Texas Instruments LFMICROEVALKIT Micro Radio Evaluation Module User Manual manual update

Texas Instruments Inc Micro Radio Evaluation Module manual update


manual update

Getting Started MicroReader  12/6/01  4:12 PM  Page 1
11-06-22-105 12/01 Ver.0 Getting Started MicroReader  12/6/01  4:12 PM  Page 2
Edition One – December 2001Copyright © 2001 Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) All rights reserved.Getting Started MicroReader  12/6/01  4:12 PM  Page 3
Thank you for your recent purchase of the Low Frequency MicroReader Evaluation Kit.  This LF Micro Reader Evaluation Kit enablesdesigners to rapidly develop their unique applications using thecapabilities of Texas Instrument’s 134kHz Radio FrequencyIdentification (RFID) technology.  We’re pleased to be taking the leadin inspiring new uses for RFID technology by supplying this tool fordeveloping applications.This Getting Started Guide includes simple step-by-step instructions toallow you to easily assemble and use the kit.  A more completeinstruction manual is included inside the Demo CD and also available on our website at www.ti-rfid.com.  Please contact our technical support service if you have any questions.Email to rfidsupport@ti.com or in the US call toll-free  1-888-937-6536or for international customers call +1 (972)-575-7518 Monday throughFriday 8am-5pm CST.   Texas Instruments reserves the right to make changes to its products or services or to discontinue any product or service at any time without notice.TI assumes no liability and is not responsible for customer applications orproduct or software design or performance relating to systems or applica-tions incorporating TI products. TI assumes no liability and is notresponsible for infringement of patents and/or any other intellectual orindustrial property rights of third parties that may result from assistanceprovided by TI. TI products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted to be suit-able for life support applications or any other life critical applications, whichcould involve potential risk of death, personal injury or severe property orenvironmental damage.1Getting Started GuideGetting Started MicroReader  12/6/01  4:12 PM  Page 4
2The LF Micro Reader Evaluation kit includes a sample of nineTI*RFID transponders with different form factors, read ranges anddata functionality.   Please see the Products section of our web sitefor the complete family of transponders.  The data functionality ofthe transponder will allow the user to do the following:Functionality DescriptionRO = Read Only: The transponder has a factory programmed unique64 bit number that cannot be reprogrammed.R/W = Read/Write: The transponder can be reprogrammed by theuser as often as required or can be locked to turn data into read only.Memory size is 80 bits.MPT = Multipage Transponder: Similar to R/W transponder butwith increased memory size to 1360 bits.  The memory is organizedinto 17 pages; each page has 80 bits of memory. SAMPT = Selective Addressable Multipage Transponder: Selectiveaddressable allows a user to read or program a single transponder ina group of transponders.   DST = Digital Security Transponders: Features a challenge/responseencryption method that allows for secure authentication.DST transponder are not included in this kit.Performance ExpectationsRead range performance with our low frequency product line is gen-erally dependent upon:1. Transponder type or size2. Read out antenna type or size3. Possible electronic interference sources in the environment that may be running on the same frequency or have harmonic frequency noise.  The LF Micro Evaluation kit was designed for applications that needcompact, low-cost reader design with short read range.1. GeneralGetting Started MicroReader  12/6/01  4:12 PM  Page 5
The Evaluation Kit includes the following components:Figure 1 Low Frequency Micro Reader Evaluation KitPos.     Qty.    Device1.         1 32mm Glass Transponder SAMPT (RI-TRP-IR2B)2.         1 23mm Glass Transponder R/W (RI-TRP-WRHP)3.         1 12mm Wedge Transponder R/O (RI-TRP-R9WK)4.         1 85mm Disk Transponder R/W (RI-TRP-W9UR)5.         1 30mm Disk Transponder R/O (RI-TRP-R9QL)6.         1 Mount-on-Metal Transponder R/O (RI-TRP-R9VS)7.         1 120mm Cylindrical Transponder R/O (RI-TRP-R9TD)8.         1 Card Transponder R/W (RI-TRP-W4FF)9.         1     Keyfob R/O (RI-TRP-RFOB)10.        1      S2000 Micro Reader (RI-STU-MRD1) with interface board and antenna.11.        1  Serial Data Cable12.        1 Resource/Software CD13.        1          International Power Supply (Multiple Connectors)14.        1 Getting Started Guide32. Content32179451068111314 12Getting Started MicroReader  12/6/01  4:12 PM  Page 6
The Micro Reader is packed in a special antistatic bag to protect itfrom static charge that could cause damage.• Handle the Micro Reader carefully and keep it in the protective envelope until you are ready to install it.• Whenever possible, handle the Micro Reader by its edges or frame.4.1 Interface Cable• Connect the serial data cable (11) with the serial interface connectormounted on the control board of the S2000 microreader (10). • Connect the 9-pin DB plug of the serial data cable (11) to the serial port of a computer. 4.2 Power Supply• Connect the output connector of the Power Supply (13) to the reader interface board and connect the power supply to Main Power.• The red LED on the reader should be flashing.4.3 Software InstallationSystem requirements:• 5MB available space on hard disk• Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000The software TIRIS Reader Manager S2_UTIL Version 1.20 can bedownloaded from the resource CD under the directory "Software" orthe website at: http://www.ti.com/tiris/docs/products/tools.htmS2_UTIL Version 1.2 is a Windows based software utility programfor the configuration and demonstration of our Series 2000 readers. 4. Installation43. ESD Safety InformationCaution:The input tip on the power supply must be set at positive tipor interior output voltage. TI warranty does not cover damageto the reader unit caused by reverse voltage polarity. Checkthat the arrow on the tip of the power supply is lined up withthe (-) setting on the power supply output barrel for negativebarrel but positive tip voltage.Getting Started MicroReader  12/6/01  4:12 PM  Page 7
5This program can be used with the following readers (controls modules):• RI-STU-MB2A, RI-STU-MB6A (Software version 1.32, 1.4)• RI-STU-251A, RI-STU-251B-00• RI-STU-MRD1Proceed with the following steps in order to install the Windowsbased software to your computer:• Create a directory c:\(…) on your computer and download the zip-file S2_UTIL_VI_20.ZIP from the Documentation / Demo CD• Unzip the program and copy the files in your directory  c:\ (…).• Run the reader software program by selecting S2_Util.exe.Note:We recommend at this time to create a short cut on your desktop inorder to have quick access.• Click to Menu Main and open Interface.• Switch to PORT and select the reader communication port on yourcomputer, default is COM 1.• Click to Operation Mode and open Micro Reader Mode.The red LED on the reader should be flashing.On the Receive Window ‘Microreader Version 1.X’ will appear.• Take one of the transponders out of the Evaluation Kit and bring it in front of the antenna. • Click to Line Mode.The data of the transponder will be read continuously and shown on theReceive Window. The Message Window will show the message "readingsuccessful!"The green LED of the reader will illuminate as soon as the transponder iswithin the reading range of the reader/antenna set, the yellow light will beflickering. The intensity of the light depends on the noise level in the sur-rounding environment.• For a single reading test please click to Single Read while keepingthe transponder within the reading range.The green LED of the reader will illuminate as soon as thetransponder is within the reading range of the reader/antenna setThe data (ID) of the transponder will be read once and shown on the ReceiveWindow. The Message Window will show the message "reading successful!".Note:For different reader software settings refer to the -On Line Help- fileslocated in the main menu of the reader program.  5. System Function TestGetting Started MicroReader  12/6/01  4:12 PM  Page 8
ManualsFor detailed specification on each item in the LF Micro ReaderEvaluation Kit please refer to the documentation provided on the CDincluded with this kit, or look inside the -Document Center- on ourRFID Systems Web Site at: http://www.ti-rfid.com1. Series 2000 Reader System, Reference Guide 11-06-21-027Micro-reader RI-STU-MRD12. Series 2000 Micro Reader, Data Sheet 11-06-22-069Micro-reader RI-STU-MRD1The LF Micro Reader Evaluation kit comprises a RF transmissiondevice, and is therefore subject to national and international regula-tions.  TI has obtained approvals from approval authorities in anumber of countries and is continuing to apply for approvals in fur-ther countries. Actual status can be advised by customer support.  Incountries where approval has not been obtained, this system may beoperated only under an experimental license issued by the relevantapproval authority and must not be marketed. Before any suchdevice or system can be marketed, an equipment authorization mustbe obtained from the relevant approval authority.FCC Notices (U.S.A.)The Federal Communications Commission, FCC, has imposedapproval requirements on all intentional radiator equipment. This TIproduct complies with FCC rules Part 15, Subpart C, "IntentionalRadiator" Paragraph 15.207 "Conducted Limits" and 15.209 "RadiatedEmissions Limits; General Requirements".  FCC certification isrequired for systems and the customer is responsible for meetingthose restrictions and obtaining approval for their system from theFCC.  The intentional radiators are labeled according to the FCC withthe following label:66. References7. RegulationsGetting Started MicroReader  12/6/01  4:13 PM  Page 9
The LF Micro Evaluation Kit complies with Paragraph 15.203"Antenna Requirement," which states"[a]n intentional radiator shallbe designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished bythe responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a per-manently attached antenna or of an antenna that uses a uniquecoupling to the intentional radiator shall be considered sufficient tocomply with the provisions of this section. The manufacturer maydesign the unit so that the user can replace a broken antenna, but theuse of a standard antenna jack or electrical connector is prohibited. Ifthe customer changes the antenna, he or she should refer to section2.803." In addition to the required regulations on intentional radia-tors, in keeping with sections 15.21 and 15.105 for the FCC rules, TI isinforming the user of the following:Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with thelimits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of theFCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonableprotection against harmful interference when the equipment isoperated in a commercial environment.  This equipment gen-erates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if notinstalled and used in accordance with the instruction manual,may cause harmful interference to radio communications.Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely tocause harmful interference in which case the user will berequired to correct the interference at the user’s expense.Notice: Modifications to this device will void the authorizationgranted under Federal Communications Commission Rules permit-ting the operation of this device. If modifications to the product aremade, the customer is responsible for obtaining FCC approval. Formore information regarding the FCC regulations please refer to thefollowing websites: 7FCC ID: A92LFMICROEVALKITThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  Operation issubject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may notcause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept anyinterference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Getting Started MicroReader  12/6/01  4:13 PM  Page 10
8http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/waisidx_98/47cfr15_98.htmlhttp://www.fcc.gov/CE Conformity (Europe)A CE Declaration of Conformity is available for the Reader RI-STU-MRD1 at TI*RFID Sales Offices. The equipment complies with the essential requirements of theTelecommunication Terminal Equipment Act (FTEG) and the R&TTEDirective 99/5/EC when used for its intended purpose.Any device or system incorporating this module in any other thanthe originally tested configuration needs to be verified against therequirements of the Telecommunication Terminal Equipment Act(FTEG) and the R&TTE Directive 99/5/EC. A separate Declaration ofConformity must be issued by the system integrator or user of such asystem prior to marketing it and operating it in the EuropeanCommunity.It is the responsibility of the system integrators to get their completesystem tested and obtain approvals from the appropriate localauthorities before operating or selling the system.Getting Started MicroReader  12/6/01  4:13 PM  Page 11
© Copyright Texas Instruments. 2001All rights reserved.Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United Statesand/or other counties.98. Troubleshooting-  Software does not recog-nize reader -  No read / write function-  Intermittent read / write function of the reader • Ensure that-  all cables are connectedproperly.-  interface port at PC is set properly.- No reader function        (Red LED does not flash)• Ensure that- all plugs are connected-  main power is connectedproperly on power supply.• Plugging the power sup-ply into a power strip canresult in power spikes thatcause the unit not to function properly.- No read / write function • Move transponder closer to antenna and try different orientations of the transponder.• Replace transponder and try once again.Item Problem VerificationPower    CommunicationAntennaTransponderFor customer and technical support email to rfidsupport@ti.com ortelephone at +972-575-7518 or Toll Free for US at 1-888-937-6536.-  Low read / write range-  Intermittent read / writefunction• Ensure that the wire ends of the antenna are fastened to the S2000 Micro Reader IF Board.• Change the environment around the antenna and reader to check for possi-ble interference.  Typically,interference can emit from computer video displays and metal beneath surfaces.Getting Started MicroReader  12/6/01  4:13 PM  Page 12

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