VTech Telecommunications 80-7597-00 WiFi Gateway User Manual users manual

VTech Telecommunications Ltd WiFi Gateway users manual


users manual

      Important Product Information for  MP-252 Series Document #: LTRT-23003   TThhaannkk--yyoouu  ffoorr  CChhoooossiinngg  AAuuddiiooCCooddeess  This important product information includes Regulatory and Safety information. Before you  start  using  this  product,  please  read the  Safety  Instructions  provided.  These  Instructions  can  also  be  downloaded  from  the  AudioCodes  Website  at http://www.audiocodes.com/library.  This  document,  the  Installation  Manual  and  User’s  Manual  (as  well  as  software  files  and  other  documentation)  can  be downloaded from the AudioCodes Website at http://www.audiocodes.com/downloads. Check that all items as listed in the Installation Manual are supplied in the shipped package. If any items are missing or if you have any queries, contact your AudioCodes sales representative. If your product was purchased directly from AudioCodes, then contact support@audiocodes.com. If the product was purchased from AudioCodes’ Distributors, Partners, or Resellers, then use the contact details provided by these sellers.  WWaarrnniinngg  The device will be inoperable when the mains power fails and the battery backup is not connected.   IInndduussttrryy  CCaannaaddaa  NNoottiiccee  This equipment meets the applicable Industry Canada Terminal Equipment technical specifications. This is confirmed by the registration numbers. The abbreviation, IC,  before  the  registration  number  signifies  that  registration  was  performed  based  on  a  declaration  of  conformity  indicating  that  Industry  Canada  technical specifications were met. It does not imply that Industry Canada approved the equipment.  FFoorr  CCuussttoommeerrss  iinn  CCaannaaddaa  This Class [B] digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de la classe [B] est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.  Operation  is  subject  to  the  following  two  conditions:  (1)  this  device  may  not  cause  interference,  and  (2)  this  device  must  accept  any  interference,  including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. This device and its antenna(s) must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. The County Code Selection feature is disabled for products marketed in the US/Canada.  IICC  RRaaddiiaattiioonn  EExxppoossuurree  SSttaatteemmeenntt  This equipment complies with IC RSS-102 radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance of 20 cm between the radiator and your body.  SSaaffeettyy  NNoottiiccee  1. To avoid risk of fire, use 26 AWG or higher wiring to connect the FXO, ADSL telecom ports. 2. Disconnect TNV circuit connector before removing cover. 3. Unit must be powered only by power limited Class 2 certified power adapter Ports      Safety Status Ethernet (100Base-TX)   SELV FXS      TNV-2 FXO, ADSL     TNV-3
    AudioCodes Inc. 27 World's Fair Drive, Somerset, NJ 08873 Tel: +1-732-469-0880 Fax: +1-732-496-2298 International Headquarters 1 Hayarden Street, Airport City, Lod 70151 P.O. Box 255, Ben Gurion Airport, Israel, 70100 Tel: +972-3-976-4000  Fax: +972-3-976-4040 Contact www.audiocodes.com/info   Website: www.audiocodes.com  FFCCCC  PPaarrtt  1155  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the requirements for a Class B digital device under Part 15 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules. These requirements are intended to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses  and  can  radiate  radio  frequency  energy  and,  if  not  installed  and  used  in  accordance  with  the  instructions,  may  cause  harmful  interference  to  radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If  this  equipment  does  cause  harmful  interference  to  radio  or  television  reception,  which  can  be  determined  by  turning  the  equipment  off  and  on,  the  user  is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Changes  or  modifications  to  this  equipment  not  expressly  approved  by  the  party  responsible  for  compliance  could  void  the  user’s  authority  to  operate  the equipment.  This  device  complies  with  Part  15  of  the  FCC  rules.  Operation  is  subject  to  the  following  two  conditions:  (1)  this  device  may  not  cause  harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  Privacy of communications may not be ensured when using this telephone. To ensure safety of users, the FCC has established criteria for the amount of radio frequency energy that can be safely absorbed by a user or bystander according to the intended usage of the product. This product has been tested and found to comply with the FCC criteria. The handset may be safely held against the ear of the user. The telephone base shall be installed and used such that parts of the user’s body other than the hands are maintained at a distance of approximately 20cm (8 inches) or more. This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. FFCCCC  PPaarrtt  6688  aanndd  AACCTTAA  This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules and with technical requirements adopted by the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments (ACTA). The label on the back or bottom of this equipment contains, among other things, a product identifier in the format US:EW7DL01B80-759700. This identifier must be provided to your telephone service provider upon request. The  plug  and  jack  used  to connect  this  equipment  to  premises  wiring  and  the telephone  network  must  comply  with the  applicable  Part  68  rules  and  technical requirements adopted by ACTA. A compliant telephone cord and modular plug is provided with this product. It is designed to be connected to a compatible modular jack that is also compliant. An RJ11 jack should normally be used for connecting to a single line and an RJ14 jack for two lines. See Installation Instructions in the user’s manual. The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) is used to determine how many devices you may connect to your telephone line and still have them ring when you are called. The REN for this product is encoded as the 6th and 7th characters following the US: in the product identifier (e.g., if ## is 03, the REN is 0.3). In most, but not all areas, the sum of all RENs should be five (5.0) or less. For more information, please contact your telephone service provider. This equipment may not be used with Party Lines. If you have specially wired alarm dialing equipment connected to your telephone line, ensure the connection of this equipment does not disable your alarm equipment. If you have questions about what will disable the alarm equipment, consult your telephone service provider or a qualified installer.  If this equipment is malfunctioning, it must be unplugged from the modular jack until the problem has been corrected. Repairs to this telephone equipment can only be made by the manufacturer or its authorized agents. For repair procedures, follow the instructions outlined under the Limited Warranty.  If this equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone service provider may  temporarily discontinue your telephone service. The telephone service provider is required to notify you before interrupting service. If advance notice is not practical, you will be notified as soon as possible. You will be given the opportunity to correct the problem and the telephone service provider is required to inform you of your right to file a complaint with the FCC. Your telephone service provider may make changes in its  facilities, equipment, operation, or procedures that could affect the proper functioning of this  product. The telephone service provider is required to notify you if such changes are planned.  If this product is equipped with a corded or cordless handset, it is hearing aid compatible.  If this product has memory dialing locations, you may choose to store emergency telephone numbers (e.g., police, fire, medical) in these locations. If you do store or test emergency numbers, please: • Remain on the line and briefly explain the reason for the call before hanging up. • Perform such activities in off-peak hours, such as early morning or late evening.   If trouble is experienced with this equipment, for repair or warranty information, please contact AudioCodes Inc. or call +1-732-469-0880. If the equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may request that you disconnect the equipment until the problem is resolved.   IInndduussttrryy  CCaannaaddaa  Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation. The term ‘’IC:‘’ before the certification/registration number only signifies that the Industry Canada technical specifications were met. The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) for this terminal equipment is 0.1B. The REN is an indication of the maximum number of devices allowed to be connected to a telephone interface. The termination on an interface may consist of any combination of devices subject only to the requirement that the sum of the RENs of all the devices does not exceed five. This product meets the applicable Industry Canada technical specifications.  NNeettwwoorrkk  CCoommppaattiibbiilliittyy  ooff  FFXXOO  PPoorrttss  The products support the Telecom networks in EU that comply with ES 203 021.
  Document #: LTRT-23003 EEuurrooppee--EEUU  DDeeccllaarraattiioonn  ooff  CCoonnffoorrmmiittyy  Application of Council Directives Standards to which  Conformity is Declared Manufacturer’s Name Manufacturer’s Address Type of Equipment Model Numbers 2004/108/EC 2006/95/EC 1999/5/EC Annex-II of the Directive ErP Directive 2009/125/EC) EN 60950-1 : 2006 + A11/2009 EN 55022 : 2006+A1 EN 55024 : 1998+A1+A2 EN 61000-3-2 : 2006+A1+A2 EN 61000-3-3 : 2008 EN 301 489-17 V2.1.1 (2009-05) EN 301 489-1 V1.8.1 (2008-04) EN 301 489-6 V1.3.1 (2008-08) EN 301 406 V2.1.1 (2009-07) EN 300 328 V1.7.1 (2006-10) EN 50385 : 2002 EN 59360 : 2001/AC:2006 AudioCodes  Ltd. 1 Hayarden St Airport City, Lod 70151  Israel  ADSL IAD (Integrated Access Device) MP252WDNB I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the equipment specified above conforms to the above Directives and Standards.  6th July, 2011  Airport City, Lod, Israel Signature  Date (Day/Month/Year) Location I. Zusmanovich, Compliance Engineering Manager Czech  AudioCodes Ltd tímto prohlašuje, že tento MP-252 je ve shodě se základními požadavky a dalšími příslušnými ustanoveními směrnice 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 2009/125/EC, 1999/5/EC Danish  Undertegnede AudioCodes Ltd erklærer herved, at følgende udstyr MP-252 overholder de væsentlige krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 1999/5/EC Dutch  Hierbij verklaart AudioCodes Ltd dat het toestel MP-252 in overeenstemming is met de essentiële eisen en de andere relevante bepalingen van richtlijn 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 2009/125/EC, 1999/5/EC English  Hereby, AudioCodes Ltd, declares that this MP-252 is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 2009/125/EC, 1999/5/EC Estonian  Käesolevaga kinnitab AudioCodes Ltd seadme MP-252 vastavust direktiivi 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC,2009/125/EC, 2009/125/EC, 1999/5/EC ,  põhinõuetele ja nimetatud direktiivist tulenevatele teistele asjakohastele sätetele. Finnish  AudioCodes Ltd vakuuttaa täten että MP-252 tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 2009/125/EC,  1999/5/EC oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen. French  Par la présente AudioCodes Ltd déclare que l'appareil MP-252 est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la directive 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 2009/125/EC, 1999/5/EC German  Hiermit erklärt AudioCodes Ltd, dass sich dieser/diese/dieses MP-252 in Übereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den anderen relevanten Vorschriften der Richtlinie 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 2009/125/EC, 1999/5/EC  befindet". Greek  ΜΕ ΤΗΝ ΠΑΡΟΥΣΑ AudioCodes Ltd ΔΗΛΩΝΕΙ ΟΤΙ MP-252 ΣΥΜΜΟΡΦΩΝΕΤΑΙ ΠΡΟΣ ΤΙΣ ΟΥΣΙΩΔΕΙΣ ΑΠΑΙΤΗΣΕΙΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΙΣ ΛΟΙΠΕΣ ΣΧΕΤΙΚΕΣ ΔΙΑΤΑΞΕΙΣ ΤΗΣ ΟΔΗΓΙΑΣ 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 2009/125/EC, 1999/5/EC Hungarian  Alulírott, AudioCodes Ltd nyilatkozom, hogy a MP-252 megfelel a vonatkozó alapvetõ követelményeknek és az 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 2009/125/EC, 1999/5/EC  irányelv egyéb elõírásainak Icelandic  æki þetta er í samræmi við tilskipun Evrópusambandsins 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 2009/125/EC, 1999/5/EC Italian  Con la presente AudioCodes Ltd dichiara che questo MP-252 è conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 2009/125/EC, 1999/5/EC Latvian  Ar šo AudioCodes Ltd deklarē, ka MP-252 atbilst Direktīvas 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 2009/125/EC, 1999/5/EC būtiskajām prasībām un citiem ar to saistītajiem noteikumiem. Lithuanian  AudioCodes Ltd deklaruoja, kad irenginys MP-252 tenkina 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 2009/125/EC, 1999/5/EC  Direktyvos esminius reikalavimus ir kitas sios direktyvos nuostatas Maltese  Hawnhekk, AudioCodes Ltd, jiddikjara li dan MP-252 jikkonforma mal-ħtiġijiet essenzjali u ma provvedimenti oħrajn relevanti li hemm fid-Dirrettiva 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 2009/125/EC, 1999/5/EC Norwegian  Dette produktet er i samhørighet med det Europeiske Direktiv 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 2009/125/EC, 1999/5/EC Polish  AudioCodes Ltd, deklarujemy z pelna odpowiedzialnoscia, ze wyrób MP-252 spelnia podstawowe wymagania i odpowiada warunkom zawartym w dyrektywie 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 2009/125/EC, 1999/5/EC Portuguese  AudioCodes Ltd declara que este MP-252 está conforme com os requisitos essenciais e outras disposições da Directiva 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 2009/125/EC, 1999/5/EC Slovak  AudioCodes Ltd týmto vyhlasuje, že MP-252 spĺňa základné požiadavky a všetky príslušné ustanovenia Smernice 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 2009/125/EC, 1999/5/EC Slovene  Šiuo AudioCodes Ltd deklaruoja, kad šis MP-252 atitinka esminius reikalavimus ir kitas 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 2009/125/EC, 1999/5/EC Direktyvos nuostatas. Spanish  Por medio de la presente AudioCodes Ltd declara que el MP-252 cumple con los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera otras disposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la Directiva 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 2009/125/EC, 1999/5/EC Swedish  Härmed intygar AudioCodes Ltd att denna MP-252 står I överensstämmelse med de väsentliga egenskapskrav och övriga relevanta bestämmelser som framgår av direktiv 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 2009/125/EC, 1999/5/EC
   AudioCodes CPE & Access Gateway Products     MP252  Multimedia Home Gateway  User's Manual  MP252BW and MP252WDNB MediaPack™ 252 Multimedia Home Gateway Series Version 3.4.0 Document #: LTRT-23504
Version 3.4.0  3  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  Contents Contents 1Introduction .......................................................................................................202Package Contents and Prerequisites ..............................................................223Hardware Description .......................................................................................233.1Physical Description............................................................................................... 233.1.1Front Panel ..............................................................................................................23Front-Panel Buttons Description ............................................................. 24Front-Panel LEDs Description................................................................. 253.1.2Rear Panel...............................................................................................................26Rear-Panel Port Description ................................................................... 27Rear-Panel LEDs Description ................................................................. 283.2Cabling................................................................................................................... 293.3Mounting ................................................................................................................30Part I: Gateway Configuration ................................................................................334Getting Started with the Web Interface ...........................................................354.1Logging in to the Web Interface .............................................................................354.2Menu Bar Description............................................................................................. 364.3Managing Tables.................................................................................................... 394.4Configuring Users ..................................................................................................404.5Defining Associated Elements ...............................................................................434.5.1Defining Scheduler Rules ........................................................................................434.5.2Defining Network Objects ........................................................................................464.5.3Defining Protocols....................................................................................................474.6Logging out the Web Interface............................................................................... 495Viewing a Graphical Display of the MP252 Network ......................................506Configuring Computers for Connecting to the MP252 Network....................546.1Wired Computers ...................................................................................................546.1.1Configuring Computers Running on Windows XP...................................................546.1.2Configuring Computers Running on Linux...............................................................556.2Connecting PC to MP252 Wireless Networks........................................................567Connecting MP252 to the Internet ...................................................................577.1Quickly Setting up an Internet Connection in the Web Interface............................ 577.1.1WAN Ethernet..........................................................................................................58Manual IP Address Ethernet Connection................................................ 59Automatic IP Address Ethernet Connection............................................ 59PPPoE..................................................................................................... 60PPTP ....................................................................................................... 60L2TP........................................................................................................ 617.1.2WAN DSL ................................................................................................................62PPPoE..................................................................................................... 62PPPoA..................................................................................................... 63Routed ETHoA ........................................................................................ 63Bridged ETHoA ....................................................................................... 64CLIP......................................................................................................... 647.2Using the Automatic Dialer for Internet Connection ............................................... 667.2.1Recommended Configuration..................................................................................667.2.2Setting up and Starting the Automatic Dialer...........................................................68
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  4  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual 7.2.3Quitting Automatic Dialer for Manual Configuration ................................................698Configuring VoIP Parameters ..........................................................................708.1Configuring the SIP Signaling Protocol ..................................................................718.1.1Configuring Proxy Redundancy...............................................................................778.2Configuring Dialing Parameters .............................................................................798.2.1Syntax for Digit Maps and Dial Plans ......................................................................818.3Configuring Media Streaming................................................................................. 838.3.1Configuring Codecs .................................................................................................84Supported Codecs................................................................................... 84Packetization Time .................................................................................. 848.4Configuring Voice and Fax..................................................................................... 848.5Configuring Supplementary Services..................................................................... 888.6Configuring Line Settings....................................................................................... 928.7Configuring Line Extensions ..................................................................................958.8Configuring Speed Dialing .....................................................................................968.9Enabling Polarity Reversal ..................................................................................... 978.10Selecting Regional Settings for Analog Lines ........................................................989Connecting MP252 to an ITSP..........................................................................999.1Opening a SIP Account.......................................................................................... 999.2Configuring VoIP Parameters ................................................................................ 9910Making VoIP Calls with your Analog Telephones.........................................10110.1Making a Call .......................................................................................................10110.2Answering a Waiting Call .....................................................................................10110.3Placing a Call on Hold.......................................................................................... 10210.4Transferring a Call................................................................................................ 10210.5Establishing a 3-Way Conference Call................................................................. 10310.6Forwarding Calls to another Phone...................................................................... 10411Quality of Service............................................................................................10511.1QoS Wizard.......................................................................................................... 10611.2Traffic Shaping..................................................................................................... 10711.2.1Device Traffic Shaping.......................................................................................... 10711.2.2Shaping Classes................................................................................................... 109Class Rules ........................................................................................... 11011.3Traffic Priority .......................................................................................................11211.4DSCP Mapping .................................................................................................... 11511.5802.1p Mapping ...................................................................................................11811.6Class Statistics..................................................................................................... 11911.7Configuring Basic VoIP QoS ................................................................................12012Network Connections .....................................................................................12312.1Configuring a WAN Connection ...........................................................................12312.1.1WAN DSL Connections ........................................................................................ 125Determine Protocol Type Automatically (PVC Scan)............................ 125PPPoE................................................................................................... 126PPPoA................................................................................................... 128Routed ETHoA or Bridged ETHoA........................................................ 130CLIP....................................................................................................... 132
Version 3.4.0  5  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  ContentsIPoA....................................................................................................... 13412.1.2WAN Ethernet Connections.................................................................................. 135External DSL Modem using PPPoE...................................................... 135External Cable Modem without Authentication ..................................... 136External Cable Modem with PPTP........................................................ 137External Cable Modem with L2TP......................................................... 139DHCP .................................................................................................... 141Manual IP Address................................................................................ 14212.2LAN Connection ...................................................................................................14312.2.1Wireless LAN ........................................................................................................ 143Enabling and Disabling the Wireless Network ...................................... 145Configuring Wireless Properties under the Settings Tab ...................... 145Configuring Wireless Properties under the Wireless Tab ..................... 147Advanced Tab ....................................................................................... 15812.2.2LAN Hardware Ethernet Switch............................................................................ 158Settings Tab .......................................................................................... 159Switch Tab............................................................................................. 160Advanced Tab ....................................................................................... 16212.3Editing Network Connections and Advanced Configuration................................. 16212.3.1General Tab.......................................................................................................... 16312.3.2Settings Tab.......................................................................................................... 163Internet Protocol Settings...................................................................... 16512.3.3Routing Tab .......................................................................................................... 16812.3.4Wireless Tab......................................................................................................... 16912.3.5Switch Tab ............................................................................................................ 16912.3.6Bridging Tab ......................................................................................................... 16912.3.7PPP Tab ............................................................................................................... 17012.3.8PPTP tab .............................................................................................................. 17112.3.9Advanced Tab....................................................................................................... 17212.4VLAN Settings...................................................................................................... 17312.4.1Settings Tab.......................................................................................................... 175IP Address Distribution.......................................................................... 17612.4.2Routing Tab .......................................................................................................... 17812.4.3Advanced Tab....................................................................................................... 17912.5LAN-WAN Bridge Settings ...................................................................................18012.5.1Editing LAN-WAN Bridging................................................................................... 18213Remote MP252 Management..........................................................................18513.1Overview ..............................................................................................................18513.1.1Remote Configuration........................................................................................... 18513.1.2Remote Management ........................................................................................... 186Firmware Upgrade................................................................................. 187Status and Performance Monitoring...................................................... 188Alarms, Notifications and Logging......................................................... 18913.2Enabling Remote Management............................................................................ 18913.3Securing Remote Management with Certificates ................................................. 19213.4Remote Configuration and Management Interfaces ............................................ 19713.4.1Embedded Web Server ........................................................................................ 19713.4.2TR-069 and TR-104 CPE WAN Management Protocol ....................................... 198Configuring MP252 via TR-069 and TR-104......................................... 199Monitoring MP252 Status via TR-069 and TR-104 ............................... 207Security Concerns and Measures ......................................................... 21113.4.3SNMP.................................................................................................................... 212Enabling SNMP in the Web Interface.................................................... 212Configuring MP252 via SNMP .............................................................. 213Status Monitoring of System and Network Interfaces via SNMP.......... 214
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  6  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's ManualSecurity Concerns and Measures ......................................................... 21413.4.4Syslog ................................................................................................................... 21513.4.5Automatic File Download ...................................................................................... 215Firmware File Download........................................................................ 215Configuration File Download ................................................................. 215Security Concerns and Measures ......................................................... 21613.4.6Telnet CLI ............................................................................................................. 21614Security............................................................................................................21714.1General Security Level Settings........................................................................... 21814.2Access Control..................................................................................................... 22014.3Port Forwarding.................................................................................................... 22114.4DMZ Host .............................................................................................................22614.5Port Triggering .....................................................................................................22714.6Website Restrictions ............................................................................................22914.7NAT ...................................................................................................................... 23214.8Connections .........................................................................................................23614.9Advanced Filtering ...............................................................................................23714.10Security Log .........................................................................................................24015Advanced Networking Features.....................................................................24315.1IP Address Distribution......................................................................................... 24315.1.1DHCP Server Parameters .................................................................................... 24515.1.2DHCP Relay Parameters...................................................................................... 24615.1.3Viewing DHCP Clients .......................................................................................... 24715.1.4Defining Static DHCP Clients ............................................................................... 24715.2DNS Server ..........................................................................................................24915.3Dynamic DNS....................................................................................................... 25015.4Routing................................................................................................................. 25315.4.1Managing Routing Table Rules ............................................................................ 25315.4.2Routing Protocols ................................................................................................. 25415.5PPPoE Relay ....................................................................................................... 25416Home Media.....................................................................................................25716.1Universal Plug and Play .......................................................................................25716.1.1Enabling UPnP on MP252.................................................................................... 25716.1.2Adding UPnP-enabled PC to Home Network ....................................................... 25816.1.3Monitoring Connection between MP252 and Internet .......................................... 25816.1.4Making Local Services available to PCs on Internet ............................................ 25917Add-On Servers and Disk Management ........................................................26317.1External File Server.............................................................................................. 26317.1.1Automatic File Sharing.......................................................................................... 26417.2Disk Management ................................................................................................26517.2.1Disk Partitions....................................................................................................... 267Connecting a Mass Storage Device...................................................... 267Formatting a Partition............................................................................ 271Checking a Partition .............................................................................. 272Deleting a Partition ................................................................................ 27217.2.2System Storage Area............................................................................................ 27317.2.3RAID Management ............................................................................................... 275Creating a RAID Device ........................................................................ 275Using a RAID Device............................................................................. 277
Version 3.4.0  7  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  ContentsMaintaining a RAID Device ................................................................... 277Replacing RAID Underlying Devices..................................................... 27717.3Print Server ..........................................................................................................27917.3.1Connecting and Setting up a Printer on Windows................................................ 28017.3.2Print Protocols ...................................................................................................... 281Internet Printing Protocol....................................................................... 281Microsoft Shared Printing (Samba) ....................................................... 290Line Printer Daemon (LPD)................................................................... 29317.3.3Storing and Using Printer Drivers ......................................................................... 30018Maintenance ....................................................................................................30218.1About MP252 ....................................................................................................... 30218.2Date & Time .........................................................................................................30318.3Backup and Restore............................................................................................. 30518.3.1Backing Up Data................................................................................................... 30518.3.2Restoring Your Data ............................................................................................. 30718.4Configuration File................................................................................................. 30818.4.1Uploading from PC on the Network ...................................................................... 31018.4.2Uploading from a Remote Server ......................................................................... 31218.4.3Encrypting a Configuration File Using CLI............................................................ 31318.4.4Automatic Upload using SIP NOTIFY Message................................................... 31518.5Firmware Upgrade ............................................................................................... 31518.5.1Upgrading from a Computer on the Network........................................................ 31718.5.2Upgrading From the Internet ................................................................................ 31918.6System Settings ...................................................................................................32118.7Reboot.................................................................................................................. 32418.8Restoring Factory Settings................................................................................... 32519Diagnostics and Performance Monitoring ....................................................32619.1Diagnostics...........................................................................................................32619.1.1Running a Ping Test ............................................................................................. 32719.1.2Running an ARP Test........................................................................................... 32819.1.3Running a Traceroute ........................................................................................... 32819.1.4Running a PVC Scan Test.................................................................................... 32919.1.5Running an OAM Ping Test.................................................................................. 32919.2Performance Monitoring....................................................................................... 33119.2.1Network Connections............................................................................................ 33119.2.2System Log........................................................................................................... 33219.2.3CPU ...................................................................................................................... 33219.2.4Voice over IP ........................................................................................................ 33519.2.5Internet Connection Utilization.............................................................................. 335Part II: DECT Phone...............................................................................................33720Introduction .....................................................................................................33821Safety Instructions..........................................................................................33922Getting Started ................................................................................................34022.1Installing the DECT Phone................................................................................... 34022.2Powering the Handset.......................................................................................... 34122.2.1Charging the Handset........................................................................................... 34122.2.2Checking the Battery Level................................................................................... 34222.2.3Switching the Base Unit On or Off........................................................................ 34222.2.4Switching the Handset On or Off .......................................................................... 342
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  8  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual 22.2.5Replacing the Batteries......................................................................................... 34322.3Getting to Know Your Phone................................................................................ 34422.3.1Overview of the Handset ...................................................................................... 34422.3.2Getting to Know your Handset LCD Screen......................................................... 347Menu Structure...................................................................................... 348Entering Text and Digits........................................................................ 34922.3.3Viewing Base Unit Status with DECT LED........................................................... 35122.4Upgrading MP252 and the Base Unit................................................................... 35122.5Defining the MP252 Handset Line ....................................................................... 35222.6Registering the Handset to Base Unit ..................................................................35422.7Checking the Handset Signal Strength ................................................................35523General Phone Operation...............................................................................35623.1Making an External Call .......................................................................................35623.1.1Pre-dialing............................................................................................................. 35623.1.2Direct Dialing ........................................................................................................ 35623.1.3Calling from your Phonebook ............................................................................... 35623.1.4Calling from the Call List....................................................................................... 35623.1.5Establishing a Second Call ................................................................................... 35623.1.6Redialing a Number .............................................................................................. 35723.2Answering a Call ..................................................................................................35723.3Answering or Rejecting a Second Call................................................................. 35823.4Ending a Call........................................................................................................ 35823.5Adjusting Earpiece and Speakerphone Volume during a Call ............................. 35823.6Muting a Call ........................................................................................................35823.7Turning Off the Ringer.......................................................................................... 35923.8Redial List ............................................................................................................35923.8.1Saving a Redial Number to the Phonebook ......................................................... 35923.8.2Deleting a Number from the Redial List................................................................ 36023.8.3Deleting the Entire Redial List .............................................................................. 36023.9Locking the Keypad.............................................................................................. 36023.10Paging the Handset.............................................................................................. 36023.11Call Handling for Multiple, Registered Handsets.................................................. 36123.11.1Calling (Intercom) Another Handset ..................................................................... 36123.11.2Transferring an External Call to Another Handset................................................ 361Announced Call Transfer ...................................................................... 361Unannounced Call Transfer .................................................................. 36123.11.3Transferring an External Call to Another External Call......................................... 36223.11.4Toggling between External and Internal Calls...................................................... 36223.11.5Three-Way Conference Calls ............................................................................... 363Making a Three-Way Conference Call with Another Handset and an External Party ....................................................................................................... 363Making a Three-Way Conference Call with your Handset and two External Calls 36424Phonebook.......................................................................................................36524.1Adding a New Contact ......................................................................................... 36524.2Editing a Contact.................................................................................................. 36624.3Viewing Contacts .................................................................................................36624.4Deleting a Contact................................................................................................ 36724.5Deleting All Contacts............................................................................................ 36825Call List ............................................................................................................369
Version 3.4.0  9  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  Contents 25.1Viewing the Call List............................................................................................. 36925.2Saving a Call List Number to the Phonebook ...................................................... 37025.3Dialing a Call List Number.................................................................................... 37025.4Deleting a Call List Number ................................................................................. 37125.5Deleting the Entire Call List.................................................................................. 37226Clock and Alarm..............................................................................................37326.1Date and Time...................................................................................................... 37326.1.1Changing the Date Format ................................................................................... 37326.1.2Changing the Time Format................................................................................... 37326.1.3Setting the Time and Date.................................................................................... 37326.2Alarm.................................................................................................................... 37426.2.1Setting the Alarm .................................................................................................. 37526.2.2Defining the Alarm Melody ................................................................................... 37626.2.3Disabling the Alarm............................................................................................... 37626.2.4Switching Off or Snoozing the Alarm.................................................................... 37627Customizing the Handset ...............................................................................37727.1Adjusting Speaker and Earpiece Volume............................................................. 37727.2Ring Settings........................................................................................................ 37827.2.1Choosing the Internal Ringer Melody ................................................................... 37827.2.2Choosing the External Ringer Melody .................................................................. 37827.2.3Adjusting the Ringer Volume ................................................................................ 37927.3Alert Tones........................................................................................................... 37927.3.1Setting the Key Tone ............................................................................................ 37927.3.2Setting the Battery Low Tone ............................................................................... 38027.4Setting the Display Language ..............................................................................38027.5Selecting a Wallpaper .......................................................................................... 38027.6Setting the Contrast Level.................................................................................... 38127.7Activating or Deactivating Automatic Answer....................................................... 38127.8Selecting a Base Station...................................................................................... 38127.9Resetting Handset to Factory Defaults ................................................................ 38228Base Settings ..................................................................................................38328.1Manage Handsets ................................................................................................38328.1.1Renaming the Handset......................................................................................... 38328.1.2De-Registering a Handset .................................................................................... 38428.2Changing the PIN Number ................................................................................... 38528.3Resetting the Base to Factory Defaults................................................................ 38528.4Viewing the Product Version ................................................................................38528.5Activating Nemo Mode ......................................................................................... 38629Factory Defaults..............................................................................................38730Troubleshooting..............................................................................................388ASpecifications..................................................................................................389A.1Gateway Specifications........................................................................................ 389A.2DECT (Only for MP252WDNB) ............................................................................ 392
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  10  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual List of Figures Figure  1-1:  MP252 Typical Application..................................................................................................21Figure  3-1:  Front Panel of MP252BW ...................................................................................................23Figure  3-2:  Front Panel of MP252WDNB ..............................................................................................24Figure  3-3:  Rear Panel of MP252BW....................................................................................................26Figure  3-4:  Rear Panel of MP252WDNB...............................................................................................27Figure  3-5:  Cabling MP252....................................................................................................................29Figure  3-6: MP 252 Wall Mount Bracket ................................................................................................31Figure  3-7: Attaching Phone Base to Wall Mount ..................................................................................32Figure  4-1: Login Screen ........................................................................................................................35Figure  4-2: Typical Table Structure ........................................................................................................39Figure  4-3: Users Screen .......................................................................................................................40Figure  4-4: Users Settings Screen .........................................................................................................41Figure  4-5: Group Settings Screen.........................................................................................................43Figure  4-6: Scheduler Rules Screen ......................................................................................................43Figure  4-7: Edit Scheduler Rule Screen.................................................................................................44Figure  4-8: Edit Time Segment Screen ..................................................................................................45Figure  4-9: Edit Hour Range Screen ......................................................................................................45Figure  4-10: Network Objects Screen ....................................................................................................46Figure  4-11: Edit Network Objects Screen .............................................................................................46Figure  4-12: Edit Item Screen ................................................................................................................46Figure  4-13: Advanced - Protocols.........................................................................................................47Figure  4-14: Advanced - Protocols - Edit Service ..................................................................................48Figure  4-15: Advanced - Protocols - Edit Service - Server Ports...........................................................48Figure  5-1: Map View Screen (Example) ...............................................................................................51Figure  6-1: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties Dialog Box................................................................55Figure  6-2: Available Wireless Networks................................................................................................56Figure  7-1: Quick Setup Screen .............................................................................................................58Figure  7-2: Manual IP Address WAN Ethernet Connection ...................................................................59Figure  7-3: Automatic IP Address WAN Ethernet Connection ...............................................................60Figure  7-4: PPPoE WAN Ethernet Connection ......................................................................................60Figure  7-5: PPTP WAN Ethernet Connection ........................................................................................61Figure  7-6: L2TP WAN Ethernet Connection .........................................................................................61Figure  7-7: PPPoE WAN DSL Internet Connection ...............................................................................62Figure  7-8: PPPoA WAN DSL Internet Connection ...............................................................................63Figure  7-9: Routed ETHoA WAN DSL Internet Connection...................................................................63Figure  7-10: Bridged ETHoA WAN DSL Internet Connection ................................................................64Figure  7-11: CLIP WAN DSL Internet Connection .................................................................................65Figure  8-1: Signaling Protocol Tab Screen ............................................................................................72Figure  8-2: Configuring Proxy Redundancy ...........................................................................................78Figure  8-3: Dialing Tab Screen ..............................................................................................................79Figure  8-4: Media Streaming Tab Screen ..............................................................................................83Figure  8-5: Voice and Fax Tab Screen ..................................................................................................84Figure  8-6: Services Tab Screen............................................................................................................88Figure  8-7: Line Settings Tab Screen.....................................................................................................92Figure  8-8: Line Settings Screen for a New Line....................................................................................93Figure  8-9: Extension Settings Tab Screen............................................................................................95Figure  8-10: Extension Settings Screen.................................................................................................95Figure  8-11: Speed Dial Tab Screen......................................................................................................96Figure  8-12: Speed Dial Settings Screen (Proxy Destination) ...............................................................96Figure  8-13: Speed Dial Settings Screen (Local Line Destination)........................................................97Figure  8-14: Speed Dial Settings Screen (Direct Call Destination)........................................................97Figure  8-15: Telephone Interface Tab Screen .......................................................................................98Figure  8-16: Regional Settings Screen ..................................................................................................98Figure  9-1: Voice Over IP - Line Settings Screen ..................................................................................99Figure  9-2: VoIP - Line Settings - Defining a New Line....................................................................... 100Figure  11-1: QoS Wizard Tab Screen ................................................................................................. 106Figure  11-2: Quality of Service – Traffic Shaping Screen ................................................................... 108
Version 3.4.0  11  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  Contents Figure  11-3: Add Device Traffic Shaping Screen................................................................................ 108Figure  11-4: Edit Device Traffic Shaping Screen ................................................................................ 108Figure  11-5: Add Shaping Class Screen ............................................................................................. 109Figure  11-6: Edit Shaping Class.......................................................................................................... 110Figure  11-7: Traffic Priority Screen ..................................................................................................... 113Figure  11-8: Add Traffic Priority Rule Screen...................................................................................... 114Figure  11-9: DSCP Settings Screen.................................................................................................... 116Figure  11-10: Edit DSCP Settings....................................................................................................... 117Figure  11-11: 802.1p Settings Screen................................................................................................. 118Figure  11-12: Class Statistics Screen ................................................................................................. 119Figure  11-13: Edit Device Traffic Shaping........................................................................................... 121Figure  11-14: QoS - Edit Device Traffic Shaping - Submitting the Configuration ............................... 122Figure  12-1: Network Connections Screen ......................................................................................... 123Figure  12-2: Connection Wizard Screen ............................................................................................. 124Figure  12-3: WAN DSL Properties Screen.......................................................................................... 125Figure  12-4: Determine Protocol Type Automatically (PVC Scan) Screen ......................................... 126Figure  12-5: Scan User Defined VPI/VCI Screen ............................................................................... 126Figure  12-6: DSL PVC Parameters Configuration Screen .................................................................. 127Figure  12-7: Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) Screen.................................................. 127Figure  12-8: Connection Summary Screen ......................................................................................... 128Figure  12-9: DSL PVC Parameters Configuration Screen .................................................................. 129Figure  12-10: Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM (PPPoA) Screen...................................................... 129Figure  12-11: Connection Summary Screen....................................................................................... 130Figure  12-12: DSL PVC Parameters Configuration Screen ................................................................ 131Figure  12-13: Ethernet Connection over ATM (ETHoA) Screen......................................................... 131Figure  12-14: Connection Summary Screen....................................................................................... 132Figure  12-15: Classical IP over ATM (CLIP) Screen........................................................................... 133Figure  12-16: Connection Summary Screen....................................................................................... 133Figure  12-17: Routed IP over ATM (IPoA) Screen.............................................................................. 134Figure  12-18: Connection Summary Screen....................................................................................... 135Figure  12-19: Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) Screen................................................ 135Figure  12-20: PPPoE Connection Summary....................................................................................... 136Figure  12-21: Internet Cable Modem Connection Screen................................................................... 136Figure  12-22: Ethernet Connection Summary..................................................................................... 137Figure  12-23: Internet Cable Modem Connection Screen................................................................... 138Figure  12-24: Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) Screen........................................................ 138Figure  12-25: PPTP Connection Summary ......................................................................................... 139Figure  12-26: Internet Cable Modem Connection Screen................................................................... 139Figure  12-27: Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) Screen .................................................................. 140Figure  12-28: L2TP Connection Summary.......................................................................................... 141Figure  12-29: Ethernet Connection Screen......................................................................................... 141Figure  12-30: DHCP Connection Summary ........................................................................................ 142Figure  12-31: Ethernet Connection Screen......................................................................................... 142Figure  12-32: Manual IP Address Configuration Screen..................................................................... 142Figure  12-33: Manual IP Connection Summary .................................................................................. 143Figure  12-34: Network Connections Screen Displaying LAN Wireless Interface................................ 144Figure  12-35: LAN Wireless 802.11n Access Point Properties (General Tab) Screen....................... 144Figure  12-36: LAN Wireless 802.11 Access Point Properties (Settings Tab) Screen......................... 146Figure  12-37: LAN Wireless 802.11 Access Point Properties (Wireless Tab) Screen........................ 147Figure  12-38: Wireless Network Group in Wireless Tab Screen......................................................... 148Figure  12-39: MAC Filtering Settings Screen...................................................................................... 149Figure  12-40: MAC Address Added to MAC Filtering Table ............................................................... 149Figure  12-41: WPS Group in Wireless Tab Screen ............................................................................ 149Figure  12-42: Configuring WPA Security ............................................................................................ 150Figure  12-43: Configuring WPA2 Security .......................................................................................... 151Figure  12-44: Configuring Non-WEP Security..................................................................................... 152Figure  12-45: Configuring Encryption Key in Windows Wireless Client.............................................. 153Figure  12-46: Configuring Authentication Only Security ..................................................................... 153Figure  12-47: Transmission Parameters in Wireless Tab Screen....................................................... 154
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual Figure  12-48: Virtual APs Table .......................................................................................................... 154Figure  12-49: New Virtual AP.............................................................................................................. 155Figure  12-50: Firewall Blocking Access to All Other LANs ................................................................. 156Figure  12-51: Example Virtual AP ....................................................................................................... 157Figure  12-52: Wireless Advanced Tab ................................................................................................ 158Figure  12-53: Network Connections Screen ....................................................................................... 159Figure  12-54: LAN Hardware Ethernet Switch Screen........................................................................ 159Figure  12-55: LAN Hardware Ethernet Switch Screen – Settings Tab ............................................... 159Figure  12-56: LAN Hardware Ethernet Switch Screen – Switch Tab.................................................. 160Figure  12-57: Port Settings Screen ..................................................................................................... 161Figure  12-58: LAN Hardware Ethernet Switch Screen – Advanced Tab ............................................ 162Figure  12-59: Editing Connection - General Tab (For Example, WAN Ethernet) ............................... 163Figure  12-60: Editing Connection - Settings Tab (For Example, WAN Ethernet) ............................... 163Figure  12-61: Automatically Obtaining an IP Address ........................................................................ 165Figure  12-62: Manually Defining DNS Server ..................................................................................... 166Figure  12-63: IP Address Distribution - DHCP Server ........................................................................ 167Figure  12-64: IP Address Distribution - DHCP Relay.......................................................................... 167Figure  12-65: DHCP Relay Server Address........................................................................................ 167Figure  12-66: Editing Connection - Routing Tab (For Example, WAN Ethernet)................................ 168Figure  12-67: Route Settings Screen .................................................................................................. 169Figure  12-68: Editing Connection - PPP Tab ...................................................................................... 170Figure  12-69: Editing Connection - PPTP Tab.................................................................................... 172Figure  12-70: Editing Connection - Advanced Tab (For Example, WAN Ethernet) ............................ 172Figure  12-71: Additional IP Address Settings Screen ......................................................................... 172Figure  12-72: Connection Wizard Screen ........................................................................................... 173Figure  12-73: Advanced Connection................................................................................................... 174Figure  12-74: VLAN Interface.............................................................................................................. 174Figure  12-75: Connection Summary ................................................................................................... 175Figure  12-76: IP Address Distribution - DHCP Server ........................................................................ 176Figure  12-77: IP Address Distribution - DHCP Relay.......................................................................... 177Figure  12-78: DHCP Relay Server Address........................................................................................ 177Figure  12-79: IP Address Distribution - Disable DHCP....................................................................... 177Figure  12-80: Advanced Routing Properties ....................................................................................... 178Figure  12-81: Internet Connection Firewall ......................................................................................... 180Figure  12-82: Bridge Options .............................................................................................................. 180Figure  12-83: Network Bridging Screen .............................................................................................. 181Figure  12-84: Adding New Network Bridging ...................................................................................... 181Figure  12-85: Connection Summary - Configure Existing Bridge ....................................................... 182Figure  12-86: Bridging Tab.................................................................................................................. 183Figure  12-87: VLAN Settings Screen .................................................................................................. 184Figure  12-88: Bridge Filter Screen ...................................................................................................... 184Figure  13-1: Remote Management Interfaces..................................................................................... 186Figure  13-2: Firmware Upgrade Mechanism....................................................................................... 187Figure  13-3: Remote Administration Screen ....................................................................................... 191Figure  13-4: New Certificates Screen ................................................................................................. 192Figure  13-5: Create Self Signed X509 Certificate Screen................................................................... 193Figure  13-6: New Self Signed X509 Certificate Screen ...................................................................... 193Figure  13-7: Newly Created Self-Signed Certificate ........................................................................... 193Figure  13-8: File Download Window ................................................................................................... 194Figure  13-9: Load MP252’s Local Certificate ...................................................................................... 194Figure  13-10: CA's Certificates Page .................................................................................................. 194Figure  13-11: Load CA's Certificate Page........................................................................................... 196Figure  13-12: TR-069 CPE WAN Management Protocol.................................................................... 198Figure  13-13: SNMP Network Architecture ......................................................................................... 212Figure  13-14: Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Screen .............................................. 213Figure  14-1: Firewall in Action............................................................................................................. 217Figure  14-2: General Security Level Settings...................................................................................... 218Figure  14-3: Access Control ................................................................................................................ 220Figure  14-4: Add Access Control Rule ................................................................................................ 220
Version 3.4.0  13  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  Contents Figure  14-5: Port Forwarding Screen .................................................................................................. 223Figure  14-6: Add Port Forwarding Rule............................................................................................... 223Figure  14-7: Selecting Protocol Type .................................................................................................. 223Figure  14-8: Specifying Public IP Address .......................................................................................... 224Figure  14-9: Select Check Box of Port Forwarding Rule (Active) ....................................................... 224Figure  14-10: DMZ Host...................................................................................................................... 226Figure  14-11: Port Triggering .............................................................................................................. 227Figure  14-12: Adding Port Triggering Rules........................................................................................ 228Figure  14-13: Edit Service Server Ports.............................................................................................. 228Figure  14-14: Edit Service Server Ports.............................................................................................. 228Figure  14-15: Edit Service Opened Ports............................................................................................ 229Figure  14-16: New Port Triggering Rule.............................................................................................. 229Figure  14-17: Website Restrictions ..................................................................................................... 230Figure  14-18: Restricted Website........................................................................................................ 230Figure  14-19: Add a Specific Host....................................................................................................... 231Figure  14-20: Add a Specific Schedule ............................................................................................... 231Figure  14-21: NAT Screen................................................................................................................... 233Figure  14-22: Adding a NAT IP Address............................................................................................. 233Figure  14-23: Adding NAT/NAPT Rule................................................................................................ 234Figure  14-24: Connections Screen...................................................................................................... 236Figure  14-25: Advanced Filtering ........................................................................................................ 237Figure  14-26: Add Advanced Filter...................................................................................................... 238Figure  14-27: Add a Specific Host....................................................................................................... 239Figure  14-28: Set Priority Rule ............................................................................................................ 239Figure  14-29: Security Log .................................................................................................................. 240Figure  14-30: Security Log Settings .................................................................................................... 241Figure  15-1: DHCP Server Summary.................................................................................................. 244Figure  15-2: DHCP Settings Screen ................................................................................................... 245Figure  15-3: DHCP Settings................................................................................................................ 246Figure  15-4: DHCP Relay Server Address Screen ............................................................................. 246Figure  15-5: DHCP Connection Screen .............................................................................................. 247Figure  15-6: DHCP Connection Settings Screen ................................................................................ 247Figure  15-7: DNS Server ..................................................................................................................... 250Figure  15-8: DNS Entry ....................................................................................................................... 250Figure  15-9: Personal Domain Name (Dynamic DNS) Screen ........................................................... 251Figure  15-10: Personal Domain Name (Dynamic DNS) - Adding ....................................................... 251Figure  15-11: Routing Rules................................................................................................................ 253Figure  15-12: Route Settings Screen .................................................................................................. 253Figure  15-13: PPPoE Relay Screen.................................................................................................... 255Figure  16-1: Advanced - Universal Plug n Play................................................................................... 257Figure  16-2: My Network Places ......................................................................................................... 258Figure  16-3: Internet Connection Status ............................................................................................. 259Figure  16-4: Internet Connection Properties ....................................................................................... 260Figure  16-5: Advanced Settings .......................................................................................................... 260Figure  16-6: Service Settings .............................................................................................................. 261Figure  16-7: Service Settings – Add Service....................................................................................... 261Figure  17-1: File Server Screen .......................................................................................................... 263Figure  17-2: File Server Share Settings Screen.................................................................................. 264Figure  17-3: User Screen .................................................................................................................... 265Figure  17-4: File Server Screen with the Share .................................................................................. 265Figure  17-5: Disk Management Screen............................................................................................... 266Figure  17-6: Manually Defining System Storage Area ........................................................................ 267Figure  17-7: Disk Information .............................................................................................................. 268Figure  17-8: Partition Type.................................................................................................................. 268Figure  17-9: Partition Size................................................................................................................... 269Figure  17-10: Partition Format ............................................................................................................ 269Figure  17-11: Partition File System ..................................................................................................... 269Figure  17-12: Partition Summary ........................................................................................................ 270Figure  17-13: Formatting Complete – Partition Ready........................................................................ 270
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  14  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual Figure  17-14: Partition Properties ....................................................................................................... 271Figure  17-15: Partition Format ............................................................................................................ 271Figure  17-16: Partition Format ............................................................................................................ 272Figure  17-17: Disk Management Screen – Check Box Cleared ......................................................... 274Figure  17-18: RAID Properties Screen................................................................................................ 275Figure  17-19: Partition Format Screen ................................................................................................ 276Figure  17-20: Partition File System Screen......................................................................................... 276Figure  17-21: Partition Summary Screen ............................................................................................ 276Figure  17-22: Added RAID Devices .................................................................................................... 277Figure  17-23: Advanced – Print Server Screen................................................................................... 279Figure  17-24: Advanced – Printer Screen ........................................................................................... 279Figure  17-25: MP252 Shares .............................................................................................................. 280Figure  17-26: Printer Screen – IPP URL ............................................................................................. 282Figure  17-27: Local or Network Printer ............................................................................................... 282Figure  17-28: Specify a Printer............................................................................................................ 282Figure  17-29: Printer Screen – IPP URL ............................................................................................. 284Figure  17-30: Linux CUPS Management ............................................................................................ 284Figure  17-31: Add Printer .................................................................................................................... 285Figure  17-32: Printer Name................................................................................................................. 285Figure  17-33: Printing Protocol............................................................................................................ 286Figure  17-34: IPP URL ........................................................................................................................ 286Figure  17-35: Print & Fax .................................................................................................................... 287Figure  17-36: Printer Browser – IP Printer .......................................................................................... 288Figure  17-37: Print & Fax – New IPP Printer....................................................................................... 289Figure  17-38: Print & Fax .................................................................................................................... 290Figure  17-39: Printer Browser – Default Browser................................................................................ 291Figure  17-40: Printer Browser – More Printers.................................................................................... 291Figure  17-41: Printer Browser – MP252.............................................................................................. 292Figure  17-42: Printer Browser – Printer Model.................................................................................... 292Figure  17-43: Print & Fax – New Samba Printer................................................................................. 292Figure  17-44: Local Printer.................................................................................................................. 294Figure  17-45: Select a Printer Port...................................................................................................... 294Figure  17-46: Add Port ........................................................................................................................ 295Figure  17-47: Additional Port Information............................................................................................ 295Figure  17-48: Printer Port Monitor Configuration ................................................................................ 296Figure  17-49: Add Printer Wizard........................................................................................................ 297Figure  17-50: Print & Fax .................................................................................................................... 298Figure  17-51: Printer Browser – LPD Printer....................................................................................... 299Figure  17-52: Print & Fax – New LPD Printer ..................................................................................... 300Figure  17-53: MP252 Shares .............................................................................................................. 301Figure  18-1: About MP252 Screen...................................................................................................... 302Figure  18-2: Date and Time Screen .................................................................................................... 303Figure  18-3: Time Server Settings Screen .......................................................................................... 304Figure  18-4: Backup and Restore Screen........................................................................................... 305Figure  18-5: Edit Backup Screen ........................................................................................................ 306Figure  18-6: Restore Screen ............................................................................................................... 307Figure  18-7: Configuration File Screen ............................................................................................... 308Figure  18-8: Upload Configuration File ............................................................................................... 310Figure  18-9: Loading Configuration File from a PC on the Network ................................................... 310Figure  18-10: Successful Configuration File Uploading ...................................................................... 311Figure  18-11: Upload Configuration File ............................................................................................. 312Figure  18-12: MP252 Firmware Upgrade Screen ............................................................................... 317Figure  18-13: Upgrade From a Computer in the Network Screen ...................................................... 318Figure  18-14: Confirming Firmware Upgrade Screen ......................................................................... 318Figure  18-15: Upgrading in Progress Screen...................................................................................... 318Figure  18-16: Advanced - Firmware and Configuration Upgrade ....................................................... 319Figure  18-17: System Settings Screen (Only Partial View due to Screen Size) ................................. 321Figure  18-18: Reboot Screen .............................................................................................................. 324Figure  18-19: Restore Factory Settings Screen.................................................................................. 325
Version 3.4.0  15  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  Contents Figure  19-1: Diagnostics Screen ......................................................................................................... 326Figure  19-2: Running a Ping Test ....................................................................................................... 328Figure  19-3: Running an ARP Test ..................................................................................................... 328Figure  19-4: Running a Traceroute ..................................................................................................... 329Figure  19-5: Running a PVC Scan ...................................................................................................... 329Figure  19-6: Running an OAM Ping Test ............................................................................................ 330Figure  19-7: Network Connections Screen ......................................................................................... 331Figure  19-8: System Log Screen......................................................................................................... 332Figure  19-9: CPU Screen .................................................................................................................... 334Figure  19-10: VoIP Screen.................................................................................................................. 335Figure  19-11: Internet Connection Utilization – By Computer Screen ................................................ 336Figure  19-12: Internet Connection Utilization – By Application Screen .............................................. 336Figure  22-1:  Plastic Tab jutting out from Battery Compartment ......................................................... 340Figure  22-2:  Attaching Handset Cradle to MP252 Base Unit............................................................. 340Figure  22-3:  Handset Charging in Cradle........................................................................................... 341Figure  22-4:  Installing Batteries.......................................................................................................... 343Figure  22-5:  Areas of the Handset ..................................................................................................... 344Figure  22-6:  Areas of the Handset LCD Screen................................................................................. 347Figure  22-7:  Handset Keypad ............................................................................................................ 350
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  16  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual List of Tables Table  1-1: MP252 Available Models.......................................................................................................20Table  3-1: Front-Panel Buttons Description ...........................................................................................24Table  3-2: Front-Panel LEDs Description...............................................................................................25Table  3-3: Front-Panel LED Descriptions for Automatic Dialer Feature ................................................26Table  3-4: Rear-Panel Ports Description................................................................................................27Table  3-5: Rear-Panel LEDs Description ...............................................................................................28Table  4-1: Menu Description ..................................................................................................................36Table  4-2: Table Action Icons Description..............................................................................................39Table  5-1: Map View Icon Description....................................................................................................52Table  8-1: Signaling Protocol Tab Parameters Description ...................................................................72Table  8-2: Dialing Tab Parameters Description .....................................................................................80Table  8-3: Dial Plan (for Left of '=' Sign) and Digit Map Syntax .............................................................82Table  8-4: Media Streaming Tab Parameters Description .....................................................................83Table  8-5: Voice and Fax Tab Parameters Description .........................................................................86Table  8-6: Services Tab Parameters Description ..................................................................................89Table  12-1: Wireless Tab – Basic Wireless Access Point Parameters Description............................ 148Table  12-2: Settings Tab - Parameter Descriptions ............................................................................ 164Table  12-3: Routing Parameters ......................................................................................................... 168Table  12-4: PPP Tab Parameter Descriptions .................................................................................... 170Table  12-5: PPTP Tab Parameter Descriptions.................................................................................. 172Table  12-6: VLAN Interface - General Communication Parameters................................................... 175Table  12-7: IP Address Distribution Parameters................................................................................. 176Table  12-8: DHCP Relay..................................................................................................................... 177Table  12-9: Assigning Static IP Addresses to Network Computers .................................................... 177Table  12-10: Routing Parameters ....................................................................................................... 179Table  13-1: Main Configuration Parameter Groups ............................................................................ 186Table  13-2: Status and Performance Monitoring Parameters............................................................. 188Table  13-3: Notifications and Logged Events...................................................................................... 189Table  13-4: Severity of Logged Events ............................................................................................... 189Table  13-5: Operations per Configuration/Management Interface...................................................... 197Table  13-6: InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.i.WANConnectionDevice.i.WANIPConnection.i.... 199Table  13-7: InternetGatewayDevice.LANDevice.i.LANEthernetInterfaceConfig................................. 200Table  13-8: InternetGatewayDevice.LANDevice.i.LANHostConfigManagement................................ 202Table  13-9: InternetGatewayDevice.Services.VoiceService.i.Capabilities ......................................... 203Table  13-10: InternetGatewayDevice.Services.VoiceService.i.Capabilities.Codecs.......................... 205Table  13-11: InternetGatewayDevice.Services.VoiceService.i.VoiceProfile....................................... 206Table  13-12: InternetGatewayDevice.Services.VoiceService.i.VoiceProfile.i.SIP .............................. 206Table  13-13: InternetGatewayDevice.DeviceInfo................................................................................ 207Table  13-14: InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.i.WANConnectionDevice.i. WANIPConnection.i.Stats.................................................................................................................... 209Table  13-15: InternetGatewayDevice.LANDevice.i.LANEthernetInterfaceConfig.i.Stats ................... 209Table  13-16: InternetGatewayDevice.Services.VoiceService.i.VoiceProfile.i.Line.i.Stats .................. 210Table  13-17: Table  3-13: Information Elements Available via MIB-II.................................................. 214Table  14-1: Behavior for the Three Security Levels............................................................................ 219Table  17-1: IPP, Samba, and LPD Specifications............................................................................... 281Table  22-1: Handset Description......................................................................................................... 345Table  22-2: Handset LCD Icon Descriptions....................................................................................... 347Table  22-3: Handset LCD Menus and Submenus .............................................................................. 348Table  22-4: Handset LCD Menus and Submenus Accessed using Navigation Keys ......................... 349Table  22-5: DECT LED Description .................................................................................................... 351Table  22-6: About MP252 Screen ....................................................................................................... 352Table  22-7: Line Settings Screen ........................................................................................................ 353Table  22-8: Defining Line 3 Properties................................................................................................ 353Table  29-1: Factory Defaults ............................................................................................................... 387Table  30-1: Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................... 388Table  A-1: MP252 Router and VoIP Software Specifications ............................................................. 389Table  A-2: MP252WDNB DECT Phone Specifications....................................................................... 392
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  Notices Version 3.4.0  17  July 2011  Notice This document describes the installation and configuration of AudioCodes MP252BW and MP252WDNB MediaPack™ 252 Multimedia Home Gateway series Version 3.4.0. Information contained in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable at the time of printing. However, due to ongoing product improvements and revisions, AudioCodes cannot guarantee accuracy of printed material after the Date Published nor can it accept responsibility for errors or omissions. Updates to this document and other documents as well as software files can be viewed by registered customers at http://www.audiocodes.com/downloads. © 2011 AudioCodes Inc. All rights reserved This document is subject to change without notice. Date Published: May-30-2011  Trademarks AudioCodes, AC, AudioCoded, Ardito, CTI2, CTI², CTI Squared, HD VoIP, HD VoIP Sounds Better, InTouch, IPmedia, Mediant, MediaPack, NetCoder, Netrake, Nuera, Open Solutions Network, OSN, Stretto, TrunkPack, VMAS, VoicePacketizer, VoIPerfect, VoIPerfectHD, What’s Inside Matters, Your Gateway To VoIP and 3GX are trademarks or registered trademarks of AudioCodes Limited. All other products or trademarks are property of their respective owners. WEEE EU Directive Pursuant to the WEEE EU Directive, electronic and electrical waste must not be disposed of with unsorted waste. Please contact your local recycling authority for disposal of this product. Customer Support Customer technical support and service are generally provided by AudioCodes’ Distributors, Partners, and Resellers from whom the product was purchased. For technical support for products purchased directly from AudioCodes, or for customers subscribed to AudioCodes Customer Technical Support (ACTS), contact support@audiocodes.com. Abbreviations and Terminology Each abbreviation, unless widely used, is spelled out in full when first used.  When the term 'device' is used, it refers to MP252. Regulatory Information The Regulatory Information can be viewed at www.audiocodes.com/library.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  18  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual Related Documentation  Document Name Demo Guide Multimedia Home Gateway Quick Guide Release Notes Routing Performance Technical Application Note  Safety Warnings    Note:  Open source software may have been added and/or amended for this product. For further information please visit our website at: http://audiocodes.com/support or contact your AudioCodes sales representative.   Warning: Before connecting MP252 to power: • Use only the AC/DC power adapter supplied with MP252. Do not use any other power adapter. This power adapter is a 12 VDC +/-10%, tolerance, 2A, limited power source wall-mount Class II power supply adapter. • Ensure that the VAC ratings match. • Ensure that you have read the Regulatory Information, obtained from www.audiocodes.com/library.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  1. Introduction Version 3.4.0  19  June 2011 For Customers in Canada This Class [B] digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de la classe [B] est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.  Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.  This device and its antenna(s) must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.  The County Code Selection feature is disabled for products marketed in the US/Canada.  IC Radiation Exposure Statement This equipment complies with IC RSS-102 radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance of 20 cm between the radiator and your body.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  20  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual 1 Introduction  The MediaPack™ 252 (MP252) is a sophisticated, feature-rich, multimedia home gateway for broadband networks with multi-play support. With ADSL2+ modem, multiple antenna wireless LAN connectivity, Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) handsets supporting High Definition (HD) Voice-over-IP (VoIP), and optional battery backup, this is a true all-in-one gateway for Multi-play services. The MP252 is ideal for operators, seeking new revenue generators with state-of- the-art features, such as:  ADSL/ADSL2+ modem, up to 24 Mbps  10/100 Ethernet WAN port (optional connection to cable modem or FTTH ONU)  Optional ADSL WAN backup using 3G USB dongles  HD VoIP telephony and PBX capabilities, including flexible configuration of individual SIP accounts per DECT extension  Four 10/100 Ethernet LAN ports  High-speed wireless network (802.11 b/g/n), up to 150 Mbps  Router, Firewall, NAT and advanced traffic prioritization mechanisms  2 FXS ports for analog phones and fax machines  Guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS) for IPTV service  Print server and File server, accessible from every computer on the home network  Advanced TR-069 management, interoperable with leading Auto-Configuration Servers (ACS)  Optional battery backup for up to 4 hours standby The MP252 is based on AudioCodes’ MP-2xx line of Residential Gateways and AudioCodes VoIPerfect™ software architecture. The MP252 is interoperable with various softswitches and supports advanced TR-069 management, working with market leading Auto-Configuration Servers (ACS). Other management tools, such as a friendly HTTP-based Web GUI, and Command Line Interface (CLI) are also available. The MP252 is available in the following models: Table 1-1: MP252 Available Models Model  ADSL + 4 LAN  Wi-Fi 802.11n DECT HD VoIP VoIP 2 FXS  USB 2.0 MP252BW  √ √ - √ 1 MP252WDNB  √ √ √ √ 3    Note:  All DECT and PBX--related functionalities are supported only by the MP252WDNB.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  1. Introduction Version 3.4.0  21  June 2011 The figure below illustrates the typical applications supported by MP252: Figure 1-1:  MP252 Typical Application
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  22  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual 2  Package Contents and Prerequisites The MP252 is shipped with the following items:   1 x RJ-11 telephone cable  1 x RJ-45 Ethernet cable  12V AC/DC power adaptor (use only supplied)  DECT handset and cradle Make sure that all these items are included. If any items are missing, contact your sales representative. The following prerequisites are required (not supplied by AudioCodes):  A broadband Internet connection  ADSL cable (if required)  Analog telephones  Additional RJ-11 telephone cable (if required)  Additional RJ-45 Ethernet cables (if required)
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  3. Hardware Description Version 3.4.0  23  June 2011 3 Hardware Description This section describes the physical description and cabling of the MP252. This includes both models (i.e., MP252BW and MP252WDNB). 3.1 Physical Description The MP252 provides ports, buttons, and LEDs on its front and rear panels. 3.1.1 Front Panel The front panel provides LEDs for displaying various operating status and button(s) for activating various features such as Wi-Fi. For more information on the LEDs, see Section on page 25. For more information on the buttons, see Section on page 24. The figures below display the front panels of the MP252 models. Figure 3-1:  Front Panel of MP252BW   WiFi Button LEDs
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  24  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual Figure 3-2:  Front Panel of MP252WDNB  Front-Panel Buttons Description The button(s) on the front panel are described in the table below: Table 3-1: Front-Panel Buttons Description Label  Description WiFi  Activates or deactivates Wi-Fi connectivity (802.11 b/g/n).  Dect1 Registers the handset to the MP252 base unit. Bluetooth2 Currently not supported.                                                        1 This button is available only on the MP252WDNB model. 2 This button is available only on the MP252WDNB model. WiFi Button DECT Button Bluetooth Button
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  3. Hardware Description Version 3.4.0  25  June 2011  Front-Panel LEDs Description The LEDs on the front panel are described for general functionality and for the Automatic Dialer feature. General Description The general description of the MP252 front-panel LEDs are described in the table below: Table 3-2: Front-Panel LEDs Description LED  Color  State  Description On  Device start-up successful Slow Blinking  Software upgrade in progress. Note: During software upgrade, the Broadband and Phone LEDs also blink green. Slow Blinking  Battery backup is in use and there is no power from the ACelectrical outlet. Green Fast Blinking  Battery is low and there is no power from the AC electrical outlet. Status Red On  Reboot (automatic, by default) or indicates a problem On  WAN port is successfully connected and IP address acquired successfully  Green Blinking  Software upgrade in process Red  On  WAN IP address has not yet been acquired from the ISP (i.e. in the process of acquiring or has failed to acquire). Broadband -  Off  WAN Ethernet cable is not connected – no WAN link On  All configured phones are registered to the Proxy server Green Blinking  Software upgrade in process Red On  At least one of the phones failed to register to the Proxy server Phone -  Off  No Proxy server is configured Green On  Wi-Fi is enabled and active WiFi Red  Off  Wi-Fi is disabled
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  26  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Automatic Dialer Feature The table below describes the front-panel LEDs behavior when the Automatic Dialer feature is used (described in detail in Section 7.2). Table 3-3: Front-Panel LED Descriptions for Automatic Dialer Feature LED Stage Status  Broadband  Phone During boot Red Off  Off Before WAN physical link detection Green  Blinking Red  Off During automatic dialer operation Green  Blinking Green  Off Automatic dialer success Green  Green  Green* Automatic dialer failure  Green  Red Off * The Phone LED lights green only after MP252 connects to the Internet, downloads its configuration file, and then registers to the VoIP service. 3.1.2 Rear Panel The rear panel provides the ports for connecting the various interfaces. The figures below display the rear panels of the MP252 models. Figure 3-3:  Rear Panel of MP252BW   Reset Button Battery Backup Port Power Plug FXS Phone Ports LAN/WAN Port ADSL Port LAN Ports USB Plug Power Button
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  3. Hardware Description Version 3.4.0  27  June 2011 Figure 3-4:  Rear Panel of MP252WDNB  Rear-Panel Port Description The ports of the rear panel are described in the table below: Table 3-4: Rear-Panel Ports Description Label  Description ADSL  RJ-11 port for connecting ADSL/ADSL2+ modem (up to 24 Mbps) LAN  3 x RJ-45 10/100Base-T Ethernet LAN ports LAN/WAN  1 x RJ-45 10/100Base-T Ethernet LAN or Ethernet WAN port Phone  2 x RJ-11 FXS ports for connecting analog phones and fax machines USB3 USB Type A port for print or file servers, or for optional WAN backup using a 3G USBdongle Power  Power plug for connecting the supplied AC/DC power adapter. A button is located above this port to switch on the MP252. Battery Backup  Port for connecting an optional battery backup, providing up to four hours standby power. (The external battery backup system connects to this port and the Power plug using a splitter cable.)                                                       3 The MP252WDNB model provides two USB ports in this location. Reset ButtonBattery Backup Port Power Plug USB (3) Plug FXS Phone Ports LAN/WAN Port ADSL Port LAN Ports  USB (1 & 2) Plugs Power Button
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  28  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual Label  Description USB34 USB port (located on the side panel, as shown in Figure 3-4). Reset  Reset pin button for resetting the MP252.  Rear-Panel LEDs Description The LEDs on the rear panel are described in the table below: Table 3-5: Rear-Panel LEDs Description LED  Color  State  Description On  ADSL physical link is up Slow Blinking  ADSL link is synchronizing Green Fast Blinking  ADSL attempting to train (establishing a connection with the Internet Service Provider) ADSL -  Off  No physical ADSL link Green Blinking  LAN / WAN connection sending / receiving data at 100 Mbps  Yellow  Blinking  LAN / WAN connection sending / receiving data at 10 Mbps  LAN / WAN -  Off  No LAN / WAN traffic or Ethernet cable is disconnected On  Phone is off-hook  Slow Blinking  Phone is ringing Green Fast Blinking  MP252 is currently being upgraded Phone -  Off  Phone is on-hook and not ringing Green On  USB device is connected USB -  Off  No USB device is connected                                                       4 This USB port is available on the MP252WDNB model.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  3. Hardware Description Version 3.4.0  29  June 2011 3.2 Cabling  The procedure below describes the cabling of the MP252.    Warning:  • Use only the AC/DC power adapter supplied with MP252. Do not use any other power adapter. • Ensure that the VAC ratings match. • Ensure that you have read the MP252 Regulatory Information, obtained from www.audiocodes.com/library.   Note:  The cabling procedures for the MP252 models are identical and therefore, no distinction is made between the models in this section. However, for convenience, this section uses the MP252WDNB model as an example.  The figure below displays a summary of the cabling procedures. Figure 3-5:  Cabling MP252
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  30  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual ¾ To cable MP252: 1.  Connect MP252 to the Internet. The cabling depends on the Internet connection:   • ADSL: connect the ADSL port (located on the rear panel and labeled ADSL) to the telephone socket, using an RJ-11 telephone cable. • WAN Ethernet: connect the LAN4/WAN port (located on the rear panel and labeled LAN 4/WAN) to an external modem, using a CAT-5 Ethernet cable.   Note:  Use minimum 26 AWG wire for cabling the ADSL port to the public switched telephone network (PSTN).  2.  Connect the LAN Ethernet ports (labeled LAN 1 - 4) to your LAN computers, using RJ-45 CAT-5 Ethernet cables. 3.  Connect the telephone ports (labeled Phone 1 - 2) to analog telephones, using RJ-11 telephone cables. 4.  Connect MP252 to a standard 110/220 VAC electrical wall outlet, using the supplied AC/DC power adapter. When MP252 is powered on, the Status LED is lit. After initialization completes (about two minutes), this LED changes from red to green. If no power is received by  MP252, press the Power button located on the rear panel to switch it on.  3.3 Mounting You can place MP252 on a desktop or mount it on a wall. For desktop mounting, MP252 provides integrated rubber feet on its base so that it sits firmly on a desktop. Alternatively, you can hang your MP252 on a wall, using the supplied MP252 wall-mounting bracket, as described in this section. Wall mounting consists of the following main procedural stages:  Preparing the mounting screws on the wall   Hanging the mounting bracket on the wall   Attaching MP252 to the mounting bracket Before you begin, ensure that you have the following items:  Wall-mounting bracket (supplied)  2 x screws  2 x wall anchors  Screwdriver   Note:  When choosing a wall on which to mount MP252, consider cable limitations and wall structure. ¾ To wall-mount MP252: 1.  Prepare the wall-mounting screws: a.  Drill two holes in the wall according to the wall-mounting bracket dimensions. The vertical distance between the holes should be 83 mm (3.27 inches). b.  Insert a wall anchor into each hole.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  3. Hardware Description Version 3.4.0  31  June 2011 c.  Using a screwdriver, drive screws of the appropriate size into the anchors, leaving approximately 4 mm (0.16 inches) of the screw head jutting out. This protrusion will allow you to hang the mounting bracket on the screw head.  Figure 3-6: MP 252 Wall Mount Bracket  2.  Hang the mounting bracket on the wall screws: a.  Gently slide the mounting bracket onto the lower screw so that the screw enters the bracket's bottom screw groove rail. As you lower the bracket onto the screw, ensure that the upper screw fits into the bracket's top screw groove. b.  Gently pull down on the mounting bracket so that both screw heads sit firmly and securely in the top notch of the screw grooves. 3.  Attach MP252 to the wall-mounting bracket: a.  Three slits at the base (bottom) of MP252 are covered by rubber caps. Remove these caps. b.  With its rear panel facing the mounting bracket, hold MP252 at an angle and  slide the base of MP252 under the two latches located on the mounting bracket. c.  Align the three slits on the MP252 base with the three protruding humps located on the front of the mounting bracket. Align the clip holes on either side of MP252 with the clips on the mounting bracket. d.  While gently pressing down on MP252, press the clips inwards so that the clips snap into the base of MP252.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  32  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual Figure 3-7: Attaching Phone Base to Wall Mount  If for any reason, you want to remove MP252 from the wall, follow the procedure below: ¾ To dismount MP252 from the wall: 1.  Press the mounting bracket clips inwards. 2.  Lift the MP252 base off the mounting bracket.
    Part I Gateway Configuration Part I describes the configuration of the MP252 router and VoIP functionality analog, and includes the following chapters:  Setting up an Internet Connection  Using MP252's Web Interface   Configuring VoIP Parameters  Connecting MP252 to a VoIP Service Provider  Making VoIP Calls  Quality of Service (QoS)  LAN Connection  WAN Connection  Editing Network Connections and Advanced Configuration  VLAN Settings  LAN-WAN Bridge Settings  Remote MP252 Management  Security  Advanced Settings  System Monitoring
Version 3.4.0  35  July 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  4. Getting Started with the Web Interface 4  Getting Started with the Web Interface The MP252 embedded Web server (Web interface) provides a user-friendly Web-based management tool that allows you to configure and monitor MP252. This chapter describes how to access, navigate in, and configure parameters with the Web interface.  4.1  Logging in to the Web Interface The procedure below describes how to log in to the MP252 Web interface. ¾ To log in to the MP252 Web interface: 1.  Connect a PC directly to the LAN port (labeled LAN 1) of the MP252. 2.  On your PC, open a Web browser (e.g., Internet Explorer) and in the URL field, enter http://mp252.home (or If your MP252 is already connected to the network and you know its IP address, then enter its IP address instead. The ‘Login’ screen appears: Figure 4-1: Login Screen  3.  From the ‘Language’ drop-down list, select the desired language for the Web graphical user interface (GUI) display. 4.  In the 'User Name' and 'Password' fields, define a login username and password, respectively. This is applicable only if this is your first time that you are logging in to the Web interface. If you have logged in before, then enter the username and password that you defined previously.  5.  Click Continue; the ‘Quick Setup’ screen appears, allowing you to quickly set up an Internet connection (as described in Chapter 5 on page 50).   Notes:  • The default username and password is "admin" (case-sensitive).  • If you wish to view the entered password (instead of asterisks), then select the ‘Show password’ check box. • You can later change the username and password as described in Section 4.4 on page 323. • If the Web interface is inactive for 15 minutes after logging in, the ‘Login’ screen appears again, prompting you to re-login.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  36  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  4.2  Menu Bar Description The Web interface screens are conveniently grouped into related themes under specific menus. These menus are located in the menu bar. The table below describes these menus. Table 4-1: Menu Description Menu  Description Home  Displays the Map View (refer to Section 5 on page 50). Quick Setup  Displays the 'Quick Setup' screen for quickly setting up an Internet connection with MP252 (see Section 7.1 on page 57). Network Connections  Displays the 'Network Connections' screen for configuring network connections:  LAN (see Chapter 12.2 on page 143)  WAN (see Chapter 12 on page 123)  VLANs (see Chapter 12.4 on page 173)  LAN-WAN bridging (see Section 12.5 on page 180) Security  Displays the 'Security' screen for configuring security-related features such as Website restrictions (see Chapter 14 on page 217). Voice Over IP  Displays the 'Voice Over IP' screen for configuring the VoIP parameters to use MP252's VoIP functionality to place and receive calls over the Internet using a standard telephone set and DECT handset (see Chapter8 on page 70). QoS  Displays the 'Quality Of Service' screen for configuring Quality of Service (QoS) forMP252 (see Chapter 11 on page 105). Advanced  Displays the 'Advanced' screen for configuring system parameters (e.g., DHCP server and DNS) and for administrative functions (e.g., changing password, setting date and time, and upgrading the system).  Icon  Name  Description  About MP252 Displays technical information about MP252, including version number (see Section 18.1 on page 302).  Backup and Restore  Backup user and system data (see Section 18.2 on page 303).  Certificates Manages digital certificates (see Section 13.3on page 192).  Configuration File Loads the Configuration File to MP252 (see Section 18.4 on page 308). Note: You can hide the Configuration File icon, by running the following CLI command in a Telnet session with MP252: rg_conf_set rmt_config/hide_config_file_page 1. This is useful, for example, in scenarios where you want to prevent a user accessing the Web interface to change the configuration file.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  4. Getting Started with the Web Interface Version 3.4.0  37  June 2011 Menu  Description  DNS Server Alias a dynamic IP address to a static hostname (see Section 15.2 on page 249).  Diagnostics Performs networking diagnostics (see Section 19.1 on page 326).  Disk Management  Manages different disks connected to MP252 (see Section 17.2 on page 265).  File Server  Creates a file server on MP252 (see Section 17.1 on page 263).  Firmware Upgrade Upgrades the MP252 firmware (see Section 18.5 on page 315).  IP Address Distribution Modifies the DHCP server for each LAN device and displays a list of DHCP clients in the local network (see Section 15.1 on page 243).  Network Objects Defines groups of LAN devices for system rules (see Section 4.5.2 on page 46).  PPPoE Relay Enables PPPoE relay on MP252 (see Section 15.5 on page 254).  Personal Domain Name (Dynamic DNS) Displays and modifies the DNS hosts table (see Section 15.2 on page 249).  Print Server  Shares a LAN printer (see Section 17.3 on page 279).  Protocols Manages protocols (see Section4.5.3 on page 47).  Reboot Restarts MP252 (see Section 18.6 on page 321).  Regional Settings Modifies the regional settings (see Section 8.10 on page 98).  Remote Administration Configures remote administration privileges (see Section 13.2 on page 189).  Restore Factory Settings Restores default factory settings (see Section 18.8 on page 325).
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  38  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Menu  Description  Routing Manages routing policies (see Section 15.4 on page 253).  Scheduler Defines time segments for system rules (see Section 4.5.1 on page 43).  Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Configures MP252's SNMP agent (see Section 13.2 on page 189).  System Settings  Modifies administrator settings, including the MP252 host name (see Section 15.5 on page254).  Time Settings Configures the local date and time (see Section 18.2 on page 303).  Universal Plug and Play Configures Universal Plug-and-Play (UPnP) parameters (see Section 16.1 on page 257).  Users Configures Users (see Section 4.4 on page 40).  WINS Server  Registers host names and IP addresses of WINS clients (see Section Error! Reference source not found. on page Error! Bookmark not defined.).  System Monitoring  Displays the 'System Monitoring' screen for viewing various statuses such as network and traffic statistics (see Chapter 16 on page 257). Logout  Logs off the MP252 Web interface.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  4. Getting Started with the Web Interface Version 3.4.0  39  June 2011 4.3 Managing Tables Tables appear throughout the Web interface for configuring MP252. This section describes the how to use these tables to configure MP252. The figure below displays a typical table in the Web interface: Figure 4-2: Typical Table Structure  Each table row denotes an entry in the table. The table also provides 'Action' icons for performing various tasks. These icons are described in the table below. Table 4-2: Table Action Icons Description Action Icon  Name  Description  New  Adds a new row to the table or opens another screen for adding an entry.  Edit  Modifies a row entry in the table.  Remove  Deletes a row entry in the table.  Download Downloads a file to a folder on your computer.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  40  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  4.4 Configuring Users The 'Users' screen allows you to add new users and assign login usernames and passwords. You may also group users according to your preferences. The default user is "Administrator" with "admin" (case-sensitive) as the username and password. ¾ To configure users: 1.  In the 'Advanced' screen, click the Users    icon; the 'Users' screen appears. Figure 4-3: Users Screen
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  4. Getting Started with the Web Interface Version 3.4.0  41  June 2011 2.  In the Users table, click the New User   icon; the 'Users Settings' screen appears. Figure 4-4: Users Settings Screen   3.  Add a new user by configuring the following fields: a.  Full Name:  Enter a remote user's full name. b.  User Name: Enter a user name to access your home network. c.  New Password: Enter a new password for the remote user. If you do not want to change the remote user's password leave this field empty. d.  Retype New Password: If a new password was assigned, enter it again to verify correctness. e.  Role: User’s role indicating privilege level, where “admin” possesses all privileges. f.  Access Level – Read Only: Select this check box if you want this user to have read-only privileges. g.  Disk Management: By default, this option is selected. When activated, it creates a directory for the user in the 'Home' directory of the system storage area. This directory is necessary when using various applications such as the mail server. h.  Email Notification: You can use email notification to receive indications of system events for a predefined severity classification. The available types of events are 'System' or 'Security' events. The available severity of events is 'Error', 'Warning' and 'Information. If the 'Information' level is selected, the user receives notification of the 'Information', 'Warning' and 'Error' events. If the 'Warning' level is selected, the user receives notification of the 'Warning' and 'Error' events etc.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  42  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  ♦ Click here to configure notification mail server: This opens the ‘System Settings’ screen (see Section 15.5 on page 254) where you can define an outgoing mail server. ♦ Notification Address: user’s email address. ♦ System Notify Level: By default, the 'None' option is selected, which means that MP252 does not send notifications to a remote host. To activate the feature, select one of the following notification types: 9 Error 9 Warning 9 Information ♦ Security Notify Level: The remote security notification level can be one of the following: 9 None 9 Error 9 Warning 9 Information 4.  Click OK.   Note:  Modifying any of the user parameters prompts the connection associated with the user to terminate. For changes to take effect, you should activate the connection manually after modifying user parameters.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  4. Getting Started with the Web Interface Version 3.4.0  43  June 2011 ¾ To configure user groups: 1.  In the 'Users' screen, under the Groups group, click New Group   icon; the 'Group Settings' screen appears. Figure 4-5: Group Settings Screen  2.  In the 'Name' field enter a name for the group. 3.  In the 'Description' field, enter a brief description of this group. 4.  In the 'Group Members' list, select the users that you want to assign to this group. 5.  Click OK.   4.5  Defining Associated Elements You can define certain elements and then use them later when configuring various features throughout the Web interface. This is very convenient in that it eliminates the need to re-configure the same element, especially if used in multiple configuration areas. These elements include the following:  Scheduler Rules – see Section 4.5.1 on page 43  Network Objects – see Section 4.5.2 on page 46  Protocols – see Section 4.5.3 on page 47 4.5.1 Defining Scheduler Rules Scheduler rules are used for limiting the activation of firewall rules to specific time periods, specified in days of the week, and hours. ¾ To define a Rule: 1.  In the 'Advanced' screen, click the Scheduler  icon; the 'Scheduler Rules' screen appears. Figure 4-6: Scheduler Rules Screen
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  44  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual   2.  Click the New   icon; the 'Edit Scheduler Rule' screen appears.  Figure 4-7: Edit Scheduler Rule Screen  3.  In the 'Name' field, specify a name for the scheduler rule. 4.  Under the Rule Activity Settings group, specify if the rule is active or inactive during the designated time period, by selecting the appropriate check box.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  4. Getting Started with the Web Interface Version 3.4.0  45  June 2011 5.  Click the New   icon to define the time segment to which the rule applies; the 'Edit Time Segment' screen appears. Figure 4-8: Edit Time Segment Screen  a.  Under the Days of Week group, select the days of the week for which you want the rule to be active. b.  In the Hours Range table, click the New   icon to define an active or inactive hourly range; the ‘Edit Hour Range’ screen appears. Figure 4-9: Edit Hour Range Screen  c.  In the ‘Start Time’ and ‘End Time’ field, enter the time interval in which the scheduler rule is active or inactive.  6.  Click OK to save the settings.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  46  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  4.5.2  Defining Network Objects Network objects is a method used to logically define a set of LAN hosts, according to one or more MAC address, IP address, and host name. Defining such a group can assist when configuring other system rules. For example, you can use network objects to apply security rules based on host names instead of IP addresses. This may be useful, since IP addresses change from time to time. Moreover, it is possible to define network objects according to MAC addresses, making rule application more persistent against network configuration settings. ¾ To define a network object: 1.  In the 'Advanced' screen, click the Network Objects   icon; the 'Network Objects' screen appears. Figure 4-10: Network Objects Screen  2.  Click the New   icon; the 'Edit Network Object' screen appears. Figure 4-11: Edit Network Objects Screen  3.  In the 'Description' field, enter a name for the network object, and then click the New   icon; the 'Edit Item' screen appears. Figure 4-12: Edit Item Screen
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  4. Getting Started with the Web Interface Version 3.4.0  47  June 2011 4.  From the 'Network Object Type' drop-down lists, select a source address type: • IP Address • IP Subnet • IP Range • MAC Address • Host Name • DHCP Option (supporting options 60, 61, and 77)  • All Private IP Addresses When selecting a method from the drop-down list, the screen refreshes, presenting the respective fields by which to enter the relevant information. 5.  Click OK to save the settings.  4.5.3 Defining Protocols The Protocols feature incorporates a list of preset and user-defined applications and common port settings. You can use protocols in various security features such as Access Control and Port Forwarding. You may add new protocols to support new applications or edit existing ones according to your needs. ¾ To define a protocol: 1.  In the 'Advanced' screen, click the Protocols   icon; the 'Protocols' screen appears. Figure 4-13: Advanced - Protocols
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  48  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual   2.  Click the New   icon; the 'Edit Service' screen appears. Figure 4-14: Advanced - Protocols - Edit Service  3.  In the 'Service Name' field, enter the name of the service, and then click the New   icon; the 'Edit Service Server Ports' screen appears. Figure 4-15: Advanced - Protocols - Edit Service - Server Ports
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  4. Getting Started with the Web Interface Version 3.4.0  49  June 2011  4.  You may choose any of the protocols available in the drop-down list, or add a new one by selecting 'Other'. When selecting a protocol from the drop-down list, the screen refreshes, presenting the respective fields by which to enter the relevant information. 5.  Select a protocol and enter the relevant information. 6.  Click OK to save the settings.   4.6  Logging out the Web Interface To log out the MP252, click the Logout menu in the menu bar. When you logged out, the ‘Login’ screen is displayed, allowing you to re-login, if desired.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  50  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  5  Viewing a Graphical Display of the MP252 Network The Web interface allows you to view a graphical display of the network elements connected to MP252. This is displayed in the ‘Map View’ screen, accessed by clicking the Home menu in the menu bar.  You can click a displayed network element icon to access the relevant screen for configuring the element. The figure below displays an example of a network map for a deployed MP252:
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  5. Viewing a Graphical Display of the MP252 Network Version 3.4.0  51  June 2011 Figure 5-1: Map View Screen (Example)
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  52  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  The table below describes the possible icons that can be displayed in the ‘Map View’ screen: Table 5-1: Map View Icon Description Icon  Description  Depicts the Internet connection (e.g., WAN Ethernet). Click this icon to open the 'Quick Setup' screen (see Section 7.1 on page 57). Depicts the firewall. The height of the wall (yellow "bricks") corresponds to the security level (Minimum, Typical or Maximum). Click this icon to open the ‘General Tab’ screen (see Section 14.1 on page 218).  Depicts MP252 and displays the currently software version. Click this icon to open the 'Quick Setup' screen (see Section 7.1 on page 57). Depicts an analog telephone connected to MP252. Click this icon to open the ‘Extension Settings’ screen (see Section 8.7 on page 95).  Depicts a DECT handset registered to the MP252. Click this icon to open the ‘Extension Settings’ screen (see Section 8.7 on page 95).  Depicts a computer (host) in the MP252 network. Each computer connected to the network appears below the network symbol of the network through which it is connected. This host is either a DHCP client that has received an IP lease from MP252, or a host with a static IP address, auto-detected by MP252.  Click this icon to open the ‘Host Information’ screen, displaying network information of the host. Note: MP252 recognizes a physically connected host and displays it in the Network Map only after network activity from that host has been detected (e.g. trying to browse to the Web management or to surf the Internet).   Depicts a computer connected to the Internet through the MP252 Wi-Fi network.  Click this icon to open the ‘Host Information’ screen, displaying network information of the host.  Depicts a host whose DHCP lease has expired and not renewed. The DHCP lease is renewed automatically, unless the host is no longer physically connected to MP252. This icon also depicts a static IP host that has no network activity.  Depicts a file server (hard drive) that is connected to MP252 (typically through the USB port). Click this icon to view the file server configuration.  Depicts a printer that is connected to MP252 and is shared by network users. Click this icon to view the printer's settings.  Depicts a USB driver.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  5. Viewing a Graphical Display of the MP252 Network Version 3.4.0  53  June 2011 Icon  Description  Depicts a USB disk-on-key that is connected to MP252.  Depicts a disconnected device.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  54  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  6  Configuring Computers for Connecting to the MP252 Network This chapter describes how to configure computers to connect to the MP252 network, and includes the following main areas:  Connecting wired computers – see Section 6.1 on page 54  Connecting wireless network computers – see Section 6.2 on page 56 6.1 Wired Computers This section describes how to configure computers that connect to the MP252 network through a LAN cable (i.e., wired).  You can configure the network interface of the computer using one of the following methods:  Statically define an IP address and DNS address  Automatically obtain an IP address using the MP252 embedded DHCP server  This section describes how to configure the computers network for the following operating systems (OS):  Windows XP – see Section 0 on page 54  Linux – see Section 6.1.2 on page 55    Notes:  • It is recommended to set the computers to automatically obtain their IP addresses (from a DHCP server). • Refer to the Quick Installation Guide for instructions relating to installation on a Windows™ operating system.   6.1.1 Configuring Computers Running on Windows XP The procedure below describes how to configure a computer running on Windows XP OS to automatically obtain its IP address (from a DHCP server, for example, MP252).   Note:  For computers running Windows, the setup procedure is generally unnecessary as Windows' default network settings are to obtain an IP address automatically. However, it is recommended to follow the setup procedure to verify that all communication parameters are valid and that the physical cable connections are correct.  ¾ To configure a computer running Windows XP for dynamic IP addressing: 1.  Access 'Network Connections' from the Control Panel. 2.  Right-click the Ethernet connection icon, and then choose Properties. 3.  Under the General tab, select the 'Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)' component, and then click the Properties button; the 'Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties’ dialog box is displayed.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  6. Configuring Computers for Connecting to the MP252 Network Version 3.4.0  55  June 2011 Figure 6-1: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties Dialog Box  4.  Select the Obtain an IP address automatically option. 5.  Select the Obtain DNS server address automatically option. 6.  Click OK to save the settings.  6.1.2 Configuring Computers Running on Linux The procedure below describes how to configure a computer running on Linux OS to automatically obtain its IP address (from a DHCP server, for example, MP252). ¾ To configure a computer running Linux for dynamic IP addressing: 1.  Log in to the system as a super-user, by entering the following command: su 2.  View the network devices and allocated IP's, by typing the following command: ifconfig 3.  At the prompt, type the following command: pump -i <dev> Where <dev> is the network device name. 4.  View the new allocated IP address, by typing the following command: ifconfig 5.  Make sure that no firewall is active on the device <dev>.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  56  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  6.2  Connecting PC to MP252 Wireless Networks This section describes how to configure the LAN computers to connect to the MP252 wireless network. If your computer has wireless capabilities, Windows automatically recognizes the MP252 wireless network and creates a wireless connection.    Notes:  • To configure the MP252 LAN wireless connection, see Section 12.2.1 on page 143. • This section is based on computers running Microsoft Windows XP Professional.  ¾ To configure a computer to connect to MP252 wireless network: 1.  From your Windows Start  menu, point to Settings,  Control Panel,  Network Connections, and then choose Wireless Connection; Windows starts enabling the wireless connection. 2.  On the Windows taskbar, right-click the Wireless Network Connection icon, and then choose View Available Wireless Connections; Figure 6-2: Available Wireless Networks  3.  Double-click the MP252 wireless network name (i.e., "MP252"); your computer establishes a wireless connection with MP252, indicated by the display of "Connected".
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  7. Connecting MP252 to the Internet Version 3.4.0  57  June 2011 7  Connecting MP252 to the Internet This section describes how to configure MP252 for connecting it to the Internet (WAN). You can connect MP252 to the Internet using one of the following methods:  Configuring MP252 through the Web interface – see Section 7.1 on page 57  Using the MP252 Automatic Internet Dialer Detection feature – see Section 7.2 on page 66   Notes:  • MP252 automatically detects the physical WAN type (i.e., Ethernet or ADSL). To change the WAN type, you must restore MP252 to factory settings (see Section 18.8). • When connected to ADSL, the LAN4/WAN Ethernet port can be used for Ethernet LAN interface.  • When connected to an external modem through the Ethernet LAN4/WAN port and MP252 obtains an IP address, the ADSL interface is disabled. • If the Automatic Dialer feature is shipped preconfigured (i.e., enabled), then MP252 automatically detects the Internet dialer type and therefore, Internet connection configuration is unnecessary. However, it is recommended to manually configure the Internet connection after the Automatic Dialer process has completed (successfully or not). For more information on the Automatic Dialer feature, see Section 7.2 on page 66.  7.1  Quickly Setting up an Internet Connection in the Web Interface You can quickly and easily set up a basic Internet connection using the Web interface’s 'Quick Setup' screen (as shown in Figure 7-1). This screen is displayed when you log in to the Web interface (or you can click the Quick Setup menu from the menu bar).   Notes:  • Before configuring the MP252 Internet connection, ensure that you have obtained relevant technical information on the Internet connection type from your Internet Telephony Service Provider (ITSP). For example, whether you are connected to the Internet using a static or dynamic IP address, or what protocols such as PPTP or PPPoE are used to communicate over the Internet. • For advanced configuration of the WAN network, use the Network Connections menu, as described in Section 12.1 on page 123. • The ‘Email Address’ field in the ‘Quick Setup’ screen defines the administrator's e-mail. System alerts and notifications are sent to this address (typically, to the telephony carrier technicians). It is recommended that only the administrator modify it.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  58  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Figure 7-1: Quick Setup Screen  You can configure one of two main Internet connection types:  WAN Ethernet – see Section 7.1.1 on page 58  WAN DSL – see Section 7.1.2 on page 62  7.1.1  WAN Ethernet  MP252 supports the following WAN Ethernet connection types:  Manual IP address  Automatic IP address  Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE)  Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)  Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  7. Connecting MP252 to the Internet Version 3.4.0  59  June 2011   Notes:  • Automatic IP address is the default connection type. • If you do not need an Internet (WAN Ethernet) connection, then in the ‘Quick Setup’ screen, from the ‘Connection Type’ drop-down list, select ‘No Internet Connection’. Manual IP Address Ethernet Connection The procedure below describes how to connect to the Internet using a manually defined IP address. ¾ To configure a manual IP address connection: 1.  Under the WAN Ethernet group, from the 'Connection Type' drop-down list, select 'Manual IP Address Ethernet Connection'. Figure 7-2: Manual IP Address WAN Ethernet Connection  2.  According to your ISP's instructions, specify the following parameters: • IP address • Subnet mask • Default Gateway • Primary DNS server • Secondary DNS server  Automatic IP Address Ethernet Connection The procedure below describes how to connect to the Internet by automatically obtaining a WAN IP address and DNS IP address from a DHCP server on the WAN. This method is the default connection type.  ¾ To configure automatic IP address connection:  Under the WAN Ethernet group, from the 'Connection Type' drop-down list, select
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  60  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  ‘Automatic IP Address Ethernet Connection'. Figure 7-3: Automatic IP Address WAN Ethernet Connection PPPoE The procedure below describes how to connect to the Internet by PPPoE ¾ To configure PPPoE connection: 1.  Under the WAN Ethernet group, from the 'Connection Type' drop-down list, select 'Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE)'. Figure 7-4: PPPoE WAN Ethernet Connection  2.  Configure the PPPoE login username and password (provided by your ITSP). PPTP The procedure below describes how to connect to the Internet by PPTP. ¾ To configure PPTP connection:
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  7. Connecting MP252 to the Internet Version 3.4.0  61  June 2011 1.  Under the WAN Ethernet group, from the 'Connection Type' drop-down list, select 'Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)'. Figure 7-5: PPTP WAN Ethernet Connection  2.  Configure the following (provided by your ITSP): • PPTP Server Host Name or IP Address • Login user name • Login password 3.  From the ‘Internet Protocol’ drop-down lists, select the method for assigning an IP address (provided by your ITSP). L2TP The procedure below describes how to connect to the Internet by L2TP. ¾ To configure L2TP connection: 1.  Under the WAN Ethernet group, from the 'Connection Type' drop-down list, select 'Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)'. Figure 7-6: L2TP WAN Ethernet Connection
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  62  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  2.  Configure the following (provided by your ITSP): • L2TP Server Host Name or IP Address • Login user name • Login password 3.  From the ‘Internet Protocol’ drop-down lists, select the method for assigning an IP address (provided by your ITSP).  7.1.2 WAN DSL MP252 supports the following WAN DSL connection types:  PPPoE  Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM (PPPoA)  Routed Ethernet Connection over ATM (Routed ETHoA)  LAN-WAN Bridged Ethernet Connection over ATM (Bridged ETHoA)  Classical IP over ATM (CLIP)   Note:  If you do not need an Internet (WAN DSL) connection, then in the ‘Quick Setup’ screen, from the ‘Connection Type’ drop-down list, select ‘No Internet Connection’. PPPoE The procedure below describes how to connect to the Internet by PPPoE. ¾ To configure PPPoE connection: 1.  Under the WAN DSL group, from the 'Connection Type' drop-down list, select 'Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE)'. Figure 7-7: PPPoE WAN DSL Internet Connection   2.  Configure the following (provided by your ITSP):
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  7. Connecting MP252 to the Internet Version 3.4.0  63  June 2011 • Login user name • Login password 3.  By default, the 'Automatic PVC Scan' check box is selected, which means that MP252 configures the VPI, VCI, and encapsulation parameters automatically. To configure these parameters manually, clear this check box (for more information, see Section on page 125). PPPoA The procedure below describes how to connect to the Internet by PPPoA. ¾ To configure PPPoA connection: 1.  Under the WAN DSL group, from the 'Connection Type' drop-down list, select 'Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM (PPPoA)'. Figure 7-8: PPPoA WAN DSL Internet Connection   2.  Configure the following (provided by your ITSP): • Login user name • Login password 3.  By default, the 'Automatic PVC Scan' check box is selected, which means that MP252 configures the VPI, VCI, and encapsulation parameters automatically. To configure these parameters manually, clear this check box (for more information, see Section on page 125). Routed ETHoA The procedure below describes how to connect to the Internet by ETHoA. ¾ To configure routed ETHoA connection: 1.  Under the WAN DSL group, from the 'Connection Type' drop-down list, select ‘Routed Ethernet Connection over ATM (Routed ETHoA)'. Figure 7-9: Routed ETHoA WAN DSL Internet Connection
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  64  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual   2.  By default, the 'Automatic PVC Scan' check box is selected, which means that MP252 configures the VPI, VCI, and encapsulation parameters automatically. To configure these parameters manually, clear this check box (for more information, see Section on page 125). Bridged ETHoA The procedure below describes how to connect to the Internet by bridged ETHoA. ¾ To configure bridged ETHoA connection: 1.  Under the WAN DSL group, from the 'Connection Type' drop-down list, select ‘LAN-WAN Bridged Ethernet Connection over ATM (Bridged ETHoA)'. Figure 7-10: Bridged ETHoA WAN DSL Internet Connection   2.  By default, the 'Automatic PVC Scan' check box is selected, which means that MP252 configures the VPI, VCI, and encapsulation parameters automatically. To configure these parameters manually, clear this check box (for more information, see Section on page 125). CLIP The procedure below describes how to connect to the Internet by CLIP.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  7. Connecting MP252 to the Internet Version 3.4.0  65  June 2011 ¾ To configure CLIP connection: 1.  Under the WAN DSL group, from the 'Connection Type' drop-down list, select ‘Classical IP over ATM (CLIP)'. Figure 7-11: CLIP WAN DSL Internet Connection   2.  Configure the following (provided by your ITSP): • IP Address • Subnet Mask • Default Gateway IP address • Primary DNS Server IP address • Secondary DNS Server IP address • VPI • VCI
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  66  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  7.2  Using the Automatic Dialer for Internet Connection The Automatic Dialer feature allows the service provider to use one type of pre-configured MP252 for all the following Internet connection types:  WAN Ethernet (DHCP, LT2P or PPPoE)  WAN ADSL (PPPoE) In the Private Labeling process, the factory setting is burned with the parameters of the different dialers. When powered-up at the customer site, MP252 first detects the physical WAN type (ADSL or Ethernet) and then attempts the relevant WAN connection methods. The indication for a successful result is connection (i.e., receipt of an IP address) and a ping test.  This section describes the recommended process for using the Automatic Dialer.   Notes:  • If the Automatic Dialer feature is shipped pre-configured (i.e., enabled), then MP252 automatically detects the Internet dialer type and therefore, configuration of the Internet connection is not necessary. However, it is recommended to manually configure the Internet connection after the Automatic Dialer process has completed (successfully or not).  • If you manually configure the Internet connection in the Web interface, the Automatic Dialer feature becomes disabled.  7.2.1 Recommended Configuration The recommended factory settings for the Automatic Dialer feature are shown below:  (auto_dialer_detect     (enabled(1))     (done(0))     (connection_type       (0         (type(DHCP))         (enabled(1))         (max_dialer_conn_time(20))       )       (1         (type(L2TP))         (enabled(1))         (server_ip(<Server Name or IP>))         (username(<User Name>))         (password(<Password>))         (max_dialer_conn_time(120))       )       (2         (type(PPPOE))
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  7. Connecting MP252 to the Internet Version 3.4.0  67  June 2011         (enabled(1))         (username(<User Name>))         (password(<Password>))         (max_dialer_conn_time(120))       )     )     (auto_detect_retries(15))     (ping_retries(4))     (ping_retries_timeout(2))     (ADSL         (vpi(8))         (vci(48))         (encap(LLC))     )   )   (system     (network       (internet_url(<Address or Domain Name for Ping Test>))     )   )   Note:  If the ADSL section in the factory settings is omitted, the MP252 performs an automatic PVC scan. When configuring manual PVC values (VPI and VCI), the connection is faster.  .
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  68  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  7.2.2  Setting up and Starting the Automatic Dialer The procedure below describes how to setup and start the Automatic Dialer feature. ¾ To setup and start Automatic Dialer: 1.  Power off the MP252. 2.  Connect the ADSL or Ethernet cables.   Note:  If you are using an ADSL connection, DO NOT connect any cable to the WAN/LAN4 port. Connecting this port causes the Automatic Dialer to fail.  3.  Power on the MP252; the Automatic Dialer begins its operation and you can view the progress status by checking the MP252 LEDs (see Section on page 26).   Notes:  • If the connection is ADSL, the Automatic Dialer usually connects in the first iteration (after less than 10 seconds, when configuring manual PVC). In some cases, the Automatic Dialer may connect in the second iteration (up to 4 minutes). • If the connection is WAN Ethernet: - For DHCP, the connection is fast. - For L2TP, the connection takes up to ~2 minutes. - For PPPoE, the connection can take up to ~4 minutes.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  7. Connecting MP252 to the Internet Version 3.4.0  69  June 2011 7.2.3 Quitting Automatic Dialer for Manual Configuration If, for any reason, you need to manually configure the Internet connection, you first need to stop the Automatic Dialer feature and then manually configure the connection, as described below, ¾ To quit Automatic Dialer and manually configure the Internet connection: 1.  Power off the MP252. 2.  Disconnect the WAN ADSL or Ethernet cable. 3.  Power on the MP252. 4.  Wait for the Automatic Dialer process to end (i.e., the Broadband LED stops blinking).  5.  Log in to the MP252 Web interface. 6.  Manually configure the Internet connection using the 'Quick Setup' screen (see Section 7.1 on page 57). This ensures that the Automatic Dialer feature does not re-activate itself after the MP252 resets. Once the MP252 successfully connects to the Internet, it downloads its configuration file from the server.    Note:  The configuration file must include the following parameter to indicate that Automatic Dialer is no longer needed: auto_dialer_detect/done = 1.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  70  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  8  Configuring VoIP Parameters The VoIP parameters are mainly configured in the 'Voice over IP' screen. This screen is accessed by clicking the Voice over IP menu in the side menu bar. The ‘Voice over IP' screen provides tabs for configuring the following:  Signaling protocol (i.e., Session Initiation Protocol / SIP) – see Section 8.1 on page 70  Dialing – see Section 8.2 on page 78  Media streaming – see Section 8.3 on page 83  Voice and fax – see Section 8.4 on page 84  Supplementary services – see Section 8.5 on page 88  Line settings – see Section 8.6 on page 91  Line extensions – see Section 8.7 on page 94  Speed dials – see Section 8.9 on page 97  Telephone interfaces – see Section 8.9 on page 97  In addition to the above, you can select the region in which your MP252 is located so that your analog telephone complies with the line standards (e.g., line impedance) of the area. For more information, see Section 8.10 on page 98.   Notes:  • By default, the ‘Voice over IP’ screens initially display only basic parameters. To view all the parameters, click the Advanced button in the required screen. • Once you have configured the VoIP parameters, you can start using your analog telephones, as described in Chapter 10 on page 101. For using your DECT handset(s), see Part II.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  8. Configuring VoIP Parameters Version 3.4.0  71  June 2011 8.1  Configuring the SIP Signaling Protocol The procedure below describes how to configure the SIP parameters. ¾ To configure SIP parameters: 1.  From the menu bar, click the Voice Over IP menu; the following screen appears:
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  72  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Figure 8-1: Signaling Protocol Tab Screen  2.  Configure the parameters, as required. For a description of the parameters displayed on this screen, see Table 8-1. 3.  Click OK to save your settings. Table 8-1: Signaling Protocol Tab Parameters Description
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  8. Configuring VoIP Parameters Version 3.4.0  73  June 2011 Parameter  Description Signaling Protocol Group Signaling Protocol  (Read-only field.) Displays the signaling protocol running on the device.Note: Currently, only SIP is supported. SIP Transport Protocol Defines the SIP transport type - UDP (default), TCP, or TLS. Note: This parameter appears only in 'Advanced' mode. Local SIP Port  Defines the UDP / TCP port on which the SIP stack listens. The defaultport is 5060. Note: This parameter appears only in 'Advanced' mode. Local SIP TLS Port Defines the TLS port on which the SIP stack listens. The default port is5060. Note: This parameter appears only if you select ‘TLS’ as the SIP transport protocol. Gateway Name - User Domain  Defines the MP252 domain name which is sent in the SIP From headerof outgoing INVITE messages. Note: This parameter appears only in 'Advanced' mode. Enable PRACK  When enabled, MP252 replies with a PRACK message upon receipt ofa reliable provisional response. MP252 does not initiate reliable provisional responses. Note: This parameter appears only in 'Advanced' mode. Include ptime in SDP  When enabled, MP252 adds the ptime field to the SDP message body.Note: This parameter appears only in 'Advanced' mode. Enable Advanced DNS   Advanced DNS Type   Note:  This parameter is available only if the ‘Enable Advanced DNS’ check box is selected. Enable rport  When enabled, MP252 adds the rport parameter to the relevant SIP message fields. Note: This parameter appears only in 'Advanced' mode. Connect media on 180  When enabled, media is connected upon receipt of SIP 180, 183, or 200 messages. When this parameter is disabled, media is connected upon receipt of 183 and 200 messages only. Note: This parameter appears only in 'Advanced' mode. Enable Keep Alive When enabled, a keep-alive notification is sent every user-defined interval to the SIP registrar server. Note: This parameter appears only in 'Advanced' mode. Keep-Alive Type The type of keep-alive mechanism sent to the SIP registrar: • Using SIP OPTIONS: sends SIP OPTIONS messages • Using an Empty UDP packet: sends empty UDP packets Note: This parameter is available only if the ‘Enable Keep Alive’ checkbox is selected. Keep-Alive Period Defines the periodic interval for keep-alive messages. Note:  This parameter is available only if the ‘Enable Keep Alive’ checkbox is selected.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  74  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Parameter  Description SIP Proxy and Registrar Use SIP Proxy  When checked, outgoing calls are routed to the configured SIP proxy. Ifthe 'Use SIP Proxy IP and Port for Registration' check box is also selected, the configured SIP proxy is also used as the registrar, allowing incoming calls. Host Name or Address  Defines the IP address or host name of the SIP proxy. Note: This parameter is available only if the ‘Use SIP Proxy’ check boxis selected. Proxy Port  Defines the port (UDP, TCP, or TLS) of the SIP proxy. Note: This parameter is available only if the ‘Use SIP Proxy’ check boxis selected. Maximum Number of Authentication Retries  Defines how many times authenticated register messages are re-sent ifSIP 401 or 407 responses with a different “nonce” are received. Note: This parameter is available only if the ‘Use SIP Proxy’ check boxis selected. Use SIP Proxy IP and Port for Registration  When selected (default), the SIP proxy’s IP address and port is also used for registration. When selected, there is no need to configure the address / port of the registrar (only the ‘Register Expires’ and ‘RegisterExpires Failed’ parameters – described later).  Note: This parameter is available only if the ‘Use SIP Proxy’ check boxis selected. Sip Security  MP252's firewall can be configured to block incoming packets that havethe SIP signaling port as their destination. You can configure up to twoSIP entities (for example, the SIP Proxy or an SBC), which are not blocked by the firewall.  The default value is ‘Allow all SIP traffic’. Note: This parameter is available only if the ‘Use SIP Proxy’ check boxis selected. Address Type  Selects the address type of the additional SIP entity - IP address or host name. Note: This parameter is available only if the 'Sip Security' field is set to‘Allow SIP traffic from Proxy and Additional SIP Entity’. SIP Entity Address  Defines the address or host name (depending on the settings of the ‘Address Type’ field) of the additional SIP entity. Note: This parameter is available only if the 'Sip Security' field is set to‘Allow SIP traffic from Proxy and Additional SIP Entity’. Use Redundant Proxy  Enables the use of a redundant proxy. Note: This parameter is available only if the 'Use SIP Proxy IP and Portfor Registration' check box is selected. Redundant Proxy Address Defines the IP address of the redundant proxy. Note: This parameter is available only if the 'Use Redundant Proxy’ check box is selected. Redundant Proxy Port  Defines the port of the redundant proxy. Note: This parameter is available only if the 'Use Redundant Proxy’ check box is selected.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  8. Configuring VoIP Parameters Version 3.4.0  75  June 2011 Parameter  Description Redundant Proxy Keep Alive Period  Defines the interval between keep-alive packets (SIP OPTIONS) whichare used by the proxy redundancy mechanism to check the connectionstatus. Note: This parameter is available only if the 'Use Redundant Proxy’ check box is selected. Switch back to Primary SIP proxy when available  When selected, MP252 switches back to the primary proxy server when communication with it returns. Use SIP Registrar  When selected, enables the use of a separate SIP registrar server. Registrar Address  Defines the IP address or host name of the registrar server. Note: This parameter is available only if the 'Use SIP Registrar’ check box is selected. Registrar Port  Defines the port (UDP or TCP) of the registrar server. Note: This parameter is available only if the 'Use SIP Registrar’ check box is selected. Register Expires Defines the registration timeout, in seconds. Note: This parameter is available only if the 'Use SIP Registrar’ or ‘UseSIP Proxy IP and Port for Registration’ check box is selected. Register Failed Expires  Defines the timeout between registration attempts in case of a registration failure (e.g. due to a network problem). Note: This parameter is available only if the 'Use SIP Registrar’ or ‘UseSIP Proxy IP and Port for Registration’ check box is selected. Use SIP Outbound Proxy  When selected (default), an outbound SIP proxy is used (all SIP messages are sent to this server as the first hop). Note: This parameter appears only in 'Advanced' mode. Outbound Proxy IP  Defines the IP address of the outbound Proxy. If this parameter is set, all outgoing messages (including registration messages) are sent to this Proxy according to the Stack behavior. Note: This parameter is available only if 'Use SIP Outbound Proxy' is selected. Outbound Proxy Port  The Port on which the outbound Proxy listens. Note: This parameter is available only if 'Use SIP Outbound Proxy' is selected. SIP Timers Note: This group appears only in 'Advanced' mode. Retransmission Timer T1  The SIP T1 retransmission timer according to RFC 3261 Retransmission Timer T2  The SIP T2 retransmission timer according to RFC 3261 Retransmission Timer T4  The SIP T4 retransmission timer according to RFC 3261 INVITE Timer  The SIP INVITE timer according to RFC 3261 NAT Traversal Enable STUN When selected, the SIP STUN Manager is enabled. The SIP STUN Manager resolves private addresses to public addresses. Note: This parameter appears only in 'Advanced' mode.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  76  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Parameter  Description STUN Server Address  Defines the IP address of the STUN server used to resolve private addresses. Note: This parameter is available only if 'Enable STUN' is selected. STUN Server Port  Defines the port of the STUN server. Note: This parameter is available only if 'Enable STUN' is selected. Subnet Mask  Defines the subnet mask address of the STUN server used to resolve private addresses. Note: This parameter is available only if 'Enable STUN' is selected.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  8. Configuring VoIP Parameters Version 3.4.0  77  June 2011 8.1.1  Configuring Proxy Redundancy The Redundant Proxy feature allows the configuration of a backup SIP proxy server to increase Quality of Service (QoS). Once this feature is enabled, MP252 identifies cases where the primary proxy does not respond to SIP signaling messages. In these cases, MP252 registers to the redundant proxy and seamlessly continues normal functionality, without any noticeable connectivity failure or malfunction with the primary proxy. The Redundant Proxy feature includes two operational modes:  Asymmetric mode: This mode assigns the primary proxy a higher priority for registration over the redundant proxy. Once MP252 is registered to the primary proxy, it sends keep-alive messages (using SIP OPTIONS messages) to the primary proxy. If the primary proxy does not respond, MP252 registers to the redundant proxy, but continues sending keep-alive messages to the primary proxy. If the primary proxy responds to these keep-alive messages, MP252 re-registers to the primary proxy.  Symmetric mode: In this mode, both proxies are assigned the same priority for registration. Once MP252 is registered to a proxy (primary or redundant), it sends keep-alive messages to this proxy. MP252 switches proxies only once the proxy to which it has registered does not respond.  In both modes, the following applies:  If MP252 is not registered (i.e., if the proxy server - redundant or primary - to which MP252 currently tries to register does not respond), MP252 attempts to register to an alternative proxy. These attempts continue until MP252 successfully registers.  If this feature is enabled and you reboot MP252, it registers to the last proxy to which it was trying to register (not necessarily to the primary proxy). ¾ To configure proxy redundancy: 1.  From the menu bar, click the Voice Over IP menu; the Signaling Protocol tab screen appears. 2.  Define a primary proxy server (under the SIP Proxy and Registrar group): a.  Select the ‘Use SIP Proxy’ check box. b.  In the 'Host Name or Address' field, enter the primary proxy's IP address. c.  In the 'Proxy Port' field, enter the primary proxy's port number. 3.  Define a redundancy proxy server (under the SIP Proxy and Registrar group): a.  Select one of the following check boxes: 'Use SIP Registrar' or 'Use SIP Proxy IP and Port for Registration'. a.  Select the 'Use Redundant Proxy' check box.  b.  In the 'Redundant Proxy Address' field, enter the redundant proxy's IP address or DNS name. c.  In the 'Redundant Proxy Port' field, enter the redundant proxy's port number.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  78  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  d.  In the 'Redundant Proxy Keep Alive Period' field, enter the rate (in seconds) of the keep-alive messages for sending to the proxy. The valid range is 10 to 86,400 seconds (i.e., 24 hours). The default value is 60 sec. e.  To toggle between Symmetric and Asymmetric modes, use the 'Switch back to Primary SIP proxy when available' check box. ♦ Asymmetric mode - select the check box (i.e., mark it) ♦ Symmetric mode - clear the check box Figure 8-2: Configuring Proxy Redundancy  4.  Click OK to save your settings.  2-a 3-a 2-b 2-c 3-a 3-b 3-c 3-d 3-e
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  8. Configuring VoIP Parameters Version 3.4.0  79  June 2011 8.2  Configuring Dialing Parameters The procedure below describes how to configure the dialing parameters. ¾ To configure dialing parameters: 1.  In the 'Voice Over IP' screen, click the Dialing tab; the following screen appears.  Figure 8-3: Dialing Tab Screen  2.  Configure the parameters, as required. For a description of the parameters displayed on this screen, see Table 8-2. 3.  Click OK to save your settings.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  80  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Table 8-2: Dialing Tab Parameters Description Parameter  Description Dialing Parameters Dialing Timeout  Defines the duration (in seconds) of allowed inactivity between dialed digits. When you work with a proxy, the number you have dialed before the dialing process has timed out is sent to the proxy as the user ID to be called. This isuseful for calling remote parties without creating a speed dial entry (assuming the remote party is registered with the proxy). Phone Number Size  Defines the maximum length of shortcut numbers that you can enter and themaximum number of digits that you can dial. Enabled dialing complete key  When selected (default), you can define a key that when pressed forces MP252 to make a call to the dialed digits even if there is no match in the dialplan or digit map. The key is defined in the ‘Complete dialing key’ field, whichappears when this parameter is selected.  Note: This parameter appears only in 'Advanced' mode. Complete dialing key  Defines the key that when pressed forces MP252 to make a call to the dialeddigits even if there is no match in the dial plan or digit map. The default valueis the pound (#) key. Note: This parameter is available only if the ‘Enabled dialing complete key’ isselected. Dial Tone Timeout Defines the duration of the dial tone (in seconds). If the limit is exceeded, thedial tone stops and you a reorder tone is played. Reorder Tone Timeout Defines the duration (in seconds) of the reorder tone. The reorder tone is played, for example, when MP252 receives a SIP 486 response. If the limit isexceeded, the reorder tone stops and a howler tone is played. Note: This parameter appears only in 'Advanced' mode. Unanswered call timeout  Defines the timeout before MP252 automatically sends a SIP CANCEL message. When MP252 makes a call and the other side doesn’t answer, MP252 sends a CANCEL message after this timeout. Note: This parameter appears only in 'Advanced' mode. Howler Tone Timeout  Defines the duration (in seconds) of the howler tone. If the limit is exceeded,the howler tone stops playing. The howler tone informs a user that the user'sphone has been left in an off-hook state. Note: This parameter appears only in 'Advanced' mode. Flash min  Defines the duration (in ms) after which you can begin to perform a flash hook. Flash max  Defines the maximum duration (in ms) that the flash hook button can be pressed, after which the call is disconnected. Enable Re-Answer Timeout  When selected, the ‘Re-Answer Timeout’ field appears, allowing you to define the timeout after on-hooking an active call and then off-hooking it again. Once this time expires and the phone has not been off-hooked again,the call is disconnected. Send DTMF Out-Of- Band Defines how the DTMF tones are sent (‘Inband’, ‘RFC2833’, or ‘Via SIP’). DTMFs are the tones generated by your telephone's keypad. Note: This parameter appears only in 'Advanced' mode.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  8. Configuring VoIP Parameters Version 3.4.0  81  June 2011 Parameter  Description Digit Map  Defines formats (or patterns) for the dialed number. A match to one of the defined patterns terminates the dialed number. For an explanation on digit map syntax, see Section 8.2.1 on page 81. Note: This parameter appears only in 'Advanced' mode. Dial Plan  Defines patterns to translate to specific SIP destination addresses. For dial plan syntax rules for patterns entered to the left of the '=' sign, see Section 8.2.1 on page 81. Note: This parameter appears only in 'Advanced' mode. Key Sequence Flash keys sequence style Defines the key sequence with the flash button:  ‘Flash only’ (default) = uses only the phone's Flash button. There are three scenarios:  9 During an existing call, if the user presses Flash, the call is put on hold, a dial tone is heard and the user is able to initiate a second call.Once the second call is established, on-hooking transfers the first (held) call to the second call.  9 During an existing call, if the user presses Flash, the call is put on hold and a dial tone is heard. The user can initiate a second call andestablish a 3-way conference by again pressing Flash after the second call is initiated.  9 During an existing call, if a call comes in (call waiting), pressing Flashputs the active call on hold and answers the waiting call; pressing Flash again toggles between these two calls.  ‘Flash + digits sequence’ = Flash button with a key sequence: 9 Flash + 1 holds a call or toggles between two existing calls.  9 Flash + 2 makes a call transfer. 9 Flash + 3 establishes a 3-way conference.  'Send Flash Hook Via SIP' = you can modify the SIP INFO message that is sent upon Flash. You can change the Content Type header field and Message Body field. Note: This parameter appears only in 'Advanced' mode. SIP INFO Header When the key sequence is set to 'Send Flash Hook Via SIP', you can modifythe Content Type header field of the SIP INFO message.  For example: "application/broadsoft; version = 1.0" Note: This parameter appears only when the ‘Flash keys sequence style’ field is set to 'Send Flash Hook Via SIP'. SIP INFO Body  When the key sequence is set to 'Send Flash Hook Via SIP', you can modifythe Message Body field of the SIP INFO message.  For example: " event flashhook" Note: This parameter appears only when the ‘Flash keys sequence style’ field is set to 'Send Flash Hook Via SIP'.  8.2.1 Syntax for Digit Maps and Dial Plans Digit maps and dial plans are defined using special syntax rules, configured in the 'Dialing' screen (see Section 8.2 on page 78).  Digit Maps: A phone's digit map allows MP252 to know when an entered telephone number is complete and therefore, when it should initiate the call. If the phone digit map is defined incorrectly, MP252 might start to dial before the telephone user has entered
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  82  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  all the required digits. A digit map is defined either by a (case insensitive) "string" or by a list of strings.  Each string in the list is an alternative numbering scheme, specified either as a set of digits or as an expression over which MP252 attempts to find a shortest possible match.  The syntax that can be used in each numbering scheme is described in the table below.  Dial Plans: A dial plan translates specific patterns into specific SIP destination addresses. For example, dial plan rule "4xxx=Line_\\\@" sends a dialed number consisting of the digit “4” followed by any three digits to IP address The syntax of the pattern on the left of the '=' sign is described in the table below. Table 8-3: Dial Plan (for Left of '=' Sign) and Digit Map Syntax Type  Syntax Digit  A digit from "0" to "9". DTMF  A digit, or one of the symbols "A", "B", "C", "D", "#", or "*".  Extensions may be defined. Wildcard  The symbol "x" which denotes any digit ("0" to "9"). Range  One or more DTMF symbols enclosed between square brackets ("[" and "]"). Sub-range  Two digits separated by a hyphen ("-") which matches any digit between and including the two. The subrange can only be used inside a range construct, i.e., between "[" and "]". Position A period (".") which matches an arbitrary number, including zero, of occurrences ofthe preceding construct.  For example: [2-9]11|0|100|101|011xxx.|9011xxx.|1[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|91[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|9[2-9]xxxxxx|*xx|[8]xxxx|[2-7]xxx  [2-9]11: 911 rule: 211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711, 811, 911 are dialled immediately   0: Local operator rule   100: Auto-attendant default extension   101: Voicemail default extension   011xxx.: International rule without prefix   9011xxx.: International rule with prefix   1[2-9]xxxxxxxxx: LD rule without prefix   91[2-9]xxxxxxxxx: LD rule with prefix   9[2-9]xxxxxx: Local call with prefix   *xx: 2-digit star codes   [1-7]xx: A regular 3-digit extension that does not start with 9 or 8 is dialed immediately   [2-7]xx: A regular 3-digit extension that does not start with 9, 8, or 1 is dialed immediately   [2-7]xxx: A regular 4-digit extension that does not start with 9, 8, or 1 is dialed immediately   [8]xxx: A 3-digit extension prefixed with an 8 (routes calls directly to voicemail of extension xxx)    [8]xxxx: A-4 digit extension prefixed with an 8 (routes calls directly to voicemail of extension xxxx)
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  8. Configuring VoIP Parameters Version 3.4.0  83  June 2011 8.3  Configuring Media Streaming The procedure below describes how to configure the media streaming parameters. ¾ To configure media streaming parameters:  In the 'Voice Over IP' screen, click the Media Streaming tab; following screen appears.  Figure 8-4: Media Streaming Tab Screen  4.  Configure the parameters, as required. For a description of the parameters displayed on this screen, see Table 8-4. 5.  Click OK to save your settings. Table 8-4: Media Streaming Tab Parameters Description Parameter  Description Media Streaming Parameters Local RTP Port Range - Contiguous Series of 8 Ports Starting From: Defines the port range for Real Time Protocol (RTP) voice transport. DTMF Relay RFC 2833 Payload Type   Defines the RTP payload type used for RFC 2833 DTMF relay packets. The range is 0-255. The default is 101. G.726/16 Payload Type Defines the RTP payload type used for 16 kbps G.726 packets. The range is0-255. The default is 98.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  84  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Parameter  Description Quality of Service Parameters Type of Service (Hex)  This is a part of the IP header that defines the type of routing service to be used to tag outgoing voice packets originated from MP252. It is used to inform routers along the way that this packet should get specific QoS. Leavethis value as 0xb8 (default) if you are unfamiliar with the Differentiated Services IP protocol parameter. Codecs 1st - 6th Codec  Defines the voice codec. For more information, see 8.3.1 on page 84.   8.3.1 Configuring Codecs Codecs define the method of relaying voice data. Different codecs have different characteristics, such as data compression and voice quality. For example, G.723 is a codec that uses compression, so it is good for use where bandwidth is limited but its voice quality is not as good compared to other codecs such as the G.711. Supported Codecs To make a call, at least one codec must be enabled. Moreover, all codecs may be enabled for best performance. When you start a call to a remote party, your available codecs are compared against the remote party's to determine the codec used. The priority by which the codecs are compared is according to their order of appearance in the table (descending order). To change the priorities, rearrange the codecs in the required order. If there is no codec that both parties have made available, the call attempt fails. Note that if more than one codec is common to both parties, you cannot force which of the common codecs that were found are used by the remote party's client. If you do wish to force the use of a specific codec, leave only that codec checked. Packetization Time The Packetization Time is the length of the digital voice segment that each packet holds. The default is 20 millisecond packets. Selecting 10 millisecond packets reduces the delay but increases the bandwidth consumption.  8.4  Configuring Voice and Fax The procedure below describes how to configure the voice and fax parameters. ¾ To configure voice and fax parameters: 1.  In the 'Voice Over IP' screen, click the Voice and Fax tab; the following screen appears.  Figure 8-5: Voice and Fax Tab Screen
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  8. Configuring VoIP Parameters Version 3.4.0  85  June 2011  2.  Configure the parameters, as required. For a description of the parameters displayed on this screen, see Table 8-5. 3.  Click OK to save your settings.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  86  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Table 8-5: Voice and Fax Tab Parameters Description Parameter  Description Gain Control Enable Automatic Gain Control  Enables the Automatic Gain Control (AGC) mechanism. The AGC mechanism adjusts the level of the received signal to maintain a steady (configurable) volume level. Automatic Gain Control Direction  Defines the AGC direction (local or remote user). Note: This parameter appears only if the ‘Enable Automatic Gain Control’ check box is selected. Target Energy  Defines the signal energy value (in dBm) that the AGC attempts to attain. The range is 0 to -63 dBm. The default value is -19 dBm. Note: This parameter appears only if the ‘Enable Automatic Gain Control’ check box is selected. Jitter Buffer Minimum Delay  Defines the initial and minimal delay of the adaptive jitter buffer mechanism,which compensates for network problems. The value should be set according to the expected average jitter in the network (in milliseconds). The default is 35 msec. Optimization Factor  Defines the adaptation rate of the jitter buffer mechanism.  Higher values cause the jitter buffer to respond faster to increased network jitter. The default is 7. Silence Compression Enable Silence Compression  Enables silence compression, which reduces the network bandwidth consumption. The default is disabled. Enable G.711/G.726 Comfort Noise Enables the Comfort Noise generation feature. When enabled and silence is detected, MP252 transmits a series of parameters called Silence InformationDescriptor (SID), which are used to reproduce the local background noise atthe remote (receiving) side. Note: This parameter appears only if the ‘Enable Silence Compression’ check box is selected. Echo Cancellation Enable Echo Cancellation  Enables (default) echo cancellation (disabling echo cancellation should be done for testing purposes only).  Fax and Modem Settings Fax Transport Mode  Selects the way fax calls are handled: 9 Transparent = Fax is transferred in-band (like a voice call) - can be used if the codec is G.711 9 T.38 Relay = Fax is relayed to the remote side according to the T.38standard 9 Voice Band Data = Switch to G.711 via SIP messaging 9 Bypass = An automatic switch to AudioCodes' proprietary payload type (102, 103). Max Rate Defines the maximum fax rate.   2.4 Kbps, 4.8 Kbps, 7.2 Kbps, 9.6 Kbps, 12 Kbps or 14.4 Kbps (default). Note: This parameter appears only if 'Fax Transport Mode' is set to ‘T.38 Relay’.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  8. Configuring VoIP Parameters Version 3.4.0  87  June 2011 Parameter  Description Max Buffer Defines the maximum amount of T.38 data stored on the MP252. The valid range is 128 to 2048. The default is 1024. Note: This parameter appears only if 'Fax Transport Mode' is set to ‘T.38 Relay’. Max Datagram Defines the maximum total size of TCP/UDPTL packets that can be receivedat the remote gateway. The valid range is 160 to 1020. The default is 320. Note: This parameter appears only if 'Fax Transport Mode' is set to ‘T.38 Relay’. Image Data Redundancy Level Defines the level for output Image Data (2400…14400 bps).   0 = No redundancy  1 to 3 = Redundancy level Note: This parameter appears only if 'Fax Transport Mode' is set to ‘T.38 Relay’. T30 Control Data Redundancy Level  Defines the redundancy level for output T.30 Control Data (300 bps).  0 = No redundancy  1 to 7 = Redundancy level Note: This parameter appears only if 'Fax Transport Mode' is set to ‘T.38 Relay’. Fax Relay Jitter Buffer Delay Defines the Fax Relay Jitter Buffer.  0 = Adaptive Jitter Buffer. The MP252 sets the Jitter Buffer size automatically and then adapts it according to network conditions.  1 to 511 = Fixed Jitter Buffer size (in msec). Note: This parameter appears only if 'Fax Transport Mode' is set to ‘T.38 Relay’. Error Correction Mode Enables (default) fax error correction mode (ECM). Note: This parameter appears only if 'Fax Transport Mode' is set to ‘T.38 Relay’. Fax Bypass Payload Type Defines the payload type for fax in Bypass mode. Note: This parameter appears only if 'Fax Transport Mode' is set to ‘Bypass’.Modem Transport Mode Selects the way modem calls are handled:  Transparent = Data is transferred in-band (like a voice call). This can be used if the codec is G.711.  Voice Band Data = Switch to G.711 via SIP messaging.  Bypass = An automatic switch to AudioCodes' proprietary payload type (102, 103). Note: If the Fax transport mode is Bypass or VBD, it must match the Modemtransport mode. Modem Bypass Payload Type  Defines the payload type for modems in Bypass mode. Note: This parameter appears only if 'Modem Transport Mode' is set ‘Bypass’. Fax/Modem Bypass Codec  Defines the codec for the VBD and Bypass modes. PCMA (default) or PCMU.  G.711 64 kbps A-Law -OR- G.711 64 kbps u-Law
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  88  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Parameter  Description CED Transfer Mode   By Fax Relay: When MP252 is the receiver side, Switch to Fax relay is enabled upon CED. This allows a high reliable fax-over-IP call establishment at the beginning of CED tone.   In Voice Or PCM Bypass: When MP252 is the receiver side, to avoid possible conflicts with low-speed modems, the CED (ANS) relay by FoIP protocol may be disabled by setting the CED transfer mode to ‘In Voice Or PCM Bypass’. In this case, MP252 does not initiate the Fax Relay on detecting CED tone in absence of CNG, but switches to VBD or remains in voice mode (depends on the Modem Transport Mode). MP252 switches to FoIP later when it defines exactly that a monitored call is the fax call (CED and CND or V.21 Preamble). Enable CNG Detection  Enables detection of the fax CNG signal. When the local fax machine connected to MP252 receives a fax, MP252 switches to T.38 fax relay upon detection of the CED signal from the remote fax. If the local fax machine sends a fax, MP252 switches to T.38 only after detecting the CNG signal from the local side and the CED signal from the remote side. If this check box is selected, MP252 switches to T.38 relay immediately upon detection of theCNG signal from the local side, without waiting for the CED signal from the remote side. The default is disabled. Switch To Fax Only By The Answering Side Typically, switching to fax mode is the responsibility of the answering side. However, in some cases, the sending machine can also switch to fax mode.If this check box is marked, the sending machine does not switch to fax, but allows the answering side to detect the fax and switch to fax mode.   8.5  Configuring Supplementary Services The procedure below describes how to configure the services parameters. ¾ To configure supplementary services: 1.  In the 'Voice Over IP' screen, click the Services tab; the following screen appears.  Figure 8-6: Services Tab Screen
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  8. Configuring VoIP Parameters Version 3.4.0  89  June 2011  2.  Configure the parameters, as required. For a description of the parameters displayed on this screen, see Table 8-6. 3.  Click OK to save your settings. Table 8-6: Services Tab Parameters Description Parameter  Description Call Waiting Enabled Enables the Call Waiting feature.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  90  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Parameter  Description Call Waiting SIP Reply  Defines the SIP response (180 Ringing or 182 Queued - default) sent when another call arrives while a call is in progress. Note: This parameter appears only if Call Waiting is enabled. Enable Caller ID Type II Enables caller ID of a waiting call (Called Caller ID type 2). Note: This parameter appears only if Call Waiting is enabled. Call Forward Enabled  Enables call forwarding. The Call Forward feature permits a user to redirect incoming calls addressed to another number. The user’s ability to originate calls is unaffected by Call Forward. Note: The Call Forward feature is functional only when MP252 is registered to a proxy. Call Forward Type  Defines the type of call forwarding:  Unconditional: Incoming calls are forwarded independently of the status of the endpoint.  Busy: Incoming calls are forwarded only if the endpoint is busy, i.e., if alllines are active.  No Reply: Incoming calls are forwarded only if the endpoint does not answer before a user-defined timeout (see ‘Time for No Reply Forward’ parameter). Note: This parameter appears only if Call Forward is enabled. Time for No Reply Forward  Defines the timeout after which the call is forwarded if the endpoint does not answer. If you specify 5 seconds, for example, and 'No Reply' is selected for parameter 'Call Forward Type' (see above), incoming calls are forwarded only after 5 seconds lapse. Note: This parameter is available only when ‘No Reply’ is selected for the parameter 'Call Forward Type'. Key Sequence  The default is *72 but users can modify to any sequence of up to 2 digits, i.e., *n or *nm.  Do Not Disturb Enabled  Enables the Do Not Disturb (DND) feature. This feature allows you to prevent incoming calls from ringing at your phone. When enabled, callers receive a busy signal or an announcement. The DND is activated using the phone keypad. The default is disabled. Key Sequence  Defines the key sequence to activate and deactivate the DND feature. 3 Way Conference 3 Way Conference Mode  Selects how 3-way conference calls are handled:  Local: locally by MP252  Remote: by a remote media server (RFC 4240) Media Server Address The address of the remote media server that handles conference calls. Note: This parameter is available only when ‘Remote’ is selected for the parameter '3 Way Conference Mode'.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  8. Configuring VoIP Parameters Version 3.4.0  91  June 2011 Parameter  Description Message Waiting Indication Enabled  If a user has an unheard voice mail message, a stutter dial tone is heard when the user picks up the phone. In addition, MP252 generates an FSK signal to the phone to indicate that a message is waiting. If the telephone connected to MP252 supports this feature, an MWI ‘envelope icon’ is displayed. Subscribe to MWI  Select this check box if you must register with a MWI subscriber server. If so,configure the three parameters below. MWI Server IP Address or Host Name  Defines the IP address or host name of the MWI server. Note: This parameter is available only when the check box 'Subscribe to MWI' is selected. MWI Server Port  Defines the port number of the MWI server. Note: This parameter is available only when the check box 'Subscribe to MWI' is selected. MWI Subscribe Expiration Time  Defines the interval between registrations. Note: This parameter is available only when the check box 'Subscribe to MWI' is selected. General Parameters Stutter Tone Duration  When you enable message waiting and an unheard message exists, a stuttertone is played to the phone for the duration configured by this parameter and/or when you activate the call forwarding feature (see Section 10.6 on page 103). Out of Service Behavior Defines the tone which is played instead of a dial tone if the user configured aregistrar IP and the registration failed. When the Reorder tone is selected, a Reorder tone is played instead of a dial tone. If “No Tone” is selected, then no tone is played.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  92  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  8.6  Configuring Line Settings Before you can make phone calls, you need to configure lines. Lines are SIP logical ID numbers (i.e., telephone numbers), which are registered to the SIP proxy server, and for which you are charged for calls you make on it. MP252 supports two line-configuration modes:  One-Line Configuration: In this mode, only one line is configured to represent all the physical telephone extensions on MP252 (i.e., two analog phones and five DECT handsets): • When you receive an incoming call, all the extensions on the line ring, and you can answer from any one of them. When you do answer, the other extensions stop ringing.  • If you receive another incoming call when you already have an established call on one extension, all the idle extensions ring, and the busy extension hears a call waiting tone. • You can make outgoing calls from any of the extensions.  • You can make multiple concurrent calls (i.e., each extension makes a call to a different destination and at the same time).  Three-Lines Configuration: In this mode, three lines can be configured: • Line 1 for the analog telephone connected to the MP252 port labeled Phone 1 • Line 2 for the analog telephone connected to the MP252 port labeled Phone 2 • Line 3 for all the DECT handsets (up to five) ¾ To configure lines: 1.  In the 'Voice Over IP' screen, click the Line Settings tab; the following screen appears. Figure 8-7: Line Settings Tab Screen  2.  Select the configuration mode options – One Line Configuration or Three Lines Configuration; the table lists the lines according to the selected line configuration mode.  3.  For each line, click the corresponding Edit  icon to configure the line; the following screen appears:
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  8. Configuring VoIP Parameters Version 3.4.0  93  June 2011 Figure 8-8: Line Settings Screen for a New Line  The screen displays the following read-only information: • Line Number: line number • Extensions Registered: extensions registered to this line  4.  In the ‘User ID’ field, enter phone's VoIP user ID used for identification to initiate and accept calls. 5.  To hide the phone’s ID from the remote party, select the ‘Block Caller ID’ check box. 6.  In the ‘Display Name’ field, enter a name to intuitively identify the line. This is also displayed to remote parties as your caller ID. 7.  Under the SIP Proxy group, define the SIP proxy server: a.  In the ‘Authentication User Name’ field, enter the user name received from your VoIP service provider. This is used when sending a response to Unauthorized or Proxy Authentication Requested (401/407). b.  In the ‘Authentication Password’ field, enter the password received from your VoIP service provider. This is used when sending a response to Unauthorized or Proxy Authentication Requested (401/407). 8.  In the ‘Line Voice Volume’ field, enter the voice volume of the line (i.e., the gain from the network toward the local phone). The default is 0 dB. 9.  To enable supplementary services on this line, select the ‘Enable Supplementary Services’ check box. 10.  To enable automatic dialing (which automatically dials a user-defined phone number when the line is off-hooked longer than a user-defined time), do the following: c.  Select the ‘Enable Automatic Dialing’ check box.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  94  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  d.  In the ‘Automatic Dialing Timeout’ field, enter the time after which automatic dialing is activated if the user has not started dialing before this timeout. When set to 0, automatic dialing is performed immediately. e.  In the ‘Automatic Dialing Destination’ field, enter the destination that is automatically dialed. This can be a phone number or a domain name (for example, user@ or user@domain name). 11.  Click OK to save your settings.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  8. Configuring VoIP Parameters Version 3.4.0  95  June 2011 8.7  Configuring Line Extensions Extensions are the physical telephony extensions on MP252. These can either be FXS ports (for analog telephones) or cordless DECT handsets. Once you have defined your lines, you can do the following:  Define an arbitrary name for each extension (to help you identify the extension).  Initiate the registration process of the lines with the proxy server (and DECT with base unit) ¾ To configure line extensions: 1.  In the 'Voice Over IP' screen, click the Extension Settings tab; the following screen appears. Figure 8-9: Extension Settings Tab Screen  2.  For each line extension, click the corresponding Edit  icon to define a name for the extension; the following screen appears: Figure 8-10: Extension Settings Screen  3.  Click OK to save your settings. ¾ To register the lines:
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  96  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  4.  In the ‘Extension Settings Tab; screen; click the Register button. 8.8  Configuring Speed Dialing Use the 'Speed Dial Settings' screen to associate a called party's contact parameters (including the IP address of his/her ATA and Line ID) with a number that you'll dial to call the called part. The number of speed-dialing codes that can be defined is unlimited. Use the screen to define a destination type: Proxy, Local Line or Direct Call.   Note:   When connecting MP252 to a World-Wide SIP Server (see 'Connecting MP252's VoIP to a VoIP Service Provider' on page 99), you don't need to configure 'Speed Dial Settings'.  ¾ To configure speed dialing: 1.  In the 'Voice Over IP' screen, click the Speed Dial tab; the following screen appears: Figure 8-11: Speed Dial Tab Screen  2.  Click the New  icon; the 'Speed Dial Settings' screen appears.  Figure 8-12: Speed Dial Settings Screen (Proxy Destination)  3.  In the ‘Speed Dial’ field, enter the shortcut number (i.e., speed dial) which you dial to call the party defined below. 4.  From the ‘Destination’ drop-down list, select the destination type. • Proxy: If you select this option (as shown in the figure above), then in the ‘User ID’ field, enter the user ID to call. • Local Line: If you select this option, then from the ‘Line’ drop-down list, select the configured local line on your MP252.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  8. Configuring VoIP Parameters Version 3.4.0  97  June 2011 Figure 8-13: Speed Dial Settings Screen (Local Line Destination)  • Direct Call: if you select this option, then configure the following: a.  In the ‘User ID’ field, enter the user ID to call. b.  In the ‘IP Address or Host Name’ field, enter the remote party's IP address or host name. c.  In the ‘Port’ field, enter the SIP UDP or TCP port of the remote party. Figure 8-14: Speed Dial Settings Screen (Direct Call Destination)  5.  Click OK to save your settings.   8.9  Enabling Polarity Reversal The procedure below describes how to enable polarity reversal. When this feature is enabled, the analog port (FXS) interface polarity is reversed to indicate the start of a VoIP session, and is reversed back when the VoIP session ends. ¾ To enable polarity reversal: 1.  In the 'Voice Over IP' screen, click the Telephone Interface tab; the following screen appears:
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  98  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Figure 8-15: Telephone Interface Tab Screen  2.  Select the 'Enabled' check box to enable the Polarity Reversal feature.  3.  Click OK to apply your settings.   8.10  Selecting Regional Settings for Analog Lines The behavior and parameters of analog telephones lines vary between countries. The set of Call Progress Tones, the protocol used for caller ID and the analog line impedance are all location-specific. MP252 enables users to select the country they reside in and MP252 automatically selects the correct regional settings. ¾ To select your present location: 1.  In the 'Advanced' screen, click the Regional Settings  icon; the 'Regional Settings' screen appears. 2.  Select the country from the drop-down list. If your current location is not listed, contact your service provider. Figure 8-16: Regional Settings Screen  3.  Click OK. 4.  Reboot MP252 for your settings to take effect.
Version 3.4.0  99  July 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  9. Connecting MP252 to an ITSP 9  Connecting MP252 to an ITSP The MP252 VoIP capabilities allow you to connect to a remote SIP server or Internet Telephony Service Provider (ITSP) and conduct phone calls over the Internet (i.e., VoIP). This chapter describes how to place a VoIP call utilizing MP252's VoIP capabilities over a SIP server. Verify that your MP252 and telephone are correctly connected and that your WAN connection is up.  9.1  Opening a SIP Account Before you can connect to a SIP server, it is necessary that you obtain a SIP account.  9.2  Configuring VoIP Parameters   Note:  This section describes the minimal set of changes required to connect to a VoIP Service Provider. Other configuration changes might be required to connect to some Service Providers.  ¾ To configure VoIP parameters: 1.  In the menu bar, click the menu Voice Over IP; the ‘Voice Over IP’ screen appears. 2.  Click the Line Settings tab. Enable only the lines that you are using, by selecting the check box, and then click Apply. Figure 9-1: Voice Over IP - Line Settings Screen  3.  Click the Edit  icon corresponding to the line that you want to configure (example, line 1); the ‘Line Settings’ screen appears. Use the configuration values provided by your ISP to configure the parameters in this screen.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  100  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Figure 9-2: VoIP - Line Settings - Defining a New Line  4.  Click the Signaling Protocol tab and then select the ‘Use SIP Proxy’ check box (see 'Configuring Signaling Protocol Parameters' on page 70). 5.  In the field ‘Proxy IP Address or Host Name’, define the ISP’s SIP proxy, provided by the ISP (see 'Configuring Signaling Protocol Parameters' on page 70). 6.  Click OK or Apply to complete the VoIP configuration.   Note:  To verify successful registration with the proxy server, ensure that the Phone LED is lit green or in the Voice over IP tab (System Monitoring menu), the entry ‘SIP Registration’ displays “Registered” for the configured lines.
Version 3.4.0  101  July 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  10. Making VoIP Calls with your Analog Telephones 10  Making VoIP Calls with your Analog Telephones Analog telephone users that are connected to MP252 can place calls, put calls on hold, transfer calls, and establish three-way conferences. This chapter describes how to perform these operations.   Note:  For information on using the DECT phone, see Part II.   10.1 Making a Call The procedure below describes how to make a call. ¾ To make a call: 1.  Pick up the phone. 2.  Make sure that you can hear a dial tone 3.  Dial the remote party's number or the user-defined speed dial number (if configured in Section 8.8 on page 96).  10.2  Answering a Waiting Call The procedure below describes how to answer a waiting call. This depends on how you configured the flash-hook functionality, using the ‘Flash keys sequence style’ parameter in Section 8.2 on page 79. To enable call waiting, see Section 8.5 on page 88. ¾ To answer a waiting call when 'Flash only' is set: 1.  When you hear a call waiting tone (during a call), press the flash key button on your phone; the active call is put on hold and switches to the waiting call. 2.  To return to the original call, press the flash button again. You can toggle from one party to another by pressing the flash button. ¾ To answer a waiting call when 'Flash + digits sequence' is set: 1.  When you hear the call waiting tone (during a call), press the flash key button on your phone and then press the '1' key; the original call is put on hold and switches to the waiting call. 2.  To return to the original call, press flash + 1 again. You can toggle from one party to another by pressing flash + 1.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  102  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  10.3  Placing a Call on Hold The procedure below describes how to place a call on hold. This depends on how you configured the flash-hook functionality, using the ‘Flash keys sequence style’ parameter in Section 8.2 on page 79. ¾ To place the remote party on hold when 'Flash only' is set:  During a call, press the flash key button on your phone; a dial tone is heard. At this point you can initiate a second call by dialing another party's number.   Note:  If you press the flash key button again before the second party answers, the call is established with the original call. If, however, the second party answers and you press the flash key button, a 3-way conference is established.  ¾ To place the remote party on hold when 'Flash + digits sequence' is set: 1.  Press the flash key button key and then press the '1' key on your phone; the phone plays a dial tone. At this point you can initiate a second call by dialing another party's number. 2.  To cancel the hold state and resume the previous phone call, press the flash key button and then press '1'.   10.4  Transferring a Call The procedure below describes how to transfer an established call to another destination. This depends on how you configured the flash-hook functionality, using the ‘Flash keys sequence style’ parameter in Section 8.2 on page 79. ¾ To transfer a call when 'Flash only' is set: 1.  During a call with party B, press the flash key button on your phone; party B is placed on hold and a dial tone is heard. 2.  Dial party C's number. 3.  You can wait for C to answer or not. 4.  On-hook your phone; party B is now transferred to party C. ¾ To transfer a call when 'Flash + digits sequence' is set: 1.  During a call with party B, press the flash key button and then press the '1' key on the phone; party B is placed on hold and a dial tone is heard. 2.  Dial party C's number. 3.  You can wait for C to answer or not. 4.  Press the flash key button key and then press '2'; party B is transferred to party C (and a warning tone is heard).
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  10. Making VoIP Calls with your Analog Telephones Version 3.4.0  103  June 2011 10.5  Establishing a 3-Way Conference Call The procedure below describes how to establish a 3-way conference call. The method for doing this depends on how you configured the flash-hook functionality, using the ‘Flash keys sequence style’ parameter in Section 8.2  on page 79. In addition, to configure 3-way conferencing, see Section 8.5 on page 88. ¾ To establish a 3-way conference call when 'Flash only' is set: 1.  During a call with party B, press the flash key button on your phone; Party B is placed on hold and a dial tone is heard. 2.  Dial party C's number and wait until the call is established. 3.  Press the flash key button again to add parties B and C to a 3-way conference call. 4.  To end the 3-way conference call, on-hook your phone (or alternatively, press the flash key button again). ¾ To establish a 3-way conference call when 'Flash + digits sequence' is set: 1.  During a call with party B, press the flash key button on your phone and then press the '1' key; Party B is placed on hold and a dial tone is heard. 2.  Dial party C's number and wait until the call is established. 3.  Press the flash key button and then press the '3' key to add B and C to a 3-way conference call. 4.  To end the 3-way conference call, on-hook your phone (or alternatively, press the flash key button and then press the '3' key).
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  104  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  10.6  Forwarding Calls to another Phone The procedure below describes how to automatically forward incoming (received) calls to another phone. Before you can forward calls, you need to enable and configure call forwarding as described in Section 8.5 on page 88.   Note:  The Call Forward feature is functional only when MP252 is registered to a proxy. ¾ To forward calls to another phone: 1.  Pick up the phone and make sure that you can hear a dial tone. 2.  Dial the call forward key sequence (according to your configuration), for example, *32; a dial tone is heard. 3.  Dial the number of the phone to where you want calls forwarded; a stutter tone is heard. 4.  Replace the receiver; all incoming calls are forwarded. Every time you pick up the phone receiver, a stutter tone is played (for the length of time, as you configured for the 'Stutter Tone Duration' parameter). ¾ To deactivate call forwarding: 1.  Pick up the phone; a stutter tone is heard. 2.  Dial the call forward key sequence. 3.  Replace the receiver. 4.  To make sure that call forwarding has been de-activated, pick up the phone again; a regular dial tone should be heard (not the stutter tone).
Version 3.4.0  105  July 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  11. Quality of Service 11  Quality of Service Network-based applications and traffic are growing at a high rate, producing an ever-increasing demand for bandwidth and network capacity. For obvious reasons, bandwidth and capacity cannot be expanded infinitely, requiring that bandwidth-demanding services be delivered over existing infrastructure, without incurring additional, expansive investments. The next logical means of ensuring optimal use of existing resources are Quality of Service (QoS) mechanisms for congestion management and avoidance. QoS refers to the capability of a network device to provide better service to selected network traffic. This is achieved by shaping the traffic and processing higher priority traffic before lower priority traffic. As QoS is dependent on the "weakest link in the chain", failure of but a single component along the data path to assure priority packet transmission can easily cause a VoIP call or a Video on Demand (VoD) broadcast to fail miserably. QoS must therefore obviously be addressed end-to-end. The following are the potential bottleneck areas that need be taken into consideration when implementing an end-to-end QoS-enabled service.  The Local Area Network: LANs have finite bandwidth, and are typically limited to 100 Mbps. When given the chance, some applications consume all available network bandwidth. In business networks, a large number of network-attached devices can lead to congestion. The need for QoS mechanisms is more apparent in wireless LANs, where bandwidth is even more limited (typically no more than 20 Mbps on 802.11g networks).  The Broadband Router: All network traffic passes through and is processed by the broadband router. It is therefore a natural focal point for QoS implementation. Lack of sufficient buffer space, memory or processing power, and poor integration among system components can result in highly undesirable real-time service performance. The only way to assure high QoS is the use of proper and tightly-integrated router operating system software and applications, which can effectively handle multiple real-time services simultaneously.  The Broadband Connection: Typically, the most significant bottleneck of the network, this is where the high speed LAN meets limited broadband bandwidth. Special QoS mechanisms must be built into routers to ensure that this sudden drop in connectivity speed is taken into account when prioritizing and transmitting real-time service-related data packets.  The Internet: Internet routers typically have a limited amount of memory and bandwidth available to them, so that congestions may easily occur when links are over-utilized, and routers attempt to queue packets and schedule them for retransmission. One must also consider the fact that while Internet backbone routers take some prioritization into account when making routing decisions, all data packets are treated equally under congested conditions.   Note:  For recommended QoS configuration see Section 11.7 on page 120.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  106  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  11.1 QoS Wizard The QoS wizard allows you to configure your QoS parameters according to predefined profiles, with just a few clicks. A chosen QoS profile automatically defines QoS rules, which you can view and edit in the rest of the QoS tab screens. The QoS wizard also allows you to define the WAN bandwidth. ¾ To use the QoS Wizard: 1.  From the menu bar, click the QoS menu link; the ‘Quality of Service’ screen appears with the QoS Wizard tab selected by default. Figure 11-1: QoS Wizard Tab Screen  2.  Define bandwidth limitation. From the 'WAN Devices Bandwidth (Rx/Tx)' drop-down list, select ‘User Defined’ if you want to define specific Rx and Tx bandwidth limitations, or select  the Rx/Tx optional values provided in the drop-down list.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  11. Quality of Service Version 3.4.0  107  June 2011 3.  In the QoS Profiles group, select a QoS profile. 4.  Click OK.   Note:  Selecting a new QoS profile deletes all previous QoS settings.   11.2 Traffic Shaping Traffic Shaping is the solution for managing and avoiding congestion where a high speed LAN meets limited broadband bandwidth. A user may have, for example, a 100 Mbps Ethernet LAN with a 100 Mbps WAN interface router. The router may communicate with the ISP using a modem with a bandwidth of 2 Mbps. This typical setup makes the modem, having no QoS module, the bottleneck. The router sends traffic as fast as it is received, while its well-designed QoS algorithms are left unused. Traffic shaping limits the bandwidth of the router, artificially forcing the router to be the bottleneck. A traffic shaper is essentially a regulated queue that accepts uneven and/or bursty flows of packets and transmits them in a steady, predictable stream so that the network is not overwhelmed with traffic. While Traffic Priority allows basic prioritization of packets, Traffic Shaping provides more sophisticated definitions such as:  Bandwidth limit for each device  Bandwidth limit for classes of rules  Prioritization policy  TCP serialization on a device You can also define QoS traffic shaping rules for a default device. These rules are used on a device that has no definitions of its own. This enables the definition of QoS rules on Default WAN, for example, and their maintenance even if the PPP or bridge device over the WAN is removed. MP252 also supports dynamic traffic shaping during a call. Traffic shaping is critical in residential VoIP gateways because of the bottleneck created in the ADSL or Cable modem, mainly in the upload direction. Dynamic traffic shaping ensures a minimum bandwidth for VoIP calls. Without dynamic traffic shaping, traffic shaping limits the bandwidth at all times, even if the user is not making a VoIP call and therefore, the service provider needs to configure the QoS traffic shaping transmit (Tx) bandwidth according to the user's specific upload bandwidth. Configuring a lower value results in a lower upload bandwidth (not only during VoIP calls). Dynamic traffic shaping enables the service provider to configure two upload traffic shaping bandwidth parameters:  "Tx Bandwidth" - for all traffic  "Tx Bandwidth during Call" - for VoIP calls MP252 normally uses the "Tx Bandwidth" value. When the user makes a VoIP call (i.e. any phone/s connected to MP252 is ringing or off-hook), MP252 switches to use the "Tx Bandwidth during Call" value. 11.2.1  Device Traffic Shaping The procedure below describes how to configure traffic shaping. ¾ To add a traffic shaping device: 1.  From the menu bar, click the QoS menu, and then click the Traffic Shaping tab.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  108  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Figure 11-2: Quality of Service – Traffic Shaping Screen  2.  Click the New   icon; the 'Add Device Traffic Shaping’ screen appears. Figure 11-3: Add Device Traffic Shaping Screen  3.  From the ‘Device’ drop-down list, select the device for which you want to shape traffic. The list includes all interfaces (e.g., All LAN Devices, All WAN Devices) and VPNs such as PPoE, PPTP and L2TP (if defined). For example, select 'WAN Ethernet', and then click OK; the ’Edit Device Traffic Shaping’ screen appears. Figure 11-4: Edit Device Traffic Shaping Screen
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  11. Quality of Service Version 3.4.0  109  June 2011 4.  Under the Tx Traffic Shaping group, from the ‘Tx Bandwidth’ drop-down list, select ‘Specify’ and define the MP252’s maximum transmission bandwidth rate in the corresponding field. The purpose is to limit the bandwidth of the WAN interface to that of the weakest outbound link, for instance, the DSL speed provided by the ISP. This forces MP252 to be the network bottleneck, where sophisticated QoS prioritization can be performed. If the device’s bandwidth is not limited correctly, the bottleneck is an unknown router or modem on the network path, rendering MP252 QoS useless. To configure unlimited bandwidth, select ‘Unlimited’. 5.  Under the Rx Traffic Policing group, from the ‘Rx Bandwidth’ drop-down list, select ‘Specify’ and define the MP252’s maximum receive bandwidth rate in the corresponding field. This limits MP252’s bandwidth receipt rate to that of the DSL modem. 6.  From the ‘TCP Serialization’ drop-down list, select whether to enable TCP serialization. The screen refreshes, displaying the ’Maximum Delay’ field. This allows you to define the maximum allowed transmission time frame (in milliseconds) of a single packet. Any packet that requires a longer time to be transmitted is fragmented to smaller sections. This avoids transmission of large, bursty packets that may cause delay or jitter for real-time traffic such as VoIP. 7.  Select the ‘Enable Dynamic Traffic Shaping’ check box if you want to configure traffic shaping specifically for VoIP calls (see Section 11.2 on page 107). When selected, the ‘Tx Bandwidth During VoIP Call’ field appears. Enter the bandwidth for VoIP calls. MP252 normally uses the "Tx Bandwidth" parameter value. When the user makes a VoIP call (i.e. any phone connected to MP252 is ringing or off-hook), MP252 switches to use the "Tx Bandwidth during Call" parameter value.   11.2.2 Shaping Classes The bandwidth of a device can be divided to reserve constant portions of bandwidth to user-defined traffic types. Such a portion is known as a Shaping Class. When not used by its user-defined traffic type or owner (for example, VoIP), the class is then available to all other traffic. However when needed, the entire class is reserved solely for its owner. Moreover, you can limit the maximum bandwidth that a class can use even if the entire bandwidth is available. When a shaping class is defined for a specific traffic type, two shaping classes are created. The second class is the 'Default Class', responsible for all the packets that do not match the defined shaping class or any other classes that may be defined on the device. This can be viewed in the Class Statistics screen. ¾ To add a shaping class: 1.  From the menu bar, click the QoS menu, and then click the Traffic Shaping tab. 2.  Click the Edit   icon corresponding to the added Device (e.g., WAN); the 'Edit Device Traffic Shaping' screen appears. 3.  Under the Tx Traffic Shaping group, click the New   icon; the 'Add Shaping Class' screen appears. Figure 11-5: Add Shaping Class Screen  4.  In the ‘Name’ field, enter a name for the class, and then click OK; the 'Edit Device Traffic Shaping' screen appears.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  110  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  5.  Edit the newly added shaping class, by clicking the corresponding Edit  icon; the 'Edit Shaping Class' screen appears. Figure 11-6: Edit Shaping Class  6.  In the ‘Name’ field, modify the class name, if required. 7.  From the ‘Class Priority’ drop-down list, select the priority level for the class, where zero is the highest and seven the lowest. 8.  In the ‘Bandwidth’ field, define the bandwidth for the class: • Reserved: reserved (i.e., guaranteed) bandwidth (Committed Information Rate / CIR) in kbps. • Maximum: specify the maximum bandwidth 9.  From the ‘Policy’ drop-down list, select the policy for routing packets within the class: • Priority: Priority queuing uses multiple queues so that traffic is distributed among queues based on priority. This priority is defined according to packet priority, which can be defined explicitly by a DSCP value or an 802.1p value. • FIFO: First In First Out. This priority queue ignores any previously-marked packet priority. • Fairness: The fairness algorithm ensures no starvation by granting all packets a certain level of priority. • RED: Random Early Detection. Utilizes statistical methods to drop packets in a ‘probabilistic’ way before queues overflow. Dropping packets in this way slows a source down enough to keep the queue steady and reduces the number of packets that would be lost when a queue overflows and a host is transmitting at a high rate. 10.  From the ‘Schedule’ drop-down list, select the scheduler rule (defined in Section 4.5.1 on page 43) that defines the time segments during which the class can be active. By default, the class is always active. 11.  Click OK to save your settings. Class Rules Class rules define which packets belong to the class. Without class rules, the shaping class has no effect. Each class can have outbound and inbound rules for outgoing and incoming traffic respectively. For example, you can define that all outgoing packets from computer A in your LAN belong to your VoIP class. These packets are limited to the class settings (bandwidth, schedule, etc.). In addition, you can define the traffic protocol and priority for each rule (this is not mandatory as in Traffic Priority rules). Inbound and Outbound Data
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  11. Quality of Service Version 3.4.0  111  June 2011 MP252 can control outgoing data easily. It can queue packets, delay them, give precedence to other packets, or drop them. This helps in resolving upload (Tx) traffic bottlenecks and in most cases is sufficient. However, in the case of download (Rx) traffic bottlenecks, the ability to control the flow is much more limited. MP252 cannot queue packets, since in most cases the LAN is much faster than the WAN and when MP252 receives a packet from the WAN, it passes it immediately to the LAN. QoS for ingress data has the following limitations, which do not exist for outgoing data:  QoS can only be applied to TCP streams (UDP streams cannot be delayed)  No borrowing mechanism  When reserving Rx bandwidth, it is strictly taken from the bandwidth of all other classes
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  112  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  In addition, MP252 cannot control the behavior of its WAN (usually the ISP), which may not have proper QoS handling. Let’s look at a scenario of downloading a large file and surfing the Internet at the same time. Downloading the file is distinguished by small requests, followed by very large responses. This may result in blocking HTML traffic at the ISP. A solution for such a scenario is limiting the bandwidth of low-priority TCP connections (such as file download). To add outbound and inbound class rules, see 11.3 on page 112.   Note:  The hierarchy of the class rules is determined by the order of their addition to the class. For example, if your first rule is match packets with any source address, any destination address, and any protocol to this class; then all packets traversing MP252 are associated with the specific class. Any rules defined later do not have any effect.   11.3 Traffic Priority Traffic Priority allows you to manage and avoid traffic congestion by defining inbound and outbound priority rules for each device on your MP252. These rules determine the priority assigned to packets traveling through the device. QoS parameters (DSCP marking and packet priority) are set per packet, on an application basis. You can set QoS parameters using flexible rules, according to the following parameters:  Source/destination IP address, MAC address or host name  Device  Source/destination ports  Limit the rule to specific days and hours MP252 supports two priority marking methods for packet prioritization:  DSCP  802.1p Priority The matching of packets by rules is connection-based, known as Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI), using the same connection-tracking mechanism used by the firewall. Once a packet matches a rule, all subsequent packets with the same attributes receive the same QoS parameters, both inbound and outbound. A packet can match more than one rule, and therefore:  The first class rule has precedence over all other class rules (scanning is stopped once the first rule is reached).  The first traffic-priority (classless) rule has precedence over all other traffic-priority rules.  There is no prevention of a traffic-priority rule conflicting with a class rule. In this case, the priority and DSCP setting of the class rule (if given) takes precedence.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  11. Quality of Service Version 3.4.0  113  June 2011 Connection-based QoS also allows inheriting QoS parameters by some of the applications that open subsequent connections. For instance, you can define QoS rules on SIP and the rules then apply to both control and data ports (even if the data ports are unknown). This feature applies to all applications that have ALG at firewall:  Any  User Defined (FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, TFTP, IMAP, PING, POP3, SNMP, SMTP, Telnet, L2TP, Traceroute or any other protocol) ¾ To set traffic priority rules: 1.  From the menu bar, click the QoS menu, and then select the Traffic Priority tab; the 'Traffic Priority' screen appears.  Figure 11-7: Traffic Priority Screen  This screen is divided into two identical groups - ’QoS Input Rules’ and ’QoS Output Rules’ - for prioritizing inbound and outbound traffic respectively. Each group lists all the devices on which rules can be set. You can set rules on all devices at once by clicking the New Entry link corresponding to 'All Devices' 2.  After clicking the appropriate New Entry link, the 'Add Traffic Priority Rule' screen appears.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  114  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Figure 11-8: Add Traffic Priority Rule Screen  3.  Under the Matching group, configure the matching characteristics: a.  From the ‘Source Address’ drop-down list, select 'Any', 'User Defined' or the host as the source address of the packets sent to or received from the network object. If you have created network objects (see Section 4.5.2 on page 46), then these are also displayed in the list (or you can create one by selecting ‘User Defined’). b.  From the ‘Destination Address’ drop-down list, select the network object for the destination address of the packets sent to or received from the network object. See Step 3 above for a detailed explanation on the options.    c.  From the ‘Protocol’ drop-down list, select the protocol. You can apply the rule to all protocols (i.e., ‘Any’) or select an already defined protocol. You can create a new protocol by selecting ‘User Defined’, and then following the procedure described in Section 4.5.3 on page 47. d.  To match DSCP, select the ‘DSCP’ check box, and then enter the DSCP markings. e.  To match priority, select the ‘Priority’ check box, and then select the priority of the packets.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  11. Quality of Service Version 3.4.0  115  June 2011 f.  To match the Device, select the ‘Device’ check box, and then select the Device interface. g.  To match packet or data length, select the ‘Length’ check box, and then enter the data or packet length. h.  To match connection duration, select the ‘Connection Duration’ check box, and then enter the duration of the connection (greater or less than). i.  To match connection size, select the ‘Connection Size’ check box, and then enter the connection size. 4.  Under the Operation group, configure the QoS operation: a.  Select the ‘Set DSCP’ check box to mark a DSCP value on packets matching this rule and then enter the hexadecimal value of the DSCP. b.  Select the ‘Set Priority’ check box to add a priority to the rule and then select the priority level (where 0 is the lowest and 7 the highest). This sets the priority of a packet on the connection matching the rule, while routing the packet. c.  Select the ‘Tx Class Name’ check box, and then select the class name that you defined. d.  From the ‘Apply QoS on’ drop-down list, select whether you want to apply the QoS rule on the connection or on the packet. 5.  Select the ‘Log Packets Matched by This Rule’ check box to log the first packet from a connection that matches by this rule. 6.  From the ‘Schedule’ drop-down list, select the time segments during which the rule may be active. By default, the rule is always active (i.e., ‘Always’). If you have defined Scheduler rules (see Section 4.5.1  on page 43), then these are also displayed as options. To define a new one Scheduler rule, select ‘User Defined’. 7.  Click OK to save the settings.  11.4 DSCP Mapping To understand Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP), one must first be familiarized with the Differentiated Services (DiffServ) model. DiffServ is a Class of Service (CoS) model that enhances best-effort Internet services by differentiating traffic by users, service requirements and other criteria. Packets are specifically marked, allowing network nodes to provide different levels of service, as appropriate for voice calls, video playback or other delay-sensitive applications, via priority queuing or bandwidth allocation, or by choosing dedicated routes for specific traffic flows. DiffServ defines a field in IP packet headers referred to as DSCP. Hosts or routers passing traffic to a DiffServ-enabled network typically mark each transmitted packet with an appropriate DSCP. The DSCP markings are used by DiffServ network routers to appropriately classify packets and to apply particular queue handling or scheduling behavior. MP252 provides a table of predefined DSCP values, which are mapped to 802.1p priority marking method. You can edit or delete any of the existing DSCP setting, as well as add new entries.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  116  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  ¾ To view and set DSCP rules: 1.  From the menu bar, click the QoS menu link, and then click the DSCP Settings tab; the following screen appears: Figure 11-9: DSCP Settings Screen
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  11. Quality of Service Version 3.4.0  117  June 2011 2.  To edit an existing entry, click its corresponding Edit   icon. To add a new entry, click the New  icon. In both cases, the ’Edit DSCP Settings’ screen appears: Figure 11-10: Edit DSCP Settings  3.  In the ‘DSCP Value (hex)’ field, enter a hexadecimal number for the DSCP value. 4.  In the ‘802.1p Priority’ drop-down list, select an 802.1p priority level (each priority level is mapped to low, medium, or high priority). 5.  Click OK to save your settings.   Note:  The DSCP value overriding the priority of incoming packets with an unassigned value (priority 0, assumed to be a no-priority-set) is ‘0x0’. By default, this value is mapped to 802.1p priority level ‘0 -Low’, which means that such packets receive the lowest priority.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  118  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  11.5 802.1p Mapping The IEEE 802.1p priority marking method is a standard for prioritizing network traffic at the data link/MAC sub-layer. 802.1p traffic is simply classified and sent to the destination, with no bandwidth reservations established. The 802.1p header includes a 3-bit prioritization field, which allows packets to be grouped into eight levels of priority. MP252 maps these eight levels to three main priorities: high, medium and low. By default, values six and seven are mapped to high priority, which may be assigned to network-critical traffic. Values four and five are mapped to medium priority, which may be applied to delay-sensitive applications, such as interactive video and voice. Values three to zero are mapped to low priority, which may range from controlled-load applications down to ‘loss eligible’ traffic. The zero value is normally used for best-effort traffic. It is the default value for traffic with unassigned priority. ¾ To set 802.1p rules: 1.  From the menu bar, click the QoS menu link, and then click the 802.1p Settings tab; the following screen appears: Figure 11-11: 802.1p Settings Screen  2.  The eight 802.1p values are pre-configured with the three priority levels: high, medium and low. You can change these levels for each of the eight values in their respective drop-down list. 3.  Click OK to save the settings.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  11. Quality of Service Version 3.4.0  119  June 2011 11.6 Class Statistics MP252 provides accurate, real-time information on the traffic passing through your defined device classes. For example, the amount of packets sent, dropped, or delayed are just a few of the parameters that you can monitor per each shaping class.   Note:  Class statistics are available only if you have defined at least one class (otherwise no information is displayed).  ¾ To view your class statistics:  From the menu bar, click the QoS menu link, and then click the Class Statistics tab; the following screen appears: Figure 11-12: Class Statistics Screen
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  120  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  11.7  Configuring Basic VoIP QoS The 'Traffic Shaping' feature only ensures priority to calls that originate from inside MP252. When giving VoIP priority over data, the bottleneck is effectively moved from the Cable / ADSL modem into MP252. To give priority to calls from the LAN, you must define a traffic priority rule (for SIP and RTP from the device on the LAN). This section recommends a minimal QoS configuration that ensures sufficient QoS for VoIP calls when MP252 is connected behind a broadband (cable or DSL) modem with limited uplink bandwidth and the user runs bandwidth-consuming applications on the PC.  Since most modems do not have any priority mechanisms, the Tx bandwidth of MP252 should be limited according to the modem’s uplink bandwidth. Since MP252 automatically gives higher priority to VoIP packets (in its internal queues), it is not necessary to define traffic shaping classes. ¾ To configure basic QoS for VoIP: 1.  From the menu bar, click the QoS menu link, and then click the Traffic Shaping tab; the ‘Traffic Shaping’ screen appears. 2.  Click the New  icon; the screen 'Add Device Traffic Shaping' appears. 3.  From the 'Device' drop-down list, select 'Default WAN Device' (or your PPTP/L2TP connection you have created), and then click OK; the 'Edit Device Traffic Shaping' screen appears. 4.  Limit the Tx bandwidth (in the 'Tx Bandwidth' field) according to your modem’s uplink bandwidth. 5.  To prevent jitter in outgoing RTP packets, from the 'TCP Serialization' drop-down list, select 'Enabled', and then in the 'Maximum Delay' field, define the maximum allowed delay (e.g. 20 milliseconds). This causes long TCP packets to be fragmented when there is an active voice call.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  11. Quality of Service Version 3.4.0  121  June 2011 Figure 11-13: Edit Device Traffic Shaping
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  122  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  6.  Click OK to apply the new definition. Figure 11-14: QoS - Edit Device Traffic Shaping - Submitting the Configuration  7.  Click OK again.
Version 3.4.0  123  July 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections 12 Network Connections This chapter provides a detailed description on how to configure the following network connections:  WAN – see Section 12.1 on page 123  LAN – see Section 12.2 on page 143  VLANs – see Section 12.4 on page 173  LAN-WAN Bridging – see Section 12.5 on page 180  12.1  Configuring a WAN Connection This section describes how to configure your WAN Internet (WAN Ethernet or WAN DSL) connection.  The WAN connection is configured in the ‘Network Connections’ screen, which provides a connection wizard that guides you through the network configuration stages.   Notes:  • To quickly configure a basic WAN connection, use the ‘Quick Setup’ screen, as described in Section 7.1 on page 57. • Before configuring the MP252 Internet connection, ensure that you have obtained relevant technical information on the Internet connection type from your Internet Telephony Service Provider (ITSP). For example, whether you are connected to the Internet using a static or dynamic IP address, or what protocols such as PPTP or PPPoE are used to communicate over the Internet. • MP252 automatically detects the physical WAN type (i.e., Ethernet or ADSL). To change the WAN type, you must restore MP252 to factory settings (see Section 18.8). • When connected to ADSL, the LAN4/WAN Ethernet port can be used for Ethernet LAN interface.  • When connected to an external modem through the Ethernet LAN4/WAN port and MP252 obtains an IP address, the ADSL interface is disabled. • If the Automatic Dialer feature is shipped preconfigured (i.e., enabled), then MP252 automatically detects the Internet dialer type and therefore, Internet connection configuration is unnecessary. However, it is recommended to manually configure the Internet connection after the Automatic Dialer process has completed (successfully or not). For more information on the Automatic Dialer feature, see Section 7.2 on page 66.  ¾ To start the Connection Wizard: 1.  From the menu bar, click the Network Connections menu; the 'Network Connections' screen appears. Figure 12-1: Network Connections Screen
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  124  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual   1.  Click the New   icon; the ‘Connection Wizard’ screen appears: Figure 12-2: Connection Wizard Screen  2.  Select the required network connection group: • Internet DSL Connection: configures an Internet connection when using the MP252 integrated DSL modem (see Section 12.1.1 on page 125) • Internet Connection: configures an Internet connection when using an external DSL modem, Cable modem or Ethernet connection modem (see Section 12.1.2 on page 135) • Advanced Connection: configures the WAN connection types as well as network bridging and VLANs   Notes:  • For configuring VLANS, see Section 12.4 on page 173. • For configuring network bridging, see Section 12.5 on page 180.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections Version 3.4.0  125  June 2011 12.1.1  WAN DSL Connections You can configure the following WAN DSL connection types:  Determine Protocol Type Automatically (PVC scan) – see Section on page 125  Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) – see Section on page 126  Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM (PPPoA) – see Section on page 128  Routed Ethernet Connection over ATM (Routed ETHoA) – see Section on page 130  LAN-WAN Bridged Ethernet Connection over ATM (Bridged ETHoA) – see Section on page 130  Classical IP over ATM (CLIP) – see Section on page 132  Routed IP over ATM (IPoA) – see Section on page 134 If you have established a WAN DSL connection, you can view the properties of this connection as described below. ¾ To view the WAN DSL properties:  In the ‘Network Connections’ screen, click the Edit  icon corresponding to the WAN DSL network connection; the ‘WAN DSL Properties’ screen appears: Figure 12-3: WAN DSL Properties Screen Determine Protocol Type Automatically (PVC Scan) The Determine Protocol Type Automatically (PVC Scan) connection type automatically scans for a VPI/VCI pair, necessary when connecting to DSL. If such a pair is not found, your service provider should supply you with one.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  126  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  ¾ To automatically scan for a VPI / VCI pair: 1.  In the 'Network Connections' screen, click the New   icon; the 'Connection Wizard' screen appears. 2.  Select the Internet DSL Connection option, and then click Next; the 'Internet DSL Connection' screen appears.   Note:  You can also create a PVC connection using the Advanced Connection option.  3.  Select the Determine Protocol Type Automatically (PVC Scan) option, and then click Next; the scan begins, refreshing the screen every few seconds to display the progress. Figure 12-4: Determine Protocol Type Automatically (PVC Scan) Screen  You can click the following links:  Full PVC Scan VPI 0-255, VCI 33-255: initiates a longer, more thorough scan, between VPI 0-255 and VCI 33-255.  Scan a Different VPI/VCI: scans for specific VPI/VCI pair. The 'Scan User Defined VPI/VCI' screen appears (as shown below). Enter the VPI/VCI pair you wish to scan and then click OK. Figure 12-5: Scan User Defined VPI/VCI Screen PPPoE PPPoE relies on two widely accepted standards, PPP and Ethernet. PPPoE enables your home network PCs that communicate on an Ethernet System network to exchange information with PCs on the Internet. PPPoE supports the protocol layers and authentication widely used in PPP and enables a point-to-point connection to be established in the normally multipoint architecture of Ethernet. A discovery process in PPPoE determines the Ethernet MAC address of the remote device to establish a session.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections Version 3.4.0  127  June 2011 ¾ To create a PPPoE connection: 1.  In the 'Network Connections' screen, click the New   icon; the 'Connection Wizard' screen appears. 2.  Select the Internet DSL Connection option, and then click Next; the 'Internet DSL Connection' screen appears. 3.  Select the Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) option, and then click Next; the 'DSL PVC Parameters Configuration' screen appears. Figure 12-6: DSL PVC Parameters Configuration Screen  4.  Select one of the following options: • Automatic PVC Scan: If you want to obtain the DSL PVC parameters automatically • Manual PVC Settings: If you do not want to obtain the DSL PVC parameters automatically  5.  Click Next; the 'Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE)' screen appears. Figure 12-7: Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) Screen  6.  Enter your PPPoE login username and password (provided by your ITSP). 7.  If you selected the Manual PVC Settings option in the previous step, you also need to configure the following: • VPI and VCI pair of identifiers. • Encapsulation method - LLC, VCMux, or VCMux HDLC.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  128  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) is a network technology based on transferring data in cells or packets of a fixed size. The cell used with ATM is relatively small compared to units used with other technologies. The small, constant cell size allows the transmission of video, audio, and computer data, assuring that no single type of data consumes the connection. ATM addressing consists of two identifiers that identify the virtual path (VPI) and the virtual connection (VCI). A virtual path consists of multiple virtual channels to the same endpoint. 8.  Click Next; the 'Connection Summary' screen appears: Figure 12-8: Connection Summary Screen  9.  Select the 'Edit the Newly Created Connection' check box if you want to perform additional configurations after clicking Finish.  10.  Click Finish to save the settings; the new PPPoE connection is added to the ‘Network Connections’ screen. PPPoA PPPoA is a standard for incorporating the popular PPP protocol into a DSL connection that uses ATM as its networking protocol. From the PC, IP packets travel over an Ethernet connection to the MP252, which encapsulates the PPP protocol to the IP packets and transports them to the service provider's DSLAM over ATM. ¾ To create a PPPoA connection: 1.  In the 'Network Connections' screen, click the New   icon; the 'Connection Wizard' screen appears. 2.  Select the Internet DSL Connection option, and then click Next; the 'Internet DSL Connection' screen appears.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections Version 3.4.0  129  June 2011 3.  Select the Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM (PPPoA) option, and then click Next; the 'DSL PVC Parameters Configuration' screen appears. Figure 12-9: DSL PVC Parameters Configuration Screen  4.  Select one of the following options: • Automatic PVC Scan: If you want to obtain the DSL PVC parameters automatically • Manual PVC Settings: If you do not want to obtain the DSL PVC parameters automatically  5.  Click Next; the 'Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM (PPPoA)' screen appears. Figure 12-10: Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM (PPPoA) Screen  6.  Enter your PPPoA login username and password (provided by your ITSP). 7.  If you selected the Manual PVC Settings option in the previous step, you also need to configure the following: • VPI and VCI pair of identifiers. • Encapsulation method - LLC, VCMux, or VCMux HDLC.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  130  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) is a network technology based on transferring data in cells or packets of a fixed size. The cell used with ATM is relatively small compared to units used with other technologies. The small, constant cell size allows the transmission of video, audio, and computer data, assuring that no single type of data consumes the connection. ATM addressing consists of two identifiers that identify the virtual path (VPI) and the virtual connection (VCI). A virtual path consists of multiple virtual channels to the same endpoint. 8.  Click Next; the 'Connection Summary' screen appears: Figure 12-11: Connection Summary Screen  9.  Select the 'Edit the Newly Created Connection' check box if you want to perform additional configurations after clicking Finish.  10.  Click Finish to save the settings; the new PPPoA connection is added to the ‘Network Connections’ screen.  Routed ETHoA or Bridged ETHoA The Ethernet over ATM (ETHoA) connection allows transport of Ethernet frames on DSL connections. When creating an ETHoA connection, it is bridged to the LAN. You must configure a dialup connection on the LAN computer with your ITSP’s user name and password.  ¾ To create an ETHoA connection: 1.  In the 'Network Connections' screen, click the New   icon; the 'Connection Wizard' screen appears. 2.  Select the Internet DSL Connection option, and then click Next; the 'Internet DSL Connection' screen appears. 3.  Select one of the following options: • Routed Ethernet Connection over ATM (Routed ETHoA): a.  Click Next; the 'DSL PVC Parameters Configuration' screen appears.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections Version 3.4.0  131  June 2011 Figure 12-12: DSL PVC Parameters Configuration Screen  b.  Select one of the following options: 9 Automatic PVC Scan: If you want to obtain the DSL PVC parameters automatically 9 Manual PVC Settings: If you do not want to obtain the DSL PVC parameters automatically  • LAN-WAN Bridged Ethernet Connection over ATM (Bridged ETHoA): a.  Click Next; the ‘Ethernet Connection over ATM (ETHoA)' screen appears. Figure 12-13: Ethernet Connection over ATM (ETHoA) Screen  4.  If you selected the Manual PVC Settings option, you also need to configure the following: • VPI and VCI pair of identifiers. • Encapsulation method - LLC, VCMux, or VCMux HDLC. Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) is a network technology based on transferring data in cells or packets of a fixed size. The cell used with ATM is relatively small compared to units used with other technologies. The small, constant cell size allows the transmission of video, audio, and computer data, assuring that no single type of data consumes the connection. ATM addressing consists of two identifiers that identify the virtual path (VPI) and the virtual connection (VCI). A virtual path consists of multiple virtual channels to the same endpoint..
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  132  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  5.  Click Next; the 'Connection Summary' screen appears: Figure 12-14: Connection Summary Screen  6.  Select the 'Edit the Newly Created Connection' check box if you want to perform additional configurations after clicking Finish.  7.  Click Finish to save the settings; the new ETHoA connection is added to the ‘Network Connections’ screen. CLIP CLIP is a standard for transmitting IP traffic in an ATM network. IP protocols contain IP addresses that have to be converted into ATM addresses, and Classical IP performs this conversion, as long as the destination is within the same subnet. Classical IP does not support routing between networks. The Classical IP-enabled driver in the end station sends out an ARP request to a Classical IP-enabled ARP server, which returns the ATM address. ¾ To create a CLIP connection: 1.  In the 'Network Connections' screen, click the New   icon; the 'Connection Wizard' screen appears. 2.  Select the Internet DSL Connection option, and then click Next; the 'Internet DSL Connection' screen appears.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections Version 3.4.0  133  June 2011 3.  Select the Classical IP over ATM (CLIP) option, and then click Next; the ‘Classical IP over ATM (CLIP)' screen appears. Figure 12-15: Classical IP over ATM (CLIP) Screen  4.  Enter the following information (provided by your ITSP): • IP Address • Subnet Mask • Default Gateway • Primary DNS Server • Secondary DNS Server • VPI and VCI pair of identifiers 5.  Click Next; the 'Connection Summary' screen appears. Figure 12-16: Connection Summary Screen  6.  Select the 'Edit the Newly Created Connection' check box if you want to perform additional configurations after clicking Finish.  7.  Click Finish to save the settings; the new CLIP connection is added to the ‘Network Connections’ list.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  134  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual IPoA Routed IP over ATM (IPoA) is a standard for transmitting IP traffic in an ATM network.  ¾ To create an IPoA connection: 1.  In the 'Network Connections' screen, click the New   icon; the 'Connection Wizard' screen appears. 2.  Select the Advanced Connection option, and then click Next; the ‘Advanced Connection' screen appears. 3.  Select the Routed IP over ATM (IPoA) option, and then click Next; the ‘Routed IP over ATM (IPoA)’ screen appears. Figure 12-17: Routed IP over ATM (IPoA) Screen  4.  Enter the IP address and networking parameters. 5.  Enter the following parameters: • VPI and VCI pair of identifiers. • Encapsulation method: LLC, VCMux, or VCMux HDLC. ATM is a network technology based on transferring data in cells or packets of a fixed size. The cell used with ATM is relatively small compared to units used with other technologies. The small, constant cell size allows the transmission of video, audio, and computer data, assuring that no single type of data consumes the connection. ATM addressing consists of two identifiers that identify the virtual path (VPI) and the virtual connection (VCI). A virtual path consists of multiple virtual channels to the same endpoint.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections Version 3.4.0  135  June 2011 6.  Click Next; the 'Connection Summary' screen appears: Figure 12-18: Connection Summary Screen  7.  Select the 'Edit the Newly Created Connection' check box if you want to perform additional configurations after clicking Finish.  8.  Click  Finish to save the settings; the new connection is added to the ‘Network Connections’ screen.    12.1.2  WAN Ethernet Connections You can configure the following WAN Ethernet connection types:  MP252 connected to an external DSL modem and using PPPoE – see Section on page 135  MP252 connected to an external Cable modem without authentication – see Section on page 136  MP252 connected to an external Cable modem using PPTP – see Section on page 137  MP252 connected to an external Cable modem using L2TP – see Section on page 139  Automatic IP address using DHCP – see Section on page 141  Manual IP address – see Section on page 142  External DSL Modem using PPPoE The procedure below describes how to configure an Internet connection using PPPoE when MP252 is connected to an external DSL modem. ¾ To create a PPPoE connection for external DSL modem: 1.  In the 'Network Connections' screen, click the New   icon; the 'Connection Wizard' screen appears. 2.  Select the Internet Connection option, and then click Next; the ‘Internet Connection’ screen appears. 3.  Select the External DSL Modem option, and then click Next; the 'Point-To-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE)' screen appears. Figure 12-19: Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) Screen
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  136  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual   4.  Enter the login PPPoE username and password. 5.  Click Next; the screen 'Connection Summary' opens. Figure 12-20: PPPoE Connection Summary  6.  Select the 'Edit the Newly Created Connection' check box if you wish to be routed to the new connection's configuration screen after clicking Finish. 7.  Click Finish to save the settings; the new PPPoE connection is added to the ‘Network Connections’ screen.  External Cable Modem without Authentication The procedure below describes how to configure an Internet connection when MP252 is connected to an external Cable modem and the ITSP does not require a username nor password to connect. ¾ To create an Ethernet connection for external Cable modem: 1.  In the 'Network Connections' screen, click the New   icon; the 'Connection Wizard' screen appears. 2.  Select the Internet Connection option, and then click Next; the ‘Internet Connection’ screen appears. 3.  Select the External Cable Modem option, and then click Next; the ‘Internet Cable Modem Connection' screen appears. Figure 12-21: Internet Cable Modem Connection Screen
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections Version 3.4.0  137  June 2011  4.  Select the Ethernet Connection option; the 'Connection Summary' screen appears. Figure 12-22: Ethernet Connection Summary  5.  Select the 'Edit the Connection' check box if you wish to be routed to the new connection's configuration screen after clicking Finish. 6.  Click  Finish  to save the settings; the new connection is added to the ‘Network Connections’ screen.  External Cable Modem with PPTP The procedure below describes how to configure an Internet connection when MP252 is connected to an external Cable modem and using the PPTP protocol. Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) is a protocol developed by Microsoft targeted at creating VPN connections over the Internet. This enables remote users to access MP252 via any ISP that supports PPTP on its servers. PPTP encapsulates network traffic, encrypts content using Microsoft's Point-to-Point Encryption (MPPE) protocol that is based on RC4, and routes using the generic routing encapsulation (GRE) protocol. ¾ To create PPTP for external Cable modem: 1.  In the 'Network Connections' screen, click the New   icon; the 'Connection Wizard' screen appears.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  138  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  2.  Select the Internet Connection option, and then click Next; the ‘Internet Connection’ screen appears. 3.  Select the External Cable Modem option, and then click Next; the ‘Internet Cable Modem Connection' screen appears. Figure 12-23: Internet Cable Modem Connection Screen  4.  Select the Point-To-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) with Username and Password Authentication option; the ‘Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)' screen appears. Figure 12-24: Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) Screen  5.  Enter the PPTP server host name or IP address provided by your ITSP. 6.  Enter the login user name and password provided by the administrator of the network you are trying to access. 7.  From the ‘Internet Protocol’ drop-down list, select whether the IP address is obtained automatically or select ‘Use the Following IP Address’ and define the IP address.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections Version 3.4.0  139  June 2011 8.  Click Next; the screen 'Connection Summary' opens. Figure 12-25: PPTP Connection Summary  9.  Select the 'Edit the Newly Created Connection' check box if you wish to be routed to the new connection's configuration screen after clicking Finish. 10.  Click  Finish  to save the settings; the new connection is added to the ‘Network Connections’ screen.  External Cable Modem with L2TP You can connect MP252 to the Internet using an external cable modem where the connection is L2TP. L2TP is an extension to the PPP protocol, enabling MP252 to create VPN connections. Derived from Microsoft's PPTP and Cisco's Layer 2 Forwarding (L2F) technology, L2TP encapsulates PPP frames into IP packets either at the remote user's PC or at an ISP that has an L2TP Remote Access Concentrator (LAC). The LAC transmits the L2TP packets over the network to the L2TP Network Server (LNS) at the corporate side ¾ To create L2RP for external Cable modem: 1.  In the 'Network Connections' screen, click the New   icon; the 'Connection Wizard' screen appears. 2.  Select the Internet Connection option, and then click Next; the ‘Internet Connection’ screen appears. 3.  Select the External Cable Modem option, and then click Next; the ‘Internet Cable Modem Connection' screen appears. Figure 12-26: Internet Cable Modem Connection Screen
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  140  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual   4.  Select the Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) with Username and Password Authentication option; the 'Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)' screen appears. Figure 12-27: Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) Screen  5.  Enter the L2TP server host name or IP address provided by your ITSP. 6.  Enter the login user name and password provided by the administrator of the network you are trying to access. 7.  From the ‘Internet Protocol’ drop-down list, select whether the IP address is obtained automatically or select ‘Use the Following IP Address’ and define the IP address.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections Version 3.4.0  141  June 2011 8.  Click Next; the screen 'Connection Summary' opens. Figure 12-28: L2TP Connection Summary  9.  Select the 'Edit the Newly Created Connection' check box if you wish to be routed to the new connection's configuration screen after clicking Finish. 10.  Click  Finish  to save the settings; the new connection is added to the ‘Network Connections’ screen. DHCP The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) connection for the physical WAN Ethernet, allows MP252 to obtain an IP address automatically from the service provider when connecting to the Internet. ¾ To create a DHCP connection: 1.  In the 'Network Connections' screen, click the New   icon; the 'Connection Wizard' screen appears. 2.  Select the Internet Connection option, and then click Next; the ‘Internet Connection’ screen appears. 3.  Select the Ethernet Connection option, and then click Next; the ‘Ethernet Connection' screen appears. Figure 12-29: Ethernet Connection Screen
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  142  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  4.  Select the Dynamic Negotiation (DHCP) option, and then click Next; the screen 'Connection Summary' opens. Figure 12-30: DHCP Connection Summary  5.  Select the 'Edit the Connection' check box if you wish to be routed to the new connection's configuration screen after clicking Finish. 6.  Click  Finish  to save the settings; the new connection is added to the ‘Network Connections’ screen. Manual IP Address The Manual IP Address feature is used to manually configure the networking IP addresses when connecting to the Internet. ¾ To manually configure the IP address: 1.  In the 'Network Connections' screen, click the New   icon; the 'Connection Wizard' screen appears. 2.  Select the Internet Connection option, and then click Next; the ‘Internet Connection’ screen appears. 3.  Select the Ethernet Connection option, and then click Next; the ‘Ethernet Connection' screen appears. Figure 12-31: Ethernet Connection Screen  4.  Select the Manual IP Address Configuration option, and then click Next; the screen ‘Manual IP Address Configuration’ opens. Figure 12-32: Manual IP Address Configuration Screen
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections Version 3.4.0  143  June 2011  5.  Configure the IP address and other network parameters, and then click Next; Select the Manual IP Address Configuration option, and then click Next; the 'Connection Summary' screen appears. Figure 12-33: Manual IP Connection Summary  6.  Select the 'Edit the Connection' check box if you wish to be routed to the new connection's configuration screen after clicking Finish. 7.  Click  Finish  to save the settings; the new connection is added to the ‘Network Connections’ screen.  12.2 LAN Connection This section describes how to configure the following MP252 LAN connections:  Wireless LAN   LAN hardware Ethernet switch 12.2.1 Wireless LAN This section describes how to configure the MP252 wireless network. This network is configured in the ‘Network Connections’ screen, which provides a connection wizard that guides you through the network configuration stages.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  144  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual   Note:  To establish a wireless network connection between a PC and the MP252, you must also configure the PC for wireless connectivity (see Section 6.2 on page 56).  ¾ To configure the Wireless LAN: 1.  From the menu bar, click the Network Connections menu; the 'Network Connections' screen appears. Figure 12-34: Network Connections Screen Displaying LAN Wireless Interface  The 'Status' column corresponding to the wireless LAN network (‘LAN Wireless 802.11n Access Point’) displays whether the wireless connection is enabled or disabled. 2.  Click the Edit   icon corresponding to the 'LAN Wireless 802.11n Access Point' network name; the 'LAN Wireless 802.11n Access Point Properties' screen appears, displaying the contents of the General tab. Figure 12-35: LAN Wireless 802.11n Access Point Properties (General Tab) Screen
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections Version 3.4.0  145  June 2011  3.  In the ‘Name’ field, enter an arbitrary name for your wireless network. The  General tab also allows you to enable or disable the wireless connection (for more information, see Section on page 145). In addition, it displays various statistics such as download and upload rate, and whether encryption is enabled or disabled. These parameters can be configured using the other tabs, as described in the subsequent sections.  Enabling and Disabling the Wireless Network Once you have configured your MP252 wireless network connection, you can enable and disable it, as required.  ¾ To enable or disable the wireless network, do one of the following:  Press the WiFi button located on the front panel of the MP252 (see Section 3.1.1 on page 23)   In the ‘LAN Wireless 802.11n Access Point Properties (General Tab)’ screen (see Section Figure 12-35 on page 144), click the Enable or Disable button. Configuring Wireless Properties under the Settings Tab The procedure below describes the configurations under the Settings tab of the ‘LAN Wireless 802.11 Access Point Properties’ screen.    Note:  Since your MP252 wireless network is configured to operate with default settings, it is recommended to leave the settings in this screen at their default values.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  146  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  ¾ To configure the wireless parameters under the Settings tab: 1.  Click the Settings tab. Figure 12-36: LAN Wireless 802.11 Access Point Properties (Settings Tab) Screen  The ‘Underlying Connection’ read-only field displays the underlying connection upon which the wireless LAN is defined. 2.  From the ‘Scheduler’ drop-down list, select the Scheduler rule during which this network connection is active. To ensure that the network is always active, select ‘Always’. To define Scheduler rules, see Section 4.5.1 on page 43. 3.  From the ‘Network’ drop-down list, select the network (LAN, WAN, or DMZ) to which this new network is related. 4.  In the ‘Physical Address’ field, define the physical address of the network card used for your network. 5.  From the ‘MTU’ drop-down list, select the largest packet size permitted for Internet transmission (i.e., MTU / Maximum Transmission Unit). By default, it is set to 'Automatic', whereby MP252 selects the best MTU for your Internet connection. If you modify this field, ensure that the range is 1200 to 1500. 6.  Click OK to save your settings.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections Version 3.4.0  147  June 2011  Configuring Wireless Properties under the Wireless Tab The procedure below describes the configurations under the Wireless  tab of the ‘LAN Wireless 802.11 Access Point Properties’ screen.  ¾ To configure the wireless parameters under the Wireless tab: 1.  Click the Wireless tab. Figure 12-37: LAN Wireless 802.11 Access Point Properties (Wireless Tab) Screen  2.  Refer to the subsequent sections for a description of the parameters in this screen.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  148  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual Wireless Network Group This group in the Wireless tab screen configures the basic wireless access point settings. Figure 12-38: Wireless Network Group in Wireless Tab Screen  The table below describes the parameters in this group: Table 12-1: Wireless Tab – Basic Wireless Access Point Parameters Description Parameter  Description Wireless Network (SSID)  Enter the name of the wireless network. This name is needed for a wireless device to attach to your wireless network (see Section 6.2 on page 56). Note: The default wireless (Wi-Fi) network name (SSID) is “MP252” (and is unsecured). SSID Broadcast   Select this check box to enable the SSID's broadcast. SSID broadcast is used tohide the name of the AP (SSID) from clients. 802.11 Mode  Select the wireless communication standard that is compatible with your client'swireless card: 802.11b/g Mixed, 802.11g Only, 802.11b Only, 802.11b/g/n, 802.11g/n, 802.11n Only. Country Region  Select the Wi-Fi country region for allowing only permitted channels (frequencies) for the region.  Note: This parameter determines the available channel options listed in the ‘Channel’ parameter. Channel   Select the appropriate channel to correspond with your network settings. All devices in your wireless network must broadcast on different channels to function correctly.  Note: The available channels depend on the country region (configured by the ‘Country Region’ parameter) in which you are operating MP252. For example, ifyou selected ‘FCC’ as the country region, the available channels from which youcan select conform to the U.S.A. Regulatory Authority FCC (Federal Communications Commission). Channel Width Mode  Select the available transmit data rate of the wireless network: 20 MHz only or 20/40 MHz dynamic. Virtual APS Virtual APS You can set up multiple virtual wireless LAN's on MP252. Such virtual wireless LANs are referred to as "Virtual APs" (virtual access points). For a detailed description on configuring Virtual APS, see 'Virtual Access Points' on page 154.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections Version 3.4.0  149  June 2011 Configuring MAC Filtering The procedure below describes how to filter wireless users according to their MAC addresses. You can define as list of MAC addresses and for the entire list, either allow or deny access. ¾ To define MAC filtering: 1.  From the 'MAC Filtering Mode' drop-down list, select either 'Allow' or 'Deny' (or ‘Disable’ if you do not want use MAC filtering). 2.  In the MAC Filtering Table, click the New MAC Address  icon; the 'MAC Filtering Settings' screen appears. Figure 12-39: MAC Filtering Settings Screen  3.  In the 'MAC Address' field, enter the MAC address to be filtered. 4.  Click OK; the MAC address is listed in the MAC Filtering table. Figure 12-40: MAC Address Added to MAC Filtering Table Enabling Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) The procedure below describes how to enable WPS. WPS is a method for simplifying the security setup and management of wireless networks. This feature is disabled by default. By enabling it, you can control the setup of your wireless security, which is defined in the Security group.  ¾ To enable WPS:  Under the WPS group, select ‘Enabled’; an access point pin code is automatically generated and displayed. Figure 12-41: WPS Group in Wireless Tab Screen  The access point pin code is an eight digit pin number, provided by the wireless client's software. When attempting to connect a wireless client to MP252, you must be aware of its setup method.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  150  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual Configuring Wireless Security The procedure below describes how to configure wireless security.   Note:  WPS supports only the WPA security protocol. Therefore, when enabled (see Section on page 149), only the WPA protocols are available (in the ‘Security’ drop-down list described below).  ¾ To define wireless security: 1.  From the 'Security' drop-down list, select the type of security protocol; the screen refreshes, displaying parameters relevant to the selected protocol: • None: disables security on your wireless connection. • WPA: WPA is a data encryption method for 802.11 wireless LANs. Figure 12-42: Configuring WPA Security  Configure the following fields: b.  Authentication Method: select the required authentication method ('Pre-Shared Key' and '802.1x').  c.  Pre-Shared Key: this field appears only if you selected ‘Pre-Shared Key’ in the ‘Authentication Method field. Enter your encryption key (using either an ASCII or a Hex value), by selecting the value type in the drop-down list provided. d.  Encryption Algorithm: select 'TKIP' (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol), 'AES' (Advanced Encryption Standard) or both ('TKIP and AES') for the encryption algorithm. e.  Group Key Update Interval: select this check box, and then enter the time interval in seconds for updating a group key. f.  Inter Client Privacy: select this check box to prevent communication between the wireless network clients using the same access point. When enable, clients are unable to view and access each other's shared directories.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections Version 3.4.0  151  June 2011 • WPA2: WPA2 is an enhanced version of WPA, and defines the 802.11i protocol. Figure 12-43: Configuring WPA2 Security  a.  Authentication Method: select the authentication method ('Pre-Shared Key' and '802.1x'). b.  Pre-Shared Key: this field appears only if you selected this authentication method. Enter your encryption key in either an ASCII or a Hex value (by selecting the value type in the drop-down list provided). c.  Pre Authentication: This field appears only when selecting the 802.1x authentication method. Select this option to enable MP252 to accept RADIUS authentication requests from computers connected to other access points. This enables roaming from one wireless network to another. d.  PMK Cache Period: This field appears only when selecting the 802.1x authentication method. This field defines the number of minutes before deletion (and renewal) of the Pairwise Master Key used for authentication. e.  Encryption Algorithm: encryption algorithm for WPA2 is the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). f.  Group Key Update Interval: Defines the time interval in seconds for updating a group key. g.  Inter Client Privacy: select the check box to prevent communication between the wireless network clients using the same access point. Clients will not be able to view and access each other's shared directories. • WPA and WPA2: WPA and WPA2 is a mixed data encryption method. For a description of these fields, see WPA and WPA2 above.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  152  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  • Non-802.1x WEP: data encryption method utilizing a statically defined key for wireless clients that do not use 802.1x for authentication, but use WEP for encryption. You may define up to four keys, but use only one at a time.  Figure 12-44: Configuring Non-WEP Security  a.  Inter Client Privacy: select this check box to prevent communication between the wireless network clients using the same access point. Clients will not be able to view and access each other's shared directories. b.  WEP Keys table: 9 Active: select the encryption key to be activated. 9 Encryption Key: enter the encryption key until the entire field is filled. The key cannot be shorter than the field's length. 9 Entry Method: select the character type for the key: ASCII or HEX. 9 Key Length: select the key length in bits: 40 or 104 bits.   Note:  The encryption key must be defined in the wireless Windows client as well. This is done in the Connection Properties Configuration window (your encryption key is entered in both the 'Network key' and 'Confirm network key' fields, as shown in the figure below.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections Version 3.4.0  153  June 2011 Figure 12-45: Configuring Encryption Key in Windows Wireless Client  • Web Authentication: wireless clients attempting to connect to the wireless connection (Internet) receive a Web Authentication screen, requiring the clients to authenticate themselves before they are able to use the connection. To add a Web client user, click the Click here to add a user link. MP252 keeps record of authenticated clients. To clear this list, click the Clean Mac List button. Clients need to re-authenticate themselves to use the wireless connection. Figure 12-46: Configuring Authentication Only Security
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  154  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual Configuring Transmission Properties The procedure below describes how to configure wireless transmission properties. ¾ To configure the transmission properties: 1.  Access the Wireless tab screen. Figure 12-47: Transmission Parameters in Wireless Tab Screen  2.  From the ‘CTS Protection Mode’ drop-down list, select whether you want to enable or disable this feature (‘Always' to enable CTS or 'Auto' to have MP252 automatically decide whether or not to use this feature). CTS Protection Mode boosts your MP252's ability to intercept 802.11g and 802.11b transmissions. Conversely, CTS Protection Mode decreases performance. Leave this feature disabled unless you encounter severe communication difficulties between MP252 and 802.11g products.  3.  In the ‘Beacon Interval’ field, enter how often the beacon packet is sent. A beacon is a packet broadcast by MP252 to synchronize the wireless network. 4.  In the ‘DTIM Interval’ field, enter the Delivery Traffic Indication Message (DTIM) countdown value that informs wireless clients of the next opportunity to receive multicast and broadcast messages. This value ranges between 1 and 16384. 5.  In the ‘Fragmentation Threshold’ field, enter the packet size threshold above which packets are fragmented into multiple packets. Try to increase the fragmentation threshold if you encounter high packet error rates. Do not set the threshold too low, since this can result in reduced networking performance. 6.  In the ‘RTS Threshold’ field, enter the packet threshold size below which the Request to Send (RTS) / Clear to Send (CTS) mechanism are not active. MP252 sends RTS packets to the wireless client to negotiate the dispatching of data. The wireless client responds with a CTS packet, signaling that transmission can commence. If you encounter inconsistent data flow, try a slight reduction in the RTS threshold size. Adding Virtual Access Points You can set up multiple virtual wireless LAN's on MP252, limited. Such virtual wireless LANs are referred to as "Virtual APs" (virtual access points). In the Wireless tab's screen, under the section 'Virtual APs' section, MP252's physical wireless access point is displayed first, and on top of which virtual connections may be created. Figure 12-48: Virtual APs Table
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections Version 3.4.0  155  June 2011  ¾ To create a virtual connection: 1.  In the Wireless tab's screen, under the section 'Virtual APs' section, click the New Virtual AP link; the screen refreshes, displaying the new virtual connection. Figure 12-49: New Virtual AP  The new virtual connection is also added to the list of connections in the 'Network Connections' screen (Network Connections menu), and is configurable like any other connection (by clicking its corresponding Edit  icon). A useful implementation of Virtual AP's is to define a virtual connection with a different SSID value to dedicate it for guest access. Through this connection, guests are able to access the WAN, but they are denied access to other wireless LANs provided by MP252. To do so, perform the following:
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  156  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  2.  Set a firewall rule that blocks access to all other MP252 LANs (Security  menu > Advanced Filtering tab). Figure 12-50: Firewall Blocking Access to All Other LANs  3.  In the Wireless tab's screen, click the Edit  icon corresponding to the Virtual AP to open the virtual connection's 'LAN Wireless 802.11n Access Point - Virtual AP Properties' screen: a.  In the 'Internet Protocol' section under the 'Settings' sub-tab, enter an IP address for the connection by selecting 'Use the Following IP Address'.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections Version 3.4.0  157  June 2011 b.  In the 'IP Address Distribution' section, select 'DHCP Server' and enter the IP range from which IP addresses will be granted to wireless guests. c.  Click OK. Figure 12-51: Example Virtual AP  After performing this procedure, you have secured all of your wireless connections. A guest is only able to connect to the "Guests" wireless LAN, from which only the WAN access is granted.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  158  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual Advanced Tab The Advanced tab allows you to enable your firewall on your wireless network connection as well as define alias names. Figure 12-52: Wireless Advanced Tab    Internet Connection Firewall: Your MP252's firewall helps protect your computer by preventing unauthorized users from gaining access to it through a network such as the Internet. The firewall can be activated per network connection. To enable the firewall on this network connection, select the 'Enabled' check box.   Internet Connection Fastpath: Select this check box to utilize the Fastpath algorithm for enhancing packet flow, resulting in faster communication between the LAN and the WAN  Additional IP Addresses: You can add alias names (additional IP addresses) to MP252 by clicking the New IP Address link. This enables you to access MP252 using these aliases in addition to the IP address (e.g., and http://mp252.home. 12.2.2  LAN Hardware Ethernet Switch The LAN Hardware Ethernet Switch interface represents the physical ports on MP252. ¾ To configure the LAN hardware Ethernet switch: 4.  From the menu bar, click the Network Connections menu; the 'Network Connections' screen appears.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections Version 3.4.0  159  June 2011 Figure 12-53: Network Connections Screen  5.  Click the LAN Hardware Ethernet Switch link; the LAN Hardware Ethernet Switch  Properties screen appears: Figure 12-54: LAN Hardware Ethernet Switch Screen   6.  The General tab allows you to assign a name to this connection as well as disable or enable the connection, by clicking the Enable or Disable buttons respectively. Settings Tab The Settings tab screen is displayed below: Figure 12-55: LAN Hardware Ethernet Switch Screen – Settings Tab
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  160  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual   The Settings tab provides you with the following parameters  Schedule: By default, the connection is always active. However, you can configure scheduler rules to define time segments during which the connection is active. Once a scheduler rule(s) is defined, the drop-down list allows you to choose between the available rules.  Network: Select whether the parameters you are configuring relate to a WAN, LAN or DMZ connection.   Physical Address: The physical address of the network card used for your network. Some cards allow you to change this address.  MTU: Maximum Transmission Unit. It specifies the largest packet size permitted for Internet transmission. In the default setting, Automatic, the gateway selects the best MTU for your Internet connection. Select 'Automatic by DHCP' to have the DHCP determine the MTU. In case you select 'Manual' it is recommended to enter a value in the 1200 to 1500 range. Switch Tab The Switch tab screen is displayed below: Figure 12-56: LAN Hardware Ethernet Switch Screen – Switch Tab
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections Version 3.4.0  161  June 2011  The Switch tab screen displays the hardware switch ports properties. The switch ports are physical sockets on the MP252 to which different cables connect. The table in this screen consists of a list of all available ports, their status, and the VLANs of which they are members. Untagged packets (packets without a VLAN tag) that arrive at a port are tagged with the VLAN number that appears under the Port VLAN Identifier (‘PVID’) column. ¾ To edit the configuration of a port: 1.  Click a connected port's Edit  icon. Figure 12-57: Port Settings Screen  2.  Ingress (incoming packets):  a.  From the ‘Ingress Policy’ drop-down list, select whether or not to tag incoming packets with the port's VLAN header.  b.  If the 'Tagged (Add VLAN Header)' option is selected, in the ‘Default VLAN ID’ field, enter the port's VLAN identifier. 3.  Egress (outgoing packets): a.  Click the New   icon; the Add Port to a VLAN screen appears.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  162  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual   b.  In the ‘VLAN ID’ field, enter the VLAN ID for this port. c.  From the ‘Egress Policy’ drop-down list, select whether or not to remove the VLAN tag from outgoing packets. Advanced Tab The Advanced tab screen is displayed below: Figure 12-58: LAN Hardware Ethernet Switch Screen – Advanced Tab   Internet Connection Firewall: Your gateway's firewall helps protect your computer by preventing unauthorized users from gaining access to it through a network such as the Internet. The firewall can be activated per network connection. To enable the firewall on this network connection, select the 'Enabled' check box.   Internet Connection Fastpath: Select this check box to utilize the Fastpath algorithm for enhancing packet flow, resulting in faster communication between the LAN and the WAN. By default, this feature is enabled.  Additional IP Addresses: You can add alias names (additional IP addresses) to the gateway by clicking the 'New IP Address' link. This enables you to access the gateway using these aliases in addition to the IP address (e.g., and the http://mp252.home. 12.3  Editing Network Connections and Advanced Configuration You can edit created network connections listed in the 'Network Connections' screen. Editing network connections also allows you to perform additional configuration which is unavailable when first creating the network connection.  As many of the editing screens are similar between the different network connections, this section only provides a general description of the screens provided when the connection’s Edit  icon is clicked.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections Version 3.4.0  163  June 2011 12.3.1 General Tab The General tab displays mainly read-only properties of the connection.  The main actions that can be done in this tab screen includes the following:  Modifying the connection name – in the ‘Name’ field  Enabling and disabling the connection, by clicking the Enable or Disable button respectively Below shows an example of a General tab screen, displaying the ‘Name’ field and the Disable button. Figure 12-59: Editing Connection - General Tab (For Example, WAN Ethernet)   12.3.2 Settings Tab The top part of the Settings tab screen displays general communication parameters. It is recommended not to change the default values in this screen unless you are familiar with the networking concepts they represent. Since your MP252 is configured to operate with the default values, no parameter modification is necessary.  Figure 12-60: Editing Connection - Settings Tab (For Example, WAN Ethernet)
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  164  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual   The Settings tab screen allows you to configure the following: Table 12-2: Settings Tab - Parameter Descriptions Parameter  Description Schedule  You can select a Scheduler rule that defines time segments during which the connection is active. To configure scheduler rules, see Section 4.5.1 on page 43. Network  Select whether the connection relates to a LAN, WAN, or DMZ connection. Every network connection can be configured as one of these types. This provides flexibility and increased functionality. For example, you may define thata LAN Ethernet connection on MP252 operates as a WAN network. This meansthat all hosts in this LAN will be referred to as WAN computers, both by computers outside MP252 and by MP252 itself. WAN and firewall rules may be applied, such as on any other WAN network.  Another example, is that a network connection can be defined as a DMZ (Demilitarized) network. Although the network is physically inside MP252, it will function as an unsecured, independent network, for which MP252 merely acts as a router. Physical Address  The physical address of the network card used for your network.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections Version 3.4.0  165  June 2011 Parameter  Description MTU  Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) species the largest packet size permitted forInternet transmission. In the default setting, ‘Automatic’, the MP252 selects the best MTU for your Internet connection. Select 'Automatic by DHCP' to have the DHCP determine the MTU. In case you change to ‘Manual’, you can enter the largest packet size, you should leave this value in the 1200 to 1500 range. Internet Protocol  For a description, see Section  Internet Protocol Settings The 'Internet Protocol' group defines the Internet Protocol options. Select one of the following Internet Protocol options from the 'Internet Protocol' drop-down list:  No IP Address  Obtain an IP Address Automatically: Your WAN connection is configured by default to act as a DHCP client. You should keep this configuration in case your service provider supports DHCP, or if you are connecting using a dynamic IP address.  Figure 12-61: Automatically Obtaining an IP Address  The server that assigns the MP252 with an IP address also assigns a subnet mask. You can override the dynamically assigned subnet mask by selecting the 'Override Subnet Mask' check box and specifying your own mask instead.  You can click the Release button to release the current leased IP address. Once the address has been released, the button text changes to 'Renew'. Use the Renew button to renew the leased IP address.  For defining DNS and DHCP servers, see sections and respectively.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  166  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual   Use the Following IP Address: Your WAN connection can be configured using a permanent (static) IP address. Your service provider should provide you with this IP address, subnet mask and the default MP252 IP address.  For defining DNS and DHCP servers, see sections and respectively. DNS  Server Domain Name System (DNS) is the method by which websites or domain names are translated into IP addresses. You can configure the connection to automatically obtain a DNS server address, or specify such an address manually, according to the information provided by your ISP. From the 'DNS Server' drop-down list, you can select one of the following methods:  Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically: the connection automatically obtains a DNS server address.  Use the Following DNS Server Addresses: manually configure DNS server - specify up to two different DNS server addresses - one primary, the other secondary: Figure 12-62: Manually Defining DNS Server   No DNS Server: select this if there is no DNS server. IP  Address  Distribution The 'IP Address Distribution' section allows you to configure the device's Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server parameters. The DHCP automatically assigns IP addresses to network PCs. If you enable this feature, make sure that you also configure your network PCs as DHCP clients.  Select one of the following options from the 'IP Address Distribution' drop-down list:  Disabled: Select this option to statically assign IP addresses to your network computers.  DHCP Server: Enables DHCP server:
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections Version 3.4.0  167  June 2011 Figure 12-63: IP Address Distribution - DHCP Server  • Start IP Address: The first IP address that may be assigned to a LAN host. Since the device's default IP address is, this address must be or greater. • End IP Address: The last IP address in the range that can be used to automatically assign IP addresses to LAN hosts. • Subnet Mask: A mask used to determine to what subnet an IP address belongs. • Lease Time In Minutes: Each device is assigned an IP address by the DHCP server for this amount of time when it connects to the network. When the lease expires, the server determines if the computer has disconnected from the network. If it has, the server may reassign this IP address to a newly-connected computer. This feature ensures that IP addresses that are not in use become available for other computers on the network. • Provide Host Name If Not Specified by Client: If the DHCP client does not have a host name, the device automatically assigns one for him  DHCP Relay: The MP252 can act as a DHCP relay in case you would like to dynamically assign IP addresses from a DHCP server other than MP252's DHCP server. Note that when selecting this option, you must also change the device's WAN to work in routing mode.  Figure 12-64: IP Address Distribution - DHCP Relay  1.  Click the New  icon; the 'DHCP Relay Server Address' screen appears: Figure 12-65: DHCP Relay Server Address  2.  Specify the IP address of the DHCP server, and then click OK to save the settings.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  168  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  12.3.3 Routing Tab You can choose to setup your MP252 to use static or dynamic routing. Dynamic routing automatically adjusts how packets travel on the network, whereas static routing specifies a fixed routing path to neighboring destinations. Figure 12-66: Editing Connection - Routing Tab (For Example, WAN Ethernet)  Table 12-3: Routing Parameters Parameter  Description Select one of the following Routing modes: Route  Use route mode if you want your MP252 to function as a router between two networks. Routing Mode NAPT  Network Address and Port Translation (NAPT) refers to network address translation involving the mapping of port numbers, allowing multiple machines to share a single IP address. Use NAPT if your LANencompasses multiple devices, a topology that necessitates port translation in addition to address translation. Device Metric  The device metric is a value used by the MP252 to determine whether one routeis superior to another, considering parameters such as bandwidth, delay, and more. Default Route  Select this check box to define this device as a the default route. Multicast - IGMP Proxy Default IGMP proxy enables the system to issue IGMP host messages on behalf of hosts that the system discovered through standard IGMP interfaces. IGMP proxy enables the routing of multicast packets according to the IGMP requests of LAN devices asking to join multicast groups. Routing Table  Allows you to add or modify routes when this device is active. Click the New icon to add a route (as shown in the figure below) or edit existing routes.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections Version 3.4.0  169  June 2011 Figure 12-67: Route Settings Screen   Name: Select the network device.  Destination: destination host, subnet address, network address, or default route. The destination for a default route is  Netmask: Netmask used in conjunction with the destination to determine when a route is used.  Gateway: Enter the MP252's IP address.  Metric: A measurement of the preference of a route. Typically, the lowest metric is the most preferred route. If multiple routes exist to a given destination network, the route with the lowest metric is used.: 12.3.4 Wireless Tab For a description of the Wireless tab, see Section Error! Reference source not found. on page Error! Bookmark not defined..   Note:  This tab is applicable only to LAN Wireless connections.  12.3.5 Switch Tab For a description of the Switch tab, see Section on page 160.   Note:  This tab is applicable only to LAN Hardware Ethernet Switch connections.  12.3.6 Bridging Tab For a description of the Bridging tab, see Section 12.5.1 on page 182.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  170  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual    Note:  This tab is applicable only to LAN-WAN Bridging connections.  12.3.7 PPP Tab The PPT tab displays the PPPoE settings.   Note:  This tab is applicable only to PPP connections.  Figure 12-68: Editing Connection - PPP Tab  Table 12-4: PPP Tab Parameter Descriptions Parameter  Description On Demand  Use PPP on demand to initiate the PPP session only when packets are actuallysent over the Internet.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections Version 3.4.0  171  June 2011 Parameter  Description Idle Time Before Hanging Up  Specify the amount of idle time (during which no data is sent or received) that should elapse before the gateway disconnects the PPP connection. Note: This parameter appears only if On Demand is selected. Time Between Reconnect Attempts Specify the duration between PPP reconnected attempts, as provided by your ISP. PPP Authentication   PPP supports four authentication protocols: Password Authentication Protocol (PAP), Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP), Microsoft CHAP version 1, and Microsoft CHAP version 2. This section allows you to select the authentication protocols your MP252 may use when negotiating with a PPTP server. Select all the protocols if no information is available about the server's authentication protocols. Note that encryption is performed only if 'Microsoft CHAP', 'Microsoft CHAP version 2', or both are selected.  Login User Name: login username according to ISP  Login Password: login password according to ISP  Support Un-encrypted Password (PAP): PAP is a simple, plaintext authentication scheme. The username and password are requested by your networking peer in plain text. PAP, however, is not a secure authentication protocol. Man-in-the-middle attacks can easily determine the remote access client's password. PAP offers no protection against replay attacks, remote client impersonation, or remote server impersonation.  Support Challenge Handshake Authentication (CHAP): CHAP is a challenge-response authentication protocol that uses MD5 to hash the response to a challenge. CHAP protects against replay attacks by using an arbitrary challenge string per authentication attempt.  Support Microsoft CHAP: Select this check box if you are communicating with a peer that uses Microsoft CHAP authentication protocol.  Support Microsoft CHAP Version 2: Select this check box if you are communicating with a peer that uses Microsoft CHAP Version 2 authentication protocol. PPP Compression  The PPP Compression Control Protocol (CCP) is responsible for configuring, enabling, and disabling data compression algorithms on both ends of the point-to-point link. It is also used to signal a failure of the compression/ decompression mechanism in a reliable manner. For each compression algorithm, select one of the following from the drop down menu.  Reject: Reject PPP connections with peers that use the compression algorithm.  Allow: Allow PPP connections with peers that use the compression algorithm.  Require: Ensure a connection with a peer is using the compression algorithm.  12.3.8 PPTP tab The PPTP tab displays the PPTP settings.   Note:  This tab is applicable only to PPTP connections.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  172  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual   Figure 12-69: Editing Connection - PPTP Tab  Table 12-5: PPTP Tab Parameter Descriptions Parameter  Description PPTP Server Host Name or IP Address  PPTP server host name or IP address provided by your ISP.  12.3.9 Advanced Tab The Advanced tab provides various advanced configurations. Figure 12-70: Editing Connection - Advanced Tab (For Example, WAN Ethernet)   Internet Connection Firewall: Your MP252's firewall helps protect your computer by preventing unauthorized users from gaining access to it through a network such as the Internet. The firewall can be activated per network connection. To enable the firewall on this network connection, select the 'Enabled' check box. You can click the Internet Connection Firewall link to access the ‘Security’ screen (see Section 14.1 on page 218).  Internet Connection Fastpath: Select this check box to utilize the Fastpath algorithm for enhancing packet flow, resulting in faster communication between the LAN and the WAN.   Additional IP Addresses: You can also add alias names (additional IP addresses) to the MP252, by clicking the New   icon. This enables you to access the MP252 using these aliases in addition to the default IP addresses. Figure 12-71: Additional IP Address Settings Screen
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections Version 3.4.0  173  June 2011          12.4  VLAN Settings  ¾ To create a new VLAN interface: 1.  From the menu bar, click the Network Connections menu, and then in the screen 'Network Connections' click the New   icon; the 'Connection Wizard' screen appears. Figure 12-72: Connection Wizard Screen  2.  Select the 'Advanced Connection' option, and then click Next; the 'Advanced Connection' screen appears.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  174  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Figure 12-73: Advanced Connection  3.  Select the 'VLAN Interface' option, and then click Next; the 'VLAN Interface' screen appears. Figure 12-74: VLAN Interface
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections Version 3.4.0  175  June 2011 4.  From the 'Underlying Device' drop-down list, select the underlying device (device's Ethernet connections) for this interface. 5.  In the 'VLAN ID' field, enter a value to serve as the VLAN ID, and then click Next; the 'Connection Summary' screen appears. Figure 12-75: Connection Summary  6.  Check the 'Edit the Newly Created Connection' check box to be routed to the new connection's configuration screen after clicking Finish. 7.  Click  Finish  to save the settings; the new VLAN interface is added to the network connections list; it’s configurable like any other connection.  12.4.1 Settings Tab The Settings tab of the 'VLAN Properties' displays general communication parameters. It’s recommended to leave the values in this screen at their defaults unless you’re familiar with the networking concepts they represent. Since your Telephone Adapter is configured to operate with the default values, no parameter modification is necessary. You can configure the following general connection settings: Table 12-6: VLAN Interface - General Communication Parameters Parameter  Description Schedule  By default, the connection is always active. However, you can configure scheduler rules in order to define time segments during which the connection may be active. Once a scheduler rule(s) is defined (via Advanced>Scheduler Rules), this field changes to a drop-down list, allowing you to choose between the available rules. To configure scheduler rules, see Section 10.11. Network  Select whether the parameters you are configuring relate to a WAN, LAN or DMZ connection, by selecting the connection type from the drop-down list. For detailed information, see Section 4.2. Physical Address  The physical address of the network card used for your network.  MTU  MTU is the Maximum Transmission Unit. It specifies the largest packet size permitted for Internet transmission. In the default setting, Automatic, the Telephone Adapter selects the best MTU for your Internet connection. In case you change to manual, you can enter the largest packet size, you should leave this value in the 1200 to 1500 range. Underlying Connection  The Ethernet device that the connection is implemented over. Select one of the following Internet Protocol options from the 'Internet Protocol' drop down menu:
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  176  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual   No IP Address  Obtain an IP Address Automatically  Use the Following IP Address Note that according to the selection you make in the 'Internet Protocol' drop down menu, the screen refreshes and displays relevant configuration settings.  No IP Address: Select 'No IP Address' if you require that your Telephone Adapter has no IP address. This can be useful if you are working in an environment where you are not connected to other networks, such as the Internet.  Obtain an IP Address Automatically: Your WAN connection is configured by default to act as a DHCP client. You should keep this configuration in case your service provider supports DHCP, or if you are connecting using a dynamic IP address. The server that assigns the Telephone Adapter with an IP address also assigns a subnet mask. You can override the dynamically assigned subnet mask by selecting the 'Override Subnet Mask' and specifying your own mask instead. You can click the Release button to release the current leased IP address. Once the address has been released, the button text changes to 'Renew'. Use the Renew button to renew the leased IP address.  Use the Following IP Address: Your WAN connection can be configured using a permanent (static) IP address. Your service provider should provide you with this IP address, subnet mask and the default Telephone Adapter IP address. IP Address Distribution The 'IP Address Distribution' section allows you to configure the device's Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server parameters. The DHCP automatically assigns IP addresses to network PCs. If you enable this feature, make sure that you also configure your network PCs as DHCP clients. For a comprehensive description of this feature, see Section 10.28. Select one of the following options from the 'IP Address Distribution' drop-down list: Table 12-7: IP Address Distribution Parameters Parameter  Description DHCP Server Start IP Address The first IP address that may be assigned to a LAN host. Sincethe device's default IP address is, this address must be greater. End IP Address The last IP address in the range that can be used to automatically assign IP addresses to LAN hosts. Subnet Mask A mask used to determine to what subnet an IP address belongs. An example ofa subnet mask value is Lease Time In Minutes Each device is assigned an IP address by the DHCP server for a this amount oftime, when it connects to the network. When the lease expires the server determines if the computer has disconnected from the network. If it has, the server may reassign this IP address to a newly-connected computer. This feature ensures that IP addresses that are not in use become available for othercomputers on the network. Provide Host Name If Not Specified by Client If the DHCP client does not have a host name, the device automatically assignsone for him.  Figure 12-76: IP Address Distribution - DHCP Server
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections Version 3.4.0  177  June 2011  Table 12-8: DHCP Relay Parameter  Description DHCP Relay Your device can act as a DHCP relay in case you would like to dynamically assign IP addresses from a DHCP server other than your Telephone Adapter's DHCP server. Note that when selecting this option you must also change the device's WAN to work in routing mode. For detailed information, see Section 10.28.2.  1.  After selecting 'DHCP Relay' from the drop down list, a New IP Address link appears: Figure 12-77: IP Address Distribution - DHCP Relay  2.  Click the New IP Address link; the 'DHCP Relay Server Address' screen appears: Figure 12-78: DHCP Relay Server Address  3.  Specify the IP address of the DHCP server. 4.  Click OK to save the settings. Table 12-9: Assigning Static IP Addresses to Network Computers Parameter  Description Disabled Select 'Disabled' from the drop-down list to statically assign IP addresses to yournetwork computers.  Figure 12-79: IP Address Distribution - Disable DHCP
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  178  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  12.4.2 Routing Tab You can choose to setup your Telephone Adapter to use static or dynamic routing. Dynamic routing automatically adjusts how packets travel on the network, whereas static routing specifies a fixed routing path to neighboring destinations. Figure 12-80: Advanced Routing Properties
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections Version 3.4.0  179  June 2011 Table 12-10: Routing Parameters Parameter  Description Routing  Select 'Advanced' or 'Basic' routing. Routing Mode  Select one of the following Routing modes:  Route: Use route mode if you want your device to function as a router between two networks.  NAT: Network Address Translation (NAT) translates IP addresses to a valid,public address on the Internet. This adds security since internal LAN addresses are not transmitted over the Internet. In addition, NAT allows many addresses to exist behind a single valid address. Use the NAT routing mode if your LAN consists of a single device, otherwise collisions may occurif more than one device attempts to communicate using the same port.  NAPT: Network Address and Port Translation (NAPT) refers to network address translation involving the mapping of port numbers, allowing multiple machines to share a single IP address. Use NAPT if your LAN encompassesmultiple devices, a topology that necessitates port translation in addition to address translation. Device Metric  The device metric is a value used by the device to determine whether one routeis superior to another, considering parameters such as bandwidth, delay, and more. Default Route  Select this check box to define this device as a the default route. Multicast  IGMP Proxy Internal IGMP proxy enables the system to issue IGMP host messages on behalf of hosts that the system discovered through standard IGMPinterfaces. IGMP proxy enables the routing of multicast packets according to theIGMP requests of LAN devices asking to join multicast groups. Select the 'Multicast IGMP Proxy Internal' check-box to enable this feature. Routing Table  Allows you to add or modify routes when this device is active. Use the New Route button to add a route or edit existing routes.   12.4.3 Advanced Tab Your Telephone Adapter’s firewall helps protect your computer by preventing unauthorized users from gaining access to it through a network such as the Internet. The firewall can be activated per network connection. To enable the firewall on this network connection, select the 'Enabled' check box. For detailed information on your device's security features, see Section 5.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  180  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Figure 12-81: Internet Connection Firewall  You can add alias names (additional IP addresses) to the MP252 by clicking the 'New IP Address' link. This enables you to access the device using these aliases in addition to the IP address (e.g., and http://mp252.home.      12.5  LAN-WAN Bridge Settings A WAN-LAN bridge is a bridge over WAN and LAN devices. In such a setup, computers on the MP252 LAN side can get IP addresses that are known on the WAN side.  ¾ To configure an existing bridge or create a new one: 1.  From the menu bar, click the Network Connections menu, and in the screen 'Network Connections' click the New   icon; the 'Connection Wizard' screen appears. 2.  Select the 'Advanced Connection' option, and then click Next; the 'Advanced Connection' screen appears. 3.  Select the 'Network Bridging' option, and then click Next; the screen 'Bridge Options' opens. Figure 12-82: Bridge Options
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections Version 3.4.0  181  June 2011 4.  Select whether to configure an existing bridge (this option only appears if a bridge exists) or to add a new one: • Configure Existing Bridge: Select this option and then click Next; the screen 'Network Bridging' opens, allowing you to add new connections or remove existing ones, by selecting or clearing their respective check boxes. Figure 12-83: Network Bridging Screen  For example, checking the WAN check box creates a LAN-WAN bridge. • Add a New Bridge: Select this option and then click Next; a different 'Network Bridging' screen appears, allowing you to add a bridge over the unbridged connections, by selecting their respective check boxes. Figure 12-84: Adding New Network Bridging
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  182  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Important notes: • The same connections cannot be shared by two bridges. • A bridge cannot be bridged. • Bridged connections lose their IP settings. 5.  Click Next; the screen 'Connection Summary' opens, corresponding to your changes. Figure 12-85: Connection Summary - Configure Existing Bridge  6.  Select the check box 'Edit the Connection' to be routed to the new connection's configuration screen after clicking Finish. 7.  Click Finish to save the settings; the new bridge is added to the network connections list; it's configurable like any other bridge. 12.5.1 Editing LAN-WAN Bridging You can edit existing LAN-WAN bridges that are listed in the Connections list. This is done in the Bridging tab, which allows you to specify the LAN and WAN devices that you would like to join under the network bridge.  ¾ To edit LAN-WAN bridging: 1.  From the menu bar, click the Network Connections menu, and then in the screen 'Network Connections' click the Edit  icon corresponding the bridged network; the 'Connection Wizard' screen appears. 2.  Click the Bridge tab; the LAN Bridge Properties screen appears.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  12. Network Connections Version 3.4.0  183  June 2011 Figure 12-86: Bridging Tab  3.  Select the check boxes corresponding to the connection names that you want to bridge, or clear the check boxes of connections that you do not want to bridge. 4.  Select the ‘Bridge Hardware Acceleration’ check box to utilizes the Fastpath algorithm, which enhances packet flow, resulting in faster communication between the LAN and the WAN (excluding the wireless connection). 5.  Select the 'STP' check box to enable the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) on the device. You should use this to ensure that there are no loops in your network configuration, and apply these settings if your network consists of multiple switches, or other bridges apart from those created by the MP252 6.  To configure VLANs for each network connection in the bridge: a.  Click the Edit  icon in the 'VLANs' column corresponding to a network that you want to assign specific Virtual LANs; the ‘VLAN Settings’ screen appears.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  184  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Figure 12-87: VLAN Settings Screen  b.  Select the ‘Enable VLAN’ check box to enable VLANs on this connection; the screen refreshes and additional parameters appear. c.  In the ‘Default VLAN ID’ field, enter a VLAN ID for this connection or  add additional VLANs by clicking the New   icon, and then enter another VLAN ID. 7.  To create a traffic filtering rule on the bridge to enable direct packet flow between the WAN and the LAN (i.e., Bridge Filtering):  a.  In the ‘Bridge Filter’ table, click the New   icon; the ‘Bridge Filter’ screen appears. Figure 12-88: Bridge Filter Screen   b.  From the ‘Source Address’ drop-down list, select a Network Object (defined in Section 4.5.2 on page 46) or create a new one by clicking ‘User Defined’. You can define a traffic filtering rule that enables direct packet flow between the WAN and the LAN host that will be placed under the WAN-LAN bridge. This filtering rule can be based on either a LAN host's MAC address or one of its DHCP options. c.  From the 'Operation' drop-down list, select the bridge. d.  Click OK.
Version 3.4.0  185  July 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  13. Remote MP252 Management 13  Remote MP252 Management This chapter provides an overview of the MP252 remote configuration and management support. In addition, this chapter describes how to enable and secure remote management, as well configure MP252 through SNMP and TR069. 13.1 Overview MP252 is designed to be mass-deployed. One of the keys to guarantee end-user satisfaction and true toll-quality service in mass field deployment is comprehensive remote configuration and management capabilities:  Automatic and remote configuration updates   Automatic and remote firmware updates  Remote diagnosis of problems reported by the user  Remote collection of statistical information regarding the quality of the service  Remote notifications of problems in the service 13.1.1 Remote Configuration By default, MP252 is provided with factory default settings, which are common to all MP252 devices (except for the MAC address). The factory settings allow the user to connect to MP252's Web interface through the LAN. By default, the WAN interface is configured for DHCP (i.e., automatically obtains its IP address from a DHCP server). The default configuration should not include any VoIP service provider settings (such as a SIP proxy). In some cases, AudioCodes can ship MP252 devices that are pre-configured with some customer-specific parameters. This set of parameters is usually defined as the new "factory settings" for the specific customer. MP252's factory default settings and the current configuration running on MP252 are stored on MP252's non-volatile flash memory. The current configuration can be remotely updated using several configuration interfaces:  HTTP-based Web server  SNMP  TR-069  Configuration file upload/download
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  186  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Figure 13-1: Remote Management Interfaces  All configuration interfaces access the same internal configuration repository. The configuration file represents the complete set of MP252 configuration parameters. Specific configuration interfaces (e.g. SNMP and TR-069) might support access only to a sub-set of these configuration parameters. At any time, the factory settings can be restored using the Web interface or by pressing the Reset pin-hole button while MP252 is being powered up. The table below lists the main MP252 configuration parameter groups: Table 13-1: Main Configuration Parameter Groups Group  Description VoIP  Parameters relating to the VoIP functionality (e.g. analog interface, SIP signaling, voice and fax, media streaming) WAN Interface   The main WAN Internet connection (this group is also referred to as the "Quick Setup"). Network Connections  Configuration of all network connections (LAN and WAN), including advanced connections such as VLANs. Security  Parameters relating to the internal firewall. QoS  Configuration of Quality of Service parameters such as priorities and traffic shaping. System / Advanced  Configuration of system parameters such as Remote Update and Remote Access and advanced parameters such as Dynamic DNS, UPnP. A typical set of parameters that a service provider may want to configure include the following:  Remote access and/or automatic firmware and configuration update parameters  VoIP configuration: SIP proxy, line settings (User IP, Password)  QoS parameters (e.g. traffic shaping)  13.1.2 Remote Management
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  13. Remote MP252 Management Version 3.4.0  187  June 2011 Remote management includes the following:  Firmware upgrade  Status and performance monitoring  Alarms, notifications, and logs Firmware Upgrade Service providers require the ability to update MP252's firmware in the field (e.g. in case of maintenance releases or releases that support new required features). The process is required to be automatic, allowing mass update, which is robust and fail-safe. MP252's firmware is stored on the non-volatile flash memory. MP252's flash memory is capable of storing a recovery firmware that ensures a fail-safe operation (even if the user unplugs the power during the firmware burning process). MP252's firmware can be upgraded using one of the following mechanisms:  The new firmware can be "pushed" (uploaded) to MP252, using the MP252 Web interface  The new firmware can be "pulled" (downloaded) by MP252 from a remote HTTP, FTP, or TFTP server Figure 13-2: Firmware Upgrade Mechanism
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  188  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  The remote firmware download process can be triggered by one of the following:  MP252 checks for a new firmware upon MP252 restart   MP252 periodically checks for a new firmware  Manual trigger using CLI, TR-069, SNMP or Web   Note:  Unless forced, MP252 downloads and upgrades to the new firmware only if its version number is higher than the firmware version currently running on MP252. The version number is not taken from the image file name, but from the header of the image file.  Status and Performance Monitoring The ability to remotely monitor the status of MP252 is critical to the service provider, who wants to support users without having to send a technician on site (avoiding the "truck roll"). The service provider may want to know the current status of MP252 (e.g. is it registered to the SIP proxy, is the phone off-hook) or some statistical information (e.g. average packet loss during a call). MP252 maintains a set of status and performance information internally. This information (or parts of it) can be retrieved via the different management interfaces (e.g. Web, or TR-069). The table below describes the status and performance monitoring (statistical) information available in MP252. Table 13-2: Status and Performance Monitoring Parameters Group  Description VoIP   Current status information per line: 9 Phone state 9 Registration status 9 Source, codec and type of current call 9 Packet loss, jitter and delay of current call Network Connections   Current status information per interface: 9 Connection status 9 Allocated IP address 9 Received and transmitted packets System   Software version information  Hardware version information  System Up time
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  13. Remote MP252 Management Version 3.4.0  189  June 2011  Alarms, Notifications and Logging Instead of periodically polling MP252 to obtain its current status, the service provider may want MP252 to notify abnormal events or to send regular reports to a logging server. Both options are supported by MP252. The table below lists the relevant interfaces for alarms and notifications. Table 13-3: Notifications and Logged Events Group  Notifications and Logged Events VoIP  Notifications: Registration error or timeout  Logged Events: 9 End of call (Call Detail Record logging) 9 SIP messages logging (optional - for debugging) Network Connections  Notifications: Connection up / down Security  Logged Events: Security log (configurable) System  Notifications: 9 System restart 9 Firmware / configuration update  Logged Events: Debug-level logging (optional) Note that the terms Alarm and Notification represent the same thing. The difference between alarm/notification and logging is that an alarm is normally used to represent an abnormal event (e.g. registration error), while logged events can represent either regular events (e.g. end of call) or abnormal events.  The table below lists the event severity levels defined in MP252. Typically, events with severity of Error or Emergency are notified in addition to being logged. Table 13-4: Severity of Logged Events Severity  Description Debug  Debug-level messages. Notice  Normal but significant condition. Notices requiring attention at a later time. Non-error conditions that might require special handling. Error  Recoverable / temporary error condition. Emergency  System is unusable. The most severe messages that prevent continuation ofoperation, such as immediate system shutdown.    13.2  Enabling Remote Management You can access and manage MP252 not only from within the home network, but also from the Internet. This allows you to view or change settings while travelling. It also enables you to allow your ISP to change settings or help you troubleshoot functionality or communication issues from a remote location. Remote access to MP252 is blocked by default to ensure the security of your home network. However, remote access is supported by the following services, and you may use the 'Remote Access Configuration' screen to selectively enable these services if they are needed.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  190  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual   Notes:  • Telnet and Web-Management can be used to modify the settings of the firewall or to disable it. You can also change local IP addresses and other settings, making it difficult or impossible to access MP252 from the home network. Therefore, remote access to Telnet or HTTP services should be blocked and should only be permitted when absolutely necessary. • Encrypted remote administration is done using a secure SSL connection that requires an SSL certificate. When accessing MP252 for the first time using encrypted remote administration, you are prompted by your browser with a warning regarding certificate authentication. This is because MP252's SSL certificate is self generated. When encountering this message under these circumstances, ignore it and continue. It should be noted that even though this message appears, the self-generated certificate is safe, and provides you with a secure SSL connection. You can also assign a user-defined certificate to MP252.   ¾ To enable remote access to MP252 services: 1.  In the 'Advanced' screen, click the Remote Administration  icon; the 'Remote Administration' screen appears.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  13. Remote MP252 Management Version 3.4.0  191  June 2011 Figure 13-3: Remote Administration Screen  2.  Select the services that you would like to make available to computers on the Internet. • Allow Incoming WAN Access to Web-Management: Allows access (from a Web browser) to the Web management interface and to all system settings and parameters. Both secure (HTTPS) and non-secure (HTTP) access is available. • Allow Incoming WAN Access to the Telnet Server: Allows access to the command-line session and to all system settings and parameters (using a text-based terminal). • SNMP: Allows Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) requests to remotely configure and monitor MP252. • Diagnostic Tools: Allows remote access for ping and traceroute (over UDP) troubleshooting. • TR-069: TR-069 is a WAN management protocol for communication between Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) and an Auto-Configuration Server (ACS). It defines a mechanism that encompasses secure auto-configuration of a CPE, and also incorporates other CPE management functions into a common framework. 3.  Click OK to save your changes.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  192  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  13.3  Securing Remote Management with Certificates The  Certificates  icon allows you to configure certificates. When a service provider implements remote provisioning in which a unique configuration file (per MP252) is placed on a server located on the WAN, the service provider can ensure that only its deployed MP252 units are able to connect to the HTTP server via HTTPS. This is performed by using a certification validation process (client-server).  There are two types of certificates:  Self-signed certificates  Certificate Authority (CA) signed certificates The procedure below describes how to operate with self-signed certificates. ¾ To operate with self-signed certificates: 1.  In the 'Advanced' screen, click the   icon; the 'Certificates' screen appears. Figure 13-4: New Certificates Screen  2.  Create a self-signed certificate:   Note:  You can also create a self-signed certificate using the OpenSSL utility, downloaded from http://sial.org/howto/openssl/self-signed.  a.  Select the MP252’s Local tab. b.  Click the Create Self Signed Certificate button; the 'Create Self Signed X509 Certificate' screen appears.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  13. Remote MP252 Management Version 3.4.0  193  June 2011 Figure 13-5: Create Self Signed X509 Certificate Screen  c.  Enter the fields as required, and then click Generate; a message appears notifying you that MP252 is generating the certificate. d.  After a few moments, click Refresh; the 'New Self Signed X509 Certificate' screen appears. Figure 13-6: New Self Signed X509 Certificate Screen  e.  Click OK; the new certificate appears listed in the 'Certificates' screen. Figure 13-7: Newly Created Self-Signed Certificate
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  194  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  f.  In the 'Certificates' screen, click the Download   icon corresponding to the new self-signed certificate that you created; the 'File Download' window appears. Figure 13-8: File Download Window  g.  Click Save, and then browse to the folder to where you want to save the file; the file is saved as a *.crt file. 3.  Configure the Apache server, by configuring the SSLCACertificateFile parameter to point to the location where the certificate file is located. Since this is a self-signed certificate, you are also considered the CA. 4.  Load the self-signed certificate to MP252: a.  In the 'Certificates' screen, click the Upload Certificate link; the ‘Load MP252’s Local Certificate’ screen appears. Figure 13-9: Load MP252’s Local Certificate  b.  Click Browse, locate the certification file that you created, and then click Upload to load the file. 5.  Load the CA’s certificate to MP252: a.  Select the CA’s tab; the ‘CA’s’ screen appears. Figure 13-10: CA's Certificates Page
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  13. Remote MP252 Management Version 3.4.0  195  June 2011
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  196  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  b.  Click the New   icon; the ‘Load CA’s Certificate’ screen appears. Figure 13-11: Load CA's Certificate Page  c.  Click Browse, locate the CA certification file that you created, and then click Upload to load the file. 6.  Configure the Apache server, using the following parameters: • SSLCACertificateFile: Set the path to the CA’s certificate. • SSLCertificateFile: Set the path to your signed certificate. • SSLCertificateKeyFile: Set the path to your private key.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  13. Remote MP252 Management Version 3.4.0  197  June 2011 13.4  Remote Configuration and Management Interfaces MP252 supports the following remote configuration and management interfaces:  Web server (GUI) over HTTP/HTTPS  TR-069 and TR-104  SNMP  Syslog  Firmware or configuration file download through HTTP/HTTPS and FTP/TFTP  CLI over Telnet/SSH The table below lists the possible operations over these different interfaces: Table 13-5: Operations per Configuration/Management Interface Operation  Web GUI  TR-069  SNMP  Syslog  File D/L  CLI Configuration Update  Yes Yes Yes  No Yes Yes Firmware Upgrade  Yes Yes Yes  No Yes Yes Status Monitoring  Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Debugging and Diagnostics  Yes  No  No Yes No Yes  Service providers can choose to combine several management interfaces, for example, automatic file download for configuration and firmware updates plus SNMP for alarms.    13.4.1  Embedded Web Server MP252 provides an embedded Web server with a rich Graphical User Interface (GUI). The Web server can be accessed from the local LAN interface (e.g. by the home user) or from the WAN interface (e.g. by the service provider support personnel). The Web GUI provides easy and intuitive configuration of all MP252 parameters (i.e., VoIP, network interfaces, security, QoS and advanced system settings). In addition, the Web GUI provides status monitoring pages, diagnostic pages and enabled firmware upgrade. Typically, service providers do not want to configure each MP252 manually and therefore, they do not use the Web server in live deployments. However, the Web server is still useful for:  Trying different configurations in the lab during the integration phases  Creating mass-configuration template files  Debugging special customer problems (by accessing the Web server from the WAN interface) Since the Web server allows all configuration and management operations, it is important to protect it. The following security measures are available:  The Web server is user and password protected. Several users can be defined. A special user with limited-access (only to the 'Quick Setup' screen) can be defined.  The access to the Web server can be blocked from the WAN and/or LAN interfaces.  Access to the Web server can be limited to specific IP addresses.   Secured HTTP (HTTPS) is supported. It is possible to enable HTTPS-only, if required.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  198  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual   The HTTP and/or HTTPS port can be modified (from the default 80 and 8080).  13.4.2  TR-069 and TR-104 CPE WAN Management Protocol TR-069 is a WAN management protocol intended for communication between Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) or residential devices (such as MP252), and an Auto-Configuration Server (ACS), residing on the service provider's side. It defines a mechanism that encompasses secure auto configuration of CPE, and also incorporates other CPE management functions into a common framework. In simpler terms, TR-069 is a protocol that enables remote server management of theMP252. Such a protocol is useful, for example, for remotely and securely controlling MP252 by the CPE provider. The standard is published by the DSL Forum. TR-069 runs over SOAP/HTTP and enables device configuration, management (including firmware upgrade), and status monitoring. TR-104 is an extension of TR-069 for VoIP configuration and monitoring. The TR standards are published by the DSL forum:  TR-069: http://www.broadband-forum.org/technical/download/TR-069.pdf   TR-104: http://www.broadband-forum.org/technical/download/TR-104.pdf  Figure 13-12: TR-069 CPE WAN Management Protocol  The TR-069 protocol allows an ACS to provision a CPE or collection of CPE based on a variety of criteria. The provisioning mechanism includes specific provisioning parameters and a general mechanism for adding vendor-specific provisioning capabilities as needed. The provisioning mechanism allows CPE provisioning at the time of initial connection to the broadband access network, and the ability to re-provision at any subsequent time. This includes support for asynchronous ACS-initiated re-provisioning of CPE. TR-069 defines several Remote Procedure Call (RPC) methods, as well as a large number of parameters, which may be set or read. Some of these methods and parameters are defined as mandatory.    Notes:  • MP252 was tested for interoperability with two ACS vendors – Motive and FriendlyTR69. Working with other ACS types may require specific interoperability effort. • The parameter values in the subsequent tables are sample values only taken from an ACS.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  13. Remote MP252 Management Version 3.4.0  199  June 2011 Configuring MP252 via TR-069 and TR-104 TR-069 allows basic configuration of MP252. The configuration is defined in a hierarchical tree-like structure according to the TR-069 standard. Configuring the WAN Interface Table 13-6: InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.i.WANConnectionDevice.i.WANIPConnection.i TR-069/TR-104 Parameter  Configuration File Parameter  Description AddressingType mt_cwmp_param_wan_conn_ip_addressing_type_get/set The method used to assign an address to the WAN side interface of the CPE for this connection:  “DHCP”  “Static” ConnectionStatus mt_cwmp_param_wan_conn_ip_status_get  Current status of the connection:   “Unconfigured”  “Connecting”  “Connected”  “PendingDisconnect”  “Disconneting”  “Disconnected” ConnectionType mt_cwmp_param_wan_conn_ppp_type_get  Specifies the connection type of the connection instance:  “Unconfigured”  “IP_Routed”  “DHCP_Spoofed”  “PPPoE_Bridged”  “PPPoE_Relay”  “PPTP_Relay”  “L2TP_Relay” DefaultGateway mt_cwmp_param_wan_conn_ip_default_gateway_get/set The IP address of the default gateway for this connection.  This parameter is configurable only if the AddressingType is Static. DNSEnabled mt_cwmp_param_wan_conn_ip_dns_enabled_get/set  Whether or not the device should attempt to query a DNS server across this connection. DNSOverrideAllowed mt_cwmp_param_wan_conn_ip_dnsoverrideallowed_get/set Whether or not a manually set, non-empty DNS address can be overridden by a DNS entry received from the WAN. DNSServers mt_cwmp_param_wan_conn_xxx_dnsservers_get/set(i) Comma-separated list of DNS server IP addresses for this connection. Support for more than three DNS Servers is optional. Enable mt_cwmp_param_wan_conn_xxx_enable_get/set(1)  Enables or disables the connection instance. On creation of a WANIPConnection instance, it is initially disabled. ExternalIPAddress mt_cwmp_param_wan_conn_xxx_externalip_get(i)  The external IP address used by NAT for this connection.  This parameter is configurable only if the AddressingType is Static.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  200  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  TR-069/TR-104 Parameter  Configuration File Parameter  Description MaxMTUSize mt_cwmp_param_wan_conn_ip_max_mtu_size_get/set( i) The maximum allowed size of an Ethernet frame from LAN-side devices. Name mt_cwmp_param_wan_conn_xxx_name_get/set(i)  User-readable name of this connection. NATEnabled mt_cwmp_param_wan_conn_xxx_nat_enabled_get/set(i ) Indicates if NAT is enabled for this connection.PortMappingNumberOfEntries -  Total number of port mapping entries. PossibleConnectionTypes -  A comma-separated list indicating the types of connections possible for this connection instance.  Each element of the list is an enumeration of:  “Unconfigured”  “IP_Routed”  “IP_Bridged” RouteProtocolRx mt_cwmp_param_wan_conn_xxx_route_protocol_rx_get/set Defines the Rx protocol to be used:  “Off”  “RIPv1” (Optional)  “RIPv2” (Optional)  “OSPF” (Optional) RSIPAvailable mt_cwmp_param_wan_conn_xxx_rsip_available_get(i) Indicates if Realm-specific IP (RSIP) is available as a feature on MP252. ShapingRate -  Rate to shape this connection’s egress traffic to. If less than or equal to 100, in percentages of the rate of the highest rate-constrained layer over which the packet travels on egress. The rate is limited over the window period specified by ShapeWindow. If greater than 100, in bits per second. A value of -1 indicates no shaping. SubnetMask lan_host_config_management_get/set rg_conf  dhcps/ netmask Subnet mask of the WAN interface. This parameter is configurable only if the AddressingType is Static. SpecVersion “”  Currently, 1.0 is the only available version. Uptime -  The time in seconds that this connection has been up. Configuring the LAN Interface Table 13-7: InternetGatewayDevice.LANDevice.i.LANEthernetInterfaceConfig
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  13. Remote MP252 Management Version 3.4.0  201  June 2011 TR-069/TR-104 Parameter  Configuration File Parameter  Description Enable device_eic_enable_get/set Enables or disables this interface. MACAddress device_mac_address_get  The physical address of the interface. MaxBitRate device_max_bit_rate_get  The maximum upstream and downstream bit rate available for this connection:  “10”  “100”  “1000”  “Auto” Status device_status_get  The status of the interface:  “Up”  “NoLink”  “Error”  “Disabled”
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  202  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Table 13-8: InternetGatewayDevice.LANDevice.i.LANHostConfigManagement TR-069/TR-104 Parameter  Configuration File Parameter  Description AllowedMACAddresses allowed_mac_addresses_get/set  Represents a comma-separated list of hardware addresses that are allowed to connect to this connection if MACAddressControlEnabled is 1 for a given interface. DHCPLeaseTime dhcp_lease_time_get/set  Specifies the lease time in seconds of client assigned addresses.  A value of -1 indicates an infinite lease. DHCPRelay dhcp_relay_get/set  Determines if the DHCP server performs the role of a server (0) or a relay (1) on the LAN interface. DHCPServerEnable lan_host_config_management_get/set rg_conf dhcps/enable Enables or disables the DHCP server on the LAN interface. DNSServers dhcps_dns_servers_get/set  Comma-separated list of DNS servers offered to DHCP clients.  Support for more than three DNS Servers is optional. DomainName domain_name_get/set  Sets the domain name for clients on the LAN interface. IPRouters ip_routers_get/set  Comma-separated list of IP addresses of routers on this subnet.  Also known as default gateway. Support for more than one Router address is optional. MaxAddress lan_host_config_management_get/set rg_conf  dhcps/end_ip Specifies the last address in the pool to be assigned by the DHCP server on the LAN interface. MinAddress lan_host_config_management_get/set rg_conf  dhcps/start_ip Specifies the first address in the pool to be assigned by the DHCP server on the LAN interface. SubnetMask lan_host_config_management_get/set rg_conf  dhcps/ netmask Specifies the client’s network subnet mask.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  13. Remote MP252 Management Version 3.4.0  203  June 2011 Configuring VoIP via TR-104 Table 13-9: InternetGatewayDevice.Services.VoiceService.i.Capabilities TR-069/TR-104 Parameter  Configuration File Parameter  Description ButtonMap -  Support for a configurable button map.  A true value indicates support for a configurable button map via the VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.ButtonMap object. DSCPCoupled -  A true value indicates that the CPE is constrained such that transmitted call control packets use the same DSCP marking as transmitted RTP packets. If the value is true, the CPE must not support the DSCPMark parameter for call control. EthernetTaggingCoupled -  A true value indicates that the CPE is constrained such that transmitted call control packets use the same Ethernet tagging (VLAN ID Ethernet Priority) as transmitted RTP packets. If the value is true, the CPE must not support the VLANIDMark or EthernetPriorityMark parameters within a call control object (e.g., SIP, MGCP, or H323). FaxPassThrough -  Support for fax pass-through.  A true value indicates support for the parameter VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.FaxPassThrough. (True if voip/audio/fax/fax_transport_mode equals Bypass) FaxT38 -  Support for T.38 fax.  A true value indicates support for the object VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.FaxT38. MaxLineCount voip/num_of_fxs_lines  Maximum number of lines supported across all profiles. MaxProfileCount -  Maximum number of distinct voice profiles supported. MaxSessionCount -  Maximum number of voice sessions supported across all lines and profiles.  (This might differ from MaxLineCount if each line can support more than one session for CPE provided conference calling.  This value can be less than the product of MaxLineCount and MaxSessionsPerLine.) MaxSessionsPerLine -  Maximum number of voice sessions supported for any given line across all profiles.  A value greater than one indicates support for CPE provided conference calling.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  204  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  TR-069/TR-104 Parameter  Configuration File Parameter  Description ModemPassThrough -  Support for modem pass-through.  A true value indicates support for the parameter VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.ModemPassThrough. NumberingPlan -  Support for a configurable numbering plan.  A true value indicates support for a configurable numbering plan via the VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.NumberingPlan object. PSTNSoftSwitchOver -  A true value indicates MP252 is capable of supporting the PSO_Activate Facility Action, which allows a call to be switched to a PSTN FXO. Note: Currently, this parameter is not supported. Regions pkg\mgt\lib\mgt_regional_settings.c slic_dsp_general_and_regional_settings_params_array Comma-separated list of geographic regions supported by MP252.  Each item in the list must be an alpha-2 (two-character alphabetic) country code as specified by ISO 3166. An empty list indicates that MP252 does not support region-based customization. Note: This format is currently not supported. RingGeneration -  Support for ring generation.  A true value indicates support for control of ring generation via the VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.Ringer object. A true value also indicates that the RingDescriptionsEditable, PatternBasedRingGeneration and FileBasedRingGeneration parameters in this object are present. RTCP -  Support for RTCP. RTPRedundancy -  Support for RTP payload redundancy as defined in RFC 2198.  A true value indicates support for VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.RTP.Redundancy. SignalingProtocols voip/signalling/protocol Signal protocol:  “SIP”  “MGCP” Each entry can be appended with a version indicator in the form “/X.Y”.  For example: “SIP/2.0”. Note: Only one protocol is supported at a time.SRTP -  Support for SRTP. Note: Currently, SRTP is not supported.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  13. Remote MP252 Management Version 3.4.0  205  June 2011 TR-069/TR-104 Parameter  Configuration File Parameter  Description ToneGeneration -  Support for tone generation.  A true value indicates support for the object VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Tone. A true value also indicates that the ToneDescriptionsEditable, PatternBasedToneGeneration and FileBasedToneGeneration parameters in this object are present. VoicePortTests -  Support for remotely accessible voice-port tests.  A true value indicates support for the VoiceService.{i}.PhyInterface.{i}.Tests object.  Table 13-10: InternetGatewayDevice.Services.VoiceService.i.Capabilities.Codecs TR-069/TR-104 Parameter  Configuration File Parameter  Description Codec voip/codec/i/name  Identifier of the type of codec. EntryID voip/codec/i/  Unique identifier for each entry in the table. PacketizationPeriod voip/codec/i/ptime  Comma-separated list of supported packetization periods (in milliseconds), or continuous ranges of packetization periods.  Ranges are indicated as a hyphen-separated pair of unsigned integers. For example:  “20” indicates a single discrete value.  “10, 20, 30” indicates a set of discrete values.  “5-40” indicates a continuous inclusive range.  “5-10, 20, 30” indicates a continuous range in addition to a set of discrete values. A range must only be indicated if all values within the range are supported. Note: Currently, only a single ptime per codec is supported.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  206  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Table 13-11: InternetGatewayDevice.Services.VoiceService.i.VoiceProfile TR-069/TR-104 Parameter  Configuration File Parameter  Description DTMFMethod voip/out_of_band_dtmf  Method by which DTMF digits must be passed:  “InBand”  “RFC2833”  “SIPInfo Enable -  Enables or disables all lines in this profile, or places it into a quiescent state:  “Disabled”  “Quiescent”  “Enabled” On creation, a profile must be in the Disabled state. In the Quiescent state, in-progress sessions remain intact, but no new sessions are allowed.  Support for the Quiescent state in a MP252 is optional.  If this parameter is set to “Quiescent” in a MP252 that does not support the Quiescent state, it must treat it the same as the Disabled state. Name -  String to easily identify the profile instance. Note: Currently, this is not supported. NumberOfLines voip/num_of_fxs_lines  Number of instances of Line within this VoiceProfile.  Table 13-12: InternetGatewayDevice.Services.VoiceService.i.VoiceProfile.i.SIP TR-069/TR-104 Parameter  Configuration File Parameter  Description OutboundProxy voip/ signalling/sip/sip_outbound_proxy/addr Host name or IP address of the outbound proxy.  If a non-empty value is specified, the SIP endpoint must send all SIP traffic (requests and responses) to the host indicated by this parameter and the port indicated by the OutboundProxyPort parameter.  This must be done regardless of the routes discovered using normal SIP operations, including use of Route headers initialized from Service-Route and Record-Route headers previously received.   The OutboundProxy value is not used to generate the URI placed into the Route header of any requests.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  13. Remote MP252 Management Version 3.4.0  207  June 2011 TR-069/TR-104 Parameter  Configuration File Parameter  Description OutboundProxyPort voip/ signalling/sip/sip_outbound_proxy/proxy Destination port for connecting to the outbound proxy.  This parameter must be ignored unless the value of the OutboundProxy parameter in this object is non-empty. ProxyServer voip/signalling/sip/proxy_address or voip/signalling/sip/sip_registrar/addr Host name or IP address of the SIP proxy server. ProxyServerPort voip/signalling/sip/proxy_port or voip/signalling/sip/sip_registrar/port Destination port for connecting to the SIP server. ProxyServerTransport voip/signalling/sip/transport_protocol  Transport protocol for connecting to the SIP server.  Must be chosen from among the transports supported. RegisterExpires voip/signalling/sip/proxy_timeout  Register request Expires header value (in seconds). RegistrarServerTransport voip/signalling/sip/transport_protocol  Transport protocol for connecting to the SIP server.  Must be chosen from among the transports supported. UserAgentPort voip/signalling/sip/port  Port for incoming call control signaling. UserAgentTransport voip/signalling/sip/transport_protocol  Transport protocol for incoming call control signaling. Upgrading Firmware via TR-069 TR-069 contains a built-in mechanism for MP252 firmware upgrade.  Monitoring MP252 Status via TR-069 and TR-104 The service provider can monitor the status of MP252 via TR-069 and TR-104. Device  Information Table 13-13: InternetGatewayDevice.DeviceInfo TR-069/TR-104 Parameter  Configuration File Parameter  Description Description manufacturer/description A full description of MP252 (string). DeviceLog “”  Vendor-specific log(s). HardwareVersion Manufacturer/hardware/version  A string identifying the particular MP252 model and version.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  208  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  TR-069/TR-104 Parameter  Configuration File Parameter  Description Manufacturer manufacturer/vendor_name  A string identifying the manufacturer of MP252, i.e., AudioCodes. ManufacturerOUI manufacturer/vendor_oui Organizationally unique identifier of the device manufacturer.  Represented as a six hexadecimal-digit value using all upper-case letters and including any leading zeros. ModelName manufacturer/model_number  A string identifying the model name of MP252. ProductClass manufacturer/product_class  Identifier of the class of product for which the serial number applies.  That is, for a given manufacturer, this parameter is used to identify the product or class of product over which the SerialNumber parameter is unique.ProvisioningCode cwmp/provisioning_code Identifier of the primary service provider and other provisioning information, which may be used by the Server to determine service provider-specific customization and provisioning parameters. If non-empty, this argument must be in the form of a hierarchical descriptor with one or more nodes specified.  Each node in the hierarchy is represented as a 4-character sub-string, containing only numerals or upper-case letters.  If there is more than one node indicated, each node is separated by a "." (dot).  For example, “TLCO” and “TLCO.GRP2”. SerialNumber Manufacturer/hardware/serial_num  Serial number of MP252. SoftwareVersion system/external_version  A string identifying the software version currently installed in MP252. To allow version comparisons, this element must be in the form of dot-delimited integers, where each successive integer represents a more minor category of variation.  For example, 3.0.21 where the components mean Major.Minor.Build. UpTime -  Time in seconds since MP252 was last reset.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  13. Remote MP252 Management Version 3.4.0  209  June 2011 WAN  Status Table 13-14: InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.i.WANConnectionDevice.i. WANIPConnection.i.Stats TR-069/TR-104 Parameter  Configuration File Parameter  Description EthernetBytesReceived mt_cwmp_param_wan_conn_ip_stats_get (STAT_RX_BYTES) Total number of bytes received over all connections within the same WANConnectionDevice that share a common MAC address since MP252 was last reset. EthernetBytesSent mt_cwmp_param_wan_conn_ppp_stats_get ( STAT_TX_BYTES) Total number of bytes sent over all connections within the same WANConnectionDevice that share a common MAC address since MP252 was last reset. EthernetPacketsReceived mt_cwmp_param_wan_conn_ppp_stats_get  ( STAT_RX_PACKETS) Total number of Ethernet packets received over all connections within the same WANConnectionDevice that share a common MAC address since MP252 was last reset. EthernetPacketsSent mt_cwmp_param_wan_conn_ppp_stats_get   Total number of Ethernet packets sent over all connections within the same WANConnectionDevice that share a common MAC address since MP252 was last reset. LAN  Status Table 13-15: InternetGatewayDevice.LANDevice.i.LANEthernetInterfaceConfig.i.Stats TR-069/TR-104 Parameter  Configuration File Parameter  Description BytesReceived mt_voip_get_state (line, state)  Total number of bytes received over the interface since MP252 was last reset. BytesSent mt_voip_get_state(line, state)  Total number of bytes sent over the interface since MP252 was last reset. PacketsReceived mt_voip_get_state(line, state)  Total number of packets received over the interface since MP252 was last reset. PacketsSent mt_voip_get_state(line, state)  Total number of packets sent over the interface since MP252 was last reset.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  210  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual VoIP Status via TR-104 Table 13-16: InternetGatewayDevice.Services.VoiceService.i.VoiceProfile.i.Line.i.Stats TR-069/TR-104 Parameter  Configuration File Parameter  Description ResetStatistics -  When set to one, it resets the statistics for this voice line.  Always False when read. PacketsSent mt_voip_get_state(line, state)  Total number of RTP packets sent for this line. PacketsReceived mt_voip_get_state(line, state)  Total number of RTP packets received for this line. BytesSent mt_voip_get_state(line, state)  Total number of RTP payload bytes sent for this line. BytesReceived mt_voip_get_state(line, state)  Total number of RTP payload bytes received for this line. PacketsLost mt_voip_get_state(line, state)  Total number of RTP packets that have been lost for this line. Overruns -  Total number of times the receive jitter buffer has overrun for this line. Underruns -  Total number of times the receive jitter buffer has underrun for this line. IncomingCallsReceived -  Total incoming calls received. IncomingCallsAnswered -  Total incoming calls answered by the local user. IncomingCallsConnected -  Total incoming calls that successfully completed call setup signaling. IncomingCallsFailed -  Total incoming calls that failed to successfully complete call setup signaling. OutgoingCallsAttempted -  Total outgoing calls attempted. OutgoingCallsAnswered -  Total outgoing calls answered by the called party. OutgoingCallsConnected -  Total outgoing calls that successfully completed call setup signaling. OutgoingCallsFailed -  Total outgoing calls that failed to successfully complete call setup signaling. CallsDropped -  Total calls that were successfully connected (incoming or outgoing), but dropped unexpectedly while in progress without explicit user termination. TotalCallTime -  Cumulative call duration (in seconds). ServerDownTime -  The number of seconds MP252 is unable to maintain a connection to the server.  Applies only to SIP.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  13. Remote MP252 Management Version 3.4.0  211  June 2011 TR-069/TR-104 Parameter  Configuration File Parameter  Description ReceivePacketLossRate mt_voip_get_state(line, state)  Current receive packet loss rate (in percentage). FarEndPacketLossRate -  Current far-end receive packet lost rate (in percentage). ReceiveInterarrivalJitter -  Current receive interarrival jitter (in microseconds). FarEndInterarrivalJitter -  Current Interarrival jitter (in microseconds) as reported from the far-end device via RTCP. RoundTripDelay mt_voip_get_state  Current round-trip delay (in microseconds). AverageReceiveInterarrivalJitter -  Average receive interarrival jitter (in microseconds) since the beginning of the current call. AverageFarEndInterarrivalJitter -  Average far-end interarrival jitter (in microseconds) since the beginning of the current call. AverageRoundTripDelay -  Average round-trip delay (in microseconds) since the beginning of the current call.  This is the average of the RoundTripDelay statistics accumulated each time the delay is calculated.  Security Concerns and Measures The CPE WAN Management Protocol is designed to allow a high degree of security in the interactions that use it. The CPE WAN Management Protocol is designed to prevent tampering with the transactions that take place between a CPE and ACS, provide confidentiality for these transactions, and allow various levels of authentication. The following security mechanisms are incorporated in this protocol:  The protocol supports the use of SSL/TLS for communications transport between CPE and ACS. This provides transaction confidentiality, data integrity, and allows certificate-based authentication between the CPE and ACS.  The HTTP layer provides an alternative means of CPE authentication based on shared secrets.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  212  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  13.4.3 SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is used in network management systems to configure and monitor network-attached devices. SNMP is an IETF standard defined by RFC 1157, 1441 and additional RFCs for specific Management Information Base (MIBs). MP252 contains an embedded SNMP agent and supports SNMPv1, SNMPv2 and partially supports SNMPv3. For monitoring of the network interfaces, the standard SNMP MIB-II (RFC 1213) is supported. For more options, a proprietary MIB, AC-MP20X-MIB includes the following sections:  acMP20xConfig: for changing MP252's configuration  acMP20xStatus: for monitoring MP252's status The figure below shows the SNMP network architecture: Figure 13-13: SNMP Network Architecture  Enabling SNMP in the Web Interface Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) enables Network Management Systems (NMSs) to remotely configure and monitor your MP252. Your ISP may use SNMP to identify and resolve technical problems. Technical information regarding the properties of MP252's SNMP agent should be provided by your ISP. The procedure below describes how to configure the SNMP agent embedded on  the MP252. ¾ To configure MP252's SNMP agent: 1.  In the 'Advanced' screen, click the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)  icon; the 'Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)' screen appears.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  13. Remote MP252 Management Version 3.4.0  213  June 2011 Figure 13-14: Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Screen   2.  Select the 'Enabled' check box to enable SNMP. 3.  Select the ‘Allow Incoming WAN Access to SNMP’ check box to allow access to MP252's SNMP agent over the Internet. 4.  In the ‘Read-Only Community Names’ and ‘Read-Write Community Names’    fields, enter the SNMP community strings. These strings are passwords used in SNMP messages between the management system and MP252. A read-only community allows the manager to monitor MP252. A read-write community allows the manager to monitor and configure MP252. 5.  From the ‘Trusted Pair’ drop-down list, enter the IP address, or subnet of addresses that identify which remote management stations are allowed to perform SNMP operations on MP252. 6.  Under the SNMP Traps group, select the ‘Enabled’ check box to allow MP252 to send messages (traps) to a remote management station to notify the manager about the occurrence of important events or serious conditions.   • Version: SNMP version - SNMP v1 or SNMP v2c traps. • Destination: remote management station's IP address. • Community: community name that is associated with the trap messages. 7.  Click OK to save your settings.  Configuring MP252 via SNMP The acMP20xConfig MIB section is structured in a similar hierarchy as MP252's Web GUI. Each parameter in the MIB has a matching parameter in the Web GUI and a matching parameter in the gateway’s configuration file. The MIB file defines the valid range and the default value for each parameter. Typically, the customer integrates the MP20x MIB into the customer's Network Management System (NMS) to automate the configuration process.  Note:  A special MIB object is defined to allow MP252 firmware upgrade triggered by SNMP. The object acMP20xRemoteUpdate triggers a remote upgrade from the SNMP-configured URL.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  214  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Status Monitoring of System and Network Interfaces via SNMP SMNP can be used to monitor the status of MP252. Status monitoring of the system and network interfaces can be done via the standard MIB-II (iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).mgmt(2).mib-2(1)). The following table shows some of the information elements available via MIB-II: Table 13-17: Table  3-13: Information Elements Available via MIB-II Section  Available Information system  Description  Version Information  Up-time interfaces Information per network interface:  Description  Type  Speed  MAC address  Traffic statistics  Errors ip Assigned IP addresses and IP-related parameters icmp, udp, tcp Transport-protocol specific statistical information ifMIB Information about network interfaces per RFC 2233  Security Concerns and Measures Since SNMP allows write-access to configuration parameters, it is important to protect this interface. The following security measures are available:  A community string (password) can be defined for read-only access and for read/write access.  It is possible to limit access to SNMP to a trusted peer (single IP address or a range of addresses).  SNMPv3 provides an significant security improvement over SNMPv1/2. Version 2.8.0 will support SNMPv3 and will allow the service provider to configure SNMPv3 security parameters.  SNMP traffic can be allowed over an IPSec secured connection – check availability with AudioCodes.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  13. Remote MP252 Management Version 3.4.0  215  June 2011 13.4.4 Syslog Syslog is a standard protocol for reporting and logging of messages over IP network and is defined by RFC 3164. MP252 enables the service provider to configure a Syslog server and a severity level above which errors are sent to the server. Typically, only error-level messages should be sent to the Syslog server (in order not to flood it with irrelevant debug-level information). For debugging, it is possible to temporarily allow logging for debug-level messages (e.g. for SIP messages). Many free Syslog servers exist, including Kiwi Syslog Daemon' (http://www.kiwisyslog.co'm http://www.kiwisyslog.com).   Note:  Since Syslog is used only to output messages from MP252, it does not contain any security concerns.  13.4.5  Automatic File Download A practical, straight-forward and easy to implement method for mass configuration and firmware update is automatic file download from a remote file server (via HTTP, FTP, or TFTP). This method is used by many service providers. Firmware File Download MP252's firmware files contain information about the target product type and the firmware version information.  Configuration File Download MP252 supports two configuration file formats, a *.conf file and an *.ini file. Both files define the same parameters, but in a different format; the *.conf file has a hierarchical tree-like structure and the *.ini file is "flat" (defining the full path for each parameter). As with the firmware file, the configuration file can be “pushed” to MP252 via the Web server or “pulled” by MP252 from a remote server. This section refers only to the second option. When MP252 downloads a file from a remote server, it performs the following actions:  Decrypts the file, if it is encrypted.  Checks that the file version is later than the current configuration file version (if it is not later, the new configuration is not used).  Checks the software version with which the configuration file was created (if the file was created with a later software version, it is not used).
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  216  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual   Merges the configuration file with the current configuration: • Parameters that appear in the new file are modified or added • Parameters that do not appear in the new file remain in their existing value   Notes:  • It is recommended that the configuration file (that is downloaded from the network), contains only the small subset of parameters that the service provider needs to update remotely. • To create the configuration file, it is recommended to use a MP252 that is restored to factory settings, modify the required parameters using the Web GUI, and then upload the configuration file from MP252 with the option to get only the modified configuration fields enabled.  Security Concerns and Measures The main security hazard in automatic file download is that a hacker can force MP252 to download a file from the hacker's server instead of the service provider’s legitimate server. Another concern is exposing information such as the SIP proxy IP address and user and password information in the configuration file (if the hacker is sniffing the network). The following security measures are available to prevent this:  The configuration file can be encrypted using 3DES with pre-configured key. This prevents the user from learning the format of the file and obtaining information from it.  HTTPS can be used to further encrypt the transport.  HTTPS certificates can be used to allow MP252 to authenticate the server and also to prevent the user from acquiring the file from the server. 13.4.6 Telnet CLI MP252 features a Command Line Interface (CLI) over Telnet. The CLI enables the service provider to manage MP252 (e.g. reboot, force a firmware upgrade), to obtain information about the status of the device (e.g. VoIP calls, network interfaces, version information), to change the configuration and to perform different debugging tasks (e.g. enable debug logging, enable packet recording). Typically, the CLI interface is only used for debugging and diagnostics, since it does not allow mass configuration and monitoring. Since the CLI allows all configuration and management operations, it is important to protect it. The following security measures are available:  The CLI is user and password protected (same as the Web).  Telnet access can be blocked from the WAN and/or LAN interfaces.  It is possible to limit Telnet access to specific IP addresses.  Future versions will support SSH.
Version 3.4.0  217  July 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  14. Security 14 Security MP252's security suite includes comprehensive and robust security services: Stateful Packet Inspection Firewall, user authentication protocols and password protection mechanisms. These features together allow users to connect their computers to the Internet and simultaneously be protected from the security threats of the Internet. The firewall, which is the cornerstone of your MP252's security suite, has been exclusively tailored to the needs of the residential/office user and has been pre-configured to provide optimum security. Figure 14-1: Firewall in Action  MP252 firewall provides both the security and flexibility that home and office users seek. It provides a managed, professional level of network security while enabling the safe use of interactive applications, such as Internet gaming and video-conferencing. Additional features, including surfing restrictions and access control, can also be easily configured locally by the user through a user-friendly Web-based interface, or remotely by a service provider. MP252 firewall supports advanced filtering, designed to allow comprehensive control over the firewall's behavior. You can define specific input and output rules, control the order of logically similar sets of rules and make a distinction between rules that apply to WAN and LAN network devices. The Web-based management screens in the Security section feature the following:  The 'General' screen allows you to choose the security level for the firewall (see' General Security Level Settings' on page 218).  The 'Access Control' screen can be used to restrict access from the home network to the Internet (see 'Local Servers (Port Forwarding)' on page 221).  The 'Port Forwarding' screen can be used to enable access from the Internet to specified services provided by computers in the home network and special Internet applications (see 'Port Forwarding' on page 221).  The 'DMZ Host' screen allows you to configure a LAN host to receive all traffic arriving at your MP252, which does not belong to a known session (see' Port Triggering' on page 227).  The 'Port Triggering' screen allows you to define port triggering entries, to dynamically open the firewall for some protocols or ports. (see 'Remote Administration' on page 253).  The 'Website Restrictions' allows you to block LAN access to a certain host or web site on the Internet (see 'Website Restrictions' on page 229).  'Advanced Filtering' allows you to implicitly control the firewall setting and rules (see 'Advanced Filtering' on page 236).
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  218  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual   'Security Log' allows you to view and configure the firewall Log (see Security Log).  14.1  General Security Level Settings Use the 'Security Settings' screen to configure the MP252's basic security settings. Figure 14-2: General Security Level Settings  The firewall regulates the flow of data between the home network and the Internet. Both incoming and outgoing data are inspected and then either accepted (allowed to pass through MP252) or rejected (barred from passing through MP252) according to a flexible and configurable set of rules. These rules are designed to prevent unwanted intrusions from the outside, while allowing home users access to the Internet services that they require. The firewall rules specify what types of services available on the Internet may be accessed from the home network and what types of services available in the home network may be accessed from the Internet. Each request for a service that the firewall receives, whether originating in the Internet or from a computer in the home network, is checked against the set of firewall rules to determine whether the request should be allowed to pass through the firewall. If the request is permitted to pass, then all subsequent data associated with this request (a "session") are also allowed to pass, regardless of its direction. For example, when you point your Web browser to a Web page on the Internet, a request is sent out to the Internet for this page. When the request reaches MP252, the firewall identifies the request type and origin--HTTP and a specific PC in your home network, in this case. Unless you have configured access control to block requests of this type from this computer, the firewall allows this request to pass out onto the Internet (see 'WAN PPPoE' on page 173 for more on setting access controls). When the Web page is returned from the Web server the firewall associates it with this session and allows it to pass, regardless of whether HTTP access from the Internet to the home network is blocked or permitted.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  14. Security Version 3.4.0  219  June 2011 Note that it is the origin of the request, not subsequent responses to this request, that determines whether a session can be established or not. You can choose from among three pre-defined security levels for MP252: Minimum, Typical, and Maximum (the default setting). The table below summarizes the behavior of MP252 for each of the three security levels. Table 14-1: Behavior for the Three Security Levels Security Level  Requests Originating  in the WAN  (Incoming Traffic) Requests  Originating  in the LAN  (Outgoing Traffic) Maximum Security (Default) Blocked: No access to home network from Internet, except as configured in the Local Servers, DMZ host and Remote Access screens Limited: Only commonly- used services, such as Web- browsing and e-mail, are permitted Typical Security  Blocked: No access to home network from Internet, except as configured in the Local Servers, DMZ host and Remote Access screens Unrestricted: All services are permitted, except as configured in the Access Control screen Minimum Security  Unrestricted: Permits full access from Internet to home network; all connection attempts permitted. Unrestricted: All services are permitted, except as configured in the Access Control screen These services include Telnet, FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, DNS, IMAP, POP3 and SMTP.  The list of allowed services at 'Maximum Security' mode can be edited in the screen' 'Access Contro'l on page 220'. Some applications (such as some Internet messengers and Peer-To-Peer client applications) tend to use these ports if they cannot connect with their own default ports. When applying this behaviour, these applications are not blocked outbound, even at Maximum Security Level.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  220  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  ¾ To configure MP252's security settings: (See the figure 'General Security Level Settings') 1.  Choose from among the three predefined security levels described in the table above. 'Maximum Security' is the default setting. Using the Minimum Security setting may expose the home network to significant security risks, and thus should only be used, when necessary, for short periods of time. 2.  Check the 'Block IP Fragments' check box to protect your home network from a common type of hacker attack that could make use of fragmented data packets to sabotage your home network. Note that some UDP-based services make legitimate use of IP fragments. You need to allow IP fragments to pass into the home network to make use of these select services. 3.  In the 'TCP Session timeout' field, enter the time-to-live (TTL) in units of seconds for TCP sessions. The valid range is 1 to 3600 hours (default is an hour). 4.  Click OK to save the changes.  14.2 Access Control You may want to block specific computers within the home network (or even the whole network) from accessing certain services on the Internet. For example, you may want to prohibit one computer from surfing the Web, another computer from transferring files using FTP, and the whole network from receiving incoming e-mail. Access Control defines restrictions on the types of requests that may pass from the home network out to the Internet, and thus may block traffic flowing in both directions. In the e-mail example given above, you may prevent computers in the home network from receiving e-mail by blocking their outgoing requests to POP3 servers on the Internet. There are services you should consider blocking, such as popular game and file sharing servers. For example, to ensure that your employees do not put your business at risk from illegally traded copyright files, you may want to block several popular P2P and file sharing applications. ¾ To view and allow/restrict these services: 1.  From the menu bar, click the Security menu, and in the screen 'Security', click the Access Control tab; the screen 'Access Control' opens. Figure 14-3: Access Control  2.  Click the New  icon; the screen 'Add Access Control Rule' opens (see the figure below). Figure 14-4: Add Access Control Rule
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  14. Security Version 3.4.0  221  June 2011  3.  The parameter 'Address' enables you to specify the computer or group of computers for which you would like to apply the access control rule. You can select between any or a specific computer address in your LAN. If you choose the 'Specify Address' option, the screen refreshes, and an 'Add' link appears. Click it to specify a computer address. Specify an address by creating a 'Network Object'. 4.  The parameter 'Protocol' lets you select or specify the type of protocol to be used. In addition to the list of popular protocols it provides, you may also choose any or a specific protocol. If you choose option 'Specify Protocol', the screen refreshes and an 'Add' link appears. Click it to specify a protocol address.  5.  The parameter 'Schedule' allows you to define the time period during which this rule takes effect. You can select between 'Always' or a specific schedule. If you choose the option 'Specify Schedule', the screen refreshes and an 'Add' link appears. Click it to specify a schedule.  6.  Click OK to save your settings; the 'Access Control' screen displays a summary of the rule that you just added. Click the Edit   icon to edit the access control rule for the service; the screen 'Edit Service' opens. 7.  Select the network group to which you would like to apply the rule and the schedule during which the rule takes effect. 8.  Click OK to save your changes and return to the 'Access Control' screen. You can disable an access control rule and make the service available without having to remove the service from 'Access Control'. This can be useful when making the service only temporarily available and when expecting to reinstate the restriction in the future.  To temporarily disable rule, clear the check box adjacent to the service name.  To reinstate the restriction at a later time, recheck it.  To remove a rule, click the Remove  icon for the service; the service is removed from 'Access Control'.   Note:  When Web Filtering is enabled, HTTP services cannot be blocked by Access Control.   14.3 Port Forwarding By default, MP252 blocks all external users from connecting to or communicating with your network. Therefore, the system is safe from hackers who may try to intrude on the network and damage it. However, you may want to expose your network to the Internet in certain limited and controlled ways to enable some applications to work from the LAN (game, voice and chat applications, for example) and to enable Internet access to servers in the home network. The Port Forwarding feature supports both of these functionalities.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  222  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  The 'Port Forwarding' screen lets you define the applications that require special handling by MP252. You must select the application's protocol and the local IP address of the computer using or providing the service. If required, you can add new protocols in addition to the most common ones provided by MP252. For example, to use an FTP application on one of your PCs, select 'FTP' from the list and enter the local IP address or host name of the designated computer; all FTP-related data arriving at MP252 from the Internet is then forwarded to the specified computer. Similarly, to grant Internet users access to servers inside your home network, you must identify each service that you want to provide and the PC that provides it. For example, to host a Web server inside the home network you must select 'HTTP' from the list of protocols and enter the local IP address or host name of the computer that hosts the Web server. When an Internet user points her browser to the external IP address of MP252, it forwards the incoming HTTP request to the computer that is hosting the Web server. Additionally, port forwarding enables you to redirect traffic to a different port instead of the one to which it was designated. If for example you have a Web server running on your PC on port 8080 and you want to grant access to this server to anyone who accesses MP252 via HTTP, do the following:  Define a port forwarding rule for the HTTP service, with the PC's IP or host name.  Specify 8080 in the field 'Forward to Port'. All incoming HTTP traffic is now forwarded to the PC running the Web server on port 8080. When setting a port forwarding service, you must ensure that the port is not already in use by another application, which may stop functioning. A common example is when using SIP signaling in Voice over IP - the port used by MP252's VoIP application (5060) is the same port on which port forwarding is set for LAN SIP agents.   Note:  Some applications, such as FTP, TFTP, PPTP and H323, require the support of special specific Application Level Gateway (ALG) modules in order to work inside the home network. Data packets associated with these applications contain information that allows them to be routed correctly. An ALG is needed to handle these packets and ensure that they reach their intended destinations. MP252 is equipped with a robust list of ALG modules in order to enable maximum functionality in the home network. The ALG is automatically assigned based on the destination port.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  14. Security Version 3.4.0  223  June 2011 ¾ To add a new port forwarding service : 1.  From the menu bar, click the Security menu, and in the screen 'Security', click the Port Forwarding tab; the screen 'Port Forwarding' opens.  Figure 14-5: Port Forwarding Screen  2.  Click the New   icon; the screen 'Add Port Forwarding Rule' opens.  Figure 14-6: Add Port Forwarding Rule  3.  From the ‘Local Host’ drop-down list, select the network object (defined in Section 4.5.2 on page 46) or define one now by selecting the ‘User Defined’ option. This is the IP address or host name of the computer that provides the service (the 'server'). Note: Only one LAN computer can be assigned to provide a specific service or application. 4.  From the ‘Protocol’ drop-down list, select the type of protocol (defined in Section 4.5.3 on page 47) or select ‘User Defined’ to define one now. You can select multiple protocols for this rule. Figure 14-7: Selecting Protocol Type
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  224  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  5.  Click the Advanced button to configure advanced settings: a.  Select the 'Specify Public IP Address' check box if you want to apply this rule on MP252’s non-default IP address defined in the ‘NAT’ screen (see Section 14.7 on page 232). Enter the additional external IP address in the 'Public IP Address' field. Figure 14-8: Specifying Public IP Address  b.  By default, MP252 forwards traffic to the same port as the incoming port. If you wish to redirect traffic to a different port, then from the 'Forward to Port' drop-down list, select the 'Specify', and then enter the port number in the field provided. c.  By default, the rule is always active. However, you can select a schedule rule that defines the time during which the rule may be active. From the 'Schedule' drop-down list, select a defined Schedule rule (defined in Section 4.5.1 on page 43) or define a new one quickly by selecting 'User Defined'. 6.  Click OK to save changes. You can disable a port forwarding rule to make a service unavailable without having to remove the rule from the screen 'Port Forwarding'. This can be useful when making the service temporarily unavailable and when expecting to reinstate it in the future. Figure 14-9: Select Check Box of Port Forwarding Rule (Active)   To temporarily disable a rule, clear the check box next to the service name.  To reinstate it at a later time, select the check box.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  14. Security Version 3.4.0  225  June 2011  To remove a rule, click the Remove  icon for the service; the service is permanently removed.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  226  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  14.4 DMZ Host The DMZ (Demilitarized) Host feature allows one local computer to be exposed to the Internet. Designate a DMZ host to:  Use a special-purpose Internet service, such as an on-line game or video-conferencing program, that is not present in the Local Servers list and for which no port range information is available.  To expose one computer to all services, without restriction, irrespective of security. Warning: A DMZ host is not protected by the firewall and may be vulnerable to attack. Designating a DMZ host may also put other computers in the home network at risk. When designating a DMZ host, you must consider the security implications and protect it if necessary. An incoming request for access to a service in the home network, such as a Web-server, is fielded by MP252. MP252 forwards this request to the DMZ host (if one is designated) unless the service is being provided by another PC in the home network (assigned in Local Servers), in which case that PC receives the request instead. ¾ To designate a local computer as a DMZ Host: 1.  From the menu bar, click the Security menu, and in the screen 'Security', click the DMZ Host tab; the screen 'DMZ Host' opens. Figure 14-10: DMZ Host  2.  Enter the local IP address of the computer to be designated as a DMZ host. Note that only one LAN computer can be a DMZ host at any time. 3.  Click OK to save your changes and return to the screen 'DMZ Host'. You can disable the DMZ host so that it does not fully exposed to the Internet, but keep its IP address recorded on the 'DMZ Host' screen. This may be useful if you wish to disable the DMZ host but expect that you may want to enable it again in the future.  To disable the DMZ host so that it is not fully exposed to the Internet, clear the check-box next to the DMZ IP designation and click OK.  To re-enable the DMZ host later, recheck the check-box.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  14. Security Version 3.4.0  227  June 2011 14.5 Port Triggering Port triggering can be used for dynamic port forwarding configuration. By setting port triggering rules, you can allow inbound traffic to arrive at a specific LAN host, using ports different than those used for the outbound traffic. This is called port triggering since the outbound traffic triggers to which ports inbound traffic is directed. For example, consider a gaming server that is accessed using UDP protocol on port 222. The gaming server responds by connecting the user using UDP on port 333 when starting gaming sessions. In such a case you must use port triggering, since this scenario conflicts with the following default firewall settings:  The firewall blocks inbound traffic, by default.  The server replies to MP252's IP, and the connection is not sent back to your host, since it is not part of a session. To solve this, you need to define a Port Triggering entry, which allows inbound traffic on UDP port 333, only after a LAN host generated traffic to UDP port 222. This results in accepting the inbound traffic from the gaming server and sending it back to the LAN Host which originated the outgoing traffic to UDP port 222. ¾ To view port triggering settings: 1.  From the menu bar, click the Security menu, and in the screen 'Security', click the Port Triggering tab; the screen 'Port Triggering' opens. The screen lists all port triggering entries. Figure 14-11: Port Triggering
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  228  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  ¾ To add an entry for the gaming example above: 1.  From the drop-down list, select 'User Defined' to add an entry; the screen 'Edit Service' opens.  Figure 14-12: Adding Port Triggering Rules  2.  Enter a name for the service (e.g., 'game_server'), and then click the link New Trigger Ports; the screen 'Edit Service Server Ports' opens. Figure 14-13: Edit Service Server Ports  3.  In the 'Protocol' drop-down list, select 'UDP'; the screen refreshes, providing source and destination port options. 4.  Leave the 'Source Ports' drop-down list at its default 'Any'. In the 'Destination Ports' drop-down list, select 'Single'; the screen refreshes again, providing an additional field in which you should enter '222' as the destination port. Figure 14-14: Edit Service Server Ports  5.  Click OK to save the settings.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  14. Security Version 3.4.0  229  June 2011 6.  In the screen 'Edit Service', click the link New Opened Ports; the screen 'Edit Service Opened Ports' opens. 7.  Similar to the trigger ports screen, select UDP as the protocol, leave the source port at 'Any', and enter a 333 as the single destination port.  Figure 14-15: Edit Service Opened Ports  8.  Click  OK to save the settings; the screen 'Edit Service' presents your entered information. Click OK again to save the port triggering rule; the screen 'Port Triggering' now includes the new port triggering entry. Figure 14-16: New Port Triggering Rule  You can disable a port triggering rule without having to remove it from the screen 'Port Triggering':  To temporarily disable a rule, clear the check box corresponding to the service name.  To reinstate it later, simply reselect the check box.  To remove a rule, click the Remove   icon for the service; the service is permanently removed. There may be a few default port triggering rules listed when you first access the port triggering screen. Note that disabling these rules may result in impaired MP252 functionality. 14.6 Website Restrictions
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  230  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  You can configure MP252 to block specific Internet websites so that they cannot be accessed from computers in the home network. Moreover, restrictions can be applied to a comprehensive and automatically-updated table of sites to which access is not recommended. ¾ To block access to a website: 1.  From the menu bar, click the Security menu, and in the screen 'Security', click the Website Restrictions tab; the screen 'Website Restrictions' opens.  Figure 14-17: Website Restrictions  2.  Click the New   icon; the 'Restricted Website' screen appears.  Figure 14-18: Restricted Website  3.  Enter the website address (IP address or URL) that you would like to make inaccessible from your home network (all Web pages within the site are also blocked). If the website address has multiple IP addresses, MP252 resolves all additional addresses and automatically adds them to the restrictions table.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  14. Security Version 3.4.0  231  June 2011 4.  The 'Local Host' drop-down list provides you the ability to specify the computer or group of computers for which you would like to apply the website restriction. You can select between any or a specific computer address in your LAN. If you choose the option 'User Defined', the screen refreshes and the 'Edit Network Object' appears:  Figure 14-19: Add a Specific Host  5.  Click the New   icon to specify a computer address. Specify an address creating a 'Network Object'. 6.  The parameter Schedule allows you to define the time period during which this rule takes effect. You can select between 'Always' or a specific schedule. If you choose the option 'User Defined', the screen 'Edit Scheduler Rule' appears:  Figure 14-20: Add a Specific Schedule  7.  Click the New   icon to specify the time segment, and then click OK. 8.  Click OK to save the settings; MP252 attempts to find the site. 'Resolving...' appears in the Status column while the site is being located (the URL is 'resolved' into one or more IP addresses). 9.  Click the Refresh button to update the status if necessary. If the site is successfully located, 'Resolved' appears in the status bar; if not, 'Hostname Resolution Failed' appears.  ¾ If MP252 fails to locate the website: 1.  Use a Web browser to verify that the website is available. If it is, then you probably entered the website address incorrectly.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  232  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  2.  If the website is unavailable, return to the screen 'Website Restrictions' later and click the button Resolve Now to verify that the website can be found and blocked by MP252. 3.  You can edit the website restriction by modifying its entry under the column 'Local Host' in the screen 'Website Restrictions'. ¾ To modify an entry: 1.  Click the icon Edit for the restriction; the screen 'Restricted Website' opens. Modify the website address, group or schedule as required. 2.  Click OK to save your changes and return to the screen 'Website Restrictions'. ¾ To ensure that all current IP addresses corresponding to the restricted websites are blocked: 1.  Click the button Resolve Now; MP252 checks each of the restricted website addresses and ensures that all IP addresses at which this website can be found are included in the IP addresses column. You can disable a restriction to make a website available again without having to remove it from the screen 'Website Restrictions'. This can be useful when making the website temporarily available and when expecting to block it again in the future.  To temporarily disable a rule, clear the check box adjacent to the service name.  To reinstate it at a later time, recheck the check box.  To remove a rule, click the Remove   icon for the service; the service is permanently removed.  14.7 NAT MP252 features a configurable Network Address Translation (NAT) and Network Address Port Translation (NAPT) mechanism, allowing you to control the network addresses and ports of packets routed through your gateway. When enabling multiple computers on your network to access the Internet using a fixed number of public IP addresses, you can statically define which LAN IP address will be translated to which NAT IP address and/or ports. By default, MP252 operates in NAPT routing mode. However, you can control your network translation by defining static NAT/NAPT rules. Such rules map LAN computers to NAT IP addresses. The NAT/NAPT mechanism is useful for managing Internet usage in your LAN, or complying with various application demands. For example, you can assign your primary LAN computer with a single NAT IP address, in order to assure its permanent connection to the Internet. Another example is when an application server with which you wish to connect, such as a security server, requires that packets have a specific IP address – you can define a NAT rule for that address.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  14. Security Version 3.4.0  233  June 2011 ¾ To define NAT: 1.  From the menu bar, click the Security menu, and in the screen 'Security', click the NAT tab; the screen 'NAT' opens. Figure 14-21: NAT Screen  2.  Before configuring NAT/NAPT rules, you must first enter the additional public IP addresses obtained from your ISP as your NAT IP addresses, in the 'NAT IP Addresses Pool' section. The primary IP address used by the WAN device for dynamic NAPT should not be added to this table.  a.  To add a NAT IP address, click the New   icon; the 'Edit Item' screen appears. Figure 14-22: Adding a NAT IP Address  b.  From the 'Network Object Type' drop-down list, select between IP address, subnet or range, and then enter the information respectively, and click OK to save the settings.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  234  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  3.  To add a new NAT/NAPT rule: a.  In the 'NAT/NAPT Rule Sets' section, click the New Entry link; the 'Add NAT/NAPT Rule' screen appears. Figure 14-23: Adding NAT/NAPT Rule  This screen is divided into two main sections: 'Matching' and 'Operation'. The 'Matching' section defines the LAN addresses to be translated to the external addresses, which are defined in the 'Operation' section. 4.  'Matching' section (define characteristics of the packets matching the rule): a.  Source Address: source address of packets sent or received by MP252. You can select the computer or group of computers on which you would like to apply the rule. To apply the rule on all the LAN hosts, select 'Any' . If you would like to add a new address, select the 'User Defined'. This commences a sequence to add a new Network Object, representing the new host. b.  Destination Address: destination address of packets sent or received by MP252. This address can be configured in the same manner as the source address. This entry enables further filtration of the packets. c.  Protocol: specifies a traffic protocol. Selecting the 'Show All Services' option expands the list of available protocols. Select a protocol or add a new one using the 'User Defined' option. This commences a sequence that adds a new Service, representing the protocol. Using a protocol requires observing the relationship between a client and a server to distinguish between the source and destination ports.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  14. Security Version 3.4.0  235  June 2011 5.  Operation section (define the operation to apply on the IP addresses, matching the criteria defined above): NAT or NAPT.  • NAT Addresses: NAT address into which the original IP address is translated. The drop-down list displays all of your available NAT addresses/ranges from which you can select an entry. If you would like to add a single address or a sub-range from the given pool/range, select the 'User Defined' option. This commences a sequence that adds a new Network Object, representing the new host. • NAPT Address: NAPT address into which the original IP address is translated. The drop-down list displays all of your available NAPT addresses/ranges from which you can select an entry. If you would like to add a single address or a sub-range from the given pool/range, select the 'User Defined' option. This commences a sequence that adds a new Network Object, representing the new host. . Note, that in this case the network object may only be an IP address, as NAPT is port-specific. ♦ NAPT Ports: specify the port(s) of the IP address into which the original IP address is translated. Enter a single port or select 'Range' (the screen refreshes, enabling you to enter a range of ports). 6.  Select the 'Log Packets Matched by This Rule' check box to log the first packet from a connection that was matched by this rule. 7.  By default, the 'Schedule' rule is always active. However, you can configure scheduler rules to define time segments during which the rule may be active.  8.  Click OK to save the settings.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  236  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  14.8 Connections The connection list displays all the connections that are currently open, as well as various details and statistics. You can use this list to close an undesired connection by clicking its corresponding action icon. The basic display includes the name of the protocol, the different ports it uses, and the direction in which the connection was initiated. ¾ To view currently open connections: 1.  From the menu bar, click the Security menu, and in the screen 'Security', click the Connections tab; the screen 'Connections' opens. 2.  From the Connections Per Page drop-down list, select the number of connections that you want displayed per page. To browse to the next page, click the   icon or the page number located at the bottom left of the page. Figure 14-24: Connections Screen  To display additional details in the Connection list, click the Advanced button. The 'Approximate Max. Connections' value displays the amount of additional concurrent connections possible.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  14. Security Version 3.4.0  237  June 2011 14.9 Advanced Filtering Advanced filtering is designed to allow comprehensive control over the firewall's behavior. You can define specific input and output rules, control the order of logically similar sets of rules and make a distinction between rules that apply to WAN and LAN devices. ¾ To view MP252's advanced filtering options:  From the menu bar, click the Security menu, and in the screen 'Security', click the Advanced Filtering tab; the 'Advanced Filtering' opens. Figure 14-25: Advanced Filtering
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  238  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  This screen is divided into two identical sections, one for 'Input Rule Sets' and the other for 'Output Rule Sets', which are for configuring inbound and outbound traffic, respectively. Each section is comprised of subsets, which can be grouped into three main subjects: 1.  Initial rules - rules defined here are applied first, on all MP252 devices. 2.  Network devices rules - rules can be defined per MP252. 3.  Final rules - rules defined here are applied last, on all MP252 devices.  Numerous rules are automatically inserted by the firewall to provide improved security and block harmful attacks.   Note:  The order of appearance of the firewall rules determines the sequence by which they are applied.  ¾ To configure an advanced filtering rule: 1.  After choosing the traffic direction and the device on which to set the rule, click the corresponding link New Entry; the screen 'Add Advanced Filter' opens. Figure 14-26: Add Advanced Filter
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  14. Security Version 3.4.0  239  June 2011 2.  In the section 'Matching', define a match between IP addresses and a traffic protocol: a.  Configure the source address of the packets sent to or received from the network object. To add an address, select the option 'User Defined' from the drop-down list; the screen 'Edit Network Object' appears. Figure 14-27: Add a Specific Host  Click the New   icon; this commences a sequence that adds a new network object.  b.  Configure the destination address of the packets sent to or received from the network object. This address can be configured in the same manner as the source address. c.  From the 'Protocol' drop-down list, select a specific traffic protocol or add a new one (by selecting 'User Defined'); the 'Edit Services' screen appears. Click the link New Server Ports; this commences a sequence that adds a new protocol.  3.  Select the check box 'DSCP' to mark a DSCP value on packets matching this rule; the screen refreshes, allowing you to enter the hexadecimal value of the DSCP. 4.  Select the check box 'Priority' to add a priority to the rule; the screen refreshes, allowing you to select between one of eight priority levels, zero being the lowest and seven the highest (each priority level is mapped to low/medium/high priority). This sets the priority of a packet on the connection matching the rule, while routing the packet. Figure 14-28: Set Priority Rule  5.  Select the check box 'Length' to specify the length of packets or the length of their data portion. 6.  In the section 'Operation', define the action of the rule: • Drop: Deny access to packets that match the source and destination IP addresses and service ports defined in 'Matching'. • Reject: Deny access to packets that match the source and destination IP addresses and service ports defined in 'Matching' and sends and sends an ICMP error or a TCP reset to the origination peer. • Accept Connection: Allow access to packets that match the source and destination IP addresses and service ports defined in 'Matching'. The data transfer session is handled using Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI).
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  240  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  • Accept Packet: Allow access to packets that match the source and destination IP addresses and service ports defined in 'Matching'. The data transfer session is not handled using Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI), meaning that other packets that match this rule are not automatically allowed access. For example, this can useful when creating rules that allow broadcasting. 7.  Under the section 'Logging', select the parameter 'Log Packets Matched By This Rule' to log the first packet from a connection that was matched by this rule. 8.  By default, the 'Schedule' rule is always active. However, you can configure scheduler rules to define time segments during which the rule may be active.  9.  Click OK to save the settings.  14.10 Security Log The Security log displays a list of firewall-related events, including attempts to establish inbound and outbound connections, attempts to authenticate at an administrative interface (Web-based management or Telnet terminal), firewall configuration and system start-up. ¾ To view the Security Log: 1.  From the menu bar, click the Security menu, and in the screen 'Security', click the Log tab; the screen 'Log' opens. Figure 14-29: Security Log  2.  The log table displays the following: • Time: to determine the time the event occurred. • Event: type of event. There are five types of events:
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  14. Security Version 3.4.0  241  June 2011 ♦ Inbound Traffic: The event is a result of an incoming packet. ♦ Outbound Traffic: The event is a result of outgoing packet. ♦ Firewall Setup: Configuration message. ♦ WBM Login: Indicates that a user has logged in to WBM. ♦ CLI Login: Indicates that a user has logged in to CLI (via Telnet). • Event-Type: textual description of the event: ♦ Blocked: The packet was blocked. The message is color-coded red. ♦ Accepted: The packet was accepted. The message is color-coded green. • Details: details of the packet or the event, such as protocol, IP addresses, ports, etc. ¾ To change the security log settings: 1.  In the 'Log' screen, click Settings; the screen 'Log Settings' opens. Figure 14-30: Security Log Settings  2.  Select the types of activities for which you would like to have a log message generated. • Accepted Events: ♦ Accepted Incoming Connections: Write a log message for each successful attempt to establish an inbound connection to the home network. ♦ Accepted Outgoing Connections: Write a log message for each successful attempt to establish an outgoing connection to the public network. • Blocked Events:
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  242  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  ♦ All Blocked Connection Attempts: Write a log message for each blocked attempt to establish an inbound connection to the home network or vice versa. You can enable logging of blocked packets of specific types by disabling this option, and enabling some of the more specific options below it. ♦ Specific Events: Specify the blocked events that should be monitored. Use this to monitor specific event such as SynFlood. A log message is generated if either the corresponding check-box is checked, or the check-box 'All Blocked Connection Attempts' is checked. • Other Events: ♦ Remote Administration Attempts: Write a log message for each remote-administration connection attempt, whether successful or not. ♦ Connection States: Provide extra information about every change in a connection opened by the firewall. Use this option to track connection handling by the firewall and Application Level Gateways (ALGs). • Log Buffer: ♦ Prevent Log Overrun: Select this check box in order to stop logging firewall activities when the memory allocated for the log fills up. 3.  Click OK to save the settings.
Version 3.4.0  243  July 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  15. Advanced Networking Features 15 Advanced Networking Features This chapter describes various advanced networking features such as DHCP. 15.1  IP Address Distribution The MP252's Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server makes it possible to easily add computers that are configured as DHCP clients to the home network. It provides a mechanism for allocating IP addresses and delivering network configuration parameters to such hosts. MP252's default DHCP server is the LAN bridge. A client (host) sends out a broadcast message on the LAN requesting an IP address for itself. The DHCP server then checks its list of available addresses and leases a local IP address to the host for a specific period of time and simultaneously designates this IP address as `taken'. At this point, the host is configured with an IP address for the duration of the lease. The host can choose to renew an expiring lease or let it expire. If it chooses to renew a lease then it also receives current information about network services, as it did with the original lease, allowing it to update its network configurations to reject any changes that may have occurred since it first connected to the network. If the host wishes to terminate a lease before its expiration it can send a release message to the DHCP server, which then makes the IP address available for use by others. The MP252 embedded DHCP server provides the following features:  Displays a list of all DHCP host devices connected to MP252  Defines the range of IP addresses that can be allocated to the LAN  Defines the length of time for which dynamic IP addresses are allocated  Provides the above configurations for each LAN device and can be configured and enabled / disabled separately for each LAN device  Can assign a static lease to a LAN PC so that it receives the same IP address each time it connects to the network even if this IP address is within the range of addresses that the DHCP server may assign to other computers  Provides the DNS server with the host name and IP address of each PC that is connected to the LAN In addition, MP252 can act as a DHCP relay, escalating DHCP responsibilities to a WAN DHCP server. In this case, MP252 acts merely as a router, while its LAN hosts receives their IP addresses from an external DHCP server on the WAN. With MP252's optional Zero Configuration Technology feature, the IP Auto Detection method detects statically-defined IP addresses in addition to MP252's DHCP clients. It learns all the IP addresses on the LAN and integrates the collected information with the database of the DHCP server. This allows the DHCP server to issue valid leases, thus avoiding conflicting IP addresses used by other computers in the network.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  244  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  ¾ To view services currently provided by the DHCP server:  In the 'Advanced' screen, click the IP Address Distribution    icon; the 'IP Address Distribution' screen appears.  Figure 15-1: DHCP Server Summary    Note:  If the 'Service' column displays “Disabled”, then DHCP services are not being provided to hosts connected to the network through that MP252 interface. This means that MP252 does not assign IP addresses to these computers, which is useful if you wish to work with static IP addresses only.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  15. Advanced Networking Features Version 3.4.0  245  June 2011 15.1.1  DHCP Server Parameters The procedure below describes how to edit a service provided by the DHCP server. ¾ To edit the DHCP server settings for a device: 1.  In the 'IP Address Distribution' screen, click the Edit  icon corresponding to the entry that you want to edit; the DHCP Server settings for this device are displayed.  Figure 15-2: DHCP Settings Screen  2.  From the 'IP Address Distribution' drop-down list, select whether to disable the MP252 DHCP server, or enable DHCP (MP252 serves as a DHCP server or DHCP relay). 3.  In the ‘Start IP Address’ and ‘End IP Address’ fields, define the IP address range. This determines the number of hosts that may be connected to the network in this subnet. The 'Start IP Address' field specifies the first IP address that may be assigned in this subnet; the 'End IP Address' field specifies the last IP address in the range. 4.  In the ‘Subnet Mask’ field, define the subnet to which an IP address belongs (e.g., 5.  In the ‘Lease Time in Minutes’ field, define the time for which each device is assigned an IP address by the DHCP server when it connects to the network. When the lease expires, the server determines if the computer has disconnected from the network. If it has, then the server may reassign this IP address to a newly-connected computer. This feature ensures that IP addresses that are not in use become available for other computers on the network. 6.  Select the ‘Provide Host Name If Not Specified by Client’ check box to enable the MP252 to assign clients a default name if they do not have a host name. 7.  Click OK.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  246  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  15.1.2  DHCP Relay Parameters The MP252 can act as a DHCP relay if you want to dynamically assign IP addresses from a DHCP server other than the MP252's DHCP server. .   Note:  When implementing DHCP relay, you must configure the WAN of the MP252 to operate in routing mode.  ¾ To configure a device as a DHCP relay: 1.  In the 'IP Address Distribution' screen, click the Edit  icon corresponding to the entry that you want to edit; the DHCP Server settings for this device are displayed.  2.  From the 'IP Address Distribution' drop-down list, select the 'DHCP Relay' option; the 'DHCP Settings' screen appears. Figure 15-3: DHCP Settings  3.  Click the New   icon; the 'DHCP Relay Server Address' screen appears.  Figure 15-4: DHCP Relay Server Address Screen  4.  In the 'IP Address' field, enter the IP address of the DHCP server. 5.  Click OK to save your changes. 6.  Click OK once more in the 'DHCP Settings' screen. 7.  Change MP252's WAN to operate in routing mode: a.  On the menu bar, click the Network Connections menu; the 'Network Connections' screen appears. b.  Click the Edit  icon corresponding to the WAN Ethernet connection; the 'WAN Ethernet Properties' screen appears. c.  Click the Routing tab. d.  From the 'Routing Mode' drop-down list, select 'Route'. e.  Click OK to save the settings.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  15. Advanced Networking Features Version 3.4.0  247  June 2011 15.1.3 Viewing DHCP Clients The procedure below describes how to view a list of hosts (computers) that are allocated IP addresses by the DHCP server.  ¾ To view a list of computers currently recognized by the DHCP server: 1.  In the 'IP Address Distribution' screen, click the Connection List button; the 'DHCP Connections' screen appears. Figure 15-5: DHCP Connection Screen   15.1.4  Defining Static DHCP Clients The procedure below describes how to define a static (fixed) IP address for a DHCP client. ¾ To define a DHCP client with a fixed IP address: 1.  In the 'IP Address Distribution' screen, click the Connection List button; the 'DHCP Connections' screen appears. 2.  Click the New   icon; the 'DHCP Connection Settings' screen appears. Figure 15-6: DHCP Connection Settings Screen  3.  In the 'Host Name' field, enter a host name for this connection. 4.  In the 'IP Address' field, enter the fixed IP address to be assigned to the computer. 5.  In the 'MAC Address' field, enter the MAC address of the computer's network card.   Note:  A device's fixed IP address is actually assigned to the specific network card's (NIC) MAC address installed on the LAN computer. If you replace this network card then you must update the device's entry in the DHCP Connections list with the new network card's MAC address.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  248  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  6.  Click OK to save the settings; the 'DHCP Connections' screen reappears displaying the defined static connection. This connection can be edited or deleted.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  15. Advanced Networking Features Version 3.4.0  249  June 2011 15.2 DNS Server The DNS Server  icon allows you to manage the MP252 Domain Name System (DNS) server. The DNS server does not require configuration. However, you can view the list of computers known by the DNS, edit the host names or IP addresses of computers in the list, or manually add a new computer to the list. DNS provides a service that translates domain names into IP addresses and vice versa. MP252's DNS server is an auto-learning DNS, which means that when a new computer is connected to the network, the DNS server learns its name and automatically adds it to the DNS table. Other network users may immediately communicate with this computer using either its name or its IP address. The MP252 DNS server also provides the following functionalities:  Shares a common database of domain names and IP addresses with the DHCP server.  Supports multiple subnets within the LAN simultaneously.  Automatically appends a domain name to unqualified names.  Allows new domain names to be added to the database using MP252's Web interface.  Permits a computer to have multiple host names.  Permits a host name to have multiple IPs (needed if a host has multiple network cards).
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  250  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  ¾ To add a new host computer to the DNS table: 1.  In the 'Advanced' screen, click the   icon; the DNS table is displayed. Figure 15-7: DNS Server  2.  Click the New   icon; the 'DNS Entry' screen appears. Figure 15-8: DNS Entry  3.  Enter the computer's host name and IP address. 4.  Click OK to save your changes. ¾ To edit the host name or IP address of an entry: 1.  Click the Edit   icon corresponding to the host that you want to edit; the 'DNS Entry' screen appears. 2.  If the host was manually added to the DNS Table, you can modify its host name and/or IP address. If it wasn't, you can only modify its host name. 3.  Click OK to save your changes. ¾ To remove a host from the DNS table:  Click the Remove   icon corresponding to the host that you want to delete; the entry is removed from the table. 15.3 Dynamic DNS The Dynamic DNS (DDNS) feature allows you to alias a dynamic IP address to a static hostname, allowing your computer to be more easily accessible from various locations on the Internet. Typically, when you connect to the Internet, your ITSP assigns an unused IP address from a pool of IP addresses, and this address is used only for the duration of a specific connection. Dynamically assigning addresses extends the usable pool of available IP addresses, whilst maintaining a constant domain name. When using the DDNS service, each time the IP address provided by your ITSP changes, the DNS database changes accordingly to reflect the change. In this way, even though your IP address changes often, your domain name remains constant and accessible.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  15. Advanced Networking Features Version 3.4.0  251  June 2011 To be able to use the Dynamic DNS (DDNS) feature, you must first open a free DDNS account at http://www.dyndns.org/account/create.html. When applying for an account, you need to specify a user name and password. Have them readily available when customizing MP252's DDNS support. For detailed information on DDNS, see http://www.dyndns.org. ¾ To open a dynamic DNS account: 1.  In the 'Advanced' screen, click the Personal Domain Name (Dynamic DNS)   icon; the 'Personal Domain Name (Dynamic DNS)' screen appears. Figure 15-9: Personal Domain Name (Dynamic DNS) Screen  2.  Click the New   icon to add a new connection; the 'Personal Domain Name (Dynamic DNS)' screen appears. Figure 15-10: Personal Domain Name (Dynamic DNS) - Adding  3.  In the ‘Host Name’ field, enter your full DDNS domain name. 4.  From the ‘Connection’ drop-down list, select the connection to which you want to couple the DDNS service. The DDNS service uses only the selected device, unless failover is enabled. In this case, the failed-to device is used instead (assuming its route rules consent), until the chosen device is up again. In a single WAN scenario, this field appears as static text (non-configurable). This is applicable if you have multiple WAN devices.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  252  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  5.  From the ‘Provider’ drop-down list, select your DDNS service provider and then click the link  Click here to initiate and manage your subscription to open the selected provider's account creation Web page. For example, if you select ‘dyndns.org’, the following page opens: http://www.dyndns.com/account. 6.  In the ‘User Name’ and ‘Password’ fields, enter your DDNS user name and password, respectively. 7.  To enable use of special links (such as such as www.<your host>.dyndns.org), select the ‘Wildcard’ check box. 8.  In the ‘Mail Exchanger’ field, enter your mail exchange server address to redirect all e-mails arriving at your DDNS address to your mail server. 9.  To designate the mail exchange server as a backup server, select the ‘Backup MX’ check box. 10.  To temporarily take your site offline (i.e., prevent traffic from reaching your DDNS domain name), select the ‘Offline’ check box. This redirects DNS requests to an alternative, predefined URL. The availability of this feature depends on your DDNS account's level of service. The redirection URL must be configured through the account as well. 11.  From the ‘SSL Mode’ drop-down list, select the certificate validation method used by MP252 to validate the DDNS server's certificate upon secured connection to DDNS using HTTPS: • None: The server's certificate is not validated. • Chain: Validates the entire certificate chain. When selecting this option, the screen refreshes, displaying the 'Validate Time' drop-down list for selecting whether or not to validate the certificate's expiration time ('Ignore' or 'Check' respectively). If the certificate has expired, the connection terminates immediately. • Direct: Ensures that the server's certificate is directly signed by the root certificate. This option also provides the 'Validate Time' drop-down list for validation of the certificate's expiration time, as described above. 12.  Click OK.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  15. Advanced Networking Features Version 3.4.0  253  June 2011 15.4 Routing This section describes how to configure routing rules and enable routing protocols. These are configured in the ‘Routing’ screen, as described below. ¾ To access the Routing screen:  In the 'Advanced' screen, click the Routing  icon; the 'Routing' screen appears. Figure 15-11: Routing Rules  15.4.1  Managing Routing Table Rules The procedure below describes how to add routing rules. ¾ To add routing tables: 1.  In the 'Advanced' screen, click the New   icon in the Routing Table; the 'Route Settings' screen appears. Figure 15-12: Route Settings Screen  2.  From the ‘Name’ drop-down list, select the network device for which you want to add a routing rule.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  254  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  3.  In the ‘Destination’ field, enter the destination host, subnet address, network address, or default route. The destination for a default route is “”. 4.  In the ‘Netmask’ field, enter the network mask that used in conjunction with the destination to determine when a route is used. 5.  In the ‘Gateway’ field, enter the MP252's IP address. 6.  In the ‘Metric’ field, enter the measurement of the preference of a route. Typically, the lowest metric is the most preferred route. If multiple routes exist to a given destination network, the route with the lowest metric is used. 7.  Click OK to save your settings.   15.4.2 Routing Protocols MP252 supports IGMP multicasting, which allows hosts connected to a network to be updated whenever an important change occurs in the network. A multicast is simply a message that is sent simultaneously to a pre-defined group of recipients. When you join a multicast group you receive all messages addressed to the group, similar to an e-mail message sent to a mailing list. IGMP multicasting enables UPnP capabilities over wireless networks and may also be useful when connected to the Internet through a router. When an application running on a computer in the home network sends out a request to join a multicast group, MP252 intercepts and processes the request. If MP252 is set to 'Minimum Security', no further action is required. However, if MP252 is set to 'Typical Security' or 'Maximum Security', you must add the group's IP address to MP252's 'Multicast Groups' screen. This allows incoming messages addressed to the group to pass through the MP252 firewall and on to the correct LAN computer. ¾ To configure routing protocols: 1.  In the 'Advanced' screen, under the Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) group, do the following:  a.  Select the 'Enabled' check box to enable IGMP multicasting.  b.  Select the ‘IGMP Fast Leave' check box if you want MP252 to stop forwarding traffic to a host that is the only subscriber, immediately upon request (without query delay). c.  Select the 'IGMP Multicast to Unicast' check box to enable MP252 to convert the incoming multicast data stream into unicast format to route it to the specific LAN host that requested the data. In this way, MP252 prevents flooding the rest of the LAN hosts with irrelevant multicast traffic. 2.  Under the Packet Streaming Engine group, from the ‘Software Acceleration’ drop-down list, select the packet flow speed:  • None: Packet Streaming Engine (PSE) is disabled • Medium: PSE is active (recommended) • High: PSE traffic is prioritized over other traffic 3.  Click OK.  15.5 PPPoE Relay PPPoE relay enables MP252 to relay packets on PPPoE connections while keeping its designated functionality for any additional connections.  ¾ To enable PPPoE relay:
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  15. Advanced Networking Features Version 3.4.0  255  June 2011 1.  In the 'Advanced' screen, click the PPPoE Relay   icon; the 'PPPoE Relay' screen appears. Figure 15-13: PPPoE Relay Screen  2.  Select the 'Enabled' check box. 3.  Click OK.
Version 3.4.0  257  July 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  16. Home Media 16 Home Media 16.1  Universal Plug and Play Universal Plug-and-Play (UPnP) is a networking architecture that provides compatibility among networking equipment, software, and peripherals. UPnP-enabled products can seamlessly connect and communicate with other UPnP-enabled devices without the need for user configuration, centralized servers, or product-specific device drivers. This technology leverages existing standards and technologies, including TCP/IP, HTTP 1.1 and XML, facilitating the incorporation of UPnP capabilities into a wide range of networked products for the home.  UPnP technologies are rapidly adopted and integrated into widely-used consumer products such as Windows XP. Therefore it is critical that today's Residential Gateways be UPnP-compliant. Your MP252 is at the forefront of this development, offering a complete software platform for UPnP devices. This means that any UPnP-enabled control point (client) can dynamically join the network, obtain an IP address and exchange information about its capabilities and those of other computers on the network. They can subsequently communicate with each other directly, thereby further enabling peer-to-peer networking. And this all happens automatically, providing a truly zero-configuration network. 16.1.1  Enabling UPnP on MP252 The procedure below describes how to enable the UPnP feature on MP252. ¾ To enable UPnP: 1.  In the 'Advanced' screen, click the Universal Plug and Play   icon; the 'Universal Plug and Play' screen appears. Figure 16-1: Advanced - Universal Plug n Play  2.  Select the ‘Allow Other Network Users to Control MP252’s Network Features’ to enable the UPnP feature. This allows you to define UPnP services on any of the LAN hosts. 3.  Select the ‘Enable Automatic Cleanup of Old Unused UPnP Services’ to enable automatic cleanup of invalid rules. This feature checks the validity of all UPnP services every five minutes, and removes old and obsolete services, unless a user-defined rule depends on them. 4.  From the ‘WAN Connection Publication’ drop-down list, select which WAN information is published by MP252. By default, MP252 publishes only its main WAN connection, which is controllable by UPnP entities. However, you may select the 'Publish All WAN Connections' option if you wish to grant UPnP control over all of MP252’s WAN connections.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  258  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  16.1.2  Adding UPnP-enabled PC to Home Network If your computer is running an operating system that supports UPnP such as Windows XP, you can add the computer to your home network and access the Web-based Management directly from Windows. ¾ To add a UPnP-enabled computer to the home network:  Connect the PC to MP252; the PC automatically recognizes and adds to the home network. MP252 is added to 'My Network Places' as the Internet Gateway Device and allows configuration via a standard Windows interface. A message appears on the notification area of the taskbar notifying that the PC has been added to the network. ¾ To access the Web-based management directly from Windows: 1.  Open the 'My Network Places' window by double-clicking its desktop icon.  Figure 16-2: My Network Places  2.  Double-click the MP252 Internet Gateway Device icon. The MP252 Web interface ‘Login’ screen appears in a browser window. This method is similar to opening a browser window and typing in ''. 16.1.3 Monitoring Connection between MP252 and Internet The procedure below describes how to monitor the status of the connection between MP252 and the Internet. ¾ To monitor the status of the connection between MP252 and the Internet: 1.  Open the 'Network Connections' control panel. 2.  Double-click the Internet Connection icon. The 'Internet Connection Status' window appears:
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  16. Home Media Version 3.4.0  259  June 2011 Figure 16-3: Internet Connection Status  16.1.4  Making Local Services available to PCs on Internet You can make services provided by computers in the home network available to computers on the Internet. For example, you may designate a PC in your home network to act as a Web server, allowing computers on the Internet to request pages from it. Or a game that you want to play over the Internet may require that specific ports be opened to allow communication between your PC and other players.  ¾ To make local services available to computers on the Internet: 1.  Open the 'Network Connections' control panel. 2.  Right-click 'Internet Connection', and then choose Properties; The 'Internet Connection Properties' window appears.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  260  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Figure 16-4: Internet Connection Properties   3.  Click the Settings button; the 'Advanced Settings' window. Figure 16-5: Advanced Settings
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  16. Home Media Version 3.4.0  261  June 2011 4.  Select a local service that you would like to make available to computers on the Internet; the 'Service Settings' window automatically appears. Figure 16-6: Service Settings   5.  Enter the local IP address of the computer that provides this service and then click OK. 6.  Select other services as desired and repeat the previous step for each. 7.  Click OK to save the settings.  ¾ To add a local service that is not listed in the 'Advanced Settings' window: 1.  Follow steps 1-3 above. 2.  Click the Add button; the 'Service Settings' window appears. Figure 16-7: Service Settings – Add Service  3.  Complete the fields as indicated in the window. 4.  Click OK to close the window and return to the 'Advanced Settings' window; the service is selected.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  262  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  5.  Click OK to save the settings.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  17. Add-On Servers and Disk Management Version 3.4.0  263  June 2011  17  Add-On Servers and Disk Management 17.1  External File Server MP252 provides a file server utility, allowing you to perform various tasks on your files, such as manage file server shares and define access control lists. The file server utility complements MP252’s disk management. ¾ To configure the file server: 1.  In the 'Advanced' screen, click the File Server  icon; the screen File Server' opens. Figure 17-1: File Server Screen  2.  Configure the following: • Enabled: Select or clear this check box to enable or disable this feature. • NetBIOS Workgroup: MP252 workgroup name that is displayed in the Windows network map of LAN hosts. • Automatic Sharing: ♦ Automatically Share All Partitions: A partitioned storage device connected to MP252 is automatically displayed and shared by all LAN computers. This feature is enabled by default.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  264  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  ♦ Allow Guest Access: From the drop-down list, select a permission level, according to which the LAN users access the share: 9 Read/Write: Every LAN user can read and write the shared files without authentication. 9 Read Only: Every LAN user can only read the shared files. 9 Disabled: LAN users must authenticate themselves to access the share. They can use the share according to their permissions defined in the 'User Settings' screen. • File Server Shares: Define file shares on your disk partitions, as described in the following sections. 17.1.1  Automatic File Sharing By default, all partitions are automatically shared and displayed.  ¾ To share specific directories or partitions: 1.  Clear the 'Automatically Share All Partitions' check box, and then click Apply. The list of all automatically shared partitions disappears. 2.  In the ‘File Server Shares’ table, click New   icon to define a new share; the 'File Server Share Settings' screen appears. Figure 17-2: File Server Share Settings Screen  3.  Enter the share's name (default is “share”), path, and (optionally) comment. The share's name is not case sensitive. Even if entered in upper-case letters, the name is displayed in lower case after saving the setting. 4.  Associate a user or group of users with the share to grant them access to the shared files, by clicking the New User or New Group link in the Users or Groups table. Note that the user’s settings must have the ‘Microsoft File and Printer Sharing Access’ check box selected under the 'Permissions' section (see ‘Configuring Users’ on page 40); the ‘User’ screen appears:
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  17. Add-On Servers and Disk Management Version 3.4.0  265  June 2011 Figure 17-3: User Screen  d.  From the ‘Name’ drop-down list, select the user name and the allowed access. e.  Click OK. 5.  Click OK to save the settings. The 'File Server' screen appears, displaying the share.  Figure 17-4: File Server Screen with the Share  Click the share's name to view its content. The screen refreshes as the share is accessed This screen enables you to modify and view the content of your file share. In the upper section of this screen, you can modify your file share by adding files or directories to it. Use the drop-down list to select an action:  Upload a File: Uploads a file to the share. The screen refreshes - enter the location of the file to upload, or click the Browse button to browse for the file. Click the Upload button to upload the file.  Upload a Directory: You can also upload an entire directory of files, by performing the following: a.  Create a tarball archive out of the target directory. b.  Enter the location of the archive, or click the Browse button to browse to its location. c.  Click the Upload button to upload the archive.  Create a new Directory: You can create a new directory by simply typing its name and clicking Go.  Paste from Clipboard: This option appears only after using the 'Copy to Clipboard' option to copy a directory or file from one directory to another. The lower section of the screen displays your share's content. You can click the different directory names to access them or you can download, rename, copy or remove the directories using the standard action icons.   17.2 Disk Management The Disk Management  icon allows you to configure disk management. MP252 can operate as a disk manager for either internal disks connected through IDE, or external storage devices connected through USB or FireWire. Your home-network's LAN devices can share this storage device as a mapped network drive and exchange information without directly accessing each other. The Web interface provides disk management utilities such as partitioning and formatting.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  266  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  An internal disk or a connected storage device appears in the Network Map (see Section 5 on page 50). You can view information about the disk by clicking its icon.  The device supports storage devices with FAT32, NTFS, and Linux EXT2/3 file systems. These file systems have different sharing and security settings. If the connected storage device or at least one of its partitions has the NTFS file system, a message appears in the 'Disk Management’ screen appears.    Note:  MP252 based on the Conexant Solos, Mindspeed Malindi2 or Freescale platform allows both read and write access to an NTFS partition.  ¾ To configure disk management: 1.  In the 'Advanced' screen, click the   icon; the ‘Disk Management' screen appears. Figure 17-5: Disk Management Screen   Note:  To define a system storage area, the disk or at least one of its partitions should be formatted. This storage area holds the data used by the MP252’s services. For security, it is recommended to format the disk or its partition in the EXT2 or EXT3 file system, although FAT32 is supported as well.  2.  To enable disk management, select the ‘Enabled’ check box.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  17. Add-On Servers and Disk Management Version 3.4.0  267  June 2011 3.  To set the first identified formatted partition as the location of the system storage area, select the ‘Automatically Create System Storage Area’ check box. This setting is valid until the storage device is disconnected. When reconnected, MP252 may select another partition for this purpose. To define the system storage area manually, clear this check box. The screen refreshes, displaying the 'System Storage Area' field in which you must enter the partition's letter. In this scenario, the setting remains permanent even after the storage device is disconnected and reconnected afterwards. Figure 17-6: Manually Defining System Storage Area  4.  In the Disks table, you can view a list of your connected storage devices. The 'Device' column displays the names MP252 grants connected devices. Click this link to view the device's 'Disk Information' screen. If a disk is partitioned, the 'Partitions' column displays its partition names. If the partitions are formatted, their name includes a letter. 5.  In the RAID Devices table, you can view the RAID devices (if configured). 17.2.1 Disk Partitions This section describes how to configure partition and format storage devices. Connecting a Mass Storage Device To set up a file server that is shared by all LAN computers, you need to connect a mass storage device (e.g. disk-on-key or hard drive) to the USB port on your MP252. A mass storage device must first be partitioned and formatted. If your device is already partitioned, it is recommended that you delete its partitions before proceeding, as a partition can only be added on unallocated disk space.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  268  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  ¾ To add a Windows formatted partition: 1.  In the Disks table in the 'Disk Management' screen, click the disk device link. The 'Disk Information' screen appears. Figure 17-7: Disk Information  2.  In the 'Partitions' table, click the Add New Partition icon; the 'Partition Type' screen appears. Figure 17-8: Partition Type
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  17. Add-On Servers and Disk Management Version 3.4.0  269  June 2011 3.  Select 'Primary Partition', and then click Next; the 'Partition Size' screen appears. Figure 17-9: Partition Size  4.  Enter a volume for the new partition (in mega bytes), and then click Next; the 'Partition Format' screen appears. Figure 17-10: Partition Format  5.  Select 'Format the Partition', and then click Next; the 'Partition File System' screen appears. Figure 17-11: Partition File System
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  270  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  6.  Select 'Windows (FAT32) (LBA)' as the file system for the partition and then click Next; the 'Partition Summary' screen appears. Figure 17-12: Partition Summary  7.  Click  Finish to create the new partition; the 'Disk Information' screen reappears, refreshing as the partition formatting progresses, until the status changes to 'Ready'. Figure 17-13: Formatting Complete – Partition Ready  The new partition names are designated as "A", "B" etc, and appear under the 'Name' column of the 'Partitions' section.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  17. Add-On Servers and Disk Management Version 3.4.0  271  June 2011  Formatting a Partition A partition can be formatted in EXT2, EXT3, FAT32 and NTFS file systems. ¾ To partition a disk: 1.  In the Disks table in the 'Disk Management' screen, click the disk device link; the 'Disk Information' screen appears. 2.  In the 'Partitions' table, click the Edit Partition icon of the partition you would like to edit; the 'Partition Properties' screen appears. Figure 17-14: Partition Properties  3.  Click Format Partition; the 'Partition Format' screen appears. Figure 17-15: Partition Format  4.  Select a file system for the partition and then click Next. A warning screen appears, alerting you that all the data on the partition will be lost. 5.  Click  OK to format the partition; the screen refreshes as the partition formatting progresses. When the format is complete, the status will change to 'Ready'.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  272  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual Checking a Partition The procedure below describes how to check a partition. ¾ To check a partition: 1.  In the Disks table in the 'Disk Management' screen, click the disk device link; the 'Disk Information' screen appears.  2.  In the 'Partitions' section, click the Edit Partition icon of the partition you would like to check; the 'Partition Properties' screen appears. Figure 17-16: Partition Format  3.  Click Check Partition; a warning screen appears, alerting you that the partition will be set to offline. 4.  Click OK; the screen refreshes as the partition checking progresses. When the check is complete, the status changes to 'Ready'. Deleting a Partition The procedure below describes how to delete a partition. ¾ To delete a partition: 1.  In the Disks table in the 'Disk Management' screen, click the disk device link; the 'Disk Information' screen appears.  2.  In the 'Partitions' section, click the Remove Partition icon of the partition you would like to delete; a warning screen appears, alerting you that all the data on the partition will be lost. 3.  Click OK to delete the partition.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  17. Add-On Servers and Disk Management Version 3.4.0  273  June 2011 17.2.2  System Storage Area MP252 uses a specific location on a storage device for storing data used by its various services. The following are the services that use the system storage area:  Printer spool and drivers  Mail server spool  Backup of MP252’s configuration file (rg_conf)  PBX-related audio files for voice mail, auto attendants and music on-hold  FTP server  Mail boxes information  Users' home directories  Web server content Prior to enabling these services, you should create either EXT2/3 (recommended) or FAT32 partitions, as described in the previous sections, and define at least one of them as the system storage area.   Note:  Data cannot be written to partitions formatted with NTFS, unless MP252 is based on the Conexant Solos, Mindspeed Malindi2 or Freescale platform. Consequently, if you define an NTFS partition as the system storage area, the services mentioned earlier will not operate on MP252.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  274  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  ¾ To define a system storage area: 1.  Under the System Storage Area group in the 'Disk Management' screen, clear the ‘Automatically Create System Storage Area’ check box; the screen refreshes displaying the 'System Storage Area' field, in which you must enter the partition's letter.  Figure 17-17: Disk Management Screen – Check Box Cleared  2.  Click OK to save the settings. If you wish to view the system directories, verify that the system storage area is shared. Then, browse to \\mp252 (use a Windows Explorer window if you are using a browser other than Internet Explorer).
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  17. Add-On Servers and Disk Management Version 3.4.0  275  June 2011 17.2.3 RAID Management MP252 supports Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) on storage devices connected to it by USB or by FireWire. A RAID device is a logical device that has physical devices underlying it. These physical devices are disk partitions. The supported RAID levels are:   Level 0 – Provides data striping, or spreading out blocks of each file across multiple disk drives, but no redundancy. This improves performance but does not deliver fault tolerance. If one drive fails then all data in the array is lost.  Level 1 – Provides disk mirroring. This is a technique in which data is written to two duplicate disks simultaneously, providing data redundancy. This method improves performance and delivers fault tolerance.  Level 5 – With a minimum of three disks, this level provides data striping and utilizes one disk for backup information, which enables it to restore any other disk in the array. Before creating the RAID device, you must create disk partitions (as described previously) on the different disk drives. Each RAID device can have multiple underlying devices (partitions). When using RAID1, it is recommended that these partitions be of the same size to avoid disk-space loss due to mirroring. A disk partition configured with RAID can no longer be managed as a regular partition, but only be controlled by the RAID device. From the moment RAID is configured, it is the RAID device that can be shared, scanned, formatted and mounted as a regular partition. Creating a RAID Device The procedure below describes how to create a RAID device. ¾ To create a RAID device: 1.  In the RAID Devices table in the ‘Disk Management’ screen, click the Add RAID Device link; the 'RAID Properties' screen appears: Figure 17-18: RAID Properties Screen  2.  From the ‘RAID Level’ drop-down list, select the RAID level (RAID0, RAID1 or RAID5). 3.  In the 'Mount Point' field, enter a name for the mount point of the RAID device. 4.  Choose the underlying devices (your pre-configured partitions) in the next drop-down lists. For RAID1 you may choose only one device and later add another one.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  276  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  5.  Click Next; the 'Partition Format' screen appears. Figure 17-19: Partition Format Screen  6.  Select 'Format the partition' and then click Next. Figure 17-20: Partition File System Screen  7.  Select the format type, and then click Next; the 'Partition Summary' screen displays a summary of the chosen device properties.  Figure 17-21: Partition Summary Screen  8.  Click the Finish button to execute the RAID device creation. As soon as a RAID device is created, its formatting begins. If the device is RAID1 and has two underlying devices, its re-synchronization process (partition mirroring) begins simultaneously. During re-synchronization the RAID device is fully usable and can be mounted and used.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  17. Add-On Servers and Disk Management Version 3.4.0  277  June 2011 The figure below depicts a successful configuration of two RAID devices as they appear in the  Raid Devices table in the 'File Server' screen. The first is RAID0, consisting of two underlying partitions (one on each disk), and the second is RAID1, consisting of another set of underlying partitions. Note that the RAID0 total space is the sum of the two partitions, while the RAID1 total space is the size of one partition (due to mirroring). Figure 17-22: Added RAID Devices  Using a RAID Device When RAID is configured over the existing partitions, these partitions are no longer independent. It is therefore necessary that you update the location of the system storage area: 1.  In the 'Disk Management' screen, verify that the 'Automatically Create System Storage Area' check box is selected. If you wish to define the system storage area manually, clear the check box and enter the name of the designated mount point. 2.  Click OK to save the settings.  Maintaining a RAID Device A RAID device differs from a regular partition by not being part of a physical disk. It therefore resides and is maintained on MP252. RAID maintenance is divided into two aspects:  Maintaining the RAID device itself: • In the RAID Device table in the 'Disk Management' screen, click the Edit  icon of the RAID device; the 'RAID Properties' screen appears in which you can: ♦ Enable or disable the RAID device using the 'Enabled' check box. ♦ Change the mount point assigned to the device. ♦ Add or remove the underlying devices (can be done for RAID1 and RAID5 only).  Maintaining the partition: • In the 'RAID Properties' screen, click the device name; the 'Partition Properties' screen appears in which you can check and format the RAID partition. Replacing RAID Underlying Devices Adding or removing a RAID underlying device can only be performed on RAID1 and RAID5 configurations. RAID1 can operate with just one device (although mirroring is unavailable), and RAID5 can operate with one device less than its original amount of devices. The names of the RAID underlying devices appear on the 'RAID Properties' screen. Each device is followed by a status:  Active: The device is controlled by RAID.  Inactive: The device failed to join the RAID array or does not exist.  Faulty: The device joined the RAID array but was marked as faulty due to an error. It is inactive and should be replaced. Replacing a device on RAID1 or RAID5 is done by first removing the faulty device and then adding a new one. The new device's size must be at least the size of the existing one.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  278  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  ¾ To remove a faulty device from RAID1: 1.  In the 'RAID Properties' screen, click the faulty device's Delete icon. 2.  Click OK. ¾ To add a new device instead of the one removed: 1.  In the RAID Device table in the 'Disk Management' screen, click the Edit  icon of the RAID device; the 'RAID Properties' screen appears with a drop-down list allowing you to choose the new partition to be added. 2.  Choose the partition, and then click OK. After adding a new device, RAID1 starts a recovery process in which the content of the existing partition is mirrored to the new device. If the addition or recovery fails, the device status is set to inactive (this status appears in the 'RAID Properties' screen. In such cases, the device should be removed and another may be added. You can manipulate your disk partitions. However, it is recommended to configure your disks before setting up RAID. Once RAID is configured, you will not be able to delete an underlying partition, or create a new partition on a disk that one of its partitions is underlying RAID, unless you disable or delete the RAID device. Changing a disk's partition table when its partitions are under RAID (even if RAID is disabled) may result in the need to reconstruct the RAID.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  17. Add-On Servers and Disk Management Version 3.4.0  279  June 2011 17.3 Print Server MP252 includes a print server that allows printers attached to MP252 through the USB connection(s) to be shared by all computers on the LAN. Such a printer appears in the Network Map. You can access the printer settings directly, by clicking the printer icon in the Network Map or as described below. ¾ To configure a print server: 1.  In the 'Advanced' screen, click the Print Server   icon; the ‘Print Server’ screen appears. Figure 17-23: Advanced – Print Server Screen  2.  Select or clear (as required) the following check boxes: • Enabled: Enables or disables the print server feature. • Spool to Disk: Allows print jobs to be written to a disk before printing. • Allow Guest Access: Allows network users that have not logged in with a username and password to use the shared printer. If you want to restrict access to the network printer, you can clear this check box and grant user-specific permissions by creating a user set to ‘Internet Printer Access’ (see Section 4.4). • LPD Support: Enables the LPD protocol. • IPP Support: Enables the IPP protocol. • Microsoft Shared Printing Support: Enables the Samba protocol. 3.  The  Printers table lists the MP252 printers, their status as well as their print job information. To view the printer’s properties and optionally, to define a new name for the printer, click the Edit  icon corresponding to the printer; the 'Printer' screen appears. Figure 17-24: Advanced – Printer Screen
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  280  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual   4.  To change the displayed name of the printer, in the ‘Name’ field, enter a new name.  5.  To set the printer as the default printer, select the ‘Create Default Device Mode’ check box.  17.3.1  Connecting and Setting up a Printer on Windows  The procedure below describes how to set up a network printer that is connected to the MP252 USB port and shared by all LAN computers, running on the Windows operating system.   Note:  The above configuration must be applied to each LAN PC individually in order to use the network printer.  ¾ To set up a printer running on Windows:  1.  Log in to MP252; the disk and printer shares available on MP252 is displayed: Figure 17-25: MP252 Shares  2.  Click the printer icon that you want to designate as a LAN printer; a warning appears.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  17. Add-On Servers and Disk Management Version 3.4.0  281  June 2011 3.  Click Yes; you are prompted to select a printer driver from a list. If unavailable, you can either browse to a location on your computer where you have stored the driver, or click Have Disk and insert the CD containing the driver (supplied with your printer). After a short upload and installation of the driver, the printer's print queue window appears, determining that the printer is ready for use. The new printer is added to your "Printers and Faxes" list as a network printer (to view this list press, in Windows Control Panel, select "Printers and Faxes"). As any printer, you can choose to make it your default printer, or specify its use when printing.  4.  Print a test page by right-clicking the printer icon in the disk and printer shares window and selecting Properties; the 'Print Test Page' button is located at the bottom of the General tab.   17.3.2 Print Protocols The Samba protocol with which you have created a network printer in the previous section, allows you to upload Windows print drivers to MP252, enabling all Windows-based LAN hosts to connect to the network printer.  MP252 provides two additional protocols for computers to connect to its printers:  Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) - the recommended protocol, offering fast installation and ease of use.  Line Printer Daemon (LPD) - legacy network printing protocol, which should only be used for printing from computers that do not support IPP. The following table compares the specifications of the three protocols: Table 17-1: IPP, Samba, and LPD Specifications Specification   IPP   Samba   LPD Installation  Easy   Easy   Difficult Driver upload  None   Supported   None Supported clients  Windows, Unix, Mac   Windows, Mac   Windows, Unix, Mac Job feedback and control Print queue monitor and management console Print queue monitor and management console Management console only Printer control  Print queue monitor   None   None Access controls  Print and administrator Print permission only   None   Note:  For Mac Users: When connecting a print server to a MAC computer, you must verify that the printer connected to MP252 is supported by Mac OS as a network printer. Supported printers are marked with an "X" at the following URL: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=301175#hpdrivers.  Internet Printing Protocol This section describes how to connect computers to MP252 printers, using the IPP protocol. Setting Up an IPP Printer on Windows The procedure below describes how to set up an IPP printer on Windows.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  282  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  ¾ To set up an IPP printer on Windows: 1.  In the 'Network Map' screen, click the printer icon to view the 'Printer' screen. Figure 17-26: Printer Screen – IPP URL  2.  Copy the IPP URL to the clipboard. 3.  On your Windows computer connected to MP252, from the Start menu, point to Settings, then Printers and Faxes, and then click Add Printer; the Add Printer Wizard starts. 4.  Click Next to proceed with the wizard sequence. 5.  Select 'A network printer…' and then click Next. Figure 17-27: Local or Network Printer  6.  Select 'Connect to a printer on the Internet…', and then paste the printer's IPP URL in the 'URL' field, and then click Next. Figure 17-28: Specify a Printer
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  17. Add-On Servers and Disk Management Version 3.4.0  283  June 2011  7.  You may be asked to select the driver's make and model or its location. If so, provide the location on MP252 to where you have uploaded the driver (e.g. “\\MP252\A”), and click Next. 8.  Click Finish to exit the wizard.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  284  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Setting Up an IPP Printer on Linux The procedure below describes how to set up an IPP printer on Linux operating systems. You should use CUPS Daemon (CUPSD) when operating with Linux. ¾ To set up an IPP printer on Linux: 1.  In the 'Network Map' screen, click the printer icon to view the 'Printer' screen. Figure 17-29: Printer Screen – IPP URL  2.  Copy the IPP URL to the clipboard. 3.  On your Linux computer connected to MP252, browse to http://localhost:631, and then choose Manage Printers. Figure 17-30: Linux CUPS Management  4.  Click Add Printer.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  17. Add-On Servers and Disk Management Version 3.4.0  285  June 2011 Figure 17-31: Add Printer  5.  In the 'Name' field, type the printer's name and then click Continue. Figure 17-32: Printer Name  6.  From the 'Device' drop-down list, select 'Internet Printing Protocol (http)' and then click Continue.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  286  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Figure 17-33: Printing Protocol  7.  Paste the printer's IPP URL in the 'Device URI' field, and then click Continue. Figure 17-34: IPP URL  8.  The next window displays a manufacturer drop-down list. Select your printer's manufacturer and click Continue. 9.  The next window displays a printer model drop-down list. Select your printer's model and click Continue. 10.  The last window displays the following confirmation message: 'Printer has been added successfully'. 11.  To test your printer's connection from a Linux PC, open a shell and enter the following command: $ echo hello | lpr -P<Printer Name>
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  17. Add-On Servers and Disk Management Version 3.4.0  287  June 2011 Setting Up an IPP Printer on Mac The procedure below describes how to set up an IPP printer on Mac operating systems. ¾ To set up an IPP printer on Mac: 1.  On your Mac computer connected to MP252, open the 'Print & Fax' utility from 'System Preferences'; the 'Print & Fax' screen appears. Figure 17-35: Print & Fax  2.  Click the + (add) button; the 'Printer Browser' screen appears.  3.  Select the IP Printer tab.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  288  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Figure 17-36: Printer Browser – IP Printer  4.  In this screen, configure the following: a.  From the 'Protocol' drop-down list, select IPP. b.  In the 'Address' field, enter MP252’s IP address ( c.  In the 'Queue' field, enter the section of the path containing the folder and printer names, as it appears in the 'Printer' screen. For example, “/printers/MFC9750”. d.  The 'Name' and 'Location' fields are optional; the default name is the gateway's IP address. e.  From the 'Print Using' drop-down list, select your printer's make and model.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  17. Add-On Servers and Disk Management Version 3.4.0  289  June 2011 5.  Click the Add button;  the new printer appears in the 'Print & Fax' screen. Figure 17-37: Print & Fax – New IPP Printer
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  290  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Microsoft Shared Printing (Samba) The procedure below describes how to set up Microsoft Shared Printing (Samba). ¾ To set up Microsoft shared printing (Samba): 1.  On your Mac computer connected to MP252, open the 'Print & Fax' utility from 'System Preferences'; the 'Print & Fax' screen appears. Figure 17-38: Print & Fax
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  17. Add-On Servers and Disk Management Version 3.4.0  291  June 2011 2.  Click the + (add) button; the 'Printer Browser' screen appears.  Figure 17-39: Printer Browser – Default Browser  3.  Click the More Printers button; The following screen appears. Figure 17-40: Printer Browser – More Printers
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  292  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  4.  From the second drop-down list, select 'Network Neighborhood'. 5.  Select the 'Home' workgroup and then click Choose. Figure 17-41: Printer Browser – MP252  6.  Select MP252, and then click Choose. 7.  Select the printer, and from the 'Printer Model' drop-down list, select your printer's make and model. Figure 17-42: Printer Browser – Printer Model  8.  Click Add; the new printer appears in the 'Print & Fax' screen. Figure 17-43: Print & Fax – New Samba Printer
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  17. Add-On Servers and Disk Management Version 3.4.0  293  June 2011  Line Printer Daemon (LPD) This section describes how to connect computers to MP252 printers, using the LPD protocol. Setting Up an LPD Printer on Windows Before configuring the LPD protocol on a LAN PC, ensure that a print driver for the specific printer is installed.   Note:  The following configuration must be applied to each LAN PC individually in order to use the network printer.  ¾ To set up an LPD printer on Windows: 1.  On your Windows computer connected to MP252, from the Start menu, point to Settings, then Printers and Faxes, and then click Add Printer; the Add Printer Wizard starts. 2.  Click Next to proceed with the wizard sequence. 3.  Select 'Local printer attached to this computer' and then click Next. 4.  Clear the 'Automatically detect and install my Plug and Play printer', and then click Next.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  294  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Figure 17-44: Local Printer  5.  Select the 'Create a new port' option. 6.  From the 'Type of port' drop-down list, select 'Standard TCP/IP Port'. Figure 17-45: Select a Printer Port  7.  Click Next to activate the 'Add Standard TCP/IP Printer Port Wizard'. 8.  Click Next to proceed with the new wizard. 9.  In the 'Printer Name or IP Address' field, specify, and then click Next.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  17. Add-On Servers and Disk Management Version 3.4.0  295  June 2011 Figure 17-46: Add Port  10.  Select the 'Custom' option, and then click Settings. Figure 17-47: Additional Port Information  11.  In the 'Configure Standard TCP/IP Port Monitor' window, configure the following parameters: a.  Select the 'LPR' option.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  296  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  b.  In MP252’s Web interface, open the 'Print Server' screen. c.  Copy the printer's name (for example, "Officejet4000") and paste it in the 'Queue Name' field of the port monitor configuration window. Figure 17-48: Printer Port Monitor Configuration  12.  Click OK, and then click Finish; the 'Add Printer Software' wizard reappears.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  17. Add-On Servers and Disk Management Version 3.4.0  297  June 2011 Figure 17-49: Add Printer Wizard  13.  Select your printer manufacturer and model from the lists. If it does not appear in the lists, click 'Have disk' to specify the driver location. 14.  Specify the name you want to give the printer, and whether you want it to be the default printer. Click Next. 15.  Click Next to proceed to the final wizard screen. 16.  Select Yes to print a test page. 17.  Click Finish to complete the setup procedure.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  298  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual Setting Up an LPD Printer on Mac The procedure below describes how to set up an LPD printer on Mac operating systems. ¾ To set up an LPD printer on Mac: 1.  On your Mac computer connected to MP252, open the 'Print & Fax' utility from 'System Preferences'; the 'Print & Fax' screen appears. Figure 17-50: Print & Fax  2.  Click the + (add) button; the 'Printer Browser' screen appears.  3.  Select the IP Printer tab and the configure the following: a.  From the 'Protocol' drop-down list, select LPD. b.  In the 'Address' field, enter MP252’s IP address ( c.  In the 'Queue' field, enter the printer's name as it appears in the 'Printer' screen of the Web interface. For example, MFC9750. d.  The 'Name' and 'Location' fields are optional; the default name is the gateway's IP address. e.  From the 'Print Using' drop-down list, select your printer's make and model.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  17. Add-On Servers and Disk Management Version 3.4.0  299  June 2011 Figure 17-51: Printer Browser – LPD Printer
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  300  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  4.  Click Add; the new printer appears in the 'Print & Fax' screen. Figure 17-52: Print & Fax – New LPD Printer  17.3.3  Storing and Using Printer Drivers As explained earlier in this chapter, to use a shared printer connected to MP252, a driver for the printer must be installed on the LAN computer from which the print job is to be sent. You can use the MP252 file server to store printer drivers. The drivers should be uploaded from a Windows computer and stored in the system storage area that you have created on one of the disk partitions. The printer can then be installed on other LAN computers using the driver stored on MP252.  ¾ To upload the driver files to MP252: 1.  From Window's Start menu, click Run, and then type "cmd" to open a command shell. 2.  At the prompt, type net use to view the list of shares and their status.  3.  Type  net use /del \\mp252\share-B to delete the specific network mapping entry.  Alternatively, you can use net use /del * to delete all network mapping entries.  4.  Type net use * \\openrg\print$ [Admin's password] [/user:admin]. This ensures that you are logged into the print server using the Admin user and have the permissions to upload files.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  17. Add-On Servers and Disk Management Version 3.4.0  301  June 2011 5.  Browse to \\mp252 (use a Windows Explorer window if you are using a browser other than Internet Explorer). Should a Windows login dialog box appear, enter your Web username and password. The following window appears, displaying the disk and printer shares available on MP252. Figure 17-53: MP252 Shares  6.  Click Printers and Faxes. 7.  Right-click the printer icon, and then select Properties. 8.  If your operating system does not already have the driver, you will be asked if you want to install it now. Click No. 9.  Select the Advanced tab, and then click New driver; the 'Add Printer Driver Wizard on MP252 starts. You are prompted to select a printer driver from a list. If unavailable, you can either browse to a location on your computer where you have stored the driver, or click Have Disk and insert the CD containing the driver (supplied with your printer). 10.  Click OK; the driver is uploaded to MP252’s system storage directory (e.g. “\\mp252\A”).
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  302  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual    18 Maintenance  18.1 About MP252 The About MP252  icon displays information about MP252. This includes the software version, release date, signaling protocol, and DECT base unit version5. You can also upgrade the software running on MP252, by clicking the Upgrade link (for more information, see Section 18.5 on page 315). ¾ To view information about MP252:  In the 'Advanced' screen, click the   icon; the 'About MP252' screen appears. Figure 18-1: About MP252 Screen                                                         5 The DECT feature is applicable only to the MP252WDNB model.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  18. Maintenance Version 3.4.0  303  June 2011 18.2  Date & Time The procedure below describes how to set the date and time. ¾ To configure date, time and daylight savings time settings: 1.  In the 'Advanced' screen, click the Time Settings   icon; the 'Date & Time' screen appears. Figure 18-2: Date and Time Screen  2.  From the 'Time Zone' drop-down list, select the local time zone. MP252 can automatically detect daylight saving setting for selected time zones.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  304  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  3.  Under the Daylight Saving Time group, configure the daylight saving settings for your time zone (if they are not automatically detected): • Enabled: Select this check box to enable daylight saving time. • Start: Date and time when daylight saving starts. • End: Date and time when daylight saving ends. • Offset: Daylight saving time offset. 4.  For the MP252 to perform an automatic time update, under the Automatic Time Update group, do the following: a.  Select the 'Enabled' check box. b.  Select the protocol to be used for time update, by selecting either the 'Time of Day' or 'Network Time Protocol' option. c.  In the 'Update Every' field, specify how often to perform the update. d.  You can define NTP servers, by clicking the New   icon; the ‘Time Server Settings’ screen appears. Figure 18-3: Time Server Settings Screen  e.  In the ‘Time Server’ field, enter the IP address of the Time server (NTP), and then click OK.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  18. Maintenance Version 3.4.0  305  June 2011 18.3  Backup and Restore The Backup and Restore  icon allows you to configure the MP252 backup facility for backing up data, stored in the system storage area, to external USB disks. You may specify backups to run automatically at scheduled times.  Two prerequisites must be met before enabling the backup mechanism:  The file server feature must be activated and configured  The file server must consist of at least two disks   Note:  The backup is done at the directory level. In other words, it is not possible to backup a single stand-alone file.  18.3.1 Backing Up Data The procedure below describes how to backup data. ¾ To backup data: 1.  In the 'Advanced' screen, click the   icon; the ‘Backup and Restore’ screen appears. 2.  Select the Backup tab. Figure 18-4: Backup and Restore Screen  3.  In the ‘Backup Schedule’ table, click the New   icon; the 'Edit Backup' screen appears.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  306  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Figure 18-5: Edit Backup Screen  4.  In the ‘Source’ field, type the source to backup, for example, “A/homes”. 5.  In the ‘Destination’ field, type the destination of the backup files, for example, “B/backups”. It is recommended that the destination is an external storage device. 6.  Choose between full backup, incremental backup, or both, by scheduling a time for the backup operation. You can choose between daily, weekly or monthly backups in the 'Schedule' drop-down lists.   Note:  Do not schedule a monthly backup on the 31st of the month, as backups do not run on months with 30 days.  7.  Click OK to save the schedule settings. 8.  Click Backup Now to run the backup operation immediately. When backing up, the screen displays the status and progress of the operation.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  18. Maintenance Version 3.4.0  307  June 2011 18.3.2  Restoring Your Data The procedure below describes how to restore data. ¾ To restore data: 1.  In the 'Advanced' screen, click the   icon; the ‘Backup and Restore’ screen appears. 2.  Select the Restore tab; the 'Restore' screen appears.  Figure 18-6: Restore Screen  3.  In the 'Source Archive' field, type the source to restore, for example, “A/homes”. 4.  From the 'Restore Option' drop-down list, select whether to restore the entire archive or only a subdirectory. If you choose subdirectory, a second field appears in which you must enter the name of the subdirectory relative to the source archive. For example, to restore “A/homes/john”, type “john” as the subdirectory. 5.  From the ‘Destination' drop-down list, select a destination for which to restore the archive. You can choose the original location or any other directory. If you choose another directory, a second field appears in which you must enter the name of the directory. Note that the path of the restored directory is created under the path of the destination directory. For example, if you specify the directory “A/restore_dir”, the result is “A/restore_dir/A/homes/john”.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  308  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  18.4 Configuration File The  Configuration File  icon allows you to view, save, and load the MP252 configuration file. Therefore, you can backup and restore your current configuration.  MP252 also supports configuration file encryption, allowing you to load encrypted configuration files (using the file name extensions *.cfx or *.inx). For more information on encrypting a configuration file, see Section 18.4.3 on page 313. MP252 allows you to use un-encrypted passwords in the configuration file (*.cfg or *.ini) that you want to load, and then encrypt the passwords before burning to flash. This is achieved by using the format {“<value>”} in the configuration file for password fields which are normally encrypted. Below are two examples of this feature:  ini file: rg_conf/voip/line/1/auth_password={"foobaa"}  cfg file: (auth_password({"foobaa"})) ¾ To save and restore the configuration file: 1.  In the 'Advanced' screen, click the    icon; the 'Configuration File' screen appears, showing the entire contents of the configuration file. Figure 18-7: Configuration File Screen  2.  You can customize the displayed configuration file, by selecting the following check boxes: • Display modified configuration fields only: Displays only the configuration parameters that have values other than default values.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  18. Maintenance Version 3.4.0  309  June 2011 • Display configuration in flat ini-file format: Displays the configuration file in flat INI-file format. 3.  To back up your current configuration to a file on your PC, click Download Configuration File. The saved configuration file can be used as a backup for the specific MP252's configuration for creating a configuration file for remote configuration update, and for debugging and diagnostics. When creating a configuration backup, disable the two display check boxes (i.e. save a full configuration file in the hierarchic conf format). This file can be loaded back to the same MP252, using the procedure described in Section 18.4.1 on page 310.   Note:  The file is generated according to the selected display option (in Step 2).  4.  To restore your configuration from a file saved on your PC, click Upload Configuration File.   Note:  Do not load this file to a different MP252 as it includes the MAC address, which is unique to MP252 from where it was saved.  When creating a file for remote configuration update, it is recommended to only select the 'Display modified configuration fields only'. This ensures that the file includes only parameters that were modified from their default value. You can choose the conf format or the flat ini-file format. In both cases, it is recommended to review the file and ensure that only the parameters that the user has intended to modify appear. This file can be placed on an FTP or HTTP server for mass configuration update, as described in Remote Configuration Download.   Note:  When rebooting, MP252 restores the settings from its configuration file. However, if reboot attempts fail three times consecutively, MP252 resets the configuration file by restoring factory defaults before attempting to reboot.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  310  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  18.4.1  Uploading from PC on the Network The procedure below describes how to upload a configuration file from a PC on the network to MP252. ¾ To upload a configuration file to MP252 from a PC on the network: 1.  Click the Upload Configuration File; the screen 'Upload Configuration File' opens. Figure 18-8: Upload Configuration File  2.  Under the 'Load the Configuration File From a PC on the Network' group, click Upgrade Now; the screen 'Upload Configuration File' opens. Figure 18-9: Loading Configuration File from a PC on the Network
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  18. Maintenance Version 3.4.0  311  June 2011 3.  Enter the path of the configuration file or click Browse and navigate to the configuration file on your PC.  4.  Click OK; the file starts loading from the PC to your MP252. When loading is complete, the screen 'Successful Configuration File Loading' opens, prompting you to confirm configuration file load.  Figure 18-10: Successful Configuration File Uploading  5.  Click OK to confirm; the upgrade process commences and takes a couple of minutes to complete. At the conclusion of the file load process, the MP252 automatically reboots. When the MP252 completes the reboot, the new configuration file is applied and the ‘Login’ screen appears, prompting you to login again. 6.  Login with your username and password.   Note:  During the load process, it is recommended not to power down MP252 nor stop the file load process to avoid damage to the main firmware. However, if you do, MP252 runs a recovery firmware image (also stored on its flash memory). Except for the analog or VoIP interfaces, the recovery image supports all interfaces and enables MP252 to reconnect to the Internet and then download the primary software.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  312  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  18.4.2  Uploading from a Remote Server The procedure below describes how to upload a configuration file to MP252 from a remote server. This allows you to keep your configuration up-to-date, by performing daily checks for a newer configuration file each time MP252 restarts (i.e., automatic update), or manually checking for a newer configuration file. ¾ To upload MP252's configuration file from a remote server: 1.  Click the Upload Configuration File; the screen 'Upload Configuration File' opens. Figure 18-11: Upload Configuration File  2.  Under the 'Load the Configuration File From Remote Server' group, select the checking method and interval: • Automatically check for new configuration file   • Automatic configuration file check disabled 3.  In the 'Remote Configuration File URL' field, enter the URL address of the remote server where the configuration file is located. The URL format is as follows: protocol://server/filename.<conf/ini>, for example: •<MAC>.conf •<MAC>.ini Where <MAC> is the MAC address of MP252's WAN. 4.  In the 'Check every' field, enter the interval (in hours) for which MP252 periodically checks for a new configuration file. If set to 0, MP252 checks only once for a new configuration file, and this occurs after it restarts. 5.  From the ‘SSL Mode’ drop-down list, select the type of Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate's validation method for accessing the remote server using HTTPS for the following purposes: downloading a new firmware file, downloading a new configuration file, and TR-069. Upon connection, MP252 validates the server's certificate using the selected method: • None: Do not validate the server's certificate (if you do not have a certificate). • Chain: Validate the entire certificate chain (if you have a certificate, but not necessarily signed by a root CA).  • Direct: Ensure that the server's certificate is signed by the root certificate (CA).
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  18. Maintenance Version 3.4.0  313  June 2011 6.  Click OK; the download process begins. When downloading completes, a confirmation screen appears, prompting you to confirm loading the new version. 7.  Click  OK to confirm. The upgrade process begins and takes about one minute to complete. At the conclusion of the upgrade process, MP252 automatically reboots and the new software version runs. If a new version is unavailable, click the Check Now button to perform an immediate check (instead of waiting for the next scheduled one). The screen displays a green "Check in progress..." message.  Notes: • For additional security, MP252 can be configured to use HTTPS client-server certification when connecting to a remote server (see Section 13.3 on page 192).• The configuration file can have one of the following two formats: a hierarchical conf file (indicated by file extension *.conf) or a flat ini file (indicated by file extension .ini). • The parameter ‘/rmt_config/version’ defines the version of the configuration file. MP252 uses the new configuration file only if the version that is defined in this fileis later than the current version. By default, the ‘version’ is set to 0. This means that each time Service Providers’ operations personnel require MP252 to download a new configuration file, they need to increment the ‘version’ parameter in the new file (in the .conf file, the ‘version’ parameter is under the section ‘rmt_config’). To simplify the procedure, it is possible to use the current date in YYYYMMDD format as the version field. • The remote configuration file must include only a subset of the complete MP20x.conf file. A recommended procedure is to start with a MP252 restored to its factory settings, modify using the embedded Web server the parameters that should appear in the remote configuration file, and then upload (save) the configuration file. You must save only the modified parameters, as described in 'Remote Administration' on page 253. • The string <MAC> enables the ISP to pre-configure all its deployed MP252s with the same URL and file details (under rmt_config/url) and still have each MP252 download its unique configuration file. Once the URL is configured with the string <MAC>, MP252 that is trying to update its configuration file automatically replaces <MAC> with its own unique MAC address. For example, if there’s a MP252 with a WAN MAC address 00:01:02:03:04:05, the ISP can configure the url to http://myserver.com/my_conf_file_<MAC>.conf - and place a file called ‘my_conf_file_00_01_02_03_04_05.conf’ on the server. • Downloading a configuration file from a remote server can also be performed from the CLI: 1)  Using Telnet, access MP252, and then enter the user name and password.2)  Enter the command rmt_config, for example: rmt_config –u http://myserver.com/my_conf_file.conf 3)  Enter rmt_config without any arguments for more help information.   18.4.3  Encrypting a Configuration File Using CLI Encrypted files include the file name extension *.cfx (instead of *.cfg) or *.inx (instead of *.ini). After MP252 loads the encrypted file from the HTTP server, it automatically identifies the encrypted file by its file name extensions *.cfx or *.inx, and subsequently decrypts the file before saving it to flash memory.  The following procedure describes how to encrypt configuration files. ¾ To encrypt a configuration file:  Run the following CLI shell command (on Linux or Windows PC with OpenSSL installed):
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  314  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  openssl des3 -in <original file> -out <encrypted file> -k <password> -S <salt value> Where, • <original file> is the original clear-text configuration file (*.cfg or *.ini file). • <encrypted file> is the output file (an encrypted *.cfx or *.inx file). • <password> is the password that is used to encrypt the file. • <salt value> is the 8 bytes of a special key value that is combined with the password. The format is 16 hexadecimal digits [0-9,A-F]. An example of this command is shown below: openssl des3 -in c:\temp\try_enc_conf.cfg -out c:\temp\try_enc_conf.cfx -k MyPassword123456 -S 0123456789ABCDEF   Notes:  • You can choose any <salt value> – MP252 does not have to know about it.• A password can be pre-configured in MP252, using the following CLI command: rg_conf_set_obscure /rmt_config/password <password> • You can also define the password in a configuration file that you download from the server. • If you don’t define a password in the configuration file, a default password is used. Different default passwords are defined per customer, according to the config-file url hostname.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  18. Maintenance Version 3.4.0  315  June 2011 18.4.4 Automatic Upload using SIP NOTIFY Message You can enable automatic configuration update for MP252 from a remote server, using the SIP NOTIFY message. The contents of the configuration file can initiate (“push”) the remote server to update MP252 to a desired configuration version. ¾ To “push” a configuration file when a change of parameter is needed: 1.  Create a new configuration file with the required change. 2.  Place the file on the HTTP server. 3.  Send the SIP NOTIFY message to MP252; MP252 integrates the contents of the new file and reboots. ¾ To “push” a configuration file and initiate an upgrade or downgrade: 1.  Create a new configuration file that includes two important entries: a.  In rg_conf/rmt_upd/chech_sync_version, configure the details of the version to which you want MP252 to upgrade or downgrade, for example: (rmt_upd      (check_sync_version(2.6.0_build_1)) ) b.  You may need to update the URL address from where MP252 is downloading the firmware (the path is configured in rmt_upd/url).    Note:  In the case of a downgrade, the service provider MUST provide a configuration file based on a template that matches the version to which the MP252 is downgrading.  2.  Place the file on the HTTP server. 3.  Send the SIP NOTIFY message to MP252; MP252 integrates the contents of the new file and reboots. After rebooting, MP252 compares the currently running version with the version which is configured in rmt_upd/chech_sync_version and then determines whether to connect to the rmt_upd/url for downloading the new *.rmt file. Once the file is downloaded, its headers are parsed, and only if it represents the same version which was configured in the value of rmt_upd/chech_sync_version, does the upgrade/downgrade process begin.  18.5 Firmware Upgrade MP252 provides a built-in mechanism for upgrading its software image. There are two methods for upgrading the software image:  Upgrading from a Computer on the Network: This method uses a software image file that is pre-downloaded on a PC's disk drive or located on an accompanying CD. (See Section 18.5.1 on page 317.)  Upgrading from the Internet: This method also referred to as 'Remote Update', upgrades your firmware by remotely downloading an updated software image file. (See Section 18.5.2 on page 318.) MP252 provides a flash memory of 8 MB, which is capable of storing two firmware images. In addition to the primary firmware, MP252 also stores a recovery firmware, which is used only if the primary image is missing or damaged (e.g. if the user unplugs the power during firmware upgrade). Except for the analog or VoIP interfaces, the recovery image supports all interfaces and enables MP252 to reconnect to the Internet and download the primary firmware.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  316  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  18.5.1  Upgrading from a Computer on the Network The procedure below describes how to upgrade MP252 from a software image file located on a local computer or network.   Note:  You can only use files with an *.rmt extension when performing the firmware upgrade procedure.  ¾ To upgrade MP252 software image using a locally available .rmt file: 1.  In the 'Advanced' screen, click the Firmware Upgrade  icon; the ‘MP252 Firmware Upgrade' screen appears. Figure 18-12: MP252 Firmware Upgrade Screen
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  18. Maintenance Version 3.4.0  317  June 2011 2.  Under the Upgrade From a Computer in the Network group, click the Upgrade Now button; the 'Upgrade From a Computer in the Network' screen appears. Figure 18-13: Upgrade From a Computer in the Network Screen  3.  In the 'Firmware Upgrade File' field, enter the path to the software image file or click Browse and navigate to the rmt file on your PC.  4.  Click OK; the MP252 uploads the file from your PC. When loading is complete, you are prompted to confirm upgrade to the new version. Figure 18-14: Confirming Firmware Upgrade Screen  5.  Click OK to confirm; the upgrade process commences (a few minutes).  Figure 18-15: Upgrading in Progress Screen  At the conclusion of the upgrade process, MP252 automatically reboots and the new software version now runs on MP252, maintaining your configurations and settings.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  318  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  18.5.2 Upgrading From the Internet The Remote Update mechanism helps you keep your software image up-to-date, by performing routine daily checks for newer software versions, as well as letting you perform manual checks. These updates are from a user-defined URL. ¾ To upgrade MP252's software image from the Internet: 1.  In the 'Advanced' screen, click the Firmware Upgrade icon; the ‘MP252 Firmware Upgrade' screen appears. Figure 18-16: Advanced - Firmware and Configuration Upgrade
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  18. Maintenance Version 3.4.0  319  June 2011 2.  Under the Upgrade From the Internet group, select the utility's checking method and interval: • Automatically Check for New Versions and Upgrade MP252: MP252 automatically checks for new versions every user-defined interval (defined in the 'Check every' field) at the URL address defined in the 'URL' field. You can define the time (in minutes) after which the first check commences after MP252 is reset.  • Automatically Check for New Versions and Notify via Email: • Automatic Check Disable: MP252 checks for a new version at the URL address defined in the 'URL' field, when you click the Check Now button. The result of the last performed check is displayed between the Check Now and Force Upgrade buttons, indicating whether a new version is available or not. 3.  If a new version is available: a.  Click the Force Upgrade button. A download process begins. When downloading is complete, you are prompted to confirm upgrade to the new version. b.  Click OK to confirm. The upgrade process begins and takes about one minute to complete. At the conclusion of the upgrade process, MP252 automatically reboots with the new software version. 4.  If a new version is unavailable: a.  Click the Check Now button to perform an immediate check (instead of waiting for the next scheduled one). The screen displays the "Check in progress" message. b.  Click the Refresh button until the check is complete and the result is displayed.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  320  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  18.6 System Settings The 'System Settings' screen allows you to configure various MP252 system and management parameters. ¾ To configure MP252 system and management settings: 1.  In the 'Advanced' screen, click the System Settings  icon; the 'System Settings' screen appears. Figure 18-17: System Settings Screen (Only Partial View due to Screen Size)   Note:  Due to the size of the ‘System Settings’ screen, the figure above provides only a partial display.  2.  Under the System Settings group, configure the following:
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  18. Maintenance Version 3.4.0  321  June 2011 • In the ‘MP252’s Hostname' field, enter the MP252's host name. The host name is the MP252's URL address. • In the 'Local Domain' field, enter your network's local domain. 3.  Under the MP252 group, do the following: • Automatic Refresh of System Monitoring Web Pages: select this check box to enable automatic refreshing of system monitoring Web interface pages. • Warn User Before Network Configuration Changes: select this check box to activate user warnings before network configuration changes take effect. • Session Lifetime: duration of idle time (in seconds) in which the Web session remains active. When this duration times out, you must re-login. • User Interface Theme: enter an alternative GUI theme name. • Language: select a language for the Web interface GUI. 4.  Under the Management Application Ports group, define the following ports: • Primary/secondary HTTP management ports • Primary/secondary management HTTPS ports • Primary/secondary Telnet ports • Secure Telnet over SSL ports 5.  Under the Management Application SSL Authentication Options group, configure whether the following is required:  • Primary/Secondary HTTPS Management Client Authentication • Secure Telnet over SSL Client Authentication 6.  Under the System Logging group, do the following: • System Log Buffer Size: size of the system log buffer in kilobytes. • Remote System Notify Level: MP252 sends notifications to a remote host (None, Error, Warning, Information) • Persistent System Log: saves the system log to MP252 flash memory. This prevents the system log from being erased when MP252 reboots.  7.  Under the Security Logging group, do the following: • Security Log Buffer Size: size of the security log buffer in Kilobytes • Remote Security Notify Level: None, Error, Warning, Information • Persistent Security Log: saves the security log to the flash. This prevents the security log from being erased when MP252 reboots.    Note:  Do not leave the persistent logging feature enabled permanently, as continuous writing of the log files to the flash memory reduces MP252's performance.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  322  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  8.  Under the Outgoing Mail Server group, do the following: • Server: hostname of your outgoing (SMTP) server. • From Email Address: Each email requires a 'from' address and some outgoing servers refuse to forward mail without a valid 'from' address for anti-spam reasons.  • Port: port used by your outgoing mail server. • Server Requires Authentication: If your outgoing mail server requires authentication, select this check box and enter your user name and password in the subsequent 'User Name' and 'Password' fields respectively. To define email notifications per User to receive indications of system and security events, see Section 4.4 on page 40. 9.  The Swap group configures the Swap feature that enables you to free a portion of the RAM by creating a swap file on the storage device connected to MP252. This is especially useful for platforms with a small RAM. To activate this feature: a.  Verify that a storage device is connected to MP252. b.  Select the 'Enabled' check box. c.  In the 'Swap Size' field, enter a swap file size in megabytes. d.  Click Apply; a swap file is created on the storage device and the read-only ‘Status’ field changes to “Ready”. 10.  Under the Host Information group, select the ‘Enable Auto Detection of Host Services’ check box to enable MP252 to auto-detect its LAN hosts' properties, available services, traffic statistics, and connections.  11.  Under the Installation Wizard group, select the ‘Use Installation Wizard Pre-configured Values’ check box to have the wizard skip the steps for which parameters had been preconfigured and saved in the factory settings file (rg_factory).
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  18. Maintenance Version 3.4.0  323  June 2011 18.7 Reboot The procedure below describes how to reboot MP252. ¾ To reboot MP252: 1.  In the 'Advanced' screen, click the Reboot   icon; the 'Reboot' screen appears. Figure 18-18: Reboot Screen  2.  Click OK to reboot MP252. This may take up to one minute. 3.  To re-enter the Web interface after rebooting MP252, refresh your Internet browser.  You can also reboot MP252 using a manual procedure, as described below: ¾ To manually reboot MP252:  Insert a paper clip (or any other similar pointed object) into the Reset pin-hole button located on the rear panel of MP252, and keep the button pressed for at least 1 second (but no more than 5 seconds); the MP252 reboots.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  324  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  18.8  Restoring Factory Settings You can restore MP252 to factory default settings. This is useful when, for example, you are initially creating a new network or when you cannot recall changes made to the network.   Notes:  • If you are accessing MP252's Web interface from the WAN, restoring factory default settings causes the connection with MP252 to be lost, since access to the Web interface from the WAN is blocked by default. • All Web-based management settings and parameters are restored to their default values. This includes the administrator username and password  ¾ To restore MP252 to default settings: 1.  In the 'Advanced' screen, click the Restore Factory Settings  icon; the 'Restore Factory Settings' screen appears. Figure 18-19: Restore Factory Settings Screen  2.  Click OK to restore MP252's factory default settings.  If the MP252 Web interface cannot be accessed (for example, if the password is unknown or if the LAN is disabled), you can restore default settings manually, as described below: ¾ To manually restore MP252 to default settings:  Insert a paper clip (or any other similar pointed object) into the Reset pin-hole button located on the rear panel of MP252, and keep the button pressed for at least seven seconds. While MP252 sets all its parameters to default, the Status, Broadband, and Phone LEDs blink red. After this, the Status LED is lit steady red while MP252 reboots.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  19. Diagnostics and Performance Monitoring Version 3.4.0  325  June 2011 19  Diagnostics and Performance Monitoring The  System Monitoring menu displays important system information and includes the following main tab screens:  Network Connections – see Section 19.2 on page 331   System Log – see Section 19.2.2 on page 332  CPU – see Section 19.2.3 on page 332   VoIP – see Section 19.2.4 on page 335  Internet Connection Utilization - see Section 19.2.5 on page 335  19.1 Diagnostics The Diagnostics  icon allows you to test network connectivity. In addition, it allows you to view statistics such as the number of packets transmitted and received, round-trip time, and success status. The test tools are platform-dependent and are not available simultaneously. The Diagnostics  icon displays the ‘Diagnostics’ screen, as described below.  ¾ To access the 'Diagnostics' screen:  In the 'Advanced' screen, click the   icon. Figure 19-1: Diagnostics Screen
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  326  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual   19.1.1  Running a Ping Test The procedure below describes how to run a ping (ICMP) test in the ‘Diagnostics’ screen. This test is done under the Ping (ICMP Echo) group. ¾ To run a ping test: 1.  In the 'Destination' field, enter the IP address or URL to be tested. 2.  In the 'Number of pings' field, enter the number of pings you want to perform.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  19. Diagnostics and Performance Monitoring Version 3.4.0  327  June 2011 3.  Click Go; after a few seconds, diagnostic statistics are displayed. If no new information is displayed, click the Refresh button. Figure 19-2: Running a Ping Test  19.1.2  Running an ARP Test The ARP test is used to query the physical address (i.e., MAC) of a host.  The procedure below describes how to run an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) test in the ‘Diagnostics’ screen. This test is done under the ARP group. ¾ To run an ARP test: 1.  in the 'Destination' field, enter the IP address of the target host. 2.  Click Go; after a few moments, diagnostic statistics is displayed. If no new information is displayed, click Refresh. Figure 19-3: Running an ARP Test  19.1.3  Running a Traceroute The procedure below describes how to run a traceroute test in the ‘Diagnostics’ screen. This test is done under the Traceroute group. ¾ To run a traceroute: 1.  In the 'Destination' field, enter the IP address or URL to be tested. 2.  Click Go; a traceroute commences, constantly refreshing the screen.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  328  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Figure 19-4: Running a Traceroute  3.  To stop the trace and view the results, click Cancel. 19.1.4  Running a PVC Scan Test The procedure below describes how to run a Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC) scan in the ‘Diagnostics’ screen. ¾ To run a PVC scan:  Under the PVC Scan group, click Go; in a few moments, diagnostic statistics is displayed. If no new information is displayed, click Refresh. Figure 19-5: Running a PVC Scan  19.1.5  Running an OAM Ping Test The Operation and Maintenance (OAM) ping test checks the status of a Virtual Channel (VC) of the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) connection to the remote Network Access Concentrator (NAC). Each of the ATM's virtual channels has an address that consists of a Virtual Path Indicator (VPI) and Virtual Channel Indicator (VCI). The OAM ping test sends a request, either a VP loopback (F4) or a VC loopback (F5), and receives a reply from the NAC at the other end of the ATM connection. The procedure below describes how to run an OAM Ping test in the ‘Diagnostics’ screen. This test is done under the OAM Ping group.  ¾ To run an OAM ping test: 1.  From the ‘Type’ drop-down list, select the type of OAM ping to run: • F4 End-to-End • F4 Segment • F5 End-to-End • F5 Segment 2.  In the 'VPI' field, enter the channel's VPI value. 3.  In the ‘VCI’ field, enter the channel's VCI value. This is applicable only if you are checking the VC loopback (F5).  4.  In the 'Count' field, enter a number of the ping packets sent to the destination address.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  19. Diagnostics and Performance Monitoring Version 3.4.0  329  June 2011 5.  Click Go; in a few moments, diagnostic statistics is displayed. If no new information is displayed, click Refresh. Figure 19-6: Running an OAM Ping Test
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  330  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  19.2 Performance Monitoring This section describes how to view the MP252 performance status. 19.2.1 Network Connections MP252 constantly monitors traffic within the local network and between the local network and the Internet. You can view up-to-the-second statistical information about data received from and transmitted to the Internet (WAN) and about data received from and transmitted to computers in the local network (LAN). ¾ To view network connections: 1.  From the menu bar, click the System Monitoring menu. 2.  Select the Network Connections tab. Figure 19-7: Network Connections Screen  Click the Refresh button to update the display or click the Automatic Refresh On button to automatically refresh the displayed parameters. To reset the counters, click the Reset Statistics button.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  19. Diagnostics and Performance Monitoring Version 3.4.0  331  June 2011 19.2.2 System Log The ‘System Log’ screen displays a list of the most recent activity that has occurred on MP252. ¾ To view the system log: 1.  From the menu bar, click the System Monitoring menu. 2.  Select the System Log tab. Figure 19-8: System Log Screen  To update the display, click the Refresh button. To clear the list of logged events, click the Clear Log button. To save the logged events to a file (comma-separated values file) on your PC, click the Download Log button. 19.2.3 CPU The 'CPU' screen displays the following system parameters:  Gateway ID:
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  332  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual   System Has Been Up For: Time that has passed since MP252 was last started.  Load Average: Average number of processes that are either in a runnable or uninterruptible state. A process in the runnable state is either using the CPU or waiting to use the CPU. A process in the uninterruptible state is waiting for I/O access, e.g. waiting for the disk. The averages are taken over the three time intervals. The meaning of the load average value varies according to the number of CPUs in the system. This means for example, that a load average of 1 on a single-CPU system means that the CPU was loaded all the time, while on a 4-CPU system this means that the CPU was idle 75% of the time.  Processes: Processes currently running on MP252 and their virtual memory usage. The amount of memory granted for each process is displayed as follows: • Total Virtual Memory (VmData): Amount of memory currently utilized by the running process. • Heap size (VmSize): Total amount of memory allocated for the running process.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  19. Diagnostics and Performance Monitoring Version 3.4.0  333  June 2011 ¾ To view the CPU statistics: 1.  From the menu bar, click the System Monitoring menu. 2.  Select the CPU tab. Figure 19-9: CPU Screen  By default, the screen is automatically refreshed. To disable automatic refresh, click Automatic Refresh Off, and then click the Refresh button each time you want to update the display.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  334  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  19.2.4 Voice over IP The ‘VoIP’ screen displays information on VoIP traffic and settings. ¾ To monitor VoIP traffic: 1.  From the menu bar, click the System Monitoring menu. 2.  Select the VoIP tab. Figure 19-10: VoIP Screen  By default, the screen is automatically refreshed. To disable automatic refresh, click Automatic Refresh Off, and then click the Refresh button each time you want to update the display. 19.2.5  Internet Connection Utilization The ‘Internet Connection Utilization’ screen displays the Internet connection bandwidth usage information per computer and application.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  19. Diagnostics and Performance Monitoring Version 3.4.0  335  June 2011 ¾ To monitor Internet connection usage: 1.  From the menu bar, click the System Monitoring menu. 2.  Select the Internet Connection Utilization tab. By default, the By Computer tab is selected. Figure 19-11: Internet Connection Utilization – By Computer Screen  3.  To view bandwidth utilization per application, click the By Application tab. Figure 19-12: Internet Connection Utilization – By Application Screen  By default, the screen is automatically refreshed. To disable automatic refresh, click Automatic Refresh Off, and then click the Refresh button each time you want to update the display.
    Part II DECT Phone Part II describes the installation and configuration of the MP252 DECT phone, and includes the following chapters:  Introduction  Safety Instructions  Getting Started  General Phone Operation  Phonebook  Call List  Clock and Alarm  Customizing the Handset  Base Settings  Factory Defaults  Troubleshooting    Note:  This part is applicable only to MP252WDNB.
Version 3.4.0  337  July 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  20. Introduction   20 Introduction Part I provides you with step-by-step instructions on how to use your AudioCodes MP252 cordless Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) VoIP telephone.  AudioCodes DECT phone offers the following main features:  DECT technology providing high-definition voice quality, security and range   Interference free for crystal clear conversations—no interference with other wireless networks and other electronic devices   Up to 5 handsets can be registered to the MP252 base station  Call hold  Call transfer  Auto-answer  Call muting  Silent ring mode  Stores dialed, received and missed calls  Last number redial   Hands-free conversations using handset speakerphone  Phone book directory of up to 150 contacts—easy to store and dial  Three-way conference calls between outside call and between handsets   Intercom between handsets  Configurable LCD screen properties–contrast level and background wallpaper   Handset volume control   Built-in alarm clock with snooze  Multi-language support for displaying the LCD screen  Page/handset locator   Selectable ring tones   Keypad lock capability to prevent accidental pressing of keys   Wall-mount bracket included   Comfortable handset size
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  338  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  21 Safety Instructions Before using your DECT phone, read the following safety instructions: 1.  Read and understand all the instructions. 2.  Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the product. 3.  Unplug this product from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning. 4.  Do not use this product near water (for example, near a bath tub, kitchen sink, swimming pool). 5.  Do not overload wall outlets and extension cords as this can result in the risk of fire or electric shock. 6.  Unplug this product from the wall outlet and refer servicing to AudioCodes under the following conditions: • When the power supply cord or plug is damaged or frayed. • If the product does not operate normally by following the operating instructions.  • If the product has been dropped and the cabinet has been damaged. • If the product exhibits a distinct change in performance. 7.  Avoid using a telephone (other than a cordless type) during an electrical storm. There may be a remote risk of electric shock from lightning. 8.  Do not use the telephone to report a gas leak in the vicinity of the leak. 9.  Use only the supplied nickel-metal hydride cell (NiMH) rechargeable batteries! The operation periods for the handsets are only applicable with the default battery capacities. 10.  Use only the supplied 12VDC +/-10%, tolerance, 2A, limited power source wall mount Class II power supply adapter. Before connecting MP252 to power, ensure that the VAC ratings match. 11.  The use of other battery types or non-rechargeable batteries/primary cells can be dangerous. These may cause interference and/or unit damages. The manufacturer will not be held liable for damage arising from such non-compliance. 12.  Do not use third-party charging bays. The batteries may be damaged. 13.  Please note the correct polarity while inserting the batteries. 14.  Do not immerse batteries in water, do not place in fire.   Caution RISK OF EXPLOSION IF BATTERY IS REPLACED BY AN INCORRECT TYPE.
Version 3.4.0  339  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  22. Getting Started  22 Getting Started 22.1  Installing the DECT Phone The procedure below describes how to install the DECT phone on the MP252 unit. ¾ To install the DECT phone: 1.  The handset is shipped with rechargeable batteries already installed in the battery compartment. However, a plastic sheath separates the batteries from the handset’s electrical circuit. Before you can charge the handset, you need to remove this plastic sheath. On the handset, pull out the plastic tab jutting out from the battery compartment. This closes the battery circuit and provides power to the handset. Figure 22-1:  Plastic Tab jutting out from Battery Compartment   2.  On the lower part of the MP252 front panel, remove the cover protecting the connector for the handset cradle.  3.  Attach the handset cradle to the unit by inserting it into the exposed groove and then pushing it up so that it clicks on to the connector. Attach the removed cover to the front of the cradle. Figure 22-2:  Attaching Handset Cradle to MP252 Base Unit  4.  Place the handset in the cradle and leave to charge for at least 16 hours prior to initial use.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  340  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  22.2  Powering the Handset 22.2.1 Charging the Handset Once you have installed the batteries, you need to charge them before initial operation.   Note:  Charge the batteries for at least 16 hours before initial use. ¾ To charge the handset: 1.  Ensure that the MP252 is connected to power.  2.  Place the handset in the charging cradle of the base unit so that the bottom of the phone sits in the base cradle. When correctly inserted in the cradle, the phone begins charging, indicated by the display of the charging levels of the battery   icon in the phone's screen. For checking battery level, see Section 22.2.2 on page 342. Figure 22-3:  Handset Charging in Cradle    Notes:  • During a call, if your handset batteries are low, your handset will play a warning tone. Replace the handset on the base to recharge them. • Your phone can sound an alert tone when the battery is low. To activate this alert, see Section 27.3.2 on page 380. Handset Cradle
Version 3.4.0  341  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  22. Getting Started  22.2.2  Checking the Battery Level The battery icon located in the main screen, displays the current battery level, as shown below:  Handset battery is fully charged.  Handset battery is two-thirds charged.  Handset battery is one-third charged.  Handset battery is empty and needs charging. This icon flashes. Your handset may power down if it is not charged after the battery is empty. If you are in a call and the battery is low, an alert tone is sounded. You can enable or disable this alert tone feature (see Section 27.3.2 on page 380). 22.2.3  Switching the Base Unit On or Off To operate your phone, the base station must be on. You can turn the base station on or off as described in the procedure below: ¾ To switch the base on or off:  On the MP252, press the DECT LED button. When the base station is switched off, the DECT LED is lit red. When switched on, the LED is green or another color depending on the state of the phone. For a description of the DECT LED, see Section 22.3.3 on page 351. 22.2.4  Switching the Handset On or Off When you place the handset in the base unit to charge, the handset automatically turns on. You can turn the handset on or off, as described in the procedure below: ¾ To switch the handset on or off:  On the handset, continually press the   button until the handset switches off or on.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  342  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  22.2.5  Replacing the Batteries The handset is shipped with rechargeable batteries. However, if you need to replace them, follow the procedure described in this section.   Warnings: • Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect battery type; use only the nickel-metal hydride cell (NiMH) rechargeable batteries as provided with your phone (for battery specifications, see Section A on page 389). The manufacturer will not be held liable for damage arising from such non-compliance. • Verify correct polarity of the batteries when inserting the batteries. Incorrect polarity may damage the product. • The operation periods (as stated in Section A on page 389) for the handset are only applicable with the default battery capacities. • Do not use third-party charging bays to charge the batteries. • Do not immerse batteries in water and do not place in fire. • Do not mix old and new batteries. • Do not open or mutilate the batteries. Released electrolyte from the batteries is corrosive and may cause burns or injury to the eyes or skin. The electrolyte is toxic and may be harmful if swallowed. • Do not allow conductive materials such as rings, bracelets, or keys to touch the batteries, otherwise a short circuit may cause the batteries and/or the conductive material to overheat and cause burns. • Avoid touching the battery ends (+, -) or the base unit contacts. ¾ To install the handset batteries: 1.  Remove the battery compartment cover, by sliding the cover out from the base of the phone toward the top end (in the direction of the arrow label printed on the cover). You can use your thumb to push at the base of the cover. 2.  Remove the old batteries (if any) and then place the two batteries (supplied) into the battery compartment, as indicated. 3.  Slide the battery compartment cover back into place. Figure 22-4:  Installing Batteries
Version 3.4.0  343  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  22. Getting Started  22.3  Getting to Know Your Phone 22.3.1  Overview of the Handset  The areas of the handset are shown in the figure below and described in the subsequent table. Figure 22-5:  Areas of the Handset  13246578911 12 13 14 10
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  344  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Table 22-1: Handset Description Item  Label  Description 1  - Earpiece 2  - Display 3   Up Arrow / Redial List  In idle mode: Press to access the redial list.  In menu mode: Press to scroll up the menu items  In Phonebook list / Redial list / Call List: Press to scroll up the list  During a call: Press to increase the volume 4   Left Softkey  In idle mode: Press to access the main menu  In submenu mode: Press to confirm selection  During a call: Press to access the submenu 5   Left Arrow  In idle mode: Press to list the registered handsets.  In editing/pre-dialing mode: Press to move the cursor one character to the left.  During a second call: press and hold to conference your calls. 6   Talk On  In idle / pre-dialing mode : Press to make a call  In Redial list / Call List/ Phonebook entry:  Press to make a call to the selected entry in the list  During ringing: Press to answer a call 7  Alphanumeric Keypad, * (Star), # (Hash) Press to insert a digit / character / * / # • * key in idle mode: Long press to turn on/off the ringer • * key in editing mode: Long press to switch the character set • * key during a call:  Short press to switch to tone dialing mode temporarilyif using pulse dialing mode currently • # key in editing mode: Long press to toggle between uppercase or lowercase character input • # key in Idle mode: Long press to turn on / off the keypad lock • 0 key in pre-dialing / number editing mode: Long press to insert a pause8   Bluetooth Note: This button will be supported in the next applicable release. 9  - Microphone 10   Right Softkey  In idle mode: Press to access the phonebook  In sub-menu mode: Press to go back to previous level  In editing / pre-dialing mode: Press to clear a character / digit  In editing / pre-dialing mode: Long press to delete all the characters / digit During a call: Press to hold / unhold the call. 11   Right Arrow  In pre-dialing / editing mode: Press to move the cursor one character to the right.  During a second call: Press to toggle between calls.
Version 3.4.0  345  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  22. Getting Started  Item  Label  Description 12   Talk Off  During a call: Press to end a call and go back to idle screen  When there are two calls and the second is an outgoing call: Press to transfer the first call to the user of the second call.  In menu / editing mode: Press to go back to idle screen  In Idle: Press and hold to power off the handset  When the handset is power off: Press and hold to power on the handset13   Down / Call List  In idle mode: Press to access the call list  In menu mode: Press to scroll down the menu items  In Phonebook list / Redial list / Call List: Press to scroll the list  During a call: Press to decrease the volume 14 - Speakerphone  During a call: Press to turn on / off the speakerphone.   Call List / Phonebook entry: Press to make a call with speakerphone  During ringing: Press to answer a call with speakerphone
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  346  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  22.3.2 Getting to Know your Handset LCD Screen The handset LCD provides various icons that are displayed according to the current status and operational mode of the phone. An example of the phone’s LCD is shown below and the icons are described in the table below. Figure 22-6:  Areas of the Handset LCD Screen  Table 22-2: Handset LCD Icon Descriptions Icon  Description  Steady when the handset is in range of the base. Additional bars (red, orange, and blue) are displayed as the signal strength increases.  Flashes when the handset is not registered to the base, in marginal range or out of range of the base. When the handset is out of range, the LCD displays “Out of Range” message.  The alarm is set. When the alarm time is reached, this icon flashes. This icon disappears when the alarm is off.   Intercom is in progress.  Phone is ringing (i.e., incoming call).  Call is in progress.  Hands-free is in use.  Headset is in use.  Ringer is switched off.  keypad is locked.  Handset battery is fully charged.
Version 3.4.0  347  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  22. Getting Started  Icon  Description  Handset battery is one-third charged.  Handset battery is two-thirds charged.  Handset battery is empty and needs charging. This icon flashes. Menu Structure Your phone provides various features and functions that are grouped in the menus.  ¾ To access the Menu list and its submenus: 1.  Press the Menu softkey. 2.  Use the 4-way navigation   keys to navigate to the required menu. 3.  Press the Select softkey to access the required menu. 4.  To drill-down submenus, use the   navigation keys to select the required submenu and then the Select softkey to access it. Table 22-3: Handset LCD Menus and Submenus Menu Icon Unselected  Selected  Menu Name  Submenus   Call List (See Section 25 on page 369)  Call List  Missed Calls  Received Calls  Redial List   Clock/Alarm (see Section 26 on page 373)  Date & Time  Alarm   Base Settings (See Section 28 on page 383)  Manage HS  Line Settings  Modify PIN  BS Default  Product Version  Nemo Mode   Phonebook (See Section 24 on page 365)  View  Add  Edit  Delete  Delete All Note: If the Phonebook is empty, then only the Add submenu appears.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  348  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Menu Icon Unselected  Selected  Menu Name  Submenus   HS Settings (See Section 27 on page 377)  Audio Setup   Ring Setup  Tone Setup  Language  Wallpaper  Contrast  Auto Answer  Select Base  HS Default   Registration   Base 1  Base 2  Base 3  Base 4 The following menus or submenus can also be accessed using the   navigation keys when the phone is in idle mode: Table 22-4: Handset LCD Menus and Submenus Accessed using Navigation Keys Pressed Key  Accessed Menu/Submenu Description  Redial List  Navigate to the phone number that you want to redial, and then press the   button. For detailed description on redialing calls, see Section 23.1.5 on page 356.  Call List  Navigate to the phone number that you want to dial, and then press the   button. For a detailed description on dialing from the Call List, see Section 23.1.4 on page 356.  Intercom  This submenu allows you to make intercom calls between handsets. Navigate to the handset that you want to call. For a detailed description on making intercom calls, see Section 23.11.1 on page 361.  Entering Text and Digits Your phone allows you to enter strings consisting of letters, digits (numbers) and/or symbols. These are required, for example, when defining the handset name and adding phonebook contacts. In addition, your phone supports a variety of character sets including Latin, Russian, Spanish, and Hebrew. The character strings are entered using the phone's keypad keys.
Version 3.4.0  349  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  22. Getting Started  Figure 22-7:  Handset Keypad  Each key allows you to enter numerous characters in addition to those printed on the keys label. The number 1 key provides commonly used characters such as @ and #. ¾ To select a character:  Press the key consecutively until the required character is displayed. ¾ To toggle between upper and lowercase letters:  Press the # key until you hear a beep. ¾ To toggle between character sets (languages):  Press the star key (*) until you hear a beep. In editing mode, a cursor is displayed to indicate the current text-entry position.  It is positioned at the right of the last character entered.  Writing tips:  Once a character is selected, the cursor moves to the next position after a short pause.    You can move the cursor within the text by using the 4-way navigation   keys to modify the text entry.   Press the Clear softkey to delete the last character.    Press and hold the Clear softkey to delete the entire text string..
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  350  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  22.3.3 Viewing Base Unit Status with DECT LED The DECT LED is located on the front panel of MP252 and indicates the operating status of the cordless phone, as described in the table below: Table 22-5: DECT LED Description Color  State  Description Green On  Base unit is ready to make or receive calls with the handset. Green Flashing  Base is available for handset registration. To register a handset, see Section 22.4 on page 351 Red  On  The base unit is on, but no handset is registered to it. Amber  Flashing  Handset is being paged. To page (locate) the handset, see Section 23.10 on page 360. Red Flash  Malfunction in DECT cordless phone. -  Off  Phone is switched off. To switch the phone on or off, see Section 22.2.3 on page 342.  22.4  Upgrading MP252 and the Base Unit If the software version currently running on MP252 is older than Version 3.3.0 build 17, you need to upgrade your MP252 as well as your MP252 base unit.    Note:  If you are a registered customer, you can download the latest MP252 software file and base unit software file from AudioCodes Web site at http://www.audiocodes.com/downloads. These files include V1MOD_SPI_app.bin and MP252_3_3_0_build_17_05_Jan_2011.rmt.  You can view the current software version running on MP252 by using the Web interface, as follows: 1.  Access the MP252 Web interface. 2.  From the menu pane, select the Advanced menu, and then click the About MP252  icon; the 'About MP252' screen appears.
Version 3.4.0  351  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  22. Getting Started  Table 22-6: About MP252 Screen  ¾ To upgrade the MP252 and base unit software versions: 1.  Upgrade the MP252 software version to 3.3.0_build_17. This is done in the Web interface's 'Firmware Upgrade' screen (Advanced menu > Firmware Upgrade  icon). For a detailed description, refer to the MP252 User's Manual. 2.  Once upgraded, establish a telnet session with MP252, and then run the following CLI command: dect save_settings_in_factory 3.  Plug a USB flash drive containing the DECT base version file into the USB port, located on the rear panel of MP252. 4.  Ensure that the DECT LED is lit.  5.  Run the following CLI command: dect upgrade The upgrade process begins and the DECT LED blinks (fast) green. Upgrade takes approximately 8 minutes.    Note:  During the upgrade process, do NOT power off MP252, remove the USB drive, nor any other action on MP252.  6.  Once the base unit has completed its upgrade (indicated by the DECT LED being lit steady green again), reboot MP252. This is done in the Web interface's 'Reboot' screen (Advanced menu > Reboot  icon). For a detailed description, refer to the MP252 User's Manual. Software  Version
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  352  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  22.5  Defining the MP252 Handset Line  Before you can operate the phone, the handset needs to be defined as one of the MP252 phone lines. By default, the handset is automatically assigned Line 3 of the MP252. Configuration of this line is done using the MP252 Web interface, as described below. ¾ To define the handset phone line on MP252: 1.  Access the MP252 Web interface. 2.  From the menu pane, select the Voice Over IP menu; the 'Voice Over IP' screen. 3.  Select the Line Settings tab; the 'Line Settings' screen appears. Table 22-7: Line Settings Screen  4.  Click the Edit  icon corresponding to Line 3. Table 22-8: Defining Line 3 Properties  5.  Define the following line settings:
Version 3.4.0  353  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  22. Getting Started  • User ID: phone number (extension) of the MP252 handset • Display Name: String displayed to remote parties as your caller ID • Authentication User Name: User name (obtained from your service provider) used when sending a response to Unauthorized or Proxy Authentication Requested (401/407) •  Authentication Password: Password (obtained from your service provider) used when sending a response to Unauthorized or Proxy Authentication Requested (401/407) 22.6  Registering the Handset to Base Unit Before you can use your handset, you need to register it to the base unit. Up to five handsets can be registered to the base unit. If the handset is not registered to the base unit, the following is displayed on its screen:   icon flashes  “Out of Range” message appears in idle state ¾ To register the handset to the base: 1.  Press the Menu softkey. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the Registration   icon, and then press the Select softkey. 3.  On the M-252 base unit, press the DECT LED button until (2 – 5 seconds) it starts flashing green; the base unit enters registration mode. (The registration mode remains active for 30 seconds, after which the DECT LED stops flashing. Therefore, proceed to the next step before this interval expires.) 4.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the base unit (i.e., “Base 1”) to which you want to register the handset, and then press the Select softkey; the registration process begins and the “Registering - Waiting” is displayed.  5.  When the handset identifies the base, it displays its radio frequency (RF) identification (each base has a unique RF ID). Click the Accept softkey to confirm (or press the Rej softkey to cancel registration). 6.  On some handsets, you are prompted to enter a PIN code. The default PIN code is 0000 (see Section 28.2 on page 385 for defining the PIN code). If the handset successfully registers to the base, a confirmation tone is heard and the   icon stops flashing. The handset is automatically allocated the next available handset number. This handset number is displayed on the handset screen in idle mode. The base unit to which the handset is successfully registered is marked with an asterisk “*” in the Registration menu (see Section 27.8 on page 381).
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  354  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  22.7  Checking the Handset Signal Strength The antenna   icon displays the signal strength between your handset and the base unit:  Signal strength is excellent.  Signal strength is good.  Signal strength is poor.   When the icon is steady, the handset is in range of the base (but signal strength is weak). When the icon flashes, it indicates that the handset is out of range and there is no link with the base unit. As the distance between the handset and the base increases, so the signal strength decreases and vice versa.   Notes:  • The maximum range between the base station and the handset is approximately 300 meters. Depending on the surrounding conditions as well as spatial and structural factors, the range may be reduced. The range indoors is normally less than outdoors. • If your handset has lost its link with the base unit, you cannot make or receive calls. In addition, many other phone functions cannot be performed.
Version 3.4.0  355  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  23. General Phone Operation  23  General Phone Operation 23.1  Making an External Call External calls are calls made to remote parties other than another registered headset (if any) to the MP252 base.   Note:  Your handset automatically displays the duration of every call. This is shown in hours, minutes and seconds format (HH:MM:SS). 23.1.1 Pre-dialing Preparatory dialing is when you first enter the phone number and only then dial it. This therefore, allows you to make changes to the number before making the call. 1.  Enter the phone number; the number is displayed on the screen. You can make changes to the number before dialing. Press the Clear softkey to delete digits to the left of the cursor.  2.  Press   or   to dial the number.   23.1.2 Direct Dialing Direct dialing is when you activate dialing and only then enter the phone number. 1.  Press   or    to take the line. 2.  Enter the phone number; the phone waits a few seconds and then dials the number. 23.1.3 Calling from your Phonebook If you have added any contacts to your phonebook, you can dial from the phonebook. 1.  Press the PB softkey to access the phonebook. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the desired phonebook entry, and then press the Select softkey. 3.  Press   or    to dial the selected phonebook entry.   23.1.4  Calling from the Call List You can dial numbers from previously received or missed calls, which are stored in the Call List: 1.  Press the   navigation key to access the Call List. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to select the desired entry, and then press the Select softkey. 3.  Press   or    to dial the selected entry.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  356  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  23.1.5  Establishing a Second Call While you are in an active call, you can establish a second call. When you establish a second call, the first call is put on hold. You can toggle between the calls by placing one call on hold while speaking to the other call (see Section 23.11.4 on page 362). To establish a second call, do one of the following:  Making a second call directly: 1.  Press   ; the Predialing screen appears. 2.  Dial the desired number, and then press   again.  Making a second call to a contact in your phonebook: 1.  Press the Menu softkey, and then choose Phonebook. 2.  Select a number from the phonebook, and then press   .  Manually placing the first call on hold before making a second call: 1.  Press the Hold softkey to place the current call on hold. 2.  Establish a second call by doing one of the previously mentioned methods. 23.1.6  Redialing a Number  You can dial numbers that were previously dialed, which are stored in the Redial List.  1.  Press the   navigation key to access the Redial List. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to select the desired number, and then press the Select softkey.  3.  Press   or    to dial the selected entry.   23.2  Answering a Call When you receive a call, your phone rings and the following is displayed on your screen:  “Incoming Call”  Calling number is displayed ¾ To answer a call:  If the handset is not on the base: When the phone rings, press   or   .  If the handset is on the base and when Auto Answer is set to On: When the phone rings, pick up the handset.
Version 3.4.0  357  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  23. General Phone Operation  23.3  Answering or Rejecting a Second Call While you are talking on the phone, you can receive a second call. The phone provides the following indications of a second incoming call:  A beep tone is sounded.  The “Call Waiting” message is displayed on the screen with the details (name and number) of the calling party. ¾ To answer a second call:  Press   to answer the call; the call with the second call party is established and the first call is put on hold. ¾ To reject a second call:  Press   to reject the second call. Once you have answered the second call, you can toggle between the calls by placing one call on hold and speaking to the other call (see Section 23.11.4 on page 362). 23.4  Ending a Call To end call, you can do one of the following:  Press   .  Place the handset on the charger. When you end the call, the screen displays “Released”. 23.5  Adjusting Earpiece and Speakerphone Volume during a Call During a call, you can adjust the volume of the handset earpiece and hands-free. There are five volume levels provided on the handset. This is done during an ongoing call. ¾ To adjust the earpiece and hands-free volume:  During a call, press the up / down   navigation keys to increase or decrease the volume level respectively. The screen displays the current volume setting.    Notes:  • When you end the call, the selected volume applies to all future calls, until it is modified again. • To adjust the earpiece and speaker volume when the phone is in idle state, see Section 27.1 on page 377. 23.6  Muting a Call You can talk to someone nearby without letting the caller hear you during a call. This is done by muting the microphone of the handset. ¾ To mute and un-mute a call: 1.  To mute the call: a.  During a call, press the Menu softkey.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  358  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  b.  Press the   navigation keys to select the Mute option, and then press the Select softkey; the microphone is muted and “Call Muted” is displayed on the screen. 2.  To un-mute the call: a.  Press the Menu softkey. b.   Press the   navigation keys to select the Unmute option, and then press the Select softkey; the microphone is un-muted and you can now converse with the caller. 23.7  Turning Off the Ringer You can turn off the ringer of the handset for audibly notifying of incoming calls. ¾ To turn off and on the ringer: 1.  To turn off the ringer: In idle mode, press and hold   (asterisk) key to turn off the ringer. The   icon is displayed on the screen. 2.  In silent mode, press and hold the   key to turn on the ringer. The   icon disappears. 23.8 Redial List The Redial List stores up to 100 of the last numbers that you have called. If the number that you called also appears in the phonebook, then the contact name is displayed in the list, instead of the number.  The Redial List allows you to do the following:  Redial a listed number (see Section 23.1.5)  Add a listed number to the phonebook  Delete a listed number   Delete all entries in the Redial List    Note:  If there are no numbers in the Redial List, the screen displays “List Empty”.  23.8.1  Saving a Redial Number to the Phonebook You can save a number listed in the Redial List to the phonebook. ¾ To save a listed number to the phonebook: 1.  Press the   navigation key to access the Redial List. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to select the desired number, and then press the Select softkey.  3.  Press the Menu softkey. 4.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Add to PB option, and then press the Select softkey; the phonebook is accessed with the number already appearing in the Number field.  5.  Enter the details (i.e., name) of the contact in the phonebook. For a detailed description of adding contacts to the phonebook, see Section 24.1.
Version 3.4.0  359  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  23. General Phone Operation  23.8.2  Deleting a Number from the Redial List You can delete a number from the Redial List. ¾ To delete an entry in the Redial List: 1.  Press the   navigation key to access the Redial List. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to select the desired number, and then press the Select softkey.  3.  Press the Menu softkey. 4.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Delete option, and then press the Select softkey; the “Delete Confirm” message is displayed. 5.  Press the OK softkey to confirm deletion. 23.8.3  Deleting the Entire Redial List You can delete all the entries in the Redial List. ¾ To delete all entries in the Redial List: 1.  Press the   navigation key to access the Redial List. 2.  Press the Select softkey 3.  Press the Menu softkey. 4.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Delete All option, and then press the Select softkey; the “Delete Confirm” message is displayed. 5.  Press the OK softkey to confirm deletion. 23.9  Locking the Keypad You can lock the keypad to prevent accidental presses on the handset while carrying it around. This can be done only when the handset is in idle mode. ¾ To lock the keypad: 1.  To lock the keypad: In idle mode, press and hold the # key; the   icon is displayed. 2.  To unlock the keypad: In idle mode, press and hold the # key, the   icon disappears.   Note:  You are unable to make any calls when the keypad is locked.  23.10  Paging the Handset You can locate the handset by paging the handset from the base. ¾ To page a handset:  On the base unit, press the DECT button until the LED changes to orange; all handsets registered to the base ring up to 60 seconds and “Incoming Call – HS Locator” is
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  360  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  displayed on the LCD. You can stop the paging by pressing any key on the handset except the Silent softkey.
Version 3.4.0  361  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  23. General Phone Operation  23.11  Call Handling for Multiple, Registered Handsets The MP252 supports multiple, registered handsets. This section describes call handling between multiple registered handsets. This includes how to make internal calls, transfer external calls from one handset to another handset, and make conference calls. 23.11.1 Calling (Intercom) Another Handset An intercom call is a call from one handset to another handset that is also registered to the MP252 base unit.   Note:  An intercom call can only involve two handsets that share the same base unit.  ¾ To call (intercom) another handset: 1.  Press the   navigation key; the screen displays a list of the registered handsets. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to select the handset to which you want to make a call. 3.  Press the Select softkey; the called handset rings. 4.  On the called handset, press    to establish the internal call. 23.11.2  Transferring an External Call to Another Handset You can transfer an external call (i.e., not a call from another handset) received on one handset, to another handset.  Announced Call Transfer An announced call transfer is when you can speak to the handset to where you want to transfer the external call before transferring the call. ¾ To make an announced call transfer: 1.  During the call with the external call, press the   navigation key; the screen displays a list of the registered handsets. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to select the handset to where you want to transfer the call. 3.  Press the Select softkey; the external call is automatically put on hold and the called handset rings. 4.  On the called handset, press   or    to establish an internal call between the handsets. 5.  On the calling handset, press the Menu softkey, and then choose the Transfer option; the external call is transferred to the called handset and the current call with the calling handset is terminated.  Unannounced Call Transfer An unannounced call transfer is when you transfer the external call to a handset without speaking to the handset to where the call is transferred.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  362  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  ¾ To make an unannounced call transfer: 1.  During the call with the external call, press the   navigation key; the screen displays a list of the registered handsets. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to select the handset to where you want to transfer the call. 3.  Press the Select softkey; the external call is automatically put on hold and the called handset rings. 4.  On the calling handset, press the Menu softkey, and then choose the Transfer option; the external call is transferred to the called handset and the current call with the calling handset is terminated. 5.  On the called handset, press   or    to receive the transferred call. 23.11.3  Transferring an External Call to Another External Call If you have two external calls, one an active call and the other a waiting call (or call on hold), you can transfer the active call to the waiting call party. ¾ To transfer an external call to a remote party: 1.  Press the Menu softkey, and then select the Transfer option 2.  Press the OK softkey to confirm the transfer; the two external call parties are connected, and you are disconnected from the calls. 23.11.4 Toggling between External and Internal Calls If you have established an external call, you can establish another call (i.e., internal or external) and then toggle between these calls. When one call is active, the other call is on hold. ¾ To toggle between calls:  Press the   navigation key; the currently active call is put on hold and the currently held party is now active.
Version 3.4.0  363  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  23. General Phone Operation  23.11.5  Three-Way Conference Calls You can create three-way conference calls composed of the following call party types:  Two handsets and an external party  Your handset and two external calls Making a Three-Way Conference Call with Another Handset and an External Party The conference call feature allows one external call to be shared with two handsets (in intercom). The three parties can share the conversation and no network subscription is required. ¾ To make a three-way conference with another handset and an external call: 1.  During the call with the external call, press the   navigation key; the screen displays a list of the registered handsets. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to select the handset with which you want to establish a three-way conference call. 3.  Press the Select softkey; the external call is automatically put on hold and the called handset rings. 4.  On the called handset, press   or    to establish the internal call. 5.  On the calling handset, press and hold the   navigation key for 3 seconds to establish the 3-way conference call.   Note:  If any handset hangs up during the conference call, the other handset still remains connected with the external call.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  364  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual Making a Three-Way Conference Call with your Handset and two External Calls You can make a three-way conference call between your handset and two external calls. This can be done when you have two external calls, where you are talking with one and the other call is waiting (on hold). ¾ To make a three-way conference with two external calls: 1.  Press the Menu softkey, and then choose the Conference option. 2.  Press the OK softkey to confirm the conference; the two external calls parties are included in your conference call.
Version 3.4.0  365  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  24. Phonebook  24 Phonebook Your handset can store up to 150 phonebook contacts.  Each phonebook contact can have a name of up to 12 characters long and a phone number of up to 24 digits.   24.1  Adding a New Contact Follow the procedure below for adding a new contact to your phonebook. ¾ To add a new contact to a phonebook: 1.  In idle state, press the Menu softkey. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the Phonebook    icon. 3.  Press the Select softkey to access the Phonebook. 4.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Add option, and then press the Select softkey. 5.  Enter the contact details, using the   navigation keys to move from one field to the next: • F. Name: first name • Name: family name • Number: phone number   Note:  The name and phone number are mandatory fields.  6.  Press the OK softkey to save the phonebook entry.   Note:  The phonebook displays the contacts in alphabetical order.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  366  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  24.2  Editing a Contact You can edit contacts listed in your phonebook. ¾ To edit a phonebook contact: 1.  In idle state, press the Menu softkey. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the Phonebook    icon. 3.  Press the Select softkey to access the Phonebook. 4.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Edit option, and then press the Select softkey. 5.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the contact that you want to edit, and then press the Select softkey; the contact’s details are displayed. 6.  Press the Select softkey to edit the contact’s details. 7.  Press the   navigation keys to move between fields, and then edit the fields as required. 8.  When you have completed your modification, ensure that you are in the melody field, and then press the OK softkey; the “Saved” message is displayed. 24.3 Viewing Contacts You can view a list of all contacts in your phonebook.  ¾ To view all contacts in your phonebook: 1.  In idle state, press the PB softkey; the phonebook opens, displaying a list of the contacts.  2.  Search a contact, by performing one of the following: • Navigation keys: Scroll through the list of contacts using the   navigation keys. • Search feature: Using the keypad, enter the name of the contact. As you enter letters, the phonebook locates contacts that match the entered letters. For example, if you want to search for the contact “Sue”, as you press the key for the es letter (“s”), the phonebook locates contacts whose names begin with this string. As you enter the next letter (i.e., “u”), so the contacts whose names begin with “su” appear, and so on.  3.  To view the details of a contact, press the   navigation keys to select the contact, and then press the Select softkey. You can also view the list of phonebook contacts from the Menu list: 4.  In idle state, press the Menu softkey. 5.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the Phonebook   icon. 6.  Press the Select softkey to access the Phonebook. 7.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the View option, and then press the Select softkey. 8.  Follow steps 2 through 3 of the procedure above.
Version 3.4.0  367  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  24. Phonebook  24.4  Deleting a Contact You can delete a selected contact in the phonebook. ¾ To delete a contact in the phonebook: 1.  In idle state, press the Menu softkey. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the Phonebook   icon. 3.  Press the Select softkey to access the Phonebook. 4.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Delete option, and then press the Select softkey. 5.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the contact that you want to delete, and then press the Select softkey; the contact’s details are displayed. 6.  Press the Select softkey; the “Delete Confirm” message is displayed. 7.  Press the OK softkey to confirm deletion (or the Back softkey to cancel); the contact is removed from the phonebook.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  368  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  24.5  Deleting All Contacts You can delete all contacts from the phonebook. ¾ To delete all contacts from the phonebook: 1.  In idle state, press the Menu softkey. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the Phonebook   icon. 3.  Press the Select softkey to access the Phonebook. 4.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Delete All option, and then press the Select softkey; the “Delete Confirm” message is displayed 5.  Press the OK softkey to confirm deletion (or the Back softkey to cancel); all contacts are removed from the phonebook.
Version 3.4.0  369  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  25. Call List  25 Call List If you have subscribed to a Caller Line Identification (also referred to as Caller ID) service with your network service provider, then when your phone rings for an incoming call, the phone displays the calling number (and the associated name of the caller if listed in your phonebook). If the caller’s number is withheld, “Withheld” is displayed. If the caller’s number is unavailable, “Out Of Area” is displayed. The phone's Call List stores up to 100 answered and unanswered (missed) calls, displaying the date and time of the calls.    25.1  Viewing the Call List All unanswered (missed) and answered (received) calls are saved in the Call List with the latest call displayed at the top of the list. When the Call List is full, the oldest call is replaced by a new call.   Missed calls are marked with an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the missed call entry. Once the missed call has been read, the * is removed. You can view the Call List by performing one of the following:  In the idle state, press the   navigation key. or  Using the Menu: 1.  In idle state, press the Menu softkey. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the Call List   icon, and then press the Select softkey to access the Call List. 3.  Press the   navigation keys to choose one of the following options: ♦ Call List: displays recently answered and missed calls ♦ Missed Calls: displays only unanswered calls ♦ Received Calls: displays only answered calls ♦ Redial List: displays calls that were previously dialed 4.  Press the Select softkey to access the selected option; the call details–call duration and date and time of the call–are displayed.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  370  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  25.2  Saving a Call List Number to the Phonebook You can save a number in the Call List to your phonebook. ¾ To save a Call List entry to the phonebook: 1.  In idle state, press the Menu softkey. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the Call List   icon. 3.  Press the Select softkey to access the Call List. 4.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the required Call List option (see previous Section) 5.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the entry that you want to add to the phonebook, and then press the Select softkey. 6.  Press the Menu softkey. 7.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Add to PB option, and then press the Select softkey; the phonebook is accessed, prompting you to enter the contact’s details (the phone number as appearing in the Call List is automatically entered in the phonebooks Number field). For a description on adding contacts to the phonebook, see Section 24.1 on page 365. 25.3  Dialing a Call List Number You can dial a number listed in the Call List. ¾ To dial a number listed in the Call List: 1.  Access the Call List menu (see Section 25.1 on page 369). 2.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the required Call List option (e.g., Missed Calls), and then press the Select softkey. 3.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the entry that you want to dial, and then press the Select softkey. 4.  Press   to dial the number.
Version 3.4.0  371  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  25. Call List  25.4  Deleting a Call List Number You can delete an entry in the Call List. ¾ To delete a number in the Call List: 1.  Access the Call List menu (see Section 25.1 on page 369). 2.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the required Call List option (e.g., Missed Calls), and then press the Select softkey. 3.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the entry that you want to delete, and then press the Select softkey. 4.  Press the Menu softkey. 5.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Delete option, and then press the Select softkey; the “Delete Confirm” message is displayed 6.  Press the OK softkey to confirm deletion (or the Back softkey to cancel); the entry is removed from the Call List.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  372  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  25.5  Deleting the Entire Call List You can delete all entries listed in the Call List. When you delete all entries, all entries in the Call List, Missed Calls, Received Calls, and Redial List groups are deleted. If you access the Call List after deleting all entries, the “List Empty” message is displayed. ¾ To delete a number in the Call List: 1.  Access the Call List menu (see Section 25.1 on page 369). 2.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the required Call List option (e.g., Missed Calls), and then press the Select softkey. 3.  Press the Select softkey once again. 4.  Press the Menu softkey. 5.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Delete All option, and then press the Select softkey; the “Delete Confirm” message is displayed 6.  Press the OK softkey to confirm deletion (or the Back softkey to cancel); all entries are removed from the Call List.
Version 3.4.0  373  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  26. Clock and Alarm  26  Clock and Alarm You can set the phone’s date and time as well as set an alarm. 26.1  Date and Time You can set the phone’s date and time as well as determine the format of the date and time. 26.1.1  Changing the Date Format You can change the date format. This can be either DD-MM-YYYY (for example, 25-12-2011) or MM-DD-YYYY (for example, 12-25-2011). ¾ To change the date format: 1.  In idle state, press the Menu softkey. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the Clock/Alarm   icon, and then press the Select softkey to access the menu. 3.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Date & Time option, and then press the Select softkey. 4.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Date Format option, and then press the Select softkey. 5.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the desired format, and then press the Select softkey; the new date format is applied and the “Saved” message is displayed. 26.1.2  Changing the Time Format You can change the time format. This can be either 12-hour format (for example, 5:30 PM) or 24-hour format (for example, 17:30). ¾ To change the time format: 1.  In idle state, press the Menu softkey. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the Clock/Alarm   icon, and then press the Select softkey to access the menu. 3.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Date & Time option, and then press the Select softkey. 4.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Time Format option, and then press the Select softkey. 5.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the desired format, and then press the Select softkey; the new time format is applied and the “Saved” message is displayed. 26.1.3 Setting the Time and Date You can set the current time and date.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  374  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  ¾ To set the time and date: 1.  In idle state, press the Menu softkey. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the Clock/Alarm   icon, and then press the Select softkey to access the menu. 3.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Set Date/Time option, and then press the Select softkey. 4.  Press the   navigation keys to access the time or date area. 5.  To set the time: • To move between hours, minutes and AM/PM (depending on format), use the   navigation keys. • If the selected format is 12 hours (see Section 26.1.2 on page 373), then to select AM or PM, use the   navigation keys. 6.  To set the date, use the   navigation keys to move between day, month and year. Set the date according to the format that you selected in Section 26.1.2 on page 373.   Note:  If you enter an invalid value, an error tone is emitted and the cursor flashes on the incorrect entry.  7.  Press the OK softkey to save the new date and time. 26.2 Alarm Your phone provides a built-in alarm clock. You can select the melody to play when the alarm time is reached. You can also activate the snooze time so that when the alarm rings, you can stop it temporarily and the alarm will sound again at the end of the snooze period (i.e., two minutes). When an alarm is set, the alarm   icon appears on the screen. When the alarm time is reached, the alarm   and  Alarm/Clock  icons flash on the screen, and the alarm melody plays for 45 seconds.   Notes: • When the alarm sounds, you can stop it or snooze it even if the handset keypad is locked (described in Section 23.9 on page 360). • The alarm volume level is the same as the settings of the handset ringer volume (see Section 23.5 on page 358).  If the handset ringer is set to Volume Off, the alarm still sounds at Volume 1 level. • During an external or internal call, if an alarm is set and the alarm time is reached, the alarm   icon and “Alarm On” flashes on the screen and the current call display details (i.e., call duration etc.) disappear. Once you press any key to activate the snooze or press the Off softkey to disable the alarm, the current call details is displayed again on the screen. • If the phone rings for an incoming call and the alarm time is reached, the alarm does not sound. However, if the snooze alarm is enabled, the alarm sounds again at the end of the snooze period provided that the phone is not ringing or in paging mode at the end of the snooze period.
Version 3.4.0  375  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  26. Clock and Alarm  26.2.1 Setting the Alarm The alarm time is set as described below. When the alarm is set, the alarm   icon is displayed on the main screen. ¾ To set the alarm: 1.  In idle state, press the Menu softkey. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the Clock/Alarm   icon, and then press the Select softkey to access the menu. 3.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Alarm option, and then press the Select softkey. 4.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Alarm On option, and then press the Select softkey. 5.  Press the   navigation keys to move between hours, minutes, and AM/PM. If the time format is 12 hours (see Section 26.1.2 on page 373), then to select AM or PM, use the   navigation keys. 6.  Press the OK softkey. 7.  Press the   navigation keys to choose whether you want the snooze functionality (Snooze On), and then press the Select softkey; the alarm time is saved and the alarm icon is displayed on the main screen.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  376  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  26.2.2  Defining the Alarm Melody You can define the melody that is played when the alarm sounds. ¾ To set the alarm melody: 1.  In idle state, press the Menu softkey. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the Clock/Alarm   icon, and then press the Select softkey to access the menu. 3.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Alarm option, and then press the Select softkey. 4.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Alarm Melody option, and then press the Select softkey; a list of melodies is displayed. 5.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the required melody (a sample of the melody is played when you highlight a melody), and then press the Select softkey; the melody is applied to the alarm and the “Saved” message is displayed. 26.2.3  Disabling the Alarm You can set the alarm to off so that it does not ring at all.  ¾ To set the alarm to off: 1.  In idle state, press the Menu softkey. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the Clock/Alarm   icon, and then press the Select softkey to access the menu. 3.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Alarm option, and then press the Select softkey. 4.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Alarm Off option, and then press the Select softkey. 26.2.4  Switching Off or Snoozing the Alarm When the alarm rings, you can either switch it off entirely or you can snooze the alarm so that it switches off temporarily and then rings again after two minutes.  To switch off the alarm when it rings, press the Off softkey or     key; the alarm   icon disappears from the main screen.  To activate the snooze alarm when it rings, press the Snooze softkey or any other key except the Off softkey or     key; the alarm   icon remains displayed in the main screen.
Version 3.4.0  377  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  27. Customizing the Handset  27 Customizing the Handset Your phone comes with a selection of settings that you can change to personalize your handset. 27.1  Adjusting Speaker and Earpiece Volume You can adjust the speaker volume as well as the earpiece volume. The phone supports five volume levels from which you can choose. ¾ To adjust the volume: 1.  In idle state, press the Menu softkey. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the HS Settings    icon, and then press the Select softkey. 3.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Audio Setup option, and then press the Select softkey. 4.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Speaker Volume or Ear Volume option to adjust the speaker or earpiece volume respectively, and then press the Select softkey. 5.  Press the   navigation keys to select the volume level. 6.  Press the OK softkey; the volume level is saved.   Note:  You can also adjust the volume during a call, as described in Section 23.5 on page 358.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  378  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  27.2 Ring Settings 27.2.1 Choosing the Internal Ringer Melody You can select the ringer melody that is played when an incoming call is received from another handset registered to the MP252 base. ¾ To select the internal ringer melody: 1.  In idle state, press the Menu softkey. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the HS Settings    icon, and then press the Select softkey. 3.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Ring Setup option, and then press the Select softkey. 4.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Internal Ringer option (a sample of the melody is played when browsing the list), and then press the Select softkey; a list of melodies is displayed. 5.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the desired melody, and then press the Select softkey; the melody is saved. 27.2.2  Choosing the External Ringer Melody You can select the ringer melody that is played when an incoming call is received from an external party. ¾ To select the external ringer melody: 1.  In idle state, press the Menu softkey. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the HS Settings    icon, and then press the Select softkey. 3.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Ring Setup option, and then press the Select softkey. 4.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the External Ringer option (a sample of the melody is played when browsing the list), and then press the Select softkey; a list of melodies is displayed. 5.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the desired melody, and then press the Select softkey; the melody is saved.
Version 3.4.0  379  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  27. Customizing the Handset  27.2.3  Adjusting the Ringer Volume You can adjust the handset’s ringer volume. ¾ To adjust the ringer volume: 1.  In idle state, press the Menu softkey. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the HS Settings    icon, and then press the Select softkey. 3.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Ring Setup option, and then press the Select softkey. 4.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Ring Volume option, and then press the Select softkey; a volume bar is displayed indicating the volume level.  5.  To increase the volume, press the   or   navigation keys; to decrease the volume, press the   or   navigation keys. Levels filled in with color indicate the selected volume level. The respective volume level is played during your selection. 6.  To silence the ringer, press the   or   navigation keys until “Volume Off” is displayed. when the ringer is off, the   icon is displayed on the main screen.  7.  Press the OK softkey to save your settings. 27.3 Alert Tones 27.3.1  Setting the Key Tone A single beep is emitted when you press a key on the handset. You can set whether only a beep is emitted upon any key pressed or only Dual Tone Multi Frequencies (DTMF) tones are emitted (when numbers 0-9 and symbols * and # are pressed), or both.  You can also turn off the key tone.  ¾ To set the key tone: 1.  In idle state, press the Menu softkey. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the HS Settings    icon, and then press the Select softkey. 3.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Tone Setup option, and then press the Select softkey. 4.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Key Tone option, and then press the Select softkey.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  380  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  5.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the required key tone: • Beep: a beep is emitted when any key is pressed • DTMF: only DTMF tones are emitted (and this occurs only when pressing the digit keys - numbers 0-9 and the symbols * and #)  • Beep and DTMF: beep and DTMF are activated • Off: no tone is emitted 6.  Press the Select softkey to save your settings. 27.3.2  Setting the Battery Low Tone You can turn on the alert tone when low battery and out of range are detected. ¾ To set the key tone: 1.  In idle state, press the Menu softkey. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the HS Settings    icon, and then press the Select softkey. 3.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Tone Setup option, and then press the Select softkey. 4.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the On or Off option to switch on or off the low battery alert tone respectively, and then press the Select softkey. 27.4  Setting the Display Language The handset can be displayed in either English, Spanish, or Hebrew. ¾ To set the display language: 1.  In idle state, press the Menu softkey. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the HS Settings    icon, and then press the Select softkey. 3.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Language option, and then press the Select softkey. 4.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the desired language, and then press the Select softkey; the saved message appears in the language selected and the display is changed accordingly. 27.5  Selecting a Wallpaper You can set a wallpaper image that is displayed in the background on the main screen. ¾ To select a wallpaper: 1.  In idle state, press the Menu softkey. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the HS Settings    icon, and then press the Select softkey.
Version 3.4.0  381  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  27. Customizing the Handset  3.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Wallpaper option, and then press the Select softkey. 4.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the desired wallpaper. Each time you press the key, the wallpaper is displayed in the background. 5.  Press the Select softkey to apply the wallpaper. 27.6  Setting the Contrast Level You can set the contrast level to suit your screen visibility. ¾ To set the contrast level: 1.  In idle state, press the Menu softkey. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the HS Settings    icon, and then press the Select softkey. 3.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Contrast option, and then press the Select softkey. 4.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the desired contrast level. As you browse through the level options, the contrast is displayed accordingly. 5.  Press the Select softkey to save your settings. 27.7  Activating or Deactivating Automatic Answer Auto Answer allows you to answer an incoming call by simply picking up the handset from the charging cradle/base. When this function is activated, you do not need to press a key to answer the call. ¾ To activate or deactivate Auto Answer feature: 1.  In idle state, press the Menu softkey. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the HS Settings    icon, and then press the Select softkey. 3.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Auto Answer option, and then press the Select softkey. 4.  Press the   navigation keys to choose whether you want to activate Auto Answer (On option) or deactivate it (Off option). 5.  Press the Select softkey to save your settings. 27.8  Selecting a Base Station Your handset can only operate with one base unit. If your handset is registered to more than one base unit, you can select the base unit to use. ¾ To select a base for the handset: 1.  Press the Menu softkey.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  382  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the HS Settings    icon, and then press the Select softkey. 3.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Select Base option, and then press the Select softkey. 4.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the desired base unit, and then press the Select softkey; if the selected base is successfully found, “Saved!” is displayed; otherwise, “Fail” is displayed.   Note:  The currently used base is displayed with an asterisk “*”.  27.9  Resetting Handset to Factory Defaults You can reset your handset settings to default settings. When you reset the handset, all your settings related to the handset are deleted and restored to factory defaults, except your phonebook entries which remain unchanged. ¾ To reset the handset to factory defaults: 1.  Press the Menu softkey. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the HS Settings    icon, and then press the Select softkey. 3.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the HS Default option, and then press the Select softkey; you are prompted to enter your PIN number. 4.  Enter your 4-digit PIN number, and then press the OK softkey. (For defining the PIN number, see Section 28.2 on 385.) 5.  Press the OK softkey again to confirm reset; if the PIN code is correct and the handset is restored to default, a confirmation tone is played and the screen returns to idle. If the PIN code is incorrect, “PIN Invalid” is displayed and you are unable to restore the handset to defaults.
Version 3.4.0  383  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  28. Base Settings  28 Base Settings 28.1 Manage Handsets 28.1.1  Renaming the Handset By default, your handset name is “DECT”. You can assign a different name to your handset. The handset name is displayed on the main screen in idle state. ¾ To rename the handset: 1.  Press the Menu softkey. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the Base Settings   icon, and then press the Select softkey. 3.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Manage HS option, and then press the Select softkey. 4.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the handset that you want to rename, and then press the Select softkey. 5.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Rename HS option, and then press the Select softkey. 6.  Using the alphanumerical keypad, enter the required name for the handset. Press the Clear softkey to delete characters to the left of the cursor or press and hold the Clear softkey to delete the whole character string.  7.  Press the OK softkey to save the new name; the handset name is saved and “Saved” is displayed.   Note:  The handset name can be up to 12 characters.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  384  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  28.1.2  De-Registering a Handset You can de-register a handset from the base unit. The antenna icon on the de-registered handset will be off. On certain handsets, you are prompted to enter the 4-digit PIN in order to de-register a handset from the base station.   Note:  You cannot de-register the handset that you are currently using.  ¾ To de-register a handset: 1.  Press the Menu softkey. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the Base Settings   icon, and then press the Select softkey. 3.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Manage HS option, and then press the Select softkey. 4.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the handset that you want to de-register, and then press the Select softkey. 5.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Delete HS option, and then press the Select softkey; the “Delete Confirm” message is displayed. 6.  Press the OK softkey to confirm; the handset is de-registered and “HS Deleted” is displayed. 7.  Press the   navigation keys to choose whether to enable (Intercept ON) or disable (Intercept OFF) call interception, and then press the Select softkey; the “Saved” message is displayed.
Version 3.4.0  385  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  28. Base Settings  28.2  Changing the PIN Number A four-digit personal identification number (PIN) number is required for changing various settings of the base unit. The PIN number is used to protect your phone against unauthorized use. The default system PIN number is 0000. ¾ To change the PIN number: 1.  Press the Menu softkey. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the Base Settings   icon, and then press the Select softkey. 3.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Modify PIN option, and then press the Select softkey. 4.  In the Old PIN field, enter the current PIN number, and then press the OK softkey. 5.  In the New PIN field, enter a new four-digit PIN number, and then press the OK softkey. 6.  In the Confirm field, enter the new PIN number again, and then press the OK softkey; the new PIN number is saved and “Saved” is displayed.   Note:  If the old PIN code is incorrect, “Old PIN Invalid” is displayed and you are returned to the Modify PIN option.  28.3  Resetting the Base to Factory Defaults You can reset your base settings to default settings. When you reset the base, all your settings related to the base are deleted and restored to factory defaults, except your phonebook entries which remain unchanged. ¾ To reset the base to factory defaults: 1.  Press the Menu softkey. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the Base Settings    icon, and then press the Select softkey. 3.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the BS Default option, and then press the Select softkey; you are prompted to enter your PIN number. 4.  For certain phones you may be prompted to enter your four-digit PIN number, and then press the OK softkey. (For defining the PIN number, see Section 28.2 on 385.) 5.  Press the OK softkey again to confirm reset; if the PIN code is correct and the base is restored to default, a confirmation tone is played and “Reset” is displayed. If the PIN code is incorrect, “PIN Invalid” is displayed and you are unable to restore the base to defaults. 28.4  Viewing the Product Version You can view the firmware, hardware, and EEPROM version of your phone.
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  386  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  ¾ To view the product version: 1.  Press the Menu softkey. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the Base Settings    icon, and then press the Select softkey. 3.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Product Version option, and then press the Select softkey. 4.  Press the   navigation keys and then press the Select softkey to choose the option whose version you want to view: • Firmware: displays the firmware currently running on the phone • Hardware: displays the hardware version of the phone • EEPROM: displays the version of the non-volatile memory 5.  Once the version of a particular option is displayed, press the Select softkey to return to the previous screen to choose a different option, as listed in Step 4. 28.5  Activating Nemo Mode   Note:  This function will not be supported in future release.  ¾ To activate Nemo mode: 1.  Press the Menu softkey. 2.  Press the   navigation keys to scroll to the Base Settings    icon, and then press the Select softkey. 3.  Press the   navigation keys to choose the Nemo Mode option, and then press the Select softkey. 4.  Press the   navigation keys to choose whether you want to enable Nemo (Nemo ON) or disable Nemo (Nemo OFF), and then press the Select softkey; the “Saved” message is displayed.
Version 3.4.0  387  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  29. Factory Defaults  29 Factory Defaults The table below lists the factory defaults of various settings: Table 29-1: Factory Defaults Feature  Default Handset Settings External Ring  Melody 15 Internal Ring  Melody 10 Handset Ring Volume  Volume 3 Earpiece Volume  Volume 3 Speaker Volume  Volume 3 Key Tone  Beep and DTMF Battery Tone  On Language  English Ringer Off  Off Wallpaper  Wallpaper 1 Contrast  Level 3 Keypad Locked  Off Auto Answer  On Alarm  Off Base Settings Date  01-01-2008 Time  00:00 System PIN for HS/BS  0000
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  388  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  30 Troubleshooting If you have difficulty with your phone, please try the suggestions listed below: Table 30-1: Troubleshooting Problem  Possible Cause  Solution No Dialing Tone when   Pressed  1  The connection cord of the base unit is not plugged in. 2  The adapter cord is not plugged in correctly in the base unit. 3  The line is busy, as another handset is used. 4  Wrong connection cord (no Euro AS). 1  Check the connections.  Unplug and plug back in the mains.  Check that the telephone line cord has been plugged into the base unit and the phone socket. 2  Check the base unit plug and the 220V plug (remove and plug-in). 3  Wait until the line is unoccupied. 4  Use the original connection cord.When Connected to PBX, No Connection and/or Wrong Connection After Dialing Dialing prefix is required.  Insert the dialing prefix  Phone Displays "Searching"  1  Base unit out of range. 2  Base unit not connected to mains.1  Reduce the range between the handset and base. 2  Connect base unit to mains.  Unable to Make Calls  Service not activated or wrong operator or wrong setting  Check your subscription with network or change the dial mode.  No Display  Empty battery  Recharge battery. No Conference Call  Incorrect or no configuration for conference call feature Ensure that 3 Way Conference is configured in the Web interface (Voice Over IP > Services tab).
Version 3.4.0  389  July 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  A. Specifications  A Specifications    Note:  For the list of features available in the current software version, refer to the latest Release Notes.   A.1 Gateway Specifications The specifications for the router and VoIP functionality are listed in the table below: Table A-1: MP252 Router and VoIP Software Specifications Feature  Details ADSL Interface   RJ-11 ADSL Jack  ITU G.992.1 (G.dmt) – ADSL  ITU G.992.3 (G.dmt.bis) – ADSL2  ITU G.992.5 – ADSL2+  Automatic PVC scanning  Multiple PVCs  Annex B (ADSL over ISDN) support available on a separateP/N  PPPoE-over-ETHoA or IP-over-ETHoA Ethernet Interface   4 ports RJ-45, 10/100Mbps, MDI/MDIX Auto-Sensing  Port 4 can be configured as Ethernet WAN  IEEE 802.3, IEEEE 802.3u  Wire-speed L2 switching between LAN ports Wireless LAN   Wireless LAN - 802.11b/g/n Wireless Access Point, 2.4 GHz 2x2 MIMO internal antennas  Wireless Security: 9 WPA 9 WPA2 9 WPA/WEP Mixed Mode 9 TKIP Encryption  MAC Filtering  Virtual AP – Up to 4 SSIDs USB Interface   USB 2.0 Host Interface  Provides up to 1A current  Network file server access to USB storage device: 9 NTFS and FAT32 support 9 Windows networking and file sharing 9 WINS server  Network printer access to USB printers: 9 Support for most Linux-compatible printers 9 LPD and Microsoft Shared Printers support
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  390  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  Feature  Details FXS (Phone) Interface   2 RJ-11 Loop-start FXS Ports  Configurable regional settings (impedance coefficients)  Up to 5 REN / 0.5km load support (default set to 3 REN) VoIP Signaling Protocols   SIP - RFC 3261, RFC 2327 (SDP) Data Protocols   IPv4, TCP, UDP, ICMP, ARP  PPPoE (RFC 2516)  L2TP (RFC 2661)  PPTP (RFC 2637)  DNS, Dynamic DNS  WAN–to-LAN Layer-3 routing with: 9 DHCP Client/Server (RFC 2132) 9 NAT: RFC 3022, Application Layer Gateway (ALG) 9 Stateful Packet Inspection Firewall 9 QoS - Priority queues, VLAN 802.1p,Q tagging, traffic shaping Media Processing   Voice Coders: G.711μ/a-law, G.729A/B, G.722  Echo Cancelation: G.168-2004 compliant, up to 64-msec tail length  Silence Compression  Adaptive Jitter Buffer 300 msec  Fax bypass, Voice-Band Data and T.38 fax relay Telephony Features   Call Hold and Transfer  Two independent 3-Way Conferencing (one per line)  Call Waiting  Message Waiting Indication  Call Forward  Telephony Signaling: 9 DTMF: Detection and Generation, TIA464B. In-band, RFC2833 or SIP-INFO relay 9 Caller ID: Telcordia, ETSI, NTT - Type I, Telcordia TypeII 9 Configurable Call Progress Tones 9 On/Off hook detection, Hook-flash detection Configuration and Management  Embedded Web Server for configuration and management TR-069 and TR-104 for remote configuration and management  Remote firmware upgrade and configuration by HTTP, TFTP, FTP, and HTTPS  SIP-triggered remote firmware and configuration upgrade  Command-Line Interface (CLI) over Telnet  Dual image management  SNMP Packetization   RTP/RTCP Packetization (RFC 3550, RFC 3551)  DTMF Relay (RFC 2833) Security   HTTPS for Web-based configuration and for TR-069  Password-protected Web pages (MD5)  Configuration file encryption (3DES)
Version 3.4.0  391  June 2011 MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  30. Troubleshooting  Feature  Details  SIP over TLS  State-full Packet Inspection firewall Physical Environmental  Operating Temperature: 0 to 45°C   Storage Temperature: -25 to 80°C  Power   Power +12 VDC, 2A External Power Adaptor, 100-240 VAC/50-60 Hz Battery Backup   Optional battery backup for up to 4 hours idle/30 min. talk time (FXS) Weight and Dimensions  170 x 225 x 35mm, 300g
MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway  392  Document #: LTRT-23504  User's Manual  A.2  DECT (Only for MP252WDNB) The specifications of the DECT phone are listed in the table below: Table A-2: MP252WDNB DECT Phone Specificationsure Details Standard  DECT, GAP and CAT-iq 1.0 certified (functional according to CAT-iq2)Software upgradable to comply with future CAT-iq versions Number of Channels  10 Frequency range  1881.792MHz to 1897.344MHz for EU and 1921.536MHz to  1928.448MHz for US Operating Range  Up to 300 meters outdoors Up to 50 meters indoors Operating Time  Standby: 100 hrs approx. Talking: 10 hrs approx. Battery Charging Time  16 hrs approx. Number of Handsets  Up to 5 registered DECT handsets per MP252 Handset Dimensions  46.6 x 29 x 156 mm (W x D x H) Handset Weight  119.1 g (with battery) Handset Design  optional DECT handset design Battery Information Battery Type  NiMH (rechargeable battery) AAA size Rating  600 mAh 1.2V
   AudioCodes CPE & Access Gateway Products     MP252  Multimedia Home Gateway  User's Manual MP252 Multimedia Home Gateway Version 3.4.0     www.audiocodes.com

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