Trans Electric LFIRX Wireless Remote Control Extender User Manual T0138 TV4 OM w Vox qxp

Trans Electric Co., Ltd. Wireless Remote Control Extender T0138 TV4 OM w Vox qxp

Users Manual

LF-IRXRemote Control ExtenderLF-IRXOWNER’S MANUALLimited WarrantyAudiovox Corporation (Audiovox) warrants this product against defects inmaterials or workmanship for one (1) year from the date of purchase.  Duringthis period, this product will be replaced without charge.  This warranty doesnot cover any damage due to acts of nature, commercial use, accident, misuse,abuse or negligence.  This warranty is only valid in the USA.  Replacement asprovided under this warranty is the exclusive remedy of the consumer.Audiovox shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages for breach of any express or implied warranty on this product, except to theextent that limitations of this sort are prohibited by applicable law.  THERE ARE NO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURCHASE EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT IMPLIEDWARRANTIES OR EITHER SORT ARE REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW, AND INSUCH CASE, EACH WARRANTY IS LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE ONE YEAR.TERK and the TERK logo are registered trademarksof AUDIOVOX Corp. For customer service and technical information:: 1.800.290.6650For Customer ServiceVisit Our Website Atwww.terk.comProduct Information, Photos,FAQ’s, Owner’s ManualsFor customer service andtechnical information::
8. To reduce the risk of electric shock, do notdisassemble this product, but take it to a qualifiedserviceperson if service or repair work is required.Opening or removing covers may expose you todangerous voltages or other risks and will void thewarranty. Incorrect reassembly can cause electricshock when the product is subsequently used.9. Unplug your LF-IRX from the wall outlet andcontact a qualified electronic service technician ifany of the following should occur:A. The plug is damaged or the cord has beenbroken or frayed.B. Liquid has been spilled into the product.C. The product has been exposed to rain or water.D. The product does not operate normally byfollowing the operating instructions.E. The product has been dropped or otherwisedamaged and will not work.F. The product exhibits a distinct change inperformance.• No repairs to the unit(s) should be attemptedby the customer.LF-IRX20perating PrecautionsPrecautions: To ensure safe and effective operation,please be sure to read and understand the followingprecautions before operating your TERK Remote ControlExtender. The following basic safety precautions should always befollowed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and personal injury:1. Read and understand all of the instructions in thismanual.2. Follow all warnings and instructions indicated in themanual and on the product itself.3. Do not use your LF-IRX in or near any body of water,such as a bath tub, washbowl, kitchen sink, or laundry tub, in awet basement, or in or near a swimming pool.4. Be sure to place your LF-IRX on a stable, level surface. Placing the product on any unstable surface may cause the product to fall.5. Do not attempt to clean your LF-IRX while it is pluggedin. Unplug the product from the wall outlet beforecleaning.6. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners to cleanyour LF-IRX. Clean only with a damp cloth.7. This product should be operated only from the type ofpower source indicated on the marking label.LF-IRX1
0perating Precautions (continued)• NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found tocomply with the limits for remote control securitydevices in accordance with the specifications in subparts C and E of part 15 of FCC rules. These limits aredesigned to provide reasonable protection againstharmful interference in a residential installation. Thisequipment generates, uses and can radiate radiofrequency energy and, if not installed and used inaccordance with the instructions, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications. However, there isno guarantee that Radio Frequency Energy does causeharmful interference to radio or television reception,which can be determined by turning the equipment offand on.We recommend the following steps to correct signaltransmission problems:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and theReceiver.• If the Receiver and the component that is being operatedare plugged into the same electrical outlet, plug theReceiver into a different outlet.Call Terk Tech Support 1- 800-942-TERK (8375) with anyproduct or application questions.LF-IRX3System ContentsYour TERK LF-IRX Remote Control Extender consists of two units (Transmitter(TX) Receiver (RX)), a triple infraredextension, and two AC adapters.Transmitter (TX): The Transmitter converts the infraredsignals from your remote control into long-range RFsignals that are sent to the Receiver. The LED lampindicates that incoming signals are being detected. The unit contains an antenna and power cord.Receiver (RX): The Receiver converts the RF signals fromthe Transmitter back to the infrared signals used to controlyour components. The unit contains an antenna, powercord, and a jack for the Infrared Extension. The LED lightindicates that a signal is being received. The Receiver Unitcan be placed up to 100 feet away from the Transmitter Unit.Infrared Extension: The Infrared Extension can be used insituations where the Receiver can not be placed in front ofthe component(s) it is controlling. This device consists of 3Infrared diodes connected to a 4 ft. extension wire and plug.It can be placed on up to 3 different components. 4The LF-IRX can control virtually any household devicethat is operated via infrared remote control, including:• Satellite Receivers• Personal Video Recorders (TiVo, UltimateTV) • Cable Converter Boxes• VCRs• CD Players • Stereo Receivers• Tape Decks• DVD Players• TV SetsCompatible Components
STEP 2: Setting Up the ReceiverWhere to Use: Use in the room where the AUDIO/VIDEOequipment’s infrared sensor is located.How to Install:1. Plug the Receiver power cord into a standard electrical outlet.2. Point the IR logo on the Receiver toward theAUDIO/VIDEO infrared remote sensor on the audio/video component.3. Check to ensure that the Receiver is located within 20 feet of the AUDIO/VIDEO equipment. After setting up your Transmitter and Receiver, operate the Signal Sender by aiming your remote at the IR logo on the front of the Transmitter. LF-IRX6STEP 1: Setting Up the TransmitterWhere to Use: Set up the Transmitter in the room whereyou wish to use your remote control (example: use in theadditional room wired to receive a satellite signal fromyour primary receiver).How to Install:1. Plug the Transmitter into a standard electrical outlet. 2. Place the Transmitter on a level, stable surface, with the IR logo facing you. In most cases, the unit can be placed up to 18 feet from where you will be using the remote control.3. Place the Transmitter away from the AUDIO/VIDEO equipment and the Receiver (in another room, for example).LF-IRX5
LF-IRX8STEP 3 (IF NECESSARY): Setting Up the Infrared ExtenderWhere to Use:• It is only necessary to use the Infrared Extender whenthe Receiver cannot be easily placed in front of theequipment. (Example: when the component and Receiverare located in a closed cabinet (see figure 1).• Use when you would prefer to conceal the Receiver in acabinet or behind furniture.How to Use:1. Plug the Triple Infrared Extender into the back of theReceiver (see figure 2).2. Place one of the Infrared Diodes (located on theopposite end of the extension cord) in clear view of thecomponent’s infrared sensor to enable successfulsignal transmission. You can control up to 3 differentcomponents with the triple extender.LF-IRX7
5. Move the Unit that appears not to be working to anotherlocation and try it again.6. Attach the Infrared Extender to the Receiver forsituations where there is an obstruction (TV Cabinet,etc.) between the Receiver and the componentNotice: Any change or modifications not expresslyapproved by the party responsible for compliance couldvoid the user’s authority to operate this equipment.LF-IRX10Troubleshooting:1. Make sure both units are plugged into a standardelectrical outlet.2. If the LED light inside the Transmitter does notilluminate when the Remote Control is operated:• Make sure you are pointing at the front of theTransmitter (the IR logo is on the front).• Make sure you are within 18 feet of the front of theTransmitter (depending on the range of yourindividual remote control, it may be necessary tomove closer to the Transmitter).• Make sure nothing is blocking the path between theremote and the Transmitter.3. If your component does not respond when a remotecontrol is used, but the LED on the Receiver is lit:• Make sure the Receiver is within 20 feet of yourcomponent equipment• Make sure the IR logo on your Receiver is pointing atthe front of your component.• Make sure there is a clear path between the Receiverand your component.4. If the LED light on the Transmitter lights when youoperate the remote, but the LED on the Receiver doesnot:• Extend the antenna all the way up or move theantenna to a different position for better reception. • Make sure the Transmitter is no more than 100 feetfrom the Receiver. LF-IRX9
NOTE:The changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliancecould void the user's authority to operate the equipment.To comply with the FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, this device and its antenna must not beco-located or operating to conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

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