ViewSonic VS14006 Tablet PC User Manual

ViewSonic Corporation Tablet PC Users Manual


user manual

   10.1” Tablet PC User's Guide [ English ]TABLE OF CONTENTS‧Notice‧Preface1.1 Notes f or this Manual1.2 For Your  R ecords1.3 Regulati ons Information‧Getting to   know the basics2.1 Product  O v erview2.2 Prepari ng your Tablet P C2.3 How to i nsert/remove  t he SIM card (o p tional)2.4 Cleaning  the screen2.5 Device s etting overview‧How to Start3.1 Home Sh el l3.2 Music3.3 Progra ms / Settings /  Mail / Wallpaper s頁 1 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
3.4 Gallery3.5 Camera3.6 WiFi3.7 3G Conn ection (option al )3.8 Blueto oth3.9 G Sensor4.0 How to d o  file trans fer4.1 How to c onnect to App   Store5.0 Updating   Tablet PC‧Accessory‧Customer Suppor t‧Compliance Inf ormation & Lim ited Warranty │TOP│  NoticeThe illustr at ions in this   user's manual a re for reference  only. Actual prod uct specificati ons may vary wit h territorie s.The inform ation in this u ser's manual is  s ubject to cha nge without noti ce.頁 2 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
THE MANUFA CTURER OR RE SEL LER SHAL L NOT BE LIA BLE FOR ERRORS OR  O M ISSIONS CO NTAINED IN T HIS MANUAL A ND SHALL NOT BE LI A B LE FOR ANY C ONSEQUENTIAL  D A M AGES, WHIC H MAY RESULT FROM  THE PERFORMAN CE OR USE OF  THIS MANUAL .The inform ation in this u ser's manual is  p rotected by cop y right laws. No  part of this  m anual may be   photocopied or r eproduced i n  any form witho u t prior written  autho rization from the c opyright ow ners.Product names  m entioned he rein may be tr ademarks and/or re gistered trademarks of t heir respec t ive owners/c o mpanies.The software  described in th is manual is   delivered und er a license agreement. The  software m ay be used or cop i ed only in ac cordance with  t he terms of the a greement.This product  i ncorporates c opyright pro tection technolo g y that is pro tected by U.S. pat en t s and other  intellectual p ro perty rights.Reverse engin eering or dis assembly is  p rohibited. │TOP│  Preface● 1.1 Notes for this Manual CAUTION :  Important information that must be followed for safe operation.NOTE : Information for special situations.│TOP│ 頁 3 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
 Product RegistrationTo meet your future needs, and to receive any additional product information as it becomes available, please register your product on the Internet at:● 1.2 For Your Records Product Name: ViewPad 10sModel Number: VS14006Document Number: ViewPad 10s_UG_ENG Rev. 1A 01-03-11Serial Number: _________________________________Purchase Date: _________________________________  │TOP│  ● 1.3 Regulations Information  ....FCC Regulations: This device  complies with pa rt 15 of th e F CC Rules. Oper ation is subj ect to the followin g  two conditions:  (1) This de vice may not ca use harmful interference,  a nd (2) thi s  device must ac cept any inter ference received, including  inter ference th at  may cause und es ired operation .This device  has been teste d and found to c omply with the  limits for a C l ass B digital devi c e, pursuant t o Part 15 of t h e FCC Rules.  T hese limits a re  designed to p ro vide reasona ble protection a gainst harmfu l  interferenc e  i n a residentia l in stallation. T his equipment ge nerates, us es   and can radia te d radio freque ncy energy and, i f not inst al led and used  in accordance wi th the instructio n s, may cause h armful interfere nce to radio   communicat ions. However, the re is no guar antee that inter ference will no t  occur in a particular i nstallation If  this equipment do es cause harm ful interferenc e to radio or te l evision recept ion, which can be  determined by  turning   the 頁 4 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
equipment off  and on, th e u ser is encoura ged to try t o correct the interference b y  one or m o re of the follow ing measures:-Reorient  or relocate the r eceiving ante n na. -Increase th e s eparation be tween the e quipment an d receiver. -Connect the  equipment into  an outlet on a  circuit  different from t hat to which the r eceiver is conne cted. -Consult the de aler or an e xperienced r adio/TV technician  for hel p .Changes or  modifications not  expressly  approved by the  party respon sibl e for complia nce could void t he user‘s autho ri ty to opera te the equipment .The antenna( s) used for  thi s  transmitter m ust not b e  c o-located or oper ating in conjuncti on with any ot her antenna or t ra nsmitter.....RF Exp o su re  Information   ( S AR) ::::This device  meets the gover nment’s require ments for expos u re to radio waves. This device  is designed and  manufacture d not to excee d  the emission li mits for exposure t o radio fre quency (RF) e nergy set by the F ederal Communications  Commission of  the U.S. Go v ernment. The e x posure standa rd employs a uni t of measurem ent known as the S pecific Absorption  R ate, or SAR.  T he SAR limit   set by the FCC  is 1.6W/kg. T ests for SAR ar e  c onducted usi ng standard ope rating position s accepted by th e FCC with the  EUT transmit t ing at the spe ci fied power leve l in differe nt channels. The highest S AR value for   the device as re ported to t h e FCC is 1.51  W/kg when placed ne xt to the body.  The FCC has  granted an Eq u ipment Author ization for thi s  device with a ll reported S A R  levels evalua ted as in comp l iance with the F CC RF exposu re guidelines.  SA R infor mation on thi s  device is on fil e with the F CC and can be found u nder the Display G rant section o f /oet/ea/fccid  af ter searching on   FCC ID: GSS -VS14006.頁 5 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
This device  is compliance wi th SAR for g eneral populati on /uncontrolle d exposure l imi ts in ANSI/I E EE C95.1-1999   and had been test ed in accor dance with the m easu r ement meth o ds and procedure s speci fied in OET Bul letin 65 Supplement   C.....IC Reg ula t i o n s ::::This device  complies with I ndustry Canad a  l icence-exempt  RSS standard( s).  Operation i s subject to the  following  two conditi o ns:  (1) this devi ce  may not cause  interferenc e, and  (2) this devi ce  must accep t any interferenc e, including   interference t h at may cause undesi re d operation of  t he device.This Class B   digital appara tus complies w ith Canadian  IC ES-003. Cet appareil  numérique de   la classe B e st conforme à la  norme NMB-003 d u  Canada.This Category   II radioco mmu n ication device  complies wit h Industry Can ad a Standard RS S-310.  Ce dispositi f  de radiocomm u nication de c atégorie II res pecte la norme C NR-310 d’Industri e Canada.....IMPORTANT   N O TE ::::IC Radiatio n Exposure St at ement This EUT is  compliance with  S AR for ge n eral popula tion/uncontrol led exposure l imi ts in IC RS S- 102 and  had been test ed in ac cordance with t he measurement  m ethods and proc edures specifi ed in IEEE 1 528. This equipment sh ould be installe d and operat ed  with minimum  distance 1.5cm between the r adiator & you r body.This device  and its antenn a( s) must not b e co-located  or operating in conjunction  w i th any other a ntenna or tr ansmitter.The County  C ode Selection  fe ature is dis abled for produ ct s marketed i n the US/Canada.頁 6 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
For product a vailable in t he USA/ Canada  markets, onl y  channel 1~11   can be operate d. Selection o f  other channels  i s not possibl e. │TOP│  Getting to know the basicsThis User' s Manual provid es  instruction s and illustratio n s on how to  operate this Tablet   PC. It is recomme nded to read  this manual care fully before u s ing this Table t PC. CAUTION :   MO D E L Tablet PC   IS DESIGN ED T O  USE WITH   TH E  FOLLOWING   A C   ADAPTER   M O DEL ONLY DC input : 12V1A 12W : Manu f a c t u re : Asian   Power Device s   INC. Model : WA 12I12R │TOP│ ● 2.1 Product Overview   This section provides the description of basic aspects of the Tablet PC. Refer to the following illustration to identify the components on this side of the Tablet PC. Features and configurations vary by model.    頁 7 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
│TOP│  ● 2.2 Preparing your Tablet PC   Note that the AC adapter included in the package is approved for your Tablet PC; using other adapter model may damage either the Tablet PC or other devices attached to it. Plug the A C adapter   cable into the DC  power conne ctor on the right  side of your T abletPress the powe r button  to t urn on your  Tablet PC. 頁 8 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
 CAUTION: D o not use in f e r ior extension   c o r ds as thi s m a y result i n d a m a ge to yo ur  Tablet  P C .   T he Tablet PC   c o m e s with its ow n AC adap ter .  Do not u se   a   differentadapter to  p o wer the c o m p uter and ot h e r electrica l   d evices .NOTE : The power adapter may become warm to hot when in use. Be sure not to cover the adapter and keep it away from your body.│TOP│  ● 2.3 How to insert/remove the SIM card (optional)頁 9 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
 CAUTION:  Before insertingBefore insertingBefore insertingBefore inserting    the SIM card, please ensure your power turnedthe SIM card, please ensure your power turnedthe SIM card, please ensure your power turnedthe SIM card, please ensure your power turned insert the SIM card in this Tablet PC, follow the steps below: Remove the cover.   1.Insert / remove the SIM card.   2.Attach the cover.   3.Wait for Tablet PC to recognize the SIM card.  4.NOTE :  If you want to remove the SIM card, just repeat step 1~3. │TOP│  頁 10 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
● 2.4 Cleaning the screen   Follow these  rules for cl eani ng the outsi de and handl ing y our screen  o n the computer :Turn off the system and disconnect all cables.  1.Use a damp, or cleaning cloth, soft, lint-free cloth with gentle water only and gently wipe the screen surface.  2.Do not spray liquid directly on the screen.    3.NOTE :  The product's color and specificationThe product's color and specificationThe product's color and specificationThe product's color and specification    will depend upon the actual shippingwill depend upon the actual shippingwill depend upon the actual shippingwill depend upon the actual shipping    product.product.product.product.│TOP│  ● 2.5 Device setting overview   To select your language.  1.To set the date, time zone and time.  2.Finish the Setup Wizard, you can start to enjoy your tablet.3.│TOP│  How to Start頁 11 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
● 3.1 Home ShellIndicator bar- Notification: Display related real-time information. Indicator bar- Status: Display Home, Back, Battery, Volume, WiFi, Bluetooth, 3G, Signal strength, Clocka. To tap   to browse website.b. To tap   to display all of installed applications.c. To tap   to do WiFi settings.Widgets: Qui ck Search Box,   input text stri ngs on the bl ank to start a ne w search.Tool bar:  Mail, Inter net, Gallery ,  Camera, Music, S ettings, AppDownlo ad Warning: Please do safe remove for your Micro SD card. (Setting → "SD card & device storage" → Unmount SD card)│TOP│  頁 12 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
 ● 3.2 Music  Music Catalog  頁 13 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
  Now Playing 頁 14 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
  Now Playing on Pull Down Notification Bar 頁 15 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
 NOTE : Before using Music function, please ensure your Micro SD card is inside.   Sort all suppor ted file for mats on Andro i d OS. To select  A rt ists、Album 、Songs、Playlists、Now  playing.Play / Pause  / Next / Prev ious songTime barPlaylist /  Shu ff le / Repea t All(O ne )Current s ong│TOP│ 頁 16 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
 ● 3.3 Programs / Settings / Mail / WallpapersPrograms : Di splay all in stalled ap p lications.頁 17 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
Settings : Li nk to default An droid S ettings.頁 18 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
頁 19 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
Click Settings icon to launch default Android Settings Mail : Link to  default And ro id Mail.Long Click on desktop頁 20 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
Wallpapers : 頁 21 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
│TOP│  ● 3.4 Gallery頁 22 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
Group View- Folder mode 頁 23 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
  NOTE : Before using Gallery function, please ensure your Micro SD card is inside.    Tap Gallery application   (Please Insert an SD card before using the Gallery.) Thumbnail View / Single view Next / Previous Folder Name in SD card Select All / Deselect All Group View- Folder mode. Display by folder name in sequence. Share / Delete / More  │TOP│ 頁 24 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
 ● 3.5 CameraNOTE : Before using Camera function, please ensure your Micro SD card is    Tap Camera application.   Please Insert an SD card before using the camera. Select photograph mode    or Video mode   頁 25 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
Tap  (photograph mode) or  (Video mode) You can see a pre-view window on the Top right corner. Tap the pre-view icon for editing. Tap "Back" key to leave this function. NOTE : If you are not able to use camera, please go the following steps: (a) Go  S ettings  -> USB  camera (b) Tap   to   to Enable U SB Camera  (c) Tap Ho me button in st atus bar (d) Tap Pro g ram (e) Back to i tem │TOP│  ● 3.6 WiFi  Go Settings -> Wireless & networks -> Wi-Fi settings1. To make “Wi-Fi ” enable. Tap 2.  to 頁 26 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
 Once Connected, it will show the AP message.   3.Tap Home button in status bar.   4.Tap Google widget.   5.Tap the text field to activate the keypad.   6.Enter a web address.   7.Tap Go.8.│TOP│  ● 3.7 3G Connection (optional)  Go Settings -> Wireless & networks -> Mobile networks 1.  To make “3G” enable.  3G service enabled :  Tap 2.  to    Wait for around 15~20Sec. until there is a symbol for 3G signal 3.  , once you see the SIM card on status bar   which means successful 3G connection.     Probably, the system will require a password for the SIM card.    4.Tap Home button in status bar.    5.Tap Google widget.    6.Tap the text field to activate the keypad.    7.Enter a web address.    8.Tap Go.9.│TOP│  頁 27 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
● 3.8 Bluetooth  Go Settings -> Wireless & networks -> Bluetooth settings 1.  To make “Bluetooth ” enable. Tap 2.  to    To tap “Scan for devices” then all of “Bluetooth devices”will show up.   3.To tap specific Bluetooth device until  the window of pop-up message for connection shows up.  4.│TOP│  ● 3.9 G Sensor  To make some of games more compatible, you can  run this function to present good display.Go Settings -> G-sensor1.│TOP│  ● 4.0 How to do file transfer  Program  -> i FileManage r       1.頁 28 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
For Data tr ansfer from e x ternal USB devi ce or Micro S D   card into Tablet PC.2.│TOP│    ● 4.1 How to connect to App Store  To Tap Program -> "App Store"  for downloading Applications from website. 1.│TOP│  ● 5.0 Updating Tablet PCGo Settings -> Software tool  頁 29 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
Software tool NOTE : How to get the update file, please contact with your retailer or click AppDownload the software update file. Software update : The function is to provide a “hotfix” file for image update, you can put the file into Micro SD card for running this function.   頁 30 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
頁 31 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
Application back up : To run this function to back up your system image into your Micro SD card. Application restore : To restore your image from your Micro SD card. 頁 32 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
  If you choose “Accept”, the system will reboot and update the data automatically. 頁 33 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
頁 34 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
Erase all content and settings : The function will clean your image to be the same as factory setting, all of your own applications will be deleted.  頁 35 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
頁 36 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
│TOP│  ● Accessory Tablet PC Dock (optional) :  With the Tablet PC Dock, you get easy access to a dock connector port for syncing or charging.    Note: 3 USB ports of Tablet PC Dock support only one single USB memory storage simultaneously. Reading and writing can not be executing simultaneously. Note: The posi t i o ning of some   of the ports a n d connectors  m ay differ slightly  fr o m what is   s h o w n  here.頁 37 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
│TOP│Customer SupportFor technical support or product service, see the table below or contact your reseller. NOTE: You will need the product serial number.  頁 38 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
Country/Region Website T = Telephone F = FAX EmailAustralia/New Zealand AUS= 1800 880 818 NZ= 0800 008 822 service@au.viewsonic.comCanada www.viewsonic.comT (Toll-Free)= 1-866-463-4775 T (Toll)= 1-424-233-2533 F= Kong T= 852 3102 2900 service@hk.viewsonic.comIndia T= 1800 11 9999 Ireland (Eire) service_ie@viewsoniceurope.comKorea T= 080 333 Latin America (Argentina) T= 0800-4441185 soporte@viewsonic.comLatin America (Chile) T= 1230-020-7975 soporte@viewsonic.comLatin America (Columbia) T= 01800-9-157235 soporte@viewsonic.comLatin America (Mexico) T= 001-8882328722 soporte@viewsonic.comRenta y Datos, 29 SUR 721, COL. LA PAZ, 72160 PUEBLA, PUE. Tel: 01.222.891.55.77 CON 10 LINEAS Electroser, Av Reforma No. 403Gx39 y 41, 97000 Merida, Yucatan. Tel: 01.999.925.19.16 Other places please refer to頁 39 / 40User Guide [English]2011/3/1file://C:\Users\Suger\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX00.488\[ViewSonic 2D]10.1Tablet.P...
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