Toy State 94145R49 NANO SLAMMR User Manual

Toy State International Ltd. NANO SLAMMR

User Manual

ê-r-ô.+-/.+-{+}-r FA[t-94r45-Nanoslammr-Ene  IM_041615.pdf  L 16/4/15  11:38 am8+#94145-o0]flt{ER',g }ilnilufltTTATTE ÍtCONTROLLER VEHICLEBATTERIES NOT INCLUDED BATTERIES NOT INCLUDEDlmportant! Carefully read the 0wners Manual before play! .@-@trffiMYffitrffLAAA/1R03 x 3AA/LR6 x4ô.+-,
+ô.+.,-@ FAR_94145-NanoSlammr_Eng  IM_041615  pdf 2 16/4/15  11:38 amPRECAUTIONô\rFPrrlra  rn/17  ÈrltAAWARNING! CHOKING  HAZARDSmall parts. Not for Children  under 3 years,Only operate the product and its accessories  when fullyassembled and in accordance  with this manual!AA.oo Do not use  this vehicle in water,  mud, or sand,.  This product  and its accessorries  are not suitable for children  under the age of 36 months,  because  of smallparts that can be swallowed.lntended  for children  age 8 and older.Adult supervision  strongly recommended.Drive  your vehicle in a safe area away from people, pets, cars,  etc.Do not drive on streets or after dark.Do not touch  or try to pick  up the vehicle when it is in motion. Wait until it has stopped  completely.Keep hair, fingers,  face and loose clothing away from front and rear wheels  while the vehicle is switched onor while the transmitter is operating.Do not drive the vehicle toward  walls or other hard objects,Be a responsible operator!Do not drop or give impact to the product  and its accessories.Check  if a near transmitter produces interference  or signals  with the same  frequency.  ln such a case, moveto another  location  or try again after  a while..  Never attempt  to disassemble or modify  the product  or its accessories,.  Regularly inspect the antennas for cracks or breaks. Do not bend the transmitter antenna. Do not use thetransmitter if the antenna is broken.BATTERIESIMPORTANT  BATTERY  SAFETY INFORMATIONCAUTION:  TO AVOID  BATTERY  LEAKACE:NOTE: BATTERIES  MUST BE RECYCLED  OR DISPOSED  PROPERLY.Contact your local area office of solid waste management or other appropriatelocal agency for information.Make sure  the batteries are inserted with correct  polarity  and follow the toy and battery  manufacturer'sinstructions,Use only battery type(s) recommended,Do not attempt  to short-circuit,  charge, disassemble or heat batteries.Do not dispose of batteries  in fire or make  them wet.Do not mix or use new and old batteries  together,Do not mix or use different types of batteries together,Non-rechargeable  batteries  are not to be recharged because  of the danger of eruption.Remove rechargeable batteries  from the product  before charging.Rechargeable  batteries  are  only to be charged under adult supenuision  and follow the battery and chargermanufacturer's  instructions.Battery replacement should  be done in presence  of an adult,Remove  batteries from the product  for storage.  Batteries  may be hot.After use, be sure to turn the switch off,Remove weak  or exhausted  batteries  from the product.Dispose batteries  safely  and properly,  according  to your local requirements,OFF  E  ON STRONC  BATTERY  MËANS  OPTIMUM  PERFORMANCESave the battery by turning off vehicle  when not in useaôr.+-, +l
,K-fft+.J-./ trAR-94145-NanoSlammr-Ene-lM-041615.pdf  3 16/4/15  11:38 amANTENNA ASSEMBLY.+-9@ô'J-Rpnln  rilnrRfl,IIlnsert antenna  wirefrom product into tube@Slide tube down  antenna  wire  Tie knot wilh any remainingand into hole  in product antenna  wire (Do not pull wire tight)BATTERY INSTALLATIONg,rü+  1.5V rt  1.5V ++  1.5V  r1. To remove battery  lid, loosen screw to open.2, Slide open  the battery  lid in the direction  as shownin the figure,  while  lightly pressing lts center.3, lnsert  1,5V (AAA/1R03)  batteres x3 with  thepolarity  (+/-) as shown on the bottom  of batterycompartment.Replace the battery lid, followingthe removal procedure in reverse.NOTE: There is no on/off switch on the Transmitter,  Moving  the sticks turns it on automatìcally1, Turn off vehicle,2. Unscrew  the vehicle's  top cover.3, Remove vehicle'stop  cover as shown inthe illustration.4. lnsert 1,5V  (AA/LR6) batteries x4into banery  compartment  with correctpolarity (+/-), Slide back  the vehlcle'stop cover and fasten the screw,NOTE: For best performance,  always  use alkaline  batteries only, To remove  the batteries,  reverse theinstallation  proced  u re.OFFMON+'âTRANSMITTERVEHICLEii+iii rìI+{Þ}-+./+2,1'.1{Þ+-+-/ .@
Fqrllat  ffrnTPot@+ô-tFAR_94145_NanoSlammr-Ene_IM_041615.pdf  4 I6/Ul5 11:38 am.@-ô.+-,3FORWARD(Push both  button at the same time)LEFTTURN  ÍFORWARDILEFTSPIN  -smooth  surface  only(Push both button at the same time)0-300TURN VEHICLE POWER ONBACKWARDS(Push both button at the same tiRIGHTTURN  IFORWARDI(Push left button forward)LEFT  TURN  ÍBACKWARDI(Push left button backwards)OFFEEON-,ä"iJi',fi,.îTåii,llJüi 1-(Push right button backwards) 'T+IRIGHTSPIN -smooth  surface  only(Push both button at the same time),cLtMBtNG: Keep moving the vehicle  in one  lfll:Jllf^tl:.vehicle bv driving against  andìrection.  That way it cañ climb up hills that  oÞJect  llKe a wall'have an angle of less than 30 degrees.ôr+/+-+
.@ô-+.-]-+{Þ}.l FAIì-94  145-NanoSlammr-Eng-IM-041615,pdf  5 16 / 4/ l5  I 1 :38  amN0TE: After  play, always turn vehicle  off. Remove  batteries  from controller and R/C  vehicle when  not inuse  or when  storing. Leakage may  occur  and cause  damage  if left for a long period  of time.SAFETY CIRCUIT.@During use,  the internal power  in the electric  circuit can get quite high (for example  during a 360 spin),ln such a case a safety  circuit will shut down  the vehicle  for approximately  10-15 seconds. During  this period  the carwill not respond  to signals  from the transmitter.  This is not a defect but a safety  measure to protect  the electroniccircuits, After this period,  the car will resume  normal operation,4.+-9Rpt)rtt  a rttl  rPf  7lSPECIAL  MOVEMENTSPractice special movements by switching the direction of movement  at various moments.This vehicle  is not equipped with a trim adjust. While driving the vehicle, it may steer slightly to left or right,adjust the vehicle  with the control  buttons.@,l-+++.l .o
,{+ût.l FAII-94145-NanoSlammr-Ene-IM-041615pdf  6 16/4/15  11:38amTROUBLESHOOTING  AND CARE FOR R/C VEHICLE.+-{{Þr+-/,-KvI{+}.+./Hrrftat  rnatt'ænt-Ðt_LII\4ITED RADIO  CONTROL  RANGEWhile R/C vehicle may be visible  at a distance, fulloperational control  may be lost. Hold controllerhigh in the air and direct vehìcle  back,INTERFERENCEOther  radio signals may cause  loss of control,Remove  vehicle from an area 0f interference.R/CVEHICLEDOESNOTMOVE. Are the + and - contacts correctly  matched in the controller?r Are the metalcontacttabs  touching,  rusty or dirty in controller?. Are there  batteries in the vehicle  and controller?. ls the power  switch turned  to play?r Are the batterles weak  or out of power?RI/C  VEHICLEMOVES BY ITSELF. There  is radio interference in the area.. Another  R/C vehicle  with the same frequency is close  byHi/C VEHICLERUNS SLOWLY. There  is radio interference in the area.. Another  R/C vehicle  with the same frequency is close  by,. Are the batteries weak or out of power?PERFORMANCE  DROP,INCONSISTENT MOVEMENTOR FAILSTO  RUNCheck  batteries. lf necessary,  recharge  battery pack  and/or replace thebatteries in the R/C vehicle and controller  with new alkaline batteries,TREAT YOUR R/C VEHICLË WELLRadiowavescontroltheR/Cvehicle, Careforyourvehicleanditwill providehoursoffun!Avoid heat, sand and high impact crashes!@Store  in safe place.  No direct  sunlight. No rain or water No sand or dust,No Collisions R/C vehicle may get stuck0n carpet  or grass,¿,ú¿-Þ,+-.v5Avoid  running  2 vehicles  with  the same radio controlfreq ue n cies,-+
.@tái+.+,-@ FAIL94145-NanoSlammr  Ene IM 0416l5.pdf 7 16/4/15  11:38 amCLEANING AND MAINTAINING+ìiìRFFIF  'ON  TRFIBrush areas where dirt anddust get trapped,FEDERAL  COMMUNICATIONS  COMMISSION COMPLIANCENOTE:This device  complies with Part 15 of the FCC  Rules,  Operation is subject to the following  two conditions:(1) this device may not cause harmful  interference, and(2) this device  must accept  any interference received,  including  interference that may cause undesired operation.Warning: Changes  or modifications  to this unit not expressly  approved by the party responsible  for compliance  could voidtheuser'sauthoritytooperatetheequipment.NOTE:  ThisequipmenthasbeentestedandfoundtocomplywiththelimitsforaClassBdigitaldevice,pursuanttoPartl5oftheFCCRules.  Theselimitsaredesignedtoprovidereasonableprotection  against harmful  ínterference in a residential installation, Thìs equipment  generates,  uses and can radiate  radiofrequency energy  and, if not installed and used in accordance  with the instructions,  may cause harmful  interference  toradio communications,  However,  there is n0 guarantee  that interference willnot  occur in a part¡cular  installation,lf thisequipment  does  cause harmful  interference to radio  or television reception, which can be determined  by turning  theequipment  off and on, the user  is encouraged  to try to correct the interference by one or more  of the following  measures:- Reorient  or relocate  the receiving  antenna.- lncrease  the separation between  the equipment  and receiver,- Connect  the equipment  into an outlet on a circuit  different  from that to which the receiver  is connected.- Consult the dealer  or an experienced radio/TV  technician for help,MANUFACTURER'S  NOTEWipe body off with a soft rag  Do not clean vehicle  withor tact cloth,  chemicals  or water."Modifications not authorized by the manufacturer  may void users  authority to operate the device."ATTENTION PARENTSwww,toystate.comwww.NikkoRC.comFor  questions, e-mail  our Consumer  Service Dept.  atcons u merse rvice@toystate,com0r Call 1-877-473-8015This toy and all accessories  need to be periodically  examined  for potential  hazards  and anypotentially hazardous  parts be repaired or replaced,C€ GO X@WARNING:Not suitable  for children  under 36 months due tosmall parts. Choking hazard,-+-+s+r+,ô.+-/MADE IN SHENZHEN,  CHINATOY STATE INTERNATIONAL  LIMITED66MODY ROAD, KOWLOON,  HONG  KONGlN THE  INTEREST  0F  BEITER  QUAUTY  AND  VALUE, M ARE  CONSTANTLY  |Ì\4PROV|NC  AND UPDATINC  OUR PROÐUCÍS,CONSEOUENTLY, PICTURES  IN  THIS  INS]'RUCTJON  SHEET  MAY  SOMENMES  DIFFER  FROM  'IHE  MODEL  ENCLOSED,-o6-o
+tr4tl94145-NanoSlammr-EnejM-0416i5.pdf  I  ßlAß 11:38 amÍUSIHTE||+,-K{P- .o

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