Uniwell Systems WAITERPAD00001 Waiter Pad TX User Manual WaiterPad Manual

Uniwell Systems Waiter Pad TX WaiterPad Manual

Users Manual

      Page 1 Contents Page          1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 WaiterPad IntroductionWaiterPad IntroductionWaiterPad IntroductionWaiterPad Introduction        3333              2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 WaiterPad OperationWaiterPad OperationWaiterPad OperationWaiterPad Operation        5555         2.1  General Functions 5      2.2  Logging On 6      2.3  Adding Tables 6      2.4  Adding Item 7      2.5  Product Notes 8      2.6  Custom Products 8      2.7  Custom Messages 9      2.8  Reviewing Tables 10      2.9  Modifying an Order 10      2.10  Sending Tables 11      2.11  Table Transfer 12      2.12  Screen Appearance 12      2.13  Printing a Bill 13      2.14  Changing Product Groups 13      2.15  Deleting Tables 13      2.16  Managerial Logon 14      2.17  Product Price 15      2.18  System Messages 15           3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 WaiterPad System GeneratorWaiterPad System GeneratorWaiterPad System GeneratorWaiterPad System Generator        17171717         3.1  Introduction 17      3.2  File Menu 17      3.3  Table Layout Menu 18      3.4  Keyboard Layout Menu 19      3.5  Setup Menu 22      3.6  Menu Editor 36      3.7  Generate Menu 43      3.8  Send Menu 44      3.9  WaiterPad Downloading 44           4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 WaiterPOS FunctionsWaiterPOS FunctionsWaiterPOS FunctionsWaiterPOS Functions        45454545         4.1  Introduction 45      4.2  WaiterPOS Screen 45      4.3  General Operation 46      4.4  WaiterPOS Functions 47      4.5  Reporting 50
      Page 2         5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 System MaintenanceSystem MaintenanceSystem MaintenanceSystem Maintenance        53535353         5.1  Daily Opening Procedure 53      5.2  Daily Closing Procedure 53      5.3  Recharging Batteries 53      5.4  WaiterPad Resets 54      5.5  Network Controller Maintenance 54      5.6  Printer Controller Maintenance 54      5.7  WaiterPad Maintenance 55           6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 System TroubleshootSystem TroubleshootSystem TroubleshootSystem Troubleshootinginginging        56565656         6.1  Printers 56      6.2  WaiterPad Hand Held 56      6.3  WaiterPOS 57      6.4  POS System Generator 57           7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 IndexIndexIndexIndex            58585858              8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 System LogSystem LogSystem LogSystem Log        60606060
      Page 3 WaiterPad IntroductionWaiterPad IntroductionWaiterPad IntroductionWaiterPad Introduction     System Components  The WaiterPad system is designed specifically for the hospitality industry providing unparalleled functionality and simplicity. The main components of the WaiterPad system are described in the following paragraphs.  WaiterPad Hand Held        The hand held unit is the waiter’s best friend, compact, lightweight, simple to use and easy to learn. The system enables the user to program the operation of the WaiterPad to meet the individual needs of their establishment.  The Menu Editor application is used to generate the WaiterPad menu and allows the user to: •  prompt waiters through complex ordering processe,s such as products which require the selection of side orders, condiments and cooking degrees/instructions,  •  prompt waiter’s to suggestive sell, •  select seat positions and allocate table numbers, •  attach explanatory notes to each product for the waiter to view, rather than relying on waiters to remember specials of the day, •  perform table transfers, •  print customers bills and many other functions, all explained in the proceeding sections of this manual.  WaiterPOS   WaiterPOS is used to track table orders, print bills, split bills, transfer tables, receive payments, create reports and many other functions. All functions require limited key strokes which enables the user to operate the WaiterPOS quickly and easily.  WaiterPOS provides a powerful alternative to traditional ROM based POS terminals, providing more on screen help the ability to operate in a power blackout through the used of an Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS).    Network Controller         The network controller is the hub of the system, it manages the flow of all data from the radio frequency receivers to the printer controller(s) and the WaiterPOS.
      Page 4 Printer Controller      The printer controller manages the printing queue of each printer, formatting the order docket and rerouting order dockets if the printer is out of paper or jammed.     WaiterPad System Generator                            WaiterPad system generator is software used to configure the operation of all components of the system.   WaiterPad System Generator is a Windows based system with much on-screen help to enable the user to perform all tasks easily and quickly.     Radio Frequency Receivers  The radio frequency receivers receive information from the hand held WaiterPad’s and transmit this information to the Network Controller. Various types of radio frequency receiver housings are available such as a camera dome or alarm sensor shell to enable the receivers to be blended into the establishments décor.   WaiterPad Charger        The WaiterPad charger Is used to charge the batteries of the WaiterPad hand held units. A cable from the charger simply plugs into the bottom of the WaiterPad and the charger indicates when the charging is complete.
      Page 5 WaiterPad OperationWaiterPad OperationWaiterPad OperationWaiterPad Operation        2.1 GENERAL FUNCTIONS  Turning the WaiterPad On/Off  To turn the WaiterPad on, press and hold the green power button located on the bottom left-hand side of the WaiterPad for one second.  To turn the WaiterPad off, press the green power button quickly, do not hold down. The WaiterPad screen will automatically turn off if not used for approximately 2 minutes.  Selecting an Item  An item is selected from the WaiterPad touch-screen using the point of the ‘Stylus Pen’ provided with the WaiterPad to highlight that item on the screen. When an item is successfully selected that item highlights and the WaiterPad emits a quick confirmation noise.  If the pen is not released from the screen above the intended item then the item will not be selected as the WaiterPad assumes that a mistake has been made.  Scrolling  When a menu has more items than can fit onto one screen the WaiterPad adds a ‘Scroll Bar’ to the right-hand side of the screen. The scroll bar can be used in a variety of ways to view items on the list and operates in much the same way as a Microsoft Windows scroll bar.            Fig 2.1(a)Fig 2.1(a)Fig 2.1(a)Fig 2.1(a) Hand Held screen showing a scroll bar.  The position of the current page in the list is shown in dark black and the areas out of view are shaded. Fig 2.1(a) shows that the user is at the top of the list because all shading is below the black area.  To scroll down this list the user can either press the shaded area of the scroll bar, press the down arrow at the bottom of the scroll bar or use the scroll down button on the WaiterPad (center button).  Returning to the WaiterPad Log-In Screen  If at any time a new waiter needs to logon to the WaiterPad they can return to the log-in screen by pressing the WaiterPad button on the button right-hand side as shown in Fig 2.1(b).       Up Arrow      Current Position of Page          (this page is at the top of the list)         Section Out of Display       (items which are not currently in view)     Down Arrow Scroll Bar   Fig 2.1(b)
      Page 6 2.2 LOGGING ON  1.  From the main WaiterPad screen click on   and then select a name from the drop down list. After selecting a name press   as shown in Fig 2.4(a).    Fig 2.4(a)Fig 2.4(a)Fig 2.4(a)Fig 2.4(a) Opening WaiterPad logon screen.  2.  If Clerk PIN numbers are in use waiters will be asked to enter in their PIN on the Enter PIN pad, (as shown in Fig 2.4(b)). Complete by selecting  .    Fig 2.4(b) Clerk PIN number pad.  See section 3.6 Menu Editor - System Configuration for instructions on how to activate the use of clerk PIN’s and section 3.5 Setup Menu - Clerks for instructions on adding clerks and modifying clerk details.  2.3 ADDING TABLES   1.  After logging on, a table can be added to the system by pressing   which is located in the bottom left-hand corner. This will open the Add Tables pad which looks similar to a calculator.  If the user wishes to cancel the addition of a table press the CCCC (Cancel) button, this will then return the user to the Tables screen. 2.  Use the digit buttons on the pad to enter the table number and finish by pressing  .    Fig 2.5(a) The Add Table pad. Select Name List Box  Drop Down Name List   Name List Scroll Down Button  OK Button Use Digit Buttons  to Enter Clerk PIN Number       Finish by Pressing the  OK Button          Back Key  (Clears the Last Digit Entered)  Clear Key (Clears all Digits Entered)  Cancel Key (Cancels the Log On) Back Button  Clear Button   Cancel Button Digits Entered    Digit Buttons    OK Button
      Page 7 3.  After entering the table number the WaiterPad may prompt for the number of covers. Enter the number of covers as the table number was entered.  The WaiterPad will only prompt for the number of covers if the appropriate flag is set (see section 3.6 Menu Editor - System Configuration).  2.4 ADDING ITEMS  When the user has added the table they are ready to add items to the order. The WaiterPad will proceed directly the main menu screen, from which point the user can navigate through the menus by tapping the one required.             Fig 2.6(a) Main Menu screen.  To allocate an item to a particular seat of the table the seat position must be set before the item is selected. This is done using the up and down arrows as shown in Fig 2.6(a). This function allows a number between 1 and 99 to be selected.  Depending upon the specific menu design, the user may be prompted through one or several screens after selecting a product for details such as cooking degree, sauces, side orders, etc. When in a product screen an item is added by tapping that item with the tip of the stylus pen.   To go back to the previous menu, provided the user is not currently in the main menu, tap   (Back button) which is located in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.            Table           No of    Time  Battery       Number         Covers       Status Seat No         Current           Seat No   Down         Seat No              Up  Button      Allocated          Button
      Page 8                      Fig 2.6(b) Menu navigation buttons.  To get back to the Main Menu at any time tap   which is located in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. The last action can be erased using the   button. By pressing the undo button the last action will be deleted.  The user may review the current order at anytime by tapping  , this opens the Review Screen. Products and order details can be altered in this screen which is explained in section 2.11 Modifying an Order.  2.5 PRODUCT NOTES  Any product can have a note attached to it.  Product notes are used to provide information to the waiter. For example a note can be used to describe the days Chef’s Special rather than waiters having to remember such items or they can be used to further describe a product.              Fig 2.7(a) Product note icon and product note screen.  To view a product note simply tap on the note icon, as shown in Fig 2.7(a), which will open the Note Description, also shown in Fig 2.7(a). To exit the Note Description tap  .      2.6 CUSTOM PRODUCTS  WaiterPad has the ability to add products that are not in the database, these are referred to as “Custom Products”. To add a custom product tap   in the main menu screen which will then open the custom screen. From this form the user can add custom messages as well as products, instructions on how to add a custom message are outlined in section 2.9 Custom Messages.   Review        Main               Back Button       Button            Button  Product Note Icon  Text Description       Back Button
      Page 9 To order a custom product proceed as follows:  1.  First use the stylus pen to select , highlighted in Fig 2.8(a). 2.  Enter a description of the product by pressing   and using the keyboard which appears. 3.  The next step is to select a group and printer to send the product to. Do this by tapping on Group , selecting the appropriate group and likewise for the printer. 4.  Finally enter a price by tapping   and entering the price (in cents), finish by tapping  .    Fig 2.8(a) Custom product screen.  Once these steps have been completed select  , to cancel at any stage press  .  2.7 CUSTOM MESSAGES  WaiterPad has the ability to allow waiters to send custom messages to the preparation areas. This is done from either the main menu screen by pressing   or in the review screen by highlighting the item to which a message needs to be attached and then pressing  . This will open the custom screen as shown in Fig 2.9(a).    Fig 2.9(a) The custom message screen.  Proceed as follows: 1.  Enter a message by pressing   which opens a screen keyboard, when completed press Done on the keyboard. 2.  Select a group to send the product to by tapping the Group  and selecting the appropriate group and likewise for the printer.  3.  To finish tap  .  When using the   button from the main menu screen the message will be attached to the last item ordered.   ABC Button  Group Drop Box  Printer Drop Box   Price Button Product Button   List Boxes (press arrow head to open the drop down box) Message Button    Alpha Keyboard Button
      Page 10 2.8 REVIEWING TABLES  The Review screen shows the order as it has been inputted allowing the waiter to confirm the order with the customer before sending. The waiter can go to the Review screen at any time by pressing . Items can be added to the order from the Review screen by pressing   located in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. To proceed to the order sending stage, press  .    Fig 2.11(a) Review order screen lists all the items selected.  Products can be deleted, quantities and seat positions changed in the Review screen which is explained in the next section,  2.11 Modifying an Order.  To review an order from the main menu screen tap  , located in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen to open the Review Table screen.   2.9  MODIFYING AN ORDER  Deleting a Product     To delete an item from the order in the Review screen, highlight the item required to be deleted (as shown in Fig 2.11(a)) and then press   located in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. This will delete the item and all accompanying “Side Dishes/Condiments/Cooking Instructions/Messages”. If an item has an ordered quantity greater than one then the WaiterPad will prompt the user to select the number required to be deleted.        Fig 2.11(a) Example of a highlighted product on the revue screen.  (Note: If the “Save Orders” flag is set, an item that has already been sent can not be deleted, see section 3.5 Setup Menu - System Configuration).   Seat Position   Product Description   Cooking Instruction    Quantity Ordered Delete   Message Button    Button Quantity Ordered    Item Description Seat Positions
      Page 11 Changing the Quantity     The quantity ordered of an item is shown in front of the product description on the left-hand side of the screen. To change the quantity of an item to be ordered in the Review screen, select the quantity required to be changed by tapping on it and then entering the correct quantity into the quantity pad which appears. Finish by pressing  .  Modifying a Seat Number     To change the seat number highlight the seat number and change in the same manner as described in the Changing the Quantity section. To add a seat number to an item select the blank area to the right of the item description (as shown in Fig 2.11(b)) and enter the number in the same manner.    Fig 2.11(b) Select the blank area where the seat number would  be located to insert a seat number.  2.10 SENDING TABLES  To send tables with unsent orders, go to the tables screen (shown Fig 2.12(a)) and tap  . On a successful send, and provided that the flags are set correctly (see section 3.5 Setup Menu - System Configuration), the WaiterPad will emit an audio confirmation and the screen will invert black and clear three times.  If errors occur during the sending phase an error message will appear on the screen, check section 2.20 System Messages section for a detailed description and instructions.       Fig 2.12(a) The tables screen showing sent and unsent orders.  A black table represents a table that contains orders which have not been sent, whereas a clear table contains no unsent orders. Tables will only remain on the screen after sending if the appropriate program flags are set, otherwise tables will leave the WaiterPad screen once sent successfully (see section 3.5 Setup Menu - System Configuration).     Select this blank area to  allocate a seat number Send Button   Sent Table  Sent Table  Sent Table  Sent Table     Unsent Table Note that the buttons which were shown in Fig 2.11(a) are not present because no items have been highlighted on the list.
      Page 12 2.11 TABLE TRANSFER  WaiterPad allows the waiter to quickly transfer a tables order. To move the current orders from one table to another go to the Tables screen and press  . Select the Move Table function from the function list.    Fig 2.13(a) Functions window.  This opens the Table Transfer screen (shown Fig 2.13(b)), which is slightly different to the other number selection screens which have been explained so far. In the top section enter the number of the table which is being transferred FromFromFromFrom    and in the bottom section enter the number of the table to transfer the order ToToToTo.    Fig 2.13(b) Table transfer screen.  Once both numbers have been entered, tap  . The WaiterPad will then prompt for confirmation of the transfer between these two tables and send a message to the preparation areas advising of the transfer. This function can be restricted to use by Management only, see section 3.5 Setup Menu - System Configuration.      2.12 SCREEN APPEARANCE     Contrast  In some light conditions the screen contrast may need adjustment as the screen text appears stretched or blurred. To alter the contrast turn the contrast dial located on the left-hand underside of the WaiterPad.  Low Light  In low light situations the WaiterPad screen can be altered to improve viewing performance. This is done by turning on the screen backlight which also inverts the LCD. To turn on the screen backlight press the button shown in Fig 2.14(a), to turn the backlight off press the same button again.  Move Table Function Enter the current table number here     Enter the new  Table number here Press OK to complete! Pressing OK will exit the Select Function window.   Fig 2.14(a)
      Page 13 2.13  PRINTING A BILL     WaiterPad allows waiters to print a customers bill at the bill printer from the hand held unit. This is done from the Tables screen by pressing   and selecting the Print Bill option.    Fig 2.15(a) Functions window.  Enter the number of the table into the print bill pad and then finish by pressing  . This will then print the bill on the WaiterPOS bill receipt printer.  2.14  CHANGING PRODUCT GROUPS  The group of an item can be changed in the Review screen, so for example, an ENTREE can be sent to the printers as a MAIN and therefore be displayed on the printer with the other Mains.  To do this, select the item to be changed by tapping on it, this will highlight the item and then additional buttons will appear at the bottom of the screen. Select  , tap on Group   and change the group as required.       Fig 2.16(a)Fig 2.16(a)Fig 2.16(a)Fig 2.16(a) Product functions screen.  2.15 DELETING TABLES  Deletion of tables is completed much in the same way as tables are added. From the tables screen select   which opens the delete table pad. The Delete Table pad looks (shown in Fig 2.17(a)) and operates the same as the add table pad.  Print Bill Function Group Box
      Page 14     Fig 2.17(a) The Delete Table pad and warning message.  Enter the table number to delete by tapping the appropriate digit buttons and then select  . If the table being deleted contains items, the user will be asked to confirm the action. Once confirmed the table will no longer appear on the screen.   2.16 MANAGERIAL LOGON  WaiterPad allows certain functions to only be performed by Management and therefore the Manager needs to logon to the system as the Manager. To do this select   and then select Managerial Logon from the list provided (shown in Fig 2.18(a)).    Fig 2.18(a) Manager Log on and log off functions  WaiterPad will prompt for the Managers PIN to be entered, enter the Managers PIN and finish by pressing  . If the correct PIN is entered then “Manager In” will appear at the top of the screen (as shown in Fig 2.18(b)).      Fig 2.18(b) Manager login pad and logged in screen.  To log the Manager off press   and then select Managerial Logout from the list provided. See section 3.5 Setup Menu - System Configuration for instructions on how to change the Managers PIN.  Press Yes to confirm, No to abort the deletion. Manager Log-On  Manager Log-Off Indicates that the user is logged on as the Manager
      Page 15 2.17  MODIFYING PRODUCT PRICE  If the appropriate flag is set (see section 3.5 Setup Menu - System Configuration) then only the Manager may modify the price of a product and therefore the Manager must be logged in, this is outlined in the previous section 2.18 Managerial Logon.  The price of a product can only be altered in the Review screen, to do so proceed as follows: 1.  Highlight the product which will then add several other buttons to the screen. 2. Press   and then select the Change Price function.    Fig 2.19(a) Product functions screen.  3.  This will open the New Price pad (shown Fig 2.19(b)) which allows either a new dollar amount, a dollar discount or a percentage discount to be entered.    Fig 2.19(b) New product price pad.  To enter a new dollar amount for the product, enter the price ignoring decimal places and press . To enter a dollar discount, enter the amount of the discount, ignoring the decimal place, and then press the $ Dsc button. To enter a percentage discount, enter the discount percentage and then press the % Dsc button.  2.18 SYSTEM MESSAGES  Invalid Table Alert  This alert will appear if the user enters a Table number that is greater than the maximum number allowed for.   Note:  X will be replaced with the Maximum number, which is defined in the WaiterPad Database.   Change Price Function   New Price    Use the digit pad to enter the new price Dollar Discount Button    Percentage Discount Button Select OK button to exit
      Page 16 Transfer Table Alert This alert will appear when the user selects two tables for transfer.  Select Yes to confirm, No to abort. Note: X is the table being transferred From, Y is the table to transfer To.     Delete Table With Orders Alert  This alert will appear when the user attempts to Delete a table that contains Orders.  Select Yes to confirm, No to abort.      Receivers Busy Alert   This alert will appear when the user attempts to send an order whilst the system is processing another, resend the order.
      Page 17 WaiterPad System GeneratorWaiterPad System GeneratorWaiterPad System GeneratorWaiterPad System Generator     3.1 INTRODUCTION  WaiterPad System Generator is software used to configure and manage the operation of the WaiterPad System. System Generator programs the WaiterPOS, the hand held WaiterPads, Network Controller and Printer Controller. The System Generator application is opened by double clicking on the WaiterPad System Generator desktop icon, shown in Fig 3.1(a).  When opened the WaiterPad System Generator presents a “quick launch” facility as shown in Fig 3.1(b). The quick launch facility allows the user to open any of these commonly used menus by left clicking once on the desired icon menu.      Fig 3.1(b) WaiterPad System Generator opening screen with quick launch facility.  3.2 FILE MENU  Registration  The Registration menu is not for use by end users, this information is entered by the dealer prior to beginning operation, see Dealer for further information.  Clear Sales Data  This function is used to clear sales data from the system, such as training sales prior to opening. Enter a date in the Clear Before field (as shown in Fig 3.2(a)) using the computer keyboard in DD/MM/YY format. Click   to confirm and the system will clear all sales priorpriorpriorprior to the date entered.  Menu Bar Version Number Close Button  Maximize Button   Fig 3.2(a) Clear Sales window.   Fig 3.1(a)
      Page 18 3.3  TABLE LAYOUT MENU  The table layout menu allows the user to setup the screen table layout. The system allows the user to setup multiple pages of table layouts and arrange the tables on the screen as desired. The size and shape of a table can be modified to represent the shape of the actual table and a bitmap image can be imported as a background to represent the layout of the restaurant, as shown in Fig 3.3(a).    Fig 3.3(a) Table layout screen.  Adding a Table  Firstly create the table in the database by clicking  . This opens the adding a table window which automatically inserts the next available number in the Number field. To confirm click  .  To add the table to the floor plan grid simply drag the table from the database list and drop it onto the floor plan grid. This will open the Table Details window (as shown in Fig 3.3(b)) which allows the user to set the shape and size of the table. When finished confirm by clicking  .    Deleting a Table  To delete a table, drag the table from the layout grid and drop it back in the database window. To delete the table from the database click   and confirm the deletion by clicking  , abort by clicking  .  Grid Background  WaiterPad allows for a grid background in bitmap format to be inserted. This allows for a restaurants floor plan to be inserted as a background and tables placed on the floor plan grid as they appear in the restaurant.  The bitmap image is selected by clicking   which will open a window to select the bitmap file from. To clear the current background bitmap from the grid click  .   Database List/Window   Database Buttons    Page Buttons      Background  Buttons Floor Plan Grid   Fig 3.3(b) Table Details window.
      Page 19 Multiple Pages  WaiterPad allows multiple pages of table layouts to be created. To create another page click  , click   to confirm the creation of another page,   to abort. To move between pages use the    buttons.  To delete a page click  , confirm the deletion by clicking   or abort by clicking  .  Grid Properties  Un-checking the “Snap to Grid” tick box removes the grid from the floor plan and the grid size field sets the size of the grids.  Table Layout Properties      The table layout properties screen allows the user to setup the screen colours as shown in Fig 3.3(c). To allocate a colour click   and select the desired colour from the colour window.       3.4  KEYBOARD LAYOUT MENU  The keyboard layout menu allows the user to set-up and modify the operation of the WaiterPOS keyboard. WaiterPOS supports two types of programmable keyboards, those with raised keys and those with flat keys. The WaiterPOS also allows the user the configure up to three keyboard menu levels. To set-up or modify the keyboard layout the user should select their type of keyboard from the keyboard layout menu.  Raised Keyboard    Fig 3.4(a) Raised key board layout screen.     Current Menu shift Level Key  Allocated Abbreviation See key descriptions below for explaination of abbreviations   Fig 3.3(c) Table layout properties.
      Page 20 Flat Keyboard       Fig 3.4(b) Flat keyboard layout screen.  The programming of the raised and flat keyboard is identical, the only differences are the layout of the keys.     Modifying a Key To modify a key proceed as follows: 1.  Select the key using the left mouse button. 2. This opens the Select Key Properties    browse box as shown in Fig 3.4(c). 3.  Select the desired key type and confirm clicking  . Key types are explained in the following paragraphs.      Clear Key (CLR)  Allocates the clear function. Ensure the key string field is clear. Clerk Key (CLK)  Acts as a clerk log on, log off key when allocated without a key string. To allocate a clerk to a particular key (hard clerk) enter the clerk number in the key string field. Clerk P.I.N. Key (PIN)  Used instead of the Clerk Key if Clerk P.I.N’s are in used, requires clerk to enter their PIN to log onto the system. Ensure key string is clear. Dollar Discount Key ($)  Allocates the dollar discount function. If the key string is clear then any amount can be entered. To allocate a fixed amount dollar discount enter the amount in the key string field. Eg. $5 enter “500” in the key string field. Electronic Journal Key (EJ)  Allocates the electronic journal function. Ensure the key string is clear. Enter Key  Allocates the enter function. Ensure the key string field is clear. The enter key is hard coded into flat keyboards. Error Correct Key (EC)  Allocates the error correct function. Ensure the key string field is clear. Function Key (FMC)  Not currently in use. Last Receipt Key (LR)  Not currently in use. Line Down Key (LD)  Allocates the line down function. Ensure the key string field is clear. Line Up Key (LU)  Allocates the line up function. Ensure the key string field is clear. Lookup Window Key (LW)   Allocates  look-up  windows  (see  section  3.5 SetUp Menu – Lookup Windows). Insert the lookup window number into the key string field.   Fig 3.4(c) Select key properties screen.
      Page 21 Media Key (MED)  Allocates media keys. Insert the media number into the key string field. If the media is not an exact tender (that is, change is required to be calculated) then the “~” (tilde) character must be inserted in front of the media number. Menu Shift Key (MS)  Allocates the menu shift function. Insert the menu shift level into the key string field. Move Table Key (MT)  Allocates the move table function. Ensure the key string is clear. Multiply Key (X)  Allocates the multiply key. Ensure the key string field is clear. New Balance Key (NB)  Allocates the New Balance function. Ensure the key string is clear. No Sale Key (NS)  Allocates the no sale function. Ensure the key string field is clear. Number Key  Allocates a numerical digit key. Enter the desired number in the key string field. Open Price Key (OP$)  Allocates the miscellaneous product function . Ensure the key string is clear. Open Tables Key (OT)  Presents an Open Tables screen when pressed. Ensure the key string is clear. Page Down Key (PD)  Allocates the page down function. Ensure the key string field is clear. Page Up Key (PU)  Allocates the page up function. Ensure the key string field is clear. Paid Out Key (PO)  Not currently in use. Part Payment Key (PP)  Allocates the Part Payment function. Ensure the key string is clear. Percentage Disc (%)  Allocates the percentage discount function. If the key string is clear then any amount between 1 & 99% can be entered. To allocate a fixed percentage discount, enter the amount in the key string field. Eg. 5% enter “5” in the key string field. PLU Key (PLU)  If the key string is clear then the key acts as a universal PLU key to allocate products to a bill by PLU code. To allocate a particular PLU to a key (hard PLU) enter the PLU number in the key string field. PLU Modifier Key (PM)  Allocates the PLU modifier function. Enter the amount of the modifier into the key string field. A PLU modifier can be used so that one key is allocated to a product with a small and large size products. The small product is assigned a PLU number of say 500 and the large product is then assigned a PLU number of say 1500. The PLU modifier is then set at 1000. Preset Tender (PT)  Allocates preset cash denominations. Insert the value of the denomination in the key string field with a “~” (tilde) character in front of the value. Eg. For $50 enter “~5000” in the key string field. Price Change Key (PC)  Not currently in use. Price Level Key (PL)  Allocates the price level function, enter the price level into the key string field. Print Bill Key (PB)  Allocates the print bill function. Ensure the key string is clear. Receipt Toggle Key (RT)  Allocates the receipt on/off function. Ensure the key string field is clear. Refund Key (R)  Allocates the refund function. Ensure the key string field is clear. Report Key (REP)  Allocates the report function key. Ensure the key string field is clear. Seat Number Key (SN)  Allocates the seat number function. Ensure the key string field is clear. Split Bill Key (SB)  See section following Setting Up the Split Bill Series. Subtotal Key (SUB)  Allocates the sub total function. Ensure the key string field is clear. Tab Key (TAB)  Not currently in use. Table Key (TBL)  Acts as a table number key when allocated without a key string. To allocate a table to a particular key enter the table number in the key string field. Table Modifier Key (TM)  Allocates the table modifier function, enter the table modifier number into the key string field. Takeaway Mode Off (TOF)  Not currently in use. Takeaway Mode On (TON)  Not currently in use. Void Key (V)  Allocates the void function. Ensure the key string field is clear.
      Page 22  Setting Up the Split Bill Series  The three keys required to complete the split bill procedure as outlined in section 4.4 WaiterPOS Functions are “Start Split Bill”, “Split Items” and “End Split Bill”. Setup these keys as follows:  Start Split Bill -  Allocate Split Bill Key Split Items  -  Allocate Multiply Key End Split Bill -  Allocate Split Bill Key  An Unsplit item key can also be set up which is allocated as a Clear key.  Menu Levels  Second and third keyboard menu levels are setup in exactly the same manner as described in previous sections. To navigate between menu levels use the    buttons. To copy the keys from keyboard menu level one the level two left click   , to copy level one to level three left click .  3.5 SET-UP MENU  Configuration    Fig 3.5(aa) Configuration screen, users should only ever alter the float amount.  The Configuration screen is generally not for use by end users, however if the user wishes to alter the till draw float amount then this is altered in the Configuration screen as shown in Fig 3.5(aa).  File Paths  No details on this screen should be altered by the user, refer to Dealer for further information.  Communications  No details on this screen should be altered by the user, refer to Dealer for further information.      Float Field
      Page 23 Flags    Fig 3.5 (ba) POS System Flags screen.  POS System Flags Tab The operation of each flag is described below: Flag 1.  Allows a negative subtotal from a refund to be finalised. Flag 2.  Allows the sale of zero priced PLU’s. Flag 3.  Allows a negative subtotal from a void to be finalised. Flag 4.  Allows the total discount entered to exceed the subtotal. Flag 5.  Enables the printing of orders to the network controller for orders sent from the WaiterPOS. Flag 6.  Prints orders sent from the WaiterPOS on the receipt printer. Flag 7.  Sends message to the kitchen printer when a table is closed. Flag 8.  Sends flash reports to the printer instead of the screen. Flag 9.  Not in use. Flag 10.  Logs the clerk off the WaiterPOS after each transaction is completed. Flag 11.  Prompts the clerk to enter covers when starting a new table at the WaiterPOS. Flag 12.  Prompts the clerk to enter seat positions when entering an item at the WaiterPOS. Flag 13.  Activates Z1 level of reporting. Flag 14.  Activates Z2 level of reporting. Flag 15.  Activates Z3 level of reporting. Flag 16.  Currently not in use. Flag 17.  Currently not in use. Flag 18.  Currently not in use. Flag 19.  Displays all PLU descriptions in upper case. Flag 20.  Creates a new bill on an open table when starting the table on the hand held WaiterPad’s. Flag 21.  Creates a audit file. Flag 22.  Summarizes items on the reports into sections by major groups. Flag 23.  Allows all clerks to cash off orders when operating in Bar mode. Flag 24.  Activate the use of the tax system.        Ticked = active  Un-ticked = inactive
      Page 24   Fig 3.5(bb) Network Controller Flags screen.  Network Controller Flags Operation of each flag is described below: Flag 1.  Activates use of a condensed header on the order printers. A condensed header prints all header information in one abbreviated line. Flag 2.  Prints the number of covers on the preparation area order dockets. Flag 3.  Prints all text in uppercase. Flag 4.  Prints footers on preparation area order dockets where appropriate. The footer lists whether there are orders from the same table at other preparation area printers. Flag 5.  Allows PLU descriptions over 16 characters in length to be condensed therefore allowing a maximum of 32 characters. Flag 6.  Prints side order PLU descriptions in red on appropriate dot matrix printers. Flag 7.  Centers group names on order printouts. Flag 8.  Prints cashier dockets to the system back-up printer when the network controller is off-line, always activatealways activatealways activatealways activate. Flag 9.  Prints the quantity on order printouts in large font. Flag 10.  Prints condiment PLU descriptions in red on appropriate dot matrix printers. Flag 11.  Prints cooking instruction PLU descriptions in red on appropriate dot matrix printers. Flag 12.  Prints custom waiter messages in red on appropriate dot matrix printers. Flag 13.  Prints custom waiter products in red on appropriate dot matrix printers. Flag 14.  Always prints PLU descriptions in condensed font format. Flag 15.  Prints each items PLU number on cashier dockets to allow quick re-entry using the PLU number key.  Clerks  This section is used to setup clerk details and permissions.    Fig 3.5(ca) Clerks screen. Lists clerks in numerical order   Lists clerks in alphabetical order Switch between tabs by clicking on the tab required with the left mouse button
      Page 25 Adding a New Clerk To add a new clerk click   which opens the Insert a New Clerk screen which has four clerk flag tabs as shown in Fig 3.5(cb).         Fig 3.5(cb) Various clerk flags give extensive WaiterPOS security control.  After entering a clerk number and description, allocate a clerk number PIN (if in use) using the computer keyboard. Set the appropriate flags (as shown in Fig 3.5(cb)) which are described below, and complete by clicking  .  Flags 1 Flag 1.  Not currently in use. Flag 2.  Allows clerk to perform a no sale function which opens the cash draw. Flag 3.  Allows the clerk to perform a refund function. Flag 4.  Allows the clerk to perform a void function. Flag 5.  Allows the clerk to perform an error correct. Flag 6.  Allows the clerk to perform a dollar discount. Flag 7.  Allows the clerk to perform a percentage discount.  Flags 2 Flag 1.  Allows the clerk to cash off orders. Flag 2.  Allows the clerk to perform table transfers. Flag 3.  Allows the clerk to perform pay outs. Flag 4.  Allows the clerk to perform part payments. Flag 5.  Allows the clerk to perform split billing. Flag 6.  Allows the clerk to perform price level changes. Flag 7.  Allows the clerk to send Take Away Mode orders. Flag 8.  Allows the clerk to send orders from the WaiterPOS to the preparation area printers.  Flags 3 Flag 1.  Allows the clerk to open the reports function window. Flag 2.  Not in use.
      Page 26 Flags 4 Flag 1.  Allows the clerk to perform an X1 report. Flag 2.  Allows the clerk to perform an X2 report. Flag 3.  Allows the clerk to perform an X3 report. Flag 4.  Allows the clerk to perform an Z1 report. Flag 5.  Allows the clerk to perform an Z2 report. Flag 6.  Allows the clerk to perform an Z3 report. Flag 7.  Allows the clerk to perform a Full PLU report. Flag 8.  Allows the clerk to perform a Flash report.  Modifying Clerk Details To modify the details of a Clerk, highlight the Clerk from the list and then click  . After modifying the details click   to finish.   Deleting a Clerk To delete a Clerk, highlight the Clerk from the list and then click  . Confirm the deletion by clicking  , abort the deletion by clicking  .  Printers  The printers section is used to set-up the preparation area order printers as shown in Fig 3.5(da).    Fig 3.5(da) Printers edit screen.  To add, modify or delete a printer simply highlight the field and add, modify or delete the details. However users should not need to make any changes to details in this area, consult dealer before proceeding.  Name  A description of the printer. Types  Select from the list box. Open the list box by pressing the down arrow head. Backup  Used to set the printers backup printer in case of failure. The above example shows the Kitchen Printer (Printer #1) has printer #2 as its backup and printer 2 has printer 1 as its backup. Flags  Activates the printing of local documents to the printer.          Printer Number Open the printer type list box by clicking the left mouse button on this down arrow head
      Page 27 Receipt  This section configures the operation of the  bill receipt which prints from the WaiterPOS.    Text Lines    The  Text Lines    tab (as shown in Fig 3.5(ea)) gives the user four header lines and four footer lines to enter any text. Other general text editing functions such as justification, double height, double width and bold are activated by checking the appropriate tick box beside that line. Blank lines are not printed unless text is entered in lines which follow a blank field.      Flags        The second tab Flags (as shown in Fig 3.5(eb)) is used to control the operation of the bill printer and each flag is described in the following paragraph.         Flag 1.  Sets the printer to be on by default. If it is on by default then the receipt print is turned on when WaiterPOS is launched. Flag 2.  Activates the use of a graphic label. Flag 3.  Prints the header text as set-up in the Text Lines tab. Flag 4.  Prints the footer text as set-up in the Text Lines tab. Flag 5.  Groups products and prints them by group on the receipt. If this flag and flag 6 are both active then flag 5 overrides. Flag 6.  Groups products and prints them by major group on the receipt. Flag 7.  Prints the total cost and item count of each group at the end of each group section.       Fig 3.5(ea) Text Lines tab of the Receipt screen.   Fig 3.5(eb) Receipt Flags screen.
      Page 28 Graphic Logo The Graphic Logo    tab allows the user to insert a bitmap file to create a graphic logo on the receipt printout.   This is done by left clicking   which opens a browse box to select a bitmap from. Once a bitmap file is selected press the open button and the program will convert the file and display the logo in the preview area. Finish by clicking  .  The      button prints a sample printout at the receipt printer.    Fig 3.5(ec) Graphic logo screen.  Tax System  The system allows the user to establish four labeled tax levels in the Tax System    menu.   To setup a tax proceed as follows: 1.  Insert a description for the tax in the Tax Label    field. 2.  Insert the company tax number in the Company Tax Number    field. 3.  Setup the tax in the next available tax field by giving it a description in the Label  field and a percentage in the Amount field. 4. Configure the tax flags as described in following paragraphs. 5. Click   to finish.      Flag 1.  Shows tax total on Z reports. Flag 2.  Shows tax total on X reports. Flag 3.  Shows tax amounts on customer WaiterPOS receipts. Flag 4.  Shows the subtotal exclusive of tax on receipts. Flag 5.  Shows the company tax number on Z reports. Flag 6.  Shows the company tax number on X reports. Flag 7.  Shows the company tax number on customer receipts.    Preview Area     Sample Button Select Button   Fig 3.5(fa) Tax system screen, General tab.   Fig 3.5(fb) Tax system screen, Tax Flags tab.
      Page 29 Main Groups     Main Groups are used to summarize information on reports and receipts. The common Main Groups are food and beverage however up to 99 Main Groups can be created.    Fig 3.5(ga) Main groups screen.  Adding a Main Group 1. Click   which opens the browse box shown in Fig 3.5(gb). 2.  Type a number for the new Main Group into the Group Code    field. No two Main Groups may have the same number and the next available number will automatically be entered when the browse box opens. 3.  Enter a description for the Main Group in the Description field. 4.  Finish by clicking  .  Modifying a Main Group To modify the details of a Main Group, highlight the Main Group from the list and then click . After modifying the details click   to finish.  Deleting a Main Group To delete a Main Group, highlight the Main Group from the list and then click  . Confirm the deletion by clicking  , abort the deletion by clicking  .  Note that the Main Group can not be deleted until it is unlinked from any groups and PLU records.  Groups    Fig 3.5(ha) Groups screen. Lists groups in numerical order   Lists groups in alphabetical order          Counter Button Shows each group and the main group to which they are linked. Lists the Main Groups in numerical order   Lists the Main Groups in alphabetical order   Fig 3.5(gb) Adding a Main Group screen.
      Page 30 Adding a New Group To insert a new group click   which opens the Adding a Group    browse box (as shown in Fig 3.5(hb)).    Fig 3.5(hb) Insert Group screen.  1.  Enter a group number in the Group Code    field, no two groups may have the same group number. 2.  Enter a description in the Description    field. 3.  Link the group to a Main Group by clicking the Main Group , highlight the Main Group from the list and press  . 4.  Set the flags by pressing the Flag  if counters are in use. Counters are described further in the following paragraphs. 5. Click   to finish.  Counters: Counters enable the user to track sales of products within a group on the flash report. The counter can also be setup to be monetary in nature, i.e. add products to the counter which are over or under a certain dollar value.  To setup a group counter click the Flags Flags Flags Flags   button when inserting/modifying a group which will open the screen shown in Fig 3.5(hc).   Select the counter to which the group will be linked, Counter 1 or 2, by left clicking on the appropriate tick box. If the counter is to be monetary then left click on the corresponding flag tick box.    Then descriptions for the group counter must be set, click   which opens the Group Counters dialogue box shown in Fig 3.5(hd).  If the counter is not monetary then enter a text description, if the counter is monetary then a dollar value must be entered. If a value of “8.00” is entered then all products sold in that group that are over $8 will be added to that flash counter. If “–8.00” is entered then all products sold in that group that are under $8 will be added to that flash counter.  Modifying a Group To modify the details of a group, highlight the group from the list and then click  . After modifying details click   to finish.  Deleting a Group To delete a group, highlight the group from the list and then click  . Confirm the deletion by clicking  , abort the deletion by clicking  . Main Group Button  Flags Button   Fig 3.5(hd) Group counters description screen.   Fig 3.5(hc) Groups flags screen.
      Page 31 PLUs  Each product/item must have a PLU record and these files are set-up in the screen shown in Fig 3.5(ia). However if WaiterStock is in use then all additions or modifications to PLU records must be made using this application (consult the WaiterStock manual for directions).    Fig 3.5(ia) Main PLU screen.  Adding a New PLU To add a new PLU click   which will then open the Add a PLU    browse box with three tabs as shown in Fig 3.5(ib).        Fig 3.5(ib) Insert PLU record screens.  Set-up the PLU record by entering the necessary information into the fields provided and finish by clicking  . Each tab and field is described in following paragraphs.    General Tab Lists PLUs in numeric order    Lists PLUs in alphabetic order   Red PLUs indicate those that have been deleted
      Page 32 Product Class:   This allows the user to give the product one of five classifications: 1. Standard Product 2. Side Dish 3. Condiment 4. Cooking Instruction 5. Message. Select from the product class list by clicking  . Group: Click , select the desired group from the list and finish by clicking . See section 3.5 Setup Menu - Groups    for instructions on setting up groups. PLU:  Enter the PLU number in this field.* Long Name:  This is the field to enter the name of the PLU record. The Long Name description appears on the Bill Receipt and in look up windows on the WaiterPOS. Short Name:  This is the field to enter the PLU description which appears on the title bar of the WaiterPOS screen (see section 4.2 WaiterPOS Screen for an illustration of title bar). Order Text:  This is the field to enter the PLU description which appears on the order printouts and the review screen of the WaiterPad. Order Note:  This is the field to enter an order note. Order notes are described in section 2.5 Product Notes. Prices:  The price fields allow the user to enter up to three price levels. Cost:  This is the field to enter the products cost.  Printers Tab This screen lists the printers which are set-up (see section 3.5 Setup Menu - Printers for instructions on how to set-up printers). Tick the printers which the product should print to and then click   to complete.  *   When allocating PLU numbers it is recommended that a range of PLU numbers are allocated to each group and that PLUs in a group are sequentially numbered. The range of PLU numbers allocated to each group should include sufficient room for future additional PLUs. PLU numbers can range between 1 and 65,000.  Flags Tab This screen is used to set the tax flags for the PLU record. To activate the PLU record as affecting a tax level left click on the tax level required. Finish by clicking  .  Modifying a PLU To modify the details of a PLU record, highlight the PLU from the list and click  . After modifying details click   to finish.  Deleting a PLU To delete a PLU record, highlight the PLU from the list and then click  . Confirm the deletion by clicking  , abort the deletion by clicking  .  Quick Edit Quick edit allows the user to make quick editing changes to one or many PLU records. By clicking      the Quick Edit PLUs browse box opens, to make a change to any detail of any PLU simply double click on that detail and then type in the change. Finish by pressing the Enter key on the keyboard.     Media Types
      Page 33 Media types are the types of payment accepted and the WaiterPad system allows the user to setup up to 99 medias.     Fig 3.5(ja) Browse Media types screen.  Adding a New Media To add a new media type click   and proceed as follows: 1.  Enter a media number in the Number    field, no two medias may have the same number. 2.  Enter a description for the media in the Description    field. 3. Tick the Requires Exact Tender    check box if the media requires exact tender (E.g. credit cards) 4. Tick the Affects Cash in Draw    (CID) check box if the media affects the amount of cash in the till draw. The CID is show on the bottom of the Flash Report (see section 4.5 Reporting for further details of Flash Reports). 5. Click   to finish.  Modifying a Media To modify the details of a media, highlight the media from the list and then click  . After modifying details click      to finish.  Deleting a Media To delete a media, highlight the media from the list and then click  . Confirm the deletion by clicking  , abort the deletion by clicking  .  Lists groups in numerical order   Lists groups in alphabetical order   Fig 3.5(jb) Insert new media screen.
      Page 34 Lookup Windows  The Lookup Windows screen (shown in Fig 3.5(ka)) is used to set-up the WaiterPOS keyboard lookup window keys.       Fig 3.5(ka) Lookup window screen.  Creating a Lookup Window To create a lookup window click   and then the system will automatically allocate the next available window number to the Number    field. To proceed to the Name    field press the tab key (located on the computer keyboard) and then enter a description for the lookup window.  After entering a description set the flags by pressing the tab key again and then clicking the Click Here    box which appears in the tab column. This will open the screen as shown in Fig 3.5(kb).     Fig 3.5(kb) Lookup window flags screen.  If the flag Keep Window Open    is not ticked then the lookup window will close after an item is selected from the window. If it is ticked then the window will not close until the New Balance key is pressed.  The Next Menu    section allows the user to setup the lookup window so that after an item is selected from the window the system then automatically opens another window. To set this click  , select the desired lookup window from the list and then finish by clicking  . If no follow on menu is required then click  . Finish setting the flags by clicking  .   Lookup Window Key Each llookup window key requires a number, name and allows various flag to be set. PLU Select Box Select the PLU’s to in the lookup window from this box PLUs Selected Box Lists the PLUs select in the  lookup window Name of Lookup Window    Keeps the lookup window  open after an item has been selected   Next Menu Box    No Next Menu Box
      Page 35 Modifying PLUs in a Lookup Window To transfer a PLU to the lookup window: 1.  Select the required PLU from the PLU Select Box (as shown in Fig 3.5(ka)). 2.  Transfer the item to the PLUs Selected Box by clicking  . The PLU will be copied into the PLUs Selected Box. The PLU can also be transferred by dragging and dropping.  To remove a PLU from the lookup window: 1.  Select the PLU to be removed from the PLUs Selected Box (as shown in Fig 3.5(ka)). 2.  Remove the item from the PLUs Selected Box by clicking  . The PLU will then be removed, it can also be removed by dragging and dropping it back into the PLU Select Box.  To format the order in which PLUs appear in the lookup window, select the PLU to be moved and then use the    buttons to move the PLU up or down the list respectively.  Modifiers  Price Level Modifiers Each PLU record can have up to three price levels and the user can alternate between these price levels using the price shift key as described in section 3.4 Keyboard Layout Menu. This section defines how the price shift key operates.  The first field, Default Price Level, sets the default (standard) price level. This is set by clicking on the   button and selecting the required price level from the list.  The following fields, Price Level    1, 2 & 3 Status, define how the WaiterPOS switches back to the default price level after the Price Shift    key has been pressed. There are three options:   After Item Sale  The WaiterPOS reverts back to the default price level after a item has been selected. After Order Sale  The WaiterPOS reverts back to the default price level after the completion of the order. After Next Change  The WaiterPOS reverts back to the default price level when the Price Shift    button is pressed again.  Menu Shifts Menu shifts are described in section 3.4 Keyboard Layout Menu and this section defines how the menu reverts back to the default level. The same three options as described in previous paragraphs are available.  Table Modifiers  Table modifiers work in much the same manner as a PLU modifier. By pressing the Table Modifier    key the system adds the amount of the modifier to the table number key pressed.  For example, If the table number key is Table 2 and the amount of the modifier is 40, by pressing the Table Modifier key then the Table 2 key, table 42 will be opened.   Fig 3.5(la) Modifiers screen.   Fig 3.5(lb) Insert table modifier screen.
      Page 36 To create a table modifier click   which opens the screen shown in Fig 3.5(lb). Enter a number for the modifier in the Number    field, enter the desired modify amount into the Modify By    field and then enter a description into the Description    field. Finish by clicking .  Terminals  The  Terminals  menu is not for use by end users, this information is entered by the dealer prior to beginning operation, see Dealer for further information.  3.6 MENU EDITOR  Introduction  Menu Editor is a simple application used to program the menu/screen layout of the hand held WaiterPad. Menu Editor also contains a Configuration section which defines the way the hand held WaiterPad operates.  Planning a New Menu Menu Editor allows the user to develop an extensive menu structure to guide waiters through the ordering process. Menu Editor allows the user to add sub menus as well as products to group products together and link sub-menus together to prompt waiters.  When creating a new menu from scratch it is most beneficial if a tree type flow diagram is prepared prior to beginning programming. This allows the user to consider the sub-menu structure, cooking prompts required, etc and greatly improves programming efficiency.   Starting Menu Editor  To open Menu Editor left click on Menu Editor from the Menu Bar which will launch the application and then present the following screen shown in Fig 3.6(aa).  This screen allows the user to open an existing menu, create a new menu or to exit the program. A Menu Editor file has the file extension “wpmwpmwpmwpm” which stands for WWWWaiter PPPPad MMMMenu file.    Menu Editor Main Screen  3 4 5 2 1   Fig 3.6(ab) Menu Editor main screen.   Fig 3.6(aa) Menu Editor opening screen.
      Page 37  Fig 3.6(ab) shows the main WaiterPad Menu Editor screen. This screen shows the user a list of the products/menus in the current main menu screen. The other controls are discussed in the following paragraphs.  1  The menu bar is divided into three menus:  The File menu allows the user to manage multiple menu databases (via New, Open and Save As), the Configure menu defines the WaiterPad operation and exit closes Menu Editor.  The Browse menu lets the user view waiters, printers, PLUs & groups, and to create & modify Menu Editor sub-menus.  The Report menu allows the user to print out a number of reports which are explained in later sections.  2  These three navigation buttons make it easy to move around in the menu structure. The  Main button returns the user back to the Main Menu screen, the Back button moves the user back to the previous menu visited, and the Go to … button sends the user to the currently selected product’s next menu (sub-menu).  3  The Insert, Change and Delete buttons allow the user to add, modify and remove products from the current menu.  4  These two buttons move the currently selected product up or down in the menu list.  5  This button exits the program.  System Configuration  To configure the operation of the hand held WaiterPad select Configure from the File    menu which opens the Configure    screen with three tabs as shown in Fig 3.6(ba).  Program Options  The program options screen is used to set the highest table number* and the manager login PIN. To change the Manager logon PIN, enter the PIN in the Managers PIN    field and then re-enter the same PIN in the Re-Enter PIN    field.  * Note that tables must be numbered sequentially from one to the highest table number entered in the above mentioned field.              Fig 3.6(ba) Program options screen.
      Page 38 WaiterPad Flags 1 Tab     Flags are used to configure the operation of the hand held WaiterPad. A flag is in use when there is a tick in the box to the left of the flag description. The operation of each flag is described in the following paragraphs.       Flag 1.    Keeps the tables order on the WaiterPad once sent. Flag 2.  Opens the Add Tables pad automatically when returning to the Tables screen. Flag 3.  Automatically prompts the waiter for the number of covers at a table after entering the table number. Flag 4.  Places the seat position buttons on the WaiterPad screen. Flag 5.  Allows price overrides only to be performed when logged in as the Manager. Flag 6.  Allows subtotal overrides only to be performed when logged in as the Manager. Flag 7.  Allows table transfers only to be performed when logged in as the Manager. Flag 8.  Allows the deletion of all tables on the WaiterPad screen only to be performed when logged in as the Manager. Flag 9. Prompts waiters for a Personal Identification Number when logging on. Flag 10.  Consolidates multiple items ordered into one product listing with a multiple quantity.  WaiterPad Flags 2 Tab    Fig 3.6(bc) WaiterPad Flags 2 screen.  The operation of each flag is as follows: Flag 11.  Centres the product description on the Waiterpad screen. Flag 12.  Prompts the seat number digit to automatically jump to the table number when the seat number up button is pressed. This is used where two tables are joined to indicate a seat position on one of the tables. Flag 13.  Prompts the waiter when starting an order for a table which is currently open whether the order is a continuation of the existing bill or a new bill, therefore creating a second bill providing flag 20 WaiterPOS System Flags is inactive. Flag 14.  Programs the WaiterPad to emit an audio confirmation when an order is successfully sent. Flag 15.  Programs the WaiterPad to invert the LCD three times as a confirmation when an order is successfully sent.   Fig 3.6(bb) WaiterPad Flag 1 screen.
      Page 39 Adding an Item  Creating Sub Menus  When waiters, printers and products have been set-up (as described in section 3.5 Setup Menu), the starting point is a blank main menu (as shown in Fig 3.6(ca))  To insert a sub-menu, for example a “BREAKFAST” menu that brings up a list of all breakfast products, a sub-menu needs to be created.      To create the sub-menu click on the Browse    menu and then select Menus    from the drop down list. This opens the Browse the Menus box which is shown in Fig 3.6(cb).  To insert a new menu click   and type in an appropriate name for the sub-menu in the prompt box which appears. Click   once a description has been entered and then   once all required menus have been entered.   To add the new sub-menu to the WaiterPad screen click   which will open the Insert Wizard, proceed as follows: 1.  To insert the sub-menu created select Menu and click  .  2.  Select the desired sub-menu from the list and click   again. 3.  Finally the Insert Wizard prompts for an on screen description, use the description which appears by default or type in a custom description, click   to complete.     The “Breakfast” sub-menu will appear as shown in  Fig 3.6(cc). Note that the Menu Editor main menu is split into two columns on the WaiterPad screen, every second item from the list is shown in the right-hand column.      To add products to the sub-menu proceed as follows: 1.  Highlight the sub-menu (in this case Breakfast) and press the   button which will open the sub-menu. Note that the “Breakfast” text on the button will be replaced with the name of the menu to which that item will go to. 2. Click   which will open the Insert Wizard. 3.  Select PLU and click  . 4.  Locate the desired PLU from the list, highlight and click  . 5.  Select the desired price level and click  .   Fig 3.6(ca) Blank Menu Editor main menu.   Fig 3.6 (cb) Browse the menus screen.   Fig 3.6(cc) Menu editor main screen with the Breakfast sub-menu inserted.
      Page 40 6.  The next screen prompts for which menu this PLU should go to. This function allows the user to select which sub-menu will appear next after selecting the PLU item. So for example if the user would like the WaiterPad to proceed to say the Main Meals sub-menu after selecting an entrée then this is how it is set. This will be described in further detail in the next section, Creating Complex Orders. Select the desired sub-menu and click  . 7.  Enter the desired on screen description in the field and click  .  Creating Complex Orders The user may want to create orders which prompt the waiter to select from available side dishes, sauces and/or cooking instructions, etc.  The following example demonstrates this, a T-Bone Steak, which can be cooked either Rare, Medium or Well Done and the customer can also choose from two side dishes (Baked Potato or French Fries) and two salads (Greek Salad or Caesar Salad).  A flow diagram of what needs to be created is shown in Fig 3.6(cd).  T-BONE STEAK BAKED POTATO  FRENCH FRIES RARE  MEDIUM  WELL DONE GREEK SALAD  CAESAR SALAD Cooking Instruction Side Dish Side Dish   Fig 3.6(cd) Example of a complex ordering sequence.  Firstly, the required sub-menus and PLU records must be created as previously described. To create this ordering sequence proceed as follows: 1.  Proceed to insert the T-Bone Steak PLU into the desired menu as normal. 2.  At the stage when the Insert Wizard requests which menu this product should go to then select the “Cooking Instruction” sub-menu. 3.  Once the insertion of the T-Bone Steak is complete then the cooking instruction PLUs must be added to the sub-menu.  4.  These items will then be linked to the Side Dish sub-menu and when inserting the PLUs into this sub-menu these items will be linked to the Salads sub-menu. 5.  The salads PLUs could either be linked back to the main menu or to the original sub-menu (Eg. Grilled Products).  Changing an Item  To change the set-up of any item, highlight the item and click  , proceed through the Insert Wizard by clicking   and complete the change by clicking  .
      Page 41 Deleting an Item  To delete an item highlight the item and click  . Confirm the intention to delete by clicking , abort by clicking  .  Reports  Each report is explained in the following paragraphs and the report buttons are common to all reports, these are described below:     Opens the Printer Options screen to enable the user to specify what parts of the report are sent to the printer.     Exits the report without printing.     Takes the user to the first page of the report.     Takes the user back one page in the report.     Takes the user forward one page in the report.     Takes the user to the last page of the report.     Used to enter a specific page number of the report to go to.     Marks the page which allows the user to view or print marked pages only.     Deletes the current page from the report.     Displays marked pages.     Used to save the report to a specific location. Report is saved in text format.   Menus Report       Sub-Menu Name  Products/other sub-menus contained in the sub-menu. Sub-menu which the product/sub-menu go’s to next. Product Name If the PLU Name field is blank then the item is a  another sub-menu.
      Page 42 PLU’s Report     The PLU report lists each PLU record by Groups showing the PLU number, description, each price level and the printer the PLU is to send to.  Integrity Violation Report    The Integrity Violation Report checks that all details required by the system have been entered into the PLU record and flags any which have not with a red cross. When all PLU records have been completed correctly then the Integrity Violation Report will say “Nothing to Print”.  Duplicate Order Text Report  The Duplicate Order Text Report searches the PLU records for any duplicated order text and any PLU records without order text.
      Page 43    Error Messages    The user attempted to add a product to a menu that already contains that product. You cannot have the same product on the same menu more than once.     The user attempted to delete a record that is referenced by another record. For example, the user attempted to delete a printer that is being used by a product.       The program cannot download the menu database to a hand held WaiterPad if there is not at least one waiter. Add some waiters to the database.    The program cannot download the menu database to a hand held WaiterPad if there is not at least one printer. Add some printers to the database.   3.7 GENERATE MENU  The  Generate Menu section creates files required by the system to send to the hand held WaiterPad’s. The Menu is required to be generated after any changes have been made to the PLU records, clerks, groups, printers or the Menu Editor files.  To generate a menu press the Menu Generator button and then double click on the menu file (those with a “wpm” file extension) in the file list box which appears.  No Order Text    Order Text Duplicated
      Page 44 For instructions on downloading Menu Generator changes to the hand held WaiterPad’s see section 3.9 WaiterPad Downloading.  3.8 SEND MENU  The Send menu is used to send details to the network controller. Whenever modifications or additions are made to the PLU records, clerks, groups, system flags and printers then these changes must be sent to the network controller.  The  Send Data screen is used to send information from WaiterPad System Generator to the Network Controller. To do this WaiterPOS must be shut down as both share the computers communications port.  When opened the Send Data screen appears as shown in Fig 3.8(a) with all send options ticked. The user can select which items will be sent to the Network Controller by un-ticking those which are not required to be sent.  The Clear Network Controller option clears all the information from the network controller. Information can be sent to the Network Controller after clearing by opening the Send    menu again and sending all data.  To proceed to send data to the network controller click  , abort by clicking  .  3.9 WAITERPAD DOWNLOADING  Whenever changes are made to the Menu Editor file, clerks, groups or printers sections then these modifications must be downloaded to the hand held WaiterPad’s. Each WaiterPad has a single alphabetical identifier, ie. A, B, C, therefore the WaiterPad System Generator creates a file for each WaiterPad.  To download the Menu Editor file to a WaiterPad proceed as follows: 1.  Plug the download cable into the bottom of the WaiterPad. 2.  Ensure Hotsync Manager is running. 3.  Select the appropriate WaiterPad download file from the Send Menu and press OK on the dialogue box which opens. 4.  Press the Download button on the WaiterPad as shown in Fig 3.9(a).     Fig 3.8(a) Send Data screen.   Fig 3.9(a)
      Page 45 WaiterPOS OperationWaiterPOS OperationWaiterPOS OperationWaiterPOS Operation     4.1 INTRODUCTION  The hub of the WaiterPad system is the WaiterPOS which allows the user to track all customer purchases as they are transmitted from the hand held WaiterPad’s. Once orders are transmitted from the hand held WaiterPad’s the WaiterPOS complies the tables order ready to be printed out immediately or cashed off. WaiterPOS is easy for users to learn requiring limited key touches to access and finalize a tables bill.  4.2 WAITERPOS SCREEN            Fig 4.2(a) WaiterPOS screen.  The example WaiterPOS screen illustrated in Fig 4.2(a) shows a number of active tables and a bill open on the left-hand side of the screen. The operation of WaiterPOS is discussed in following sections however note that the user can only operate the WaiterPOS if the program is active, indicated by a blue program bar at the top of the screen. If the program bar is gray then the program is inactive, activate by clicking anywhere on the screen with the left mouse button. Title Bar            Open Table     Closed Table Clerk Name  Table NO   Clerk who placed order and time the order was placed    Billed Products    Sub Total Receipt                          Price Level                  Menu Shift  Status                             Status                            Status Program Bar  Table Legend Bill Number Operating Mode
      Page 46  4.3 GENERAL OPERATION  The procedure to open & view a table is as follows: 1. Log on. 2. Press the Table Number    key of the table number required to be opened. 3.  The tables order(s) will be opened on the left-hand side of the screen as shown above in Fig 4.2(a). 4.  To close the tables bill, press the New Balance    key.  If after pressing the Table Number    key the WaiterPOS asks the user to enter a “bill number” then this means that there are multiple bills stored under that table. To open the first bill press the New Balance    key, to open the second bill press the 2    digit key followed by the Enter    key, the third by pressing the 3    digit key and so fourth.  To merge two bills stored under the same table number together, move one of the bills to another table (closed table) and then move the bill back to its original table number. The WaiterPOS will ask the user to confirm that they wish to merge the two bills together. Moving bills is described in further detail in section 4.4 WaiterPOS Functions.  The procedure to add items to a tables bill from the WaiterPOS is as follows: 1. Log on. 2. Press the Table Number key of the table number required to be opened. 3.  Add items by pressing the appropriate keys on the keyboard. 4.  To close the tables bill, press the New Balance    key.  Items/products can be stored either directly to a keyboard key so that one key is only used to ring up one product or a look-up window can be used to group a number of products under one key. If a look-up windows are in use then when that key is pressed a box will open as shown in Fig 4.3(a).  To add an item either use the Line Up    and Line Down    (Page Up & Page Down) keys to highlight the desired item or use the digit keys to enter the items corresponding list number and select by pressing the Enter    key. To close the box without selecting an item, press the New Balance    key.   The procedure to enter payment from a customer is as follows: 1. Log on. 2. Press the Table Number key of the table number required to be opened. 3. Press the Sub Total key. 4.  Enter the tendered amount using the digit keys and then press the appropriate media key (eg. Cash, Visa, AMEX, etc). 5.  The change amount will be displayed in the title bar as highlighted in Fig 4.2(a).     Preset tenders allows cash denominations such as $10, $20, $50 to be allocated directly to keys of the WaiterPOS keyboard. If preset tenders are in used then after pressing the Sub Total    key the user needs only to press the appropriate preset tender key for the cash denomination received.    Fig 4.3(a) Example of a WaiterPOS lookup window.
      Page 47 4.4 WAITERPOS FUNCTIONS  Logging On  The WaiterPOS can be set-up to allow clerks to log on to the system in three different ways. The first is using hard clerk keys, where each clerk is allocated a key on the keyboard to log on with. The second method uses a Clerk # key which prompts the clerk to enter their clerk number and the final method uses a Clerk PIN # key which prompts the clerk to enter their PIN.  To log on and off using hard clerk keys: 1.  Press the appropriate Clerk key to log on. 2.  Log off by pressing the Clerk Log Off key.  When using a Clerk # key: 1. Press the Clerk # key. 2.  Enter the appropriate clerk number using the digit keys and then press the Enter key. 3.  Log off by pressing the Clerk # key.  When using Clerk PIN’s: 1. Press the Clerk PIN    key. 2.  Enter the appropriate clerk PIN using the digit keys and then press the Enter key. 3.  Log off by pressing the Clerk PIN key.  Correcting Items on a Bill  To remove an incorrect item on a bill, use the Line////Page Up and Down keys to highlight the item to be removed and then press the Error Correct key.  Opening a New Table  To open a new table follow the same procedure as described in section 4.3 General Operation, however the WaiterPOS will prompt the user to enter the number of covers, this is done using the digit keys and confirmed by pressing the Enter key.  Entering Multiple Amounts  When adding items to a bill at the WaiterPOS multiple amounts can be entered by using the digit keys and the X key. Eg. If the user wishes to enter four Crown Lager’s then they would press 4 X and then the Crown Lager key.  Keyboard Levels  A second and third keyboard level can be programmed which means that a single key can perform up to three functions (see section 3.4 Keyboard Layout Menu for further details). To move between the first, second and third keyboard levels press the appropriate Menu Shift button, which works in much the same way as the shift key on a computer keyboard. The method in which the keyboard reverts back to the first level is set in section 3.5 Setup Menu - Modifiers.  Price Levels  WaiterPOS supports the use of three price levels per PLU record. This function is often used for situations such as “happy hour” prices or public holiday prices and allows the user to revert between these different price levels using Price Level Shift keys.
      Page 48 To shift to the second or third price level press the Second Price Level or Third Price Level    key and then select the required item(s). Note that the system will revert to the default price level as setup in section 3.5 Setup Menu - Modifiers.   PLU Modifiers  PLU modifiers are commonly used where there a various sizes of a product. In this situation the PLUs must be setup as described in section 3.4 Keyboard Layout Menu. To operate the PLU modifier press the product button and then the required modifier key. For example, press the Coke key then the Large Size PLU modifier key.  Table Modifiers  Table modifiers operate similarly to the PLU modifier, they allow a table key to access many different table numbers. To use the table modifier press the Table Modifier key and then the required Table key.  Printing Bills  To print a tables bill, log on to the system, open the table and then press the Print Bill    key. Receipts will automatically print on tendering if the receipt function is turned on. The receipt can be turned off by pressing the Receipt On/Off    key, the current status of the receipt is indicated on the WaiterPOS screen as shown in Fig 4.2(a).  Discount  The WaiterPOS system can programmed to perform two types of discounts, percentage and dollar value. To perform a percentage discount enter the percentage discount using the digit keys and then press the % Disc key. Eg. To complete a 10% discount enter 1 0 and then press the %Disc key. To perform a dollar discount enter in the dollar amount using the digit keys and then press the $ Disc key. Eg. To complete a $5.00 discount enter 5 0 0 and then press the $ Disc key.  Voids  To void an item press the Void key and then enter the item/product as previously described in section 4.3 General Operation.  Refunds  A refund can be performed in two ways, either a product refund or a cash amount refund. The product refund method operates in exactly the same manner as the void function, press the Refund key and then select the item/product required to be refunded.  To perform a cash amount refund enter the amount to be refunded using the digit keys, ignoring decimal places, then press the Refund key. To perform a $20 refund press 2 0 0 0  Refund.  Split Bills  The WaiterPOS allows split billing to be performed with ease, allowing any single or numerous items to be split from the main bill to a secondary bill. The procedure to complete a split bill is as follows: 1.  Log on and open the table bill as previously outlined. 2.  Start the split bill process by pressing the Start Split Bill key. 3.  Select the items to be split by highlighting the item using the Line////Page Up    & Down    and then pressing the Split Item    key. 4.  When all items required to be transferred have been selected, press the End Split Bill    key.
      Page 49 If an item is selected incorrectly then highlight the item and press the Clear    key.  If the item to be transferred is a multiple quantity line (Eg. 3 x T-Bone Steak) and the user wishes to transfer one T-Bone, then press the Split Item key twice. The WaiterPOS will then prompt the user to enter the quantity of that item needs to be transferred, enter using the digit keys and confirm by pressing the Enter key.  Moving Tables  The WaiterPad system allows tables to be moved from the hand held WaiterPad as previously outlined in section 2.11 Table Transfers or from the WaiterPOS. To move a table at the WaiterPOS log on and open the table as previously described, then press the Move Table    key. The WaiterPOS will then ask the user to enter the table number to transfer the table to and then to confirm the transfer.  If the WaiterPOS asks to confirm “merge tables” then the user is attempting to move the table to another open table.  Part Payment  The part payment function allows the user to accept part customer payments, storing the amount received and showing the amount left to be paid. To accept part payment from a table log on and open the table bill as previously outlined. Enter the amount of the part payment received using the digit keys (Eg. $20, enter “2000”) and press the appropriate media key. Then press the Part Payment key when the system shows the short tender message, close the table by pressing the New Balance key.  Electronic Journal    The electronic journal function allows the user to scroll through past transactions for up to the last three days on the WaiterPOS screen. This function can be used by allocating the Electronic Journal key to the keyboard as outlined in section 3.4 Keyboard Layout Menu or by entering the digits  9 9 9    and then pressing X.  By pressing the Electronic Journal    key or entering 9 9 9    the table window opens on the left-hand side of the screen as shown in Fig 4.4(a). To scroll back through the electronic journal press the Page Down    key, to scroll forward through the press the Page Up    key.       Training Mode  Training mode allows the user to train on WaiterPOS without affecting the totals. To begin training mode press the digits 1 0 1    followed by X. “Training Mode” will appear in red text as shown in Fig 4.4(b). Training mode will continue to operate until turned off by the user, to do this enter the digits 1 0 1    and then press X again.     Fig 4.4(a) Electronic journal   Fig 4.4(b) WaiterPOS training mode message alert.
      Page 50 WaiterPOS as a Ordering Station  WaiterPOS can also be setup to operate as an ordering station by setting flags and keys as previously described in section 3.5 Setup Menu. Use of the WaiterPOS as an ordering station depends upon the configuration of the flags however basic orders are entered as follows: 1.  Logon to the WaiterPOS. 2.  Press the appropriate table number button and then enter covers if requested using the digit keys and then pressing Enter. 3.  Enter the items using the keyboard product and group keys. Seat positions may be allocated if the button is allocated to the keyboard. 4.  When complete send the order to the printers by pressing the New Balance    key.  4.5 REPORTING  The WaiterPOS performs a variety of reports which are outlined in following sections. To print one of these reports log on to the system, press the Report    key and then highlight the required report from the list using the Line Up    & Down    keys or the digit keys, generate by pressing the Enter    key.  Open Tables Report  The open tables report presents a list of the current open tables showing the date & time each was opened, the amount of the open table and the clerk which opened the table.  The totals at the bottom of the report show the total number of covers for all open tables and the total value of all tables.  This information indicates the following: R1:           ID of WaiterPOS where the report was produced.  13/02/2000:   Date the report was produced. 04:04PM:       Time the report was produced. Michael D:     Clerk who produced the report.  Closed Tables Report     The closed tables report details the date and time each table was last closed other than those which are currently open.         This information indicates the following: R1:           ID of WaiterPOS where the report was produced.  13/02/2000:   Date the report was produced. 04:16PM:       Time the report was produced. Michael D:     Clerk who produced the report.    Fig 4.5(b) Example closed tables report.   Fig 4.5(a) Example open tables report.
      Page 51 Full X1 Report  The X1 report is a detailed management report which is one of three levels of reporting available. The X series of reports (X1, X2 & X3) do not reset any WaiterPOS totals, the Z series of reports (Z1, Z2 & Z3) clear each level when completed.     The information at the top of the report “--- R1 / #059 ---“ lists the terminal ID of the WaiterPOS where the report was produced (R1) and the number listed after this is a sequential number given to each report produced. This number increases by one each time a report is completed and when it reaches 999 the counter turns over to zero.  The  Groups Totals    section lists product sales by groups showing the number of items sold, the percentage of sales which the group has accounted for and the total value of the groups sales.  Items add to the Group Totals    section when they are transmitted from the hand held WaiterPad’s to the WaiterPOS.  The Media Totals    section lists the totals of each media received as shown in the Group Totals    section. Medias are recorded when bills are finalized.  Cashier Totals    are a breakdown of the Clerks responsible for excepting medias. The Cashier Details section lists the number of transactions finalized by each clerk, the percentage of total medias accepted by that clerk, the total value of medias excepted and the number of voids, refunds, error corrects, discounts, no sales and paid outs performed by the clerk (listed separately).      Full X2 & X3 Reports  The X2 and X3 Reports are the same as the X1 report in form however each represents a different level of reporting. Generally level one is used for daily reporting, level two for weekly reporting and level three for monthly reporting.  Full Z1, Z2 & Z3 Reports  Again the Z1, Z2 and Z3 are the same as the X1 report in form however the Z series of reporting clears each total when performed, that is a Z1 Report clears level one reporting and so forth. Generally level one is used for daily reporting, level two for weekly reporting and level three for monthly reporting.  Full PLU Report  The  Full PLU Report    lists the sales of all PLUs between any two dates as entered by the user. The report lists the quantity sold and the total value of that item sold in the report. After selecting the Full PLU Report    from the report list the WaiterPOS will prompt the user to enter a beginning date and an ending date for the report.    Fig 4.5(c) Example X1 report.
      Page 52 Flash Report   The Flash Report    lists the total of all medias received and counters since the last Z1 Report was performed.    Fig 4.5(d) Flash report.
      Page 53 System MaintenanceSystem MaintenanceSystem MaintenanceSystem Maintenance  5.1  DAILY OPENING PROCEDURE  1.  Turn on the computer and open the WaiterPOS application by double clicking the mouse on the WaiterPOS Icon. 2.  Turn on the printers and remove the WaiterPad’s from the charger. 3.  Turn on all WaiterPad hand held units and check that the battery level is at 80% or more. (Note: the WaiterPad will take approximately 30 seconds to correctly sense the battery level after a number of events are completed.) 4.  Check that the WaiterPOS keyboard is functioning by logging on and pressing the Table 1    key. This should prompt for a number of covers which indicates that the keyboard is functioning correctly. Press the New Balance    key to cancel. 5.  Check that all the printers have enough paper. 6.  Perform a printers test by pressing the keys 1 0 2 X    on the WaiterPOS keyboard. This should output to all order printers a docket with four lines of print saying “Testing” in different fonts. 7.  If this does not work check that the power is turned on to all printers and repeat the above test. If the printers have power and did not output the test then reset the network controller and then repeat the above test, see section 5.5 Network Controller for directions on performing a reset.  5.2  DAILY CLOSING PROCEDURE  1.  Make sure all tables have been cleared and settled. 2. Press the Reports key and select the Z1 Report from the list. (see section 4.5 Reports) 3.  Close down WaiterPOS by pressing the close key on the top right-hand corner of the screen. 4.  Close down the computer and turn off the printers. 5.  Plug all the hand held WaiterPad’s into the WaiterPad charger.  5.3 RECHARGING BATTERIES  To recharge the WaiterPad batteries simply insert one of the charger cables into the charge/download port of the WaiterPad. Ensure that the green power LED light is on and that the red charging LED light comes on when the charge cable is inserted into the WaiterPad. The red LED will turn off when the WaiterPad has finished charging.  Battery Considerations  Included with the WaiterPad are rechargeable Ni-MH batteries, if for any reason these batteries are replaced with non-rechargeable (alkaline) batteries then the WaiterPad must not be plugged into the charger at any time. This will damage the unit and void any warranty.  If replacing batteries always do so when the WaiterPad is turned off, never remove the batteries whilst the unit is turned on. When removing the batteries the built in backup of the WaiterPad maintains memory for a period of up to one minute. Whenever removing batteries replace then immediately and ensure that the batteries are installed as per the diagram on the interior of the battery compartment. If the batteries are not installed correctly the data from the WaiterPad will be erased.  Rechargeable batteries will charge to a maximum charge of approximately 80 – 85% after and a WaiterPad should be recharged when it reaches a battery status of approximately 30%.
      Page 54 5.4 WAITERPAD RESETS  Initialization  In situations where the hand held WaiterPad is not responding the unit may require an initialization. The initialization tells the WaiterPad to stop what its doing and all data in the WaiterPad is retained. To perform an initialization unscrew the end of the stylus pen (those with metal shafts) or unfold a paper clip and gently press the reset button inside the hole on the back of the WaiterPad.  RAM Clear  A RAM clear clears all data from the WaiterPad and should not be performed unless an initialization has not solved the problem. To perform a RAM clear proceed as follows: 1.  Hold down the power button on the front of the WaiterPad. 2.  While holding the power button down, use the reset tip tool or an unfolded paper clip to gently press the rest button. 3.  Release the power button. 4.  When a message appears on the WaiterPad screen warning that all data will be erased, do one of the following: Press the Scroll Up button on the front of the WaiterPad to complete the RAM clear and display the digitizer screen. Press any other button to perform an initialization.  5.5  NETWORK CONTROLLER MAINTENANCE  Performing a Reset  A reset of the Network Controller should only be performed if advised by the Dealer or in the troubleshooting section. To perform a reset proceed as follows: 1.  Ensure that waiters are not transmitting orders. 2.  Use the tip of a pen or a small screw driver to press the reset button on the back of the Network Controller next to the power cord. The reset button is mounted internally to ensure the button is not pressed accidentally. 3.  Once reset the Network Controller will search for each printer and radio frequency receiver and indicates that it is complete when the red LED lights on the front start to sequentially flash again.  5.6 PRINTER MAINTENANCE  Performing a Reset  A reset of the Printer Controller should only be performed if advised by the Dealer or in the troubleshooting section. To perform a reset proceed as follows: 1.  Press the red reset button on the back of the Printer Controller. The red LED light on the front of the Printer Controller will flash whilst completing. 2.  The printer will print a report outlining the settings of the Printer Controller. When complete the red LED light will stay on.
      Page 55 5.7 WAITERPAD MAINTENANCE  Caring for the WaiterPad  The WaiterPad is designed to be rugged and reliable to provide years of trouble free service. Please observe the following general tips when using the WaiterPad:  •  Take care not to scratch the screen and keep it clean. Use the stylus pen supplied with the unit, never use an actual pen or pencil or other sharp object on the surface of the screen. •  The WaiterPad is not waterproof and should not be exposed to rain or moisture.  •  The WaiterPad touch-screen contains a glass element, do not drop the WaiterPad or subject it to any strong impact. •  Protect the WaiterPad from temperature extremes and do not store the WaiterPad in any location that is extremely dusty, damp or wet. •  Use a soft, damp cloth to clean the screen of the WaiterPad. If the surface of the WaiterPad becomes soiled, clean it with a soft cloth moistened with a diluted widow cleaning solution.  Recalibration of Screen  The WaiterPad touch-screen may require re-calibration from time to time, to do this proceed as follows: 1.  Go to the Palm Pilot home screen by placing the tip of the stylus pen on the Graffiti Tablet area at the bottom of the WaiterPad screen and then writing a straight line from this area to the main WaiterPad screen. 2. Select the Welcome function from the home screen, the user may need to scroll down to home list to find this function. 3.  Complete the welcome as instructed on screen.
      Page 56 System TroubleshootingSystem TroubleshootingSystem TroubleshootingSystem Troubleshooting     6.1 PRINTERS  Problem  Order Printer is not printing out order dockets.          Paper feeds but the but nothing prints when an order comes in.    Type on dockets is condensed or squashed.    The bill printer is not printing receipts from the WaiterPOS.      Printer has paper and is receiving the order but nothing comes out.  Solution  •  Is the printer turned on. •  Are any printer error lights on, see manufacturers instructions for explanation of problem. •  Have any of the cables between the printer controller and the printer dislodged. •  Reset the printer controller as described in section 5.7 Printer Maintenance. •  Reset the network controller as described in section 5.6 Network Controller Maintenance.   •  Is the paper installed in the printer correctly, see manufacturers instructions. •  Does the printer ribbon need to be replaced.   •  The movement of paper through the printer is being restricted. See manufacturers instructions for correct method for paper installation.   •  Is the receipt turned off, see section 4.4 WaiterPOS Functions for instructions on how to turn the receipt on. •  Is the printer cable connected to both the printer & computer.   •  Paper jam, check paper.  6.2  WAITERPAD HAND HELD  Problem  The WaiterPad will not turn on.      After replacing the batteries with new batteries the unit still gives a battery low warning.   Solution  •  Check the contrast control. •  Make sure the batteries are installed correctly. •  Perform an initialization as described in section 5.3 WaiterPad Resets. •  Replace the batteries  •  It takes several minutes for the WaiterPad battery gauge to accurately show the condition of the batteries.
      Page 57 Problem  The WaiterPad keeps turning itself off.   The WaiterPad has frozen.    The screen of the WaiterPad is blank or blurred.   The WaiterPad will not transmit an order to the RF receiver.        Solution  •  The WaiterPad is designed to turn itself off after a period of inactivity.   •  Perform an initialization as described in section 5.3 WaiterPad Resets.   •  Change the contrast settings. •  Recharge the unit.   •  Are you standing too far away from or too close to the RF receiver. •  Are you holding the WaiterPad correctly and in the direction of the RF receiver when transmitting. •  Is the network controller turned on. •  Are the batteries low, place the send cable into the charge/download port at the bottom of the WaiterPad.  6.3 WAITERPOS  Problem  WaiterPOS is not responding when keys on the keyboard are pressed.     The bill printer is not printing receipts from the WaiterPOS.   The system is printing cashier dockets when orders are transmitted.  Solution  •  WaiterPOS is not active (shown by a gray program bar at the top of the screen rather than a blue bar). Use the mouse to click anywhere on the screen to give the program focus.   •  Is the receipt turned off, see section 4.4 WaiterPOS Functions for instructions on how to turn the receipt on.  •  WaiterPOS is not running, launch the application. •  The cable from the network controller to the WaiterPOS computer has been dislodged.  6.4  POS SYSTEM GENERATOR   Problem  POS System Generator shows warning messages when trying to send information to the network controller. Solution  •  WaiterPOS is using the communications port of the computer, shut down WaiterPOS and retry. •  Is Hotsync Manager using the communications port.
      Page 58 IndexIndexIndexIndex     AAAA  AddingAddingAddingAdding    a group    30 a main group   29 a media    33 a new PLU    31 clerks    25 items to a tables bill at the WaiterPOS 46 items to the WaiterPad    7 tables to the WaiterPad    6 tables    18  BBBB  BatteriesBatteriesBatteriesBatteries    Recharging    53 Caring for the batteries   53  CCCC  ChangingChangingChangingChanging    a group    30 a lookup window   35 a main group   29 a media    33 a menu editor item   40 a PLU    32 an order on the WaiterPad   10 clerk details    26 printers    26 product prices on the WaiterPad  15 tax levels    28 the keyboard   20 the table layout   18  DDDD  Daily ProceduresDaily ProceduresDaily ProceduresDaily Procedures    Opening    53 Closing    53  DeletingDeletingDeletingDeleting    a group    30 a main group   29 a media    33 a menu editor item   41 a PLU    32 clerks    26 tables from the layout   18 tables from the WaiterPad   13  E & E & E & E & F F F F         GGGG  Generating a Menu   43  H H H H ---- L L L L  MMMM  Menu editorMenu editorMenu editorMenu editor    Changing a menu item   40 Creating a menu   39 Creating complex orders   40 Creating sub-menus   39 Deleting a menu item   41 Error messages   43 Generating a menu   43 Main screen    36 Planning a new menu   36 Reports    41 Setting the managers PIN   37 Starting menu editor   36 WaiterPad flags   38  ModifyingModifyingModifyingModifying    a group    30 a lookup window   35 a main group   29 a media    33 a PLU    32 clerk details    26 printers    26 tax levels    28 the keyboard   20 the table layout   18 A tables bill    47 an order on the WaiterPad   10 product prices on the WaiterPad   15  NNNN  Network controllerNetwork controllerNetwork controllerNetwork controller    Introduction     3 Resetting    54  O & PO & PO & PO & P  Printer controllerPrinter controllerPrinter controllerPrinter controller    Introduction     4 Resetting    54 Troubleshooting   56  Q & RQ & RQ & RQ & R
      Page 59 SSSS  Sending Data to the:Sending Data to the:Sending Data to the:Sending Data to the:    Network controller   44 WaiterPads    44  Split BillingSplit BillingSplit BillingSplit Billing              22, 48  System GeneratorSystem GeneratorSystem GeneratorSystem Generator    Adding a group   30 Adding a main group   29 Adding a media   33 Adding a new PLU   31 Adding clerks   25 Adding tables   18 Clearing sales data   17 Counters    30 Creating a lookup window   34 Deleting a group   30 Deleting a main group  29 Deleting a media   33 Deleting a PLU   32 Deleting clerks   26 Deleting tables   18 Editing the receipt layout   27 Menu shifts    35 Modifying a group   30 Modifying a lookup window   35 Modifying a main group   29 Modifying a media   33 Modifying a PLU   32 Modifying clerk details   26 Modifying printers   26 Modifying tax levels   28 Modifying the keyboard   20 Modifying the table layout   18 Network controller flags   24 Price level modifiers   35 Table modifiers   35 Tax system    28 Troubleshooting   57 WaiterPOS flags   23  TTTT  TroubleshootingTroubleshootingTroubleshootingTroubleshooting    Printer    56 System Generator   57 WaiterPad    56 WaiterPOS    57  U & VU & VU & VU & V      WWWW  WaiterPad hand heldWaiterPad hand heldWaiterPad hand heldWaiterPad hand held    Adding items    7 Adding tables    6 Altering screen appearance   12 Caring for    55 Custom messages    9 Custom products    8 Deleting tables   13 Initialization    54 Logging on     6 Managerial logon   14 Modifying an order   10 Modifying product prices   15 Printing bills    13 Product notes    8 Returning to the logon screen    5 Reviewing orders   10 RAM clear    54 Screen calibration   55 Scrolling     5 Selecting an item    5 Sending orders   11 System Messages   15 Transferring tables   12 Troubleshooting   56 Turning on/off    5  WaiterPOSWaiterPOSWaiterPOSWaiterPOS    Adding items to a tables bill   46 Correcting items on a bill   47 Discounts    48 Electronic journal   49 Entering multiple amounts   47 Keyboard levels   47 Logging on    47 Main screen  description   45 Moving tables   49 Opening a new table   47 Opening a tables bill   46 Part payments   49 PLU modifiers   48 Price levels    47 Printing bills    48 Processing a tables payment     46 Refunds    48 Reporting    50 Split billing    48 Table modifiers   48 Training mode   49 Troubleshooting   57 Voids    48  X Y ZX Y ZX Y ZX Y Z
      Page 60 System LogSystem LogSystem LogSystem Log     Date:                /         /  Time:                                      am/pm Items/Equip:                                                                                                                                    . Description:    Comments:         Date:                /         /  Time:                                      am/pm Items/Equip:                                                                                                                                    . Description: Comments:         Date:                /         /  Time:                                      am/pm Items/Equip:                                                                                                                                    . Description: Comments:
      Page 61  Date:                /         /  Time:                                      am/pm Items/Equip:                                                                                                                                    . Description: Comments:         Date:                /         /  Time:                                      am/pm Items/Equip:                                                                                                                                    . Description: Comments:         Date:                /         /  Time:                                      am/pm Items/Equip:                                                                                                                                    . Description: Comments:
      Page 62  Date:                /         /  Time:                                      am/pm Items/Equip:                                                                                                                                    . Description: Comments:         Date:                /         /  Time:                                      am/pm Items/Equip:                                                                                                                                    . Description: Comments:         Date:                /         /  Time:                                      am/pm Items/Equip:                                                                                                                                    . Description: Comments:
      Page 63  Date:                /         /  Time:                                      am/pm Items/Equip:                                                                                                                                    . Description: Comments:         Date:                /         /  Time:                                      am/pm Items/Equip:                                                                                                                                    . Description: Comments:         Date:                /         /  Time:                                      am/pm Items/Equip:                                                                                                                                    . Description: Comments:
      Page 64  Date:                /         /  Time:                                      am/pm Items/Equip:                                                                                                                                    . Description: Comments:         Date:                /         /  Time:                                      am/pm Items/Equip:                                                                                                                                    . Description: Comments:         Date:                /         /  Time:                                      am/pm Items/Equip:                                                                                                                                    . Description: Comments:
      Page 65  Date:                /         /  Time:                                      am/pm Items/Equip:                                                                                                                                    . Description: Comments:         Date:                /         /  Time:                                      am/pm Items/Equip:                                                                                                                                    . Description: Comments:         Date:                /         /  Time:                                      am/pm Items/Equip:                                                                                                                                    . Description: Comments:
      Page 66  Date:                /         /  Time:                                      am/pm Items/Equip:                                                                                                                                    . Description: Comments:         Date:                /         /  Time:                                      am/pm Items/Equip:                                                                                                                                    . Description: Comments:         Date:                /         /  Time:                                      am/pm Items/Equip:                                                                                                                                    . Description: Comments:
      Page 67  Date:                /         /  Time:                                      am/pm Items/Equip:                                                                                                                                    . Description: Comments:         Date:                /         /  Time:                                      am/pm Items/Equip:                                                                                                                                    . Description: Comments:         Date:                /         /  Time:                                      am/pm Items/Equip:                                                                                                                                    . Description: Comments:
      Page 68  Date:                /         /  Time:                                      am/pm Items/Equip:                                                                                                                                    . Description: Comments:         Date:                /         /  Time:                                      am/pm Items/Equip:                                                                                                                                    . Description: Comments:         Date:                /         /  Time:                                      am/pm Items/Equip:                                                                                                                                    . Description: Comments:
      Page 69  Date:                /         /  Time:                                      am/pm Items/Equip:                                                                                                                                    . Description: Comments:         Date:                /         /  Time:                                      am/pm Items/Equip:                                                                                                                                    . Description: Comments:         Date:                /         /  Time:                                      am/pm Items/Equip:                                                                                                                                    . Description: Comments:
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