Tyco Safety Sensormatic UMPHSR-R User Manual resubmit Users Guide

Tyco Safety Products/Sensormatic resubmit Users Guide


resubmit Users Guide

Operating Guide8000-2574-22, Rev. A (4 pages) ULTRA•MAX PRODUCTS 11111 UltraUltraUltraUltra••••Max PhasingMax PhasingMax PhasingMax PhasingTool (900MHz)Tool (900MHz)Tool (900MHz)Tool (900MHz)Kit 0100-2321-01Case 1 0400-1187-01Transmitter (900MHz) 2 0100-2320-01Receiver (900MHz) 1 0100-2319-01Sense coil 2 0300-2274-0112' BNC cable 2 0650-0211-013' BNC cable 1 0650-0211-02Antenna (900MHz) 3 3411-0005-01Bracket 2 0400-1182-01Battery 1 4007-0004-01Power cord 2 6003-0007Ultra•Max detectors and deactivators derive theirtiming from the zero crossing of the ac power line.Ultra•Max detectors and deactivators may interferewith each other if there are ac line phasingdifferences between systems.The Phasing tool is used to synchronize the timingof all Ultra•Max systems located in a store,shopping center, or mall. A reference system isselected and then all other systems aresynchronized to the reference system.The basic steps to synchronize all systems are asfollows:A.  Set up a reference transmitter at thereference system.B.  Synchronize all other systems within therange of the reference transmitter.C.  Use the second transmitter to extend therange of the reference transmitter.Repeat steps B and C until all systems in thestore, shopping center, or mall aresynchronized.Phase all of the systems first! Don't spend a lot oftime tuning systems until all systems have beenphased.Cover as much area as possible from a singletransmitter location. There will be some error buildup for each time a new transmitter is used.If you have a team of CE’s with several phasingtools, you can efficiently phase an entire mall.  SeePhasing Team on page 4.Before you begin, do the following:•  Survey the site to identify the location and typeof EAS systems present. Systems that can notbe phased may need to be upgraded.Upgrading of older equipment should beplanned in advance.•  Locate all possible sources of 900 MHzinterference including cellular, cordless andcomputer equipment. Where possible, avoidusing either the transmitter or the receiver inthose immediate areas. No interference hasbeen found with wireless equipment but thepresence of such equipment will reduce theeffective range of the Phasing tool.•  Based on the proximity of the systems to bephased, choose a starting reference system.This is often the most difficult part. Choosingthe right reference system can minimize theamount of phasing required.Begin with steps A and B and then repeat steps Cand B until all systems are synchronized.A. Setting up a reference transmitterA. Setting up a reference transmitterA. Setting up a reference transmitterA. Setting up a reference transmitterat the reference system.at the reference system.at the reference system.at the reference system.1.  Using the receiver, find the channel withminimal interference.  Power on the receiver and rotate through the 8available channels (position 0-7 only). Observethe signal strength indicator and select thechannel with the lowest signal strength. Note:  Channels with steady or fluctuating highlevels of activity will not provide the maximumrange.Figure 1. ReceiverSignalstrengthindicatorChannelselectorPoweron/offBattery(in back)
2 OPERATING GUIDE PHASING TOOL (900MHZ)8000-2574-22, REV. A2.  Set up the transmitter.a.  Set the first transmitter to the same channelas the receiver.b.  Locate a power outlet at or near thereference system and plug in the firsttransmitter. CAUTION: Make sure the power select fuse onboth transmitters is set for the correct acvoltage. To change the setting, use theblade of a small scewdriver to pry out thepower select module. Rotate and insert themodule so that the correct voltage (115,125, 230, 250) is opposite the arrow.  Locate the transmitter in a clear and open areathat will provide the best possible line of siteto all of the systems to be phased. Note:  Avoid locating the transmitter in theceiling or any metal enclosed areas.c.  Set the switches of the transmitter toNormal mode and ABC Signal.Figure 2. Transmitter3.  Verify receiver operation.a.  On the receiver's signal strength indicator,you should see a steady, strong signal.b.  Connect the output of the receiver tochannel 1 of an oscilloscope with the shortBNC cable and the sense coil to channel 2with the long BNC cable.c.  Verify that channel 1 shows the proper ABCsignal from the transmitter. (One wide,3ms, negative going pulse followed by twonarrow, 1ms, negative going pulses with aseparation of 5.556ms for 60Hz and6.667ms for 50Hz.)  Best viewed at1ms/division.4.  Align the reference transmittera.  Beginning at the transmitter antenna of thereference system, place the sense coilagainst or near the transmitter coil. Positionthe coil for the strongest possible signal. Note:  The sense coil is a cylindrical coil and isvery orientation specific. It must be in theproper orientation for maximum sensitivity.b.  Verify that channel 2 shows the propertransmitter burst signal. Note:  In general, the reference system shouldbe one with No Delay. If the system hasbeen phased, you should consider firstsetting it back to the No Delay default.c.  While watching the receiver signal andburst signal on the oscilloscope, adjust thePhase Adjustment pot on the firsttransmitter so that the burst signal starts atthe Falling Edge (beginning) of any one ofthe three pulses. Use the “180° Flip” switchif more adjustment range is needed. Note: In general, you will want to make acoarse adjustment with scope at a largescale (e.g. 500µs or 1ms/division) and thenfine tune the adjustment with the scope at50µs/division. Note:  Depending on the type of system beingadjusted, there will be some timing jitter inthe signals displayed. In this case, adjustthe transmitter such that the jitter is dividedequally between leading and lagging.(Average the variation.)Poweron LEDTransmit enableindicator(on = enabled)Transmitenable/disableChannelselectMode selectSW:Normal/Test/ExternalABC signal/0 crossingFineadjustCoarseadjustSync on0°°°°/180°°°°PowercordPowerselectfuse
PHASING TOOL (900MHZ)8000-2574-22, Rev. A OPERATING GUIDE 3 Tip: The transmitter can attract unwantedattention when placed in a visible area of a mall.Place a non-metallic item such as a plasticcaution cone over the transmitter to hide it fromview.You are ready to begin phasing other systemsto the reference signal.B. Synchronize systems within theB. Synchronize systems within theB. Synchronize systems within theB. Synchronize systems within therange of the reference transmitter.range of the reference transmitter.range of the reference transmitter.range of the reference transmitter.1.  At the next system, place the sense coil ator near the transmitter antenna.2.  Verify that you are still receiving a clearABC signal from the receiver.3.  Align the system to the referencetransmitter.  While watching the receiver signal and thesystem burst on the oscilloscope, adjust thephase of the system so that the burst starts atthe Falling Edge (beginning) of any one of thethree pulses. Note: In general, you will want to make acoarse adjustment with scope at a large scale(e.g. 500µs or 1ms/division) and then fine tunethe adjustment with the scope at 50µs/division.4.  Attach a sticker to the system indicating thedate that it was phased.5.  Continue phasing all of the systems withinrange of the first transmitter signal.C. Extend the range of the referenceC. Extend the range of the referenceC. Extend the range of the referenceC. Extend the range of the referencetransmitter.transmitter.transmitter.transmitter.1.  Locate a power outlet within the range ofthe first transmitter’s signal.2.  Using the receiver, find another channelwith minimal interference.  Power on the receiver and rotate through the 8available channels (position 0-7 only). Observethe signal strength indicator and select achannel with low signal strength. 3.  Set up the second transmitter.a.  Set the second transmitter to the samechannel as the receiver.b.  Switch the second transmitter’s signal OFF.c.  Set the switches of the second transmitterto Normal mode and ABC Signal.4.  Using the oscilloscope, align the secondtransmitter.a.  Disconnect the sense coil from the BNCcable.b.  Attach the BNC cable to the secondtransmitter and channel 2 of theoscilloscope.c.  Switch the receiver back to the samechannel as the first transmitter. Note: Channel 1 of the oscilloscope is attachedto the output of the receiver.d.  While watching the first and secondtransmitters’ signals on the oscilloscope,adjust the Phase Adjustment pot on thesecond transmitter so that the secondtransmitter’s signal starts at the FallingEdge (beginning) of the first transmitterpulse. Use the “180° Flip” switch if moreadjustment range is needed. Note: In general, you will want to make acoarse adjustment with scope at a largescale (e.g. 500µs or 1ms/division) and thenfine tune the adjustment with the scope at50µs/division.5.  Verify receiver operation.a.  Turn on the second transmitter’s signal.b.  Switch the receiver channel to the channelused by the second transmitter and verifythat the receiver signal from the secondtransmitter is aligned properly. You canverify that it is aligned properly bycomparing it with systems phasedpreviously using the scope and sense coil.Continue phasing systems as described  in Step B.No timing adjustment are required because of thesecond transmitter.Remove the first transmitter and use it asnecessary to extend beyond the range of the lasttransmitter location and so on. Each time yousetup a new transmitter, you must realign the newsignal with the current reference signal as done instep C.
4 OPERATING GUIDE PHASING TOOL (900MHZ)8000-2574-22, REV. APhasing Team:  If you have a team of CE’s withseveral transmitters and receivers, you canefficiently phase an entire mall using the followingapproach:1.  Start by identifying your reference systemand set up a transmitter at that site.2.  Using the receiver and an oscilloscope,travel to the edge of the transmitted signal.3.  Place and phase another transmitter wherethe signal gets weak.  Remember to use adifferent channel for each transmitter.4.  Repeat this process until you have a largearea or the entire mall covered.5.  Once all the transmitters are set up, phaseall systems.  When phasing a system, setthe receiver to the channel with thestrongest signal strength.This technique allows CE’s to work independentlyand multiple systems can be aligned at the sametime.  An average-size mall can be phased in lessthan a day.DeclarationsDeclarationsDeclarationsDeclarationsRegulatory ComplianceRegulatory ComplianceRegulatory ComplianceRegulatory ComplianceEMC: ................................47 CFR, Part 15FCC COMPLIANCE: This equipment complies with Part15 of the FCC rules for intentional radiators and Class Adigital devices when installed and used in accordance with theinstruction manual. Following these rules provides reasonableprotection against harmful interference from equipmentoperated in a commercial area. This equipment should not beinstalled in a residential area as it can radiate radio frequencyenergy that could interfere with radio communications, asituation the user would have to fix at their own expense.EQUIPMENT MODIFICATION CAUTION: Equipmentchanges or modifications not expressly approved bySensormatic Electronics Corporation, the party responsiblefor FCC compliance, could void the user's authority to operatethe equipment and could create a hazardous condition.

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