Timex Group USA TMXM515 Heart Rate Monitor User Manual 0502157 W 17 English redo

Timex Group USA, Inc. Heart Rate Monitor 0502157 W 17 English redo

Users Manual

1THE TIMEX DIGITAL HEART RATE MONITORAN ADVANCED DIGITAL SPORTSWATCHPLUSALL DIGITAL HEART RATE MONITORThe Timex Digital Heart Rate Monitor incorporates the very latest digitaltechnology from Timex and fitness methodology used by the fitnessexperts and personal trainers of The Ironman Institute. As the world leaderin sports timing devices, Timex has created a Digital Heart Rate Monitorthat offers the digital accuracy demanded by world class athletes with thefunctions that anyone at any age can use to stay “fit for life.”Visit  www.timex.com for product information and service.Visit  www.ironmaninstitute.com for fitness, health, and exercise programinformation.While we provide some guidance here, you should always consult yourphysician before beginning or modifying an exercise program.
3to warm up and prepare to work in your target exercise zones. For example,you can “warm up” in the Light Exercise zone, spend the majority of yourexercise in the Weight Management zone, and then even spend a bit of timein the Aerobic Base Building Zone. The intensity of Zones 4 and 5 isdemanding enough that exercise in these zones should be done for limitedintervals of a workout and with the guidance of a qualified medical orcoaching professional. FIVE HEART RATE FITNESS ZONESIntensity Level(% Maximum Zone Ideal For Benefit Desired heart rate)1 LITE Light Maintain Healthy 50%-60%Exercise Heart/Get Fit2 FAT Weight Lose Weight/ 60%-70%Management Burn Fat3 BASE Aerobic Base Increase Stamina 70%-80%Building Aerobic Endurance4 ANAR Optimal Maintain Excellent 80%-90%Conditioning Fitness Condition5 RED Elite Athlete Maintain Superb 90%-100%Athletic Condition For example, if you want to Lose Weight/Burn Fat: do your favorite exerciseat 60%-70% of your maximum heart rate, based on your age, for at least30 minutes a day, three times a week. To program your Timex Digital HeartRate Monitor to put you in your Ideal Weight Management Zone, use theTarget Heart Rate Zone Chart.Timex and the Ironman® Institute® Take theGuesswork Out of FitnessImproved fitness and athletic performance are as simple as setting arealistic fitness objective and using the Timex Digital Heart Rate Monitoras a personal trainer.Here is how it works.First, Select a Fitness Objective That’s Right for You• Improve Your Fitness• Lose Weight and Burn Fat• Increase Stamina and Aerobic Base• Improve Your Fitness Condition• Achieve Peak Athletic PerformanceSecond, Select a Heart Rate Exercise Zone That’s Right for YouHeart Rate Zone Exercise is the methodology widely used by fitness andsports training professionals for achieving the above fitness objectives. The new Timex Digital Heart Rate Monitor will automatically show youwhen you are in the Exercise Zone you choose, and signal when you arenot. It functions as a personal trainer to help keep your body exercising atan intensity level that can help you achieve your desired Fitness Objectivewithout over- or under-exercising.The Ironman Institute Offers the Following Guidelines for Selecting Your Heart Rate Exercise ZoneThere are five basic heart rate exercise zones. Simply select a zone that isthe fitness goal you want to achieve during a particular exercise. When youbegin your exercise, always start out at a lower zone and allow your body2
5Why Heart Zone Exercise is Widely Used by Fitness/Sports TrainingExperts.Regular exercise can help keep the heart, lungs and muscles “in shape.”The heart supplies the lungs and muscles with the oxygenated blood sup-ply needed to exercise. Heart Rate represents the effects of exercise on allparts of the body. Heart Zone Exercise systematically conditions the heart,lungs, and muscles to perform at higher levels so the body can stay in shape.Optimal Conditioning is Simply a Higher Training HabitYou do not have to be an athlete to get into optimal shape. Anyone at anyage can do this by using exercise to reach your optimal condition. Followthese guidelines:• Pick the exercise activities you enjoy or the ones you need for atraining program.• Train at the appropriate Target Heart Rate for 30 to 60 minutes 3-4times a week.• You will approach optimal condition when you can sustain a com-plete exercise session without “burnout” or excessive fatigue orexcessive soreness.Your Timex Digital Heart Rate Monitor is Your Electronic Fitness Coach.You can walk, run, bike, use exercises machines, or do any aerobicexercise with the Timex Digital Heart Rate Monitor. The key to achievingand maintaining your desired Fitness Objective is to exercise in your IdealHeart Rate Zone.Select which level of condition represents your current physical condition andlocate the Lower and Upper Heart Rate Zones for your age from the TargetHeart Rate Zone chart. See Operating the Digital Sportswatch to program yourLower and Upper Heart Rate Zone into your Timex Digital Heart Rate Monitor.The latest findings on fitness show anyone at any age can get fit/stay fitwithout being fanatic. For the “moderate” exerciser, staying fit can be assimple as:• Exercise 3 Times a Week• Exercise 30-45 Minutes Each Time• Exercise in Your Appropriate Target Heart Rate ZoneYou are ready for higher levels of physical activity when you can work outfor this amount of time and heart rate without breathing hard and withminimal soreness.4
7How To Set Time of Day & CalendarA. From normal time mode, press and hold SPLIT/RESET/SET firmly tobegin setting procedure.B. The SECONDS will begin flashing. Press START/STOP to return SECONDSto zero.C. Press MODE to set, in rotation, HOURS, MINUTES, DAY OF THE WEEK,MONTH, DATE, 12-hour or 24-hour TIME, HOURLY BEEP (on or off) andBUTTON BEEP (on or off). The selected item or setting will be flashing. D. Press START/STOP to advance the setting of the selected item (note A or P indicator in the lower display when setting HOURS (12-hour time only).E. When setting is complete, press SPLIT/RESET/SET to exit the SETprocedure.OPERATING THE DIGITAL SPORTSWATCHPress MODE to cycle through the modes of operation in this order:•Time of Day •Chronograph •Countdown Timer •Alarm •Target HeartRate Zone SetupNOTE: Button positions may vary according to watch model.• AUTOMATIC SET RETURN—While in the SET function within any mode, if no button is pressed for 2-3minutes, the watch will automatically exit the SET function.6
9split or a lap. The watch continues timing the next segment in the back-ground and will display the running time again after 10 seconds.D. Press SPLIT/RESET/SET again, to display and count the next lap. Youcan count up to 99 laps in this manner.E. When the event ends, press START/STOP. The watch will end timing.The display will show the final lap time (LAP selected) or the total eventtime (SPLIT selected).F.   Press and hold START/STOP to reset the chronograph to zero. How to Set and Use the Countdown Timer A. Press SPLIT/RESET to begin the setting procedure. The TENS OFHOURS value will begin flashing in the display. Press START/ STOP toincrease setting.B. Press MODE. The HOURS section will flash. Again, press START/STOP to change to the desired setting. Repeat for TENS OF MINUTES,MINUTES, TENS OF SECONDS, SECONDS. Press SPLIT/RESET/SET toexit SET mode.How to Use the Chronograph (Stopwatch) A. Press START/STOP to begin timing. NOTE: You can leave CHRONOGRAPH mode while the chronograph isrunning. In TIME OF DAY mode, a stopwatch symbol on the left side ofthe middle display indicates that the chronograph is running. B. Press START/STOP to stop the timing. The chronograph will stop running.C. Press START/STOP to resume timing, adding to time.OR Press and hold SPLIT/RESET/SET to reset to zero. Split or Lap TimingA. In Chrono mode, select either SPLIT or LAP by pressingSPLIT/RESET/SET (Note: Chrono must be at zero).B. Begin timing (press START/STOP) as above.C. Press SPLIT/RESET/SET to temporarily freeze the display and count the8
11B. Press MODE; TENS OF MINUTES will begin flashing. Press START/STOPto advance.C. Repeat for MINUTES and to switch among DAILY, WEEKDAYS andWEEKENDS.D. Press SPLIT/RESET/SET to exit the SET mode.NOTE: After every new alarm time setting, the ALARM will automatically be armed when you exit from SET mode by pressing SPLIT/RESET/SET.The words ON or OFF will appear, indicating the ALARM status.How To Activate And Use The AlarmA. In ALARM mode, arm or disarm alarm by pressing START/STOP.B. Alarm will sound for 20 seconds, but can be silenced sooner by pressingany button.C. A BACK UP ALARM will sound after 5 minutes if the ALARM is notsilenced by a press of any button.How to Set Your Target Heart Rate Fitness Zone You can use the Timex Digital Heart Rate Monitor to display your heart ratewithout setting your Target Heart Rate Fitness Zone, but you should set theheart range first, so that the display arrows and, if desired, audible alarmcan help you stay within your target heart rate zone. (See any fitness guidefor target heart rate zones).C. Press START/STOP to begin countdown. The remaining time will beshown in the Lower Display,while the original setting will be displayedin Upper Display.NOTE: You may switch to another mode without affecting timer. (In TIMEOF DAY mode, the hourglass symbol will appear in the center part of thedisplay while the timer is counting.) Even in another mode, timer will beepwhen it reaches zero.D. To stop the timer, press START/STOP. (YOU MUST BE IN TIMER MODE.)E. Press START/STOP to continue, or press SPLIT/RESET/SET to reset thetimer to its original setting.F.   The timer will beep for ten seconds when it reaches zero; stop the beep-ing sooner by pressing any button.How to Set and Use the Alarm How To Set AlarmA. Press SPLIT/RESET/SET to begin setting procedures. HOURS will begin flashing. Press START/STOP to advance hours. Note AM or PMdesignation when setting hours.10
13Note: Some people may have difficulty hearing this alarm; traffic,music and other sounds may also mask the alarm.E. Press SPLIT/RESET/SET to exit SET mode.How the Timex Digital Heart Rate Monitor WorksThe Fitness System is a combination of heart rate monitor and a sportswatch. The Heart Rate Monitor senses your heart rate on the chest. It cal-culates your heart rate and transmits it to the watch. You simply glance atthe watch during exercise/training to make sure you are in the appropriateHeart Rate Range to maintain or improve your fitness level (see any fitnessguide for target Heart Rate Ranges). If set, an Out of Zone alarm will auto-matically alert you when you are not in your selected Heart Rate Range.How To Use the Digital Heart Rate Monitor  1. WET THE CHEST UNIT SENSOR PADS: Moisture MUST be applied to thesensor pads before using the Fitness Monitor. 2. PUT THE CHEST UNIT ON: Fasten the chest unit snugly around yourchest, just below the breasts and against your skin. Be sure the trans-mitter is centered on the chest and is right side up so the Timex logocan be read by someone facing you. A. Set your target heart rate by pressing MODE until TARGET shows brieflyin Upper Display. The Upper Display will then show the current highrate setting, Lower Display will show the low. To Choose Your Target Heart Rate Fitness Zone, consult anyfitness guide.Consult your physician before beginning an exercise program orwhen modifying your fitness program.B. Press SPLIT/RESET/SET to set. The HUNDREDS value for HI will beginflashing; advance it if desired by pressing START/STOP.C. Press MODE to select, in rotation, TENS and ONES for HI setting, thenHUNDREDS, TENS and ONES for LO. Advance the selected (flashing)value as desired by pressing START/STOP.D. If the heart symbol in the Upper Right of the display shows quotationmarks above it, the target zone alarm beep is armed; if not, it is dis-armed. Press START/STOP to toggle between on and off. When armed,this alarm sounds a descending melody when your heart rate is belowthe target zone, and an ascending melody if it is above. 12
15• This is not a medical device and is not recommended for use by per-sons with serious heart conditions.• Interference with the radio signal, poor contact between your skinand the chest strap, and other factors may prevent accurate transmis-sion of heart rate data. Resolving HRM Errors and Error MessagesI’m having trouble getting a first reading OR the heart rate numbers appearto be incorrect during operation.• LIBERALLY reapply moisture to the textured contact pads on the back ofthe transmitter.• Tighten the chest belt until it fits snugly and is making good contact withthe skin. It is important that the monitor is secure against your skin. • Move away from other Timex Digital Heart Rate Mojitors or any othersources of radio signals and static electricity, such as exercise equipmentor other electrical machinery.• Press HEART RATE after waiting a couple of minutes.Sometimes I see dashes on the display, bracketing my heart rate, OR theheart rate displayed remains unchanged for an extended period of time.What does this mean?• This is usually an indicator that the sensor pads need moisture, or thatthe chest unit is not snug on your chest causing poor electrical contactwith your skin. Moisten the sensor pads and adjust the transmitter so thatboth pads are making good contact with your chest.3. START THE HEART RATE MONITOR: Stand at least six feet away fromany other users of the Timex Digital Heart Rate Monitor and with thewatch in TIME OF DAY, CHRONO or TIMER modes, press HEART RATEto view your heart rate. The heart symbol will appear in the upper rightof the display.When the watch begins receiving the signal from thetransmitter, the outline heart will become solid and begin flashing.(Whenever you enter CHRONO or TIMER mode the watch will automati-cally look for a transmitter signal for 15 seconds. If no signal is found,the watch will stop looking for a signal until the HEART RATE button ispressed again.)4. READ YOUR HEART RATE: When the watch establishes contact with thetransmitter, your heart rate (pulse in beats per minute) will be displayedin the upper line.Operational Notes• Press and hold HEART RATE to turn the Heart Rate Monitor off. • The flashing heart will show an arrow under it, pointing downward,when your heart rate is below the low target rate; no arrows while youare within the target rate; and an arrow above the heart, pointing up, ifyou are above your target range. • When using the HRM in CHRONO or TIMER mode, the heart rate will bedisplayed in the upper display and the Chrono or Timer count in the lowerdisplay. A push of the HEART RATE button will flip the values so that thepulse rate will be the larger display and the count will be smaller. • You can turn the alarm sound on or off by pressing MODE to reach theTARGET mode and then START/STOP to change the setting.14
17is on the chest, the sensor pads are wet and the battery in the transmitteris not weak, the watch will usually recover from this type of error withoutintervention on your part. In cases where the watch does not recover aheart rate reading, the following items may help you troubleshoot yourproblem.• The sensor pads on the chest transmitter may have lost contact with yourchest for a few seconds. Be sure the transmitter is snug on your body.• The sensor pads may be dry. LIBERALLY moisten them and readjust thechest transmitter if necessary.• The battery in the chest transmitter may be weak and need replacing. Seebelow for instructions on battery replacement.MaintenanceThe Heart Rate Monitor Transmitter and its strap should be rinsed in freshwater to avoid the build up of materials that can interfere with the measurementof your heart rate. The Heart Rate Monitor watch does not need to be rinsed.Watch Battery Replacement To avoid the possibility of permanently damaging the watch, TIMEXSTRONGLY RECOMMENDS TAKING YOUR WATCH TO A LOCAL RETAILEROR JEWELER TO HAVE THE BATTERY REPLACED.Heart Rate Monitor Transmitter Battery Life andReplacementAssuming an hour a day usage, the battery life of the transmitter shouldexceed two years. Greater usage will shorten the battery life.The transmitter battery should be replaced when any of the followingthings occur:I’ve noticed that sometimes the heart stops flashing briefly.• As long as the heart is flashing, the watch is receiving a clear signal fromthe monitor. The communication system used in the Timex Digital HeartRate Monitor is extremely robust, yet no system is perfect, and occasion-ally, as in any radio system, there may be interference or some other briefjamming of the signal. If this should occur, the watch will communicatethis to you first by suspending the flashing of the heart. Most often, theproblem resolves itself and the flashing resumes. If the interruption con-tinues, the watch will alert you with one of the error messages describedbelow.I see “COMM ERR” appear on the display, then the watch displays dashesin place of the heart rate.This error message will be displayed if the watch is receiving a signal fromthe transmitter but is also detecting interference from an external source.• Move away from any radio frequency devices, other heart rate monitors,fitness equipment or large metal objects (such as automobiles).• The watch may be receiving a competing signal from another TimexDigital Heart Rate Monitor. For best results, try to maintain at least sixfeet between you and another Timex Digital Heart Rate Monitor user.• The battery in the chest transmitter may be weak and need replacing. Seebelow for instructions on battery replacement.I see “SIGNAL LOST” appear on the display, then the watch displays dash-es in place of the heart rate.This is the error message you will see if the watch is not receiving regularheart rate updates from the chest unit. However, as long as the chest unit16
19TIMEX INTERNATIONAL WARRANTY(U.S. – LIMITED WARRANTY)Your TIMEX watch is warranted against manufacturing defects by TimexCorporation for a period of ONE YEAR from the original purchase date.Timex and its worldwide affiliates will honor this International Warranty.Please note that Timex may, at its option, repair your watch by installingnew or thoroughly reconditioned and inspected components or replace itwith an identical or similar model. IMPORTANT — PLEASE NOTE THAT THISWARRANTY DOES NOT COVER DEFECTS OR DAMAGES TO YOUR WATCH:1) after the warranty period expires;2) if the watch was not originally purchased from an authorized Timex retailer;3) from repair services not performed by Timex;4) from accidents, tampering or abuse; and5) lens or crystal, strap or band, watch case, attachments or battery. Timex may charge you for replacing any of these parts.THIS WARRANTY AND THE REMEDIES CONTAINED HEREIN ARE EXCLUSIVEAND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUD-ING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FORPARTICULAR PURPOSE. TIMEX IS NOT LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCI-DENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. Some countries and states donot allow limitations on implied warranties and do not allow exclusions orlimitations on damages, so these limitations may not apply to you. Thiswarranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rightswhich vary from country to country and state to state.• The watch no longer receives heart rate information from the chest trans-mitter when properly worn on the chest.• Error messages (COMM ERR, SIGNAL LOST) begin to appear withincreased frequency on the display. Turn the unit over and use a coin to open the battery compartment cover.Replace the battery, making sure the “+” is facing you when you insert thenew one. Push the reset button next to the battery (a toothpick or straight-ened paper clip will help you do this) before installing the battery cover. A quick test of the unit should be performed after changing the battery:1. Move away from any possible sources of electrical or radio interference.2. Liberally moisten the sensor pads and put the units on your chest,securely against your skin.3. Press the MODE button until the watch is in Time of Day mode.4. Press the HEART RATE button on the watch to enable the Heart RateMonitor. 5. Within a few seconds, the “heart” graphic on the watch display shouldbegin flashing, indicating that the chest belt transmitter is active. Thisindicates that the battery was installed correctly. NOTE: It is not neces-sary for a heart rate value to appear on the display during this test. IF YOU DO NOT SEE A FLASHING HEART ON THE WATCH, try the following:• Press the reset switch in the battery compartment again and replace thebattery cover.• Reinstall the battery, and press reset as instructed above.18
21THIS IS YOUR WATCH REPAIR COUPON. PLEASE KEEP IT IN A SECURE PLACE.FCC Notice (U.S.)This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject tothe following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful inter-ference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, includinginterference that may cause undesired operation.FCC ID EP9TMXHRM IC Notice (Canada)Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may notcause interference, and (2) this device must accept interference, includinginterference that may cause undesired operation of the device.CANADA 33481021520ACANADA 33481021492ATo obtain warranty service, please return your watch to Timex, one of itsaffiliates or the Timex retailer where the watch was purchased, togetherwith a completed original Watch Repair Coupon or, in the U.S. and Canadaonly, the completed original Watch Repair Coupon or a written statementidentifying your name, address, telephone number and date and place ofpurchase. Please include the following with your watch to cover postageand handling (this is not a repair charge): a US$ 7.00 check or moneyorder in the U.S.; a CAN$6.00 cheque or money order in Canada; and aUK£2.50 cheque or money order in the U.K. In other countries, Timex willcharge you for postage and handling. NEVER INCLUDE A SPECIAL WATCH-BAND OR ANY OTHER ARTICLE OF PERSONAL VALUE IN YOUR SHIPMENT.For the U.S., please call 1-800-448-4639 for additional warranty information.For Canada, call 1-800-263-0981. For Brazil, call 0800-168787. For Mexico,call 91-800-01-060. For Central America, the Caribbean, Bermuda and theBahamas, call (501) 370-5775 (U.S.). For Asia, call 852-2815-0091. For theU.K., call 44 208 687 9620. For Portugal, call 351 212 946 017. For France,call 33 3 81 63 42 00. For Germany, call 49 7 231 494140. For the MiddleEast and Africa, call 971-4-310850. For other areas, please contact yourlocal Timex retailer or Timex distributor for warranty information. In Canada,the U.S. and in certain other locations, participating Timex retailers canprovide you with a postage-paid, pre-addressed Watch Repair Mailer foryour convenience in obtaining factory service.20TIMEX INTERNATIONAL WARRANTY — WATCH REPAIR COUPONOriginal Purchase Date:(Attach copy of sales receipt, if available)Purchased by:(Name, address and telephone number)Place of Purchase:(Name and address)Reason for Return:
23Water-Resistance•Your 50 Meter Water Resistant watch withstands water pressure to 86 p.s.i. (equals immersion to 164 feet or 50 meters below sea level).•Your 30 Meter Water Resistant Heart Rate Monitor withstands waterpressure to 60 p.s.i. (equals immersion to 98 feet or 30 meters belowsea level).WARNING: THIS UNIT WILL NOT DISPLAY HEART RATE WHEN OPERATEDUNDER WATERWARNING: TO MAINTAIN WATER- RESISTANCE, DO NOT PRESS ANYBUTTONS UNDER WATER.1. Watch is water-resistant only as long as lens, pushbuttons and caseremain intact.2. Even though the watch may be water-resistant to a significant depth(100 or 200 meters), it is not a diver watch and should not be used for diving.3. Timex recommends rinsing your watch with fresh water after exposureto salt water.ServiceIf your TIMEX watch should ever need servicing, send it to Timex as set forth in the Timex International Warranty or addressed to HOTLINE WATCH SERVICE, P.O. Box 2740, Little Rock, AR 72203For service questions, call 1-800-448-4639For your convenience in obtaining factory service, participating Timexretailers can provide you with a pre-addressed Watch Repair Mailer.See the Timex International Warranty for specific instructions on the careand service of your Timex watch.Should you need a replacement strap or band, call 1-800-448-4639INDIGLO®night-lightPress button INDIGLO to activate light. Patented (U.S. Patent Numbers4,527,096 and 4,775,964) electroluminescent technology used in theINDIGLO night-light illuminates entire watch face at night and in low lightconditions. Press and hold button INDIGLO for 3 seconds, until watchbeeps, to activate NIGHT-MODE®. (U.S. Patent Number 4,912,688). Onceactivated, any button pushed will cause the INDIGLO night-light to stay onfor 3 seconds. NIGHT-MODE will stay activated for 3 hours or until youdeactivate it by pressing and holding button INDIGLO again for 3 seconds.INDIGLO is a registered trademark of Indiglo Corporation in the U.S. andother countries.22

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