Tele Radio i Lysekil C1201A Transmitter User Manual IM PN CE001 A01 E

Tele Radio AB Transmitter IM PN CE001 A01 E

User Manual

THANKYOUFORPURCHASINGATELERADIOPRODUCTREADALLINSTRUCTIONS ANDWARNINGS CAREFULLY BEFOREMOUNTING, INSTALLING ANDCONFIGURING THEPRODUCTS. These instructions are published by Tele Radio AB without any guarantee. The instructions may be removed or revised by Tele Radio AB at any time and without further notice. Corrections and additions will be added to the latest version of the instruction. Further instructions concerning installation, configuration and usage of the system is published on or download web:Tele Radio AB products are covered by a guarantee/ warranty against material, construction or manufacturing faults. During the guarantee/ warranty period, Tele Radio AB may replace the product or faulty parts with new. Work under guarantee/ warranty must be carried out by Tele Radio AB or by an authorized service center specified by Tele Radio AB. Contact your Tele Radio AB representative if you need support or service. ©Tele Radio AB,  2012Datavägen 21SE-436 36 ASKIMTel: +46-31-748 54 60Fax: +46-31-68 54-2-
WARNINGS&RESTRICTIONSINSTALLING, CONNECTING AND MOUNTINGl  Allow only licensed or qualified personnel to install the product. l  Switch the power supply off to the receiver before connecting the equipment.l  Check that you have connected the power supply to the correct connection ter-minal. l  To utilize the safety of the system, use the stop relays in the safety circuitry of the object that you want to control. l  Use undamaged cables. No cables should hang loose. l  Avoid installing in areas affected by strong vibrations. l  Place the receiver well away from wind, damp and water. l  Cable glands and vent plugs must face down to prevent water from seeping in.THE USERl  Make sure that the user is following the instructions.l  Make sure that the user has reached the certified age of   your country to operate the equipment.l  Make sure that the user is not under the influence of   drugs, alcohol and medicines.l  Allow only qualified personnel to have access to the    transmitter and operate the equipment.l  Make sure that the user does not leave the transmitter   unsupervised.l  Make sure that the user always turns the transmitter off   when not in use.l  Make sure that the user keeps a good overview of the   work area.MAINTENANCEl  Use the stop button to start and turn off the transmitter   as often as possible.l  When error messages are shown, it is very     important to find out what caused them.l  If the stop button is mechanically damaged, contact your   representative for serv-ice immediately.l  Always contact your representative for service and maintenance work on the product.l  Write down the serial numbers of the receivers and    transmitters used. This infor-mation should be recorded   on the “Settings document” for your product (down-load   from our website).l  Avoid registering transmitters to receivers where it is   not being used.l  Keep the safety instruction for future reference.  Always   download the con-figurations instruction from our web  site for the latest version available.-3-
Install, operate and make settingsINSTALL, OPERATE AND MAKE SETTINGSIMPORTANT! The transmitter must be registered in the receiver before it is possible to start a radio session. For safety reasons only qualified personnel should be able to install, register and make settings to the Panther system.Installation instructions as well as end user instructions are available for downloadPlease, contact your  representative for further assistance. -4-
Receiver R00008-07RECEIVER R00008-07WARNING! The receiver must NOT be opened by any other than a qualified installer. Make sure to turn the electricity off before opening the receiver. IMPORTANT! Tele Radio remote controls are often built into wider applications. We recommend that the system is provided with a wired emergency stop where necessary. Base board: 1.RelayLEDs(red) 6.Functionbutton(Cancel)2.Functionrelays1-9 7.Programmingconnector3.Terminalblockforinputpower 8.Terminalblockfordigitalinputs4.Selectbutton(OK) 9.PowerLED(yellow)5.FunctionLEDs(10=orange,11=green,12=yellow,13=red) -5-
Receiver R00008-07Expansion board: 10.RelayLEDs(red) 14.Functionbutton(Cancel)11.LEDsrepresentingthefunctionrelaysonthebaseboard 15.Programmingconnector12.Functionrelays10-19 16.PowerLED(yellow)13.Selectbutton(OK) 17.Terminalblockfordigitalinputs-6-
Receiver R00008-07TERMINALBLOCKFORINPUTPOWERTERMINALBLOCKFORDIGITALINPUTSBase board: 33.GND 38.Digitalinput534.Digitalinput1 39.Digitalinput635.Digitalinput2 40.Digitalinput736.Digitalinput3 41.Digitalinput837.Digitalinput4 42.GND-7-
Receiver R00008-07TERMINALBLOCKFORDIGITALINPUTSExpansion board: 81.GND 87.Digitalinput1182.GND 88.Digitalinput1283.GND 89.Digitalinput1384.GND 90.Digitalinput1485.Digitalinput9 91.Digitalinput1586.Digitalinput10 92.Digitalinput16CURRENTCONSUMPTIONInput power Min.* Max.**12VAC 0.02A 0.6A24VAC 0.02A 0.3A48VAC 0.008A 0.2A115VAC 0.004A 0.07A230VAC 0.003A 0.04A12VDC 0.03A 0.5A24VDC 0.02A 0.3A*Minimumcurrentconsumption=Receiveron,noradiocommunicationestablished,nothingactivated.**Maximumcurrentconsumption=Allrelaysactivatedonthereceiver.-8-
Receiver R00008-07LEDSONTHEEXPANSIONBOARDREPRESENTINGTHEFUNCTIONRELAYSONTHEBASEBOARDLED1=functionrelay1LED2=functionrelay2LED3=functionrelay3LED4=functionrelay4LED5=functionrelay5LED6=functionrelay6LED7=functionrelay7LED8=functionrelay8LED9=functionrelay9-9-
Receiver R00008-07TECHNICALDATANumberoffunctionrelays 19(potentialfree*,8A)Digitalinputs 8Duplex/simplexcommunication SimplexOperatingfrequency 2405-2480MHz.Numberofchannels 16(channel11-26)IPclass 66Size 176x126x75mm./6.9x5x2.9in.Weight 800g./1.8lbs.Antenna 1externalBNCantennaRatedvoltage 12-24VDC.Max.1A12-24/48-230VAC,50-60Hz.Max.1A*potentialfreemeansthatyouhavetosupplyvoltagetogetvoltageoutofarelay-10 -
Transmitter T00007-14TRANSMITTER T00007-14 1.LED1(red) 3.LED2(red)2TopLED(green/red) 4.1-steppushbuttons1-8-11 -
Transmitter T00007-14TECHNICALDATANo.ofbuttons 8x1-stepbuttonsOn/offswitch YesSize 83x52x31mm./3.3x2x1.2in.(incl.clip)Weight 70g./0.15lbs.(incl.batteries)No.ofchannels 16(channel11-26)Operatingfrequency 2405-2480MHz.Batterytype 2x1.5VAAAalkalineON/OFFSWITCHThetransmitterhasanon/offswitchonthebackside.Theon/offswitchhas2positions:1=on0=offTheon/offswitchbreaksthepowersupplyfromthebattery.-12 -
Transmitter T00007-14STARTTHETRANSMITTER1.  Press button 7 (the ON button) for at least 1 second.2.  Release button 7 (the ON button) when the top LED turns green.3.  The transmitter is started. TURNTHETRANSMITTEROFF1.  Press button 8 (the OFF button).2.  The transmitter sends a stop command for 1 second.3.  The transmitter turns off. REGISTERTHETRANSMITTERINTHERECEIVER1.  Press the function button on the receiver (LED 1 lights red).2.  Press the select button on the receiver (the relay LEDs light red).3.  Press button 1 + 2 on the transmitter that you want to register in the receiver. 4.  The relay LEDs in the receiver flash 3 times when the transmitter is registered. 5.  If the transmitter isn´t found by the receiver within 10 seconds, the receiver will exit reg-istration mode and go back to normal operation. ERASETHETRANSMITTERFROMTHERECEIVER1.  Press the function button on the receiver (LED 13 lights red).2.  Press the select button on the receiver (the relay LEDs light red). KEEPPRESSED! 3.  Release the select button when the red relay LEDs go out (after approx. 4 seconds ).4.  All registered transmitters have been erased from the receiver. -13 -
Transmitter T00007-14RELAYFUNCTIONALITYButton1activatesrelay1,8,15Button2activatesrelay2,9,16Button3activatesrelay3,10,17Button4activatesrelay4,11,18Button5activatesrelay5,12,19Button6activatesrelay6,13Button7activatesrelay7,14Button8istheOFFbuttonCHANGETHEBATTERIESWARNING! Do not recharge the batteries. Attempts to recharge may cause rupture or the leaking of hazardous liquids, which will corrode the equipment. 1.Removethebackpiece(3screws).2.Removetheoldbatteries.3.Putthenewbatteriesin(2x1.5VAAAalkalinebatteries).4.Replacethebackpiece(3screws).-14 -
FCC/ IC labelFCC/ IC LABEL FCC STATEMENTStatementforwarning:Caution:Theuseriscautionedthatchangesormodificationsnotexpresslyapprovedbythepartyresponsibleforcompliancecouldvoidtheuser'sauthoritytooperatetheequipment.ThisdevicecomplieswithIndustryCanadalicence-exemptRSSstandard(s)andPart15oftheFCCRules.Operationissubjecttothefollowingtwoconditions:(1)thisdevicemaynotcauseharmfulinterference,and(2)thisdevicemustacceptanyinterferencereceived,includinginterferencethatmaycauseundesiredoperation.LeprésentappareilestconformeauxCNRd'IndustrieCanadaapplicablesauxappareilsradioexemptsdelicenceetlapartie15desRèglesFCC.L'exploitationestautoriséeauxdeuxconditionssuivantes:(1)l'appareilnedoitpasproduiredebrouillage,et(2)l'utilisateurdel'appareildoitacceptertoutbrouillageradioélectriquesubi,mêmesilebrouillageestsusceptibled'encompromettrelefonctionnement.ThisequipmentcomplieswithFCCandICradiationexposurelimitssetforthforanuncontrolledenvironment.EndusermustfollowthespecificoperatinginstructionsforsatisfyingRFexposurecompliance.Thistransmittermustnotbeco-locatedoroperatinginconjunctionwithanyotherantennaortransmitter.-15 -
FCC statementCetappareilestconformeauxlimitesd’expositionaurayonnementRFstipuléesparlaFCCetl’ICpouruneutilisationdansunenvironnementnoncontrôlé.L'utilisateurfinaldoitsuivrelesinstructionsdefonctionnementspécifiquespourlerespectd'expositionauxRF.Lesémetteursnedoiventpasêtreplacéesprèsd’autresantennesouémetteursoufonctionneravecceux-ci.Note:thisequipmenthasbeentestedandfoundtocomplywiththelimitsforaclassbdigitaldevice,pursuanttopart15oftheFCCrules.Theselimitsaredesignedtoprovidereasonableprotectionagainstharmfulinterferenceinaresidentialinstallation.Thisequipmentgenerates,usesandcanradiateradiofrequencyenergyand,ifnotinstalledandusedinaccordancewiththeinstructions,maycauseharmfulinterferencetoradiocommunications.However,thereisnoguaranteethatinterferencewillnotoccurinaparticularinstallation.Ifthisequipmentdoescauseharmfulinterferencetoradioortelevisionreception,whichcanbedeterminedbyturningtheequipmentoffandon,theuserisencouragedtotrytocorrecttheinterferencebyoneormoreofthefollowingmeasures:—reorientorrelocatethereceivingantenna.—increasetheseparationbetweentheequipmentandreceiver.—connecttheequipmentintoanoutletonacircuitdifferentfromthattowhichthereceiverisconnected.—consultthedealeroranexperiencedradio/TVtechnicianforhelp.-16 -
Battery precautionsBATTERY PRECAUTIONSObserve the following general battery warnings:n  As batteries contains flammable substances such as lithium or other organic solvents, they may cause heating, rupture or ignition.n  Risk of explosion if battery is replaced with a battery of an incorrect type.n  Do not short circuit, disassemble, deform or heat batteries.n  Never try to charge a visibly damaged or frozen battery.n  Keep batteries out of reach of small children. Should a child swallow a battery, consult a phy-sician immediately.n  Avoid direct soldering to batteries.n  When discarding batteries, insulate the + and -  terminals of batteries with insulating/ mask-ing tape. Do not put multiple batteries in the same plastic bag.n  When improperly disposed,  lithium batteries may short circuit, causing them to become hot, burst or ignite.n  Store in a cool location. Keep batteries away from direct sunlight, high temperature, and high humidity.n  Do not throw batteries into fire.ROHS AND WEEEIn accordance with Directive 2002/95/EC on restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS) and Directive 2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), Tele Radio AB strives to minimize the use of hazardous materials, promotes reuse and recycling, and reduces emissions to air, soil and water. When a commercially viable alternative is available, Tele Radio AB strives to restrict or eliminate substances and materials that pose an environmental, health or safety risk.-17 -
Guarantee and maintenanceGUARANTEE AND MAINTENANCEThe Tele Radio  products are covered by a guarantee/warranty against material, construction and manufacturing faults. During the guarantee/warranty period, Tele Radio may replace the product or faulty parts. Work under guarantee/warranty must be carried out by Tele Radio  or by an authorized service center specified by Tele Radio. This is not covered by the guarantee/ warranty: n  Faults resulting from normal wear and tearn  Parts of a consumable naturen  Products that have been subject to unauthorized modificationsn  Faults resulting from incorrect installation and use n  Damp and water damageMaintenance:n  Repairs and maintenance must be carried out by qualified personneln  Use spare parts from Tele Radio onlyn  Contact your representative if you require service or other assistancen  Keep the product in a dry, clean placen  Keep contacts and antennas cleann  Wipe off dust using a slightly damp, clean clothIMPORTANT! Never use cleaning solutions or high-pressure water.-18 -

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