Touchtronics M130 Keyless Start RFID Reader User Manual Layout 1

Touchtronics Inc Keyless Start RFID Reader Layout 1

Exhibit D Users Manual per 2 1033 b3

OOPPEERRAATTIINNGG IINNSSTTRRUUCCTTIIOONNSSKKEEYYLLEESSSS EENNTTRRYY // SSTTAARRTT // SSEECCUURRIITTYYSSYYSSTTEEMMKEYLESS TRUCK ENTRY - WRISTBAND KEYSwipe the area 4”-6” infront of the antenna using theauthorized Wristband Key.  Thedoor will unlock for 6-seconds.While the door is unlocked, open thedoor and enter the truck.  Antennas are located near each door.The door will unlock for 6-seconds.  If the door isopen longer than 6-seconds, the door will auto-lockwhen the door is closed.1ANTENNA STATUS LEDsa. There is a red and a green status LEDinstalled on each antenna.  b. The red LED will flashonce anytime the unlockswitch is pressed.  c. The red LED will flashtwice anytime an authorizedWristband Key is presentedto the antenna.d. The green LED will turn on solid anytime the dooris unlocked (6-seconds). e. The red LED will flash more than twice if there isa system failure (no data communication) betweenthe Master curb side antenna and any of the otherantennnas.3KEYLESS TRUCK EXIT - UNLOCKSWITCHPress the unlock switch and thecorresponding door will unlock for6-seconds.  While the door is unlocked,open the door and exit the truck.  There isone unlock switch for each door.  The curbside and driver Unlock switches are locatedon the dash, the bulkhead and rear doorunlock switches are installed inside thecargo compartment near it’s door.2MANUAL TRUCK ENTRY & EXITa. Only the rear door has amanual key to unlock thetruck cargo compartment andgain entry to the truck.  The cab canthen be entered through the bulkheaddoor using the Unlock switch or the manual lever insidethe door latch.Note:  If the manual key is used for entry the securityalarm will need to be deactivated within 5 seconds bypresenting a valid Wristband Key to any antenna.  SeeCargo Compartment Security Section 6.b. All of the doors can be unlocked manually frominside the truck.4Side Door Bulkhead Rear DoorCARGO COMPARTMENT SECURITYa. Anytime both the bulkhead and rear doors are closed and locked, and theignition is OFF, the cargo compartment security zone is armed.b. The cargo compartment security zone is disarmed anytime an authorizedWristband Key is presented to the bulkhead or rear door antenna.  c. If the driver remains inside the cargo compartment and closes both bulkhead andrear doors, the cargo compartment security zone will allow the driver to exit the cargoarea by pressing either Unlock switch, located at the Bulkheard or Rear Door.d. The cargo compartment zone alarm triggers when either the bulkhead or rear door is opened manuallyand NO Valid Wristband Key is presented to any antenna within 5-seconds.5CAB & CARGO DOME LAMPSa.  The cab and cargo dome lamps are automatically turned on for 60-seconds when any door isopened.b.  The cab and cargo dome lamps are automatically turned on for 10-seconds when any door isopened and the ignition is on.c.  The cab and cargo dome lamps if turned on automatically will turn off any time the truck is started.d.  The cab and cargo dome lamps will turn on maually anytime the Dome Light Dash Switch is pressed andwill ONLY turn off if the Dome Light Switch is pressed again.6POWER REDUCTION MODEa.  The system enters the Power Reduction Mode, commonly called the Sleep Mode, anytime noactivity is detected for 30-minutes.b. The system exits the Power Reduction Mode anytime a valid Wristband Key is presented, anUnlock switch is pressed or the alarm is triggered.7
ARMING AND DISARMING THE SECURITY SYSTEMArming the Security Systema.  Truck is armed anytime all doors are closed.b.  Cargo compartment is armed anytime BOTH doors are closed.Disarming the Security Systema.  Wristband Key is presented to any Antenna or the Keyless Start unit and doors areclosed.b.  Pressing any Unlock switch just prior to opening the corresponding door.Alarm Triggereda.  If the alarm is triggered, the siren will sound and the dome lights will flash.b.  The Doors Ajar LED will flash until the Keyless Start detects a valid Wristband Key.Disarming the Security System if the Alarm is Triggereda.  Wristband Key is presented to any door or the Keyless Start unit. b.  Truck ignition is on.c.  Master Key is presented to any Antenna or the Keyless Start unit.57315 Nagy Drive WarrantyElkhart, IN 46517 &Fax:  574-293-1611 Technical 574-294-2570T O U C H T R O N I C S,  I N C. vv10KEYLESS START STATUS LEDs a. The red Doors Ajar LED will turn on solid anytime the driv-er, bulkhead or rear doors are open and the truck is off.  Thered Doors Ajar LED will flash if the alarm has been triggered.   b. The green Run LED will be on solid anytime the truck is running.The green Run LED will flash when a valid Wristband Key is authorizeduntil the Engine Start button is pressed or will timeout at 25 seconds.c. The yellow Start LED will be on solid when Engine Start button is pressed and the engine can be started.The yellow Start LED will flash if the Engine Start button is pressed and the engine can’t be started due to afailed door switch or antenna connector.d. The red CK SYS LED will flash twice anytime a valid Wristband Key is presented.  The red CK SYS LEDwill flash continuously during start-up mode if there is a system failure at any antenna.  If the truck enterssleep mode, the CK SYS LED will flash at 5-second ratio until truck exits sleep mode.KEYLESS STARTING & STOPPING a. Close the driver, bulkhead and rear doors.   b. Swipe the authorized Wristband Key across the target area on the left side of theKeyless Start unit.c. The red CK SYS LED will flash twice, which indicates a valid Wristband Key has been receivedand the Keyless Start unit will turn on.  The green Run LED will flash for 25 seconds indicating thetruck is ready to be started and the switch backlights will also be on. d. Check the Doors Ajar LED on the Keyless Start unit.  If it is off, then proceed with starting thetruck.  If the Doors Ajar status LED is on, then close the driver, bulkhead and/or rear door. e. Wait for the glow plug indicator light on the dash to turn off and then press the Start switchmarked “ENGINE START”.  The yellow Start LED turns on solid indicating the truck starter has beenenergized.  Release the Engine Start switch as soon as the truck engine is started.f. To stop the truck and turn off the engine, press the “ENGINE STOP” switch.  The engine will turnoff and all of the status LEDs will turn off.89© 2006 TouchTronics, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.  TouchTronics, the TouchTronics logo, and other TouchTronics marks are owned by TouchTronics and may be registered.TouchTronics assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this manual.  Information contained herein is subject to change without notice.FCC Compliance and Advisory Statement. This hardware device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  Operation is subject to the following two conditions:  1) thisdevice may not cause harmful interference, and 2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  Anychanges or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Canadian Compliance Statement.  This device complies with RSS-210 of Industry Canada.  Operation is subject to the following two conditions:  1) this device may notcause interference, and 2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.© 2006 TouchTronics, Inc.  Tous droits réservés.  TouchTronics, le logo TouchTronics et les autres marques TouchTronics sont la propriété exclusive deTouchTronics et sont susceptibles d’être des marques déposées.  Toutes les autres marques sont la propriété exclusive de leurs détenteurs respectifs.  TouchTronicsdécline toute responsabilité en cas d’erreurs dans ce manuel.  Les informations énoncées dans le présent document peuvent faire l’objet de modifications sans avis préal-able. Déclaration FCC.  Cet équipement a été testé et déclaré conforme à la section 15 du règlement de la FCC.  Son fonctionnement est soumis aux conditions suivantes:  1)l’équipement concerné ne doit pas causer d’interférences dangereuses, et 2) il doit accepter toute interférence reçue, y compris les interférences risquant d’engendrer unfonctionnement indésirable.  Toutes modifications ou tous changements effectués sans l’accord exprès de la partie responsable de la conformité aux normes pourraientcontraindre l’utilisateur à ne plus utiliser son équipement.Déclaration du Ministère des Communications Canadien.  Cet équipement a été déclaré conforme à la norme RSS-210 édictée par le Ministère canadien de l’industrie.Son fonctionnement est soumis aux conditions suivantes:  1) l’équipement concerné ne doit pas causer d’interférences, et 2) il doit accepter toute interférence reçue, ycompris les interférences risquant d’engendrer un fonctionnement indésirable.

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