TCT Mobile 304 Quad-Band GSM mobile phone User Manual one touch 316G UserManx

TCT Mobile Limited Quad-Band GSM mobile phone one touch 316G UserManx

User manual

                            One Touch 3 316G
Safety and use ...  We recommend that you read this chapter carefully before using your cellphone. The manufacturer disclaims any liability for damage, which may result as a consequence of improper use or use contrary to the instructions contained herein. • TRAFFIC SAFETY: Given that studies show that using a cellphone while driving a vehicle constitutes a real risk, even when the hands-free kit is used (car kit, headset...), drivers are requested to refrain from using their cellphone when the vehicle is not parked. Check the laws and regulations on the use of wireless cellphones and their accessories in the areas where you drive. Always obey them. The use of these devices may be prohibited or restricted in certain areas. When driving, do not use your cellphone and headphone to listen to music or to the radio. Using a headphone can be dangerous and forbidden in some areas. When switched on, your cellphone emits electromagnetic waves that can interfere with the vehicle’s electronic systems such as ABS anti-lock brakes or airbags. To ensure that there is no problem: - do not place your cellphone on top of the dashboard or within an airbag    deployment area, - check with your car dealer or the car manufacturer to make sure that the car’s     electronic devices are shielded from cellphone RF energy. • CONDITIONS OF USE: You are advised to switch off the cellphone from time to time to optimize its performance. Remember to abide by local authority rules of cellphone use on aircrafts. Operational Warnings: Obey all posted signs when using mobile devices in public areas. Follow Instructions to Avoid Interference Problems: Turn off your mobile device in any location where posted notices instruct you to do so. In an aircraft, turn off your mobile device whenever instructed to do so by airline staff. If your mobile device offers an airplane mode or similar feature, consult airline staff about using it in flight. Switch the cellphone off when you are in health care facilities, except in designated areas. As with many other types of equipment now in regular use, cellphones can interfere with other electrical or electronic devices, or equipment using radio frequency. Switch the cellphone off when you are near gas or flammable liquids. Strictly obey all signs and instructions posted in a fuel depot, gas station, or chemical plant, or in any potentially explosive atmosphere. When the cellphone is switched on, it should be kept at least 15 cm from any medical device such as a pacemaker, a hearing aid or insulin pump. In particular when using the cellphone you should hold it against the ear on the opposite side to the device, if any.   Read and follow the directions from the manufacturer of your implantable medical device. If you have any questions about using your mobile device with your implantable medical device, consult your healthcare provider. To avoid hearing impairment, answer the call before holding your cellphone to your ear. Also move the handset away from your ear while using the "hands-free" option because the amplified volume might cause hearing damage. It is recommended to have proper supervision while small children use your cellphone. When replacing the cover please note that your cellphone may contain substances that could create an allergic reaction. Always handle your cellphone with care and keep it in a clean and dust-free place. Do not allow your cellphone to be exposed to adverse weather or environmental conditions (moisture, humidity, rain, infiltration of liquids, dust, sea air, etc.). The manufacturer’s recommended operating temperature range is -10°C (14°F) to +55°C (131°F) (the max value depends on device, materials and housing paint/texture). Over 55°C (131°F) the legibility of the cellphone’s display may be impaired, though this is
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The highest SAR value for this model cellphone when tested is 0.776W/Kg for use at the ear and 0.708 W/Kg for use close to the body.----- While there may be differences between the SAR levels of various cellphones and at various positions, they all meet the government requirement for RF exposure. For body-worn operation, the cellphone meets FCC RF exposure guidelines provided that it is used with a non-metallic accessory with the handset at least 1.5 cm from the body. Use of other accessories may not ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure guidelines. Additional information on SAR can be found on the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association (CTIA) Web site: The World Health Organization (WHO) considers that present scientific information does not indicate the need for any special precautions for use of cellphones. If individuals are concerned, they might choose to limit their own or their children’s RF exposure by limiting the length of calls, or using "hands-free" devices to keep cellphones away from the head and body. (fact sheet n°193). Additional WHO information about electromagnetic fields and public health are available on the following website:   Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. - Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. - Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ TV technician for help. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. For the receiver devices associated with the operation of a licensed radio service (e.g. FM broadcast), they bear the following statement: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the condition that this device does not cause harmful interference. For other devices, they bear the following statement: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Your cellphone is equipped with a built-in antenna. For optimal operation, you should avoid touching it or degrading it. As mobile devices offer a range of functions, they can be used in positions other than against your ear. In such circumstances the device will be compliant with the guidelines when used with headset or usb data cable. If you are using another accessory ensure that whatever product is used is free of any metal and that it positions the cellphone at least 1.5 cm away from the body.
General information   • Website: • Facebook: • Twitter: • Hot Line Number: In the United States, call 877-702-3444 for technical support. On our Internet site, you will find our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section. You can also contact us by e-mail to ask any questions you may have.   An electronic version of this user guide is available in English and other languages according to availability on our server: Your cellphone is a transceiver that operates on GSM networks with 850 and 1900 MHz bands. Protection against theft (1) Your cellphone is identified by an IMEI (cellphone serial number) shown on the packaging label and in the product’s memory. We recommend that you note the number the first time you use your cellphone by entering *#06# and keep it in a safe place. It may be requested by the police or your operator if your cellphone is stolen.   Disclaimer There may be certain differences between the user manual description and the cellphone’s operation, depending on the software release of your cellphone or specific operator services. TCT Mobile shall not be held legally responsible for such differences, if any, nor for their potential consequences, which responsibility shall be borne by the operator exclusively. Contact your network operator for service availability.
 1 You1.1 Keys         urmobiNavigatioConfirm Send callAccess toPower onEnd call Return toLeft soft Right sofDial the vFrom Idle- Short ke-Long ke In Edit m- Short ke(spac0From Idle- Short kele.......on key an option (pl o call log (idn/off the hano idle key ft key voicemail ne screen ey-press: eney-press: +, mode: ey-press: ce) (text edi0 (Add nume screen ey-press: press the mdle screen)ndset (long number (lonnter zero "+" are useit mode) mbers)  middle of thekey -press)ng key -presed for dialin e key) ) s) g an internaational call.
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Inserting and removing the SIM card  Place the SIM card with the chip facing downwards and slide it into its housing. Make sure that it is correctly inserted. To remove the card, push it and slide it out. one touch 3I6D, two SIM cards can be inserted.  is for SIM1,  is for SIM2.  Inserting and removing the TF card  Charging the battery  Connect the battery charger to your phone and mains socket respectively. The charging may take about 20 minutes to start if the battery is flat. Be careful not to force the plug into the socket.   Make sure the battery is correctly inserted before connecting the charger. The mains socket must be near to the phone and easily accessible (avoid electric extension cables). When using your telephone for the first time, charge the battery fully (approximately 3 hours).
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Alcatel Mobile Phones Limited Warranty   TCT Mobile North America LTD warrants to the original retail purchaser of this wireless device, that should this product or part thereof during normal consumer usage and condition, be proven to be defective in material or workmanship that results in product failure within the first twelve (12) months from the date of purchase as shown on your original sales receipt. Such defect(s) will be repaired or replaced (with new or rebuilt parts) at the company’s option without charge for parts or labor directly related to the defect(s). Batteries, power adapters, and other accessories sold as in box items are also warranted against defects and workmanship that results in product failure within the first six (6) months period from the date of purchase as shown on your original sales receipt. Such defect(s) will be repaired or replaced (with new or rebuilt parts) and the company’s option without charge for parts or labor directly related to the defect(s). The limited warranty for your wireless device will be voided if any of the following conditions occur: • Non-compliance with the instructions for use or installation, or with technical and safety standards applicable in the geographical area where your cellphone is used; • Connection to any equipment not supplied or not recommended by TCT Mobile; • Modification or repair performed by individuals not authorized by TCT Mobile or its affiliates; • Acts of god such as Inclement weather, lightning, power surges, fire, humidity, infiltration of liquids or foods, chemical products, download of files, crash, high voltage, corrosion, oxidation; • Removal or altering of the wireless devices event labels or serial numbers (IMEI); • Damage from exposure to water or other liquids, moisture, humidity, excessive temperatures or extreme environmental conditions, sand, excess dust and any condition outside the operating guidelines; • Defects in appearance, cosmetic, decorative or structural items such as framing and non-operative parts. There are no express warranties, whether written, oral or implied, other than this printed limited warranty or the mandatory warranty provided by your jurisdiction. In no event shall TCT Mobile or any of its affiliates be liable for incidental or consequential damages of any nature whatsoever, including but not limited to commercial loss, to the full extent those damages can be disclaimed by law. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or limitation of the duration of implied warranties, so the preceding limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. How to obtain Support: Contact the customer care center by calling (877-702-3444) or going to We have placed many self-help tools that may help you to isolate the problem and eliminate the need to send your wireless device in for service. In the case that your wireless device is no longer covered by this limited warranty due to time or condition we have other options that you may utilize our out of warranty repair options. To obtain hardware repairs or replacement within the terms of this warranty, contact TCT Mobile to get an RMA number, include a copy of the original proof of warranty coverage (e.g. original copy of the dated bill of sale, invoice), the consumer's return address, your wireless carrier’s name, alternate daytime cellphone number, and email address with a complete problem description. Only ship the wireless device. Do not ship the SIM card, memory cards, or any other accessories such as the power adapter. You must properly package and ship the wireless device to the repair center.   TCT Mobile is not responsible for wireless devices that do not arrive at the service center. Upon receipt, the service center will verify the warranty conditions, repair, and return your wireless device to the address provided.
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My cellphone is frozen, can't power on  Make sure your battery is not completely used up or damaged  Remove your battery, remove your SIM card then reinstall them to power on again, if still does not work  Hold down # key and press Power on/off key for a while to reset the cellphone ALL User cellphone data: contacts, photos, messages and files, downloaded applications like Java games will be lost permanently. How to make your battery last longer  Make sure you followed the complete charge time (minimum 3 hours).  After a partial charge, the battery level indicator may not be exact. Wait for at least 20 minutes after removing the charger to obtain an exact indication.  Switch on the backlight upon request.  ALCATELisatrademarkofAlcatel‐Lucent andusedunderlicenseby TCTMobileLimited.  Allrightsreserved©Copyright2011 TCTMobileLimited.  TCTMobileLimitedreserves therighttoaltermaterialortechnical specificationwithoutpriornotice.

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