Trimble 55800 Bluetooth Device User Manual SPSx50 ModularGPSRcvr UserGuide

Trimble Navigation Ltd Bluetooth Device SPSx50 ModularGPSRcvr UserGuide


User Manual 2

SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     81Configuring the Receiver Settings     7Configuring the SPSx50 Receiver Using a Web BrowserThe SPSx50 receiver can be configured using the keypad and display, Trimble SCS900 Site Controller software, or a web browser. This section provides an overview of how to set up the receiver using a web browser. For more information, select the Help link from the web page. Supported browsers The following browsers are supported:•Mozilla Firefox version 1.07 or later  (version 1.50 is recommended for Windows, Machintosh, and Linux)•Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.00 or later for WindowsTo connect to the receiver using a web browser, enter the IP address of the receiver into the address bar of the web browser as shown:1. If security is enabled on the receiver, the web browser prompts you to enter a username and password. The default login values for the SPSx50 receiver are:– User Name: admin– Password: passwordIf the password for the root account has been changed or a different account is being used, contact the receiver administrator for the appropriate login information.
7     Configuring the Receiver Settings82     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuideOnce you are logged in,  the following web page is displayed that lets you configure the settings of the receiver: The web interface to the SPSx50 receiver is available in the following languages:To display the web interface in the desired language, click the corresponding country flag. The web interface to the SPSx50 receiver uses a frame type structure to view and configure the settings of the receiver. The receiver has several configuration menus on the left of the browser window. The image below shows the configuration menus. Note – The configuration menus available vary based on the version SPSx50 receiver.Each configuration menu contains related submenus for configuring the receiver and monitoring receiver performance.A summary of each configuration menu is provided. For more detailed information about each of the receiver settings, select the Help menu on the web page.•English •Italian• Chinese • Japanese• French • Russian•German •SpanishModel name of receiverSerial number of receiverMenusAvailablelanguages
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     83Configuring the Receiver Settings     7Receiver Status menuThe Receiver Status menu provides a quick link to review the receiver’s available options, current firmware version, IP address, temperature, runtime, satellites tracked, current outputs, available memory, position information and more.The image below shows the Receiver Status / Identity screen.
7     Configuring the Receiver Settings84     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuideSatellites menuUse the Satellites menu to view satellite tracking details and enable/disable GPS, GLONASS, and SBAS (WAAS/EGNOS and MSAS) satellites. Note – To configure the receiver for OmniSTAR, use the OmniSTAR menu. See page 90.The image below shows the Satellite / Tracking (Sky Plot) screen.
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     85Configuring the Receiver Settings     7Data Logging menuUse the Data Logging menu to set up the SPSx50 receiver to log static GPS data. This menu is only available if the receiver has the data logging option enabled. You can also configure settings such as observable rate, position rate, continuous logging, continuous logging rate, and whether to auto delete old files if memory is low.The image below shows the Data Logging / Configuration screen.
7     Configuring the Receiver Settings86     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuideReceiver Configuration menuUse the Receiver Configuration menu to configure such settings as elevation and PDOP mask, the antenna type and height, the reference station position, and the reference station name and code.The image below shows the Receiver Configuration / Summary screen.
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     87Configuring the Receiver Settings     7I/O Configuration menuUse the I/O Configuration menu to set up all outputs of the SPSx50 receiver. The receiver can output CMR, RTCM, NMEA, GSOF, RT17, or BINEX messages. These messages can be output on TCP/IP, UDP, serial, Bluetooth, or radio ports.The image below shows the I/O Configuration / Port Summary screen:
7     Configuring the Receiver Settings88     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuideBluetooth menuUse the Bluetooth menu to configure the receiver to connect to other Trimble devices that use Bluetooth wireless technology. These devices can be used to configure the receiver, and generate or receive corrections. The following Trimble devices can be connected to the SPSx50 receiver using Bluetooth wireless technology:•TSC2 controller•TCU controller•TSCe  controller•ACU controller•SNB900 radio-modem•Other Bluetooth-enabled SPS GPS receiversThe image below shows the Bluetooth / Info screen.
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     89Configuring the Receiver Settings     7Radio menuUse the Radio menu to configure the internal radio of the receiver, if available. The SPSx50 receivers are available with 410–430 MHz, 430–450 MHz, 450–470 MHz, or 900 MHz radios. The SPS550H receiver is not available with an internal radio.The image below shows the Radio Configuration screen.
7     Configuring the Receiver Settings90     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuideOmniSTAR menuAll SPSx50 receivers, except the SPS550H, are capable of receiving OmniSTAR corrections. By default, OmniSTAR tracking is turned on in the receiver. For the receiver to receive the OmniSTAR corrections, you must set it to track OmniSTAR satellites and it must have a valid OmniSTAR subscription. The receiver is capable of positioning with OmniSTAR XP or HP. To purchase a subscription for your receiver, contact OmniSTAR at:www.OmniSTAR.comNorth & South America, 1-888-883-8476 or 1-713-785-5850Europe & Northern Africa, 31-70-317-0900Australia & Asia, 61-8-9322 5295Southern Africa, 27 21 552 0535The image below shows the OmniSTAR / Configuration screen:
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     91Configuring the Receiver Settings     7Internet Configuration menuUse the Internet Configuration menu to configure Ethernet settings, e-mail alerts, PPP connection, HTTP port, FTP port, and VFD port settings of the receiver. For information on the Ethernet settings, see Configuring Ethernet Settings, page 77.The VFD (Vacuum Florescent Display) port allows you to use the SPSx50 Remote Front application to view and navigate the SPSx50 receiver display across a network.The image below shows the Internet Configuration / Ethernet screen.
7     Configuring the Receiver Settings92     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuideSecurity menuUse the Security menu to configure the login accounts for accessing the SPSx50 receiver using a web browser. Each account consists of a username, password, and permissions. This feature allows administrators the ability to give limited access to other users. The security can be disabled for the receiver. However, Trimble discourages this as it makes the receiver susceptible to unauthorized configuration changes.The image below shows the Security / Configuration screen.
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     93Configuring the Receiver Settings     7Firmware menuUse the Firmware menu to verify the current firmware and load new firmware to the SPSx50 receiver. This functionality provides you with the ability to upgrade firmware across a network or from a remote location without having to connect to the receiver with a serial cable.The image below shows the Firmware screen.
7     Configuring the Receiver Settings94     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuideHelp MenuThe Help menu provides information on each of the receiver settings available in a web browser. Selecting the Help menu opens new windws. You can then select the section that you want to view the help for. The Help files are stored on the Trimble Internet site (<<check address please so users can click and go straight to correct location>>) so that Trimble can update the Help files between firmware releases. If you do not have access to the Internet, a copy of the receiver Help files are also supplied on the Trimble SPS GPS Receiver CD.The image below shows the Help screen.
CHAPTER8SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     95Autobase Feature 8In this chapter:QAutobase WarningQWorking with AutobaseQScenerio One: First visit to a site with Autobase Warning turned offQScenerio Two: First visit to a site with Autobase Warning turned onQScenerio Three: Repeat visit to a site with Autobase Warning turned offQScenerio Four: Repeat visit to a site with Autobase Warning turned onQAutobase ProcessAutobase is a feature of the Trimble SPS GPS receivers that enables you to reduce daily setup time for mobile base stations and to reduce the likelihood of using incorrect base station coordinates during setup. The Autobase feature allows you to set up the SPS GPS receivers as a base station receiver and save you time so you do not need to reconfigure the receiver at the start of each day. It also allows you to set up the base station on a new site without needing to configure the settings in the receiver.If you have used the Autobase feature in other Trimble receivers, Trimble recommends that you read this chapter carefully because new functions in this feature provide greater benefit to you.<Rob. Comment from Alan: ìIt will also be available in SPS880 but it operates a little differently because the receiver has no display. Rob Miller to advise on this please. <Please provide me with text. thanks.> <Comment from Rob: Geoffrey to comment/provide text>>
8     Autobase Feature96     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuideAutobase WarningThe Autobase Warning, when enabled, prevents the receiver from creating a new base station position and begin operating as an RTK base station when no previous base station position exists that corresponds to the current position of the receiver. When the Autobase Warning is on, the receiver will not begin transmitting RTK corrections from a base position (latitude, longitude, and height) that is not a part of the GPS site calibration. When the Autobase Warning is off, the receiver begins transmitting RTK corrections from a new base position. You need only power on the receiver the first time on a point, and you do not need to manually configure the base station settings.By default, the SPS GPS receivers have the Autobase Warning turned on. The receiver uses the Autobase Warning setting to control how the receiver performs when different criteria are met.You can turn the Autobase Warning on or off using the keypad and display. For more information, see chapter 5 on how to access the System Setup screens. <<cross-ref to do later>>Working with AutobaseThis section contains some example scenarios that you will experience. In each section there is a step-by-step process that explains what you will experience in each scenerio.Scenerio One: First visit to a site with Autobase Warning turned offThe following actions occur when you set up the base station for the first time on a new point and the Autobase Warning is turned off:1. The receiver is powered on.2. The receiver begins tracking satellites.3. The receiver determines the current position.4. The receiver reviews the previous base station positions stored in the receiver.5. The receiver does not find any base station that corresponds to the current position.6. The receiver creates a new base station location for the current location.7. The receiver sets the antenna height to 0. The antenna height is measured to the antenna phase center.CCAUTION – On each reoccupation of the point, you must ensure that the receiver antenna is set up in exactly the same location and at exactly the same height. Trimble also recommends that you use a T-bar or Fixed height tripod so that the position is easy to re-establish. Failure to achieve the same height position for the antenna results in errors in heights in subsequent measurements.
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     97Autobase Feature     8Where you set up each time with potentially different antenna heights, Trimble recommends that on the first setup after AutoBase has completed its process, that you edit the antenna height (using the receiver keypad and display). The updated antenna height changes the AutoBase setup, so that on subsequent setups, when you again change the antenna height, you will get correct height information during measurement. At the first setup, Trimble recommends that you change the AutoBase setup and antenna height before you carry out a site calibration.8. The receiver begins generating RTK CMR+ corrections.9. The RTK corrections begin streaming over the internal radio. If there is no internal radio, the receiver defaults to streaming the corrections on the Lemo port.Scenerio Two: First visit to a site with Autobase Warning turned onThe following actions occur when you set up the base station for the first time on a point, and the Autobase Warning is turned on:1. The receiver is powered on.2. The receiver begins tracking satellites.3. The receiver determines the current position.4. The receiver reviews the base positions stored in the receiver.5. The receiver does not find any base station that corresponds to the current position.6. The receiver displays a warning that Autobase has failed.7. No RTK corrections will be streamed until the base station is set up using the keypad and display or an SCS900 controller.Scenerio Three: Repeat visit to a site with Autobase Warning turned offThe following actions occur when you repeat a base station setup on a point, and the Autobase Warning is turned off:1. The receiver is powered on.2. The receiver begins tracking satellites.3. The receiver determines the current position.4. The receiver reviews the base station positions stored in the receiver.5. The receiver finds a base station position that corresponds to the current position.6. The receiver loads the previous base information.
8     Autobase Feature98     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide7. The antenna type, antenna height and measurement method used in the previous setup of this base station are applied.CCAUTION – If the antenna height is different to the previous setup, then you must enter the corrected height for the antenna (using the keypad and display) before starting measurements. Failure to achieve the correct height position for the antenna results in errors in heights in subsequent measurements. 8. The receiver begins generating RTK CMR+ corrections.9. The RTK corrections begin streaming on the radio or port defined in the application file.Scenerio Four: Repeat visit to a site with Autobase Warning turned onThe following actions occur when you repeat a base station setup on a point, and the Autobase Warning is turned on:1. The receiver is powered on.2. The receiver begins tracking satellites.3. The receiver determines the current position.4. The receiver reviews the base station positions stored in the receiver.5. The receiver finds a base station position that corresponds to the current position.6. Since a base station position is found, the Autobase warning is not displayed.7. The receiver loads the previous base information.8. The antenna type, antenna height, and measurement method used in the previous setup of this base station are applied.CAUTION – If the antenna height is different to the previous setup, then you must enter the corrected height for the antennae (using the keypad and display) before starting measurements. Failure to achieve the correct height position for the antenna results in errors in heights in subsequent measurements.9. The receiver begins generating RTK CMR+ corrections.10. The RTK corrections begin streaming on the radio or port defined in the previous setup of this base station.Note – Autobase recalls base station positions that have been stored in the receiver. If the receiver has been previously set up on a control point but the stored base station position is not found in the receiver, it is possible that the information may have inadvertently been deleted. In this case, you should use the display and keypad or the SCS900 system to manually set up the base station. Make sure that you use the same base latitude, longitude, and height as in the previous setup. If the same base station latitude, longitude, and height or a known control point is not used, you will experience position or height errors in all subsequent measurements.
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     99Autobase Feature     8Trimble recommends that after any new base station setup, or at the start of each measurement session, that you measure a known point to verify that position and height errors are within tolerance. This is good practice and it takes just a few seconds to potentially eliminate gross errors typically associated with repeated daily setups of the base station.Autobase ProcessFigure 8.1 shows the Autobase process.Figure 8.1 Autobase process chartOnDisplay Autobase WarningNoIs Autobase Warning On or Off?Create new application fileSave new application file with “Auto” base nameMake new “Auto” application file activePower on receiverReceiver looks for application filesDo application files exist?OffNoYe sAnyapplication file that corresponds with the current position?NoYe sYe sMake most recent created application activeMakecorresponding applicationfile activeIs there more than one acceptable application file?Vanessa correcting two mistakes.
8     Autobase Feature100     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide
CHAPTER9SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     101Default Settings 9In this chapter:QDefault receiver settingsQResetting the receiver to factory defaultsQData Logging optionAll SPSx50 Modular GPS receiver settings are stored in application files. The default application file is stored permanently in the receiver, and contains the factory default settings for the receiver. You cannot modify the default application file. Whenever the receiver is reset to its factory defaults, the current settings (stored in the current application file, Current.cfg) are reset to the values in the default application file.For more information, see Configuring the Receiver Using Applicaton Files (SPS770, SPSx80), page 47.
9     Default Settings102     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuideDefault receiver settingsThese settings are defined in the default application file. Resetting the receiver to factory defaultsTo reset the receiver to its factory defaults, on the receiver, press and hold down   for 35 seconds.Data Logging optionBy default, the Data Logging option is turned off in SPS GPS receivers. If you choose to log data using a GPS receiver, you need to enable the option and acquire suitable GPS postprocessing software, such as the Trimble Geomatics Office® software. For more information, please contact your Trimble dealer.Table 9.1 Default settingsFunction Factory defaultSV Enable All SVs enabledGeneral Controls: Elevation mask 10°PDOP mask 7RTK positioning mode Low LatencyMotion KinematicLemo Port: Baud rate 38,400Format 8-None-1Flow control NoneModem Port: Baud rate 38,400Format 8-None-1Flow control NoneInput Setup: Station AnyNMEA/ASCII (all supported messages) All ports OffStreamed output All Types OffOffset = 00RT17/Binary All ports OffReference position: Latitude 0°Longitude 0°Altitude 0.00 m HAE (Height above ellipsoid)Antenna: Type Zephyr Geodetic – Model 2Height (true vertical) 0.00 mMeasurement method True vertical
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     103Default Settings     9Postprocessed GPS data is typically used for control network measurement applications and precise monitoring. GPS measurement data is collected over a period of time at a static point or points, and then postprocessed to accurately compute baseline information. Logging data after a power lossIf power is unexpectedly lost while the receiver is logging data, the receiver tries—when power is restored—to return to the state it was in immediately before the power loss. The receiver does not reset itself to default settings.If the receiver was logging data when power was lost, data logging is not resumed. To resume data logging after a power loss, you need to complete the following steps:1. Restart the receiver. When power is cycled on the receiver, the receiver will power on with data logging off. 2. Use a web browser or the keypad and display to turn data logging back on.
9     Default Settings104     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide
CHAPTER10SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     105Specifications 10In this chapter:QGeneral specificationsQPhysical specificationsQElectrical specificationsQCommunication specificationsQReceiver optionsQGPS satellite signal trackingQIntegrated radio optionsQVariable configuration optionsThis chapter details the specifications and default option bit settings of the SPSx50 GPS receivers. The SPSx50 modular GPS receiver is available in the following standard configurations:•SPS550•SPS550H•SPS750 Basic base•SPS750 Basic rover•SPS750 Max•SPS850 ExtremeSpecifications are subject to change without notice.
10     Specifications106     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuideGeneral specificationsPhysical specificationsFeature SpecificationKeyboard and display Backlit VFD display 16 characters by 2 rowsOn/Off key for one button start up with AutobaseEscape and Enter key for menu navigation4 arrow keys (up, down, left, right) for option scrolls and data entryReceiver type Modular GPS receiverAntenna type     Base station     RoverZephyr Geodetic - Model 2Zephyr - Model 2Also supports legacy antennas Zephyr, Zephyr Geodetic, Micro Centered, Choke ring, Rugged Micro Centered for GPS L1/L2 operation only.Antenna type Zephyr Geodetic - Model 2 included in the kitFeature SpecificationDimensions (LxWxH) 24 cm (9.4  in) x 12 cm (4.7 in) x 5 cm (1.9  in) including connectorsWeight 1.65 kg (3.64  lbs) receiver with internal battery and radio1.55  kg (3.42  lbs) receiver with internal battery and no radioTemperature1OperatingStorage1 Receiver will operate normally to –40 °C. Bluetooth module and internal batteries are rated to –20 °C.–40 °C to +65 °C (–40 °F to +149 °F)–40 °C to +80 °C (–40 °F to +176 °F)Humidity 100%, condensingWaterproof IP67 for submersion to depth of 1 m (3.28 ft)Shock and vibrationShock, non operatingShock, operatingVibrationTested and meets the following environmental standards:Designed to survive a 2 m (6.6 ft) pole drop onto concreteMIL-STD-810F, Fig.514.5C-17To 40 G, 10 msec, saw-toothMIL-STD-810F, FIG.514.5C-17
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     107Specifications     10Performance – SPS550 Feature SpecificationMeasurements • Advanced Trimble Maxwell 5 Custom GPS chip• Trimble R-Track™ technology for tracking the new L2C Civil signal and L5 signal for GPS modernization (SPS850 Extreme only)• High-precision multiple correlator for L1, L2, and L5 pseudo-range measurements• Unfiltered, unsmoothed pseudo-range measurements data for low noise, low multipath error, low time domain correlation and high dynamic response• Very low noise L1, L2, and L5 carrier phase measurements with <1 mm precision in a 1 Hz bandwidth• L1, L2, and L5 signal-to-noise ratios reported in dB-Hz• Proven Trimble low elevation tracking technology• 72 Channels L1 C/A Code, L2C, L5C, L1/L2/L5 Full Cycle Carrier, GLONASS L1/L2 (L2C, L5 and GLONASS L1/L2 tracking capability available only in the SPS850 Extreme)• WAAS / EGNOS / MSASCode differential GPS positioning1Horizontal accuracyVertical accuracyWAAS / EGNOS / MSASHorizontal accuracy2Vertical accuracy21 Accuracy and reliability may be subject to anomalies such as multipath, obstructions, satellite geometry, and atmospheric conditions. Always follow recommended practices.2 Depends on WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS system performance.±(0.25 m + 1 ppm) RMS, ± (9.84 in + 1 ppm) RMS±(0.50 m + 1 ppm) RMS, ± (19.68 in + 1 ppm) RMSTypically <1 m (3.28 ft)Typically <5 m (16.40 ft)OmniSTAR PositioningXP Service AccuracyHP Service AccuracyHorizontal 20 cm (7.87 in), Vertical 30 cm (11.80 in)Horizontal 10 cm (3.93 in), Vertical 15 cm (5.90 in)Heading accuracy with additional SPS550, SPS550H, SPS750 Max, or SPS8500.3° RMS (10 m antenna separation).Does not require shore-based corrections for heading solution.
10     Specifications108     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuideElectrical specificationsFeature SpecificationPowerInternalExternalIntegrated internal battery 7.4 V, 7800 mA-hr, Lithium-ionInternal battery operates as a UPS in the event of external power source outageInternal battery will charge from external power source when input voltage is >15 VIntegrated charging circuitryPower input on Lemo 7P0S is optimized for lead acid batteries with a cut off threshold of 10.5 VPower input on the 26-pin DSub connector is optimized for Trimble Li-ion battery input (P/N 49400) with a cut-off threshold of 9 VPower source supply (Internal / External) is hot swap capable in the event of power source removal or cut-off9 V to 30 V DC external power input with over-voltage protectionReceiver will auto power on when connected to external power of 15 V or greaterPower consumption <6 w, in RTK rover mode with internal receive radio<8 w in RTK Base mode with internal transmit radioBase station operation times on internal batteryTypically 8–10 hours based on transmitter power, types of messages transmitted, and temperatureRover operation time on internal battery     450 MHz 2.0W systems     900 MHz 2.0W systems18 hours. Varies with temperature18 hours; varies with temperature18 hours; varies with temperatureBase station operation times on internal battery     External radio     450 MHz 0.5 W systems     450 MHz 2.0 W systems     900 MHz 1.0 W systems20 hours; varies with temperature12 hours; varies with temperature9 hours; varies with temperature12 hours; varies with temperatureCertification Class B Part 15, 22, 24 FCC certificationCanadian FCCCE mark approvalC-tick approvalUN ST/SG/AC.10.11/Rev. 3, Amend. 1 (Li-Ion Battery)UN ST/SG/AC. 10/27/Add. 2 (Li-Ion Battery)UN T1 - T8 (Li-Ion Battery)49 CFR Sections 100-185 (Li-Ion Battery)WEEE
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     109Specifications     10Communication specificationsReceiver options – SPS550Feature SpecificationCommunicationsPort 1 (7-pin 0S Lemo)Port 2 (DSub 26-pin)Bluetooth3-wire RS-232 CANFull RS-232 (via multi-port adaptor3-wire RS-232USB (On the Go) (via multi-port adaptor)Ethernet (via multi-port adaptor) (SPS750 Max only)Fully integrated, fully sealed 2.4 GHz Bluetooth11 Bluetooth type approvals are country specific. Contact your local Trimble office or representative for more information.Integrated radiosChannel spacing (450 MHz)Frequency approvals (900 MHz)450 MHz transmitter radio power output900 MHz transmitter radio power outputFully integrated, fully sealed internal 450 MHz, TX, RX, or TXRXFully integrated, fully sealed internal 900 MHz, TX, RX, or TXRX12.5 K Hz or 25 KHz spacing availableDealer Changeable with TX, TX/RXEnd user settable with RX only USA (-10), Australia (-20), New Zealand (-30)0.5 W / 2.0 W (2 watt upgrade only available in certain countries)1.0 WExternal GSM/GPRS, cellphone support Supported for direct dial and Internet-based VRS correction streamsCellphone orGSM/GPRS modem inside TSC2 controllerReceiver position update rate 1 Hz, 2 Hz, 5 Hz, 10 Hz and 20 Hz positioning (varies by receiver model)Data Input and Output CMR, CMR+, RTCM 2.0, RTCM 2.1, RTCM 2.3, RTCM 3.0 Outputs NMEA, GSOF, and RT17Carrier Supports BINEX and smoothed carrierReceiver SpecificationsSPS550 DGPS Base or Rover, Heading Base, Heading RoverSPS550H Heading Add-on only (Heading Rover)
10     Specifications110     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuideReceiver options GPS satellite signal trackingThis table shows the GPS satellite signal tracking capability for each receiver in the SPSx50 Modular GPS receiver family.Integrated radio optionsExcept for the SPS550H, all the receiver configurations are available with or without internal radios with 450 MHz or 900 MHz frequency ranges. The SPS550H is not available with  a radio. This table shows the radio options available for each receiver type in the SPSx50 Modular GPS receiver family.Receiver SpecificationsInternal Data Logging option Provides approx 27Mb of internal memory for static data measurementsGPS signal type Class SPS550 SPS550H SPS750 Basic baseSPS750 Basic roverSPS750 MaxSPS850 ExtremeGPS signals L1/L2 999 9 9 9L2C 88 8 8 8 9L5 88 8 8 8 9GLONASS signals L1/L2 *****Geoffrey to confirm whether this is actually called L1/Ls*****88 8 8 8 9GPS SBAS corrections WAAS 98 9 9 9 9EGNOS 98 9 9 9 9MSAS 98 9 9 9 9OmniSTAR correctionsXP 98 9 9 9 9OmniSTAR corrections HP 98 9 9 9 9Radio option SPS550 SPS550H SPS750 Basic baseSPS750 Basic roverSPS750 MaxSPS850 ExtremeNo radio 999999450 MHz Transmit 0.5 W 989 8 99
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     111Specifications     10Variable configuration optionsThis table lists the default options for each receiver type in the SPSx50 Modular GPS receiver family.Upgrading the receiverYou can upgrade the SPS750 Basic base and SPS750 Basic rover to the SPS750 Max at any time. The upgrade changes all standard options to SPS750 Max capability, and  includes the radio option upgrade,  When you purchase the receiver upgrade,  your Trimble dealer will provide you with a set of codes to change the receiver configuration.  See also <<cross-ref Upgrading the rcvr using Winflash>>.The SPS550 and SPS750 Max receivers cannot be upgraded further.450 MHz Receive 98 8 9 99900 MHz Transmit 1.0 W 889 8 99900 MHz Receive 888 9 99External 450 MHz Transmit Optional 8Optional Optional Optional OptionalExternal 900 MHz Transmit Optional 8Optional Optional Optional OptionalRadio option SPS550 SPS550H SPS750 Basic baseSPS750 Basic roverSPS750 MaxSPS850 ExtremeCMR inputs (Rover) 988 9 99CMR outputs (Base) 8898 99RTCM inputs (Rover) 988 999RTCM outputs (DGPS Base) 989 8 99Moving Base (Position/Heading) 99999910 Hz measurements 99888920 Hz measurements 888 8 89Data logging (postprocessed)See <<add CR TO PREV CH, TO SECTION DATA LOGGING ***** >>8Optional Optional Optional Optional OptionalVRS capable 9Location GPS 89 8 99Internet/IP enabled 999 9 99RTK range limit 8Location  RTK2.4 km (1.5 miles)None 2.4 km (1.5 miles)None NoneRadio option SPS550 SPS550H SPS750 Basic baseSPS750 Basic roverSPS750 MaxSPS850 Extreme
10     Specifications112     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide
APPENDIXASPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     113NMEA-0183 Output AIn this appendix:QNMEA-0183 message overviewQCommon message elementsQNMEA messagesThis appendix describes the formats of the subset of NMEA-0183 messages that are available for output by the receivers. For a copy of the NMEA-0183 Standard, go to the National Marine Electronics Association website at
A     NMEA-0183 Output114     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuideNMEA-0183 message overviewWhen NMEA-0183 output is enabled, a subset of NMEA-0183 messages can be output to external instruments and equipment connected to the receiver serial ports. These NMEA-0183 messages let external devices use selected data collected or computed by the GPS receiver.All messages conform to the NMEA-0183 version 3.01 format. All begin with $ and end with a carriage return and a line feed. Data fields follow comma (,) delimiters and are variable in length. Null fields still follow comma (,) delimiters but contain no information.An asterisk (*) delimiter and checksum value follow the last field of data contained in an NMEA-0183 message. The checksum is the 8-bit exclusive of all characters in the message, including the commas between fields, but not including the $ and asterisk delimiters. The hexadecimal result is converted to two ASCII characters (0–9, A–F). The most significant character appears first.The following table summarizes the set of NMEA messages supported by the receiver, and shows the page where detailed information about each message can be found. To enable or disable the output of individual NMEA messages, do one of the following:•Create an application file in the GPS Configurator software that contains NMEA output settings and then send the file to the receiver.•Add NMEA outputs in the Serial outputs tab of the GPS Configurator software and then apply the settings. (You cannot use the GPS Configuration software to load applications files to the SPSx50 Modular GPS receivers.)•For SPSx50 Modular GPS receivers, set up the NMEA output using the keypad and display or a web browser.Message  Function PageADV Position and Satellite information for RTK network operations 116GGA Time, position, and fix related data 117GSA GNSS DOP and active satellites 118GST Position error statistics 119GSV Number of SVs in view, PRN, elevation, azimuth, and SNR 120HDT Heading from True North 121PTNL,AVR Time, yaw, tilt, range, mode, PDOP, and number of SVs for Moving Baseline RTK122PTNL,GGK Time, position, position type and DOP values 123PTNL,GGK_SYNC Time, synchronized position, position type and DOP values 124PTNL,PJK Local coordinate position output 125PTNL,VGK Time, locator vector, type and DOP values 126PTNL,VHD Heading Information 127RMC Position, Velocity, and Time 128ROT Rate of turn 129VTG Actual track made good and speed over ground 130ZDA UTC day, month, and year, and local time zone offset 131
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     115NMEA-0183 Output     ACommon message elementsEach message contains:•A message ID consisting of $GP followed by the message type. For example, the message ID of the GGA message is $GPGGA.•A comma•A number of fields, depending on the message type, separated by commas•An asterisk•A checksum valueBelow is an example of a simple message with a message ID ($GPGGA), followed by 13 fields and a checksum value:$GPGGA,172814.0,3723.46587704,N,12202.26957864,W,2,6,1.2,18.893,M,-25.669,M,2.0,0031*4FMessage valuesThe following values can be found in NMEA messages that the receiver generates.Latitude and LongitudeLatitude is represented as ddmm.mmmm and longitude is represented as dddmm.mmmm, where:•dd or ddd is degrees•mm.mmmm is minutes and decimal fractions of minutesDirectionDirection (north, south, east, or west) is represented by a single character: N, S, E, or W.TimeTime values are presented in Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) and are represented as, where:•hh is hours, from 00 to 23•mm is minutes•ss is seconds•cc is hundredths of secondsNMEA messagesWhen NMEA-0183 output is enabled, the following messages can be generated.
A     NMEA-0183 Output116     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuideADV Position and Satellite information for RTK network operationsAn example of the ADV message string is shown below. Table A.3 and Table A.2 describes the message fields. The messages alternate between subtype 110 and 120.$PGPPADV,110,39.88113582,-105.07838455,1614.125*1M$PGPPADV,120,21,76.82,68.51,29,20.66,317.47,28,52.38,276.81,22,42.26,198.96*5DTable A.1 ADV subtype 110 message fieldsField Meaning0 message ID $PPGPADV1 Message sub-type 1102Latitude3 Longitude4 Ellipsoid height6 Elevation of second satellite, in degrees, 90° maximum7 Azimuth of second satellite, degrees from True North, 000° to 359°8The checksum data, always begins with *Table A.2 ADV subtype 120 message fieldsField Meaning0 message ID $PPGPADV1 Message sub-type 1202 First SV PRN number3 Elevation of first satellite, in degrees, 90° maximum4 Azimuth of first satellite, degrees from True North, 000° to 359°5 Second SV PRN number6 Elevation of second satellite, in degrees, 90° maximum7 Azimuth of second satellite, degrees from True North, 000° to 359°8The checksum data, always begins with *
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     117NMEA-0183 Output     AGGA Time, Position, and Fix Related DataAn example of the GGA message string is shown below. Table A.3 describes the message fields.$GPGGA,172814.0,3723.46587704,N,12202.26957864,W,2,6,1.2,18.893,M,-25.669,M,2.0,0031*4FTable A.3 GGA message fieldsField Meaning0 message ID $GPGGA1 UTC of position fix2Latitude3 Direction of latitude:N: NorthS: South4 Longitude5 Direction of longitude:E: EastW: West6 GPS Quality indicator:0: Fix not valid1: GPS fix2: Differential GPS fix4: Real Time Kinematic, fixed integers5: Real Time Kinematic, float integers7 Number of SVs in use, range from 00 to 128 HDOP9 Orthometric height (MSL reference)10 M:  unit of measure for orthometric height is meters11 Geoid separation12 M: geoid separation is measured in meters13 Age of differential GPS data record, Type 1 or Type 9. Null field when DGPS is not used.14 Reference station ID, ranging from 0000 to 1023. A null field when any reference station ID is selected and no corrections are received.15 The checksum data, always begins with *
A     NMEA-0183 Output118     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide   GSA GNSS DOP and active satellitesAn example of the GSA message string is shown below. Table A.4 describes the message fields.$GPGSA,<1>,<2>,<3>,<3>,,,,,<3>,<3>,<3>,<4>,<5>,<6>*<7><CR><LF> Table A.4 GSA message fieldsField Meaning0 message ID $GPGSA1Mode 1, M = manual, A = automatic2 Mode 2, Fix type, 1 = not available, 2 = 2D, 3 = 3D3 PRN number, 01 to 32, of satellite used in solution, up to 12 transmitted4 PDOP-Position dilution of precision, 0.5 to 99.95 HDOP-Horizontal dilution of precision, 0.5 to 99.96 VDOP-Vertical dilution of precision, 0.5 to 99.97 The checksum data, always begins with *
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     119NMEA-0183 Output     AGST Position Error StatisticsAn example of the GST message string is shown below. Table A.5 describes the message fields.$GPGST,172814.0,0.006,0.023,0.020,273.6,0.023,0.020,0.031*6ATable A.5 GST message fieldsField Meaning0 message ID $GPGST1 UTC of position fix2 RMS value of the pseudorange residuals (includes carrier phase residuals during periods of RTK(float) and RTK(fixed) processing)3 Error ellipse semi-major axis 1 sigma error, in meters4 Error ellipse semi-minor axis 1 sigma error, in meters5 Error ellipse orientation, degrees from true north6 Latitude 1 sigma error, in meters7 Longitude 1 sigma error, in meters8 Height 1 sigma error, in meters9 The checksum data, always begins with *
A     NMEA-0183 Output120     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuideGSV Satellite InformationThe GSV message string identifies the number of SVs in view, the PRN numbers, elevations, azimuths, and SNR values. An example of the GSV message string is shown below. Table A.6 describes the message fields.$GPGSV,4,1,13,02,02,213,,03,-3,000,,11,00,121,,14,13,172,05*67Table A.6 GSV message fieldsField Meaning0 message ID $GPGSV1 Total number of messages of this type in this cycle2 Message number3 Total number of SVs visible4 SV PRN number5 Elevation, in degrees, 90° maximum6 Azimuth, degrees from True North, 000° to 359°7SNR, 00–99 dB (null when not tracking)8–11 Information about second SV, same format as fields 4–712–15 Information about third SV, same format as fields 4–716–19 Information about fourth SV, same format as fields 4–720 The checksum data, always begins with *
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     121NMEA-0183 Output     AHDT Heading from True NorthThe HDT string is shown below, and Table A.7 describes the message fields.$GPHDT,123.456,T*00Table A.7 Heading from true north fieldsField Meaning0 message ID $GPHDT1 Heading in degrees2 T: Indicates heading relative to True North3 The checksum data, always begins with *
A     NMEA-0183 Output122     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuidePTNL,AVRTime, Yaw, Tilt, Range for Moving Baseline RTKThe PTNL,AVR message string is shown below, and Table A.8 describes the message fields.$PTNL,AVR,181059.6,+149.4688,Yaw,+0.0134,Tilt,,,60.191,3,2.5,6*00Table A.8 AVR message fieldsField Meaning0 message ID $PTNL,AVR1UTC of vector fix2 Yaw angle in degrees3Yaw4 Tilt angle in degrees5Tilt6Reserved7Reserved8 Range in meters9GPS quality indicator:0: Fix not available or invalid1: Autonomous GPS fix2: Differential carrier phase solution RTK (Float)3: Differential carrier phase solution RTK (Fix)4: Differential code-based solution, DGPS10 PDOP11 Number of satellites used in solution12 The checksum data, always begins with *
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     123NMEA-0183 Output     APTNL,GGKTime, Position, Position Type, DOPAn example of the PTNL,GGK message string is shown below. Table A.9 describes the message fields.$PTNL,GGK,172814.00,071296,3723.46587704,N,12202.26957864,W,3,06,1.7,EHT-6.777,M*48Note – The PTNL,GGK message is longer than the NMEA-0183 standard of 80 characters.Table A.9 PTNL,GGK message fieldsField Meaning0 message ID $PTNL,GGA1 UTC of position fix2Date3Latitude4 Direction of latitude:N: NorthS: South5 Longitude6 Direction of Longitude:E: EastW: West7 GPS Quality indicator:0: Fix not available or invalid1: Autonomous GPS fix2: Differential, floating carrier phase integer-based solution, RTK(float)3: Differential, fixed carrier phase integer-based solution, RTK(fixed)4: Differential, code phase only solution (DGPS). Also, OmniSTAR XP/HP converging5: SBAS solution – WAAS, EGNOS6: RTK Float 3D in a VRS/Network. Also OmniSTAR XP/HP converged7: RTK Fixed 3D in a VRS/Network8: RTK Float 2D in a VRS/Network8 Number of satellites in fix9DOP of fix10 Ellipsoidal height of fix11 M: ellipsoidal height is measured in meters12 The checksum data, always begins with *
A     NMEA-0183 Output124     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuidePTNL,GGK_SYNCTime, Synchronized Position, Position Type, DOPThe PTNL,GGK_SYNC message has the same format as the PTNL,GGK message, but outputs Synchronized 1 Hz positions even in Low Latency mode. An example of the PTNL,GGK_SYNC message string is shown below. Table A.10 describes the message fields.$PTNL,GGK_SYNC,172814.00,071296,3723.46587704,N,12202.26957864,W,3,06,1.7,EHT-6.777,M*48Note – The PTNL,GGK_SYNC message is longer than the NMEA-0183 standard of 80 characters.Table A.10 PTNL,GGK_SYNC message fieldsField Meaning0 message ID $PTNL,GGK_SYNC1 UTC of position fix2Date3Latitude4 Direction of latitude:N: NorthS: South5 Longitude6 Direction of Longitude:E: EastW: West7 GPS Quality indicator:0: Fix not available or invalid1: Autonomous GPS fix2: Differential, floating carrier phase integer-based solution, RTK(float)3: Differential, fixed carrier phase integer-based solution, RTK(fixed)4: Differential, code phase only solution (DGPS). Also, OmniSTAR XP/HP converging5: SBAS solution – WAAS, EGNOS6: RTK Float 3D in a VRS/Network. Also OmniSTAR XP/HP converged7: RTK Fixed 3D in a VRS/Network8: RTK Float 2D in a VRS/Network8 Number of satellites in fix9DOP of fix10 Ellipsoidal height of fix11 M: ellipsoidal height is measured in meters12 The checksum data, always begins with *
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     125NMEA-0183 Output     APTNL,PJK Local Coordinate Position OutputAn example of the PTNL,PJK message string is shown below. Table A.11 describes the message fields.$PTNL,PJK,010717.00,081796,+732646.511,N,+1731051.091,E,1,05,2.7,EHT-28.345,M*7CNote – The PTNL,PJK message is longer than the NMEA-0183 standard of 80 characters.Table A.11 PTNL,PJK message fieldsField Meaning0message ID $PTNL,PJK1 UTC of position fix2Date3 Northing, in meters4 Direction of Northing will always be N (North)5 Easting, in meters6 Direction of Easting will always be E (East)7 GPS Quality indicator:0: Fix not available or invalid1: Autonomous GPS fix2: Differential, floating carrier phase integer-based solution, RTK(float)3: Differential, fixed carrier phase integer-based solution, RTK(fixed)4: Differential, code phase only solution (DGPS). Also, OmniSTAR XP/HP converging5: SBAS solution – WAAS, EGNOS6: RTK Float 3D in a VRS/Network. Also OmniSTAR XP/HP converged7: RTK Fixed 3D in a VRS/Network8: RTK Float 2D in a VRS/Network8 Number of satellites in fix9DOP of fix10 Ellipsoidal height of fix11 M: ellipsoidal height is measured in meters12 The checksum data, always begins with *
A     NMEA-0183 Output126     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuidePTNL,VGKVector InformationAn example of the PTNL,VGK message string is shown below. Table A.12 describes the message fields.$PTNL,VGK,160159.00,010997,-0000.161,00009.985,-0000.002,3,07,1,4,M*0BTable A.12 PTNL,VGK message fieldsField Meaning0 message ID $PTNL,VGK1 UTC of vector in format2 Date in mmddyy format3 East component of vector, in meters4 North component of vector, in meters5 Up component of vector, in meters6 GPS Quality indicator:0: Fix not available or invalid1: Autonomous GPS fix2: Differential, floating carrier phase integer-based solution, RTK(float)3: Differential, fixed carrier phase integer-based solution, RTK(fixed)4: Differential, code phase only solution (DGPS). Also, OmniSTAR XP/HP converging5: SBAS solution – WAAS, EGNOS6: RTK Float 3D in a VRS/Network. Also OmniSTAR XP/HP converged7: RTK Fixed 3D in a VRS/Network8: RTK Float 2D in a VRS/Network7 Number of satellites if fix solution8DOP of fix9 M: Vector components are in meters10 The checksum data, always begins with *
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     127NMEA-0183 Output     APTNL,VHDHeading InformationAn example of the PTNL,VHD message string is shown below. Table A.13 describes the message fields.$PTNL,VHD,030556.00,093098,187.718,-22.138,-76.929,-5.015,0.033,0.006,3,07,2.4,M*22Table A.13 PTNL,VHD message fieldsField Meaning0 message ID $PTNL,VHD1 UTC of position in format2 Date in mmddyy format3Azimuth4ΔAzimuth/ΔTime5 Vertical Angle6ΔVertical/ΔTime7Range8ΔRange/ΔTime9 GPS Quality indicator:0: Fix not available or invalid1: Autonomous GPS fix2: Differential, floating carrier phase integer-based solution, RTK(float)3: Differential, fixed carrier phase integer-based solution, RTK(fixed)4: Differential, code phase only solution (DGPS). Also, OmniSTAR XP/HP converging5: SBAS solution – WAAS, EGNOS6: RTK Float 3D in a VRS/Network. Also OmniSTAR XP/HP converged7: RTK Fixed 3D in a VRS/Network8: RTK Float 2D in a VRS/Network10 Number of satellites used in solution11 PDOP12 The checksum data, always begins with *
A     NMEA-0183 Output128     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuideRMC Position, Velocity, and TimeThe RMC string is shown below, and Table A.14 describes the message fields.$GPRMC,123519,A,4807.038,N,01131.000,E,022.4,084.4,230394,003.1,W*6ATable A.14 GPRMC message fieldsField Meaning0 message ID $GPRMC1 UTC of position fix2Status A=active or V=void3Latitude4Longitude5Speed over the ground in knots6Track angle in degrees (True)7Date8 Magnetic variation in degrees9 The checksum data, always begins with *
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     129NMEA-0183 Output     AROT Rate and Direction of TurnThe ROT string is shown below, and Table A.15 describes the message fields.$GPROT,35.6,A*4ETable A.15 ROT message fieldsField Meaning0 message ID $GPROT1 Rate of turn, degrees/minutes, "–" indicates bow turns to port2A: Valid dataV: Invalid data3 The checksum data, always begins with *
A     NMEA-0183 Output130     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuideVTG Over Ground and Speed Over Ground or Track Made Good and Speed Over Ground An example of the VTG message string is shown below. Table A.16 describes the message fields.$GPVTG,,T,,M,0.00,N,0.00,K*4ETable A.16 VTG message fieldsField Meaning0 message ID $GPVTG1 Track made good (degrees true)2 T: track made good is relative to true north3 Track made good (degrees magnetic)4 M: track made good is relative to magnetic north5 Speed, in knots6 N: speed is measured in knots7 Speed over ground in kilometers/hour (kph)8 K: speed over ground is measured in kph9 The checksum data, always begins with *
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     131     AZDA UTC Day, Month, And Year, and Local Time Zone OffsetAn example of the ZDA message string is shown below. Table A.17 describes the message fields.$GPZDA,172809,12,07,1996,00,00*45Fields 5 and 6 together yield the total offset. For example, if field 5 is –5 and field 6 is +15, local time is 5 hours and 15 minutes earlier than GMT.ATable A.17 ZDA message fieldsField Meaning0 message ID $GPZDA1UTC2 Day, ranging between 01 and 313 Month, ranging between 01 and 124Year5 Local time zone offset from GMT, ranging from 00 to ±13 hours6 Local time zone offset from GMT, ranging from 00 to 59 minutes7The checksum data, always begins with *
A     132     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide
APPENDIXBSPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     133GSOF Messages BIn this appendix:QSupported message typesQGSOF message definitionsThis appendix provides information on the General Serial Output Format (GSOF) messages that the SPS GPS receivers support. GSOF message are a Trimble proprietary format and can be used to send information such as position and status to a third-party device.For information on how to set up the SPSx50 Modular GPS receiver to output GSOF, see Chapter 6, Configuring the SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver Using the Keypad and Display and Chapter , Configuring the SPSx50 Receiver Using a Web Browser<<what about the other receivers?>>.
B     GSOF Messages134     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuideSupported message typesThe following table summarizes the GSOF messages supported by the receiver, and shows the page where detailed information about each message can be found. GSOF message definitionsWhen GSOF output is enabled, the following messages can be generated.TIMEThis message describes position time information. It contains the following data:•GPS time, in milliseconds of GPS week•GPS week number•Number of satellites used•Initialization counterMessage  Description PageTIME Position Time 134LLH Latitude, Longitude, Height 135ECEF Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed Position 135ECEF DELTA Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed Delta Position 136NEU DELTA Tangent Plane Delta 136Velocity Velocity Data 136PDOP PDOP Info 137SIGMA Position Sigma Info 137SV Brief SV Brief Info 138SV Detail SV Detailed Info 139UTC Current UTC Time 140BATT/MEM Receiver Battery and Memory Status 140ATTITUDE Attitude Info 141Table B.1 Time (Type 1 record)Field Item Type Value Meaning0 Output record type Char 01h Position time output record1 Record length Char 0Ah Bytes in record2-5 GPS time (ms) Long msecs GPS time, in milliseconds of GPS week6-7 GPS week number Short number GPS week count since January 19808 Number of SVs used Char 00h-0Ch Number of satellites used to determine the position (0-12)9 Position flags 1 Char See Reports first set of position attribute flag values
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     135GSOF Messages     BLLHThis message describes latitude, longitude, and height. It contains the following data:•WGS-84 latitude and longitude, in radians•WGS-84 height, in meters ECEFThis message describes the ECEF position. It contains the following data:•Earth Centered Earth Fixed X, Y, Z coordinates, in meters10 Position flags 2 Char See Reports second set of position attribute flag values11 Initialized number Char 00h-FFh Increments with each initialization (modulo 256)Table B.2 Latitude, longitude, height (Type 2 record)Field Item Type Value Meaning0 Output record type Char 02h Latitude, longitude, and height output record1 Record length Char 18h Bytes in record2-9 Latitude Double Radians Latitude from WGS-84 datum10-17 Longitude Double Radians Longitude from WGS-84 datum18-25 Height Double Meters Height from WGS-84 datumTable B.3 ECEF position (Type 3 record)Field Item Type Value Meaning0 Output record type Char 03h Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed (ECEF) position output record1 Record length Char 18h Bytes in record2-9 X Double Meters WGS-84 ECEF X-axis coordinate10-17 Y Double Meters WGS-84 ECEF Y-axis coordinate18-25 Z Double Meters WGS-84 ECEF Z-axis coordinateTable B.1 Time (Type 1 record)Field Item Type Value Meaning
B     GSOF Messages136     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuideECEF DELTAThis message describes the ECEF Delta position. It contains the following data:•Earth Centered Earth Fixed X, Y, Z deltas between the rover and base position, in meters.NEU DELTAThis message contains Tangent Plane Delta information. It contains the following data:•North, east, and up deltas of the vector from the base to the rover (in meters) projected onto a plane tangent to the WGS-84 ellipsoid at the base receiver.VelocityThis message provides velocity information. It contains the following data:•Horizontal velocity, in meters per second•Vertical velocity, in meters per secondTable B.4 ECEF Delta (Type 6 record)Field Item Type Value Meaning0 Output record type Char 06h Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed (ECEF) Delta output record1 Record length Char 18h Bytes in record2-9 Delta X Double Meters ECEF X-axis delta between rover and base station positions10-17 Delta Y Double Meters ECEF Y-axis delta between rover and base station positions18-25 Delta Z Double Meters ECEF Z-axis delta between rover and base station positionsTable B.5 NEU Delta (Type 7 record)†Field Item Type Value Meaning0 Output record type Char 06h Tangent Plane Delta Output Record1 Record length Char 18h Bytes in record2-9 Delta east Double meters East component of vector from base station to rover, projected onto a plane tangent to the WGS-84 ellipsoid at the base station10-17 Delta north Double meters North component of tangent plane vector18-25 Delta up Double meters Difference between ellipsoidal height of tangent plane at base station and a parallel plane passing through rover point† These records are only output if a valid DGPS/RTK solution is computed.
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     137GSOF Messages     B•Heading, in radians, referenced to WGS-84 True NorthPDOPThis message describes the PDOP information. It contains the following data:•PDOP•HDOP•VDOP•TDOPSIGMAThis message describes the position sigma information. It contains the following data:•Position RMS•Sigma east, in meters•Sigma north, in meters•Sigma up, in meters•Covariance east-north•Error Ellipse Semi-major axis, in meters•Error Ellipse Semi-minor axis, in metersTable B.6 Velocity (Type 8 record)Field Item Type Value Meaning0 Output record type Char 08h Velocity data output record1 Record length Char 0Dh Bytes in record2 Velocity flags Char See Table B.17Velocity status flags3-6 Speed Float Meters per secondHorizontal speed7-10 Heading Float Radians True north heading in the WGS-84 datum11-14 Vertical velocity Float Meters per secondVertical velocityTable B.7 PDOP (Type 9 record)Field Item Type Value Meaning0 Output record type Char 09h PDOP information output record1 Record length Char 10h Bytes in record2-5 PDOP Float Positional Dilution of Precision6-9 HDOP Float Horizontal Dilution of Precision10-13 VDOP Float Vertical Dilution of Precision14-17 TDOP Float Time Dilution of Precision
B     GSOF Messages138     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide•Orientation of Semi-major axis in degrees from True North•Unit variance•Number of epochsSV BriefThis message provides brief satellite information. It contains the following data:•Number of satellites tracked•The PRN number of each satellite•Flags indicating satellite statusTable B.8 Sigma (Type 12 record)Field Item Type Value Meaning0 Output record type Char 0Ch Position sigma information output record1 Record length Char 26h Bytes in record2-5 Position RMS Float Root means square of position error calculated for overdetermined positions 6-9 Sigma east Float Meters10-13 Sigma north Float Meters14-17 Covar. east-north Float number Covariance east-north (dimensionless)18-21 Sigma up Float Meters22-25 Semi-major axis Float Meters Semi-major axis of error ellipse26-29 Semi-minor axis Float Meters Semi-minor axis of error ellipse30-33 Orientation Float degrees Orientation of semi-minor axis, clockwise from true north34-37 Unit variance Float Valid only for over-determined solutions. Unit variance should approach 1.o value. A value of less than 1.0 indicates that apriori variances are too pessimistic.30-39 Number of epochs short count Number of measurement epochs used to compute the position. Could be greater than 1 for positions subjected to static constraint. Always 1 for kinematic.Table B.9 SV brief (Type 13 record)Field Item Type Value Meaning0 Output record type Char 0Dh Brief satellite information output record1 Record length Char Bytes in record2 Number of SVs Char 00h-18h Number of satellites included in record†The following bytes are repeated for Number of SVsPRN Char 01h-20h Pseudorandom number of satellites (1-32)SV Flags1 Char See Table B.18First set of satellite status bits
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     139GSOF Messages     BSV DetailThis message provides detailed satellite information. It contains the following data:•Number of satellites tracked•The PRN number of each satellite•Flags indicating satellite status•Elevation above horizon, in degrees•Azimuth from True North, in degrees•Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of L1 signal•Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of L2 signalSV Flags2 Char See Table B.19Second set of satellite status bits† Includes all tracked satellites, all satellites used in the position solution, and all satellites in view.   Table B.10 SV detail (Type 14 record)Field Item Type Value Meaning0 Output record typeChar 0Eh Detailed satellite information output record1 Record length Char 1 + 8×(number of SVs)Bytes in record2-9 Number of SVs Char 00h-18h Number of satellites included in record†The following bytes are repeated for Number of SVsPRN Char 01h-20h Pseudorandom number of satellites (1-32)Flags1 Char See Table B.18 First set of satellite status bitsFlags2 Char See Table B.19 Second set of satellite status bitsElevation Char Degrees Angle of satellite above the horizonAzimuth Short Degrees Azimuth of satellite from true northSNR L1 Char dB * 4 Signal-to-noise ratio of L1 signal (multiplied by 4)††SNR L2 Char dB * 4 Signal-to-noise ratio of L2 signal (multiplied by 4)††† Includes all tracked satellites, all satellites used in the position solution, and all satellites in view.†† Set to zero for satellites that are not tracked on the current frequency (L1 or L2Table B.9 SV brief (Type 13 record)Field Item Type Value Meaning
B     GSOF Messages140     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuideUTCThis message describes current time information. It contains the following data:•GPS time, in milliseconds of GPS week•GPS week number•GPS to UTC time offset, in secondsBatt/MemThis message provides information relating to the receiver battery and memory. It contains the following data:•Remaining battery power•Remaining memoryAttitudeThis message provides attitude information relating to the vector between the moving base antenna and the heading antenna. It contains the following data:•Tilt or vertical angle, in radians, from the moving base antenna to the heading antenna relative to a horizontal plane through the moving base antenna•Heading or yaw, in radians, relative to True NorthTable B.11 UTC (Type 16 record)Field Item Type Value Meaning0 Output record type Char 10h1 Record length Char 09h Bytes in record2-5 GPS millisecond of weekLong msecs Time when packet is sent from the receiver, in GPS milliseconds of week6-7 GPS week number Short number Week number since start of GPS time8-9 UTC offset Short seconds GPS-to-UTC time offset10 Flags Char See Table B.16 Flag bits indicating validity of Time and UTC offsetsTable B.12 Batt/Mem (Type ??? record)Field Item Type Value Meaning0 Output record type Char 25h1 Record length Char 0Ah Bytes in record2-3 Battery capacity Unsigned shortpercentage Remaining battery capacity in presentage4-11 Remaining memory Double hours Estimated remaining data logging time in hours
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     141GSOF Messages     B•Range or slope distance between the moving base antenna and the heading antennaTable B.13 Attitude (Type 27 record)Field Item Type Value Meaning0 Output record type Char 1Bh Attitude information1 Record length Char 2Ah Bytes in record2-5 GPS time Long msecs GPS time in milliseconds of GPS week6 Flags Char See Table B.20Flag bits indicating validity of attitude components7 Number of SVs used Char 00h-0Ch Number of satellites used to calculate attitude8 Calculation mode Char See Table B.21Positioning mode9 Reserved Reserved10-17 Tilt Double radians Tilt relative to horizontal plane18-25 Yaw Double radians Rotation about the vertical axis relative to true north26-33 Reserved Reserved34-41 Range Double meters Distance between antennas42-43 PDOP Short 0.1 Position Dilution of Precision
B     GSOF Messages142     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuideFlagsTable B.14 Position flags 1: bit valuesBit Meaning0 New position0: No1: Yes1 Clock fix calculated for current position0: No1: Yes2 Horizontal coordinates calculated this position0: No1: Yes3 Height calculated this position0: No1: Yes4 Weighted position0: No1: Yes5 Overdetermined position0: No1: Yes6 Ionosphere-free position0: No1: Yes7 Position uses filtered L1 pseudoranges0: No1: YesTable B.15 Position flags 2: bit valuesBit Meaning0 Differential position0: No1: Yes1 Differential position method0: RTCM (Code)1: RTK, OmniSTAR HP (Phase) 2 Differential position method0: Differential position is code (RTCM) or a float position (RTK)1: Differential position is a fixed integer phase position (RTK if Bit-0 = 1, WAAS if Bit-0=0)3OmniSTAR HP0: Not active1: OmniSTAR HP differential solution
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     143GSOF Messages     B 4 Position determined with static as a constant 0: No1: Yes5 Position is network RTK solution0: No1: Yes6-7 Reserved (set ot zero)Table B.16 Flags: Bit valuesBit Meaning0 Time information (week and millisecond of week) validity0: Not valid1: Valid1 UTC offset validity0: Not valid1: ValidTable B.17 Velocity flags: Bit valuesBit Meaning0 Velocity data validity0: Not valid1: Valid1 Velocity computation0: Computed from doppler1: Computed from consecutive measurements2-7 Reserved (set to zero)Table B.18 SV flags: 1 bit valuesBit Meaning0 Satellite Above Horizon0: No1: Yes1 Satellite Currently Assigned to a Channel (trying to track)0: No1: Yes2 Satellite Currently Tracked on L1 Frequency0: No1: YesTable B.15 Position flags 2: bit valuesBit Meaning
B     GSOF Messages144     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide3 Satellite Currently Tracked on L2 Frequency0: No1: Yes4 Satellite Reported at Base on L1 Frequency0: No1: Yes5 Satellite Reported at Base on L2 Frequency0: No1: Yes6 Satellite Used in Position0: No1: Yes7 Satellite Used in Current RTK Process (Search, Propagate, Fix Solution)0: No1: YesTable B.19 SV flags: 2 bit valueBit Meaning0 Satellite Tracking P-Code on L1 Band0: No1: Yes1 Satellite Tracking P-Code on L2 Band0: No1: Yes2–7 Reserved. Set to zero.Table B.20 Attitude flagsBit Meaning0Calibrated0: No1: Yes1 Tilt valid0: No1: Yes2 Yaw valid0: No1: Yes3 ReservedTable B.18 SV flags: 1 bit valuesBit Meaning
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     145     BData collector report structureB4 Range valid0: No1: Yes5-7 ReservedTable B.21 Attitude calculation flagsBit Meaning0 0: No position1: Autonomous position2: RTK/Float position3: RTK/Fix position4: DGPS positionTable B.22 Report packet 40h structureByte Item Type Value Meaning0 STX CHAR 02h Start transmission1STATUS CHARSee Table B.23 Receiver status code2 PACKET TYPE CHAR 40h Report Packet 40h3 LENGTH CHAR 00h–FAh Data byte count4 TRANSMISSION NUMBERCHAR Unique number assigned to a group record packet pages. Prevents page mismatches when multiple sets of record packets exist in output stream5 PAGE INDEX CHAR 00h–FFh Index of current packet page6 MAX PAGE INDEX CHAR 00h–FFh Maximum index of last packet in one group of recordsTable B.23 Data collector format report packet structureByte numberMessage DescriptionBit 0 1 ReservedBit 1 1 Low batteryBit 2–7 0–63 Reserved Table B.20 Attitude flagsBit Meaning
B     146     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide
APPENDIXCSPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     147Adding Internal Radio Frequencies CIn this appendix:QAdding receiving frequencies for the 450 MHz internal radioIf the receiver has the optional internal 450 MHz radio installed, you must use the WinFlash software to add receiving frequencies to the default list. If you purchased the transmit option, the broadcast frequencies must be programmed at the factory. To install the WinFlash software, see <<appendix D>>
C     Adding Internal Radio Frequencies148     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuideAdding receiving frequencies for the 450 MHz internal radio1. Start the WinFlash software. The Device Configuration screen appears.2. From the Device type list, select the appropriate receiver.3. From the PC serial port field, select the serial (COM) port on the computer that the receiver is connected to.4. Click Next.The Operation Selection dialog appears. The Operations list shows all of the supported operations for the selected device. A description of the selected operation is shown in the Description field.5. Select Configure Radio and then click Next.The Frequency Selection dialog appears:6. In the Wireless Format group, select the appropriate channel and wireless mode. The Wireless Mode must be the same for all radios in your network.7. In the Edit Frequency field, enter the frequency you require.8. Click Add. The new frequency appears in the Selected Frequencies list.
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     149Adding Internal Radio Frequencies     CNote – The frequencies that you program must conform to the channel spacing and minimum tuning requirements for the radio. To view this information, click Radio Info. You may select either 12.5 or 25 kHz channel spacing. All radios in your network must use the same channel spacing.9. Once you configure all the frequencies you require, click OK.The WinFlash software updates the receiver radio frequencies and then restarts the receiver.Note – You can only configure receive frequencies. The FCC approved transmit frequencies must be specified and configured by Trimble.
C     Adding Internal Radio Frequencies150     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide
APPENDIXDSPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     151Real-time Data and Services DIn this appendix:QRT17 Streamed Data serviceThis chapter describes the RT17 Streamed Data service available with the SPS750 Max and SPS850 Extreme GPS receivers. By default, the receivers do not have the Binary Output option enabled. This option is required to stream RT17 messages from the receiver. To enable this option on your receiver, please contact you local Trimble dealer.The RT17 streamed data service is required on any GPS receiver that will be incorporated into a Trimble Virtual Reference Station (VRS™) network.
D     Real-time Data and Services152     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuideRT17 Streamed Data serviceAn RT17 service provides GPS observations, ephemeredes, and other information, as defined for that service. When a client connects to the service, all data flow is from the receiver to the client. This data stream is required for reference stations in a Trimble Virtual Reference Station (VRS) network. RT17 outputs can be set up using the keypad and display or the web interface for the receiver.Using the keypad and display to output RT17The RT17 output configuration is done during the base and rover setup using the keypad and display. For more information, see Outputting corrections, page 72.Using the web interface to output RT17The RT17 output is set up using the I/O Configuration menu of the web interface of the receiver. The stream can be configured to allow multiple client connections on a single port or be restricted to a single client connection. The output stream can be protected by requiring a password to only allow authorized connections on the port. For more information, see I/O Configuration menu, page 87.
APPENDIXESPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     153Upgrading the Receiver Firmware EIn this appendix:QThe WinFlash SoftwareQUpgrading the receiver firmwareYour receiver is supplied with the latest version of receiver firmware installed. If a later version becomes available, upgrade the firmware installed on your receiver using the WinFlash software.You can also upgrade the SPSx50 receiver through the web interface. See Appendix E <<UPDATE XREF>>.
E     Upgrading the Receiver Firmware154     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuideThe WinFlash SoftwareThe WinFlash software communicates with Trimble products to perform various functions including:•installing software, firmware, and option upgrades•running diagnostics (for example, retrieving configuration information)•configuring radiosFor more information, online help is also available when using the WinFlash software.Note – The WinFlash software runs on Microsoft Windows 95, 98, Windows NT®, 2000, Me, or XP operating systems.Installing the WinFlash softwareYou can install the WinFlash software from the Trimble SPS GPS Receiver CD, or from the Trimble website. To install the WinFlash software from the CD:1. Insert the disk into the CD drive on your computer.2. From the main menu select Install individual software packages.3. Select Install WinFlash vX.XX with SPS770/SPS780 drivers and firmware. <is this correct?>4. Follow the on-screen instructions.The WinFlash software guides you through the firmware upgrade process, as described below. For more information, refer to the WinFlash Help.Upgrading the receiver firmware1. Start the WinFlash software. The Device Configuration screen appears.2. From the Device type list, select your receiver.3. From the PC serial port field, select the serial (COM) port on the computer that the receiver is connected to.4. Click Next.The Operation Selection screen appears. The Operations list shows all of the supported operations for the selected device. A description of the selected operation is shown in the Description field.5. Select Load GPS software and then click Next.The GPS Software Selection window appears. This screen prompts you to select the software that you want to install on the receiver.6. From the Available Software list, select the latest version and then click Next.
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     155Upgrading the Receiver Firmware     EThe Settings Review window appears. This screen prompts you to connect the receiver, suggests a connection method, and then lists the receiver configuration and selected operation.7. If all is correct, click Finish.Based on the selections shown above, the Software Upgrade window appears and shows the status of the operation (for example, Establishing communication with <your receiver>. Please wait.).8. Click OK.The Software Upgrade window appears again and states that the operation was completed successfully.9. To select another operation, click Menu; to quit, click Exit.If you click Exit, the system prompts you to confirm. 10. Click OK.
E     Upgrading the Receiver Firmware156     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide
APPENDIXFSPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     157Troubleshooting FIn this appendix:QReceiver issuesUse this appendix to identify and solve common problems that may occur with the receiver. Please read this section before you contact technical support.
F     Troubleshooting158     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuideReceiver issuesThis section describes some possible receiver issues, possible causes, and how to solve them.Issue Possible cause SolutionThe receiver does not turn on.External power is too low. Check the charge on the external battery, and check the fuse if applicable. Internal power is too low. Check the charge on the internal battery. External power is not properly connected.Check that the Lemo connector or 26-pin adaptor is seated correctly, and that the cable is secured to the receiver.Check for broken or bent pins in the connector.Faulty power cable. Check that you are using the correct cable for the port/battery. Check that the correct battery is connected to a particular port.  The ports on the SPSx50 receiver are optimized for use with different types of battery. The 26-pin connector is optimized for Trimble custom external batteries, and the Lemo port is optimized for external 12 V batteries such as car, motorcycle or truck batteries. If the wrong type of battery is connected to the wrong port, it is likely that it will cut off earlier than normal. Check pinouts with multimeter to ensure internal wiring is intact.
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     159Troubleshooting     FReceiver does not log data.Insufficient memory. Delete old files by holding down   for 30 seconds.Delete the old files by using the delete and purge functions available in the Data Logging menu (see page 85) of the web interface.Data Logging option is disabled.Order the data logging option from your local Trimble dealer. Data logging is disabled as standard on all SPS GPS receivers. Check your original purchase order or the receiver configuration using the web interface to see if data logging is enabled on your receiver.The receiver is tracking fewer than four satellites.Wait until the receiver display shows that more than four satellites are being tracked.The internal memory needs to be reformattedPress   for 30 seconds. The receiver is not responding.Receiver needs soft reset. Turn off the receiver and then turn it back on again.Receiver needs full reset. Press    for 30 seconds. Issue Possible cause Solution
F     Troubleshooting160     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuideThe base station receiver is not broadcasting.Port settings between reference receiver and radio are incorrect.Using the SCS900 software, connect to the reference radio through the receiver. If no connection is made, connect directly to the radio and change the port settings. Try to connect through the receiver again to ensure that they are communicating.Corrections are routed to a port rather than to the internal radio modem.Check that corrections are routed correctly using the receiver keypad and display.A rubber duck antenna is connected directly to the radio antenna port on the receiver, or an external high-gain antenna is connected via cable to the radio antenna port on the receiver. Check that the connections are made correctly and to the right connectors. Ensure that the connectors are seated tightly, and that there are no signs of damage to the cable.  The user is utilizing AutoBase and the Autobase warning function is enabled.If the user sets up on a new point on a site that has not been occupied previously, the AutoBase warning will prohibit the base station from broadcastingFaulty cable between receiver and radio. Try a different cable. Examine the ports for missing pins. Use a multimeter to check pinouts.No power to radio. If the radio has its own power supply, check the charge and connections. If power is routed through the receiver, ensure that the receiver’s external power source is charged and that power output on Port 3 is enabled.Issue Possible cause Solution
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     161Troubleshooting     FRoving receiver is not receiving radio.The base station receiver is not broadcasting.See page 160.Incorrect over air baud rates between reference and rover.Connect to the roving receiver’s radio and make sure that it has the same setting as the reference receiver.The SCS900 software automatically configures the over-the-air baud rate to 9600.Incorrect port settings between roving external radio and receiver.If the radio is receiving data and the receiver is not getting radio communications, use the SCS900 software to check that the port settings are correct.The radio antenna cable and GPS antenna cable are mixed up.Make sure that the external radio antenna cable is connected between the TNC connector marked RADIO and the radio antenna.The receiver is not receiving satellite signalsThe GPS antenna is connected to the wrong antenna connector.Make sure that the GPS antenna cable is tightly seated to the GPS antenna connection on the receiver and not connected to the wrong / radio antenna connector.The GPS antenna cable is loose.Make sure that the GPS antenna cable is tightly seated to the GPS antenna connection on the GPS antenna.The cable is damaged Check the cable for any signs of damage - a damaged cable can inhibit signal detection from the antenna at the receiver.The GPS antenna is not in clear line of sight to the sky.Make sure that the GPS antenna is placed in a location with clear line of sight to the skyRestart the receiver as a last resort by powering down and restarting.Issue Possible cause Solution
F     Troubleshooting162     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     163GlossaryThis section explains some of the terms used in this manual.almanac A file that contains orbit information on all the satellites, clock corrections, and atmospheric delay parameters. The almanac is transmitted by a GPS satellite to a GPS receiver, where it facilitates rapid acquisition of GPS signals when you start collecting data, or when you have lost track of satellites and are trying to regain GPS signals.The orbit information is a subset of the emphemeris / ephemerides data.AutoBase AutoBase uses the position of the receiver to automatically select the correct base station; allowing for one button press operation of a base station. It shortens setup time associated with repeated daily base station setups at the same location on jobsites.base station  Also called reference station. A base station is a GPS antenna and receiver positioned on a known location specifically to collect data for differential correction Base data needs to be collected at the same time as you collect data on a rover unit. A base station can be a permanent station that collects base data for provision to multiple users, or a rover unit that you locate on known coordinates for the duration of the datalogging session.Binary exchange formatSee BINEX.BINEX (BInary EXchange format)BINEX is an operational binary format standard for GPS/GLONASS/SBAS research purposes. It has been designed to grow and allow encapsulation of all (or most) of the information currently allowed for in a range of other formats. broadcast server An Internet server that manages authentication and password control for a network of VRS servers, and relays VRS corrections from the VRS server that you select.carrier A radio wave having at least one characteristic (such as frequency, amplitude, or phase) that can be varied from a known reference value by modulation.carrier frequency The frequency of the unmodulated fundamental output of a radio transmitter. The GPS L1 carrier frequency is 1575.42 MHz.carrier phase The difference between the carrier signal generated by the internal oscillator of a receiver and the carrier signal coming in from the satellite.carrier phase  The time taken for the L1 or L2 carrier signal generated by the satellite to reach the GPS receiver. Measuring the number of carrier waves between the satellite and receiver is a very accurate method of calculating the distance between them.cellular modems A wireless adapter that connects a laptop computer to a cellular telephone system for data transfer. Cellular modems, which contain their own antennas, plug into a PC Card slot or into the USB port of the computer and are available for a variety of wireless data services such as GPRS.CMR (Compact Measurement Record)A real-time message format developed by Trimble for broadcasting corrections to other Trimble receivers. CMR is a more efficient alternative to RTCM.covanance The mean value.
Glossary164     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guidedatum  Also called geodetic datum.A mathematical model designed to best fit the geoid, defined by the relationship between an ellipsoid and a point on the topographic surface established as the origin of the datum. World geodetic datums are typically defined by the size and shape of an ellipsoid and the relationship between the center of the ellipsoid and the center of the earth. Because the earth is not a perfect ellipsoid, any single datum will provide a better model in some locations than others. Therefore, various datums have been established to suit particular regions. For example, maps in Europe are often based on the European datum of 1950 (ED-50). Maps in the United States are often based on the North American datum of 1927 (NAD-27) or 1983 (NAD-83). All GPS coordinates are based on the WGS-84 datum surface. deep discharge Withdrawal of all electrical energy to the end-point voltage before the cell or battery is recharged. DGPS See real-time differential GPS.differential correction Differential correction is the process of correcting GPS data collected on a rover with data collected simultaneously at a base station. Because it is on a known location, any errors in data collected at the base station can be measured, and the necessary corrections applied to the rover data.Differential correction can be done in real time, or after the data has been collected by postprocessing.differential GPS See real-time differential GPS.Dilution of Precision  See DOP.DOP  (Dilution of Precision) A measure of the quality of GPS positions, based on the geometry of the satellites used to compute the positions. When satellites are widely spaced relative to each other, the DOP value is lower, and position accuracy is greater. When satellites are close together in the sky, the DOP is higher and GPS positions may contain a greater level of error.PDOP (Position DOP) indicates the three-dimensional geometry of the satellites. Other DOP values include HDOP (Horizontal DOP) and VDOP (Vertical DOP), which indicate the accuracy of horizontal measurements (latitude and longitude) and vertical measurements respectively. PDOP is related to HDOP and VDOP as follows: PDOP = HDOP + VDOPdual-frequency GPS A type of receiver that uses both L1 and L2 signals from GPS satellites. A dual-frequency receiver can compute more precise position fixes over longer distances and under more adverse conditions because it compensates for ionospheric delays.EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service)A satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS) that provides a free-to-air differential correction service for GPS. EGNOS is the European equivalent of WAAS, which is available in the United States.elevation mask The angle below which the receiver will not track satellites. Normally set to 10 degrees to avoid interference problems caused by buildings and trees, and multipath errors.
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     165Glossaryellipsoid  An ellipsoid is the three-dimensional shape that is used as the basis for mathematically modeling the earth’s surface. The ellipsoid is defined by the lengths of the minor and major axes. The earth’s minor axis is the polar axis and the major axis is the equatorial axis. emphemeris / ephemeridesA list of predicted (accurate) positions or locations of satellites as a function of time. A set of numerical parameters that can be used to determine a satellite’s position. Available as broadcast ephemeris or as postprocessed precise ephemeris.epoch The measurement interval of a GPS receiver. The epoch varies according to the survey type: for real-time survey measurement it is set at one second; for postprocessed survey measurement it can be set to a rate of between one second and one minute. For example, if data measurement is measured every 15 seconds, loading data using 30-second epochs means loading every other measurement.feature  A feature is a physical object or event that has a location in the real world, which you want to collect position and/or descriptive information (attributes) about. Features can be classified as surface or non-surface features, and again as points, lines/breaklines, boundaries/areas. firmware The program inside the receiver that controls receiver operations and hardware.GLONASS (Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System)GLONASS is a Soviet space-based navigation system comparable to the American GPS system. The operational system contains 21 satellites in 3 orbital planes, with 3 on-orbit spares. GNNS Global Navigation Satellite System GSOF General Serial Output FormatHDOP  (Horizontal Dilution of Precision)Dilution of Precision (DOP) is a measure of the quality of GPS positions, based on the geometry of the satellites used to compute the positions. When satellites are widely spaced relative to each other, the DOP value is lower, and position accuracy is greater. When satellites are close together in the sky, the DOP is higher and GPS positions may contain a greater level of error. HDOP is a DOP value that indicates the accuracy of horizontal measurements. Other DOP values include VDOP (vertical DOP) and PDOP (Position DOP).Using a maximum HDOP is ideal for situations where vertical precision is not particularly important, and your position yield would be decreased by the vertical component of the PDOP ( for example, if you are collecting data under canopy).Horizontal Dilution of PrecisionSee HDOP.L1 The primary L-band carrier used by GPS satellites to transmit satellite data.L2 The secondary L-band carrier used by GPS satellites to transmit satellite data.L5 The third L-band carrier used by GPS satellites to transmit satellite data.  L5 will provide a higher power level than the other carriers. As a result, acquiring and tracking weak signals will be easier.Moving Base Moving Base is an RTK positioning technique in which both reference and rover receivers are mobile. Corrections are sent from a ‘base’ receiver to a ‘rover’ receiver and the resultant baseline (vector) has centimeter-level accuracy
Glossary166     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuideMSAS (MTSAT Satellite-Based Augmentation System)A satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS) that provides a free-to-air differential correction service for GPS. MSAS is the Japanese equivalent of WAAS, which is available in the United States. MTSAT Satellite-Based Augmentation System See MSAS.multipath Interference similar to ghosts on a television screen that occurs when GPS signals arrive at an antenna having traversed different paths. The signal traversing the longer path yields a larger pseudorange estimate and increases the error. Multiple paths can arise from reflections off the ground or structures near the antenna.NMEA (National Marine Electronics Association)NMEA 0183 defines the standard for interfacing marine electronic navigational devices. This standard defines a number of 'strings' referred to as NMEA strings that contain navigational details such as positions. Most Trimble GPS receivers can output positions as NMEA strings.OmniSTAR The OmniSTAR HP/XP service allows the use of new generation dual-frequency receivers with the OmniSTAR service.  The HP/XP service does not rely on local reference stations for its signal, but utilises a global satellite monitoring network.  Additionally, while most current dual-frequency GPS systems are accurate to within a meter or so, OmniSTAR with XP is accurate in 3D to better than 30 cm. PDOP  (Position Dilution of Precision)Dilution of Precision (DOP) is a measure of the quality of GPS positions, based on the geometry of the satellites used to compute the positions. When satellites are widely spaced relative to each other, the DOP value is lower, and position accuracy is greater. When satellites are close together in the sky, the DOP is higher and GPS positions may contain a greater level of error. PDOP is a DOP value that indicates the accuracy of three-dimensional measurements. Other DOP values include VDOP (vertical DOP) and HDOP (Horizontal Dilution of Precision).Using a maximum PDOP value is ideal for situations where both vertical and horizontal precision are important.Position Dilution of PrecisionSee PDOP. postprocessing  Postprocessing is the processing of satellite data after it has been collected in order to eliminate error. This involves using PC software to compare data from the rover to data collected at the base station.
SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide     167Glossaryreal-time differential GPS Also known as real-time differential correction, DGPS.Real-time differential GPS is the process of correcting GPS data as you collect it. This is achieved by having corrections calculated at a base station sent to the receiver via a radio link. As the rover receives the position it applies the corrections to give you a very accurate position in the field.Most real-time differential correction methods apply corrections to code phase positions. RTK uses carrier phase measurements.While DGPS is a generic term its common interpretation is the use of single-frequency code phase data that is sent from a GPS base station to a rover GPS receiver and the resultant position accuracy is sub-meter. The rover receiver can be at a long range (greater than 100 kms) from the base station.rover  A rover is any mobile GPS receiver collecting or updating data in the field, typically at an unknown location. Roving mode Roving mode applies to the use of a rover receiver to collect data, stakeout, or control earthmoving machinery in real time using RTK techniques.RTCM  (Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services)A commission established to define a differential data link for the real-time differential correction of roving GPS receivers. There are three versions of RTCM correction messages. All Trimble GPS receivers use Version 2 protocol for single-frequency DGPS type corrections. Carrier phase corrections are available on Version 2, or the newer Version 3 RTCM protocol, available on certain Trimble dual-frequency receivers. The Version 3 RTCM protocol is more compact but is not as widely supported as Version 2 today.RTK (real-time kinematic)A real-time differential GPS method that uses carrier phase measurements for greater accuracy.SBAS (Satellite-Based Augmentation System)SBAS is based on differential GPS, but applied to wide area (WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS). Networks of reference stations are used and corrections and additional information are broadcast via geostationary satellites. signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)The signal strength of a satellite is a measure of the information content of the signal, relative to the signal’s noise. The typical SNR of a satellite at 30° elevation is between 10.0 and 15.0 dBHz. The quality of a GPS position is degraded if the SNR of one or more satellites in the constellation falls below 4.0.skyplot The satellite skyplot confirms reception of a differentially corrected GPS signal and displays the number of satellites tracked by the GPS receiver, as well as their relative positions.SNR See signal-to-noise ratio.triple frequency GPS A type of receiver that uses three carrier phase measurements (L1, L2, and L5).UTC Abbreviation for Universal Time Coordinated. A time standard based on local solar mean time at the Greenwich meridian.
Glossary168     SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User GuideVRS (Virtual Reference Station)A VRS system consists of GPS hardware, software, and communication links. It uses data from a network of base stations to provide corrections to each rover that are more accurate than corrections from a single base station.To start using VRS corrections, the rover sends its position to the VRS server. The VRS server uses the base station data to model systematic errors (such as ionospheric noise) at the rover position. It then sends RTCM correction messages back to the rover.WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System)WAAS was established by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for flight and approach navigation for civil aviation. WAAS improves the accuracy and availability of the basic GPS signals over its coverage area, which includes the continental United States and outlying parts of Canada and Mexico.The WAAS system provides correction data for visible satellites. Corrections are computed from ground station observations and then uploaded to two geostationary satellites. This data is then broadcast on the L1 frequency, and is tracked using a channel on the GPS receiver, exactly like a GPS satellite.Use WAAS when other correction sources are unavailable, to obtain greater accuracy than autonomous positions. For more information on WAAS, refer to the FAA website at EGNOS service is the European equivalent and MSAS is the Japanese equivalent of WAAS. WGS-84  WGS-84 is an abbreviation for World Geodetic System 1984. WGS-84 has superseded WGS-72 as the datum used by GPS since January 1987.The WGS-84 datum is based on the ellipsoid of the same name.

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