VODAFONE AUTOMOTIVE 5481 Automotive intrusion sensor User Manual Manual alarm

VODAFONE AUTOMOTIVE SPA Automotive intrusion sensor Manual alarm


Manual alarm

02 Locks and alarm Alarm02}}65The alarm systemThe alarm is automatically armed whenever thevehicle is locked with the remote key oroptional Personal Car Communicator.When armed, the alarm continuously monitorsa number of points on the vehicle. The follow-ing conditions will trigger the alarm:•The hood is forced open.•The tailgate is forced open.•A door is forced open.•The ignition slot is tampered with.•An attempt is made to start the vehicle witha non-approved key (a key not coded tothe car's ignition).•If there is movement in the passenger com-partment (if the vehicle is equipped withthe accessory movement sensor).•The vehicle is lifted or towed (if the vehicleis equipped with the accessory inclinationsensor).•The battery is disconnected (while thealarm is armed).•The siren is disconnected when the alarmis disarmed.A message will appear in the information dis-play if a fault should occur in the alarm system.Contact an authorized Volvo service techni-cian.NOTEDo not attempt to repair any of the compo-nents in the alarm system yourself. Thiscould affect the insurance policy on thevehicle.The alarm indicator lightG031385The status of the alarm system is indicated bythe indicator light on the dashboard (see illus-tration):•Indicator light off – the alarm is not armed•The indicator light flashes at one-secondintervals – the alarm is armed•The indicator light flashes rapidly beforethe remote key is inserted in the ignitionslot – the alarm has been triggered.Arming the alarm–Press the Lock button on the remote key.One long flash of the turn signals will con-firm that the alarm is armed.Alarm confirmation settings can be changedunder Car settings Lock settingsKeyless entry. See page 120 for a descriptionof the menu system.USA FCC ID: MAYDA 5823(3)This device complies with part 15 of the FCCrules. Operation is subject to the following con-ditions: (1) This device may not cause harmfulinterference, and (2) this device must acceptany interference received, including interfer-ence that may cause undesired operation.Canada IC: 4405A-DA 5823(3)Movement sensor DA5823 by Dynex Operationis subject to the following conditions: (1) thisdevice may not cause interference, and (2) thisdevice must accept any interference, includinginterference that may cause undesired opera-tion of the device.XC60 (Y413); 1; 4 2008-06-30T12:08:01+02:00; Page 65henrikrosenqvist
02 Locks and alarmAlarm 0266Disarming the alarm–Press the Unlock button on the remote key.> Two short flashes from the car's direc-tion indicators confirm that the alarmhas been deactivated and that all doorsare unlocked.Turning off (stopping) the alarmIf the alarm is sounding, it can be stopped bypressing the Unlock button on the remote con-trol or by inserting the remote key in the ignitionslot. Two short flashes from the car's directionindicators confirm that the alarm has beenturned off.Other alarm-related functionsAutomatic re-armingIf the doors are unlocked, the locks will auto-matically reengage (re-lock) and the alarm willre-arm after 2 minutes unless a door or the tail-gate has been opened.Audible/visual alarm signal•An audible alarm signal is given by a bat-tery powered siren. The alarm cycle lastsfor 30 seconds.•The visual alarm signal is given by flashingall turn signals for approximately 5 minutesor until the alarm is turned off.Remote key not functioningIf the remote key is not functioning properly,the alarm can be turned off and the vehicle canbe started as follows:1. Open the driver's door with the key blade.This will trigger the alarm.2. Insert the remote key into the ignition slot.This will turn off the alarm.Reduced alarm functionTurning off the accessory alarm sensorsG031384Navigation (left/rght/up/down) buttonsENTERMENUEXITIn certain situations it may be desirable to turnoff the accessory inclination and movementalarm sensors if, for example, you drive yourvehicle onto a ferry where the rocking of theboat could trigger the alarm or if a pet is left inthe vehicle with the doors locked.The vehicle's menu system is used for turningoff these sensors (See page 120 for a descrip-tion of the menu system).1. Go into the menu under Car settings.2. Select Reduced guard (Press Enter tochoose).3. Two alternatives are now available:•Activate once. If this alternative isselected, Reduced guard–seemanual will appear in the instrumentpanel display and the accessory incli-nation and movement alarm sensors willbe deactivated when the vehicle islocked.•Ask on exit. If this alternative isselected, the message Press ENTERto reduce guard until engine isstarted—Press EXIT to cancel willappear in the center console displayeach time the engine is turned off andthe accessory inclination and move-ment alarm sensors will be deactivatedwhen the vehicle is locked.XC60 (Y413); 1; 4 2008-06-30T12:08:01+02:00; Page 66henrikrosenqvist
02 Locks and alarm Alarm02674. Press ENTER and lock the vehicle.The next time the engine is started, the alarmsystem will be reset and Full guard will appearin the instrument panel display. The accessoryinclination and movement alarm sensors will bereactivated.In either of the alternatives, if you prefer not todeactivate the accessory inclination and move-ment alarm sensors, do not make a choice inthe menu or press EXIT and lock the vehicle.XC60 (Y413); 1; 4 2008-06-30T12:08:01+02:00; Page 67henrikrosenqvist

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