Unitron Hearing UTV2 uTV 2 User Manual uTV 2 cover

Unitron Hearing, Inc. uTV 2 uTV 2 cover


uTV 2 guide
2 3(b)(c)(f) (g)(d) (e)(a)The Unitron uTV 2 connects your A2DP Headsetwirelessly to your TV or other audio devices.uTV 2 descriptionhearingaidheadsetup to 30 meters (100 ft)uTV 2cableThe uTV 2 is connected to your TV (or any other audiosource) and wirelessly sends audio signals from yourTV to your headset within a range of up to 30 meters(100 ft).LegendButtons(a) ON/OFF button(b) TV signal volume (up)(c) TV signal volume (down)Inputs(d) Power input (mini-USB)(e) Audio input (3.5 mm jack)(f) Charging slot(g) Status lightuTV 2
(d)(h)54(i)(e)InstallationStep 1: Connecting the uTV 2To connect the power supply (h):Place the uTV 2 next to your TV. Connect the mini-USBplug (d) of the power suppply to the power input (Power)of the uTV 2. Plug the power supply into the wall socket. uTV 2Use the RCA/Cinch cable (i) to connect the uTV 2 tothe TV:Connect the stereo (e) plug to the audio input(Audio IN) of the uTV 2. Connect the red and whiteplugs (i) to the matching red and white output socketson your TV.
76(k) (e)You can also connect your uTV 2 to the headset socketof your TV, using the audio cable:Connect the stereo plug (e) to the audio input of theuTV 2 (Audio IN).Plug the other end into the headset output socket ofyour TV.         When connecting the uTV 2 to the headset socket         of your TV, you are able to adjust the volume via your        TV remote control.         Some TVs will switch off their loudspeakers when         plugging the jack into the headset socket - the TV         will not be audible for other people. In this case use         the Cinch/RCA or SCART output socket as described         above. For further information on volume adjustment,         refer to step 5. The uTV 2 can also be connected to         any other audio source such as an MP3 player, PC or         home sound system using the stereo plug cable (k).
98fig. 2(a)(g)Step 2: Switching on1. Switch on the uTV 2 by a short press of the ON/    OFF button (a) as shown in fig. 2. The status light    (g) will illuminate green iniatially and may later switch    to blue.Step 3: Pairing Headset and uTV 2Before starting to use the uTV 2 and headset, theyneed to be paired. The pairing procedure controlswhich Bluetooth®  devices are permitted to commu-nicate with each other.        Pairing needs to be completed only once for        each device you wish to use with your headset.● Initiate the pairing process on your headset asstated in its manual.● If the uTV 2 status light (g) is not rapidly blinking   blue already, press the ON/OFF button (a) for 5   seconds until the Bluetooth indicator (g) is rapidly   blinking blue as shown in fig 2.● Wait until the Bluetooth indicator lightd (g) turnssolid blue. This can take up to 2 minutes buttypically is done within a few seconds. Step 4: Listening to your TVYou will hear the sound of your TV directly in yourheadset.        If you cannot hear the sound of your TV through        uTV 2, repeat steps 1 to 4.The uTV 2 supports Bluetooth operation up to arange of 30 m (100 ft). Line-of-sight between yourheadset and the uTV 2 is not required. However,interference in the environment by walls or furnituremay reduce the operating range.uTV 2
1110(c) (b)Step 5: Adjusting the volume of the TV signal First, set the volume of the TV speakers at the levelto suit other viewers.● If the uTV 2 is connected to your TV with theRCA/Cinch cable (i) or the SCART adaptor (k),adjust the volume via the uTV 2 volume control(b) and (c) until the sound is comfortable.● If your uTV 2 is connected to the headphone socketof your TV, you may also use your TV remote controlto adjust volume via the TV directly. Refer to the TVuser guide for more details on setting the TV volume.                      If your TV is connected to a satellite receiver or a       set-top box, make sure the volumes of these       additional devices are set to a medium level for       best audio quality results.If the headset moves out of range of the uTV 2,the wireless audio transmission will be terminated.If the headset is then moved back into range ofthe uTV 2, it will automatically resume streamingto your headset.        It may take up to 10 seconds until the streaming        resumes. Both streaming light indicators (g)        should be solid blue during streaming.        If the uTV 2 status light (g):        ● is green, make sure TV sound and headset           are switched on.        ● blinks blue, you are in paused mode. Press           the headset main button (     ) to resume           streaming.
1312Compliance information Declaration of ConformityHereby Unitron declares that this Unitron product is incompliance with the essential requirements of the Radioand Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive1999/5/EC. The full text of the Declaration of Conformitycan be obtained from the manufacturer or the localUnitron representative whose address can be taken fromthe list on www.unitron.com (worldwide locations).(a)fig. 7Step 6: Switching off uTV 2To switch off the devices:● To end the transmission of the TV audio signal,switch off the uTV 2 by pressing the ON/OFF button(a) as shown in fig. 7.        If no audio input is available, the uTV 2        automatically stops the Bluetooth audio        transmission to headset after 5 minutes.        Its status light will blink green.
1514- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between the device and  receiver.- Connect the device into an outlet on a circuit   different from that to which the receiver is connected.- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV   technician for help.  Notice 4:FCC/IC RF Radiation Exposure StatementThis equipment complies with FCC/IC radiationexposure limits set forth for an uncontrolledenvironment. End users must follow the specificoperating instructions for satisfying RF exposurecompliance. This transmitter must not be co-locatedor operating in conjunction with any other antenna ortransmitter. More details can be found in the data sheet which canbe downloaded from www.unitron.com.Notice 1:This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules andwith RSS-210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject tothe following two conditions:1.) this device may not cause harmful interference, and2.) this device must accept any interference received,      including interference that may cause undesired      operation. Notice 2:Changes or modifications made to this device not expresslyapproved by Unitron may void the FCC authorization tooperate this device.  Notice 3:This device has been tested and found to comply with thelimits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of theFCC Rules and ICES-003 of Industry Canada.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interference in a residential installation. Thisdevice generates, uses and can radiate radio frequencyenergy and, if not installed and used in accordance with theinstructions, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications. However, there is no guarantee thatinterference will not occur in a particular installation. If thisdevice does cause harmful interference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determined by turning the equipmentoff and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct theinterference by one or more of the following measures:
1514         The symbol with the crossed-out garbage         bin is to make you aware that this devicemay not be thrown away as normal householdwaste.Please dispose of old or unused device, at wastedisposal sites intended for electronic waste, orgive your device to your hearing care professionalfor disposal. Proper disposal protects theenvironment and health.The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registeredtrademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and anyuse of such marks by Unitron is under license. Othertrademarks and trade names are those of theirrespective owners.         Australian EMC and Radiocommunicationscompliance label              The CE symbol is confirmation by Unitron that this              Unitron product meets the requirements of the              R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC on Radio andTelecommunication Terminal Equipment. The numbersafter the CE symbol are the numbers of consulted certifiedbodies under the above mentioned directives. The alert signmeans that potential restrictions on its use are applicable inone or more EU Member States.This device is a class 2 device and can be operated in theEU member states without restrictions for indoor use, butmust not operated outdoors in France. Operating conditions:This device is designed such that it functions withoutproblems or restrictions if used as intended, unlessotherwise noted in these user guides.0°to 55° Celsius and relative humidity of <95% (noncondensing). Transport and storage conditions:During transport or storage, the temperature shouldnot exceed the limit values of –20°/60° Celsius andrelative humidity of 90% for a long period of time.The air pressure between 500 and 1100 hPa isappropriate.0678
www.unitron.com10-035 029-5836-02DISTRIBUTORUnitron Hearing Ltd.20 Beasley Drive, P.O. Box 9017,  Kitchener, ON  N2G 4X1  CanadaEuropean RepresentativeMax-Eyth-Straße 20, 70736 Fellbach-Oeffingen, Germany

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