TRENDNET TEW651BR 150Mbps Wireless N Home Router User Manual UG TEW 651BR 1 02

TRENDNET, Inc. 150Mbps Wireless N Home Router UG TEW 651BR 1 02



26 PPPoE  If  connected  to  the  Internet  using  a  PPPoE  (Dial-up  xDSL)  Modem,  the  ISP  will provide  a  Password  and  User  Name,  and  then  the  ISP  uses  PPPoE.  Choose  this option and enter the required information.  WAN  IP: Select  the  WAN  IP address  Obtain  from  ISP  automatically  or  enter the specified IP address. Server Name: Enter the server name provided by ISP (optional). User Name: Enter the user name provided by ISP. Password: Enter the password provided by ISP. Retype Password: Enter the password again. DNS: Enter the IP address of specified DNS server here, default value is get the DNS settings from ISP. Auto-reconnect: Select the connection type for Always-on, Manual or Connect-on Demand connecting. Idle Time Out: Enter the idle time out for Connect on Daemon, when no Internet access during the idle time, the PPPoE connection will auto disconnect.
27 MTU: Enter the specified MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit). The default value is 1492 bytes. PPTP/L2TP with Dynamic IP If  connected  to  the  Internet  using  a  PPTP/L2TP  (Dial-up  xDSL)  with  dynamic  IP connection, enter the your Server IP, PPTP/L2TP Account and PPTP/L2TP Password, if  your  ISP  has  provided  you  with  a  DNS  IP  address,  enter  it  in  the  DNS  field, otherwise, leave it zero.     PPTP/L2TP with Static IP If  connected  to  the  Internet  using  a  PPTP/L2TP  (Dial-up  xDSL)  with  static  IP connection, enter the your IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway IP address, DNS IP address, Server IP address, PPTP Account and PPTP Password.
28    BigPond Cable If  your  ISP  is  Big  Pond  Cable,  the  ISP  will  provide  a  User  Name,  Password, Authentication  Server  and  Login  Server  IP  (Optional).    Choose  this  option  and enter the required information.  Password This  screen  enables  users  to  set  administrative  and  user  passwords.  These passwords are used to gain access to the WLAN Router interface.
29  Administrator:  Type  the  password  the  Administrator  will  use  to  log  into  the system.  The  password  must  be  typed  again  for  confirmation.  The  Administrator can also authorize users the ability to configure the WLAN Router. User: Type the password the User will use to log in to the system. The password must be typed again for confirmation.
30 Time This screen enables users to set the time and date for the WLAN Router's real-time clock, select properly time zone, and enable or disable daylight saving.   Local Time: Displays the local time and date. Time Zone: Select the time zone from the drop-down list. Synchronize  the  clock  with: Select the clock adjustment method form the drop-down list. Automatic: Automatically adjust the system time from NTP Server. Manual: Manually adjust the system time when you press the Set Time button. Default NTP server: The Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) server allows the WLAN Router to synchronize the system clock to the global Internet through the SNTP Server. Specify the NTP domain name or IP address in the text box. Set the time: Manually setting the WLAN Router system time, press the Set Time button to update the system time. Daylight  Saving:  Enables  users  to  enable  or  disable  daylight  saving  time.  When enabled, select the start and end date for daylight saving time.
31 Dynamic DNS This synchronizes the DDNS server with your current Public IP address when you are online.  First, you need to register your preferred DNS with the DDNS provider.  Then,  please  select  the  DDNS  address  in  the  Server  Address  and  fill  the  related information in the below fields: Host Name, User Name and Password.  Wireless This  section  enables  users  to  configuration  the  wireless  communications parameters for the WLAN Router. Basic This page allow user to enable and disable the wireless LAN function, create a SSID, and select the channel for wireless communications.
32 Enable/Disable: Enables or disables wireless LAN via the WLAN Router. SSID: Type an SSID in the text box. The SSID of any wireless device must match the SSID typed here in order for the wireless device to access the LAN and WAN via the WLAN Router. Channel: Select a transmission channel for wireless communications. The channel of  any  wireless  device  must  match  the  channel  selected  here  in  order  for  the wireless device to access the LAN and WAN via the WLAN Router. 802.11 Mode: Select one of the following: 2.4Ghz  802.11b/g  mixed  mode  -  Select  if  you  are  using  both  802.11b  and 802.11g wireless clients. 2.4Ghz 802.11b/g/n mixed mode - Select if you are using a mix of 802.11n, 11g, and 11b wireless clients. 2.4Ghz 802.11n only - Select if you are using 802.11n wireless clients only. Channel Width: Select the Channel Width: 20MHz – This is the default setting. Select this option if you are not using any 802.11n wireless clients. Auto 20/40 MHz - Select this option if you are using both 802.11n and non-802.11n wireless devices. SSID Broadcast: While SSID Broadcast is enabled, all wireless clients will be able to view the WLAN Router’s SSID.  WMM: Enable the Wi-Fi Multi-Media will offer Wi-Fi networks stable that improve the  user  experience  for  audio,  video,  and  voice  applications  by  prioritizing  data traffic.
33 Security   Authentication  Type:    The  authentication  type  default  is  set  to  open  system.  There are four options: Disabled, WEP, WPA, WPA2 and WPA-Auto. WEP Encryption    WPS Enabled  WPS Disabled WEP:  Open  System  and  Shared  Key  requires  the  user  to  set  a  WEP  key  to exchange data with other wireless clients that have the same WEP key. Mode: Select the key type: ASCII or HEX WEP  Key:  Select  the  level  of  encryption  from  the  drop-down  list.  The  WLAN Router supports, 64 and 128-bit encryption. Key Length  Hex  ASCII Type  characters 0-9, A-F, a-f  alphanumeric format 64-bit  10 characters  5 characters 128-bit  26 characters  13 characters
34 Key 1: Enables users to create WEP keys with WPS enabled. Manually enter a set of values for Key 1.  Key  1  ~  Key  4:  Enables  users  to  create  up  to  4  different  WEP  keys  with  WPS disabled.  Manually  enter  a  set  of  values  for  each  key.  Select  a  key  to  use  by clicking the radio button next to the key. WPA/WPA2/WPA-Auto Security with EAP  If WPA, WPA2 or WPA-Auto EAP is selected, the above screen is shown.  Please set the length of the encryption key and the parameters for the RADIUS server. Cipher Type: Select the cipher type for TKIP or AES encryption, Selected Auto for auto detects the cipher type.  RADIUS Server 1/2: 1. Enter  the  IP  address,  Port  used  and  Shared  Secret  by  the  Primary  Radius Server 1. 2. Enter the IP address, Port used and Shared Secret by the Secondary Radius Server 2. (optional) WPA/WPA2/WPA-Auto Security with PSK
35 If WPA, WPA2 or WPA-Auto PSK is selected. Cipher Type: Select the cipher type for TKIP or AES encryption, Selected Auto for auto detects the cipher type.  Passphrase: The length should be 8 characters at least.   Advanced This screen enables users to configure advanced wireless functions.   Beacon Interval: Type the beacon interval in the text box. User can specify a value from 25 to 1000. The default beacon interval is 100.  RTS  Threshold:  Type  the  RTS  (Request-To-Send)  threshold  in  the  text  box.  This value stabilizes data flow. If data flow is irregular, choose values between 256 and 2346 until data flow is normalized.  Fragmentation  Threshold:  Type  the  fragmentation  threshold  in  the  text  box.  If packet transfer error rates are high, choose values between 1500 and 2346 until packet transfer rates are minimized. (NOTE: set this fragmentation threshold value may diminish system performance.)  DTIM  Interval: Type  a  DTIM (Delivery Traffic  Indication Message)  interval  in  the text box. User can specify
36 Wi-Fi Protected Setup This screen enables users to configure the Wi-Fi Protected Setup function.  WPS: Enable or Disable the WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) function Status: Display  the status  (Un-configured  State/Configured  State)  information  of WPS. Self-PIN Number: Display the current PIN number of the WLAN Router. Client PIN Number: Type Client’s PIN number the client uses to negotiate with the WLAN Router via WPS connection. It is only used when users want their station to join Router's network. Push  Button  Configuration:  Clicking  the  Start  PBC  button  will  invoke  the  Push Button  Configuration  (PBC)  method  of  WPS.  Push  the  WPS  button  on  the  client side when users want their station to join Router’s network.
37 Status This selection enables users to view the status of the WLAN Router LAN, WAN and Wireless connections, and view logs and statistics  pertaining to connections and packet transfers. Device Information This  screen  enables  users  to  view  the  WLAN  Router’s  LAN,  Wireless  and  WAN configurations.  Firmware  Version:  Displays  the  latest  build  of  the  WLAN  Router  firmware interface.  After  updating  the firmware in  Tools -  Firmware, check  this  to  ensure that the firmware was successfully updated. WAN:  This  section  displays  the  WAN  interface  configuration  including  the  MAC address, Connection status, DHCP client status, IP address, Subnet mask, Default gateway, and DNS.  Wireless:  This  section  displays  the  wireless  configuration  information,  including the MAC address, the Connection status, SSID, Channel and Authentication type. LAN:  This  section  displays  the  LAN  interface  configuration  including  the  MAC address, IP Address, Subnet Mask, and DHCP Server Status. Click “DHCP Table” to view a list of client stations currently connected to the WLAN Router LAN interface. Click  “DHCP  Release”  to  release  all  IP  addresses  assigned  to  client  stations connected to the WAN via the WLAN Router. Click “DHCP  Renew” to reassign IP addresses to client stations connected to the WAN.
38 Log This screen enables users to view a running log of Router system statistics, events, and activities. The log displays up to 200 entries. Older entries are overwritten by new entries. The Log screen commands are as follows: Click “First Page” to view the first page of the log Click “Last Page” to view the final page of the log Click “Previous Page” to view the page just before the current page Click “Next Page” to view the page just after the current page Click “Clear Log” to delete the contents of the log and begin a new log Click “Refresh” to renew log statistics   Time: Displays the time and date that the log entry was created. Message: Displays summary information about the log entry.
39 Log Setting This screen enables users to set Router Log parameters.  SMTP  Authentication:  Selected  the  Enabled  if  the  SMTP  server  need  for authentication,  fill  in  account  name  and  password  in  SMTP  Account  field  and SMTP Password field. SMTP Account: If the SMTP Authentication enabled, fill in the SMTP account name here. SMTP  Password:  If the SMTP Authentication enabled, fill in the password of the SMTP account here. SMTP Server: Type your SMTP server address here. From Email address: Type an email address for the log to be sent from. To Email address: Type an email address for the log to be sent to. Click “Email Log Now” to immediately send the current log. E-mail Logs: Email the logs to specified email receiver. When log is full - The time is not fixed. The log will be sent when the log is full, which will depend on the volume of traffic. Every day, Every Monday ...  - The log is sent on the interval specified.   If "Every day" is selected, the log is sent at the time specified.   If the day is specified, the log is sent once per week, on the specified day.
40  Select the time of day you wish the E-mail to be sent.   If  the  log  is  full  before  the  time  specified  to  send  it,  it  will  be  sent regardless. Syslog  Server:  Type  the  IP address  of  the  Syslog  Server if  user  wants  the WLAN Router to listen and receive incoming Syslog messages. Log Type: Enables users to select what items will be included in the log: System Activity: Displays information related to WLAN Router operation. Debug  Information:  Displays  information  related  to  errors  and  system malfunctions. Attacks: Displays information about any malicious activity on the network. Dropped  Packets:  Displays  information  about  packets  that  have  not  been transferred successfully. Notice: Displays important notices by the system administrator. Statistic This  screen  displays  a  table  that  shows  the  rate  of  packet  transmission  via  the WLAN Router’s LAN, Wireless and WAN ports (in bytes per second).  Click “Reset” to erase all statistics and begin logging statistics again.
41 Wireless This  screen  enables  users  to  view  information  about  wireless  devices  that  are connected to the WLAN Router.  Connected Time: Displays the time duration of wireless clients connection to the WLAN Router. MAC Address: Displays the wireless client’s MAC address.  Routing This selection enables users to set how the WLAN Router forwards data: Static and Dynamic.  Routing  Table  enables  users  to  view  the  information  created  by  the WLAN Router that displays the network interconnection topology. Static It enables users to set parameters by which the WLAN Router forwards data to its destination if the network has a static IP address.
42  Network  Address:  Type  the  static  IP  address  the  network  uses  to  access  the Internet. Contact the ISP or network administrator for this information. Network Mask: Type the network (subnet) mask of the network. If this field is left blank, the network mask defaults to  Contact the ISP or network administrator for this information. Gateway  Address: Type the gateway address of the network. Contact the ISP or network administrator for this information. Interface: Select an interface, WAN or LAN, to connect to the Internet. Metric: Select which metric that the user wants to apply to this configuration. Add: Click to add the configuration to the static IP address table at the bottom of the page. Update: Select one of the entries in the static IP address table at the bottom of the page, and after changing parameters, click “Update” to confirm the changes. Delete: Select one of the entries in the static IP address table at the bottom of the page and click “Delete” to remove the entry. Cancel: Click the Cancel button to erase all fields and enter new information. Routing Table This  screen  enables  users  to  view  the  routing  table  of  the  WLAN  Router.  The routing table is a database created by the WLAN Router that displays the network interconnection topology.
43  Network Address: Displays the network IP address of the connected node. Network Mask: Displays the network (subnet) mask of the connected node. Gateway Address: Displays the gateway address of the connected node. Interface: Displays whether the node is connected via a WAN or LAN. Metric: Displays the metric of the connected node. Type: Displays whether the node has a static or dynamic IP address
44 Access This page enables you to define access restrictions, set up protocol and IP filters, create virtual servers, define access for special applications such as games, and set firewall rules. Filters Using filters to deny or allow the users to access to the internet.  Three types of filters can be select: MAC, Domain/URL blocking, and Protocol/IP filter.
45 MAC Filters   MAC Filter: Enables you to allow or deny accessing the internet.  Disable: Disable the MAC filter function. Allow: Only allow computers with MAC address listed in the MAC Table. Deny: Computers in the MAC Table are denied Internet access. MAC  Table:  Use  this  section  to  create  a  user  profile  which  internet  access  is denied or allowed.  The user profiles are listed in the table at the bottom of the page.    (Note:  Click  anywhere  in  the  item.  Once  the  line  is  selected,  the  fields automatically load the item's parameters, which you can edit.) Name: Type the name of the user to be permitted/denied access. MAC Address: Type the MAC address of the user's network interface. Add: Click to add the user to the list at the bottom of the page. Update: Click to update information for the user, if you have changed  any of the fields. Delete: Select a user from the table at the bottom of the list and click Delete to remove the user profile. Cancel: Click Cancel to erase all fields and enter new information.
46 Domain/URL Blocking You could specify the domains that allow users to access or deny by clicking one of the two items.  Also, add the specified domains in the text box.   Disable: Disable the Domain/URL Blocking function.  Allow: Allow users to access all domains except “Domains List”.  Deny: Deny users to access all domains except “Domains List”.  Domains List: List Domain/URL you will Denied or Allowed.  Delete:  Select  a  Domain/URL  from  the  table  at  the  bottom  of  the  list  and click Delete to remove the Domain/URL.  Add: Click to Add button to add domain to the Domains list.  Cancel: Click the Cancel button to erase all fields and enter new information.
47 Protocol/IP Filters This  screen  enables  you  to  define  a  minimum  and  maximum  IP  address  range filter; all IP addresses falling within the range are not allowed accessing internet.  The IP filter profiles are listed in the table at the bottom of the page. (Note: Click anywhere in the item. Once the line is selected, the fields automatically load the item's parameters, which you can edit.)  Enable: Click to enable or disable the IP address filter. Name: Type the name of the user to be denied access. Protocol: Select a protocol (TCP or UDP) to use for the virtual server. Port: Type the port range of the protocol. IP  Range:  Type  the  IP  range.  IP  addresses  falling  between  this  value  and  the Range End are not allowed to access the Internet.  Add: Click to add the IP range to the table at the bottom of the screen.  Update: Click to update information for the range if you have selected a list item and have made changes.  Delete: Select a list item and click Delete to remove the item from the list.
48  Cancel: Click the Cancel button to erase all fields and enter new information. Virtual Server This  screen  enables  user  to  create  a  virtual  server  via  the  WLAN  Router.  If  the WLAN  Router  is  set  as  a  virtual  server,  remote  users  requesting  Web  or  FTP services  through  the  WAN  are  directed  to  local  servers  in  the  LAN.  The  WLAN Router redirects the request via the protocol and port numbers to the correct LAN server. The Virtual Sever profiles are listed in the table at the bottom of the page. Note: When selecting items in the table at the bottom, click anywhere in the item. The line is selected, and the fields automatically load the item's parameters, which user can edit.  Enable: Click to enable or disable the virtual server. Name: Type a descriptive name for the virtual server. Protocol: Select a protocol (TCP or UDP) to use for the virtual server. Private Port: Type the port number of the computer on the LAN that is being used to act as a virtual server. Public Port: Type the port number on the WAN that will be used to provide access to the virtual server. LAN Server: Type the LAN IP address that will be assigned to the virtual server.  Add: Click to add the virtual server to the table at the bottom of the screen.
49  Update:  Click  to  update  information  for  the  virtual  server  if  the  user  has selected a listed item and has made changes.  Delete: Select a listed item and click Delete to remove the item from the list.  Cancel: Click Cancel button to erase all fields and enter new information. Special AP This  screen  enables  users  to  specify  special  applications,  such  as  games  which require  multiple  connections  that  are  blocked  by  NAT.  The  special  applications profiles are listed in the table at the bottom of the page. Note: When selecting items in the table at the bottom, click anywhere in the item. The line is selected, and the fields automatically load the item's parameters, which user can edit.  Enable: Click to enable or disable the application profile. When enabled, users will be  able  to  connect  to  the  application  via  the  WLAN  Router’s  WAN  connection. Click “Disabled” on a profile to prevent users from accessing the application on the WAN connection. Name: Type a descriptive name for the application. Trigger:  Defines  the  outgoing  communication  that  determines  whether  the  user has legitimate access to the application.  Protocol: Select the protocol (TCP, UDP, or * for TCP+UDP) that can be used to access the application.  Port Range: Type the port range that can be used to access the application in the text boxes.
50 Incoming:  Defines  which  incoming  communications  users  are  permitted  to connect with.  Protocol: Select the protocol (TCP, UDP, or * for TCP+UDP) that can be used by the incoming communication.  Port:  Type  the  port  number  that  can  be  used  for  the  incoming communication.  Add: Click to add the special application profile to the table at the bottom of the screen.  Update: Click to update information for the special application if user have selected a list item and have made changes.  Delete: Select a list item and click Delete to remove the item from the list.  Cancel: Click Cancel button to erase all fields and enter new information.  DMZ This screen enables users to create a DMZ for those computers that cannot access Internet applications properly through the WLAN Router and associated security settings.  Note: Any clients added to the DMZ exposes the clients to security risks such as viruses and unauthorized access.  Enable: Click to enable or disable the DMZ. DMZ  Host  IP:  Type  a  host  IP  address  for  the  DMZ.  The  computer  with  this  IP address acts as a DMZ host with unlimited Internet access. Apply: Click to save the settings.
51 Firewall Settings This screen enables users to set up the firewall. The WLAN Router provides basic firewall functions, by filtering all the packets that enter the WLAN Router using a set of rules. The rules are listed in sequential order--the lower the rule number, the higher the priority the rule has.  Enable: Click to enable or disable the firewall rule profile. Name: Type a descriptive name for the firewall rule profile. Action: Select whether to allow or deny packets that conform to the rule. Source: Defines the source of the incoming packet that the rule is applied to. ●  Interface: Select which interface (WAN or LAN) the rule is applied to. ●  IP Range Start: Type the start IP address that the rule is applied to. ●  IP Range End: Type the end IP address that the rule is applied to. Destination:  Defines  the  destination  of  the  incoming  packet  that  the  rule  is applied to. ●  Interface: Select which interface (WAN or LAN) the rule is applied to. ●  IP Range Start: Type the start IP address that the rule is applied to. ●  IP Range End: Type the end IP address that the rule is applied to. ●  Protocol: Select the protocol (TCP, UDP, or ICMP) of the destination. ●  Port Range: Select the port range. Add: Click to add the rule profile to the table at the bottom of the screen. Update: Click to update information for the rule if the user has selected a listed item and has made changes.
52 Delete: Select a listed item and click Delete button to remove the entry from the list. New: Click “New” to erase all fields and enter new information. Priority  Up:  Select  a  rule  from  the  list  and  click  “Priority  Up”  to  increase  the priority of the rule. Priority Down: Select a rule from the list and click “Priority Down” to decrease the priority of the rule. Update Priority: After increasing or decreasing the priority of a rule, click “Update Priority” to save the changes. Management Management enables users to set up the Remote Management feature. Remote Management This  screen  enables  users  to  set  up  remote  management.  Using  remote management,  the  WLAN  Router  can  be  configured  through  the  WAN  via a  Web browser. A user name and password are required to perform remote management.  HTTP:  Enables  users  to  set  up  HTTP  access  of  the  Port  number,  and  Remote  IP Range for remote management. Allow to Ping WAN Port: Type a range of Router IP addresses that can be pinged from remote locations UPnP  Enable:  UPnP  is  short  for  Universal  Plug  and  Play  that  is  a  networking architecture that provides compatibility among networking equipment, software, and peripherals. The WLAN Router is an UPnP-enabled Router and will only work with  other  UPnP  devices/software.  If  user  does  not  want  to  use  the  UPnP functionality, select “Disabled” to disable it.
53 PPTP: Enables users to set up PPTP access for remote management. L2TP: Enables users to set up L2TP access for remote management. IPSec: Enables users to set up IPSec access for remote management.
54 Tools This page enables users to restart the system, save and load different settings as profiles,  restore  factory  default  settings,  run  a  setup  wizard  to  configure  WLAN Router settings, upgrade the firmware, and ping remote IP addresses. Restart Click  “Restart”  to  restart  the  system  in  the  event  the  system  is  not  performing correctly.  Settings This  screen  enables  users  to  save  settings  as  a  profile  and  load  profiles  for different circumstances. User can also load the factory default settings, and run a setup wizard to configure the WLAN Router and Router interface.  Save Settings: Click “Save” to save the current configuration as a profile that can load when necessary.
55 Load Settings: Click “Browse” and go to the location of a stored profile. Click “Load” to load the profile's settings. Restore Factory Default Settings: Click “Restore” to restore the default settings. All configuration changes will lose. Firmware This screen enables users to keep the WLAN Router firmware up to date.  Please follow the below instructions: Download the latest firmware from the manufacturer's Web site, and save it to disk. Click “Browse” and go to the location of the downloaded firmware file. Select the file and click “Upgrade” to update the firmware to the latest release.
56 Ping Test The ping test enables users to determine whether an IP address or host is present on the Internet. Type the host name or IP address in the text box and click Ping.
57 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Hardware Standards  Wired: IEEE 802.3 (10Base-T), IEEE 802.3u (100Base-TX) Wireless: IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11n , IEEE 802.11e QoS WAN  1 x 10/100Mbps Auto-MDIX port (Internet) LAN   4 x 10/100Mbps Auto-MDIX ports WPS Button  Enables Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) function Connection Type  Dynamic IP, Static (Fixed) IP, PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP, Big Pond UPnP  UPnP IGD 1.0 compliant DMZ  DMZ host & Virtual Servers DNS  Static or WAN assigned DNS servers; 3 verified services for DDNS Internet Access Control  MAC Address Filter, Domain/URL Filter, Protocol/IP Filter Logging  5 types of event logging; email report  LED Indicator  Power, LAN1~LAN4, WAN, WLAN, Status Power Adapter  5V DC, 1.2A external power adapter Power Consumption  3.5watts (max) Dimension (L x W x H)  150 x 110 x 30mm (5.9 x 4.3 x 1.2in) Weight   225g (7.8oz) Temperature  Operation: 0°~ 40°C (32°F~ 104°F); Storage: -10°~ 70°C (14°F~158 °F) Humidity  Max. 90% (non-condensing) Certifications  CE, FCC Wireless Frequency  2.412~2.484GHz band Antenna  1 x 2dBi fixed dipole antennas Media Access Protocol  CSMA/CA with ACK Data Rate 802.11b: up to 11Mbps 802.11g: up to 54Mbps 802.11n: up to 150Mbps Security  WEP(HEX/ASCII): 64/128-bit  WPA(AES/TKIP): WPA/WPA2-Radius, WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK  Output Power  25 dBm Receiving Sensitivity  802.11b: -85dBm (typical) @ 11Mpbs 802.11g: -68dBm (typical) @ 54Mbps 802.11n: -62dBm (typical) @ 150Mbps Channels  1~ 11 (FCC), 1~13 (ETSI)
58 LIMITED WARRANTY  TRENDnet  warrants  its  products  against  defects  in  material  and  workmanship,  under  normal  use  and  service,  for  the  following lengths of time from the date of purchase.              TEW-651BR – 3 Years Warranty AC/DC Power Adapter, Cooling Fan, and Power Supply carry 1 year warranty.  If a product does not operate as warranted during the applicable warranty period, TRENDnet shall reserve the right, at its expense, to repair or replace the defective product or part and deliver an equivalent product or part to the customer. The repair/replacement unit’s  warranty  continues  from  the  original  date  of  purchase.  All  products  that  are  replaced become  the property of  TRENDnet. Replacement  products  may  be  new  or  reconditioned.  TRENDnet  does  not  issue  refunds  or  credit.  Please  contact  the  point-of-purchase for their return policies.  TRENDnet shall not be responsible for any software, firmware, information, or memory data of customer contained in, stored on, or integrated with any products returned to TRENDnet pursuant to any warranty.  There are  no  user  serviceable  parts  inside  the  product.    Do  not  remove  or  attempt  to  service  the  product  by  any  unauthorized service center.  This warranty is voided if (i) the product has been modified or repaired by any unauthorized service center, (ii) the product was subject to accident, abuse, or improper use (iii) the product was subject to conditions more severe than those specified in the manual.  Warranty service may be obtained by contacting TRENDnet within the applicable warranty period and providing a copy of the dated proof of the purchase. Upon proper submission of required documentation a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number will be issued. An RMA number is required in order to initiate warranty service support for all TRENDnet products. Products that are sent to TRENDnet for RMA service must have the RMA number marked on the outside of return packages and sent to TRENDnet prepaid, insured and packaged appropriately for safe shipment. Customers shipping from outside of the USA and Canada are responsible for return shipping fees. Customers shipping from outside of the USA are responsible for custom charges, including but not limited to, duty, tax, and other fees.  WARRANTIES  EXCLUSIVE:  IF  THE  TRENDNET  PRODUCT  DOES  NOT  OPERATE  AS  WARRANTED  ABOVE,  THE  CUSTOMER’S  SOLE REMEDY SHALL BE, AT TRENDNET’S OPTION, REPAIR OR  REPLACE. THE  FOREGOING WARRANTIES AND  REMEDIES ARE EXCLUSIVE AND ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EITHER IN FACT OR BY OPERATION OF LAW, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE,  INCLUDING  WARRANTIES  OF  MERCHANTABILITY  AND  FITNESS  FOR  A  PARTICULAR  PURPOSE.  TRENDNET  NEITHER ASSUMES  NOR  AUTHORIZES  ANY  OTHER  PERSON  TO  ASSUME  FOR  IT  ANY  OTHER  LIABILITY  IN  CONNECTION  WITH  THE  SALE, INSTALLATION MAINTENANCE OR USE OF TRENDNET’S PRODUCTS.  TRENDNET SHALL NOT BE LIABLE UNDER THIS WARRANTY IF ITS TESTING AND EXAMINATION DISCLOSE THAT THE ALLEGED DEFECT IN  THE  PRODUCT  DOES  NOT  EXIST  OR  WAS  CAUSED  BY  CUSTOMER’S  OR  ANY  THIRD  PERSON’S  MISUSE,  NEGLECT,  IMPROPER INSTALLATION OR TESTING, UNAUTHORIZED ATTEMPTS TO REPAIR OR MODIFY, OR ANY OTHER CAUSE BEYOND THE RANGE OF THE INTENDED USE, OR BY ACCIDENT, FIRE, LIGHTNING, OR OTHER HAZARD.  LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: TO THE FULL EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW TRENDNET ALSO EXCLUDES FOR ITSELF AND ITS SUPPLIERS ANY LIABILITY,  WHETHER  BASED  IN  CONTRACT  OR  TORT  (INCLUDING  NEGLIGENCE),  FOR  INCIDENTAL,  CONSEQUENTIAL,  INDIRECT, SPECIAL, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, OR FOR LOSS OF REVENUE OR PROFITS, LOSS OF BUSINESS, LOSS OF INFORMATION OR DATE, OR OTHER FINANCIAL LOSS ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE, INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, USE, PERFORMANCE,  FAILURE,  OR  INTERRUPTION  OF  THE  POSSIBILITY  OF  SUCH  DAMAGES,  AND  LIMITS  ITS  LIABILITY  TO  REPAIR, REPLACEMENT, OR REFUND OF THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID, AT TRENDNET’S OPTION. THIS DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES WILL NOT BE AFFECTED IF ANY REMEDY PROVIDED HEREIN SHALL FAIL OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE.  Governing Law: This Limited Warranty shall be governed by the laws of the state of California.
59 Some TRENDnet  products  include  software  code written  by third party  developers. These codes are subject  to the GNU  General Public License ("GPL") or GNU Lesser General Public License ("LGPL").   Go to or Download section and look for the desired TRENDnet product to access to the GPL Code or LGPL Code. These codes are distributed WITHOUT WARRANTY and are subject to the copyrights of the developers.  TRENDnet  does  not  provide  technical  support  for  these  codes.  Please  go  to  or for specific terms of each license. PWP05202009v2

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