Verifone NURIT3010A Point of Sale Device User Manual manual

Verifone Inc. Point of Sale Device manual



082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 1NURIT  3010POS/EDC TERMINAL                         USER MANUAL
NURIT 3010POS/EDC TERMINALUSER MANUALNOTICE The information contained in this publication is forinformational purposes only and subject to changewithout notice. It does not represent a commitment onthe part of Lipman USA Inc. or Lipman ElectronicEngineering Ltd.No part of this publication may be reproduced,transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system,or translated to any language in any form by anymeans without the prior written permission of Lipman.Copyright © 1999 by Lipman Electronic EngineeringLtd. All rights reserved.TRADEMARKS Trademarks and trade names contained in this  manualbelong to their respective companies.LIPMAN USA INC. January 199950 Gordon Drive OriginalSyosset, NY 11791 Publication No. 082-32-001Tel: (1) 516-484-9898   Fax: (1) 516-484-9057E-mail:
082-32-001WARNINGChanges or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by theparty responsible for compliance could void the user's authority tooperate the equipment.FCC compliance statementThis equipment has been tested to be found to comply with the limits for class  A digitaldevice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the followingconditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device mustaccept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesiredoperation. Class  A limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmfulinterference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiateradio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,may cause interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee thatinterference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning theequipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one ormore of the following measures: • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. • Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver. • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which thereceiver is connected. • Consult your dealer or an experienced technician for help.FCC requirementsThe Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has established rules permitting thisdevice to be directly connected to the telephone network. Standardized jacks are used forthese connections. This equipment should not be used on party or coin lines.If this devise is malfunctioning, it may be causing harm to the telephone network; this deviseshould be disconnected until the source of the problem can be determined and until repairhas been made. If this is not done, the telephone company may temporarily disconnectservice.The telephone company may make changes in its technical operations and procedures; ifsuch changes affect the compatibility or use of this devise, the telephone company isrequired to give adequate notice of the changes. You will be advised to file a complaint withthe FCC.If the telephone company requests information on what equipment is connected to theirlines, inform them of: One. The telephone number this unit is connected to Two. The ringer equivalence number: 0.3B Three. The USOC jack required: RJ-11C Four. The FCC Registration number: 3D7ISR-25066-DT-EThe Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) is used to determine how many devices can beconnected to your telephone line. In most areas, the sum of the RENs of all devices on anyone line should not exceed five (5). If too many devices are attached, they may not ringproperly.
FCC Part 15 Requirements Notice• This device must not be installed on coin-operated telephone lines or party lines.• This device (equipment) complies with the requirements in Part 15 of FCC Rules of aClass B computing device. Operation of this device (equipment) is subject to thefollowing two conditions:o This device (equipment) may not cause harmful interference, ando This device (equipment) must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.• If this device (equipment) is used in a residential area, it may cause unacceptableinterference to radio and TV reception requiring the operator to take whatever stepsnecessary to correct the interference.• Repair work on this device (equipment) must by done by Lipman USA, Inc, or anauthorized repair station.WARNING: To comply with FCC RF exposure requirements, users mustlimit device operations to no more than one transaction in any 3 secondtime period and must keep the device at least 4cm away from bystandersor parts of the user's body other than their hands.
082-32-001LIPMAN USA - NURIT /3010Limited WarrantyLipman USA Inc. will repair this product with new or rebuilt parts, free ofcharge, in the U.S.A. for one (1) year from the date of original purchase inthe event of a defect in materials or workmanship.Carry-in or mail-in service in the continental U.S.A. can be obtained duringthe warranty period from our N.Y. Service Center or call 1-800-4-LIPMANtoll free. In New York State call (516) 484-9898.This warranty is extended only to the original purchaser. A purchase receiptor other proof of date of original purchase will be required in order toexercise your rights under this warranty.This warranty only covers failures due to defects in materials orworkmanship which occur during normal use. It does not cover damagewhich occurs in shipment; failures which are caused by products notsupplied by Lipman USA; or failures which result from accident, misuse,abuse, neglect, mishandling, misapplication, alteration or modification;service by anyone other than the Lipman USA Service Center or accreditedservice centers, or damage that is attributable to acts of God.Limits and ExclusionsThere are no express warranties except as listed above.LIPMAN USA SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THISPRODUCT, OR ARISING OUT OF ANY BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY.ALL EXPRESSED AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THEWARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED TO THE APPLICABLEWARRANTY PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE.Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental orconsequential damages, or limitations on how long an implied warrantylasts, therefore some of the above exclusions or limitations may not apply toyou.This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have otherrights, which vary from state to state.If a problem with this product develops during or after the warranty period,you may contact your dealer or Service Center. If the problem is nothandled to your satisfaction, then write to:LIPMAN USA INC., 50 Gordon Drive, Syosset, NY 11791E-mail: nuritsys@lipmanusa.comTel: (516)-484-9898 FAX: (516)-484-9057.
If you ship the productCarefully pack and send the package prepaid, adequately insured andpreferably in the original carton. Attach a postage-paid letter to theoutside of the package detailing the complaint.PLEASE NOTE: SHIPMENT MUST BE SENT TO AN AUTHORIZEDDEALER OR SERVICE CENTER ONLY. PRODUCTS SHIPPED TOOTHER LOCATIONS WILL BE RETURNED AT OWNERS EXPENSE.CONTACT YOUR DEALER FOR THE CORRECT ADDRESS.For your futurereferenceSERIAL NO. __________________________(found on the bottom of the unit)DATE OF PURCHASE _______________________NAME OF DEALER__________________________________________________________DEALER'S ADDRESS_____________________________________________________________________
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual aUSER SAFETYINSTRUCTIONSWhen using this NURIT, basic safety precautions as below shouldalways be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, orpersonal injury.The following safety instructions are based on those provided byUnderwriters Laboratories Inc. U.S.A. 1. Read and understand all instructions. 2. Follow all warnings and instructions marked on this unit. 3. Unplug this unit from wall outlets before cleaning.  Do not useliquid or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning and/or asoft brush. 4. Do not use this unit near water. 5. Place this unit on a stable surface. Serious damage may result ifthe unit falls. 6. Do not cover slots and openings of the unit, for they are providedfor ventilation and protection against overheating. Never place theunit near radiators, or in a place where proper ventilation is notprovided. 7. Use only the power source as marked on the unit. If you are notsure of the type of the power supply to your home, consult yourdealer or local Power Company. 8. Do not place objects on the power cord. Install the unit where noone can step on the cord. 9. Do not overload wall outlets and extension cords as this canresult in the risk of fire or electric shock. 10. Never push any objects into this unit through slots (other thanthose specifically meant for credit, debit or smart cards) as theymay result in risk of fire or electric shock.  Never spill any liquidon the unit. 11. To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not disassemble this unit,
082-32-001bNURIT /3010  User Manualbut take it to a qualified serviceperson when some service orrepair work is required. Opening or removing covers may exposeyou to dangerous voltages or other risks. Incorrect re-assemblycan cause electric shock. 12. Unplug this unit from the wall outlet and refer servicing toqualified service personnel under the following conditions:• When the power supply cord or plug is damaged or frayed.• Liquid has been spilled into the unit.• Unit has been exposed to rain or water.• Unit does not work normally, when following the operatinginstructions.• Unit has been dropped or damaged.• Unit exhibits a distinct change in performance. 13. During thunderstorms,  disconnect telephone line, if possible.There may be a remote risk of electric shock from lightning. 14. Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm. 15. Never install telephone jacks in wet locations unless the jack isspecifically designed for wet locations. 16. Never touch non-insulated telephone wires or terminals unless thetelephone line has been disconnected at the network interface. 17. Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines. 18. When in the vicinity of a gas leak,  do NOT use a stand-alonetelephone or a telephone connected to a NURIT terminal to reportsuch a leakage.CONVENTIONSNotes, cautions and warnings are used like this:"Notes" contain helpful hints and other important information thatwill help you get better use from your NURIT."Cautions" provide information about procedures which, if notobserved, could result in damage to the NURIT or other equipment."Warnings" mean failure to follow specific procedures and practicesmay result in personal injury.
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual cFOREWORDThank you for purchasing a NURIT POS/EDC terminal. You nowown one of the most advanced electronic point-of-sale (POS) devicesmanufactured today.This manual explains how to use the NURIT terminal. To fullyutilize the features of your terminal, take some time to familiarizeyourself with this manual and the terminal itself.Please store this manual in a safe place for future reference.
082-32-001dNURIT /3010  User ManualNOTEThis publication could include technical ortypo- graphical errors. Changes areperiodically made to our publications; thesechanges will be incorporated in future editions.
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual eCONTENTSCHAPTER 1  OPERATION1OPERATIONALOVERVIEW..............................1Setting Time and Date.............1Performing a Sale.....................1Credit Return.............................2Verify .........................................2Forced Transaction...................3Voids ..........................................3Void a Credit Sale....................3Void a Return............................4Void a Forced Sale...................4Debit Transactions ...................5Debit Sale..................................5Debit Return..............................6Debit Forced Sale, VoidSale/Return/Forced, andVerify .........................................6Check Verify.............................7Electronic Benefits Transfer(EBT)..........................................7Cash Transactions ....................8Phone Card Activation ............9Batching.....................................9Auto Close...............................10CHAPTER 2  MENU.........11REPORTS................................11Default Report ........................11Current Report ........................12History Report ........................14Display Transaction...............16Last Receipt ............................17Performance report ................17Report SetupMERCHANT PARAMS......20Authorizations (TransactionTypes) ......................................20Authorizations (Card Types)22Security Levels .......................23Edit Header/Trailer................29Set Cash EDC.........................30Surcharge Rate.......................31Set Batch Time.......................32Server ID/Invoice...................33Site ID......................................34MERCHANT OPTIONS......34Paper Type..............................34No Paper Mode.......................35Buzzer Set ...............................36Operation Mode.....................37Prints Disclaimer........................Menu Type..............................39Set Halo ...................................41Print Setup...............................42HOST PARAMETERS.........43Host Parameters .....................43Host Phones ............................44Print EDC Setup.....................46SYSTEM OPTIONS.............46Set Time and Date.................47Edit PIN key ...........................48Select Master Key..................49Set Batch Number..................50Edit Database..........................51Working Mode (RetailApplication) ............................54
082-32-001fNURIT /3010  User ManualWorking Mode (RestaurantApplication).............................55Test Mode................................59Pre-dial Call............................56PIN Pad FunctionPIN Pad ConfigDOWNLOADPARAMETERS......................61COMMUNICATION ............62Minimum Retries....................62Dial: Tone/Pulse.....................63Exchange Prefix......................64Gateway ...................................65Suffix........................................65Via Line/Radio.......................66DIAGNOSTICS.....................66CHAPTER 3  BASICTROUBLESHOOTING....67NURIT seems  to have nopower........................................67“NO LINE” appears on thedisplay......................................67Printer does not functionproperly ...................................68Card reader not working.......68Possible PIN pad error ..........68Receipt prints “CANCELED”68APPENDIX A......................69PHONE CARD.......................69REPORTS FOR PHONECARD......................................70APPENDIX B.......................73NURIT /3010/3010 QUICKREFERENCE MENU TABLE73APPENDIX C......................77INSTALLING/REMOVINGPAPER ROLL.........................77
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 1CHAPTER 1OPERATIONOPERATIONAL OVERVIEWThis chapter explains the various instructions required in operatingthe NURIT /3010 POS/EDC Terminal.  The terminal keyboardallows for selecting specific transaction types, entering of data, andperforming various functions. In this manual, transactions,operations, and specific functions available with the NURIT /3010 isexplained.Setting Time and DateIf the time and date need to be adjusted in the NURIT /3010, it can bechanged manually.  Please refer to page 39 for the correct procedure.Performing a SaleTo perform a credit card sale:1. At the  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, prompt, swipe thecredit card, or manually key in the account number andexpiration date.2. The terminal will prompt to enter in the amount (DO NOTPRESS THE DECIMAL POINT).3. The  terminal will then dial, process, give an approval code,and print a receipt that reads SALE on top.
082-32-0012NURIT /3010  User ManualCredit ReturnA refund to a customer’s credit card account can be done if theoriginal sale is from a different batch (if the sale and refund are in thesame batch refer to page 3 -  Voids ), otherwise, a refund is done asfollows:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <RETURN>.Terminal should read: CREDIT......RETURN, ACCOUNT ?2. Swipe the card, or key in the account number manually.3. Key in the amount to be refunded, and press <ENTER>.4. Terminal will then prompt you to enter an authorizationnumber. Key in the original six digit approval code on the salereceipt, and press <ENTER>.5. The terminal will print a receipt that reads RETURN on top.VerifyThis function is used to ensure that a customer has adequate funds ontheir credit card (THIS DOES NOT CHARGE THE CUSTOMER’SACCOUNT).1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <VERIFY>.Terminal should display: CREDIT...VERIFY, ACCOUNT ?2. Swipe the credit card, or key in the account number andexpiration date manually.3. Type in the amount to be verified, and press <ENTER>.4. The terminal will dial and process the transaction.5. A receipt will print, and read VERIFIED on top.NOTE: The authorization number given during the  verification, can beused for a Forced Sale. There is no need to call for a second authorization.
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 3Forced TransactionWhen voice authorization has been obtained on a customer’s creditcard, a Forced Sale should be done to process the transaction.1. At CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <FORCED>. Theterminal will display: CREDIT..... FORCED, ACCOUNT ?2. Swipe the card, or key in the account number and expirationdate manually.3. Enter in the amount that has already been authorized andpress <ENTER>.4. The terminal will then prompt to enter the authorizationnumber that was obtained through voice authorization.5. The terminal will then display, “APPROVED.”  A receiptwill print and read TICKET ONLY on top.NOTE: Since an authorization has already been obtained, there is no needfor the terminal to dial out for a second approval. This is also dependent onthe host protocols. However, the customer does have to sign the receipt.VOIDSVoid a Credit SaleA void of a credit card sale can be done, if the original sale wasperformed in the same batch.  To void a transaction:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <VOID>.Terminal should display: CREDIT....VOID/SALE,ACCOUNT ?2. Swipe the credit card or key in the account number andexpiration date manually.3. Enter in the amount of the SALE to be voided, and press<ENTER>.  Depending on how your terminal has beenprogrammed, the terminal may, or may not dial for an approval.
082-32-0014NURIT /3010  User ManualVoid a ReturnA Void Refund is done, if the original return is from the same batch.If the refund is from a different batch, you will not be able to performa void return, (check with your processing bank for instructions onhandling the transaction), otherwise, a void refund is done as follows:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <VOID>  twice.Terminal will display: CREDIT....VOID/ RTRN, ACCOUNT ?2. Swipe the credit card or key in the account number andexpiration date manually.3. Enter in the amount of the RETURN to be voided, and press<ENTER>.4. The terminal will display “APPROVED” and print a receipt.Depending on how your terminal has been programmed, theterminal may or may not dial for an approval.Void a Forced SaleA void of a credit forced sale is done if the original forced sale wasperformed in the same batch. (If the forced sale is from a differentbatch refer to page 1 - RETURN ), otherwise, a Void Forced Sale isdone as follows:1. At CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <VOID>. Terminalwill display: CREDIT.....VOID/FRCD, ACCOUNT ?2. Swipe credit card or key in account number and expirationdate manually.3. Enter in amount of FORCED SALE to be voided and press<ENTER>.4. Terminal will display “APPROVED” and print a receipt.Depending on how your terminal has been programmed, the terminalmay or may not dial in for an approval. Void Forced is used only tovoid a transaction with “TICKET ONLY” printed on top of theoriginal receipt.
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 5ORFollow the steps in  Chapter 2, on page 43  to void by transactionnumber.DEBIT TRANSACTIONSA debit transaction can only be done using a bank issued debit card,and there must be a PIN pad connected to the terminal.Debit SaleFollow these steps to process a debit card:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press  <ENTER>, untilyour terminal displays: DEBIT...SALE, ACCOUNT ?2. Swipe the debit card (debit account numbers can  NOT bekeyed in manually).  It must be swiped.3. Key in the amount of the sale, and press <ENTER>.4. The terminal will prompt to enter in a  CASH BACK amount.If the customer does not want to get cash back, press<ENTER> to bypass this option.5. The terminal will display: PLEASE ENTER PIN ON THE PINPAD>>.  PIN pad will beep and prompt the customer to enterPIN number on the pad.6. The terminal will dial, process, and print receipt.
082-32-0016NURIT /3010  User ManualDebit ReturnPlease keep in mind, that this transaction is host specific.  Therefore,this transaction may not be available.1. At CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press  <ENTER>, untilyour terminal displays: DEBIT...SALE, ACCOUNT  ?2. Press  <RETURN>. Terminal will display:DEBIT….RETURN, ACCOUNT.3. Swipe the debit card (debit account numbers can  NOT bekeyed in manually).  It must be swiped.4. Key in the amount of the return, and press <ENTER>.5. The terminal will then prompt to enter the authorizationfrom the original sale receipt.  Key in six digit code andpress <ENTER>.6. The terminal will display: PLEASE ENTER PIN ON THEPIN PAD>.  PIN Pad will beep and prompt the customer toenter the PIN number on the pad.7. The terminal will dial, process, and print receipt readingRETURN at the top.Debit Forced Sale, Void Sale/Return/Forced, and VerifyThese transaction types are not available with most host processors.
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 7CHECK TRANSACTIONSTo perform a check transaction, follow these steps:1. At CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <ENTER> until theterminal displays: CHECK... VERIFY, AMOUNT ?2. Enter the amount of the check, and press <ENTER>.3. Enter the MICR number (this number is usually the accountnumber on the bottom of the check), or feed check through acheck reader. The terminal will prompt different informationdepending on the check host.4. Press <ENTER>.  Terminal will print receipt.ELECTRONIC BENEFITS TRANSFER (EBT)A special EBT card must be used to perform a sale or receive cash.Follow these steps to process an EBT card:1. At CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press  <ENTER> untilyour terminal displays: EBT ...SALE, ACCOUNT?2. Swipe the EBT card, or manually enter the account numberincluding the expiration date, or if required, the ‘GEN’number.3. Terminal will display:1. FOODSTAMP2. CASH BENEFIT4. Make selection by pressing correct numbered key.  Terminalwill display: EBT…..SALE, AMOUNT   0.005. Enter in the amount of the sale and press <ENTER>.6. If option 2,  CASH BENEFIT was selected, terminal willprompt to enter in a cash back amount. If the customer does
082-32-0018NURIT /3010  User Manualnot want to receive cash back, press <ENTER> to bypassthis option.7. The terminal will display:  PLEASE ENTER PIN ON PINPAD, and PIN pad will beep to prompt the customer to enterthe PIN number on the pad.8. The terminal will dial, process, and print out a receipt.CASH TRANSACTIONSThe Cash EDC mode must be turned on, to perform cashtransactions. Refer to Chapter 2, page 24.To perform a Cash Sale:1. At CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press  <ENTER> untilyour terminal displays: CASH ...SALE, AMOUNT?2. Key in the amount of the sale and press <ENTER>.Terminal will print receipt.To perform a Cash Return:1. At CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press  <ENTER> untilyour terminal displays: CASH ...SALE, AMOUNT?2. Press the  <RETURN> key.3. Key in the amount of the return.  Terminal will print areceipt.NOTE:  Transaction types Void Sale, Void Return, Void Forced, Forced,and Verify are not applicable with Cash EDC.
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 9Phone Card ActivationTo Activate a Phone Card:1. At CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press  <ENTER> untilyour terminal displays: PHONE CARD, SWIPE CARD?2. Swipe Phone Card to be activated.3. Key in amount of activation and press <ENTER>.4. Key in Clerk Number and press <ENTER>.5. Confirm correct amount for activation and press <ENTER>.6. Terminal will dial, and print receipt with confirmation ofactivation.NOTE:  Transaction types Void Sale, Void Return, Void Forced, Return,Forced, and Verify are not applicable with Phone Card ActivationBatchingTo perform a batch release, or settlement of transactions stored in theNURIT /3010 memory, the following must be done at the end of eachwork day:1. At CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <FUNC.>.2. Terminal will display:CHOOSE A FUNCTION1. REPORT 3. REVIEW2. BATCH 4. FINDPress <ENTER> to seethe list of hot keys.   3. Press <2>. Terminal will display:1. CREDIT HOST (host name)2. DEBIT HOST (host name)3. EBT HOST (host name)
082-32-00110 NURIT /3010  User Manual4. Press the correct numbered key. Terminal will dial out to thehost processor.  If batch was approved, a batch response willprint, and a current report will be generated.Auto CloseIf a terminal is programmed for auto batch, the host will close thebatch automatically each night, at a specific time, and print a batchreport. However, the report will only clear at the time of the firstattempted sale, after your set batch time.  Although your terminal willbe programmed for auto batch, you may still have the option to batchmanually.
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 11CHAPTER 2MENUThe NURIT /3010 has a menu with several options that control someof the terminal’s basic operational functions, and can be manuallychanged (refer to Appendix B).  The menu is divided into mainmenus and sub-menus that can be accessed by pressing the<MENU/ESC> key.1. At the CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, prompt, press<MENU/ESC>.2. Press the number of the Main Menu to be viewed (the terminalwill automatically take you into the sub-menu), or you can usethe <RETURN> and <FORCED> keys to scroll through theoptions and menus.REPORTSThe first menu in the NURIT /3010 is the Report Menu, whichgenerates six different types of reports; Default Report, CurrentReport, History Report, Display Transactions, and Last Receipt.Pressing  <MENU/ESC>  at the CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?prompt, will access this menu.Default ReportThis is a report of the terminal's daily transactions, which has beencustomized, or has set defaults from the Current Report (see CurrentReport on the following page).1. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options
082-32-00112 NURIT /3010  User Manual2. You will notice that the first menu is already highlighted.The  <FORCED> and <RETURN> keys can be used toscroll up and down the menu.  To enter the Report menu,press <ENTER> to make selection. Terminal will display:REPORTS:1. Default Report2. Current Report3. History Report3. Press <ENTER>. Terminal will print a defaultedcurrent report.Current ReportCurrent report will print the terminal's daily transactions, and can becustomized with specific options.  This is where the Default Reportwould be set.1. At  MENU SCREEN: 1. REPORTS, press <ENTER>.2. Terminal will display:REPORTS:1. Default Report2. Current Report3. History ReportUsing the <FORCED> key, scroll down to number 2.Current Report3. Press <ENTER>.  Terminal will display:CUR. REPORT TYPE:1. Condensed Rprt2. Short Report3. Journal Report
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 134. The terminal will display four options; use the  <FORCED>key to scroll through the options, or press the correspondingnumber:1. Condensed Report  - will print transaction number,card type, transaction type, last four digits of theaccount number, and amount of sale.2. Short Report -  will print type of transaction, andamount of sale.3. Journal Report - will print a full copy of transaction.4. Totals Only – will print daily totals only5. When you have highlighted the type of current report,press <ENTER>, terminal will display:CHOOSE EDC TYPE:1. ALL2. CREDIT3. DEBITHighlight the selection using the  <FORCED> and press<ENTER> to make selection.7. Terminal will display:ENTER CARD TYPE:1. ALL2. VISA3. MasterCardUse the <FORCED> key to highlight the selection neededand then press <ENTER>.8. Terminal will display:SORT METHOD BY:1. By Trans #2. By Card Type3. By Clerk IDUse the  <FORCED> key to highlight the selection andpress <ENTER>.
082-32-00114 NURIT /3010  User Manual9. Terminal will display:CHOOSE TRAN. TYPE:1. ALL2. SALE3. FORCEDUse the  <FORCED> key to highlight the selection andpress <ENTER>.  There will be eight different transactiontypes.10. Terminal will display: Set Cur. Defaults, ENTER=Yes,ESC=No. This will customize the Default Report.History ReportThis report will allow you to print previous batch totals from the last30 days.  You can print a total report of several batches, or you canprint a report showing totals per batch.  To do so, follow these steps:1. At MENU SCREEN: 1. REPORTS, press <ENTER>.2. Terminal will display:REPORTS:1. Default Report2. Current Report3. History Report3. Using the  <FORCED> key, highlight number 3. HISTORYREPORT.4. Press  <ENTER>. Terminal will display:  FROM BATCHDATE: MM/DD/YY.  Terminal will always display first of themonth.5. Press  <ENTER> to keep date shown, or type in the dateneeded for a specific batch.6. Terminal will display: TO BATCH DATE: MM/DD/YY.
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 157. Type in the desired date, and terminal will display:HISTORY REPORTS:1. Total2. Per BatchUse the <FORCED> key to highlight desired selection, andpress <ENTER>.8. Terminal will display:CHOOSE EDC TYPE:1. ALL2. CREDIT3. DEBITUse the <FORCED> key to highlight desired selection, andpress <ENTER>.9. Terminal will display:ENTER CARD TYPE:1. ALL2. VISA3. Master CardUse the <FORCED> key to highlight desired selection, andpress <ENTER>.10. Terminal will display:ENTER TRAN. TYPE:1. ALL2. TOTALS ONLY3. SALEUse the <FORCED> key to highlight desired selection, andpress <ENTER>.
082-32-00116 NURIT /3010  User ManualDisplay TransactionThis option will allow you to view daily transactions on the terminaldisplay.  You can view these transactions several ways.  To do so,follow these steps:1. At  MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. OptionsHighlight Reports, and press <ENTER>.2. Terminal will display:REPORTS:1. Default Report2. Current Report3. History ReportUsing the <FORCED> key to highlight number 4.DISPLAY TRANS, and press <ENTER>.3. Terminal will display:DISPLAY TRANS :1. Scroll All2. By Invoice #3. By Clerk #Using the <FORCED> key highlight one of the options andpress <ENTER> to make selection.4. Terminal will display:CHOOSE EDC TYPE:1. CREDIT2. DEBIT3. EBTUse the  <FORCED> key to highlight an EDC type, andpress <ENTER> to make selection.
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 175. Terminal will display the following:#001  SL  1.00549974444444444400Terminal displays the transaction number, transactiontype, transaction amount, and card number. Use the<FORCED> key to scroll through transactions.Last ReceiptThis option will print a copy of the last transaction.  If a report wasthe last printed item, this option cannot be used to print a copy of lasttransaction.  To print copy of last transaction:1. At  MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options2. Press <ENTER> , terminal will display:REPORTS:1. Default Report2. Current Report3. History Report4. Display TransactionUsing the <FORCED> key, scroll down to number 5. LASTRECEIPT and press <ENTER>.3. Terminal will automatically print copy of last receipt.Performance ReportThis option will print a report listing the percentages of denials,approvals, swipes, manual entries, etc.1. At  MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options4. Host ParamsHighlight 1. Reports and press <ENTER>.
082-32-00118 NURIT /3010  User Manual2. Terminal will display:REPORTS:1. Default Report2. Current Report3. History Report4. Display TransactionUsing the <FORCED> key, scroll down to number 6.PERFORMANCE  and press <ENTER>.3. Terminal will display:CHOOSE EDC TYPE:1. CREDIT2. DEBIT3. EBTHighlight a selection by using the <FORCED> key andpress <ENTER>.4. Terminal will display: Reset  perf.  Rprt?, ENTER=Yes,ESC=No.  Terminal is prompting if you would like to resetperformance report.5. If  YES  is selected, terminal will display: Manager Card orESC for Password.6. Press  <MENU/ESC>.   Terminal will display: ENTERPASSWORD:7. Type in a password, and press <ENTER>.
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 19Report SetupThis menu give the option of having Visa and MasterCard printtogether (Default) or separately.1. At  MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options4. Host ParamsHighlight 1. Reports and press <ENTER>.2. Terminal will display:REPORTS:1. Default Report2. Current Report3. History Report4. Display TransactionUsing the <FORCED> key, scroll down to number 7.REPORT SETUP and press <ENTER>.3. Terminal will display:Vis/Mstr Setup:1. Separately2. TogetherHighlight a selection by using the <FORCED> key andpress <ENTER>.4. Terminal will return to the MENU SCREEN.  Press<MENU/ESC> to return to idle prompt.
082-32-00120 NURIT /3010  User ManualMERCHANT PARAMSThis menu contains nine different functions that can be changedmanually, if necessary.  The first function available is Authorizations,which allows specific card types, and transaction types to be enabledand disabled.Authorizations (Transaction Types)This allows transaction types, such as Sales, Returns, Voids, etc. tobe turned off, or on.  At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press<MENU/ESC>:1. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options4. Host Params2. Press <2>. Terminal will display:MERCHANT PARAMS:1. Authorizations2. Security Level3. Edit Header4. Edit Trailer3. Press <ENTER>. Terminal will display:1 - TRANS TYPES 2- CARD TYPES4. Press <1>. Terminal will display:Manager Card or ESC for Password5. Press  <MENU/ESC>.  Terminal will display: ENTERPASSWORD. Customer Service must be called to obtain thepassword.
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 216. Once password is entered, terminal will display:CHOOSE EDC TYPE:1. CREDIT2. DEBIT3. EBTUse the <FORCED> to highlight selection and press<ENTER>.7. Terminal will display:CREDIT1. FORCED (EN), (DIS), or (MGR)2. VERIFY (EN), (DIS), or (MGR)3. RETURN (EN), (DIS), or (MGR)8. Use the <FORCED> to highlight an option and press<ENTER>.9. Terminal will display:CREDIT FORCED1. Disabled - transaction is disabled, and can not beperformed2. Always Enabled - transaction is always enabled3. Manager Only - transaction can only be performed witha manager card.Use  <FORCED> key to highlight option and press<ENTER> to make selection.  Terminal will always returnto this prompt after every selection.10. Scroll to next transaction type, and follow same procedure.When all changes are completed, press <MENU/ESC> fourtimes to exit menu.
082-32-00122 NURIT /3010  User ManualAuthorizations (Card Types)This allows card types, such as Visa, MasterCard, and Discover cardto be disabled:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options3. Press <2>. Terminal will display:MERCHANT PARAMS:1. Authorizations2. Security Level3. Edit Header4. Press <ENTER>. Terminal will display:1-TRANS TYPES2- CARD TYPES5. Press <2>. Terminal will display:Technic. Card or ESC for Password6. Press  <MENU/ESC>. Terminal will display: ENTERPASSWORD. Customer Service must be called to obtainpassword.7. Once password is entered the terminal will display:CHOOSE CARD TYPE:1. VISA(+) or (-)2. Master Card (+) or  (-)3. AMEX (+) or (-)Use the <FORCED> key to highlight the option and press<ENTER> to make selection.
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 238. Press  <ENTER> to make selection, and terminal willdisplay:VISA+1. Disabled (+) - credit card type is always enabled2. Always Enabled (-) – credit card type is disabled, andcan not be processedUse the <FORCED> key to scroll to the option needed,and press <ENTER> to make selection.9. Terminal will display: CREDIT 1. FORCED (+), or (-).Terminal will always return to this prompt, after everyselection.10. Scroll to next card type, and follow same procedure.  Whenfinished making all changes, press  <MENU/ESC> threetimes.  Terminal will return to: CREDIT....SALE ACCOUNT?Security LevelsThis option allows merchants to set security levels for the Menu,Batching, Card Security, Manual Entry of a credit card, and printingformat of a credit card number.To set a security level for the MENU:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options
082-32-00124 NURIT /3010  User Manual3. Press <2>. Terminal will display:MERCHANT PARAMS:1. Authorizations2. Security Level3. Edit HeaderUse the <FORCED> key to highlight number 2. SECURITYLEVEL and press <ENTER>.4. Press <ENTER>. Terminal will display:SECURITY SWITCH:1. Menu- disables or enables access to the Menu2. Batch – disables or enables access to process a batch.3. Secure Card – prompts for last 4 digits or all digitsafter swiping the card.5. Press <ENTER>. Terminal will display:Menu:1. Always Enabled2. Manager Only6. Use the  <FORCED> key to highlight an option and press<ENTER> to make selection.  Always Enabled  will allowaccess to the menu, and Manager Only will prompt for amanager card, or a password.7. Press  <MENU/ESC> three times to return toCREDIT…SALE  ACCOUNT ?
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 25To set a security level for BATCHING:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press  <MENU/ESC>.Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options2. Press <2>. Terminal will display:MERCHANT PARAMS:1. Authorizations2. Security Level3. Edit HeaderUse the <FORCED> key to highlight number 2. SECURITYLEVEL and press <ENTER>.3. Press <ENTER>. Terminal will display:SECURITY SWITCH:1. Menu2. Batch3. Secure CardUse the  <FORCED> key to highlight number  2. BATCHand press <ENTER>.4. Terminal will display:Batch:1. Always Enabled2. Manager OnlyUse the <FORCED> key to highlight and option and press<ENTER> to make selection.  Always Enabled will allowaccess to the menu, and Manager Only will prompt for amanager card, or a password.5. Press  <MENU/ESC> three times to return to  CREDIT…SALEACCOUNT ?
082-32-00126 NURIT /3010  User ManualTo set a security level for SECURE CARD:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press  <MENU/ESC>.Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options2. Press <2>. Terminal will display:MERCHANT PARAMS:1. Authorizations2. Security Level3. Edit HeaderUse the <FORCED> key to highlight number 2. SECURITYLEVEL and press <ENTER>.3. Press <ENTER>. Terminal will display:SECURITY SWITCH:1. Menu2. Batch3. Secure CardUse the  <FORCED> key to highlight number  3. SecureCard and press <ENTER>.4. Terminal will display:Secure Card (1):1. No Security - no security2. Last 4 Digits - terminal will prompt for last four digitsof account number after card is swiped3. All Digits - terminal will prompt for reentry of creditcard number, after card is swipedUse the  <FORCED> key to highlight an option and press<ENTER> to make selection.
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 275. Press  <MENU/ESC> three times to return toCREDIT…SALE  ACCOUNT ?To set a security level for the CARD MAN. ENTRY:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options3. Press <2>. Terminal will display:MERCHANT PARAMS:1. Authorizations2. Security Level3. Edit HeaderUse the <FORCED> key to highlight number 2. SECURITYLEVEL and press <ENTER>.4. Terminal will display:SECURITY SWITCH:1. Menu2. Batch3. Secure CardUse the <FORCED> key to highlight number 4. Card Man.Entry and press <ENTER>.5. Terminal will display:CARD MAN ENTRY:1. Disabled2. Always enabled.
082-32-00128 NURIT /3010  User Manual6. Use the  <FORCED> key to highlight an option and press<ENTER> to make selection.  Always Enabled  will allowmanual entries, and Manager  Only  will prompt for amanager card, or a password.7. Press  <MENU/ESC> three times to return toCREDIT…SALE  ACCOUNT ?To set a security level for the PRINT ACCOUNT:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options3. Press <2>. Terminal will display:MERCHANT PARAMS:1. Authorizations2. Security Level3. Edit HeaderUse the <FORCED> key to highlight number 2. SECURITYLEVEL and press <ENTER>.4. Press <ENTER>. Terminal will display:SECURITY SWITCH:1. Menu2. Batch3. Secure CardUse the  <FORCED> key to highlight number 5. PRINTACCOUNT and press <ENTER>.
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 296. Terminal will display:PRINT ACCOUNT:1. Always full2. Full on report3. Always short5. Use the  <FORCED> key to highlight an option and press<ENTER> to make selection.  Always Full will print fullaccount number on receipt and report, Full on Report willprint last 4 digits on receipt and full account number onreport, and Always Short will print last 4 digits on bothreceipt and reports.6. Press  <MENU/ESC> three times to return toCREDIT…SALE  ACCOUNT ?Edit Header/TrailerThe receipt header and trailer can be changed manually through theterminal.  A specific line, character, or entire header/trailer can bechanged, if needed.  To make a change, follow these steps:1. At CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options3. Press <2>. Terminal will display:MERCHANT PARAMS:1. Authorizations2. Security Level3. Edit HeaderUse the  <FORCED> key to highlight number 3. EDITHEADER, or 4. EDIT TRAILER.
082-32-00130 NURIT /3010  User Manual4. Terminal will display, HEADER (TRAILER) TEXT   1N, andthe first line of your current receipt header will appear.  TheN stands for Normal print.  If BOLD print is desired, pressthe <BATCH> key, and N will switch to a B.  Please keepin mind that bold print allows 12 characters to a line, andnormal print allows 23 characters.5. Use the  <VERIFY> and <VOID> keys to move left andright, and use the <RETURN> and  <FORCED> keys tomove up and down.6. Use the  <ALPHA/COPY> key to change to alphanumericcharacters.7. When all changes are completed, press <ENTER>, and thenpress <MENU/ESC> two times to return to CREDIT…SALEACCOUNT?Set Cash EDCCash will be an addition to your Payment Modes, and will recordcash transactions, if necessary.    To turn this option on, follow thesesteps:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options3. Press <2>. Terminal will display:MERCHANT PARAMS:1. Authorizations2. Security Level3. Edit Header4. Use the <FORCED> key to scroll down to number 5. SETCASH EDC.
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 314. Terminal will display: Manager Card, or ESC forPassword.6. Press  <MENU/ESC>. Terminal will display: ENTERPASSWORD. If password is unknown, call customerservice.7. Once password is entered, terminal will display:CASH EDC SET:1. WITH CASH2. WITHOUT CASHHighlight an options and press  <ENTER> to make yourselection.Surcharge RateThis will allow a merchant to add a surcharge rate to a debittransaction.  To add a surcharge rate:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options3. Press <2>. Terminal will display:MERCHANT PARAMS:1. Authorizations2. Security Level3. Edit HeaderUse the  <FORCED> key to scroll down to number 6.Surcharge Rate and press <ENTER>.4. Terminal will display: Technic. Card or ESC forPassword.
082-32-00132 NURIT /3010  User Manual5. Press  <MENU/ESC >.  Terminal will display: ENTERPASSWORD.  Type in password, and press <ENTER>.6. Terminal will display:SURCHARGE: $ 0.00NEW RATE:  0.007. Enter amount of surcharge rate and press <ENTER>.Terminal will display:On CashBack OnlyENTER=Yes, ESC=No8. Make the proper selection and then press  <MENU/ESC>twice to return to, CREDIT…SALE  ACCOUNT ?Set Batch TimeThis option will allow the batch time in the terminal to be set for aspecific time.  This will print a batch report, and will not actually dialto batch.  To change the batch time:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options3. Press <2>. Terminal will display:MERCHANT PARAMS:1. Authorizations2. Security Level3. Edit HeaderUse the <FORCED> key to scroll down to number  7. SetBatch Time.4. Press  <ENTER>. Terminal will display: Manager Card, orESC for Password.
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 335. Press  <MENU/ESC>. Terminal will display :ENTERPASSWORD.  If password is unknown, call customerservice.6. Once password is entered, terminal will display: SETBATCH TIME: HH:MM.7. Enter the desired time (military time), and press  <ENTER>,and then press <MENU/ESC> twice to exit menu.Server ID/InvoiceThis will allow the terminal to prompt for a server or invoice number,or both.  This option can be used for both retail and restaurantapplications.  To turn this option on, or off:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Parms3. Merch. Options4. Hosts Params3. Press <2>. Terminal will display:MERCHANT PARAMS:1. Authorizations2. Security Level3. Edit Header4. Edit TrailerUse the  <FORCED> key to scroll down to number 8.Server/Invoice and press <ENTER>.4. Terminal will display:SERVER ID MODE:1. OFF2. ONUse the  <FORCED> key to scroll to highlight an optionsand press <ENTER> to make selection.
082-32-00134 NURIT /3010  User Manual5. Terminal will then display:INVOICE MODE:1. OFF2. ON3. AUTOUse the <FORCED> key to scroll to highlight an option andpress <ENTER> to make selection.(In the Restaurant application, there are two more optionsafter Invoice; Table #’s and Guest #’s.  In the Barapplication, there is Tab open.  This will have a presetamount for a Tab, and it can be changed.)6. Then press <MENU/ESC> twice to exit menu.Site IDThis option is used mainly for programming purposes, it allowscustomer service to view, or change the terminal number.MERCHANT OPTIONSThis Main Menu has seven options that can be enabled or disabled,manually through the terminal.Paper TypeChanges paper type to double, single ply, or customized. Single plyprints two receipts, double ply prints one receipt, and customizedprints two receipts for every transaction.1. Press <MENU/ESC> at the CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?prompt.
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 352. Terminal will displayMENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options3. Press <3>. Terminal will display:MERCH. OPTIONS:1. Paper Type2. No-Paper Mode3. Buzzer Set4. Press <ENTER>. Terminal will display:PAPER TYPE:1. Single Ply2. Double Ply3. Customized5. Scroll through options, using the <FORCED> key, andpress <ENTER> to make selection.6. Press the  <MENU/ESC> key two times to exit the menu.No Paper ModeThis option disables the printer, and will not print a receipt for anytransaction.  To disable a printer:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options
082-32-00136 NURIT /3010  User Manual3. Press <3>.  Terminal will display:MERCH. OPTIONS :1. Paper Type2. No-Paper Mode3. Buzzer Set4. Operation Mode4. Use the <FORCED> key to scroll to 2. No-Paper Mode andpress <ENTER>.5. Terminal will display:  Manager Card, or ESC forPassword.6. Press  <MENU/ESC>. Terminal will display: ENTERPASSWORD.  If password is unknown, call customerservice.7. Once password is entered, terminal will display:NO PAPER MODE:1. YES – disables the printer2. NO – enables the printer8. Press  <ENTER> to make your selection. Terminal willdisplay:  Are You Sure? ENTER=Yes, ESC=No.  Makeselection, and press <MENU/ESC> twice to exit menu.Buzzer SetEnables or disables tone when performing certain terminal functions.To turn on the buzzer:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 373. Press <3>. Terminal will display:MERCH. OPTIONS :1. Paper Type2. No-Paper Mode3. Buzzer Set4. Use the <FORCED> key to scroll to  3. BUZZER SET andpress <ENTER>.5. Terminal will display:BUZZER SET:1. OFF2. ONUse the  <FORCED> key to highlight option and press<ENTER> to make selection.  Press  <MENU/ESC> twiceto exit menu.Operation ModeThis option allows the terminal to be set at two different modes,Normal or Demo  (Demo mode for training; Normal mode for livetransactions).  If the terminal is set in Demo mode for trainingpurposes,  revert back to  Normal mode for  live transactions.  Toplace terminal in Demo mode follow these steps:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options3. Press <3>.  Terminal will display:MERCH. OPTIONS:1. Paper Type2. No-Paper Mode3. Buzzer Set
082-32-00138 NURIT /3010  User Manual4. Use the <FORCED> key to scroll to 4. OPERATION MODEand press <ENTER>.5. Terminal will display:OPERATION MODE1. Demo Mode2. Normal Mode6. Use the  <FORCED> key to highlight an option and press<ENTER>.7. Terminal will display: Are You Sure? Enter=Yes,ESC=No.8. Press  <ENTER>, and then  <MENU/ESC> twice to exitmenu.Battery SaverThis menu gives several options for the battery.  Available in theNURIT .   To select an option:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options3. Press <3>. Terminal will display:MERCH. OPTIONS :1. Paper Type2. No-Paper Mode3. Buzzer SetUse the <FORCED> key to highlight 5. BATTERY SAVERand press <ENTER>.
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 394. Terminal will display:PRT DSCLMR MODE1. OFF- battery saver off2. Radio Only – will shut off only the radio after aspecific amount of time is set in terminal3. Radio+Auto off – will shut off radio and terminalafter a specific amount of time set in terminal4. Auto Off Only – only the terminal will shut off after aspecific amount of time set in the terminal.  Radiowill stay on.Use the <FORCED> key to highlight an option, and press<ENTER>.  Then press <MENU/ESC> twice to exit menu.Prints DisclaimerThis option will print the following statement at the end of a creditcard transaction:“I AGREE TO PAY ABOVE TOTAL AMOUNT ACCORDINGTO CARD ISSUER AGREEMENT (MERCHANTAGREEMENT IF CREDIT VOUCHER).” To turn on this option:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options3. Press <3>. Terminal will display:MERCH. OPTIONS :1. Paper Type2. No-Paper Mode3. Buzzer SetUse the <FORCED> key to highlight 6. PRT DISCLAIMERand press <ENTER>.
082-32-00140 NURIT /3010  User Manual4. Terminal will display:PRT DSCLMR MODE1. OFF2. ONUse the  <FORCED> key to highlight an option, and press<ENTER>.  Then press <MENU/ESC> twice to exit menu.Menu TypeThe menu in the terminal can be set to scroll automatically, ormanually. Follow these steps:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options3. Press <3>. Terminal will display:MERCH. OPTIONS:1. Paper Type2. No-Paper Mode3. Buzzer Set4. Use the  <FORCED> key to scroll highlighter to 7. SetMenu Type.5. Press <ENTER>. Terminal will display:CHOOSE MENU TYPE:1. Auto Scroll2. Manual Scroll6. Use the <FORCED> key to highlight an options and press<ENTER> to make selection.  If auto scroll is selectedterminal will prompt for scroll speed (1-9).  Type in a speedand press <ENTER>.7. Then press <MENU/ESC> twice to exit menu.
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 41Set HaloThis option sets a limit that the cashier should not exceed for sales,refunds, and cash back.1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options3. Press <3>. Terminal will display:MERCH. OPTIONS :1. Paper Type2. No-Paper Mode3. Buzzer SetUse the <FORCED> key to scroll to 8. Set Halo and press<ENTER>.4. Terminal will display:  Manager Card, or ESC forPassword.5. Press  <MENU/ESC>. Terminal will display: ENTERPASSWORD.  If password is unknown, call customerservice.6. Once password is entered, terminal will display:HALO FOR SALE:1. OFF2. ONUse the  <FORCED> key to highlight an option and press<ENTER>.7. If  option 2, is selected, terminal will display:Halo:  $0.00New Rate:  0.008. Enter maximum amount for a sale, and press  <ENTER>.
082-32-00142 NURIT /3010  User ManualTerminal will display:HALO FOR RETURN:1. OFF2. ONUse the  <FORCED> key to select an option and press<ENTER>.  Follow the same steps above for Return Haloand Cash Back Halo.Print SetupThis option will print a setup report.  It will show all the options thathave been turned on for the terminal.  To print this report:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options3. Press <3>. Terminal will display:MERCH. OPTIONS :1. Paper Type2. No-Paper Mode3. Buzzer SetUse the <FORCED> key to scroll to 9. PRINT SETUP andpress <ENTER> to print.
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 43HOST PARAMETERSThis menu allows you to change host parameters, such as merchantnumbers, terminal IDs, and authorization numbers. Each host hasdifferent individual parameters, and should only be changed, ifadvised by the processing bank, or NURIT technical support. Thereare three sub-menus in Host Parameters.Host ParametersThis allows you to edit merchant and/or terminal IDs for your hostprocessor.  To do so, follow these steps:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options3. Press <4>. Terminal will display:HOST PARAMS:1. Hosts Params2. Hosts Phone3.  Prnt EDC  Setup4. Press  <ENTER>.  Terminal will display: ENTERPASSWORD.  Type in password (if password is not known,call customer service), and press <ENTER>.5. Terminal will display:EDC PARAMETERS:1. Host Name CR2. Host Name DB3. Host Name CHKUse the <FORCED> key to scroll through the differenthosts.  Highlight an option and press <ENTER> to makeselection.
082-32-00144 NURIT /3010  User Manual6. Terminal will display:HOST NAME:1. MERCHANT ID (Please keep in mind, this display willdiffer according to each host).Use the <FORCED> key to scroll through the options, andpress <ENTER> to enter new information.7. When changes are completed, press  <ENTER> and then<MENU/ESC>.8. Terminal will display:Save Parameters?ENTER=Yes, ESC=No9. Press  <ENTER> and then  <MENU/ESC> three times toexit menu.Host PhonesThis option allows the changing of authorization phone numbers andbatch phone numbers for the host processor.  To make any phonenumber changes:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?,  press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options3. Press <4>. Terminal will display:HOST PARAMS:1. Hosts Params2. Hosts Phone3. Prnt EDC SetupUse the <FORCED> key to scroll to 2. Hosts Phone, andpress <ENTER>.
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 454. Terminal will display, ENTER PASSWORD.  Type inpassword (if password is not known, call customer service),and press <ENTER>.5. Terminal will display:PHONE MENU:1. Host Name CR2. Host Name DB3. Host Name CHKUse the  <FORCED> key to highlight an option. Press<ENTER> to make selection.6. Terminal will display:PHONE TYPE:1.  Auth. Phones:2. Batch Phones:Use the <FORCED> key to highlight an options and press<ENTER> to make a selection.7. Press <ENTER>. Terminal will display:EDIT PHONE:1. Phone Number 12. Phone Number 23. Phone Number 3Use the  <FORCED> key to scroll through primary andsecondary phone numbers and press <ENTER> to editphone number.8. When changes are completed, press  <ENTER>, and then<MENU/ESC> until terminal displays: Save Parameters?,ENTER=Yes, ESC=No.9. Press  <ENTER> and then  <MENU/ESC> three times toexit menu.
082-32-00146 NURIT /3010  User ManualPrint EDC SetupThis report prints host information such as merchant numbers, phonenumbers, baud rates, and capture type.  To print this report:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ? ,  press<MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options3. Press <4>.  Terminal will display:HOST PARAMS:1. Hosts Params2. Hosts Phone3. Prnt EDC SetupUse the  <FORCED> key to scroll to  3.  Prnt EDC Setup,and press <ENTER> to print.4. Press  <ENTER> and then  <MENU/ESC> three times to exitmenu.Protocol VersionThis  diplays the protocol/host verstion.  Mainly viewed byprogrammers.  To view:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ? ,  press<MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 473. Press <4>.  Terminal will display:HOST PARAMS:1. Hosts Params2. Hosts Phone3. Prnt EDC SetupUse the  <FORCED> key to scroll to 4. Protocol Version,and press <ENTER> to view.4. Press  <ENTER> and then  <MENU/ESC> three times toexit menu.SYSTEM OPTIONSThis menu consists of ten different functions that can be changedmanually, however, only a customer service representative shouldmake changes on six of these functions.Set Time and DateThis allows the time and date to be changed, if needed. To change thetime and date:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options3. Press <5>. Terminal will display:SYSTEM OPTIONS:1. Set Time/Date2. Edit PIN Key3. Sel. Mstr Key4. Press <ENTER>. Terminal will display the current time anddate in terminal.
082-32-00148 NURIT /3010  User Manual5. Press <ENTER>. Terminal will display:Setting Date:MM/DD/YYType in the month, date, and year.6. Terminal will automatically display:Setting Time:HH:MM:00Enter the correct time (military time).7. Terminal will display the date and time entered.  Press<MENU/ESC> three times to exit menu.Edit PIN keyThis option allows the changing or viewing of the working key forthe PIN pad (access to this menu is not available without a PIN pad).The only time a change should be made in this field is if instructed bycustomer service.1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options3. Press <5>. Terminal will display:SYSTEM OPTIONS:1. Set Time/Date2. Edit PIN Key3. Sel. Mstr KeyUse the <FORCED> key to scroll to  2. Edit PIN Key andpress <ENTER>.4. Terminal will display: Technic. Card or ESC forPassword.
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 495. Press  <MENU/ESC>. Terminal will display: ENTERPASSWORD.  Type in password, and press <ENTER>.6. Terminal will dipslay:7. Type in the correct working key, and press  <ENTER>.Then press <MENU/ESC> twice to exit menu.Select Master KeyThis changes the Master key location (access to this menu is not availablewithout a PIN pad).  Again, this is a field that should only be changed ifinstructed by customer service.  To do so, follow these steps:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options3. Press <5>.  Terminal will display:SYSTEM OPTIONS:1. Set Time/Date2. Edit PIN Key3. Sel. Mstr KeyUse the <FORCED> key to highlight 3. Sel. Mstr Key and press<ENTER>.4. Terminal will display:CHOOSE HOST:1. Host Name DB2. Host Name EBTUse the  <FORCED> key to highlight an option and press<ENTER> to make selection.EDIT WORKING KEY0000000000000000000
082-32-00150 NURIT /3010  User Manual4. Terminal will display:5. Type in correct master key location (0-9), and press  <ENTER>.Then press <MENU/ESC> twice to exit menu.Set Batch NumberThis allows the batch number to be changed, if needed.  This is also afield that should only be changed when instructed by customer service.To change the batch number:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options3. Press <5>.  Terminal will display:SYSTEM OPTIONS1. Set Time/Date2. Edit PIN Key3. Sel. Mstr KeyUse the <FORCED> key to scroll to 4. Set Batch No.4. Press  <ENTER>. Terminal will display: Technic Card or ESCfor Password.5. Press  <MENU/ESC>. Terminal will display: ENTERPASSWORD.  If password is unknown, call customer service.MASTER KEY LOCATION0
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 516. Once password is entered, terminal will display:CHOOSE HOST:1. Host Name CR2. Host Name DB3. Host Name CHKUse the <FORCED> key to the host needed and press<ENTER> to make selection.7. Terminal will display:8. Enter new batch number and press <ENTER>.  Then press<MENU/ESC> twice to exit menu.Edit DatabaseThis sub-menu has two options, Void Transaction, and Clear Database.Void transaction will void a  transaction by transaction number, and ClearDatabase will delete a batch and all its transactions in the terminal.To Void A Transaction:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options3. Press <5>. Terminal will display:SYSTEM OPTIONS1. Set Time/Date2. Edit PIN Key3. Sel. Mstr KeyUse the <FORCED> key to highlight 5. EDIT DATABASE andpress <ENTER>.New Batch No:XX
082-32-00152 NURIT /3010  User Manual4. Terminal will display:EDIT DATABASE:1. Void Transact.2. Clear Database5. Once password is entered, terminal will display: CHOOSE EDC TYPE1. CREDIT2. DEBIT3. EBT6. Press <ENTER>. Terminal will display: Manager Card or ESCfor Password.7. Press  <MENU/ESC>. Terminal will display: ENTERPASSWORD.  If password is unknown, call customer service.8. Enter transaction number to be voided, and press <ENTER>.9. Terminal will display:#001  SL   1.0054997444444444440010. If display is showing correct transaction to be voided, press<ENTER>.11. Terminal will display:  VoidTrans. #1? ENTER=Yes, ESC=No.Press  <ENTER>. Terminal will print voided transaction.  Press<MENU/ESC> three times to exit menu.TRANSACTION #  ?1
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 53To Clear Database:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options3. Press <5>. Terminal will display:SYSTEM OPTIONS :1. Set Time/Date2. Edit PIN Key3. Sel. Mstr KeyUse the <FORCED> key to scroll to 5. Edit Database.4. Press <ENTER>. Terminal will display:EDIT DATABASE:1. Void Transact.2. Clear DatabaseUse the <FORCED> key to highlight option 2. Clear Databaseand press <ENTER>.5. Terminal will display:CHOOSE EDC TYPE:1. ALL2. CREDIT3. DEBITUse the <FORCED> key to scroll through different EDC types.6. Press  <ENTER> to make selection.  Terminal will display:Technic Card or Esc for Password.7. Press  <MENU/ESC>. Terminal will display: ENTERPASSWORD.  If password is unknown, call customer service.8. Once password is entered, terminal will display:  ARE YOUSURE? ENTER=Yes, ESC=No.
082-32-00154 NURIT /3010  User Manual9. Press  <ENTER> and terminal will print message that databasehas been cleared.Working Mode (Retail Application)This option places terminal in AVS mode.  AVS (Address Verification)will prompt for a zip code, and street address.  There are three options forAVS: • OFF – no prompt for zip code, or street address• ON MANUAL ONLY -  will prompt for zip codeand street address on a manual entry only• ALWAYS – will prompt for zip code and streetaddress on swiped and manual entries.1. At CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Parms3. Merch. Options3. Press <5>. Terminal will display:SYSTEM OPTIONS:1. Set Time/Date2. Edit PIN Key3. Sel. Mster KeyUse the <FORCED> key to scroll to 6. Working Mode.4. Press <ENTER>. Terminal will display:ASK FOR AVS:1. OFF2. ONUse the <FORCED> key to scroll highlight an option and press<ENTER>.5. After selection, terminal will display Check Rates with YourBank.  This is a warning that rates may be higher for manualentries without AVS.
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 556. Press <MENU/ESC> three times to exit menu.Working Mode (Restaurant Application)This option offers different tip options.  There are as follows:• IN TIP MENU – terminal will print a tip line on thereceipt• IN TRANSACTION - terminal will prompt for tipamount during the transaction.  If tip amountunknown, press <ENTER> to bypass, and terminalwill print a tip line.• PRINT PERCENT – will add a percentage of thetransaction amount for the tip.  A percentage needsto be programmed1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options3. Press <5>. Terminal will display:SYSTEM OPTIONS :1. Set Time/Date2. Edit PIN Key3. Sel. Mstr KeyUse the  <FORCED> key to scroll to  6. Working Mode andpress <ENTER>.4. Terminal will display:ASK FOR TIP:1. In Tip Menu2. In Transaction3. Print PercentUse the  <FORCED> key to highlight an option and press<ENTER>.
082-32-00156 NURIT /3010  User Manual5. If option  3. Print Percent is selected, terminal will display,Percentage of Sum.  Enter percentage amount, and press<ENTER>.6. Press <MENU/ESC> three times to exit menu.Pre-dial CallTerminal can be programmed to start dialing once the credit card isswiped. If pre-dial is turned off, the terminal will start dialing afterentering the dollar amount.  The goal behind pre-dial, is to savetransaction time. To turn on pre-dial:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options3. Press <5>. Terminal will display:SYSTEM OPTIONS:1. Set Time/Date2. Merch. Params3. Merch. OptionsUse the  <FORCED> key to scroll to  7. PREDIAL CALL andpress <ENTER>.4. Terminal will display: Manager Card or Esc for Password.5. Press  <MENU/ESC>. Terminal will display: ENTERPASSWORD.  If password is unknown, call customer service.
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 576. Once password is entered, terminal will display:PREDIAL CALL:1. OFF2. ONUse the  <FORCED> key to highlight an option and press<ENTER> to make selection, and then press  <MENU/ESC>twice to exit menu.PIN Pad Function (Only for NURITs with internal PIN Pad)This menu gives option to encrypt terminal manually for the internal PINPad.  To encrypt:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options3. Press <5>. Terminal will display:SYSTEM OPTIONS:1. Set Time/Date2. Merch. Params3. Merch. OptionsUse the  <FORCED> key to scroll to  8. PIN  Pad   and press<ENTER>.4. Terminal will display,  scrolling arrows.  Procede with regularencryption process.5. When encryption completed, press <MENU/ESC> twice to exitmenu.
082-32-00158 NURIT /3010  User ManualPIN Pad Configuration (Only for NURITs with internal PIN Pad)Terminal can be programmed for internal PIN Pad, or an external PINPad. To change from internal to external:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options3. Press <5>. Terminal will display:SYSTEM OPTIONS:1. Set Time/Date2. Merch. Params3. Merch. OptionsUse the <FORCED> key to scroll to 9. PIN Pad Configurationand press <ENTER>.4. Terminal will display: Technic Card or Esc for Password.5. Press  <MENU/ESC>. Terminal will display: ENTERPASSWORD.  If password is unknown, call customer service.6. Once password is entered, terminal will display:CHOOSE PIN PAD:1. Built-In2. ExternalUse the  <FORCED> key to highlight an option and press<ENTER> to make selection, and then press  <MENU/ESC>twice to exit menu.
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 59Test ModeOnly NURIT programmers use this menu for testing purposes.RADIO TEST (Relevant to NURIT 2070, 2090, and )This menu is applicable to the NURIT 2070 and 2090 (radio terminal). Itallows viewing of the radio information. The sub-menus are as follows:Radio RSSIThis shows the radio strength signal (coverage area). The RSSI should bea six or greater to obtain good reception, and base station will alwaysdiffer, depending on location.  To check radio signal:1. At  “CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?”, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. OptionsUse the <FORCED> key to scroll to 6. RADIO TEST and press<ENTER>.3. Terminal will display:RADIO TESTS:1. Radio RSSI2. Host Radio Ad3. Radio Info4. Press <ENTER>, terminal will display:RADIO RSSI: 14BASE STN: 0Keep in mind that Base Station and RSSI will vary according tolocation.3. Press <MENU/ESC> three times to exit menu.
082-32-00160 NURIT /3010  User ManualRadio AddressThis displays the radio’s MAN number. This is needed when the radiosignal provider (Bell South Wireless 1-800-662-4839) needs to contactthe radio, or look up the account. An RSSI test must first be performedbefore displaying the MAN# (or else MAN# = 0).  To view the MAN#:1. At  “CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?”, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. OptionsUse the <FORCED> key to scroll to 6. RADIO TEST and press<ENTER>.3. Terminal will display:RADIO TESTS:1. Radio RSSI2. Host Radio Ad3. Radio Info4. Use the <FORCED> key to scroll to 2. HOST RADIO ADDRESSand press <ENTER>.5. Terminal will display:MAN=15540000Press any key…..The MAN# identifies the radio.6. Press <MENU/ESC> three times to exit menu.Radio InformationDisplays radio information and only used by customer service.
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 61Battery TestDisplays battery the power.  To check battery strength:1. At  “CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?”, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. OptionsUse the <FORCED> key to scroll to 6. RADIO TEST and press<ENTER>.3. Terminal will display:RADIO TESTS:1. Radio RSSI2. Host Radio Ad3. Radio InfoUse the  <FORCED> key to scroll to  4. BATTERY TEST andpress <ENTER>.4. Terminal will display:AC POWER OK!GOOD BATTERY5. Press <MENU/ESC> three times to exit menu.DOWNLOAD PARAMETERSThis menu is used for technical purposes only. When and if, the terminalneeds to be reprogrammed, a customer service representative will directyou step by step through this operation.
082-32-00162 NURIT /3010  User ManualCOMMUNICATIONThis Main Menu has four sub-menus pertaining to communication. Thesub-menus are as follows:Minimum RetriesThe amount of times the terminal dials for authorization or batching canbe programmed through the terminal.  To program the amount of retries:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. OptionsUse the  <FORCED>  to scroll to  8. COMM MENU and press<ENTER>.3. Terminal will display:COMM MENU:1. Min. retries>2. DIAL: TONE3. Exchange pref>The first option 1. Min retries should be highlighted. Press<ENTER> to make selection.4. Terminal will display:5. Enter the number of retries needed, and press <ENTER>.  Thenpress <MENU/ESC> twice to exit menu.Min Num Tries:1
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 63Dial: Tone/PulseThe terminal can be set to dial at a pulse or  touch tone.  To change toeither option:1. At  CREDIT.....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. OptionsUse the  <FORCED>  to scroll to  8. COMM MENU and press<ENTER>.3. Terminal will display:COMM MENU:1. Min. retries>2. DIAL: TONE3. Exchange pref>Use the <FORCED> key to scroll to 2. DIAL: TONE and press<ENTER>.4. Terminal will display:DIAL TYPE:1. Tone2. PulseUse the <FORCED> key to highlight an option press  <ENTER>to make selection. Then press  <MENU/ESC> twice to exitmenu.
082-32-00164 NURIT /3010  User ManualExchange PrefixThe terminal can be programmed to dial an exchange prefix before aphone number, if needed.  To add an exchange prefix:1. At  CREDIT....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. OptionsUse the  <FORCED> to scroll to:  8.COMM MENU, and press<ENTER>.3. Terminal will display:COMM MENU:1. Min. retries>2. DIAL: TONE3. Exchange pref>Use the <FORCED> to scroll to 3. Exchange pref>  and press<ENTER>.4. Terminal will display:EXCHANGE PREFIX:1. No2. YesUse the  <FORCED> key to highlight an option and press<ENTER> to make selection.5. If option 2. Yes is selected, the terminal will display:6. Enter exchange prefix and press <ENTER>.  Then press<MENU/ESC> twice to exit menu.ENTER PREFIX:
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 65GatewayThis menu is used for technical purposes only.SuffixThis field is used when a suffix is needed at the end of a phone number.To enter a suffix:1. At  CREDIT....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options3. Press <8>. Terminal will display:COMM MENU:1. Min Retries>2. DIAL : TONE3. Exchange pref.Use the  <FORCED> key to scroll to 5. SUFFIX and press<ENTER>.4. Terminal will display:SUFFIX:1. No2. YesUse the  <FORCED> key to highlight an option and press<ENTER> to make selection.5. If YES  is selected, terminal will display:6. Enter suffix, press  <ENTER>, and then press  <MENU/ESC>twice to exit menu.ENTER SUFFIX:
082-32-00166 NURIT /3010  User ManualVia Line/Radio (This option is for the NURIT )1. At  CREDIT....SALE, ACCOUNT ?, press <MENU/ESC>.2. Terminal will display:MENU SCREEN:1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. OptionsUse the <FORCED> to scroll to 6. VIA LINE/RADIO and press<ENTER> .3. Terminal will display:LINE / RADIO:1. Both:2. Line OnlyUse the  <FORCED> key to highlight an option, and press<ENTER>.4. Then press <MENU/ESC> twice to exit menu.DIAGNOSTICSThis option allows the terminal to be controlled by customer service viaremote control.  Again, this is an option used for technical purposes only.
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 67CHAPTER 3BASIC TROUBLESHOOTINGThis section briefly describes how to troubleshoot some possible commonproblems that may rise during the normal operation of the NURIT /3010.Before requesting service for this unit, check the list below for a possiblecause of the problem you are experiencing. Some simple checks on yourpart may solve the problem, and restore proper operation. If you are stillunable to solve the problem, contact the technical support help desk. DoNOT try to solve the problem by opening the terminal yourself!Terminal seems to have no power• Make sure the AC adapter is fully plugged into the wall outlet, andthat its barrel connector mates properly with the terminal’s PWR jack.• If using the NURIT 3010*, try pressing  <ON/STANDBY> on thekeypad .• If using the NURIT 3010, allow the battery to charge 10 to 12 hourswith the terminal on and AC adapter plugged into the wall (in standbymode).  “NO LINE” appears on the display• Check that the telephone (RJ-11) connector is securely mated with theTEL socket on the terminal, and into the wall.• NURIT was designed for a dedicated phone line. It should not be on asplitter, or on a rollover phone system.• An exchange prefix may or may not be needed. Make sure terminalhas correct settings for an exchange prefix (see page 52).• If using a NURIT 3010, make sure that you are receiving radiocoverage in the area where you are located.
082-32-00168 NURIT /3010  User Manual Printer does not function properly• Check that the paper has been fed to the printer properly (underhand).See the figure and instructions in Appendix C.  The NURIT /3010uses thermal paper only.• Check there is paper in the printer compartment. Replace if required.• If printer continues working even though the paper has been used up,check that the ‘end of paper’ detector in the printer mechanism is notblocked by a torn piece of paper. Card reader not working• Make sure that card has been swiped so that its magnetic strip isfacing downward and to the right side of the terminal.• Be sure to swipe card from back to front of the terminal.• Contact the technical support help desk. Possible PIN pad error• Verify that the PIN pad is properly plugged into the PIN connector onback of terminal.• Check the line to the PIN pad itself. Receipt prints “CANCELED”• The terminal will display a host response, or some type of errormessage, as to why the transaction was canceled.
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 69APPENDIX APHONE CARDThe NURIT /3010 has phone card capabilities.  A merchant can supplyphone cards that can be reused as long as the card is valid.The phone cards work in the following manner: a customer purchases aphone card for any amount desired; anywhere from $1 to $100.  When thecard is depleted, the customer returns to the merchant and purchasesadditional calling time on the same card.The NURIT /3010 can have this phone card option and still process byeither credit, debit, or check, however the idle prompt will differ with thephone card option activated.  If a credit or debit card is swiped, at thephone card prompt, the terminal will automatically switch to the credit ordebit card prompt, respectively.This phone card option is host capture-auto dial, meaning the terminalwill automatically dial out to the host, and batch the phone cardtransactions.  The terminal must be on and plugged into a phone line forthe batching procedure.  The batch time, and amount of attempts can beprogrammed in Merchant Parameters.  The following paragraphs explainthe procedures on processing a phone card transaction for the NURIT/3010.The merchant uses a terminal, a PIN pad (if processing debit), and printer(optional).  The customer enters information on PIN pad (if applicable),and merchant confirms information on the terminal.
082-32-00170 NURIT /3010  User Manual At CREDIT SALE….ACCOUNT, swipe the phone card:1. Press <ENTER MODE>.  Terminal will display:ENTER AMOUNT ($)  0Enter the amount that customer purchased for the phone card,anywhere from $1 to $99.  It must be a rounded number,  no centswill be accepted.2. After the amount has been entered, press <ENTER>. PIN pad (ifapplicable) will display:AMOUNT  = (whatever amount entered, will be displayed here)ENTER/YES,  CLR/NO.3. If using PIN pad, have customer press <ENTER> on the PIN pad.Terminal will display:CLERK NO.  (This will be host specific)4. If you press <CLR>, terminal will display:ENTER AMOUNT ($)  0.At this time enter the correct amount, or press  <MENU/ESC> tocancel transaction.5. Terminal will dial host, return with one of two responses:“ACTIVATED” or “NOT ACTIVATED (this meaning card was notaccepted, for any reason)”.REPORTS FOR PHONE CARDTo print a report for phone card transactions, follow these steps:1. Press <MENU/ESC>, terminal will display:MENU SCREEN1. Reports2. Merch. Params3. Merch. Options
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 712. Press <ENTER>. Terminal will display:REPORTS:1. Default Report2. Current Report3. History Report3. Press <2>. Terminal will display:CURRENT REPORT TYPE:1. Condensed Rport2. Short Report3. Journal Report4. Press <ENTER>. Terminal will display:CHOOSE EDC TYPE:1. ALL2. CREDIT3. DEBIT4. EBT5. Use the <FORCED> to scroll to 7. GENERIC and press<ENTER>.6. Terminal will display:CHOOSE TRANS TYPE:1. ALL2. SALE3. FORCED4. VERIFY7. Press  <ENTER>. Terminal will display: SET CURRENTDEFAULTS?, ENTER=YES, ESC=NO.8. Press <ENTER>. Terminal will print report.
082-32-00172 NURIT /3010  User ManualThis Page Left Blank Intentionally
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 73APPENDIX BNURIT /3010 QUICK REFERENCE MENU TABLEPress <MENU/ESC> to access the menu below.  Use the  <RETURN> and the<FORCED> keys to scroll through menu, and <ENTER> to select.MAIN MENU SUB-MENU FUNCTION or ACTION1. Reports 1. Default Report Prints programmed Default Report2. Current Report Prints report of daily transactions withseveral different options.3. History ReportPrints previous batch totals within the past30 days.4. Display TransactionDisplay daily transactions by transactionnumber5. Last Receipt Prints copy of the LAST transactionreceipt6. Performance ReportPrints Approvals, Denials, Disconnects,Manuals, Swipes7. Setup Report Gives option to print Visa/MC separatelyor together (Default).2. MerchantParams 1. Authorization Enables or disables different transaction/card types2. Security Level Sets security levels for differentoperations3. Edit Header Edits up to 5-line header4. Edit Trailer Edits up to 5-line footer5. Set Cash EDC Enable recording of cash transactions6. Surcharge Rate Enable Surcharge for a Debit transaction7. Set batch Time. Change batch time for Host Auto Closemode8. Server ID & Invoice Adds Server ID/Invoice #/Table #/Guest #to Transaction: 1. Off     2. On9. Site ID View or change site ID3. MerchantOptions 1. Paper Type * 2-ply, 1-ply, or  customized2. No Paper Mode * No receipt printed3. Buzzer Set * Enable/disable tone when hittingkeyboard keys4. Operation Mode * Set terminal in Normal or Demo mode5. Battery Saver */** 1-Off, 2-Radio Only, 3-Radio+Auto Off, 4-Auto Off
082-32-00174 NURIT /3010  User ManualMAIN MENU SUB-MENU FUNCTION or ACTION6. Print Disclaimer Prints Credit Disclaimer on Receipt7. Menu type Sets menu to auto scroll or manual scroll8. Set Halo Maximum limit for a transaction  (forsales, refunds, and cash back)9. Print Setup Prints Setup4. HostParameters 1. MerchantParameters Edit Merchant and/or Terminal ID# s forall hosts used2. Host phonenumbers Edits:  1. Credit, 2. Debit, 3. Check  HostPhone Numbers3. Print EDC SETUP Prints: Manager Card No., Hosts, Merch-ant and/or Terminal ID, allowed transac-tion types, phone numbers, Header etc…4. Protocol version Displays host protocol name and version5. Host Radio AddressDisplays host radio address in TCC(NURIT )5. SystemOptions 1. Set Time and Date Sets terminal’s Date (mm/dd/yy) and Time(hh:mm:00)2. Edit PIN Key Edit host processor working key3. Sel Mstr Key Change Master Key location4. Set batch No. Change Batch Number5. Edit  Database Void transaction; clear database forselected  EDC type6. Working Mode Switches to AVS for retail. Switches tipoptions for restaurant/tab amount for bar7. Pre-dial Call This will cause terminal to dial once cardis swiped, if option is turned on8. PIN Pad Function Allows encryption of internal PIN Pad9. PIN PadConfiguration Option to select from an internal orexternal PIN Pad10. Test Mode Programming purposes only6. Radio Test(NURIT )1. Radio RSSI Displays radio received signal strength2. Radio Address Displays the radio’s MAN number3. Radio Inf. Displays the radio information4. Battery Test Test the battery7. DownloadParameters 1. Load PRM Download parameters from ServiceCenter2. ConnectParameters1. Phone Edit phone number for parameterdownload via modem2. Exchange PrefixSets telephone exchange prefix3. Via Modem/Com1
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 75MAIN MENU SUB-MENU FUNCTION or ACTION4. Baud Baud rate for communication5. Dial Tone / Pulse8.Communication1. Min. Retries Number of times the NURIT will call hostprocessor2. Dial: Tone Sets pulse or tone (DTMF) dialing3. Exchange Prefix Sets an exchange prefix before phonenumber.4. Gateway Not Available5. Suffix Sets a suffix after the phone number.6. Via Line/Radio*(NURIT ) Enables both radio & phone, or phoneonly7. Chk Line: ON Telephone Line Test9. RemoteDiagnostic 1. Start  Diags Remote Diagnostic controlled by the HelpDesk PC2. Set  Comm  Prm Phone, Exchange Prefix, Via, Baud, Dial.* For Wireless POS/EDC Terminal NURIT 3010
082-32-00176 NURIT /3010  User Manual
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 77APPENDIX CINSTALLING/REMOVING PAPER ROLLNote: See illustration on the opposite page.Removing an Empty Paper Roll:1. Remove the paper compartment cover by grasping it on both sidesand lifting it towards you and upwards.2. Remove the paper roll core and spindle. Discard the core but save thespindle to be used with a new paper roll.3. Remove any paper left in the printing mechanism by simultaneouslypressing the <FUNC> and <CLEAR  FEED> buttons in shortincrements.CAUTION: Do NOT pull the paper backward through theprinter mechanism. This may damage the printer and void yourproduct warranty.Inserting a New Paper Roll:1. Unroll the new paper roll so that the imprinted side of the paper isfacing you. Note that some paper manufacturers do NOT imprint onthe roll.  See illustration on the opposite page.2. Using a  scissors, cut the leading edge of the paper roll so that it isperpendicular to the paper feeder and NOT jagged.3. Insert the leading edge of the paper underneath the printermechanism’s rubber platen roller. The printer mechanism shouldautomatically catch and feed the paper. Press the <FUNC> and<CLEAR FEED> buttons simultaneously in short increments untilthe paper exits a few more centimeters.
082-32-00178 NURIT /3010  User Manual4. Lift up the paper roll and tighten up any excessive paper slack. Makesure that the paper unrolls from the bottom.5. Slide the spindle into the paper roll and lower the paper roll into thespindle slots on each side of the paper compartment.6. Replace the paper cover by first inserting the tabs on each side of thecover into their designated slots on each side of the paper cover. Besure that the paper extends outside of the cover before closing.7. Press down on the back of the cover until it snaps in place.  You maynow use your new paper roll.
082-32-001NURIT /3010  User Manual 79This Page Left Blank Intentionally
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