VTech Telecommunications 80-5125-B00 2.4 GHz Analog Base User Manual Part 2

VTech Telecommunications Ltd 2.4 GHz Analog Base Part 2


User Manual Part 2

2.4 GHz Cordless Telephone withCaller ID/Call Waiting 1430Please also readPart 1 — Important Product InformationUSER’S MANUAL Part 2AT&T and the globe symbol are registered trademarks of AT&T Corp.licensed to Advanced American Telephones.
© 2001 Advanced American Telephones. All rights  reserved.Printed in China. Issue 1AT&T  07/01
CONTENTSBEFORE YOU BEGIN  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1About Caller Identification  .......... 1INSTALLATION  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Before You Install .......................... 2Table/Desk Installation ................. 3Wall Installation ............................ 5TELEPHONE OPERATION  . . . . . . . . 6Make a Call.................................... 6Answer a Call ................................ 6End a Call ...................................... 6Change Channel............................ 6Redial ............................................ 6Handset Volume ............................ 6Flash/Call Waiting.......................... 6Hold .............................................. 6Page/Handset Locator ................... 7Handset Ringer Style/Battery Save ............................... 8Temporary Tone  Dialing................ 8Headset Jack.................................. 8Operating Range ........................... 9Display Screen Messages............... 9TELEPHONE MEMORY . . . . . . . . . . 10Store a Number/Name in Memory  .............................. 10Edit a Number/Name Stored in Memory ............................... 11Delete a Number/Name Stored in Memory ............................... 12Dial a Memory Number .............. 12TELEPHONE DIRECTORY . . . . . . 13Store a Number/Name in the Directory ........................... 13Edit a Number/Name Stored the Directory ........................... 14Delete a Number/Name Stored the Directory ........................... 15Dial a Number from the Directory ........................... 15CALLER ID OPERATION  . . . . . . . . 16About Call History ...................... 16Review Call History .................... 16Delete Records from Call History.............................. 17Dial a Displayed Number ............ 17Store a Call History Record in the Directory....................... 18Display Screen Messages............. 18BATTERIES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Charge the Handset Battery Pack............................. 19Replacing the Handset Battery Pack............................. 20IN CASE OF DIFFICULTY . . . . . . . 21
BEFORE YOU BEGIN1About Caller Identification (Caller ID)This product has a Caller ID with Call Waiting feature that works withservice from your local phone service provider.Caller ID with Call Waiting lets you see who’s calling before you answer thephone, even when you’re on another call.You may need to change your phone service to use this feature. Contactyour phone service provider if:• You have both Caller ID and Call Waiting, but as separate services(you may need combined service)• You have only Caller ID service, or only Call Waiting service  • You don’t subscribe to any Caller ID or Call Waiting services.You can use this product with regular Caller ID service, and you can usethis product’s other features without subscribing to either Caller ID orcombined Caller ID with Call Waiting service.There are fees for Caller ID services, and they may not be available in allareas.This product can provide information only if both you and the caller are inareas offering Caller ID service, and if both telephone companies usecompatible equipment.
Before You Install1 Choose a location for the base near an electrical outlet and atelephone jack. This phone requires a modular telephone jack and a standard electricaloutlet (110v AC) not controlled by a wall switch.2 Install the handset battery. Use only AT&T Battery 2414, SKU#23403.INSTALLATION2b) Align two holes inplug with socketpins, and snap theplug into place.d) Replacecover bysliding it upinto place.a) Remove batterycompartmentcover by pressingon theindentation and slidingdownward.c) Place battery packin compartmentwith the wires inthe lower leftcorner, along thebottom of thebattery pack.
INSTALLATION33 Attach belt clip to the cordless handset (optional).To attach To removeTable/Desk InstallationStandardelectrical outletModulartelephonejack1 Connect thetelephoneline cord.2 Connect thepower cord.NOTE: Install the base unit and spare handset charger away fromelectronic equipment, such as personal computers, television sets ormicrowave ovens. Avoid excessive heat, cold, dust or moisture.
INSTALLATION43 Charge the handset battery.Place the handset in the base. Charge the battery for at least 12 hoursthe first time.4 Check for dial tone.After the batteries are charged, pick up the handset and press P;you should hear a dial tone.5 Set the dial mode.If you have touch tone service, the phone is ready to use as soon as the batteries are charged.If you have dial pulse (rotary) service, you’ll need to change the dialmode.• Press Gon the handset to enter programming mode.• Press <or >until the screen displays DIAL MODE: and thecurrently selected mode.• Press S. The current setting blinks.• Press >to select TONE or PULSE.• Press S, to save the displayed mode.
INSTALLATION5a) Align holes onbase withmounting studson wall jack.b) Pull base downon mountingstuds until itlocks into place.4 Follow Steps 3–5 in Table/Desk Installation.Wall Installation1 Connect the telephone line cord.2 Connect the power cord. 3 Mount the base on the wall.ModulartelephonejackStandardelectrical outlet
HEADLINE LEFTHEADLINE L-SUB6TELEPHONE OPERATIONEnd a CallPress O— OR —Place handsetin base.Exit programming.Cancel a page.Handset VolumeWhile on a call,adjust volume of what you hear.HoldPress to put acall on hold.Press again torelease hold— OR —Lift the handsetof an extension.Answer a CallPress any keyexcept O.Change ChannelSwitch to a clearer channel while on a call.Enter programming while not on a call.RedialPress P, thenpress rtocall last number dialed(up to 32 digits).Make a CallPress P,thendial the number— OR —Dial the number (use<to backspace andcorrect digits), thenpress Pto call.Flash/Call WaitingAccess specialtelephone companysubscriber services.
7TELEPHONE OPERATIONPage/Handset LocatorPress to page the handset for up to60 seconds. Press again to cancel,or press Oon handset.Flashing:handset is in use.On steadily:handset is  charging inbase.Flasheswhen you haveunreviewed call information.If you subscribe to telephonecompany voice mail with a visual messagewaiting signal,light flasheswhen you have voice mail waiting.
8TELEPHONE OPERATIONHandset Ringer Style/Battery SaveYou can select from four different handset ringer styles, or turn the ringer off and extend the battery life.1Make sure the handset is off.2Press Gto enter programming mode.3Press >until the screen displays RINGER:.4Press S. The screen displays the current setting.5Press <or >to select 1,2,3,4,or OFF. You will hear a sample of each ring.6Press Sto choose the displayed ringer setting.Temporary Tone DialingIf you have dial pulse (rotary) service, you can change from dial pulse to touch tone dialing during a call by pressing *. This is useful if you need to send touch tone signals for access to telephone banking or long-distance services.1Dial the number.2Press *. Buttons pressed after this send touch tone signals.3After you hang up, the phone automatically returns to dial pulse (rotary) service.Headset JackYou can use this telephone hands-free when you install any AT&T 2.5 mm headset,purchased separately.Plug the headset into the jack located on the right side of the handset (under the small rubber flap).Do not force the connection,but make sure the plug fits securely.
9TELEPHONE OPERATIONOperating RangeThis cordless telephone operates within the maximum power allowed bythe Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Even so, this handset andbase can communicate over only a certain distance — which can vary withthe locations of the base and handset, the weather, and the construction ofyour home or office. For best performance, keep the base antenna fullyupright.If you receive a call while you are out of range, the handset might notring — or if it does ring, the call might not connect when you press P.Move closer to the base, then press Pto answer the call.If you move out of range during a phone conversation, you mighthear noise or interference. To improve reception, move closer to the base.If you move out of range without pressing O, your phone will beleft “off the hook.” To hang up properly, walk back into range, periodicallypressing O.Display Screen MessagesScreen Displays: When:NO LINE The base is not connected to the telephone line,or the line is not working.RINGING There is a call coming in.CONNECTING The handset is waiting for a dial tone.PHONE ON The handset is in use.MESSAGES WAITING You have received telephone company voice mail.PAGING The base is paging the handset.HOLD There is a call on hold.EXTENSION IN USE Another extension on this line is off hook.BATTERY LOW The battery needs to be recharged.
10TELEPHONE MEMORYThis cordless phone can store 10 telephone numbers with names, each upto 16 digits long in memory locations you assign (0-9).Note: Press Oat any time to exit memory dial mode.This cordless phone can store an additional 40 telephone numbers withnames alphabetically in the directory. See TELEPHONE DIRECTORY forinstructions.Store a Number/Name in Memory1Press G. Then press >until the screen displays MEM DIAL.2Press M. The screen displays ENTER 0-9.3Press the key (0-9) for the memory location where you’re storingthis entry. If the selected location is empty, the screen displaysENTER NAME.Note: If the location is not empty, the current entry is displayed alongwith the choices DIAL EDIT ERASE. Press Oto exit memory dialmode and start again, or follow the instructions to dial, edit or erase the current entry.4Using the chart below, enter up to 15 characters for the nameyou’re storing with the number. Use <to backspace and makecorrections; use >to advance and add a space.PressesDial Key 1 23456112ABC23DEF 34GH I 45JKL56MNO67PQRS78TUV89WX Y Z 900**#&’,-.#
115When you finish entering the name, press Sor G.The screen displays ENTER NUMBER.6Enter the telephone number. Use <to backspace and make a correction. Press rto store a pause in the dialingsequence.—OR—Press rto display the last number dialed from thisphone.7Press Sor Gto store your entry. The screen displaysDISTINCT RING? and the current setting.8Press <or >to change the setting. Choose Y(for Yes) if youwish the phone to alert you to calls from this number by changingto a distinctive ringing pattern after the first ring. Choose N(forNO) for a normal ringing pattern.9Press Sor Gto confirm your selection. If you choseYin Step 8,a Dwill be displayed with the directory entry.Note: When memory is full the screen displays MEMORY FULL, an errortone sounds, and you will not be able to store a new number until youdelete a stored number.Edit a Number/Name Stored in Memory1Press M. The screen displays ENTER 0-9.2Press the memory location key of the entry you wish to edit.3When the screen displays the number you want to edit, pressS. Then press <or >until EDIT flashes.4Press S. The screen displays the name and number. Theflashing cursor appears at the end of the name. Use <,>and the dial pad keys to edit the name. Press Sto move on toedit the number. Press Sto move on to edit the DistinctiveRing setting.5Press Sto save the edited information.DIAL EEDDIITTERASE973-555-0123TELEPHONE MEMORY
12TELEPHONE MEMORYDelete a Number/Name Stored in Memory1Press M. The screen displays ENTER 0-9.2Press the memory location key of the entry you wish to edit.3When the screen displays the number you want to delete, pressS. Then press <or >until ERASE flashes.4Press S. The screen displays ERASE NO YES and the number.The current choice flashes.5Press <or >until YES flashes.6Press S.Dial a Memory Number1Press M. The screen displays ENTER 0-9.2Enter the memory location key of the entry you want to dial.3Press Pto dial the displayed memory number.DIAL EDIT  EERRAASSEE973-555-0123
TELEPHONE DIRECTORY13This cordless phone can store 40 telephone numbers with names, each upto 16 digits long. Entries are stored alphabetically. For consistency withCaller ID entries, you may wish to enter last names first.Note: Press Oat any time to exit directory.Store a Number/Name in the Directory1Press G. The screen displays DIRECTORY.2Press S. The screen displays ENTER NAME.3Using the chart below, enter up to 15 characters for the nameyou’re storing with the number. Use <to backspace and makecorrections; use >to advance and add a space.PressesDial Key 1 23456112ABC23DEF 34GH I 45JKL56MNO67PQRS78TUV89WX Y Z 900**#&’,-.#
4When you finish entering the name, press Sor G.The screen displays ENTER NUMBER.5Enter the telephone number. Use <to backspace and make a correction. Press rto store a pause in the dialingsequence.—OR—Press rto display the last number dialed from this phone.6Press Sor G. The screen displays DISTINCT RING?and the current setting.7Press <or >to change the setting. Choose Y(for Yes) if youwish the phone to alert you to calls from this number by changingto a distinctive ringing pattern after the first ring. Choose N(forNO) for a normal ringing pattern.8Press Sor Gto confirm your selection. If you choseYin Step 7,a Dwill be displayed with the directory entry.Note: When memory is full the screen displays MEMORY FULL, an errortone sounds, and you will not be able to store a new number until youdelete a stored number.Edit a Number/Name Stored in the Directory1Press >(DIR). The screen displays DIRECTORY.2Press <or >to scroll alphabetically through entries stored in memory—OR—Press the dial pad key for the first letter of the entry you want to edit.3When the screen displays the number you want to edit, pressS. Then press <or >until EDIT flashes.4Press S. The screen displays the name and number. Theflashing cursor appears at the end of the name. Use <,>and the dial pad keys to edit the name. Press Sto move on toedit the number. Press Sto move to edit the Distinctive Ring setting.5Press Sto save the edited information.DIAL EEDDIITTERASE973-555-01235/01 5:40PM OLD28 TELEPHONE DIRECTORY14
Delete a Number/Name Stored in the Directory1Press >(DIR). The screen displays DIRECTORY.2Press <or >to scroll alphabetically through entries stored in memory—OR—Press the dial pad key for the first letter of the entry you want to delete.3When the screen displays the number you want to delete, pressS. Then press <or >until ERASE flashes.4Press S. The screen displays ERASE NO YES and the number.The current choice flashes.5Press <or >until YES flashes.6Press S. You’ll hear a series of beeps confirming the deletion.Dial a Number from the Directory1Press >(DIR). The screen displays DIRECTORY.2Press <or >to scroll alphabetically through entriesstored in memory—OR—Press the dial pad key for the first letter of the entry you want to dial.3When the screen displays the number you want to dial, pressS. Then press <or >until DIAL flashes.4Press S. The phone automatically dials the number.DDIIAALLEDIT ERASE973-555-01235/01 5:40PM OLD28 DIAL EDIT  EERRAASSEE973-555-01235/01 5:40PM OLD28 TELEPHONE DIRECTORY15
16CALLER ID OPERATIONAbout Call HistoryThis phone assigns each incoming call a number from 1 to 99. The mostrecent call will have the highest number. When the memory is full, theoldest call information is deleted to make room for new incoming callinformation.For each call that comes in, the screen displays the following informationbetween the first and second rings:• Your caller’s name (15 letters are sent by your telephone company)•  The caller’s area code and telephone number•  The time and date of the call•  The position of the call in call history.If you answer a call before the information appears on the screen, it willnot be in the call history.Note: Press Oat any time to exit call history.Review Call HistoryThe screen displays call information for about 15 seconds after it has beenreceived.1Press <(CID) to view call history. The screen displays2Use <and >to scroll through records in call history.NEW 02  OLD 0012/23 10:34AMCaller’s nameCaller’s telephonenumberDate of call Time of call Position of callin call history
17CALLER ID OPERATIONDelete Records from Call HistoryDelete a Specific Call1Locate the record you want to delete from call history.2Press S, then press <or >until ERASE flashes.3Press S. The screen displays ERASE NO YES ALL and the phone number. The current choice flashes.4Press <or >until YES flashes.5Press S. You’ll hear a series of beeps confirming the deletion.Delete All CallsNote:  You can only delete all calls if all Caller ID records have beenpreviously viewed.1While viewing call history, press S, then press <or >untilERASE flashes.2Press S. The screen displays ERASE NO YES ALL and the phone number. The current choice flashes.3Press <or >until ALL flashes, then press S. The screendisplays ERASE ALL NO YES. The current choice flashes.4Press <or >until YES flashes.5Press S. You will hear a series of beeps confirming thedeletion.Dial a Displayed Number1Locate the record in call history that you want to dial.2If you wish to change how the number is dialed, press #.The screen displays any alternate dialing sequences available for this call (area code + number; 1 + area code + number;1+ number; number only).3Press S, then press <or >until DIAL flashes.4Press Swhen the number is correctly displayed for dialing.DDIIAALL  PGM ERASE973-555-01235/01 5:40PM OLD28 DIAL PGM  EERRAASSEE973-555-01235/01 5:40PM OLD28 DIAL PGM  EERRAASSEE973-555-01235/01 5:40PM OLD28
18CALLER ID OPERATIONStore a Call History Record in the Directory1Locate the record in call history you want to store in memory.2If you wish to change how the number is stored, press #.The screen displays any alternate dialing sequences available for this call (area code + number; 1 + area code + number;1+ number; number only).3Press S, then press <or >until PGM flashes.4Press Sthree times to store the call record in memory without editing.5Press <or >to select Yor Nfor distinctive ring option.6Press S. You’ll hear a beep confirming that the name andnumber were stored.Display Screen MessagesScreen Displays: When:PRIVATE The other party is blocking name and/or numberinformation.OUT OF AREA Your phone company is unable to receive information about this caller’s name and/or number.DISTINCTIVE RING?Y973-555-0123DIAL PPGGMMERASE973-555-01235/01 5:40PM OLD28
19Charge the Handset Battery Pack•  This battery should remain charged up to six days with the ringerturned on and up to 10 days with the ringer off. A fully chargedbattery provides an average talk time of about 10 hours.•  The battery pack needs charging when:— A new battery is installed in the handset.— The phone beeps twice every five seconds.— The screen displays BATTERY LOW and the low battery icon.•  Place the handset in the base so the CHARGING light turns on.The battery pack is typically fully charged in 10 hours.•  You can keep the battery fully charged by returning the handset to the base after each use.• If you repeatedly get a low battery indicator, even after chargingovernight, the battery should be replaced. Use only ReplacementBattery 2214 (SKU# 23403).CAUTION: To reduce the risk of fire or injury to persons ordamage to the telephone, read and follow these instructionscarefully:Charge the battery provided with or identified for use with this productonly in accordance with the instructions and limitations specified in theUser’s Manual, Part 1.BATTERIES
20Replacing the Handset Battery Pack1 Remove the battery compartment cover on the handset bypressing on the indentation and sliding the cover downward.2 Lift out the old battery pack and disconnect.3 Align the two holes in the new battery pack’s plug with thesocket pins, and snap the plug into place. Place the battery pack in thecompartment with the wires in the lower left corner, along the bottomof the battery pack.4 Replace the cover by sliding it up into place.5 The new battery pack must be charged before using the phone.Place the handset in the base and allow it to charge for at least 12 hours the first charge. The telephone might operate before that,but for best performance, let the battery pack charge fully.BATTERIES
21IN CASE OF DIFFICULTYIf you have difficulty operating this phone, try the suggestions below.For Customer Service, visit our website at www.telephones.att.com or call 1 800 222–3111. Please retain your receipt as your proof of purchase.If the phone doesn’t work at all, check these items first:• Make sure the AC adapter is plugged into an outlet not controlled by a wall switch.• Make sure the telephone line cord is plugged firmly into the base unit and the modular jack.• Make sure the base antenna is fully upright.• If the handset does not beep when you press P, the battery might need charging.• Make sure the battery pack is installed correctly.• If you have dial pulse (rotary) service on your phone line, make sure the dial mode is set to dial pulse (see INSTALLATION).• Microwave appliances may cause interference with this phone.If you experience interference, move away from the microwaveIf the above suggestions don’t solve the problem, try re-initializing the handset and base:1Disconnect the power to the base.2Remove the handset battery pack.3Wait a few minutes.4Connect the power to the base.5Insert the handset battery pack.6Put the handset in the base to re-initialize.If you hear a two-beep signal when you try to use the handset:• You might be out of range. Move closer to the base and try again.• If moving closer to the base doesn’t help, try following the directionsabove for re-initializing the handset and base.If the phone does not ring when you receive a call:• Make sure the handset ringer is on.• Make sure the telephone line cord is connected firmly to the base and the telephone jack.• Make sure the AC adapter is plugged firmly into an outlet notcontrolled by a wall switch.• You might be too far from the base; move closer.• You might have too many extension phones on your telephone line to allow all of them to ring. Try unplugging some of them.
22IN CASE OF DIFFICULTYIf you hear noise or interference when using the phone:• Make sure the base antenna is fully upright.• You may be out of range. Move closer to the base.• Press and release Gto change to another of the 30 channelsavailable. If noise is exceptionally loud, move closer to the base beforechanging channels.• Household appliances plugged into the same circuit as the base cansometimes cause interference. Try moving the appliance or the base to another outlet.• Using the handset near household appliances (microwaves, computers,television, stereos, etc.) can sometimes cause interference. Move awayfrom appliances while using the handset.• The layout of your home or office might be limiting the operatingrange. Try moving the base to another location, preferably on an upper floor.• If the buttons don’t work, try placing the handset in the base for atleast 15 seconds.If you hear other calls while using your phone:• Press Gto change to another channel.• Disconnect the base from the modular jack and plug in a cordedtelephone. If you still hear other calls, the problem is probably in your wiring or local service. Call your local telephone servicecompany.If you lose a call after changing channels:You were probably almost out of range. Move closer to the base beforechanging channels. Before placing another call, set the handset in the base for at least 15 seconds.If you are unable to operate special telephone services or otherequipment requiring touch tone signals:If you have dial pulse (rotary) service, follow the directions under“Temporary Tone Dialing” in the TELEPHONE OPERATION section of this manual.If the MESSAGE light on the base does not go off even after you’velistened to voice mail messages:1Press G.2Press >until the screen displays MESSAGES WAITING.3Press S. The screen displays LIGHTS OFF: YES.4Press Sagain to turn off the MESSAGE light on base.

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