Tobii Dynavox T7 Tobii DynaVox T7 User Manual

Dynavox Systems LLC Tobii DynaVox T7 Users Manual

Users Manual

T-Series DevicesUser’s ManualT7T10T15
User’s manual T-Series DevicesVersion 1.101/2015All rights reserved.Copyright © Tobii Technology ABNo part of this document may be reproduced, stored in aretrieval system, or transmitted in any form, by any means(electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) withoutthe prior written permission of the publisher.Copyright protection claimed includes all forms and mattersof copyrightable material and information allowed by statutoryor judicial law or hereafter granted, including withoutlimitation, material generated from the software programswhich are displayed on the screen such as screen displays,menus, etc.The information contained in this document is proprietary toTobii Dynavox. Any reproduction in part or whole withoutprior written authorization by Tobii Dynavox is prohibited.Products that are referred to in this document may be eithertrademarks and/or registered trademarks of the respectiveowners. The publisher and the author make no claim to thesetrademarks.While every precaution has been taken in the preparation ofthis document, the publisher and the author assume noresponsibility for errors or omissions, or for damagesresulting from the use of information contained in thisdocument or from the use of programs and source code thatmay accompany it. In no event shall the publisher and theauthor be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercialdamage caused or alleged to have been caused directly orindirectly by this document.Content subject to change without notice.Please check Tobii Dynavox web site www.tobiidynavox.comfor updated versions of this document.
Table of Contents1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 41.1 Explanation of Admonitions......................................................................................................41.2 Symbols and Markings............................................................................................................41.3 Intended Use.........................................................................................................................51.4 Package Contents..................................................................................................................51.5 myTobiiDynavox .....................................................................................................................51.6 Additional Documentation .......................................................................................................62 Safety ............................................................................................................................................ 73 Overview of the T-Series device..................................................................................................... 93.1 T7 ........................................................................................................................................93.2 T10 ....................................................................................................................................113.3 T15 ....................................................................................................................................134 Turning the T-Series On for the First Time.................................................................................... 165 Charging the Battery .................................................................................................................... 176 Product Care ............................................................................................................................... 186.1 Temperature/Humidity/Atmospheric Pressure Ranges ..............................................................186.2 Mounting/Transporting the T-Series........................................................................................186.3 Product Cleaning/Handling ...................................................................................................186.4 Cautions - Handling, Storage and Shipping .............................................................................186.5 Disposing of the T-Series Device ...........................................................................................196.6 Disposing of the Batteries .....................................................................................................19Appendix A Support, Warranty, Training Resources ......................................................................... 20A1 Customer Support................................................................................................................20A2 Warranty.............................................................................................................................20A3 Training Resources...............................................................................................................20Appendix B Compliance Information................................................................................................. 21B1 FCC Statement....................................................................................................................21B1.1 For P15B Equipment.............................................................................................21B1.2 For Portable Devices .............................................................................................21B1.3 Radio Wave Exposure and Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) Information .......................21B2 Industry Canada Statement ...................................................................................................24B2.1 English ................................................................................................................24B2.2 Français...............................................................................................................25B3 CE Statement......................................................................................................................25Appendix C Technical Specifications................................................................................................ 26Appendix D Approved Accessories .................................................................................................. 28
1 IntroductionThe Tobii Dynavox T7, T10, andT15 are integrated hardware and software solutions for Augmentative and Alternative Communi-cation (AAC), a purpose built Speech Generating Device (SGD), which feature theCompass communication software.This User’s Manual provides an overview of the basic operation of your T7, T10, andT15 Android tablets. It points out keyhardware features and describes the most frequently-used features and functions of your device.1.1 Explanation of AdmonitionsIn this manual we use five (5) levels of admonitions as follows:Is used for notifying the user of something important or of something that needs special attention.Is used to inform of something that could cause harm to, or malfunction of, the equipment.Is used to inform of something in which there is a conceivable risk of harm to the user if the Warning is ignored.Is used to inform of something that can cause damage to hearing.Is used to inform of something that cause permanent bodily harm with prolonged skin contact if the Warning isignored.1.2 Symbols and MarkingsThis section provides information about the symbols that are used on the T-Series, its accessories or packaging.Symbol or Markings DescriptionPower OnDispose of in accordance with your country's requirements.CE is the abbreviation of the European Communities and thismark tells customs officials in the European Union that theproduct complies with one or more of the EC Directives.This mark is a certification mark employed on electronicproducts manufactured or sold in the United States whichcertifies that the electromagnetic interference from the de-vice is under limits approved by the Federal CommunicationsCommission.Consult User´s ManualType L and Type R Listing Marks for Canada and the UnitedStatesConforms to relevant Australian EMC requirements41 Introduction T-Series Devices User’s manual v.1.1 - en-US
Symbol or Markings DescriptionSafety Class II equipment (reinforced insulation)This mark show the pin out polarity on the AC/DC PowerAdapter.-Volume down+Volume upElectric Shock Type BWarningFor indoor useProduct full compliant German Product Safety law1.3 Intended UseThe T-Series devices are intended for use as an augmentative communication aid, computer access, and environmental controlunit for those with speech, language, physical, and cognitive disabilities. Their intended purpose is to compensate for lack ofspeech due to injury or handicap, and to provide a means of controlling the environment for persons who are unable to reachenvironmental control equipment due to injury or handicap. The device is accessible via touchscreen, keyboard, mouse/track-ball, switch, and head tracking. During use, theT-Series devices may be placed on a flat surface, held in hand, or mounted usingan approved mount.Your T-Series device is intended for everyday communication situations. It should not be relied upon as a means of communi-cating emergency medical information. We recommend having multiple ways to communicate information during a medicalemergency.1.4 Package ContentsThe items below are included with your T-Series package:•1 Device (7ʺ, 10ʺor 15ʺ)•1 Power Supply•1 Android operating system (installed)•1 Compass (pre-installed)•1 T-Series User’s Manual (on the device)•1 Compass User’s Manual (on the device)•1 Quick Start Manual (printed)Keep the original packaging materials for the T-Series.In case the device needs to be returned to Tobii Dynavox for Warranty related issues or repair, it is required that theoriginal packaging (or equal equivalent) is used for shipping.1.5 myTobiiDynavoxGo to to register for an account and register your T-Series device.T-Series Devices User’s manual v.1.1 - en-US 1 Introduction 5
The myTobiiDynavox Community offers a large and steadily increasing library of over 250 Knowledgebase articles that cover allaspects of the T-Series devices and the Compass software.1.6 Additional DocumentationAQuick Start Guide was shipped with your T-Series device. This guide provides an overview of your T-Series device, walksyou through starting up and customizing it, and provides information on resources available to you on both and through the Help menu on your T-Series device.The Compass User’s Manual is an introductory reference to the Compass software running on your T-Series device. It in-cludes basic step-by-step instructions for selecting a pageset and access method, customizing the software for your user, mod-ifying and editing pages, creating new pages, using the camera, programming the Remote Manager, and backing up andrestoring.On your device, open the Settings menu. Then select Help > Compass User’s Manual.61 Introduction T-Series Devices User’s manual v.1.1 - en-US
2 SafetyThe T-Series device has been tested and approved as compliant to all the Specifications and Standards listed in Appendix BCompliance Information, page 21 of this manual and in the Appendix C Technical Specifications, page 26 -- including, but notlimited to, the Medical Device Standard (Class 1/Type B). The patient is an intended operator. In order to ensure safe operationof your T-Series device, there are a few safety warnings to bear in mind:No modification of this equipment is allowedThe patient may clean the exterior of the device as specified in 6.3 Product Cleaning/Handling. All other maintenanceand repairs must be done by a certified technician.Your device contains a Lithium Ion battery. A safety hazard may develop when the battery is placed in or near fires orstoves, or in locations with temperatures above 113 ℉/ 45 ℃. These conditions may cause the battery to generateheat or explode.Do not perforate, disassemble or modify the battery. If you must dispose of the battery, do so in accordance with thelocal laws that apply to the area where you live.If you must dispose of the T-Series device, do so in accordance with the local laws that apply to the area where youlive.Restrictions specified on other equipment or network/data couplings, which a signal input/output part may beconnected.Do not open the enclosure, stretch the openings, or touch the camera and the inner circuit.This T-Series device presents a risk of electrical shock if the casing is opened. Do not open the casing that surroundsthe device.Turn off the device and disconnect cables and accessories prior to cleaning.Your T-Series device is not suitable for use in the presence of flammable anesthetics.Your T-Series device conforms to IP22. (IP22 explanation: the first digit [2] indicates the level of protection that theenclosure provides against access to hazardous parts [e.g. electrical conductors, moving parts] ,and the ingress offoreign objects. Level 2 provides protection to an object >12.5 mm [fingers or similar objects]. The second digit [2] in-dicates the level of protection that the enclosure provides against harmful ingress of water. Vertically dripping watershall have no harmful effect when the enclosure is tilted at an angle up to 15 degrees from its normal position.When you are charging your T-Series device, remember that the main outlet that you will be using to power the adapt-er must be accessible from within 6 feet (2 meters) of the device. There should be no switches or disconnect devicesin the ground conductor. The T-Series devices require no routine maintenance other than a periodic inspection of thepower cords for signs of wear and damage. If the power cords show signs of wear and damage, they should bereplaced.The T-Series device may be mounted to a wheelchair or fixed on a table. Running the T-Series device for a long timemay cause the temperature to temporarily rise to above 105 ℉/ 41 ℃. Please power off the T-Series device if it isoverheating.Tobii Dynavox will provide circuit diagrams, component part lists, descriptions, and calibration instructions to assistservice personnel in parts repair.The necessary support for installation and use of your device is provided in this User’s Manual and in the Knowledge-base at Anything unusual occurring during operation should be reported to Tobii Dynavox technicalsupport.T-Series Devices User’s manual v.1.1 - en-US 2 Safety 7
Use care when installing and routing cables and accessories to avoid tangling and a possible tripping hazard.For safe and proper operation of your T-Series device, and to avoid potential harm, do not connect your T-Series de-vice to other devices such as a cellphone, storage equipment, or PCs that have not been indicated in this User’sManual.When used in a non-clinical environment, care should be taken to avoid excessive dirt and dust that could cause un-reliable operation. Do not place your T-Series device in bright sunlight for long periods to avoid potential overheatingor fading of the screen. Place your T-Series device in a stable area and supervise children and pets while they are inthe vicinity of the T-Series device.Your T-Series device requires no routine maintenance other than charging the battery and a periodic inspection ofthe power cords for signs of wear and damage. If the power cords show signs of wear and damage, they should bereplaced.This product needs special precautions regarding EMC and needs to be installed and put into service according tothe EMC information provided, and this unit can be affected by portable and mobile RF communications equipment.Do not use a mobile phone or other devices that emit electromagnetic fields near the unit. This may result in incorrectoperation of the unit.This unit has been thoroughly tested and inspected to assure proper performance and operation!This machine should not be used adjacent to or stacked with other equipment and that, if adjacent or stacked use isnecessary, this machine should be observed to verify normal operation in the configuration in which it will be usedThe use of accessories, transducers and cables other than those specified, with the exception of transducers and ca-bles sold by Tobii Dynavox as replacement parts for internal components, may result in increased emissions or de-creased immunity of the me equipment or me system.Because of internal chemical reactions, battery performance may deteriorate over time. In addition, failure to keep theconditions of use (charge, discharge, ambient temperature, etc.) within specified ranges may shorten the battery lifeexpectancy, or damage your T-Series device. If the battery cannot maintain a charge for long periods of time, evenwhen it is charged correctly, it may need to be replaced.For safe and proper operation of your T-Series device, use only chargers, batteries, and accessories that have beenapproved by Tobii Dynavox.Never, under any circumstances, disassemble your T-Series device. Doing so for any reason will void the warranty,and you will be responsible for the cost of any required repairs.The LCD may show "image persistence" if the same image or page is displayed for four (4) consecutive hours or lon-ger. The visual artifacts may or may not be noticeable or distracting. They will not cause permanent damage to theLCD.82 Safety T-Series Devices User’s manual v.1.1 - en-US
3 Overview of the T-Series device3.1 T7Figure 3.1 T7 FrontFigure 3.2 T7 TopFigure 3.3 T7 BackT-Series Devices User’s manual v.1.1 - en-US 3 Overview of the T-Series device 9
Figure 3.4 T7 SideFigure 3.5 T7 Bottom1Charging Indicator: Lit amber when the battery is charging. Turns blue when the battery is fully charged.2Ambient Light Sensor: Adjusts the screen brightness based on the surrounding light.3Front-facing Camera: Not available on Medicare configurations.4Volume Rocker Switch: Press on the + side of the switch to increase volume. Press on the - side of theswitch to decrease volume.5Speakers: Dual speakers provide an extensive range of volume.6Rear-facing Camera: Not available on Medicare configurations.7Infrared Window: Sends infrared signals.8 Lanyard connections: Provide attachment points for the strap.9Charger Port: Plug in the adapter/charger to charge the battery.10 Micro USB Port: Connect to a micro-USB to full-size USB cable adaptor. (Tobii Dynavox does NOT recom-mend the use of a USB hub.)11 Speaker/Headphone/External Microphone Jack: Connect an external speaker, headphones for privateaudio, or an external microphone.12 Power Button: To turn theT7 on, press and hold until the splash screen appears. Press and release to put tosleep. To shut down the T7, press and hold until the shutdown menu appears.13 Built-in Microphone: Record speech and custom sounds.The LCD may show "image persistence" if the same image or page is displayed for four (4) consecutive hours or lon-ger. The visual artifacts may or may not be noticeable or distracting. They will not cause permanent damage to theLCD.10 3 Overview of the T-Series device T-Series Devices User’s manual v.1.1 - en-US
3.2 T10Figure 3.6 T10 FrontFigure 3.7 T10 TopT-Series Devices User’s manual v.1.1 - en-US 3 Overview of the T-Series device 11
Figure 3.8 T10 BackFigure 3.9 T10 BottomFront:1Charging Indicator: Lit amber when the battery is charging. Turns blue when thebattery is fully charged.2 Power Button: To turn the T10 on, press and hold until the splash screen ap-pears. Press and release to put to sleep. To shut down the T10, press and hold un-til the shutdown menu appears.3Front-facing Camera: Not available on Medicare configurations.4Ambient Light Sensor: Adjusts the screen brightness based on the surroundinglight.Top 5Speakers: Dual speakers provide an extensive range of volume.6Volume Rocker Switch: Press on the + side of the switch to increase volume.Press on the - side of the switch to decrease volume.Right Side 7Speaker/Headphone/External Microphone Jack: Connect an externalspeaker, headphones for private audio, or an external microphone.Back 8 Rear-facing Camera: Not available on Medicare configurations.9 Lanyard connections: Provide attachment points for the T10 strap.Bottom 10 Charger Port: Plug in the adapter/charger to charge the battery.11 Micro USB Port: Connect to a micro-USB to full-size USB cable adaptor. (Tobii Dynavox does NOT recommend the use of a USB hub.)12 30-Pin Dock Connector: (for future use)13 Micro HDMI Port: Connect an external monitor to your T10.14 Built-in Microphone: Record speech and custom sounds.12 3 Overview of the T-Series device T-Series Devices User’s manual v.1.1 - en-US
The LCD may show "image persistence" if the same image or page is displayed for four (4) consecutive hours or lon-ger. The visual artifacts may or may not be noticeable or distracting. They will not cause permanent damage to theLCD.3.3 T15Figure 3.10 T15 FrontFigure 3.11 T15 TopT-Series Devices User’s manual v.1.1 - en-US 3 Overview of the T-Series device 13
Figure 3.12 T15 BackFigure 3.13 T15 BottomFront: 1Power Button: To turn the T15 on, press and hold until the splash screen appears. Pressand release to put to sleep. To shut down the T15, press and hold until the shutdownmenu appears.2Front-facing Camera: Not available on Medicare configurations.3Ambient Light Sensor: Adjusts the screen brightness based on the surrounding light.4Charging Indicator: Lit amber when the battery is charging. Turns blue when the batteryis fully charged.Top/Right Side 5Speakers: Dual speakers provide an extensive range of volume.6Volume Rocker Switch: Press on the + side of the switch to increase volume. Press onthe - side of the switch to decrease volume.7Front-Facing Infrared Window: Not available on Medicare configurations.8Micro SD Card: Connect to a micro SD card, for personal storage only.9Full-Size USB Port: Connect to a full-size USB drive. (Maximum current for the full-sizeUSB is 2.0≤1A.)10 Speaker/Headphone/External Microphone Jack: Connect an external speaker,headphones for private audio, or an external microphone11 Switch Jacks(2): Connect external switch(es) for scanning access.Back 12 Rear-facing Camera: Not available on Medicare configurations.13 Rear-Facing Infrared Window: Sends infrared signals.14 Lanyard connections: Provide attachment points for the T15 strap.Bottom 15 Lanyard connections: Provide attachment points for the T15 strap.16 30-Pin Dock Connector: (for future use)17 Charger Port: Plug in the adapter/charger to charge the battery.14 3 Overview of the T-Series device T-Series Devices User’s manual v.1.1 - en-US
18 Micro USB Port: Connect to a micro-USB to full-size USB cable adaptor. (Tobii Dynavox does NOT recommend the use of a USB hub.)19 Micro HDMI Port: Connect an external monitor to your T15.20 Built-in Microphone: Record speech and custom sounds.The LCD may show "image persistence" if the same image or page is displayed for four (4) consecutive hours or lon-ger. The visual artifacts may or may not be noticeable or distracting. They will not cause permanent damage to theLCD.T-Series Devices User’s manual v.1.1 - en-US 3 Overview of the T-Series device 15
4 Turning the T-Series On for the FirstTimePress the Power button to turn on your device. The Compass software will start automatically.Figure 4.1 Compass Icon on DesktopThe Setup Wizard screen will open.Figure 4.2 Setup Wizard ScreenThe Setup Wizard will walk you through the steps to choose an appropriate page set and start communicating.See the Compass User’s Manual for step-by-step instructions on using the Compass software running on yourT-Series device.16 4 Turning the T-Series On for the First Time T-Series Devices User’s manual v.1.1 - en-US
5 Charging the BatteryWhen the battery charge is low, the device will emit an audible beep. You should plug in your T-Series device and recharge thebattery immediately.1. Plug the charger supplied with your T-Series device into a wall outlet.2. Connect the charger to the charger port on the T-Series device.The charging indicator will glow amber while your T-Series device is charging. It will turn blue when it is fully charged.3. After your T-Series device is fully charged, disconnect the charger.You can’tovercharge the battery. It is fine to charge the battery overnight.You can use the T-Series device while the battery is charging.T-Series Device Battery ModelT7 504899 3200mA/H 7.4V.T10 5860103P/4000mAh/7.4V.T15 HX-5570138/5850mAH/7.4V.Because of internal chemical reactions, battery performance may deteriorate over time. In addition, failure to keep theconditions of use (charge, discharge, ambient temperature, etc.) within specified ranges may shorten the battery lifeexpectancy, or damage your T-Series device. If the battery cannot maintain a charge for long periods of time, evenwhen it is charged correctly, it may need to be replaced.For safe and proper operation of your T-Series device, use only chargers, batteries, and accessories that have beenapproved by Tobii Dynavox.T-Series Devices User’s manual v.1.1 - en-US 5 Charging the Battery 17
6 Product Care6.1 Temperature/Humidity/Atmospheric Pressure RangesFor optimal device performance, the T-Series device should be kept within the following ranges:Activity Temperature RangeUsing the device 32 ℉- 95 ℉/ 0 ℃- 35 ℃Charging the battery 32 ℉- 113℉/ 0 ℃- 45 ℃Transport and storing 14℉- 113℉-10 ℃- 45 ℃Relative humidity Up to 90%Atmospheric pressure 80 - 106 kPaRun time will be shortened at the high and low ends of the temperature range.6.2 Mounting/Transporting the T-SeriesIf you use your T-Series device while in a wheelchair, you should have it properly mounted for both communication and transpor-tation purposes. Wheelchair mounting systems are available through Tobii Dynavox.Protective and accessible carrying cases are also available. Consult the Tobii Dynavox website ( or yourTobii Dynavox sales consultant or reseller for more information.6.3 Product Cleaning/HandlingTurn off the device and disconnect cables and accessories prior to cleaning.To clean your T-Series device, first turn it off and then wipe it gently with a damp cloth or soft paper towel. You may dampen thetowel with a mild window cleaner to remove fingerprints, food particles, and dust. Do not use tape or stickers on either the touchscreen or the case, as they are difficult to remove and may damage the device surface. Tape, stickers, and other sticky materialscan damage the touch screen and interfere with the operation of the device.Be sure to avoid getting your device wet. Never submerge it in water (e.g., dishwasher). If your unit accidentally gets wet, besure to shut it down and allow it dry thoroughly. If after 24 hours you find that the device seems to function normally, there isprobably no damage. If it fails to function or behaves abnormally, go to > Community & Sup-port > myTobiiDynavox Community to start the repair process by creating a new case. You may need to ship it toTobii Dynavox for repairs.Be careful not to drop it. Such treatment is not recommended and can shorten the life of your T-Series device. Do not use asharp object to make selections on the touch panel, as this can cause damage. Use your finger or a capacitive stylus.Never, under any circumstances, disassemble your T-Series device. Doing so for any reason will void the warranty,and you will be responsible for the cost of any required repairs.6.4 Cautions - Handling, Storage and ShippingWhile handling, storing, or shipping, please pay attention to the labeling on the package.18 6 Product Care T-Series Devices User’s manual v.1.1 - en-US
Symbol or Markings DescriptionThis Side UpFragileGuard against DampWarehouse Stack Limit (6 cartons)Storage Temperature: —10℃—45℃/ 14℉—113℉Atmospheric pressure 80–106 kPaRelative humidity up to 90%6.5 Disposing of the T-Series DeviceDo not dispose of the T-Series Device in general household or office waste. Follow your local regulations for the disposal ofelectrical and electronic equipment.6.6 Disposing of the BatteriesDo not dispose of the batteries in general household or office waste. Follow your local regulations for the disposal of batteries.T-Series Devices User’s manual v.1.1 - en-US 6 Product Care 19
Appendix A Support, Warranty, TrainingResourcesA1 Customer SupportFor support, please contact your local representative or Support at Tobii Dynavox. In order to receive assistance as quickly aspossible, make sure you have access to your T-Series device and, if possible, an Internet connection. You should also be ableto supply the serial number of the device, which you find on the back of the device.For further product information and other support resources, please visit theTobii Dynavox website WarrantyPlease read the Manufacturer’s Warranty paper included in the package.Please read this User’s Manual carefully before using the device. The warranty is only valid if the device is used according to theUser’s Manual. Disassembling the T-Series device will void the warranty.Keep the original packaging materials for the T-Series.In case the device needs to be returned to Tobii Dynavox for Warranty related issues or repair, it is required that theoriginal packaging (or equal equivalent) is used for shipping.A3 Training ResourcesTobii Dynavox offers a range of training resources for the T-Series products and related communication products. You can findthem on the Tobii Dynavox website, or, including Getting Started Guides,webinars and Quick guides. The T-Series device User’s Manual is delivered with, and stored on, the T-Series device.20 Appendix A Support, Warranty, Training Resources T-Series Devices User’s manual v.1.1 - en-US
Appendix B Compliance InformationB1 FCC StatementThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device maynot cause harmful interference and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may causeundesired operation.Modifications not expressly approved by Tobii Dynavox could void the user’s authority to operate the equipmentunder FCC rules.B1.1 For P15B EquipmentThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCCrules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. Thisequipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with theinstructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user isencouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.B1.2 For Portable DevicesFCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement:1. This Transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.2. This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This devicewas tested for typical hand held operations with the device contacted directly to the human body to the sides of thedevice. To maintain compliance with FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, avoid direct contact to thetransmitting antenna during transmitting.B1.3 Radio Wave Exposure and Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) InformationThe T-Series device has been tested as a Class 1 Medical Device. Medical electrical equipment such as this requires specialcaution regarding Electro-magnetic Compatibility (EMC) and thus needs to be installed and placed into service according tothe information provided in this manual.Using other cables and accessories other than those provided or that are integrated in the device may affect EMCperformance.The exposure standard for wireless devices employs a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR). The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6 W/kg. The highest SAR level measured for this device is 0. W/kg, so this device meets the FCC Requirement.T-Series DevicesUser’s manual v.1.1 - en-US Appendix B Compliance Information 21308
Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration –electromagnetic emissionsThe T-Series is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of theT-Series device should assure that it is used in such an environment.Emissions Test Compliance Electromagnetic environment –guidanceRF emissionCISPR 22The T-Series uses RF energy only forits internal function. Therefore, its RFemissions are very low and are not likelyto cause any interference in nearbyelectronic equipment.RF emissionsCISPR 22Class B The T-Series is suitable for use in allestablishments, including domesticestablishments and those directlyconnected to the public low-voltagepower supply network that suppliesbuildings used for domestic purposes.Harmonic emissionsIEC 61000-3-2Class AVoltage Fluctuations/flickeremissions IEC 61000-3-3CompliesThe T-Series device should not be used adjacent to or stacked with other equipment.Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration –electromagnetic immunityThe T-Series device is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of theT-Series device should assure that it is used in such an environment.IMMUNITY test IEC 60601 test level Compliance level Electromagnetic environment–guidanceElectrostatic discharge(ESD)IEC 61000-4-2± 6 kV contact± 8 kV air± 6 kV contact± 8 kV airFloors should be wood,concrete or ceramic tile. Iffloors are covered withsynthetic material, therelative humidity should be atleast 30 %.Electrical fast transient/burstIEC 61000-4-4± 2 kV for power supplylines± 2 kV for power supplylinesMains power quality shouldbe that of a typicalcommercial or hospitalenvironment.SurgeIEC 61000-4-5± 1 kV line(s) to line(s) ± 1 kV line(s) to line(s) Mains power quality shouldbe that of a typicalcommercial or hospitalenvironment.22 Appendix B Compliance Information T-Series Devices User’s manual v.1.1 - en-US
Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration –electromagnetic immunityThe T-Series device is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of theT-Series device should assure that it is used in such an environment.IMMUNITY test IEC 60601 test level Compliance level Electromagnetic environment–guidanceVoltage dips, shortinterruptions and voltagevariations on power supplyinput lines.IEC 61000-4-11< 5 % UT (>95 % dip in UT)for 0.5 cycles.40 % UT (60 % dip in UT)for 5 cycles.70 % UT (30 % dip in UT)for 25 cycles.< 5 % UT (>95 % dip in UT)for 5 s< 5 % UT (>95 % dip in UT)for 0.5 cycles.40 % UT (60 % dip in UT)for 5 cycles.70 % UT (30 % dip in UT)for 25 cycles.< 5 % UT (>95 % dip in UT)for 5 sMains power quality shouldbe that of a typicalcommercial or hospitalenvironment. If the user ofthe T-Series device requirescontinued operation duringmains interruptions, it isrecommended that theT-Series device batteries arein place or that the device bepowered from anuninterruptable power supply(UPS).UT is at 100 VAC 60 Hz or230 VAC 50 Hz.Power frequency (50/60 Hz)magnetic fieldIEC 61000-4-83 A/m 3 A/m Power frequency magneticfields should be at levelscharacteristic of a typicallocation in a typicalcommercial or hospitalenvironment.Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration –electromagnetic immunityThe T-Series device is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer of the user of theT-Series device should assure that it is used in such an environment.Immunity test IEC 60601 test level Compliance level Electromagnetic environment- guidancePortable and mobile RFcommunications equipmentshould be used no closer toany part of the T-Seriesdevice, including cables,than the recommendedseparation distancecalculated from the equationapplicable to the frequencyof the transmitter.Recommended separationdistanceConducted RFIEC 61000-4-63 Vrms 150 kHz to 80 MHz 3 Vfor 150 kHz to80 MHzRadiated RFIEC 61000-4-33 V/m 80 MHz to 2.5 GHz 3 V/mfor 80 MHz to800 MHzfor 800 MHz to2.5 GHzT-Series DevicesUser’s manual v.1.1 - en-US Appendix B Compliance Information 23
Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration –electromagnetic immunityThe T-Series device is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer of the user of theT-Series device should assure that it is used in such an environment.Immunity test IEC 60601 test level Compliance level Electromagnetic environment- guidancewhere "P" is the maximumoutput power rating of thetransmitter in watts (W)according to the transmittermanufacturer and "d" is therecommended separationdistance in meters (m).Field strengths from fixed RFtransmitters, as determinedby an electromagnetic sitesurvey,Ishould be less thanthe compliance level in eachfrequency range.iiInterference may occur in thevicinity of equipment markedwith the following symbol.NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption andreflected from structures, objects and people.i. Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio (cellular/cordless) telephones and land mobile radios, amateur radio, AM andFM radio broadcast and TV broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with accuracy. To assess the electromagnetic environment due to fixed RFtransmitters, an electromagnetic site survey should be considered. If the measured field strength in the location in which the T-Series device is usedexceeds the applicable RF compliance level above, the T-Series device should be observed to verify normal operation. If abnormal performance isobserved, additional measures may be necessary, such as reorienting or relocating the T-Series device.ii. Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strengths should be less than 3 V/m.Recommended separation distances between portable and mobile RF (Radio Frequency) communications equipment andthe T-Series device.The T-Series device is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment in which radiated RF disturbances are controlled.The customer or the user of the T-Series device can help prevent electromagnetic interference by maintaining a minimumdistance between portable and mobile RF communication equipment (transmitters) and the T-Series device asrecommended below, according to the maximum output power of the communications equipment.Rated maximum outputpower of transmitterWSeparation distance according to frequency of transmitter150 kHz to 80 MHz 80 MHz to 800 MHz 800 MHz to 2.5 GHz0.01 0.12 m 0.12 m 0.24 m0.1 0.37 m 0.37 m 0.74 m1 1.2 m 1.2 m 2.4 m10 3.7 m 3.7 m 7.4 m100 11.7 m 11.7 m 23.4 mB2 Industry Canada StatementB2.1 English24 Appendix B Compliance Information T-Series Devices User’s manual v.1.1 - en-US
B2.2 FrançaisB3 CE StatementThis equipment complies with the requirements relating to electromagnetic compatibility, EN 300386 class B for ITE, theessential protection requirement of Council Directive 2004/108/EC on the approximation of the laws of the Member Statesrelating to electromagnetic compatibility and R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EG to meet the regulation of the radio equipment andtelecommunications terminal equipment.T-Series DevicesUser’s manual v.1.1 - en-US Appendix B Compliance Information 25This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subjectto the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this devicemust accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of thedevice."Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radioexempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil nedoit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillageradioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement."
Appendix C Technical SpecificationsStandard DynaVox T7 DynaVoxT10 DynaVox T15Type/Model T7 T10 T15Screen 7ʺ17.8 cm9.7"24.7 cm15.4"39.12 cmScreen Resolution 1920 × 1200 1024 × 768 1440 × 900Touch Panel Multi point Capacitive TouchDimensions (WxHxD) 8 × 5.7 × 1.2 inches20.3 × 14.5 × 3 cm10.15 × 7.68 × 0.83 inches25.8 × 19.5 × 2.1 cm15.06 × 10.38 × 1.63inches38.25 × 26.37 × 4.14 cmWeight 1 lbs0.5 kg1.87 lbs0.85 kg3.84 lbs1.74 kgSpeakers 2 × 40mm × 30mm8ohm 3W2 × 36mm 8 ohm 2 W 2 × 40mm × 30mm8ohm 3WMicrophone 1 × Analog MicrophoneProcessor Rockchip RK3288 QuadCoreNVidia Tegra3 quad coreRAM 1GB RAMOperating system Android 4.4.4 Android 4.0.4Flash Storage 32 GB eMMCSD-Card N/A N/A MicroSD-Card 32 GBConnectorsMicro USBHeadphone/microphone jackMicro USBMicro HDMIHeadphone/microphone jackExpansion port for futureaccessoriesMicro USBFull-size USB portMicro HDMIMicro SDXC memory slotHeadphone/microphone jackTwo switch portsExpansion port for futureaccessoriesButtons 1 × Power On1 × Volume Up and Volume DownWLAN IEEE 802.11 b/g/n Bluetooth® BT4.0 With BLE ModeIR Remote Control(Environmental ControlUnit)Built in library, IR smartlearning, support universalremote capabilitiesN/A Built in library, IR smartlearning, support universalremote capabilitiesCamera Rear-facing: 8 MegapixelsFront-facing: 1.3 Megapixels(720P or higher progressivevideo recording)Auto focusRear-facing: 5 MegapixelsFront-facing: 1.3 Megapixels(720P or higher progressive video recording)Auto focusBattery Run Time > 8 hrs. normal usageBattery Charge Time <4 hrs26 Appendix C Technical Specifications T-Series Devices User’s manual v.1.1 - en-US
Standard DynaVox T7 DynaVoxT10 DynaVox T15Type/Model T7 T10 T15Deskstand AccessoryMounting SystemsSupportedConnectIT Mount PlatePower Supply MTP451BX - 120300Input: Universal 100 ~ 240 VAC / 50 ~ 60 Hz 1.5 AOutput: +12 VDC / 3 AIP class IP 22T-Series DevicesUser’s manual v.1.1 - en-US Appendix C Technical Specifications 27
Appendix D Approved AccessoriesDescription Model Tobii Dynavox Part No.T-Series AC Adapter (Power Supply) MTP451BX - 120300 200699For information about the latest approved Tobii Dynavox Accessories for the T-Series, please visit the www.tobiidynavox.comwebsite or contact your local Tobii Dynavox sales consultant or reseller.28 Appendix D Approved Accessories T-Series Devices User’s manual v.1.1 - en-US
T-Series Devices User’s manual v.1.1 - en-USSupport for Your Tobii Dynavox DeviceGet Help OnlineSee the product-specific Support page for your Tobii Dynavox device. It contains up-to-date information about issues and tips & tricks related to the product. Find our Support pages online or Your ResellerFor questions or problems with your product, contact Customer Support at your Tobii Dynavox Reseller for assistance. They are most familiar with your personal setup and can best help youwith tips and product training. For our Resellers contact details, see www.tobiidynavox.comCopyright ©Tobii Technology AB. Illustrations and specifications do not necessarily apply to products and services offered in each local market. Technical specifications are subject to change without prior notice. All other trademarks are the property of their respectiveowners.

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