TTE Technology LE24FHDP21TA LED TV User Manual LE24FHDP21TA

TTE Technology, Inc. LED TV LE24FHDP21TA


(LE24FHDP21TA) User Manual

1LED TVUser’s Guide For use with models: LE24FHDP21TA / LE26HDP21TANeed Assistance?Please visit our website at www.tclusa.comor call 1-877-300-8837.
2Important InformationThis symbol indicates that this product contains mercury. Special disposal of this product for environmental reasons may be required under the laws applicable to your jurisdiction. For disposal or recycling information, please contact your local authorities or the Electronic Industries Alliance: to thHLGHQWL¿FDWLRQUDWLQJODEHOORFDWHGRQWKHEDFNSDQHORI\RXUSURGXFWIRULWVSURSHURSHUDWLQJYROWDJH)&&UHJXODWLRQVVWDWHWKDWXQDXWKRUL]HGFKDQJHVRUPRGL¿FDWLRQVWRWKLVHTXLSPHQWPD\YRLGWKHXVHU¶VDXWKRULW\WRoperate it.Cable TV Installer: This reminder is provided to call your attention to Article 820-40 of the National Electrical Code (Section 54 of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1) which provides guidelines for proper grounding and, in particular, VSHFL¿HVWKDWWKHFDEOHJURXQGVKRXOGEHFRQQHFWHGWRWKHJURXQGLQJV\VWHPRIWKHEXLOGLQJDVFORVHWRWKHSRLQWRIcable entry as practical.Important: 7KLVWHOHYLVLRQLVDWDEOHPRGHODQGLVGHVLJQHGWRVLWRQD¿UPÀDWVXUIDFH'RQ¶WSODFHWKH79RQVRIWFDUSHWLQJRUVLPLODUVXUIDFHEHFDXVHWKHYHQWLODWLRQVORWVRQWKHERWWRPRIWKHXQLWZLOOEHEORFNHGUHVXOWLQJLQUHGXFHGlifetime from overheating. To assure adequate ventilation for this product, maintain a spacing of 4 inches from the top DQGVLGHRIWKH79UHFHLYHUDQGLQFKHVIURPWKHUHDURIWKH79UHFHLYHUDQGRWKHUVXUIDFHV$OVRPDNHVXUHWKHVWDQGRUEDVH\RXXVHLVRIDGHTXDWHVL]HDQGVWUHQJWKWRSUHYHQWWKH79IURPEHLQJDFFLGHQWDOO\WLSSHGRYHUSXVKHGRIIRUSXOOHGRII7KLVFRXOGFDXVHSHUVRQDOLQMXU\DQGRUGDPDJHWRWKH795HIHUWRWKHImportant Safety Instructions on the next page.7KH3RZHUEXWWRQIROORZHGE\WKHSRZHUV\PERORQWKLV79DQG\RXUUHPRWHFRQWUROSXWVWKH79LQWRDYHU\low-power standby mode but will not completely turn the power off.  In order to completely shut the power off, you will QHHGWRGLVFRQQHFWWKHSRZHUFRUGIURPWKHRXWOHW7KHUHIRUH\RXVKRXOGHQVXUHWKDWWKH79LVLQVWDOOHGLQDPDQQHUthat allows you to disconnect the power cord when desired.Product InformationKeep your sales receipt to obtain warranty parts and service and for proof of purchase. Attach it here and record the serial and model numbers in case you need them. These numbers are located on the product.Model No. ______________________     Serial No._____________________________________Purchase Date __________________ Dealer/Address/Phone___________________________WARNING 7KHEDWWHULHVVKDOOQRWEHH[SRVHGWRH[FHVVLYHKHDWVXFKDVVXQVKLQH¿UHRUWKHOLNH&DXWLRQ7RUHGXFHWKHULVNRIHOHFWULFVKRFNGRQRWUHPRYHFRYHURUEDFN1RXVHUVHUYLFHDEOHSDUWVLQVLGH5HIHUVHUYLFLQJWRTXDOL¿HGVHUYLFHSHUVRQQHOThis symbol indicates “dangerous voltage” LQVLGHWKHSURGXFWWKDWSUHVHQWVDULVNRIHOHFWULFVKRFNRUSHUVRQDOLQMXU\This symbol indicates important instructions accompanying the product.This symbol indicates that this product incorporates double insulation between hazardous main voltage and user accessible parts. When servicing, use only identical replacement parts.WARNING7RUHGXFHWKHULVNRI¿UHRUHOHFWULFVKRFNGRQRWexpose this product to rain or moisture. This product should not be exposed to dripping or splashing. No REMHFWV¿OOHGZLWKOLTXLGVVXFKDVYDVHVVKRXOGEHplaced on the component.7KH79LVXQVWDEOHLILWLVQRWSURSHUO\DWWDFKHGWRthe base or mounted to the wall. Please follow the base or wall mounting instructions provided in the 8VHU¶V*XLGHWRHQVXUH\RXUVDIHW\WARNINGCAUTIONRISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK.'212723(1Product Registration3OHDVHUHJLVWHU\RXU7&/SXUFKDVHRQOLQHDWZZZWFOXVDFRP,WZLOOPDNHLWHDVLHUWRFRQWDFW\RXVKRXOGLWHYHUEHnecessary. Registration is not required for warranty coverage.
3Important Safety Instructions1. Read and follow all instructions.2. Keep these instructions.3. Heed all warnings. 'RQRWEORFNDQ\YHQWLODWLRQRSHQLQJV,QVWDOOLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHPDQXIDFWXUHU¶VLQVWUXFWLRQV 'RQRWLQVWDOOQHDUDQ\KHDWVRXUFHVVXFKDVUDGLDWRUVKHDWUHJLVWHUVVWRYHVRURWKHUDSSDUDWXV LQFOXGLQJDPSOL¿HUVWKDWSURGXFHKHDW 'RQRWQHJDWHWKHVDIHW\SXUSRVHRIWKHSRODUL]HGRUJURXQGLQJW\SHSOXJ$SRODUL]HGSOXJKDVtwo blades with one wider than the other. A grounding type plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong is provided for your safety. If the provided plug  GRHVQRW¿W\RXURXWOHWFRQVXOWDQHOHFWULFLDQIRUUHSODFHPHQWRIWKHREVROHWHRXWOHW 3URWHFWWKHSRZHUFRUGIURPEHLQJZDONHGRQRUSLQFKHGSDUWLFXODUO\DWSOXJVUHFHSWDFOHVDQGWKHpoint where it exits from the component. 'RQRWXVHWKLVFRPSRQHQWQHDUZDWHU 2QO\XVHWKHDWWDFKPHQWVDFFHVVRULHVVSHFL¿HGE\WKHPDQXIDFWXUHU10. Clean only with dry cloth.8VHRQO\ZLWKWKHFDUWVWDQGWULSRGEUDFNHWRUWDEOHVSHFL¿HGE\WKHPDQXIDFWXUHURUVROGZLWK WKHFRPSRQHQW:KHQWKH79LVSODFHGRQDFDUWXVHFDXWLRQZKHQPRYLQJWKHFDUWWRDYRLGLQMXU\from tip-over.12. Unplug this component during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time.5HIHUDOOVHUYLFLQJWRTXDOL¿HGVHUYLFHSHUVRQQHO6HUYLFHLVUHTXLUHGZKHQWKHFRPSRQHQWLVdamaged in any way, such as power supply cord or plug damage, liquid spilled on or objects falling onto the component, rain or moisture exposure, abnormal operation, or if the component has been dropped.14. If an outside antenna or cable system is connected to the product, be sure the antenna or cable system is grounded so as to provide some protection against voltage surges and built-up  VWDWLFFKDUJHV6HFWLRQRIWKH1DWLRQDO(OHFWULFDO&RGH$16,1)3$1R6HFWLRQ54 of Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1) provides information with respect to proper grounding of the mast and supporting structure, grounding of the lead-in wire to an antenna-discharge unit, size of grounding conductors, location of antenna-discharge unit, connection to grounding electrodes, and requirements for the grounding electrode. See following example:ANTENNA LEAD IN WIREGROUND CLAMPGROUNDING CONDUCTORS(NEC SECTION 810-21)GROUND CLAMPSPOWER SERVICE GROUNDINGELECTRODE SYSTEM(NEC ART 250, PARTH)ELECTRIC SERVICEEQUIPMENTANTENNA DISCHARGE UNIT(NEC SECTION 810-20)
4Important Information ..............................2Important Safety Instructions...................3Chapter 1 - Connections and Setup Before Initial Setup  .................................5Protect Against Power Surges.............5Safety Information  ..............................5Avoid Audio Interference  ....................5$YRLG'LUHFW/LJKW ................................5&KHFN6XSSOLHG3DUWV..........................5$WWDFKLQJ<RXU79WRWKH7DEOH6WDQG......... 60RXQWLQJ<RXU79WRWKH:DOO ..................7([SODQDWLRQRI-DFNVDQG%XWWRQVRQ79....8Rear Panel ...........................................86LGH,QSXW-DFNV...................................9Side Panel Buttons...............................9Obtain the Signal.....................................10What You Need ....................................10What You Need to Know ......................10Choose Your Connections.......................11&RPSRVLWH9LGHR&RQQHFWLRQ ..............12&RPSRQHQW9LGHR&RQQHFWLRQ .............12+'0,&RQQHFWLRQ.................................13+'0,'9,&RQQHFWLRQ..........................13PC Connection.....................................143OXJLQWKH79 ..........................................14Put Batteries in the Remote.....................147XUQRQWKH79.........................................14Using the Remote Control to Complete the Initial Setup..............................................14Complete the Initial Setup .......................15Set the Menu Language.......................156HWWKH79/RFDWLRQ0RGH ...................15Set the Time Zone................................15Auto Channel Scan..............................166NLS6FDQ.............................................16Chapter 2 - Understanding the Basics7XUQLQJWKH792QDQG2II ......................176HOHFWLQJWKH9LGHR,QSXW6RXUFH ............17Selecting a Channel ................................17$GMXVWLQJ0XWLQJWKH9ROXPH...................17Screen Formats.......................................18Channel Banner.......................................18Chapter 3 - Using the Remote ControlRemote Control Buttons ..........................19Chapter 4 - Using the TV MenuUsing the Menu System ..........................20Picture Menu ...........................................20Picture Settings....................................20Expert Settings.....................................20Advanced Settings...............................21PC Settings..........................................21Reset Picture Settings .........................21Sound Menu ............................................22Setup Menu .............................................23Signal Type ..........................................23Channel Scan ......................................23&KDQQHO6NLS........................................24Channel Edit ........................................24,QSXW6NLS.............................................25Input Labels .........................................25Closed Caption ....................................26Time Setup...........................................27Reset All...............................................283DUHQWDO&RQWUROVDQG9&KLS..................28&UHDWH&KDQJH9&KLS3DVVZRUG........285HVHW9&KLS3DVVZRUG.......................28&KDQQHO%ORFN......................................29%XWWRQ%ORFN.........................................299&KLS5DWLQJ(QDEOH...........................299&KLS5DWLQJ6FUHHQ ..........................30869&KLS795DWLQJV .........................30%ORFNLQJ6SHFL¿F&RQWHQW7KHPHV ......30869&KLS0RYLH5DWLQJ/LPLW..............31%ORFNLQJ&DQDGD9&KLS5DWLQJV.........312SHQ9&KLS ........................................32%ORFNLQJ8QUDWHG([HPSW3URJUDPV....325HVHW'RZQORDGDEOH'DWD ...................32,QSXW%ORFN ...........................................32Language Menu.......................................32USB Menu ...............................................33USB Connection......................................33Chapter 5 - Other Information)UHTXHQWO\$VNHG4XHVWLRQV)$4V .......34Troubleshooting.......................................35Care and Cleaning...................................379&KLS5DWLQJ([SODQDWLRQV.....................38869&KLS5DWLQJ6\VWHP....................38&DQDGLDQ(QJOLVK9&KLS5DWLQJ6\VWHP ... 38&DQDGLDQ)UHQFK9&KLS5DWLQJ6\VWHP.... 397HOHYLVLRQ6SHFL¿FDWLRQV..........................39Limited Warranty .....................................40Table of Contents
5Before Initial SetupProtect Against Power SurgesConnect all components before you plug any power cords into the wall outlet or power strip. 1(9(5SOXJ\RXU79LQWRDQRXWOHWWKDWLVFRQWUROOHGE\DZDOOVZLWFK 7XUQRIIWKH79EHIRUH\RXFRQQHFWRUGLVFRQQHFWDQ\FDEOHV 0DNHVXUHDOODQWHQQDVDQGFDEOHVDUHSURSHUO\JURXQGHG5HIHUWRWKH,PSRUWDQW6DIHW\ Instructions.Safety Information 3URWHFWFRPSRQHQWVIURPRYHUKHDWLQJ 'RQ¶WEORFNYHQWLODWLRQKROHVRQDQ\RIWKHFRPSRQHQWV$UUDQJHWKHFRPSRQHQWVVRWKDWDLUFDQ circulate freely. 'RQ¶WVWDFNFRPSRQHQWV ,I\RXSODFHWKHFRPSRQHQWLQDVWDQGPDNHVXUH\RXDOORZDGHTXDWHYHQWLODWLRQ ,I\RXFRQQHFWDQDXGLRUHFHLYHURUDPSOL¿HUSODFHLWRQWKHWRSVKHOIVRWKHKHDWHGDLUIURPLWZRQ¶Wharm other components.Avoid Audio Interference 3RVLWLRQFDEOHVSURSHUO\LQVHUWHDFKFDEOH¿UPO\LQWRWKHGHVLJQDWHGMDFN ,I\RXSODFHFRPSRQHQWVDERYHWKH79URXWHDOOFDEOHVGRZQRQHVLGHRIWKHEDFNRIWKH79LQVWHDGof straight down the middle. ,I\RXUDQWHQQDXVHVRKPWZLQOHDGFDEOHVGRQRWFRLOWKHFDEOHV .HHSWZLQOHDGFDEOHVDZD\IURPDXGLRYLGHRFDEOHVAvoid Direct Light'RQ¶WSODFHWKH79ZKHUHVXQOLJKWRUURRPOLJKWLQJLVGLUHFWHGWRZDUGWKHVFUHHQ8VHVRIWRULQGLUHFWlighting.Check Supplied Parts&KHFNWKDWWKHIROORZLQJSDUWVZHUHSDFNHGZLWK\RXUSURGXFW 1 Remote Control and 2 AAA Batteries ,QVWUXFWLRQ%RRN 4XLFN6WDU*XLG Table Stand 4 St-screws for assembling the table standChapter 1 - Connections and Setup*UDSKLFVFRQWDLQHGZLWKLQWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQDUHSUHVHQWDWLRQRQO\Replacing your remoteIf you need to replace your remote, visit  A shipping and handling fee, and the appropriate sales tax, will be charged upon ordering.  Have your Visa or MasterCard ready.
7,I\RXDUHPRXQWLQJ\RXU79WRWKHZDOO¿UVWUHPRYHWKHWDEOHVWDQGDWWDFKHGWRWKHEDFNRIWKH796HHStep 2 above).0RXQWLQJ<RXU79WRWKH:DOO7KH9(6$QXPEHULVWKHKRUL]RQWDODQGYHUWLFDOPHDVXUHPHQWRIWKHPRXQWLQJKROHV)RUH[DPSOH200x100 refers to the fact that the mounting measurements are 200mm horizontally and 100mm vertically.Notes: Follow the directions included with the wall mount to mount the TV to the wall.Caution: <RXUZDOOPRXQWPXVWEHDEOHWREHDUDPLQLPXPRI¿YHWLPHVWKH79¶VQHWZHLJKWWRDYRLGFDXVLQJGDPDJH7RPRXQW\RXU79WRWKHZDOOSXUFKDVHD9(6$ZDOOPRXQW0RGHOV/)+'37$/+'37$ Purchase a VESA 200 x 100, M4 screw
8ANTENNA/CABLE INLets you connect a coaxial cable to receive the signal from your antenna, cable, or cable box.AUDIO (R/L) OUT 8VHDQ5&$DXGLRFDEOHWRFRQQHFW\RXU79WRDFRPSDWLEOHDXGLRUHFHLYHUQRWavailble in USB mode)AUDIO/VIDEO (AV) IN/HWV\RXFRQQHFWDFRPSRQHQWWKDWKDVFRPSRVLWHYLGHRMDFNVVXFKDVD9&5RU'9'SOD\HU L AUDIO 3URYLGHVOHIWDXGLRFRQQHFWLRQZKHQXVLQJWKH9,'(2,1MDFN7KHOHIWDXGLR   FRQQHFWRUVDUHXVXDOO\ZKLWH)RUPRQRDXGLRVRXUFHVEHVXUHWRXVHWKH/$8',2,1 R AUDIO 3URYLGHVULJKWDXGLRFRQQHFWLRQZKHQXVLQJWKH9,'(2,1MDFN7KHULJKWDXGLR connector is usually red.COMPONENT IN /HWV\RXFRQQHFWDFRPSRQHQWWKDWKDVFRPSRQHQWYLGHRMDFNVVXFKDVD'9'player. &037<3E3U&RPSRQHQW9LGHR Provides good picture quality because the video is separated   into three signals. Use three video-grade or component video cables for the connection.  CMPT L AUDIO3URYLGHVOHIWDXGLRFRQQHFWLRQZKHQXVLQJWKH&0379,'(2LQSXWV7KHOHIWDXGLR FRQQHFWRULVXVXDOO\ZKLWH)RUPRQRDXGLRVRXUFHVEHVXUHWRXVHWKHOHIW$8',2LQSXWCMPT R AUDIO3URYLGHVULJKW$8',2FRQQHFWLRQZKHQXVLQJWKH&0379,'(2LQSXWV7KHULJKWaudioconnector is usually red.SPDIF - DIGITAL AUDIO OUT (coaxial) 8VHDGLJLWDOFRD[LDOFDEOHWRFRQQHFW\RXU79WRDFRPSDWLEOHaudio receiver. HDMI IN 3 or HDMI IN 4 /HWV\RXFRQQHFWDFRPSRQHQWVXFKDVDGLJLWDOFDEOHER[ZLWKDQ+'0,output for the best picture quality. HDMI/DVI IN 1 +LJK'H¿QLWLRQ0XOWLPHGLD,QWHUIDFH'LJLWDO9LVXDO,QWHUIDFH3URYLGHVDQuncompressed digital connection that carries both video and audio data by way of an integrated PLQLSOXJFDEOH6LQFH+'0,WHFKQRORJ\LVEDVHGRQ'LJLWDO9LVXDO,QWHUIDFH'9,WKHMDFNRQWKHEDFNRI\RXU79LV alsoFRPSDWLEOHZLWK'9,FRPSRQHQWV(PC IN) VGA &RQQHFW\RXUFRPSXWHURURWKHUFRPSRQHQWZLWKD9*$RXWSXWWRWKLVMDFNXVLQJDSLQ'VXEFDEOHDVI/PC AUDIO IN (used for DVI/PC only) 3URYLGHVDXGLRFRQQHFWLRQZKHQXVLQJ+'0,'9,,1387MDFNIRU'9,RUZKHQXVLQJ3&,1Note: If using a DVI component, remember to connect the audio cable because the DVI cable carries only the picture signal, not the sound.Rear PanelExplanation of Jacks and Buttons on TV 7KLVVHFWLRQGHVFULEHVWKHMDFNVRQWKHEDFNSDQHORI\RXU79'9'7KHUHDUHVHYHUDOZD\VWRFRQQHFWcomponents.
96LGH,QSXW-DFNVHEADPHONE  Allow you to connect headphones to listen to WKHVRXQGFRPLQJIURPWKH79USB (    )Allows you to connect a compatible mass storage device XVLQJD86%MDFNHDMI IN 2 Lets you connect a component, such as a digital cable box, ZLWKDQ+'0,RXWSXWIRUWKHEHVWSLFWXUHTXDOLW\Front Panel ButtonsIf you cannot locate your remote, you can use the side panel buttonsRQ\RXU79WRRSHUDWHPDQ\79IHDWXUHVCH+/-Press CH+/- to select channels stored in the channel list or to move up ( ) or down ( ) through the menu items.VOL+/-Press VOL +/- to increase or decrease the volume or to move right ( ) or left ( ) through the menu items.MENUPress the MENUEXWWRQWREULQJXSWKH79¶V0DLQPHQXPOWER ( )3UHVVWKH32:(5EXWWRQWRWXUQWKH79RQDQGRII
10ANTENNA/CABLEINPUTOutdoor or indoor AntennaCable Box,( Wall Outlet)RF CoaxialWire(75 ohm)OrOrConnect the RF coaxial cable on your home outlet to the ANTENNA/CABLE INPUTMDFNRIWKLVXQLWOnce all connections are complete, turn on the unit and begin the initial setup process, scanning for channels in your area. Obtain the Signal7KH¿UVWVWHSLQFRQQHFWLQJ\RXU79LVREWDLQLQJWKHVLJQDO7KHEDFNSDQHORI\RXU79DOORZV\RXWRUHFHLYHDQDORJDQGRUGLJLWDOFKDQQHOVE\XVLQJWKH$17(11$&$%/(,1387%HIRUH\RXFRQQHFW\RXU79\RXKDYHWRGHWHUPLQHZKHWKHU\RXZLOOEHXVLQJDQDQWHQQDRUDFDEOHservice to obtain the signal.What You NeedAntenna (Rabbit Ears) Or Outdoor Antenna with Coaxial CablePlug the antenna or coaxial cable from the wall outlet into the ANTENNA/CABLE INPUTRQWKHEDFNof WKH79<RXDUHUHDG\WRUHFHLYHRIIDLUORFDOGLJLWDODQGDQDORJFKDQQHOVCable ServicePlug the coaxial cable from the wall outlet into the ANTENNA/CABLE INPUTRQWKHEDFNRIWKH79You are ready to receive your cable channels.Set-Top BoxIf you have a set-top box, you may need to call your cable company or satellite service provider. They may recommend special cables to allow you to view digital channels.What You Need to Know 9LVLW for help in deciding what type of antenna to use in order to receive the local digital channels available to you. Enter your location, and the program will list local analog and digital stations available using your antenna. :KHQ\RXZDWFK79WKHChannel Banner displays the type of channel currently viewed.
11Choose Your Connections7KHUHDUHVHYHUDOZD\VWRFRQQHFWFRPSRQHQWVVXFKDV'9'SOD\HUVDQGVHWWRSER[HVWR\RXU793OHDVHXVHWKHIROORZLQJFKDUWWRGHWHUPLQHZKLFKFRQQHFWLRQVDUHEHVWIRU\RX3URFHHGWRWKHappropriate pages to connect your components.Note: No cables are supplied with this unit. Please purchase the necessary cables. A high-speed +'0,FDEOHLVUHFRPPHQGHGIRUEHWWHUFRPSDWLELOLW\$XGLR9LGHRpage 12page 12page 13page 14&RPSRQHQW9LGHR AudioJacks Used                          Cable Needed                                   Go to...+'0,TM+'0,'9,$GDSWHU+ORAudioAudioAudioAudio+'0,'9,Y Pb Pr Audio L and RAudio L and R9LGHR9*$9*$PC IN+'0,TM+'0,WKH+'0,ORJRDQG+LJK'H¿QLWLRQ0XOWLPHGLD,QWHUIDFHDUHWUDGHPDUNVRUUHJLVWHUHGWUDGHPDUNVRI+'0,/LFHQVLQJ//&Input                              Signal Compatability$QWHQQD&DEOH480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i (NTSC, ATSC, and QAM formats)&RPSRVLWH9LGHR480i&RPSRQHQW9LGHR 480i, 480p, 720p/60Hz, 1080i/60Hz, 1080p/60Hz+'0, 480i, 480p, 720p/60Hz, 1080i/60Hz, 1080p/60HzPC VGA SVGA XGAVIDEOLAUDIORAUDIO/VIDEOIN (AV)YPb Pr L AUDIORCOMPONENT IN (CMPT)HDMI/DVI IN 1DVI/PCAUDIOINDVI/PCAUDIOINVGA
12Connecting a CompRQHQWZLWK&RPSRVLWH9LGHR*RRG7RFRQQHFWDFRPSRQHQWZLWKDYLGHRRXWSXWMDFNVXFKDVD'9'SOD\HUIROORZWKHVHVWHSV([DPSOH'9'3OD\HU&RQQHFW\RXUFDEOHDQGRURIIDLUDQWHQQDDVGHVFULEHGRQSDJH2. Connect the yellow video cable to the (AV) VIDEOMDFNRQWKHEDFNRIWKH79DQGWRWKHYLGHR  RXWSXWMDFNRQWKH'9'SOD\HU3. Connect the red and white audio cables to the (AVULJKWDQGOHIWDXGLRMDFNVRQWKHEDFNRIWKH79 DQGWRWKHDXGLRRXWSXWMDFNVRQWKH'9'SOD\HU7XUQRQ\RXU79WKHQWXUQRQWKH'9'SOD\HU5. Press the INPUT button on the remote control to open the Input list. Once open, press the INPUT   button repeatedly to select AV.7KLVLVDQH[DPSOHRIDFRQQHFWLRQXVLQJWKHFRPSRVLWHYLGHRMDFN&RQQHFWLQJD&RPSRQHQWZLWK&RPSRQHQW9LGHR%HWWHUComponent video connection offers better picture quality for video devices connected to the unit. To FRQQHFWDFRPSRQHQWWKDWKDV<3E3UMDFNVVXFKDVD'9'SOD\HUIROORZWKHVHVWHSV([DPSOH'9'3OD\HU&RQQHFW\RXUFDEOHDQGRURIIDLUDQWHQQDDVGHVFULEHGRQSDJH2.Connect three video cables or special Y Pb Pr cables to the COMPONENT IN (CMPT) Y Pb Pr  MDFNVRQWKHEDFNRIWKH79DQGWRWKH<3E3URXWSXWVRQWKH'9'SOD\HU3. Connect your red and white audio cables to the COMPONENT IN (CMPT) R and L AUDIO    MDFNVRQWKHEDFNRIWKH79DQGWRWKHDXGLRRXWSXWMDFNVRQWKH'9'SOD\HU7XUQRQ\RXU79WKHQWXUQRQWKH'9'SOD\HU5. Press the INPUT button on the remote control to open the Input list. Once open, press the INPUT   button repeatedly to select CMPT.7KLVLVDQH[DPSOHRIDFRQQHFWLRQXVLQJWKHFRPSRQHQWYLGHRMDFNVVIDEOLAUDIORAUDIO/VIDEOIN (AV)VIDEOLRAUDIOAUDIO/VIDEO OUTLRPrPbYCOMPONENTIN (CMPT)LAUDIORYPbPr COMPONENT OUT
13+'0,'9,&RQQHFWLRQ6LQFH+'0,WHFKQRORJ\LVEDVHGRQ'LJLWDO9LVXDO,QWHUIDFH'9,WKHMDFNRQWKHEDFNRI\RXU79LValso compatiEOHZLWKFRPSRQHQWVWKDWKDYHD'9,RXWSXWMDFNExample: Personal Computer (PC) &RQQHFWDQ+'0,FDEOHWRWKHHDMI/DVI IN 1MDFNRQWKHEDFNRIWKH79 $WWDFKDQ+'0,'9,DGDSWHURQWKHRWKHUHQGRIWKH+'0,FDEOHWKHQFRQQHFWLWWRWKH'9,RXWSXW MDFNRQWKH3& 6LQFH\RX¶UHXVLQJDQ+'0,'9,DGDSWHU\RXQHHGWRFRQQHFWDVHSDUDWHDXGLRFDEOHWRWKHDVI   AUDIO INMDFNRQWKHEDFNRIWKH79DQGWKHDXGLRRXSXWMDFNRQWKH3& 7XUQRQ\RXU79WKHQWXUQRQWKH3&5. Press the INPUT button on the remote control to open the Input list. Once open, press the INPUT   button repeatedly to select HDMI 1.&RQQHFWLQJD&RPSRQHQWZLWK+'0,%HVW+LJK'H¿QLWLRQ0XOWLPHGLD,QWHUIDFH+'0,WHFKQRORJ\LVDQXQFRPSUHVVHGGLJLWDOFRQQHFWLRQWKDWcarries both video and audio data by way of an integrated mini-plug cable. ([DPSOH&RPSRQHQWZLWK+'0,MDFN &RQQHFWDQ+'0,FDEOHWRWKHHDMI IN 2MDFNRQWKHVLGHRIWKH79RUWKHHDMI/DVI IN 1    MDFNRUHDMI IN 3 or  HDMI IN 4 MDFNRQWKHEDFNRIWKH79DQGWRWKH+'0,RXWSXWMDFNRQWKHcomponent. 7XUQRQ\RXU79WKHQWXUQRQWKHFRPSRQHQW3. Press the INPUT button on the remote control to open the Input list. Once open, press the INPUT   button repeatedly to select HDMI 2 (or HDMI 1 or HDMI 3 or HDMI 4).Don't forget:If necessary, connect antenna or cable to get a picture. Go to page 10 for instructions.HDMI OUTHDMI IN 2HDMI CABLESide and rear of this unitORHDMI/DVI IN 1 or HDMI IN 3or HDMI IN 4 Rear of this unit To HDMI/DVI IN 1 onlyHDMI-DVIconversion cableAudio cableDVI/PC AUDIO INDVI
14Plug in the TV3OXJWKHHQGRIWKHSRZHUFRUGLQWRWKHEDFNRIWKH793OXJWKHRWKHUHQGLQWRDQRXWOHWLQVHUWLQJWKHSOXJFRPSOHWHO\'RQRWSOXJWKH79LQWRDQRXWOHWFRQWUROOHGE\DOLJKWVZLWFKPut Batteries in the Remote 5HPRYHWKHEDWWHU\FRPSDUWPHQWFRYHUIURPWKHEDFNRIWKHUHPRWHFRQWUROE\SXVKLQJWKHWDEDQGlifting off the cover. ,QVHUW$$$EDWWHULHVPDNLQJVXUHWKHSRODULWLHVDQGDUHDOLJQHGFRUUHFWO\ 5HSODFHWKHFRYHUTurn on the TV7XUQRQ\RXU79E\SUHVVLQJWKH EXWWRQRQWKHVLGHRIWKH79RUWKH  button on the remote control.Using the Remote Control to Complete the Initial Setup<RXZLOOQHHGWRXVHWKHUHPRWHFRQWUROWRFRPSOHWHWKHVHWXSRI\RXU797KHUHPRWHFRQWURODOORZV\RXWRQDYLJDWHWKURXJKDQGVHOHFWLWHPVWKDWDSSHDULQWKHRQVFUHHQPHQXV7KHSURFHVVZRUNVWKHsame on all menu screens: highlight your choice and select it.To highlight an item in the menu list, press the up or down arrow ( ) to move up or down. Use the left or right arrows ( ) to view other selections for the highlighted menu choice or to display a sub-menu.Note: Highlighted items stand out from other menu items on the list (appear darker, brighter, or a different color).PC Connection 7RFRQQHFWDSHUVRQDOFRPSXWHUDQGXVH\RXU79DVDPRQLWRUIROORZWKHVHVWHSV &RQQHFWRQHHQGRIDSLQPRQLWRUFDEOH9*$FDEOHWRWKHPC IN VGAMDFNRQWKH79DQGWKH RWKHUHQGWRWKH3&¶VYLGHRRXWSXWMDFN2. Connect an audio cable to the PC AUDIO INMDFNRQWKHEDFNRIWKH79DQGWKHRWKHUHQGWRWKH DXGLRRXWSXWMDFNRQWKH3& 7XUQRQ\RXU79WKHQWXUQRQWKH3&4. Press the INPUT button on the remote control to open the Input list. Once open, press the INPUT   button repeatedly to select PC.Rear of this unitTo PC VIDEO IN (VGA)VGA cableAudio cableDVI/PC AUDIO INVGA
15Complete the Initial Setup7KHPHQXV\VWHPLQ\RXU79DOORZVDOORIWKH79¶VIHDWXUHVWRZRUNSURSHUO\7KH¿UVWWLPH\RXWXUQRQ\RXU79WKH,QLWLDO6HWXS:L]DUGRSHQVZKLFKJXLGHV\RXWKURXJKWKHVHWXSSURFHVVLQFOXGLQJ/DQJXDJH79/RFDWLRQ7LPH=RQH7XQHUDQG&KDQQHO6FDQSet the Menu Language7KH¿UVWVWHSRIWKHVHWXSUHTXLUHV\RXWRVHOHFW\RXUpreferred language for the menu system. If English is your preferred language, press the OK button on the remote control. To select another language use the down arrow button ( ) until that language is selected then press OK or the right arrow button ( ) to proceed to the next screen.6HWWKH79/RFDWLRQ0RGH$IWHUFKRRVLQJWKHODQJXDJHDPHQXVFUHHQDVNV\RXWRVHWWKH79/RFDWLRQ  &KRRVLQJ³Home´IRUWKH79/RFDWLRQDVVLJQV    the optimal picture settings for most home      environments.  &KRRVLQJ³Retail,” which is not Energy Star     FRPSOLDQWVHWVWKHXQLWXSZLWKSUHGH¿QHG     settings for retail displays. In this setting, the power     consumption may exceed the requirements of the   (QHUJ\6WDUTXDOL¿FDWLRQUse the up or down arrow ( ) to select the desired location setting (Home/RetailWKHQSUHVVWKHOK button or right arrow ( ) to continue to the next screen.Set the Time ZoneUse the up or down arrows ( ) to select the current local time zone. Press the OK button or right arrow ( )to continue to the next screen.Initial SetupPlease select your language: LanguageEspañolFrançaisEnglishSelect OK NextInitial Setup TV LocationTV Location This mode is Energy Star compliant.  RetailHomeBack OK NextSelectInitial Setup Time ZonePlease select your time zone: AlaskaPacificHawaiiMountainCentralEasternAtlanticNewfoudlandBack OK NextSelect ExitCLEAREASTERN
16Auto Channel Scan1. On the Tuner screen, select either Antenna or Cable.Press the OK button or right arrow ( ) to continue to the next screen. Note: If you are using a satellite or cable set-top box,you do not have to complete the Channel Search.2. The Channel Scan screen is now displayed. The default choice is to scan. Press the OK button or the right arrow ( ) to begin the channel scan for available  FKDQQHOVWREHVWRUHGLQWKH79¶VPHPRU\Note: If you do not want to scan for channels at this time, press CLEAR to stop the scanning process.3. The screen will change to show the progress of the scanning process. :KHQWKHVFDQQLQJLV¿QLVKHGWKHComplete screen appears to inform you that the unit has completed the Initial Setup.5. Press CLEAR to exit the Wizard and begin watching 796NLS6FDQ,I\RXHOHFWWRVNLSWKH$XWR6FDQQLQJSURFHVVE\FKRRVLQJSkip Scan or by pressing the CLEAR button, you will need to follow this process the next time you decide to complete this procedure.1. Select the TV as input (using the INPUTNH\ *RWKURXJKWKHPHQXRSWLRQVWRVHOHFWWKHSignal Type,which will display the option of scanning the channels again.3. If you are using a satellite or cable set-top box, you do not have to complete the Channel Search.Note:  See the Setup Menu to: 6FDQFKDQQHOVDXWRPDWLFDOO\DJDLQSDJH $GGGHVLUHGFKDQQHOVQRWPHPRUL]HGE\WKH&KDQQHOScan (page 24). 5HVHWWKHWLPH]RQHSDJHSee the Language Menu to: &KDQJHWRDQRWKHUODQJXDJHSDJHInitial Setup TunerPlease select your tuner mode: CableAntennaBack OK NextSelect ExitCLEARInitial Setup Channel ScanPlease connect antenna or cable. Start Channel Scan now?If you skip this step, the ChannelScan can be performed by going tothe Setup menu later.Skip ScanScanBack OK NextSelect ExitCLEAR0%Initial Setup CompleteBackCongratulations!The Initial Setup is complete.Please press [OK] to exit the InitialSetup Menu.ExitCLEAR
17Selecting a Channel1. Select the desired channel by using the CH+/- RUWKHQXPHULFNH\SDG  The CH+/- can select only memorized channels.  6HOHFWQRQPHPRUL]HGFKDQQHOVXVLQJWKHQXPHULFNH\SDG 7RXVHWKHQXPHULFNH\SDGAnalog TV Channels – When selecting an analog channel, such as channel 12, press the 1,        then the 2, then press OK.DTV ±:KHQVHOHFWLQJGLJLWDOFKDQQHOVVXFKDVEHVXUHWRSUHVVWKHGRWLQWKH     appropriate place. So, for 12.3, you would press 1, then 2, then dot, then 3. Press OK to select.3. Press GO BACK to return to the previously viewed channel.What is a Sub-channel?A sub-channel is a channel such as 12.3. By using high-compression technology, digital broadcasting enables multiple signals to be sent simultaneously. Therefore, you can select more than one program per main channel, since digital broadcasting technology can distinguish between multiple channels on DVLQJOHQHWZRUNTurning the TV On and Off3OXJWKHSRZHUFRUGIURPWKH79LQWRDQ$&SRZHURXWOHW2. Press WRWXUQRQWKH793. Press WRWXUQRIIWKH79:KHQ\RXWXUQWKH79RIILWDXWRPDWLFDOO\JRHVLQWR6WDQGE\0RGHNote: When your TV is in Standby Mode, it is still receiving some power. To completely     disconnect the power, unplug the power cord.Selecting the Video Input Source 7XUQRQWKH79WKHQSUHVV INPUT on the remote control.      The INPUT list appears.2. To select an input source, press the INPUT button        repeatedly or use the up and down arrows ( ) to        highlight the video source and press OK to select. Adjusting/Muting the Volume1.Use the VOL +/- to adjust the volume. The volume bar will be displayed at the bottom part of your   79VFUHHQZKHQ\RXDUHDGMXVWLQJWKHYROXPH7KHYROXPHEDUGLVDSSHDUVDIHZVHFRQGVDIWHU     you have completed the adjustment.2. Press MUTEWRWXUQWKHVRXQGRQDQGRII7KH087(PDUNLVGLVSOD\HGRQWKH79VFUHHQIRUD   few seconds.3. When you press MUTE again, the volume reverts to its previous level. Or you can press the VOL + to cancel the mute function.Chapter 2 - Understanding the BasicsInputAVCMPT No LabelPC No LabelHDMI1 No LabelHDMI2 No LabelTVNo LabelHDMI3HDMI4NoNoLabelLabel
18Screen Formats6FUHHQIRUPDWUHIHUVWRWKHZD\WKHSLFWXUHLVGLVSOD\HGRQ\RXU793UHVVWKHFORMAT button on your remote to see if a different format is available for the video you are viewing. The format changes as you press the FORMAT button, and the format type is displayed at the top left of the screen.$QDORJYLGHRLVVHQWLQDIRUPDWZKLFK\RXU79GLVSOD\VLQDIRUPDW0RVWGLJLWDOYLGHRLVVHQWLQDIRUPDWZKLFK¿OOV\RXUVFUHHQEXWLWVRPHWLPHVLVVHQWLQZKLFKGRHVQRW¿OO\RXUVFUHHQ,WGHSHQGVRQKRZWKHVWDWLRQRUFRPSRQHQWFRQQHFWHGWR\RXU79LVIRUPDWWLQJWKHYLGHR,Ithere are bars on the screen, press the FORMAT button to try a different format that may eliminate the EDUV6RPHEDUVFDQ¶WEHUHPRYHGEHFDXVHRIWKHZD\WKHIRUPDWLVVHQWE\WKHEURDGFDVWHU3UHVVFORMAT repeatedly to cycle through the available display formats.Examples of the different formats appear below. Each format is available for analog video, but it might not be available for digital video.Channel BannerThere are several indicators that may appear when you press the INFO button on the remote control. This display is called the Channel Banner. The following list describes the items on the ChannelBanner screen.1. Program Guide – The term “No program details” is displayed when no program guide is available.2. Program Title3. Rating Information – This displays the rating of the current program.4. Closed Captioning – This tells whether or not Closed Captioning is available for the current program.5. Audio Language6. Effective Scanning Lines ±'LVSOD\V 6FDQQLQJPRGHSDQGGLJLWDO79 IRUPDW+'7. Current Time8. Signal Type9. Channel Name, if available10. Channel NumberNormalCineramaFullZoomNote: For HD Video, press FORMAT to choose from Full, Expand, Normal and Zoom. For HDMI and CMPT inputs, there is also a No Overscan format.(No program details.)(No program title.)Not Rated 720p HD 12:35 PMEnglish StereoCableRFHF2.112356 7 8910cc4
19Chapter 3 - Using the Remote ControlRemote Control Buttons1. INPUT – Press the INPUT button to open the    InputOLVWWKHQSUHVVWKHINPUT button repeatedly to select the video input, or press the up and down arrows ( ) to highlight options, and press OK to select the desired option.2. Alphanumeric Buttons – Using these    buttons, enter channel numbers. To enter a    channel, press the number buttons and press OK(or let the entry timeout).To enter a digital channel with a sub-channel,     HQWHUWKHPDLQFKDQQHOWKHQSUHVVWKHGRWWKHsub-channel, and then the OK button.3. MENU – Press the MENU button to display the Main Menu.4. Arrows (   /   /   /   ) – Use the four arrows to  KLJKOLJKWGLIIHUHQWLWHPVLQWKH79PHQXDQGWRadjust the menu controls.5. PIC – Press to select your desired picture mode.6. INFO – If no menus are currently active, press the INFO button to display the Channel Banner.7. VOL+/- –,QFUHDVHVRUGHFUHDVHVWKH79YROXPH8. MUTE – Press to turn the volume on and off.9. FAV – Press the FAV button to browse the    channels in your favorite list. Use the up and    down arrows ( ) to highlight options, then press OK to select. Or, press the FAV button repeatedly to cycle through your favorite channels.10. MEDIA –Press the MEDIA button to enter the    USB menu directly.11. POWER ( ) – Press the POWER button to turn  WKH79RQDQGRII12. GUIDE – Press the GUIDE button to display the program guide. Program guide details are only   available on digital channels.13. CLEAR – Press the CLEAR button to remove any menu or display from the screen and return to    normal viewing.14.OK –:KHQWKH79LVLQWKH0HQXV\VWHPSUHVVthe OK EXWWRQWRFRQ¿UP\RXUVHOHFWLRQ15.GO BACK – Pressing the GO BACK button    returns you to the previously viewed channel.16.CH + or CH -  – Press the CH+/- buttons to select channels and external input mode.17.TV –3UHVVWRDFFHVVWRWKH79PRGH18.MTS – Press to select your desired sound mode.19.These buttons can be used for playing music and photos in the USB menu.
20Using the Menu System7KLVVHFWLRQH[SORUHVWKHPHQXVRI\RXU79(DFKPHQXis outlined and detailed to help you get the most from your 797RDFFHVVWKHPHQXV\VWHPIROORZWKHVHVWHSV1. Press the MENU button to open the main menu.2. Use the up and down arrows ( ) to highlight an option and press the OK button or the right arrow ( ) to enter its sub-menu.3. Press the up and down arrows ( ) to highlight an  LWHPWKHQSUHVVWKHOHIWRUULJKWDUURZV )  to adjust the selected items, or press the left or right arrows ( ) to enter the next screen.4. Press the OKEXWWRQWRFRQ¿UP\RXUVHOHFWLRQV5. Press the MENU button to return to the previous screen, or press the CLEAR button to close the menu.Note:Use the text at the bottom of the screen to assist you.Descriptions of each menu are discussed in the order they appear.Picture MenuThe Picture Menu contains menus and controls to FRQ¿JXUHWKHZD\WKHSLFWXUHDSSHDUV7KHPicture Menu RSWLRQVDSSO\WRWKHYLGHRIRUWKHPDLQ79DQG9,'(2INPUT selections. To access the Picture Menu, press the MENU button on the remote to open the Main menu. Press the up or down arrow ( ) to select PictureWKHQSUHVVWKHOK button or the right arrow ( ) to display options.Picture Settings:Picture Preset - 'LVSOD\VDOLVWWKDWOHWV\RXVHOHFWone of the preset picture settings: Natural, Vibrant, Cinematic, Sports, ECO or Personal. Choose the setting that is best for your viewing environment.Brightness - Use the left or right arrows ( ) to adjust the brightness of the picture. This function is able to be adjusted only when Light Sensor and DynamicBacklight in the Advanced Settings are both turned off.Sharpness - Use the left or right arrows ( ) to adjust the crispness of the edges in the picture.Expert SettingsContrast - Use the left or right arrows ( ) to adjust WKHGLIIHUHQFHEHWZHHQWKHOLJKWDQGGDUNDUHDVRIWKHpicture.Black Level -Use the left or right arrow ( ) to adjust WKHEODFNOHYHOColor - Use the left or right arrows ( ) to adjust the richness of the color.PictureSetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPicturePicture PresetBrightnessVibrantUSBExitAdvanced SettingsReset Picture Settings100Sharpness 3BackMENUAdjust Select ExitCLEARExpert SettingsExpert SettingsSetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPictureContrastBlack LevelColorTintUSBExitColor Temperature45580BackMENUAdjust Select ExitCLEAR350Chapter 4 - Using the TV MenuPictureSetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPicturePicture PresetBrightnessVibrantUSBExitAdvanced Settings100Sharpness 3Reset Picture SettingsEnter Select BackCLEARExpert SettingsOK
21Tint - This option adjusts the balance between the red and green levels.Color Temperature - Use the left or right arrow ( ) to adjust the color temperature from cool to warm. Advanced SettingsLight Sensor – When activated, this feature monitors the ambient light conditions in the room and adjusts the 79¶VEDFNOLJKWIRURSWLPXPYLHZLQJ,WDOVRVHUYHVDVDQHQHUJ\VDYLQJIHDWXUHE\ORZHULQJWKHEDFNOLJKWSRZHUOHYHOZKHQDSSURSULDWHW\SLFDOO\LQGDUNHUFRQGLWLRQVDynamic Backlight – This option automatically adjusts WKHEULJKWQHVVRIWKHEDFNOLJKWDFFRUGLQJWRWKHFRQWHQWof the incoming signal. Dynamic Backlight optimizes the picture quality and decreases power consumption.Noise Reduction – This setting reduces picture “static” or any type of interference. This feature is especially XVHIXOIRUSURYLGLQJDFOHDUHUSLFWXUHLQZHDNDQDORJsignal conditions. Press the left or right  arrow ( ) to choose between these options:Low for a softer, smoother picture that retains picture sharpness and detail.Middle for a slightly softer picture than the Low setting.High for an even softer, smoother picture than the other settings (the picture detail is somewhat decreased).PC Settings -This option allows you to adjust the PC settings when in PC mode.Reset Picture Settings -This function allows you to reset all the picture settings to the factory default settings.Advanced SettingsSetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPictureLight SensorDynamic BacklightNoise ReductionOffUSBExitOffMiddleBackMENUAdjust Select ExitCLEARPictureSetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPicturePicture PresetBrightnessVibrantUSBExitAdvanced SettingsPC100Reset Picture SettingsBackMENUEnter Select ExitCLEARExpert SettingsOnly in PC mode
22Sound MenuThe Sound Menu lets you adjust audio output. To access the Sound Menu, press MENU on the remote, and then use the up and down arrows ( ) to highlight Sound from the Main Menu. Press the OK button RUULJKWDUURZNH\ )to select. The following options will be displayed:Equalizer – 7KH¿YHEDQGHTXDOL]HUDOORZV\RXWRDGMXVWWKHDXGLRIUHTXHQF\VHWWLQJV<RXFDQVHOHFWRQHRIWKH¿YHpreset options or create a custom preset.Equalizer±$OORZV\RXWRFKRRVHDVSHFL¿Fsound preset. Press the left and right arrows ( )to cycle through the options: Standard, Movie, Voice, Music and Personal.Frequency Range – 'LVSOD\VWKHGLIIHUHQWJUDSKLFequalizer names set for each sound preset option. &KRRVHDEDQGDQGPDNHDGMXVWPHQWV:KHQPDNLQJadjustments, the Equalizer option automatically changes to Personal. Press the left or right arrow ( ) to select the desired frequency (100Hz, 300Hz, 1KHz, 3KHz, 10KHz) you wish to adjust. Use the up and down arrows ( ) to adjust the level. When you  KDYH¿QLVKHGDGMXVWLQJWKHOHYHOVSUHVVWKHMENUbutton to exit.SoundSetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPictureEqualizerBalanceSurroundAnalog TV SoundUSBExit0OnStereoBackMENUEnter Select ExitCLEARSpeaker OnSPDIF Type Dolby DigitalAuto Volume Control OffBalance – Use the left or right arrows ( ) to adjust the DPRXQWRIDXGLRVHQWWRWKHOHIWDQGULJKWVSHDNHUVSurround – Option On/Off. When turned on, this option enables a mode which simulates a surround sound effect.Speaker – Option On/Off. When you select the Off option, WKHVRXQGVSHDNHURQWKH79ZLOOEHWXUQHGRIISPDIF Type – Press the left or right arrow ( ) to select SPDIF Type. This option controls the type of audio stream VHQWWRWKH'LJLWDO$XGLR2XWSXWMDFN$YDLODEOHRSWLRQVDUHDolby Digital, PCM, or Off.only available for analog channelsAuto Volume Control – Option On/Off. This option reduces the annoying blasts in volume that often RFFXUGXULQJFRPPHUFLDOEUHDNVDQGDOVRDPSOL¿HVVRIWHUVRXQGVLQSURJUDPPDWHULDOHOLPLQDWLQJWKHneed for constant volume adjustment. Analog TV Sound – This option controls the manner in which the sound comes through your VSHDNHUV2SWLRQVDYDLODEOHYDU\DFFRUGLQJWRWKHLQSXWVHOHFWHG 0RQRDYDLODEOHIRUUHJXODU79YLHZLQJRQO\± This option plays the sound in mono only. Use  WKLVVHWWLQJZKHQUHFHLYLQJEURDGFDVWVZLWKZHDNVWHUHRVLJQDOV Stereo –7KLVRSWLRQVSOLWVWKHLQFRPLQJVWHUHRDXGLRVLJQDOLQWROHIWDQGULJKWFKDQQHOV0RVW79programs and recorded materials have stereo audio. The word “Stereo” appears in the ChannelBanner when you tune to a program that is broadcast in stereo. Second Audio Program (SAP) – 7KLVRSWLRQSOD\VWKHSURJUDP¶VDXGLRLQDVHFRQGODQJXDJHif available. The letters “SAP” appear in the Channel Banner when you tune to a program that    is broadcast with SAP information. SAP audio is broadcast in mono only. SAP is also used to     EURDGFDVWDSURJUDP¶VDXGLRZLWKGHVFULSWLRQVRIWKHYLGHRIRUWKHYLVXDOO\LPSDLUHGSoundSetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPictureEqualizerBalanceSurroundAnalog TV SoundUSBExit0OnStereoSpeaker OnSPDIF Type Dolby DigitalAuto Volume Control OffBackMENUAdjust Select ExitCLEAR
23Default Audio Language – Choose the language you prefer for dialog on digital channels. If the preferred ODQJXDJHLVQRWEURDGFDVWHGZLWKWKHSURJUDPWKHQWKH79plays the default audio for the program (usually English in the US). There are 3 available default languages (English,French, Spanish).Current Audio Language – Press the left or right arrow () to choose from the list of languages available for the SURJUDP\RX¶UHZDWFKLQJ7KHODQJXDJHFKRVHQEHFRPHVyour preferred language for all digital channels until you turn WKH79RII,IWKHODQJXDJHFKRVHQLVQRWEHLQJEURDGFDVWHGZLWKDSURJUDPWKH79SOD\VWKHGHIDXOWODQJXDJHIRUWKHprogram (usually English in the US).only available for digital channelsSoundSetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPictureEqualizerBalanceSurroundDefault Audio LanguageUSBExit0OnEnglishCurrent Audio LanguageUnknown 5.1CHSpeaker OnSPDIF Type Dolby DigitalAuto Volume Control OffBackMENUAdjust Select ExitCLEARSetup MenuThe Setup0HQXDOORZV\RXWRFRQ¿JXUHWKH79ZLWK\RXUpreferences. Press MENU on the remote to open the Main Menu. Press the up and down arrows ( ) to select SetupWKHQSUHVVWKHOK button or the right arrow ( ) to display the following options:Signal TypeChoose the type of signal (Cable/Antenna) you have connected to the ANTENNA/CABLE IN.Channel Scan :KHQ\RXSHUIRUPD&KDQQHO6FDQ\RXU79VHDUFKHVIRUchannels with signals and stores the channel information LQWKH&KDQQHO/LVW7KHQDV\RXZDWFK79DQGSUHVVCH+or CH-\RXU79JRHVWRWKHQH[WRUSUHYLRXVFKDQQHOLQWKH&KDQQHO/LVWDQGVNLSVWKHFKDQQHOVWKDWGRQRWKDYHsignals.,IWKH79VLJQDOVRXUFHFKDQJHV±IRUH[DPSOHLI\RXFKDQJHIURPDQRXWGRRUDQWHQQDWRFDEOH79±\RXZLOOneed to rescan for channels.To automatically scan for channels:1. After choosing a signal type, press the up or down arrow () to highlight Channel Scan.2. Press the left or right arrow ( ) to start the scan. You can see the search progress and how many channels are found in the on-screen menu. (Note: If you wish to stop the search, press the CLEAR button.)3. After the scan is complete, press the MENU button to return to the previous menu, or press the CLEAR button to close the menu.SetupSetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPictureSignal TypeChannel ScanUSBExitCableChannel SkipChannel EditInput SkipInput LabelsClosed CaptionTime SetupReset AllBackMENUAdjust Select ExitCLEARSetupSetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPictureSignal TypeChannel ScanUSBExitCableChannel SkipChannel EditInput SkipInput LabelsClosed CaptionTime SetupReset AllBackMENUEnter Select ExitCLEARChannel ScanSetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPictureSignal TypeStatus: Scanning...USBExitCableProgress 10%Analog Channels Found00Digital Channels FoundExitCLEAR
24&KDQQHO6NLSYou can hide channels in the Channel List. Then, when you press the CH+ or CH-EXWWRQWKH79ZLOOVNLSWKHKLGGHQchannels. You can still tune to these hidden channels by pressing the number of the channel on the numeric NH\SDG7RKLGHVSHFL¿FFKDQQHOV1. In the Setup Menu, press the up or down arrow ( ) to highlight Channel Skip.2. Press the left or right arrow ( ) to open the Channel List screen.3. Press the up or down arrow ( ) to highlight the  FKDQQHO\RXZLVKWRVNLSWKHQSUHVVWKHOK button to  FKHFNWKHKLJKOLJKWHGFKDQQHO<RXFDQDGGWKH FKDQQHOEDFNLQWRWKH&KDQQHO/LVWE\KLJKOLJKWLQJLWDQG XQFKHFNLQJLW4. Repeat the process to hide additional channels.5. Press the MENU button to return to the previous menu, or press the CLEAR button to close the menu.Channel EditThe Channel Edit function allows you to add or change a channel label, only for analog channels. You cannot change the name on digital channels.To edit an analog channel name:1. In the Setup Menu, press the up or down arrow ( ) to highlight Channel Edit.2. Press the left or right arrow ( ) to open the Channel List screen.3. Press the up or down arrow ( ) to highlight the channel you wish to label or edit.4. Press the OK button to enter the Channel Edit screen.5. The Channel name will be highlighted. Use the numeric  NH\SDGWRHQWHUWKHQDPHIRUWKHFKDQQHO6. Press the OK EXWWRQWRFRQ¿UPDQGVDYHWKHQHZODEHO7. Press the MENU button to return to the previous menu, or press the CLEAR button to close the menu.Channel SkipSetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPicture12USBExitAnalog13 Analog14 Analog15 Analog16 Analog17 Analog18 Analog19 Analog20 Analog21 AnalogBackMENUSet Select ExitCLEAROKChannel EditSetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPicture12USBExitAnalog13 Analog14 Analog15 Analog16 Analog17 Analog18 Analog19 Analog20 Analog21 AnalogBackMENUSet Select ExitCLEAROKChannel EditSetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPictureChannel number:USBExit19Channel name:BackMENUSet ExitCLEARSaveOK0-9
25,QSXW6NLSYou can hide video inputs in the Channel List. This option allows you to remove the inputs from the Channel List so you do not encounter them when channeling up or down.2QFH\RXKDYHKLGGHQLQSXWVWKH79ZLOOVNLSWKHVHLQSXWVwhen you press the CH+ or CH- button.To hide video inputs:1. In the Setup Menu screen, press the up or down arrow () to highlight Input Skip.2. Press the left or right arrow ( ) to open the Input Lists screen.3. Press the up or down arrow ( ) to highlight the video input you want to hide.4. Press the OKEXWWRQWRFKHFNWKHKLJKOLJKWHGLQSXW<RX FDQDGGDQLQSXWE\KLJKOLJKWLQJLWDQGXQFKHFNLQJLW5. Repeat the process to hide additional video inputs.6. Press the MENU button to return to the previous menu, or press the CLEAR button to close the menu. Input Labels<RXFDQDGGDODEHOWRDYLGHRLQSXWVRXUFHWRPDNHLWeasier to identify.1. In the Setup Menu, press the up or down arrow ( ) to highlight Input Labels.2. Press the left or right arrow ( ) to open the InputLabels screen.3. Press the up or down arrow ( ) to highlight the input source you wish to label.4. Press the left or right arrow ( ) to select the label for this source.5. Press the MENU button to return to the previous menu, or press the CLEAR button to close the menu.Input SkipSetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPictureUSBExitAVCMPTHDMI1HDMI2BackMENUSet Select ExitCLEAROKNo LabelNo LabelNo LabelPC No LabelNo LabelHDMI3 No LabelHDMI4 No LabelInput LabelsSetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPictureUSBExitAVCMPT No LabelNo LabelHDMI1 No LabelPC No LabelHDMI2 No LabelHDMI3 No LabelHDMI4 No LabelBackMENUAdjust Select ExitCLEAR
26Closed CaptionMany programs are encoded with closed captioning information, which allows you to display the audio SRUWLRQRIDSURJUDPDVWH[WRQWKH79VFUHHQNote: Closed caption settings are not available for HDMI, CMPT or PC INPUTS. These settings must EHVHWLQWKHFRQQHFWHGFRPSRQHQW¶VPHQX&ORVHGFDSWLRQLQJLVQRWDYDLODEOHRQDOOFKDQQHOVDWDOOWLPHV2QO\VSHFL¿FSURJUDPVDUHHQFRGHGZLWKFORVHGFDSWLRQLQJLQIRUPDWLRQ:KHQDSURJUDPLVclosed captioned, CC is displayed in the Channel Banner. See page 18 for more information about the Channel Banner.The Closed Caption options are:CC Setting – This option allows you to choose the way closed captioning information appears on the screen.Off - No captioning information displayed.On Always – Choose this option if you want captioning information to be shown whenever available.On When Muted – This option allows the closed captioning to display (when available) whenever the 79¶VVRXQGLVPXWHG7KHFDSWLRQLQJLQIRUPDWLRQLVQRWdisplayed when the sound is not muted.Analog CC Type – This option lets you select the captioning mode used for displaying caption information, when available. If you are unsure of the differences among the modes, you may prefer to leave the closed captioned mode set to CC1, which displays complete text of the program in the primary language in your area.Digital CC Type  If available, this allows you to select a closed caption service mode (1-6) for digital channels.Digital CC Preset  If available, this allows you to select between Off and On options. On mode allows you to setthe options below.Digital CC Style – This option lets you customize the following display options, if available:Caption Style – Select either As Broadcast or Custom options. If you choose Custom options, the setting changes according to the options you choose.Digital CC Size – Set the size of the digital closed caption text: Small, Middle or Large.Digital CC Font - Select a character design for the digital closed caption text. A font is a complete DVVRUWPHQWRIOHWWHUVQXPEHUVSXQFWXDWLRQPDUNVHWFin a given design. You can choose from a variety of fonts.(Style1-7).Digital CC Color – Choose the color of the digital FORVHGFDSWLRQWH[W:KLWH*UHHQ%OXH5HG&\DQ<HOORZ0DJHQWDRU%ODFNDigital CC Opacity – Set the appearance of the digital closed caption text: Solid, Translucent, Transparent or Flashing.Closed CaptionSetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPictureCC SettingAnalog CC TypeUSBExitOn AlwaysDigital CC TypeDigital CC PresetDigital CC StyleOffOnBackMENUAdjust Select ExitCLEARDigital CC StyleSetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPictureCaption StyleDigital CC SizeUSBExitCustomDigital CC FontDigital CC OpacityStyle1SolidLargeDigital CC Background ColorBlackDigital CC Background OpacitySolidWindow Color BlackWindow Opacity TransparentDigital CC Color WhiteBackMENUAdjust Select ExitCLEARNote: These captioning style options only have an effect on true digital closed captions. Not all captioning on digital channels is digital captioning--it depends on what the broadcaster is sending. If the closed captioning for a program is not digital, the Digital CC style settings will not have an effect.
27Digital CC Background Color – Set the appearance of the area behind the digital closed caption WH[W:KLWH*UHHQ%OXH5HG&\DQ<HOORZ0DJHQWDRU%ODFNDigital CC Background Opacity – Set the appearance of the area behind the digital closed caption text: Solid, Translucent, Transparent, or Flashing.Window Color – &KRRVHWKHFRORURIWKHZLQGRZ:KLWH*UHHQ%OXH5HG&\DQ<HOORZ0DJHQWDRU%ODFNWindow Opacity – Set the appearance of the window: Solid, Transparent, or Translucent.Time SetupTime Zone  You can select the current local time. Options are: Eastern, $WODQWLF1HZIRXQGODQG+DZDLL$ODVND3DFL¿FMountain and Central.To choose a time zone:1. In the Time Setup Menu, press the up or down arrow () to highlight Time Zone.2. Press the left or right arrow ( ) to proceed to the next screen.3. Press the left or right arrow ( ) to select the time zone for your area.4. Press the MENUEXWWRQWRJREDFNWRWKHSUHYLRXVscreen, or press the CLEAR button to close the menu.TimeTo set the time:1. In the Time Setup Menu, press the up or down arrow () to highlight Time.2. Press the left or right arrow ( ) to proceed to the next screen.3. Options on this screen include:a. Auto Synchronization – Press the left or right arrow () to choose On to acquire the time automatically from digital channels.b. Date±8VHWKHQXPHULFNH\SDGWRVHWWKHGDWHc. Time – If you want to set the time manually, use  WKHQXPHULFNH\SDGWRVHWWKHKRXUDQGPLQXWHVPress OK to select AM or PM.d. Power On Timer – Select On or Off.e. Power On Time – Allows you to set the time you  ZDQWWKH79WRWXUQLWVHOIRQf. Power Off Timer – Select On or Off.g. Power Off Time – Allows you to set the time you  ZDQWWKH79WRWXUQLWVHOIRIISleep Timer – Press the left or right arrow ( ) to set WKH79WRWXUQRIIDIWHUDJLYHQDPRXQWRIWLPHTime SetupSetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPictureTime ZoneTimeUSBExitOffSleep TimerBackMENUEnter Select ExitCLEARTimeSetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPictureAuto SynchronizationDateUSBExitOffTime2009/10/2202:16PMPower On TimerPower On TimeOnPower Off Timer12:00AMBackMENUAM/PM Select ExitCLEAROKPower Off Time 12:00AMOn
28Parental Controls and V-Chip7KHFKRLFHVLQWKH869&KLSDQG&DQDGD9&KLSPHQXVLQYROYHVRIWZDUHLQVLGH\RXU79UHIHUUHGWRDV9&KLSZKLFKDOORZV\RXWREORFN79SURJUDPVDQGPRYLHV79SURJUDPVFDQEHEORFNHGE\DJHEDVHGUDWLQJVVXFKDV790$6HHSDJH,IDYDLODEOH79SURJUDPVFDQDOVREHEORFNHGE\FRQWHQWVXFKDVDGXOWODQJXDJH/6HHSDJH0RYLHVFDQRQO\EHEORFNHGE\DJHEDVHGUDWLQJV6HHSDJH2QFH\RXEORFNSURJUDPV\RXFDQXQEORFNWKHPE\HQWHULQJDSDVVZRUG%\GHIDXOWWKHVRIWZDUHLQVLGH\RXU79LVWXUQHGRIIRUXQORFNHG)RULQVWUXFWLRQVWRORFN9&KLSVHHSDJHV-Chip - US and Canada9&KLSUHDGVWKHSURJUDP¶VDJHEDVHGUDWLQJ790$79HWFDQGFRQWHQWWKHPHV9LROHQFH9$GXOW/DQJXDJH/HWF,I\RXKDYHEORFNHGWKHUDWLQJDQGRUFRQWHQWWKHPHVWKDWWKHSURJUDPFRQWDLQV\RXUHFHLYHDPHVVDJHWKDWWKHFKDQQHOLVFXUUHQWO\EORFNHG&KDQJHWKHFKDQQHORUSUHVVOK to enter your password and temporarily deactivate the parental controls.Broadcasters are not required to provide content themes, so programs received with no content WKHPHVDUHEORFNHGRQO\LI\RXEORFNWKHLUDJHEDVHGUDWLQJ<RXFDQDOVREORFNSURJUDPVWKDWKDYHbeen given an Exempt rating, and programs that are considered unrated. See page 38 for the US and Canada ratings explanations.Reset All This option resets all settings (except parental control settings) to the factory defaults. When you select WKLVRSWLRQDFRQ¿UPDWLRQER[RSHQV1RWH,IVRPHFKDQQHOVDUHEORFNHG\RXPXVWHQWHUWKH9FKLSpassword, then you can follow the operation below).1. Press the left or right arrows ( ) to select OK or Cancel.2. Press the OKEXWWRQWRFRQ¿UP&UHDWH&KDQJH9&KLS3DVVZRUG7KH¿UVWWLPH\RXHQWHUWKH3DUHQWDO&RQWUROPHQX\RXmust set a password in order to adjust other parental control VHWWLQJV7RHQWHUD9&KLS3DVVZRUGIROORZWKHVHVWHSV1. Press the MENU button to display the Main Menu.2. Press the up or down arrow ( ) to highlight Parental Control.3. Press the OK button or right arrow ( ) to enter the next screen,CreatePassword is highlighted.4. Press the left or right arrow ( ) to enter the CreatePassword screen. 8VHWKHQXPHULFNH\SDGWRHQWHUWKHIRXUGLJLWQXPEHUfor your password. 5HHQWHUWKHVDPHFRGHWRFRQ¿UPWKHSDVVZRUG7KHnext time you wish to access the Parental Control  PHQX\RXPXVWHQWHUWKHFRUUHFWSDVVZRUG¿UVWNote: After you set a password, and return to the 3DUHQWDOControl menu, “&UHDWH3DVVZRUG” changes to “Change3DVVZRUG”, you can change your password throught this menu.5HVHW9&KLS3DVVZRUG$IWHU\RXKDYHLQLWLDOO\VHW\RXUSHUVRQDO9&KLSSDVVZRUGyou can change it later. If you have forgotten your personal password, follow these steps:SetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPictureUSBExitCreate PasswordBackMENUSet ExitCLEAR0-9New Password ----Confirm Password ----Parental ControlChannel BlockButton BlockSetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPictureUSBExitV-ChipInput BlockCreate PasswordOffBackMENUEnter Select ExitCLEAR
29&KDQQHO%ORFN7REORFNDVSHFL¿FFKDQQHOIROORZWKHVHVWHSV1. Press the up or down arrow ( ) to highlight ChannelBlock in the Parental Control submenu.2. Press the left or right arrow ( ) to display the Channel List screen.3. Press the up or down arrow ( ) to select the channel  \RXZLVKWREORFN4. Press the OKEXWWRQWRSODFHDFKHFNPDUNLQWKHER[ WREORFNWKDWFKDQQHO:KHQ\RXWXQHWRWKDWFKDQQHOyou will need to enter a password to view the channel programming.%XWWRQ%ORFN7KLVRSWLRQDOORZV\RXWREORFNGLVDEOHRUXQEORFNHQDEOHWKH79¶VVLGHSDQHOEXWWRQV7KHUHPRWHFRQWUROVWLOOWXQHVWRDQ\FKDQQHO,I\RXDUHXVLQJWKLVWRNHHSFKLOGUHQIURPchanging channels, be sure to remove access to any UHPRWHWKDWLVFDSDEOHRIRSHUDWLQJWKH79ZKLOH\RXKDYHWKHVLGHSDQHOEORFNHG7REORFNWKH79¶VVLGHSDQHOEXWWRQVIROORZWKHVHVWHSV1. Press the up or down arrow ( ) to highlight ButtonBlock in the Parental Control submenu.2. Choose the On option.3. To enable these buttons again, return to this menu and choose the Off option.Channel Block1Analog2Analog3Analog4Analog5Analog6Analog7Analog8Analog9Analog10 AnalogSetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPictureUSBExitBackMENUSet Select ExitCLEAROKParental ControlChannel BlockButton BlockSetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPictureUSBExitV-ChipInput BlockChange PasswordOffBackMENUAdjust Select ExitCLEAR1. Press the MENU button to display the Main Menu.2. Press the up or down arrow ( ) to highlight Picturemenu.3. Press the OK button or right arrow ( ) to enter the next screen.4. Press the up or down arrow ( ) to highlight ExpertSettings.5. Press the left or right arrow ( ) to continue to the next screen.6. Contrast is highlighted. Enter 2458, using the numeric  NH\SDG7. Return to the Parental Control menu to select CreatePassword and set a new password.Expert SettingsSetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPictureContrastBlack LevelColorTintUSBExitColor Temperature45580BackMENUAdjust Select ExitCLEAR3509&KLS5DWLQJ(QDEOHYou must remember to set Rating Enable to On mode to KDYHWKHIROORZLQJ9&KLSUDWLQJOLPLWVWRWDNHHIIHFWV-ChipRating EnableUS V-ChipSetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPictureUSBExitCanada V-ChipOpen V-ChipUnrated/Exempt RatingsOnBackMENUAdjust Select ExitCLEARReset Downloadable DataView
30869&KLS795DWLQJV<RXFDQDXWRPDWLFDOO\EORFNDOOSURJUDPUDWLQJVDERYHDVSHFL¿HGDJHEDVHGUDWLQJOHYHO1. Choose Parental Control from the Main Menu. If  SDUHQWDOFRQWUROVKDYHSUHYLRXVO\EHHQORFNHG\RXmust enter your password.2. Press the up or down arrow ( ) to select V-Chip.3. Press the left or right arrow ( ) to enter the next screen.4. Press the up or down arrow ( ) to select US V-Chip.5. Press the left or right arrow ( ) to enter the next screen.6. U.S. TV Ratings is highlighted. Press the left or right arrow ( ) . 7. Use the up or down arrow ( ) to select the desired rating.8. Press the OK button repeatedly to toggle between  9LHZDQG%ORFN9. Use the MENU button repeatedly to return to the Main Menu.%ORFNLQJ6SHFL¿F&RQWHQW7KHPHVFrom the US V-Chip0HQX\RXFDQVHWVXEUDWLQJVWREORFNVSHFL¿FSURJUDPVEDVHGRQWKHLUFRQWHQW7REORFNSURJUDPFRQWHQW1. Press the up or down arrow ( ) to select V-Chip in the Parental Control submenu.2. Press the left or right arrow ( ) to enter the next screen.3. Press the up or down arrow( ) to select US V-Chip.4. Press the left or right arrow ( ) to enter the next screen.5. U.S. TV Ratings is highlighted. Press the left or right arrow ( ) . 6. Use the up, down, left and right arrows ( )  to select the desired rating.7. Press the OKEXWWRQUHSHDWHGO\WRWRJJOHEHWZHHQ9LHZDQG%ORFN7RYLHZFRQWHQWWKHPHVDIWHU\RX¶YHORFNHGWKHPIROORZWKHVDPHVWHSVDVDERYHWRXQORFNU. S. TV RatingsTV-YTV-GTV-PGTV-14TV-MASetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPictureUSBExitA D L S V FVAllowed Rating Blocked RatingBackMENUSet Select ExitCLEAROKTV-Y79&KLS5DWLQJ6FUHHQ7KHIROORZLQJJUDSKLFGHWDLOVZKHUHLWHPVDUHORFDWHGZLWKLQWKH795DWLQJVRSWLRQZLWKWKH869&KLSmenu.U. S. TV RatingsTV-YTV-GTV-PGTV-14TV-MASetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPictureUSBExitADLSVFVAllowed Rating Blocked RatingBackMENUSet Select ExitCLEAROKTV-Y7Rating Status FieldLets you select whether the statusof the age-based rating to the leftis view or block.Rating FieldLets you selectfrom a list of age-based ratings youcan block or view.Content ThemesLists the contentthemes you canblockor view.Content Status FieldsLets you select which contentthemes to view for the selectedrating, and whether the status ofthe content theme is currentlyunlocked or locked.
31869&KLS0RYLH5DWLQJ/LPLW6HWPRYLHUDWLQJOLPLWVE\EORFNLQJPRYLHVUDWHGDERYHDVSHFL¿HGOHYHO7RDFFHVVWKH0RYLH5DWLQJ/LPLW0HQXfollow these steps:1. Press the up or down arrow ( ) to select V-Chip in the Parental Control submenu.2. Press the left or right arrow ( ) to enter the next screen.3. Press the up or down arrow ( ) to select US V-Chip.4. Press the left or right arrow ( ) to enter the next screen.5. Press the up or down arrow( ) to select U.S. Movie Ratings.6. Press the left or right arrow ( ).7. Press the up or down arrow ( ) to select the desired rating.8. Press the OK button repeatedly to toggle between  9LHZDQG%ORFN%ORFNLQJ&DQDGD9&KLS5DWLQJV,I\RXUHFHLYH&DQDGLDQSURJUDPV\RXFDQEORFN&DQDGLDQ(QJOLVKDQG)UHQFK9&KLSE\UDWLQJVRQO\:KHQ\RXEORFNDSDUWLFXODUUDWLQJ\RXDXWRPDWLFDOO\EORFNWKHKLJKHUUDWHGSURJUDPVDVZHOO7REORFN&DQDGLDQ(QJOLVKDQG)UHQFKprogram ratings, follow these steps:1. Press the up or down arrow ( ) to select V-Chip in the Parental Control submenu.2. Press the left or right arrow ( ) to enter the next screen.3. Press the up or down arrow ( )  to select CanadaV-Chip.4. Press the left or right arrow  ( ) to proceed to the next screen.5. Press the up or down arrow ( ) to select CanadianEnglish Ratings or Canadian French Ratings.RatingGPGPG-13RNC-17XCategoryGeneral audienceUnsuitable for children under 13Restricted; under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardianNo one under 17 admittedMature audience onlyParental guidance suggestedCanadian English RatingsCC8+GPG14+SetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPictureUSBExitAllowed Rating Blocked Rating18+BackMENUSet Select ExitCLEAROKHierarchy of Age-Based Ratings790$ Mature Audience Only79 Parents Strongly Cautioned793* 3DUHQWV*XLGDQFH6XJJHVWHG79* *HQHUDO$XGLHQFH79< 'LUHFWHGWR&KLOGUHQ<HDUVDQGOlder79< All Children '6H[XDOO\([SOLFLW'LDORJXHLAdult LanguageSSexual Situations99LROHQFH)9 )DQWDV\9LROHQFHContent Themes
32Language MenuTo select the preferred language for all menus, follow the steps below. You can choose between English, Espanol, or Francais.1. Press MENU on the remote control (the Main Menu appears).2. Use the up or down arrow ( ) to select Language.LanguageSetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPictureEnglish OnUSBExitEspañolDesactivadoFrançaisDésactivéBackMENUAdjust Select ExitCLEAR%ORFNLQJ8QUDWHG([HPSW3URJUDPV7KH8QUDWHG([HPSW5DWLQJVRSWLRQOHWV\RXGHFLGHLISURJUDPVWKDWWKH9&KLSUHFRJQL]HVDVXQUDWHGRUH[HPSWFDQEHYLHZHG8QUDWHG79SURJUDPVPD\LQFOXGHQHZVVSRUWVSROLWLFDOUHOLJLRXVORFDOand weather programs, emergency bulletins, public announcements, and programs without ratings. The Exempt option applies to both US and Canadian unrated programs and Canadian programs rated E.1. Press the up or down arrow ( ) to select V-Chip in the Parental Control submenu.2. Press the left or right arrow ( ) to proceed to the next screen.3. Press the up or down arrow ( ) to highlight Unrated/Exempt Ratings.4. Press the left or right arrow ( ) to toggle between View and Block.View  All unrated programs are available.Block  All unrated programs are not available.5HVHW'RZQORDGDEOH'DWD1. Press the up or down arrow ( ) to select V-Chip in the Parental Control submenu.2. Press the left or right arrow ( ) to proceed to the next screen. 6HOHFWWKLVRSWLRQWRUHVHWWKHGRZQORDGDEOH9&KLSGDWD:KHQ\RXVHOHFWWKLVRSWLRQD  FRQ¿UPDWLRQER[RSHQV3UHVVWKHOHIWRUULJKWDUURZ ) to select.4. Press the OK button to reset the downloadable rating data, if present.,QSXW%ORFN1. Press MENU on the remote control (the Main Menu appears).2. Select Parental Control. If parental controls have  SUHYLRXVO\EHHQORFNHG\RXPXVWHQWHU\RXUSDVVZRUG3. Press the up or down arrow ( ) to highlight Input Block.4. Press the left or right arrow ( ) to display the Input Source List screen.5. Press the up or down arrow ( ) to  place a     FKHFNPDUNLQWKHER[WREORFNWKHLQSXW:KHQyou tune to that input, you will need to enter a password to view the channel.6. Press the OKEXWWRQWRFRQ¿UP\RXUVHOHFWLRQ$ ORFNHGXQORFNHGLFRQDSSHDUVQH[WWRWKHVHOHFWHGLQSXWSetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPictureUSBExitInput BlockAVCMPTHDMI1HDMI2BackMENUSet Select ExitCLEAROKNo LabelNo LabelNo LabelPC No LabelNo LabelHDMI3 No LabelHDMI4 No LabelTV6. Press the left or right arrow ( ) to proceed.7. Press the up or down arrow ( ) to select the desired rating.8. Press the OK EXWWRQWRWRJJOHEHWZHHQ9LHZDQG%ORFN2SHQ9&KLS- allows you to select the downloadable rating level. In the event that a new rating system is provided by the broadcaster, the new rating options would appear within this menu.
33USB Menu7KH86%IHDWXUHRQ\RXU79DOORZV\RXWRSOD\DXGLR¿OHVIRUPDWVXSSRUWHG03RUGLVSOD\SLFWXUHVIRUPDWVXSSRUWHG-3(*7RXWLOL]HWKLVIHDWXUHIROORZWKHVHVWHSV1. Press MENU on the remote control (the Main Menu appears).2. Use the up or down arrow ( ) to select USB.3. Press the OK button or the right arrow ( ) to proceed to the USB Screen. Or, you can press the MEDIA button on the remote control to display the USB screen directly.4. Press the left or right arrow ( WRVHOHFWWKH¿OHRUIROGHURQ \RXU86%GHYLFHFRQQHFWHGWR\RXU795. Press the OKEXWWRQWRFRQ¿UPRUSOD\EDFN2U\RXFDQSUHVVthe MENU button to use the menu option.Media TypePhoto-,I\RXKDYHSKRWRVRQ\RXU86%GHYLFHFRQQHFWHGWR\RXU79WKLVPHQXDOORZV\RXWRYLHZWKHphotos individually by pressing the left or right arrow ( ) to highlight the picture, then press OK for SOD\EDFN)RUVOLGHVKRZRSWLRQVSUHVVMENUDJDLQWRJRWRWKH3OD\EDFN2SWLRQVPHQXMusic-,I\RXKDYHPSDXGLR¿OHVRQ\RXU86%GHYLFHFRQQHFWHGWR\RXU79WKLVPHQXDOORZV\RXWRSOD\¿OHVLQGLYLGXDOO\E\SUHVVLQJWKH  to highlight the song, then press OKIRUSOD\EDFNFor slideshow options, press MENUDJDLQWRJRWRWKH3OD\EDFN2SWLRQVPHQXThumbnail Size - <RXFDQVHOHFWWRGLVSOD\WKH¿OHVRUIROGHUVRQ\RXU86%GHYLFHLQSmall,Middle or Large size.USB Connection<RXFDQFRQQHFWDGHYLFHZLWK86%WR\RXU79RUXVHD86%ÀDVKGULYH7KLVFRQQHFWLRQDOORZV\RXWRLQVHUWD86%ÀDVKGULYHGLUHFWO\RUFRQQHFWDFRPSDWLEOHPDVVVWRUDJHdevice with USB, such as a digital camera, a multi-format card reader, or an MP3 player. If you have a USB drive, plug it into the drive directly.  If you have a device with a USB port, connect one end of WKH86%FDEOHWRWKH86%SRUWDQGWKHRWKHUHQGWRWKH86%MDFNRQWKHVLGHRIWKH797RDFFHVVDQGadjust the options of the USB device, refer to USB Menu.Side of this unitOr3. Press the OK button or right arrow ( ) to display the Language Screen.4. Press the up or down arrow ( ) to select the preferred language for the menu.5. Press the left or right arrow ( ) to select On or Off.6. Press the MENU or CLEARNH\WRH[LWWKHPHQXPictureSetupParental ControlLanguageSoundPicturePicture PresetBrightnessVibrantUSBExitAdvanced Settings100Sharpness 3Reset Picture SettingsEnter Select BackCLEARExpert SettingsOK
34Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):KDW¶VWKHTXLFNHVWZD\WRYLHZ+LJK'H¿QLWLRQ+'YLGHR"&RQQHFWDQRIIDLUDQWHQQDWRWKH$17(11$&$%/(,QSXWWRYLHZIUHHORFDOGLJLWDOFKDQQHOV<RXPD\need to purchase an antenna. (See page 10 for more information).9LVLW for assistance in deciding what type of antenna to use to receive the local digital channels available to you. By entering your location, this mapping program tells you which local analog and digital stations are available using a certain antenna.$UHWKHUHRWKHUZD\VWRYLHZ+LJK'H¿QLWLRQ+'YLGHR"Besides using an off-air antenna as mentioned above, you can also use a set-top box to receivedigital video. Contact your cable company or satellite provider to purchase digital programmingand have them connect the box to ensure you are viewing channels the best way.How do I tell an analog channel from a digital channel?Press the INFO button to display the Channel Banner/RRNDWWKHERWWRPULJKWFRUQHURIWKHVFUHHQ7KHGRWLVGLVSOD\HGIRUDGLJLWDOFKDQQHO,IWKHUHLVQRGRWLWLVDQDQDORJFKDQQHOWhy are there bars on my screen and can I get rid of them?0RVWGLJLWDOYLGHRLVVHQWLQDIRUPDWZKLFK¿OOV\RXUVFUHHQEXWLVVRPHWLPHVVHQWLQZKLFKGRHVQRW¿OO\RXUVFUHHQ,WGHSHQGVRQKRZWKHVWDWLRQRUGHYLFHFRQQHFWHGWR\RXU79LVIRUPDWWLQJthe video. If there are bars on the screen, press the FORMAT button to try a different format that PD\HOLPLQDWHWKHEDUV6RPHEDUVFDQ¶WEHUHPRYHGEHFDXVHRIWKHZD\WKHIRUPDWLVVHQWE\WKHbroadcaster. The format changes as you press the FORMAT button and the format type is displayed at the top left of the screen. For more information on screen formats, go to page 18.:K\GRHVFKDQQHOVHDUFK¿QGDORWRIFKDQQHOVEXWZKHQ,WU\WRWXQHWRthem, there’s nothing there?6RPHFKDQQHOVHQDEOHGE\WKHFDEOHFRPSDQ\GRQ¶WFDUU\SURJUDPPLQJVXFKDVYLGHRRQGHPDQG:KHQFKDQQHOVDUHXQDYDLODEOH\RXU79VFUHHQLVEODQNRUDSSHDUVOLNHVQRZ<RXSUREDEO\ZDQWWRUHPRYHWKHVHFKDQQHOVIURP\RXU&KDQQHO/LVW5HPRYHWKHVHLQWKH&KDQQHO6NLS0HQX*RWRSDJH24 for more information.:K\GRHVWKH¿UVWFKDQQHOVHDUFKWDNHDORQJWLPH",I\RXKDYHERWKDQDORJDQGGLJLWDOFKDQQHOVWKH79LVORRNLQJIRUDOODYDLODEOHFKDQQHOVLQWKH&KDQQHO/LVW,I\RXGRKDYHGLJLWDOFKDQQHOVWKH79LVDOVRVHDUFKLQJIRUVFUDPEOHGFKDQQHOVQRQVFUDPEOHGchannels, and each sub-channel of that digital channel.Chapter 5 - Other Information
38V-Chip Rating ExplanationsUS V-Chip Rating SystemTV-MA0DWXUH$XGLHQFH2QO\6SHFL¿FDOO\GHVLJQHGWREHYLHZHGE\DGXOWVDQGPD\EHXQVXLWDEOHIRUchildren under 17. It contains one or more of the following content themes: crude indecent language (L), H[SOLFLWVH[XDODFWLYLW\6RUJUDSKLFYLROHQFH9TV-143DUHQWV6WURQJO\&DXWLRQHG&RQWDLQVVRPHPDWHULDOWKDWPDQ\SDUHQWVZRXOG¿QGXQVXLWDEOHfor children under 14. Parents are strongly urged to exercise greater care in monitoring this program and are cautioned against letting children under the age of 14 watch unattended. This program FRQWDLQVRQHRUPRUHRIWKHIROORZLQJFRQWHQWWKHPHVLQWHQVHO\VXJJHVWLYHGLDORJXH'VWURQJFRDUVHODQJXDJH/LQWHQVHVH[XDOVLWXDWLRQV6RULQWHQVHYLROHQFH9TV-PG 3DUHQWDO*XLGDQFH6XJJHVWHG&RQWDLQVPDWHULDOWKDWSDUHQWVPD\¿QGXQVXLWDEOHIRU\RXQJHUchildren.  Many parents may want to watch it with their younger children. The program contains one or PRUHRIWKHIROORZLQJFRQWHQWWKHPHVVRPHVXJJHVWLYHGLDORJXH'LQIUHTXHQWFRDUVHODQJXDJH/VRPHVH[XDOVLWXDWLRQV6RUPRGHUDWHYLROHQFH9TV-G3DUHQWDO$XGLHQFH0RVWSDUHQWVZRXOG¿QGWKLVSURJUDPVXLWDEOHIRUDOODJHV,WFRQWDLQVOLWWOHRUQRVH[XDOGLDORJXH'RUVLWXDWLRQV6QRVWURQJODQJXDJH/DQGOLWWOHRUQRYLROHQFH9TV-Y7'LUHFWHGWR&KLOGUHQ\HDUVDQGROGHU'HVLJQHGIRUFKLOGUHQDJHVDQGDERYH,WPD\EHPRUHDSSURSULDWHIRUFKLOGUHQZKRKDYHDFTXLUHGWKHGHYHORSPHQWDOVNLOOVQHHGHGWRGLVWLQJXLVKEHWZHHQPDNHEHOLHYHDQGUHDOLW\7KHPHVDQGHOHPHQWVLQWKLVSURJUDPPD\LQFOXGHPLOGIDQWDV\YLROHQFH)9RUFRPHGLFYLROHQFHRUPD\IULJKWHQFKLOGUHQXQGHUWKHDJHRITV-Y (All Children) Themes and elements in this program are designed for a young audience, including children ages 2-6. It is not expected to frighten younger children.Canadian English V-Chip Rating System18+ (Adult) Programming intended for adults 18 and older. It may contain elements of violence, ODQJXDJHDQGVH[XDOFRQWHQWZKLFKFRXOGPDNHLWXQVXLWDEOHIRUYLHZHUVXQGHU9LROHQFH*XLGHOLQHV0D\FRQWDLQYLROHQFHLQWHJUDOWRWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIWKHSORWFKDUDFWHURUWKHPHLQWHQGHGIRUDGXOWDXGLHQFHV2WKHU&RQWHQW*XLGHOLQHV0D\FRQWDLQJUDSKLFODQJXDJHDQGH[SOLFLWSRUWUD\DOVRIQXGLW\DQGRUVH[14+ (Viewer 14 and over) Programming contains themes or content which may not be suitable for viewers under the age of 14. Parents are strongly cautioned to exercise discretion in permitting viewing E\SUHWHHQVDQGHDUO\WHHQV9LROHQFH*XLGHOLQHV0D\FRQWDLQLQWHQVHVFHQHVRIYLROHQFH&RXOGGHDOZLWKPDWXUHWKHPHVDQGVRFLHWDOLVVXHVLQDUHDOLVWLFIDVKLRQ2WKHU&RQWHQW*XLGHOLQHV0D\FRQWDLQVFHQHVRIQXGLW\DQGRUVH[XDODFWLYLW\7KHUHFRXOGEHIUHTXHQWXVHRISURIDQLW\PG (Parental Guidance) Programming intended for a general audience but which may not be suitable for younger children (under the age of 8). Parents may consider some content inappropriate IRUXQVXSHUYLVHGYLHZLQJE\FKLOGUHQDJHG9LROHQFH*XLGHOLQHV'HSLFWLRQVRIFRQÀLFWDQGRUDJJUHVVLRQZLOOEHOLPLWHGDQGPRGHUDWHPD\LQFOXGHSK\VLFDOIDQWDV\RUVXSHUQDWXUDOYLROHQFH2WKHU&RQWHQW*XLGHOLQHV0D\FRQWDLQLQIUHTXHQWPLOGSURIDQLW\RUPLOGO\VXJJHVWLYHODQJXDJH&RXOGDOVRcontain brief scenes of nudity.G (General Audience) Programming considered acceptable for all ages groups. While not designed VSHFL¿FDOO\IRUFKLOGUHQLWLVXQGHUVWRRG\RXQJHUYLHZHUVPD\EHSDUWRIWKHDXGLHQFH9LROHQFH*XLGHOLQHV:LOOFRQWDLQYHU\OLWWOHYLROHQFHHLWKHUSK\VLFDORUYHUEDORUHPRWLRQDO:LOOEHVHQVLWLYHWRthemes which could frighten a younger child, will not depict realistic scenes of violence which minimize RUJORVVRYHUWKHHIIHFWVRIYLROHQWDFWV2WKHU&RQWHQW*XLGHOLQHV7KHUHPD\EHVRPHLQRIIHQVLYHslang, no profanity and no nudity.
39C8+ (Children 8 and older) Programming generally considered acceptable for children 8 years and RYHUWRZDWFKRQWKHLURZQ9LROHQFH*XLGHOLQHV9LROHQFHZLOOQRWEHSRUWUD\HGDVWKHSUHIHUUHGDFFHSWDEOHRURQO\ZD\WRUHVROYHFRQÀLFWRUHQFRXUDJHFKLOGUHQWRLPLWDWHGDQJHURXVDFWVZKLFKWKH\may see on television. Any realistic depictions of violence will be infrequent, discreet, of low intensity DQGZLOOVKRZWKHFRQVHTXHQFHVRIWKHDFWV2WKHU&RQWHQW*XLGHOLQHV7KHUHZLOOEHQRSURIDQLW\nudity or sexual content.C (Children)3URJUDPPLQJLQWHQGHGIRUFKLOGUHQXQGHUDJH9LROHQFH*XLGHOLQHV&DUHIXODWWHQWLRQLVSDLGWRWKHPHVZKLFKFRXOGWKUHDWHQFKLOGUHQ¶VVHQVHRIVHFXULW\DQGZHOOEHLQJ7KHUHZLOOEHQRUHDOLVWLFVFHQHVRIYLROHQFH'HSLFWLRQVRIDJJUHVVLYHEHKDYLRUZLOOEHLQIUHTXHQWDQGOLPLWHGWRSRUWUD\DOVWKDWDUHFOHDUO\LPDJLQDU\FRPHGLFRUXQUHDOLVWLFLQQDWXUH2WKHU&RQWHQW*XLGHOLQHV7KHUHwill be no offensive language, nudity or sexual content.Canadian French V-Chip Rating System18 ans+ (Adult) Programming is for adults only. This program contains sustained violence or extremely violent scenes.16 ans+ (Viewer 16 and over) Programming is not suitable for those under age 16. This program contains frequent scenes of violence or intensely violent scenes.13 ans+ (Viewer 13 and over) Programming may not be suitable for children under the age of 13. This program either contains several violent scenes or one or more scenes that DUHYLROHQWHQRXJKWRDIIHFWWKHP9LHZLQJLQWKHFRPSDQ\RIDQDGXOWLVWKHUHIRUHVWURQJO\recommended for children under the age of 13.8 ans+ (Viewer 8 and over) Not recommended for young children. This program is suitable for most audiences, but it contains mild or occasional violence that could upset young FKLOGUHQ9LHZLQJLQWKHFRPSDQ\RIDQDGXOWLVWKHUHIRUHUHFRPPHQGHGIRU\RXQJFKLOGUHQ(under the age of 8) who do not distinguish between reality and imagination.G (General Audience) This program is suitable for audiences of all ages. It contains no violence, or any violence that it does contain is either minimal or is presented in a humorous manner, as a caricature, or in an unrealistic way.7HOHYLVLRQ6SHFL¿FDWLRQVBroadcasting system  US System NTSC-M $76&VWDQGDUG96%4$05HFHLYLQJ&KDQQHOV 9+)UHF14-69 &$79 $:37-59 (AA)-(WW)60-85 (AAA)-(ZZZ)86-94 (86)-(94)95-99 (A-5)-(A-1)100-135 (100)-(135)01 (4A)Tuner type  Frequency synthesized
40TTE Technology, Inc. (“TTE”) Limited Warranty$OO/&'/('0RGHOV(;&(37727+((;7(17352+,%,7('%<$33/,&$%/(/$:7+,6:$55$17<'2(6127&29(5$1'$6'(6&5,%('%(/2:77((;35(66/<',6&/$,06$//$&78$/$1',03/,(':$55$17,(6:,7+5(63(&772$1<352'8&786(')25,167,787,21$/2527+(5&200(5&,$/385326(6,1&/8',1*%87127/,0,7('725(17$/385326(6What your warranty covers:'HIHFWVLQ PDWHULDOVRUZRUNPDQVKLSWRWKH RULJLQDORZQHURIWKLV7&/SURGXFWZKHQSXUFKDVHG IURPDQ$XWKRUL]HG'HDOHURI7&/EUDQGSURGXFWVDQGSDFNDJHGZLWKthis warranty statement.New LCD/LED TelevisionsFor how long after your purchase:7ZR\HDUVIURPGDWHRISXUFKDVHIRUSDUWV7ZR\HDUVIURPGDWHRISXUFKDVHIRUODERUWhat we will do:$W77(¶VGLVFUHWLRQSD\DQ$XWKRUL]HG7&/6HUYLFH&HQWHUIRUERWKODERUFKDUJHVDQGSDUWVWR  UHSDLU\RXUWHOHYLVLRQRUUHSODFH\RXUWHOHYLVLRQZLWKDQHZRUUHIXUELVKHGUHPDQXIDFWXUHG unit. See “How to get service”.     How to get service:&DOO1-877-300-88373OHDVHKDYH\RXUXQLW¶VGDWHRISXUFKDVHSODFHRISXUFKDVHDQGPRGHO  VHULDOQXPEHUUHDG\7KHPRGHOVHULDOQXPEHULQIRUPDWLRQFDQEHIRXQGRQWKHEDFNRI\RXUXQLW$UHSUHVHQWDWLYHZLOOWURXEOHVKRRW\RXUSUREOHPRYHUWKHSKRQH,ILWLVGHWHUPLQHGWKDW\RXUXQLW requires service, the service location will be at the sole discretion of TTE based upon the TTE    Limited Warranty statement.$WWKHVROHGLVFUHWLRQRI77(WHOHYLVLRQVFUHHQVL]HV´DQGVPDOOHUZLOOHLWKHUEHUHSDLUHGDWDQ $XWKRUL]HG7&/6HUYLFH&HQWHURUGLUHFWO\H[FKDQJHGIRUDQHZRUUHIXUELVKHGUHPDQXIDFWXUHG unit. At the sole discretion of TTE, television screen sizes 33” through 55” will either be repaired    at an Authorized TCL Service Center or repaired in-home. If repaired at an Authorized TCL Service Center, TTE is not responsible for transportation costs    to the Authorized TCL Service Center. However, TTE will pay for return shipping. TTE will     SURYLGHLQVWUXFWLRQVIRUSDFNDJLQJDQGVKLSSLQJWKHXQLW3URRIRISXUFKDVHLQWKHIRUPRIDELOORI VDOHRUUHFHLSWHGLQYRLFHIURPDQ$XWKRUL]HG'HDOHUZKLFKLVHYLGHQFHWKDWWKHSURGXFWLVZLWKLQ the warranty period must be presented to obtain warranty service.What your warranty does not cover:&XVWRPHULQVWUXFWLRQ<RXU2ZQHU¶V0DQXDOGHVFULEHVKRZWRLQVWDOODGMXVWDQGRSHUDWH\RXU  XQLW$Q\DGGLWLRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQVKRXOGEHREWDLQHGIURP\RXU$XWKRUL]HG'HDOHU,QVWDOODWLRQDQGUHODWHGDGMXVWPHQWV'DPDJHUHVXOWLQJIURPQRQDSSURYHGLQVWDOODWLRQPHWKRGV6LJQDOUHFHSWLRQSUREOHPVQRWFDXVHGE\\RXUXQLW'DPDJHIURPPLVXVHRUQHJOHFW%DWWHULHV$WHOHYLVLRQWKDWKDVEHHQPRGL¿HGRULQFRUSRUDWHGLQWRRWKHUSURGXFWVRULVXVHGIRULQVWLWXWLRQDOor other commercial purposes (including but not limited to rental purposes).$XQLWSXUFKDVHGRUVHUYLFHGRXWVLGHWKH86$$XQLWVROGDVLVRUZLWKDOOIDXOWV$FWVRIQDWXUHVXFKDVEXWQRWOLPLWHGWROLJKWQLQJGDPDJH6SHFLDOLQFLGHQWDORUFRQVHTXHQWLDOGDPDJHV
41Product Registration:3OHDVHUHJLVWHU\RXU7&/SXUFKDVHRQOLQHDWZZZWFOXVDFRP,WZLOOPDNHLWHDVLHUWRFRQWDFW\RXshould it ever be necessary. Registration is not required for warranty coverage.Limitation of Warranty:7+(:$55$17<67$7('$%29(,67+(21/<:$55$17<$33/,&$%/(727+,6 PRODUCT. NO VERBAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION GIVEN BY TTE TECHNOLOGY,    INC., ITS AGENTS OR EMPLOYEES SHALL CREATE A GUARANTY OR IN ANY WAY    INCREASE OR MODIFY THE SCOPE OF THIS WARRANTY.5(3$,5255(3/$&(0(17$63529,'('81'(57+,6:$55$17<,67+((;&/86,9( REMEDY OF THE CONSUMER. TTE TECHNOLOGY, INC. SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR    SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM      THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT OR ARISING OUT OF ANY BREACH OF ANY EXPRESS OR    IMPLIED WARRANTY ON THIS PRODUCT. THIS DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITED WARRANTY ARE GOVERNED BY THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF INDIANA.      EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY    OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON THIS PRODUCT IS    LIMITED TO THE APPLICABLE WARRANTY AND WARRANTY PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE.How State Law relates to this warranty:6RPHVWDWHVGRQRWDOORZWKHH[FOXVLRQQRUOLPLWDWLRQRILQFLGHQWDORUFRQVHTXHQWLDOGDPDJHVRU limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations or exclusions may    not apply to you.7KLVZDUUDQW\JLYHV\RXVSHFL¿FOHJDOULJKWVDQG\RXDOVRPD\KDYHRWKHUULJKWVWKDWYDU\IURPVWDWHto state.If you purchased your unit outside the United States or seek warranty coverage outside the United States: This warranty does not apply. Contact your dealer for warranty information.Service calls which do not involve defective materials or workmanship are not covered by this warranty. Costs of such service calls are the sole responsibility of the purchaser.
44FCC InformationThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: 5HRULHQWRUUHORFDWHWKHUHFHLYLQJDQWHQQD ,QFUHDVHWKHVHSDUDWLRQEHWZHHQWKHHTXLSPHQWDQGUHFHLYHU &RQQHFWWKHHTXLSPHQWLQWRDQRXWOHWRQDFLUFXLWGLIIHUHQWIURPWKDWWRZKLFKWKHUHFHLYHULV connected. &RQVXOWWKHGHDOHURUDQH[SHULHQFHGUDGLR79WHFKQLFLDQIRUKHOSThis Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Please do not send any products to the Indianapolis address listed in this manual or on the carton. This will only add delays in service for your product.TTE Technology, Inc.5541 West 74th Street Indianapolis, IN 46268©2010 TTE Technology, Inc.7&/DQGDVVRFLDWHGPDUNVDUHWUDGHPDUNVRI7&/6$XVHGunder license to TTE Corporation.Printed in ChinaPart No.: 72-LMT05A-E001AENERGY STAR is a set of power-saving guidelines issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories.“Dolby” and the double-D symbol are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.

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