Visteon Electronics Germany 9178 Automotive Infotainment Unit with Bluetooth User Manual

Visteon Electronics Germany GmbH Automotive Infotainment Unit with Bluetooth Users Manual

Users Manual

Composition Touch (R 340G)RadioComposition Touch (R 340G):RadioStand: 06.01.2017 | BAN - OP: XXXXXXEnglisch: 04.2017Artikel-Nr.: 181.5L6.R34.20CMYCMMYCYCMYK
Description of symbolsRefers to a section within a chapter whichcontains important information and safetynotes.  Such reference must always beobserved.MEDIA A button with blue uppercase letters repre-sent printed radio buttons visible on thedevice.Config. A button with black upper/lower case writ-ing or a button with a symbol, individuallyor in combination, represent function sur-faces on the display and will only be visiblewhen the radio is turned on. For better vis-ualization in the tables the function surfa-ces may be represented without the buttonbut with the symbol enlarged.Indicates that the section is continued onthe next page.Indicates the end of a section.Indicates situations in which the vehiclemust be stopped as quickly as possible.®These symbols indicate a trade mark. How-ever, the absence of this symbol does notconstitute a waiver of the rights concerningany term.™→  Symbols of this type reference warningswithin the same section or page, indicatingpotential risks of accidents and injuries, aswell as how they can be avoided.→ → →  Cross reference to information about possi-ble damage to your vehicle within the samesection or on a given page.DANGERTexts with this symbol indicate extremely danger-ous situations, which may lead to fatal or severeinjuries if you do not observe the warning.WARNINGTexts with this symbol indicate dangerous situa-tions which will lead to fatal or severe injuries ifyou do not observe the warning.CAUTIONTexts with this symbol indicate dangerous situa-tions, which may lead to light or severe injuries ifyou do not observe the warning.NOTICETexts with this symbol indicate situations, whichmay lead to damages to the vehicle or its equipmentif not observed.Texts with this symbol are environment pres-ervation recommendations.Texts with this symbol contain additional in-formation.Volkswagen Brazil works continuously to developand improve all its vehicles. Please understand thatwe must therefore reserve the right to alter any partof the vehicle and its equipment or technical specifi-cations at any time. The data provided concerningscope of delivery, appearance, performance, dimen-sions, weights, fuel consumption, standards and ve-hicle functions are all correct at the time of going toprint. Some of the equipment described might notyet be available in a particular vehicle (informationcan be provided by your local Volkswagen Dealer-ship), and some equipment may not be available incertain countries. No legal commitment may be in-ferred from the information, illustrations or descrip-tions in this manual.No part of this manual may be entirely or partiallyreprinted, reproduced or translated without thewritten permission of Volkswagen do Brasil.All rights under the copyright laws are expressly re-served by Volkswagen do Brasil. Subject to altera-tion and amendment.Printed in Brazil.© 2017 Volkswagen do BrasilManual printed in paper bleached without theuse of chlorine.
Table of ContentsAbout this manual                                         2IntroductionBefore using the unit for the first time            3Other applicable documents                                3Overview of the convenience consumers        3Safety recommendations                                      3Instructions for use                                                 5Device overview                                                      5Selector button                                                        8SD card slot                                                               8Basic command information                                8App-ConnectOverall information and safety guidelines       11App-Connect settings                                            12Apple CarPlay™                                                        12Android Auto™                                                         13Mirror Link™                                                              14Audio operationRadio operation (RADIO)                                       15Media mode                                                              19Wired or wireless connections                            23Phone controls (PHONE)Introduction to phone controls                           26Phone control description                                    29SettingsMenu and System SETUP) settings                    35Sound and volume settings                                  35Abbreviations                                                    37Index                                                                        38Table of Contents 1181.5L6.R34.201815L6R3420
About this manualRead this instruction before operating the radio.All versions and models are described without beingidentified as special versions or model variations.Therefore, this manual may describe equipment notavailable in your specific vehicle model. Please referto a Volkswagen Dealership for additional informa-tion.All details provided in this manual correspond to theinformation available at the time this manual wasprinted, and apply only to factory-fitted equipment.Due to continuous technical improvement of the ve-hicle, actual vehicle features and equipment maydiffer from the indications provided in this manual.No claims may be derived from the differing details,illustrations or descriptions.In case you lend or sell the vehicle to a third-party,ensure that this manual is included and that all dataand files saved in the unit are deleted.–An alphabetical index is included at the end ofthis manual.–A list of abbreviations detailing technical termsand acronyms can be found at the end of themanual.–Directions and positionssuch as left, right, frontand rear are normally relative to the vehicle's di-rection of travel, unless otherwise indicated.–Illustrations assist with orientation and should beregarded as schematic representations. Composition Touch (R 340G)2
IntroductionBefore using the unit for thefirst timeControl listBefore first use, following steps should be execu-ted to safely operate the radio and make full useof its features:Observe basic safety notes  → page 3.Get familiar with the operation of the radio.In System Configurations, reset the radio to itsfactory settings → page 35.Use appropriate data storage units for mediaoperation → page 19. Other applicable documentsApart from this manual for the use of this radioand its components please also see the followingdocuments:–Operating Manual and, if the case, posteriorrecords in the service wallet.–Operating Manual of the mobile telephonesystem.–Operating Manual of the external multimediaunits.–Instructions for a retrofitted accessory. Overview of the convenienceconsumersThe radio may be factory equipped with the fol-lowing components1), in part as optional equip-ment:Loudspeakers, installed in different fitting loca-tions and output levels (Watt).Multifunction steering wheel with its controls.Media units.1) the type and quantity of the cited compo-nents are country and device specific and mayvary in a model series and, in addition, be differ-ent in a special model.The radio may be factory equipped with the fol-lowing components1), in part as optional equip-ment:Cable connections to the external multimediaunits.Wireless connection for external multimedia de-vices.Mobile phone interface.Audio system, in part, subwoofer.1) the type and quantity of the cited compo-nents are country and device specific and mayvary in a model series and, in addition, be differ-ent in a special model. Safety recommendationsPrior to first use of the device, read and followthe safety instructions listed below to detect andprevent possible hazards to yourself and others:–Read this instruction with attention:–Some function areas may contain links to thirdparty web pages. Volkswagen does not takeownership of third party web pages accessiblethrough links and is not responsible for theircontent.–Some function areas may contain third partyinformation, originated by other suppliers.Volkswagen does not take responsibility forthe accuracy, actualization or integrity for thirdparty information and does not infringe thirdparty rights.–The radio stations or the owners of data sour-ces are responsible for the broadcast content.–Covered parking places, tunnels, tall buildings,mountains or additionally operated electricequipment, such as battery chargers, may alsointerfere with the radio reception.–Metal-coated stickers or films may hinder re-ception in vehicles with window aerials.WARNINGAccidents and injuries can occur if the driver isdistracted. Operating the radio may distractdrivers from the traffic.●Always drive carefully and responsibly.●Adjust sound volume settings to allow thedriver to hear external warnings and sounds(e.g. emergency service sirens) Introduction 3181.5L6.R34.20
●Excessively high volumes may compromisehearing. This also occurs when vehicle occu-pants' hearing is submitted to high volumes,even if briefly.WARNINGSudden volume variations may occur whenswitching or connecting an audio source.●Reduce the master volume before connect-ing or switching audio sources.WARNINGConnecting, inserting, or removing data storageunits while driving may distract the driver fromhis/her surroundings and cause accidents.WARNINGExternal device connection cables could hinderthe driver's movement.●Arrange connection cables so that they donot obstruct the driver.WARNINGLoose or unsecured external devices may beflung through the vehicle interior and cause in-juries in case of sudden evasive or breaking ma-noeuvres or in the event of accidents.●Never place or attach external devices ondoors, windscreen, on or near areas markedwith “AIRBAG” on the steering wheel, dash-board, seat backrests, or between theseareas and vehicle occupant himself. Externaldevices may cause severe injuries in theevent of accidents, especially if the airbagsare triggered.WARNINGAn armrest could restrict the movement of thedriver's arms and lead to severe accidents andinjuries.●Always keep the armrest closed while driv-ing.WARNINGIn explosion prone places, turn mobile tele-phones off!WARNINGUnfavourable light conditions and a damagedor dirty display may cause information and indi-cations not able to be read or be correctly readon the display.●Indications or information on the displaymust never be a reason to run a safety risk.The display is not in condition to replace thedrivers attention.WARNINGRadio stations may broadcast danger and cat-astrophe warnings. The following conditionsprevent radio stations from being received:●If your current location is in a region of pooror no reception. Such region includes tun-nels, urban canyons, parking garages, under-ground passageways, mountains and valleys.●If, in areas with sufficient signal strength,the the bandwidths of the radio stationspresent interferences or are unavailable●When the necessary vehicle components re-quired for radio signal reception are dam-aged, inoperative or without sufficient elec-tric power.NOTICEIn environments with special prescriptions andwhen the use of mobile phones is forbidden, themobile phone must always be turned off. The ra-diation generated by mobile phones may causeinterference with sensitive medical devices andtechnical equipment, which may result in theirfailure or damage.NOTICEThe vehicle's loudspeakers may be damaged ifthe volume is too high or the sound is distorted.NOTICEIntroduction of objects, incorrect placing and in-troduction of data storage units of differentshapes and sizes may damage the media readersand the radio.●Ensure correct insertion position when insert-ing a data storage unit .●Insert only adequate data storage units intothe respective media reading units.●Excessive pressure could break the SD cardslot lock. Composition Touch (R 340G)4
NOTICEForeign matter and liquids adhering to a datastorage device may damage the media readingunit and the radio.●Do not attach stickers or similar materials todata storage units. Stickers may peel off anddamage the media reading unit.●Do not use data storage units with printabledata. Residues and stickers may peel off anddamage the media reading unit.●Use only dry, clean, adequate and non-dam-aged SD cards. Instructions for use–When using the radio, follow the specific na-tional recommendations and legal determina-tions.–To operate the radio a light touch on the but-ton or screen suffices.–To make the best of the radio's features andoptimal operation it is important that the dateand time be correctly set.–Some of the function surfaces and modes de-tailed herein may not be available due to vary-ing market-specific unit software available.The absence of a button or function surface isnot a defect of the radio.–Depending on the country, some functions ofthe radio are no longer selectable on the dis-play as of a certain speed threshold. This is nota functional fault, but rather a legal obligation.–In certain countries there may be restrictionsregarding the use of Bluetooth®1) devices. Ad-ditional information may be obtained from lo-cal authorities.–The display of all indications and the executionof the functions are only available after thecomplete start up of the radio. The start uptime of the system depends on the scope ofthe radio function and can last more than usu-al especially at low and high temperatures.–After a disconnection of the vehicle battery,turn the ignition on before switching on theradio.–Upon changing the settings, displays may varyand the unit may behave in a partially differentway from the described in this manual.–The radio is connected to the vehicle. The sys-tem cannot be operated through a differentvehicle.–In order not to impair its operation, repairs andmodifications to the radio may only be per-formed by a specialized company.–The use of a mobile phone in the vehicle maycause noises in the vehicle's loudspeakers.–With the engine turned off and low batterycharge, the radio is automatically turned off.–High speeds, poor weather and road condi-tions, as well as a high noise level (also outsidethe vehicle) and the the network quality mayimpair a phone call in the vehicle.–In some vehicles equipped with Park Pilot, thecurrent audio source volume is automaticallyreduced when the reverse gear is selected. Thevolume reduction can be configured in the ve-hicle → Booklet Operating Manual, chap-ter Park Pilot menu.–Information on the radio's software and li-cense conditions are stored in the radio: MENU   Config.   Copyright .Device overviewIntroductionThe radio is supplied in different versions of thedevice which are distinguished from each otherby its group of functionalities, inscriptions andbutton functions as well as by the lay out of thecontrols.Power managementWhen, with the ignition turned off and the deviceon, the battery power falls below the minimumvoltage of the electrical network, an acoustic sig-nal sounds and the message LOW BATTERY is dis-played. In this case, the unit must be switchedoff. 1) Bluetooth® is a registered trademark of Bluetooth ® SIG, Inc.Introduction 5181.5L6.R34.20
OverviewFig. 1  Control overview.The unit is supplied in different variations, distin-guished by the unit's button functions and letter-ings → Fig. 1 2.   Turn and touch button→ page 7:–Press to turn the unit on or off.–Turn to adjust the base volume of the cor-responding active source.Radio buttons: press to access a functionsurface → page 7.Display: touchscreen → page 8.Settings button: the function is conditionedto the respective operating condition.–In all radio modes, turn to open the list ofstations, and press to start/stop the SCANfeature → page 15.–In media mode, turn to open the playlist→ page 19.–Turn to select menu options in long listsand press to access the selected entry (e.g.selecting a station from a list of stations).1234USB port: to connect external data storageunits → page 19.AUX-IN multimedia port: to connect externalaudio sources → page 19.SD card slot: to insert SD cards → page 8. 567Composition Touch (R 340G)6
Rotary and push knob Rotary/push knobsThe rotary and push button  → Fig. 1 1is re-ferred to as volume control or on/off button.The right turn and push button→ Fig. 1 4 is re-ferred to as control.Turning the radio manually on or offPress the on/off button briefly  → Fig. 1 1.Turn the radio on or off automaticallyAccording to its version, the unit is automaticallyturned off when the engine is turned off or theignition key is removed from the ignition lock. Ifthe radio is manually switched on again, it will beautomatically switched off after approximately30 minutes (timeout).Volume increase ore decreaseOnce on, the radio starts to operate at the lastadjusted volume level, as long as the maximumpre defined turn on volume is not surpassed→ page 35.–Turn the volume control  (right or clockwiseto turn up and left or counter clockwise to turndown)Some volume adjustments can be preset→ page 35.MuteWhen in mute mode, the active audio source isinterrupted or muted The indication can be seenon the display screen .–Turn the volume control button  counterclockwise until audio can no longer be heard. Anti-theft codingThe unit is protected against theft and unauthor-ized use by a security code (anti-theft coding) .After its first being entered, the anti theft code issaved to the memory of the vehicle (conveniencecoding of the radio) If the anti-theft coding hasto be manually deactivated, e.g. when installingthe unit in another vehicle, please contact aVolkswagen Dealership.If the vehicle battery has been disconnected,switch the ignition on before switching the uniton. Radio buttonsTo operate the radio buttons→ Fig. 1 2 pressthem shortly or protractedly.RADIO : turn on in radio mode and then changethe frequency band → page 15.MEDIA : change to media mode and from thereselect the media source → page 19.PHONE : access the telephone interface. If there isno telephone interface installed, the current au-dio source is muted→ page 33.APP : access the interface with App-Connect→ page 11.SETUP : press to show additional functions relatedto the current mode (radio, media, etc.).→ page 35. DisplayClean the displayTo clean, turn the radio off.To clean the display, use a soft and clean cloth,lightly humidified with clean water or a cleaningcloth that may be obtained at a Volkswagendealership →  .Soften resistant dirt with a humidified cloth, tak-ing care not to damage the radio.NOTICEDo not dry clean the display. Doing so may causescratches that cannot be removed.●Do not use aggressive or solvent-based clean-ing products. Such cleaning products maydamage the radio and leave the display “mis-ty”.●Exert only a light pressure when cleaning thedisplay. Introduction 7181.5L6.R34.20
Selector buttonThe selector button → Fig. 1 4 can be turned orpressed. When turned, lists are searched or radiostation lists or of media titles are opened. Whenpressed marked records are accessed, configura-tions are set and functions started or interrupted. SD card slotOnly 32 mm x 24 mm x 2,1 mm (1,26 x 0,94 x0,083 inch) or 32 mm x 24 mm x 1,4 mm (1,26 x0,94 x 0,055 inch) SD cards can be inserted intothe SD card slot → Fig. 1 7.Only supported audio files are shown→ page 19. Other file types are ignored.Inserting an SD cardInsert the SD card carefully into the SD card slotwith the chamfered edge up and the inscriptionsto the left (contact surfaces downward).If the SD card cannot be inserted, check the in-sertion position and the SD card.Ejecting the SD cardTo prevent data loss, an inserted SD card must beprepared for ejection by the following procedure: SETUP   Safely remove.    SD card .Next, press the inserted SD card. The SD card“jumps” into ejection position and can be re-moved.Unreadable SD cardWhen a memory card with unreadable data is in-serted, a corresponding message is shown on theradio's display.Volkswagen is not responsible for SD cardsand same are not offered together with theradio. It is necessary to have an SD card to use iton the radio.Do not use any SD card adapter.An SD card with navigation data cannot beused as storage for other files, the savedfiles are not recognized by the radio. Basic command informationIntroductionFunction surface and displaycontrolsFig. 2  Schematic representation: overview of possi-ble function surfaces on the display.The device is equipped with a touchscreen→ Fig. 1 3.Active display areas with recorded functions arereferred to as “function surfaces” and operatedby brief touches or extended touches on the dis-play. Function surfaces are described herein bythe word “function surface” and the button sym-bol       .Function surfaces start specific functions or openother submenus. The currently selected menu isindicated on the title line of submenus → Fig. 21.Inactive function surfaces (grey) cannot be cur-rently selected.Overview of possible function surfaces anddisplaysFunction surfaces and displays: action and ef-fect1The title line indicates the currently se-lected menu and, eventually, otherfunction surfaces.2Touch to open a different menu.3Gently press to move the target overthe display in a single move. Composition Touch (R 340G)8
Function surfaces and displays: action and ef-fectOR:  touch the desired display positionto move the target to such position.4Gently press to move the scroll bar overthe display in a single move, and scrollthrough the lists → page 9.Touch to gradually close some lists onelevel above.Touch to gradually close submenus untilreturning to the main menu or to undoprevious entries.    Touch to open a pop-up window con-taining additional settings.      /    Some functions or displays are selectedthrough a checkbox and activated  ordeactivated  through touch.OK Touch to confirm an entry or selection.Touch to close a pop-up window or en-try mask.+ /  -Touch to gradually change settings.Gently press to move the scroll bar overthe display in a single move. Access list entries and search listsFig. 3  Schematic representation: list entries, set-tings menu.List entries can be accessed by directly touchingthe screen or with the selector button → Fig. 14.Selecting and accessing list entries with thecontrol buttonTurn the control button to sequentially selectlist entries through a checkbox and search thelist.Press the control button to access the selectedlist entry.If the available entries on a list do not fit the dis-play, function surfaces or a scrollbar are shownon the right-hand side to scroll through entries→ Fig. 3 1.Search lists (scroll)Search by listlineBriefly touch the function sur-face   or  .Search by listpageBriefly touch the top or bottomof the scroll bar.Quick searchby list pageTouch and hold the top or bot-tom of the scroll bar.Quick searchin long listsPlace finger over the scroll barindicator and move it up ordown in a single move. Removethe finger from the screen afterreaching the desired position. Entry masks with display keypadFig. 4  Representation: entry mask with display key-pad.Entry masks with display keypads are used to en-ter memory names or search terms in long lists,among other functions.The function surfaces listed herein are not availa-ble in all countries or topic areas.The following chapters detail only the functionsnot covered in this representation. Introduction 9181.5L6.R34.20
The entry line with symbol entry mask (cursor) islocated on the upper left display line. All entriesare displayed in this area.Entry masks to “enter text”Letters, characters and special symbols can beselected in any combination to enter free texts inentry masks.The currently displayed sequence of symbols isapplied by touching the function surface  OK .Entry masks to select stored entriesOnly combinations of letters, characters and spe-cial symbols corresponding to a stored entry canbe selected for the introduction mask.If less than 99 entries can be selected, the num-ber of remaining entries is shown through theentry line → Fig. 4 3. Touching this function sur-face will display all remaining entries in a list. Ifless than 5 entries can be selected, the list is au-tomatically opened.Overview of function surfacesFunction surface: action and effect1123 : touch to open the entry mask forspecial symbols and numbers.ABC : touch to switch to the letter entrymask.2Touch to switch to a different keypadlanguage. The keypad language can beselected through the System settingsmenu.3Shows the quantity and opens the listof entries corresponding to selectablepresets.Let-ters /num-bersTouch to apply the entry line.Lettersand Press and hold to open a pop-up win-dow with special symbols based on theletters.Select the desired characters via touch.Some special signs can also be transcri-bed (e.g. “AE” to “Ä”).Touch to switch between upper caseand lower case, as well as numbers andspecial characters.       Touch to insert a blank space.OK Touch to apply the introduction linesuggestion and close the entry mask.Function surface: action and effectTouch to delete symbols on the entryline, from right to left.Press and hold to delete multiple sym-bols.Touch to close the entry mask. Additional displays and displayoptionsDisplay indications may vary from those descri-bed herein, depending on the settings.The time can be shown on the display status line.All displays can only be shown after a completestart-up process of the radio. Composition Touch (R 340G)10
App-ConnectOverall information and safetyguidelinesIntroductionThe following interfaces are available in the App-Connect menu:–Apple CarPlay™1)–Android Auto™2)–MirrorLink™3)To prevent the driver from distraction only spe-cial applications may be used while driving →  .According to the mobile device used, a connec-tion is established through the respective inter-face.Thereby it is possible that the functions and thecontents displayed on the mobile devices are dis-played and controlled on the radio display.WARNINGThe use of applications while driving may dis-tract from the surrounding traffic. Accidentsand injuries can occur if the driver is distracted.●Always drive carefully and responsibly.WARNINGLoose or unsecured mobile phones may beflung through the interior and cause injuries incase of sudden evasive or breaking manoeuvresor in the event of accidents.●While the vehicle is in motion, always securemobile devices properly outside the airbagdeployment zones or stow them away safely.WARNINGInadequately or inappropriately designed appli-cations may cause damages to the vehicle, ac-cidents and serious injuries.●Volkswagen recommends to use only appli-cations offered by Volkswagen for the spe-cific vehicle.●Protect the mobile device with its applica-tions from misuse.●Never alter the applications.●Follow the owner's manual of the mobile de-vice.NOTICEMobile devices must always be turned off in lo-cations where their use is not allowed. The radia-tion generated by mobile devices may cause in-terference with delicate medical and technicalequipment, which may impair or damage suchdevices.NOTICEVolkswagen does not take responsibility for dam-ages caused to the vehicle due to the use of lowquality or defective applications, insufficient pro-gramming of the applications, insufficient net-work, for loss of data during transmission or mis-use of mobile devices.Information on the technical conditions, thecompatible end devices, the applicable ap-plications and availability is available or theVolkswagen dealerships.●Or for for further information consult the mo-bile device's owners manual or the brand's on-line shops/sites. 1) Apple CarPlay™ is an Apple Inc. trademark.2) Android Auto™ is a Google Inc. trademark3) MirrorLink™ and the Mirror Link logo are Car Connectivity Consortium LLC. trademarksApp-Connect 11181.5L6.R34.20
App-Connect settingsApp-Connect main menuFig. 5  App-Connect main menu.Info : display of further information.Config. : App-Connect settings.Open the App-Connect settings menuIn the App-Connect main menu, touch theConfig. function surface.Function surface: effect Activate data transmission to VW Apps : the trans-mission of data to the Volkswagen applicationsis activated.MirrorLink™Display alignment : select display alignment. 180 degrees rotation : touch to rotate the screendisplay by 180°. Prefer radio keypad a): key entries will effectedover the radio keypad display and not over themobile device keys.a) This function depends on the device used.Information on the technical conditions, thecompatible end devices, the applicable ap-plications and availability is available or theVolkswagen dealerships.●Or for for further information consult the mo-bile device's owners manual or the brand's on-line shops/sites. 12Apple CarPlay™MenuApple CarPlay™Fig. 6  Selection of the mobile device.Fig. 7  Apple CarPlay™ menu.Conditions Apple CarPlay™Control listThe following conditions are required to useApple CarPlay™:The mobile device must support AppleCarPlay™.The mobile device must be connected by aUSB cable to the radio.Establish connectionWhen a mobile device is connected for the firsttime follow the instructions on the radio displayand on the display of the mobile device.–The conditions for use of the Apple CarPlay™must be met → page 12.–Press the  MENU  button. Composition Touch (R 340G)12
–Touch the  App-Connect  function surface.–Select your connected mobile device pressingon the corresponding icon.Disconnect connection–During operation of the Apple CarPlay™, touchfunction surface → Fig. 7 1 to access App-Con-nect from the main menu.–Touch function surface → Fig. 6 1 to turn theactive connection off.ParticularitiesDuring an active Apple CarPlay™ connection, thefollowing features are valid:–Bluetooth connection among mobile devicesand the radio are not possible.–An active Bluetooth connection is automatical-ly finalized.–Telephone functions are only possible viaApple CarPlay™. The radio functions describedin this manual are not available.–The connected device cannot be used as a me-dia device on the Media menu.Voice command–On the multifunction steering wheel or on themobile phone press  VOICE  or   briefly tostart the device's voice command feature.–On the multifunction steering wheel or on themobile phone press  VOICE  or   for a few sec-onds to start the connected device's voicecommand feature.Information on the technical conditions, thecompatible end devices, the applicable ap-plications and availability is available or theVolkswagen dealerships.●Or for for further information consult the mo-bile device's owners manual or the brand's on-line shops/sites. Android Auto™Android Auto™ MenuFig. 8  Selection of the mobile device.Fig. 9  Android Auto™ MenuConditions Android Auto™Control listThe following conditions must be met to useAndroid Auto™:The mobile device must support AndroidAuto™.The mobile device must be connected by aUSB cable to the radio.Depending on the mobile device used, an ad-equate application must be installed to beable to use Android Auto™ on the device.Activate connectionWhen a mobile device is connected for the firsttime follow the instructions on the radio displayand on the display of the mobile device.–The conditions for use of Android Auto™ mustbe met → page 13.–Press the  MENU  button. App-Connect 13181.5L6.R34.20
–Touch the  App-Connect  function surface.–Select your connected mobile device pressingon the corresponding icon.Deactivate connection–When operating Android Auto™, touch func-tion surface → Fig. 9 1.–Select the Return to Volkswagen function to ac-cess the App-Connect main menu.–Touch function surface → Fig. 6 1 to turn theactive connection off.ParticularitiesDuring an active Android Auto™ connection, thefollowing features are valid:–An active Android Auto™ device may be simul-taneously connected to the radio via Blue-tooth.–Bluetooth connection among other mobile de-vices and the radio are not possible.–Telephone functions are possible via AndroidAuto™. When the Android Auto™ device is si-multaneously connected via Bluetooth to thedevice, the phone function can also be used.–Simultaneous phone calls via Android Auto™and via the radio are not possible.–An active Android Auto™ device cannot beused as a media device on the Media menu.Voice commands–On the multifunction steering wheel or on themobile phone press  VOICE  or   briefly tostart the device's voice command feature.–On the multifunction steering wheel or on themobile phone press  VOICE  or   for a few sec-onds to start the connected device's voicecommand feature.Information on the technical conditions, thecompatible end devices, the applicable ap-plications and availability is available or theVolkswagen dealerships.●Or for for further information consult the mo-bile device's owners manual or the brand's on-line shops/sites. Mirror Link™MirrorLink™ MenuFig. 10  Function surfaces on the compatible appli-cations overview.Fig. 11  Other Mirror Link™ function surfaces.Conditions MirrorLink™Control listThe following conditions must be met to useMirror Link™:The mobile device must support MirrorLink™.The mobile device must be connected by aUSB cable to the radio.Depending on the mobile device used, an ad-equate application must be installed to beable to use MirrorLink™ on the device.Establish a connection–The conditions for use of MirrorLink™ must bemet → page 14.–Press the  MENU  button.–Touch the  App-Connect  function surface.–Select your connected mobile device pressingon the corresponding icon. Composition Touch (R 340G)14
Possible function surfaces and displaysFunction / display surfaces: effect / meaningAPPReturns to the App-Connect dis-play → Fig. 5. The MirrorLink™connection can be broken off onthe display. Touch to close open applications.Then touch the applications thatare to be closed or touch theClose all  function surface to closeall open applications.Touch to visualize the mobile de-vice's display on the vehicle's dis-play. Open the MirrorLink™ → Fig. 10settings.1Touch to exhibit the functionsurfaces on the top border of thedisplay.2Touch to return to the mainmenu.Information on the technical conditions, thecompatible end devices, the applicable ap-plications and availability is available or theVolkswagen dealerships.●Or for for further information consult the mo-bile device's owners manual or the brand's on-line shops/sites. Audio operationRadio operation (RADIO)IntroductionFollow the national rules and legal provisionswhen using the radio.Other additional electric devices connected tothe vehicle may interfere with the receipt of thebroadcast radio signal and cause noises in thespeakers.Parking lots, tunnels, tall buildings ormountains may interfere with unit signalreception.Metal-coated stickers or films may hinderreception in vehicles with windscreen aer-ials. Establish radio modeAfter the factory settings have been reset, pressthe  RADIO  button on the device. Select the inten-ded frequency band pressing the  RADIO  button. Radio main menuFig. 12  RADIO main menu. Audio operation 15181.5L6.R34.20
Fig. 13  Radio operation: station list.With the radio turned on, press the radio buttonRADIO  → page 7. Radio mode turns on.To exit the main menu, press the  RADIO  buttonagain (return to the previous main menu) or pressanother radio button.The following options are available:–return to the memorized radio station.–Seek next station.–Memorize the tuned broadcasting stations.The currently tuned in radio station is displayedin the center of the display. For stations with RDSthe station's name can be displayed instead of itsfrequency, such as RADIO 21, in case of good re-ception.Function surfaces in the FM/AM main menuFunction surface: effect1Change the displayed station buttongroup by touching the function surface.FM/AM Select the desired frequency band.Opens the list of radio stations currentlyavailable → page 17.Opens the adjusted frequency scale(frequency band) → page 17.Opens the current frequency band set-tings menu → page 19, Settings (FM,AM).< /  >Change between stored or availablestations.Arrow button settings in menu→ page 19, Settings (FM, AM).1 to12Station buttons to store stations→ page 16.Update the frequency band station list(AM) → page 17.Function surface: effectSCANFunction surface that only becomesvisible with the SCAN function is selec-ted → page 18.Press the control button → Fig. 1 4 tostart the SCAN function.Possible symbols and displaysDisplay: meaningAStation frequency display.Radio stations are stored in station but-tons. Station buttonsFig. 14  RADIO main menu.In the RADIO main menu, the currently selectedfrequency band stations can be stored in 15numbered frequency tracks. These function sur-faces are referred to as “Station buttons”.Station button functions → Fig. 14Access stationsthrough sta-tion buttonsTouch the station button corre-sponding to the desired sta-tion.Stored stations can only betouched after accessingthrough station buttons andwhen available in the currentlocation.Change thestation buttongroupWith finger swipe over the dis-play in the station buttonsarea→ Fig. 14 1, from right toleft or from left to right. Composition Touch (R 340G)16
Station button functions → Fig. 14The station buttons are dis-played in groups of respectively5 function surfaces ( 1 to  5,  6to  10 , and  11  to  15 ).Store stationsin station but-tonsSee: storing stations→ page 18.Specific radio indications, menusand symbolsFig. 15  RADIO main menu.Fig. 16  Radio operation: radio station list with up-date possibility (AM).Function button areas and respective meaningon the main menu RADIO → Fig. 15 and→ Fig. 16:Select the sta-tion using thearrow buttons< /  >Touch the function surface  <or  > → Fig. 15.Depending on the arrow buttonsettings, the function switchesbetween stored and availableFunction button areas and respective meaningon the main menu RADIO → Fig. 15 and→ Fig. 16:stations. Arrow button settingsin the Settings (FM, AM)→ page 19 menu.Select a stationfrom the radiostation list.Touch the function surface  → Fig. 15 to open the stationlist.Search list and touch to selectthe desired station.Touch the function surface  → Fig. 16 to close the stationlist. If no action is made, theradio station list automaticallycloses after a while.Update the ra-dio station listThe FM frequency band stationlist updates automatically.The AM frequency band stationlist can also be manually upda-ted through the function sur-face   → Fig. 16.Manually set the station frequencyIntroduce thefrequencybandTouch the function surface  → Fig. 15.Step-by-stepinstructions tochange the fre-quencyTurn the settings knob.OR: touch the right or left fre-quency band arrow buttons.Quick scanthrough thefrequencybandTouch one of the arrow buttonson the top display area→ Fig. 15. The next availablestation is automatically selec-ted.OR: press and hold one of thearrow buttons → Fig. 15 on thetop display area. After releas-ing, the next radio stationavailable will be automaticallyselected.OR: press and hold the fre-quency range and slide to moveit.Hide the fre-quency bandBriefly press the settings knob.When a station is selectedthrough the station button, themanual frequency selection isalso closed. If no action ismade, the frequency band au-tomatically closes after a while. Audio operation 17181.5L6.R34.20
Store stationsStore the cur-rent station in-to a stationbuttonPress and hold the desired sta-tion button → Fig. 15 until anaudible warning is heard.The currently played stationwill be stored in this stationbutton.Storing sta-tions from thestation list instation buttonsTouch the function surface  → Fig. 15 or turn the settingsknob to open the station list.Stations stored in station but-tons are identified in the sta-tion list by the symbol → Fig. 16.Press and hold the display toselect the desired station.Touch the desired station but-ton in which the station mustbe stored.An audible warning is heardand the station is stored in thestation button. Repeat this pro-cedure to store other stationsfrom the station list.Delete storedstationsAll stations stored in the FM, AMSettings menu can be deletedseparately or all at once→ page 19. SCANFig. 17  Radio mode: ongoing SCAN.By selecting the SCAN function, all stations avail-able in the current frequency band are played forapproximately 5 seconds.  SCAN  → Fig. 17 will bedisplayed on the screen.Starting and stopping the scan functionStarting thescan functionBriefly press the settings knob.OR: touch the function surface and select  SCAN .Close the SCANfunction.Briefly press the settings knob.OR: touch the function surfaceSCAN  → Fig. 17 to stop the au-tomatic scan function in thecurrent station.The automatic scan function isalso interrupted whenever astation is manually selected bythe station buttons. Rear view camera or Parking sensor(Park Pilot)Fig. 18  Rear view camera and parking sensorThe rear view camera and the parking sensormay not be available on all versions and/or ex-port markets.According to the vehicle version the external im-age is automatically displayed with engaged re-verse gear. The functions can be adjusted on themenu.FunctionsSet glare, contrast and brightness.Park Pilot display. Composition Touch (R 340G)18
FunctionsCamera display.Shutting down the rear view cameraand the Park PilotWhen the  function is selected on the leftbottom of the radio display, the live imagechanges over to the Park Pilot image. To returnto the real external image again it is necessary toselect in function .Settings (FM, AM)Opening the FM Settings menuSelect the FM frequency band by pressing theRADIO  button.OR: on the RADIO main menu, touch the  FM/AMfunction surface and then select  FM .Touch the function surface   to open the FMSettings menu.Function surface: effectScan : automatic SCAN. By selecting the SCANfunction, all stations available in the current fre-quency band are played for approximately 5seconds → page 18.Sound : sound settings → page 35. Arrow buttons : select settings for the arrow but-tons  < and  >. Settings are applied to all fre-quency bands (FM). Memory list : the arrow buttons are used tochange all stations stored in the selectedfrequency band. Search stations : the arrow buttons are usedto change all stations available in the se-lected frequency band.Delete memory : deletes all or some stations stor-ed.  All : all stored stations are deleted.Opening the AM Settings menuSelect the AM frequency band by pressing theRADIO  button.OR: on the RADIO main menu, touch the  FM/AMfunction surface and then select  AM .Touch the function surface   to open the AMSettings menu.Function surface: effectScan : automatic SCAN. By selecting the SCANfunction, all stations available in the current fre-quency band are played for approximately 5seconds → page 18.Sound : sound settings → page 35. Arrow buttons : select settings for the arrow but-tons  < and  >. Settings are applied to all fre-quency bands (AM). Memory list : the arrow buttons are used tochange all stations stored in the selectedfrequency band. Search stations : the arrow buttons are usedto change all stations available in the se-lected frequency band.Delete memory : deletes all or some stations stor-ed.  All : all stored stations are deleted. Media modeIntroduction“Media sources” are referred to as audio sourcesthat contain audio data in different data storageunits, such as external MP3 Players or audio files.These audio files may only be played by the re-spective units or audio inputs of the radio system(USB port, Bluetooth® interface, SD card or AUX-IN multimedia port).CopyrightsAudio and video files stored in data media aregenerally subject to copyright laws, as per appli-cable national and international standards. Allapplicable legal provisions must be followed.This product is protected by copyrights ofMicrosoft Corporation. This technology maynot be reproduced or marketed without prior au-thorization from Microsoft or one of its author-ized affiliates.Volkswagen takes no responsibility fordamaged or lost files. Audio operation 19181.5L6.R34.20
Limitations and recommendationsregarding data carriersDirt, high temperatures and mechanical damagemay render a data carrier useless. Pay attentionto the data carrier manufacturers instructions.The difference in data carrier quality from differ-ent manufacturers may cause playback interfer-ences.The configuration of a data carrier or the devicesand programs used to record the data may resultin some titles or data carriers being unreadable.Information on the best ways to create audiofiles and data carriers (rate of compression, ID3-tag etc.) can be found, for example, on the Inter-net.Due to the size, use (number of copies and dele-tions), of the structure of the folders and file typeof the used data carrier the reading time mayvary substantially.A playlist only defines a certain playback se-quence. Files are not memorized on the playlists.The playlists are not played back when the fileson the data carrier are not saved where the play-list is looking for them (path related data). Audio data storage unit playbacksequenceFig. 19  Possible structure of a data storage unit.In data storage units, audio files are often  or-ganized into data folders  and playlists  in or-der to define a certain playback sequence.Tracks, folders, and playlists are classified nu-merically and alphabetically according to thename of the data storage unit.The figure → Fig. 19 shows a typical data storageunit containing tracks,  folders  and subfold-ers.Therefore, the tracks and folders of this datastorage unit are played and displayed in the fol-lowing sequence 1):Tracks  1 and  2 in the Root directory ofthe CDTracks  3 and  4 in the first folder F1 ofthe root directory (display:  01).Track  5 in the first subfolder F1.1 of fold-er F1 (display:  02).Track  6 in the first subfolder F1.1.1 ofsubfolder F1.1 (display:  03).Track  7 in the second subfolder F1.2 offolder F1 (display:  04).Tracks  8 and  9 in the second folder F2(display:  05).The playback sequence can be modified byselecting different playback modes→ page 21.Playlists are not played automatically, butmust rather be individually selected in thetrack selection menu → page 22. MEDIA main menuFig. 20  MEDIA main menu.  In the Media settings menu, the   Mix/Repeat, including subfolder  function must be activated → page 22.Composition Touch (R 340G)20
Different media sources can be selected andplayed through the MEDIA main menu.–Press the  MEDIA  button to open the MEDIAmain menu → Fig. 20.The last media source played is resumed.Currently played media sources are shown in thelower left function surface → Fig. 20 1.The MEDIA main menu shows a message if nomedia source can be selected.MEDIA main menu function surfacesFunction surface: effect1Shows the currently selected mediasource. Touch to select a different mediasource → page 21.SD Card : memory card → page 8.USB : external data storage unit in theUSB port → page 23. BT Audio : Bluetooth® audio → page 25.AUX : external audio source in the AUX-IN multimedia port → page 24.Shows the playback list → page 22.< />Changes tracks in media mode→ page 22.Playback is interrupted. The function sur-face   changes to   → page 22.Playback is resumed. The function sur-face   changes to   → page 22.Open the Media settings menu → page 22.Touch to switch between available modes.: repeat current tracks.: repeat all tracks.All tracks in the same memory level as thecurrent track will be repeated. In the Mediasettings menu, subfolders are included if Mix/Repeat, including subfolder  is selected→ page 22.Mix function. The function surface  changes to  .All tracks in the same memory level as thecurrent track will be included. In the Mediasettings menu, subfolders are included if Mix/Repeat, including subfolder  is selected→ page 22.MEDIA main menu symbols and displaysDisplay: meaningADisplay of track information (ID3 tag textin MP3 files).Audio files: display of the artist name, al-bum name and track title.BTrack length, status bar and remainingtime (in minutes and seconds). The re-maining track time shown for audio fileswith variable bit rate (VBR) may vary.Touch the status bar or touch and drag toskip to a different track position. Change media source–On the MEDIA main menu, press the radio'sMEDIA  button again, to go over all the availa-ble media sources.In the pop-up window there are currently no se-lectable media sources shown as inactive (greya).The media source currently in use is displayed onthe screen.If no media source can be selected, such is indi-cated on the MEDIA main menu.If a media source previously played back is selec-ted again, the playback starts at the point whereit was last interrupted.Optional selectable media sourcesFunc-tionbut-tonMedia sourceSD card in the SD card slot → page 8.USB Data storage unit in the USB port→ page 23. To know the installation lo-cation of the slot, consult the OwnersManual of your vehicle → Booklet Own-ers Manual, chapter Storage compart-mentExternal audio source connected throughBluetooth® → page 34.External audio source in the AUX-IN mul-timedia port → page 24.The track information display can be disa-bled in the Playlist → page 22. Audio operation 21181.5L6.R34.20
Change the track on the MEDIAmain menuThe tracks of the media sources being playedback can be successively run through with the ar-row buttons → page 22, Track selection fromthe track list.It is not possible with the arrow buttons toswitch to playback from a playlist. Playback froma playlist needs to be manually started from thetrack selection menu → page 22, Track selec-tion from the track list.MEDIA main menu controlsAction EffectBriefly touch thefunction surface  <once.Within less than 3 sec-onds of the track'slength, switches the be-ginning of the previoustrack.Within more than 3 sec-onds of the track'slength, switches to thebeginning of the currenttrack.Briefly touch thefunction surface  >once.To the next track. Afterthe last track, it returnsto the first track of thecurrent data storage unit.Press and hold thefunction surface  <.Fast rewind.Press and hold thefunction surface  >.Fast forward.Briefly touch thefunction surface  once.Playback is interrupted.The function surface  changes to  .Briefly touch thefunction surface  once.Playback is resumed. Thefunction surface  changes to  .Track selection from the track listTo open the track list in the MEDIA main menu,press the   function area OR turn the selectorbutton. The track about to be played back ishighlighted.Search the track list and touch on the desiredtrack. When track information is available, thetrack number and name or the names of the files(MP3) are displayed instead of the Title + no. 1). Thetrack title list may not be supported by thesource.Tracks, folders and playlists can also bemarked, by turning the settings knob, andaccessed/opened by pressing the knob. Specific media settingsOpening the Media settings menuIn the MEDIA main menu, touch the   functionsurface.Function button: effectSound : opens the Sound settings menu→ page 35. Mix/Repeat, including subfolders : add subfolders tothe selected playback mode → page 20.Bluetooth : opens the Bluetooth settings menu→ page 34.Remove : remove the data unit (USB data storageunit or SD card) from the system. The respectivefunction surface is disabled after the data stor-age unit is successfully removed. Functions, indications and symbolsFunction button and effect:Open the Source menu. Touch to select an-other media source.AShows the currently selected mediasource. Touch to change the mediasource.SD Card : memory card → page 8.USB : external data storage unit in theUSB port → page 23.AUX : external audio source in the AUX-IN multimedia port → page 24. BT Audio : External Media Player connec-ted via Bluetooth® → page 25. 1) Depending on the source.Composition Touch (R 340G)22
Function button and effect:Touch the function surface to open theupper media source folder. The name ofthe current folder is shown to the right ofthe symbol.Start playback from the first track.Repeat all tracks. The function surface  changes to  .All tracks in the same memory level as thecurrent track will be repeated. In the Mediasettings menu, subfolders are included if Mix/Repeat, including subfolder  is selected→ page 22.Mix function. The function surface  changes to  .All tracks in the same memory level as thecurrent track will be included. In the Mediasettings menu, subfolders are included if Mix/Repeat, including subfolder  is selected→ page 22.Close the playlist. Playback of an SD card–Insert the SD card carefully into the SD cardslot with the chamfered edge up and the in-scriptions to the left of the SD card slot→ Fig. 1 1.–To remove the SD card → page 8, first see thesystem settings and execute the Safely removesource action. Briefly touch the SD card so it“springs” out to removal position.–Press the radio  MEDIA  button.Playback is taken up from the last used mediasource. To playback the SD card, press the  button.When navigating the folders use the   functionbutton and the selector button → Fig. 1 4. Press to go to the higher level of the folders and ro-tate the selector button to select the desiredfolder.To change to the next or previous track, pressone of the function buttons.Keep one of the arrow buttons pressed for a fewseconds to move the playback forward or back-ward.During playback of the SD card, some functionkeys are available at the bottom of the display.The active buttons are highlighted. Wired or wireless connectionsIntroductionSome external devices can be connected to theradio with or without wires (if existing) in the ve-hicle.The type and number of connections with orwithout wires depend on the country and the ve-hicle. Within a range of different models and inspecial models the connections may reveal dif-ferences.For the wired connections use only original ca-bles from the device or - if available - the factorysupplied cables for the respective vehicle. USB Connection The USB multimedia port is located on the frontpart of the device → Fig. 1 6.Audio files on an external data storage unit con-nected to the USB port  can be played backand controlled by device.USB data manual are referred to in this manual asexternal data media, which contain playable files(e.g. MP3 player, iPods™ and pen drives).Only supported audio files are shown. Other filetypes are ignored.Playback begins automatically if there are storedand readable audio files in the data storage units.The additional external data storage unit controls(access track changes, track selection, and play-back modes) are detailed in the respective chap-ters → page 19.Instructions and restrictionsThe number of USB ports  and compatibilitywith Apple™ devices, among other Media Players,may vary depending on the equipment.The typical USB voltage of 5 V is suppliedthrough the USB  port. Audio operation 23181.5L6.R34.20
External hard drives with capacity for over 32 GBmust be reformatted into the FAT32 file system,depending on the conditions. Programs and in-structions to perform such formatting processare available on the Internet, for example.Considering the wide range of different datastorage units and various iPod™, iPad™ andiPhone™ generations, it is impossible to ensurethat all functions will be available.iPod™, iPad™ and iPhone™Depending on the country and equipment ver-sion, iPods™, iPads™ or iPhones™ may be con-nected to the vehicle's USB port , through asuitable USB cable, and used as audio sources.DisconnectConnected data storage units must be preparedfor removal before being disconnected.–In the MEDIA main menu, touch the   func-tion surface to open the Media settings menu.–OR: press the  SETUP  radio button.–Touch the function surface  Remove  and select USB . The function surface is disabled afterthe data storage unit is successfully removed.–The data storage unit may be disconnected.Unreadable data storage unitIf a connected data storage unit contains unread-able data, a corresponding message is shown onthe device display.If an external Media Player is connected si-multaneously via Bluetooth® and the USBport  to the device, the Bluetooth® audio con-nection is automatically disconnected afterswitching to the USB port.If a connected device cannot be recognized,remove all connections and reconnect thedevices. Check whether the connection cable isworking, if necessary.In case of operating faults in connected de-vices, restart the respective device. Thisusually solves the issue.Do not use any memory card adapter, USBextension cord, or USB-Hubs (USB distribu-tors)!Refer to the external data storage unitmanufacturer's operating manual. Connecting an external audiosource to the multimedia AUX-INportThe AUX-IN multimedia port → Fig. 1 6 onlysupports 3.5 mm jack plugs.The external audio source connected is playedback through the vehicle's loudspeakers and can-not be controlled by the device.Connected external audio sources are indicatedby AUX on the display.Connecting an external audio source to theAUX-IN multimedia port–Reduce the volume on the radio.–Connecting an external audio source to theAUX-IN multimedia port.–Start playback on the external audio source.–Press the radio  MEDIA  button to display theavailable media sources selection menu→ page 19.–Press the function button  .The playback volume of external audio sourcesmust be adjusted to the volume of remaining au-dio sources → page 35.Specificities regarding the use of externalaudio sources in the AUX-IN multimedia portAction EffectSelection of anotheraudio source on thedevice.The external audiosource continues toplay in the background.Stop playback on theexternal audio source.The unit stays in theAUX menu.Remove the plug fromthe AUX-IN multimediaport.The unit stays in theAUX menu.When the playback of the external audiosource is finished or is disconnected fromthe multimedia AUX-IN port, the radio stays onthe AUX menu.There may be noise interferences if the ex-ternal audio source is used on the vehicle's12 V power outlet.Read and follow the external audio sourcemanufacturers operating instructions. Composition Touch (R 340G)24
Connecting external audio sourcesvia Bluetooth®Connecting an audio source via BluetoothIn Bluetooth® audio mode audio files from aBluetooth® audio source connected via Blue-tooth® can be played back (for example a smart-phone), using the vehicle's loudspeakers (audioBluetooth® playback).Requisites–The Bluetooth® audio source must support theBluetooth® A2DP profile.–In the Bluetooth settings menu, the BT Audio (A2DP/AVRCP)  function must be active→ page 34.Start audio playback in Bluetooth®–Enable Bluetooth® visibility in the externalBluetooth® audio source (e.g. mobile phone).–Lower the base volume on the radio .–Press the radio  MEDIA  button.–Touch the function surface → Fig. 20 1 andselect   BT audio .–Touch the  Search device  function surface to pairan external Bluetooth® audio source for thefirst time.–OR: select from the list of external Bluetooth®audio sources.–OR: pair through the Bluetooth Settings menu→ page 34.–Follow the instructions for other procedureson the radio display and the Bluetooth® audiosource display.Playback of the Bluetooth® audio source must beinitiated manually, if necessary.Whenever the Bluetooth® audio source playbackends, the device remains in the Bluetooth® audiomode.Playback controlControl of the Bluetooth® audio source throughthe device depends on the connected Bluetooth®audio source.In media readers that support the Bluetooth®AVRCP profile, playback may be automatically in-itiated or interrupted from the Bluetooth® audiosource, if it is switched to Bluetooth® audio play-back or other audio sources. In addition a displayof the track or a track change is possible throughvia the device.Due to the wide variety of Bluetooth® audiosources, some of the functions describedherein may not operate properly.To operate the multimedia mode with theBluetooth® device connected, read and fol-low the manufacturers use instructions.Use only with devices that support Blue-tooth® technology. For further informationon Bluetooth® products compatibility contact aVolkswagen dealership or look up on the Inter-net. Audio operation 25181.5L6.R34.20
Phone controls (PHONE)Introduction to phone controlsIntroductionThe phone functions detailed below can be ac-cessed through the device when there is an ac-tive paired and connected mobile phone.The mobile phone must support the Bluetooth®function in order to establish a connection be-tween the mobile phone and the device.If no mobile phone is connected to the device,phone control will not be available.Instructions to use mobile phones in vehicleswithout external aerial connection → Booklet Op-erating manual.WARNINGUsing mobile phones while driving may distractdrivers and cause accidents.●Always drive carefully and responsibly.●Adjust sound volume settings to allow thedriver to hear external warnings and sounds(e.g. emergency service sirens)●In locations with partial or lack of mobilecoverage, and depending on the circumstan-ces (tunnels, garages and underground pas-sages) telephone call may be hindered, pre-venting the use of mobile devices (includingemergency calls).WARNINGIf a mobile phone is not secured or not properlysecured in the vehicle, it could be flung thoughthe interior during a sudden driving or brakingmanoeuvre, or in the event of an accident. Thiscan cause injuries.●Always attach mobile phones properly andout of airbag triggering areas while driving.WARNINGMobile phones can cause interference whenpositioned nearby heart pacemakers.●Keep a minimum distance of 20 centimetresbetween the mobile phone's antenna andthe heart pacemaker, since the former mayinterfere with the latter.●Do not carry activated mobile phones inchest pockets directly over heart pacemak-ers.●Turn off mobile phones immediately when-ever there is suspicion of interference withpacemakers.NOTICEHigh speed, unfavourable weather and road con-ditions, as well as poor network connection mayhinder or interrupt mobile phone calls inside thevehicle. General informationPlease refer to   and   at the start of thechapter on page 26.Phone menu displays vary depending on thefunctions available on the mobile phone model.There may be differences depending on the mod-el used.Follow the instructions to use mobile phones invehicles without external aerial connection→ Booklet Owner's Manual, chapter Vehicle pres-ervation and maintenance.Use only with units that support Bluetooth®technology. Additional information about prod-ucts that support Bluetooth® technology may beobtained at Volkswagen Dealerships or via theInternet.Refer to the mobile phone and accessory suppli-er's operating manual.Call interruption and reception flaws may occurin certain “transmission blackout areas”.Most electronic devices are shielded from HF sig-nals (high frequency). In some rare cases, howev-er, electronic devices may not be shieldedagainst the HF signals of phone controls. Thismay result in damages.There may be restrictions regarding the useof Bluetooth® devices in certain countries.Additional information may be obtained from lo-cal authorities. Composition Touch (R 340G)26
When connecting phone controls to a de-vice via Bluetooth® technology, refer to therespective Operating manual for additional safetyinformation. Use only with products that supportBluetooth® technology. Special precaution areasPlease refer to   and   at the start of thechapter on page 26.Switch off mobile phones in areas with risk of ex-plosions. Such areas are very common, althoughnot often identified as such →   in Introductionon page 26. Some of these areas are:–Areas with pipes and tanks containing chemi-cals.–Lower decks in ships and ferries.–Areas nearby vehicles powered by liquid gas(e.g. propane or butane).–Areas with chemicals or other particles such asflours, dust, or metallic dust in the atmos-phere.–Any other area where the vehicle engine mustbe switched off.WARNINGSwitch off mobile phones in areas with risk ofexplosion.NOTICEMobile phones must always be turned off in loca-tions in which their use is prohibited. The radia-tion generated by mobile phones may cause in-terference with delicate medical and technicalequipment, which may hinder or damage suchdevices. Bluetooth®Please refer to   and   at the start of thechapter on page 26.Bluetooth®Bluetooth® technology connects mobile phonesto the vehicle's phone controls. A single pairingprocess is required in order to use the phonecontrols with mobile phones equipped with Blue-tooth®.Some Bluetooth® mobile phones are recognizedand connected immediately upon switching onthe ignition, if such phones have been previouslyconnected. At the same time, the mobile phoneand its embedded Bluetooth® feature must beactivated, and all active Bluetooth® connectionswith other devices must be disconnected.Bluetooth® radio communication is free ofcharge.Bluetooth® is a registered trademark of Blue-tooth ® SIG, Inc.Bluetooth® ProfilesWhenever mobile phones are connected to thephone controls, data will be exchanged throughone of the Bluetooth® profiles.Phone use via Bluetooth® Hands-Free-Profile(HFP):–If mobile phones are connected via HFP withphone controls, wireless calls can be made viathe hands-free device. In this case, the exter-nal aerial cannot be used. Instructions to usemobile phones in vehicles without externalaerial connection → Booklet Operating man-ual.Music playback via Bluetooth® Advanced AudioDistribution Profile (A2DP):–Bluetooth® profile to transfer audio signalswith stereo quality.Playback control via Bluetooth® Audio Video Re-mote Control Profile (AVRCP):–Bluetooth® profile to display track informationand playback controls in mobile devices. Phone controls (PHONE) 27181.5L6.R34.20
Pair up and connect the mobilephone to the radioPlease refer to   and   at the start of thechapter on page 26.In order to operate a mobile phone via the radiounit, both devices must be paired once.Pairing must be performed while the vehicle isstationary.Requisites–Ignition switched on.–Remove the headset connection to the mobilephone if necessary.–The Bluetooth® function must be enabled andvisible on the phone and radio.–The key blocking feature must be unlocked onthe mobile phone.Follow the owner's manual of the respective mo-bile phone.During the pairing process, the mobile phone'skeypad must be used. The mobile phone must beprepared for such process.Initiate mobile phone pairing–Press the  PHONE  button.–Touch the  Search phone  function surface.After the process is completed, all names ofBluetooth® devices found are displayed.–Select the mobile phone from the list of Blue-tooth® devices found.Then the device and the mobile phone will beconnected. Additional mobile phone or radio en-tries may be required to conclude their connec-tion.–Confirm successful pairing in the mobilephone, if necessary.Depends on the mobile phone:–Insert the PIN code displayed on the radioscreen into the mobile phone and confirm.OR:–Compare the PIN code shown on the radio dis-play with the PIN code shown on the mobilephone. If the PIN code matches, it must beconfirmed in both devices.After successfully completing the pairing proc-ess, the main menu PHONE is shown and thecontact list and list of calls stored in the mobilephone are automatically loaded. Confirm on themobile phone, if necessary.The duration of the loading process varies de-pending on the amount of data stored in the mo-bile phone. After completing the loading process,the data of the device will be available.Pairing and connecting mobile phonesMultiple mobile phones can be paired to the de-vice. However, only one mobile phone can beconnected to one device at any given time.When turning the radio on, the unit automaticallyconnects to the last mobile phone connected. Ifit is not possible to connect to the last mobilephone used, the phone control automatically at-tempts to connect to the next mobile phone inthe list of paired phones.The maximum range of a Bluetooth® connectionis approximately 10 metres. Active Bluetooth®connections are interrupted if such range is ex-ceeded. The connection will be automatically re-stored as soon as the device is in reach of theBluetooth® range.Refer to a Volkswagen Dealership for moreinformation on mobile phone connectionsand pairing. Switching off phone controlsPlease refer to   and   at the start of thechapter on page 26.–End active calls.–Switch off the ignition.–Remove the key from the ignition.–Switch off the mobile phone.If the vehicle key remains in the ignition cylinderafter switching off the ignition, phone controlswill not be switched off. Phone controls are onlyswitched off a few minutes later (factory set-tings: approximately 15 minutes).If mobile phones were connected withphone controls, the mobile phone transmis-sion unit remains active after switching offphone controls. Switching of the mobile phonemay be required. Composition Touch (R 340G)28
Phone control descriptionIntroductionSome features and settings are only availablewhile the vehicle is stationary and are not sup-ported by all mobile phone brands.The range of possible settings depends on thecountry, unit, and the vehicle's equipment speci-fications.Phone controls can recognize up to 20 devices.Respectively, devices can be connected via theHands-Free-Profile (HFP) and the Advanced Au-dio Distribution Profile (A2DP) → page 28.User profile assignmentConnected mobile phones are stored in thephone controls under a user profile.Up to 4 user profiles can be assigned in phonecontrols. If another mobile phone is paired, theprofile with longest idle time is automatically de-leted.Contact list, favourite numbers (speed dial but-tons) and User profile settings menu settings arestored in the user profile.If a mobile phone is reconnected to the phonecontrols, the respective settings and data will beavailable once again.If a mobile phone's contact list entries arechanged while connected, contact list data canbe manually updated via the User profile settingsmenu → page 34. The contact list will be auto-matically updated upon the next mobile phoneconnection (e.g. during the following vehicleuse).WARNINGLoose or unsecured mobile phones may beflung through the interior and cause injuries incase of sudden evasive or breaking manoeuvresor in the event of accidents.●While the vehicle is in motion, always securemobile devices properly outside the airbagdeployment zones or stow them away safely.Using mobile phones in the vehicle maycause loudspeaker noises. PHONE main menuPlease refer to   at the start of the chapteron page 29.Fig. 21  PHONE main menu.Fig. 22  Call details.Open the PHONE main menuPress the  PHONE  button.PHONE main menu function surfacesFunction surface: effect1Name of the paired mobile phone or se-lected user profile. Touch to connect orpair to another mobile phone.2Favourites (speed dial buttons) to whichcontact list numbers can be assigned→ page 33.Touch the function surface to establishthe Mirror Link™ connection.Open a numeric keypad to enter a phonenumber → page 31.Open the contact list of the paired mobilephone → page 31.Open call lists of the mobile phone paired→ page 32. Phone controls (PHONE) 29181.5L6.R34.20
Function surface: effecta) Open the message list (SMS) of the mobilephone paired.a) Touch the function surface to enter aphone number through voice command.Open the Phone settings menu → page 33.Touch to answer a call.Touch to end a call.OR: touch to reject calls received.Touch to mute sound during a call. Touchthe function surface   to unmute thesound.a) Depends on the mobile phone.Phone control symbols and displaysDisplay: meaningAName of the mobile network carrier inwhich the SIM card of the paired mobilephone is registered.BStored name or phone number display.Battery charge status of the connectedmobile phone.Intensity of the mobile communicationtransmission signal currently available.Displays an active Bluetooth® connection. During a phone callPlease refer to   at the start of the chapteron page 29.Fig. 23  During a phone call.When a connection with the dialled phone num-ber has been established, the PHONE main menudisplay switches to Phone call → Fig. 23.Function surfaces and displays: action and ef-fectATouch to switch off the mobile phonemicrophone during a call (the functionsurface   changes to  ).Touch to switch on the mobile phonemicrophone during a call (the functionsurface   changes to  ).B Display of the call duration and call num-ber or stored name.  Touch to end a call. Battery charge status of the connectedmobile phone.Functions available during a phone callPossible functionsMute mobilephone micro-phoneTouch the function surface.The mobile phone microphoneis muted (the function surface changes to  ).Unmute mobilephone micro-phoneTouch the function surface  .The mobile phone microphoneis unmuted (the function sur-face   changes to  ).Starting phonecalls via mobilephoneTouch the   function surfaceand select   Hands-free .The hands-free function isdisabled and the call is direc-ted to the mobile phoneStarting phonecalls via the mo-bile phone con-trolsTouch the   function surfaceand select   Hands-free .The hands-free function is en-abled and the call is directedto the mobile phone controls. Composition Touch (R 340G)30
Enter phone number menuPlease refer to   at the start of the chapteron page 29.Fig. 24  Enter phone number menu.Fig. 25  Enter phone number menu (select contactfrom the list).Enter phone number menu functions.Touch the   functions surface to access theEnter phone number menu.Possible functionsCall voice mail-boxTouch the   Voicemail  func-tion surface to establish aconnection.If a voice mailbox number hasnot been stored, enter thecalling number and confirm bypressing  OK .Previously stored call numberscan be changed in the User pro-file settings menu → page 34.Enter phonenumberEnter phone number via thekeypad.Touch the function surface  to establish a connection.Possible functionsSelect contactfrom the listEnter the first letter of thecontact name via the keypad.Possible entries are shown inthe contact list.Search the contact list andtouch the desired contact tocall.Enter countrycodeWhen entering country codes,instead of entering the twofirst digits (e.g. “00”), it is pos-sible to enter the symbol “+”.Touch and hold the functionsurface  0 for approximately 2seconds to enter the + charac-ter. Contact Menu (contact list)Please refer to   at the start of the chapteron page 29.Fig. 26  Contact Menu (contact list).Fig. 27  Search mask. Phone controls (PHONE) 31181.5L6.R34.20
After the first pairing process, it may take a fewminutes until the paired mobile phone's con-tacts1) become available on the device. Thisprocess can take up to approximately one hour,depending on the volume of data to be transfer-red. Confirm the transmission process on themobile phone, if necessary.Contacts can also be accessed during calls.Opening the Contacts menuTouch the   function surface to access theContact list (contacts) menu.Possible functionsSelect contactfrom the listSearch the list and touch thedesired contact to call.OR: if multiple phone num-bers are stored for the samecontact, touch the contactand then the desired phonenumber to call.Search contactsthrough thesearch mask.Touch the   → Fig. 26 func-tion surface to open thesearch mask.Enter the desired name intothe search mask → Fig. 27.The appropriate number ofevents is shown to the right ofthe search field. Touch thefunction surface to switch tolist view.Search the list and touch thedesired contact to call.Phone menu availability varies dependingon the mobile phone used. Call Menu (call lists)Please refer to   at the start of the chapteron page 29.Fig. 28  Call Menu (call lists).Whenever a phone number is stored as a contact,the stored name will be displayed instead of thecall list number.Opening the Calls menuTouch the   function surface to access the Callsmenu.Touch the function surface    → Fig. 28 1.Select the desired call list:  All ,  Missed ,  Dialled  orReceived .DisplayDefinitionMissed : displays the numbers of missed andunanswered calls.Dialled : displays phone numbers selectedvia the mobile phone and the device's tele-phone control.Received : displays numbers of calls takenvia the mobile phone and the device's tele-phone control.Call list availability varies depending on themobile phone used. 1) Depending on the unit model, only contacts stored in the phone memory are loaded.Composition Touch (R 340G)32
Favourites (speed dial buttons)Please refer to   at the start of the chapteron page 29.Fig. 29  PHONE main menu.A total of 4 phone numbers from the contact listcan be stored as favourites.All favourite numbers must be assigned manuallyand then attributed to a user profile.Favourite functionsPossible functionsAssign favouriteIn the PHONE main menu,touch one of the free functionsurfaces.Select the desired contactfrom the contact list. If morethan one phone number isstored for the desired contact,select the desired number.Edit favouriteIn the PHONE main menu,press and hold the favouriteentry until the Contacts menuopens.Select the desired contactfrom the contact list. If morethan one phone number isstored for the desired contact,select the desired number.To close the Contacts menuwithout applying changes,touch the   function surface.Possible functionsDelete favouriteFavourite entries can be de-leted in the User profile settingsmenu, under the Manage favour-ites option → page 34.Call favouriteIn the PHONE main menu,briefly touch the function sur-face of the respective favour-ite contact assigned to callthe stored phone number.Contacts stored as favourites are not auto-matically updated. If a contact stored as fa-vourite in the mobile phone is changed, the func-tion surface must be reassigned. Phone settingsPlease refer to   at the start of the chapteron page 29.Open the Phone settings menuIn the PHONE main menu, touch the   func-tion surface.Touch the function surface in which settingsmust be made.Changes are automatically applied after closinga menu.Function surface: effect Hands-free a): the hands-free function is ena-bled. Touch the function surface during a call tomake the call via the mobile phone or return tothe hands-free function.Select telephone : select the unit ® from the list toconnect it. Search phone : touch to connect a new Blue-tooth® device.Bluetooth : opens the Bluetooth settings menu→ page 34.User profile : opens the User profile settings menu→ page 34. Mobile phone reminder : if a Bluetooth® connec-tion with the mobile phone is established, themessage “Don't forget your phone” appears afterswitching off the ignition.a) Function surfaces are only enabled during phone calls. Phone controls (PHONE) 33181.5L6.R34.20
Bluetooth®settingsPlease refer to   at the start of the chapteron page 29.Open the Bluetooth settings menuIn the PHONE main menu, touch the   func-tion surface.OR: press the  SETUP  button.Then, touch the  Bluetooth  function surface.Touch the function surface in which settingsmust be made. Changes are automatically ap-plied after closing a menu.Function surface: effect Bluetooth : touch to switch off Bluetooth ®. Allcurrent connections will be interrupted.Visibility : switch Bluetooth® visibility on or off. Visible : Bluetooth® visibility enabled. Invisible : Bluetooth® visibility disabled.Bluetooth® visibility must be switched onto pair external Bluetooth® devices to theradio.Name : shows or changes the device name. Thisname is shown in other Bluetooth® devices un-der the Bluetooth® settings.Paired devices : shows the paired device. Discon-nect and connect individual Bluetooth® devicesand Bluetooth® profiles.Search devices : search active and visible Blue-tooth® devices in range of the device. The maxi-mum range is approximately 10 metres. BT Audio (A2DP/AVRCP) : if an external audiosource is to be connected to the device viaBluetooth®, this function must be enabled→ page 24. User profile settingsPlease refer to   at the start of the chapteron page 29.Open the User profile settings menuIn the PHONE main menu, touch the   func-tion surface.Then, touch the  User profile  function surface.Touch the function surface in which settingsmust be made.Changes are automatically applied after closinga menu.Function surface: effectManage favourites : edit favourites → page 33.  All : all favourites are deleted. Favourite: touch to delete the stored num-ber. Free function surface: touch to store acontact list number as favourite.Voicemail No. : enter or edit the voice mailboxnumber.Sort by : set the contact list sorting sequence(Last name orGiven name).Import contacts : import the contact list of thepaired phone or update imported contact lists.Select a ringtone a): select a ringtone from a list ofpresets. The ringtone is played and stored afterexiting the submenu.Delete other profiles : delete some or all inactiveuser profiles.a) The ringtone selected or configured in the mobile phone willbe played, depending on the mobile phone type. Composition Touch (R 340G)34
SettingsMenu and System SETUP)settingsOpen the System settings menu–Press the radio  SETUP  button →  .–Press the function button area of the mode towhich the introduction of settings is intended.–Changes are automatically applied upon clos-ing a menu.Function button: effectSound : adjust sound and volume settings→ page 35.Display : display settings.  Turn display off (in 10 s) : if the function isenabled and the device remains idle, thedisplay is automatically shut down after 10seconds. The display is switched back on bytouching the display or pressing a button. Brightness : select the display brightnesslevel.  Touchscreen sound : confirmation soundwhen touching a function surface enabled.  Display the time in Standby mode : the currenttime is shown on the display while inStandby mode.Language : select the desired language for text orvoice controls.Keypad a): select the keypad layout (alphabetic ornumeric layout).Additional keypad languages a): select additional key-pad languages.Data transmission from mobile devices  a)Settings tocontrol the radio via the Apps on the mobile enddevices (for example track change during mediaoperation).  Enable data transmission to applications : the in-terface protocol for applications is enabledon the mobile end devices. Disabling thisfunction prevents further settings from be-ing set. Control through the apps    Disable : the actions are not executedthrough an application.    Confirm : the actions performed throughan application must be confirmed priorbeing executed on the radio.Function button: effect    Authorize : the actions are performedthrough an application without furtherconfirmation.Safe removal : remove the desired data storageunit from the system. The function surface isdisabled after the data storage unit is success-fully removed.Default settings : the return to default settings isdisabled as selected in the Entries and settingsapplied.Bluetooth a): Bluetooth ® settings → page 34.System data : display of system data (unit num-ber, hardware/software versions.) Update software : update the software ver-sion.Copyright : copyright information.a) Depending on the unit and the country.Operation mode of the volume increase as afunction of speedThe speed-dependant volume increase automati-cally adjusts the volume based on the vehicle'sspeed.The volume increase is set in levels from 1 to 7.If a low value is set, the volume is slightly adjus-ted at higher speeds, if the set value is high, thevolume increases sharply. At level 0 the volumeincrease as a function of the vehicle's speed isdisabled.WARNINGAccidents and injuries can occur if the driver isdistracted.●Never proceed with settings while driving.To make the best of the radio's features andoptimal operation it is important that thedate and time be correctly set. Sound and volume settingsOpen the Sound settings menuPress the  SETUP  button and then select  Sound .Touch the function surface in which settingsmust be made. Changes are automatically ap-plied after closing a menu. Settings 35181.5L6.R34.20
Function surface: effectVolume : volume settings. Max. start volume. : set the maximum switch-on volume. Speed-dependent volume control : set volumeadjustments based on the vehicle's speed.The audio volume is increased automatical-ly as the speed increases. Entertainment dimmer : set warning volumes. AUX volume : set the playback volume of au-dio sources connected to the AUX-IN multi-media port (Low, Medium or High). Also see→ page 36, Adjust playback volume of ex-ternal audio sources. Bluetooth Audio a): establish the playback vol-ume of audio sources connected via Blue-tooth® (Low, Medium or High). Also see→ page 36, Adjust playback volume of ex-ternal audio sources. iPod volume : set the playback volume ofconnected iPods → page 36, Adjust play-back volume of external audio sources.Balance : set sound equalization.The grid shows sound equalization inside thevehicle. To edit sound equalization, touch thedesired position in the vehicle interior display oruse the arrow buttons to sequentially changesettings. To centre sound equalization in the ve-hicle interior display, touch the function surfacebetween the arrows.- Ed.  Bass - mid - treble : set sound characteristics(bass - mid - treble). Touchscreen sound : confirmation sound whentouching a function surface enabled.a) Depending on the country and the device.Adjust playback volume of external audiosourcesWhenever the playback volume of an externalaudio source must be raised, first lower the de-fault volume of the device.If the connected audio source has very low vol-ume, increase the output volume in the externalaudio source. If this procedure is not sufficient,set the on volume to Medium or High.If the external audio source connected has dis-torted or very high volume, lower the outputvolume in the external audio source. If this pro-cedure is not sufficient, set the on volume to Me-dium or Low.WARNINGAccidents and injuries can occur if the driver isdistracted.●Never proceed with settings while driving. Composition Touch (R 340G)36
AbbreviationsAbbreviation DefinitionAudio transmission technology via Bluetooth® common in many manufacturers (AdvancedAudio Distribution Profile).Amplitude modulation (medium wave, MW).Auxiliary audio input.Audio source remote control technology via Bluetooth® common in many manufacturers(Audio Video Remote Control Profile).German Institute for Standardisation.Digital Rights ManagementEnhanced Other Network.Frequency modulation (ultra short wave, UKW).Global System for Mobil Communications.Hands-Free-Profile.Audio file compression format.Personal identification number.Subscriber Identity Module.Universal Serial BusVariable bit rate.Audio file compression format.A2DPAMAUX-INAVRCPDINDRMEONFMGSMHFPMP3PINSIMUSBVBRWMAAbbreviations 37181.5L6.R34.20
IndexAAM                                                                                 15Android Auto™activate connection                                              13conditions                                                              13deactivate connection                                          14main menu                                                             13particularities                                                         14Anti theft coding                                                           7App-Connect                                                                11main menu                                                             12settings                                                                   12Apple CarPlay™conditions                                                              12disconnect connection                                         13establish connection                                             12menu                                                                       12particularities                                                         13Appscontrol with apps                                                  35settings                                                                   35Areas with risk of explosionphone                                                                      27AUX-INsee External audio sources                                  24AUX-IN multimedia portsee External audio sources                                  24BBalance                                                                         35Bluetoothprofiles                                                                    27settings                                                                   34Bluetooth Audiosee external audio sources                                   25Buttons                                                                       6, 8CCall lists                                                                        32Call voice mailbox                                                       31Checkboxes                                                                    8Clean the display                                                           7ConnectionUSB                                                                          23without wires                                                         23with wires                                                              23Controlapps                                                                        35Control basic information                                      5RADIO                                                                     15Control listBefore using the unit for the first time                3conditions for Android Auto™                             13conditions for Apple CarPlay™                            12MirrorLink™ conditions                                        14Controls                                                                          6additional displays                                                10checkboxes                                                              8display keypad                                                         9enter                                                                         9entry mask                                                               9function surfaces                                                    8PHONE                                                             26, 29scroll                                                                         9scroll bar                                                                   9search lists                                                               9Touchscreen                                                             8Copyrightinformation                                                            35Copyrights                                                                    19DData transmission from mobile devicessee settings                                                            35Date setting                                                                 35Device overview                                                            5Display                                                                        6, 7clean                                                                         7controls                                                                    8Display keypad                                                              9During a phone call                                                     30EEntry masksee Controls                                                             9EON                                                                               37External audio sourceadjust playback volume                                        36External audio sourcesAUX-IN multimedia port                                      24Bluetooth audio                                                     25USB connection                                                     23External data carrierUSB connection                                                     23FFader                                                                             35Favourites (speed dial buttons)                                33FM                                                                          15, 37Frequency bandAM                                                                           15change                                                               7, 15Composition Touch (R 340G)38
FM                                                                           15select                                                                 7, 15Function surfaces                                                          8controls                                                                    8MEDIA main menu                                                20Mirror Link™                                                           15PHONE main menu                                               29RADIO main menu                                                 15IIgnition turned offPost-operation (Timeout)                                      7Initial settings                                                             35Instructions for use                                                       5Introduction                                                                   3iPad                                                                               24iPhone                                                                           24iPod                                                                               24KKeypadsee Controls                                                             9LLOW BATTERY                                                               5MMain menuAndroid Auto™                                                       13App-Connect                                                          12MEDIA                                                                     20Mirror Link™                                                           14PHONE                                                                    29RADIO                                                                     15MEDIAaudio data structure                                             20AUX-IN multimedia port                                      24Bluetooth audio                                                     25change media source                                            21Change track                                                          22copyrights                                                              19displays                                                                   20External data carrier to USB                                23Forward and backward                                         22Function buttons                                                   22function surfaces                                           20, 21iPod, iPad, iPhone                                                 24Limitations                                                             20main menu                                                             20media mode                                                           19media source selection menu                              21Mix function                                                           21playback mode                                                      21playback sequence                                                20Playlists                                                                  20Repeat function                                                     21SD card                                                                     8select data storage unit                                       21Select track                                                            22Settings                                                                  22symbols and displays                                            21track information                                                  21Media sources                                                              21AUX-IN                                                                    21memory cards                                                        21select                                                                      21Memory cardselect                                                                      21MenuApple CarPlay™                                                      12MirrorLink™conditions                                                              14Mirror Link™disconnect                                                              15establish a connection                                          14function surfaces                                                  15main menu                                                             14settings                                                                   12symbols and displays                                            15Mix function                                                                 21Mobile phone interferences                                         5Multimedia playbackSD card                                                                   23Multimedia port                                                          23OOpen radio stations list                                                8Operationturn on and off                                                        7Other applicable documents                                       3Overview                                                                        6Overview of the controls                                             6Overview of the convenience consumers                  3PParking sensor (Park Pilot)                                         18Particularitiesabsence of functions                                              5Android Auto™                                                       14Apple CarPlay™                                                      13volume reduction                                                    5PHONEA2DP                                                                       27areas with risk of explosions                               27Bluetooth profiles                                                 27Bluetooth settings                                                34call lists                                                                   32call voice mailbox                                                  31contact list                                                             31Index 39181.5L6.R34.20
contacts                                                                  31during a phone call                                               30enter phone number                                             31favourites (speed dial buttons)                            33function surfaces                                                  29general information                                              26HPF                                                                          27main menu                                                             29mobile phone pairing                                            28operation description                                           27pairing the mobile phone up                               28phone controls                                               26, 29select                                                                      31settings                                                                   33special precaution areas                                       27switching off phone controls                              28symbols and displays                                            30user profile settings                                              34Phone controlssee PHONE                                                             26PlaybackAUX-IN                                                                    24external data carrier (USB)                                   23MEDIA                                                                     20memory card                                                          20Track                                                                       22PlayingRADIO                                                                     15Pop-up window                                                             8Post-operation (timeout)                                             7Power management                                                     5Pre-tuning buttons                                                     17RRadioopen radio stations list                                           8RADIO                                                                           15AM settings                                                            19changing frequency bands                                   15FM settings                                                            19function areas                                                        17function surfaces                                                  15main menu                                                             15pre-tuning buttons                                               17radio operation                                                      15SCAN                                                                       18settings                                                                   19station buttons                                                      16symbols and displays                                            16RÁDIOindications and symbols                                       17Radio buttons                                                                7Radio stationspre-tuning                                                              17Random playback (Mix)                                              22Rear view camera                                                       18Repeat                                                                   21, 22Repeat function                                                           21Repeat function (Repeat)                                           22Rotary and touch knobs                                               6SSafety recommendations                                             3SCANradio                                                                        18RADIO                                                                     18Scroll                                                                               9Scroll bar                                                                        9SD cardeject or insert                                                           8prepare to remove                                                  8unreadable                                                               8SD card slot                                                                    8Search lists                                                                     9Selector button                                                             8Select (phone number)                                               31Settings                                                                        35AM                                                                           19App-Connect                                                          12Apps                                                                        35Bluetooth                                                               34data transmission from mobile devices             35Factory settings                                                     35FM                                                                           19Media                                                                      22Mirror Link™                                                           12PHONE                                                                    33radio                                                                        19System                                                                    35user profile                                                             34Volumes                                                                  35Softkeyssee Function surfaces                                             8Sound settings                                                             35Special precaution areas                                            27SpecificitiesAUX playback                                                         24displays                                                                   10Start up of the system                                                  5StationSCAN                                                                       18scanning for stations                                            18Station buttons                                                           16Symbol entry mask                                                       9TText entrysee Controls                                                             9Timeout                                                                          7Time setting                                                                 35Composition Touch (R 340G)40
Track list                                                                       22Turn offradio                                                                          7Turn on                                                                           7UUKWsee FM                                                                    37Unit codesee Anti-theft coding                                             7USBconnecting an external data carrier                    23iPad controls                                                          24iPhone controls                                                     24iPod controls                                                          24USB connection                                                           23disconnect the connection                                  23unreadable                                                             23User profilesettings                                                                   34VVoice commandAndroid Auto™                                                       14Apple CarPlay™                                                      13VolumeAUX-IN                                                                    35Bluetooth audio                                                     35define external audio sources                             36Maximum volume when turning the deviceon                                                                         35Traffic information                                                35volume reduction                                                    5Volume control                                                              7Index 41181.5L6.R34.20

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