Uniden America UB383 DIGITAL SCANNING RECEIVER User Manual

Uniden America Corporation DIGITAL SCANNING RECEIVER

User Manual

©2018 Uniden America Corporation   Printed in Vietnam                  UO1UB375ZZB(0)SDS100Owner’s Manual
The AMBE+2™ voice coding Technology embodied in this product is protected by intellectual property rights including patent rights, copyrights and trade secrets of Digital Voice Systems, Inc.The voice coding technology is licensed solely for use within this Communications Equipment. The user of this technology is explicitly prohibited from attempting to extract, remove, decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble the object code, or in any other way convert the object code into a human-readable form.US Patent Nos #7,970,606, #6,912,495 B2, #6,199,037 B1, #5,870,405, #5,826,222, #5,754,974,#5,701,390, #5,715,365, #5,649,050, #5,630,011, and #5,517,511. microSD is a registered trademark of SanDisk Corporation.HomePatrol is a registered trademark of Uniden America Corporation, Irving, Texas.At Uniden, we are always improving our products. This manual may not contain the latest improvements to this model. Check our Owner’s Manual downloads at www.uniden.com for the latest updates.© 2018 Uniden America Corporation, Irving, Texas.Questions? Problems? Get help on the web at www.uniden.com.
CONTENTSUSING THIS MANUAL ...................................................1IMPORTANT INFORMATION .............................................2THE FCC WANTS YOU TO KNOW ............................................. 2MODIFICATION NOTICE ..................................................... 2PART 15 INFORMATION ..................................................... 2GENERAL PRECAUTIONS .................................................... 3Earphone Warning ............................................................3Liquid Exposure Warning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3SCANNING LEGALLY ........................................................ 3AVIS D’INDUSTRIE CANADA  ................................................ 4INTRODUCTION ........................................................5HOW DOES THE HOMEPATROL® DATABASE WORK?  ......................... 5WHAT YOU HEAR ........................................................... 5CREATE FAVORITES LISTS ................................................... 5AVOID TRANSMISSIONS .................................................... 5REPLAY TRANSMISSIONS ................................................... 5MAIN FEATURES  .......................................................6INCLUDED WITH YOUR SCANNER  .......................................8BASIC USAGE INFORMATION  ...........................................9USING INTERNAL BATTERIES ................................................ 9VIEW THE BATTERY LEVEL  .................................................. 9UNDERSTANDING THE MEMORY ............................................ 9FAVORITES LISTS ..............................................................9SYSTEMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9TRUNKING SITES ..............................................................9DEPARTMENTS .............................................................. 10SENTINEL SOFTWARE ......................................................10MANAGE PROFILES  ......................................................... 10MANAGE FAVORITES LISTS  .................................................. 10MANAGE DATABASES  ....................................................... 10HOW TO INSTALL SENTINEL SOFTWARE  ..................................... 10UPDATING FIRMWARE  ...................................................... 10UPDATING THE DATABASE  .................................................. 11DATA NAMING .............................................................11PRIORITY SCANNING ......................................................11SCANNING ORDER .........................................................12SCANNING ................................................................12Scanning Checklist: ......................................................... 12REPLAY THE LAST TRANSMISSIONS ........................................13START/STOP RECORDING ..................................................13
AVOIDING CHANNELS, DEPARTMENTS, SITES, AND SYSTEMS ...............13Channel Avoid .............................................................. 13Department Avoid .......................................................... 13Site Avoid   .................................................................. 13System Avoid  ............................................................... 13HOLDING A SYSTEM, DEPARTMENT, SITE, OR CHANNEL ....................13SETTING UP YOUR SCANNER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14FIRST STEPS ...............................................................14INITIAL SETTINGS (VOLUME AND SQUELCH) ...............................14CONTROLS AND INDICATORS ..............................................14UNDERSTANDING LOCATION, RANGE, AND SERVICES  ..................17SETTING LOCATION/RANGE  ............................................... 19Enter Zip/Postal Code ....................................................... 20Auto Locate ................................................................. 20Set Manual Location ........................................................ 20SET UP GPS ................................................................ 20Location Format ............................................................ 20Set Serial Port ............................................................... 20Set Range ................................................................... 20EDIT LOCATION ............................................................ 20Edit Name .................................................................. 20Use Location ................................................................ 21Delete Location ............................................................. 21Set Location Information .................................................... 21Set Range ................................................................... 21Save Location ............................................................... 21SELECTING SERVICE TYPES  ................................................21QUICK NAVIGATION CONCEPTS ........................................22ASSIGNING QUICK KEYS ................................................... 22FAVORITES LIST QUICK KEYS ................................................. 22SYSTEM QUICK KEYS ........................................................ 22DEPARTMENT/SITES QUICK KEYS ............................................ 22USING QUICK KEYS ........................................................22SEARCH KEYS ..............................................................22STARTUP KEYS .............................................................23NUMBER TAGS ............................................................. 23CHANNEL/ID ALERTS ......................................................23QUICK FREQUENCY TUNING ...............................................23QUICK TALK GROUP TUNING ...............................................23MENU REFERENCE  ....................................................24MANAGING FAVORITES LISTS ..........................................34NEW FAVORITES LIST/ FAVORITES LIST OPTIONS ........................... 34
PROGRAMMING SYSTEMS .................................................35CREATING OR EDITING A SYSTEM ............................................ 35SYSTEM SETTINGS ......................................................... 35CUSTOMIZING THE DISPLAY ...........................................39SIMPLE DISPLAY MODE ....................................................40DETAIL DISPLAY MODE ....................................................40SEARCH/TONE-OUT/WEATHER MODE  .....................................41AVAILABLE ITEMS ..........................................................41USING DISCOVERY MODE  .............................................44RUNNING A DISCOVERY SESSION ..........................................44REVIEWING A DISCOVERY SESSION ........................................ 45USING ANALYZE FEATURES ............................................46SYSTEM STATUS ...........................................................46LCN FINDER ............................................................... 46APPENDIX ............................................................48TROUBLESHOOTING ....................................................... 48DEFAULT BAND SETTINGS .................................................48SERVICE TYPES ............................................................49REMOVING THE MICRO SD CARD ..........................................51REFORMATTING THE MICRO SD CARD .....................................51TYPE II SPECIAL STATUS BITS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51WEATHER CHANNELS ......................................................52SAME EVENT CODES ....................................................... 52CTCSS FREQUENCIES ......................................................54DCS CODES  ...............................................................54REVERSE LIST ..............................................................55REPEATER FREQUENCY LIST  ...............................................55TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS  ..........................................56WARRANTY INFORMATION ............................................57
1USING THIS MANUALThis manual describes the functions and features of your scanner. It assumes that you know the basic structure of radio systems and how they work. Just as a car owner’s manual does not teach you how to drive, this manual does not teach you about radio systems. There are many resources for learning about radio systems, including wiki articles, forum discussions, and YouTube videos. We encourage you to start at RadioReference.com’s discussion forums.
2IMPORTANT INFORMATIONTHE FCC WANTS YOU TO KNOWIMPORTANT! This scanner has been manufactured so that it will not tune to radio frequencies assigned by the FCC for cellular telephone usage. The Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986, as amended, makes it a federal crime to intentionally intercept cellular or cordless telephone transmissions or to market this radio when altered to receive them. Installation, possession, or use of this scanner in a motor vehicle may be prohibited, regulated, or require a permit in some states, cities, and/or local jurisdictions. Local law enforcement ofcials can provide you with information regarding the laws in your community.MODIFICATION NOTICEChanges or modications to this product not expressly approved by Uniden, or operation of this product in any way other than as detailed by this Users Guide, could void your authority to operate this product.Warning: Modication of this device to receive cellular radiotelephone service signals is prohibited under FCC Rules and Federal Law.PART 15 INFORMATIONThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.  If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:•  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.•  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help..This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.  In Canada, a radio license must be obtained prior to possession and use of this scanner receiver.Le présent appareil est conforme aux normes CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.
3GENERAL PRECAUTIONSBefore you use this scanner, please read and observe the following:Earphone WarningYou can use an optional 32Ω stereo headset or earphone with your scanner. Use of an incorrect earphone or headset might be potentially hazardous to your hearing. The output of the phone jack is monaural, but you will hear it in both headphones of a stereo headset.Set the volume to a comfortable audio level coming from the speaker before plugging in the earphone or headset. Otherwise, you might experience some discomfort or possible hearing damage if the volume suddenly becomes too loud because of the volume control or squelch control setting. This might be particularly true of the type of earphone that is placed in the ear canal.Liquid Exposure WarningUniden does not represent this unit to be waterproof. It is water resistant to JIS level 4. To reduce the risk of damage to this product, minimize exposure of this unit to rain or moisture. This product is not warranteed against water damageSCANNING LEGALLYYour scanner covers frequencies used by many different groups, including police and re departments, ambulance services, government agencies, private companies, amateur radio services, military operations, pager services, and wireline (telephone and telegraph) service providers. It is legal to listen to almost every transmission your scanner can receive. However, there are some transmissions that you should never intentionally listen to. These include: •  Telephone conversations (cellular, cordless, or other private means of telephone signal transmission).•  Pager transmissions.•  Any scrambled or encrypted transmissionsAccording to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA), you are subject to nes and possible imprisonment for intentionally listening to, using, or divulging the contents of such a conversation unless you have the consent of a party to the conversation (unless such activity is otherwise illegal). This scanner has been designed to prevent the reception of cellular telephone transmissions and the decoding of scrambled transmissions. This is done to comply with the legal requirement that scanners be manufactured so they are not easy to modify to pick up these transmissions. Do not open your scanners case to make any modications that could allow it to pick up transmissions that are illegal to monitor. Modifying or tampering with your scanners internal components or using it in a way other than as described in this manual could invalidate your warranty and void your FCC authorization to operate it. In some areas, mobile and/or portable use of this scanner is unlawful or requires a permit. Check the laws in your area. It is also illegal in many areas (and a bad idea everywhere) to interfere with the duties of public safety ofcials by traveling to the scene of an incident without authorization.
4AVIS D’INDUSTRIE CANADALe présent appareil est conforme aux normes CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. Son utilisation est assujettie aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil ne doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique qu’il reçoit, même se lebrouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.Une version française de ce guide d’utilisation est disponible sur le site Web d’Uniden au :  www.uniden.com.•  Sur le site d’Uniden, sélectionnez “ Support”, puis “ Owner’s Manuals”.•  Au menu déroulant de sélection des produits, choisissez “Scanners”.•  Sélectionnez le modèle et cliquez sur le drapeau canadien.•  La version française du guide d’utilisation de ce modèle.
5INTRODUCTIONThe Uniden SDS100 is a digital TrunkTracker communications receiver that incorporates the HomePatrol database of all known radio systems in the USA and Canada. Programming it can be as simple as entering your zip code. Its True I/Q™ receiver provides for improved digital performance in challenging RF environments. Built to JIS4 f(IPX4) standards, it is rugged and weather resistant. Its customizable color display allows access to the information you want to see.HOW DOES THE HOMEPATROL® DATABASE WORK?When you set your location, the scanner selects channels near that location. If you enter your zip code, the scanner searches within a 10 mile radius of the center of that zip code. If you use the Auto Locate feature, that range increases to 30 miles. If you manually enter your location or connect an optional GPS receiver, your scanner will select channels that apply to your precise location. You can adjust the selection range from 0 to 50 miles.The database is updated weekly from RadioReference, the most comprehensive repository of radio system available. Updating the radio database in your SDS100 is as simple as connecting it to your PC and running the included Sentinel software.WHAT YOU HEARYour scanner has over 10,000 police, re, ambulance, business, utility, and other agencies set for instant access. You can also listen to weather channels and weather alerts, and you can set your scanner to monitor weather alerts.There are some communications that the public is locked out from monitoring. Your scanner cannot receive agencies that encrypt their communications; it also cannot receive agencies on some private proprietary systems.Because there are so many different kinds of communications going on, you can turn on specic types of agencies you want to hear (and turn off those you don’t).CREATE FAVORITES LISTSYou are not limited to using the included database. You can also create your own Favorites Lists which you can customize to your preferences.AVOID TRANSMISSIONSYou can also select transmissions for your scanner to Avoid (ignore).REPLAY TRANSMISSIONSYour scanner’s Replay feature will instantly replay the transmissions you’ve just heard. You can set how long a period Replay records for instant playback. This period can range from 30 seconds to 4 minutes.RECORD TRANSMISSIONSWith your scanner, you can record transmissions. When you begin recording, your scanner adds the Replay recording buffer to the recording. These recording sessions are saved and can be replayed on demand. Rename and delete sessions through the Review Recordings submenu.
6MAIN FEATURESHomePatrol Database – Includes all known radio systems in the US and Canada. The database is updatable with the Sentinel software and Uniden updates the main database weekly.Water Resistant (JIS4/IPX4) – Resistant to dust and damage caused by splashing water from any direction (when all jack covers are in place).Customizable Color Display – You can set the display color for each eld in the display. Additionally, for many elds you can select the information provided.True I/Q™ Receiver – Designed to improve digital performance in even the most challenging RF environments. An I/Q receiver captures the complete signal waveform in 3 dimensions, allowing for improved digital error correction and signal recovery.Location-Based Scanning – Allows you to set your location by zip/postal code or GPS coordinates for instant reception. The Auto-locate feature will determine your general location if you don’t know where you are.Favorites Scan – Allows you to organize your Systems into Favorites Lists. The scanner can scan any combination of Favorites Lists and the Full Database.microSD card (provided - 1 GB up to 32 GB supported) – For storing Favorites Lists, Proles, all your settings, Discovery sessions,  and recording sessions.GPS Compatible – Connect to a GPS receiver (not included) for precise system selection and continuing reselection when you travel. The scanner will automatically select what to scan based on your current location as provided by an external GPS unit.Range Control – Lets you set how far out from your current location the scanner will search for channels in Favorites Lists and the database.TrunkTracker X Operation – Scans APCO 25 Phase 1 and Phase 2, X2-TDMA, Motorola, EDACS, and LTR trunked systems, as well as conventional analog and P25 digital channels. Optional upgrades add multiple types of NXDN and DMR trunking, as well as EDACS ProVoice decoding.Instant Replay – Plays back up to 240 seconds (4 minutes) of the most recent transmissions.Audio Recording – Capture transmissions for later playback.Custom Alerts – You can program your scanner to alert when you receive a Channel or Unit ID, a Close Call hit, an ID is transmitted with an Emergency Alert, or a Tone-out hit. For each alert, you can select from 9 different tone patterns, 15 volume settings, 7 colors, and 3 ash patterns.Multicolor LED Alert – The alert LED with 7 colors, Blue, Red, Magenta, Green, Cyan, Yellow, or White, can be used with your Custom Alerts.Trunking Discovery – Monitors system trafc on a trunked radio system to nd unknown IDs and automatically records audio from and logs new channels for later review and identication.Conventional Discovery – Searches a range of frequencies to nd unknown frequencies and automatically records audio from and logs new channels for later review and identication.Scan by Service Types – Scan your channels by Service Type i.e. Fire, Police, Railroad, etc.Multi-Level Display and Keypad light – Makes the display and keypad easy to see in dim light with multiple backlight levels.Temporary or Permanent Avoid – For Systems/Sites/Departments/Channels.System/Channel Number Tagging – Number tags allow you to quickly navigate to a specic Favorites List, System, or Channel.
7Start-up Conguration – You can program each of your Favorites Lists with a Startup Key (0-9) so that when you power up the scanner and press the key number, just those Favorites Lists assigned to the key will be enabled for scan.Close Call© RF Capture Technology – Lets you set the scanner so it detects and provides information about nearby radio transmissions. Close Call Do-not-Disturb checks for Close Call activity in between channel reception so active channels are not interrupted.Broadcast Screen – Allows the scanner to ignore search and Close Call hits on known broadcast frequencies including pager frequencies. You can also program up to 10 custom frequency ranges that the scanner ignores.Fire Tone-Out Standby/Tone Search – Lets you set the scanner to alert you if a two-tone sequential page is transmitted. You can set up to 32 Tone-Outs. The scanner will also search and display unknown tones.PC Programming – Use the Sentinel software to manage your scanner’s Proles, Favorites Lists, Databases, and rmware updates.Priority/Priority w/DND Scan – priority channels let you keep track of activity on your most important channels while monitoring other channels for transmissions.Priority ID Scan – Allows you to set priority to talkgroup IDs.Intermediate Frequency Exchange – Changes the IF used for a selected channel/frequency to help avoid image and other mixer-product interference on a frequency.Individual Channel Volume Offset – Allows you to adjust the volume offset for each channel.Congurable Band Defaults – Allows you to set the step (5, 6.25, 7.5, 8.33, 10, 12.5,15, 20, 25, 50 or 100 kHz) and modulation (AM, FM, NFM, WFM, or FMB) for 31 different bands.Repeater Find – Allows the scanner to try to switch to the repeater frequency if an input frequency is found.Adjustable Scan/Search Delay/Resume – Set a delay up to 30 seconds or a forced resume up to 10 seconds for each channel or search.Data Naming – Allows you to name each Favorites List, System, Site, Department, Channel, ID, Location, Custom Search, and SAME group, using up to 64 characters.Duplicate Input Alert – Alerts you if you try to enter a name or frequency already stored.Quick Keys – You can assign up to 100 Quick Keys to your Favorites Lists, Systems, Departments, and Sites.Search Avoids – You can temporarily Avoid up to 250 frequencies and permanently Avoid up to 250 frequencies in any Search mode or Close Call mode.10 Custom Searches – Lets you program up to 10 custom search ranges.Search with Scan Operation – Lets you include Custom Search ranges during scan operation.3 Search Keys – You can assign 3 of the number keys to start a Custom Search, Tone-Out Search, or Close Call Search.Quick Search – Allows you to start searching at the displayed frequency or enter a frequency and start searching.SAME Weather Alert/Priority – Lets your scanner alert you when a SAME alert is transmitted on a NOAA weather channel. You can also set a weather channel as a priority channel.Built-in Battery Charger  – Allows you to charge the rechargeable batteries in the scanner from any USB port.
8INCLUDED WITH YOUR SCANNERAccessories included in the box are:•  AC Adapter•  USB Cable•  Hand Strap•  MicroSD Card (installed)•  Lithium Ion Battery Pack•  SMA-BNC Antenna Adapter•  SMA type Antenna•  Belt Clip•  Printed Material
9BASIC USAGE INFORMATIONUSING INTERNAL BATTERIESThe SDS100 is powered by a Lithium Ion battery.When the scanner is turned on, the scanner does not charge the batteries. When the scanner is turned off, the scanner will charge the batteries. You can use external USB power to power the scanner while it is on. However, the USB power source must be rated at 1A or greater to prevent battery drain during operation.The included AC adapter is rated at 2A and can power or charge the SDS100.The scanner’s charge indicator is red during charge and green when complete.Note: If the scanner gets too hot while charging, charging automatically stops.VIEW THE BATTERY LEVELYou can set a custom display area to show the battery voltage level. See “Customizing the Display.”UNDERSTANDING THE MEMORYAll information contained in the scanner is stored on a microSD card supplied with the scanner. This includes Favorites Lists, all the radio settings, and the RadioReference database.FAVORITES LISTSBecause the memory is based on the RadioReference database, the SDS100 has a different organization unlike banks and channels in older scanners, but more like Dynamic Memory Architecture (DMA) used for the last few generations of scanners. Favorites Lists follow the RR database structure of Systems that contain Departments that hold Channels (conventional frequencies or IDs) and then Sites to hold trunking frequencies. If you are familiar with DMA scanners, think of departments as being like channel groups.Favorites Lists let you store channels you nd when you are scanning from the full database (the easiest way). They can contain channels from trunking systems and conventional systems. You can also manually add systems, departments and channels into Favorites Lists from the database as well as program new systems, departments, sites, and channels with the Sentinel software.You can save up to 256 different Favorite Lists in the scanner (and software) and associate them with any or all of your proles. You can monitor one or more Favorites Lists at a time and/or the database. You can also export your Favorites Lists to a le to share them. Deleting a prole does not delete the Favorites Lists associated with a prole. However, deleting a Favorites List does delete it from all proles.SYSTEMSSystems hold Sites, Departments, and Channels.TRUNKING SITESInside trunked systems are sites that hold the trunking frequencies for the trunking system as well as any band plan information needed. You need at least one site for each trunked system and some systems have more than one site.
10DEPARTMENTSDepartments are created inside systems. Departments hold frequencies (channels) for conventional systems and Talk Group IDs (also called channels) for trunked systems.SENTINEL SOFTWAREMANAGE PROFILESProles are “snapshots” of your scanner’s set up. A prole contains all conguration settings as well as all Favorites Lists, Avoids, and System settings. Sentinel can save multiple proles so you can restore different proles as you need them. For example, if you regularly visit a specic location, you can create a prole for that location. You can save it to Sentinel to use whenever you visit.MANAGE FAVORITES LISTSYou can create Favorites Lists in Sentinel then associate them with specic proles. Sentinel lets you create new systems or edit systems already in a Favorites List. When a prole is written to your scanner, only specied Favorites Lists are written to the scanner. Note that all Favorites Lists are shared by all Proles. If you delete a Favorites List, it is deleted from all proles. If you want to use a particular Favorites List in some Proles and not use it in Others, use the Download and/or Monitor settings in the Prole Editor to select your preference.MANAGE DATABASESUniden updates the Database used in your scanner every week. You can decide how often you want to update the databases on your scanner. When you update them through Sentinel, it checks the website for the most current database and saves it in Sentinel. When you select Write to Scanner, the new database is updated in the scanner. Updating the main database does not update any Favorites List. Your customizations and selections are preserved.HOW TO INSTALL SENTINEL SOFTWARE1.  Go to the scanner’s product page at Uniden.com and click the link for support les.2.  Download the latest version of Sentinel.3.  Unzip the le you downloaded, then click on setup.exe and follow the on-screen instructions to install Sentinel.UPDATING FIRMWAREYour scanner updates its rmware through Sentinel. In that process, Sentinel connects to the internet and checks for the current rmware version to download.From time to time, Uniden will release rmware updates to improve existing functionality, add new features, or address issues found in its operation. Updating the rmware takes just a few minutes and is easily accomplished using the Sentinel Software you installed on your PC.Simply connect your scanner to your PC using the supplied USB cable and select Mass Storage. Then, in Sentinel select UPDATE/Update Firmware and follow the on-screen prompts.
11For information about what is included in each update, see:•  http://info.uniden.com/UnidenMan4/SDS100FirmwareUpdatesUPDATING THE DATABASE1.  To update the scanner’s database, connect it to your PC using the supplied USB cable. Select Mass Storage.2.  Next, in Sentinel, select UPDATE/Update Master HPDB. This updates the database in Sentinel, but does not update the database in the scanner.3.  Finally, write the new database to your scanner by selecting Scanner/Write to Scanner.DATA NAMINGName any Favorites List, System, Site, Department, Channel, Location, Custom Search, Recording Session, Tone-Out, or SAME group using up to 64 characters.To Enter a Character, turn the scroll control until the character you want appears. To move the cursor to the right, press the right soft key (>).To move the cursor to the left, press the left soft key (<). To clear a character, press ./no.To clear all characters, press./no twice. Press E/yes when nished to exit.PRIORITY SCANNINGPriority Scan – When the scanner is scanning a Conventional System, it interrupts scanning, based on the Priority Interval and Max Channels settings, to check priority channels for activity. The more channels you have set to priority, the longer the interruption will be. The Favorites List(s) and System(s) containing the priority channel(s) have to be enabled (and not Avoided) or the scanner will display Priority Scan No Channel.Priority DND – The scanner checks priority channels, based on the Priority Interval and Max Channels settings, only when not receiving other conventional channels so there is no interruption in scanning with conventional systems.Priority ID Scan – This function is similar to conventional priority although there is no interruption during the transmission. Priority is checked in between transmissions, when the scanner is receiving the control channel, and during the channel delay period. The scanner can only look for priority IDs in the trunked system it is currently scanning.Preemptive Priority ID Scanning – For Motorola systems that have channel priority active on the system, if you ag a channel as priority and the system also has that TGID identied as a priority channel, the scanner will preempt any current transmission if the TGID becomes active.The highest priority is for channels in System Quick Key 0. The lowest priority is for channels in System Quick Key 99. Priority for priority channels in the same channel Department follows the order in which the channels were created.To use Priority Scan, you must rst set your Priority Channels.To use Priority ID Scan, you must also enable Priority ID Scan for each system.To toggle Priority Modes, press Func then ./no(Pri). Priority is always on for a trunked system, if enabled in the system.
12SCANNING ORDERWith previous scanners, you selected banks to scan. With this scanner, you select Favorites Lists, Systems, Departments, and Sites to scan by assigning Quick Keys to them.Scanning is performed in a mixture of FLQK order and SQK order. The scanner does not scan all Systems in one Favorites List and then move to the next List.For each Favorites List with a quick key, starting with 0, the scanner scans each 0 SQK in FLQK order and then move sto the next set of SQKs for each list.Example:FLQK 0, SQK 0; FLQK 1, SQK 0…. FLQK 98, SQK 99; FLQK 99, SQK, 99. Department and Site Quick Keys are scanned with each System.Systems with the same quick key are scanned in order of creation.The Database is scanned next. Then, Systems with no quick key (including created Quick Save Systems) are scanned and in order of creation.Conventional Channels and Departments within Systems are also scanned in order of creation. TGIDs are not really scanned. The scanner checks for any activity in the trunking system and:•  Stops on all unavoided TGIDs when ID Search mode is set to On.•  Stops only on programmed TGIDs when ID Search mode is set to Off.Next, any Custom Searches (enabled for Search with Scan) are scanned in order (Close Call Hits last).Then, the scanner scans the Close Call ‘Hits with Scan’ system (if Unavoided). This is a system that automatically stores the frequencies found by Close Call. If the ‘Hits with Scan’ system has no frequencies, the scanner does not scan the system.The scanner scans a system for the duration you set using the System Hold Time option. For trunked systems, the scanner moves to the next system after the hold time expires, the current transmission ends, and the channel delay expires. Conventional systems operate similarly, but all (Unavoided) channels are scanned at least one time regardless of the hold time setting.SCANNINGScanning Checklist:To ensure you do not get a “Nothing to Scan” message on the scanner:1.  You must enable at least one Favorites List or the Full Database in Select Lists to Monitor.2.  Favorites Lists or Systems, with Quick Keys assigned to them, must be enabled with quick keys or through Manage Quick Key Status.3.  Service Types required for channels must be set to On.4.  You must set your location to an area that has channels to scan, or set one or more Favorites Lists to not use Location Control.Any Favorites List not assigned to a quick key, not Avoided, with channels within your current location and range and set to On in Select – to Monitor will be scanned. Any System, Department, or Site (or Quick Save System/Department) not assigned to a quick key and not Avoided, will be scanned.
13REPLAY THE LAST TRANSMISSIONSWhile scanning, press Replay.Press Channel to pause/resume replay.Turn the Scroll Control to select recordings.Replay is not available when recording is enabled.START/STOP RECORDINGWhile scanning, press Func then Replay/Reccord.Resets to Off when you turn off the scanner.Note that anything in the replay buffer is also stored with the recording session when you start recording.AVOIDING CHANNELS, DEPARTMENTS, SITES, AND SYSTEMSTemporary Avoids are cleared when you cycle power. You must manually clear permanent avoids.Channel AvoidWhen the Channel is in the display or in Channel Hold mode: To Temporary Avoid, press AVOID once. To Permanent Avoid, press twice when the channel is in the display or in Channel Hold mode.Department AvoidPress Dept (Soft Key 2) then AVOID once to Temporary Avoid. Press Avoid twice to Permanent Avoid.Site Avoid To Temporary Avoid, press F+Site (Soft Key 2) then quickly press Avoid.To Permanent Avoid, press F+Site (Soft Key 2) then quickly press Avoid twice.To Stop Avoiding, press F+Site (Soft Key 2)  then Avoid once.System AvoidPress System (Soft Key 1) then AVOID once to Temporary Avoid. Press AVOID twice to Permanent Avoid.HOLDING A SYSTEM, DEPARTMENT, SITE, OR CHANNELWhile scanning, you can hold on a system, department, site, or channel by pressing its associated soft key.System Hold: Soft key 1Department Hold: Soft key 2Site Hold: F+Soft key 2Channel Hold, Soft key 3Note: If you hold on a channel that is in a trunked system, all enabled sites are still scanned for that channel activity.
14SETTING UP YOUR SCANNERFIRST STEPSTo get your scanner ready for use, follow these quick steps:1.  Install the battery pack and plug the included cable into the scanner’s USB mini port and the other end into a PC.2.  Turn on the scanner by pressing   for about 2 seconds.3.  When prompted, select Mass Storage mode.4.  Run Sentinel.5.  Follow the steps provided on pages 10 and 11to update the scanner’s rmware and radio database to the latest versions.INITIAL SETTINGS (VOLUME AND SQUELCH)1.  Turn on the scanner by pressing and holding   for about 2 seconds.2.  Tap scroll to display the volume level. Turn scroll (within 3 seconds) to adjust the volume.3.  Tap scroll again to close the volume level (or let it disappear after 10 seconds).4.  Press Func then tap scroll to display the squelch level. Usually, a setting of 2-5 works best for squelch5.  Tap scroll again to close the squelch level setting.To begin scanning right away, press the Zip button to select your country and zip/postal code. The scanner loads channels for your area from the database and starts scanning.CONTROLS AND INDICATORSThe following table includes the most common functions for each key. It is not, however, a comprehensive list for all functions in all modes. See specic functions in this manual to perform a particular task.The two LED indicators above the display indicate charge status (right LED; red when charging, green when charged) and channel alert indication (left LED).
15Button OperationPower/Light  •  Press and hold to turn the scanner on or off.•  Tap to turn on/off the display backlight. Note that when the display backlight is off, nothing is visible on the display.Avoid •  Press once to temporarily avoid the current channel or frequency (in direct tune mode).•  Press twice to permanently avoid the current channel or frequency.•  During scan, or scan hold press the left soft key (System), then tap avoid once (for temporary avoid) or twice (for permanent avoid) to avoid the currently scanned system.•  During scan, or scan hold press the middle soft key (Department), then tap avoid once (for temporary avoid) or twice (for permanent avoid) to avoid the currently scanned department.Zip/Services •  Press to enter country-zip/postal code.•  Press Func then Zip to select Service Types to be scanned.Soft Keys The function of these three keys change depending on the current mode. The function is indicated by the labels at the bottom of the display.Menu •  Press to enter Menu mode.•  Press to return one level in Menu mode.•  Press Func then Menu for Search menu in Search mode.•  Press Func then Menu for Close Call menu in Close Call mode.Replay/Record •  Press to Replay the last transmissions.•  Press Func then Replay to start/stop recording•  Press and hold to Review Recordings.Number keys (general) See individual key functions below for additional functions•  Press to select Favorites List Quick Keys in Scan mode.•  Press 0-9 to use direct entry in a Hold mode.•  Press 0-9 to toggle custom search bands on or off in Custom Search mode.•  Press 0-6 to toggle Close Call bands on or off in Close Call mode.1 / SRCH1 •  Press to enter the digit 1 in any numeric entry mode.•  In channel hold mode, press Func then 1 to toggle on/off the search you’ve assigned to SRCH1.2 / SRCH2 •  Press to enter the digit 2 in any numeric entry mode.•  In channel hold mode, press Func then 2 to toggle on/off the search you’ve assigned to SRCH2.3 / SRCH3 •  Press to enter the digit 3 in any numeric entry mode.•  In channel hold mode, press Func then 3 to toggle on/off the search you’ve assigned to SRCH3.
16Button Operation4 / ATT •  Press to enter the digit 4 in any numeric entry mode.•  In Channel hold mode, press Func then 4 to toggle attenuation on/off for the current channel•  In Channel hold mode, press Func then hold 4 for 3 seconds to toggle global attenuation on/off.•  In Search mode, holding on a frequency, press Func then 4 to toggle attenuation on/off for the current frequency.5 / DIM •  Press to enter the digit 5 in any numeric entry mode.•  In Channel hold mode, press Func then 5 to set the display brightness level.6 / WX •  Press to enter the digit 6 in any numeric entry mode.•  In Channel hold mode, press Func then 6 to toggle weather priority on/off.•  In Channel hold mode, press Func then hold 6 for 3 seconds to go to weather channel monitoring mode.7 / IFX •  Press to enter the digit 7 in any numeric entry mode.•  In Channel hold mode on a conventional channel, press Func then 7 to toggle intermediate frequency exchange on/off for the current channel.•  In Search mode, holding on a frequency, press Func then 7 to toggle intermediate frequency exchange on/off for the current frequency.8 / REV •  Press to enter the digit 8 in any numeric entry mode.•  In Channel hold mode on a conventional channel, press Func then 8 to monitor the the repeater input frequency for the current channel.•  In Search mode, holding on a frequency, press Func then 8 to monitor the the repeater input frequency for the current frequency.9 / DISP •  Press to enter the digit 9 in any numeric entry mode.•  In Channel hold mode, press Func the 9 to toggle between simple and detailed display modes.•  In most modes, press Func then hold 9 for 3 seconds to switch between Color, Black on White, and White on Black modes.0 / LVL •  Press to enter the digit 0 in any numeric entry mode.•  In Channel hold mode, press Func then repeatedly press 0 to set the volume offset for the current channel../no/PRI •  Press to enter a decimal point for a frequency.•  Press when prompted Yes/No to select No.•  Press Func then./no to toggle conventional priority scan.
17Button OperationE/yesQ. SRCH•  Press to select a menu item or save an entry in Menu mode•  In Channel hold mode, press to store a blinking CTCSS/DCS/NAC.•  In Channel hold mode, press Func then E/yes to start a Quick Search.•  Press Func then E/yes to toggle ID Search mode on/off in Scan mode (when scanning Trunked System in Favorites List only).UNDERSTANDING LOCATION, RANGE, AND SERVICESAll radio systems in your scanner’s database are tagged with location information. A geotag has latitude, longitude, and range. This tag describes a circle centered at the latitude/longitude that fully encompasses the entity (i.e. city, town, state, etc.) served by the radio system. Taking a look at some of the systems in the Fort Worth, TX area, you can see that each system has its own little circle. These roughly outline each system’s intended coverage.Each entry also includes all the radio system information (frequencies, descriptions, tags indicating how each channel is used, etc).If you use your Zip Code as your location, the scanner sets your location to be within 10 miles of the center of the zip code. Good enough for catching local comms. We’ve drawn that circle in using a thicker line on the next map.
18The scanner selects channels from systems that overlap the thick circle. So, the system down south that covers Burleson is included even though only part of it is covered, but Haslet, way up north, is not included.Each location method uses a different range. In addition to the 10-mile Zip Code radius, the scanner uses:•  Auto Locate: 30-miles radius from the discovered radio tower.•  GPS or Manual Location: 0-miles radius.0 miles means that your location is precisely known. For a radio system to be selected, its circle must enclose your precise position. This setting is great if you are traveling…the scanner automatically selects and deselects systems as you drive through each system’s coverage zone.You can manually change the range setting to be bigger (to include more systems) or smaller (to include fewer systems) by going to the Range menu and adjusting the range up or down.SETTING LOCATION/RANGEPress Menu then scroll to Set Your Location and Range and press E/yes. Scroll to through the following option and press E/yes.
19Enter Zip/Postal CodeThis sets the center of a zip/postal code as your location (not your exact location) and a default scan range of 10 miles.1.  Select your country (USA or Canada) and press E/yes.2.  Enter your zip code or see Data Naming, to enter a postal code.3.  You can also press the Zip button to enter your zip/postal code.Auto LocateAuto Locate works by trying to monitor any Motorola or P25 system in your area that is also in the Radio Reference Database.This sets the center of the discovered radio tower as your location (not your exact location) and a default scan range of 30 miles.Press E/yes or ./no to accept the location. Press Menu to cancel.Set Manual LocationThis sets your exact location and a default scan range of 0 miles. You can then edit the location name and save the location.1.  Using the keypad, enter your latitude.2.  Press./no to toggle N or S, and press E/yes. Using the keypad, enter your longitude.3.  Press./no to toggle E or W, and press E/yes.SET UP GPSLocation FormatDMS:DDD˚MM’SS.ss or DEG:DDD.dddddd.Set Serial Port•  Default is 4800 bps for a GPS device.•  Off, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, or 115200 bps.Set RangeThis setting allows you override the default range setting for your current location to increase or decrease the number of Trunking Sites and Channel Departments you can receive when you are scanning from the Full Database and when you are scanning Favorites Lists with Location Control enabled. See also Understanding Range, 17.Enter the range (0-50) and press E/yes.EDIT LOCATIONThis lets you create a location or edit a location for rapid recall. First, select New Location or Edit Location.Edit NameSee Data Naming, page 11.
20Use LocationThis will set the location as current for scanning the Database and any Favorites List with Location Control enabled.At Conrm? Press E/yes or ./no.Delete LocationYou can only delete saved locations. The last location set will be retained for use when scanning the Database.At Conrm Delete?, press E/yes or ./no.Set Location InformationSee Set Manual Location, 2.Set RangeEnter the range (0-50) and press E/yes.Save LocationThis saves the current location and the range.SELECTING SERVICE TYPESBy default only EMS Dispatch, Fire Dispatch, Law Dispatch, Custom 1, and Multi-Dispatch are enabled.The Appendix has a list of Service Types and their general descriptions. To change the enabled/disabled service types:1.  Press Func then the Zip/Services button.2.  Scroll to each Service Type and press E/yes to enable or disable. Press System to exit.If a Service Type is not in any active Favorite List, the scanner will display “---”.
21QUICK NAVIGATION CONCEPTSASSIGNING QUICK KEYSQuick Keys let you quickly turn on/off favorites lists, systems within a favorites list, and departments and sites within systems. There are three levels of quick key as described below.FAVORITES LIST QUICK KEYSFavorites Lists Quick Keys (FLQK) quickly enable or disable entire Favorites Lists for scanning. There are 100 FLQKs (00-99). These are like the bank keys used on older scanners. You do not have to assign a FLQK to a favorites list, but doing so makes it easier to modify what you are currently scanning. Each FLQK can only be used one time (i.e. two favorites lists cannot have the same FLQK).SYSTEM QUICK KEYSSystem Quick Keys (SQK) quickly enable or disable conventional and trunked systems for scanning. There are 100 SQKs (00-99). You can use the same SQK for multiple systems.DEPARTMENT/SITES QUICK KEYSDepartment/Site Quick Keys (DQK) quickly enable or disable departments or sites. There are 100 DQKs (00-99). You can use the same DQK for multiple departments and sites.USING QUICK KEYSTo enable or disable a Quick Key, while scanning, enter all or part of:FF.SS.DD then press E.•  FF=FQK•  SS=SQK•  DD=DQKExamples:•  10 E: Toggle FQK 10•  10.03 E: Toggle SQK 03 in FQK 10•  10.03.02 E: Toggle DQK 02 in SQK 03 in FQK 10.•  .03 E: Toggle SQK 03 in the currently scanned Favorites List•  ..04 E: Toggle DQK 04 in the currently scanned system.Toggling a SQK or DQK only affects the quick key within the current hierarchy. If you have the same SQK under a different Favorites List, that SQK is unaffected.You can assign a display area to indicate the FQK/SQK/DQK status. See Customizing the Display, on page 22.SEARCH KEYSYou can assign any search function to Search Keys (1, 2, or 3) to quickly go to  that search. Use the menu function Search for… → Set Search Key to assign the search functions. To start the search, hold on a channel, the press F+1, 2, or 3.
22STARTUP KEYSYou can program each of your Favorites Lists with a Startup Key (0-9) so that when you power up the scanner and press the key number, just those Favorites List(s) assigned to the key will be enabled for scan. Systems are not affected. Assign a startup key when programming Favorites Lists.To use a startup key, hold it down while powering on the scanner. Items with a matching startup key will be enabled for scanning. Items with a startup key that does not match will be disabled for scanning. Items with no startup key will not be affected.NUMBER TAGSNumbers tags will allow you to tag each Favorites List, System, and Channel so you can quickly go to that element. Number tags can range from 0 to 99 for Favorites Lists and Systems and 0-999 for Channels.To use a number tag, hold on any channel, then enter the tag as FF.SS.CC and press Channel (soft key 3).CHANNEL/ID ALERTSYou can program your scanner to alert you when a Channel or Unit ID is received, you receive a Close Call hit, an ID is transmitted with an Emergency Alert or you receive a Tone-out hit. For each alert in the scanner, you can select from 9 different tone patterns, 15 volume settings, 7 colors, and 3 ash patterns.QUICK FREQUENCY TUNINGTo quickly tune to a frequency and enter quick search mode:1.  Hold on any channel.2.  Key in any frequency.3.  Press CHAN (soft key 3).QUICK TALK GROUP TUNINGTo quickly tune to a talk group in the trunked system you are currently scanning, while scanning that trunked system:1.  Hold on any channel.2.  Key in the talk group ID.3.  Press CHAN (soft key 3).
23MENU REFERENCEThe scanner’s menu gives you access to all the scanner’s setting as well as programming. The table below provides a quick description of most of the scanner’s menu tree. For procedures that need more explanation, the table will indicate where in this manual to look for that explanation.To access the menu, press   on the scanner’s left side. For ease of reference, this manual will refer to this button as MENU.When describing menu navigation, this manual uses the following format:MENU → Main Menu Item → Sub Menu itemFor example:MENU → Search For… → Custom SearchTo go up one menu level, press MENU. To exit the menu entirely, press AVOID.Main Menu Sub Menu Setting or Sub-sub menuSettingSet Scan Selection Manage Quick Key StatusFavorites Quick Key Scroll to desired FLQK and press E to toggle it on/offSystem Quick Key Scroll to the FL the systems are in and press E, then scroll to the system and press E to toggle the SQK on/off.Set Nationwide SystemsScroll to the desired nationwide system and press E to turn it on or off for scanning. Nationwide systems are similar to service searches used in older scanners. Select Lists to Monitor Scroll through the list and press E to toggle the item on/off for scanning. Note that this does not affect the FLQK status. If the item is set to No, it cannot be turned on for scanning using quick keys.Set All Lists O Sets all of the items in the above menu to Off.Set All Lists On Sets all of the items in the above menu to On.Manage Full Database Review Avoids Scroll to entries in this list to see all items avoided in the main database. When selected, press E to remove the avoid status.Stop All Avoiding Removes avoid status from the entire main database.Information Displays the date the main database was last updated in the scanner.Manage Favorites See Managing Favorites Lists on page 23
24Main Menu Sub Menu Setting or Sub-sub menuSettingSet Your Location Enter Zip Code Select USA or Canada then enter your zip code or the rst 3 digits of your postal code. The scanner will select things to scan based on the zip code location.Auto Locate The scanner will search for a signal from a radio system in its database and sets your location to the location of the found system. You will be prompted to accept or continue searching for each radio system found.Set Manual Location Input your Latitude and Longitude for precise radio system selection.Set Up GPS Location Format Scroll to select the format for entering and displaying latitude and longitudeSet Serial Port Set the data rate to use with a connected GPS. The default of 4800bps is the standard data rate for most units.Set Range Sets the range, in miles, the scanner should look out from the set location to determine which radio systems to scan.Edit Location Scroll to select and edit a saved location. You can then select the appropriate menu item for what you want to change:•  Edit Name•  Use Location (sets your scanner to the stored settings)•  Delete Location•  Set Location Information (change the stored latitude and longitude)•  Set RangeSave Location Saves your current location settings for quick recall. First, set the name for the location, then select the menu items to set the location:•  Edit Name•  Use Location (sets your scanner to the stored settings)•  Delete Location•  Set Location Information (change the stored latitude and longitude)•  Set Range
25Main Menu Sub Menu Setting or Sub-sub menuSettingSelect Service Types The scanner displays a list of all service types. Scroll to a service type and press E to toggle that service type on or off. Note that if no channels in the currently scanned database or favorites list(s) include a particular service type, that service type will have --- displayed instead of on or off. You cannot set that service type.Srch/CloCall Opt Freq Avoids Stop All Avoiding Removes avoid status from all frequencies.Rvw Search Avoids Scroll to view search avoids. Press E while on an avoided frequency to unavoid that frequency.Broadcast Screen Set All Band On Turns on all broadcast screensSet All Band O Turns off all broadcast screensSet Each Band Scroll through the list of broadcast screens and press E to turn a particular screen on or off. When a screen is turned on, the scanner will ignore any trafc found on a matching frequency during search or Close Call operation.Program Band Scroll to an entry then enter the upper and lower limits of any frequency band you want to make a custom screen for..Repeater Find On Automatically switch to repeater output side when input side is detected.O Do not switch to repeater output side.
26Main Menu Sub Menu Setting or Sub-sub menuSettingSet Delay Time -10-5012345...Hold on the frequency the set amount of time after the transmission ends to wait for replies. Negative value forces search resume after set time, even if transmission continues.Set Attenuator On Apply 20dB attenuation to all reception.O Attenuation is off.Digital Waiting Time Sets how long the scanner evaluates the received signal before opening squelch.Search For… Custom Search Start a custom search. Use the 0-9 keys to turn on/off each search range.Edit Custom Select Custom, then:Edit Name Edit the name of the custom searchEdit Srch Limit Enter the upper and lower range frequencies.Set Delay Time Set the delay after a transmission ends. See setting above for options.Set Modulation Set the demodulation method to use for the range. AUTO uses default modes based on bands.Set Attenuator Turn attenuation on or off for the search.Set Step Set the step size for the search. AUTO uses standard steps based on the band being search.
27Main Menu Sub Menu Setting or Sub-sub menuSettingDigital Waiting Time Sets how long the scanner evaluates the received signal before opening squelch.Search with Scan Set Avoid option lets you stop avoiding (i.e. include the search during scan), temporarily avoid, or permanently avoid.Set Hold Time option determines how long the scanner spend in the custom search before resuming normal scanning.Set Search Key Select the search key.Then, set the function you want the search key to control.Search with Scan Set System Avoid Set to Temporary or Permanent to turn off search with scan.Close Call Close Call Only Turn off scanning/searching and only watch for Close Call hitsHits with Scan Set Avoid Set to Stop Avoiding to include Close Call hits while scanning.Set Hold Time Set how long to scan Close Call hits during each scan cycle.Set CC Mode O Close Call is turned offCC DND Scanner checks for Close Call hits only when no other voice trafc is being received.CC Priority Scanner checks for Close Call hits every 2 seconds, even if voice trafc is being received.
28Main Menu Sub Menu Setting or Sub-sub menuSettingSet CC Alert Set Alert Tone Scroll to select the alert tone to sound when there is a Close Call hit. Then, scroll to select the volume level for the alert (Auto uses the current volume setting).Set Alert Light Scroll to select the color the alert indicator lights when there is a Close Call hit. Then scroll to select a blink pattern for the alert.Set CC Pause Scroll to set how long the scanner displays the Close Call hit before resuming.Set CC Bands Scroll to each band and press E to toggle Close Call checks for that band on or off.Analyze See Using Analyze Features on page 45Discovery See Using Discovery Mode on page 43Priority Scan Set Priority O Conventional priority is turned off.Priority DND Conventional priority be checked only when no other voice trafc is being receivedPriority Scan Conventional priority will be checked on an interval, even if voice trafc is being received. Interval is set by setting, below.Set Interval Select how often the scanner will check for trafc on conventional priority channels. Default is 2 seconds.Max Channels / Pri ScanSets the maximum number of conventional priority channels to check on each interval. (1-100)WX Operation Weather Scan The scanner goes into weather scan mode.
29Main Menu Sub Menu Setting or Sub-sub menuSettingWeather Alert Select how the scanner responds to weather alerts:•  Alert Only the scanner responds to any alert received when it detects the 1050 Hz alert tone•  Named FIPS Code the scanner only responds to an alert if it matches the selected stored SAME settings.•  All FIPS the scanner responds to any alert and displays the received event code.Review WX Alerts Select a past alert to hear the audio of the alert.Program  SAME Select one of the SAME slots, then set a name and county for the slot. You will need to know the FIPS code for the county you want to enter. FIPS codes can be found on NOAA’s web site.Set Delay Time Sets how long the scanner remains on a weather channel after the signal is lost before scanning weather channels.Set Attenuator Turns attenuation on/off for weather channels.WX Alt Priority When turned on, the scanner will check for a 1050Hz tone on the current weather channel every 5 seconds while scanning. Note that this interrupts any existing voice trafc.Tone-Out-For Tone-Out Standby Select this and the scanner will go into tone-out standby mode. Scroll to select the tone-out settings to use. If multiple settings use the same RF settings but different tone settings, all matching settings are used. No other function works while the scanner is in tone-out standby mode.Tone-Out Setup Scroll to select the tone-out settings you want to edit, then use the below menu items to change settings: Edit Name Set the alpha tag for the tone-out settingsSet Frequency Set the RF frequency, Modulation, and Attenuation settings.
30Main Menu Sub Menu Setting or Sub-sub menuSettingSet Tone Set the values for Tone A and Tone B. For a single short tone, only set Tone A. For a single long tone, only set Tone B. To search for tones leave both settings at 0.Set Delay Time Select how long the scanner waits after the carrier drops to return to tone-out standby mode.Set Alert Set the tone and indicator color/pattern to use when a matching two-tone alert is received.Display Options Backlight Options Set Mode Set how the display backlight behaves when squelch opens and/or when a key is pressed.Set Dimmer Set the backlight brightness level (default 40%)Set Key Backlight Enable: turns on/off w/the display backlight; Disable: Always off.Flash w/Backlight OffTurn on to have the alert indicator blink every 5 seconds when the display backlight is off (so you can tell the scanner is on).External Power Backlight On = Always turn on backlight when external power is present.Backlight Off = Follow backlight settings when external power is present.Customize See Customizing the Display on page 38
31Main Menu Sub Menu Setting or Sub-sub menuSettingSet ID Format (P25/MOT)Select to display Motorola/P25 Talk Group IDs in Decimal or Hex format.Set ID Format (EDCS)Select to display EDACS Talk Group IDs in Decimal or Hex format.Set Scan Display ModeSelect Simple or Detailed mode.Set B/W or Color ModeSet the display color mode: Color for full color display, or Black w/White Text or White with Black text for black and white modes (which are easier to see under direct sunlight.Settings Adjust Key Beep Rotate to set the key beep volume. AUTO sets the level to match the current volume setting.Set Clock Follow the menus to set the date, time, time zone, and daylight savings time.Upgrade Use to enter a registration key for upgrade options.Battery Options Set Battery Save Turn on to reduce power use during conventional hold mode.Set Battery Low Follow the menus to set the battery alert display type and tone and the low-battery voltage.Band Defaults Select a frequency band then follow the menu to set the default modulation and step for each band.Auto Shuto Select how long the scanner will operate before automatically turning off. Set to off to disable this function.Replay Options Set Replay Duration Set how much audio is included in the replay buffer.Review Recordings Scroll to a recording session and select to play, delete, or rename a recording session.Restore Options Clear User Data Delete all Favorites Lists and user settings.Reset User Settings Clear user settings w/o affecting Favorites Lists.
32Main Menu Sub Menu Setting or Sub-sub menuSettingSee Scanner Information.% Memory Used Displays the remaining capacity of the microSD card.Firmware Version Displays the rmware version and Electronic Serial number of the scanner.
33MANAGING FAVORITES LISTSFavorites Lists hold all your custom Systems, Sites, Departments, and Channels. Certain system, department, and channel options are only available for specic types of systems. Each option is tagged with the type(s) it applies to as follows:•  P – APCO Project 25•  M – Motorola•  D – DMR (Optional mode)•  N – NXDN (Optional mode) •  E – EDACS•  L – LTR•  C – ConventionalNEW FAVORITES LIST/ FAVORITES LIST OPTIONSPress Menu then scroll to Manage Favorites and press E/yes.To Create a New Favorites List, scroll to New Favorites List and press E/yes. To Edit a Favorites List, scroll to the Favorites List and press E/yes.Scroll to the options below and press E/yes.Review/Edit System – See Programming Systems.Set FL Quick Key – This assigns a quick key to the Favorites List. The default setting is. (no quick key). If you don’t assign a Favorite Lists to a quick key, it will always be scanned unless you turn it off in Select Lists to Monitor.Scroll to the quick key (0-99 or . for no quick key) and press E/yes to save.Pressing the rst number of a 2-digit quick key will get you closer, 1 for 10, 2 for 20, etc., then scroll to second digit.Set FL Number Tag – Numbers a Favorites List so you can access it quickly from scan hold mode.The default setting is no number tag.Enter the number tag (0-99) and press E/yes to save. Enter a blank for no number tag.Set FL Startup Key – This allows you to turn on the scanner with the Favorites List enabled for scan. The default settings are all keys O.Scroll to the startup key (0-9) and press E/yes to enable then Menu to save.Use Location Control – This enables Location Control for the Favorites List. The default setting is Off. Review Avoids – This allows you to review all Avoids for the Favorites List. Temporary Avoids appear reversed in the display - AVOID. Scroll to each Avoided channel, Department, or System, and press E/yes to Stop Avoiding.Stop All Avoiding – This will Stop Avoiding all Channels, Departments, and Systems in the Favorites List.At Conrm Delete? Press E/yes or ./no.Add Current dB Channels – This allows you to add all channels you are currently scanning to the Favorites List.At Conrm? Press E/yes or ./no.
34Notes:•  Any Avoided Channel will not be added.•  When adding channels from the Full Database, only channels that are inside the set range, and from the selected Service Types are added.•  When adding channels from a Favorites List that has Use Location Control is set to Yes, only channels that are inside the set range, and from the selected service types are added.•  When adding channels from a Favorites List that has Use Location Control set to No, only channels that are from the selected service types are added.Rename – This allows you to rename the Favorites List.Delete – This will delete the Favorites List.At Conrm Delete? Press E/yes or ./no.Information – This will show you the le size and number of Systems in the list.PROGRAMMING SYSTEMSCREATING OR EDITING A SYSTEM1.  Press Menu then scroll to Manage Favorites and press E/yes. Scroll to the Favorites List you want the system to go into, then press E/yes.2.  Scroll to Review/Edit System and press E/yes.3.  To Create a New System, scroll to New System and press E/yes.Set the type system you are creating by scrolling to P25 Trunk, P25 X2-TDMA, P25 One Frequency, Motorola, MotoTRBO Trunk (optional), DMR One Frequency (optional), EDACS, LTR, or Conventional and press E/yes. At Conrm? press E/yes or ./no.To Edit System Settings, scroll to the System and press E/yes.SYSTEM SETTINGSSome settings are only available for specic types of systems.NXDN, MotoTRBO and DMR modes are optional upgrades.Edit Name – Enter a name for the system then press E/yes.Edit Sys Option – Refer to the following table for system options settings.Setting Description Applicable SystemsSet System Quick Key Sets a quick key to enable/disable the systemPMDNELCSet System Number Tag Sets a tag to quickly jump to the system.PMDNELCSet Avoid Set the avoid status for the system PMDELCSet Hold Time How long to scan the system before moving to the next system. Default of 0 scans entire system once, then moves on.PMDNELC
35Setting Description Applicable SystemsID Search Toggles between ID Search mode (stop on all unavoided channels) and ID Scan (stop only on programmed channels) mode.PMNDELEdit Fleet Map Sets the eet map for the system. MPriority ID Scan Sets the system to apply trunked channel priority for the system.PMNDELSet Status Bit Sets whether to ignore the talk group status bit (default is ignore).MSet End Code Set whether to ignore the end code sent when a radio unkeys (default is to not ignore). MEmergency Alert Sets the alert sound and alert indicator when the scanner receives an emergency status from the system.MESet TGID Format Sets the format used to enter/display talk group IDs.MReview ID Avoids Lets you review and remove avoids from talk group IDSPMNDELClear all ID Avoids Removes avoid status for all system talk groups.PMNDELDigital Waiting Time Sets how long the scanner monitors a channel for digital signals before opening squelch. Default is 400 mS.MEdit Site PMNDEL – Programs one or more site’s frequencies and site options for trunked systems. Select the site or New Site for a new site, then refer to the following table for site options.Option Description Applicable SystemsEdit Name Set/change the name displayed for the site.PMNDELSet Site Quick Key Set the quick key for the site. PMNDELEdit Band Plan Set the band plan to be used for the systemPMSet Site Type Set whether the site is Wide or Narrow type.ESet Frequencies Set the frequencies used by the site. For system types that also require an LCN, the LCN is also entered here.PMNDELSet Modulation Set what modulation method is used for the site frequencies.MNDEL
36Option Description Applicable SystemsSet Attenuator Set whether attenuation is applied for the site.PMNNDELSet Avoid Set the avoid status for the site. PMDELSet Location Information Select whether to use a circle or rectangles to dene the site location, then enter the appropriate parameters to dene the site location.PMNDELDelete Site Delete the site from the system. PMNNDELNew Site Create a new site for the system. PMDELEdit Department – Create/Edit departments which hold the channels scanned on the system. Select a department or select New Department and set a name for the department. Then, see the following table for department options.Setting Description Applicable SystemsEdit Name Edit the name displayed when the department is scanned.PMNDELCSet Department Quick Key Set/change the quick key used for the departmentPMNDELCEdit Channel Enter the TGIDs or Frequencies for the department. See Channel Options, belowPMNDELCSet Location Information Select whether to use a circle or rectangles to dene the department location, then enter the appropriate parameters to dene the department location.PMNDELCSet Avoid Set/change the avoid status for the departmentPMNDELCDelete Department Delete the department and all its channelsPMNDELCNew Department Create a new department PMNDELCChannel OptionsAfter you enter the Talk Group ID (for trunked systems) or frequency (for conventional systems, the following channel options are available.Setting Description Applicable SystemsSet Name Assign a name that is displayed for the channel while scanningPMDNELCEdit TGID Edit the talk group ID set for the channelPMDNELSet TDMA Slot Set the slot used by the channel. D
37Setting Description Applicable SystemsEdit Frequency Edit the frequency used by the channel.CSet Audio Type Set whether the channel is analog or digital.MECSet Channel Number Tag Assign a channel number tag for quick channel navigation.PMDNELCSet Modulation Set the modulation method used for the channelCSet Attenuation Set whether the channel is RF attenuatedCSet Service Type Set the service tag for the channel. PMDNELCSet Delay Time Set how long the scanner holds on the channel after a transmission stops while waiting for a reply. Default is 2 seconds.PMDNELCSet Priority Set whether the channel is a priority channel.PMDNELCSet Alert Set the audio/indicator alert to use when the channel becomes active.PMDNELCSet Avoid Set whether the channel is avoided or not.PMDNELCVolume Oset Set a volume offset for the channel. PMDNELCDelete Channel Delete the channel. PMDNELCNew Channel Create a new channel. PMDNELCEdit Unit ID PMDNE – Unit ID must be set to On in the Display Options menu to view Unit IDs. Select a Unit ID or New Unit ID, then press E/yes.If you selected New Unit ID, enter the Unit ID and press E/yes. Then, set the following options.Edit Name – Set the name to be displayed for the Unit ID.Edit Unit ID – Edit the Unit ID Number.Set Alert – Set an alert that will activate when the Unit ID is received.•  Set Alert Tone – Alert 1-9 or Off.•  Set Level Level – 1-15 or Auto (the master volume level).•  Set Alert Light – Off, Blue, Red, Magenta, Green, Cyan, Yellow, or White. •  Set Alert Pattern – On, Slow Blink, or Fast Blink.Delete Unit ID – At Conrm Delete?, press E/yes or ./no.Copy System – Copying a system will copy all Sites, Departments, Channels, and settings including quick key assignments into the current Favorites List.Delete System – At Conrm Delete?, press E/yes or ./no.
38CUSTOMIZING THE DISPLAYThe SDS100 gives you considerable control over what items are shown on the display as well as what colors are used for each item.To customize the display, select MENU → Display Options → Customize then select the display you want to customize:•  Set Simple Conventional•  Set Simple Trunk•  Set Detail Conventional•  Set Detail Trunk•  Set Search/CC Mode•  Set Weather Mode•  Set Tone Out ModeNotes: •  During scan you can switch between Simple and Detail display modes by holding on a channel and pressing F+DISP.•  During most modes you can switch between color, black on white, and white on black modes by pressing F then holding DISP for 3 seconds. Black and white modes provide better visibility under direct sunlight.•  Some display modes or display elds only allow you to change the colors.•  Trunking/Conventional modes share the same display eld colors, but each scan mode can display different data items.•  Every possible data item cannot t into all the different display elds.After selecting the display mode to customize, the scanner displays a sample display in the mode you selected. Rotate the scroll to highlight the area you want to modify, then press the appropriate soft key for the attribute you want to change:•  Item: Change the item displayed in the eld.•  T-Color: Change the text color for the eld.•  B-Color: Change the background color for the eldWhen you select one of the above, the display will switch to showing the available options. Select the option to use, then press E to return to the sample display.The customizable elds are shown in the following images. Note that the areas shaded darker in these images can only have text/background color changed. The displayed item cannot be changed.
39SIMPLE DISPLAY MODEConventional and Trunked mode share the same color scheme, but different display items are available for each mode.DETAIL DISPLAY MODE
40SEARCH/TONE-OUT/WEATHER MODEYou can individually set colors for Search/Close Call mode, Weather Mode, and Tone-Out mode, but they share the same general layout. You can only set display option items for Search mode.AVAILABLE ITEMSThe below tables outline what display items are available. Note that not all items are possible for all display elds.Item Sample Huge 22 Large 16/14Short 5 CharFavorites List Name   O O -Site Name   O O -Unit ID Name   O O -Frequency xxxx.xxxxMHz O O -TGID TGID:xxxxxxxx O O -RSSI RSSI:x.xxV - O -System type DMR One Frequency O O -System/Network ID Net ID : xxxx O O -Sys ID : xxxxSite ID Site ID : xxxx O O -Unit ID UID : 12345678 O O -LCN LCN:4096   O -Number Tag Tag:FF-SS-CC O O -Volume/Squelch VOL=15 SQL=15 O O -
41Volume V:15 - - OSquelch S:15 - - OBattery voltage Batt:x.xxV   O -Digital Error count Err:xx   O -CTCSS/DCS/NAC DCS021 OLatitude -97.0483 OLongitude 104.8292 ONoise 282 ORF Sub System (RFSS) ID 210h ORSSI Graph          OService Type Law Talk OAttenuator G-ATT - - OSite Name Simulcast OUSB1 vbus voltage 4.982 OUSB2 vbus voltage 5.002 OVolume & Squelch V:9 S:3 OWACN 12 OP25 Status P25-2 - - ODate mm/dd - - OTime xx:xx - - OModulation NFM - - OBroadcast Screen SCR OClose Call CC (icon) ODigital Status P25 OGPS GPS OIF eXchange IFX OP-Channel POPriority Scan PRI OREC REC ORepeater Find REP OTDMA Slot 0 O OVolume Offset V+1 OWX Priority WX O
42Icon AreaItem SamplePriority Scan PRIClose Call CC (icon)WX Priority WXREC RECIF eXchange IFXGPS GPSBroadcast Screen SCRRepeater Find REFVolume Offset V+xModulation NFMP-Channel P
43USING DISCOVERY MODETrunking Discovery mode allows you to monitor a trunked radio system, logging system activity and recording the audio for channel identication.Conventional Discovery mode lets you monitor a range of frequencies, logging frequencies with activity and recording the audio for frequencies that are not already known to be in use in your area so that you can more easily identify the users. This includes frequencies used conventionally as well as in trunked radio systems.In both modes, you also have the option to compare hits to the Database and log all hits or just new hits.If you use the Auto Store option, Discovery will create a new Trunking System for IDs found for each Session or will create a new Conventional System for frequencies found for each Session.You can create and save several sessions with different settings. Every time you start a session you create a Run that can later be reviewed in the scanner or the Sentinel software.RUNNING A DISCOVERY SESSIONTo start a discovery session:Press MENU → Discovery then select either Trunking Discovery or Conventional Discovery.Select either New Session or an existing session. If you select New Session, you will be prompted to name the session.If you selected Trunking Discovery and this is a new session, you will be prompted to select the trunked system and site to perform discovery on. In order to run trunking discovery, the trunked system and site must be available for scanning (i.e. in and active Favorites List or within the dened location of the Main Database). Select the system and the site.Refer to the following table for Discover options.Menu Item DescriptionStart Discovery Start a discovery session using the currently set parameters.Edit Session Name Edit the name of the selected session.Set Limit Frequencies (Conventional Discovery Only) Set the upper and lower limits of the frequency range you want to run discovery on.Set Modulation (Conventional Discovery Only) Set the demodulation method to use. If set to AUTO (default), the scanner will use the default demodulation method for the frequency.Set Step (Conventional Discovery Only) Set the frequency step size for the session. If set to AUTO (default), the scanner uses the default frequency step for the frequency.Set Delay Sets how long the scanner pauses after a transmission waiting for a reply.Set Logging ALL for all hits; NEW for only items that are not yet discovered in this session.Set Compare to DatabaseOn compares hits to database and ignores the hit if it is already in the database. O records all hits.
44Menu Item DescriptionSet Record Duration Sets how much audio the scanner records for each hit. Once the record duration has been met, the frequency or TGID is considered “discovered.”Set Time-Out Timer Sets how long the scanner will monitor a hit before resuming scan automatically. This prevents open carriers from locking up the discovery session.System Information (Trunking Only) Displays the Favorites List, system and site used, as well as the type of trunking system.Set Auto Store When on, creates a Favorites List called Conventional Discovery or Trunking Discovery and saves all hits as channels.Delete Session Deletes the discovery session, including all hits.REVIEWING A DISCOVERY SESSIONIn Review Discovery mode, you can review the results of discovery mode runs, resume runs, or restart saved discovery sessions.1.  Press Menu → Discovery → Review Discovery2.  Select either Trunk Discovery Results or Conventional Discovery Results.3.  Scroll to select the results to review.Refer to the following table for review options:Option DescriptionReview Run Results Select Summary to list be each frequency or talk group id; select Detail to list by each individual hit.Restart this Run Deletes existing log les for this session and starts a new session with the same settings.Resume this Run Keeps existing log les and resumes the session.Delete this Run Deletes the run and all log les for the run.Run Information Displays information about the settings used for the discovery session.
45USING ANALYZE FEATURESThe SDS100 includes some analysis features that can help you nd out more information about systems you are scanning.SYSTEM STATUSThis function displays the signal strength, decode quality, and how busy the system is in an easy-to-decipher display.To uses this function:MENU → Analyze → System StatusThe scanner prompts for a trunked system to analyze. In order to be analyzed, the system must currently be scannable (in an active Favorites List or Main Database and within the range set for scanning).Enter the rst few letters of the system name, then press E to see a list of all matching systems. Scroll to the desired system, then press E. A list of scannable sites for the system is shown. Scroll to the desired site, then press E. System Status mode starts.•  S=Signal Strength•  Q=Decode Quality•  A=System ActivityLCN FINDERLCN Finder helps you determine the correct LCN (Logical Channel Number) settings for those systems requiring LCN entry. You rst need to create the system. Use any number as the LCN when you create the system, then run the LCN Finder by:MENU → Analyze → LCN Finder  The scanner prompts for a trunked system. For LCN Finder to run, the system must currently be scannable (in an active Favorites List or Main Database and within the range set for scanning), and must be a type that requires LCN (EDACS, LTR, MotoTRBO, DMR TIII).Enter the rst few letters of the system name, then press E to see a list of all matching systems. Scroll to the desired system, then press E. A list of scannable sites for the system is shown. Scroll to the desired site, then press E. LCN Finder mode starts.
46Once all LCNs are found, you can save the LCNs to the system. If you abort before all LCNs are found, you can still save the LCNs that were found up to that point.Note that LCN nder works best on systems with moderate activity. Too much trafc or too little trafc make LCN nder take longer to complete for most systems.
47APPENDIXTROUBLESHOOTINGProblem SolutionScan Mode, Nothing to Scan•  Make sure you Set Your Location to scan the Database.•  Make sure Favorites Lists are enabled in Set Scan Selection.•  Make sure Service Types are enabled for the Channels you want to hear.•  Make sure you have locations programed if Use Location Control is On.•  Make sure longitude and latitude are N and W (for N America).•  Make sure Systems/Departments/Channels are not Avoided.•  Make sure Favorites List/System/Department/Site quick key is enabled.•  (Search with Scan) Make sure Search with Scan is enabled in Select Lists to Monitor and the Search for Menu and for the Custom Search.Scanning Interrupted Every Few Seconds•  Turn off Priority Scan.•  Change Priority Interval.•  Turn off Close Call Priority.•  Turn off Weather Priority.•  Set Channel Delay longer.•  Set positive Channel Delay.All Channels Out of Range •  Increase your range.•  Change your location.•  Turn Location Control off for the Favorites List.DEFAULT BAND SETTINGSFrequency Range Mode Step (kHz) Band25.0000 26.9600 AM 5 Petroleum Products & Broadcast Pickup26.9650 27.4050 AM 5 CB Class D Channel27.4100 27.9950 AM 5 Business & Forest Products28.0000 29.6800 NFM 20 10 Meter Amateur Band29.7000 49.9900 NFM 10 VHF Low Band50.0000 53.9800 NFM 20 6 Meter Amateur Band54.0000 71.9500 WFM 50 VHF TV Broadcast 2 – 472.0000 75.9500 FM 5 Intersystem & Astronomy
48Frequency Range Mode Step (kHz) Band76.0000 87.9500 WFM 50 VHF TV Broadcast 5 – 688.0000 107.900 FMB 100 FM Broadcast108.0000 136.9916 AM 8.33 Commercial Aircraft137.0000 143.9875 NFM 12.5 Military Land Mobile144.0000 147.9950 NFM 5 2 Meter Amateur Band148.0000 150.7875 NFM 12.5 Military Land Mobile150.8000 161.9950 NFM 5 VHF High Band162.0000 173.9875 NFM 12.5 Federal Government174.0000 215.9950 FWM 50 TV Broadcast 7 – 13216.0000 224.9800 NFM 20 1.25 Meter Amateur Band225.0000 379.9750 AM 25 UHF Aircraft Band380.0000 399.9875 NFM 12.5 Trunked Military Band400.0000 405.9875 NFM 12.5 Miscellaneous406.0000 419.9875 NFM 12.5 Federal Government Band420.0000 449.9875 NFM 12.5 70 cm Amateur Band450.0000 469.9875 NFM 12.5 UHF Standard Band470.0000 512.0000 NFM 12.5 UHF-T Band758.0000 787.99375 NFM 6.25 Public Service Band788.0000 805.99375 NFM 6.25 Public Service Band806.0000 823.9875 NFM 12.5 Public Service Band849.0125 868.9875 NFM 12.5 Public Service Band894.0125 960.0000 NFM 12.5 Public Service Band1240.0000 1300.0000 NFM 25 25 cm Amateur Band•  When you select AUTO for a channel or modes modulation or step, the above values are used unless you’ve edited the Band Defaults.•  Steps can be selected from 5/6.25/7.5/8.33/10/12.5/15/20/25/50/100/AUTO (kHz).•  Although TV bands are listed, the scanner cannot decode digital TV audio.SERVICE TYPESService Type DescriptionAircraft For civilian aircraft and air trafc control operations most typically in the 118-136 MHz and 225-380 MHz bands in AM mode.Business Most business related entities not covered by other tags.Corrections Jail/prison operations, corrections activities, federal prisons.EmergencyOpsEmergency Operation Centers and similar emergency management or disaster related operations.EMS Dispatch Ambulance dispatch, including rescue squads.
49Service Type DescriptionEMS-Tac Ambulance on-scene communications, tactical operations and secondary channels.EMS-Talk Ambulance talk-around, car-to-car and supervisor operations.Federal All federal government operations (except corrections, traditional law enforcement patrol and re/EMS operations).Fire Dispatch Fire dispatch, including combined re/ambulance dispatch.Fire-Tac Fireground, tactical and on-scene communications, including combined re/ambulance operations.Fire-Talk Fire talk-around and car-to-car operations, chiefs, supervisors, etc., including combined re/ambulance operations.Ham Any amateur radio assignment.Hospital Ambulance-to-Hospital communications and patient reports.Interop Interoperability communications, cross-agency communications, mutual aid, etc.Law Dispatch Law enforcement dispatch.Law-Tac Law enforcement tactical, SWAT, on-scene, surveillance andspecic sub-agency communications.Law Talk Law enforcement talk-around, car-to-car and supervisor operations.Media Newspapers, television and broadcast radio operations.Military Military operations, e.g., range control, air-to-air combat, etc.Multi-Dispatch Combined law enforcement and re/ambulance dispatch.Multi-Tac Combined law enforcement and re/ambulance tactical and on-scene communications.Multi-Talk Combined law enforcement and re/ambulance tactical talk-around and car-to-car operations.Public Works Public agency non-public safety communications. This includes any non-public safety government services, such as trash, streets, roads, sewer, zoos, administration, maintenance, animal control, community initiatives, code compliance, etc.Race Ofcials Available for use to identify ofcials’ frequencies for racing events.Race Teams Available for use to identify team frequencies for racing events.Railroad All common carrier railroad communications.Schools School-related communications (schools, school buses, football games, etc.).Security Non-law enforcement security operations, including private security companies, noncommissioned government agency security, school security, etc.Transportation Public and private bus, taxi, and public passenger rail communications.Utilities Private electric, water, natural gas, phone, cable TV, etc. operations.Custom 1-8 User-dened service types.
50REMOVING THE MICRO SD CARDCarefully remove the SD Card by removing the back cover, then removing the battery pack. Slightly press down and slide the SD card holder right, then lift out the card. Gently install the SD Card the same way it was removed.REFORMATTING THE MICRO SD CARDSD cards should only be formatted using the special SD Card Formatter (https://www.sdcard.org/downloads/formatter_4/). Then, you need to “Clear User Data” using Sentinel to restore all les and directories to the card.After formatting, the scanner won’t be automatically detected (since it is wiped clean), so you may need to uncheck “Hide empty drives” in Windows Tools>Folder Options>View before doing the “Clear User Data” step.TYPE II SPECIAL STATUS BITSType II Motorola Smartnet systems use these status bits for special transmissions such as emergency, patches, DES/DVP scrambled transmissions, and multiselects. Motorola trunking radios directly interpret them for their special functions, thus no difference is noticed by the person with the radio. The scanner however interprets these special talk group status bits as different talk groups entirely. Below is the conversion chart for these special status bits.TT ID + # Usage TT ID + # Usage ID+0 Normal Talk group  ID+8 DES/DVP Encryption talk groupID+1 All Talk group  ID+9 DES All Talk groupID+2 Emergency  ID+10 DES EmergencyID+3 Talk group patch to another  ID+11 DES Talk group patchID+4 Emergency Patch  ID+12 DES Emergency PatchID+5 Emergency multi-group  ID+13 DES Emergency multi-groupID+6 unassigned  ID+14 unassignedID+7 Multi-select (initiated by dispatcher)  ID+15 Multi-select DES TGTherefore, if a user was transmitting a multi-select call on talk group 1808, the scanner would actually receive those transmissions on 1815.Some common uses of these status bits are as follows:•  When a user hits their emergency button, all conversations on the talk group revert to the emergency status talk group (ID+2) until the dispatch clears the emergency status. Therefore, if someone hit their emergency button and their radio was on talk group 16, all communications would switch to talk group 18.•  A lot of Fire and EMS departments dispatch tone-outs and alarms as Multi-select communications (ID+7). Therefore, if your re department dispatch talk group is 1616, and they do dispatch tone-outs and alarms as Multi-selects, then those communications will be on talk group 1623.
51WEATHER CHANNELSChannel Frequency Channel Frequency1 162.550 5 162.4502 162.400 6 162.5003 162.475 7 162.5254 162.425SAME EVENT CODESStandard Event Code Warning Watch Advisory AdvisoryADR Administrative Message O Admin MessageAVA Avalanche Watch O AvalancheAVW Avalanche Warning O AvalancheBHW Biological Hazard Warning O BiologicalBWW Boil Water Warning O Boil WaterBZW Blizzard Warning O BlizzardCAE Child Abduction Emergency O Child EmergencyCDW Civil Danger Warning O Civil DangerCEM Civil Emergency Message O Civil EMGCFA Coastal Flood Watch O Coastal FloodCFW Coastal Flood Warning O Coastal FloodCHW Chemical Hazard Warning O ChemicalCWW Contaminated Water Warning O Contam. WaterDBA Dam Watch O Dam BreakDBW Dam Break Warning O Dam BreakDEW Contagious Disease Warning O ContagiousDMO Practice/Demo O System DemoDSW Dust Storm Warning O Dust StormEAN Emergency Action Notication O EMG NotifyEAT Emergency Action TerminationOEMG TerminateEQW Earthquake Warning O EarthquakeEVA Evacuation Watch O Evacuate NoteEVI Immediate Evacuation O Evacuate NoteFCW Food Contamination Warning O FoodFFA Flash Flood Watch O Flash FloodFFS Flash Flood Statement O Flash FloodFFW Flash Flood Warning O Flash FloodFLA Flood Watch O FloodFLS Flood Statement O FloodFLW Flood Warning O FloodFRW Fire Warning O Fire
52Standard Event Code Warning Watch Advisory AdvisoryFSW Flash Freeze Warning O Flash FreezeFZW Freeze Warning O FreezeHLS Hurricane Statement O HurricaneHMW Hazardous Material Warning O HazardousHUA Hurricane Watch O HurricaneHUW Hurricane Warning O HurricaneHWA High Wind Watch O High WindHWW High Wind Warning O High WindIBW Iceberg Warning O IcebergIFW Industrial Fire Warning O Industrial FireLAE Local Area Emergency O Local EMGLEW Law Enforcement Warning O Law EnforcementLSW Land Slide Warning O Land SlideNAT National Audible Test ONational AudibleNIC National Information Center O National InfoNMN Network Notication Message O Network MessageNPT National Periodic Test O Nation PeriodNST National Silent Test O Nation SilentNUW Nuclear Power Plant Warning O Nuclear PlantPOS Power Outage Advisory O Power OutageRHW Radiological Hazard Warning O RadiologicalRMT Required Monthly Test O MonthlyRWT Required Weekly Test O WeeklySMW Special Marine Warning O Special MarineSPS Special Weather Statement O Special WXSPW Shelter In-Place Warning O ShelterSVA Severe Thunderstorm Watch O ThunderstormSVR Severe Thunderstorm WarningO ThunderstormSVS Severe Weather Statement O Severe WXTOA Tornado Watch O TornadoTOE 911 Telephone Outage EmergencyO 911 Phone OutageTOR Tornado Warning O TornadoTRA Tropical Strom Watch O Tropical StormTRW Tropical Storm Warning O Tropical StormTSA Tsunami Watch O TsunamiTSW Tsunami Warning O TsunamiTXB Transmitter Backup On O TX Backup OnTXF Transmitter Carrier Off O TX Carrier OffTXO Transmitter Carrier On O TX Carrier OnTXP Transmitter Primary On O TX Primary On
53Standard Event Code Warning Watch Advisory AdvisoryVOW Volcano Warning O VolcanoWFA Wild Fire Watch O Wild FireWFW Wild Fire Warning O Wild FireWSA Winter Storm Watch O Winter StormWSW Winter Storm Warning O Winter Storm**A Unrecognized Watch O Unrecognized**E Unrecognized Emergency O Unrecognized**S Unrecognized Statement O Unrecognized**W Unrecognized Warning O UnrecognizedContinuous Tone Coded Squelch System (CTCSS) and Digital Coded Squelch (DCS) are two methods used to prevent interference by other radio communications. Your scanner can receive transmissions that use these codes.CTCSS FREQUENCIESThe scanner can detect the following 50 CTCSS frequencies.67.0Hz 94.8Hz 131.8Hz 171.3Hz 203.5Hz69.3Hz 97.4Hz 136.5Hz 173.8Hz 206.5Hz71.9Hz 100.0Hz 141.3Hz 177.3Hz 210.7Hz74.4Hz 103.5Hz 146.2Hz 179.9Hz 218.1Hz77.0Hz 107.2Hz 151.4Hz 183.5Hz 225.7Hz79.7Hz 110.9Hz 156.7Hz 186.2Hz 229.1Hz82.5Hz 114.8Hz 159.8Hz 189.9Hz 233.6Hz85.4Hz 118.8Hz 162.2Hz 192.8Hz 241.8Hz88.5Hz 123.0Hz 165.5Hz 196.6Hz 250.3Hz91.5Hz 127.3Hz 167.9Hz 199.5Hz 254.1HzDCS CODES The scanner can detect the following 104 hexadecimal DCS codes.006 031 054 116 145 205 245 266 332 411 452 506 612 703007 032 065 122 152 212 246 271 343 412 454 516 624 712015 036 071 125 155 214 251 274 346 413 455 523 627 723017 043 072 131 156 223 252 306 351 423 462 526 631 731021 047 073 132 162 225 255 311 356 431 464 532 632 732023 050 074 134 165 226 261 315 364 432 465 546 654 734025 051 114 141 172 243 263 325 365 445 466 565 662 743026 053 115 143 174 244 265 331 371 446 503 606 664 754
54REVERSE LISTRange (MHz) Offset (MHz) Range (MHz) Offset (MHz)29.5200 - 29.5800 + 0.1 450.0000 - 454.9875 + 529.6200 - 29.6800 - 0.1 455.0000 - 459.9875 - 552.0100 - 52.9900 + 1 460.0000 - 464.9875 + 553.0100 - 53.9900 - 1 465.0000 - 469.9875 - 5143.7500 + 4.375 470.0000 - 472.9875 + 3143.9000 + 4.25 473.0000 - 475.9875 - 3144.5100 - 144.8900 + 0.6 476.0000 - 478.9875 + 3145.1100 - 145.4900 - 0.6 479.0000 - 481.9875 - 3146.0100 - 146.3850 + 0.6 482.0000 - 484.9875 + 3146.4150 - 146.5050 + 1 485.0000 - 487.9875 - 3146.5950 + 1 488.0000 - 490.9875 + 3146.6100 - 146.9850 - 0.6 491.0000 - 493.9875 - 3147.0000 - 147.3900 + 0.6 494.0000 - 496.9875 + 3147.4150 - 147.5050 - 1 497.0000 - 499.9875 - 3147.5950 - 1 500.0000 - 502.9875 + 3147.6000 - 147.9900 - 0.6 503.0000 - 505.9875 - 3148.1250 - 4.375 506.0000 - 508.9875 + 3148.1500 - 4.25 509.0000 - 511.9875 - 3222.1200 - 223.3800 + 1.6 758.0000 - 775.9937 +30223.7200 - 224.9800 - 1.6 788.0000 - 805.9937 -30420.0000 - 424.9875 + 5 806.0000 - 823.9875 + 45425.0000 - 429.9875 - 5 851.0000 - 868.9875 - 45440.0000 - 444.9875 + 5 896.0000 - 901.0000 + 39445.0000 - 449.9875 - 5 935.0000 - 940.0000 - 39REPEATER FREQUENCY LISTBase Frequency (MHz)Offset (MHz) Base Frequency (MHz)Offset (MHz)455.0151 - 459.9950 - 5 497.0001 - 500.0000 - 3465.0101 - 469.9950 - 5 503.0001 - 506.0000 - 3473.0001 - 476.0000 - 3 509.0001 - 512.0000 - 3479.0001 - 482.0000 - 3 758.0000 - 775.9937 +30485.0001 - 488.0000 - 3 806.0051 - 823.9875 +45491.0001 - 494.0000 - 3 894.0125 - 921.0000 +39
56WARRANTY INFORMATIONWARRANTOR: UNIDEN AMERICA CORPORATION (Uniden)ELEMENTS OF WARRANTY: Uniden warrants, for one year, to the original retail owner, this Uniden Product to be free from defects in materials and craftsmanship with only the limitations or exclusions set out below.WARRANTY DURATION: This warranty to the original user shall terminate and be of no further effect 12 months after the date of original retail sale.The warranty is invalid if the Product is (A) damaged or not maintained as reasonable or necessary, (B) modied, altered, or used as part of any conversion kits, subassemblies, or any congurations not sold by Uniden, (C) improperly installed, (D) serviced or repaired by someone other than an authorized Uniden service center for a defect or malfunction covered by this warranty, (E) used in any conjunction with equipment or parts or as part of any system not manufactured by Uniden, or (F) installed or programmed by anyone other than as detailed by the Operating Guide for this product.STATEMENT OF REMEDY: In the event that the product does not conform to this warranty at any time while this warranty is in effect, warrantor will repair the defect and return it to you without charge for parts, service, or any other cost (except shipping and handling) incurred by warrantor or its representatives in connection with the performance of this warranty. THE LIMITED WARRANTY SET FORTH ABOVE IS THE SOLE AND ENTIRE WARRANTY PERTAINING TO THE PRODUCT AND IS IN LIEU OF AND EXCLUDES ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR ARISING BY OPERATION OF LAW, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER OR PROVIDE FOR THE REIMBURSEMENT OR PAYMENT OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. Some states do not allow this exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages so the above limitation or exclusion might not apply to you.LEGAL REMEDIES: This warranty gives you specic legal rights, and you might also have other rights which vary from state to state. This warranty is void outside the United States of America.PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING PERFORMANCE OF WARRANTY: If, after following the instructions in this Operating Guide you are certain that the Product is defective, pack the Product carefully (preferably in its original packaging). Include evidence of original purchase and a note describing the defect that has caused you to return it. The Product should be shipped freight prepaid, by traceable means, or delivered, to warrantor at:Uniden America CorporationC/O Saddle Creek743 Henrietta Creek Rd., Suite 100Roanoke, TX 76262

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