Tactical Technologies RX500 Personal Protection Desktop/Mobile Receiver User Manual Manual

Tactical Technologies Inc Personal Protection Desktop/Mobile Receiver Manual


MINDA PERSONAL PROTECTION SYSTEMRX-500Maxi-MINDA ReceiverOperating InstructionRev 1.0 June 2000Tactical Technologies Inc.1701 Second AveFolsom, PA  19033610-522-0106www.tacticaltechnologies.com
IMPORTANT NOTEYou are advised to read these instructions carefully and completely before using this equipmentBUT, if you really cannot wait, the Quick-Start Guide found at the end of this manual will give youthe basic do’s and don’ts...OVERVIEWThank you for purchasing a ‘Maxi-MINDA’ RX-500 receiver which uses a low-powermicroprocessor to offer the following options:•  A very secure Family Identity Code•  Very low stand-by power consumption by using battery economizer.•  Automatic battery back-up operation if external power source fails.•  Fully protected against inadvertent reversal of external D.C. supply.• Programmable alarm signal - can repeat at regular intervals.• Optional loud alarm (up to 1.5 watts) when using external power.• Internal loudspeaker and jack socket for connection of an external alarm loudspeaker.• Relay-switched contacts or open-drain FET output for external switching.• 9 volt 200mA regulated D.C. output is available to power other equipment (only when receiver isusing external power).• Jamming alert - with programmable time delay.• Lost signal alert - with programmable time delay and repeat option.• Battery monitoring of transmitters that are using the same Family Code.• Serial programming interface to a PC (additional items required)CAUTIONA ‘Maxi-MINDA’ receiver will only respond to signals from those transmitters sending the sameFamily Identity Code as the one that it has been pre-programmed to accept. This minimizes therisk of interference between similar systems that happen to be operating within radio range of oneanother.It is absolutely vital therefore, to ensure that all transmitter and receiver units that have tooperate together are programmed correctly with the same Family Identity Code. Any signalsreceived from an ‘alien’ transmitter operating within range will not be decoded and, instead,treated by the receiver as radio interference on the channel.BATTERY INSTALLATIONThe ‘Maxi-MINDA’ receiver requires a 9-volt MN1604 alkaline battery which is fitted into theremovable cassette accessible from the rear panel. This battery supply is automaticallydisconnected whenever external power of adequate voltage and correct polarity is appliedthrough the rear connector.BATTERY ECONOMIZERThe battery economizer operates by switching the receiver on for a very brief period, looking for asignal and if nothing is found, switching it off again.  If a signal is found to be present, the receiverthen ‘locks-on’ for long enough to process and display any alarm signal that may have beenreceived.If the single green LED above the ‘On/Off’ switch regularly flashes, this indicates that the batteryeconomizer circuit is in operation - if it illuminates steadily then the economizer has been over-ridden.  While the receiver is in the pulsing ‘standby’ mode, it is in fact, switched on for less thantwo percent of the time, thereby dramatically extending the RX-500's operating endurance whenusing the internal battery supply.The slight penalty for using the battery economizer is that any incoming alarm transmission mustlast long enough to catch the receiver during one of its ‘on’ periods and ensure that it is
recognized and decoded. All intelligent TX-500 Keyfob or TX-600 Belt transmitters willautomatically transmit a signal long enough for this to occur.  Possible problems when using aMINDA TX-400 transmitter can be eliminated by ensuring the transmit button on the keyfob isalways pressed for at least one second.As supplied, unless a customer has requested otherwise, an RX-500 ‘Maxi-MINDA’ receivernormally has its battery economizer enabled while it is operating on its own internal battery anddisabled (i.e. receiver runs continuously) once external supplies are present. This arrangementcan be changed at the factory, if required, by re-programming the receiver.EXTERNAL POWER SOURCESIf an external power source of greater than 10 volts, and of correct polarity, is connected to theMaxi-MINDA’ RX-500, the receiver will automatically use this supply in preference to its internalbattery. If for any reason the external supply fails (possible due to AC supply failure) the unit thenreverts to its internal battery and continues operating normally.TX UNIT IDENTITIESA ‘Maxi-MINDA’ receiver can be configured (by re-programming) to respond in different ways andwith different timings to each of the four possible transmitter Unit Identities (1, 2, 3 or 4), to suitparticular operational needs‘RED’ AND ‘GREEN’ ALERTSWhen the ‘Maxi-MINDA’ receiver is operating and a valid signal is received from a transmitter withthe same Family Identity Code, the appropriate red or green LED on the receiver will light and anaudible pulsed tone alarm will be heard. The tempo of this pulsed tone is faster for a ‘Red’ alarmthan for a ‘Green’ alarm, thereby facilitating the aural discrimination between urgent and non-urgent transmissions.When the ‘Maxi-MINDA’ is using its internal battery the alarm tone is produced by a piezo beeper.When an external power supply is being used an additional high power amplifier driving aninternal loudspeaker is automatically enabled.  The loudness of the alarm signals produced by thepiezo beeper cannot be adjusted. If desired, the beeper can be switched off completely so that allaudible alarms are produced only through the loudspeaker with their loudness (from silence tofull-volume) being adjusted by means of the front panel volume control. To turn off the beeperrefer to the paragraph entitled ‘Disabling the Piezo Alarm’, but note that this should only be donewhen the receiver is always to be powered from an external source.In some operational situations it may be desirable for the ‘Maxi-MINDA’ receiver to remain silentwhenever a ‘Green’ signal is received and only produce an audible alert on receipt of a ‘Red’alarm signal.  How the receiver responds to these signals is programmable and can also, ifrequired, be made switch-selectable for use by the operator.  As supplied, unless a customer hasrequested otherwise, an RX-500 ‘Maxi-MINDA’ receiver has a ‘Green Alarm’ switch on the frontpanel, adjacent to the ‘On/Off’ switch, which enables an operator to select whether or not a‘Green’ alarm signal is accompanied by an audible warning signal.TRANSMITTER LOW BATTERY ALERTOnce the battery in any of the transmitters being used falls in voltage such that it is in need ofreplacement, all subsequent transmissions sent by that unit will be ‘tagged’ to this effect until thebattery is replaced.Once this tagged signal has been detected by the ‘Maxi-MINDA’ receiver, its LED indicatorcorresponding to that transmitter Unit Identity will start to blink out briefly about once per second.Note that a transmitter whose battery has become completely discharged can NOT send the low-voltage warning.
RECEIVER JAMMING ALERTAny signal received on the frequency will cause the receiver to lock-on, whether it is localelectrical interference, a transmission with a different family code, or a ‘wanted’ signal from atransmitter on your own family code. However, if the ‘Maxi-MINDA’ receiver is ‘jammed’ by a continuous unrecognized signal, after 5seconds (factory re-programmable for longer periods) it will produce a series of rapid audiblebeeps.  This allows the user to move to an interference-free location.  As soon as the interferenceclears the beeps will cease.LOSS-OF-SIGNAL ALERTIf an RX-500 ‘Maxi-MINDA’ receiver has had a Loss-of-Signal Threshold time programmed, thenwhen an initial ‘Green’ transmission is received from any of its associated transmitters one of fourinternal pre-programmed time clocks will start counting.  Each subsequent ‘Green’ transmissionfrom that same transmitter unit will reset that time clock to zero.  If, however, the pre-set thresholdtime period elapses before another ‘Green’ signal has been received then the appropriate greenLED on the receiver will begin to flash and a ‘Lost Signal’ audible alarm will be produced.Until the receiver operator pushes the ‘Reset’ button to clear the audible and visual alarms, the‘Lost Signal’ warning alert tone will continue to be repeated at pre-programmed (Repeat Time)interval(s).If different transmitter units (but with the same Family Identity Code) are then received, other timeclocks commence operation independently in the same way as described above. If a valid ‘Red’alarm signal is received from any of its associated transmitters the ‘Maxi-MINDA’ receiver will, ofcourse, generate all of its normal audible and switching alarms.The threshold time that has to elapse between successive green transmissions before thereceiver sounds a ‘Lost Signal’ alarm, and also the repeat time between each alarm signal areboth programmable, independently, for each of the four Unit Identities.As supplied, unless a customer has requested otherwise, a ‘Maxi-MINDA’ receiver normally hasthese alarms inhibited in order to prevent possible operator confusion. The next section onConfidence Signalling explains how this feature can be used to good effect in an operationalsituation.CONFIDENCE SIGNALLINGA ‘MINDA’ intelligent transmitter (TX-500 keyfob or the TX-600 Belt unit) can be programmed sothat for any or all of the four identities it can send a regular (Green) confidence transmission asan “I’m here and OK” signal.Here's an idea:If an RX-500 ‘Maxi-MINDA’ receiver has its ‘Green Alarm’ switch set to ‘Off’ and has beenprogrammed with a suitable Loss-of-Signal Threshold time (see the ‘Loss-of-Signal’paragraph above), the following scenario becomes possible:In a situation where an intelligent ‘Re-MINDA’ transmitter and a ‘Maxi-MINDA’ receiver arebeing used to protect a person close-by but out of sight, the regular (Green) confidencetransmission will keep the receiver silenced all the while it is present. If the transmittermoves out of radio range, its battery fails, or it is otherwise disabled the receiver will sound a‘Lost Signal’ alarm as soon as the signal has been missing for the pre-programmed period oftime. This enables, for example, a VIP to be guarded at night by a bodyguard in an adjoiningroom, or a person going into a potentially hazardous situation to be protected by a back-upteam in a vehicle close-by. An intelligent MINDA transmitter can send confidence signals
entirely automatically without disturbing the user unless he, or she, wishes to send a ‘Red’alarm signal in the usual way.IMPORTANT NOTES: It is always possible that a ‘Maxi-MINDA’ receiver could miss a confidencetransmission from one of its associated transmitters if it coincides with a stronger transmissionfrom another unit or because of local radio interference. The risk of such a false alarm can bereduced by programming the receiver Loss-of-Signal Threshold time to be a few seconds morethan twice the Confidence Repeat period of the transmitter(s).For example, if the transmitter sends an automatic confidence signal every five minutes, a ‘LostSignal’ alarm period of about ten and a quarter minutes should be programmed into the receiver.This will allow one confidence transmission to be missed by the receiver and not cause an alarmsignal to be produced.If more than one transmitter (of the four possible) operating with a ‘Maxi-MINDA’ receiver hasbeen programmed to send confidence signals more frequently than about every 5 minutes, thereis a likelihood of these transmissions overlapping occasionally and one or other of them not beingdecoded by the receiver. The likelihood of serious interference can be reduced significantly ifeach of the transmitters is programmed with different Confidence Repeat intervals, since any twosignals clashing on one occasion will not do so the next time around.DISABLING THE PIEZO ALARMThe alarm signals produced by the piezo beeper can, if required, be switched off altogether bymoving an internal switch. To access it, carefully open the RX-500 ‘Maxi-MINDA’ receiver's caseand look for the small switch on the rear of the front panel PCB, between the blue piezo beeperand the right-hand ribbon connector. When the slider is in the down position (nearer to the bottomof the case) these tones are enabled - to turn them off move it in the opposite direction (i.e.towards the beeper).NOTE: Remember that when this switch is ‘up’ (tones disabled), the only audible alarm signalsgenerated will be those produced by the RX-500 ‘Maxi-MINDA’s internal audio power amplifierand loudspeaker, and these will only be present as long as the receiver is powered from anexternal supply.EXTERNAL CONNECTIONSThe rear panel of the ‘Maxi-MINDA’ is shown in Figure 1 below:
--SKA and SKB are only used to connect a ‘Maxi-MINDA’ receiver, TX-500 transmitter, or TX-600transmitter to a PC for programming.  During normal operation no connections should ever bemade to them.--The ‘Data Received’ LED and the ‘AUX’ connector (if equipped) can also be ignored.--The ‘Ext. DC Input’ connector is used to connect an external D.C. supply to the RX-500 ‘Maxi-MINDA’ receiver.  The voltage must be in the range of 10-16 volts D.C, (2.1mm plug, center pinpositive)  (Radio Shack Part No. 273-1652).--The ‘External Speaker’ connector, a 3.5mm mono jack socket, permits an external loudspeakerto be used to produce the alarm tones in place of the internal speaker.  Any external loudspeakerconnected to this socket must have an impedance of greater than 8 ohms in order to protect the‘Maxi-MINDA’s amplifier circuitry against damage.--The large terminal strip on the rear panel of the ‘Maxi-MINDA’ enables a variety of externalswitching options to be achieved. It is, however, strongly recommended that the receiver alwaysbe connected to an external D.C. supply if any significant current is to be drawn from TerminalNo. 8 (+9v out) of the terminal strip.The internal ‘Maxi-MINDA’ circuitry immediately associated with the eight connections is asshown in Figure 2:The FET is switched ‘On’ whenever a ‘Red’ alarm signal from any of the four transmitter UnitIdentities is recognized by the ‘Maxi-MINDA’, and it will stay switched on until the alarm iscancelled by pressing the ‘Reset’ button.There is an internal relay available, which can be activated, if required, by this FET.  To do this,add a link between the ‘Output’ and ‘Relay’ terminals, and then the dry (fully isolated) relaycontacts are available as ‘Com’ (Common), N.C. (Normally Closed) and N.O. (Normally Open) onthe terminal strip.  See Figure 3
The internal relay contacts are only capable of switching a resistive load of up to 1 Amp at 24volts. If higher voltages or currents have to be switched an external relay, providing that it has acoil voltage between 6 and 9 volts, can be used in place of the internal one by connecting it asshown in Figure 4:If both the internal relay and an external one are required, then connect them as shown in Figure5:
A ‘Maxi-MINDA’ can provide 9 volts at up to 200 mA current (providing it is being powered by anexternal D.C. supply) to operate an external device, and enable it to be switched on and off by thereceiver’s internal relay contacts, see Figures 6 and 7:
The FET can directly switch a current of up to 300 mA without using the internal relay. Figure 8shows the connections:The ‘Inhibit’ line can be used to inhibit any switched output without resetting the ‘Maxi-MINDA’. If,for instance, a large remote bell were connected to ring whenever a ‘Red’ alarm was received,the Inhibit line could be used to cancel the alarm locally without having to return to the ‘Maxi-MINDA’ receiver and press the ‘Reset’ button. All that is required is for the ‘Inhibit’ line to betemporarily grounded until the alarm has been cancelled at the receiver. Figure 9 shows theadditional connections needed to implement the ‘Inhibit’ function:
CAUTION: The ‘Inhibit’ line should only be used to temporarily inhibit the external switchedoutputs until the RX-500 ‘Maxi-MINDA’ receiver can be reset manually. If it is used, it must be‘un-grounded’ immediately after resetting the receiver in order for any external switchingfunction to continue functioning.TRANSMISSION RANGEWhen using the ‘MINDA’ system over a line-of-sight path it is likely that with the short flexiblewhip antenna attached to the receiver a working distance of over 100 yards will be obtained,whereas in a busy street, hotel or station the range will be noticeably less. With a proper elevatedantenna connected to the ‘Maxi-MINDA’ receiver and an unobstructed line-of-sight path from thetransmitter, a range of 400-500 yards may be possible.It is recommended that before using a ‘MINDA’ system in a ‘live’ operational situation, a few testsshould be carried out in the location(s) of interest to confirm consistent and reliable operation.UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FCC COMPLIANCE:THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF THE FCC RULES.  OPERATION IS SUBJECTTO THE FOLLOWING TWO CONDITIONS:1.  THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE, AND2. THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY INTERFERENCE RECEIVED, INCLUDINGINTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION.U.K RADIO AUTHORITY'S COMPLIANCE:The unit is fully compliant with the U.K. Radio Authority’s Specification MPT1340 for short-rangeradio alarm systems.‘MINDA’ operates in the 418MHz radio frequency band, which in the U.K. has been allocated forgeneral short-range operation by low-power security systems and car alarms.
LICENSING All ‘MINDA’ products are license-exempt when used in the USA and the U.K.MAINTENANCEThe ‘Maxi-MINDA’ receiver requires minimal maintenance.  Problems with its internal electronicsare most unlikely unless the unit has had incorrect external voltages applied or suffered somephysical damage.The most likely sources of difficulty are likely to be with its external leads and connectors, or theantenna arrangement. These should all be inspected regularly and preventative or correctiveaction taken where found to be necessaryGETTING THE BEST RESULTSThe following advice may be found useful and, if followed on those occasions when it is practicaland convenient to do so, should help to ensure the best performance and communications rangeof a ‘MINDA’ system:• The US FCC regulations and the UK M.P.T. regulations do not permit any modifications orattachments to a ‘MINDA’ transmitter to improve its transmitted signal, but no such restrictionsapply to the receiving end of the system. A properly designed and installed external antenna, wellpositioned, and connected by suitable low-loss cable to an RX-500 ‘Maxi-MINDA’ receiver, willprovide a very noticeable improvement in operational range compared to that obtainable whenusing the basic short flexible antenna.• If the ‘Maxi-MINDA’ receiver has to be used with the short flexible antenna attached then itshould be positioned in a clear location away from other electronic equipment and possiblesources of radio interference.• Any person using a key-fob transmitter should always try to face in the direction that he wishesthe signal to go so that his/her body does not obstruct the emitted radio signal. If possible, thetransmitter should also be held away from the body so that there is free space around itsantenna.• When using a ‘MINDA’ transmitter (or a receiver with attached antenna) inside a vehicle,remember that signal levels will be maximized if the antenna is kept above the window line. Usean optional magnetically mounted vehicle antenna with the RX-500 ‘Maxi-MINDA’ receiverwhenever possible.TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEIf a ‘Maxi-MINDA’ is not receiving signals from a ‘MINDA’ transmitter, the following tests shouldbe undertaken:• Check that the units are not out of range by temporarily reducing the distance between them to10 yards or less. If all is then well, increase the distance again until signals transmitted are notreceived reliably. This will give a good indication of the likely maximum working range which canbe achieved in that particular location.• Observe the red LED on the transmitter. If it fails to light, or is lit dimly, when the transmitter isactivated the transmitter battery probably needs to be replaced. The LED can easily be seen on akey-fob unit but there is no LED on the TX-600 belt transmitter.• Check that other transmitters (with the same Family Identity Code) are being received correctly.• Confirm that the receiver is not being jammed by interference, or from another signal. Ifnecessary, move the receiver antenna away from the source of the interference.• If the units still fail to communicate, check that the RX-500 ‘Maxi-MINDA’ receiver is operatingcorrectly by pressing and releasing its ‘Reset’ button and confirming that the eight LEDs brieflystrobe.• If the receiver appears to be completely ‘dead’ and is connected to an external source of power,disconnect all external cables and see what happens. If it now functions correctly, check that the
external power is getting to the receiver by measuring the voltage on the connector which shouldbe a D.C. voltage in the range 10-16 volts. If this voltage is not present, the leads (and AC powersupply unit if used) should be examined to find and rectify the fault. If the receiver still does notfunction with the external power connector removed, replace its internal 9 volt battery by a knowngood one and try again.• Replace any other cables and connections, one at a time to see if the fault re-occurs and, if itdoes, investigate the cause accordingly.• Return the faulty unit for workshop test and/or repair.RECEIVER SPECIFICATIONOperating frequency: 418.00 MHz nominalOverall freq. accuracy: ± 100 kHzSensitivity: Typically -110dBm for reliable data decodingMax. receiving range: Typically 100 yards when using a ‘MINDA’ transmitter but depends on localenvironment.Internal power source: 9 volt 550 mA/hour alkaline battery (MN1604)Current drain: < 300 µA average (Batt. Economizer/no signal)(on internal battery) < 20 mA whilst actually receiving a signalCurrent drain: < 50mA (Batt. Economizer disabled/no signal)(on external battery) 60 - 150mA whilst actually receiving a signalInternal battery life: Depends on number of alarm signals receivedExternal power sources: 1) 10 - 16 volts D.C. (negative ground)Operating temp. range: -10 to +55 degrees CelsiusNOTES ON ‘MINDA’ SYSTEM CODINGAll ‘MINDA’ systems operate on a frequency of 418MHz in the UHF band. The operating radiofrequency cannot be changed to suit a specific customer’s needs.Each ‘MINDA’ system, when supplied to a customer, will have already been programmed at timeof manufacture with a common default ‘Family Identity Code’ (hexadecimal 94) enabling it to beused with any other of the standard ‘MINDA’ products.The Family Identity Code for a particular group of ‘MINDA’ units can easily be re-programmed byreturning all of the equipment to Tactical Technologies Inc., or, if a ‘MINDA’ computer interfacepackage has been purchased, by a suitably skilled user.If the security offered by only 255 different codes is considered to be inadequate then theintelligent TX-500 or TX-600 transmitters can be re-programmed to utilize a much moresophisticated Family Coding system that offers a choice of billions of unique codes. This option isonly practical so long as the customer does not need to operate a mixture of Intelligent (TX-500)and ‘Dumb’ (TX-400) transmitters into the same RX-500 ‘Maxi-MINDA’ or RX-400 ‘MINDA’receiver. For a ‘MINDA’ system to operate with, and recognize up to four independent transmitters, theFamily Identity Code of the receiver and transmitter(s) all have to match and each of thetransmitters must have a different Unit Identity (1,2,3 or 4).  The Unit Identity of a ‘MINDA’ TX-500intelligent transmitter is user-switchable and can easily be changed - see the TX-500 ‘MINDA’Operating Instructions for more details. The Unit Identity of a ‘dumb’ key-fob transmitter (TX-400)is set during manufacture and cannot be changed by the customer.  Unless each transmitter hasits own individual identity, the receiver will be unable to identify the particular unit .WHAT IS ACTUALLY TRANSMITTED
Whenever a ‘MINDA’ transmitter operates, the actual digital data message transmitted containsall of the following pieces of information, repeated a number of times:< I am a ‘MINDA’ transmitter >and < My Family Identity Code is ‘xxx’ >and < I am Unit No. ‘y’ >and < My alarm status is ‘Red/Green’ >and < My battery status is ‘OK/Low’ >If the first two pieces of data in the above message exactly match the information programmedinto a ‘MINDA’ receiver, then the rest of the information will be decoded and displayed on theLEDs. If they do not match, the entire message is ignored.GUARANTEETactical Technologies Inc. guarantees to make good any faults due to defective materials orworkmanship for a period of 12 months from the date of purchase.  Where the fault is the result ofmisuse, negligence or inexpert repair, Tactical Technologies Inc. reserve the right to make acharge to cover the extra costs involved.RE-PROGRAMMING OF OPTIONSThe configuration of an RX-500 ‘Maxi-MINDA’ receiver, and any of the ‘MINDA’ range ofintelligent transmitters, can be changed by re-programming them using a PC and a ‘MINDA’custom-designed interface. This work requires some specialist technical knowledge as well asaccess to a PC and peripherals and, for this reason, most customers will probably find it moreconvenient to return the equipment to Tactical Technologies Inc. for re-programming.Those customers who do have in-house technical expertise and sufficient ‘MINDA’ units to makean investment in programming software cost-effective, may wish to consider purchasing thespecial ‘MINDA’ programming kit which comprises hardware interface cables and connectors,custom software on disk, and full instructions.  Further details and prices on this kit can beobtained from Tactical Technologies Inc.PRE-PROGRAMMED SETTINGSThe specific options and settings that were programmed into this RX-500 ‘Maxi-MINDA’ receiverat the time of its manufacture are listed and set out in Appendix 1.Please remember always to amend this listing to show any subsequent changes made by re-programming the equipment.
QUICK-START GUIDEEach ‘Maxi-MINDA’ RX-500 receiver can display two status indications from up to four differenttransmitters, either the TX-400 Keyfob Transmitter, the TX-500 Intelligent Keyfob Transmitter, theTX-600 Intelligent Belt Transmitter, or a mixture of these types, coded 1-4 and all operating withthe same Family Identity Code.Pressing the RED button on a key-fob style transmitter should light the appropriate red LED onthe receiver; the BLACK one (BLUE on the TX-500) lights the green LED.To operate, connect the RX-500 receiver to an external power source (if available), using anoptional AC wall plug (12 VDC output, center pin positive) supply or a cigarette-lighter plug andlead if operating in a vehicle. The receiver can also be powered by an internal 9 VDC battery butwith slightly fewer facilities because of the limited battery power available.  Either plug the shortwhip antenna directly into the connector on the rear of the receiver or connect a more efficientremote one (magnetic type for car-roof or a mast mounted antenna) by means of a suitablefeeder cable.  Ensure that nothing is plugged into the two DIN connectors on the rear of the RX-500.  Switch on the receiver and confirm that the green ‘Power’ light comes on, either steadily orflashing (see paragraph on Battery Economizer). Switch the ‘Green Alarm’ switch (if fitted) to the‘On’ position.Maxi-MINDA Desktop/Mobile Receiver - Operating InstructionsPress and release the ‘Reset’ button and confirm that the eight LEDs light briefly in sequence aslamp-test that also confirms that the internal micro-processor is functioning.  Adjust the frontpanel ‘Volume’ control to its mid-position. Note that this control will only have a noticeable effectwhilst the RX-500 is being powered from an external power source.  Take one of the transmittersthat you intend to use with the ‘Maxi-MINDA’ RX-500 and send a test transmission. Confirm thatthe small yellow ‘Signal’ light on the receiver illuminates briefly and the message and transmitterUnit Identity are both correctly displayed by the LEDs, accompanied by an audible alarm signal.Briefly pressing the ‘Reset’ button will cancel any audible alert, repeat the lamp-test andextinguish any LEDs that were illuminated.  Switch the ‘Green Alarm’ switch (if fitted) towhichever mode is required.Additional alerts provided:1.) A transmitter low-battery alert causes the appropriate LED indicator on the receiver to blinkout briefly about once per second.2) A receiver-jamming alert will cause a series of audible beeps to be generated. If this occursyou should move the receiver (or the remote antenna if used) to an interference-free location andas soon as the interference clears the beeps will cease.Keep this instruction manual in a safe place - it contains important information and helpful tipswhich will assist you to obtain the best possible performance from your new Minda receiver.

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