Viessmann Elektronik VC0218 Vitoconnect User Manual

Viessmann Elektronik GmbH Vitoconnect Users Manual


Users Manual

Operating instructionsfor the system userVIESMANNVitoconnectType OPTO2Type OT2Communications interface for remote monitoring and remote control of heatingsystems over the Internet, for the following user interfaces:■ViCare app■VitoguideVITOCONNECT5813605 CA 11/2017 Please keep safe.
2Please follow these safety instructions closely toprevent accidents and material losses.Safety instructions explainedDangerThis symbol warns against the risk of injury.!Please noteThis symbol warns against the risk of materiallosses and environmental pollution.NoteDetails identified by the word "Note" contain additionalinformation.Target groupThese instructions are intended for the persons operat-ing the system.Individual sections of this manual describe activitiesthat are to be executed by qualified contractors.This appliance can also be operated by children aged8 years and older, as well as by individuals withreduced physical, sensory or mental faculties or thoselacking in experience and knowledge, provided thatsuch individuals are being supervised or have beeninstructed in the safe use of this appliance and under-stand the dangers arising from it.DangerThe operation of electronic medical aids in par-ticular, e.g. heart pacemakers, hearing aids anddefibrillators can get disrupted by radio signals.If such devices are used, direct proximity tooperationally ready wireless components mustbe avoided.Installing and settings■Make settings and carry out work on the applianceonly in accordance with the instructions in this man-ual.■Work on electrical equipment may only be carriedout by a qualified electrician.■Connect the appliances only to properly installedsockets.■When working on the appliance, pull the mains plug.■Comply with the minimum distances in order toensure reliable signal transmission.System operation■Operate the appliances in dry internal areas only (notin bathrooms).■Do not operate the appliances in areas with a poten-tially explosive atmosphere.■Protect the devices from:–Wetness–Dust–Liquids–Vapours–Direct sunlight–Any other direct thermal radiation■After a power failure or a restart, check the status ofthe wireless components.■Do not touch the power supply with wet hands.DangerDamaged appliances endanger your safety.Check the appliance for external damage. Donot switch on a damaged appliance.Auxiliary components and individual partsFor replacements, use original Viessmann parts onlyor individual parts approved by Viessmann.DangerThere is a danger of fire from connecting unsuit-able power supplies.Connect only the supplied power supply unit.Safety instructionsSafety instructions5813605
31. Safety and liability Operational safety .................................................................................. 5Liability ................................................................................................... 52. Information before starting Symbols ................................................................................................. 6Qualified contractor ................................................................................ 6Intended use .......................................................................................... 6Product information ................................................................................ 7■Data connections with Vitoconnect, type OPTO2 ............................... 7■Data connections with Vitoconnect, type OT2 .................................... 7Operation via app .................................................................................. 8■ViCare app operating functions .......................................................... 8■ Vitoguide operating functions ...................................................... 8■Forwarding messages ........................................................................ 93. Preparing for installation System requirements ............................................................................. 10■Supported control units ....................................................................... 10■IP network ........................................................................................... 10Installation site ....................................................................................... 10■Vitoconnect ......................................................................................... 10■Vitotrol 100, type OT1 ......................................................................... 10■Ranges ............................................................................................... 114. Installation sequence Overview of steps for installation and commissioning ........................... 12Installing the wall bracket ....................................................................... 13■Vitoconnect ......................................................................................... 13■Vitotrol 100, type OT1 ......................................................................... 14Vitoconnect, connect type OPTO2 to heat generator ............................ 14Connecting Vitoconnect, type OT2 ........................................................ 15■Vitoconnect, connecting type OT2 to the heat generator ................... 15■Vitoconnect, connecting type OT2 to Vitotrol 100 ............................... 16Closing the device and inserting it into the wall bracket ........................ 16■Vitoconnect ......................................................................................... 16■Vitotrol 100, type OT1 ......................................................................... 17Vitoconnect mains connection ............................................................... 175. Commissioning Display and operating elements ............................................................ 18■Meaning of the LEDs .......................................................................... 19Checking the network settings ............................................................... 19Registering users and setting up the heating system ............................ 20■Android operating system: Setting up Wi-Fi ....................................... 20■iOS operating system: Setting up Wi-Fi .............................................. 206. Operating functions Access point mode ................................................................................ 21■Activating access point mode ............................................................. 21■Deactivating access point mode ......................................................... 21Temporarily adjusting the room temperature ......................................... 217. What to do? Measures for troubleshooting ................................................................ 22Restarting the Vitoconnect ..................................................................... 22Restoring delivered condition ................................................................ 23Maintenance mode ................................................................................ 23■Activating maintenance mode ............................................................ 23■Deactivating maintenance mode ........................................................ 23Setting up Wi-Fi after replacing the router ............................................. 238. Parts lists Ordering parts ........................................................................................ 25Parts list Vitoconnect, type OPTO2 ....................................................... 26Parts list Vitoconnect, type OT2 ............................................................ 289. Specification ................................................................................................................ 30IndexIndex5813605
410. Keyword index ................................................................................................................ 31IndexIndex (cont.)5813605
5Vitoconnect facilitates communication over the Internetbetween the following components and the Viessmannserver:■Vitotronic control unit (Optolink interface)■Heat generator with OpenTherm interfaceThe full range of functions is only available if the fol-lowing conditions are fulfilled:■The Vitotronic control units, the heat generator withOpenTherm interface and the Vitoconnect must becorrectly connected and configured.■The Vitoconnect is connected to the Internet via aWi-Fi router.■Internet access must be available at all times.■The user registration has been carried out: seepage 20.■For messages to be sent even in case of a powerfailure, we recommend an uninterruptible power sup-ply for the Vitoconnect and the Wi-Fi router.Note■The heating system and the operability of the mes-sage channels must be checked at regular intervals.■To further enhance the operational safety of theheating system, we recommend planning supple-mentary measures, such as frost protection orchecking for water damage. LiabilityNo liability is accepted for lost profit, missed savings,or other direct or indirect consequential damage thatarises from the use of Vitoconnect, the Viessmannserver or the software, as well as for damage fromincorrect use. The limitation of liability is not applicableif the damage is caused wilfully or by gross negli-gence, or if there is an obligatory liability according tothe product liability law.The General Terms and Conditions of Sale containedin the respective latest Viessmann price list apply. Push messaging and email services are services fromnetwork operators, for which Viessmann is not liable.In these cases the T&Cs of the respective networkoperators apply. Safety and liabilityOperational safety5813605Information
6Symbol MeaningReference to other document containingfurther information 1.Step in a diagram:The numbers correspond to the order inwhich the steps are carried out.Warning of material losses and environ-mental pollution  Live electrical area  Pay particular attention.  ■Component must audibly click into place.or■Acoustic signal■Fit new component.or■In conjunction with a tool: Clean the sur-face.Dispose of component correctly.  Dispose of component at a suitable collec-tion point. Do not dispose of component indomestic waste. Qualified contractorActivities that may only be carried out by a quali-fied contractor are marked with this icon.Work on electrical equipment may only be carried outby a qualified electrician.Intended useIn keeping with the intended use, Vitoconnect productsshould be installed and operated exclusively in con-junction with the electronic control units and controllersof the Viessmann heat and power generators suppor-ted for this purpose.Vitoconnect products are designed for operation inbuildings used for residential and business purposesonly. Misuse of the appliances is prohibited and willresult in exclusion of liability (e.g. commercial or indus-trial use for a purpose other than for control and regu-lation).Compliance is required with the installation, serviceand operating instructions supplied with the productand provided online.Vitoconnect products are to be used exclusively formonitoring, operation and optimisation of the systems,using the user and communications interfaces definedin the printed material of the product. For the commu-nications interfaces, it must be ensured on-site that forall the transmission media used, the system require-ments defined in the product documents are met at alltimes (e.g. the required Wi-Fi connection to a Wi-Firouter).Information before startingSymbols5813605Information
7For voltage supply, only the components specified forthis purpose may be used (e.g. wall power supplies).NoteThe appliances are designed exclusively for domesticor domestic-like use, i.e. even uninstructed personscan safely operate them.Product informationVitoconnect is a wall-mounted Internet interface thatcommunicates with the boiler control unit of the heatgenerators.■Using an Optolink interface, the Vitoconnecttype OPTO2 can be used for single-boiler systemswithout any downstream heating circuits.■Using an OpenTherm interface, the Vitoconnecttype OT2 can be used for single-boiler systems with-out any downstream heating circuits.The Vitoconnect enables remote operation of heatingsystems over the Internet. For settings and queries theViCare app is used. A qualified contractor can alterna-tively control the heating system via Vitoguide.Data connections with Vitoconnect, type OPTO2In conjunction with heat generators with Optolink inter-face only KBCAEHGFDFig. 1AHeat generator with control unitBOptolink connecting cableCVitoconnect, type OPTO2DWi-FiEWi-Fi router (on site)FSecure Internet connection to the ViessmannserverGViessmann serverHMobile networkorWi-Fi connectionKSmartphoneData connections with Vitoconnect, type OT2In conjunction with heat generators with OpenTherminterface onlyInformation before startingIntended use (cont.)5813605Information
8 MBCAGLKHFDEFig. 2AHeat generator with control unitBOpenTherm connecting cableCVitoconnect, type OT2DOpenTherm connecting cableEVitotrol 100, type OT1FWi-FiGWi-Fi router (at the site)HSecure Internet connection to the ViessmannserverKViessmann serverLMobile networkorWi-Fi connectionMSmartphoneOperation via app For remote operation of Viessmann heat generators with Optolink interface or OpenTherm interface over IP net-works. ViCare app operating functions ■Query the temperatures of the connected heating cir-cuits.■Adjust the temperatures and time programs for thecentral heating and DHW heating.■Adjust the heating times by means of a "heatingtimes wizard".■Set the comfort and reduced operation using quickselection buttons ("I am at home for longer" and "Iam travelling").■Add more users for operating the heating system.■Save the contact data of your contractor to get intouch more easily.■Assign service access to the contractor to have sys-tem data such as error messages transmitted to thecontractor.■View heating system error messages in plain text bymeans of push messaging.NoteFor further information on the ViCare app seewww.vicare.infoorApp Store and Google Play Vitoguide operating functions ■Monitoring of the heating system once the systemoperator has assigned service access■Querying the system information of the connectedheating system■Specification for operating programs, set values andtime programs■Viewing fault messages in plain text■Automatic forwarding of fault messages by emailInformation before startingProduct information (cont.)5813605Information
9Forwarding messages Messages that are queued at the heating system,such as sensor or burner faults, are transmitted to theVitoconnect over the OpenTherm or Optolink connect-ing cable. Vitoconnect transmits these messages tothe Viessmann server. The ViCare app polls the statusof the heating system cyclically and displays the mes-sages.NoteMessages of the heating system are only displayed ifthe ViCare app is active on the mobile end device.Content of the messages■Message type■Message code ■Message textHeat generator installation and service instruc-tionsInformation before startingOperation via app  (cont.)5813605Information
10Supported control unitsCurrent overview of the supported control units: networkSystem requirements■Wi-Fi router with activated Wi-Fi. The Wi-Fi routermust be protected by a sufficiently secure WPA2password. Unencrypted connections of the Vitocon-nect to the Wi-Fi router are discouraged.■Internet connection with "flatrate" (fixed charge withunlimited time and data) with high availability, i.e.the Vitoconnect is permanently connected to theViessmann server.■Network (Wi-Fi) with dynamic IP addressing (DHCP,delivered condition); have an IT professional checkthis before commissioning; set up if required. ■Define the routing and security parameters for the IPnetwork (LAN): open port 80, port 123, port 443 andport 8883 for directly outgoing connections. Have anIT professional check this on-site before commis-sioning; set up if required. NoteDuring operation, Vitoconnect sets up a secure Inter-net connection to the Viessmann server. Connectionsof the Vitoconnect with other servers are not possible.User accountRegardless of the operating unit, the Vitoconnectrequires a valid user account for the Viessmannserver. This account is registered automatically at thetime of commissioning via the ViCare app: seepage 20).Operating unit for ViCare appThe ViCare app supports the following end devices: ■End devices with Apple iOS operating system■End devices with Google Android operating systemNote■Compatible versions: See the App Store or GooglePlay■For further information see www.vicare.infoMessage destinationsEnd device for receiving email, for example computer,smartphone or tablet PC.Installation siteVitoconnectType of installation: Wall mounting■Installation inside a closed building only■The installation site must be dry and frost-free.■Ambient temperatures between +5 and +40 °C mustbe ensured.■Distance from the heat generator min. 0.3 m andmax. 2.5 m■230 V/50 Hz Schuko socketorUS/CA: 120 V/60 Hz outletmax. 1.5 m from the installation site■Internet access with an adequate Wi-Fi signalNoteThe Wi-Fi signal can be strengthened with a com-mercially available Wi-Fi repeater.Note■Observe the lengths of the supplied connectingcables when selecting the installation site.■Keep the distance between the Vitoconnect and theWi-Fi router as small as possible to ensure a goodWi-Fi connection.Connecting cables LengthWall power supply with connecting ca-ble1.5 mOptolink or OpenTherm connecting ca-ble to connect the Vitoconnect to theboiler control unit3 mVitotrol 100, type OT1Type of installation: Wall mounting■On an inner wall in the main living room, approx.1.5 m from the floor■The installation site must be dry and frost-free.■Ensure ambient temperatures between 0 and+40 °C.■■Not in the immediate vicinity of doors and windowsPreparing for installationSystem requirements5813605Installation
11■Not above radiators■Not in cupboards, niches etc.■Not near heat sources (direct sunlight, chimney, TVetc.)Ranges The range of Wi-Fi connections can be reduced bywalls, ceilings and furniture. The strength of the Wi-Fisignal gets reduced and reception can be disturbed.Range reduction:■Wi-Fi signals get attenuated on the way from thetransmitter to the receiver, for example, through theair and when penetrating walls.■Wi-Fi signals are reflected by metallic parts,for example, reinforcement in walls, metal foils ofheat insulation and metallised thermo-glass for heatinsulation.■Wi-Fi signals are cut off by supply blocks and liftshafts.■Wi-Fi signals are disturbed by devices that alsowork with high-frequency signals. Keep a distance ofmin. 2 m to the following devices:–Computers–Audio and video systems–Radio signals–Electronic transformers–BallastNoteWe recommend keeping the distance between theVitoconnect and the Wi-Fi router as small as possibleto ensure a good Wi-Fi connection.Preparing for installationInstallation site (cont.)5813605Installation
12Work steps Responsible party Page    Type OPTO2 Type OT2Installation1 Check the system requirements. Heating contractorIT professional 10  102 Install the wall bracket for the Vitoconnect. Heating contractorSystem operator 13  133 Install the wall bracket of the Vitotrol 100. Heating contractorSystem operator— 144 Connect the Vitoconnect to the heat generator. Heating contractor — 15Heating contractorSystem operator 14 —5 Connect the Vitoconnect and the Vitotrol 100. Heating contractorSystem operator— 166 Insert the Vitoconnect in the wall bracket. Heating contractorSystem operator 16  167 Insert the Vitotrol 100 in the wall bracket. Heating contractorSystem operator— 178 Set up the Vitoconnect mains connection. Heating contractorSystem operator 17  17Commissioning9 Check the network settings. IT professional  19  1910 Register the user and set up the heating sys-tem .Heating contractorSystem operator 20  20Installation sequenceOverview of steps for installation and commissioning5813605Installation
13Vitoconnect 1.2x2x2. 4.Fig. 3Installation sequenceInstalling the wall bracket5813605Installation
14Vitotrol 100, type OT1 In conjunction with Vitoconnect, type OT2 only1.2.3.4.Fig. 4Vitoconnect, connect type OPTO2 to heat generatorCAFig. 5AVitoconnectCUSB connection1.  Insert the USB connector of the Optolink/USB con-necting cable into the socket C of the Vitoconnect.E FDFig. 6DFault displayEOptolink interfaceFOperation indicator2.  Connect the Optolink plug of the Optolink/USBconnecting cable with the Optolink interface E atthe control unit of the heat generator.Connection to the heat generatorOperating instructions of the heat generatorInstallation sequenceInstalling the wall bracket (cont.)5813605Installation
15Vitoconnect, connecting type OT2 to the heat generator1. Connect the OpenTherm connecting cable to theheat generator.Heat generator installation and serviceinstructionsA2.56OT+ OT-1.Fig. 7AVitoconnectInstallation sequenceConnecting Vitoconnect, type OT25813605Installation
16Vitoconnect, connecting type OT2 to Vitotrol 100C34-+A-+ABFig. 8AVitoconnectCVitotrol 100, type OT1Closing the device and inserting it into the wall bracketVitoconnect1.Fig. 9Installation sequenceConnecting Vitoconnect, type OT2 (cont.)5813605Installation
17Vitotrol 100, type OT1 In conjunction with Vitoconnect, type OT2 only. 10Vitoconnect mains connection The socket for the wall power supply must be locatedin the vicinity of the appliance and be freely accessible.On-site fusing of the socket: max. 16 A (US, CA: max.20 A).CAFig. 11AVitoconnectCVoltage supply connection1.  Insert the barrel connector of the wall power supplyinto the connection C of the Vitoconnect.2.  Insert the wall power supply for Vitoconnect intothe socket.Installation sequence Closing the device and inserting it into the… (cont.)5813605Installation
18BAFig. 12AOperating buttonBReset buttonLED indicates the state of the communication withthe heat generator and the current operating sta-tus.LED indicates the state of the communication withthe Wi-Fi and the Viessmann server.LED indicates the system functions (maintenancemode, restart, update, error). = Actuation area of the operating button ACommissioningDisplay and operating elements 5813605Commissioning
19Meaning of the LEDsLED  – communication with the heat generator and operating statusSlowly pulsating in white. Connection to Vitoconnect established successfully:Operation program "I am at home for longer" is active.Illuminated in white. Connection to Vitoconnect established successfully:Central heating according to time programLED  – communication with the Viessmann serverIlluminated in green. Connection between Vitoconnect and Viessmann server established success-fully:■Access point mode is active.Or■Vitoconnect is starting.Pulsating in yellow. Connection between Vitoconnect and Wi-Fi router failed: see page 22.Illuminated in yellow. No Internet connection: see page 22Rapidly flashes red. Firmware or hardware error: see page 22Illuminated in red. Connection between Vitoconnect and Viessmann server failed: see page 22LED  – system functionsPulsating in green. Connection between Vitoconnect and ViCare thermostat is being establishedIlluminated in green. ■Vitoconnect is starting.Or■A new Vitoconnect firmware is being installed.!Please noteDo not damage the Vitoconnect.During firmware installation, do not disconnect the Vitoconnect fromthe mains supply.Flashes yellow. Communication error with the Vitotrol 100, type OT1: see page 22Rapidly flashes yellow. No connection to the heat generator: see page 22Pulsating in red. Maintenance mode (no data transmission): see page 23Flashes red. Vitoconnect has been reset to the delivered condition and can be commis-sioned once again.Rapidly flashes red. Firmware or hardware error: see page 22Illuminated in red. Error in the control unit of the heat generator: see page 22NoteSlowly pulsating: The LED flashes once every 4 sbright and darker.Pulsating: The LED flashes once every secondbright and darker.Flashing: The LED is on once every second.Rapid flashing: The LED is on twice every second.Checking the network settingsHave the following settings on the Wi-Fi routerchecked and adjusted by an IT professional, ifrequired: ■Dynamic IP addressing must be active.■Port 80, port 123, port 443 and port 8883 must beopen for outgoing connections. CommissioningDisplay and operating elements  (cont.)5813605Commissioning
201.  Download the ViCare app from the App Store orGoogle Play and install it.NoteApple iPad and Android tablet PCs are not suppor-ted.2.  Start the ViCare app and tap "Create account".3.  Follow the instructions in the ViCare app.4.  Scan the QR code.OrEnter the numbers for "S/N" and "ID".NoteQR code, "S/N" and "ID": See the supplied Vito-connect sticker.5.  Set up the Vitoconnect Wi-Fi: see the next chapter.6.  Connect the Vitoconnect to your home network.The Vitoconnect and the ViCare app are set upwhen the LED   is illuminated in white: See chap-ter "Display and operating elements".Android operating system: Setting up Wi-Fi Automatic connection with "Vitoconnect<xxxx>" Wi-Fi.iOS operating system: Setting up Wi-Fi 1.  Open the Wi-Fi settings of your smartphone.2.  Connect your smartphone to the "Vitocon-nect<xxxx>" Wi-Fi.NoteThe WPA2 password will automatically be in theclipboard.3.  Insert the WPA2 password from the clipboard.NoteThe WPA2 password can be found on the suppliedsticker.CommissioningRegistering users and setting up the heating system 5813605Commissioning
21Activate the access point mode, for example, afterreplacing the Wi-Fi router or to allow service queriesfrom the contractor.Activating access point modePress the operating button A for longer than 5 s, butnot longer than 30 s: See chapter "Display and operat-ing elements".LED   illuminated in green:Access point mode is active.Deactivating access point mode1.  Access point mode is automatically deactivatedafter 5 min.Or2.  Once again press the operating button A for lon-ger than 5 s, but not longer than 30 s: See chapter"Display and operating elements".LED   not illuminated any more.Access point mode is deactivated.Temporarily adjusting the room temperature If you wish to heat your premises to a higher tempera-ture for a limited time, activate the "I am at home forlonger" operating program.You have two options for setting the operating pro-gram:Press the operating button A for max. 3 s: See chap-ter "Display and operating elements".OrSet the operating program via the ViCare app.Operating functionsAccess point mode5813605Service
22Malfunctions at the Vitoconnect are shown by variousLED indications: see page 18.Malfunctions with LED indications  Type of fault and measuresLED Pulsating in yellow. Connection between Vitoconnect and Wi-Fi router failed:■Check the password at the time of Wi-Fi commissioning.■Restart the Vitoconnect: see page 22.Illuminated in yellow.OrIlluminated in red.No Internet connection or No connection to the Viessmann server■No Wi-Fi connection–Check the network setting at the time of Wi-Fi commissioning.–Check the password at the time of Wi-Fi commissioning.■Inadequate Wi-Fi signal strength–Change the installation site of the Vitoconnect: see page 10■The Wi-Fi connection is active, but there is no Internet connection–Check the Internet connection with another device, e.g. a laptop.If an Internet connection cannot be established with other devices either,have your network settings checked by an IT professional.■Restart the Vitoconnect: see page 22.Rapidly flashes red. Firmware or hardware error■Restart the Vitoconnect: see  22.■Replace the Vitoconnect, if required.LED Flashes yellow. Communication error with the Vitotrol 100, type OT1:■Check the OpenTherm connecting cable to the Vitotrol 100, type OT1: seepage 16■Restart the Vitoconnect: see page 22Rapidly flashes yellow. No connection to the heat generator■Check the plug-and-socket connections (Optolink, USB).■Check the connecting cable.■Restart the Vitoconnect: see page 22.Pulsating in red. Maintenance mode (no data transmission)■Deactivate the maintenance mode: see page 23Rapidly flashes red. Firmware or hardware error■Restart the Vitoconnect: see page 22■Replace the Vitoconnect, if required.Illuminated in red. Error in the control unit of the heat generator■Observe the message in the ViCare app.■:Heat generator installation and service instructionsMalfunctions without LED indicationsFault MeasuresAll Vitoconnect LEDs are off. Check the mains connection and wall power supply of the Vitoconnect.Restarting the VitoconnectAfter rectifying the fault, the Vitoconnect has to berestarted.What to do?Measures for troubleshooting 5813605Service
23Press the Reset button B and the operating button Afor approx. 15 s: See chapter "Display and operatingelements".LED   illuminated in white.Restoring delivered condition 1.  Press the Reset button B for approx. 30 s: seepage 18.LED   flashes red.2.  Press the Reset button B once again within 5 s.LED   not illuminated any more.The Vitoconnect is restarting and resumes thedelivered condition.Maintenance modeThis function suppresses the transmission of mes-sages from the heating system to the Viessmannserver, e.g. during maintenance work on the heatingsystem.Activating maintenance modePress the Reset button B for approx. 5 s to 15 s: seepage 18LED   pulsating in red.Maintenance mode is activated.NoteThe maintenance mode does not stop automaticallybut has to be deactivated.Deactivating maintenance modePress the Reset button B once again for approx. 5 sto 15 s: see page 18LED   not illuminated any more.Maintenance mode is deactivated.Setting up Wi-Fi after replacing the router 1.  Activate the Vitoconnect access point mode: seepage 212.  Open the Wi-Fi settings of your smartphone.3.  Connect your smartphone to the "Vitocon-nect<xxxx>" Wi-Fi.4.  Enter the WPA2 password.NoteThe WPA2 password can be found on the suppliedsticker.5.  Use the Internet browser on your smartphone toaccess http://vitoconnect.gateway6.  On the starting page, select "Select router".7.  Follow the instructions on the Internet page.8.  Deactivate the Vitoconnect access point mode: seepage 21What to do?Restarting the Vitoconnect (cont.)5813605Service
24What to do?Setting up Wi-Fi after replacing the router  (cont.)5813605Service
25The following details are required when ordering parts:■Order no. (see type plate A)■Item number of the individual part (from this partslist)Parts listsOrdering parts5813605Components
260001 00020003AFig. 13AVitoconnect type plate (on the rear side of the Vito-connect)Parts listsParts list Vitoconnect, type OPTO2 5813605Components
27Item Part0001 Wall power supply0002 Wall bracket0003 USB/Optolink connecting cableParts listsParts list Vitoconnect, type OPTO2  (cont.)5813605Components
2800020001AFig. 14AVitoconnect type plate (on the rear side of the Vito-connect)Parts listsParts list Vitoconnect, type OT2 5813605Components
29Item Part0001 Wall power supply0002 Wall bracketParts listsParts list Vitoconnect, type OT2  (cont.)5813605Components
30VitoconnectRated voltage 12 VWi-Fi frequency 2.4 GHzWi-Fi encryption Unencrypted or WPA2Frequency band 2400.0 to 2483.5 MHzMax. transmitting power 0.1 W (e.i.r.p.)Internet protocol IPv4IP assignment DHCPRated current 1 APower consumption 5.5 WProtection class IIIIP rating IP 20 D according to EN 60529Permissible ambient temperature■Operation 5 to +40 °CUse in living rooms and boiler rooms (normal ambient conditions)■Storage and transport −20 to +60 °CWall power supplyRated voltage 100 to 240 V~Rated frequency 50/60 HzOutput voltage 12 VOutput current 1 AProtection class IIPermissible ambient temperature■Operation 5 to +40 °CUse in living rooms and boiler rooms (normal ambient conditions)■Storage and transport −20 to +60 °CVitotrol 100, type OT1Supply voltage Via OpenTherm connecting cableIP rating IP 20Permissible ambient temperature■Operation 0 to +40 °Cat relative humidity from 10 to 90 %Use in living rooms and boiler rooms (normal ambient conditions)■Storage and transport −20 to +55 °CSpecificationSpecification5813605Appendix
31AAccess point mode– Activating.................................................................21– Deactivating............................................................ 21Ambient temperature– Vitoconnect............................................................. 10– Vitotrol 100, type OT1............................................. 10App...............................................................................8CClosing Vitotrol 100, type OT1................................... 17Commissioning.....................................................18, 20DData connections– With Vitoconnect, type OPTO2................................. 7– With Vitoconnect, type OT2...................................... 7DHCP......................................................................... 10Display elements........................................................18DSL router..................................................................19Dynamic IP addressing.............................................. 10EElectrical connection– Vitoconnect, type OPTO2 to heat generator........... 14– Vitoconnect, type OT2 to the heat generator.......... 15– Vitoconnect, type OT2 to Vitotrol 100..................... 16email.............................................................................5End devices– Operating system.................................................... 10Erection...................................................................... 12Establishing a connection– Wi-Fi Android operating system.............................. 20– Wi-Fi iOS operating system:................................... 20FFault display............................................................... 22Forwarding messages..................................................9Frost protection............................................................ 5Functions ViCare app...................................................8Functions Vitoguide......................................................8GGeneral Terms and Conditions of Sale apply...............5IInserting in the wall bracket– Vitoconnect............................................................. 16– Vitotrol 100.............................................................. 17Installation site– Vitoconnect............................................................. 10– Vitotrol 100, type OT1............................................. 10Installing the wall bracket– Vitoconnect............................................................. 13– Vitotrol 100.............................................................. 14Intended use................................................................ 6Internet access.............................................................5IP address.................................................................. 19IP addressing............................................................. 10IP network.................................................................... 8LLiability......................................................................... 5MMains connection– Vitoconnect, type OPTO2....................................... 17– Vitoconnect, type OT2.............................................17Maintenance mode– Activating.................................................................23– Deactivating............................................................ 23Malfunctions............................................................... 22Measures for troubleshooting.....................................22Message code..............................................................9Message forwarding.....................................................9Message text................................................................9Message type...............................................................9NNetwork........................................................................ 8Network operator..........................................................5Network settings.........................................................19OOperating elements....................................................18Operating functions ViCare app................................... 8Operating functions Vitoguide...................................... 8Operating program– Warm for long..........................................................21Operating system....................................................... 10Operating unit– for ViCare app......................................................... 10Operation..................................................................... 8Operational safety........................................................ 5Order no.– Vitoconnect, type OPTO2....................................... 26– Vitoconnect, type OT2.............................................28PPart number– Vitoconnect, type OPTO2....................................... 26– Vitoconnect, type OT2.............................................28Parts list– Vitoconnect, type OPTO2....................................... 26– Vitoconnect, type OT2.............................................28Port 123................................................................10, 19Port 443................................................................10, 19Port 80..................................................................10, 19Port 8883..............................................................10, 19Prerequisites................................................................ 5Product information...................................................... 7RRange of Wi-Fi connections....................................... 11Registering users....................................................... 20Register user..............................................................12Remote monitoring.......................................................8Remote operation.........................................................8Replacing the router...................................................23Reset..........................................................................23Reset button...............................................................23Keyword indexKeyword index5813605
32Restarting the Vitoconnect......................................... 22Restoring delivered condition.....................................23Room temperature..................................................... 21SSecurity parameters................................................... 10Setting up the heating system....................................20Setting up the system.................................................20Setting up Wi-Fi– After replacing the Wi-Fi router............................... 23– Android operating system commissioning...............20– iOS operating system commissioning..................... 20Set up heating system................................................12Set up system............................................................ 12Spare parts– Vitoconnect, type OPTO2....................................... 26– Vitoconnect, type OT2.............................................28Specifications– Vitoconnect............................................................. 30– Vitotrol 100, type OT1............................................. 30– Wall power supply................................................... 30Supported control units.............................................. 10System requirements– IP network............................................................... 10TTerms and Conditions of Sale...................................... 5Troubleshooting..........................................................22UUser account.............................................................. 10VViCare app................................................................... 8Vitoguide...................................................................... 8Vitotronic control unit....................................................8WWall bracket installation– Vitoconnect............................................................. 13– Vitotrol 100.............................................................. 14Wi-Fi connection range.............................................. 11Wi-Fi router................................................................ 10WPA2 password...................................................20, 23Viessmann Manufacturing Company Inc.750 McMurray RoadWaterloo, Ontario · N2V 2G5 · CanadaTechInfo Line 1-888-484-86431-800-387-7373 · Fax (519) · info@viessmann.caViessmann Manufacturing Company (U.S.) Inc.45 Access RoadWarwick, Rhode Island · 02886 · USATechInfo Line 1-888-484-86431-800-288-0667 · Fax (401) 732-0590www.viessmann-us-com · info@viessmamm-us.com5813605 Subject to technical modifications.Keyword index (cont.)

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