UnderSea Sensor Systems SPLM1 Radio Communication System & Lapel Microphone User Manual rcs vps vp

UnderSea Sensor Systems, Inc Radio Communication System & Lapel Microphone rcs vps vp

User Manual

I. INTRODUCTIONThis document provides instructions for the installationand operation of the TwentyTwenty®Plus™ FacepieceCommCommand™ Radio Communication System(RCS) Kit, P/N 242135; the Voice Projection System(VPS) Kit, P/N 242136; the combination RCS/VPS Kit,P/N 242137; and the Facepiece Modification Kit, P/N242138 into Sperian TwentyTwenty Plus FacepieceAssemblies, P/Ns 2420XX, 2520XX, and 2720XX. Youmust read and understand this instruction sheetcompletely before attempting installation. You mustread and understand these operation instructionsand be trained in the proper use of the equipmentbefore using it in a contaminated or hazardousatmosphere.WARNINGThe Operation Instructions suppliedwith this kit must be provided to theuser of the modified SCBA. Failure toprovide these operation instructionsto the user of the modified SCBA maylead to personal injury, illness, ordeath.NOTE• Changes not expressly approved bySperian could void the user's authority to op-erate the equipment.• This product complies with FCC OET Bulle-tin 65 radiation exposure limits set forth foran uncontrolled environement.• Operation is subject to the following twoconditions: (1) This device may not causeharmful interference; and (2) this devicemust accept any interference received, in-cluding interference that may cause unde-sired operation.• All Sperian-certified technicians are re-quired to remain current on new proceduresand parts through Sperian’s published Tech-nical Bulletins, technical manual revisions,and certification seminars.II. SAFETY PRECAUTIONSThe Warnings, Cautions, and Notes contained in thismanual have the following significance:WARNINGMaintenance or operating proceduresand techniques that may result inpersonal injury, illness, or death if notcarefully followed.CAUTIONMaintenance or operating proceduresand techniques that may result indamage to equipment if not carefullyfollowed.NOTEMaintenance or operating procedures andtechniques or information considered impor-tant enough to emphasize.III. DESCRIPTIONThe Sperian CommCommand Radio CommunicationSystem Kit may be installed on TwentyTwenty Plusfacepieces to enable users to communicate by two-wayradio. Lapel microphones are not part of the kit and mustbe purchased separately from Sperian. The SperianCommCommand Voice Projection System Kit may beinstalled on TwentyTwenty Plus facepieces to facilitateclear, high-volume voice communications betweenusers within normal voice communication range. TheVPS connects the facepiece-mounted microphone to afacepiece-mounted amplifier and speaker to extendspeech clarity and range beyond the output availableusing speaking diaphragms. Since the VPS speakeroutput is proportional to the speaker’s voice volume, theintensity and urgency of any communication is projectedthrough the VPS.Sperian Respiratory Protection USA, LLC3001 South Susan St., Santa Ana, CA 92704Toll-Free 888.APR.SCBAFax 714.850.0299www.sperianprotection.comAN ISO 9001REGISTEREDCOMPANYTwentyTwenty®Plus™ Facepiece Radio Communication System (RCS)Voice Projection System (VPS) Combination System (RCS and VPS)and Facepiece Modification KitP/Ns 242135, 242136, 242137, & 242138INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONINSTRUCTIONS©Copyright March 2008Sperian Respiratory Protection USA, LLCAll Rights ReservedP/N 975033 Rev B 01/09 warrior/rcs_vps
IV. PARTS LISTRCS Kit - 242135P/N QTY DESCRIPTION941887 1 Microphone Assembly964228 1 Nozzle Assembly, Communications System Kit968883 1 Cover, Communications, VPS962775 1 RCS Module975033 1 Installation and Operation Instructions995531 1 Warranty Card995537 1 Warranty Card Envelope846014 2 Split Washer, Spring,#4,Stainless Steel939528 2 Screw, # 4-40 x ½", Pan Head, Stainless SteelVPS Kit - 242136P/N QTY DESCRIPTION941887 1 Microphone Assembly964228 1 Nozzle Assembly, Communications System Kit968883 1 Cover, Communications, VPS963113 1 VPS Module975033 1 Installation and Operation Instructions995531 1 Warranty Card995537 1 Warranty Card Envelope846014 2 Split Washer, Spring,#4,Stainless Steel939528 2 Screw, # 4-40 x ½", Pan Head, Stainless SteelRCS/VPS Kit - 242137P/N QTY DESCRIPTION941887 1 Microphone Assembly964228 1 Nozzle Assembly, Communications System Kit968883 1 Cover, Communications, VPS962775 1 RCS Module963113 1 VPS Module975033 1 Installation and Operation Instructions995531 1 Warranty Card995537 1 Warranty Card Envelope846014 2 Split Washer, Spring,#4,Stainless Steel939528 2 Screw, # 4-40 x ½", Pan Head, Stainless SteelFacepiece Modification Kit - 242138P/N QTY DESCRIPTION941887 1 Microphone Assembly964228 1 Nozzle Assembly, Communications System Kit968883 1 Cover, Communications, VPS964227 1 Nozzle Assembly, Communications Configurator975033 1 Installation and Operation Instructions995531 1 Warranty Card995537 1 Warranty Card Envelope846014 2 Split Washer, # 4, Stainless Steel839528 2 Screw, # 4-40 x ½", Pan Head, Stainless SteelV. TOOL LIST1. #1 Phillips head screwdriver2. 3/16" flat-blade screwdriverVI. INSTALLATIONNOTERetain all disassembled parts for reinstalla-tion unless specifically instructed to discardthe part.1. Insert your finger into the AIR KLIC to press theratchet down while unscrewing the AIR KLIC. SeeFigure 1.2. Remove and discard the nozzle cover from thefacepiece.3. Remove the nozzle assembly from the facepiecelens.4. From the nozzle assembly, remove the nose cup,speaking diaphragm, o-ring, ratchet ring, andratchet spring. See Figure 2.5. Install the o-ring, ratchet spring, and ratchet ringonto the new nozzle.Figure 2. Nozzle Assembly2Figure 1. AIR KLIC Removal
WARNINGVerify that the speaking diaphragmo-ring is seated properly aftertightening. Failure to comply with thiswarning may lead to personal injury,illness, or death.6. Reinstall the speaking diaphragm and tighten itusing the AIR KLIC removal tool.7. Position the holes in the microphone “legs” overthe nozzle inserts. See Figure 3.8. Place a split washer, P/N 846014, onto eachscrew, P/N 839528. Using a #1 Phillips screwdriver,install the screws into the inserts.NOTEDo not overtighten the screws.9. Reinstall the nose cup onto the nozzle.10. Insert and position the nozzle into the facepiecelens.11. Place the communications cover on the lens, en-suring that the contact pins on the cover are properlypositioned and inserted into the microphone con-tacts in the nozzle.12. Reinstall the AIR KLIC adapter.13. Verify that the ratchet mechanism is functioningproperly by attempting to unscrew the AIR KLICadapter. The AIR KLIC should not unscrew.VII. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSNOTEInstructions 14 through 17 are for the RCSKit, P/N 242135, and the RCS/VPS Kit, P/N242137, only. If you are installing the VPSKit, P/N 242136, skip to step 18 of thissection.14. Locate the mounting slot on the bottom of theRCS and the user's left mounting tab on the NozzleCover Assembly (NCA).15. Position the RCS's mounting slot on the mount-ing tab of the NCA.16. Pivot the RCS upward on the NCA's mountingtab until the RCS's thumbscrew (on the RCS'smounting bracket) is positioned directly over thethreaded screw hole of the NCA .17. Holding the RCS firmly over the NCA's threadedhole, tighten the thumbscrew until the RCS issecurely mounted.NOTEInstructions 18 through 21 are for the VPSKit, P/N 242136, and the RCS/VPS Kit, P/N242137, only. If you are installing the RCSKit, P/N 242135, skip to the next section.18. Locate the mounting slot on the bottom of theVPS and the user's right mounting tab on the NozzleCover Assembly (NCA).19. Position the VPS's mounting slot on the mount-ing tab of the NCA.20. Pivot the VPS upward on the NCA's mountingtab until the VPS's thumbscrew (on the VPS'smounting bracket) is positioned directly over thethreaded screw hole of the NCA.21. Holding the VPS firmly over the NCA's threadedhole, tighten the thumbscrew until it is tight and theVPS is securely mounted.WARNINGUse only AAA 1.5 volt batteriesmeeting National ElectronicsDistributor Association (NEDA)Standard 24A (Energizer No. E92 andDuracell 2400), to maintain theintrinsic safety certification of thisproduct. Failure to comply with thiswarning may lead to personal injury,illness, or death.VIII. TESTINGWARNINGIf any of the tests indicate that theradio communication system or thevoice projection system is notoperating properly, remove it fromservice and send it to the Sperianfactory. Failure to comply with thiswarning may lead to personal injury,illness, or death.3Figure 3. Attach Microphone
NOTECall Sperian Customer Service at(800) 821-7236 for a return merchandise au-thorization (RMA). When returning defectiveapparatus, refer to the test step below inwhich the failure was observed.1. Don the facepiece and perform positive andnegative pressure leak checks using the proceduredescribed in the appropriate Warrior SCBA Opera-tion Manual.NOTE• Instruction 2 is for the VPS Kit, P/N 242136,and the Facepiece Modification Kit, P/N242138, only.• A surrogate amplifier and battery are re-quired in order to test the Facepiece Modifi-cation Kit, P/N 242138.2. Operate the VPS in accordance with theinstructions in Section IX below. If the system doesnot operate properly, return it to Sperian.IX. OPERATIONA. RCS Operation (P/Ns 242135 and 242137 only)Prior to the first time using an RCS and LapelMicrophone (LM) together, they must be mated.1. The LM must be plugged into a radio and theradio must be turned on.2. Hold the RCS within 2 inches of the LM andpush the power button on the RCS. The statuslight on the RCS will begin to blink green.3. Push the link (black) button on the LM. Thestatus light will blink three times then turn solidgreen, meaning the RCS and LM are mated.4. To use the RCS and LM together at any timeafter mating, they must be linked. To determine ifan RCS and LM are linked, the LM must beplugged into a radio, the radio must be turned on,and the RCS must be turned on. If they arelinked, the green status lights on each unit will beon and solid. If not, the status lights will blink ev-ery few seconds. To remain linked, the RCS andLM must not be more than 30 inches apart.1. To transmit, fully press and hold thePush-To-Talk (PTT) button on the LM and speakinto the facepiece microphone.2. To receive transmissions, release the PTTbutton.3. To send out an emergency distress call, pushthe emergency (red) button on the LM. The LMwill transmit the distress call to the radio, wherethe radio's programmed distress signal will besent out.NOTE• If the status LED on the RCS does not light,verify the batteries are installed as shown onthe battery door. Clean the battery contacts ifthey show evidence of corrosion. If the bat-tery contacts are clean and the batteries areinstalled correctly but the LED still does notlight, replace the batteries.• If the LED on the RCS flashes amber, thebatteries are low. Replace the batteries assoon as possible,• If the status LED on the LM does not light,verify the batteries are installed as shown onthe battery orientation decal next to the bat-tery door. Clean the battery contacts if theyshow evidence of corrosion. If the batterycontacts are clean and the batteries areinstalled correctly but the LED still does notlight, replace the batteries.• If the battery status LED flashes amber, thebatteries are low. Replace the batteries assoon as possible.B. Stand Alone Lapel MicrophoneThe lapel microphone can be used without theRCS module if plugged into a radio. The standalone lapel microphone will work with or withoutbatteries because it is powered by the radio.1. Turn on the radio and adjust the volume andsquelch in accordance with the radio manufac-turer's instructions. No other adjustment is re-quired to receive radio messages.2. To transmit, fully press and hold the PTT but-ton on the lapel microphone and speak into thelocal microphone on the LM.3. To receive transmissions, release the PTTbutton. The LM speaker volume is controlled byadjusting the radio volume.4. To send out an emergency distress call, pushthe emergency (red) button on the LM. The LMwill transmit the distress call to the radio wherethe radio's programmed distress signal will besent out.To use the LM in stand alone mode after using itwhile linked to an RCS module, you must firstunlink the RCS and LM. To unlink the RCS andLM, you must power off the RCS by pushing thepower button, then either:- wait four seconds for the LM to automaticallyunlink from the RCS.-turn the radio off, then on.NOTE• If the status LED on the LM does not light,verify the batteries are installed as shown onthe battery orientation decal next to the bat-tery door. Clean the contacts if they show ev-idence of corrosion. If the battery contactsare clean and the batteries are installed cor-rectly but the LED still does not light, replacethe batteries.4
• If the battery status LED flashes amber, thebatteries are low. Replace the batteries assoon as possible.There are two ways to operate the VPS:• Constant On mode• Push-to-talk mode1. Constant On modea. Hold the facepiece closely in front of your face.b. Push the button on the top of the amplifiertwice within two (2) seconds. (The second pushmust be made within 2 seconds of the first push;otherwise it will automatically shut off.) The LEDwill light.NOTE• If the LED does not light, verify that the bat-teries are installed as shown on the batteryorientation decal next to the battery door.Clean the battery contacts if they show evi-dence of corrosion. If the battery contacts areclean and the batteries are installed cor-rectly, but the LED still does not light, replacethe batteries.• If the LED flashes, the VPS batteries arelow. Replace the batteries as soon aspossible.c. Speak into the facepiece. Your amplified voiceshould be projected from the speaker.d. Push the button twice within 2 seconds to turnoff the VPS.NOTEIf the speaker is inactive, check all electricalconnections. Verify that the amplifier wirecontacts and contact plates are clean, theadapter mounting screws are fastened se-curely, and the microphone leads are in-stalled correctly and securely.e. If no voice input is detected in 20 minutes (±30seconds), the VPS automatically shuts off.2. Push-to-talk modea. Hold the facepiece closely in front of your face.b. Push down the button on the top of the ampli-fier until the LED lights.NOTE• If the LED does not light, verify that the bat-teries are installed as shown on the batteryorientation decal next to the battery door.Clean the battery contacts if they show evi-dence of corrosion. If the battery contacts areclean and the batteries are installed cor-rectly, but the LED still does not light, replacethe batteries.• If the LED flashes, the VPS batteries arelow. Replace the batteries as soon aspossible.c. Hold the button down and speak into the face-piece. Your amplified voice should be projectedfrom the amplifier speaker.d. Release the button to turn off the amplifier.NOTEIf the speaker is inactive, check all electricalconnections. Verify that the amplifier wirecontacts and contact plates are clean, theadapter mounting screws are fastened se-curely, and the microphone leads are in-stalled correctly and securely.IX. MAINTENANCEA. CleaningRemove the VPS and/or RCS from the facepiece, andclean the facepiece as described in the appropriatePanther SCBA or SAR Operation Manual. The RCS,microphone, ear speaker, and cable assemblies can bewashed in warm soapy water solutions and can berinsed without being covered. Clean the VPS with a mildsolution of nonionic soap (such as dishwasher soap) ordetergent in warm water. A soft brush may be used togently clean slots and other grime-gatheringreceptacles. Rinse all parts before drying. The VPS canwithstand brief immersions in cleaning and rinsingsolutions if necessary. Dry immediately and thoroughly.B. VPS/RCS Battery ReplacementWARNINGUse only AAA 1.5 volt batteriesmeeting National ElectronicsDistributor Association (NEDA)Standard 24A, (Energizer No. E92 andDuracell 2400), to maintain theintrinsic safety certification of thisproduct. Failure to comply with thiswarning may lead to personal injury,illness, or death.NOTE• Sperian recommends that you install newbatteries after each incident. The batteriescan be replaced when the VPS is removed orinstalled on the mask.• Make sure that the VPS or RCS is turnedOFF before replacing the batteries. WhenOFF, no LED will be illuminated.1. Hold down the battery compartment door and un-screw the thumbscrew counterclockwise.2. Remove and discard existing batteries3. Noting the polarity of the batteries, install three (3)new Energizer E92 or Duracell 2400 AAA batteries.Two of the batteries are stacked on top of eachother, with the positive (+) terminal up. The remain-ing battery is installed with the negative (–) terminalup.4. Close the battery door and apply pressure to itwhile tightening the thumbscrew completely.5
C. Lapel Microphone Battery ReplacementIt is recommended that new batteries be installed aftereach incident.Before servicing the batteries, make sure that the LM isturned OFF. When OFF, no LED will be illuminated.1. While holding down the battery door, unscrew thebattery door screw counterclockwise until it is disen-gaged from the LM.2. Open the battery door and discard the existingbatteries.3. Note the battery polarities on the battery label onthe back of the LM and install three (3) new Ener-gizer-brand AAA batteries.4. Close the battery door. While applying pressureto the battery door, tighten the screw completely.D. StorageInspect and clean the components before storing.1. Verify that the LED is not lighted. If the unit wasleft on by accident, the VPS or RCS will shut offautomatically in 20 minutes if it detects no voice in-put.2. Verify that the unit is dry and undamaged.3. For longer term storage, remove the amplifierfrom the facepiece assembly and remove the bat-tery from the amplifier. Place all parts in bags andstore in a dry, chemical-free area not subject to ex-tremes of heat and cold.X. ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONIf you need additional information on any Sperianproduct, consult your local distributor or contact:Sperian Respiratory Protection USA, LLC3001 South Susan StreetSanta Ana, CA 92704(714) 545-0410 OR (800) 821-7236FAX (800) 201-4407WARNINGTo Prevent ignition of a hazardousatmosphere, batteries must only bechangedinanareaknowntobenonhazardous.AVERTISSEMENTA fin de prevenir l'inflammationd'atmospheres dangereuses, nechanger les batteries que dans desemplacements designes nondangereux.XI. WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITYLIMITED WARRANTY:Sperian warrants this product tobe free from defects in materials and workmanship forone year from the date of purchase. During this period,Sperian will repair or replace defective parts, atSperian’s option. Freight charges to and from theSperian factory shall be paid by the purchaser.EXCLUSIONS: NOTWITHSTANDING ANYCONTRARY TERM IN THE PURCHASER’SPURCHASE ORDER OR OTHERWISE, THE ONLYWARRANTY EXTENDED BY Sperian IS THEEXPRESSED LIMITED WARRANTY DEFINEDABOVE. THIS WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND INLIEU OF ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OFMERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE.CONDITIONS:To maintain this warranty this productmust be used, maintained, and inspected as prescribedin the owner’s instruction manual, including promptreplacement or repair of defective parts and such othernecessary maintenance and repair as may be required.Normal wear and tear, and parts damaged by abuse,misuse, negligence or accidents are specificallyexcluded from this warranty.LIMITATION OF LIABILITY:No other oral warranties,representations, or guarantees of any kind have beenmade by Sperian, its distributors, or the agents of eitherof them, that in any way alter the terms of this warranty.EXCEPT AS HEREIN PROVIDED, Sperian SHALLHAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE,WHETHER DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ORCONSEQUENTIAL, TO ANY PURCHASER OR USEROF THIS PRODUCT ARISING FROM THE SALE, USE,OR OPERATION OF THIS PRODUCT.WARNINGThe failure to use and maintain thisequipment in strict conformance withthe applicable instruction manual mayresult in personal injury, illness, ordeath. The equipment's use in anymanner that is not expresslyauthorized pursuant to the applicableinstruction manual may result insevere adverse impacts to humanhealth.6

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