WINIA Electronics 7NF13MO1100 MICROWAVE OVEN User Manual Users manual

Dongbu Daewoo Electronics Corporation MICROWAVE OVEN Users manual


Users manual

1TABLE OF CONTENTS PRECAUTIONS ............................................................................................................................... 1 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS  ........................................................................................ 2FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFERENCE STATEMENT (U.S.A ONLY)  .............................................................................. 3GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS  ...................................................................................................... 3INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................................... 4SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................................... 5FEATURES DIAGRAM .................................................................................................................... 6OPERATION PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................... 8CONTROLS ..................................................................................................................................... 9SETTING THE CLOCK .............................................................................................................. 9TIME DEFROSTING .................................................................................................................. 9WEIGHT DEFROSTING ........................................................................................................... 10COOKING IN ONE STAGE ...................................................................................................... 11COOKING IN TWO STAGES ................................................................................................... 11KITCHEN TIMER MODE .......................................................................................................... 12SPEEDY COOK  ....................................................................................................................... 13ONE TOUCH COOKING .......................................................................................................... 13AUTO COOK............................................................................................................................. 14LESS, MORE ............................................................................................................................ 15CHILD SAFETY LOCK ............................................................................................................. 15TO STOP THE OVEN WHILE THE OVEN IS OPERATING .................................................... 15UTENSIL TEST ........................................................................................................................ 16MICROWAVE UTENSILS  ........................................................................................................ 16CARE OF YOUR MICROWAVE OVEN  ................................................................................... 17USE YOUR MICROWAVE OVEN SAFELY  ............................................................................. 18BEFORE YOU CALL FOR SERVICE ....................................................................................... 19QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ................................................................................................. 19PRECAUTIONS TO AVOID POSSIBLEEXPOSURE TO EXCESSIVE MICROWAVEENERGY(a) Do not attempt to operate this oven with the door open since open-door operation canresult in harmful exposure to microwave energy. It is important not to defeat or tamper withthe safety interlocks.(b) Do not place any object between the oven front face and the door or allow soil or cleanerresidue to accumulate on sealing surfaces.(c) Do not operate the oven if it is damaged.It is particularly important that the oven door close properly and that there is no damage tothe: (1) door (bent), (2) hinges and latches (broken or loosened), (3) door seals and sealingsurfaces.(d) The oven should not be adjusted or repaired by anyone except properly qualified servicepersonnel.
2IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWhen using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:WARNING-To reduce the risk of burns, electric shock, fire, injury to persons or exposure to excessive microwave energy:1. Read all instructions before using the appliance.2. Read and follow the specific “PRECAUTIONS TOAVOID POSSIBLE EXPOSURE TOEXCESSIVE MICROWAVE ENERGY” found onpage 1.3. This appliance must be grounded. Connect only to properly grounded outlet. See “GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS” found onpage 3.4. Install or locate this appliance only in accor-dance with the provided installation instructions.5. Some products such as whole eggs and sealed containers - for example, closed glassjars-may explode and should not be heated in this oven.6. Use this appliance only for its intended use as described in this manual. Do not use corrosivechemicals or vapors in this appliance. This type of ovenis specifically designed to heat, cook, or dry food. It isnot designed for industrial or laboratory use.7. As with any appliance, close supervision isnecessary when used by children.8. Do not  operate this appliance if it has adamaged cord or plug, if it is not workingproperly, or if it has been damaged or dropped.9. This appliance should be serviced only byqualified service personnel. Contact nearest authorized service facility for examination, repair or adjustment.10. Do not cover or block any openings on the       appliance. 11. Do not store this appliance outdoors. Do not usethis product near water — for example, near akitchen sink, in a wet basement, or near aswimming pool, and the like.12.  Do not immerse cord or plug in water.13.  Keep cord away from heated surfaces.14.  Do not let cord hang over edge of table orcounter.15.  Either:a) When cleaning surfaces of door and oventhat  comes together on closing the door, useonly mild, non-abrasive soaps or detergentsapplied with a sponge or soft cloth , orb) When separate cleaning instructions areprovided, See door surface cleaninginstructions on (page 17).16. To reduce the risk of fire in the oven cavity:a) Do not overcook food. Carefully attendappliance if paper, plastic, or other com-bustible materials are placed inside theoven to facilitate cooking.b) Remove wire twist-ties from paper or plasticbags before placing bag in oven.c) If materials inside the oven should ignite,keep oven door closed, turn oven off, anddisconnect the power cord, or shut off powerat the fuse or circuit breaker panel.d) Do not use the cavity for storage purposes.Do not leave paper products, cookingutensils, or food in the cavity when not in use.17. Do not use this microwave oven to heatcorrosive chemicals (for example, sulfides andchlorides). Vapours from such corrosivechemicals may interact with the contact andsprings of the safety interlock switches therebyrendering them inoperable.18. Keep the waveguide cover clean at all times.Wipe the oven interior with a soft damp clothafter each use. If you leave grease or fatanywhere in the cavity it may overheat, smoke or even catch fire when next usingthe oven.19. Never heat oil or fat for deep frying as youcannot control the temperature and doing somay lead to overheating and fire.20. This device is to be serviced only by properlyqualified service personnel. Consult the servicemanual for proper service procedures to assurecontinued compliance with the federalperformance standard for microwave ovens andfor precautions to be taken to avoid possibleexposure to excessive microwave energy.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS
3GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONSThis appliance must be grounded. In the event of an electrical short circuit, grounding plug reduces therisk of electric shock by providing an escape wire for electric current. This appliance is equipped with acord having a grounding wire with a grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into an outlet that isporperly installed and grounded.WARNING:  Improper use of the grounding can in a risk of electric shock.Consult a qualified electrician or serviceman if the grounding instructions are notcompletely understood, or if doubt exists as to whether the appliance is properlygrounded, and either:(1) If it is necessary to use an extension cord, use only a 3-wire extension cord that hasa 3-blade grounding plug, and a 3-slot receptacle that will accept the plug on theappliance. The marked rating of the extension cord shall be equal to or greater thanthe electrical rating of the appliance, or(2) Do not use an extension cord, if the power supply cord is too short, have a qualifiedelectrician or serviceman install an outlet near the appliance.FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSIONRADIO FREQUENCY INTERFERENCE STATEMENT(U.S.A ONLY)WARNING:  This equipment generates  and uses ISM frequency energy and if not installed and used properly,that is in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, may cause interference to radio andtelevision reception.It has been type-tested and found to comply with limits for an ISM equipment pursuant to part 18 ofFCC rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference in aresidential installation.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determinedby turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try correct the interference by one ormore of the followings.• Reorient the receiving antenna of radio or television.• Relocate the microwave oven with respect to the receiver.• Move the microwave oven away from the receiver.• Plug the microwave oven into a different outlet so that microwave oven and receiver are ondifferent branch circuits.THE MANUFACTURER is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused byUNAUTHORIZED MODIFICATION to this microwave oven. It is the reponsibility of the user tocorrect such interfercnce.
4Examine the oven after unpacking.check fork damage such as a misaligned door, broken door or dent in the cavity.If any damage is visible, DO NOT INSTALL, and notify your dealer immediately.Level, flat location.Install the microwave oven on a level, flat surface.VentilationDo not block air vents. If they are blocked during operation, the oven may overheat and eventuallycause a failure. For proper ventilation, allow 3 inches of space between oven top,  sides, rear andadjacent surfaces.Away from radio and TV setsPoor television reception and radio interference may result if the oven is located close to a TV, radio,antenna, feeder, etc. Place the oven as far from them as possible.Away from heating appliances and water tapsKeep the oven away from heat, steam or splashing liquids. These things can adversely affect ovenwiring and contacts.Power supplyThis microwave oven requires a power supply of approximately 15 Amperes, 120 Volts, 60 Hz and agrounded outlet. A short power cord is provided to reduce the risk of the user becoming entangled inor tripping over a longer cord. Longer cord sets or extension cords are available and may be used ifcare is exercised.If an extension cord is used, the marked electrical rating of the cord should be at least as great as theelectrical rating of the oven. The Extension cord must be a grounding-type 3-wire cord. The longer cord should be arranged sothat it will not drape over the counter top or tabletop where it can be pulled on by children or trippedover unintentionally.The minimum height of free space necessary above the top surface of the oven is 100mm.INSTALLATIONWhen use 3-pronged plug  When use grounding adaptor, makesure the receptacle box is fullygrounded.12345673-prong ReceptacleReceptacleBox coverReceptacle Box CoverGroundingLead3-prong plugGroundingAdaptor Receptacle “THE CANADIAN ELECTRICAL CODE DOES NOT ALLOW THE USE OF THE GROUNDING ADAPTOR”
5* Specifications are subject to change without notice.POWER SUPPLY  120V AC 60 Hz SINGLE PHASE WITH GROUNDINGPOWER CONSUMPTION 1500 WMICROWAVE OUTPUT POWER 1100 W FREQUENCY 2450 MHzOUTSIDE DIMENSIONS (W X H X D)   563 x 318 x 418 mm (22.1 x 12.5 x 16.5 in.)CAVITY DIMENSIONS (W X H X D)  380 x 246 x 386 mm (14.9 x 9.7 x 15.2 in.)NET WEIGHT  APPROX. 16.5KG (36.4 lbs.)TIMER  99 min. 99 sec.POWER LEVELS 10 LEVELSSPECIFICATIONS563 418318CLOCKMEAT FISHPOULTRYSTOP/CLEARSTART/SPEEDY COOKPOWER1234567809DEFROSTAUTO DEFROSTKITCHENTIMERM/W DEFPOPCORNMORELESSTIMER LOCK lbAUTOCOOKFROZENPIZZADINNERPLATE1. Bread2. Soup3. Bread Potato4. Fresh Vegetable5. Frozen vegetable KOR-131GOA(¿ )  01.4.24 1:30 PM  ˘`5
61. Door latch - When the door is closed it willautomatically lock shut. If the door isopened while the oven is operating, themagnetron will automatically shut off.2. Door seal - The door seal maintains themicrowave within the oven cavity andprevents microwave leakage.3. Oven cavity4. Spatter shield - Protects the microwaveoutlet from splashes of cooking foods.5. Safety interlock system - Prevents theoven from operating while the door isopened.6. Door release button - Pushing this buttonstops oven operation and opens the door.7. Glass cooking tray - Made of specicalheat resistant glass. The tray must alwaysbe in proper position before operating. Do not cook food directly on the tray.8. Roller guide - Supports the glass cookingtray.9. Door screen - Allows viewing of food. The screen is designed so that light canpass through, but not the microwaves.FEATURES DIAGRAM81 2 3 4 5679CLOCKMEAT FISHPOULTRYSTOP/CLEARSTART/SPEEDY COOKPOWER1234567809DEFROSTAUTO DEFROSTKITCHENTIMERM/W DEFPOPCORNMORELESSTIMER LOCK lbAUTOCOOKFROZENPIZZADINNERPLATE1. Bread2. Soup3. Bread Potato4. Fresh Vegetable5. Frozen vegetable
710. Time set pad - Used to set the cookingtime and the present time.11. Display - Cooking time, power level,indicators and present time are displayed.12. One touch - Used to cook or reheatspecific quantities of food. 13. Auto cook - Used to cook or reheat.14. More - Used to add time to cooking.15. Less - Used to remove time fromcooking.16. Auto Defrost - Used to defrost foods.(forweight)17. Power - Used to set power level.18. Defrost - Used to defrost foods.(for time)19. Kitchen Timer - Used as a minute timer,delay cooking, hold setting after cooking.20. Clock - Used to set clock.21. Stop/Clear - Used to stop the ovenoperation or to delete the cooking data.22. Start /Speedy cook- Used to start theoven and also used to set a reheat time.FEATURES DIAGRAM (continued)qwreti0psyuoaCLOCKMEAT FISHPOULTRYSTOP/CLEARSTART/SPEEDY COOKPOWER1234567809DEFROSTAUTO DEFROSTKITCHENTIMERM/W DEFPOPCORNMORELESSTIMER LOCK lbAUTOCOOK1. Bread2. Soup3. Bread Potato4. Fresh Vegetable5. Frozen vegetableFROZENPIZZADINNERPLATE
8The oven light is on when the microwave ovenis operating or the door is opened.The oven door can be opened at any timeduring operation by touching the door releasebutton on the control panel. The oven willautomatically shut off. Each time a pad is touched, a BEEP will soundto acknowledge the touch.The oven automatically cooks on full powerunless set to a lower power level.The display will show ":0" when the oven isplugged in.Time clock returns to the present time whenthe cooking time ends.When the STOP/CLEAR pad is touched duringthe oven operation, the oven stops cooking andall information retained. To erase all information (except the presenttime), touch the STOP/CLEAR pad once more.If the oven door is opened during the ovenoperation, all information is retained.If the START pad is touched and the oven doesnot operate, check the area between the doorand door seal for obstructions and make surethe door is closed securely.The oven will not start cooking until the door iscompletely closed or the program has beenreset.OPERATION PROCEDUREThis section includes useful information about oven operation.1. Plug power supply cord into a standard 3- pronged 15 Amp, 120V AC 60Hz power outlet.2. After placing the food in a suitable container, open the oven door and put it on the glass tray.The glass tray and roller guide must always be in place during cooking.3. Shut the door. Make sure that it is firmly closed.12345678Make sure the oven is properly installed andplugged into the electrical outlet.WATTAGE OUTPUT CHART• The power-level is set by pressing the POWER pad. The chart shows the display, the power level andthe percentage of power.Power Level (Display) Approximate Percentage of PowerTouch POWER padonce P-HI 100%twice P-90 90%3 times P-80 80%4 times P-70 70%5 times P-60 60%6 times P-50 50%7 times P-40 40%8 times P-30 30%9 times P-20 20%10 times P-10 10%11 times P-00 0%
9CONTROLSSETTING THE CLOCKWhen the oven is first plugged in, the display will flash ":0" and a tone will sound. If the AC powerever goes off, the display shows ":0" when the power  comes back on.1. Touch CLOCK pad.This is a 12 hour clock system.2. Touch CLOCK pad once more.This is a 24 hour clock system.3. Enter the correct time of day by touching the numbersin sequence.4. Touch CLOCK pad.5. Touch STOP/CLEAR pad.NOTE: If you attempt to enter an incorrect time, the time will not be set and a error signal tone willsound. Touch the CLOCK pad and re-enter the time.The display stops blinking, and the colonstart blinking. If you selected 12 hour clocksystem, this digital clock allows you to setfrom 1:00 to 12:59. If you selected 24 hourclock system, this digital clock allows you toset from 0:00 to 23:59.TIME DEFROSTINGWhen TIME DEFROST is selected, the automatic cycle divides the defrosting time into periods ofalternating defrost and stand times by cycling on and off.When you touch START pad, the DEFROST indicator starts blinking to show the oven is in theDEFROST mode. The display counts down the time to show you how much defrosting time is left in theDEFROST mode. The oven beeps during the defrosting cycle to signal that the food needs to be turnedor rearranged. When the defrosting time ends, you will hear 3 beeps.NOTE: This oven has multiple clocksystem. If you want 12 hourclock system, omit this step.1. Touch DEFROST pad.2. Touch number pads for the desired defrosting time.3. Touch START pad.The DEFROST indicator lights and " : 0" isdisplayed.The display will show the numbers youpressed in the order you touched.CLOCKCLOCKDEFROSTNOTE:Your oven can be programmed for99 minutes 99 seconds.(99:99)
10WEIGHT DEFROSTINGWEIGHT DEFROSTING lets you easily defrost food by eliminating guesswork in determiningdefrosting time. Follow the steps below for easy defrosting.1. Touch MEAT pad.2. Select desired defrosting weight.3. Touch START pad.The DEFROST & Ib indicator light and "1.0"is displayed.The display will show what you touched.MEAT DEFROSTING begins.The defrosting time is automatically determined by the weight selected.The Ib indicator goes off and the DEFROST indicator blinks and the defrosting time counts down in thedisplay window. The oven beeps during the defrosting cycle to signal that the food needs to be turned orrearranged. When the defrosting time ends, you will hear 3 beeps.MEAT1. Touch POULTRY pad.2. Select desired defrosting weight.3. Touch START pad.The DEFROST & Ib indicator light and "1.5"is displayed.The display will show what you touched.POULTRY DEFROSTING begins.POULTRY1. Touch FISH pad.2. Select desired defrosting weight.3. Touch START pad.Touch pad MEAT POULTRY FISHonce 1.0 lb 1.5 lb 0.5 lbtwice 1.5 lb 2.0 lb 1.0 lb3 times 2.0 lb 2.5 lb 1.5 lb4 times 2.5 lb 3.0 lb 2.0 lbWEIGHT DEFROST CHARTThe DEFROST & Ib indicator light and "0.5"is displayed.The display will show what you touched.FISH DEFROSTING begins.FISH
11COOKING IN TWO STAGESAll recipes require frozen foods to be defrosted fully before cooking.This oven can be programmed to automatically defrost foods before cooking.When you touch START pad, the DEFROST and M/W indicators come on to confirm the power levelsselected. The DEFROST indicator starts blinking to show you that the oven is in DEFROST mode.The display counts down the time remaining in DEFROST mode.When the oven beeps, turn over, break apart and/or redistribute the food. At the end of DEFROST mode,the oven will beep and start M/W cook. The DEFROST indicator goes off and the M/W indicator startsblinking. The display counts down the time remaining in M/W cook.When M/W cook ends, you will hear 3 beeps.1. Touch DEFROST pad.2. Touch number pads for the defrosting time you want.4. Touch number pads for desired cooking time.5. Touch START pad.The DEFROST indicator lights and “ : 0” isdisplayed and the lb indicator starts blinking.The display will show the numbers youpressed in the order you touched.The M/W indicator lights and “ P-HI” is Thedisplay will show what you touched.This example shows power level 5.The display will show the number youCOOKING IN ONE STAGEWhen you touch START pad, the M/W indicator starts blinking to show the oven is cooking. The display counts down the time to show how much cooking time is left. When the cooking time ends,you will hear 3 beeps.1. Touch POWER pad.(Select desired power level.)X62. Touch the number pads for the cooking time.3. Touch START pad.The M/W indicator lights.The display will show what you touched.This example shows power level 5.The display will show the numbers youpressed in the order you touched.NOTE: Using lower power levels increases the cooking time which is recommended for foods suchas cheese, milk and slow cooking of meats.NOTE: If steps 1nd 2 are omitted, theoven will cook at full power.NOTE: Your oven can be programmedfor 99 minutes 99seconds.(99:99)POWERDEFROSTPOWER 3.Touch POWER pad.(Select desired power level.)X 6 KOR-131GOA(¿ )  01.4.24 1:30 PM  ˘`11
121. Program the desired defrosting time.3. Press the amount of time you want the oven to hold.4. Touch START pad.1. Touch KITCHEN TIMER pad.2. Press the amount of time you want to delay time.3. Program the desired power level and cooking time forfood to be cooked.4. Touch START pad.The KITCHEN TIMER indicator lights and“ : 0 “ is displayed.The display will show the numbers youpressed in the order you touched.The kitchen timer will begin counting downto zero and cooking will then begin.NOTE: Your oven can be programmedfor 99 minutes 99 seconds.(99:99)KITCHENTIMERKITCHEN TIMER MODETimer operates as a minute timer, can be set to delay cooking and used as a hold setting aftercooking.However delay cooking can not be programmed for defrost. Timer operates withoutmicrowave energy.1. Touch KITCHEN TIMER pad.2. Press the amount of time you want to count down.3. Touch START pad.The KITCHEN TIMER indicator lights and“ : 0” is displayed.The display will show the numbers youpressed in the order you touched.The display counts down the time remainingin KITCHEN TIMER mode. WhenKITCHEN TIMER mode ends, you will hear3 beeps.KITCHENTIMERHOW TO USE AS A MINUTE TIMERHOW TO USE TO DELAY THE START OF COOKING2. Touch KITCHEN TIMER pad.The KITCHEN TIMER indicator lights and“ : 0 “ is displayed.The display will show the numbers youpressed in the order you touched.Defrosting will start. After defrosting, standtime will count down.KITCHENTIMERHOW TO USE TO SET A HOLDING TIME
13SPEEDY COOKSPEEDY COOK allows you to reheat for 30 seconds at 100% (full power) by simply touching theSPEEDY COOK pad.By repeatedly touching the SPEEDY COOK pad, you can also extend reheating time to 5 minutesby 30 second increments.1. Touch SPEEDY COOK pad. When you touch SPEEDY COOK, ":30" isdisplayed.After 1.5 seconds, the oven starts reheating.ONE TOUCH COOKINGOne touch cook allows you to cook or reheat many of your favorite foods by touching just one pad.To increase quantity, touch chosen pad until number in display is same as desired quantity to cook.(except for POPCORN)POPCORNSPEEDYCOOK1. Remove plastic wrap.Follow manufacture’s directionsfor placement and care inopening.2. Touch POPCORN pad oncefor a 3.5 oz bag .When you touch POPCORN pad once,"3.5" is displayed.After the 1.5 seconds, the display shows thecooking time and the oven starts cooking.NOTE:  1. Use prepackaged room-temperature microwave popcorn.2. Place bag in oven according to manufacturer's directions.3. Pop only one bag at a time.4. After popping, open bag carefully: popcorn and steam are extremely hot.5. Do not reheat unpopped kernels or reuse bag.6. Do not leave oven unattended while popping popcorn.CAUTION : If prepackaged popcorn is of a different weight than the recommended weight, do notuse the popcorn pad. Follow the manufacturer instruction.FROZENPIZZA1. Follow package directions forpreparation model.2. Touch FROZEN PIZZA padonce for a 7 oz pizza or twicefor a 14 oz pizza.When you touch FROZEN PIZZA pad once,"7" is displayed.After 1.5 seconds, the display shows thecooking time and the oven starts cooking.* FROZEN PIZZA *• 7 oz : Touch FROZEN PIZZA once.• 14 oz : Touch FROZEN PIZZA twice within 1.5 seconds.NOTE: 1.Use only one frozen pizza at a time.2.Use only frozen pizza made for microwave ovens.3.If the cheese of frozen pizza does not melt sufficiently, cook a few seconds longer.4.Some brands of frozen pizza may required more or less cooking time.
14ONE TOUCH COOKING (CONTINUED)AUTO COOKDINNERPLATEWhen you touch DINNER PLATE padonce, "12" is displayed.After 1.5 seconds, the display shows thecooking time and the oven starts cooking.1. Touch AUTO COOK pad.Auto cook allows you to cook or reheat many of your favorite foods by repeatedly touching auto cook pad.CATEGORY FOOD WEIGHT TOUCH PAD DIRECTIONSAC-1 BREAD 4slices Touch AUTO COOK once Place bread on a microwave dish.AC-2 SOUP 12 oz Touch AUTO COOK twice Pour soup into microwave bowl or mug. Stir before serving.AC-3 BAKED  3potatoes Touch AUTO COOK Wash and pierce potatoes with a POTATO (7-8 oz. each) three times fork.  Place them on turntable.FRESH  Touch AUTO COOKTrim and wash the mixed vegetables.AC-4 VEGETABLE 7 oz four times Place them in the round dish.Add to 2 Tbsp. water.AC-5 FROZEN 7 oz. Touch AUTO COOK Place the vegetables in the round VEGETABLE package five times dish. Add to 2Tbsp. water.AUTOCOOKWhen you touch AUTO COOK pad once,“ AC-1” is displayed. By repeatedlytouching this pad, you can select otherfood category as shown in the chartbelow.* DINNER PLATE *• 12 oz : Touch DINNER PLATE once.• 15 oz : Touch DINNER PLATE twice within 1.5 seconds.2. Touch START pad.START When you touch START pad, the displaychanged into cooking time of quantity andthe oven starts cooking.1. Put foods in the microwave plate.Cover with vented plastic wrap. 2. Touch DINNER PLATE padonce for an 12 oz dinner plate ortwice for 15 oz of dinner plate.
15LESS, MORETo alter onetouch cooking or cooking time whilst oven is in operation, use LESS or MORE (exceptfor defrosting) press LESS/MORE to decrease/increase the onetouch cooking time in multiples of10 second.The overall onetouch cooking time can be increased to a maximum of 99 minutes 50 second, pressLESS/MORE to decrease/increase the cooking time in multiples of 1 minute.The overall cooking time can be increased to a maximum of 99 minutes.CHILD SAFETY LOCKThe safety lock prevents unwanted oven operation such as by small children.To set, press and hold STOP/CLEAR for 3 seconds, LOCK indicator lights.To cancel, press and hold STOP/CLEAR for 3 seconds, LOCK indicator goes off.TO STOP THE OVEN WHILE THE OVEN IS OPERATING1. Press STOP/CLEAR pad.• You can restart the oven by touching START pad.• Touch STOP/CLEAR once more to erase all instructions.• You must enter in new instructions.2. Open the door.• You can restart the oven by closing the door and touching START.NOTE: Oven stops operating when door is opened.
16MICROWAVE UTENSILSGlass, Ceramic and ChinaOvenproof glass or ceramic baking dishes are the most used microwave utensils.Many of these items are readily available in most homes : glass measure, custard cups, mixing bowls,covered casseroles, pie plates and round or square cake dishes. Ovenproof dinner ware is usually safe touse in the microwave.Do not heat or cook in glass jars or bottles.Do not use dishes with silver, gold, platinum or other metal trim. Arcing may occur and /or the dish maybreak.Do not use delicate or stemmed glassware. Although the glass may be transparent to microwave energy,heat from the food may cause the glassware to crack.PlasticsPlastic dishes, cups, mugs and bowls may be used in the oven for short periods of time. None of theseshould be used in the oven for prolonged periods because distortion and melting may occur.Check manufacturer's recommendations concerning microwave safety.Plastic wrap can be used to cover dishes in most recipes if the dish is deep enough to avoid plastic wraptouching the food. Always vent the wrap by folding back one corner to allow excess steam to escape.Plastic cooking bags should be slit before cooking so excess steam can escape.Do not use wire twist ties to close the bag. Wire twist ties can cause arcing which can damage the oven.PaperPaper cups, wax paper, napkins, paper towels, and plates may be used for short cooking. Prolonged timein the oven can cause paper to burn. Do not use recycled paper products, such as brown paper bags.They contain impurities which may cause arcing and damage the oven.Metal Metal utensils should not be used in the oven. Metal reflects microwave energy so foods will not cookevenly.Metal can cause arcing and damage the oven.UTENSIL TEST Dishes that do not absorb microwave energy are best for microwavecooking. Lock on the label to verify that particular cups, glasses, platesare indeed suitable, especially paper goods. If you are not sure, try thisutensil test to check.• Put the empty utensil in the microwave oven.• Put one cup of water in a glass measure next to the empty utensil.• Heat on HI for 1 minute.• After 1 minute the water should be warm but the utensil should not.If the utensil is warm, it is not suitable for microwave cooking.
17CARE OF YOUR MICROWAVE OVENTurn the oven off before cleaning.Keep the inside of the oven clean. When foodspatters or spilled liquids adhere to oven walls,wipe with a damp cloth. Mild detergent may beused if the oven gets very dirty. The use ofharsh detergent or abrasives is notrecommended.The outside oven surface should be cleanedwith soap and water, rinsed and dried with asoft cloth. To prevent damage to the operatingparts inside the oven, water should not beallowed to seep into the ventilation openings.If the Control Panel becomes wet, clean with asoft, dry cloth. Do not use harsh detergents orabrasives on Control Panel.If steam accumulates inside or around theoutside of the oven door, wipe with a soft cloth.This may occur when the microwave oven isoperated under high humidity conditions andin no way indicates malfunction of the unit.It is occasionally necessary to remove theglass tray for cleaning. Wash the tray in warmsudsy water or in a dishwasher.1234567The roller guide and oven cavity floor shouldbe cleaned regularly to avoid excessive noise. Simply wipe the bottom surface of the ovenwith mild detergent water or window cleanerand dry. The roller guide may be washed inmild sudsy water.ROLLER GUIDEGLASS TRAYGlass Tray Roller GuideThe ROLLER GUIDE and oven floor shouldbe cleaned frequently to prevent excessivenoise.The ROLLER GUIDE MUST ALWAYS beused for cooking together with the Glass Tray.DO NOT operate the oven without the GlassTray in place.DO NOT use any other Glass Tray with thisoven.If Glass Tray is hot, ALLOW TO COOL beforecleaning or placing it in water.DO NOT cook directly on the Glass Tray.1212347
18USE YOUR MICROWAVE OVEN SAFELYGENERAL USEDo not attempt to defeat or tamper with safety interlocks.Do not place any object between the oven front frame and the door or allow residue to build up on sealingsurfaces. Wipe with a mild detergent, rinse and dry. Never use abrasive powders or pads.Do not subject the oven door strain or weight such as a child hanging on an open door.This could cause the oven to fall forward resulting in injury to you and damage to the oven.Do not operate the oven if door seals or sealing surfaces are damaged; or if door is bent; or if hinges areloose or broken.Do not operate the oven empty. This will damage the oven.Do not attempt to dry clothes, newspapers or other materials in the oven. They may catch on fire.Do not use recycled paper products as they may contain impurities which may cause sparks or fires.Do not hit or strike the control panel with hard objects. This can damage the oven.FOODNever use your microwave oven for home canning. The oven is not designed for proper home canning.Improperly canned food may spoil and be dangerous to consume.Always use the minimum recipe cooking time. It is better to undercook rather than over cook foods.Undercooked foods can be returned to the oven for more cooking. If food is overcooked, nothing can bedone.Heat small quantities of food or foods with low moisture carefully. These can quickly dry out, burn orcatch on fire.Do not heat eggs in the shell. Pressure may build up and eggs can explode.Potatoes, apples, egg yolks and sausages are examples of food with non-porous skins.These must be pierced before cooking to prevent bursting.Do not attempt to deep fat fry in your microwave oven.Always stir liquids before heating. Heated liquids can erupt, if not mixed with air.Do not leave the oven unattended while popping corn.Do not pop popcorn in a paper bag unless it is the commercially prepared Microwave Popcorn product.The kernels can overheat and ignite a brown paper bag.Do not put packaged Microwave Popcorn bags directly on the oven tray. Place the package on amicrowave safe glass or ceramic plate to avoid overheating and cracking the oven tray.Do not exceed the Microwave Popcorn manufacturers' suggested popping time. Longer popping doesnot yield more popcorn but it can result in scorch burn of fire. Remember, the popcorn bag and tray canbe too hot to handle. Remove with caution and use pot holders.
19BEFORE YOU CALL FOR SERVICERefer to following checklist, you may prevent an unnecessary service call.* The oven doesn't work;1. Check that the power cord is securely plugged in.2. Check that the door is firmly closed.3. Check that the cooking time is set.4. Check for a blown circuit fuse or tripped main circuit breaker in your house.* Sparking in the cavity;1. Check utensils. Metal containers or dishes with metal trim should not be used.2. Check that metal skewers or foil does not touch the interior walls.If there is still a problem, contact the service station.A list of these stations is included in the oven.QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS* Q : I accidentally ran my microwave oven without any food in it. Is it damaged?* A : Running the oven empty for a short time will not damage the oven. However, it is not recommended.* Q : Can the oven be used with the glass tray or roller guide removed?* A : No. Both the glass tray and roller guide must always be used in the oven before cooking.* Q : Can I open the door when the oven is operating?* A : The door can be opened anytime during the cooking operation. Then microwave energy will beinstantly switched off and the time setting will maintain until the door is closed and START istouched.* Q : Why do I have moisture in my microwave oven after cooking?* A : The moisture on the side of your microwave oven is normal. It is caused by steam from cooking foodhitting the cool oven surface.* Q : Does microwave energy pass through the viewing screen in the door?* A : No. The metal screen bounces back the energy to the oven cavity. The holes are made to allow lightto pass through. They do not let microwave energy pass through.DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SERVICE THE OVEN YOURSELF!

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