even catch firewhen next using the oven.19.  Never heat oil or fat for deep frying as you cannotcontrol the temperature and doing so may lead tooverheating and fire.20.  Liquids, such as water, coffee, or tea are able to beoverheated beyond the boiling point withoutappearing to be boiling due to surface tension of theliquid. Visible bubbling or boiling when the containeris removed from the microwave oven is not alwayspresent. THIS COULD RESULT IN VERY HOTLIQUIDS SUDDENLY BOILING OVER WHEN ASPOON OR OTHER UTENSIL IS INSERTED INTOTHE LIQUID. To reduce the risk of injury to persons:a) Do not overheat the liquid.b) Stir the liquid both before and halfway throughheating itc) Do not use straight-sided containers with narrownecks.d) After heating, allow the container to stand in themicrowave oven for a short time before removingthe container.e) Use extreme care when inserting a spoon orother utensil into the container.21. Do not operate the oven without the glass tray inplace. Be sure it is properly sitting on the rotatingbase.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS
3FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFERENCE STATEMENTGROUNDING INSTRUCTIONSThis appliance must be grounded. In the event of an electrical short circuit, the grounding plug reduces the risk ofelectric shock by providing an escape wire for electric current. This appliance is equipped with a cord having agrounding wire with a grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into an outlet that is properly installed andgrounded.WARNING:This equipment generates and uses ISM frequency energy and if not installed and used properly, that is instrict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, may cause interference to radio and televisionreception. It has been type-tested and found to comply with limits for an ISM Equipment pursuant to part 18 of FCCRules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residentialinstallation.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined byturning the equipment  off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or moreof the followings.• Reorient the receiving antenna of radio or television.• Relocate the Microwave oven with respect to the receiver.• Move the microwave oven away from the receiver.• Plug the microwave oven into a different outlet so that microwave oven and receiver are ondifferent branch circuits. THE MANUFACTURER is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by UNAUTHORIZED MODIFICATION to this microwave oven. It is the responsibility of the user to correctsuch interference.WARNING:Improper use of the grounding can result in a risk of electric shock.Consult a qualified electrician or serviceman if the grounding instructions are not completely understood, or ifdoubt exists as to whether the appliance is properly grounded, and either :(1) If it is necessary to use an extension cord, use only a 3-wire extension cord that has a 3-blade groundingplug, and a 3-slot receptacle that will accept the plug on the appliance. The marked rating of theextension cord shall be equal to or greater than the electrical rating of the appliance.or(2) Do not use an extension cord, if the power supply cord is too short, have a qualified electrician orserviceman install an outlet near the appliance.(3) Do not cut or remove the third (ground) prong from the power cord under any circumstances.
4INSTALLATION1. Examine the oven after unpacking.Check for damage such as a misaligned door, broken door or dent in the cavity. If any damage is visible, DO NOT INSTALL, and notify your dealer immediately.2. Level, flat location.Install the microwave oven on a level, flat surface.3. Ventilation.Do not block air vents. If they are blocked during operation, the oven may overheat and eventually cause afailure. For proper ventilation, allow 3 inches of space between oven top, sides, rear and adjacent surfaces.4. Away from radio and TV sets.Poor television reception and radio interference may result if the oven is located close to a TV, radio, antenna,feeder, etc.  Place the oven as far from them as possible.5. Away from heating appliances and water taps.Keep the oven away from heat, steam or splashing liquids. These things can adversely affect oven wiring andcontacts.6. Power supply.This microwave oven requires a power supply of approximately 15 Amperes, 120 Volts, 60Hz and a grounded outlet. A short power cord is provided to reduce the risk of the user becomingentangled in or tripping over a longer cord. Longer cord sets or extension cords are availableand may be used if care is exercised in their use.If an extension cord is used, the marked electrical rating of the cord should be at least as great as the electrical rating of the oven.The extension cord must be a grounding-type 3-wire cord. The longer cord should be arranged so that it will not drape over the table top or counter where it can be pulled on by children or tripped overunintentionally.7. The minimum height of free space necessary above the top surface of the oven is 100mm.When use 3-pronged plug 3-prong ReceptacleReceptacleBox cover3-prong plugWhen use grounding adaptor, make surethe receptacle box is fully grounded.Receptacle Box CoverReceptacle GroundingLeadGroundingAdaptor“THE CANADIAN ELECTRICAL CODE DOES NOT ALLOW THE USE OF THE GROUNDING ADAPTOR”
5SPECIFICATIONSPOWER SUPPLY  120VAC/60Hz, SINGLE PHASE WITH GROUNDING.POWER CONSUMPTION 900 WMICROWAVE ENERGY OUTPUT 600 W FREQUENCY 2,450MHzOUTSIDE DIMENSIONS (WXHXD) 465 X 279 X 324mm(18.3 X 11.0 X 12.8 in.)CAVITY DIMENSIONS (WXHXD) 301 X 219 X 283mm(11.9 X 8.6 X 11.2 in.)NET WEIGHT APPROX. 10.2Kg (22.5 lbs.)TIMER  59 min. 99 sec.POWER LEVELS 10 Levels* Specifications are subject to change without notice.
611Door latch - When the door is closed it willautomatically shut off. If the door is openedwhile the oven is operating, the magnetron willautomatically shut off.22Door seal - The door seal maintains themicrowave within the oven cavity and preventsmicrowave leakage.33Oven cavity44Spatter shield - Protects the microwave outletfrom splashes of cooking foods.55Safety interlock system - Prevents the ovenfrom operating while the door is opened.66Door release button - Pushing this button stopsoven operation and opens the door.77Glass cooking tray - Made of special heatresistant glass. The tray must always be inproper position before operating. 88Roller guide - Supports the glass cooking tray.99Door screen - Allows viewing of food.The screen is designed so that light can passthrough, but not the microwaves. FEATURES DIAGRAM912 4 538 7 5 6
711DISPLAY - Cooking time, power level, indicatorsand current time are displayed.22POWER - Used to set power level.33DEFROST - Used to defrost foods for time.44CLOCK - Used to set clock.55MORE - Used to add time to cooking. 66LESS - Used to decrease time from cooking.77AUTO COOK - Used to cook or reheat many offavorite food.88POPCORN - Used to reheat popcorn 99TIME SET PAD - Used to set the cooking timeand the current time.00STOP/CLEAR - Used to stop the oven operationor to delete the cooking data.qqSTART/SPEEDY COOK - Used to start the ovenand also used to set a reheat time.FEATURES DIAGRAM (continued)378204569q1
8The oven light is on only when the microwave ovenis operating.The oven door can be opened at any time duringoperation by touching the door release button onthe control panel. The oven will automatically shutoff.Each time a pad is touched, a BEEP will sound toacknowledge the touch.The oven automatically cooks on full power unlessset to a lower power level.The display will show “ : 0” when the oven isplugged in.Time clock returns to the present time when thecooking time ends.When the STOP/CLEAR pad is touched during theoven operation, the oven stops cooking and allinformation retained. To erase all information(exceptthe present time), touch the  STOP/CLEAR pad oncemore. If the oven door is opened during the ovenoperation, all information is retained.If the START pad is touched and the oven does notoperate, check the area between the door and doorseal for obstructions and make sure the door is closedsecurely.  The oven will not start cooking until the dooris completely closed or the program has been reset.OPERATION PROCEDUREThis section includes useful information about oven operation.1. Plug power supply cord into a standard 3-pronged 15 Amp, 120V AC 60Hz power outlet.2. After placing the food in a suitable container, open the oven door and put it on the glass tray. The glass tray and roller guide must always be in place during cooking.3. Shut the door. Make sure that it is firmly closed.12345678Make sure the oven is properly installed andplugged into the electrical outlet.WATTAGE OUTPUT CHART•The power-level is set by pressing the POWER pad. The chart shows the display, the power level and thepercentage of power.Touch POWER pad Power level (Display) Approximate Percentage of Poweronce P-HI 100%twice P-90 90%3 times P-80 80%4 times P-70 70%5 times P-60 60%6 times P-50 50%7 times P-40 40%8 times P-30 30%9 times P-20 20%10 times P-10 10%11 times P-00 0%
9CONTROLSSETTING THE CLOCKWhen the oven is first plugged in, the display will show “:0” and a tone will sound. If the AC power ever goes off, the display show “ : 0” when the power comes back on.1.  Touch CLOCK pad.                 This is a 12 hour clock system.2. Touch CLOCK pad once more.This is a 24 hour clock system.3. Enter the correct time of day bytouching the numbers in sequence.4. Touch CLOCK pad.NOTE: If you attempt to enter an incorrect time, the time will not be set and a error signal tone willsound. Touch the CLOCK pad and re-enter the time.The display stops blinking, and the colon startsblinking.  If you selected 12 hour clock system,this digital clock allows you to set from 1:00 to12:59.  If you selected 24 hour clock system, thisdigital clock allows you to set from 0:00 to 23:59.TIME DEFROSTINGWhen DEFROST is selected, the automatic cycle divides the defrosting time into periods of alternating defrostand stand times by cycling on and off.When you touch START pad, the DEFROST indicator starts blinking to show the oven is in the DEFROST mode.The display counts down the time to show you how much defrosting time is left in the DEFROST mode. The oven beeps during the defrosting cycle to signal that the food needs to be turned or rearranged. When thedefrosting time ends, you will hear 3 beeps.NOTE : This oven has multiple clock systems.If  you want 12 hour clock system,omit this step.1. Touch DEFROST pad.2. Touch number pads for the desireddefrosting time.3. Touch START pad.The DEF indicator lights and “ : 0” is displayed.The display will show what you touched.Note : Your oven can be programmed for 59minutes 99 seconds.( 59 : 99 )
10COOKING IN TWO STAGESAll recipes require frozen foods to be defrosted fully before cooking.When you touch START pad, the DEF and M/W indicators come on to confirm the power levels selected. TheDEF indicator starts blinking to show you that the oven is in DEFROST mode. The display counts down the timeremaining in DEF mode. When the oven beeps, turn over, break apart and/or redistribute the food. At the end ofDEF mode, the oven will beep and start M/W cook. The DEF indicator goes off and the M/W indicator startsblinking. The display counts down the time remaining in M/W mode. When M/W cook ends, you will hear 3 beeps.1. Touch Defrost pad.2. Touch the time set pads for thedefrosting time you want.3.Touch Power pad.(Select the desired power level.)4. Touch the time set pads for thedesired cooking time.5. Touch START pad.The DEF indicator lights and “ : 0” is displayed.The display will show what you touched.The M/W indicator lights and “ P-HI” isdisplayed. The display will show what youtouched.The display will show what you touched.COOKING IN ONE STAGE1. Touch Power pad.(Select the desired power level.)2. Touch the time set pads for thecooking time.3. Touch START pad.The M/W indicator lights.The display will show what you touched.The display will show what you touched.NOTE : Using lower power levels increases the cooking time which is recommended for foods such as cheese,milk and slow cooking of meats.NOTE: If step 1 is omitted, the oven will cookat full power.NOTE: Your oven can be programmed for 59minutes 99 seconds.(59:99)When you touch START pad, the M/W indicator starts blinking to show the oven is cooking. The display counts down the time to show how much cooking time is left. When the cooking time ends, you willhear 3 beeps.
11PREPACKED POPCORNPlace the prepacked popcorn (3.5oz) onto a microwaveable dish in the oven.1. Remove plastic wrap.Follow manufacture’s directions forplacement and care in opening.2. Touch POPCORN pad once for a 3.5oz bag .When you touch POPCORN pad once, "3.5" isdisplayed.After the 1.5 seconds, the display shows thecooking time and the oven starts cooking.If you find that the brand of popcorn you use underpops or overcooks consistently, you can add orsubtract time with MORE or LESS pad. Place carefully so bag does not touch oven walls. Thecorners of the bag may be folded down.NOTE: 1. Use prepackaged room-temperature microwave popcorn.2. Place bag in oven according to manufacturer's directions.3. Pop only one bag at a time.4. After popping, open bag carefully: popcorn and steam are extremely hot.5. Do not reheat unpopped kernels or reuse bag.6. Do not leave oven unattended while popping popcorn.CAUTION : If prepackaged popcorn is a different weight than the recommended weight, do not use thepopcorn pad. Follow the manufacturer instruction.1. Touch AUTO COOK pad. When you touch AUTO COOK pad once, “AC-1”is displayed. By repeatedly touching this pad,you can select other food category as shown inthe chart below.AUTO COOKAUTO COOK allows you to cook or reheat many of your favorite foods by repeatedly touching auto cook pad. 2. Touch START pad. When you touch START pad, the display ischanged into cooking time and the oven startscooking.CATEGORY FOOD WEIGHT TOUCHPADAC-1 BREAD 4 slices(1.5-2 oz. each) Touch AUTO COOK once.AC-2 SOUP 12 oz. Touch AUTO COOK twiceAC-3 BAKED POTATO 3 potatoes(7-8 oz. each) Touch AUTO COOK three timesAC-4 FRESH VEGETABLE 7 oz.  Touch AUTO COOK four timesAC-5 FROZEN VEGETABLE 7 oz. package Touch AUTO COOK five times.
12LESS, MORETo alter one touch cooking or cooking time whilst oven is in operation, use LESS or MORE.(except for defrosting)Press LESS/MORE to decrease/increase the one touch cooking time in multiples of 10 seconds.The overall one touch cooking time can be increased to a maximum of 59 minutes 50 seconds.Press LESS/MORE to decrease/increase the cooking time in multiples of 1 minute.The overall cooking time can be increased to a maximum of 59 minutes.CHILD SAFETY LOCKThe safety lock prevents unwanted oven operation such as by small children.To set, press and hold STOP/CLEAR for 3 seconds, a beep sounds and LOCK indicator lights.To cancel, press and hold STOP/CLEAR for 3 seconds, a beep sounds and LOCK indicator goes off.TO STOP THE OVEN WHILE THE OVEN IS OPERATING1. Press STOP/CLEAR pad.• You can restart the oven by touching START pad.• Touch STOP/CLEAR once more to erase all instructions.• You must enter in new instructions.2. Open the door.• You can restart the oven by closing the door and touching START.NOTE: Oven stops operating when door is opened.SPEEDY COOKSPEEDY COOK allows you to reheat for 30 seconds at full power by simply touching the SPEEDY COOK pad.By repeatedly touching the SPEEDY COOK pad, you can also extend reheating time to 5 minutes by 30 second increments.1. Touch SPEEDY COOK pad. When you touch SPEEDY COOK pad, ":30" isdisplayed.After 1.5 seconds, the oven starts reheating.
13CARE OF YOUR MICROWAVE OVENTurn the oven off before cleaning.Keep the inside of the oven clean. When foodspatters or spilled liquids adhere to oven walls,wipe with a damp cloth. Mild detergent may beused if the oven gets very dirty. The use of harshdetergent or abrasives is not recommended.The outside oven surface should be cleaned withsoap and water, rinsed and dried with a soft cloth.To prevent damage to the operating parts insidethe oven, water should not be allowed to seep intothe ventilation openings.If the Control Panel becomes wet, clean with a soft,dry cloth. Do not use harsh detergents or abrasiveson Control Panel.If steam accumulates inside or around the outsideof the oven door, wipe with a soft cloth. This mayoccur when the microwave oven is operated underhigh humidity conditions and in no way indicatesmalfunction of the unit.It is occasionally necessary to remove the glass trayfor cleaning. Wash the tray in warm sudsy water orin a dishwasher.The roller guide and oven cavity floor should becleaned regularly to avoid excessive noise. Simply wipe the bottom surface of the oven withmild detergent water or window cleaner and dry.The roller guide may be washed in mild sudsywater.1234567ROLLER GUIDEGLASS TRAYGlass Tray Roller GuideThe ROLLER GUIDE and oven floor should becleaned frequently to prevent excessive noise.The ROLLER GUIDE MUST ALWAYS be usedfor cooking together with the Glass Tray.DO NOT operate the oven without the Glass Trayin place.DO NOT use any other Glass Tray with this oven.If Glass Tray is hot, ALLOW TO COOL beforecleaning or placing it in water.DO NOT cook directly on the Glass Tray.(Except for popcorm)121234
14BEFORE YOU CALL FOR SERVICE• The oven doesn’t work :1. Check that the power cord is securely plugged in.2. Check that the door is firmly closed.3. Check that the cooking time is set.4. Check for a blown circuit fuse or tripped maincircuit breaker in your house.• Sparking in the cavity :1. Check utensils. Metal containers or dishes withmetal trim should not be used.2. Check that metal skewers or foil does not touch theinterior walls.If there is still a problem, contact the service station.A list of these stations is included in the oven.Although your oven is provided with safety features, it is important to observe the following:1. It is important not to defeat or tamper with safetyinterlocks.2. Do not place any object between the oven front faceand the door or allow residue to accumulate onsealing surfaces. Wipe the sealing area frequentlywith a mild detergent, rinse and dry. Never useabrasive powders or pads.3. When opened, the door must not be subjected tostrain, for example, a child hanging on an openeddoor or any load could cause the oven to fall forwardto cause injury and also damage to the door. Do notoperate the oven if it is damaged, until it has beenrepaired by a trained service technician. It is particularly important that the oven closesproperly and that there is no damage to the:i) Door(bent)ii) Hinges and Hookes(broken or loosened)iii) Door seals and sealing surfaces.4. The oven should not be adjusted or repaired byanyone except a properly trained service technician.CARE AND CLEANING
15QUESTIONS AND ANSWERSQ: Why do eggs sometimes pop?A: When baking or poaching eggs, the yolk may popdue to steam build-up inside the yolk membrane.To prevent this, simply pierce the yolk with atoothpick before cooking. Never cook eggswithout piercing their shells.Q: Why this standing time recommended after thecooking operation has been completed?A: Standing time is very important.With microwave cooking, the heat is in the food,not in the oven. Many foods build up enoughinternal heat to allow the cooking process tocontinue, even after the food is removed from theoven. Standing time for joints of meat, largevegetables and cakes is to allow the inside tocook completely, without overcooking the outside.Q: Will the microwave oven be damaged if itoperates while empty?A: Yes. Never run it empty.Q: Why does my oven not always cook as fast as themicrowave cooking guide says?A: Check your cooking guide again, to make sureyou’ve followed directions exactly ; and to seewhat might cause variations in cooking time.Cooking guide times and heat settings aresuggestions, to help prevent over-cooking... themost common problem in getting used to amicrowave oven.Variations in the size, shape and weights anddimensions could require longer cooking time.Use your own judgement along with the cookingguide suggestions to check whether the food hasbeen properly cooked just as you would do with aconventional cooker.Q: Can I operate my microwave oven without theturntable or turn the turntable over to hold a largedish?A: No. If you remove or turn over the turntable, youwill get poor cooking results. Dishes used in youroven must fit  on the turntable.Q: Is it normal for the turntable to turn in eitherdirection?A: Yes. The turntable rotates clockwise orcounterclockwise, depending on the rotation of themotor when the cooking cycle begins.Q: Can I pop popcorn in my microwave oven? Howdo I get the best results?A: Yes. Pop packaged microwave popcorn followingmanufacture’s guidelines. Do not use regularpaper bags. Use the “listening test” by stoppingthe oven as soon as the popping slows to a “pop”every 1 or 2 seconds. Do not repop unpoppedkernels. Do not pop popcorn in glass cookware.Q: I accidentally ran my microwave oven without anyfood in it. Is it damaged?A: Running the oven empty for a short time will notdamage the oven. However, it is notrecommended.Q: Can the oven be used with the glass tray or rollerguide removed?A: No. Both the glass tray and roller guide mustalways be used in the oven before cooking.Q: Can I open the door when the oven is operating?A: The door can be opened anytime during thecooking operation. Then microwave energy will be instantly switched off and the time settingwill maintain until the door is closed.Q: Why do I have moisture in my microwave ovenafter cooking?A: The moisture on the side of your microwave ovenis normal. It is caused by steam from cooking foodhitting the cool oven surface.Q: Dose microwave energy pass through the viewingscreen in the door?A: No. The metal screen bounces back the energy tothe oven cavity. The holes are made to allow lightto pass through. They do not let microwaveenergy pass through.
16COOKING INSTRUCTIONSUtensil GuideOnly use utensils that are suitable for use in microwave ovens.To cook food in the microwave oven, the microwaves must be able to penetrate the food, without being reflectedor absorbed by the dish used. Care must therefore be taken choosing the utensil. If the utensil is markedmicrowave-safe, you do not need to worry. The following table lists various of utensil and indicates whether andhow they should be used in a microwave oven.●: Recommended use▲ : Limited Use✕: Not Recommended Utensil Safe CommentsAluminium foilCrust plateChina and earthenwareDisposable polyester cardboard dishesFast-food packaging• Polystyrene cups containers• Paper bags or newspaper• Recycled paper or metal trimsGlassware• Oven-to-table ware• Fine glassware• Glass jarsMetal• Dishes• Freezer bag twist tiesPaper• Plates, cups, napkins and Kitchen paper• Recycled paperPlastic• Containers• Cling film• Freezer bagsWax or grease-proof paperCan be used in small quantities to protect areas againstovercooking. Arcing can occur if the foil is too close tothe oven wall or if too much foil is used.Do not preheat for more than 8minutes.Porcelain, pottery, glazed earthenware and bone chinaare usually suitable, unless deco-rated with a metal trim.Some frozen foods are packaged in these dishes.Can be used to warm food. Overheating may cause thepolystyrene to melt.May catch fire.May cause arcing.Can be used, unless decorated with a metal trim.Can be used to warm foods or liquids. Delicate glass may break or crack if heated suddenly.Must remove the lid. Suitable for warming only.May cause arcing or fire.For short cooking times and warming. Also to absorbexcess moisture.May cause arcing.Particularly if heat-resistant thermoplastic. Some otherplastics may warp or discolour at high temperatures. Donot use Melamine plastic.Can be used to retain moisture. Should not touch thefood. Take care when removing the film as hot steam willescape.Only if boilable or oven-proof. Should not be airtight.Prick with a fork, if necessary.Can be used to retain moisture and prevent spattering.▲●●●●✕✕●●●✕✕●✕●●▲●
17USE YOUR MICROWAVE OVEN SAFELYGeneral UseFoodARCINGIf you see arcing, press STOP/CLEAR button and correct the problem.Arcing is the microwave term for sparks in the oven.Arcing is caused by:• Metal or foil touching the side of the oven.• Foil not molded to food (upturned edges act likeantennas).• Metal, such as twist-ties, poultry pins, or gold rimmeddishes, in the microwave.• Recycled paper towels containing small metal piecesbeing used in the microwave.Do not attempt to defeat or tamper with safetyinterlocks.Do not place any object between the oven front frameand the door or allow residue to build up on sealingsurfaces. Wipe with a mild detergent, rinse and dry.Never use abrasive powders or pads.Do not subject the oven door to strain or weight suchas a child hanging on an open door.This could cause the oven to fall forward resulting ininjury to you and damage to the oven.Do not operate the oven if door seals or sealingsurfaces are damaged; or if door is bent; or if hingesare loose or broken.Do not operate the oven empty. This will damage theoven.Do not attempt to dry clothes, newspapers or othermaterials in the oven. They may catch on fire.Do not use recycled paper products as they maycontain impurities which may cause sparks or fires.Do not hit or strike the control panel with hard objects.This can damage the oven.Never use your microwave oven for home canning.The oven is not designed for proper home canning.Improperly canned food may spoil and be dangerousto consume.Always use the minimum recipe cooking time. It isbetter to undercook rather than overcook foods. Undercooked foods can be returned to the oven formore cooking. If food is overcooked, nothing can bedone.Heat small quantities of food or foods with lowmoisture carefully. These can quickly dry out, burn orcatch on fire.Do not heat eggs in the shell. Pressure may build upand eggs can explode.Potatoes, apples, egg yolks and sausages areexamples of food with non-porous skins.These must be pierced before cooking to preventbursting.Do not attempt to deep fat fry in your microwave oven.Always allow a starding time of at least 20 secondsafter the oven has been switched off to allao thetemperature to even out, stir during heating, ifnecessary, and ALWAYS stir after heating. To preventeruptive boiling and possible scalding, you should puta spoon or glass stick into the beverages and stirbefore, during and after heating.Do not leave the oven unattended while popping corn.Do not pop corn in a paper bag unless it is thecommercially prepared Microwave Popcorn product.The kernels can overheat and ignite a brown paperbag.Do not put packaged Microwave Popcorn bags directlyon the oven tray. Place the package on a microwavesafe glass or ceramic plate to avoid overheating andcracking the oven tray.Do not exceed the Microwave Popcorn manufacturerssuggested popping time. Longer popping does not yield more popcorn but it canresult in scorch, burn of fire. Remember, the Popcornbag and tray can be too hot to handle. Remove withcaution and use pot holders.
18MICROWAVING PRINCIPLESMicrowave energy has been used in this country to cook and reheat food since early experiments with RADAR inWorld War ll. Microwaves are present in the atmosphere all the time, both naturally and manmade sources. Manmadesources include radar, radio, television, telecommunication links and car phones.CONVERSION CHARTSIn a microwave oven,electricity is convertedinto microwave by theMAGNETRON.REFLECTIONTRANSMISSION Then they pass through thecooking containers to beabsorbed by the watermolecules in the food, allfoods contain water to amore or lesser extent.ABSORPTIONThe microwaves cause the water molecules to vibratewhich causes FRICTION, i.e. HEAT. This heat thencooks the food. Microwaves are also attracted to fat andsugar particles, and foods high in these will cook morequickly. Microwaves can only penetrate to a depth of 11/2- 2 inches(4-5cm) and as heat spreads through the foodby conduction, just as in a traditional oven, the foodcooks from the outside inwards.WEIGHT MEASURES15 g 1/2oz.25 g 1 oz.50 g 2 oz.100 g 4 oz.175 g 6 oz.225 g 8 oz.450 g 1 lb.HOW MICROWAVES COOK FOOD▲▲▲VOLUME MEASURES30 ml 1 fl.oz.100 ml 3 fl.oz.150 ml 5 fl.oz. (1/4  pt)300 ml 10 fl.oz. (1/2  pt)600 ml 20 fl.oz. (1pt)SPOON MEASURES1.25 ml 1/4tsp2.5 ml 1/2tsp5 ml 1 tsp15 ml 1 tbspFLUID MEASUREMENTS1 Cup = 8 fl.oz. = 240 ml1 Pint = 16 fl.oz. (UK 20 fl.oz.) = 480 ml (UK 560 ml)1 Quart = 32 fl.oz. (UK 40 fl.oz.) = 960 ml (UK 1120 ml)1 Gallon = 128 fl.oz. (UK 160 fl.oz.) = 3840 ml (UK 4500 ml)The microwaves bounceoff the metal walls andthe metal door screen.
19STANDING TIMEDense foods e.g. meat, jacket potatoes and cakes,require standing time(inside or outside of the oven) aftercooking, to allow heat to finish conducting to cook thecenter completely. Wrap meat joints and jacket potatoesin aluminium foil while standing. Meat joints need approx.10-15 minutes, jacket potatoes 5 minutes. Other foodssuch as  plated meal, vegetables, fish etc require 2-5minutes standing. After defrosting food, standing timeshould also be allowed. If food is not cooked afterstanding time, return to the oven and cook for additionaltime.MOISTURE CONTENTMany fresh foods e.g. vegetables and fruit, vary in theirmoisture content throughout the season, particularlyjacket potatoes. For this reason cooking times may haveto be adjusted. Dry ingredients e.g. rice, pasta, can dryout during storage so cooking times may differ.DENSITYPorous airy foods heat more quickly than dense heavyfoods.CLING FILMCling film helps keep the food moist and the trappedsteam assists in speeding up cooking times. Piercebefore cooking to allow excess steam to escape. Alwaystake care when removing cling film from a dish as thebuild-up of steam will be very hot.SHAPEEven shapes cook evenly. Food cooks better bymicrowave when in a round container rather than square.SPACINGFoods cook more quickly and evenly if spaced apart.NEVER pile foods on top of each other.STARTING TEMPERATUREThe colder the food, the longer it takes to heat up. Foodfrom a fridge takes longer to reheat than food at roomtemperature.LIQUIDSAll liquids must be stirred before and during heating.Water especially must be stirred before and duringheating, to avoid eruption. Do not heat liquids that havepreviously been boiled. DO NOT OVERHEAT.TURNING & STIRRINGSome foods require stirring during cooking. Meat andpoultry should be turned after half the cooking time.ARRANGINGIndividual foods e.g. chicken portions or chops, shouldbe placed on a dish so that the thicker parts are towardsthe outside.QUANTITYSmall quantities cook faster than large quantities, alsosmall meals will reheat more quickly than large portions.PIERCINGThe skin or membrane on some foods will cause steamto build up during cooking. These foods must be piercedor a strip of skin should be peeled off before cooking toallow the steam to escape. Eggs, potatoes, apples,sausages etc, will all need to be pierced before cooking.DO NOT ATTEMPT TO BOIL EGGS IN THEIRSHELLS.COVERINGCover foods with microwave cling film or a lid. Cover fish,vegetables, casseroles, soups. Do not cover cakes,sauces, jacket potatoes or pastry items.COOKING TECHNIQUES
20DEFROSTING GUIDE▶Do not defrost covered meat. Covering might allowcooking to take place. Always remove outer wrapand tray. Use only containers that are microwave-safe.▶Begin defrosting whole poultry breast-side-down.Begin defrosting roasts fat-side-down.▶The shape of the package alters the defrosting time.Shallow rectangular shapes defrost more quicklythan a deep block.▶After 1/3of the defrost time has elapsed, check thefood. Toy may wish to turn over, break apart,rearrange or remove thawed portions of the food.▶During defrost, the oven will prompt you to turn theover. At this point, open oven door and check thefood. Follow the techniques listed below for optimumdefrost results.Then, close oven door, touch the START pad tocomplete defrosting.▶When defrosted, food should be cool, but softened inall areas. If still slightly icy, return to microwave ovenvery briefly, or let stand a few minutes. Afterdefrosting, allow food to stand 5-60 minutes if thereare any icy areas.Poultry and fish may be placed under running coolwater until defrosted➪Turn over : Roast, ribs, whole poultry, turkeybreasts, hot dogs, sausages, steaks, or chops.➪Rearrange : Break apart or separate steaks, chops,hamburger patties, ground meat, chicken or seafoodpieces, chunks of meat such as stew beef.➪Shield : Use small strips of aluminum foil to protectthin areas or edges of unevenly shaped foods suchas chicken wings. To prevent arching, do not allowfoil to come within 1-inch of oven walls or door.➪Remove : To prevent cooking, thawed portionsshould be removed from the oven at this point. Thismay shorten defrost time for food weighing less than3 lbs.(1350g).DEFROSTING CHARTItem & Weight Defrosting Time Standing Time Special TechniquesBEEF Minced beef1 lb./450gStew Meat1 1/2lbs./675gPatties4(4oz./110g)PORK Spareribs1 lb./450gChops4(5oz./125g)Minced pork1 lb./450gPOULTRYWhole Chicken2 1/2lbs./1125gChicken Breasts1 lbs./450gFryer Chicken(cut up)2 lbs./900gChicken Thights1 1/2lbs./675gFISH & SEAFOODWhole Fish1 lb./450gFish Fillets1 1/2lb./675gShrimp1/2lb./225g13-15 min.15-18 min.12-14 min.12-14 min.13-15 min.13-15 min.26-30 min.13-15 min.23-25 min.18-22 min.12-14 min.14-16 min.5-6 min.15-20 min.25-30 min.15-20 min.25-30 min.25-30 min.15-20 min.45-90 min.15-30 min.25-30 min.15-30 min.15-20 min.15-20 min.15-20 min.Break apart and remove thawed portionswith fork.Separate and rearrange once.Turn over after half the time.Separate and rearrange once.Separate and turn over once.Break apart and remove thawed portionswith fork.Break side down. Turn over after half thetime. Shield as needed.Separate and rearrange once.Separate and rearrange once.Separate and rearrange once.Turn over after half the time.Shield as needed.Separate and turn over once.Separate and rearrange once.* The times are approximate because freezer temperatures vary.
21COOKING & REHEATING CHARTItem Power Cooking Time Special InstructionLevel Per lb./450gMEATBeef joint -Rare P-80 9-11 min.-Medium P-80 10-12 min.-well done P-80 12-14 min.Pork Joint P-HI 13-16 min.Bacon joint P-HI 10-12 min.POULTRYWhole chicken P-HI 8-10 min.Portions chicken P-80 6-8 min.Breast (boned) P-80 7-9 min.FISHFish Fillets P-HI 4-6 min.Whole Mackerel, P-HI 4-6 min.Cleaned and preparedWhole Trout, Cleaned  P-HI 5-7 min.& PreparedSalmon steaks P-HI 5-7 min.NOTE : The above times should be regarded only as a guide. Allow for difference in individual tastes andpreferences. The times may vary due to the shape, cut, and composition of the food. Frozen meat, poultry and fish must be thoroughly thawed before cooking.Cooking chart- Chilled meat and poultry should be removed fromthe refrigerator at least 30 minutes beforecooking.- Always let the meat and poultry stand, coveredafter cooking.- Brush a little oil or melted butter over the fish, oradd 15~30ml(1-2 tbsp) lemon juice, wine, stock,milk or water.- Always let the fish stand, covered, after cooking
22Reheating chart • Baby food particularly needs to be checked carefully before serving to prevent burns.• When heating pre-packaged ready-cooked foods, always follow the pack instructions carefully.• If you freeze foods which were bought from the fresh or chilled counters, remember that they should bethoroughly thawed before following the heating instructions on the packed. It’s worth putting a note on them sothat other members of the household will remember too.• Remember metal ties and transfer food from foil containers before reheating.• Chilled(refrigerated) food takes longer to reheat than food at room temperature (such as just-cooled food or foodfrom the store cupboard).• All foods should be reheated using full microwave power.Item Cooking time Special InstructionsBaby food 30 sec.128g jarBaby milk100ml / 4fl.oz. 20-30 sec.225ml / 8fl.oz. 40-50 sec.Sandwich roll or bun1 roll 20-30 sec.Lasagna1 serving 5-7 min.(10 1/2oz./300g)Casserole1 cup 1 1/2-3 min.4 cups 5-7 min.Mashed potatoes1 cup 2-3 min.4 cups 6-8 min.Baked beans1 cup 2-3 min.Ravioli or pasta in sauce1 cup 3-4 min.4 cups 7-10 min.Empty into a small serving bowl.Stir well once or twice during heating. Before serving, check the temperature carefully.Stir or shake well and pour into a sterilized bottle.Before serving, shake well and check the temperature carefully.Wrap in paper towel and place on glass microwaveable rack.*Note : Do not use recycled paper towels. Place lasagna on microwaveable plate.Cover with plastic wrap and vent.Cook covered in microwaveable casserole.Stir once halfway through cooking.Cook covered in microwaveable casserole.Stir once halfway through cooking.Cook covered in microwaveable casserole.Stir once halfway through cooking.Cook covered in microwaveable casserole.Stir once halfway through cooking.
23VEGETABLE CHARTUse a suitable glass pyrex bowl with lid. Add 30-45ml cold water(2-3 tbsp.) for every 250g unless another waterquantity is recommended - see table. Cook covered for the minimum time - see table.Continue cooking to get the result you prefer. Stir once during and once after cooking. Add salt, herbs or butterafter cooking. Cover during a standing time of 3 minutes.Hint : cut the fresh vegetables into even sized pieces. The smaller they are cut, the quicker they will cook.All vegetables should be cooked using full microwave power.Cooking Guide for fresh vegetablesVegetables Weight Time CommentsBroccoli 1 lb./250g 3-4 min2 lb./500g 5-7 minBrussels sprouts 1 lb./250g 4-5 minCarrots 1 lb./250g 3-4 minCauliflower 1 lb./250g 3-4 min2 lb./500g 5-7 minCourgettes 1 lb./250g 3-4 minEgg plants 1 lb./250g 3-4 minLeeks 1 lb./250g 3-4 minMushrooms 0.5 lb./125g 2-3 min1 lb./250g 3-5 minOnions 1 lb./250g 3-4 minPepper 1 lb./250g 3-5 minPotatoes 1 lb./250g 4-6 min2 lb./500g 9-11 minTurnip cabbage 1 lb./250g 5-7 minPrepare even sized florets. Arrange the stems to the centre.Add 60-75ml(5-6tbsp.) water.Cut carrots into even sized slices.Prepare even sized florets. Cut big florets into halves.Arrange stems to the centre.Cut courgettes into slices. Add 30ml(2tbsp.) water or aknob of butter. Cook until just tender.Cut egg plants into small slices and sprinkle with 1tablespoon lemon juice.Cut leeks into thick slices.Prepare small whole or sliced mushrooms. Do not addany water. Sprinkle with lemon juice. Spice with salt andpepper. Drain before serving.Cut onions into slices or halves. Add only 15ml(1tbsp.)water.Cut pepper into small slices.Weigh the peeled potatoes and cut them into similarsized halves or quarters.Cut turnip cabbage into small cubes.Cooking Guide for frozen vegetablesVegetables Weight Time Instructionsspinach 0.5 lb./125g 2-3 minbroccoli 1 lb./250g 4-5 minPeas 1 lb./250g 4-5 minGreen beans 1 lb./250g 5-6 minMixed vegetables 1 lb./250g 4-5 min(carrots/peas/corn)Mixed vegetables 1 lb./250g 5-6 min(Chinese style)Add 15ml(1tbsp.) cold water.Add 30ml(2 tbsp.) cold water.Add 15ml(1 tbsp.) cold water.Add 30ml(2t tbsp.) cold water.Add 15ml(1ttbsp.) cold water.Add 15ml(1 tbsp.) cold water.
24TOMATO & ORANGE SOUP1 oz.(25g) butter1 medium onion, chopped1 large carrot & 1 large potato, chopped13/4lb(800g) canned, chopped tomatoesjuice and grated rind of 1 small orange11/2pints(900ml) hot vegetable stocksalt and pepper to taste1. Melt the in a large bowl on P-HI for 1 minute.2. Add the onion, carrot and potato and cook on P-HIfor 6 minutes. stir halfway through cooking.3. Add the tomatoes, orange juice, orange rind andstock. Mix thoroughly. Season with salt and pepperto taste. Cover the bowl and cook on P-HI for 18minutes. stir 2-3 times during cooking, until thevegetables are tender.4. Blend and serve immediately.FRENCH ONION SOUP1 large onions, sliced1 tbsp (15ml) corn oil2 oz.(50g) plain flour2 pints(1.2 liters) hot meat or vegetable stocksalt and pepper to taste2 tbsp (30ml) parsley, chopped4 thick slices French bread2 oz.(50g) cheese, grated1. Place the onion and oil a bowl, mix well and cook onP-HI for 2 minutes.2. Stir in the flour to make a paste and gradually addstack. Season and add the parsley.3. Cover the bowl and cook on P-70 for 20 minutes.4. Pour the soup into serving bowls, submerge breadand sprinkle generously with cheese.5. Cook on P-70 for 2 minutes, until the cheese hasmelted.STIR FRIED VEGETABLES1 tbsp(15ml) sunflower oil2 tbsp (30ml) soy sauce1 tbsp (15ml) sherry1"(2.5cm) root ginger, peeled and finely grated 2 medium carrots, cut into fine strips4 oz.(100g) button mushrooms,chopped2 oz.(50g) beansprouts4 oz.(100g) mange-tout1 red pepper, seeded and thinly sliced4 spring onions, chopped4 oz.(100g) canned water chestnuts,sliced1/4 head of chinese leaves, thinly sliced1. Place the oil, soy sauce, sherry, ginger, garlic andcarrots in a large bowl, mix thoroughly2. Cover and cook on P-HI for 5-6 minutes, stirringonce.3. Add the button mushrooms, beansprouts, mange-tout, red pepper, spring onions, water chestnuts andchinese leaves. Mix thoroughly.4. Cook on P-HI for 6-7 minutes, until the vegetablesare tender. Stir 2-3 times during cooking.Stir fried vegetables are ideally served with meat orfish.HONEYED CHICKEN4 boneless chicken breasts2 tbsp(30ml) clear honey1 tbsp(15ml) whole grain mustard1/2 tsp(2.5ml) dried tarragon1 tbsp(15ml) tomato puree1/4 pint(150ml) chicken stock1. Place the chicken breasts in a casserole dish.2. Mix all remaining ingredients together and pour overthe chicken. Salt and pepper to taste.3. Cook on P-HI for 13-14 minutes. Rearrange andcoat the chicken with the sauce twice duringcooking.RECIPES
25BLUE CHEESE & CHIVE JACKETS2 baking potatoes, (approx.9 oz.(250g) each)2 oz.(50g) butter4 oz.(100g) blue cheese, chopped1 tbsp(15ml) fresh chives, chopped2 oz.(50g) mushrooms, slicedsalt and pepper to taste1. Prick each potato in several places. Cook on P-HI for12-13 minutes. Halve and scoop the flesh into abowl, add the butter, cheese, chives, mushrooms,salt and pepper, mix thoroughly.2. Pile mixture into the potato skins and place in a flandish, on the rack.3. Cook on P-50 for 10 minutes.WHITE SAUCE1 oz.(25g) butter1 oz.(25g) plain flour1/2 pint(300ml) milksalt and pepper to taste1. Place the butter in a bowl and cook on P-HI for 1minute, until melted.2. Stir in the flour and whisk in the milk. Cook on P-HI for4-5 minutes, stirring every 2 minutes until thick andsmooth. Season with salt and pepper to taste.STRAWBERRY JAM11/2 lb.(675g) strawberries, hulled3 tbsp(45ml) lemon juice11/2 lb.(675g) caster sugar1. Place strawberries and lemon juice in a very largebowl, heat on P-HI for 5 minutes, or until the fruit hassoftened. Add sugar, mix well.2. Cook on P-70 for 30-35 minutes, until setting point*isreached, stir every 4-5 minutes.3. Pour into hot, clean jars. Cover, seal and label.* setting point : To determine setting point, place 1tsp(5ml)jam onto chilled saucer. Allow to stand for 1minute. Move surface of jam gently with your finger, ifthe surface wrinkles setting point has been reached.PLAIN MICROWAVE CAKE4 oz.(100g) margarine4 oz.(100g) sugar1 eggs4 oz.(100g) self raising flour, sifted2-3 tbsp(30-45ml) milk1. line the base of 8" (20.4cm) cake dish with grease-proof paper.2. Cream the margarine and sugar together until lightand fluffy. Beat in the eggs and fold in the sifted flouralternately with the milk.3. Pour into prepared container. Cook on P-HI for 4-5minutes, until a skewer comes out cleanly.4. Leave the cake to stand for 5 minutes before turningout.OMELETTS1/2 oz.(15g) butter4 eggs6 tbsp(90ml) milksalt & pepper1. Whisk together eggs and milk. 2. Place butter in 10"(26cm) flan dish. Cook on P-HI for 1minute, until melted. Coat the dish with the meltedbutter.3. Pour omelette mixture into flan dish. Cook on P-HI for2 minutes. whisk mixture and cook again on P-HI for 1minutes.
26SCRAMBLED EGG1/2 oz.(15g) butter2 eggs2 tbsp(30ml) milksalt & pepper1. Melt the butter in a bowl on P-HI for 1 minute.2. Add the eggs, milk and seasoning and mix well.3. Cook on P-HI for 3 minutes, stirring every 30 seconds.SAVORY MINCE1 small onion, diced1 clove garlic, crushed1 tsp(5ml) oil7 oz.(200g) can chopped tomatoes1 tbsp(15ml) tomato puree1 tsp(5ml) mixed herbs8 oz.(225g) minced beefsalt and pepper1. Place onion, garlic and oil in casserole, and cook onP-HI for 2 minutes or until soft.2. Place all other ingredients in casserole. Stir well.3. Cover and cook on P-HI for 5 minutes then P-50 for10-15 minutes or until the meat is cooked.

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