Thermo King 1E60326REB Radio Expansion Board - Telematics for Transport Refrigeration User Manual USERS MANUAL 1

Thermo King Corporation Radio Expansion Board - Telematics for Transport Refrigeration USERS MANUAL 1


 © Copyright Celtrak Ltd 2011        TRACKING WEB USER MANUAL  TK60178-8-OP-EN REV.3.3
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  2 Contents  SYSTEM OVERVIEW......................................................................................................................................... 4 CUSTOMER FLEET ..................................................................................................................................... 5 GSM/GPRS NETWORK ............................................................................................................................. 6 THERMO KING SERVER ............................................................................................................................. 7 CUSTOMER TERMINALS ............................................................................................................................. 8 LOGIN PAGE ....................................................................................................................................................... 9 USER LEVELS .......................................................................................................................................... 10 ERROR MESSAGES ................................................................................................................................... 11 GPRS CONNECTIVITY FUNCTIONS MATRIX .......................................................................................... 12 MAIN PAGE ....................................................................................................................................................... 13 VEHICLE SELECTION TREE ...................................................................................................................... 14 1-CLICK REPORTS ................................................................................................................................... 16 MENU BAR .............................................................................................................................................. 18 TRACK VEHICLES .......................................................................................................................................... 19 TRACKING LIST ....................................................................................................................................... 20 MESSAGES WINDOW ............................................................................................................................... 22 MAPS ................................................................................................................................................................... 23 MAP TOOLBAR ........................................................................................................................................ 25 FULL-SCREEN MODE ............................................................................................................................... 27 SATELLITE/HYBRID MAPS ....................................................................................................................... 28 PAN/ZOOM .............................................................................................................................................. 30 VEHICLES ................................................................................................................................................ 31 POINTS OF INTEREST ................................................................................................................................ 32 LABELS .................................................................................................................................................... 33 GEO FENCES ............................................................................................................................................ 34 DATA MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................................................... 37 STANDARD REPORT CATEGORIES ........................................................................................................... 39 24 HOUR REEFER HISTORY REPORT ........................................................................................................ 40 ALARM HISTORY REPORT ....................................................................................................................... 41 CONTROLLER HISTORY REPORT .............................................................................................................. 42 CURRENT FLEET REPORT ........................................................................................................................ 43 GEO FENCE ACTIVITY BY GEO FENCE REPORT ........................................................................................ 44 DATA LOGGER TEMPERATURE HISTORY ................................................................................................. 45 GEO FENCE REPORT ................................................................................................................................ 46 OPERATIONS HISTORY REPORT ............................................................................................................... 47 POSITION HISTORY REPORT..................................................................................................................... 48 REEFER UTILISATION REPORT ................................................................................................................. 50 TKDL TEMPERATURE GRAPH ................................................................................................................. 51 TEMPERATURE CHART ............................................................................................................................ 52 TWO-WAY AUDIT HISTORY REPORT ....................................................................................................... 53 VEHICLE REQUEST AUDIT HISTORY REPORT .......................................................................................... 54 DISPLAYING AND REPORTING TRACTOR DATA .................................................................................. 55 TRACKING LIST ....................................................................................................................................... 55 DATA MANAGEMENT .............................................................................................................................. 56 FUEL MANAGEMENT REPORT .................................................................................................................. 57 HIGHEST HOURS DRIVEN REPORT ........................................................................................................... 58 JOURNEY REPORT BY VEHICLE REPORT .................................................................................................. 59 DETAILED JOURNEY REPORT ................................................................................................................... 60
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  3 STATIONARY VEHICLE REPORT ............................................................................................................... 61 VEHICLE SUMMARY REPORT ................................................................................................................... 62 VEHICLE UTILISATION REPORT ............................................................................................................... 63 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS EXPLAINED ................................................................................... 64 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 64 HIGHEST HOURS DRIVEN KPI ................................................................................................................. 65 FUEL EFFICIENCY KPI ............................................................................................................................. 66 ADMINISTRATION .......................................................................................................................................... 67 TEMPERATURE ........................................................................................................................................ 67 Alarm Notifications ................................................................................................................................ 69 Two-Way Commands ............................................................................................................................. 73 Temperature Range Settings ................................................................................................................... 75 Data Logger Downloads ......................................................................................................................... 77 Controller Logger Downloads ................................................................................................................ 77 Door Alarm Settings ............................................................................................................................... 78 VEHICLE ADMINISTRATION ..................................................................................................................... 79 Add Vehicle Group ................................................................................................................................. 81 View All Vehicles ..................................................................................................................................... 83 Vehicle Group Search ............................................................................................................................. 84 Vehicle Search ........................................................................................................................................ 85 USER ADMINISTRATION .......................................................................................................................... 90 Add New User ........................................................................................................................................ 91 User Search ............................................................................................................................................. 95 MISCELLANEOUS ADMINISTRATION ........................................................................................................ 96 Contacts .................................................................................................................................................. 97 Points of Interest Maintenance ............................................................................................................. 101 Geo Fence Administration .................................................................................................................... 106 Scheduled Reports ................................................................................................................................ 109 Customizable Reports ........................................................................................................................... 112 Preferences............................................................................................................................................ 116 ALARMS LIST ................................................................................................................................................. 117 ALARM NOTIFICATION .............................................................................................................................. 119 LOGOUT ........................................................................................................................................................... 121   All rights reserved © Copyright 2011 Celtrak Ltd
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  4 System Overview  TracKing  is  an  application  from  Thermo  King  powered  by  Celtrak  which  enables  customers  to  track  their vehicles/reefers in real time, to receive important data and alarms, and to generate reports on data gathered. This user  manual  deals  mainly  with  how  to  use  the  TracKing  software,  but  an  understanding  of  how  the  overall system works may be helpful.  The  graphic below gives an overview of the elements involved in the  system,  and how the  data  is transferred from  the  vehicles  in  the  fleet  to  be  displayed  on  the  monitoring  screens  on  the  customer  site.  Click  on  any section for more information on how it works.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  5 Customer Fleet  The  customer  fleet  can  consist  of any  number  of  vehicles.  Those  which  need  to  be  monitored  must  have  the correct hardware installed by your Thermo King dealer before tracking can begin.      The hardware installed in the vehicle by your Thermo King dealers performs a number of functions: • It receives constant updates from the GPS satellite network which enables it to log the vehicles' exact location. • It  contains  an  array  of  sensors  and  monitoring  equipment  which  allow  it  to  log  details  such  as temperature, speed and engine status. • It  is  GSM-enabled  which  allows  it  to  communicate  the  data  it  has  logged  (location  data  and  sensor readings) back to the server at any time and from any location.  Data is transferred to the server: • At predefined intervals. • When a request for the latest data is received by the unit.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  6 GSM/GPRS Network  The server  communicates  with  the  hardware  installed  in  the  vehicles  over  the  GSM  network.  It  can  use  a combination of SMS (short message service) messages and GPRS. GPRS allows the transfer of larger amounts of information more efficiently.      For  this  reason,  each  vehicle  (or  more  precisely,  the  hardware  installed  in  it)  has  a  specific  mobile  number assigned to it. This is set up by the Thermo King dealer during installation and does not require any customer administration.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  7 Thermo King Server  The server sits at  the heart of  the TracKing system. It provides the  interface  between the  monitoring software run in browsers on customer sites, and the customer fleet.        The server also stores  configuration  detail  and user settings  so  that a  user can log on at any PC  terminal  and experience the same user interface and personalised settings.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  8 Customer Terminals  Customers can monitor their fleet activity using the TracKing application. It can be run on Internet Explorer 8.0 or higher, and Firefox 3.5 or higher by logging into the Tracking site with a valid username and password.     Clicking  the  update button  within  the  application  will  send  a  request  for  the  most  up-to-date  vehicle  data  to the server.  Where  necessary,  the server  will  forward  the  request  to  the  vehicle.  When  available,  the  data  is downloaded to the customer terminal and displayed in the relevant pages.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  9 Login Page  To begin using the TracKing monitoring software, first log into the TracKing system as follows:    1)  Open a web browser (For example, Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox).   2)    Navigate to You will be presented with the following login page:       3)   Enter your Username and Password.  4)    Select your preferred language from the drop-down menu.  5)    Click the LOGIN button. This will open the main TracKing page.   Note:  If you do not have a valid Username and/or Password, please contact your system administrator.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  10 User Levels  The system caters for a number of different levels of user. Your user level is determined by your Username and Password. Each level has a defined degree of access to system features, in particular the options available on the Administration page.   All users can access the tracking features.  The table below shows the different levels available, and an indication of what degree of access they allow:  User Level  Vehicle Admin.   User Admin.  Miscellaneous Admin. Basic  None  None Contacts; POI Maintenance; Alarm Notification; Data Logger Downloads; Geo Fence Administration; Administration Add vehicle group; Vehicle group search; Vehicle search; Two-way commands; Add User; User Search; Contacts; POI Maintenance; Alarm Notification; Temperature Range Settings; Data Logger Downloads; Geo Fence Administration;     Note:  If you feel that you do not have the correct level of access, please contact your system administrator.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  11  Error Messages  To ensure that data is inputted correctly to the system, checks are done in software on the values entered into the data fields on pages requiring user input. Similarly, any changes to the system configuration (add/edit/delete) are cross-checked to ensure that they will not adversely affect another setting. If any problems are anticipated, the system will generate an error message to alert the user to potential problems.  To close an error message, click on the 'X' in the top right-hand corner of the message box. Example 1  If a user tries to generate a report without selecting any vehicles, a validation error will be displayed advising the user to select vehicles:    Example 2  If a user attempts to delete a vehicle group from the system which still has  vehicles assigned to it, the system will alert the user with the following error message:
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  12 GPRS Connectivity Functions Matrix The table below shows the TracKing GPRS functional features which are available for different models.   SR2-HMI µP-VI w/ DAS µP-VI   µP-V w/ DAS µP-IV MT w/ DAS µP-IV MT  TG-VI w/ DAS TTMT w/ DAS µP-T w/ DAS 1. Display of SP (1zone/multi-zones)  YES YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES 2.  Display of RA (1zone/multi-zones)  YES YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES 3.  Display of DA (1zone/multi-zones)  YES YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES 4.  Display of independent sensors  YES YES  NO  YES  YES  NO  YES  YES  YES 5.  Display of alarms (1zone/multi-zones)  YES YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES 6.  Display of OP-mode (1zone/multi-zones)  YES YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  NO  YES  NO 7.  Display of unit mode( Cycle Sentry/Cont)  YES YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES 8.  Display of Hour meters YES YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES 9.  Display of Fuel level *  YES YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES 10. Display of Door status YES YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES 11. Display Battery voltage  YES YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES 12. Display of Ambient temperature  NO  NO  NO  NO  NO  NO  NO  NO  NO 13. Display of position  YES YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES 14. Display of date/time  YES YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES 15. Display of Speed  YES YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES 16. Change of SP  YES YES  YES  NO  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES 17. Initiate  Defrost  YES YES  YES  NO  YES  YES  NO  YES  NO 18. Initiate Pre-Trip  YES YES  YES  NO  YES  YES  NO  YES  NO 19. Clear Alarms  YES YES  YES  NO  YES  YES  NO  YES  NO 20. Change Unit Mode  YES YES  YES  NO  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES 21. ON-OFF Two-Way  YES NO  NO  NO  NO  NO  NO  NO  NO 22. Geo fencing  YES YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES 23. Scheduled-daily Download OTA  YES YES  NO  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES 24. Wake-up Capability( SCOM-DPD/x-Wake)  YES YES  NO  YES  YES  NO  YES  YES  YES 25. On-demand Download NO  NO  NO  NO  NO  NO  NO  NO  NO 26. Alarm Notification  YES YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  YES  * - Fuel visibility only possible when using the correct fuel gauge
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  13 Main Page  Once logged in, you are presented with the main TracKing page, as shown below:  The main page contains the features listed below. Click on a heading for more information on any feature: Menu Bar This  provides  links  to  the  different  pages  within  TracKing:  Track  Vehicles;  Maps;  Data  Management; Administration; Preferences and Alarms. Vehicle Selection Menu The  vehicle  selection  menu  slides  out  when  the  user  hover's  over  this  vehicle  selection  menu icon  .  It contains a list of the vehicles configured on the customer's system. Logout Panel This  panel  is  displayed  on  all pages. It identifies  the  logged  in  user, and allows  the  customer  to  logout  when finished using TracKing. 1-Click Reports These options allow the user to quickly generate reports on the current fleet. Page Footer Icons The icons in the page footer give the user access to Contact information and this User Manual.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  14 Vehicle Selection Tree  This  slide-out  menu  is  available  on  all  pages  and allows  the  user  to  see  all  the  vehicles  configured  on  their TracKing system. Depending on the system configuration, the vehicles may be arranged in groups. Tick boxes are provided for each vehicle and group to enable the user to select which vehicles/groups will be displayed on the current page (for example, in the tracking list or on the map).   Note: After selecting vehicles, the user should click the Refresh icon  to update the data in the main browser window before exiting the Vehicle Selection menu.  Accessing the Vehicle Selection Tree 1) To access the menu, hover over the navy bar       at the side of the browser window.  When the menu slides out, it displays a list of vehicles and user icons, as shown below:      2) To close the menu: - Click on the navy bar again, or,  - Click in the main browser window, or,  - After a short period of inactivity, the menu will close automatically.  Selecting Vehicles The  user  can  select/deselect  all  vehicles  at  once, as  a  group  or  individually  by  checking  the  box  at  the appropriate level.   To select a vehicle to include in the display on the current page, tick the box next to it.   Vehicles can be located by scrolling through the list or using the search option.  Icons There  are  a  number  of  icons  displayed  within  the  menu  to  help  the  user.  The  icons  provide  the  following functions:
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  15     Poll  Vehicles:   Once  the  user  has  selected  the  vehicle(s)  of  interest,  clicking  this  icon  will  update  the vehicle details in the tracking list.    Refresh:  Click here to refresh the data displayed on the current page.  Confirm Map Selections: Click here to go to the map page and confirm the vehicle selections.   Search:  Enter  a full  or  partial  name  or  number  in  the  text  box,  and  then  click  this  icon  to  search  for  a vehicle.  Any matches are highlighted in blue for easy identification as the user scrolls through the list.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  16 1-Click Reports  The  1-Click Reports feature gives the  user  easy access to  fleet data. The report can be viewed in the  browser window, and if required, exported to an Excel, PDF or RTF file.  There are two report options available:      1. Current Fleet Report   Click the Current Fleet Report link to generate a report on all vehicles. The data will be displayed as shown in the screenshot below.    2. 24 Hr Reefer History Report   Click the 24 Hr Reefer History Report to see the information logged for a particular reefer in the preceding 24-hour period. The data is displayed as follows:
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  17  3. Exporting Data to File  to export the data for saving or easier viewing, click the preferred file option (Excel, PDF or RTF) link at the bottom of the report, and save the file to the desired location.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  18 Menu Bar  The  Menu Bar is  displayed on every page of the  TracKing application. It allows the  user to  navigate  quickly around the system. By default, the application opens on the Track Vehicles page.   In the graphic below, click the menu item on which you require more information. This will take you directly to the help content available for that section.      Alternatively, see the list below for a brief description of the sections, and click on a heading for more detail on a specific section. Track Vehicles  This page displays a list of the vehicles being tracked with the most recently received data displayed for each one. Maps This page displays vehicle locations, Points of Interest and other system items as icons on an integrated map. Data Management This section enables the user to generate reports on a wide range of the data collected by the system. Administration The administration page provides access to the tools available for setting up and maintaining the system. Preferences  This page gives the user the option of setting system preferences. Alarms The alarms page displays recent alarms and allows the user to acknowledge them.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  19 Track Vehicles  The Track Vehicles page displays a list of customer vehicles which have been selected in the Vehicle Selection tree.      There  are  three  main  sections  to  the  Track  Vehicles  page.  Click  on  a  heading  below  for  a  more  detailed description of any section. Tracking List This  list  forms  the  main  body  of  the  window.  It  lists  the  vehicles  currently  being  tracked  by  the  TracKing system which are selected in the Vehicle Selection Tree. The list sequence can be reordered using the column sorting buttons, and additional information can be displayed by clicking the expand button next to the vehicle of interest. Refer to the Tracking List page for a more detailed explanation of what data can be displayed. Vehicle Selection Tree Click on the  icon to use this slide-out menu to choose which vehicles to include in the Tracking List. Messages Window This window at the bottom of the screen displays messages whenever a request for data is sent to a vehicle.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  20 Tracking List  The Tracking List shows those vehicles which have been selected for display in the Vehicle Selection Menu.      The list contains three main columns:   Vehicle: This displays the name of the vehicle as defined in the system administration.  Last Known Position: This states the last confirmed location of the vehicle.  Date: This displays the date and time at which the last valid data was received from the vehicle.  Sorting Columns Use the  ordering arrows   to sort the list in  ascending or  descending order by Vehicle name,  Last Known Position or by Date. Table Key This describes the function of each icon on the Track Vehicle section  Save Tracking List Click  on  computer  disc  icon       to  save  the  list  of  selected  vehicles.  The selected vehicles are then defined as the default selected vehicles for the current user. These will be automatically selected the next time the user logs into the system.  This feature is useful if a user has a defined set of vehicles to monitor.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  21 Expand Details To see additional details for each vehicle, click on the    sign beside the vehicle's name:     Vehicle Details The additional data displayed for each vehicle depends on what sensors are supported (refer to the Connectivity Matrix). The table below outlines what data may appear in each of the sections. Logger Sensors  This refers to the Data logger (DAS, HMI or TKDL) temperatures sensors. Only those active sensors connected to the Data logger are displayed on this line. Unit Sensors  This lists the sensors currently configured on the unit, and their last reading. Unit Status  This section displays the data available on other parts of the unit, such as engine, fuel, battery and doors. Position  If GPS data is available for the vehicle, its position and speed are displayed here. Connected to  This section indicates which data logger and controller are connected to the TracKing box (port A and B)  Colour Coding – The colour of the position information gives us additional information on the status of the trailer.  Green – Trailer/Vehicle moving greater than 2mph. Red – Trailer/vehicle not moving and Controller Power (reefer) off. Orange: - Trailer/Vehicle not moving and Controller Power (reefer) on. Blue:-  Unit has not communicated over GPRS for more than 20mins
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  22 Messages Window  This window at the bottom of the tracking list displays messages whenever a request for data is sent to a vehicle.  If the vehicle is contactable, it will display a sequence of messages which show the connection being set up. It does not display the actual data being downloaded.  All  messages  generated  for  the  customer  fleet  are  displayed  in  this  window,  regardless  of  whether  they  are initiated by the person logged into the current terminal, or by another system user elsewhere.  The screenshot below shows a message being displayed when the user clicks the 'Get Data' icon for a vehicle in the tracking list.     Clear Messages Use the Clear Messages button to clear all the messages displayed in this window.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  23 Maps  The Maps page in TracKing displays an integrated map. The user can choose to view vehicle locations, Points of Interest and any other mapping features which are enabled.  The screenshot below shows an example of a map display.    The key items on the map page are detailed below. Click on a heading for more information on that item. Map Toolbar This sequence of icons, located above the map, enable the user to manipulate the display and access map-related features. Vehicle Selection Tree This slide out menu allows the user to select which vehicles will be viewed on the map. Map Type The Google maps Satellite/Hybrid buttons allow the user to switch from a standard road map to maps displaying physical features.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  24 Pan/Zoom This  standard  control  allows  the  user  to  zoom  in/out  and  pan  left/right/up/down  for  the  optimal  viewing arrangement.  Hint  To find out more about any icon on a map, hover the mouse arrow over it to display an information balloon.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  25 Map Toolbar  The map toolbar contains a number of icons  which give the user quick access to  mapping features. It appears above the map:     • When a feature is active, the icon is blue, and when a feature is inactive, the icon is grey.  • Click on the icon to toggle between active/inactive.  The functions of the icons which appear in the toolbar are explained below.  Icons Click on any icon/heading with a link for additional information on how it functions.     - Full Screen Mode: Click this icon to view a full screen version of the map.   - Refresh: Click this icon to refresh the display.    - Zoom Box Mode: When in this mode, click on the map and drag the mouse to create a rectangle. The map will then zoom to the area inside the rectangle.   - Show Points of Interest: Click this icon to display any Points of Interest icons within the bounds of the currently displayed map. Click here to find out how to add Points of Interest.    - Show Vehicles: Click this icon to show any Vehicle icons within the bounds of the currently displayed map.    - Show Labels: Click to display the labels of any vehicle on the map.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  26 Geo Fence  - Create Geo Fences: Click to create a Geo Fence.     -  Show  Geo  Fences:  Click  this  icon  to  display  any  Geo  Fence  outline  within  the  bounds  of  the  currently displayed map.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  27 Full-Screen Mode  In full-screen mode, a new browser window is opened with the map expanded to occupy the entire window.   • The map toolbar is still available. • The original browser  window running TracKing remains open in the background, and can be used in parallel.  To exit full-screen mode, click the Close Map icon   in the map toolbar.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  28 Satellite/Hybrid Maps  The integrated Google maps allow the user to switch to two different map types, in addition to the standard map.  1. Satellite Map  this can show detailed physical features if zoomed in sufficiently.   Note: These images are stored satellite images and should not be considered as a real-time representation of the area being viewed.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  29 2. Hybrid Map  The hybrid map displays the same physical features as the satellite map, but overlays mapping data on it so that additional information, such as road names, is visible. The feature is enabled by moving the cursor over the Satellite link and ticking the Hybrid option which drops down.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  30 Pan/Zoom  The integrated Google Maps allow the user excellent control over the map view. Pan   To use the panning feature to move the map view left/right/up/down by clicking on the appropriate arrow. Return to Last Result    This button, at  the centre of  the panning controls, causes the map to revert to  the  view  shown  when  you first opened the map page, regardless of any zoom or panning actions you've taken in the meantime. Zoom   The integrated Google Maps allow the user to zoom in to a very detailed level, and also to zoom out to a very high level view.  The zoom can be adjusted by: • Clicking the +/- buttons for a controlled zoom in/out. • Clicking and holding the slider and moving it up/down for a more rapid zoom in/out.    HINT: Using the roller-wheel on a mouse will allow you to quickly scroll in/out.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  31 Vehicles  When the map page is open, the vehicles which are selected in the Vehicle Selection tree can be displayed on the map in their last reported location.  To toggle the vehicle display on/off, click the vehicle icon     in the map toolbar.  Vehicles can have different icons and colors depending on their vehicle details configuration. The color of the vehicle represents the ignition status as per the tracking list. Clicking on a vehicle icon will display its details in an information balloon, as shown below.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  32 Points of Interest  The  Points of  Interest  configured  on the  system can be  displayed on the  map page  by clicking the  Show POI icon    in the map toolbar.  Users  can  create  points  of  interest  to  easily  identify  locations of  importance.  These  can  be  relevant  locations such as delivery sites or depots.  Please  note  all Thermo King  Dealers are  stored as  system  POI’s. These  POI’s can  also  be  turned  on  and off using this icon.  The screenshot below shows a Point of Interest icon which has been clicked to show its details.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  33 Labels To toggle label display on/off, click the label icon     in the map toolbar.  Labels show the name of a vehicle next to the vehicle icon so that it is more quickly identified than clicking on it to open an information balloon.  The screenshot below shows vehicles with their associated labels displayed.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  34 Geo Fences  The  Geo  Fence  feature  allows  the  customer  to  mark  areas  of  importance  through  which  their  vehicles  are expected  to  transit  and  receive  notification  when  they  enter/exit  that  area.  For  example,  setting  a  Geo  Fence around a delivery point could enable the customer to identify if a delivery is taking too long to be unloaded by the recipient.  The Geo Fences which are configured on the system can be displayed on the map page.  To display the Geo Fenced areas, click the Show Geo Fences icon in the map toolbar.  The screenshot below shows an example Geo Fence (blue shaded area) set around a depot.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  35 Create a Geo Fence  To create a Geo Fence: 1. Click on the Create Geo Fence icon   in the map toolbar. The map will appear shaded. 2. Click on the map and drag a rectangle around the area to be fenced, as shown in the screenshot below.  3. Release the mouse to finish the rectangle. 4. A message box is displayed for the user to confirm that the Geo Fence is correctly placed. Click OK to proceed.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  36 5. When  the  Geo  Fence  has  been  confirmed,  a  form  is  displayed  to  allow  the  user  to  enter  the  details related to the Geo Fence. • Geo Fence name/description. • The color should be displayed as on the map. • What vehicle movements in relation to the Geo Fence should cause a notification action?  For example, tick the 'Notify on Entry' for a notification each time a vehicle on the system enters the area defined by the Geo Fence. • The notification type can be SMS, email, both or no notification. • To  select  the contacts  to  be  notified  of  the  alarms  select  the  contacts  from  the  list  of  contacts displayed and hold the control button on your keyboard.  HINT: To  delete  a  contact  from  Geo  Fence  notification:  deselect  them  and  hold  down  the  control button on your keyboard.     TIP: Ensure the vehicle you need to place a Geo Fence around is selected before confirming the Geo Fence. You can select multiple vehicles for a single Geo Fence 6. Click 'Confirm' to save the Geo Fence details and return to the map page.  Note: The Geo Fence alarm notification works in tandem with the logging interval of the unit.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  37 Data Management  This page enables the  user to generate standard or customized reports from the data gathered by the Tracking system.  The page has two sections to for the user to complete: selecting a standard or customized report category and selecting the time period.     Select a Vehicle Before a report is selected it is necessary to select a vehicle or multiple vehicles that the report is to be applied. Select a vehicle using the Vehicle Selection tree. Please refer to the section on the Selection tree at the beginning of this manual. Select a standard report category Select a category from the drop down menu. There are a large number of category options are enabled on your system. For a full list of categories, and links to descriptions of each, refer to the Report Categories page. The standardized  reports  contain  both  Tractor  and  Trailer  reports.  Please  refer  to  the  “Displaying  and  Reporting Tractor Data” section for information on the Tractor reports. Customized Report Categories Reports created by the user are available in the Customized report dropdown. The user must still select the vehicles/trailers before running the report. How to create a customized report will be explained in the administration section. Select Start & End Date Depending on the report category selected, the user may be required to enter a start date or a start and end date.  In a few cases where no date entries are required, this section is blank.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  38 Generate Report When  the  required  category  has  been  selected  and  the  date  requirements  filled  in,  click  the  Generate  Report button to produce a report.  Reports are displayed on the same page, and can then be exported to file if required.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  39 Standard Report Categories The following report categories can be chosen from the drop-down menu on the Data Management page. Some report categories have additional options which the user can select before generating a report.  • 24 Hour Reefer History Report • Alarm History Report • Controller Temperature History Report • Current Fleet Report • Data Logger Temperature History • Geo-Fence Report • Geo-Fence activity by Geo-Fence Report • Operations History Report • Position History Report • Reefer Utilisation Report • TKDL Temperature Graph • Temperature Chart • Two-Way Audit History Report • Vehicle Request Audit History Report  The report selection is divided into 2 sections, the first is mainly for Reefers and the second is exclusively for Tractor/Truck. Note the following reports are valid for both Tractor and Trailer, Current Fleet Report Geo-fence Activity by Geo-fence Report Geo-fence Report Position History Report  Please also note that the Tractor Reports are not available in certain Markets including the USA.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  40 24 Hour Reefer History Report   Generate a report for the previous 24 hours for all units on the stored tracking list    Second part of Report is shown below
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  41 Alarm History Report  Generate a report of all alarms from selected vehicles that have occurred for a selected period. This report shows if alarms have been acknowledged on the web site and by whom and when.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  42 Controller History Report  This  report  shows  Thermo  King  Controller  data  for  the  selected  vehicles  and  the  selected  period.  Note  that Cargo Watch and DAS sensor data is not shown on this report.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  43 Current Fleet Report    This report shows the status of every vehicle on the saved Tracking list for the current time. The user does not have  an  option  of  selecting  a  time  period  for  this  report.  This  is  available  as  a  “one  click”  report  from  the Tracking screen.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  44  Geo fence Activity by Geo fence Report   This report allows the user to select specific Geo-Fences and vehicles to determine the activity on these Geo-Fences.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  45 Data Logger Temperature History   This  report  shows Thermo King  Data  logger  data  for  the  selected  vehicles and  the  selected  period.  Note  that Cargo Watch, DAS, and TKDL sensor data is only shown on this report. This report also shows the power status of the controller.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  46 Geo Fence Report   The  Geo  Fence  report  shows  entry,  exit  and  movement  times  for  all  Geo  Fences  associated  with  selected vehicles for the specified period of time.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  47 Operations History Report   This report shows the operations data for the selected vehicles and the selected period.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  48 Position History Report  This  report  shows positional  information  for  the  selected  vehicles  and the  selected  period.  Note  the  option to “Replay this vehicle” is available on this report by clicking on this text at the start of the report.      When you click on the “Replay this vehicle” option, a map will show up the journey for the selected period. Extra information about the vehicle location is shown by passing the mouse over each spot.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  49      The arrow on the Map shows the direction of travel of the Vehicle. The hover over shows the actual bearing.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  50 Reefer Utilisation Report The Reefer Utilisation Report shows the Reefer On duration and the Reefer Off duration for the selected period.  By clicking on the   icon on the report you can open a pie chart display of the On/Off times.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  51 TKDL Temperature Graph  This Graph plots the Thermo King TKDL data logger data for the selected vehicle (only one vehicle at a time is possible) and the selected period. Note this report is used to display the TKDL data that has been downloaded from the Data logger. There is no need to separately download this TKDL device.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  52 Temperature Chart  This Graph plots the Thermo King DAS data logger data and Controller data for the selected vehicle (only one vehicle at a time is possible) and the selected period. This is the periodic data as transmitted by TracKing.   Select the specific sensors you want to display.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  53 Two-Way Audit History Report  This report allows the user to determine who has performed a Two-Way command (talk to your Thermo King dealer  if you  would  like  to  upgrade  to  this  option)  on  the  Reefer.  Two-Way  commands  include  “Change  Set point” and Change Mode”
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  54  Vehicle Request Audit History Report  This report is specific to the Remote On/ Off feature of the SR2. This shows when a command was sent and the status of the command.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  55 Displaying and Reporting Tractor Data  These reports require additional CANbus hardware fitted and may not be available in Certain Markets. Tracking List  The Tracking List shows both Tractor and Trailers. When the user is setting up the vehicle in the administration screen the user should select an icon that they use to differentiate between Vehicles with CAN-bus support and Trailers or those without CAN-bus support. These icons are shown both on the Tracking list and the Vehicle tree.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  56   Data Management The display units for Fuel, Speed, and Distance are set in the Preferences area of the application.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  57 Fuel Management Report (Not available in Certain Markets including USA)    Note the Units of measurement are displayed on the top of the report. % Cruise is the % time that cruise control is used. Harsh Braking is the number of times that harsh braking has occurred. Harsh braking is defined as deceleration at a rate 1.5M/sec/sec
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  58 Highest Hours Driven Report  (Not available in Certain Markets including USA) This report shows the highest hours with ignition on for a period of 1 week.  Note: By selecting vehicles in the Vehicle tree only those vehicles will be shown on this report. If no vehicle is selected then all vehicles are shown in this report.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  59 Journey Report by Vehicle Report  (Not available in Certain Markets including USA) This report can run for a maximum of 7 days. This report shows the breakdown of each Journey that a vehicle has completed. Note a Journey is defined from Ignition On to Ignition Off.  Note the fuel level can also be displayed on this report. This shows when a vehicle has been refuelled.  The journey subtotal shows the total mileage, total Journey duration and total idling time. Clicking on the Start time allows the user to drill down into the detail of the Journey.
 TK60178-8-OP-EN Rev.3.3             Page  60 Detailed Journey Report  (Not available in Certain Markets including USA)  This report is generated after clicking on the start time marker in the Journey Report By Vehicle report. It shows in detail the journey between Ignition On an Off.

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