TOA WM-D5200 Digital Wireless Microphone User Manual

TOA Corporation Digital Wireless Microphone

User Manual

WM-D5200DIGITAL WIRELESS MICROPHONEINSTRUCTION MANUALThank you for purchasing TOA’s Digital Wireless Microphone. Please carefully follow the instructions in this manual to ensure long, trouble-free use of your equipment.
2TABLE OF CONTENTS1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS  .........................................................................................................  32. GENERAL DESCRIPTION  ....................................................................................................... 53. FEATURES  ................................................................................................................................. 54. HANDLING PRECAUTIONS  .................................................................................................... 55. NOMENCLATURE AND FUNCTIONS  ................................................................................... 66. PREPARING BATTERIES  ........................................................................................................ 86.1. Battery Insertion  .................................................................................................................... 86.2. Guide to Battery Operating Times ........................................................................................ 86.3. When Operating on Rechargeable Battery  ..........................................................................  97. OPERATION  ............................................................................................................................. 108. FUNCTION SETTINGS  .......................................................................................................... 108.1. Setting the Bank and Channel Numbers  ............................................................................ 108.2. Performing Encryption Settings  .........................................................................................  118.3. Performing Code Settings (When Encryption Function Is OFF) ........................................  148.4. Performing Transmission Output Changeover Switch Settings  .........................................  159. CONVENIENT FUNCTIONS     (MICROPHONE SENSITIVITY SELECTOR SWITCH SETTINGS)  ..................................  1610. SPECIFICATIONS  .................................................................................................................  17Accessories  ...............................................................................................................................  17
31. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS•Beforeuse,besuretocarefullyreadalltheinstructionsinthissectionforcorrectandsafeoperation.•Besuretofollowalltheprecautionaryinstructionsinthissection,whichcontainimportantwarnings and/or cautions regarding safety.•Afterreading,keepthismanualhandyforfuturereference.When the Unit is in Use •Besuretouseadedicatedbatterychargerwhen recharging a battery. Using other battery charger may cause the battery to leakorexplode,resultinginare,personalinjury, property damage, and/or pollution. •Topreventtheelectromagneticwavefrombadlyinuencingmedicalequipment,makesure to switch off the unit's power when placing it in close proximity to the medical equipment.When the Unit is in Use •Whentheunitisnotinusefor2weeksormore, be sure to take the batteries out of the unit because battery leakage may cause a re, personal injury, or contamination ofenvironment. •Makesuretoobservethefollowinghandlingprecautionssothatareorpersonalinjurydoes not result from leakage or explosion of the battery. · Do not short, disassemble, heat nor put thebatteryintoare.· Avoid using both new and old batteries together.· Never charge batteries of the type which are not rechargeable. · Do not solder a battery directly.·Be sure to use the specied type ofbatteries.· Note correct polarity (positive and negative orientation) when inserting a battery in the unit.· Avoid locations exposed to the direct sunlight, high temperature and high humidity when storing batteries.Do not place the dry cell battery into charger.Placing non-rechargeable batteries in the charger may cause the battery to crack resultinginareand/orharmtothebody.When recharging, please only use the BC-2000 Battery charger and WB-2000 Battery.Do not use other battery types.Whenthebatterybecomesinatedorleaks,discontinue use and replace with new one immediately.If there’s any burning and/or peculiar smell while charging the battery, please switch off the power immediately.CAUTION TO USER: Changes or modications not expresslyapproved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.IMPORTANT NOTE: To comply with the FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, no change to the antenna or the device is permitted. Any change to the antenna or the device could result in the device exceeding the RF exposure requirements and void user’s authority to operate the device.Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if mishandled, could result in death or serious personal injury.WARNINGIndicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if mishandled, could result in moderate or minor personal injury, and/or property damage.CAUTION
4This device complies with Industry Canada’s licence-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)  This device may not cause interference; and (2)   This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.  This device operates on a no-protection, no-interference basis. Should the user seek to obtain protection from other radio services operating in the same TV bands, a radio licence is required. For further details, consult Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s document Client Procedures Circular CPC-2-1-28, Voluntary Licensing of Licence-Exempt Low-Power Radio Apparatus in the TV Bands. Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1)  l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage; (2)  l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement. Ce dispositif fonctionne selon un régime de non-brouillage et de non-protection. Si l’utilisateur devait chercher à obtenir une certaine protection contre d’autres services radio fonctionnant dans les mêmes bandes de télévision, une licence radio serait requise. Pour en savoir plus, veuillez consulter la Circulaire des procédures concernant les clients CPC-2-1-28, Délivrance de licences sur une base volontaire pour les appareils radio de faible puissance exempts de licence et exploités dans les bandes de télévision d’Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada.
52. GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe WM-D5200 is a digital wireless microphone employing a condenser microphone element that features high sensitivity and clear sound quality. The microphone is specially designed to be used in conjunction with TOA's WT-D5800 digital wireless receiver. 3. FEATURES•EmploysthePLL-synthesizersystem.•TOA'suniquedigitalaudioprocessingtechnologyensureshighqualitysound.•Digital transmission is highly resistant to radio interference and noise, enabling clearer, morestable communication. •Whenusedforimportantconferencesorinotherhigh-securityvenues,TOA'suniqueencryptionsoftware combines with digital transmission technology to prevent leakage of or eavesdropping on sensitive information. •Switchablemicrophonesensitivityallowstheunittobeusedinawiderangeofapplications.•Powercanbesuppliedbyeitherthededicatedrechargeable(NiH2=nickel-hydrogen)batteryoran AA alkaline battery. When replacing the rechargeable battery, use the optional TOA WB-2000-2 (package of 2).•Employsaninternalantenna.4. HANDLING PRECAUTIONS•Donotexpose theunitto rainoran environmentwhereit may be splashed by wateror otherliquids, as doing so may result in unit failure.•Neveropennorremovetheunitcasetomodifytheunit.ReferallservicingtoyournearestTOAdealer.•Takecarenottodroptheunitontotheoornorbumpitagainstahardobjectastheunitcouldfail.•Donotplacetheunitinlocationsofhightemperature(ex.inanill-ventilatedcarinsummer)orhighhumidity as the unit could fail.•Donotusetheunitinlocationswhereitisexposedtoseawater.•Toclean,useadrycloth.Whentheunitgetsverydirty,wipelightlywithaclothdampedinadiluteneutral cleanser, then wipe with a dry cloth. Never use benzine, thinner, or chemically-treated cleaning towel.•Avoidusingamobiletelephoneneartheunitinuse.Noisecouldbepickedup.•Whenusingtwoormoreunits,keepthematleast50cmawayfromeachothertoavoidmalfunctionsor noise.•Keeptheunitatleast3mawayfromthereceivingantenna.Usingtheunitincloseproximitytotheantenna could result in malfunctions or noise.
65. NOMENCLATURE AND FUNCTIONS1. Power switch [ON/OFF]Power can be turned on by sliding the power switch to the ON position, while it can be turned off by sliding it back to the OFF position.2. Battery checker (green/orange/red)Lit:  Power ONUnlit: Power OFF*The remaining battery power is represented by the color of the indicator.Green:  Battery power is at full charge.Orange: Battery power depletion has started.Red:   Battery power is almost depleted, and battery replacement is required.*   When the battery power is depleted, the indicator will not light up.NoteThe microphone does not transmit the signal if the bank and channel selector switches are set to the empty channel.Inthiscase,theindicatorashesredandgreenalternately.3. Microphone grip (Battery compartment cover)The internal parts consist of the battery compartment and switches for various settings. ONOFF123[Front]
7  4. Bank selector switchMake sure that the microphone is identical to the wireless receiver in the bank number.  5. Channel selector switchMake sure that the microphone is identical to the wireless receiver in the channel number.  6. Maintenance portNot used.NoteNever open the rubber cover.  7. Encryption indicatorLit:  Encryption ONUnlit:  Encryption OFF  8. Encryption setting switch  9. Code setting switch [0 – 9]  10. Transmission output changeover switch [H/L]H:10mWL:  1 mW 11. Battery compartmentInsert and use a dedicated rechargeable battery or AA alkaline batteries. 12. Microphone sensitivity selector switch [H/L]H:0dBL:  –10 dBONOFFH L6789101145[Battery case internals – front] [Battery case internals – side]12
86. PREPARING BATTERIESThe WM-D5200 can operate on both the optional rechargeable battery or replaceable dry batteries. Please carefully read the corresponding sections for correct use. 6.1. Battery Insertion Step 1. Turn off the power switch. Step 2. Holdthemicrophonebodyandrotatethebatterycompartment cover counterclockwise to remove it. Step 3. Insert an AA battery according to (+) and (–) indications on the battery compartment.For the rechargeable battery, use the optional TOA WB-2000-2 (package of 2).For dry batteries, use either the supplied battery or commercial AA alkaline batteries (LR6). Step 4. Replace the battery compartment cover by sliding and rotating it clockwise.6.2. Guide to Battery Operating Times6.2.1. Remaining operating timeThe color of the battery checker changes from green to orange as battery consumption progresses, and to red if the battery is further continuously used. When the battery checker turns red, charge the battery if the dedicated rechargeable battery is used. In the case of dry batteries, replace it with a new one. [Guide to the remaining operating time based on the battery charge indicator status]Battery checker status Remaining operating timeLights green 2 – 8 hoursLights orange Less than 2 hoursLights red Battery requires charge or replacement.6.2.2. Continuous operating timeGuide to continuous operating times:  Approx. 8 hours (for fully-charged dedicated rechargeable battery or alkaline battery)NoteOperating times may vary depending on usage conditions, such as ambient temperature. 23ONOFFGreen     Orange     Red
96.3. When Operating on Rechargeable BatteryNotes•Whenoperatingonrechargeablebatteries,theoptionalBC-2000Batterychargerisrequired.•For rechargeable batteries, be sure to use the optional BC-2000 or the optional WB-2000-2(package of 2).•Avoidusingothermakesofrechargeablebatteries.•WhenusingtheWB-2000rechargeablebatteryforthersttimeorwhenusingitafterithasbeenstored for a long period of time, be sure to charge it before use.•TheWB-2000batteryisdesignedtocyclethroughabout500chargesanddischarges.Whenthemicrophone operation interval becomes extremely short after prolonged repeated use, change the battery with a new one.•Charge the rechargeable battery after it has been fully used. (The wireless microphone willcontinue to operate for approx. 8 hours per charge.) Frequent charging at short intervals may shorten the operating life of the rechargeable battery. [How to charge] Step 1. Place the WB-2000 rechargeable battery in the wireless microphone.(See p. 8, "Battery Insertion.") Step 2. Set the wireless microphone's power switch to the OFF position. Step 3. Fully insert the wireless microphone into the microphone receptacle of the BC-2000 Battery charger.The BC-2000's charging indicator lights red and charging begins.Charging is completed in approximately 3 hours and the BC-2000's full-charge indicator lights green.•If the red charging indicator does not light even ifthe wireless microphone has been inserted into the charger, check to see if the microphone has been correctly inserted.•Thewirelessmicrophonebecomeswarmafterchargingcompletion, however this is not a failure.•When disconnecting the wireless microphone fromthecharger,rmlyholdthechargersothatitdoesnotmove. For more information, see the instruction manual enclosed with the BC-2000 Battery charger.WM-D5200Digital wireless microphone BC-2000Battery chargerDo not charge the unit with an alkaline dry battery installed. Charge the dedicated rechargeable battery*.Failure toobservetheseinstructionscouldcausereorpersonalinjury due to a bursting battery. *   The optional TOA WB-2000-2 (package of 2).CAUTION
107. OPERATION Step 1. Conrmthatthewirelessmicrophoneandthewirelessreceiverareidenticalinthebankand channel numbersIf not identical, turn the power switch to the OFF position, then set the bank and channel numbers to the same ones as the receiver. Step 2. TurnthePowerswitchtotheONposition.Then,conrmthebatterycheckerwilllightgreenor orange. Step 3. Turn the Power switch to the OFF position after use.8. FUNCTION SETTINGS8.1. Setting the Bank and Channel Numbers Step 1. Switch off the power. Step 2. Rotate the battery compartment cover counterclockwise to detach it. Step 3. Using the supplied screwdriver, set the bank selector switch’s pointer to the desired number, and set the channel selector switch’s pointer likewise. Step 4. Replace the battery compartment cover.23Screwdriver(accessory)
118.2. Performing Encryption SettingsTo enhance security, the WM-D5200 is provided with an encryption setting function that prevents leakage of transmitted information.This function also has the advantage of eliminating radio interference if enabled. Before enabling theencryptionsetting,besurethatbankandchannelsettingsarecompletedrst.TipIn addition to the WM-D5200, the WT-D5800 Digital Wireless Receiver also requires setup. Therefore, be sure to see the receiver's instruction manual as well. 8.2.1. Encryption settings summary[Before use (preparatory operation for setting)]Transmit an ID number from the wireless microphone to the receiver. The ID number is randomly selected on the wireless microphone side. The ID number to be used is selected from an extensive numberofcombinationsandcannotbedesignatedbytheoperator,norcanitbeidentiedfromoutside. [In use] (No operations required.)When the receiver detects a signal from the wireless microphone, it simultaneously reads the microphone's ID information, ensuring that only the audio of the wireless microphone assigned with the same ID number as the receiver can be output. Even if the bank/channel numbers are identically set in an attempt to enable reception of a radio signal from outside, since no audio is output if the ID number does not match, the possibility of leakage of transmitted information to the outside is quite low. [Encryption setting ON/OFF confirmation] Step 1. After removing the battery compartment cover, switch ON the microphone power switch.  Step 2. ConrmthestatusoftheEncryptionindicator.The setting is ON when the indicator is lit, and OFF when the indicator is unlit. Note: The encryption setting is factory-preset to OFF12Encryption setting switchEncryption indicator
128.2.2. Performing encryption settings[Switching the Encryption function from OFF to ON]See also the instruction manual enclosed with the WT-D5800 receiver. Step 1. Enable the receiver's encryption function. Step 2. With the battery compartment cover removed, switch ON the microphonepowerswitchandconrmthattheEncryptionindicatoris unlit. If the indicator is lit, switch encryption from ON to OFF (see p. 13). Step 3. Switch OFF the microphone power switch.  Step 4. Switch ON the microphone power switch while holding down the microphone's Encryption setting switch (continue holding until Step 6).Conrmthatthemicrophone'sEncryptionindicatorisashing.An ID number is transmitted while the microphone's Encryption setting switch is held down.  Step 5. Perform pairing setting at the receiver. The receiver waits for the microphone’s transmitted ID number for as long as the Set key is held down. The "RECEIVING" indication is displayed on the receiver's LCD screen until the ID number is correctly received.  Step 6. AfterconrmingthattheLCDdisplayhasswitchedtothe"SUCCESS"indication, release both the microphone's Encryption setting switch and the receiver's Set key.  Step 7. Conrmthatthemicrophone'sEncryptionindicatorislit.The encryption setting is now ON. Notes•DonotswitchOFFthepowertothemicrophoneorreceiverduringsetting.•Hold down the microphone's Encryption setting switch and the receiver's Set key until the"SUCCESS" indication appears on the receiver's LCD screen.   If the microphone's Encryption setting switch or the receiver's Set key is released while the "RECEIVING" indication is displayed on the receiver's screen, the receiver will not have correctly received the new ID number, leaving the ID number unchanged from the previous value. To match the receiver ID number with the microphone ID number, switch OFF the microphone's encryption setting, then repeat Steps 1 – 7 above. Tips•TheIDnumberisupdatedwhentheencryptionisswitchedfromOFFtoONagain.(TheencryptionON/OFF status and ID number are retained even if the power switch is switched OFF.)•SettingscanbeperformedregardlessofwhetherthemicrophoneorreceiverEncryptionsettingswitchwasdepressedrst.•ThereceiverdoesnotoutputaudioduringIDnumbersetting,evenifitreceivesaradiosignalfromthe microphone.UnlitFlashingLit
13Unlit[Switching the Encryption function from ON to OFF] Step 1. With the battery compartment cover removed, switch ON the microphonepowerswitchandconrmthattheEncryptionindicatoris lit.  Step 2. Switch OFF the power switch. Step 3. Switch ON the microphone power switch while holding down the Encryption setting switch.NoteDo not switch OFF the microphone power switch during setting. Step 4. ConrmthattheEncryptionindicatorhasextinguished,thenreleasethe Encryption setting switch. The encryption setting switches to OFF.Lit
148.3. Performing Code Settings (When Encryption Function Is OFF)8.3.1. Code Setting SummaryBy presetting the specied code between the wireless microphone and receiver, audio is onlyoutput when a digital signal received from the wireless microphone has the same ID code as the receiver. Even if another signal is received from an adjacent area, if the code does not match, audio is not output. Ten varieties of code can be selected ([0] – [9]) for appropriate use, depending on circumstances. 8.3.2. Code settingsCode is factory-preset to "0."NoteSwitch OFF the microphone power switch when performing settings. If the power switch is left ON, the codes will remain unaffected even if the settings are manually changed.  Step 1. After removing the battery compartment cover, switch ON the microphone power switch.  Step 2. ConrmthattheEncryptionindicatorisunlit.If it is lit, switch encryption from ON to OFF, referring to p. 12, "Switching the Encryption function from OFF to ON." Step 3. Switch OFF the power.  Step 4. Using the supplied screwdriver, set the code setting switch to the desired code number. Step 5. Reinstall and securely tighten the battery compartment cover, as it was before.This puts the code into the set state.  Step 6. Set the same code number for the receiver, as well. For the setting method, see the instruction manual enclosed with the receiver. 124Encryption indicatorUnlitCode setting switch
158.4. Performing Transmission Output Changeover Switch SettingsTransmissioncanbesetforeitheroftwooutputs:‘H’(10mW)or‘L’(1mW).Theswitchisfactory-presettothe‘H’position.NoteBe sure to turn the microphone’s power switch OFF before performing settings.  Step 1. ConrmthatthepowerswitchisturnedOFF,thenremovethe battery compartment cover and battery.  Step 2. Using the supplied screwdriver, set the changeover switch to the desired transmission output.Set the switch to the ‘H’ position when using themicrophone in a wide area. If the same bank and channel are used in close proximity in adjacent locations, set the switch to the ‘L’ position to shorten the radio wave transmission range for each location to minimize interference.  Step 3. Reinsert the battery and securely replace the battery compartment cover. 121H LScrewdriver(accessory)Transmission output changeover switch
169. CONVENIENT FUNCTIONS (Microphone Sensitivity Selector Switch Settings)Microphonesensitivitycanbesetto"0dB"(H)or"–10dB"(L).Notes•SwitchOFFthepowerswitchwhenselectingthesensitivity.•Whenthesensitivityissetto"H,"avoidpositioningthemicrophonetooclosetothemouthandspeakinginaloudvoice,asthesoundcouldbecomemuddledanddifculttounderstand. Step 1. Conrm that the power switch has beenswitched off, then remove the battery compartment cover.  Step 2. Using the supplied screwdriver, set the switch to the desired sensitivity. Step 3. Reinstall and securely tighten the battery compartment cover, as it was before.1Microphone sensitivity selector switch2
1710. SPECIFICATIONSMicrophone Element Electret condenser unit: UnidirectionalModulation type FSKFrequency Range 576–606MHzforUSA/CanadaChannel Selectable 160 channels (The number of channels may differ from country to country.)RF Carrier Power Less than 50 mWMaximum Input Level 132dBSPL(Sensitivity:L)/122dBSPL(Sensitivity:H)Audio Frequency Response 100Hz–12kHzAntenna Built-in typeDynamic Range Typ. 90 dB (when used with WT-D5800)ID Selectable 10 patternsBattery WB-2000 rechargeable battery (option) or AA Alkaline dry cell batteryBattery Life Approx. 8 hoursOperating Temperature –10 to +50 °C (14 to 122 °F) (except battery)OperatingHumidity 30to85%RH(nocondensation)Finish Body: ABS resin, black, coatingHead:steel,black,paintDimensions ø47 × 239.5 mm (ø1.85" × 9.43")Weight 220 g (0.49 lb) (with battery)Note: Thedesignandspecicationsaresubjecttochangewithoutnoticeforimprovement.• AccessoriesStorage case  ........................................................... 1Screw driver (for setting)  ......................................... 1Microphone holder  .................................................. 1NoteThe WM-D5200 cannot communicate with the TRANTEC Wireless System (S4 and S5 Series) nor with the TOA Analog Wireless System (WT-5800, WT-5805, and WT-5810 etc.).
18                      Number of DoC: 16113001  DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY       We:  TOA Electronics Europe GmbH Süderstraße 282, 20537 Hamburg, Germany   as the authorised representative of the   Manufacturer:  TOA Corporation 7-2-1, Minatojima-nakamachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Japan 650-0046   declare, under our sole responsibility, that the product     Product Name:  DIGITAL WIRELESS MICROPHONE     Model Number:  WM-D5200   conforms with following specifications:    EMC:  ETSI EN 301 489-1: V1.9.2 (2011-09), ETSI EN 301 489-9: V1.4.1 (2007-11)    ERM:  ETSI EN 300 422-2: V1.4.1 (2015-06)   LVD :  EN 60950-1: 2006 + A11: 2009 + A1: 2010 + A12: 2011 + A2: 2013   RoHS:  EN 50581: 2012   Health:  EN 62479: 2010    The product herewith complies with the requirements of the EU directives:    2011/65/EU relating to the restrictions of hazardous substances (RoHS), 1999/5/EC relating to the spectrum (ERM, EMC, LVD, Health).              Hamburg, 29th November 2016               (place, date)          The Technical Construction File (TCF) is kept at the UK office: TOA Corporation ( UK)  Ltd; Unit 7 & 8, The Axis Centre, Cleeve Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 7RD, United Kingdom  Tel.: +44 (0) 870 774 0987; Fax: +44 (0) 870 777 0839; URL: German Office: TOA Electronics Europe GmbH, Süderstraße 282, 20537 Hamburg, Germany Tel: +49 / (0)40 / 25 17 19-0, Fax: +49 / (0)40 / 25 17 19-98   URL:    T. Sakata, Managing Director (authorised signature)
19COMPLIANCE STATEMENT TO WM-D5200ATDE ÖsterreichDeutschlandHiermiterklärtTOAElectronicsEuropeGmbHdieÜbereinstimmung des Funkmikrofon mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den anderen relevanten Festlegungen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG.BEBelgië BijdezeverklaartTOAElectronicsEuropeGmbHdatdezedraadloze microfoon voldoet aan de essentiële eisen en aan de overige relevante bepalingen van Richtlijn 1999/5/EC.BelgiqueParlaprésente,TOAElectronicsEuropeGmbHdéclarequecemicrophonesanslestconformeauxexigencesessentielleset aux autres dispositions de la directive 1999/5/CE qui lui sont applicables.CH SchweizHiermiterklärtTOAElectronicsEuropeGmbH,dasssichdiesesFunkmikrofon in Übereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den anderen relevanten Vorschriften der Richtlinie1999/5/EGbendet.(verantwortlich für die Schweiz: Telion AG, URL: Danmark UndertegnedeTOAElectronicsEuropeGmbHerklærerherved,atfølgendeudstyrTrådløsMikrofonoverholderdevæsentligekravog øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF.ES España TOAElectronicsEuropeGmbHdeclaraqueelmicrófonoinalámbrico cumple con los requisitos esenciales y otras disposiciones aplicables o exigibles en la Directiva 1999/5/CE.FI Suomi /FinlandTOAElectronicsEuropeGmbHvakuuttaatätentämälangatonmikrofoniondirektiivin1999/5/EYoleellistenvaatimustenjasitäkoskevien direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen.FRCH FranceSuisseParlaprésenteTOAElectronicsEuropeGmbHdéclarequel’appareilmicrophonesanslestconformeauxexigencesessentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la directive 1999/5/CE.(CH:TelionAG,URL: BritainHereby,TOAElectronicsEuropeGmbH,declaresthatthiswirelessmicrophone is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.GR ΕλλαδαΜετηνπαρούσαηεταιρείαTOAElectronicsEuropeGmbHδηλώνειότιτοασύρματομικρόφωνοσυμμορφώνεταιμετιςουσιώδηςαπαιτήσειςκαιτιςλοιπέςσχετικέςδιατάξειςτηςοδηγίας1995/5/ΕΚ.ITCH ItaliaSvizzeraConlapresenteTOAElectronicsEuropeGmbHdichiarachequesto Radiomicrofono è conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva 1999/5/CE. (CH:TelionAG, Nederland HierbijverklaartTOAElectronicsEuropeGmbHdatdezedraadloze microfoon in overeenstemming is met de essentiële eisen en de andre relevante bepalingen van richtlijn 1999/5/EG.NO NorwayTOAElectronicsEuropeGmbHerklærerherved,atdennetrådløsemikrofon er i samsvar med de vesentlige egenskapene og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EC. (N: Scandec Systemer AS, URL:
20PT Portugal TOAElectronicsEuropeGmbHdeclaraqueesteMicrofoneEmissor está conforme com os requisitos essenciais e outras disposições da Directiva 1999/5/CE.SE SverigeHärmedintygarTOAElectronicsEuropeGmbHattdennaTrådlösmikrofonstårIöverensstämmelsemeddeväsentligaegenskapskravochövrigarelevantabestämmelsersomframgårav direktiv 1999/5/EG.
21INTENDED USE OF WM-D5200ATCHDEÖsterreichSchweizDeutschlandWICHTIGER HINWEIS !Der Gebrauch dieses Funkmikrofons für andere Zwecke als zur Übertragung eines Tonsignals an einen passenden Funkempfängeristnichtzulässig.DiesesGerätarbeitetaufindereuropäischenGemeinschaft (EU) nicht harmonisierten Frequenzen.AbhängigvomgeograschenGebiet dürfen nur bestimmte Frequenzen legal mit oder ohne Autorisierung/individueller Lizenz entsprechend der beigefügten Frequenztabelle genutzt werden.BENL BelgiëNederlandBELANGRIJKE AANWIJZING !Hetisniettoegestaandezedraadlozemicrofoon te gebruiken voor enig ander doel dan het zenden van een audiosignaal naar de bijbehorende ontvanger of ontvangstmodule.Dit apparaat maakt gebruik van frekwentiebanden welke in de Europesche Gemeenschap (EG) niet algemeen zijn toegestaan.Afhankelijkvandegeograscheligging kan voor het legaal gebruik van een bepaalde frekwentie een vergunning nodig zijn, zoals is aangegeven in de frekwentietabel.BECHFRLUBelgiqueSuisseFranceLuxembourgAVIS IMPORTANT !Nepasutiliserlesmicrophonesanslpourune transmission du signal audio vers un autre récepteur ou module tuner prévu à cet effet.Cet appareil utilise des fréquences d’émission qui ne sont pas harmonisées à travers la Communauté Européenne (EU). En fonction du lieu géographique certaines fréquences peuvent être utilisée de façon légale avec ou sans autorisation / licence individuelle comme décrit dans le tableau des fréquences.DK Danmark VIGTIGT !Det er ulovligt at bruge denne trådløse mikrofon til andre formål end at sende et lydsignal til en passende modtager eller modtager modul.Dette udstyr anvender frekvens bånd, som ikkeerharmoniseretiEU.Afhængigtafdetenkelte land/område kan bestemte frekvenser anvendes lovligt med eller uden individuel licens som beskrevet i frekvens tabellen.
22ES España¡ AVISO IMPORTANTE ! Esilegalutilizarestemicrófonoinalámbricoparacualquierotropropósitoquenosea transmitir una señal de audio a su correspondientereceptoromódulosintonizador.Este dispositivo hace uso de bandas de frecuencia que no son legales en toda la Comunidad Europea (CE). Dependiendo deláreageográca,ciertasfrecuenciasse pueden utilizar legalmente, con o sin autorizaciónindividual,segúnseindicaenlatabla de frecuencias.FI Suomi /FinlandHUOMIOITAVAA !Tätälangatontamikrofoniasaakäyttääainostaanaudiosignaalienlähettämiseensille tarkoitettuun vastaanottimeen tai vastaanotinmoduliin.TämälaitekäyttäätaajuuksiajotkaeivätoleyhteneviäkokoEU:naluella.Riippuenmaantieteelliestäsijainnistajoitaintaajuuksiasaakäyttääjokoradio-luvankansaataiilman.Ks.oheinentaajuustaulukko.GBIEGreate BritainEire IMPORTANT NOTICE !It is illegal to use this wireless microphone for any other purpose than transmitting an audio signal to its matching receiver.This device makes use of frequency bands which are not harmonised throughout the European Community (EU). Depending on the geographical area only certain frequencies can be used legally with or without authorisation / individual license as stated in the frequency table.GR Ελλαδα ΣΗΜΑΝΤΙΚΗ ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΗ !ΕίναιπαράνομηηχρήσητουασύρματουμικροφώνουγιαοποιοδήποτεάλλολόγοεκτόςτηςεκπομπήςηχητικούσήματοςστοναντίστοιχοδέκτηήμονάδαTuner.ΗσυσκευήαυτήχρησιμοποιείσυχνότητεςοιοποίεςδενεναρμονίζονταισεόλητηνΕυρωπαϊκήΈνωση(Ε.Ε.).Ανάλογαμετηγεωγραφικήπεριοχήσυγκεκριμένεςσυχνότητεςμπορούνναχρησιμοποιηθούννόμιμαμεήχωρίςάδεια/ειδικήάδειαόπωςαναφέρεταιστονπίνακασυχνοτήτων.
23ITCH ItaliaSvizzeraAVVISO IMPORTANTE !È illegale utilizzare questo radiomicrofono per qualsiasi altro scopo che non sia la trasmissione di un segnale audio ad ogni suo ricevitore o modulo sintonizzatore.Questo prodotto utilizza bande di frequenza che non sono totalmente armonizzate in tutta la Comunità Europea (EU). Dipendentemente dall’areacerteareegeogracacertefrequenze possono essere usate legalmente con o senza autorizzazione / licenze individuali come stabilito nella tabella delle frequenze.NO Norway VIKTIG MELDING !Det er ulovlig å bruke denne trådløse mikrofonen til noe annet formål enn å overføre et lydsignal til en tilhørende mottaker eller tuner modul. Denne enheten gjør bruk av frekvensbånd som ikke gjennomført er harmonisert i det Europeiske Fellesskap (EU). Avhengig av detgeograskeområdekannoenfrekvenserværetillattbruktmedellerutenautorisasjon/ individuelle lisenser slik det er beskrevet i frekvenstabellen.PT PortugalNOTA IMPORTANTE !EsteMicrofoneEmissorsópodetransmitirsinal de audio para o respectivo receptor ou sintonizador.Este equipamento utiliza bandas de frequência que não estão harmonizadas em toda a Comunidade Europeia (CEE). Deacordocomaáreageográca,certasfrequências podem ser usadas com ou sem autorização / licença individual, conforme está mencionada na lista de frequências.SE SverigeVIKTIG ANMÄRKNING !Detärillegaltattanvändadennatrådlösamikrofonförnågotannatändamålänattöverföra en audiosignal till dess tillhörande mottagare eller tunermodul.Denna apparat utnyttjar frekvensband som inteöverensstämmermedvarandrainomhelaEuropeiska Gemenskapen (EG). Beroende pågeograsktområdekanvissafrekvenseranvändaslegaltmedellerutantillstånd/individuell licens enligt frekvensplanen.
Traceability Information for EuropeManufacturer:TOA Corporation7-2-1,Minatojima-Nakamachi,Chuo-ku,Kobe,Hyogo,JapanAuthorized representative:TOAElectronicsEuropeGmbHSuederstrasse282,20537Hamburg,GermanyURL:

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